Newspaper Page Text
LEAVE "WANT ADS" AT STAR BRANCH OFFICES. If not convenient to call at The Star office. 11th street and Pennsylvania avenue, leave your advertisement at any of the following Branch Offices: WAJT* AOS, 1 CSWT A WOB?. ^''mniii. 16 cents only* _ ? NORTHWEST RRAVOHES: Brsdforrt'g Tliarmn y. 9'h and R- ? *** Butler A Field. Druggist*. 3d and Indiana in. Commercial Bank bid* . Postal TelegrapS. JVtwell'i Drug Store. 7th and T ate. Bred B. Campbell. brnp". 4203 Os. , ** . Jnor. A. D?lwn?. l<?th and Colombia road. Otipont Pbarmarr. 20th and P 1 JW't'i Drug Store. 14th and Clifton ata. Kmerann. o. W.. lith ?t. and Per* rose. Oentner'a Brnr Store, 14fh and V ate. golden berr'e Bureau of information. Herhet's Drug Store 25th and Pa. eve. Holtsrlsw'a Xew??tand 1705 Pa. are. Interior Dept.. Sth and F Postal Telegraph. S. Kann. Son* A Co.. Information Bureau. Nine'a Drug Store. 15th and I ate. W. H. Davis. Drug Store. 9th and S. National Hotel. Postal Telegraph. Port man'* Pharmacy. 14tli and R^ u'^jiiM? _ noiana waiisce. Newsstand auu Stone. 92* ?th st. n.w. en ten Station. Poafal Teleffraph. . JjiltPd States Capitol. Postal Telerrapn. Woodward & Ijothrop. Superintendent ? uea?. 3226 Connecticut nve.. P??atal Tpl"TiP?* Qnlrtey'a Dmg Store 21 at and G ats GEORGETOWN*: o PennoH's Pirns Store. 12d and M ata. < O'Pon Dell's Pros Store. 32d and P ata. Prlde'a Pbarmaor ?sth and P ats. _ NORTHEAST , * Butter's Pharmacr. 4th and Stanton pi. a-?- P. K. Richardson A Co.. X. Cap. andT/* J K'nnlt'n Pharmacy N. Canitnl and I ata. Taylor A Lamb, ll'th and E Canitol eta. Moorndin'a Pharmacy. 1.1th and H at". H-?. 1 Yeatman. D. A. Phnrni?ey 7th and H li.a. SOfTHEAST: ; R~ndl?y*? Pros: Store. 8th and E ate. s.?. 1 ODonndPa hrtnr Store. r.d and Pa. aw- a.?. W. S. Fealey. Prn-tfiaf llth and Pa. ? ?. SOITHWEST: _ ^ Jl*h at. wharf. Postal Telecrsph Offlc?. fnl'tyan's Pro? Store. 7th and P *ts. a.W. Charles S. Walter 9ft 1 4V. at. ?.tf. TF.NLEYTOWV P. 0.: Ceorpe P. Parti'ti PTirsrls* Wisconsin ttt. " AXACORTIA. P. O.: 1 Mr? T F. Williamson. Pry Gooda Store. 151 Xfehola UTS. ?.e. ========================== J WANTED?HELP. One cent a word for 15 wnyde. J MAX.S. WANTED? A yoi ril who CAN WRITE A j grood hand, for office work and to make himself eent-rally useful. Apply Kootu No. 2. 301 7th st. n w. ltoRT. ti. AMIES. my?-3P W ANTED--SMAI.I. HOY: LAWYER'S OFFICE. Apply 11 tomorrow, No. Ilu. the Columbian ~ tddg. wantfi> pht?t7m;k vrm.i:: .\ good man j who thoroughly understands ""l'OST CARL) PHOTOGRAPHY." Address. or apply to t}. M. I'liEEDLEl'. Chesapeake Beach, Mil. inyl)-;{j' WANTKD? YOUNG MAN. 2i? OR 21 YEARS old. to work iu market store; one with experience preferred. Call after 0:30. Monroe Market. 3331 14th n.w. TV A XTEI >?BRIGHT. At TIN K ROYS. mOM lrt to IS years of ape. for wairons and general store service. Apple to Superintendent, WOODMAKD A LOTHKOP. my9-3t WA.NTKD-Yorxti MAN WITH SOME RXPK- rleuee In shoe business. HOOPER BROS., 030 ^ Pa. are. M" ANTED - ENGINEER: EXPERIENCED OX Otis elevators and work around apartment h use. Apply, with references, MANAtiER, I St.ineleijth Court. my0-2t WANTED COLORED CHAUFFEUR. UNTIL C July 1; must be lamlliar with 4-cylinder car. Apply Box No. 231. Star office. ^ WANTED ? CANVASSER: HUSTLER; GOOD wages: steady work. Call 009 H St. n.w-.. he- ^ tween 5 and 6. my9-3t* WANTED?TWO Bt>YS, WITH EXPERIENCE, q to work at tinning; no other need apply. Call after 6 o'clock p.m.. J. J. CLEAItY. 2117 G st. tt.w. WANTED RELIABLE WHITE BOY. It;. FOR C chliia. glass and honscfurnlshiugs. HOUSE- WARES STORE. 9:4 F. I WANTED?A YOUNG WHITE MAN AND A young colored man to work in a billiard ! o?m. Apply at S'WNLOVS. 9tb and D sts. WAXTED-E X P K K 1 ENCED ELE<'TR1CIAN for conduit light wiring. Apply to- SU'PPKIN- U TEND EXT. W'nod ward A Lotlirop. my0-3t WANTED?FOUR OOOD PAINTERS. APPLY 7<i7 M st. n.w. myH-2t* I WANTED?A BOY OK YOUNG MAX TO CUT and wat<T grass and kceji grounds in order. Ad- ? dress, stating wages asked. Box 206, Star office. I m.r!t-2t VY\XTED EXPERIENCED WHITE DRIVER I for dell re ry wagon: bring references. Apply DEMOXET'S. 1712 Pa. are, n.w. j; WANTED ? A YOUNG COLORED MAN TO drive delivery wagon and work around store. ~ fall 337 3d at. s.w. iuv9-2t* WANTKD-A MAN MHO HAS HAD SOME F.X- "i perletiee In stove repairs. Apply at RUDOLPH & WEST CO., 1332 New York ave. n.w. uij7-3t W A NT'El?- EXPERI ENCED SALESMAN FOR V -e.h urban department; permanent position for ? a first-class man. MOOUE & HILL. Inc., V 1333 (i st. n.w. my7 3t M ANTED?BRIGHT. ACTIVE BOYS FROM 16 to 18 years of age for general store service. Y Applv_ immediately to Superintendent, WOOD *? A Kl> ft UJTHROP. m/7 3t WANTED?CAPABLE MEN TO REPRESENT a Targe insurance company. Best featured Mfe policies issued. Prospects furnished to e?- C pable men. and excellent contract. H. C. t: SMITH. American Tetn|>erance Life InstfTance v ^Association. 402 Mnusej building. mayl-tlt* WANTED?STRONG MAX TO RCB. MASSAGE and train athlete; state experience and wages j 'ranted. Address Box HO. Star office. my2-tf WANTED?AX INTELLIGENT PERSON MAT earn $100 monthly corresponding for newapa;>cre: no canvassing: send for particulars. PRESS SYNDICATE. Lockport. N. Y. myl-31t* \ WANTED?1 MADE $5o!oo0 IN FIVE YEARS cith a small mail order lousiness; began with $3; send for free booklet; tells how. HEACOCK. 3003. Ixjckport. X. Y. n?jl-31t* ^ WANTED - DENTIST; OPERATOR; STEADY position; good salary; registered. Dr. WYETH* 4tT 7th at.. Washington. mh23-tf WANTED-AT ONCK. WINDOW DEMOXstrator; those domestically inclined glTen preferruo-. Apply 311 13th n.w. DOMZmO. 1 WANTED-A Bl'TLER WITH GOOD REKERences. Call at 1640 Conn. are. my&-2t WANTED ? A DISHWASHER (MAN) AT Mades" Hotel, cor. 3d and I'a. are. ^ WAN'ftD-LADY FAMILIAR WITH STEXOGraphy. Oliver typewriter, filing and general oflV<-? work; good. permanent position for right party. Atldrt-vs Box 233. Star oflice. inrK-:tt ^ WANTED SEVERAL EDUCATED YOUNG colored women to cancans colored trade; something new; no experience necessary; large com- mission. Apply between 10 and 2. Utj 13th * n.e. WANTElt- GIRL TO ATTEND A NOTION AND ice creain store. HULL'S. Mt. Rainier. Md. >uvP-2t* AM'KU?A ? HAMRKKMAID WITH GOOD i references. (."all ltHO Conn. are. myp-2t WANTED" KXTtRIEXt'ED SALESLADIES :tml ixhkr for chltia. glues end botisefuniDu- x HOESE-WARKS STORE. t>34 V. WANTED KOER DEMONSTRATORS; ATtrartfve young ladies: position permanent; good (.alary. Call at STOTT & SNYDER'S, _ corner 13Th and li Ms. n.w. ] SKIRT AND DRESS HANDS WANTED: GOOD aalary: steady positions to good Lands. BON y MARCHE. 316 7th at. n.w. mv&-3t WANTED A COMPETENT DOl'BLE-ENTRY bookkeeper; ..qo capable of ?>jv?rating type ? rtter. V. G. <*.. Star office. my8-3t* vT \vtkd ex peri ens ed w a I S t ani? akirt hands at once. 1*24 II st. n.w. roy8-3t* m anTeI>~7\ i'eeligent. mat i re WOMAN to represent old fstaMWhril firm: promotion I aesnred for right party. Address Box 218. Star Sire. tny8-2t U WEED ~"REFINED. MATURE HI SI NESS woman desiring permanent employment in pleasing branch of medical work. Address Box 217. Star office. iuyS-2t V w \vri;ii-vni Nti lady : gitck and Accurate at figures; knowledge of liookkecplng preferred. Answer, stating experience. Sal- . ary. $4o per month. Box 206, Star office. \ u?y7-4t* V ANTED AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $10>J monthly corresponding for ncwsi*jers; no cnnraaslng; send for particulars. . PRESS SYNDICATE, Lockistrt. N. Y. \ my 1-311* W ANTED- STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPISTS seeking employment or a better paying position . apply at office of THE MONARCH TYPE- \ WRITER COMPANY. 1421 V at.; bo chaiga v for aerrleaa. tnhl4-tf ooEzma WANTED ? COOK AND GENERAL HoI'SEtroftrr: no washing; must have good references - ami siav mguis; none moiuan preterreit. 174* 1 1-amont at. mrtt-Ut* W ANTED?X EAT, CAPABLE SECOND GIRL; goo! references; slay nights. Call after ?! 172s Mass. are. n.w. ' | WANTED?WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOCSF. work in private family; $1G month. 133T 22d st. n.w. WANTED - HOt SKKKEPER; ONE EXPERI- ; enroll in bote) or apartment house work. Apply MANAGER. StenolfUfh Court. inyS*-2t WANTED - EXPERIENCED COOKS. WAITresses, chambermaids, butlers. 1325 U at. n.w. iur!t-2t WANTED?A CHAMP.KRMAID AND WAITmust have city references. Apply 2U15 Columbia road. n?vS)-3t* WANTED 1121 EAST CAPITOL ST.; NEAT white girl for general housework: adult family, whcr- another eirl is kept. myW-2t* WAVTEIK WOMAN FOR UEXF.RAI. HOCSE\?cr'.; good wages. 1 I'M Lanier pi., one b*r>ck !> Ml av,|. rd. iuy9-2i WANTED?HELP. GOOD COLORED GIRL IX FAMILY OF S: will pay $ 1H a month. Address Mrs. KRED STEWART, 8th floor. Apt. 144, the Ansunia, New York. WANTED-GOOD WHITE NURSE FOB CHILD two years old. Call at once, 222, The Ontarlo. my8-2t* WANTED?WHITE WOMAN. GENERAL housework. Go north three months in summer. References required. 1817 19th at. n.w. my7-3f WANTED?GENERAL. HOCSEWORKER; GIRL to stay nights; references required. Apply 1841 Wyoming ave. n.w. my7-2t.ex8u WANTED?A COOK. TO GO TO THE COI N try. References required. No. 208. the Portsmouth. my 7-.It WANTED?RELIABLE WHITE OR COLORED woman rook; wipes. $."> per week; a good place for trustworthy woman. Apply at store. Old F at. n.w. my3-tf WANTED?SITUATIONS. One rent a word for IB words. IN EXPERIENCED ARITHMETIC 1NSTKUCTor wishes to give private lessons; hours, 7 to 9:80 p.m. Box 199. Star otDre. myf-3t* BARTENDER ?HOTEL. CLCB OR FIRSTrlasa saloon; reference good. Address Box 227. Star ofllre. roy8-2t* ITOAl'EFEUK; LONG EXPERIENCE; AT present employed by congressman; perfectly reliable; very best reference. Box 230, Star office. myS-4t* IRISH BOY WANTS TO LEARN LIQCOR business; will mske himself useful. Address Box 224. Star office. my&-3t* WANTEI PLACE AS CHACFFECR; GOOD refs. 21.10 9th at. n.w. ,YANTED SITl ATIOX ON PRIVATE PLACE, by an expert gardener and mushroom grower. Address J. L CLOSE. MoKeesport, Pa. ~my9-6t VATCHMAN. WHITE. STRICTLY SOBER! References. Address Box 103, Star office. iuy5-0t* ramu. ~~ DRESSMAKER. EXPERIENCED: SEWING BV the day Id families: good reference. Address E. L M.. Star office. my9-2t Expert stenographer desires work! law Arm preferred. Address Box 19o. Star office. njy7-3t* JURSE? WANTED^ POSITION IN "DOCTOR'S office aa assistant, liy nurse. Address Box IBS, Star office. my7-3t* OS1TION IN OFFICE BY YOL'NG LADY WITH commercial experience; bookkeeping. stenography and typewriting, and any line of office work; good references. Address Box 234. Star office. my9-2t" STENOGRAPHIC WORK WANTED^ PHONE Alain 7283. mytt-6f STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPEWRITER opeiators are furnished upon application by the MONARCH TYPEWRITER COMPANY, 'hone M. 693. No charge. mbl4-tf YANTED?POSITION in OFFICE BY YOUNG lady where knowledge of typewriting or stenography la not required. Address Box 189, Star office. my7-3t* rOl'NG WOMAN OF EDUCATION AND CUL tore desires position aa companion or as French and English governess; will travel. Address Box 186. Star office. my7-3t* DOMMYIO. ILL CAPACITIES CAPABLE DOMESTIC HELP supplied; white. colored: city. resorts. LADIES* EXCHANGE, 807 Vermont are. my9-2t* t GREAT OF DOMESTIC REQUIREMENTS? High-class servants. 1325 G St. n.w. my.1-7t HAJIBERM AID-BY A COLORED GIRL, IN private family. 1206 T St. :OOK?BY COLORED WOMAN. POSITION AS cook. Apply 1446 Corcoran st. OOK OR HELP AROCND HOUSE. BY A country girl. Address 2409 Snow's court. 'OOK'S PLACE: NO OBJECTION TO WASUlng; stay nights; by a colored woman. 708 S st. n.w. OOK WANTS PUCE IN BOARDING HOUSE or lunchroom. 1323 6th st. n.w. my9-2t SUNDRESS-BY GOOD WOMAN. LAUNDRY work *t boBi>>. 2121 Steren? <-ourt n.w. .A UNDRESS?BY EXPERIENCED COLORED woman, washing at homo. Mrs. E. ROBINSOX. 2425 15th and Euclid sts. .A UNDRESS?WORK AT HOME OR DAY'S work, by respectable colored woman. 2336 Sth st. n.w. my9-2t jA UNDRESS?IF YOU WANT YOUR FINE waist* and dresses laundered carefully, pretty and reasonable, call at 1007 4th n.w. my8-2t jAUXDRY to do at home by reliable woman. 408 Washington st. n.w. my9-2t* .AUNDRY WORK TO Do AT HOME BY first-class laundress. 1746 V st. n.w. my8-2t fAID? BY A RELIABLE GIRL, OR LIGHT housework. Call 1815 8 st. my9-2t CURSE? BY RESPECTABLE COLORED WOMnn. place as nurse: reference. 1526 12th n.w. VANTED - BY RESPECTAB LE COLORED woman, place as nurse: first-class reference. 1755 Sea ton st. n>y9-3t* VANTED-BY A COLORED GIRL, A PLACE as general houseworker. Call 1411 11th at. n.w. ["ANTED?BY A GOOD. RELIABLE WAS1Iwomau, washing to do at home. 831 2d st. s.w. my9-2t* VHITE WOMAN. PLACE NURSE OR CHAMbermaid: colored woman, general house worker. 16tT> 11th n.w. Phone North 6182. WANTED?MISCELLANEOUS. lie cent a word each time for 15 words 3 tlm?s. I'ANTED - TO BUY OLD FEATHER BEDS. When selling why not drop postal to an old. reliable firm? H. MARKS. 307 7th. opposite Saks', or phone Linen. 2331 Y. myfi-tf IIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR WORN garments; ladies', gentlemen's, children's shoes and hats. Address postal: 1 will call. N. Y. BARGAIN HOUSE, 1306 7th n.w. Ph.N.3260-N. my9-2t* VANTED?FEATHER BEDS; AT ONCE, 50. > old feather beds; highest cash price paid. Send postal and our man will call. SOUTHERN FEATHER CO.. 515 6th st. n.w. uiy9-5t? O DO YOUR TYPEWRITING AND COPYING; special half rates; also typewriters for rent, $1 per mo. up; work guaranteed. 1225 F st. n.w.. over Gutb's. my 8-31* lOlSEKKEPERS! ORDINARY WINDOWS EX~ pertly cleaned, 6c ea.: floor* waxed, polished, varnished, refinlshed: small repairs about bouse. ELLIOTT, 121G 7th u.w. Postal or phone N. 1282. my8-4t IIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR WORN clothing, ladies', (tents' and children's shoes, hats; send postal or phone; will call. JTARSHES, 1308 7th n.w. Phone North 499. my7-tf V ANTED?IP YOU HAVE FURNITURE OR anything to sell send for MARCUS NOTES, 426 9th St. n.w., who has a reputation of 20 years' fair dealing, and you will obtain b?s: results. Phone Main M71. my7-tf VANTED?SEND ItiSTAL TO THE MAN WHO pays the most for slightly worn garments and shoes of all descriptions. M. GRERNBERG, 3i?4 4*4 st. s.w. my7-14t* V ANTED-WORK BY GENERAL JOB WORK er; house repairing ail kinds promptly attended to at lowest price; skilled mechanic in all branches of the trade; cement and brick a specialty. Trv us and l>e convinced. Address "CARPENTER." 1900 Hth. my7-3t WANTED- -A GOOD. SUBSTANTIAL ROLLING chair fer stout person. Address H. L. O., Room 3u:t. Star bldg. my7-3t* rE~OIA? CI'RIOSITY SIIOI'. H15 17TU ST. N.W. Entire value given for old gold and silver: wanted, anything odd or antique in jewelry, bronzes, paintings, china, mahogany furniture. aplQ-60t.4 HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' and gentlemen's worn garments; drop postal and I will call. G. LICHTMAN, 1736 7th n.w. my4-30t A'ANTED- SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS to make; packing and shipping to all parts of the world; paper hanging, painting and carpentering. Phone N. 4806. 1806 9th St. my4-6t* IIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR WORN garments; ladies', gentlemen's, children's shoes and hat*. Address postal; I will call. N. Y. BARGAIN HOUSE, 1306 7th n.w. PD.K.33W-N. tnj'2-ftt* I. IBALM A SON. 912 PA. AVE. N.W.?AN op[iortunlty to dispose of all hinds of furniture. We are In the market to buv slightly Used furniture, store fixtures and office furnitnre of every description. H. BALM A SON, phone M. 1254. inyl-tf t"ANTED - KLRNITLRK. CARPKTS. PIANOS, etc.. to sell. Phone 1282. or will call upon request. WECHLKB, 920 Pa. ave. n.W. mh22-80t.3 VANTKD - ALL THE OLD, I 8 F. LESS GOLD and silver lying Idle In your possession; penrla. diamonds, cameoa. Jewelry and silverware lioiigbt. C. P. KARR. Jeweler, 614 13th,above F. jal3-tf.4 VANTED?PAWN TICKETS FOR DIAMONDS and jewelry. Cash paid for old gold, silver, platinum, coins, etc. LOUIS ABRAHAM, 433 0th. de6-tf VILL CALL IX MY UNLETTERED WAGON and pay you the highest prlcm for ladies', gentlemen's, children's discarded clothing of all descriptions. Address postal or phone and I will call. W. RICK. 1332 Ttb n w.. Ph. N. 1755. au23-tf.S WANTED?AT ONCE. 600 FEATHER BEDS, this month; highest price paid; also musical Instruments. Address postal; will call at once. 923 D at. n.w. "M. L.*' splO-aOt* HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR CAST-OTP clothes, ladles', gentlemen's and children's. Address postal; will cell any time. H. BURN. 8TKIN. 1314 7th at. n.w. Phone North 4390-Y. ap7-tf I PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR LAdle*'. gentlemen's and children's cast-off wearing apnarei. Drop card, will call. S. LIVINGSTON, 1224 7th st. n.w. or phone North 7904. ap4-00t.4 FOE KENT?HALLR FOR RENT - BY THE DAY. WEEK OR month well lighted and heated halls in the 8<-ottl*h Rite Cathedral, at No. 1007 G St. n.w. mhl4 tf WEAVER BROS.. 1416 F St. n.w. FOR RENT - CARROLL INSTITUTE HALLS, loth and K eta. n.w.; the most complete ana thoroughly, equipped halls In the city for societies, banquet*, entertainments and receptions: term* reasonable. Apply nt ball. de23-it BUSIHESS OPPORTUNITY. One cent a word eaeh tiro* far IS word* 1 ttaH C FOR SALE?DRY GOODS AND NOTION STORE: F long established by same owner; must be Sold at once. 1730 7th at. n.w. my9-3t* GROCERY; FINE STAND SOUTHWEST: F monthly receipts, $1,300; cheap rent; Using rooms: asking prh-e. $1,000. NEW YORK v BUSINESS BROKERS. 1423 F. ray9 6t ROOMING HOUSE: QUICK SALE. $350; TAIloringr establishment at Inventory: general merchandise business at Invoice; cigar and _ periodical store; only $500; groceries at $350. "I JS70O and $1,500. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS. 1423 F. my?-6t SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR C the purchase of the saloon business. license aud lease at No. 243 New Jersey ave.; lease ? has seven years to ran; rent, $75 per month; F landlord will make repairs and concessions. Right is reserved to reject all bids, which will _ be opened May 12 at 4 p.m. Certified check for $25o must accompany each bid. JOS. A. BURKAKT, Trustee, Corcoran building. roy9-3t ? FOR SALE?5 SHARES GOLDEN A- CO. STOCK; par. $100: offer wanted. Address Box '?!?, ? Star office. my9-3i* r DRUG STORE, PROMINENT LOCATION, ON good business: cheap; terms. CAPITOL BUSI- 8 NESS EXCHANGE. 942 E n.w. my8-3t? SALOON; DAILY BUSINESS. $35; PRICE. $4,500; half cash, ba). easy. Automobile, 1910 model, cheap. CAPITOL BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 942 E n.w. my8-3f ONE OF THE BEST PROPOSITIONS IN THE _ laundry business In this city la for sale; satis- U factory reasons for selling and full particulars can he obtained at personal Interview. Address Box 214, Star office. my8-3t* RUNNING JOB PRINTING PLANT FOR SALE. ? This Is one of the best equipped Job offices In the city, has a regular trade the year around %nd has always paid well. I have the best of reasons for selling. You haTe not had an op- j-( portunlty like tbia in ten years. Address Box 210. Star office. mr8-3t* FOR SALE?OX ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS, ONE of the very best millinery stores for high- _ class trade in the city. Address Box 215. Star p office. my8-St* PARTNER WANTED?MAX OR LADY TO 1Nveat |2.000, with or without services; 'established office business; safe, lucrative and a trade necessity; thorough Investigation invited; jr< excellent chance for right party. Address Box 192, Star office. my7-3t? *30 PER MONTH RENTS FACTORY LATELY occupied by Emerson I'ump Co., Alexandria. Va. Address 1323 M St. n.w. my7-3t* ? WILL CONSIDER ONE OR MORE MERITORious enterprises requiring $25,000 to $76,000; prefer deal with individuals and firms; propositions to buy stocks or bonds not entertained. Address Box 203, Star office. my7-3t* BEAUTY PARLOR: LOCATION BEST; HANDsomely equipped: good lease; price, $750. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS, 1423 F. __ my7-3t,e8u j-i GROCERY; NONE BETTER IN WASHINGTON at $800; rent, $26; four rooms; receipts. $1,100 month: price. $800. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS. 1423 P. my7-3t.eSa THREE-CHAIR BARBER SHOP; EXCELLENT location; weekly 'business. $35; quick-sale sacrifice. $300. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS. 1423 F. INCORPORAT- YOUR BUSINESS?AVOID INdl vidua! or partnership liability; Delaware charters are liberal, perpetual, inexpensive; permit stockholders, directors hold meetings ? anywhere. Write corporation treatise and I" forms. AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY. Wilmington. Dei. my7-3t? FOR SALE ? LUNCHROOM LN CENTER OF ? business district: good business: parties leaving E< city: bargain. Address Box 173. Star office. my<i-7t* _ MODERN MACHINE AND BLACKSMITH ^ shop, 30x100 feet; two stories; lot adjoining 30x100; also brass and iron foundry. 30x60; old reliable stands; fully equipped for handling all kinds work. W. II. TRACY, Hotel Flelschman. Alexandria. Va. my5-7t FOR MOST PROFITABLE INVESTMENTS ADdress Box 100. Star office. my3-14t* NEW INDUSTMY?FIKEPKOOFING BUILDING material for residences and all kinds of buildings to be manufactured in Washington; always in ? demand everywhere; investigation will- prove SI to you that there U no better investment, and you can get in on the ground fioor. Exhibit. Room 227. Corcoran bldg. ap3-30t ^ 70-YEAR-OLD FRENCH BRANDY, $6.60 PER bottle. JOHN WEDDERPURX CO.. 616 F at. a.w. fe23-90t 0% COMPOUND INTEREST - ? and share of profits; real estate security. M $1,000,000 company. $71.67 per annum for 10 yearn buys $1,000. $715.70 Invested. $284.30 Interest. For particulars see W. H. OONEBY, 44 ?' ? ? utJ? oal a ace _ a _ nsv a ? ?y? wanyr, mug., wu nnu g ?ta. ipii'jvi.o gj HOESES AND VEHICLES. On* fwt i word each time for 15 ironli 8 times. ~ FOR SALE?A HANDSOME. SPEEDY WHITE ponv. kind and gentle; children can ride or drive: price. $12.". Can be seen at PALMER'S STABLE. -3141 O at. n.W. my9-3t __ FOR SALE?ONE SURREY. WITH POLE AND ahafta; two sets of double harness; cheap, as owner has no further use for them, at stable **' in alley in rear 2010 I St. u.w. * uiy9-?t* _ FOR SALE? 75 CARRIAGES AND HARNESS of all kinds, cheap for cash. A. J. STABLER, _ 031 D. myO-it L FOR BALK-15 HORSES. SUITABLE FOR ALL kinds of work. A. J. STABLER, 931 D. ray9-3t FOR SALE- CHEAP. HANDSOME WELL BRED ? mare; saddler nod driver: price. $1?5. Apply MeOKE & KENGLA, Real Estate, 1701 14th st. u.w. . iriy9-3t* FOR SALE-FINE DRIVING AND SADDLE T, horse; black. Apply at WISDOM'S LIVERY STABLE. 12 2d n.e. luyit-.'it* SORREL HORSE; XO FURTHER USE FOR _ hinu cheap for cash. 1002% 3d st. u.w. j_, myS-3t* FOR SALE HANDSOME BAY DRIVING _ mare; speedy; lady can drive; weight, 1.100; 1175. 1237 Morse (M) n.e. my8-3t FANCY ROAD HORSE. 7 YEARS OLD; PACE in .TO:' also buggy and harness; reasonable. It. PITTS. 2624 University place. iny7-3t* ' FOR SALE?4-SKAT TRAP FOR PONY; SIN- ? gle harness and saddle: also pony, rubber-tired runabout. Apply 914 Maryland ave. n.e. my7-3t? * COGSWELL S IS THE BEST PLACE TO BUY T" new and second-hand surreys, traps, runabouts, u daytons and delivery wagofks; $15 up. Harness, $4 up. 209-211-212-214 11th St. n.w. myO tf _ bbUDUb 11. uamz. lam u BI.S.W.-UKU. ~ ext assortment of vehicles of all kinds. Including grocery and express wagons and harness, at wholesale prices to the retailer. apll-tt SELL YOt'K HORSES. CARRIAGE & WAUON8 ? at WESCHLER'S. 020 Pa. are. n.v. Sals L every Saturday, 12 o'clock noon. Phone 1282. mh22-jw>t.a AUTOMOBILES. ^ One cent a word each time for IS words 3 times. FOR SAl.E ?I'OPK WAVKRLY ELECTRIC: W flrst-class condition; recently "painted: a bargain. Can be seen at POPE COMPANY GARAGE. 815 14th st. n.w. iny8-3t* TWO-CYUNDER YALE TOURING CAR; PER- ? feet condition: new tires- $250. OWNER, 626 j W A s.e. my8-3t* MARSH-METZ MOTORCYCLE; 1902 MODEL; magneto, gas lamp, born, pump, tools, new tires: excellent eondltlon; great bargain: $7.1. Box 226. Ktar offloe. mv8-3t* FOR SALE -STEVKX8-I>l;RYEA MODEL FT T flve-passenger. in excellent condition; magneto, windshield. #i?eedoinc-ter. electric light* top; owner has bought a larger car. Can be seen lu rear of Oil II st. n.w. IV. J. C. ? JONES. my7-3t? M FOR SAl.E - ONE 1968 BllCK RUNABOUT. ' with rumble seat; first-class condition. Apply 1313 New York ave. n.w. my7-3t* FOR RENT?PRIVATE GARAGE. 31UO ltJTll ? at. my7-3f M FORD RUNABOUT. WITH TWO BODIES town car and runabout): used only 700 miles; less than coat. 1600 H n.e. my7-3t* WANTED?AUTOMOBILE?WILL EXCHANGE _ one-story stone-and-brick store. CLEAR OF ANY INCUMBRANCE, for high-grade car troadster preferred*. This property is located In good section NORTHWEST. WHERE VALUES ARE SURE TO ENHANCE. In replying kindly state particulars and describe car. Closest investigation invited. Address Box 207, Star office. my7-3t FOR SALE?18 HORSE-POWER FRANKLIN Touring car: in tine condition; newly painted . ami fully equipped; top and searchlights. .1. L WELLS. lllO C n.w. my7-3t FOR SALE?STEVKNS-DURYEA: 4-CYLINDER; 1906; fine condition; top and all tsjuipmeut: ? owner leaving city must sell; $425. At GROVES*, rear 1026 I, n.w. myHT.t* L TOR SALE?BABCOCK ELECTRIC. COMPLETE with new battery; aa good as new. CARTER MOTOR CAR CORPORATION. Munaey bldg. _ u?y3-tf , M FOR SALE ? A 40-HORSEPOWER AUTOMObile bv Apperaon Bros.. Kokomo. Ind.; limousine by Kimbell of Chicago, formerly Brewster: In nerfect condition: nriee. (2.8*0. 1325 K at. n.w. ap27-l4t M THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF SLIGHTLY UHed autos, all makes and style*, from $150 to $2,000 ; 50 lu cumber. Branch of Philadelphia. THE ROMAN AUTO CO.. apll-tf.eSu.o 1815 H *t. n.-w. ^ I SELL AUTOMOBILES AT AUCTION. PHONE for special arrangements. WESCHLER'S. 020 Pa. are. n.w. mh22-90t FOR SALE-MODEL K, WAYNE 4 CYLINDER. _ 5-paasenger touring car. fully equipped and In n good condition. GARTER MOTOR CAR CORPORATION. 408-10 Mnnsey bldg. mhlS-tf AUTOMOBILES FOB HIRE] ? FINE WHITE STEAM AUTOMOBILES FOR ? hire, $3 per hour; 5 and 7 passenger; by hour, dsy or weels: driven by practical man. PHONE LINCOLN 1434. aego-tf.4 FOR REITT?STORES. FOR RENT-STORE, 427 STH ST. 8-F... 17 BY 60 ft.; well lighted; good show window. Apply ? C. H. MKR1I.LAT, Bond bldg., before 5 p m.. or 2M2 Uulrerstty place n.w. after tt p.m. p my?-31* n FOR KENT-STORK, ALSO DWELLING, COK ncr 2d and D n.e.; good location for confec- ?' tlonery or grocery. Apply to owner. L. A. ? DKLLWIG. -WS. 2d st. n.e. my 7-31* FOR RENT ? FIRST AND SECOND FLOORS, p suitable for oMce rooms, hair dresser, dentist, st dressmaking or any btulnnss purposes, consisting w of 14 rooms: reasonable rent. Inquire in store. E Mrs. C. ST1EBEL. 1304 6 St. , m}3-7t FOB SALE?MISCELLANEOUS. to* cent a word each time for 15 word* 3 tinea. OK SALE. ? STEINWAY VPRIGIIT PIAXO; mahogany case: will sell at sacrifice; answei at one*. Address Bos 219, Star office. myfe-3t* OB SALE?CPRHJIIT PIAXO, IX GOOD OON (lition. Apply 701 12th n.e. myS-3t OTK'E: .TO YEARS- EXPERIENCE. Atl makes sewing machines repaired at residence, $1. and warranted. North 0182 or send postal. CHAS. STEVENSON. 1G12 11th at. n.w. tny8-3t* . ONE-MAN SPEED WAGON. GOOD AS NEW. 40. 1420 7th n.w. uiy7-3t* HEAP. IPKIUHT PIANO AND STOOL; IN perfect order. Apply No. 7 Elliotte place. Conduit road. D. C. my"-3t* OR SALE?ENGINE. K H.-P.. STEAM; FINE condition; $30; belts and pulleys. 910 9th n.w. my7-3t* OLiLARS. l^c; SHIRTS. 10c?WHEN LEFT AT office; 2c and 10c and 12c when delivered. METROPOLITAN LAUNDRY. 9lQ 1'th. my7-3t OR SALE- GAS RANGE AND LINOLEUM. Inquire 134" Wallach place. my7-4t* OR SALE-PLATE PRINTING PRESS. CHEAP." 305 B at. s.e. tny7-3t* TANDAKD MAKE UPRIGHT PIANO. 75: inab. upright. 125; mah. upright, colonial style, 140; mah. upright, art design, 15"'! oak upright. 175; and a number of other bargains. High-grade player-pianos. $350 and Stat, on easy terms. Opeu evenings till9o'clock. HELBIG BROS. (Estab. 28 yrs. I, 1742 7th at. my7-tf PRIGHT PIANO BARGAINS ? HARVARD. 78: H-ackley, IS?; new upright. $295. $5 monthly; flne 65o plaver. 296: squares, lb; organs. lO. LAWRENCE'S, 506 10th. Tuning. 1.50. my7-3t* OK SALE ? ELECTRIC COFFEE MIIJ, AND marble-top tile-front meat counter. 911 11th my6-7t* JK SALE?_ CARLOADS OF WINDOW AND door screens and all kind* of screen material at lowest prices: screens from 15c up; screens made to order. KLEBBLATT'S, 11th and H n.e. rnyO-HOt IANOS STORED. MOVED. PACKIvD. TUNED AND REPAIRED. HUGO WORCII. llio O. Rohmer, Blast tis. Emerson, Regent and my.l-if Worch I'lanos. OR SALE?INTEREST IN NEW MANUFACturing Industry in Washington; fireproodng material; always in demand; used in residences and office buildings; no better Investment. Investigate- and see exhibit in 227 Corcoran bldg. my3-30t FOUR SPECIAL PIANO BARGAINS. Marshall & Wendell upright *85 Brigga upright *75 Vose upright $175 Kurtzmann upright $190 HUGO WORCH. 1110 G n.w., Worch building. Solimcr, Blaslus and Emerson I'lanos. my3-tf OR SALE ? TWO M At IN IF1CENT UPRIGHT grand pianos at a great bargain. One in handsome grain natural mahogany: has a beautiful, rich, full tone, and without a blemish. A $400 piano; to close out at once $150 cash buys it. , One of similar style In dark mahogany. In elegant condition, for only $175 cash. Fully warranted. ESther of these pianos wonid grace the home of the most refined surroundings. See them at one?. GRIMES' PIANO STORES, 1212 F st. roy.l-tf OR SALE ? COMPANION PORTRAITS OF George and Martha Washington, by Rembrandt Peale. Address MACBETH GALLERIES, 5th avenue. New York city. my2-30t* OR- SALE ? MAHOGANY UPRIGHT PIANO: good as new; will sell cheap for cash. 207 F st. n.e. ap29-tf 'ETRE SACRIFICING USED UPRIGHTS? high-grade instruments that were taken in exchange for Autonolas. These pianos are in perfect condition and are offered way under valne for the sake of clearance: Weber, $225; Hardman. $185: Chlckerlng, $145: Jewett, $100: Bradbury. $143: Huntington. $120: Stieff. $175; Brtggs. $145; Shoninger. $245; Decker Bros.. $125; Emerson. $145: Estey, $145: Vose. $260. and over a hundred others. Terms. $10 cash and $6 per month. O. J. DE MOLL & CO., cor. 12th and G fits. ap26-tf HER WOOD WHISKEY, 7WC BOTTLE; THE femitne goods. JOHN WEDDERBURN CO., 16 F st. n.w. fe23-90t.2 Ok SALE - GOOD QUALITY OPAQUE shades, fitted to your windows, only 35c; the oesi quaniv on opaque ananes. ?uc. nunc tree. We call with samples. KLEEBLATT's, ap22-tf 11th and B ats. n.e. OTOR BOATS FROM $150 IIP AT OCR NEW store, 14th and S sts.; 13-mlle speedabont. $300; ?S-ft. cruiser. $000: canoes, $35, and rowhoata. RACINE BOAT MEG. CO. anlO-tf BOWOASE AND STORE FIXTURES. JOHN C. SCHEUEK, JR.. MFG. CO.. de4-tf Baltimore. A FES?Fl'LL IJNBS OF I-IRRPROOF SAFES at our salesrooms; safes bought and sold and exchanged. Write or telephone. Will send representative. YORK SAFE AND LOCK CO.. 5-7 W. German St.. Baltimore. Md. Je8-tf.5 STICKIEST STICKER EVER STI CK: lues Furniture. Glass. China, Books. Everything. OVAL GLUE.10c.40f.60c.PInts,$l. Drugglsts.etc. LOST Ain) FOUND. UST?SUNDAY AFTERNOON BETWEEN 3 and 3, crescent-shaped pin. with heart-shaped locket atTacbed. via 7th St. n.e.. Maryland ave. n.e., io circus ground" and return. Reward if returned to Hit 7th st. n.e. myD-St* UST- KNIGHT T F. M I* I. A It 1 S WATCH charm, name on it. Finder please return same and receive reward. CHA8. KKAEMKIt, 7.35 7 th st. n.w. I ?ST\ STRAYED OR STtlLKN FOX TEIL rler: tag No. 734S; body all white, except head and small Iimwb spot on back. Return to 2731 Ontario load. Reward. UST?NEAR CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL. SII. ver card ease, purse. Reward if returned to 1727 .'id st. n.e. uiy8-3t* J ST?SATURDAY. MAY 7. IN ROUNDABOUT walk from 22d and II to Thomas Circle, through avenues and back by Lafayette Square anil II st.. two-stone diamond ring and chnsed guard une. Reward if returned to OWNER. 2121 H st. iny8-3t* JST FRIDAY AFTERNOON. LADY'S GOLD watch on foh with gold locket: diamond setting. Liberal reward if returned to 203O Woodley place. my8-3t DST?STAH-SHA PED GOLD MEDAL, DATED 1003. Dancing Academy. Reward. MARGARET ELWOODr 3461 14ih. iny7-3t* OUT?LADY'S OPEN-FACE GOLD WATCII; monogram A. T. L.; on Mass. ave. n.w. bet. 13th st. and Carnegie Library. Sat. morning. Heturn to Apt. 41. The Valois, ami receive liberal reward. my7-3t* OST?ON MERIDIAN BETWEEN 14TH AND 15th. Boston bull, brindle, white mark on face: collar with tag No. 6133. Reward if returned 1436 Meridian place. myT-3t [ONEY WANTED AND TO I0ANT ANTED ? SEVERAL $1,306 Wt BITI.DING loans; houses valued $2.:i50 ea?-h; growing Distrlct suburb; profit-sharing basis; would first mortgage and 15% Income interest you? Address GROl'ND OWNER. Star office. my7-3t* ANTED ? FIFTEEN - TI10l"SAND~DOLLAR loan, three years, eight per cent, secured bv mortgage on four handsome store buildings and cotton seed oil factory in North Carolina; all valued at sixty thousand dollars. Address MCNEILL & Mc.NKILL, Attorneys, 034 Colorado building. Washington. It. C. my7-3t DANS NEGOTIATE It AT LOWEST RATES ON life insurance policies and other approved collateral. C. A. BAKER. 50-53 Metzerott hldg.. Ulo F St. Rhone M. 517. my7-tf ONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT AT CUBrent rates or Interest on real estate In the District of Columbia. FITCH. FOX (t BROWN. myl-tf 1333 F St. n.w. ONEY TO LOAN-LET US MAKE YOUR NEW loans and replace old cues at lowest rates of interest. Ail transactions conducted with economical consideration for borrowers. WM. H. SAUNDERS & CO.. 1407 F et. n.w. fel0 90t.5 FIRST AND SECOND TRUST LOANS. We will loan more on your property than any other concern, latwest rates. All amounts. Payments arranged to suit you. NO DELAYS. OPEN UNTIL 5:30 P.M. NATIONAL LOAN A INVESTMENT CO.. Thompson Bidg.. 703 15th st. n.w., 2d floor. Opposite Treasury. Next to Dreg Store. ap29-tf OANS ON STOCKS. INSURANCE POLICIES, indorsed notes or any good collateral. No delay. middlemen or red taite. It. R. BENNETT. 510 Met. Bank hldg. Phone Main HHPS. J.v22-tf MONEY TO LOAN O.N REAL ESTATE, w interest. Reasonable fees. Prompt action. LARGE LOANS A SPECIALTY. GEO. W. LINKINS. 800 19TH ST. N.W. mblfl-tf OVBY TO LOAN ON APPROVED CITY REAL eatate at lowest current ratea of Interest. Special privileges with respect to prior payments, l-arge amounts a specialty. TYLER & RUTHERFORD. 730 15th at. n.w. fe9-tf,5 ONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES OP interest on D. C. real estate. No unreasonable delay. WALTER H. ACKER. mh29-tf,8 1420 F at. n.w. ONEY TO LOAN ON tL C. REAL ESTATELoarest rates of interest. Payment on principal In amounts of $100 or more received at any interest period. THE P. H. SMITH COMPANY, Bond bids., 1408 New York ave. n.w. no2-tf e YOU WANT TO BORROW OR LOAN. BCY or aell on real estate I can save you tlmo and cash, as I give personal attention to all deala. rifctf.4 J- EAKIN GADSBY. 526 13th at. n.w. IK HAVE MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO suit on D. C. real estate; economical conoid ration for borrowers. . GIVE US YOUR APPLICATION. apl-tf MOORE A HILL Hne.l. 13S3 Q at. PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE nreau of Supplies and Accounts. Navy Departlent, Washington. 1). C.t uutll 10 o'clock a.m., lay 17. 19Ul. and publicly opened Immediately iereafter, 'to furnish at the nary yard, Waslilgtou, D. C., a quantity of naval supplies, as Blows: Sch. 2442: Steel, steel tubes and loekig rings.?Sch. 244": Soap and chemicals. Apllcatlons for proposals aliould dea'jpiMie th-i I'hedulcs dcaired by number. Blank proposals 111 be furnished upon application to the Bureau, i. B. ROGERS. Paymaster General, V. S N. my2-law,2t FOE RENT?ROOMS. Oni? cent a word for worite. 13 : FURJIISHEP. 110 9TU S.K.?ONE SECOND-STORY FRONT rooui with alcove. fupiisbed: l.h.k. my#-St 63 K ST. X.E.. TY^gr OR THREE NEATLY Ni furnished rooms: sinjJ" or en suite; convenient _ ' to Union station. my8-2t* Ft I PLEASANT FRONT PARLOR AND 3D-STORY ' back room, at Franklin Square. 823 13th at. __ n.w. my 8-31 F( WANTED?CONGENIAL.. REFINED LADY TO ' share apartment with young lady whose par cats are away for summer; Ave rooms, at- _J traotively furnished; piano; phone: terms rea- Ft sonable. Address or call. Apartment 10. 1430 V st. n.w. my7-3t* i 18 THE HUNTINGTON. 2715 14TH ST.-TWO Ti communicating rooms; single or en suite; south- i em exposure; large closets. tpy7-3t* 1320 14TH ST. N.W.-TWO LARGE SQUARE _J rooms; newly furnished and papered; a.m.i.; p< l.h.k. privileges. Also front nrst-floor parlor, furnished or unfurnished. my7-3t* , 1433 S ST. N.W.?NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, southern exposure, in private family; p< reasonable; refs. required. my"-3t* 1437 FLA. AVE. N.W.?ONE LARQE FCRnished room, including telephone. my7-3t : 1111 11TII ST. N.W.?FURNISHED FLAT OF 3 *'< rooms for l.h.k. my7-3t { FOR~ RENT?TWO OR THREE ROOMS. FUR- ' nished, second floor. 2026 University place.' < n>y7-3t* , 41C H N.E.?EXTREMELY HANDSOME THREE- pi room parlor-floor flat, furnished in the beat of style, entirely complete for housekeeping; every- , thing new and first-class; very reasonable. my2-tf j 'rooms, with or without roaro- uk.v. tlemcn only; reasonable rates. 1716 Pa. are. . n.w. myS-7t* , 1446 N N.W. ? BEAUTIFUL. LARGE BOOM, southern exposure, $10; well kept house; phone. ap27-tf _J FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. ^ 4111 3D ST. N.W.. FURNISHED ROOM FOR s housekeeping, $10; two front rooms, furnish- 1 ed. $15; or unfurnished. my8-3t* I TWO VERY PRETTY PARLORS, FURNISHED I or unfurnished; bath same floor. 1006 Eve st. __ n.w. myf-3t* Ft! UNFURNISHED. | 1338 W ST. N.W FOUR PLEASANT ROOMS. _J private bath; shades to front windows; screens jr( ft?r nil; corner house; closets. Owner. 44 iny9-3t* |g 10u7 EAST CAPITOL ST.. THREE ROOMS ON ?> second floor for light housekeeping; gaa, bath; ^ $18. myfl-3t* jjJ FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, 1 second floor; use of bath; to adults; reasonable. 13 OWNER. 30 Rhode Island ave. my8-3t* 31 ??? ?? Z on 715. FAIRMONT N.W?THREE ROOMS ON 13 bathroom floor; separate gas meter; nice side . yard. my8-2t* ? 210 u n7w~- two kirstFlook in fur" f' nlshed rooms for very l.h.k.. $15 per month. uiy8-3t* | 702 GRESHAM PL. N.W.?'TWO LARUE rooms; 2d floor; $12. my8-3t* UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT (3) FOR light housekeeping. Apply 716 4th st. s.e. my7-3t* TWO BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. SECOND FLOOR; ] front or bsek: reasonable; 2634 University < place, Mt. Pleasant. my 7-31* ] FOUR ROOMS. UNFURNISHED. WITH A BACK 1 sleeping porch. OWNER. 2007 F n.w. my7-3t _J 3 LARUE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR L.H.K.; porcelain sink and gas range; $16; near Llneoln Park. 208 11th st. n.e. ap!4-tf WANTED?E00MS. ? 13; WANTED?THREE OR FOUR UNFURNISHED I rooms near 11th and Mass. ave. n.w. Address 1 Box 235. Star office. myP-St* BV A LADY. JUNE 1. 2 UNFURNISHED 1 rooms: 1 large and 1 small; central location; references. Address Box 222, Star office. 1 my?-2t* BOOMS AND BOARD" One cent a word for 15 words. < TRANSIENTS, PERMAXENTS; 1349 L ST. n.w.; 14th st. cars; opposite Dewey Hotel; elegantly carpeted and furnished, and clean; _J single or en suite; central; good table; summer rates, t 1102 1CTII ST. N.W. ROOMS WITH UOO"D lioard. private family; front, second floor; reasonable rate1:. inyft-.'tt* ] PLEASANT SECOND-STORY UNFURNISHED i room, with board, for couple (two meals). $32 l>er month. 204 F n.w. my8-3t* THE HANOVER. ?1H I ST N.W.-LARGE J front rooms with first-class table board; bath ? pftpli finnr. ' nirKJlr 1873 CALIFORNIA ST.-AX IDEAL SUMMER home with private family in the most exclu- - < sive seetlou: elegantly furnished rooms, en suitp or single; private bath; excellent table < accommodations. my7-7t 1824 CALIFORNIA ST. ?attract!VE"roOMt tine location; good table; phone; half square , from car. inyi-jt* 1321 COLUMBIA ROAD?2P-KTORY FRONT r'mms: fur. or mifur.; including board. $25 per 1 mo.: tine home table. Phone Columbia 3852. my7-3t* *1224 13TH ST. N.W. -LARGE. HANDSOMELY furnished room, with board; southern expos- i nrc. for couple, or 2 young men; central: telephone service free. my7-3t < 1343 GIKARD ST. TWO VERY' ATTRACTIVE 2d-floor rooms; flue bath; good table; telephone. iny.VTt* ( wanted?rooms and boards Wanted ? rooms, with or without board, by two young men, Saul's Addition or north of Park road; references, Box 228. Star office. my 8-21* , boarding! TABLE BOARD-SUPERIOR COOK; UNSL'lt- ? passed fare. 1635 L at. n.w. my5-7t* f ' toe kent?offices. = t( SINGLE OFFICE (230) SECOND FLOOR. BOND 1 bide.: sublease; very cheap. Apply Room 210. myS-tf _J WHY PAY HIGH OFFICE RENT WHEN YOU F(j can get rooms for $G, $8 and $10 per mouth? . Modern conveniences. Stewart building, cor. , 6th and P sts. n.w. apl3-30t* 1 FOR ~RE.N1 -FRONT OFFICE ROOM, SECOND I Eoor. 807 G st. n.w.. $8. ? McLACHLEN BANKING CORPORATION. *c ap7-tf 10th and G. ^ DESK ROOM FOR RENT. APPLY ROOM $23. J Colorado hldg. ap4-tf * FOR RENT? - t Two beautiful office rooms on Pa. ave. facing ~~the post office; reasonable to desirable tenant. Also fine communicating offices ou 11th st. front. Applv MANAGER. Star bids.. 11th and Pa. ;ave. , _ , personals. \ WANTED THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF T' the son of the late Amanda Cox and Harry , Hungerford. Address Box 232, Star offlie. *' myw-21' - i ( AND WHKN YOU SKI.I, TO I S SMILES COME 1 on your "phiz." Want men's worn shoes, hats. ! pants: needed in our "biz"; uml prices, gee whiz! Semi for us. iiivft-tf..' Jl'STII'S OLD STAND, 019 D. J COMBINGS AND OLD SWITCHES MADE UP " to date; braids or puffs, wigs and toupees made to order: halrdressing and manicuring; __ phone Llncn.2969. SIGNORA FAZZI.117 7th n.e. my7-tf.4 STORY WRITERS HAVE AN OPPORTI'NITY W to become stockholders In a literary bureau i publishing a magazine; |10 shares, 319 Color- t rado bldg. my"-Tt HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' r and gents' worn garments of all kind*; also i shoes, hats. etc. THE BARGAIN STORE, 1248 e 7th st. n.w. Drop postal; will call promptly. mhlO-tf.4 _ T MASSAGE. 1 MA SSAGE- ALL BRANCH BS MAGNETIC TREAT- TO ment; rheumatism and poor circulation Mien- t tiflcally treated. ANNA B. JOHNSON, late of f New York. 1614 15th n.w.; phone North 4696. s ap!6-3ot SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE. FACE AND SCALP; ? wrinkle* and blemishes removed. Mrs. LYDIA JOHNSON. M. G. (graduated In Sweden.) Trial ^ treatment. 50c. 71C 13th n.w. Phone M. 5918-M. apll-60t ? STOEAGR TP ?: C INDESTRUCTIBLE STORAGE. 1,000 ROOMS. ? Inspect this warehonse and note the cleanll- n pegs and manner of storing furniture. Mothproof rooms for furs. rags. etc. Silver vault. r Carpet cleaning. Automobiles. Pianos. Padded r vans for moving. Lowest prices. FIDELITY e STORAGE COMPANY. 1420 U st. ap!2-3m XF SEPARATE COMPARTMENTS; LOW RATE of Insurance; free hauling to warehonse in 1 padded vans daring April. L1TTLEFIELD, J ALVOBD & CO.. Colorado bldg. Tel. W. 737. j fe4-tf STORE YOUR FUKMTUiiis, nanus, mu.. ? at WESCHLER'S, 020 Pa. n.w. Rates 8U reasonable. Phone M. 1282. mh22-90t . - .?.? e 100 SEPARATE STORAGE ROOM8?8T0RAGB * by the load; packings Hauling and shipping. ? See us before storing. THOS. DOWLING g CO.. 612 E at. n.w. Phone 51B. ap2-tf.4 j GET OUR ESTIMATE ON ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF . STORAGE. SAVE MONEY. UNITED STATES STORAGE CO.. 418-20-22 10T1I ST. N.W. PHONE M. 4229. _ fel7-04t.4 FO FIREPROOF STORAGE. \ Separate locked rooms, $2.00 per month OP- 1 Estimates furnished. t MERCHANTS' TRANSFER 4k STORAGE CO.. 1 020-022 E ?t. n.w. I "moving, etc. 1 FURNITURE, BAGGAGE AND PIANOS MOVED -i with care. Phone Main 2010. KRIEG'S HS- FO PRESS, 1224 H at. n.w. Packing and auipplng a specialty. Storage. f?12-90t,4 WE MOVE ANYTHING?FROM SMALL BOXES and baggage to the heaviest machinery, safes, etc. Furniture in padded vans a specialty. Estimates furnished. MERCHANTS' TRANSFER 4k STORAGE CO.. 920-022 E st. n.w. Main 9900. nol3-tf , APARTMENTS TO LET. 40 X. CAP. ST.: 4R. & B.; COR. ONLY *20.00 16 N. Y. i?t. n.e.; No. 7. Oneouta; 4r.. b.. S.W) 1320 U n.w.; No. 0. 9. 12. 14; *23.30. 27.50 1419 Clifton n.w.; No. 5. Maxwell; 4r.. b 30.00 2330 14th n.w.: No. 1: Sr.. b.: cheap at... 40.00 RJV YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 1423 J . my&-3t >R KENT?SECOND FIAWR APARTMENT of six large rooms; tile<i bath; back porch; modern. 2020 G at. n.w. my8-3t* :>R RENT?THE BAIN BRIDGE. 3331 N ST.. desirable 3-room apartments; summer rates. HENRY W. OFFCTT, Wisconsin are. and N. mj8-3t >R RENT?FIVK- ROOM FLAT; A. M. I Maple St., Takoma Park. Tel. Takoma 33. my&2t* HE NORFOLK. 2D AND D N.R.. A VERY attractive apartment; open for inspection. If con wish to see it. will call for yon with ?nto. DANIEL S. SHEA. myS-3t? DR RENT? FIVE-ROOM FLAT. 1502 MEKIDian at. n.w.. *30; four-room flat. 1497 Meridian st. n.s'.. *2o. Apply 1511 Oak st. n.w. my7-3t* >R RENT-APARTMENT; 1415 C ST. N.W.. S- rooms, bath *22.3u LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. 612 14th St. n.w. my7-3t >R RENT-ON CAPITOL HILL. A MODERN apartment; 4r. and bath: all outside rooms; hardwood floors; rent. *32.50; the Saratoga. 7tb and East Capitol sts. 3TONE it FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ace. n.w. my7-3t }R RENT?SR. AND BATHs *13.50; NEWLY papered and painted; convenient to cars, schools, churches, markets; 1425 E st. n.e. rrON'E & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York ave. n.w. mv7-5t )R BENT?4 ROOMS AND BATH AND NICE wide covered porch; *11 outside rooms; sounj!>rn exposure; exceptionally large, bright rooms; the Montieello. 3157 Mt. Pleasant at. STONE * FAIRFAX, 1342 New York are. n.w. my7-5t >R RENT?SPLENDID LOCATION FOR PHYician or dentist-THE QUI NO Y. CORNER 5TH AND CORCOR.VN?rear 14th st. car line: ! rooms, reception ball and tiled bath, and ent only $30. ny7,9&ll MOORE * HILL, INC.. 1333 G. ?It BENT?IN THE IVANHOE. 170W 9TH n.w.. 4 rooms and batli apt., steam beat, hotwater and Janitor service; $22.30. Apply to PERCY H. RUSSELL. 927 G st. my7-3t 3B RENT-BY B. F. SACL CO.. 7TH * L N.W. NY * nw.5r.b30.50 11713 4th nw. Sr. b.20.rsi 38 7th nw,6r.b..30.00 1325 7th uw.Sr.b..20.00 3 D nw. fir. b..27.60 1400 N Cap. 3r. b.17.80 9 D nw. 4r. b. .25.50 1515 9th nw,3r,b.. 15.00 40 Gth nw.7r.b-.25.50 1116 C ne. 4r. b..15.00 ifayette, 1607 7th 640 Morton ne.5r,bl2.f?o nw. fir. b 25.06 1227Duncan ne.5r.bl3.30 38 N Cap, Sr. b.22.56 1361 V nw. 2r. b. 12.50 7 R nw. 5r. b. .22.50 1412 Duncan, 4r, wlXSO 2 Fla ar nw,5r,l>21.56 1328 7th nw, 3r, b.lO.Ou >20 Fla av nw,4r,b21.00 i 1806 7th nw,5r,w. .9.00 ny7-tf >UR LARGE ROOMS AND BATH; DELIGHT ful location; near 2 ear lines; l.h.k.; modern iss range: $25 per month; rare opportunity for right parties. 1241 Girard St. n.w. m.v7-3t.eSu? ~ THE LOUDOUN, 314 EAST CAPITOL ST. Several desirable apartments in this modern, bomelike building. RENT. $20 TO $40. Excellent service. Careful supervision. Elevator. Lockers. BELT. O'BRIEN & CO. (Inc.), 1309 G n.w., my7-5t Agent. THE BERWICK. 14th st. and Park road. No. ft?5 rooms and bath?$23. TYLER & RUTHERFORD (Inc.l, myT-~t? No. 730 15th 6t. n.w. 59 MASS. AVE. S.E.?FOR RENT. 5-ROOM Bat: cheap; all outside rooms. Apply upstairs. nty7-3t* >U RENT?HANDSOME APARTMENTS. 4 rooms and bath; heat, light, elevator and fanitor service, $35. Other apartments at $30 and $25 per month. For location inquire of A. T. HOLTZMAN, 1821 F st. n.w. my7-3t >R RENT-AN APARTMENT WITH A YARD; 5r. and tiled b.. gas range, large rear porch; ill in good and clean condition. On cool Wash. Hgts: 2319 18th st. n.w.; first floor, $2S.50. CAYWOOD & GARRETT, 1231 N. Y. ave. my7-3t? "NEW AND BEAUTIFUL." ' Apartments In "THE KENYON." 1372 Kenron st., near 14tb at. cars. Just complete!: modern In every way: 4 and fi rooms, tiled is tli with shower, electric lights, fine porches, steam heat, attractive decorations. Rentals From $32.50 to $45. Janitor on premises. open every uay Tor inspection. A. r. FOX COMPANY. Rental A sent a. 14th at New York a va. ny"-is.m,w,t.4t A. F. FOX COMPANY. ESTABLISHED 1876. UTH AT NEW YOEK AVE. "HEADQUARTERS FOR APARTMENTS. ** THE NEWPORT." 2164 Florida are. n.w.? No. 2?3 rooms and tiled bath $50.00 No. 3-3 rooms and tiled bath 123.00 No. 22?4 rooms and tiled bath $55.00 'THE LANIER," 1749 Lanier pi.? No. 25?4 rooms and tiled bath $37.50 No. 34?3 rooms and tiled bath $27.50 "THE MANSFIELD." 1730 M st. n.w.? No. 24?3 rooms and tiled hath $32.56 No. 42?4 rooms and tiled bath $37.50 "THE LA CORONA." 420 M St. n.w.? No. 2?3 rooms and tiled bath $25.50 "THE TRCXTON." 2031 F st. d.w.? No. 1?5 rooms and tiled bath $35.00 "THE ALLENHCRST." 1106 Columbia rrt. No. 22?0 rooms and tiled bath $36.00 N?h81?6 rooms and tiled bath $37.50 NoSfe2?5 rooms and tiled bath $35.00 "Till CALIFORNIA." 1775 Cal. are. n.w.? No. 1?5 rooms and tiled bath $40.00 No. 3?5 rooms and tiled bath $32.5 > No. 23?5 rooms and tiled bath $37.50 No. 24?5 roayns and tiled bath $35.00 ' No. 53?5 rooms and tiled bath S32.50 No. 34?5 rooms and tiled bath $35.00 "THE SUFFOLK." 1407 Irving st. n.w.? No. 34?4 rooms and tiled bath $32.50 Janitor on premises and will gladly show any if the above apartments. Further information 'nrnished at office. my7-sa.iu,w,f,4t lit 1'EXT?634!j UTH ST. X.K. A four-room and bath flat: newly papered and painted: reduced to $14.50. CLIFFORD A. BORDEN, !uy6-3t,eSn 604 5th st. n.w. iR RENT?121 TODD PLACE. First floor. 4 rooms and bath; JUST PUT IX borough condition and rent only $15.50; near at and R. I. ave. MOORE & HILL (Inc.), 1333 G.,m.3t >R RENT-ON THE HEIGHTS. An unusually desirable flat will be vacated day 15; alwayj kept in good shape; let us give ou pernilt to inspect at once; 5 rooms, bath, urnace and cellar; rent. $23.50. MOORE & HILL (Inc.), 1333 G. j KKNESAW APARTMENT HOUSE. i 18T11 AND IRVING STS. N.W. A few apt?, now available in this high-class. Reproof house: furnished or unfurnished; bachdor or housekeeping: very desirable: all rooms nitsidc: excellent American jilau cafe at moderate rates. S. II. BKIAXT, Mabager. my6.7,i).l 1.13,14-6t THE CHESTERFIELD. 1141 Mount Pleasant st. n.w. A beautiful ipnrtment of three rooms; bath and large losets in this elegant, homelike building; arge private porch; only $30. ny5-tf W. H. WALKER. 72!) 15th st. n.w. NO. 1730 NORTH CAPITOL STREET. Five large, spacious rooms, tiled bath, cellar, 'ront and hack yajds. back porch. Rent only 126.50. Inducements to a cood tenant. BELT, O BRIKX & CO.. Inc.. uy5-5t 1309 g st. n.w. EAVER BROS.. 1416 F ST. K.W.. AXlounce the completion of the new apartment louse, THE CHEVY CHASE. It the Circle, Chevy Chase. D. C.; 3. 4 and 5 ooms and bath. $45. $55 and $65. This buildng la strictly fireproof and folly equipped with very modern convenience. Large lawna and extended view in every dlection. Highest elevation in the District. ny3-tf ill RENT?6 ROOMS AND BATH; $31.50: torches; high and healthy location; in good ondition: near car lines, schools and good tores; 29 Todd pi. n.e. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York ave. ny5-5t IAKLAND" APTS.. 2006 COLUMBIA ROAD. Yash. Heights?5 and 7 rooms; unexpired eases. Stanton"' apts.. 12* C st. n.e.?5 and I rooms. OSCAR W. WHITE. 1116 F at. ny5-tf [E \'AKE. 614 MD. AVE. N.E.?FIRST FLOOR, i rooms and hath: southern exposure; faces two treets: all outside rooms; hot-water beat; near II car lines. my5-7t* THE BEAUTIFUL "VERSAILLES," " >1. ave. west of Conn. ave.; prettiest view >n Heights; 1. 2. 7 and 9 room apta... with >ath: from $2<> to $>sr> mo. :w YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 1423 F. "THE COLUMBIA." [4Tn AXD GIKARI* STS.. NORTHWEST. ipt.. 23 outside rooms and hath $40.00 Apt., 6 outside rooms and bath $50.00 Inspection invited. Service the beat. JAMES A. CAH1LL, 1308 V ST. X.W. FFOLK AND 10NA. 7TH AXD H ST8. S.W.r and 5 room and bath apartments toot heatd>; in ih*st-class condition: rents from $13.75 o $18.50. THE PHIL1JPS COMPANY. nISR-tf 330 John Marahail nlaee. 916 NEW YORK AYE. few apartment! of 3 rooms and bath each. Heat. Janitor service, hot water. $27.50 and $30.90. JOHN W. CHILDRESS, 1412 G St. n.w. p27-eo.!2t It LEASE?DESIRABLE NEW APARTMENTS uat being completed, Nos. 1436-38-40 Meridian ' it. n.w., half block from 14th st. car line. ! rhesr apartments are modern in every respect, vltb parquetry doors, tiled baths and electric lghta. Apartments of five rooms and hath at 13ft and $32.ft0 per month; four rooms at IS2.SU and $30; one room and bath at $15.S0 ind $13.50; all outside rooms; buildings open or Inspection. Inquire of SWARtZELL. tHEHVLA HEXSEY CO.. 727 16th n.w. ?p26-ti it RENTDESIRABLE APARTMENTS AT "The Sterling." 1915 Calvert at. n.w. "The Iroquois," 1410 M at. n>w. "The Alabama." 11th and N sta. n.x. "The Oregonian." 18th and Oregon ave. a.w. "The Hudson." 180U 14th st. n.w. Prices range from $25 to $65 a month. THOS. J. FISHER & CO., Inc., p23-tf 738 tilth st. n.w. 4 APARTMENTS TO LET. THE SHERMAN. 15TH AND I. STS X.W.?4room konwkeeplnc ip?rtoMt for root; aQ oat* J Id* rooms: southern exposure. Apply at 8bev> man. Ja^-tf THE BEVERLY. MW IRVING ST. Located midway hetwctD the 14th at. aari the Conn. arc. car lines. All outride rooms, open to the light and sir. A new building; the rooms are largo nad blight. We recommend this building to be all K should be. One-room and bath to Sts rooms and bath. Prices. $18.50 to $40. THE MIXTWOOD. 1841 MIVTWOOD PL 4 and 8 rooms and bath. Prices. $37.50 sad $40. THE BIXXEY. 1408 GIRARD ST. 5 rooms and bath. Price. $80. SIMPSON-SULLIVAN CO.. mh31-tf 14Q8 Q at. n.w. THE LINCOLN APARTMENT"HOUSE. Ill 13th at. a.e. The brightest and cosiest apartments On Capitol Hill. All outride rooms. One-half square from LIN- COLX PARK. Rent. $W and $40. ap20-tf JAMES A. CAH1LL. 1308 W at. THE CHEVY CHASE. Chevy Chase Circle. t>. a 3 to 5 rooms and bath $45.00 and $65.00 I THE FRANKLIN. 1915 14th at. n.w.? 6 rooms and hath $40.00 i THE HAWTHORNE. 1527 Eye n.w.4 rooms and bath $25.50 and $35.00 THE SORRENTO. 2233 lSth at. n.w.? 5 rooms and hath $87.50 sod $40.00 THE DEVONSHIRE, 1751 Columbia rd. n.w.6 rooms and bath $45.00 and $47.50 THE MT. VERNON. 9th and X. Y. are.? 2 to 4 rooms and hath $20.00 to $37.50 THE COLONIAL. 30th and N sts.? 5 rooms and hath $28.50 THE FAIRFAX. 1200 East Capitol st.5 rooms and hath $32.50 i THE AUGUSTA. N. Y. and N. J. ares, li.w ? : 4 rooms and bath $27.50 * fe2Stf WEAVER BROSi. 1416 T at. n.w. THE DRESDEN. An entirely new. modern, high-class, fin-proof apartment house on the _ southwest corner of Connecticut and f Kaloramu ave?.. at southern end of new Coaaecticut Avenue bridge and overlooking Rock Creek valley. Firstclass in equipment and finish. Apartments of ten rooms and three baths at $200 per month; seven rooms sou two baths at'$135: six rooms and bath at $110, $05 and $85, according to location; five rooms and bath at $75 and F $65; four room* and bath at $10; threa elevators; quarters for servants. Rapidly filling up. Building open for Inspection day and r evening. * Representative at bnilding to show apartments. Tour inspection Invited. Diagrams mailed on application. _ SWARTZELL. RHEEM A HENSEY CO.. fp26-tf 727 15th it. n.w. FOR RENT?THE VIRGINIA. 2120 G; APART- * roent, 4 rooms and bath; first-class condition; see janitor to Inspect. Apply GEO. J. EASTERDAY. 1410 G at. mhlfi-tf FOR RENT-APARTMENTS 7 THE BIRMLVGHAM. * Adams Mill road and Lanier place. No. 41?5 rooms and bath $45.00 No. 25?5 rooms and bath $45.00 No. 42?4 rooms and bath $35.00 _ THE MONTGOMERY. I * North Capitol and M sts. n.w. Roof garden for exclusive use of tenants. All outside rooms. All modern Improvements. No. 2S4?4 rooms and bath $32.5# No. 2?4 rooms and bath $50.00 THE REGIXA. 1224 I at. n.w. Convenient location. Good condition. t No. 3?6 rooms and bath $42.50 No. 6?6 rooms and bath $40.00 THE SEMINOLE. 1444 W St. n.w. 3 and 4 mom apartments. $28.50 to $32.50. THE LAWRENCE, 1022 16th n.w. No. 1?5 rooms and hath $35.00 THE NAVARRE. 213 E st. n.w. I No. 32?5 rooms and bath $25.00 THE FAIRFAX. 14th and C a.w. No. 1?3 rooms and bath $22.50 No. 2?3 rooms and bath $22.50 No. 3?3 rooms and bath $22.50 No. 7?3 rooms and hath $22.50 TWO-FAMILY HOUSES. j 1005 E st. n.e.. 2d floor. 5r. and b $21.00 1007 E st. n.e., 2d floor. 5r. and b $21.06 035..14th st. n.e., 4 rooms and bath... .$13.50 32 Seaton n.w.. 1st floor, 5r. ami h. ...$22.50 THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. mh3-d.eSu THE NORTHUMBERLAND Ts a modern, fireproof, seven-story apartment bouse, with all Improve, merits, and two elevators. It is situated on the southeast corner of New Hampshire ave. and V st. northwest, , near the Herdic line and the U at. 1 and 14tb st. cars. The building contains apartments of seven rooms and bath, at $75 per montb; six rooms and bath, at $75; five rooms and bath, at $60; four rooms and bath, at $5o and $40; three rooms and bath, at $32.50, ] and two rooms and hath, at $25. Building Just completed and apart- . incnts are going fast. Your inspection Invited. Building up lor iinprciiun uav iuu ricuiim, electric lighted. Diagrams and further Information furnished on request by SWARTZELT-. RHEEM A HENSEY CO.. fe26-tf 727 15tb at. n.w. P FOK KENT?CHOICE APARTMENT. 717 1ITH at. n.w.; 5 rooms and batb, second floor; steam heat and janitor service. T. A. HARDING CO. (Inc->. 1344 G at. n.w. fe22-tf _ j PPRX1SHED> 1 ! FOR RENT ? FURNISHED. 5-ROOM APARTmeat. for three months. Apply to Apartment 26 Manor House, Monroe at. my0-5t* ! FOR RENT?-FROVI MAY 15 TO OCT. 18, A f very desirable 6-rooni and bath apartment, in thorough repair and nicely furnished, including piano; large rear porch; location Wa?h. Hgts. Reduced to 1622.3" per month. CAYWOOD to GARRETT. 1231 X. Y. ave. n.w. my7-3t* j FOR RENT?AX EXCEPTION ALLY WELL, furnished Or. and 2b. apartment in the Portsmouth. on X. H. ave. .We guarantee It will suit the most exacting. At nominal rent of $4<> per mo. until Oct. 1. CAYWOOD * J GARRETT. 1231 X. Y. ave. mr7-::f SITMMER RESORTS?TO LET?" * FOR RENT?FOR SUMMER OR YEAR, FURiilshed. lb-room house; beautiful salt water ' situation; near Oxford. Md.: large ball, porches, lawn; fruit and vegetable garden. _ Address C. A. REYNOLDS. 211 Alsqulth St.. p Baltimore. Md my6-7t*3 FOE EXCHANGE! HANDSOME NEW RESIDENCE. LARGE shaded grounds, every modern improvement, in ~ Clarendon. Alex. Co., Va.; best residential section: equity. $4,000; would exchange for desirable city home or clear acreage on electric r cars. Address Box 212. Star ofllce. my&-3t " FOR EXCHANGE?22.500 SQUARE FEET OF ground near IAneoln Park. Trade clear of incumbrances at 60 cents per square foot for equity in a block of small houses. MOORE A- IlILL tlnc.i, .1333 G at. n.w. iiiyT&y - - ... FOR EXCHANGE?THIRTY I JUTS 10 FEET wide, near Llncolu Park, east of 13th at.; price. $700 each. Will trade clear of In- _ cumbrtinee for good equities. i MOORE & HILL (liic.t. 1333 G st. n.w. FOR EXCHANGE-BEAUTIFEL HOME OX Mass. avo. west of 17th at.; lot 22 feet wide; 12 rooms. Price. $30,000. Will consider proposition on other good propertv. MOORE A HILL (lup.t. 1333 G at. n.w. my'&'J ? FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE?P ACRES GROUND. Improved by nice, large 6-rooin house: si so 2room house, suitable for summer occupancy; sis We; large forest trees and good garden patch: near Country Club and Great Falls and Old Dominion: price. $4,500. TAGGART-FRASKR COMPANY. 1320 New York ave. n.w. ap27-tf.eSn FOR EXCHANGE? HOUSES. LOTS. APARTments, suburban and farm properties: a big F list; anything you want for something yoa don't want. L. E. F. PRINCE. 721 Bond bldf. nt>27-30t . . . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. * 4 SMALL HOCSKS. RENTING $42 A MONTH; will exchange tor ground; price, $4,800; trust. $2 800 ? " II." F. MANDLER CO.. .702 11th n.w. my7?sa.nt.tu-3t 100 ACRES. NORTHWEST OF DISTRICT^ close to electric and steam cars to city; about one-half under cultivation; running water; granite quarry; fronts on line county rond; lunu has tine speculative value; price only $150 per acre. Box 37. Star office. - ap30-tf FOR SALE?LOTS. " GOOD SPECCLATION TO WL'ICK BEYER?ONE lot, 3c a foot; one lot. loc a foot; Woodrjdgc. V. C.; close to station: sewer, gas. water; ? cheaper than adjoining properties; easy term*; H will value next 3 years. J. B. CARPEN'fER. Room 55. Warder bldg. my7-3t* WANTED?LOTS. J Ft wanted-i will but one to twenty- a five lots In any section of the city aad pay 2i yoa all cash within a week. If you maaa bust- 14 Mi. answer this ad. Boa 22. Star office. 21 oel-tf ' 14 INVESTMENT PROPERTY. J INVESTMENT?ELEGANT 3-FAMILY APART- F tnent house In Mt. Pleasant, with 12 rooms, S baths, steam beat. Rents for $87.50. Price, $8,450. CAMPBELL A SWAN. 615 14th nt. n.w. ? fc2-80t.4 F4 nAT/iirrAT. mirnr btnuroTv ? IMII BW? ? ' 1 M I M HANI (SOME. NfcWLY FAINTED HOUSE; FURnislied; 17 rooms; large attic; extra large 4 porches; artesian well; $250 season. Furnished 10 cottages. $50 and $100 season. DICK HART, 33 New National Museum. myK-31* 10 FOR RALE -5-ROOM FRAME COTTAOK; LOT 5} 50x150: shade trees and lawn. Price, $000. pi J. L KOLB. 92S N. T. are. n.w. myT-5t gg COTTAGES FOR RENT FOR THE SEASON? [5 8 rooms, $50; 5 rooms. $00; 6 rooms, $80; 7 -,7, rooms, $75; S rooms, $75; 1 room, $15; parti/ w furnished, J. JAY GOULD. 421 9th St. 2 inh21-76t,4 " WANTED?REAlTESTATE. .? is WILL BUY SEVERAL THOUSAND ACRES OF 14: LAND?Wiil buy several thousand acres of 12. good farming land, suitable for an csylum for Rti aged folks and colonization. In either of -the 10 states?Maryland. Viiginia. Georgia. North Car- 71; ollna or Kentucky. Send full particular* to 221 A. 8. AMBROSE, 26 Are. A, New York. N. Y. mytt-4t*7 1 t FOB BEIT?HUU8E8. yummuua) on pwnrM?iB?B ** OB RENT- rNFCRNT SHED. 17SS X ?t. war.. 19 mow. & hatha tSOO.M 1901 Wtli at. 10 iwotna and hath.. OO.Oa 1X30 Harvard at.. S now a ad bath hOJU| IT49 T at. n.or.. 9 means and bath 4tM I77S WI Hard at.. 7 new aad lath 39.M W* batt a number nt dninblo for* Jo had bonaes la the a.w. section: rent. 875 par no*, aad upward. TYLER A RUTHERFORDtlar ?, 780 15th at. b.w. ayT-if ask rem our wf.iuclt rext bulletim of three-fourths of tho vir^t boosts la the city. *(Stntitaa^* oncf. WAGSTAFF A WHITE. Inc. 904 14th at. ht. opas-tf' ' GET OUR RIG FOB RENT LIST. Contains 275 bouses and op'*. THREE (3) KEYS TO EACH. BOSS A PHELPS (Inc.). 910 14ths'.W. orposite franklin PARK. Four phones. MAIN 540-41-496 1790. fclS-tf FPRWISHBO. OR RENT-VERY DESIRABLE Ft RXTRHBI* HOUSES; SOME LOCATED IN THE MOST FASHIONABLE SECTION OF THE CITY; RENTING AT PROM 8SO PER MONTH UPTYLER A RUTHERFORD (Inc.). 7M KITH ST. x7w. tnyT-Tt* OR RENT ON C??LUMBIA ROAD BETWEEN 14th and 16th. a vary desirable location, well furnished house: tiled bath: reception hall: many large closets; gaa raugc; screens; rear yard: telephone; 2 or ,t adtdta. from Jane 15 to Nov. 1. at nominal rent of 930 per no. CAY WOO I> A GARRETT. 1231 N. Y. myT-ot* OR RENT FOR THE SIMMER. COMPLETE* ly furnished house of 8 rooma; attractive porch ami yard: rent reasonable. Apply at etwe *1 1X19 12tb at. n.w. ?y7-8e* OR RENT-FOR THE SUMMER. lO-ROOM houae and acre of beauttfnl shade" trees, on IStb at. extended, in Argyle. Apply to ?$Kl Bond hUlg. I*hone Matn 1583. my7 3*m txrrnxi sheik OR RENT ? DESIRABLE SOlTHEA8lr home. Ill 16th at.: aix room* and tiatb; tit* condition: furnace beat: rent. $22.60. VILLJGE, til BUS DANIEL. 003-05 I3tb. 'OR RENT 1*11 tiTII ST.: 0 ROOMS ANO batb. concrete cellar; house in excellent ?wn(lit ion. Rent. $25.So per month. JAMES F. SHEA. W3 la. are. n.w. uiy9-m.w.f,tf V?R RENT-1348 IXlUN ST. S \v . ROOMand batb: porcelain tub: bonse being 0"t 1" first-claes condition. Rent la only $14.'9 par month. JAMES F. SHEA. 043 La. are. n.w. mrfl-m, 'OR RENT?'TO A DESIRABLE COIxtRKD tennnt. MA T at. n.w.: 8 rooms and batb; a good house in a fine location. Rent. 030.A# per month. JAMES F. SHEA. 043 La. are. a.w. my9-m, VMt RENT ?COLORED. 416 X. J. are. n.w.. flne 9r. and b.$40.00 T120 12th n.e.: corner; 7r.. b.; only 26.So 122S 2d s.e.; 5-room brick: O. K. con... 10.61 17 and 18 Cheater court n.w.; each." t.Sn 4 and 7 Johnson Court n.w.: each 9.5t? Nary place a.e.; leduced: good con.; each iKW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 142:$ K. myt?-3t ~~ RENT FROM SHANNON A LL'CHS. 713 14TH ST. N.W. M. 234.'.. A yriOK. COURTEOUS SERVICE. FOR RENT?9 rooms and bath; brand-new; finished In' mahogany; expenatrely decorated: hot-water beat; crery possible modern ccnrenience; rent. $50.60 per jnontb; large colonial porch; located eery near the new Conn, ere. bridge. Inspect it now. 2804 27th at. SHANNON A LOCHS. 713 14TH ST. N.W. 'OR RENT-TO GOOD COLORED TENANTS: LARGE rooms and bath; will he put in exCELLENT CONDITION. Rent. ??0.60. Located near 14th and S eta. See it at once. SHANNON a Lt'CHS, _ M. 2345. 713 14th at. n.w. M. 23^ rOR RENT 18*3 V ST.. WASHINGTON* HEIGHTS. 12 fine room*. 2 batbt. overlooking eat ire city: lialf aqua re from Mr*; rent. 855X0; will be vacant by ICtli instant. MOOBE A HILL. INC.. 1332 G X.W. my9-eo.3t "OB KENT- 2204 13TH ST. N.W.. 2 STORIES. 7 rs.. bath, cellar, yds., abed, 322.50. M N. J. ave. n.w., 2 stories. 7 rv. b.. pantry, cel.. yds., 330.50. Apply 1216 S at. n.w. before Hi a.m. and after 4 p.m. mybllt* TlH BENT?FOR RESPECTABLE COLORED tenant, 3-atory brick bouse. Hi rooms and betli.; large yard: 1408 lOth at. n.vr.; rent, 342.50. I. OTTKNBBRG. 1338 Ycu at. a.W. my9-8t* OR RENT HOI'SK 240 8TH ST. N.E.: 7 room a. bath: all modern lmprovementa; newly beautified; rent, $27.50. Apply BREWOOLl. 020 K at. Key at grocery store opposite. iny8-."lt* OU RENT?1368 FAIRMONT KT.. COLUMBIA ncigbts: handsome marble front: 12 rooaas and 2 batlia: steam heat; possession June 1. 1610: inspection by permit; rent, 355. myS-tf H. L. RUST. }?to H at. n.w. OR RENT-8-HOOM HOUSE AND BATH. 338.50. 416 N. Y. ave. n.w. my?-$t* "OK RENT?171 MAPLE VIEW PLACE; ? rooms and bath; gas; plumbing flxturea now; rcpapered throughout: ?ifnate<l on heights, commanding view of city; $18.50. Apply Mrs. H. A. CRI8WOLD, Maple View place, er phone Linen. 1580. , myfi-St* OB BENT?1630 ? ST. S.E.. A COMFORTABLE fi-robm house; modern improvements; delightfully cool ib summer: just the borne for a newly married couple or small family; $18 per mouth. Full information and key at 1632 G at., next door. iuy7-fit* OB RENTNEW SIX-ROOM AND BATH BRICK DWELLINGS. FURNACE HEAT. CONVENIENT NORTHEAST SECTION. RENT ONLY $15.50. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. JORDAN A CO.. INC.. 1305 G ST. N.W. iu.?7-7f Oil BENT?BY YY. C. DUVALL. 723 1ITH X.nT 603 F n.w., husfnea* bid*.. molBl. $5 to $30<HJ 123 D n.w., #r. and b 32.6> 617 19th at. n.w.. 8r. and b 3? 5? 4i'4 1st at. n.w.. Sr. and Itath. nice 28.ft 404Ji 1st at. n.w.. 8r. hnd b.; cheap at. 28.3<? 618 litU. n*ar F n.w.. 2d fl.. bust. k dw. 25.<*i 414 lltb n.e., 1st A 2d fl. apt#.. $2t> and 22..V> 1412 12tli at. n.e.. 6 rooms and bath 17.ft?> 66Ln j Morton nl. n.e.. 4r. and b. flat 18.51 646'* Morton pi. n.e., 4r. and b. flat 16.Sn Fine apartments?"Susquehanna." 1430 W a* n.w.. 5r. and b.. newljr papered; beat and ianitor aerrlce; $26 to $37.60. COLORED TENANTS?628 N- Cap. at.. .$15.<*? 440 2d n^e.. nice condition. 21.76 1619 4th n.w. 6 rooms and batb 26.7ft 51 and 55 Mass. ave.. near'Union at a., ca SS.Oh Large stable, rear 422 2d n.w 20. Ou mr7-8t* f?It BENT-DOWNTOWN. NEAR 6TH AND II ata. n.w.; 8r. and batb: rent. $31.60. STONE * FAIRFAX, 1342 New York are. n.w. myMt- < OR RENT-ON CAPITOL HILL; lOR. AND buh: rent. $30210; one aqnare from Capitol. STONE k FAIRPAX. 1342 New York are. a.w. mjT-3t FOR RLNTt? . 106 RHODF. ISLAND AVU N.W. Nine rooms and batb. Fresh papered. excellent repair. Delightful neighborhood. Rent. $35.60. Apple -to A. F. JONES. 10 Seaton plaee n.e. ir.jr7-Ba.tu.21.>> JR RENT?1906 RIOGS ST. . W~ JI'ST PApered: 8 large rooms and batb; in fine condition: $30.00. . GARDINER k DENT. Inc.. S12 14th n.w. ' my i -?>uu,ai . )R RENT ?1906 RIGGS PLACE N.W.. NEWiy papered and painted; Sr., b.; new porcelain tub: 685.00. GARDINER A DENT. Inc., 812 l*th n.w. rry?-co?i.3t >R RENT- JOHN St RIVEN ER. 907 G ST. N.W. H? N Cap. I2r,b.. $60.00 ? X ue. fir. b 22.5'? 12 E ne. Or. b...35.50 1614 4tb s?. fir. b.18.6" i I ne. Dr. b 35.00 7 Va a* at*. Or. b. 1ft.So 14 Ky. av se.Cr.b.25."u 121" lit .15.0? i22 l'a ?t se.or.b.25.00 1119 3d se, fir. w.,18.5" MS C nr. ftr, b. .20.00 1014 3d ae. fir. w.,12.5? nay7-3t * i>K RENT VA>U>KKD BEAUTIFUL APARTnente In the Livingston, cor. 21ot and L a to. See Janitor. my7-4t CHAR. K. BAXES. 1321 F at. >R RENT?COLDRED?322 ELM ST., ft BOOMS and bath. Don't rales it. $22.50. my7-3t CHAH. E. BAXEK. 1321 F at. )B REXTi and L aw, sto. | $04 C no. 7r. b 25.59 kr. b $45.00 ; 304 7th".9 0U 4Vi aw.ato.5r.81.50 , 034 B n*. 7r. b... 23.80 8 11th nr. ftr b.a6.60 . 925 F, <nr. 7r. b...22.50 07 4U aw.ato.5r.$6.80 1 952 FJa av nw.7r.b20.5? 0 6th snr. ftr.b. .22.So 449 Del av aw. 5r. o. 811 7th aw...22.50 w. g. per wk 20.O0 .811 Tth aw.6r,b.30.50 90S 6th ne. ftr.b.. 16.50 1 G aw. flr. b... 18.50 \ B aw. ftr. w.15.50 0 7th ae. 7r,w.. 16.50' 134ft 1st aw. ftr.w.15.0? $6 ftth 721 7th ae. ftr. w..15.5" 10 D aw, ftr, w. 16.00 j 479 X ..14.5" 4 X sw, ftr. W..18.ft0 ! 752 7th ?e. ftr,w.. 13.50 T O aw. ftr.w,g..14.50 i Flat. $07 Van aw. at, 110 Va av sw. ! 4r. b 12.00 tr. b 16.5? 1216 Half 11 Cn tw,ftr.w..ia.50 Sto. 1260 Water aw. $0 ftth sw. ftr.w.12.50 2r 12.60 2 X se, ftr. w... 12.50 JftOft ft Cap, ftr. w..10.69 22 Union sw. 6r.10.5o ftta r'r 431 fttb aw.8.00 t r'r 624 F sw.. 6.5" 719 4>i sw. 4r.h..H>r>" 9 lat ??. 4r. w..R?> soft H aw, 3r. w...8.5<l 5 Far ?t aw.4r.w.9.5" 817 Diron ct aw.4r.8.60 5 4", sw.lOr.b. 40.001 c. h. parkbr qo. (iar.v y7-3t 4S5 4>4 at. s w.