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AUCTION SALES. THIS AFTEESOOW. A Dam a vteschler. a lotion err. TRUSTEES' SALE OP LAROE FRAME DWEIXING. NO. 15f?7 WISCONSIN AVENUE N.W.; ALSO BRICK AND FRAME DWELLING. NO. 1534 32D STREET (FORMERLY VALLEY > N.W. By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court ?r the District of Colombia, pasted In Equity Cause No. 2S157. on the docket of aald court, 'he undersigned trustee* appointed by said do?ree will offer for sale at public auction on WEDNESDAY. THE ELEVENTH DAY OF MAY. 1910. at HALF-PAST FOUR P.M. O'CLOCK, the following descr.bed piece or parcel of land and premises, together with the improvement* thereon: The 2M feet front l?y the full depth of 13ft feet n-xt adjoining on the south the north 123 feet of lot lit In Beatty At Hawkins" Addition that part of the District of Columbia formerly called Georgetown, and situate in what was formerly known as square lOl. but now vtiivtn as square 1371. the same being Improved by a dwelling numbered 1307 Wi*<-onsln a venue northwest; and thereafter, and on the ssme date at the hour of FIVE P.M. O'CLOCK, 'he said trustees will offer at public auction all that piece or parcel of land and premises 1 r?* 'n ts.t nart aaf t ho District of Colnmhljt f>rrjfrl( callril tJpnrjMown. anil dnrrihrd as sod being the north 12 feet H inches fr ntln* >n 32d street. formerly Valley street, by the full depth thereof of h>t 10 In square 1271. fortnerly tl?> known m part of "the Slip," the same being improved tiy a small dwelling, now known as No. 1534 32d street northwest, together with the right of way appurtenant to aid part of the lot immediately south of and running along the south line of the above described lot. said right of way fronting 2 feet J* in< bes on said Valley street and baring a depth of 42 feet. The terms of sale for each of the said properties are one-third In cash and one-third in ne year and one-third In two years, wttb Interest on said deferred payments at the rate f K per cent per annum, and said deferred jiayibents to l?e evidenced by the promissory notes of the purchaser or purchasers, and secured by deeds of trust npoc the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser or purchasers. .4 d'i?oslt of $100 on each of the properties sold will be required st the time of vale, and the terms of sale mnat be complied with within fifteen days from the date of aale; otherwise, the trustees will resell said property at the risk and cost of any defaulting purchaser or purchasers. All conveyancing, certificates or abstracts of title, recording fees, tc.. at purchaser's cost. FRED K L. S1DDOX9. Trustee. Bond building. JFLirS A. MAF.PEL. Trustee. ap?8-d&ds.exSu Columbian building. (CFTIIF, ABOVE SALES ARE POSTPONED on aceormt of the rain until SATT*RD\Y, MAY FOURTEENTH. 1910. at the came hours and places. FRED'K I.. S1DDON8. JlXirs* A. MAEDEL. myl2-?lAds Trustees. ' ElTl'RE DAYS. 1 ADAM A. WESCHI.KR. ALCTIONEEK. Executors' Sale of Valuable Unimproved Real Estate on 28th Street near Q Street Northwest. By virtue of nuthority in t':e unde-s gn^d vested by the terms of the will of I-ou's Mnckall. | - ??1 tl ?a ....LW _ ?... 1 we win -f*u ai aumwj w" tuesday. the seventeenth i>ay of MAY. 1910. at half-fast FOFR O'CLOCK P.M.. the following demri'ed real es*at"> and premises lying and be us in square m "2S4 in the city of Vash nglon, District of OntomMa. to wit: Beginning for the Maine at a point on tho west line of 28th street distant one hundred and twenty foot du north from the ^ontheast <;pni?T of said square and run 'in* thence nortii for a front on sail 28th street thirty not feet arcl extendlne back we t and ttio width of ssid front one hundred and ten , feet. terms of sale: One-third of the purchase coney to be |?lil in cash and the baian e in two equal installments, payable In one .-nl two -ears, with Interest at the rate of six p r *en1'iui per annum, pnvable semi-annnal'y from day of sale, secured by deed of trust on property sold, or all cash, at the option of purchaser. ' \ deposit of $100 will be required of the purchaser at the time of sale All conveyancing, recording and notarial fees a: the cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within flftc *n days from day of sale, otherwise the under?igned reserve the right to resell the property ::r the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser j vr advertisement of such resale. E. J. W=TJ>. LOUIS MACK ALL. Executor*. HENRY S. MATTHEWS, \ try. for Executors. niy5-dA.ds.eSa S BENSINGER. AUCTIONEER. " CONTRACTOR'S DISPOSAL SALE. 1 J .ti'MPTORY AND POSITIVE SALE OF THE HORSES. MILES, WAGONS. HARNESS. TOOLS. IMPLEMENTS AND STABLE , EQUIPMENT OF THE POLLOCK DRAYAGE AND STORAGE COMPANY. AT ITS STABLES. 2121 E STREET N.W.. ON TUESDAY. MAY SEVENTEENTH. 1910, AT TEN-THIRTY A.M. At the above named time and place I will sell at the atables of the Pollock Drayaee and Storage Company, retiring ash contractor for the District of Columbia. 81 horses. 49 mules. 10 coal wagons, 3 express wagons, 2 stone wagons. 2 platform wagons. 50 Studehaker and other dumpers. 3 carts. 5 buggies, about 70 seta of double and single harness, together with the tools. Implements, stable equipment, etc.. for which It has no farther use because of Its retirement as ash contractor. Sale peremptory and without reserve. i Terms cash. S. BENSINGER, Auct. r Ul ? I v- ? ?f" Til OS. J. OWEN * SON. AUCTIONEERS. rRUSTEES* SALE OF VALUABLE REAL Eg- i TATB. IMPROVED BY THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, NO. 2906 14T1I ST. N.W. By rirtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded In I.Iber No. 2100. folio -TOO et seq., of the land records of the District of Co'nmMa. and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at nnMIc auction. in front ?>f ttie premises, on WEDNESDAY, THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF MAY. A.D. 1910. i AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the fol- ! lowing -described land and promises, situate in the cunty of Washington. District of Columbia, and designated as and being lot 52 in block 34. 1 now known as square 2S54. Columbia Heights. ' u.ore particularly described in said deed of trust. i Terwis of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid In cash, balance In two equal Just ailments, payable in one ami two years, with interest at 6 per centum per anncm. payable semi-annually, from day of sale, secured bv deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of <200.00 will be re tuired at time of sale. All i conreyancing, recording, etc.. at cost of purchaser. H. BRADLEY DAVIDSON. LCTHER S. FRISTOE. Trustees. myg-dAda.esSu ADAM A. V*jCSCHLER, AUCTIONEER. Trustees' Sale of Valuable Real Estate on Rhode Island Avenue Extended Between 5th and 6th Streets Northeast, Improved by Two-storv Brick Houses NTum bered 501, 503, 505, 507 id 509. Default having occurred under t ,>rovislons Of a certain deed of trjst da ed Mar SI, 1UU3. and recorded May 1, 1303. in UU r 2iOS. folio 343 et acq., of the land records of (he District of Columbia, the undersigned trustees, at the request of the bolder of the notes secured thereby, will oflfcr far sale at public aoc.lon. in front of the premises, on MONDAY, MAY' TIVBaTVTHIRD. 131". AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. part of lot 35 In Barry and Mlddleton. trustees*, subdivision of a tract of land called "METROPOLIS VIEW." as per plat recorded in Uber Governor k.'iepherd. at folio forty-one <411, one of the records of the surveyor a utfl e of the District of Columbia, and described by metes and bounds as gnllotvs: Beginning for the same at the northwest corner Of said lot and running thence south twenty-one titl) degrees east one hundred twenty-eight and sixty-three hundredths (12*1.(13) feet: thence east two hundred and three and thlr.y nine hundredths t2u3.39> feet; thence due south forty-six ??6t feet: this point bein^ the southeast corner of the Intersection of Fifth strec; and Unode Island avenue extended. Now take this point as a beginning point and run theme northeasterly along the south ilne of Rhode Island avenue exvended one hundred (1<J0> feet: then e southeasterly at right anglea to said Rhode Islaud avenue ninety <i)Oi feet; ;hen-e southwesterly parallel to the line of Rhode Islnnd avenue seventy-seven and thlrty-nlna hundredths i77 33) feet; thence due west i fty-sevon snd thirty-two hundredths 57.32> feet to tl e line of i'if.h street, and thence north seventy-two and ninety-eight hundw-dths <72.9X1 feet to the place of beginning, with the use of a fifteen (15) foot alley in the rear of the above mentioned premises, the above j property being improved by five two-story brick | bouses, each having a front of twenty til)) feet i on Rhode Island avenue. The trustees will offer the above property in parcels successively, as follows: t. The easterly twenty <2?b feet by a depth of I ninety (Wo feet. improved by hoiwe No. 80M! Rhode Island avenue Dor.b'-a*t. | 2. Twenty (SO) feet front by a depth of ninety . ('.Ho feet, lying next west of and adjoining the 1 par-el of around lifst offered, and Improved by . Louse No. 507 Whode Inland av<nue northeast. 3. Twenty <2l?t feat front by a depth of ninety j <# >) feet; lying riext wmj of and adjoining the second pan-el above described, and improved by house No. 508 Rhode Island avenue northeast. . Twenty <2?>i f"et front on ltkode island avenue and running hack between parallel lines to the rear line thereof, lying next west of and adjoining the third parrel above dea ribed. and being improved by bouse No. 503 Rhode Island ave- , Sue northeast. ft. Twenty <20? feet front on Ithode Island ave. I nue and running hack betweeu parallel lines to' the rear line of the whole tract, lying next west : of and adjoining par el of land numbered 4., above described. and also part of the whole traet lying next west of and adjoining the lot above ! described as No. 4. the same twlng a triangular I lot having a frontage of seventy-two and ninety-j eight hundredths <72 tthi feet on Fifth street, this! parcel tiring improved by bouse No. 501 Rhode: island avenue northeast. Terms of sale (as to eacb piece of property j nidi: One-third <-asb. balance in equal Install- i nieucs. payable in one and two years, or all! cash, at purchaser's option. The deferred pay- j meets to be evidenced by promissory notes l**ar li.r six per cent Hforest. payable semi-annually. ' and to be secured bv deed of tniat upon the premises sold. A deposit of one hundred (UWt dollars will be required at the tlMta of sale upon each pan-el. Terms of sale to l>e complied withsrlf-in fifteen days fr<?ni the day of s*'e. or the t premises may be resold at tbe risk and coat of defaulting purchaser. Conveyancing at purchaser's cost. JACKSON' H. RALSTON. Rnnd building. E. QL'INCT SMITH. IhyRS-eodJtdn Bond building. AUCTION SALES. MOXDAY. ADAM A. WESCHLEB. AUCTIONEER. Bankruptcy Sale of Groceries, Fine Fixtures, etc., contained in Store No. 3038 114th Street N.W. By virtue of an order of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, holding a Bankruptcy C-mrt. in re John Weaver, bankrupt No. d63, the undersigned truatee will sell by public nuetlon. within the above premises, on MONDAY. MAY SIXTEENTH. 1910. AT HALFPAST TEN O'CLOCK A.M.. fresh stock Impor ed and Domestic Groceries, practically new Oak Sectional Ice Box. Marble-top Counte-s and Meat Hack. Meat and Poultry Show Caaea. Meat Block*. Portable Shelving. Scales, National Cash Register. Mirrors, etc. Will flrat he offered as an entirety, and if a satisfactory bid la not obtained, will be Immediately sold in detail. Terms cash. THOMAS E. McCDE, Trustee. my 10 d&dbs.eSu No. 4f>S La. ave. n.w. MARCUS NOTES. AUCTIONEER. TRUSTEES' SALE OF POOLROOM BUSINESS AND CONTENTS, NO. 607 H STREET N.E. . Br virtue of a certain chattel deed of trust, duly recorded In LI her No. 32S9. folio 330 et seq., one of the land records of the District of Columbia. and at f-c request of the party seenred A 1 a a_._S Ml 11 -A inerruj, lue unurmguru iniiiem wui ?ni mi public auction. as an entirety, or lii parcels If not sold as an entirety, on the premises, on MONDAY. MAY SIXTEENTH. 1910. AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. contents of poolroom at 507 H street northeast, consisting of 3 Brunewlek-Balke pool tables, including balls and cues for the tame: 10 chairs. National cash register. 1 gas store lamp, t water cooler, showcase for cigars. 1 counter and 4 cuspidors. Terms of sale: All cash. A deposit of $100 will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing. recording, etc.. at cost of purchaser. Terms of sa'e to be compiled with within five days from date of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement of s'eh resale In some newspaper published in Washington. D. C. LEVI H. DAVTD. EDGAR A. BEHREND. my12-4t Trustees. THUS. J. OWEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS. Valuable Building Lot Fronting 24.50 Feet on the North Side of K Street Between 2d and 3d Streets N.W., to Close a Syndicate, at Auction. By virtue of authority of a syndicate, we will sell at pnbll" auction to the highest bidder, to rlose Its affair*, in front of the premises, on VftvPAY, MAY SIXTEENTH. 1910. AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. lot "B" in square 558. Splendid location for a warehouse or flat. Terms: One-third cash, balance in one and two vear*. with Interest at 6 per cent, payable semtann'*ally. secured by deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at purchaser's option. A deposit of $100 required npon acceptance of hid. OnTeyancing and recording at purchaser's cost. Sale to be closed in flfteeD days, or deposit forfeited. THOS. J. OWEN* & SON. Auctioneers, mylO-d&ds.eSu 1331.G st. n.w. ADAM A. Vv ESCHLER, AUCTIONEER. Trustee's Sale of Two-story Frame Dwelling House, No. 1030 Eighth Street Northwest. By virtue of a decree of the Sunreme Conrt of the District of Columbia In Equ ty cause No. 29023, the undersigned trustee will sell. In front of the premises, on MONDAY. THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF MAY. 1910. AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. the follow'ng-described real estate In the city of Washington. District of Colombia. to wit: Lot fourteen (14) In Margaret Johnson and others' subdivision in square numbered four hundred and two (402), .is per plat recorded in the snrve'or's office of said District, in Book 11. page 177, together with the imnroyements thereon. Terms of sate: One-third cash, balance in two equal installments, payable at one and two years, bearing 6 per ?ent Interest, a-cure 1 by deed of trust on the property, or all cash, at purchaser's option. $20o cash deposit at of sale. All cost of examiuat en of tlrlp. recording and conveyancing at purchaser's expense. Sale to be consummated within fifteen days, else the trustee reserves the right to read vertigo and seJ the property at defaulting purchaser's cost and risk. GEORGE C. GEBTM VN, Trustee, my4-d&ds.ems8 Century hid*., city. ADAM A. WESCHLKB, ALCTIO.NEEP. Three=story Brick Store and BweSMng, No. 901 E Street Southeast, by Auc= tion. ON THURSDAY, MAT TWTjFTH, 1?10, AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. I will ae'l by publ c ruction, in front of the preml-es. snhlot 40, square 040, improved by 3-story brick building, <ontaining 11 rooms, bath and storeroom; corner 9th and E streets a.e. Terms: One-third cash, balance one ani two years, or all cash: deposit $200 at sale. Terms to be complied with in IS days. All conveyances, record'ng, etc., at purchaser's coat. myfi-dftds.eSu ADAM A. WKSCHLE1. A net. CFTHH ABOVE SALE IS POSTPONED OX icenont of the rain until MONDAY. MAT SIXrEENTH. 1910, at the same hour and place. mri.t-Jt THOS. J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. Chancery Sale of Three-story Brick Store and Dwelling, Situate at the Southwest Corner of Vermont Avenue and S Street N.W. By virtue of a decree paaaed in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia in tve case of Lnella Schrciner va. Henry S. Haigbt et al., Equity No. SKifiO. I will sell at ptb'-ic auction. In front of the premises, on MONDAY. THE SIXTEENTH DAY OP MAT. 1910. AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the following-described land and premises, situate in the city of Washington. in Mid District, and known as and being lot numbered 24 In Henry Height's subdivision of lots in square No. 30?, as per plat recorded in Liber 23. folio 14S, of the records of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia, with the. improvements thereon. Sold subject to a certain deed of trust for $1,000. Terms of sale: One-third to be paid in cash and the balance in two equal Installments, payable in one and two years from tve day of sale, and to be represented by the promissory notes of the pur. haser. hearing interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, and secured by deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. t2<<0 deposit required upon acceptance of bid. All conveyancing, notary feet and recording at purchaser's cost. Terms to be compM^d with within fifteen days or trustee may advertise and sell at the purchaser's risk and cost, after flee days' previous advert'sement of s i<-h resale published in some newspaper of Was'-lnrton. D. C. PRESTON B RAY. Trustee. Washington Loan and Trust building. PRESTON B. RAY. E. REEVES BRADDOCK. Attorney a. tny4-d&d? e9a FUTURE DAYS. ADAM A. WE8CHLEK. AUCTIONEER. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF TWO-STORY AND BASEMENT FRAME DUELLING NO. 1207 28TH STKFET NORTHWEST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, dolv recorded in I.lber No. 1H51. folio 40 et acq., of the land reeords of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned surviving trustee will sell at public auction in front of the premises, on WEDNESDAY. THE TWENTY-FIFTH DAY OF MAY. A.D. 1010, AT FIFTEEN MINUTES PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the fo'.lowing-dea-ribed land and premises, situate in .he city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, to wit: Part of lot 14 in what was formerly Uolmead's addition to Georgetown, beginn'ng for the same at the end of a line drawn 78 feet north on the east line of Montgom ry street from the northeast corner of Bridge and Montgomery streets, thence easterly parallel with Bridge s.reet 30 feet, thence oo'ithprlr n?rn!lol with Montironiopv utrMt 11 foot thenc* westerly parallel with Bridge street 3*1 feet thence north on Montgomery street 14 feet o the place of beginning. being f-e same property conveyed to Th?-odore WU'lam* by deed dated September 13. IbflO. and re.orded In Liber n 13. folio 334. said property being in what is now square 1214. together with the improvements thereon. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash, and the balance in two eq-al installments, payable in one and tw-o years, with interest at si* per centum per annum. payable senil-annua'ly. from day of sale, secured by deed of tr tst upon the property sold or all cash, at the option of t'c pur ha?or. A deposit at $100 will be r-quired of the purchaser at the time of aale. All conveyancing, re ordtnu and notarial feet at the cost of the pur baser. Terrna of sale to be complied with within fifteen days from day of sale, otherwise tin- surviving trustee reserves the right to resell th? property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser after five days' advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in the ?ltv of Washington. P. C. PETER J. MclVTYRE. invl3-d&da.eSu Strv vlng Tr-stee. TKI'STF.KSf SALE OF HOUSES AN'l PREM ISES NOS. 222 O 8TRFE r N 'RTH V S' AN T> 306 VIRGINIA AVENUE SOUTHEAST Under and by v'rtue of a de re-? of the Supreme Uourt of the D'.strlc* of Columbia, pa?s <1 In equity eauae No. XKFJS, the ua ler.-dgn d trustees will on TI ESD \ Y. THE T,vENTVFii! IITH D*Y OK MAY, 1"10. In front of the respective properties, sell at public auction the following projierty. to wit: First?AT HALF-PAST FOUR P.M., lot th rt-nine (TO> In Carr'a snt d'v'slon of part of square live hundred and slxP-s'x (506). a per pi t i'1 Book No. 10. page 60. of ?h- surveyor's efflce < t aid District, with the improTenie ta. con l -tl g of an eight-room brick dwelling, known as 22.' G street northwest. Second?AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M . part of original lot four (4) In square reve - hundred au ' n'nety-six (7 6). hcvlng a fro t of 2T?>B feet on Virginia avenue by an ev-n d-vtli of nluet'feet, improved bv an e'g'-.t-room brick dwelling bouse, known as 3 6 V rgln'a iv- nue tout -east. Tersna of rale: One-t':lrd of t e rvn~c.;ase money in raali. balance In equal Inst llrneota at one and two years, secu-ed by t e prog I aorr notes of the purchaser and a deed of tra?t on the property sold; or all c*?a'i, at pur-'-a e' option. A deposit of $"00 r qn're-1 on day of aale. Sale to be cloned w'tb'q fifteen day* from the date thereof: conveyancing ani recording at porchaaePa cost. J NO. R KING. T-u#t-e. OtBec. U. 8. P ns! -n Agency. L1NME B. BATES. Truitee. 715 31 at. n.w. THOS. J. OWEN * SON, Auctioneer*. 1 nyll-dAda.eSu 9 AUCTION SALES. FUTURE DAYS. ADAM A. WESCHLEK. AUCTIONEER. Trustees'Sale of Twenty , Acres of Valuable Uoim= proved Land on Sbepfnerd Road, about One Square East of New Car Line of Washington and Baltimore Transit Company, ' By rlrtne of n decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, passed lu Equity Cause No. 2)006. on the doeket of said court the undersigned trustees appointed by said decree will offer for sale at public auction, on WEDNESDAY. THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF MAY. 1910. AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. the follow'ng des ribed piece or parcel of laud and premises; Part of, the tract of land In the District of Columbia called "ChHInm Castle Manor." described as follows, viz.; Beginning for the same at a stone ' planted at the southweat eomer of the said tract and on the north side of the Shepherd road and r*nnlng thence Dorth 11 "degrees 51 minutes 1 east 991 feet; then-e north 8 degrees OO minutes 1 40 seconds west 794.50 feet; thence north 46 degrees 16 minutes So seconds east 1552.11 feet: thence south 19 degrees 11 minutes east 1.752 feet: thence sonth 83 degrees 30 minutes west 775.50 feet: thence sonth 23 degrees w^st 297 feet: then-e along the north s'de of the said Shepherd road 49.5 feet to the point of beginning, according to plat of survey thereof by William i P. Ilicbartls. surveyor for the District of Columbia. made in April. 1908. said parcel of land be. Ing the same described to two certain deeds from i Robert Selden. since deceased, to James M. Love, trustee, and M. IT. Wells, trustee, respeetlvely. dated June 10. 1877. and recorded in Liher SBO. at folios 184 and 187. respectively, of the land records of the District of Colombia; subject, however, to the dedication to public use for streets and alleys of certain parts of said real , estate in the subdivision thereof made by Chil- ' loin Castle Realty Compauy and recorded in the office of the snrveyor for the District of Col imhia in County Book 24. at pace 48; and in'ludine any reversionary interest which mav hereafter accrue or arise by reason of the abandonment, or 1 alteration of the lines, of the streets and alleys aforesaid. The terms of sale are; One-tMrd of the purchase money to he naid in cash and the balance in two equal installments, payable in one and two years from day of sa'e. and to he represented by the promissory notes of the purchaser, bearing interest at the' rate of si* per centum per annum, payable semi-annoa1lv. and secured hy deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $500 will be required at the time of sale, and the terms of sale must be romn'ipd witv within fifteen days from the date of sale, otherwise the trustees will resell Faid property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser. All conveyancing. certlfl"atps or abstracts of title, recording, etc.. at purchaser's cost. EDWARD P. COT.LA D 4 Y. Trustee, 13?0 F st. n.w . Washington. D. C. IIARVEY M. RERKET.EY. Trustee. 18 East Patriot ft.. Somerset. Penna. myfi-d&ds InSn ADAM A. WESCHLEK. AUCTIONEER. TRUSTEES' SALE TIF TWO DWELLINGS?A THREE-STORY BRICK. KNOWN AS PREMISES NO. 1626 5TII STREET NORTHWEST. I OT 20 FEET BY 93.4ts FRET. AND A TWO-STORY FRAME. KNOWN AS PREMISES NO. 1Rt? 5TH STREET NORTHWEST. LOT 18 FEF.T BY M3.4V, FEET. By virtue of a certain deed of tni?t. dated February 12. 1S96. and recorded among tlio land coords of the District of Columbia, in Liber 2086. folio 340 et seq.. and at the reqnest of the holder of the note secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will offer, separately, at public auction, in front of the respective premises. on THURSDAY. THE NINETEENTH DAY OF MAY. A. I). 1910. COMMENCING AT IIAI.F-PAST FOUR O'CI OCK P.M.. the following-described real estate, situate In ti e eltv of Washington. District of Columbia, to wit: Part of original lot unmltered ten (101 In aunnre numbered four hundred and seventy-seven 1477): Beginning on 5tb street forty (401 feet north of the southeast corner of said lot and running thence north on said street twenty (201 feet: thence west ninety three <931 feet and four and one-half (41-*.) inches; thence south twenty Gfl'1 feet and tlience east ninety-thiee 1931 feet fur and one-half (4%i inches to the place of beginning. And also lot numbered twenty-two (221 in the subdivision of part of square numbered four hundred and seventy-eight (478). made by Eugene Cams! and others, assignees of James G. Nay'or. as per plat recorded th I Iher H. D. C-. folio 91. of the records of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia, together with the lmpro ements thereon. Terms of sale; One-third of the purchase money to be paid In cash and the balance to be paid in three equal installments, respectively. in one. two and three years, secured by a deed of trnst upon tl.e property sold, with Interest thereon payable semi-annually at the rate of 6 per cent per annum nnttl paid, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $200 on each property will be required at the time of sale. Sale to be closed within fifteen dars from day of sale: otherwise the trustees may resell the property at the rifk and cost of defaulting purchaser after five days' advertisement in some paper published in the city of Washineton. D. C. Conveyancing at the cost of purchaser. JNO. JOY EDSON. Trustee. JAMES E. FITCH. Trustee.' . JAMES \V. WHELPLEY. Trustee. aiy-i-d&ds.exSn , ADAM A. WESCHLER. AUCTIONEER. I i CHANCERY SALE OF TWO TWO-STORY I BRICK DWELLINGS, NOS. 321 AND 323 10TH STREET SOUTHEAST. By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court I of the District of Columbia passed in Equity Cause No. 28732. the undersigned trustee will sell, at public auction, in front of the premises ON FRIDAY. THE TWENTIETH DAY OF MAY. A. D. 1810. AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M., the following described real estate in the District of Columbia, to wit: Part of oiigiuai lot 1 in 'square 945. beginning for the aame at the northeast corner of said lot aud running thence south 14 ft. 1 in., more or less, to the middle of the partition wall between premises No. 321 and 323 10ih street southeast, theuce west through the middle of said wall 85 ft., thence north 14 ft. 1 in., more or less, to the north line of said lot. thence east along said north line 85 ft. to the beginning, improved by premises No. 321 10th street southeast. ALSO: Part of original lot 1, square 945. beginning at a point on loth street east at the center of the partition wail between premises 321 and 323 lOtb street scntbeast. said point being 14 ft. 1 in., more or less, south of the northwest corner of said lot 1. and running thence south along said street 14 ft. 1 In., more or less, to the north line of the part of said lot 1 conveyed to Catharine Naeck"r by deed recorded n Liber 659 at folio 449 of tbe land records of the District of Columbia, thence west aionr the north line of said parcel 85 ft., thence north 14 ft. 1 in., more or less, to a point due west of the point of beginning, thence east 85 ft. thrrugb said partition wall to the tiegi-ining, improved by premises No. 323 lOtb street southeast. Terms or saie: une-rnira or ine purcnase money to be paid In cash, and the balance In two equal installments, payable In one and two years, wttb interest at ? per centnua p-r annum. payable semi-annually. from day of sa'e, i represented by promissory notes, secured by \ deed of trust upon the property sold, or all , ash. at the option of the purchaser. A deposit 1 of $100.00 will be required on each house at the , time of sale. All conveyancing. recording and notarial fees at the cost of the purchaser, i Terms to be compiled with within fifteen day* from day of sale, otherwise the trustee re- j serves the right to resell th? propertv a' the r'sk and coat of the defaulttn? purchaser, after five days' advertisement of such resa'e In some newspaper published Id the city of Washington. DC * tOCIS A. DFNT. Trustee. revd-AS-de eeSc 717 1 4th O n.W. THUS. J OWKN ft SOX. AUCTI' INEKltS. CHANCERY SALE OE VALUABLE IU-'Sl DENTIAI. I'ltOPERTY IN W.\S'rivOT *N IX WHAT WAS FORM'R'Y "OEORU'" TOWN." RFIN'J THK TWO TWO-IT ?TtY BRICK DWELLING* N S 3">5 AND 3T!7 PROSPECT STREKT NO 'THWE1T ANi? THE TWO STOI1Y BRICK DWELLING NO 1237 POTOMAC STREET NORTHWEST By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Co'nrrMa. ra-sed 'n Fqu tv Cause No. 20104. wherein Willi nn II. IUnks e al. are complainants and Ioula M. Nlxd r' < t al. are defendr.nts, I. the u-dors'smed trus'ee, will sell at public auct'on In tr nt of the respective premls-s commen ng on M 'ND ' Y, THE TWENTY THIRD DAY OF MAY. J . > AT FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the f I owl g d scribed land and prem'ses -ituatc 'n t!i city f Wa hington. in C c Disfrl t of C 1 -rub's, d scribed as follows: Lots S3 an 1 84 In W >. H. West's subdlv slon of o:dg nal lot nu '? red 2? n "Old Georgetown," I e tig n square fT ue 1 1 numbered 50. as the sam< is of reco d n L beA R. 8.. j agi- 107. of the su -veyor'-j re o ds ' for the said District of Colnrrb'*, s 'd squir 1 now tielng numbered iyh?. It te ng t e i e ' land wliieb was conveyed to Oe^rg* \. Xlxd r* by John S. West et al. bv deed dated De^e-" er 2. 1800. and recorded In Lltier No. 1549 at fol o 66. one of the land reeor'a for will Di rl t of* i , Columbia, Improved by two two stor ' r k , d we'll re. No-. "'35 and 3337 I'ros;?ct ?tr e northwest. Also IMMEDIATELY THERE 1FTER parts of . orlgii al lots nun ben d So and Si in B-atty and Hawkins' addition to said He r?e own. 'eginDlng for the same rt a point on the ft't a'de i of Potomac street dlrtant ,122 fe?'t -o:th from ita Intersect'on with First, n w N a'rcvt and 1 running thence through the center of - pat I wall between the house and premise conveyed by the hereinafter mentioned d-ed and t'f li-u -e adjoining the same on the north e t 64 75-1 0 feet to a three-foot alley In th" re r of sal premises, fence south with the west line of said alley 17 feet, thence west and through the center of the party wall between the hnus and preni'ses conveyed by ?e1d h re'n-fter tnen'lone! deed and the house adjoining the s-ime o the south to the said east 11 e of p->to nar stre -t, and thence w th said east 11 e of Pot? astreet north 17 feet, more or !e-?s, to the beg nn'ng. together with a right of wty o-e- sa'd thre< -foot alley In the rear of ?"ald premls-a, It being the same pros>ertv whleh wa-' c nve el to the said tleerge A. X xdoCT by Ruber' Pm-tor and Jane E. Proctor, b's wife, by d"ed date) December 2. 18.90, and re or lei In Liber 1549 at folio 6S. one of the land record for the DiStrlet of Columbia. Term* of sale: One-th'rd of the pn-chise money to be paid in cas:> and t' e halau e In two equal installments, payable In 0'ie nd two years from the date of sale, and to l<e represented by the promissory notes of the pur<'ha"T. bearing Interest at the rate of <1 pe- <-e t im per annum, payable semi-annually, and secured bv deed of trust on the p'?pnrty sol \ or all cash, at the pnreha er*a opt on. A denos t of J150 will be required upon each p reel np n acceptance of bid. All convevuniug, notarr fees and reeord'ng at purebase'-'B cost. Terms to be compiled with within 15 ''ays or the 'ris ee may advertise and sell at the purchaser's risk and cost atter fire days' previous advertl e nent of such resale published In soma newspaper of Washington. D. C. ARTHUR PETER. Trnstee. Wash. Loan "nd Trust bide.. oyll-d&da.eSu 0th and F sts. n.\r. AUCTION SALES. Kl/TU HE UAVS. ADAM A. WESCHLER. AUCTIONEER. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. Three-Story Brick Store and Dwelling No. 205 Penna. Ave. Southeast, Also Lots in Twining City and Anacostia, D. C., by Auction. By virtue of authority rested In the undersigned, I rrlll sell by public auction. 1n front >f tli? respective premises, on TUESDAY, MAY rWEXTY-KOI RTH. 1>10, AT HALT-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., the following real estate In the District of Columbia, to vvit: St;blot 21 and part of lot 22. square 782, improved by three-st.iry and cellar b.'ick store an! dwelling; Xo. 205 Pa. are. s.e.; to be sold subject to a lease, which has about 3 years to run at a rental of $50 per month. AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M., Lot 3. sqnare 5562, unimproved, on Carroll street between Minnesota avenue and Piout ttreet. Twining Cltv. D. C. AT HAIF-PA8T FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. Lots 23. 24 and 25. square 5613. unimproved nn S street between 17!h and 18th streets. Hoou & Batchelder's addition to Anacostia. D. C. Terms: One-third cash, balance In one and two years, with Interest at 6%. seer red by deol of trust on the property sold, or all cash. Delioslt of 9200.00 on the Improved property, and 950.00 on each of the lots required at sal''. Terms to be complied with In 15 days; ot' er wise right is reserved to resell at risk and cost of defaulting purchaser after 5 days* advertisement of such resale in some newspaper p 1>llsfced In Washington, P. C. All conveyancing, etc.. at purchaser's cost. By order of the beirs. ADAM A. WESCHLER. Auctioneer. myl.l-d&ds-eSn THUS. J. OWEN & SOX, AUCTIONEERS. Chancery Sale of Very Valuable Corner yth Street Business and Other Properties, BEING THE THREE-STORY BRICK BIILDIXG XO. .*31 7TI1 STREET N.W., OCCUPIED AS A SALOON AND DWELLING: THE THREE-STORY BRICK BUILDING NO. 833 7TH STREET N.W.. OCCUPIED AS A TEA STORE AND DWELLING. AND TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING NO. (Hi* I STREET N.W. THESE THREE PARCELS ADJOIN AND MAKE A VERY DESIRABLE CORNER, FRONTING A LITTLE OVER 42 FEET ON 7TH STREET BY A DEPTH OF 75 FEET ON I STREET N.W. ALSO THE THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING NO. 1321 VERMONT AVENUE N.W. By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of :he District of Columbia, passed in equity cause No. 2S971. we. the undersigned, trustees, will tell at public auction, in front of the respective )remises, on MONDAY. THE TWENTY-THIRD AY OF MAY. 11*10, COMMENCING AT HALF PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the following de icribed land and premises, situate In the city of tVasbington. District of Columbia, known and distinguished as lots 32 and 33 in James H. Shreve ind John W. Wade, ese-utors", subdivision of ots in square numbered 453, as per plat thereof ecorded in Book 10. page 43. in the office of the lurveyor for the District of Columbia, the said ot'32 iieing improved by premises 831 7th street l.w. and the said lot 33 being improved by premses No. 833 7th street n.w. and 04O I street 'aIso. AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. part of orlgnal lot numbered 3 in square numbered 243, berlnnlng on Vermont avenue at a point dla.ant 20 'eet southerly from the northwest corner of said ot: thence northerly along Vermont avenue 15 Vet; 'hen e easterly and para'lel to the north ine'of said lot about 8(5 feet 11 Inches; thence southerly along a line drawn from the angle of the north line of said lot to the angle In the iouth line of said lot. alwut 15 feet; thence: vester'y on a line parallel to aud 30 feet from [ the north line of said lot to the beginning, the : :aid lot being improved by a dwelling and being ill of premises known as 1321 Vermont avenue lorthwest. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase noney to he paid in cash and the balance in two equal installments, payable In one and two [ rears from day of sale, and to be represented by ! the promissory notes of the purchaser, bearing i nterest at the rate of 6 per centum per annum, javabie semi-annually, and secured hv deed of! trust on the property sold, or ail cash, at the ptlon of the purchaser. A deposit of $5(X> will >e required upon the 7th aud I street properties ind $200 on the Vermont avenue property at time >f sale. All conveyancing, uo.ary fees and re-; ;ord1ng st purchaser's cost. Terms to be com-; jlied with within ten days from day"of sale, or' the trustees may advertise and resell th" prop-i ?rty at the purchaser's risk and cost, after v# Jays' previous advertisement of such resale, published In some newspaper of Washington, D. C. J. ENOS RAY. Jr.. Columbian building, JOHN W. GLENN AN. Warder building, JAMES T. SHKRIER. Jr.. Columbian building. mvll-d&rts cSu Trustees. ADAM A. WEStHLER, AUCTIONEER. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF TWO TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLINGS. NOS. 3213 IND 3215 PROSPECT A V E N C E NORTHWEST (GEORGETOWN*. By vlrtne of a certain deed of trust, duly recorded in I.lber No. 2191*. f< lio 43 et seq.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, utiif nt thp rpiiiipc; a.f tho nartv H'^nr^d th??re by. we. the undersigned surviving trustee, will sell at public miction, in front of th? |>r raises. on WEDNESDAY. THE TWENTY-FIFTH DAY OF MAY. A.D. 1010. AT SIX O'CLOCK P.M., the following described iand and premI"f. situate in the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, 'to wit: Parts of lets 89 and 90 in what was formerly R'attv & llawItins' Addition to Georgetown. being in what is now square 1218: beginn'ng for the sum" at a point on the north side of Prospect street tilsrant 110 feet west from High street (Wise nsln i nvenuei, running thence north 74 f?"t. more or less, to the part of Jot 89 conveyed to one Stoblmau by deed in I-iber 1247. folio 146. of the land records, thence west SO feet, thence nouth to the north side of Prospect street, [hence east on said street 30 feet to the place -f beginning, together with the improvements tbe'eon. Terms of sale: On?-third of the purchase money to be paid In cash, and the ba'nne" in two equal installments, payable In one and two rears, with interest at 6 per centum per annum. payable semi-annually, from dav of sale, lecured bv d?ed <-i trust upoD the property sold. mil cash, at the ortlon of the purchnsT. A ieposit rf flOO will he required on each house it the time of sale. All conveyancing, recording and notarial fees at the eost of the purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with s-itbin fifteen dnvs from day of sale, otherwise rbe surviving trustee reserves th- right to reiei| the property ut the risk and cost of the lefauitlng purchaser a'ter five days' advert'scment of such r-snie In some newsnaner published In the city of WcMneton. D. C. PETER .1. McINTYRE. myl3-dA(ls.exSu Survlv'ng Trustee. ADAM A. WESCHI.BR. AUCTIONEER. riU'STEE'S SALE OF TWO-STORY TtR'CK DWELT INC NO. 1304 27TH STREET NORTHWEST. By virtu? of a certain deed of trust, duly rec( rded in Liber No. 2846. folio 284 et seq.. of the land reccr Is of the District of Columbia, md at the request of the partv secured (hereby, the undersign-d surviving trustee will sell. ? puh'le att"ti>jn. In front of the p emlscs. on WEDNESDAY. THE TWl-'NTv-1'' FT4 IMY OF MAY. A D. 1910. AT FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the Allowing described lanl and pnimsituate lo the c'ty of Was' ing*on in the District of Columbia, to wit: Part ?' h>t 39 In what was foriiT'y H- Imead's Addition to Georgetown, being In what Is now square 1231. Port.-! 1-u 'or the same at a tv>'nt on the west side of Monroe street 55 feet south of the n,.rM corner o' sell lot. thencp son'b 2? f,.et -'.-e west 38 f?et. tbenco ni-th 29 f et. then ft to the place of beginning, together ?i*l4K I rr? n pav Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase n*>ri"v to be jm'd in cash act the bn'ancc I" w-o ennal Installments. payable In one and two years, with interest at ft per centum per mnnm ??-ei annnnUy. from dav of ale, secured by deed of trust upon the propeity sold, or nU cash, at the option <r fie purchaser. A deposit of >100 will he rerju'rcd of the purchaser at the time of sale. All conveyancing. recording and tv-terla! fees at the cost of the purchaser. Terms of sal" to be compiled with wMhlll fifteen darp rr-im (tar of sate, otherwise the aurv'vlng trustee reserves the riebt tr th" p-ope'ty at the cltik and cost of the defnn'tlng purchaser, after five days' advertisement of such resale in S"me newspaper published In tt.? < ? ?* of Ws'M-'C'wi. n. C. RAPHAEL A. C*SITEVR. nty1t-dAds,?*Su Surviving T-us-ec. THUS. 3. OWEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' SAI.E OF VALUABLE UNIMPROVED REAL EXT ATE. BEING TWO (2) I.OTS. 25x100 EACH. ON 7TI1 STKEEf NEAR HAMILTON ROAD. "ADDITION TO CO GUESS HEIGHTS." By virtue of a ertaln deed of trust, duly recorded In Liber No. 320.1. folio 35"! et seq".. of the land records of the District of Co'umbla, and at t' e roq lest of the party secured C'ejeby the nderslswd trustees will sell at public auction. In front of the premt-es. on FRIDAY. THE TWPVTIFTH D\Y OK MAY. A.D. 1010. AT HALF-PART FOUR O'l^tCK P.M.. the following-des rlbed land and promises, siteate In the lounty of Waahiiigtnn, District of Col irli's. and designated us and being lots thirty-five <T.> and thlr".v-slx (3fil in block five f5l in H. C. Lnngaeeker'a subdivision of land known as "Addition to f'omrreaat Heivh.s." as ner nlat recorded In Liber County No. lo. folio 7. or the record* of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia. Terms of sale: All cash. A deposit of $100 will be required at time of sale. All convevaacing. recording, etc.. nt cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to lie coinp'ied with within fifteen days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the reht to resell the property at the ri"k and rost of defaulting pur-haser. after N'e days' advertisement of sneh resale In some newspaper published In Washington. D. C. percy h. nrssEi.r* THOMAS U. BANES. Trustees. mylO-d#d?.eSn 027 O at. n.w. THOS. J. OWES &. SON, AUCTIONEERS. THREE STORY AND CELLAR. 10 ROOMS AND BATH, BAY-WINDOW BR.CK DWELLING. NO. 230 2D STREET NORTH EAST, At Auction. By virtue of authority vested In the undersigned. we will sell, at public au tion. in front of the premises, on FRIDAY. MAY TWENTIETH. 1910. AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M., lot K In square 725. fronting 18 feet on the west side of 2d stre-t by a depth of 115 f?et to wide alley. This property is well located, near two car lines and house In good condition. Terms very reasonable and stated at lime of sale; $100 deposit required u*vo acceptance of bid. Conveyancing and recording at purchaser's cost. Good title or no sale. Sale to be closed In 15 days or deposit forfeited. House open for Inspection all day on day of sals. THOS. J. OWEN & SON, Auctioneers. myl3-d&ds,exSu t , AUCTION SALES. FUTURE PAYS. . ADAM A. WESCI1LER. AUCTIONEER. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF TWO-STORY. ATTIC AND CELLAR HRICK DWELLING. NO. HU6 33D STREET NORTHWEST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly reeorded in Liber No. 265a. folio 485) et seq.. of the land re.ords of the Distric. of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned surviving trustee will sell at public mi tiou. in front of the premises, on WEDNESDAY. THE TWENTY FIFTH DAY OF MAY. A.D. 15)10. AT FIFTEEN MINUTES PAST FIVE O'CLOCK P.M., the following-described land and premises, situate in the city of Washing.on. in the District of Columbia, to wit: Paris of lots 11)8, list, square 1213. In what was "formerly Beatty and Hawkins' addition to Georgetown, l?eginnlng at the end of 112 fee. on the first line of the whole lot and running thence by and with the said first line south 13 feet 3 inches and them e north 88 and % degrees east 70 feet to Market street, tl ence with said street north 15 feet 3 im hes, thence with a straigh. line to the pla.e of beginning, as the same was conveyed to Charlotte Djdley by deed ret orded in tuber .839. folio lltl, of the land records and by her to James \V. Dudley by deed recorded in Liber 1614. folio 472. but by actual survey said property is located and described as follows: Beginning on the west line of 33d street Ho and 25-100 feet from the northeast corner of said so tare, thence south 15 feet 3 inches. t: ence west <0 feet, more or less, to the bri.-k wall to the rear of said premises, theme north 12.97 feet, thence cast 22.73 feet, thence north 2.38 feet, thence wes. 51.98 feet to the place of beginning, together with the improvecenif thereon. Terms of sale: One-t' ird of the purchase money to be paid In cash and the balance in two equal ins.ailments, payable in one and two years, with interest at six per centum per annum, payalile semi-nnnnallv. from dav of sa'.e. sc. t.reil bv deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $100 a-lll be required of the purchaser at the time of sale. AH conveyancing, recording and notarial fee* at thp cost of the purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within tlft.-en days from day of sale, otherwise the surviving trustee reserves the right to resell the property at the risk and oust of the defaulting purchaser, a'.cr five days' advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in the city of Washington, D. C. RAPHAEL. A. CASILK Alt. myl3-d&ds,cSu Surviving Trustee. T1IOS. J. OWEN' & SON, AUCTIONEERS. Auction Sale of Valuable Improved and Unimproved Property. By virtue of authority vested in the undersigned, we will sell at public auction. In front of the premises, on TUESDAY, THE SEVENTEENTH DAY OF MAY. 1910. the following des rll>ed land and premises, situate In the District of Columbia, to wit: At HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. lots 101 to 100. Inclusive. In Parthenia Thyson's subdivision in square 445. as per plat recorded in LJher J. H. K.. folio 343, of the rerords of the surveyor's ofBce for the District of Columbia, said lots fronting 125 feet on Marion street by a depth of 105 feet. Improved by ten two-story six-room brick dwellings and large s able in the rear, being premises. Nos. 1521 to 1539, inclusive, Msrion street northwest. Also. IM MEDI AT ELY AFTER THE ABOVE, lot 70 in square 445, fronting 23 feet on the east side of Marlon street northwest by a depth of 115 feet to a public alley, unimproved. Also. SAME DAY. AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. part of lot 1 in square 397. being 'be northwest corner of Sth and P streets northwest, fronting 55 feet on 8th street by a depth of 94 feet 4 Inches on P street. improved by four frame dwellings. Nos. 1500. 1502. 1504 and 15<al Sth street norrhwest. rgd two brick shops. Nos. 803 and 805 P street northwest. Also. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE ABOVE, parts of lots 10 and 11 In Samuel Nornvnt's subdivision of square 399. as said snbdlvision Is recorded in the offlre of t?"e surveyor of the D'strlct of Columbia. Book B. page 21. Iteginning for the same on ;he line of 9th street 5 feet south of the northwest corner of lot lu, thence north along the line of said street 20 feet, thence east 94 feet 4 irwhes to the Pne of a 10-foot alley In the rear of said lot. thence south along the line of said a'ley 20 feet, thence west 94 feet 4 inches to the line of said street and the place of beginning, improved by a two-story frame and brick dwelling, with brick stable on rear, being premises 1329 9th street northwest. Also, on WEDNESDAY. THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF MAY. 1910. AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. lots 92 to 98, Inclusive. In square 615. fronting 140 feet on the south side of Bates street northwest between 1st and North Canitol streets, by a depth of 85 feet to an alley. Terras of sale very easy and mad.- known ar time and p'aco of sales. $500 deposit required npon Marlon street dwellings and stable: $100 on lot 70. square 445: $200 on corner of sth and P stre-'ts: $25o on 1329 9th street, aud $200 deposit on lets In Bates street. THOS. J. OWEN & SON. my7.9.11. t he ud&d s. eSu ADAM A. WESCHLER, AUCTIONEER. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF TWO TWO STORY AND CELLAR BRICK DWELL1N S. NOS. 340 > AM) 3411 O STREET NORTHWEST. ALSO TWO BRICK DWEJ.IJNOS NOS. :?1C2 AM) 3104 SCOTT STREET NORTHWEsT GKOROETOWN). By virtue of a certain deed of trust, du'y recorded iu Lltier No. 2178, foKo 484 ''t e|., of the land records of the D strict of Colu e" la and at the request of the pnrtv see t ed t :e eby, tlie umlcrs'gncd surviving trustee will s li at public auction. In front .of the re pe t;ve premises, on WEDNESDAY. THE TWE TYFIFTH DAY OK MAY. A. D. 19 0. COMMENCING AT QUARTER TO FIVE P.M.. th followlng-deserhied land and premises, situate In the city of Washington, in the D strict of Col mbia, to wit: I'arts of lots CI au I G" li what was formerly P.eatty & Hawkin-' add tion to Georgetown, being what Is now .-quare 124(1. beginning for the same at a point on the north line of O street 80 feet west from 1 s intersection with the west line of 34th street, thence west 40 feet, thence north 77 f et. more or le s to the north line of s id lot 04, thence east 40 feet, thence south 77 feet, more or le-s. to the place of beginning. Improved by Nos. 3409, 3111 O street northwest. ON THE SAME DAY AT II t LF-PAST FIVE O'CLOCK PH., Lota 40 and 41 In Ann UtTut's su'-d'vlslon of l"t 6 In what was formerly square llo of G <>rg"town, lielng now squae 1'80. as per i lat in book Georgetown Sul divisions 2, p ge 2, Improved by Nos. 3102 and 31G4 Se tt street northwest. together with the improvements :her*m. Terms of sale: One-third of the purcha e money to be paid in cash and the bnlau e in two cquu 1 install- cuts, payable in one aril two years, with Interest at s'x per centun per annum, payable semi-annually from dnv of sa'e, secured by deed of trust upon the rr pe-ty sol!, or all cash, at 'the option of the pure a it. A deposit of $101) will be r q lired on ewli h us? at tlie time of sale. All conveyancing. roco-d lug aud n"tar!al fee? at the eos' 't the p rchaser. Terms of sale to be couple with within tlfte u d -y from day of sale. oilier vise the surviving trustee reserves tli" right o ,e e'l t. , . n>t*-rtv at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser after Ave days' ndvrtlsenn nt of sueli re ale In some newspaper pub'.is ed in the city of Washington. c. PETER J. M"INTYRE, myl3-dA-ds.eSn S-irv'v'ng T-ma e". THOS. J. OWEN & SON. AUCT.S. Auction Sale of Valuable Itn? ? T T ? T-V proven ana unimorovea Property Fronting 72.60 Feet on Wisconsin Avenue. Being the Two Large Three-Story Brick Dwellings Nos. 1523 and 1525 Wisconsin Ave., and Vacant Lot Adjoining on the South. By virtue of authority vested in us by all parties in interest, we will sell at rnblie aurtion. in front of the premises, on THURSDAY THE NINETEENTH DAY OF MAY, 1910. ,1' HAT/F-PAST FOI'K OOT.OCK P.M.. the n rr'i 17.00 feet front of lot 17 and the south 55 feet of lot IK. by the full depth of said lots In s<|uare 1271. Terms very easy, and ean he ar-aeged to suit purchaser; $100.00 deposit required rpon ea-h parcel, and terms to bp compiled with within 15 days. Hood title and tares paid to d >.t sale. TITOS. J. OWEN & SON. tucti my12-d?-d? eSn 1331 (1 n.w. ADAM A. WESCHT.EIt. AICTIONEER. Sale of Household Fer= niture, Upright Pia-mo, Carpets, etc., contained m Residence No. H70S 15th Street N.W?, BY PUBLIC AUCTION. Wednesday. May 18. iqio, Commencing at ii O'Clock A.M., Including Upright "Weber' Piano, Mahogany Clawfoot Parlor Suite, Sat in wood Cabinet, Etchings and Engravings. Mahogany Sideboard, Round Exten "rvs ? ? 1 T . ? fs sion lable ana l^eatner ^eat Chairs, Mahogany Library Table, Bookcase, Books, Reclining Chair, Regina Music Box, Brass Fed, Dressers, Chiffoniers, Mahogany Dressing Table, Crib. Ornaments, Hall Rack, Lace Curtains. Portieres, etc., etc. By order of family leaving for Europe. Term* cash. ADAM A. WESCIILES, Auct. nirI2-''Adbg.eSu THOS. J. OWEN & SOX, AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' SALE OF A VALUABLE I'lECF, OF IMPROVED REM. ESTATE. BEING PREMISES 1002 D STREET SOUTHEAST. By virtue <jf a certain deed of trust recorded In Liber No. 2008. at fo'lo 425 et seq., one of the laril records of the District of Columbia, we shall sell lu front of the premises, on TUESDAY. THE TWENTY-FOURTH DAY OF M \Y. A.D. 1!>10, AT THREE O'CLOCK P.M.. the 2.', feet front on D street next to west 20 f> et front thereon, by depth of 75 feet 6 Inches, of originil lot two (2) in square numbered nine h'tn Ired seventy-one (971), of Washington city, improved as alK>ve described. Terms of sale: One-third cash, balance in onp and two years, with Interest at six per cent petannum. payable semi-aunnally. $200 required at time of sale, and the purchaser allowed tea days from date of sale to complete the purchase. HORATIO N. TAPLIN. JUSTIN MORRILL CHAMBEKLIX. mvl2-eodts,eSu Trustees. AUCTION SALES. FUTURE PAYS. ADAM A. VYESCHL.KU, AUCHONEER. Chancery Sale of SpSen= did Acreage and Vil.a Site Property in Chevy Chase and VaSnaMe fim= proved and Unimproved jReall Estate in the City of Washington. By rlriue of a aociep of the Suprem? Court of the District of Columbia, in Equity Cause No. 2624S. we. the uudcrsigced tiustees, will sell, at public auction, in front of the respective properties, on THURSDAY, THE TW E.\ 1 . SIXTH DAY OF MAY. 1910. AT THREE U C. OCK P.M.. certa.n tracts of land situate on the Bock Creek Find toad and B o.d B.ancb .oad. in Chew Chase. D:? rtot ot Columbia: Parcel N"o. 1.?Beginning at a stone a. the intersectkn of the westerly lines of Bock C eek Ford road and 15n>ad B aneu road, running then.-e N. with the westerly line of Rx-s utees Fo.d road 39' 46' 30" W. 273.S4 .e t: theuce leaving said road and running S. 27' 28' W. 327.99 feet to the u. rth line of R1 ten house street: thence east alone said north t ne of R.tlenhoufe street 354.52 feet to the west line of Broad Branch road; thence X. 19s 11' W. 85.23 feet to point of beginning; containing 1.278 acres. Parcel Xn. 2.?Beginning at a store on the easterly line of Rock Creek Ford road, running S. 4oJ 29' E. 117.73 feet; thence easterly along the northerlv line of ltock Creek Ford road. S. 67" 30' E. 179.20 feet; S. 82* 49' cast 7S feel; thence leaving said road X. 02? 21' IV. 360.78 feet i> point of beginning, containing .223 acre. Parcel No. 3.?Beginning at a stone at the Intersection of the southerly Hue of the Book ( reck Ford road and the Broad Branch road: thence S. 19? 11' K. with the easterly line of Broad Branch road 101.86 feet to the north line of Rittenhouse street: thence along the north line .if Kit tenboiise street E. 306.52 feet; thence leaving said line and running N. 62' 11* W. 53.88 feet to a stone in the southerly line ol R<>ck Freek Ford road: thence with the southerly line of oh Id road N. 82? 49' VV. 173.39 feet to a stone; thence continuing with said southerly line X. 67? 39' VV. 130.1 feet to paint ot beginning, containing .314 acie. Parcel 4.?Beginning at the intersection of the south Hue of Rittenhouse street and the easterly line of Broad Branch road, running thence S. 19? 11' K. 406.05 feet: thence leaving said easterly line of Broad Branch road, running X. 46" 57' 30" E. 380.98 feet to a stone; thence north 08? 24' E. 584.11 feet to a stone; thence S. 81?' 17' VV. 4.12.3 feet to a atone: thence .v 82? 11' VV. 126.11 feet to the south Hue of Bittenbouse street: thence with said south line W. 445.57 f<s>t to ooint of beginning, containing 3.965 acres. Parcel 5.?Beginning at the intersection of the south line of Rlttennouse street and tie westerly line of Broad Branch road, and running thence west along the south line of Uittenhouae atreei 432.6.". feet: thence leaving said south line ol said street 8. 2-'? 28' W. 2u.47 feet to a sione; thence south 16? 01' W. 247.65 feet to a stone; Ihenee south 16? 32' 30" E. 713.50 feet to ? stone; thence X. 46' 57' 30" E. 655.29 feet to a stone in the westerly line of Broad B ancl; road: thence with said westerly line of B oa?l Branch road N. 19? 11' VV. 522.14 feet to painl of beginning, containing 9.485 acres. ALSO ON" THE SAME DAY, AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. parts of lets ICS. 109 and lit), in square 1229. in the eitv of Washington, Dlt? trlct of Columbia, beginning for the sai l part? of said lots at the intersection of the east lln< of 34th street, formerly Frederick street, wi't the northerly line of N street, formerly 1st street, and running thence east along the north line of said X street 63 feet to a point opposite the center of the dividing wall between th? house numliered 3339 X street and the house adjoining thereto on the -east: thence nortt through the center of said dividing wa'l and ai tight angles with said X street 177 feet, more or less. the south line of the 30 f<ot alley: thence westerly along the south lin< of said alley 63 feet to the easterly lino of 3441 street: thence south with the easterly line ol 34th street to tae point of beginning, wl.h a substantia) brick residence thereon known as number 3359 X street. ALSO ON THE SAME DAY. AT .SIX O'CLOCK P.M.. original let numbered one. in squar,* nam bered 1107. containing about 4.350 square feet Terms of sale: One-third of the per hta< money to be paid in cash, and the balance It two equal installments, payable in one and tw< years, with interest at six per centum per an num. payable semi-annually, from day of sale secured by deed of trust upon the property aold, or all cash, ai the option of the pur h.iaer. A deposit of $200 will he required of (he purchase! at ti e time of sale of each parcel. All convey anclng, recoiding and notarial fee? at the coal of the purchaser. Terms of sale to be compiled with within fifteen days from d>y of sale, other wise the trustees reserve the right to resell thf property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after live days' advertisement ol wieh resale in some newspaper published in tb? city of Washington. D. C. JUSTIN MORRILL CHAMBERLIX. 482 Louisiana are., OSCAR LCCKETT, rir no .r X J nv?i m.vH-dAds.e^i T asters. Tlil'STEE'S SAL!-: OF HEKIRABLK HOUSE AM LOT AT KENSINGTON", MARYLAND. By virtue of the decree of tfce circuit court fo Montgomery irn nty, sitting as a court of equity the undersigned wi'l offer at public sale, o\ SATURDAY. MAY TWENTY-EIGHTH, 1010. \1 THREE O'CLOCK P.M.. ou the premises in Keii slngton, Montgomery county. Maryland, the res iclen e of the late Samuel J. Rohrer situated a the southeast corner of Warner street and Free man place, tvhich is the tluest residential aectioi of Keuslngton. The property is improved by a modern fram dwelling bo ise. containing seven rooms, recep tion hall ami hath, with front and back porches and is heated by furnace. Terms of sale as pr.*s ribcd by tbe decree: One third cash, one-third in one year and one-thir in two years, or all cash, at the option of thi purchaser. The credit iwrtions to bear lnterea and to be secured to the satisfaction of tt?> trustee. A deposit of $.'500 will be required a the .ime of the sale. Conveyancing at the cos of the purchaser. ROBERT B. PETER, Trustee. myll.14.lS.21.25 TRUSTEE'S SALE OF ABORT TWF.NTY-NIXI ACRES OF SUBURBAN PROPERTY. By virtue of a decree of the circuit court fo: Montgomery county. Md.. I will sell in front o the eourtnoo*e at KockviHe. Montgomery county Md.. on Tt'ESI) VY. MAY THIRTY-FIRST. 1 10 AT TWELVE O'CLOCK NOON, a tract of lan< containing about tweuty-nine acres, lying on th' Metropolitan branch of the Baltimore and Ohi railroad, immediately, at Capitol View station it is part of the subdivision known as Capito View Park. The west end of the traet is ahou one-quarter of a mile frotn the town of Kenslng ton. Included In the sale Is a well built two story, attic and cellar frame house, in good con dltlon. This subdivision Is splendidly locatri for attractive homes and offers an exceptions opportunity for an investment. Terms cash For furtlier particulars apply to It. E. I?. SMITH. Trustee. Columbian hldg.. 416-418 5th stTHOS. .T. OWEN & SOX. Auctioneers. ?,r- n 21.2c.4t ADAM A. WESCIII.ER. AUCTIO EER VaJuaMe Ece=makfl!ni^ Macihirery, Boillers. En= | pines, Pumps Conden5e:*s, j Dynamos, Electrical Ap= naratns, Piise, Shafting, Belting, Pulleys, etc., In the plant of the Purity lee Company, located between 4th and 5th. K and I. t-eets northwest. To Be Sold by Public Auction (Without Reserve) on Tuesday, Mav 17, 1910. Commencing at tt O'Clock A.M. Catalogues may be h <1 upon request. Parties desiring Irfer-ratlon in reference t? any of the machinery should <-0respond wltii T R. Wingrove, No. 6j Gunt' er bl 'g.. B Itmore. Md. AD'M A. WESCHLFt. Auctioneer. my5.;>.14.16-11 02' Pa. r.v. n.w. ADAM A. WESCHLER, AUCTIONEER. RECEIVFT5S' SALE O-r VAT T" * t*LE UXIMPRCVFO REIT. FSTATE IN CTP^S' \NP VOSSffS A TPVTTO V TO AND B. F. GTT.BERT"5! Smn'VTSTON OF TtKOMV P\RrC. P'flVCE GEORGE COUNTY. MT>. We. the receivers of th? Farmers' Tr-gt. Pinking and Pejinslt C'tnimnv of Riltimire Md.. by authority vested in us by the elrc It cru-t. No. 2. of Ba'tiinore city, will offer at pv,' |i(. iir 'T'o" in rr nr or -dp propt rrv. on 'n-1 twfvty-sixtii DAY Of M y. lOlo, BErtvvpr; at fivk O'CLOCK P.M., the fallowing lots or parrels of ground situate In -nl adjacent to Takonn P'rk. !r Prince (ie ri" county. state of Maryland, being a short ?'latance from the District of Columbia U"e, marked on p'at of "J. D. Gihbs' and F. W. Kcssaok's addition to Takoma Park," and rerordrd among the land records of said county (see deed from Guarantee Building and Loan Association to Farmers' Trust, Rankin* and Peroelt Company, recorded 1n Liber No. 13, folio 538. in 6ald land records*, as Iyits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 a"d ft. in block 10: lots 2. 3. 6. 7. 8. !? 13. 14. 15. 16 and 17. in block 11: also In 1$. F. Gilbert's snlsllvlslon of Takoma Park, lots 34 and 35. in block 16. These several lots hare a front on Elm Park and Cockrell avenues und Spring and Lake streets of rtfty feet by one hundred and sixty feet deep, more or less. Terms of sale: One-half cash, balance In six months: deferred payments to be secured to the satisfaction of toe receiver#, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $25.00 required at time of sale. RFVFRtY W. MISTER, JOHN PHETPS. E. ALLAN SAFF.RWEIN, Jr.. JOHN J. HURST. my7.l4.21.26 Receiver*. ADAM. A WESCHLEK. AUCTIONEER. Collateral Securities by Auction. Default having been made 'n toe piyui nt of the obligat otis te< ored thereby 1 w'l "ell by public auction. within the boar'roo , of tie American National Panfc. No. 1315 F t -et northwest, on WED E D\Y. M 1Y EIGHT I EKNTH, 'Did, AT TEN O'CLO K A.M., by order of the holder, eerta'n unli tet col at-ral. as follows: $6,500 Colon It 1 B ach 5% loots. 50 Shares Atlantie Building Comp: n', $3.50' Sure Oil and Gas Company Bonds. 10 Shares Co'umbia Cotton Oil and Provision Corporation. $1,0 H) Bristol Gas and Electric Company Bond*, 10 Shnrea Fidelity Storage Company. Terms: Cash. ADAM A, WESCHLER, Auctioneer. myll.14,l7,3t PALACES OF VENICE % Few Belong to Descendants ol Those Who Built Them. RICH MEN A NEW CLASS Sources of Several of Shakespeare's Plays. THE ORIGINAL OF PORTU Famous Women of Learning?'University of Bologna?Costly Material in St. Mark's Cathedral. bv wir.LiAM e. crans. S'pcoial 0)rrespon,1en<H- of Tin* Star and tb Chicago Record-Herald VENICE, April 11. 1910. Very few* of the fine old palaces belonj to the descendants of the families wh< built and originally occupied them. Ver: little of the enormoup wealth for whiel i Venice was celebrated in the iiftcent! century remains. The most of it ha, , been dissipated by the descendants of th< men who made it. the same as in Eng land. France and other ccuntries. Tin f rich men of Venice today are an entireh new class of people, whose names do no appear in the Golden Book, which con tained a list of the patrician fam.lie: 1 who were Invited to festivities at th< ! palace. This book was instituted in 1313 and thenceforth, until the occu pation, was the index and standard o . nobiiity by which all claims to precedent were decided. Occasionally the gran* ; council, by a vote, rewa.ded the galla-.t.; [ or public service of some citizen ol hum ble birth by directing that his name t* > inscribed upon its pages. None but thos whose names were in the Go den Boo, cuuiu use me goiaen stairs wnen me; J entered the doge s palace, and wh.n tlia , right was conferred it was equivalent ti l an order of nobility in another country t One notable exception to the deeay o the ancient fam.iies is Count Phi.ip Gn marti, the present mayor of Ven.ce, whi traces his lineage Lack to one of the mos famous of the doges, wnose portrait painted by Titian, hangs in the counci chamber of the doge's palace. The tlri niani palace is on the Grand canal, nca the Rialto bridge, and Is ce.eo*-ated fo its finety sculptuied capitals, j Most of the man in Venice toda: i are Jews, and several nave been ennobled i They practically control the banking ani mercantile business and manu.acturin^ They own the finest houses of histories and architectural interest, and the best paying estates on the mainland in tn ne.ghborhood. The present wealth o Venice, however, is invested not so muc, in real estate as in hanking, manufactur ing, flour mills, elevators, gas companies cotton mills, the manu. act are of glass aa in upon toe Adriatic. Shakespeare got the material for sev eral of his plays of Italian life, includinj "The Mei chant of Venice," from an ok volume of tales written by a monk ii the fifteenth century or thereabouts "The Comedy of Errors" is based upoi incidents of actual occurrence, whit Shy lock was a notorious money lender whose house in Venice Is still pointei out to tourists. It stands in the old mar ; ket place, near the Rialto. where ther f is a tribune from which was proclaimet 5 the edicts and the announcements of th government, and opposite is the oldes church in Venice, which is said to hav been built as early as the year 520. The ghetto, or Jewish quarter, is nea by, where a colony of exiles from Spaii ) have been living ever since their expul slon from that country by the inquisi r tion In the sixteenth century. The street are the narrowest, the buildings are th< r highest and the tenements are the mos i- crowded of all Venice, and at one tim< all persons of Jewish birth were com 1 pel led to live within certain limits am * wear a certain dress, as is the case ii Russia and Roumania today. They wer e never persecuted, however, but have beei allowed to worship in their own wa; and engage in any line of business. Th . same quarter is still occupied by Jewisl i families, although the descendants of th f cotemnoraries of Shvlock now own am : occupy some of the richest and mos t beautiful palaces upon the Grand canal. The Original of Portia. The story of Shylock and the poum I of flesh is found in the book of tales have referred to, and Portia is a pei f portrait of Lueretia Cornaro, the firs . woman lawyer in the word, who re | ceived a degree of doctor of laws fror " the University of Padua, where she wa 1 educated and afterward lectured on law j Her biography has been published. He t family was famous, and produced thre - cardinals, who are buried at the Churcl - of San Salvator. She was a native o j Venice and a relative of Katrina Cor l naro, the Venetian belle who marriei . King James of Cyprus about 1470, am when, by his death, in 1489, she inher ited the throne, she annexed her king dom to the Venetian republic. Her father, L.uig o. born I 1457, was a queer o d chap, and the autho o. the starvation theory 04. pro ongin, life. He argued t. at tiu less one a.<- tn J longer tne would live. He was a Vene ian nobleman an! en oyel lux :r\ a = dissipation up to the age of forty, whei ue lost his pioperly a .a was o ..p-?. 1 > to economlz . At first he reiuc^d it . diet to twelve ounces o. food and fou. teen ounces of wine a day, and , tapered o.T until, wnen he was aooj ' sixty, he emitted his break.ast and lunc entirely, and tor dinner ate on;y on eg . and drank six ounces of wine. He kep up this diet until he died of a disease o tne lungs, in his 100th year. He w.ote ! 1 nook called "The Sur. and Certain Met.i od of Attaining a Long and Healtuf.. ! Life," which was published at Pauua b - 1558 and translated into all the Europea; languages. The Englisn transiat-Oi created quite a sensation, and passe< 1 through thirty editions during the tw< 1 11 ~ 1 rpu? i eiiiui les inai iuiiuwvu. x no v.ui uai theory found many believers. His dls ciples were numerous in every Europca. city, and the ad lasted until much longe . than such things usually do. Three o intimate fri nds in Venice, who ad pt ed ihe same diet and livvd on one eg and a glass of wine a day, reached tu. AUCTION SALES. FUTURE DAYS. SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY IN AN XAPOLIS, MD. The undersigned attorney will offer at publi sale at the courthouse door in the city of An napolis, Md.. ou TUESDAY. lilE TWENTY FOURTH DAY OF MAY, 1910. AT EiJi.E: O'CLOCK A.M., valuable lots on the coiner ? Duke of Gloucester and Green streets, on on' of which is a large or ?k dwelling, suitable ? be converted into flats, for which there is grea demand in Annapolis. The property Is con veni-nt to the Nuval Academy and Just *>n< square from the electric cars. whi. b run eTei; it) minutes to the Naval Academy gate. For further particulars an.I terms apply to thi undersigned, JAMES M. MUXKOE, Attorney. THOS. J. OWEN & SOX, AUCTIONEERS. Auction Sale of Two-story Brick Dwelling, Containing 8 Rooms, No. 1061 31st St. N.W. By virtue of aotbority vested In us we wu sell at public auction, in front of the prem Ues. on THURSDAY. THE NINETEENTH DAY OF MAY. 1910. AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. lot 63 In square 1198. Improved by at 8-mom brick dwell inf. in good <*>nditli<n. Terms: One-third cash and the balance li one and two years from day of sale. Deposit of $100 required at sale and sale to be closed in 15 days. Title good or no sale. THOS. J. OWEN & SON. Aucts., tn.vl3-dA-ds.exSu 1331 Q St. n.w. MARCUS NOTES. AUCTIONEER. 426 9tb at. n.w. Adams Express Company's Sale of Unci imed Freight. On WEDNESDAY. THE FIFTEEN 1H DAY OI JUNE. A.D. 1910. AT TEN O'CLOCK A.M.. thi Adams Express Company will sell, without re serve, in the auction rooms of Marcos Notes. 42< 9th at. n.w., Washington. D. C.. to pay charges about 600 packages, comprlsiag an assort m en I of Trunks. Valises. Boxes, Packages, ate. All parties concerned will please take natlca. Terms cash, and no lot will on any account be delivered d"r'ng the time of sale. r?r'0 ?il ? * *"-'"1 ? ages of ninety-one. ninety-five an<1 ninety-six resp ctlvely. Too Beautiful to Look Upon. Lucretla Oomaro was not the only famous woman of her period .n itai>. N'or vella Andrea, who graduated from ll.j 1'nlverslty of Bologna in 132% more that lu(> years before, was also 'tmous for iter legal learning, although she never ;>rai tired Jaw. She lec.ured in the law schools at Tadua. ravin and 04sa. where her father was a piofv?nr nno titer.* ! was so little difference In the learning of the daughter and the father that ??ie use<t to take his place in the leotiue room frequently. But site was so !>eautifu! that the faculty r-quired her ?o si' behind a I screen or wear a h?av> veil ?o -oucral her features 'or fear of districting '.ha ! minds of the eudents. CJloranni Andrea, the father, was tl.o 1 most learned au*h??e'ty on leg*.) questions | in all Italy in tn? **?rte*T'h centurj. ^ and wrote severa' tr^at.sea in he . was assisted by Ris daughter But ho ' was a d*sr- ana exi reme.y s-nsuive I about his statt?r?. Pup- Bo:dfa*v> Vlll sent for him t?* com* to Home and r. Cw-lved h'ro will k' tono- in the prtsenee of th* col'egr o' cardinals. lie was so sbo^t that *he poi>? sup?o?e<l ?.e was kneeling, and three urn** asks.: j htm to rise l?eforo h? d'?cev*?od tho mistake. '1 ne cardinals wore so arnas?i j tnat they laughed out lo m*-tmg. .m-l Andrea was so mortified that ho imnie e, dlately left the Vatican, and never r* i turned. He died iu KM*, after having lectured on law at various imlmtKiex ; for forty-six years. His tomb may lw j seen in the Church of the Dominicans, at .. Bologna. t An Extraordinary Woman. * j In the same century fifty or elxtv i women in Italy were famous for team u j ing. and to inspire the ambition of th" sex the states ottered prises for such _ accomplishments. Then, later, through ^ : the prejudice of the priests and ?olltlcal leaders, learning among women began t" 1 decline, and we hear nothing more of a scholarship among that sex until Mart, a Oaetanna Agnesi appeared at Bologna , ; ?~?e was one of the most extraordinary women of all history. Her father was ~ ! a professor of mathematics In the I'm 1 : versity of Bologna, where she was born a ! in 1718. When nine years old she wrot< 1 a book In Latin on the "Rest>onsihllitleof Womanhood." and advocating the _ higher education of women; when tblr" teen she wrote and read nine languages, and when she was elghte n they called her "the walking polyglot," because , there was no language that she did nut { know. She used to appear before th< J Lamed societies of Italy to read papers on abstruse subjects. She wanted to become a nun. but her father persuaded * her to renounce such inclinati'<ns, ami B she retired from society and gave herL self up to study until her learning wag prodigious. Her memory was so rej tentive that she could quote pages of tigures and could give the date of any r historical event offhand. r She wrote a book on "The Analysis of Finite? Quantities" and a second volume y on "The Analysis of Infinitesimals." Both l i were translated into French. O rman and j English, and used as text books tr th European universities. 8he was a:sc th author of a text book on conic s -rtions _ In 1750 Pope Benedict XIV appoin'ed her to succeed her father when he re,,r?d as ( professor^ of mathemat cs at the ITt.iver a sity or Bologra, but. when he died tw<? years later, she was released from the , pledge she had given him. and gratitifd her original desire by Joining austere sisterhood of the Blue Nuns She became _ mother superio- and conducted its *f_ fait s until her death in 1799. j Her sister, Maria Teresa Agnesl, was n equally famous in music. ! There have been other women pro^ feasors of similar fame at the University of Bologna. I.a.ura Bassi held the chair of mathematics and physical sciences t during the early part of the ^hteenth w century. and Mme. Man a was * demonst-ator in anatomy in the medical ? school at the same time. Clotilda Tem? broni occupied the cha.r of G eek from ? 1794 to 1817 and was one of tue greatest * linguists of her period. e There has never been any scholarship in Venice, however?only art. industry. r commerce and politics. The neighboring 11 cities of Padua and Bologna have been ' the Intellectual centers of northwesteru " Italy, s e University of Bologna. e The University of Bologna is the oldest - in Italy, having been founded in 1119. and a still stands at the head of Italian ln stitutions. In 1906 there were 211 pron fesaors in the faculty and 2,000 students y in the several schools of art, phlluauphy. e general science, engineering, law, tnedih cinc, pharmacy and agriculture. The ? schoo of Jurisprudence at Bologna Is 3 the oldest in the world, and in the midt die ages was attended by student* from Great Britain and from all the countries on the continent. The medical school was equally famous. The anatomy of J the human frame was first taugin. there . in the fiurteenth ceptury, and valvanism was discovered there by Dr. Gaivani n In 1789. The most famous lincuis* ever t known in Italy was Giuseppe Me?roranti, professor of oriental languages ?.na prefect of the library. At the age ^f thirty " six he is raid to have been r,i>U to read. s write and speak ei hteen Inas . es fiur ently. and at the time of Ins oeaih lie r could read, write and speu* lorty-two e languages. h At one time there were lO.qoo students f at Bo ocna, and at the hei 'ht of :*.* fun? it was the bert known educational iustid tution in the world. ri Costly Material in St. Mark's. There is more costly ma'e: ia! In the a con.position of St. Mark's C:ti.d a! tt an ' was ever put in any ?titer butlu ng in? eluding 500 columns of marble fiom the quarries of Asia and Africa as well as Italy, ar.d not less than 4.5 a) square feet a of mosaic work, nearly all glas. ani old 4 leaf. More money has been ex. ended ? upon St. Mark s than upon St. Peter's at i Rome. Some of the columns came from . he heathen temples of Greece, some from churches erected by the crusaders in tha Holy Land. Four columns of alabaster. 1 n:ne feet high ana ei-ht inches n diameter. so translucent that the flame of a 1 candle can be seen through them, sup" port a canopy over an altar. Tradition I says that they were originally in tha II holiest of of tn? Temple of SoK>" mon. They were b ougnt lrom JerusaI lent in the ninth centu?y. The e aie seweral pillats from tne Phoenician temple 0 at Tyre. The stone of the altar In tha L baptistry Is believed to be that upon - which Christ stood at the transflyuraII tlon. It was brought from Mount Tabor r at a very early date. One of the bronze 1 doors or St. Mark s used to hang In tha - Mosque of St. Sofia at Constantinople, ? and a famous golden altar piece, called e Lapala d Oro. made of heavy plates of gold, thickly tttidded with pearls, dla" monds and otl er precious stones, was br< uglit from Constantinople by one of he doges in lOOi The treasury is not so rich as It was r ?-efore Napoleon came here in 1797. and during the Au'tr'an invasion many sacred c rclirg disappeared, but there are still - several ob'ec's of great interest, includ; tne a chair which St. Mark is said to * have used at Alexandria, ?-ilver candelabra * of s'mple form, but artinic workmanship. , whten were used in the church he built; t ?ev?-ral drops of the blood that flowed - from the Savior's side on Calvary, the e skull of St. John and the Inevitable piece f of the true cross. In the baptistry is a block of granite upon which the iru'des will tell you John the Papti6t was beheaded. When I questioned the sacristan * who was showing us about as to the evidence to sustain that claim he shrugged his shoulders and said: ' "I only tell you that: I do not knew." The body of St. Ma^k. the apo-t'e, is ' supposed to lie in a marble sarcophagus under the h'gh altar, wi-ore it was olaced I in the year ?23, having been brru~ht - from Alexandria. Egypt, where It was ! originally buried in a Mttle chapel built by the evangelist himself. There was a 1 church on the site of the ca*hedr?i as , early as the year W>, and it was dedlt cated to St. Theodore, the first patron l o* *he Venetian renu'-lic- bnt when the rema'ns of the apostle were brought to Venice he was set aside, and this mar. veVous monument was erected In honor of Christ's disciple. There Is a curious tradition that St. Mark's remains were brought to Venice by two Hebrew merchants, who obtained them from the Turks in exchange for a lot of arms and provisions. ! Lindsay F. 'Michael, twenty-two years I old. was drowned Thursday evening in . Buffa'o creek, at Farmington. near Graf| ton, W. Va. He drove a horse and buggy 1 into the creek preparatory to washing t the mud from the vehicle. When he unhitched the horse the animal plunged into a hole.