Newspaper Page Text
!We 85c silk foil f? } i R i i ell O :: I V Money was needed to tiu i * io secqre ready . ash. Both are the j i , mention his name. y Silk foulards and pongees are now A the material will cost so little? 4 p ,, The Foulards are water-spot 4 every way. Dots and small figures *]' rose, reseda, brown, lavender, gray, green, navy and black-and-white con ?0? wide. Regularly S5c a yard, for ."3c. V - , , , , | Bargains extraordi I WASH W A Y Special purchase lots that women v Y to buy will appreciate. All are late si Y 1910 models and of superior workman t PERSIAN LAWN ] X WAISTS, imported and made A with side fastening effect; beau- j | $ tifully trimmed with fine em- \ ?8? broidery allovers and insertO ings. many with lace edgings at I Y the side. All with tucked stock Y and cuffs finished with lace jf edge. All sizes. Worth ?2.23. X Choice ! ? PERSIAN LAWN 1 a 'WAISTS with embroidered Y fronts, tucked back, stock and ? o ?fr? tucked with lacc edge. AH ' Y sizes. Worth >1.25. Only 2* to -j X a buyer tomorrow at, choice * LAWN WAISTS, with ] / new square - cut Dutch neck \ ,% style; lace and embroidery trimmed; three-quarter sleeves; lace I stock and cuffs. All sizes. . J ] < ..i.rui *2.00. Special tomorrow., j A Floor?S. Kami. Sons & Co. 1 Get 3 friends to Y % Kann's Circulating | and secure 6 months': Isn't it ^rorth a penny a day to n * * fiction? That's all It costs in 'the K. <5* We've Inaugurated a plan to giv 2 in three yearly subscribers six month Y Investigate if you are not already i ? Floor?Book Section. I Ssrad vouir fair 1 for safe stoi > Our fur storage quarters are kept temperature all the time, and we a ?e them against loss by moths. fire or th considering the many advantages to b> y Second Floor, Adjoining Millinery. Y We've taken from stock f X at $1.50 and SI.75 a yard to offer tomor a Here's what you'll find: 2 $1.50 AL.L-WOOI, PANAMAS, 50 1: % $1.75 SANGLIER SUITING, 50 in. a $1.00 FINE SERGES. 44 inches 9 wide, in all good colors, q w Special tomorrow, a y First Floor?Dress Goods Section. ! 25c mercerizs X X This is a charming fabric . inc white. rose, brown, tan. five sha T Hero, special. tomorrow at 19c a yard POXJETTA TISSUE?A new wa Y fabric that can be secured HE1 ? ONLY. Choice of colors, such as ph Y lavender, blue and tan. Something n X and ought to sell for 19c a yard. X introduce it. a yard for Pint Floor Wuh Oorxlfc Section. i/jo, S Included in a recent large that were manufactured to >c Buying these as we did with the we got them at practically our own j we can offer them so low tomorrow. The materials are satin striped ] i worsteds, serges, mannish mixtures, 5* Panamas. Y? IllHltlit'tHI ? ? ?i "? ?? ? i> | Special lo | amkSe=s Y We had a lot of these s X Kxpect these to have the same fi I and made on pretty last. All s X Shoes at a clear saving of $1.06.?S m i i SH? ?T <g Coal $6.35 Per Ton. Strictly rath price ? White Ash Stove. Egg and Chestnut. 90 rente off of the regular winter prices on White Ash Broken. Red Ash Shamokiu and L'yirana Valley. We guarantee clean and well prepared ceal. Simms-tiarrifton Co., 11th. at. and Rhode Island nse. n.w. r- r -.-x Maoris of Scent, Our Delirery Wagons tosses* tosny f?s!ui?a mat ?> distinctive. They are the wrl <>f Delivery Wagons that win lnstsnt oprevsi. Moderate price. TO Vaiissip Orriatrtiil M?rs.?T.n.t a Ewe I OUHjhf Repository, Phone If. 117. mr?l"d * a PK? 8th St. & Pa. Ave. "HE BUSY CORNE ! shall sell tomor lards and $1 t 5c a \ ic over a financial storm, and so >roduct of the best silk maker in the l'n in greatest demand for summer frocks, ? and perfect in The Demi-Ro and colors of old wide. Choice ol ?.? mais. apricot, ol alice blue, . tone moss green, brt lbinations. 24 in. white, black, an ; yard.?First Floe I inary in t JSTS BlCTe7 ilth Wash Waists | Fancy w< >rh* and summer I 50c tO $1, | tomorrow, n /Rv 1 Just 780 piece ?Tu / /TV /|\\ J suitable for dresg Mr / | j 1 t worth 75c or SI. UJ n\ l\ , I 1 OMO Dress ISi*!/ is D *4/ \y | sizes 2, 3 and f larly 22c. 25 | and 30c a pai I choice, a pair.. O/fn f FEATHERS T '// I l/JU I BRAID, six yai // ^ II ? piece, assorted f II fl A I ? regularly 10c i U \y/ | Ik a piece, choi | PIN CUBES. /hv ae ? size- Jet l^eads, r fry / /jY\ /A\ f ularly 9c each, s M* / I 11 1 I cia' at I ) THE "KAN \ | )j \ 1\ I I Collar Supporter My ii 0 Vzs : is like the Astr i of rustproof i worth 10c a t , , our price ( I ,, x .rst Floor?N< join : Library ii New eff m m i? Among the n< service free 1 Xew s'd6-pie 3VI 8WW 1 vv" and Pt. Gaze dp ?ad all the latest '' These are us. C. (' for outlining: nec e all who bring ,, * inches. Triced s' service FREE. TXSr" ^(T i member.?Third .> ui ( i ,gi fl">' I I I ilil I ifii I It shoul S tO IBS :: $50 Cha iragre I he The very late at an even cold leather. This er ibsolutely insure and no reason wl eft. Cost is slight ,, ?$20.75. e gained.?Inquire Ask at book <1 for complete inf< l i l lfl I I ? ? !?_ dress jowls, our or our most popular Light-1 row at $1.19. All the new spring shades a n. wide. | $1.50 TAILOR wide. $1.50 NATTE oOo *2.00 IMPORTED SUITINGS, M inches wide, in light, medium and dark gray: in plain and striped ef- gf> ? "WO fects. Special tomor- II >&j)0 row at. a yard ^ Irish s?l p lor the making of tailored suits .des of blue, gray. lavender and green and it's a fleeting chance. tsh "I COLORED TUS RK fr* Wide, in gray. r?k, i Hi /fo navy, natural, mi fw II (* ]][{ . appropriate for tl To ViV skirts or tailore ... J 11.00 a yard. Spi 7.98 aid purchase of ready-to-wear garm 11 at from $^>.50 to $8.50. other garments. The colors are price; tltat is why and tan-and-broi # The skirts an Panamas, tropical tunic effects am voiles and plain 22 in. to 28 in.; 1 S 'coud Floor -So t off $2.1*? whi trap pMinnips ffo everal weeks ago and sold then ate. Just 300 pairs. Made of good izes and all widths. A good chance econd Floor?Shoe Section. North Carolina ?cup*= pcrnong ! New York White Tokay I'nrlraled nvoet wiuea of aboolute parity and high quality. Botb bare tbo distinctive flavor of the grape from arblcb tbey i , I are made. , I'ar bottle. 00c; per dozen. |S.60. To-Kalon?fe ^ myfl-aud _ ^ ^ | _ _ _ t_ | ?! i I Pfcone Mala 4ol7-lt-19. Center Market Only. E.THOMFORDT, Fish, Game and Poultry. TRT OCR 8PW01AX.TY, Nov Potomac ttnobm Roe Herring, mild cored and European amokad delicious for braakfatt and lunck. apMttM -1 row I .00 pongees [ /ard | j m i i ?????? t V V the maker sacrificed these silks ited States?but we've promised not to V X tnd why shouldn't you have one when A ugh Pongees are all pure silk. 27 in. 4* ' UO or more colorings, such as pink, d rose, reseda, amethyst. Copenhagen, Jt >wn, tan, gold, kings blue, natural. A d others. Regularly $1.00, for 55c a A >r?Bargain Tables. <5* 9 9 9 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t < t t 9 > 9 9 > j t i> * * JOTIONS 1 f V savings than usual ish braids, worth X a six-yard piece & for is in the lot, in white and colors, and ? i trimmings. Most of the pieces are V 00. A oOo Y Shields, J. O. KING'S Spool A 4, regu- . Cotton, 2d0-yard spools, A black or white, regu- V r' SOr larly 3c a spool, tj *7- V .. *per dozen 'A 'ITCH LADIES' Sanitary *t* ds to a Safety Belts, regularly A >atterns, 19c each, sale | A ?na price ,vv A ice..^w WASHABLE HAIR ? large ROLL, extra large, each V cg in separate box, regu- Y 5c p"?...,Sc.'.. 45c ? t cirv DRESSMAKER S DE- A LIGHT Skirt Gages. A Q' regularly 25c, ?n. A a. made gale price> each IUC ?et ? SILK FEATHER- Y DC BONE, black or white. Y a box of 12 70C A ations. yards for " iects in ruchings | ovelties are: A atcd Laces.... Oriental?Valenciennes A signs. A ?d both for trimming purposes and A k and sleeves. Widths from 1 to A , according to width and quality, at y >c, 50c, up to $9.25 J: d be in every home! | rubers' Encyclopedia t re at $29.75 | >st revision, and is bound in half A icyclopedia should be in every home, A ly it ahouldn t, at the low price quoted section, third floor, or apply by mail >rmation regarding this big offer. A sue # ji i ? V X weight Suitings that have sold J* re Included, and you'll like the weaves. ED SUITINGS, all wool, 48 in. & SUITING, 50 in. wide. $1.75 LUPIN S GRAY SUITINGS; | light and dark ef- A fects; 30 inches wide. ^ V Special tomorrow, a *g> II JjO *j* yard - i i ...... r r ^ iplin, 19c a yd. ! Y Y Good line of shades, includ- X . Sells everywhere at 25c a yard. ?|? RAH LINEN. 50 inches') _ X reseda, coffee, cadet, |f-jl /ryv ilberry and pink. Very _ n Vv 1) > he making of separate II I . :d wash suits; worth U 'W v/ y ecial at J Y ? 3 mlrnirsfc M I mu ys to, PdOu | ents we.secured a lot of Skirts Y blue, brown and black: plain colors; a n-n and green-and-tan mixtures. A s in the popular pleated models, some ?> ong them. Waist bands range from ?> skirt lengths from 37 in. to 42 in. Y it Departmeut. , Y ite caevas 1 >r $11.45 ij ^ nil /-. < < 4 if? 4 l-? ? n n ^ mat rlotro n II <111 UUl Wlllllll <X itw U?L \ J [-quality canvas, correct shaped fieel to secure a pair of Stylish White X > -nflsV AINT your house or A) porches with Begal Prepared >\ / I'aluts. ulry I---- $1.50 GEO.E.CORBETT 409 10TH ST.?Neit to Gas Offlce. mr*-lM Burchell's ''Bouquet" [ 1 Coffee, 25c lb. Its purity and exquisite flavor have really endeared it , to thousands of homekeepers. N. W. Burchell, ! ?3?S F. WELCOME BY NAGE Pharmacopeial Convention t Meet Here Tomorrow. MINISTER CALVO TO SPEA Nominating Committee to Be S lected to Name Committee on Revision of Pharmacopeia. Delegates to the ninth decennial Uniti States Pharmacopeial convention arrivi in Washington today by the hundred at registered at the convention headquarte at the New Willard Hotel. The openir session of the convention will be held t morrow morning at 0:.TO o'clock, wh? Secretary Xagel of the Department Commerce and Labor will welcome tl delegates to Washington. An address w be mane. too. by Senor Calvo. minist irom Costa Rica, and the rddress of tl president of the convention. Dr. H. Woou of Philadelphia, will ho read. L Wood is ill and unable to attend the eo vention and Dr. Otto A. Wall of f Louis will be the presiding officer ai will read President Wood's address. The nominating committee will be a lected tomorrow. Its duties are to not inate the officers for the next convent!" and to nominate the committee on r vision of the pharmacopeia, Of the five members of the board trustees elected at the convention 1900 not one is now serving. Four of the are dead, among these being the chai man, William 4?. Thompson of this cit The fifth member. Samuel A. D. She paid of Boston, resigned. The first fo places were filled as the vacancies u curred. Officers of the Convention. The officers of the convention ai President, H. C. Wood, M. D., Philad' phia, Pa.; first vice president. A. B. Prt cott, AL D., Ann Arbor. Mich., (died Fc ruary 20, 1900); second vice presidei Otto A. Wall. M. D., St. Louis; third vi president, Reynold W. Wilcox, M. 1 New York; fourth vice president, N. Davis, jr.. M. D.. Chicago; fifth vice prf tdent. A. L. Lengfeld. M. D.. San Franc eo; secretary. Henry M. Whelpley. AI. 1 St. Louis; assistant secretary, Murr Gait Afotter. M. D., Washington, D. < treasurer. William AI. Alew, M. D., Was ington. D. C. (died Saptember 19, 190'J G. Wythe Cook. Af. D.. Washirjgtc D. C. (elected November 1, 1902.) Board of trustees?Chairman. Char] E. Dohme. Ph. AI., Baltimore; James Beal, Sc. D., Scio, Ohio (elected Octob 21, 1901); Frederick W. Meissin* Pli. G., Laporte, Ind. (elected Janua 9, 1907); Henry AI. Whelpley, M. D., ! Louis (elected April 14. 1903); ex offlc H. C. Wood. AI. D.. Philadelphia; officio, Joseph P. Remington, Ph. 2 Philadelphia; secretary, Murray Gi Motter, M. D., "Washington, D. C. Committee of Revision. The following are the members of 1 committee of revision: Charles Rice, Ph.D., chairman, 19< New York. N. Y. (died May 13, 190 chairman, Joseph P. Remington, Ph.A Philadelphia (elected June fi. 1901); fli vice chairman, C. Lewis Diehl. Ph.A Louisville (elected October 10, 1901); se ond vice chairman. Reynold W. Wllco M.D., New York: secretary, Alfred R. Dohme, Ph. D.. Baltimore; John J. Ah" M.D., Baltimore; Charles Caspari. j Phar.D.. Baltimore; Virgil Coblentz, Ph.I New York; N. 8. Davis, jr., M.D.. CI cago; James M. Good, Ph.G., 8t. Loul Willis G. Gregory, M.D., Buffalo, N. A Walter 8. Haines, M P., Chicago; Carl N. Hallberg, Ph.G.. Cliicago; II. A. Hat M.D., Philadelphia; Henry Kraemc Ph.D., Philadelphia; Edward Kremer Ph.D.. Madison. Wts.; A. B. Lyons, M.I Detroit. Mich.; John Marshall. M.D., Ph! Q <i o I *%) i - vx Daoae OMKnrir I'll a r T1 C*Y ?*' v/ CV.IH v ** /? > Hi * Iim .*^k, VI cago; (leorge F. Payne. M.D.. Atlant Oa.; Henry H. Rusby, M.D., Xew Yoi (elected October 10, 1001); Samuel Sadtler, Ph.D., Philadelphia; Lucius ] Sayre, Pli.M.. Lawrence. Kan.: Wilbur Scoville, Detroit, Mich.: Edward 1 Squibb, M.D./ Brooklyn; Alvleo B. Ste ens, Ph.C.. Ann Arbor, Mich.; ex offlci 11. C. Wood, M.D., Philadelphia. United States Pharmacopeia. The organization haf charge of tl publication of the United States Pharmi copeia, a standard book of drugs that recognized by this and other goveri merits. A bill has been introduced Congress by Representative Coudrr providing that the pharmacopeia sha be published by the government. The first United States Pharmacopei convention was held in Washington 1820 in the Capitol building. Since the succeeding conventions have been held Washington every ten years. More tha 130 state organizations and university will be represented at the convention at nearly 500 delegates are expected to a tend. PRESIDENT IS MISQUOTE NOT IN FAV0E OF A CENTRA BANK AT THIS TIME. Statement Regarding His Bosto Speech Is Given Out by Secretary MacVeagh. Under directions from President Tal Secretary MacVeagh is sending to ban ers who are writing to the Treasury i quiring as to the attiude of the adminl tration on the central bank question tl following: "Mr. Taft was misquoted in the r ports of his Boston address. The Pres dent is not in favor of a central bar at tlie present time; and he has persoi ally requested me to advise you that 1 is not advocating the establishment < such an institution." The Treasury Department has be< overrun with letters from banker since the Boston speech, wanting to kno the position of the Prewldent. The Pree dent has received a large number of le ters on the same subject. His trlj through the country, too, have shown hi that the central bank proposition is n universally popular, and that if it is evi enacted into law it must be done wit the greatest care, to avoid unsettlir business conditions. It has been supposed for some tin that the President was in sympathy wii ttie views of Senator Aldrich as to a cei tral bank, but his failure to commit hin sell at this time indicates that he is doubt. He is free to accept proof of tl feasibility of the scheme and to list* to the arguments of those for ar against it. The statement of Secretary MacVeag makes it quite possible that flnanci legislation will not be urged either i this session or the short session ne: winter. FUNERAL SERVICE HELD. Admiral McCalla's. Ashes to I Brought to Washington. SANTA BARBARA, Ca!., May 9.?T1 funeral of Rear Admiral Bowman 1 McCalla. who died Friday, took pla< yesterday from Trinity Episcopal Chure The services, which were conducted I Rev. Benjamin Davis, assisted by Cha lain James 1-ewis, I". 8. N., retired, eoi sisted simply of the ritual and two of tl hymns that were the admiral's favorite The urn containing the ashes of the a nilral. after cremation-at Eos Angeles t *day, will be taken to Washington. m m * 4 ' ?? I |Pfer?r'ferjr-^r|P-^r|r-fer|r-fe-?C-ferjfi,^? .j Our Grei I A Sti K *> % - 1 omorrow morning v e. ^ the lowest possible level 5 ington, and if you are n< I 29 i _d ^ ^ 't | We Save rs < Finest Ci ill ^ The greatest cut of all. er ? customers the benefit. THIS J Bl'Y. You cannot secure bel p. )r r ;;; ? jeiio, pkg nd Brown's Shoe Polish % Rising Sun Polish n- X-Ray Stove Polish..,...^. % Enameline .. . v-' Chinese Bluing .... ot % Z Pure Lard, lb v" $. Brooms 35c, 4c p- *, Scrub Brushes nr. ,c- !(< ' Sanitary P?raiul Butter, per 11 % ioc Blackberries, per can... If' ioc Cherries, per can au if Compound Lard, lb b r? J^c Pineapple. 3 ca ijt" y 20c Hesperian Pineapple, pe ce ^ 15c Maryland Peaches, per % T5c Peerless Pears, per can. (: 20c Premio Pears, per can. is- -/ ^ (: Eagle Milk, can ,h 1 20c Premio Cherries, per ca !>: ? 20c Premio Apricots, per ca % 30c Asparagus, per can.... j(c 25c Asparagus, per can.... er ^ Wagner's Beans, per can.... er, ft? ry * Challenge Milk can ? Knox Gelatine, per pkg.... ft., ^ Chalrrter's Gelatine, per pk l1t y Cottolene 28 <c Wesson's Oil ^ Babbitt's Lve, per can..... hc *: * ^ Pet Milk, large, 3 cans for. ?; ? Red Seal Lye, per can * Rice, per lb ...... 1.. 9 Japan Rice, whole grain, per c- J L. & P. Sauce, per bot X *N~ j.! *. Durkee's Salad Dressing, bol 5;; *, Pet Milk, small can ii- ^-w_ ,*< Octagon Soap, per cake..... & (f Pearline, per pkg. ;e. 9 5 | Suburban Deliveries 11- 'r From Our Store, 1424-26 7th n.w. li- v Phone North 6188. ^ ^ Telephone or Mall Your Orders. ? L Monday?Brightwood and Takomi f" *? Park. ' ff-' Tuesday?Brookland. ; 9 Thursday?Chevy Chase, Tenlevtow and Cleveland Park. o, ft: ifW|T fer|6,'fe-?r'ferjP'fe-^' -ferjC ii ie'tV* PRAY FOR THE KINC in ?y ??? " Supplications Yesterday ir 'li Churches of Washington. in m ??? 3 MEMORIAL SERVICE LATEF * Will Be Held Here Simultaneously J With the Obsequies in England. ^ In many of the churches of Wash ington yesterday the pastors offerei prayers for the repose of the soul o King Edward. His successor, Georg _ V, was mentioned and Divine guldanc was asked for him. The list of clergy men who spoke at some length in thei sermons of the demise of the king in eluded: Rev. Dr. Wallace Radcliffe of th New York Avenue Presbyterian Church Rev. Dr. C. Ernest Smith, rector of SI Thomas' Episcopal Church; Rev. Di U- ? _ r- j? Phnroh n Kanoioipn 1-1. iucmiii ui ....a ~. ? _ n" the Epiphany; Rev. Dr. Charles Woo<! a" Church of the Covenant; Rev. Dr. Ro land Cotton Smith of St. John's Epis copal Church, Washington, and Rev. Di *" William Rhlnd Wedderspoon. pastor J elect of Foundry Methodist Episcopa lk Church. " "It is a treasured memory and ai inspiration to hear the calm words o 0 the dying f lng, 'It is the end. I hav< tried to do my duty.'" said Dr. Rad Jn cliffe. s, w Triumph of Death Bed. '* "A sterling triumph in the hour o a great reality. In the forum of one* 38 own conscience and in the audience o the eternities it is the grand Idea, th> 0 high fulfillment, the dominant ideas o Pr God, the soul, responsibility and im 1 mortality. No better claim could b* made, no brighter crown can be givei ,e than the consciousness of duty done." tll "He loved his people well," declared Dr 5 MWI DISEASE sn _____ id Late estimates en the percentage of recoi fh cries under the new emollient treatment fo al Bright't Disease are as follows: at Where patient Is much weakened and crlae may be expected In from Are to ten days, prot ably not more ttaau 10% to 20% recover. Wber physicians aid with efforts to restrain fata symptoms this percentage is Increased. In case where patients have from thirty to sixty day ?e life the efficiency is very much higher. |g Where patients do not wait until bed-ridde. probably three-fourths yield. And In cases that take the new emollleu le treatment on the appearance of the diaeaae near! I nine out of ten respond. The point la that tb ? * Renal lndammatton should be attacked befor "C the heart and physical system are broken down " The new emollient treatment Is known a >y Fulton's Renal Compound. It can be bad t 1?- Washington from Henry Brans, 100? F at. n.n n- We desire every patient to. write ns who 1 te not noting the usual Improvement by the thlr week. Literature mailed tree. Jno. J. Fulto d- Co.. 645 Battery at., San Francisco, Cal. W o- invite correspondence with physicians who har obstinate casta. atest Cut-| aggerlng Bio ve inaugurate our greatest C . Thousands and Thousanc ot already a patron of our s 5T0RES==0 s You From 15% tc reamery B We have made an extraordinary p IS THE FINEST CREAMERY tter butter at any price. Try it a 8c Potatoes, bushel.. 8c Gold Dust, per pkg ....... Sc Sanolio. ner cake. ?? ? 4C Bon Ami, per cak 4c House of Lords T< ... 4c Standard Vinegar, 15c Potatoes, peck ... )c and 45c Genuine Pure Cide 8c Large bot. Pure C b.......32c Prize Tea. per pkg 9C 5c Spices 8c Sunny Monday Sc I2C Laundry Starch, 3 liis for.25c Fairbank's Tar Soa r can..15c Ivory Soap, per ca can....ioc p & q Qleine So; l?c Star Naptha Powd *5? Ben Hur Soap, per I3C Diamond D Stare] n I5C Old Dutch Cleansi 11 L5C Babbitt's Scouring 2?c 25c Vineland Grapi T/C cc Extracts Flavoi IOC Extracts Flavc 9C Large cans Gold 1 ........12c 2Qc Extracts Flavo g 9c Fresh Country Eg ? an o- Cornmeal, white o .......25c j-c jmport. Macar ioc Import. Macar Soapine, package. 4C 8c Macaroni or Sf 6c, 8c, ioc j-c doodles lb.... 5c Egg-o-See Wheat, 23c Kellogg's Corn Fl; t. 9c & 23c Hecker's Oats, pet 4C Old Dutch Cleanse; mmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmm ....... 4c Quaker Oats, per t-? 1 ......... 4C | runea is.xi:e, per pi : dan ^rJf-fe-jT ^rlT ii-lP ferir fef^ iSrir ferir^l I C. Ernest Smith, "wished them succes I and made many sacrifices for them. H I was the first servant of the people. I: later years he looked upon life as solemn thing. He was a peacemaker fo men and nations. He was not a typiea Englishman, rather a cosmopolitan, wh looked impartially at a question from a 1 Bides. All men and nations learned t respect his common sense, and th French, who once hated the Englis and were cordially disliked in return. be came the best friends to the Britons a a result of King Edward's diplomacy." | Memorial Service Planned. Memorial services for King Edward VI of England will be held in one of th leading churches of "Washington simul ^ taneously with the formal obnequies i England, but as yet no church has bee: decided upon. At the British embassy it was state today that It is not known when the se lection will be made. No movement, it i understood, has been made by Ambassa - dor Bryce in the matter. St. John* d Church, Lafayette Square, is regarded a f a strong possibility. i HEROIC ACTION M e i DISASTER PREVENTED, BIT] SAILOR LOSES AN ARM. f V , . I. - Fearing an Explosion, Door I Closed While Seaman Is j Passing Through. n Acts of heroism in the navy occur it times of peace, as well as when the battli e rages. That fact was demonstrated by i recent incident on the battleship Souti Carolina in which bravery, self-sacrific* and tact were displayed in a thrillinj j manner by three ibluejackets. The stor] g has just come out through the persona , commendation by the Secretary of th< * Navy of John Nelligan, Philip Arnold an< { Carl Beyers of the crew of the Souti Carolina. Official action was based on a repor made by Capt. A. P. Fechteler, command 11 ing that vessel. From this report it ap pears that while the South Carolina wai engaged in a big gun test in Cape Co< s bay April 23 an accident occurred whict threatened an explosion and imperilec the lives of the 800 officers and men oi the battleship. Quick Work Necessary. * In the crew of No. 1 turret in the lowei handling room were John Nelligan, gun * ner's mate, third class; Philip Arnold e electrician, second class, and Carl A. Bey j ers, seaman. Beyers was an assistan a handler, working under Xelllg&n's dl * rection. Arnold was in charge of tin electric switch, closing the doors of thi D room. Arnold, anticipating danger, sua denly closed the door while Beyers wai t passing through. His right arm wai , amputated at the shoulder, partly cut ant partly torn off. The blood spurted out it a great stream. A moment's delay wouk # have resulted in his death. Nelligan tor* ' off his own shirt, wadded it up tightl] and jammed it into the socket. This h< a held with all possible pressure while ait ' was summoned. Assistant Surgeon .1. P. Phelps, in his 0 report of the accident, said: d "I found Beyers being supported bj e Nelligan, who had his hand pressed intt e the wound, controlling the main artery The man's arm was torn from his body * feT ir -fa- ?r jr ?r -ic it *<- ir -it it a- ?r ir^ir price Grace iw to High Prl ^ut Price Grocery Sale. All prio is of Dollars will be saved to th< tores the prices named below wi NE NEAR Y > 20% on Your Grocei Sutter . . noi urchase and are giving our BUTTER MONEY CAN IJ VI nd be convinced. 1~ 52c I Shredded Wh AM.4 m I \\ n.i . ?^ diiu 41 ?? ss^Atvita, pci 8c Force, per pi e 8c Minute Tapio ja, y2-lb. pkg 20c Shriver's Silvi per gal 15c Sanitary Sou] ....15c Yi lb. Red Sa r Vinegar, gal...20c Nonpareil T01 ider Vinegar.... 10c Tomatoes, pei 13c Tomatoes, pei 4c Gallon cans 1 ?ap, per cake.... 4c Fish Roe lbs. for ioc 35c Walter Ba p. per cake....... 4c Kippered Her ke 4l/2C Kippered Her ap, per cake...... 4J/2C sauce ler, per pkg 4l/2c I_lb. Red Ala: cake..... 4c IOC I_lb. Pink h, pkg 4c ' 25c Walter B; er, per can.,*..,. yl/2c 25c i-lb. Sock Powder 4/^c 5C 4"jb- Oil e Juice, per bot. .20c 5C ring, per bot.... 4c T5C J4'ue \ ? iring, per bot.... 8c 25c Bine Lab Medal Sirup 9c Arbuckle Cofl ring, per bot....15c ioc \Y. H. Ba gs, per doz 24c ioc Lowney s r yellow, lb 2l/2c Sanitary Coffi oni or Spaghetti.ioc Blue Brand oni or Spaghetti. 8c Red Brand C 4c Genuine Mair , . , vest >aghetti.......... oc . ? 4c Ammonia per pkg 6c ioc Ammonia akes, per pkg... 9c 5c 20-Mule-T ' pkg ~ 8c ioc 20-Mule-l ?n ' 7^c J5C 20-Mule-l r' ^ 7/2C Ceresota Flou pkg 9c Sanitary Bran eg...... --.13c Cream of Wh< I Cert f'fe- Jf *ir|p-'fer|r-fe-|r-fer|r-'fer?r fcr?r fe-|p-?r^, 'fer| 8 r=E=====E====E=5=E=EE============= l NEW YORK. WASH! | Julius uarfi F Street, Corner 1 We Pay Particular Atteni i Store Hours: 8 A. e ??????????????? ; A May of Unde s e>r1 T LOWEST PRICE Ml FOR garment ' F=^ ITY, CONSISTIN r Corset Covers, Drawers, ' Chemises and Co Prices range during thi : $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4, $4.50 } $7-5? Per garment, and ar I prices. f ? Our Underwear is ma B J well lighted workrooms, & t mings being the very best. We have been searching 1 months to secure values tc ! unusually interesting. Sal< r ?? ? . and the arm was lying on the shell table. But for the presence of mind and ' quickness of Nelligan the man would " have undoubtedly bled to death before I t reached the scene." ; Saved by Blood Transfusion. e Beyers was taken to the ship's hospital, 1 g where the senior medical officer announc- gy ! ed nothing short of a transfusion of -- - -- ..... ? , tfli 1 blood would save nis me. eever*? ??* j the gun's crew promptly offered them- [)( s selves for the sacrifice, first among them r being Arnold. Arnold insisted upon be? ing accepted, assuming the blame for the i accident, and he gave up his blood ar- O cordlngly. Beyers had lost so much blood * s that it was necessary to drain Arnold's veins to the limit. When Arnold grew 1 ? faint and the physicians thought they > would have to take another man. he insisted upon giving up his last drop if , necessary. Beyers will recover. ao ?? ?? -* ferity tr-feir-'fc.-iP -feirv. ry Sale.: ices. i & es have been reduced to * : Housewives of Wash- * 11 surely appeal to you. ? OU. ' j ry Bills. ; rib, 32c. ? myl ?A ?i? ... St cai, ? ? 13*- $? ? ? mmm ? M* ? I I C y ca. per pkg...... ...... 9c ?r Peas, 3 cans for...25c y >s, per can.......... 8c f~ tlmon, can 8c ^ matoes, per can....... 5^c ** r can ..... . . .-. . ^ c ^ r can 12C 'omatoes. per can....20c y ?8c 2 iker's Cocoa, y2 lb.... 18c V ring ioc and 15c ring, in tomato .............1Oc and i^c >ka Salmon, per can.. 15c v : Salmon, per can.... jYiZ iker's Cocoa, XA-lb. ck.i7C f eye Salmon, per can.. 18c TSardines ......... 3c tard Sardines......... 3c el Catsup...... 10c ^ el Catsup ........t6c ? fee, lb ...ijc ?? k ker's Cocoa........... 8c > Cocoa 9c k ee 25c Coffee.. 20c ^ Coffee..... 15c ^ le Corn (Golden Har ioc ^ 9 ra t 4^ ^ i 8c j* r? . _ k earn norax 4c 'earn Borax.... 6c ? 'earn Borax 10c r, per bag 23c and 45c % d Flour, per bag.25c & 48c 3 sat, per pkg.... 14c '* . $ ?sota Flour, bbl. wood.$6.50 ** ;ta Flour, per bag 39c ? ^e Salt Mackerel 15c ^ lium Salt Mackerel..... 5c r* cy Prunes, per lb., $ 12c, ioc and 8c Fancy Dried Peaches..ioc ^ (Tferff -fer jT ^lf fe-|P-fcr|S,*fc-?r'fe-?ri 1 1 NGTON. PARIS. faileduo. rhirteenth. tion to Mail Orders. M. to 6 P.M. ! Sale I rwear :s EVER OFFERED S OF FIRST QUALr G OF Lrowns, Underskirts, mbinations. s sale?$1, $1.50, $2, , $5, $9.50, $6.50 and e much under regular nufactured in clean* le materials and trim; the markets for many make this May Sale c starts today. WANTED. Boys over 116 with bides can obtain employent in our Messenger spartment. Apply to ostal Telegraph able Company. 11345 Petma. Ave. lo-aw . .....