Newspaper Page Text
FOR RENT?HOUSES. PlfrURWlWHgP. fOK REKT- la? D ST. SR. ... NEARLY NEW HOUSE. room* and Inch: e?* and mal ranges; front and Ni?-k porch: Hue ma fixtures; large pantry and olnacta. The pratticat and heat house In Washington for the money... $18.50 CLIFFORD A. BORDEN." do* 5th at. n.w. FOR RENT? FLORIDA AVE. NEAR 17TH ST.. SIX ronnia. nice bath; colonial porches; NEW: near am; fnrnif* heat: cellara; $30.50; GOOD COLORED TENANTS. MOORE A HILL (Inc.). 1333 G. my ft- f.m. ?.3t . FOR RENTllio t!TH S.E.; SIX ROOMS AND BATH, one square from cara; near nary yard; RENT REDUCED to $17.30. _ ^ MOORE A IIlLL (Inc.), 1333 G. FOR RENT 14TH ST. NEAR BELMONT. Rrownatone front; 11 nice rooma. _bsth; fur- 1 nace; front rard; rent reduced to $37.50. MOORE A HILL (Inc.). 1333 O. FOR RENT? " ~~ .... ?...>>' s t m r- - i<t 11 nntl via I n Kin n i ntr.K < III n< [i iii mi'. New; ? rorttim. tmrrt: colonial porch; electric lights; rear yard; cellar and furnace; line for summer; $28.50. MOORK 4 HILL (Inc.). 1333 G. mrfl-f. m. w.3t F??R RENT 1?13 nth nw. l?r.41:001 13t'0 9tb t*. Or.. .40.50 1425 (j nw. Or....37.50 122 S nw. 8r 32BO ^>4 nw. Sr 29. .V> M K nw. B" Sft..Vi 212 Randolph pi m. 4i'4 K nw. 10r 30.50 7r. . 3O.50 j 1121V, 4'? aw. 6r.2fi.00 1'23 Carroll er-.fir. .21.oO ! 704 7th (?. 6.-- ...22.50 1<1.T2 S rap se.Br.. 17.0u 1136 Morse sc. 6r. 18.50 2318 i 1h a* ntv.flr.2S.DO I 2625 1 nw. Sr.. .12.50 .114 1.1th sk. 5r... 14.00' 212Cap ?v.I Citj.5rl0.50 n'r605t;irardnw.4rll.0u lii4 Corcoran, ley 1.1 John. Anc.I?C,5rl?.0<' i City. 5r 10.00 3 22.1 (jHope rd.Am-.4r&.50 1240 Knowlton el IS'. 311 Llnworih pi sw. 5r 8.00 ?tv. 5r ..8.0? RearOllRne. 4r..7.50 120 8e;iton nr. 2r..7 5o 902 1st sw. Sr....11.50 1 457 1 nw. 6r. . . 15.00 17101^ Click's alley 413 Bland al n#.flr.8.5o ; nw. 4r 8.00 APARTMENTS. 1120 9th at. n.w.. No. 2. hath. 5r.. 25.00 j 424 Ridge at. n.w . bath. 3r 15.50 r.NTTRNTSHiED ROOMS. j 408 8th s.r.. Sr.. 3<1 floor... 18.00 j 439 9th at. n.w.. Rooms 10. 11, 12 lS.tni ] 215 st. n.w.. Sr.. 4th floor 10.00 j 2409 Snow's court n.w.. 1st floor, 3r 8.O0 3 A. S. CAY WOOD. 915 N. Y. AVE. N.W. ; my7-3t 3 J iiR RENT? . 811 T at. n.w.. 8 rooms and bath $32.50 f 313 F st. n.e.. 8 rooms and hath 28.5o 737 2d n.e., 8 room* and bath 20.5o 1'?14 3d n.e.. 6 rooms 15.00 147 D St. n.e.. new store .-SO.UO WM. H. McGKANN CO.. Inc. myT 3t 1307 H st. n.w. rOU RENT 448 N J. AVE. S.K., 6R . B.$18.30 S>f> F sw. 7r. b..$20.30 110 Vi av sw, 4r.bl6.30 47S X sw, 6r, b..15.50 nil Pel av sw.4r.ll.50 305 G iv. 4r, b.-.14.30 1210 20 sw, 4r....10.50 547 X *w. Sr. b. ..20.5O 815 2d sw. 3r....13.30 323 2<1 iv, 4r, b..l3.50 ; B. Lronard.832 4>4 st sw my7-.1t* TOR KENT 4>_. S.W.. STORE. ?R., B.$35.0.'i :;d ie L iu-.9to.ilwlt33.oo; 1112 Md av sw.9r.h25.50 231 4*4 sw. ?t.o. 3r25.50 430 3th sw.flr.Hinl.22.50 320 M sw. Or. b.. 18.5't I 1115 12th no.6r.b..20.0)1 25 Vs av sw.6r b..18 1*1 1017 4*a sw. 4r. b.1450 ::-?yM'Lesn sw.6r.wl3.7u> I 318 Half sw. 4r.b.15.o0 305 Van sw. 3r,b. 11.30, Thos.P.Brown,6174%sw my7-St* F??R RENT 432Mo av sw.l lr.b$40.oo t 20 F. so. lOr, b.. .25.110 121 Tonn s v no.$r.K3)).50 40 Porter ne. 6r,b.26.5o 3 80f 14th no. Or...15.40 427 4th so, 4r 14.0c- 1 633 lltli no. 3r. .12.00 ' 1255 Half ?w. 6r.. .8.50 OAYWOOD A GARRETT. 1231 X Y. ave. o.w. y7-.1t* FOR KKXT -FN1T RN1SHED-1633 NEWTON J st. n.w.. in Mt. Pleasant: larjre corner house; 11 rooms and 2 baths; in excellent condition; rent, $35. DAVID X. REST. Jr.. 1400 H at. n.w. my7-3t FOR RENT-OS fOLlMBIA HEIGHTS; ?R. and 1-atb; newly papered and painted; near 13th an-1 Girard sts.; rent. $35.50. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. n.w. my7-3t FOR RENT 415 O ST. X.W.; 10 ROOMS AND j bath: a.m.!.; with or without stable: rent rea sops bit-. m7A9-2t* FOR RENT 133 HBCKMA.N ST. S.E., 6-RM. brick, mod. imps., good repair, mt $18.40. Key at store. 162 Heckmmn mt. i F. W. TUCKER & BRO-. 720 A mt. n.e. my7-30t* FOR RENT?HANDSOME BRICK: 10 ROOMS: all mod. imps.: kitchen on parlor floor; beautifully papered and painted; nemr New Hampshire ave. and S it.: $45. j 1501 26th at. n.w.; two new flats; porcelain bathtubs and all mod. Imps.: 5 rooms; will rent -to colored; $25 and $22.50. 3827 15th at. s.e.; 5 rooms; will rest to colored; $12.50. 1526 3th n.w.: 9 rooms; nil mod. imps.; large back yard; $37.50. myT-3t A. T. HOLTZMAX. 1321 F st. n.w. 1 FOR RENT-CONVENIENT NEIGHBORHOOD; flne condition; newly papered: 2102 II st. n.w.; 8 rooms and bath; furnace heat; large yard; rent. $35.50. WILLIGE. GIBBS A DANIEL, 603-05 13TH. 1 my7-eo.3t . ' FOB RBST-TO GOOD COLORED TENANT. j Fine nddera bouse of aix rooms and tiled ] bath. paedelatn tub, ete.i food, northwest locality : excellent condition: rent, 925.30. ? WILLIOE, GIBBS * DANIEL. 603-05 13TH. in.T7-eo.3t. . . , FOB RENT?FLOYD E. DAVIS. 7TH ft E S.W S 821 3d' ae. 9r, b..$25.50 2132 35tU nw. 6r.b23.50 706 7th aw. 7r,b. .25.50 1320 Union ?w. 6r. 12.00 111 3d ae. 6r. b...2650 424 7tli aw, 12r.b.35.00 Z3W Va ?r. ?r... .20.00 1011 MdaT8w.6r.b21.50 . 1222 Union aw, 5r.ll.0O SO? 12th aw. Sr. b23.50 I 1424 lat aw, 5r...15.00 40 G sw, fll R.00 726 11th se. 6r. b 22.50 40 G aw. 62 U.Oo 1010 D a*. 6r 15.00 43 G aw, 5r 15.00 420 lltb aw, 8r. ..IR.oO 47 G aw. 5r 15.00 ; 1305 S Cap. 4r, w.10.50 1002 X J it ae,4r...9.50 1 630 13th ne. 6r. b.22.50 126 Q aw, 3r 5.50 25 Ta aT, 6r, b .lS.Oi 1125 Half sw. 5r. .IO.00 1112 Md aT aw.0r.bl5.00 151 Sheridan aT.?r.O.OO 1221 lat ee, 6r.. .10.00 j 1334 B ae, 62 21.30 11 N ae, 6r 15.00 ! 1342a B ae. 6r, b.19.50 &07 6th ae. Or. b..25-50 j Latteruer. 82. 8r.b3>.00 16?3 Kramer ne.6r.0 50 j 1443 E Cap, 5r.ft2.l8.50 = 902 G sw, Or 15.00: 016 C aw, fll, 3r,bl2.50 my7-3t,eSu . FOR BENT?STORE. 527 21ST. 10B., B...I32 50 Store, cor. 20th and E ats.. lr 13.65 Store, 1931 E. 1 larje r 12.00 Flat. 26th and M ata.. 5r., b 25.00 Houae. 2147 N at.. Or., b 32.SO CONNOR ft NILAND, 26th and Ta. ave. my7-3t* ____ FOR RENT? 170b H n.w.. opp. Met. Club. 14r.. 2b...$150.00 1316 Kins n.w.. icood condition. Or., b.. 35.00 ( my7-St F. W. GRAHAM ft CO.. 617 14th n.w. 1 FOR RENT?230 2D ST. N.E., 10 RMS. AND BATH $.*3.00 *24 B N.E.. 8 ROOMS AND BATH 26.50 1??5 5TH N.E.. ? ROOMS AND BATH... 33.00 132b EMERSON ST.. ?R. ft BATH 18.50 N.E. COR. 4TII AND B STS. N.E., 4 ROOMS * LARGE LOTt 14.00 1 300 A ST S.E.. IO ROOMS AND BATH. 27.50 . 210 5TH N.E.. SR., BA. (FURNACE)... 30.50 \ 1308 H N.E.. NEW STo. (II. W. IIEAT? 27.50 ; < HAS. A. SHIELDS, 1336 N. Y. AVE. N.W. . niy7-3t , FOR RENT--SIX ROOM HOUSE AND BATH: r In good condition: central northweat: front and t back yard: southern exposure; rent. $25.50. t Address OWNER. Bus 111. Star office. my73t* - FOR RENT?1625 1ST ST. N.W.: 5 LARGE < r oma ami bath; .Vi in summer; hfat. lint ( water and telephone furnished: Fla. are. eara I at door Inquire OWNER, within. my" 3t* g FOR RENT?BY B. F SAOL CO.. TTH ALN.W. I JKW 13tb. 11r. b.f65.00 1113 "th nw. Or.w.20.00 { 1615 21atTiw.llr.b 30.00 1020 G ae. Or. b..18.00 i 31 Vlaaa a* nw. atare, 1007 B ue, 3r. b..l.*?.30 1 Or. b ?o.00 1422 K ae. Or. b.,15.30 1 717 *th nw. J?r. h.45.50 i 714 Park rd nw, \ 408 Mo amw.21r.M2.00 5r. w 14.50 409 Man a*. 9r.b.40.50 COLORED TENANTS. 1703 U nw. Or. b..40.50 037 L nw. 8r, b.30.80 414 M nw. Or. b..40.00 ! 2130 13th nw.8r.b.30.00 1508 9th nw.lOr.b.33.50 72". 4th nw. 7r b.25.50 ? 429 N J ar ae,10r,b32.SO 917 4th *w.7r.w. .20.5" 410 NY. ar nw.Sr.b.30.50 22o7 8tb nw.4r.b. .18..TO f 909 T nw. Sr. b. .30.50 324 Ky ar se.Sr.b. 15.30 i 23 S nw. Or. b ...30.?O 2??12 Ga ar nw,5r.bl5.00 i 220O Ga ae, ato.4r.27 3 i '4.3.3 Wash nw .4r.wl4.50 ( 1213 L nw, 7r. b..2T.50 2210Waternw.6r.wl2.-"0 8.3 P ne. Or. b 23.50 127 N ae. Or, w..12.b? 702 Quincy nw,0r.b25.50 2128 N Y ae.5r. w.10.50 25 P ne. Or. b. ...23.30 STORES. 703 Glrard. Or. b..23.o? 1538 7th nw 1235 Mora* ne.Or.622.50 2034 Ga ae nw... 14-50 2330 Ont rd nw.0r.b20.50 STABLES. 725 9th ne. Or, b..20.50 Rear 1013 19th uwlS.OO 8331 Ga aT nw,7r,b20.50 OFFICE ROOMS 1*39 6th nw. 6r.b.20.50 512 F nw. 3r. b..4-'.O0 { 02o Morton nw.ttr.620.50 512 F nw, lr 12.00 my7-tf I FOR RENT 3649 11TH ST. N.W.; CORNER ' hmiae; practically new; 7 r-onia and bath; : hot-water beat Rent on'r $32.50 per mo. i WM H. HAINDEKS 4 00.. 1407 F at. J my" -3t FOR RENT NO. 620 IRVING ST. N.W.; ?R. and b ; colonial porcbea: furnace beat; large i back yard; rent oolr $2H.5o. J WW. II. RACNDERS ft CO.. 1407 F at. my7-3t FOR RENT-NEAR BOTH CAR LINKS; 6B. and b. bay-window houae; concrete cellar; gaa range: kitchen cupboard: rear torch and large yam. ruinpaniiTnj iaikikiu it OARKKTT. 12:tl X. Y. are. my7-3f FOR RENT?1-41." K ST. N.W.; 14 ROOMS AND . 2 l>ath?: $1044 per month. Apply Estate of lt?uiei S. Evan*, Room C. 1420 New York are. inhS-tf FOR RENT? : 8W.837 C. 8r. b. .22.02 I. 12r.b $45.00. SW.343 M<1 ar.6r.b25.ti0 NW.lTtt R. 10r.b.41.0? , SW..W7 M. 4r 10.50 NW.212 N J ar.tir.l>40.T5 SE. 1100 9th.l.1r,b30.0't NIV.619 B. atorage2S.0O I 8E.300 A. 9r, b...22.30 ' NW.72*. 23d. 7r. b.2?.5t> APARTMENTS. XW, 817 22<1, -*i. SW, 625 C. 6r 16 40 , SW. 2027 E. Or...1640 The Vlncetta. ."?r.h.27.50 NW.1426 NJ aT.5rl3.-tt1 The Vlnretta, 5r.b25 00 ' NK.712 L, 6r, b. .22.80 The Vlncetta, 4r.b22.50 ; SW,32SMd a v. I2r. btiVOo The Vineetta. OFFICES?NORTHWEST. Central building, oflcea ! Uuoton building. oflcea ' Call at offlce for Information regarding alley pro pert lea, stable. etc., 1 hare for rant. For further infrrmatlon apply at oflca. ioy4-tf J. W. IMIXING. 1416 F at s.rr. FOR RENT- B07INNING MAY 15-1521 12TH et. n.w.; br!<-k dwelling: 8 rooms ami bath; $28.6" per inentb. Keys at 1116 Q at. a.w. JOHN t. GREEN. mj3 30t Ft?U RENT - 1318 NCT'TOV ST. N.W.. COLCMbia Heights: a beautiful sli-room, pra.-tPaliy ?/?mi detached: eitra large noma; hot water test: oak 8oor?: two-story bark porch: eatraace to the cellar from the kitchen. Rest. $37.5". WARREN COTHRAN. Main 6554. 723 Wa?bie$tc* Loan and Trust bldg. apOB-tf FOE RENT?HOUSES. Piy?TR!flgHBP. FOR RENT? 1732 I* ST. N.W.; 0 nice rooms, tiled bath furnace heat; line location: just vacated; ren r?lu?-ed to $42.50. me3-4t MOORE 4 HIIX (Inc.). 1333 G. FOR RENT-BY L. J. MILLS. 005 6TH N.W. Flat. 1754 Willard. Flat. 210V, P nw..27.5 Or. b $20.30 190* L aw, 6r 18.5 2308 Cham plain nw, 1722 5th nw. 6r .. 22." Hr. b $20.50 Store 4 dwg. BladensiWIll rent to colored.) i burg rd 25.0 203 G liw. Or. b..35.501 ap27-tf FOR RENT?D.D.THOMPSON 4 C0..13S5 F. N.W 1219 H ne, 8r, b.$28.5<> i COLORED. 7i>2Qulno.v nw.lir.b25.50 819 13th ne, 8r...20.0< 2417 Pa at, 8r, b.23.50 2537 15th uw. flat.17.0 l-'i-'t Mass av ne,8r,h2 i.50 j 2422 17th nw. flat. 16.0 ' "> r. sc. Or 15.50 201 12th ne. Or 15.0t % re. 1326 H ne .13.oo 125 L ae. ?r 12.0< , 13th ne, 6r...l4.50! 2.341 Champ. 4T...11.3 Hat,116 D ne.4r.bl3.SO 127 1, se, Or 10.3 Auto shop. 110 D. 10.00 130 Ben rd. 8r 10.W nr>28 d.eSTu 6 X Champ pi. 4r. .8.51 FOR BF.XT? 2721 Ont. rd. n.w., 10r.. b.. steam heat..$45.71 2713 Ontario rd.. lOr.. b., steam beat.... 45.7 2017 19tb at.. 9r. and b., steam heat.... 45.3< 1708 15th n.w.. 10r.. b., furnace beat.... 45.5 302 S at. n.e.. Sr. and b., fnrnace beat.. 35.o< 15<'3 T at. n.w., lOr. and b., latrobe heat 35.5t 1358 Coreoran St. n.w.. 8r., h.. furnace.. 35.3< 1530 T st. n.w., 7 rooms and bath 82.'* 1233 B at. s.e.. Or. and b., latrobe heat.. 25.31 1625 1st st. n.w.. Sr.. b.. heat furnished. 25.3 MO 12?b n.e.. 6r. and b.. lafrobe heat... 20.* 1"25 12tb at. n.e., 0 rooms and bath.... 20.Si 2*07 4th ?t. n.e., 4 room* IO.Oi STOKES. 647 Fla. are., 5 rooms and storeroom.... 40.5C STABLES. Rear 170* 13th li.w.. atable with 3 stalls IO.Oi OFFICES. Wash. I?an and Trust bldg., desirable suites Warden bldg., 507 E n.w., 18 rooms and large Dress room $100.61 MoGIll building, desirable suite. TIE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRI ST COM PANY. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. ap25-d.eSu a FOR RENT?2800 N ST. N.W.: 6 ROOMS: RE eeption ball, bath, cellar; furnace: hue condi tlon: good vard; near cars; rent. $25.50. Open G. W. WEBER. 1335 F (basement). ap22-tf.eS) ()R RENT?J. L. KOLB. 923 NEW YORK AVE 2542 13tb. 14r.b..$80,501 709 C lie. 0r. b. .22.51 >30 N Y av,14r.b. .50.00 1235 Morse ne.6r,b20.5( 215 N Cap, Sr. b.. .45.50 I 006 K n?. 5r flat..20.51 1616 3d. 8r. b 36.00i 606 R nw. 6r. b...30.61 121 Va ay se 22.50' COLORED. lltoi ftth nw.Sr.b. .35.00 1649 K nw, 7r, b..32.5< 2315 L. bakerv. 12r?o.OO 1157 17tb. 7r 20.61 1819 Cedar nw,5r.fl22.60 1021 7th se. 12r. b.25.0( apl4-tf I 'OR RENT?1023 VERMONT AVE.; 13 ROOMS, 2 baths, $00 per mo.; estate of Daniel S. Evans. Room C Evans bldg., 142o New York are. apl4-tf FOR RENT? 2204 13TH ST. N.W.. 2-STORY brick. 7r.. bath, cellar, large yards; $22.50. Apply 1216 S at. n.w. before 10 a.m. anl after 4 p.m. ap9-30t* FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED. HOUSES. 2123 F at. n.w., 9 rooms and bath $90.51! 2135 F at. n.w., 7 rooms and bath 27.51] 711 R. I. are. n.w.. 9r. and b.. latrobe.. 26.Or 2619 K et. n.w., 7 moms and bath 22.5c FLATS. "The New York." 115 N. Y. ave. n.w.. 5 rooms and hath, steam heat 35.50 The Vernon. 1774 U st. n.w., 6 rooms and barb; steam beat 32.50 IT- I'k.l?.. ft OA ..?J Ct . ? . k or R/l lue xutiwi, iu huu n ?.t., ?r. auu u. .i.tfu OFFICES. 1328 N. T. ave. n.w., whole flrat floor, very fine, per month 125.00 GASCII ft BIRGK, 1326 X. Y. are. n.w. ap21-tf ?OR RKNT 1217 Q n.w.. 10 rooms and bath 45.6! 1527 Wis. are.. 10 rooms and bath 30.34 1010 1st at. n.e., 6 rooms and bath 15.54 ap20-tf WEAVER BROS.. 1416 F at. n.w. OR RENT 1615 E ST. S.E . 6 ROOMS. BATH ' onerete cellar under entire house; house ii fine condition; rents for $18.50 per mouth. JAMES F. SHEA. 643 La. are. n.w. 'OR RENT 313 H ST. N.F... 7 ROOMS ANE liath; newly papered and renovated: fine bad yard The rent of this house is only $25 pei month. JAMES F. SHEA. 643 La. aTe. n.w. "OR RENT?32l M.l.EAN AVE. S.W.; A SEA*! little six-room brick with bath. Will be pui In flrst-clas* condition; $17.40 per month. JAMES F. SHEA, 643 La. are. n.w.,w-tf "OR RENT?300 McLEAN AVE. S.W., A NEA1 slx-ruom brick, with water, aewer and gas This is the best bargain in the southwest sec tlon; rent Is only $13.50 per month. JAMES F. SHEA. 643 La. aTe. n.w. ap2?-f.m.w-tf . 'OR RENT?FOR COLORED TENANTS. 143 and 157 N st. s.e., 6-room brick bouaet with water in the kitchen; good back yardi and neat front lawns. Rent has been reduced to $0.50 each. JAMES F. SHEA. 643 La. are. n.w. ap2fl-f.m.w-tf FOR RENT? 1S23 tJth st. n.w., 3 rooms and bath $16.04 Flat, 1127 E st. n.e., 1 rooms and hath..$13.50 McLACHLEN BANKING CORP.. ap25-tf 10th and G sts. 'OR RENT?CNFL'RNISHED. NW cor lftth and G , 1315 M. 12r. b 70.0< nw. lftr $100.00 ! 13UH M. llr. b...60.04 516 Oban st. 12r. 100.00 i 1731 R nw. 10r.... 10.04 145ft Harvard at.. .83.83 I A few desirable furnished honsea. store. 1702'llth st. n.w ..$50 per mo stoneleioh court. A few very desirable apartments now vacant fa itonelelch Court at from $50 to $165 per month THE OLYMFIA. 14th and Euclid sta. One desirable outside 5-room apartment. $40. FITCH. FOX ft BROWN. mh!5-tf ? 1333 F st. n.w. 'On RENT-1202 TO 1210 KENYON ST.: TH1 best 10-room new houses on Colombia Height) for $5*). JOHN W. MORRIS. 614 F at. n.w. mh8-tf i"OR RKNT?HAMPTON PARK. D. C. rr/Ntnso t?nn /v?r rvnrsr\ niftAV>r V ITih nu.uto run t VLunriU rDurun ai 7ii? ?H\ M its. n.e.. 2 blocks from street cars, store* churches and the best colored school In the DlS trict. Lots. $60 to $400. Terms. $2.90 and $t a month. Houses sold on rental plan. MUNICIPAL BEAUTY CO.. mh5-90t.8 Room 822. Colorado bid*. HOUSE REPAIEINCT GENERAL HOUSE REPAIR CO., 2013 14th st. n.w. Organized especially for all kinds of am cbanTcal work connected with HOUSE BUILDING AND REPAIRS. We do carpentering. plumbing, papering painting, roofing, tinning, spouting, gasllttlng steam and bot-water heating, plastering, brick laving, electrical work: In fact, every con celvable kind of bouse repairing. >VB CONTRACTOR. ONE ORDER, ONE BILL relephone us for estimates lohone North 7966) GENERAL HOUSE REPAIR OO., ANDREW C. SHANNON. Prest. and Geo. Mgr mhl7-tf OmCIAL K0TICE8: (OFFICIAL.! DEI* A RTM ENT OF STATE. Washington. 1?. C.. May !>. 11*10.? Information las been received at this 1 lepartment from Mr. iohn H. Snodgrass. American consul general at Moscow. Russia, of the death ou the 26th "1 Kebruary. 191 o, at Moscow. Russia, of I/jui' >uters." an American citizen. The lego repre icntatives of the deceased esn obtain further in'ormarion by applying to this Department, l'ei llspatch No. 12h. I?at?-d April 14, 1910. ESTABLISHMENT OF ~Tl ARBOR LINES 1EOBGETOWN. Li. C. United States Engl nee )fflee and Office of the Commissioners of thi Mstrict of Columbia. A public bearing will N riven In the Municipal Building of the Dlstric .f Columbia. May 1ft. IftlO. at 2 P.M.. to al lersoos Interested in the establishment of harbo ines for Port of Georgetown. D. C. Maps show ng proposed hartior lines are on view at tb< "nlted Statea F.nglneer ttfflce. 92i> 17tb St. X.W. Washington. P.O. EDW. M. MARKHAM am WARREN T. HANNUM. Captains. Engrs. mvfi. COUNTRY BOARD. TTIhe Towers 2900 Wisconsin are., re fl JllC k UW51 S, (>p<>n# Jlme j For ,n ormatlou and rates apply at 7 Iowa circle, apt i. Phono X. 4480. my7-7t? )AK LAWX, PFBCKLLVILLR. LO 1DOIX TO. Va.. opens May 1-1. All modern Improvements shad'-, lee. fine spring. excellent table. Pl,ot< and rate* on application; city refs. Mrs. D. LOVE my7-3t*4 ST'MMKR BOARD FOR GIRLS A.M> SMAL! boy* at Montrose Soho<.I from May 1 to Oct. I; terms moderate; delightful location. Miai 11AROKY. ClarfcBTllle. Md. ap25-tf flllQjrn Manor ,orp*t ?len. Md -New LtllCflU IVhCUAHVB 9 management. Home cook ng. Eggs, vegetables from place. Spacious porches; ihade: tennis; good water. 4 min. ateam. trolley. mp23-aot* MLONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN ON District of Columbia Real Estate at lowest rates of interest. AIJ. TRANSACTIONS CLOSED PROMPTLY. Thos. J. Fisher & Co.. Inc., 738 FIFTEENTH STREET. or14-tf HEALTH MOVEMENT VIA VI SCIENCE OF HEALTH; NATLRA1 non-surgical: cloth-hound. 40O-page hook free Apply by mail. 81'? Colorado building. Fre leture for women Wednesdays at 2:30. ja1?-tf.4 " DOGS, WITS, ETC. One cent a word each time for 15 words 3 times HOSPITAL FOR ANIMALS. S113-15 14th st. n.w. Surgical and madlcal treat ent for horses and dogs. Boarding. Phone No 1003 Will buy tumor cases. apU-tf.4 POTOMAC RIVER BOATS. MARYLAND, DEL A WARE AND VIBOLXL RAILWAY OO. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MAT IS. Steamers leave Washington every ?H*l Wednesday and Saturday at 4 p.m. for rive landings and Baltimore, arriving at Bait Inter early Monday, Wednesday and Friday morslagl Returning, leave Baltimore, Pier No. 3. Llgnt at Monday, Wednesday und Saturday at S p.m. arriving In Washington early Menday. Wednet day ana Friday mornings. All river freight mua be prepaid. Passenger accommodations strict! trst-claas. Electrically lighted, and caistta pei STEPHEN SON ft BBO., Agents, Telephone Mate T4A. 7th St. Wtalt WU-tt5? FOR SALE?HOUSES. FOB SALE?CLEVELAND PABK. - Beautiful new ll-r?oni house; 2 baths; large fireplaces; 3 lurches; hot-water hea li large lot; beautifully located; house ui lt usually well built. $9.50". A real opportunity. MOORE A HILL jlnc.U 13.13 Q st. n.w. TOR HALE?INVESTMENT. n Two-family apartment; 0 float. $38.00. A Price, $4,400. u CouTcnlent location In northeast; not ti out. . MOORE k. HILL (Inc.), 1833 G St. n.w. , FOR SALE?CHEVY CHASE. . Eight-room modern house; very desirabli ? large lot. ? $8,000. 1 A eery line property at the price. ? MOORE A niLL (Inc.). 1333 O st. n.W. 0 FOR SALE-NORTHWEST HOME, CENTRA! ) Seven rooms; brick. ) $3,650. A low price for this property. s MOORE A HILL (Inc.). 1333 G St. p.w. 3 FOR SALE?ON HEIGHTS. ) Nine-room house, two baths; hot-water hea 0 $7,750. ) Located on a very attractive street, cloi ) to two car lines. ) MOORE A HILL (Inc.l. 1383 G St. n.W. J FOR SALE-HOLSE ON HEIGHTS. n Fine corner of two good streets; 40 fei U fsAnt. 11 eocmd ft hatha* lint .BTR tPF llMI f) "Vlll, A J IWIUPi O !' vuvt ?-? * - -? - ?W. , including all furniture. ? $10,000. A very desirable property: welt located I at a price that makes it a l>ie value. MOORF, k HILL (Inc.). 1333 G at. n.w. 0 FOR SALE?ON RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.V between North Capitol and let sts.; beaut fill 7-room bay-wludow brick reaidenct J bouae is in splendid repair and baa bee ' occupied by owner: can be bought at tl aacrlflee price of $5,250. Tou should m this bouse at once. MOORE & HILL line.). 1338 O st. n.w. . FOR SALE DETACHED HOUSE WITH GROUND. On the Heights. Twelve rooms; TWO STORY 8TABLI a 10.(00 feet of ground; hot-water heat. SI 2.500. j Located on one of the beat streets; eoi ? venient to two car lines, j MOORE & HILL (Inc.), 1333 G at. n.w. 9 FOR SALE?NORTHWEST INVESTMENT. Near 14th at.; 0 rooms; brick; practical! 1 new. ? Rent, |28.5?. 5 Price, S3,500. . MOORE A HILL tlnc.t. 1333 O at. n.w. FOR SALE?$1,500 UNDER VALUE. Flu* 11-room house, n.w., uear 14th al $5,500. Note the particulars: r TWO BATHS: fide light; very well built wide and deep lot. i MOORE A HILL Hnc.t. 1.333 G at. n.w. FOR SALE-NORTHEAST HOUSE WITH ST a BLE; 10 rooms; hot-water heat; house an a table, brick. I $7,800. I A very desirable property. , MOORE A HILL tine.), 1333 G St. n.w. > FOR SALE-HOUSE WITH STABLE, NORTH WEST; 7-rooia house; hot-water heat semi-detached. A very attractive property i located on a through atreet. $4,760. > MOORE A HILL (Inc.t. 1333 Q at. n.w. 1 FOR SALE - SEMI-DETACHED SUBURBAl HOME. X.W.; 8 rooms; hot-water heat I lot 30x126; hardwood finished. $5,200. A beautiful property in a fine growls section. MOORE & HILL (Inc.!. 1333 G at. n.w. } FOR SALEr?ON THE! HEIGHTS. ) A beautiful 10-room house with 2 baths is flue repair. I t $7,760. ^ ^ i.irp1 ciospis; open un'piacra, nm t?ul > room in basemeni; deep lot to an allej with room for stable or garage. No bette built bouse for sale today. MOORE A HIM, ilnio. 1833 G St. n.w. > FOR SALE?HOUSE WITH .STABLE; N.W. t 7-rnom bouse; not far out; lot 22Vkxl28.ti r stable Is a large one; just the place fa some one who needs home and stable cei tral; $5,750. MOORE A HILL (Inc.). 1333 G at. n.w. f FOR SALE?STOVE FRONT; $3,360. t Remarkable big value in 6-room bous that looks like a $5,000 property; furnace cellar; batb. MOORE A HILL (Inc.), 1333 G st. n.w. ' FOR SALENORTHWEST INVESTMENT. 2-famlIy apartment. Annual rental, $381 Price, $3,500. MOORE A HILL (Inc.*. 1333 G st. n.w. . FOR SALEMASSACHUSETTS AVE. N.Eb 1 Near 3d st.; 6-room brick. ? $4,150. I MOORE A HILL (Inc.). 1333 G st. n.y. FOR SALENORTHWEST INVESTMENT. Near 7th and N sts.; 7 room, 2-story house Rent, $366. ? Price, $4,000. ' MOORE A HILL (Inc.i. 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE - ON AVENUE NORTHWEST practically new 6-room brick; very hand some colonial style front; covered porches 1 20 feet frontage; near 14tb st. cars; $4,75( I MOORE A HILL line.). 1333 O st. n.w. FOR SALE EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITY A detached house on the Heights; on of the most at tractive residence streets 1 Washington; magnificent view; surrounde 1 by property of high character; price r? duced from $8,000 to $0.7,10. Owner leaving city must sell quickly; 1 rooms; fine yard: bouse built for home b owner; nothing like it for sale in Wasl ? ington. I MOORE A HILL line.). 1333 G St. n.w. FOR SALE DETACHED HOMES. Owner has authorized us to sell his two detached homes on 13th st. n.w., contsln ing 6 large rooms and bath, all modem improvements; a rhanre to get a bargain ' In a detached home. For particulars see [ us at once. ' PHILLIPS A SAOEB. 715 14th st. n. w. I'bone M. 1597. . PRICE, FOR SALE? $5,000. SEMI -DEATOHEE Beautifully located corner home, containing 6 rooms and batb: fine heatiug system; large front and back porches; wide lawn. Exceptionally easy terms can be arranged. PHILLIPS A RAGER, 715 14th at. n.w. Phone M. 1397. PRICE. [ FOR SALE- $5,860. 25 FT. WiDI Note the width; 5 ft. wider than tho uanal type of bouse, which assures exceptionally large rooms. Aside from being spacious, every room is so outside on*. We have but two of these homes. Don't miss seeiDg them. PHIIJ.1PK A 8AGER. 715 14th st. n.w. I'bone M. 1597. PRICE, FOR SALE - $3,500. DOWNTOWN 8 rooms and bath; south of U. I. ave.. 1 west of 9ih st. Owner has purchased larger bouse and will sacrifice this one to immediate purchaser. Terms can be arranged. 1 PHILLIPS A SAGER. 715 14th st. n.w. Phone M. 1597. PRICE. FOR SALE- $4,750. DETACHED HOME Located west of 11th st. An unusual opportunity to buy a detached home In r this tine residential section. House cone tains 8 rooms and bath; niod<vn system f of beating; porches front and back. Dou't t miss this chance. 1 PHILLIPS A SAGER, r 715 14th at. n.w. Phono M. 1597. I PRICE. e FOR SALE $3.1X10. RENTED $25.5< j Located near Washington Circle; 6 rooms and bath. Has Just been put in excellent condition. PHILLIPS A 8AGER. 715 14th st. n.w. l'hone M. 1597. PRICE. 6 ROOM FOR SALE? $2.750. AND BATH Nicely arranged t> room bouse In St. Aloysnm parish. Act quick. Homes in this location command higher prices than we quote <>n this property. PHILLIPS A SAGER. 715 14th si. Phone M. 1597. PRICE. iiN TH FOR SALE- $7,250. HEIGHTS Ttaib h->mc will pleene those who have ye: failed to get suileil In a home. It contain* 10 large rooms; two hatha; bot 1 waifi ]{ua auu 11? i-aceptlouaUv large (lining room: spacious closets; from silui back porches. I/d lfcx 144 ft. deep to wide alley, lu the last location on the Heights. PHILLIPS & SAGEU. 713 14tli st. u.w. Phone M. 13!?7. : ~ rillCK, CORNE FOR RALE- $7.5<)0. H0M1 Located on west side of 14th st. Contains to large outside room*: i?orehes front, side and rear; oak floors; wide lawns. The house Itself is full 25 ft. , wide ? something unusual, ckju-. tally a corner on 14th st. For particular.* see PHILLIPS A SAOF.R, 715 14th st. n.w. Phone M. 1597. PRICE. NORTH EAR FOR SALE- I3.54S). SBCTIOJ 9 rooms and bath; nicely located on a through street northeast: convenient to 5 two car lines. A chance to get a bargain. PHILLIPS A SAGER, . 715 14tb st. n.w. Phone M. 1597. p stecial::: special* ' Phone or write for our complete list of ' booses for sale. Best terms, lowest prices given on all our properties. PHILLIPS A SAOER, 715 14th st. n.w. Phone M. 1597. , FOR SALS?BEAUTIFUL HOME. 13TII 8*1 near W n.w.: 8 rooms and bath; sell to co. ored party; price. $5,500: terms arranged. . NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 1423 V . my9-3t - FOR SALE- IDEAL HOME. S.E.: SIX ROOM and batb; hot-water heat; large lot; half ac of cars; only $3.75o; easy terma. - NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 1423 I $ my9-3t FOR SALE S ROOMS AND BATH: M ASf Ti'. bet. 9th ami 10th sts. n.w.; nice born and central location; price. $ ; NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 1423 F * my9-3t k FOR KALE l.\ SPE4 IT.ATIONi FIVE SMAL brick house* located near East Capitol st., hi * vend Lincoln Park: each contains 5 roomi rent. $3 eseb per month: always rented; prli * for all. $2,500. $ my9-3t L. WALTER WEED. 729 I.'.th n.w. FOR SALE A BARGAIN; FROM OWNER: " modern 4t-room. press brick, hay window housi thoroughly modern and the price is rlgh OWNER. 2013 13th n.w. iny8-3t* I FOE SALE?HOUSES. FOB SALE?NOT 100 FEET FROM CO 2 Mass. arc. and Ifltb n.w. But yuu t; know there was anything in this net n- hood for sale. North aide of street; 0 and bright rooms op 2 floors. In perfi pair. Price. Jd.ooit. WAGSTAFF ft WHITE. Hie., 904 14th FOB BALE-A 6-R00H HOME IN N.W.. of the nicest squares, one block fron and overlooking a wide gov't park. _ made brick, party wall. In the flnea alble repair. Coat 16,500. Price, 14,5 WAGfCTAFF ft WHITE, Inc., 904 14th s; FOR SALE?ANOTHER fl-ROOM HOME, on the Heights. We invite comperisi tween this and any other in this city i price. Hot-water beat, cellar, lanndr servant's toilet. Plenty of porches. ? of ground. Price, 14,100. WAG6TAFF ft WHITE. Inc., 904 14th FOR .SALE-A BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH 1 _ ment within stone's throw of the Higt These are scarce; 12 rooms, 2 bat hi t. water heat, gas and electric light. Ju pered. Price, 114,750. Worth $18,000 ie WaGSTAFT ft WHITE, Inc., 904 14th - FOR f ALE?WB CERTAINLY WOULD to ehow you this one. Just off Conn. " south of Fla. are., and It's such s U home; 10 rooms, tiled bath and 2 t hot-water heat, gas and electric lights. $8,000. One of the best bargains i ?! city. WAGSTAFF ft WHITE. Inc., 904 14th ll FOR SALE ? A HOME WE WOULD like you to compare with anything y? ,B buy for $25,000 in thin city; 36 ft. wic if corner of alley; northwest, west of >e .lust the location you bare been wa 10 rooms, 3 baths, hot-water heat, ga electric light. Price, only $10,500. WAGST.VFF ft WHITE. Inc., 904 14th . FOR SALE ? NEAR SHERIDAN CIR ?; most desirable part of the city and few homes for sale In thle neigh bo rtx rooms on two floors. Price, $7,000. *- would like to have an offer. WAQSTAFF ft WHITE. Inc., 904 I4th y FOR SALE?ON COLUMBIA ROAD BET. and 13tb. This is the cheapest good on the Heights; 12 rooms, 2 tiled steam beat, cellar and laundry; lot 1 deep to paved alley. Price, $6,900. _ |g goo WAGSTAFF ft WHITE. Inc.. 904 14th FOR SALE-COLUMBIA HEIGHTS; SEB t; tached: cost $10,000. Too large for p owner, who built It for a home; II i hot-water heRt; plenty of porches; am exposure. Price, $8,500. Make us a offer. WAGSTAFF ft WHITE. Inc., 904 14th FOR SALE-HOW WOULD YOU LIK1 get a very cheap downtown home? ' story brick with 9 immense rooms, 1 lot 9iir1.'(A to aft.ft biivpH bIIpv. Juftt j Mans. ave. bet. lOth^and 14tb.' Price, | They wouldn't sell the adjoining lo $5.5tN>. WAGSTAFF & WHITE. Inc., 904 14th 5 ' FOK SALE?TO DESIRABLE COLORED chasers?2 new home* In n.w.. convenh s i-arv Both new. Just taken in trad 3 will he sold below cost and on < terms, that are better than renting; 6 and bath, furnace heat. Look Into tl WAG-STAFF & WHITE. Inc.. 904 14th ' FOK SALE?IDEAL HOME. EXCELLENT INVESTMENT, a PAY 11% NET. Homes and investments of this cbarac r choice neighborhoods near the new Unloi tlon are hard to And at any reasonable Contains 7 large rooms and bath, new! pered and painted throughout: entire hoi ,. perfect condition; lot 18 by nearly 100. ' $3,BOo. If you do not wish to lire in , bare a refined party who will rent it. l" No. 227 E st. n.e. OPEN FOR INSPECT FOR SALE?NINE ROOM BRICK IN ' stylish row on 15tb st. n.w., op posit a Portner. See this at once and give < offer, as out-of-town owner deaires t< ' quickly. CHAS. S. MTJIR Sc. CO., Inc., 1408 N. Y - my"9t FOR SALE-BARGAINS. [ On H st. n.e. near 12th. 6 rooms ant hath: bay-window brick, renting tot $22.50. Price On 6th st. s.w., new brick. 6 rooms ant bath, renting for $20.B0. Price On 9tb st. n.e. near H st., brick house 6 rooms and bath; good condition; lo 18xino to alley; good tenant. Price..: Near 4th and N sts. s.w., 6 rooms ant bath brick, renting for $16.50. Price.. WM. H. McGRANN CO.. INC.. 1607 H at. ? my7-3t FOR SALE-AN OPPORTUNITY FOR OOLl purchaser. Fine corner dwelling- o rooms, concrete cellar, furnace heat. Price, $4, ; H. L. RU8 I- my7-tf.8 1400 H at. i l! 1 r FOR SALE?$3,450. Adjoining Soldiers* Home and nee boulevard. When Improvements noe 9 ordered are completed value will Ind crease $300. Six light rooma; tiled bath; pantry; large cellar; southerr exposure; wide porches; 20-ft. fronts. . Essiest kind of terms. 4 sold. 5 left. ? ALSO CORNER HOUSE. $4,500. * 8 rooms. Bath and pantry. Inspect ** sample house. 447 Irving at. n.w. Take Oth at. car to Irving et. Ownei always on premises. my7-St FOR BALE- LAST CHANCE FOR RE feat bargain; muat be sold quick; fiae ' atortes and cellar, brick and atone; 9 i modern batb, large closets; finished in nt wood; finely decorated: hot-water beat; did mantels; 5 open fireplaces; laundry; creted-floor garage; excellent location; > Fairmont and 13th sts. Price, $0,800. * reasonable. An inspection will convince WALTER A. BROWN, 624 14th at. i my7-3t FOR SALE- -OUT-OF-TOWN OWNER sell for $2,100 nice 2-story brick Just off York are.; steadily rented at $16.50; I cash; will take back trust for $1,000, 5< WILLIUE. GIBBS A DANIEL, 003-06 1 my7-3t FOR SALE? DESIRABLE HOME IN COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, GIRARD ST TWEEN 13TH AND 14TH; 14 ROOM8; MODERN IMPROVEMENTS; STEAM F LARGE STABILE; FRONT. SIDE AND ' YARD; LOT 50x150. MUST BE SOL CLOSE AN ESTATE. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER, my7-3t 612 14TH ST. ~ FOR BALE?$3,500. \ P Rented $30 a month. " The biggest bargain that baa been offei the price. Just think what you can get A nearly new CORNER RESIDENCE, sot exposure, located on n car line, on one i prettiest streets in the northwest sectlt perfect condition; handsomely finished; white tenants; a beautiful location, ei free from objectionable surroundings. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York a * nir7-3t.eSu h FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL TBNN. AVE. dence Just finished, corner B st. n.e.; 8 i .\A?AA lain La * V fliiMSe VtAl.wStaa Iia/iubt |iuiv.riaiu imiu . uu'uc.i uvi-nsiri every room outside and cheerful: splendit (tain at $?.0u<): owner will accept part Half block north of Lincoln Park. S WILLIOE. GIBBS Jb DANIEL. 603-05 13 1. my4. FOR-SALE-HOUSE ON NEW YORK AVE tween 4th anil 5th n.w.; 3 Htorles, 18 I can he made an apartment house. Ap| OWNER, fl05 New York are. n.w. in; FOIi SALE SO.boO. ~ BEAUTIFUL MT. PLEASANT HOME 10 rooms, 3 hatha; hot-water heat; ga ' electric lights; oak trim; instantaneous water beater: garage, latest improvemtn EASY PAYMENTS. my4-7t*7 Address Box 145, Star ol FOR HALE ? 17 TO 25 MICHIGAN* AVENUE. BEAUTIFUL NEW HOUSES fronting diers" Home Park: the finest worktnanaal moat elegant finish ever seen in houses i price; 20 feel wide; very large rooms 5 water heat; electric anil gas lights; hur< ? trim; oak stairways; beautiful grassy froi rear yards; odorless kitchens; charming tlon: $500 cash and 837.50 a month, inc all interest; open daily; price N. L. SAXSBURY, myfi-4t,eSu 718-21 13th st. n.w. FOR SALE?THE PICK OF THE N.W. A HOUSE THAT YOU WOULD EUPPOS BE PRICED AT $7,000 FOR ONLY | . 8 rooms. 2 baths, hot water, automatic b electricity and gas, refrigerator; In fact. Clip and mall this ad TODAY. Addraa* BUILDER. Box J Star ol Name M Address ap28-tf rutt SALE Firs ts AtiW I HUM Tenn. ave. and C at. n.e.; 8 beautiful i _ |M>rrelaln bath; Ourney hot-water heat; on 3 aldea; every room bright and heal |1 splendid bargain at $6,000 (part cash, anee trust). ? WILLIGE. GIBBS k DANIEL. 60X06 " apZt.24.2S.my7.B.9 s FOR SALE? . You cannot afford to boy w I thou seeing our list. It Is a recognised me dlum of the best the market produce and always at the lowest prices. _ It will pay you to consult us. I. MOORE k HILL (Inc.), 1888 G St. n.w. e mhB-tf , FOR SALE?1615 21ST. One of the choicest locations In the cil very attractive 3 story stone and brick L Ing. No reasonable offer refused. a STONE k FAIRFAX, 1842 New York i i; anlO-tf ___ * FOR SALE?CAPITOL HILL'S BEST VA an up-to-date. 7-rootu brick; hardwood 1 hot-water heat: southern esposure; all no A conveniences; owner leaving city. Make ?; for 642 S. O. see. s.e. t. D. H. JOHNSON CO., 1303 U si. n.w. fe7-OOt,cSu,5 FOB SALS?HOUSES. RN'KR FOR SALK?1302 TO 1308 KENYON ST.. COdidn't lumbla Hrifhti; the best hnllt new 10-rdotn fbbor- booses In the rlty for the price?$8,500. JOHN lsr*e w. MORRIS. 614 F st. n.w. del-tf Kt n~ FOR SALK-IDEAL HOMES. " $7,000 to $8,$00; lo rooms. 3 baths; betn water bast; oak floors and hardwood trim. Built by Mr. John H. Nolan. 22Vfc ft. front. nv, MT. PLEASANT AND IRVING ST. can pass . the door. Easy terms. 6IMPSON-SULI4VAN CO.. 1408 Q n.w.. t po?- Exclusive Agents. ISO. * (TOR SALE? n.w. ? BUT >n be it anj HEADQUARTERS Plenty FOB REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. n.w. WE OFFER THE BEST PROPERTIES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. SiSfr """ danda. OWNERS WHO WISH TO SELL QUICKLY 'it PLACE THEIR PROPERTY WITH US. n.w. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY WITHOUT SEEING OUR LIST. STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1342 New York am. i olre ojjets. rrlce. ___ B tbe nw' STTBTFRTlAlf PROFEHTV ~ ALSO FOR SALE. te and POR A LARGE LOT OK HOUSEHOLD. Iflth k'tchen and library furniture and farming and ntlnir- gardening implements; 12-room houae; h and acres; barns, chicken houses and yards: all for only $2,000 down, -balance easy terras; right _ at electric car station; near Admiral Rixey's * and -Doctor Tabor Johnson's beautiful suburban homes; fare to and from any part of Waahing/wjr_ ton city, six tickets for a quarter: also, 2 large lots and 4-room new house. $1,000; no V cash payment; terms. $16 per month; possession glren Immediately; owner going away. JAMES p. CLEMENTS, 1410 G st. n.w. n.w. my9-3t* 13 LARGE 6-ROOM HOUSE; FRUIT AND OUTbulldlngs; easy terms. Apply OWNER, 29th 12TF1 and Franklin sts. n.e. my8-3t* home baths, PRICE. $8,600. 11 fj Large lot. 50x180. Worth vcry pretty brick dwelling, 8 rooms, bath and cellar; all modern Improvements; front and n w rear porches. D W* Price, $8,750. Lot 50x130. II DE- Beautiful brick residence. 10 rooms, lanndir ,-Mu.nt room, bsth snd cellar. Combination gas ana rooms, electric fixture. Front and slda porch. 0tff^nd The above are the best built houses in or * near the District: Just completed, and are lo_ _ cated at Rosemont, Va., 18 minutes from p. O. comer. Roeemont has water, gaa, electricity, a complete sewer system, granolithic sidewalks, ~ to Improved streets, police snd Are protection, Sh_!! Bell telephone service, a $3,000 electric rall?7ns *ay station?In fact, all city improvements and "P ' conveniences. For free car tickets for Inspector!^ tlon of these bouses call at office of the eom. 2?; P?ny. ROSBMONT DEVELOPMENT CO.. Inc.. 1 *or 812 Evans bldg. Phone Main T022. apl6-30t,22 n.w. THE RESULT OF LIVING IN UNNATURAL qusrtars is felt in the nerves and revealed la the cheeks. PUR* Did you ever notice the ever restless tramp, sat to tramp of the caged beast and the sadness in e and the song of the caged bird? The apartment or asiest the closely built-in bouse is a sort of seatrooms human cage, and many ill effects are suffered bis. from caged life. n.w. Sunshine, pure air and room for flowers snd a garden, located convenient to business, with all modern Improvements, and all these advantages can be found at Grove's Park. Main office, 61T 13th. apl7-90t,U MOUNT IDA 18 A HAPPV REALITY OF THE price. IDEAL WAY OF LIVING. TRY IT. L,P?n WE RAVE EVERY CITY IMPROVEMENT. MS ' WATER. SEWERAGE. ELECTRIC LIGHT8, GRANOLITHIC WALKS. ETC.; HIGH, DR< ?* ? AN? HEALTHY. ONLY 18 MINUTES FROM " 12TH AND PA. AVE.. ON WASHINGTON "ON- AND ALEXANDRIA ELECTRIC LINE. IHAI CALL AT 817 18TH ST. FOR FULL PARas *t? TICJULARS OF THIS 8PLENDID PROPERTY. ? Mil MT. IDA REALTY CO.. OWNERS. . aTe. aplT-HOt.14 ONLY $250 FOR QUARTER - ACRE LOTS. ??? northwest of District, near electric and steam cam; monthly payments. Box 45. Star office. ' apSO-tf $3,200 FOR SALE-FINEST LOTS IN TAKOMA PARK; i near eleetrle and steam car lines; watsr. sawer 12.900 and gas; cheap and on easy terms. , J. P. EARNEST. Trustee. 323 4^4 St. S.W. 1 spl-tf $2,700 ??? $2,800 "RADNOR HEIGHTS." n.w. ONE OF THE HIGHEST POINTS IN ? ALEXANDRIA COUNTY. VA. )RED Adjoining Fort Myer, the Government's bsth. Model Military Reservation. 150. 10 minutes' walk from Aqueduct bridge. Two r electric lines to the heart of the city. _ ! Goorf i(m lntk Prlr. SOOR a.^H " ' ' TERMS VERY LIBERAL.. T. W. GRAHAM k CO.. 617 14th at. o.w., Washington, D. C. r my4-?0t,14 ' FOR SALE?DELIGHTFUL COUNTRY HOMES. heated with hot water; also modern plumbing: I half acre lota. Apply EUGENE BUSH. 2012 i 14th at. n.w. myB-lm ACREAGE PROPERTY, RIFE FOR SUBDIVISION. . The Hoover farm of NINETY-FIVE ACRES. adjoining Mt. Rainier on the weet; half in D. O., half in Maryland; fronts Bunker Hill road; third of mile from R. I. are. trolley; Mathlot property Juat acrosa the road has Just been subdivided. Will sell in 20-acre tracts it desired. Land high and very desirable; will sell rapidly in lota. Terms right. Apply to ALLY owner. A. A. BIRNBY. 602 11th at. my7-10t borne; MAGNIFICENT HOME SITE OF 114 ACRES, ooms. Old Dominion R. R.; high-class residential secatural tlon; $2,000. Also two acres, same neighborsplen hood. $2,000. Both right at station. "COL; con- LINS." Clarendon. Va. my7-3t*4 P?m!i SMALL ACREAGE ESTATES. vou Near Mass. are. extended and Western are.. ' ' on District boundary, a one, a two, a four and a five acre tract, all sightly bargains. 81ngle acres, $l,r>00. The four acres, with broom WILL boqae, $5,000 cash; the Ave acres, a splendid New elevated tract. $7,500. AH have fine trees and 11,100 Rood surroundings. Sure to please with %, prices made low for quick sale. 3th. BEAUTIFUL QUARTER ACRES. Juat off District line In Mirrliml north . west. Finn trees, picturesque location. One st $300. n not her at $450. Cheapest property on market with equal merit. 8PLEND1D ELEVATED HOME SITE. Two and half blocks from Rockvllle car line, on FesseBden at. n.w.. corner River road; BE- rrand view over northwest, Maryland. CJievy L.ALL Chase, etc.; 142 feet frontage oh each of two TOAT: macadamised streets. Good surroundings. KEAJt Very cheap at $1,000. D TO A BARGAIN HOUSE. In vicinity of Massachusetts and Western aves., near District of Columbia line; an excellently built home; 8 rooms; fine lot. 80 feet front; fruit and shade trees; $4,000?$300 cash and $30 per month. ____ Op Sundays phone in advance Cleveland 32F to arrange to see property. TAIT t, CO., rd ,t Pbone M. 2706. 608 14th at. n.w. here. my7-3t uthern pOR SALE OIt RENT-NEW SEVEN ROOM ?f the houae, Vj block electric oara. Columbia pike, >n; in Arlington, Vs.; flue location: magnificent shade. Address THOS. J. DeLASHMUTT. 1421 G "t-. ltirely qj Arlington. Va. my7-3t ive. FOR SALE?SNAP-0-ROOM FRAME: AIL MODern improvements; close to Saul's Addition; , I.,.; high point: corner lot; small cash payment, fW" balance monthly. Price. $S,000. bat- ""yT-Bf-^Su H. M. MARTIN. 1404 H St. n.w. 1 bari POR SALE?BARGAIN: BEAUTIFUL STONE cash. borne in Montgomery Co., only $4,500: value, $6,500; three minutes to cars; hath sn<l Ith. gas; atabic: garden and fruit. WEAVER BROS.. 1416 K st. n.w. my"-tf ;. be- FOR sTlE^CHEVY CHASE; 3c TO l^FOdf. ooms; 126*130 $1,600 , S2Gjx 130 $860 sly to 100*290 1.2601100x140 550 M-tf 5 lots, 32.50O ft.. 1.000 !50*200 BOO 75*156 900 150*140 ,... 250 100*260 900 ! Cash or monthly psyments. agreeable to pura ?* chaser. 11. M. MARTIN, 1404 H st. n.w. ' hot' my7-6UeSn FOB SALE?ACREAGE INVESTMENT. Bee. 1 to 10 acres. $2tR> to $30u per acre; 15 to 140 acres. $150 to $20O per acre; 400 to 500 feet elevation. Now 1? your opportunity. niy7-3t.eSu H. M. MARTIN. 1404 If st. n.w. f GaI _ _mm ,, p and FOR SALE?AT IIYATTSVILLE. Ml). tt the 6-room dwelling, a.m.i.: excellent location; hot house in good condition; fruit and shade trees dwpod and ubrubbory. Price, $2,UUU. nt and New ti-room dwelling, located in excellent Ioca- neighborhood, on high elevation; hardwood lading finish first floor; furnace heat; large shade $5,150 trees. Price, $3,850. New 6 room dwelling: a.m.i.; good location. A bargain at $3,000. We ahio have desirable lots, located about three minutes' walk from trolley, on the IF TO Baltimore A Washington boulevard. Water. 3 70* aewer and gas, wltb electric lights lit front of lots; tuacadaui streets; size. 50x140. Price, rm l' *?5? earhWi also have desirable properties for rent in Hyattsvllle and vicinity. Sc*. Upon request we will send our Hat of farm and village properties for sale and exchange. HOLTON A LONG, Hyattsvllle, Md., or 1307 H at. n.w. my7-3t - FOR 8ALE OR EXCHANGE?AT HYATT8VILB, B AT Md.. ten-room dwelling; a.m.i.; hot-water noma, heat; fruit and shade trees; large stable. Loopen cated about five minutes' walk from trolley thful; and steam roads. Will exchange for either , bal- Improved or unimproved city property. HOLTON A LONG. 18th. Hyattsvllle, Md.. or 1307 H at. n.w. my7-8t . FOB 8ALE?OK LEASE?8-ROOM PLACE WITH acre of ground and 12-room place wltb 2 acres; " 3d atop south on KockvUle electric. OWNER'S BARGAINS, Star ofllce. my7-8t* FOB SALE-BEAUTIFUL MODERN SUBURBAN home at Friendship Heights; keys nearby. HENRY W. OFFUTT, Wis. ave. and N nt. my6-8t ABE YOC INTERESTED IN SUBURBAN PROPerty ? Do not buy until you see the bargain* we are offering In homes and lota in "Wisconsin Ave. Park." with water, sewer, gaa In mailed; elevation highest in District; conLITE: veplent to two car lines; in the District 4 Inlsh; squares south of Chevy Chase circle; $50, ballodern soce $10 a month, buy* a lot. If you want a offer genuine bargain in bent part at n.w. suburbs, either for Investment or home, see us. write or phone Msin 5109. H. F. HANDLER CO., inc.. 702 Utb st. n.w. ar3S-eo-lSt STJBU&BAH PROPERTY. FOR SALB. FOR SALS ? 8 ACRES GHfH'XD, IMPROVED F by sir*. large 6-rooin bouse: also 2-room bouse. suits Ms for summer occupancy: stable: large r forest trees and good garden patch: near Ooun- r a Club and Great Falls and O* 1 Dominion; ce, $4,900. TAOGART ERASER COMPANY. 1920 New York are. n.w. apST-tf.sSu FOR SALE?ONE MORE CALDWEU, HOME, new, at Woodside. Md.. flrs miles north at ] city, on Forest Glen electric R. R .; 8 rooms, a acre; modern conveniences; near school and [f-j churches; $9,900; easy terms. Apply to owner, ?l Dr. CALDWELL. 1st are.. Woodside. mhg-tf i FOR RBlfT. ~ DltUMMOXD. MD., OPPOSITE CHEVY CHASE, en RockviUe else, line; splendid bouse of P rooms and batb; gas range: electric light; lot , 100*159: grounds in beautiful condition; for ?: laase one year from May 1. at $45 per month. (5> For further Information Inquire of L. D. I.ATIMER AT DRUMMOXP, or THE F. U. SMITH COMPANY, 140S XEW YORK AVENUE. mjS-7t FOR RENT?FIVE-ROOM AND BATH APARTment; entire second floor of splendidly constructed new residence; best part of CbeTy Chase; completely equipped kitchen: two vuirrhM! two KtlirwiTs: n?* of grounds, attic, cellar and laundry: owner <> will occupy first floor; large lot, with oak ,, grove: extended^ view: $40 by month. rail or address OWNER, The Winston, apartment 43. myg-.-U FOR RENT?FURNISHED RES I PENOld AT Takoma "Park. I). C. House has 8 rooms and fr> bath, all improvements. One acre of ground. ? fine lawn and fine shade trees: very high ele- H ration. Will lease for 6 months or Tear. H. L. THORNTON, 607 18th st. n.w. my"-3t FOR RENT?IN N.W. SUBURBS. FIXE DOUBLE house of 12 bright rooms. 2 baths; large porches and grounds: two car llnea; one fare. Rent. $45 mo. J. V. >'. * T. B. HUYCK. 1506 Pa. are. n.w. my"-tf FOR R EXT? U XFU R NISH ED- A HANDSOME 12-room and 2-batb, three-story house; hotwater heat, gas and electric light, sewer and water, concrete cellar, set-rants' toilet and >? laundry tubs; lot 240 feet to corner. Beautl- 1 ful lawn and privet hedge: one fare to the / city. To be appreciated this must be seen; * rent. $150 per month for entire _property. KEY-SMITH & LATHAM. Inc., p ap30-10t Second floor, front. Erans bldg. L> FOR RENT- FURNISHED?A TWO-STORY AND finished attic bonae on Lenox at.; electric light, gas rsnge; a corner with plenty of air and light; owner, leaving the city for the summer, will rent to reliable parties for reasonable rent. KEY-SMITH & LATHAM. Inc.. , apSO-lOt Second floor, front. Erans bldg. ? WANTED." " WANTBD-FROM OWNER ONLY, SIX ROOM house and some ground in Alexandria Co.; ] $3,000 or more; $200 cash. bal. $25 monthly. th< Address Box 211. Star offlce. myg-3t loi FARMS. . . Ns HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR GOOD FARMS and suburban places. To dispose of your Ad property advantageously, sec us at once. A. M. Duekett, charge farm dept. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 1423 F. my9-3t RAILROADS. ~ Atlantic Coast Line "The Standard Railroad of the South.** j? Notice.?Time of arrlrala and departures and & connections not guaranteed. 4:10 a.m. dally?Through sleeping can and %. coachea to Jacksonville. 4:06 p.m. dally?Through aleeping cans to Jack- ? aonrllle, Fla.; Port Tampa. Fla. (for Havana); w Knigbta Key (for Havana). Solid Florida train H through Charleston and 8a?annah. Through w coachea to Jacksonville. UNEXCELLED DIN- ,2 ING CAR SERVICE. 5 10:00 p.m. dally?"Palmetto Limited"?New S train to Florida; through sleepers to Jackson tile, St. Petersburg, Fla.; Charleston. S. 0.; Savannah. Augusta. Atlanta, Ga.. and Wllmlag- JaI ton. N. C.; dining cars and coaches. ? Ticket Offlce. 1419 NEW YORK AVE. GEO. P. JAMES. D. P. A.. Washington. D. C. T. C. WHITE. G. P. A.; W. J. CRAIG. P. T. M.. Wilmington. N. O. CIhiesapeake&Oh5oRai5way Published only as Information, not guaranteed. 8:00 P.M. Dally.?For Virginia, Weet Virginia , and Kentucky points. Pullman sleepers. Par- ' lor car to Virginia Hot Springs week days. ~ 6:80 P.M. Dally.-CINCINNATI-ST. LOUIS-CHICAGO SPECIAL. Solid train to St. Loots. with Pullman sleeper to Chicago. Stops only at important stations. Pullman's finest equip- j aent. j 11:10 P.M. Dally.?F. F. V. LIMITED for Gin. -1 clnnatl, Louisville, the west, southwest and (r northwest. Pullman sleepers. Through Poll* II man to Virginia Hot Springs. O. * O. a la carte Dining Car Service. Vi; Chesapeake and Ohio offices at 513 Pennsylvania avenue. 1330 F street and new Union station. Telephone Main 1060 and 2206 for tickets, baggage checks, reservations and taxlcabs. Seaboard Air Line SCHEDULE. 10:08 A.M. DAILY?"Florida Fast Mall.** Through coaches and Pullman sleepers to Savannah and Jacksonville. Parlor car Jacksonville to Tampa. Through sleeper to Atlanta. Dining cars. 4:28 P.M. DAILY?"The Flamingo." Through As coaches and Pullman sleepers to Jacksonville, n. St. Augustine. Palm Beach. Miami and Knights jft!, Key. Connections for Havana. Dining cars. 7:28 P.M. DAILY?"Seaboard Express." Through coaches and Pullman sleepers Savaa- . Mb. Jacksonville and Tampa. Also Atlanta, : Birmingham and Memphis. Dining cars. Ticket office. 1418 X*w York ave. n.w. E. A. HARWOOD. C. T. A. 0. B. RYAN. G.P.A., G. Z. PHILLIPS. D.P.A., Portsmouth. Va. Washington. D. O. t Southern Railway K D ?Fnllnwlnr schedule flrntsi nubllahed on if a* Information, and am not guaranteed: For Atlanta. Birmlpgham. Mobile. New Orleans, Asheville. 9 a.iu. and 10:45 p.m. dally; 9.00 a.m. daily for Chattanooga and Memphis. 1 For Roanoke, Knoxvllle, Chattanooga, Birmingham. New Orleans. 10:10 p.m. dally. For Roanoke, Knoxville, Chattanooga. Memphis, Nashville, 4.10 a.m. dally (sleeping car open after 10 p.m.) For Atlanta, Birmingham, Colombia. Charles- t ton, Augosta. Aiken, Savannah, Jacksonville and ? Florida points, 4.15 p.m. dally. Tourist cars for California Mon., Wed., Thura.. Fri.. 4.15 p.m. Local, for Harrisonburg, 8.30 a.m. daily; 4.28 p.m. week days; for Strasbnrg Jet.. 1 p.m. week days; for Danville, 7.30 a.m. dally, and for Charlottesville, 7.30 a.m. and 4.55 p.m. daily; for Waxrenton, 4.56 p.m. dally and 1 p.m. week is ?a 4. . .A #Mn. DlnamAaO nayg, r iCUUCUi uatua w ?uw uvui L. S. BROWN. General Agent. Baltimore and Ohio R. R. LEAVE UNION STATION. BOYAL BLUE LINE, "EVERT OTHER HOUR ON THE ODD HOUR" TO PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK. NEW TERMINAL. 23D STREET, NEW YORK. 7.00 a.m. Dinar. Pullman Parlor. 19.00 a.m. Diner and Pullman Parlor Oar. til.00 a.m. Diner and Pullman Parlor Car. 1.00 p.m. Diner and Pullman Parlor Oar. 8 00 p.m. "Royal Limited." All Pullman. S-kr, ta.OO p.m. Coaches to Philadelphia. 6.00 p.m. Diner and Pullman Parlor. 8.00 p.m. Coaches to New York. 12.15 n't. Sleepers to New York. 2.63 a.m. Sleepers to Phlla. and New Tork. ATLANTIC CITY. ff.00. *9.00. tll.00 a.m.. 71.09. *8.00 p.m. TO BALTIMORE. "EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR." (Week daya. 7.00 a.m. and 11.00 p.m.) 2.52, tS.00, t?.80, 7.00. *7.29, t8.00. *8.30. 9.00, 79.30, tlO.00, *11.00 a.m., *12.00 noon, 112.05, *1.00, 11.15. t2.00, *3.00, t3.20, ?3.80, t*.00, 74.45, *5.00, t5.03, *5.30. fe.00. 8.30, HioS: 8.00. t?.00, *10.00. *10.35, 11.30, _J B,fbt' WESTWARD. CHICAGO. *1.27. *5.30 p.m. CINCINNATI. ST. LOUIS snd LOUISVILLE 9.10 a.m., *4.05 p.m., *12.40 night. PITTSBURG. *9-10 a.m.. '1.27. *9.10 p.m., 12.30 nlebt ttleeper ready 10 p.m.). CLEVELAND. *9.10 p.m. COLUMBUS. *5.30 p.m. WHEELING. *9.10 a.m., *5.30 p.m. WINCHESTER. +9.10 a.m.. t4.06. t5.00 p.m. PREDEItlUK. th-20, +9.10. 89.15 a.m., |1.30, t4.05. t5.45 p.m. HAGERSTOWN. 19.10 a.m.. t5.00 p.m. Dally. tExcept Sunday. JSundav only. TELEPHONES at all of the following ticket offices: 1417 O St. N.W.. Main 1591; 619 Pennavlvanla ave.. Main 278; New Union StationTicket Office. Main 7380: Information Bureau. Main 7380. LOAN COMPANIES. ~ MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE AND M others upon tlicir own notes, without security, in- Mi eluding women keeping house; easiest terms: eoniMentinl. Knowing ones who have dealt elsewhere especially Invited. My proposition will please. II. ELWOOD, Rm. 410. Jenifer bldg., 7tb & D. se30-tf.C NO MORE HIGH RATES tJ?W ?BiWW. KESf HAMS. c WTOIIAS 'FIBMHCUU. Ei. D Organized for the purpose of loaning o money to thoae who cannot afford to pay ? high rates, on FURNITURE. PIANOS. TI TEAMS and to SALARIED EMPLOYES II on plain note without security. j $10 AND UPWARD. An; $50, Payable Monthly, $5.45 $100, Payable Monthly, $10.40 POSITIVELY no other charges. Other amounts in proportion. FIRST PAYMENT MADE DUE TWO MONTHS FROM DAY YOU GET THE LOAN WITHOUT EXTRA COST. jy We will make you a lower rate than any one else, no matter what that rate Is. providing you are GOOD PAY. We are . catering to the better claas of buaiuees. t,( Other loan companies, etc., psid off. i; mmmfinancial @0. n 1224 O SL N.W.<Cw->*?? ?S Rooms SO and SI, Soond Floor Front. Phone Main 489. mhlP-tf J | LP AH COMPANIES. Side Entrain-. ?u ?th 5t. Prlaat# OdtM. >raw on Horning or the Money. Liberal l.mus made on Diamond*. W *t<he* or Jewelry. S? del?jr-i? ^ (f\rf publicity. Ea.y term a of re- ff 'f /Jp payment. Interest at the low gTv tu l) rate of v /xJ' Loans Made to Salaried People. I0RN1NQ, 9th & D, XT" pyPlSd MONEY TO LOAN SALARIED PEOPLE ind other* on indorsed notes; caay term*; prlrate office. Itoom 520. Washington Una and Truat building. 9tb and Y ata. n.w. my5-7t* i Are You in Need OF MONEY If ao we are loaning tt at a rttj email rate of intereat. Columbia Guarantee Co. "Reliable aa a bank." 6113 F St. N.W. Office hours. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Phon? Vf m in 5MO r"1 * ? *'? ? ??? ? >> ??$ :he fair-square place To Borrow Money. "The Old Reliable" Washington Loan Co., 610 F Street nav. Established 20 years. mh2.1-tf.I4 Phone M 3036. ViON E Y TO LOAN ?OX? IAMONDS, WATCHES and Interest. .1 per cent. JEWELRY. LOUIS ABRAHAMS, 4S3 9TH ST. >\W. aelO-tf LOANS Pill this blank, matt It to us and you wilt fat s money promptly, privately and at the very vest rates. Other companies paid off. Pay nt to ault YOU. Mats 920-M. me dress NEW YORK loan co., 1301 G St. N. W., Room 21. >1 tf.18 IIBSiflSlSCHRIBaZEfKEaciKKIIIiesnmB'8 Money! Money! js ALL. YOU WANT AT A FAIR RAiE OF " INTEREST. it Allow us to eiplaln our plan of advanc- *J trvflr sums from $10 up. A phone message or a postal will briny us to your home. ' household loan co., | 616 F ST. N.W. 5 Office hours, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Main 8O0B. B fe!7-tf.20 I WWWHiHIHtMlHlllHHIIIWWI? LOANS LONG OR SHORT TIMR. Weekly or monthly payments. Any security ana amount. Phone M. 14TR. Reliance Loan and Trust Go. 6110 R Street N.W. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE knd others. including women keeping house, without security; easy payments; offlrss in 6B principal cities; save yourself money by getti?" ny terms first. D. H. TOLMAN, Room 506, 138 i5th at. n.w. 118 RATES i?.? $15 only 87c per month. $29 only $1.10 per month. $25 only $1.23 per month. $50 only 11.66 per month. $100 only $2.66 per month. NO OTHER CHARGB. NO PUBLICITY. YOC GET THE MONET TODAY. We will not keep you waiting a week. OTHERS CLAIM LOWEST!RATES. But all cannot he the lowest. LETT US SHOW YOU. i we hare been showing others for 20 years. ftTIONAL LOAN & GTOSTiiiHT 150. THOMPSON BLDG., 703 15TH ST. N.W. 'P. TREASURY. NEXT TO DRUG STORE. 'efi-tf / Loa"5 \ Loans made on personal property- " We make a specialty of loaning house* keepers. Should you need a loan see us first. &. CAPITAL LOAN ^ o CO^ 602 F St. N. W. V . nhl-tf.20 CUT RATES ON FURNITURE AND PIANO LOANS. Borrow $50; pay back $5.-15 per mo. Borrow $75; pay back $7.09 per mo. Borrow $100; pay back $10.40 per mo. These payments include principal, interest and all charges, except 50c notary fee. NO PATMENTS DUE i UNTIL JULY. Compare the above payments with what other companies charge, and see how much you save by dealing here. We also maKe Loans on Indorsement. Borrow $50; pay back $10 per iiiuuui iui u iiiuiiiuD. LIBERAL, DISCOUNT FDR SETTLEMENTS AHEAD OF TIME. CITIZENS' LOAN <& TRUST CO., No. 409 Commercial Bank bldg., N.W. Cor. 14tb and Q at#. Take Elevator to Fourth Floor. icSTtrio LOANS ON FURNITURE TRY US. Maryland Loan Co., 635 G St. N.W. pi3 .WE LOAN tNY AMOUNT From $10 to $500. No Publicity. No Commissions. No Delays. A loan of $25.Ou, only $1.19 per month. A loan of $50.00, only $1.59 per month. A loan of $75.00, only $2.29 per month. A loan of $100.00, only $2.ut; iter month. Furniture. Piano*. Indorsed Xotea. etc. Wa pay up Pans and advance more money. PRIVATE OFFICES, ommercial Discount Co. Metropolitan National Bank Building. 13 15th at. n.w.. oppoalte L\ 8. Treasury. c24-tf.26 Phone M. 7108. : you are in need of money r amount, you can get It here immediately. J [. K. Fulton's Loan Office (ESTABLISHED 1870). 314 9TH ST. N.W. ma made on Watches. Diamonds, Jewelry, pS-tf.l* Gold. Silverware, etc. NO MORE IIIQH RATES. LOOK THI8 OVER. 3 one month .10c 0 one month 75c 5 one month.. $1.80 0 one month $1.73 5 one month *2.00 0 one month $.?? 9 one month $4.25 This include* all enata and notary feet. SURETY LOAN CO., Room 1. Warder bldg., 9th and F ata. n.w. iii-tr.10 J HAMBURG-AMERMM AU aws^saSsurST" *** GWaMVUar 18. 2p.m.I Praa. Lincoln.. Jqa* J tKaia'n Auf Vlc May flj Oceana Jum 2 Btnecber Mar tSl tAaaerlha J?in# 4 Deotecbland May 2lt *Prea tiaant .. Jna* C UVicriied Rita-Carl tan a la Carta BaatavaM. (Hamburg direct. *K?w. ITAT V * i *VA-? I AND GENOA. MOl.TKK. .May 31. 11 a.m. K H. RATA VIA Junr |4 S. R. UAMRIRG June 2| HAMBl.'RO-AMERICAN LINE. F-. r. DROOP A SONS CO.. 13th and U ata. a w., Waahlactoa, D. O. feS-MSt ' StA!S?* WiiDSELM BEI 3ISSS1' Sails May 17 for London?Paris?Bremen Wlrelena and Submarine SI cm la. I YHT j tl TO LONDON. PARIS. North eSi?? 4Lv V,L 1#, . , K- Wllb'm d. Gr. May IT Kronp. Oellle. ...May 24 BREMEN. li? M May as P. All'*. ...June 3 __ _ ? TO GIRHALTAR. _ _ _ NAPLES ft GENOA. Sailings Sats.. II A.M. . [ |U|/| i: .^r,..y.v.v.5S it JUWjM. Barharoaaa May 24 Berlin (newt June 4 Independent Around-the-World Towrs. Travelers* rbacks good all over tbe wsrtt OELRICHS ft CO.. Gnml Agnsta, I Broadway. Now Tort. WASHINGTON OrPlCE. 7 IS 14th at. a.w. K. r. DROOP ft SONS CO.. 13th and G ota. a.w. ^ ja2o-m.w.f.3l2t ^ An=Th^ay-by^Water~ DIRECT BETWEEN NEW TORK AND B08T0H EXPRESS TURBINE STEEL STEAMSHIPS YALE AND HARVARD Service to be reanmed for Sraaoa May 28THE METRO POUT AN STEAMSHIP OGMPANY Is pleaaed to annonaoo tbe resumption of passenger aervioe by its direct All the Way-byWater Route between New York and Boatoa on Monday. May 23. 1S10. THE YALE AND HARVARD, tori nil In* with this season, will burn OtI Fuel. Tney are out. Stted with Wireless Telegraphy, Submarine Signal Service, Searchlights and every known device t? Ineure Safety. Comfort and Oonvenienoe. Stateroom* with or without toth: Main Deck Dining Room. etc.. etc. An Unbroken Night's Rent from City to City over the moat fascinating Salt Water Route In tbe World. THROUGH TICKETS via the Metropolitan line at all principal Railroad and Steamboat Ticket OffliM throughout the country. Fares the same as via Long Island Sound lJne*. For advance reservations address General Passenger Agent, Pier 0. North River, New York. MlHFJtl'iyi. Week dava and Sundays (begin nihil May 23?. Will leave ?w York. Pier tt, N. R , near foot of Rector ht.. 4 p.m. Same dallv aobedule from India Wharf. Boatoo. Due either city 8 o'clock following morning. AMERICAN LINE PLYMOUTH - CHERBOURG?SOUTHAMPTONPHILADELPHIA?QUEEN8T0WN? LIVERPOOL Atlantic Transport Lina NEW YORE?LONDON DIRECT. RED STAR LINE NEW YORK?DOVER-ANTWERP. WHITE STAR LINE N. T.?QUEE.NirrN?HOLYHEAD?LIVERPOOL PLYMOTTH - CHERBOtTRO _ SOUTHAMPTON BOSTON?QUEENSTOWN?LIVERPOOL. N. Y. AND BOSTOS?MEDITERRANEAN. WASHINGTON OFFICE. ISM P ST. YW. R. M. HICKS. PtNttfW Agat mhW-fl24t.eWa Clark's Tours to Europe Offer heat leadership and many apeclal fee rare*; attractive ltlnerariea at frequent departnrea. Fares $27o to $*20: all expenses. including Paaalon Play. F. C. CLARK, Time* bid* . New York. R. M. HICKS, 1306 F at. n.w.; GEORGE W. MOSS. 1411 G at. n.w., Washington. CUNARD LINES Lusitania?Mau tetania Largeat. Paateat. Ftneat Steamera Afloat. New York to London Direct VIA FISHGUARD, la the moat expeditions route alas to Paris?=Berlin-=VIcnn? LEAVE NEW YORK WEDNESDAYS. 9 A.M. MONDAY IN LONDON. TUESDAY IN PARML Wirelaas Telegraph. Submarine Signal*. Manretanla May 11 (Campania May 23 *Caronla.May 14. 10 ami *Carinan1a.May 28.10am Lunttanla May IS I Manretanla June I Will call at Queenstown and Fishguard. HUNGARIAN-AMERICAN SERVICE. To PIUME vie GIBRALTAR. NAPLES. TRIESTE. >Carpathla. May lO.noon! |UItonia Jane IB Paunonla. ..June 2. noon tCarpathia July T (Call* at Genoa. CarriM wraiui and third claaa oaaaenaera oalr. " Traveler*' check* 'osued good" everywhere. Offlce*. 21-24 State *t.. opposite the Battery. S.J. G. W. MOSS, A teat. Mil G at- B.W.. Washington. fel4-d.eSo.bl2t SSAKDfiiEAVCAH-AMERICAN LINE 10,000-ton Twin-ocrow Pauetiftr Steamer* Direct to Norway, Sweden and Denmark raited St ate*... May IS f C. F. Tletgen. .Judo 10 Hellig Olav May 28 United State*..June 23 Oscar II June 0' Ilelltg Olav July t First cabin, 973 upward; second cabin. 900. All Steamers F-u tripped With Wirelsss. SPECIAL NORTH CAPE CRUISE By S. S. Tletgen from Copenhagen July T. A. E. JOHNSON A CO.. 1 Broadway. Now Tort, Or to Local Agents. f*2l-m.f.3?t.I4 R. M. S. IP. jamaiga-colok, barbados. etc. Tagus May 141 Trent Juno 11 Oruba May 281 Magdalona Juno 90 Tour* of 19 to 2S day* from 90S (h Cruises to the NORTH CAPE by R. M. ?. P. 11.600-ton twin-screw a. 8. "AVON," Juno an August. SANDERSON A SON. G. P. A W. A, 22 State St.. New lorh. d u rjicta i?m r ,t as G. W~M0K: 1411 G mh.W w. f. m. tf. 14 ANCHOR LINE Glasgow <& Londonderry Sailing from ??r York *T#ry Saturday Nrw twlnacrf w atranahipa. R/.IiOON. ??T 50 AND *T?.R0. SECOND CABtX. $45 AND *47.BO. THIRD CLASS. ?2.s 75 AND ? "? For ii'w illustrated book ?f tour# and lafniaaa tion apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. Nw York, or GEO. W. MOSS. 1411 G at. w., S. r. DROOP ft SONS CO.. 12tb and O ata. a.v.. Waahtnrion ip4T>(.t?a FABRE LINE NEW TORS. NAPLES. MARSEILLE*. J. TER KI.'ILE. C. A.. 53 BROA DWAY. N. I. ja26-313t.oS? PKiiMeoa jLowe COMPAGSin GENERALE TRANSATLAsflQUR Direct I.lnr to Havre?Paria (Kraooal. Sailing every Thursday at 10 a to fro* Pier No. 57. North Hirer. foot Weal 1.1th at.. N.T. La Sarnie May 12f*l*a l?rr?io?... Jan* S La l'rovenor... May 19 ;*La Savo'e Job* * I^a Tourfi'.lir. .. May 2d 1 "La Provence. ..June IC Twin-screw steamers. GENERAL AOKXCY. 1# Rta?e at.. V. T. F.. P. ALLFV. Afi-ti, 14th at. add K. Y. tea. Tolrplinue Main "5>. ahl-Mt* If Going to Europe Have your mall aUnail ear* tka Taoaaa aflea ot Tba Waahlnfteo Star. Ma. Magiat ItiaaC T onrttn ftwlan*. If daatn*. nail will la tarwardad to all parta at Enropa and tka Oat),,,1. Tourists an raqwatad to i?la>w a* am Washington Star, London Office, HOTELS. Boston?Hotel Vendome, COMMONWEALTH AVENTE. rHatln,ulahM tor Ita clients**. appointments and kv-afton. Equally attract!** to prraUMt < and transient guests. Perfect quiet. c. h. greknleaf a co., r Rummer Hotel. White Mountains. * new profile uolse and cottages.