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r % . * ft' A A d I I 'M I BB ^^B HKAR THE STIKKK PLAYER PIANO. ^ A Piaytr In i IIIgb Grade |-;?r. . ' HKTABL1S11KD IS42. "It Pays to Buy the Best." CHAS. M. STIEFF, ILire<t Branca YVarer?>nis of Factory. HJ08-1010 F St. N.W. I SECOND-HAND PIANOS nt all Prices. | 1 5n<-li!'lir.3 some of onr own make, and I klijii'ly nseti Player I'tano* at low figures. ! v Trjning by Factory Kxiierts. J. 0. CON I. IFF. Manager. my7 '.t,VS I <! "?,Z-43f<Ws<,#^4K><iHMpr?3Kp j Suit Casefi I Wyrlh $6.50, $ A.75 |! * soici&ii n* % jl 5 Week-end or even longer ^ Z trips call ior a good Snit ?!> * Ca^e. One of our special- & Suit Cases will exactly till % the bill. |i *;? Genuine cowhide suit case. 24-in. V ] steel frame, linen lined, shi t po k- | *r ets. brass lock and two strap and jl ! *f buckle fasten rs. 2, 'ft Full line Malting and Cane X i V Suit Cases, $1.75 to $10. ?|? | KNEESSl'S. I1 ? 425 7th St. i: J Trunks Repaired. Phone M. 2000. * apkc-U6i.eSa.40 T ! .. I *< I fmtwi 0.-?L h -M- / wwm Mfot \ 9 try it t is vf.^r The Hayes Method ron HAY-FcVER and ASTHMA i Not onijr relieves the itehiug, sneezing, burning. coughing, wheezing and miasms, i lint builds nu tin- general health. st.engfh- ; i ens tie nerves. nmorea the cause of the disease ami i cures to stay cured Indoised by physician*. lawyers, minister j. >.urines* men and iieople of standing [ ail user the world. You can stay at home i s comfqrt j^and get well Now is the time to get ready. Write for liulictin Z-loe. t> .HrtKOhU Hayes, Buffalo, N.y. L ^my 14,ei ih*-3t-*2______ ^ ^___ F ? * *<*> <* ? * UAeryming ior me s <; Sick Room." | X Invalid Chairs for "ale or rental. V ? Sclet-tophoue, the latest and most pow- 7 7 #?rful instrument ever devised to asslat T * hearing. '* V Klastii' Anklets. Stockings and all kinds *?' y of Abdominal Belts. 4 4 Trasses, all makes, including Uooest <ft H* John and Martin patterns. d <b Full line Fountain Syringes, in white j enamel, -"won't wear out." - j, 4 > Kx|s-rt fitters. Competent attendant Cor 2 A ladles. 2 I McKEE SURGICAL I : I INSTRUMENT CO., J & 1004 F St. N.W. 1 'i* 2 K -'r-Z 'Zt': ' C'l'"' r*"* C ? t 1 9 dfiot tlCh CL tmeai Mute/ f SCREEN?^ ENAMEL ; 5 I % j| ?makes old and rusty door | % ) * ! ; and window screens look like $ ! new?does not clog meshes ?easy to apply. 15c and ; 25c can. | Tiffany Vartiinii Floor Stain. 4w qr. I jj> Regal Beady-mixed Paints. $1.00 gal. & ?PROMPT ATTENTION TO MAIL. OR % PHONE ORDERS. if. Geo. E. Corbett | I 409 lOthSt. I I ! ray 14-sa,tu,tli,tf.40 j 3 ! > ~ ! ..=1 i fnjed Bygs? pT\ Vanish When LMj "Hot Shot" i*? used. Invariably effective. You can apply "Hot-Shot" to bedding as well as bed frames, for It does NOT stain. Large Bottle I Henry. Evans, Inc., ?d?R"au Druggist, 1006 F. inyl4-U.eSu.28 ? . . 4 w Hr8 I gnr **my m ' i % Eveira Floors! \ ?of cheap wood *are *! ' nJ i I made beautiful by g Reilly's Floor Stains. A stain and var- * (\\ nish at the same time ?j ?give a permanent % j finish resembiintr ^! '#*- ' hardwood in richness and # I beauty. j Mad** in half a dozen colors ?? j E7 Paint for screens, 13c and 23c S j can. if j Hugh Re53!y Co. |j Beat of KrerjUbin;; in Paints an 1 G'ass, Aj '334 N. Y. Ave. &\ my l-t-ga.tu. .u i BfcAU j jFUL DRAPE'{IE For Summer Homes. Newest summer effects in curtains for dining room, library, sitting room, bedroom, etc. C7Curtalns, Draperies. Rugs, etc.. properly cleaned and stored. Write or phone for wagon. Wurdeman&Co. INTERIOR DECORATORS ft FURNISHER*. oio 12th st. myl4-sa.tu.tb.30 % ! i / jtEk ? . he Crown Has It" Tritvviius You will be refreshed, invigora|ed and will take a brighter view i i?f life if you use (WtgJWi J I jig^rKoDO^ BATriODORA ! r\ nwStewj ^ i the bath powder 11 With so many ! qualities that J please. It softens the water, scents the bath, opens the pores, cleanses the skin. In 2 stifK and 4 o?lor*: Hose, Violet, Crab Apple coil Mltcbam l.avender. Sold at Dept. and Drug: St r< s. ' ( enerwiit: cample of Hathodora and "Fnnhlou (look of Perfumea" r.rut for -te (postage) and your lealerV. name. | Crown Perfumery Co. of London, i Dept. J. 30 East 20 th St.. Now York. ?Ctee^$53al<Sa$3gN6Bfcc*ilii6-iiaaaSiI5eSS?ii; I / McCRAY I r* M Modern, Sanitary 1 KSEFRflGERATCDffiS 1 5? ARE UNEQUAL.ED. i vi ?? sNelson Refrigerator Co. | 620 F Street N.W. *? mli26-90i.eSu.30 2 f I i i . . . V . I . ; . / 1 ' 1 : , j ] : 1 . j ; , ! ' mm Jfl PC V OH 5BIVICE. ? CHANGES IN METHODS. Prof. Kirkpatrick Tells of Development in Instruction. "The Old Order Changeth" was the subject of a lecture by Prof. Edwin Kirkpatrick of Fitchburg (Mass.) Normal School last night at tho class night exercises of the Teaching College of George Washington University in the lecture ball of the university. Prof. Kirkpatrick described the changes in the development of education that have occurred in the last twenty-five years. His address was followed by a reception to the faculty given by the senior class. Charles Hart, president of the class, presided, and Miss E. V. Brown was chairman of the reception committee. "Private" Dalzell Improving. The condition of James M. Dalzell of the Treasury Department, who lias been critically ill, is reported to be very much improved. Mr. Dalzell is visiting his old home in Caldwell, Ohio. Nervous' Women "11 1- 1 .1 i. \T-i * win nna mai iNaiurc respond* promptly to the gentle laxative effects, and the helpful tonic 1 action of g,)',! ?,V-Apr?r^Ar<? Til 1A/? nn<l f v IN THE WORLD OF S0CIE1Y I MRS. TACTS PAETY WAS INDOORS AND IN GARDEN, TOO. ! Several Hundred Guests Greet Her. | Other Events?Personal Notes. Mrs. Taft held the second oI her Friday afternoon parties yesterday. The arrangements were just as varied as the weather lately, as the actual reception of the guests was in the blue parlor, and tires burned on the hearth; of the adjoinini, ooms, and the refreshment table was i -s accustomed place, under the trees - the garden, the grass in the vicinity being quite dry enough that most uf the visitors did have a taste of a real i garden party after all. The sunshine was another cheery accompan.meiit. The j1 President and Mrs. Taft, after all their , guvsia nu<i usscriioieu. spent a wnue aiso . in the garden. The Marine Band played on the lawn. Mrs. Taft wore pale green chiffon over white satin and a large tlov. er-laden chip hat. The President received w-tn ner una Capt. Butt maue the introductions. Some of those in attendance were the Vice President and Mrs. .>, tne j members 01 the cabinet arm then fam- j lii.s, Mrs. Rooert sturgis ot Mew 1 ora ] ^ and Miss Sturgis, tne guests ot ; the Attorney < and Mrs. Wicker- j siiam; tne seeifiary 01 tne embassy at j Rome and Mis. Jonn W. Gai ret., Mrs.'] John K. Reyourn 01 Pnilaucl,.nia. Mi?, i Vv arder. justi.e and M.s. no.mej, just.c^ | ana Alts. Harlan, Mi-s nailan, .nr. t Mrs. James nailan, Hear .vumlrai auu Mrs. rtarris, tne assistant Secre.a?y ot | slate and Mrs. Huntington ?\ iison, th~ , assistant seetetary ot .tie navy and Air... , Beekman Wintnrop, .vns. mnih.op of j New \ork. Mr. anii M.s. W. j. Board- < man, bishop naming. Senator and Mrs. , Elkins. Mrs. Jonn nai una Mr. and Mrs. i Jonn W. Foster and G.n. and M.s. xioxie. , Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. and aiiss Boardman had witn tnem ueaconesa Alute and Yungfro t'ffoid. two p.o.mntnt tvomen ot the AetnciiatiuS and ntciids of! the Netnei lands minister. 1 The party was. a. usual, a line demon- < stratum 01 tne fasntons. Mrs. MacVcagh wore purple satin under a black wrap and a macs and watte nat. Mrs. Hubbard ot Cnicago, iter guest, was In wistaria satin and a tlowcr-ti lntmed hat. Mrs. Baliinger woie light olue .>at it veiled in champagne coiored chilton, a..d a very smart hat In black, wltn unite tvil.ow plumes. Mrs. V\ icke.snam, wi.h a white cloth coat suit, wore a large black nat with white plum.s. Her guc^t. Miss Stu.gis. Was .n a hont chiucn and a large jeliow tulie hat. Mrs. Meyer was in black and her daughters wore with large black tuLe hate l.ght brown cioth suits. Mrs. Boardman was in siivery gray satin and Miss Boardman wore old b.ue satin. Mrs. DolliVc-r, wife of Senator Doiliver, wore dark gray satin. Mrs. Kussell Harrison, pale blue broadcloth and .arge black chip hat with white facing and pale blue plumes; Miss Marthena Harrison, whi.e French mousseline, with pink embroidery, pink shadow scarf and large b.atk hat with pink roses; Anna Thomas of Baltimore, their house guest, champagne colored chiffon, richly embroidered in white silk, and a large white hat; Mrs. Derwln Clisby of Mobile. Ala., another house guest of Mrs. Harrison, coral ctepe de ch ne, with white cloak and coral and white hat; Mrs. Jam-s Harlan, black and whi.e dotted chiffon over black satin, and large black hat; Mrs. John Hay, black crepe de chine and chiffon, with black silk hat; Mrs. William Graeme Harvey, in a gray costume and hat. Mrs. Charies Grayson Dulin. black chiffon over blue and white and a large black hat trimmed with plumes. Mrs. Katherine Livingston Egan of Florida, a fronoK rl race ill r.pai'l PTfDft and a *-" * CMV?? V?* VUO j _B _ black hat. Mrs. Beekman W nthrop, blue embroidered crepe de chine. with blue and white hat. Mrs. Archibald Hopkins, purple cloth, braiued, with black hat a id v.olets. Miss Wise, black chiffon ciOi.ii. Mrs. Elkins, wife of Senator Elk ns, old blue messaiine, with hat of the same shade with plumes. Mrs. R. I. Fleming, biack lace over purple satin and a olacK and white plume trimmed hat. Mi8. Carl A. Droop, m blown satin and large brown hat; Dioop, wistaria coat suit and large hat o. the same shade: Miss Anna Droop, pale gray crepe de chine and large gray and wh te hat; Mrs. John W. Fostei. pale violet satin, with large hat and boa to match; Miss Curtis, sister of Senator Curtis, purple satin costu >. with large puip.e hat; Mrs. Charles Curtis, costume o black and white; Mrs. Emmons, wh.te embroidered chiffon in pale brown; Mrs. John B. Henderson, white striped satin, with long cloak of pink broadcloth; Mrs. | J. Eakln Gadsby, blue satin veiled with j black lacc and blue and gray hat: Mrs. Jules Guthridge, white cloth coat suit, trimmed with bands of pale violet silk, large hat of violet tulle, trimmed with violets; Mrs. Hennen Jennings, old blue chiffon broadcloth, with large black hat; Mrs. John Hays Hammond, brown embroidered messallne. with point la and pearls and brown and white hat; Miss Hammond wore white: Mrs. Richard Lee Fearn, gray net and 1 irg gray hat; Mifs Fearn, white broadcloth c at suit with large red straw hat poppies; Mrs. P. F Gill, old blue crepe de eh ne and a fancy straw hat; Miss Alicia Gill soft pale pink cash uere, ith lace yo e, a large leghorn hat. with pale blue sa In crown, arrd lace; Mr. and Mrs. William H Simpkins of St. Louis, house ?uests o? Representative and Mrs. Gill, Mrs. Simpkins in old rose silk chiffon and lace, with pale blue <floak and large wh te hat ntnmoc Mrs Harvey Calvin Gage, w? > VII ptUM*VM| ? ^ black lace and a black hat trimmed with white feathers; Miss Gage, pink satin and lace over white chiffon and white a.Ik. with large pink and white hat; Mrs. Julian James, black embroidered chiffon, with large black hat with willow plumes; Miss Harlan, in black-and-white cloth coat suit, with hat trimmed with hydrangeas; Miss MeCook. daughter of Gen. Anson McCook of New York, f?ink and j white chiffon, with pink hat. Mxs. Sherman went to Utica, X. Y., today, and will remain through next week. Mrs. TViekersham. wife of the Attorney General, entertained at a luncheon today Miss Kean. Mrs. Livingston Hunt. Mrs. Spencer, Mrs. Hopkins. Mrs. Sturgis of New York, Miss Sturgis, Miss Nasal, Miss Yvonne Townseud, Miss Stevens ana Miss Hinckley. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Austin of 1GJ0 Masdci'Useun avenue have iemoved to then new summer res dence, 3301 Newark street, Cleveland Park, where a little later they will be pleased to see their ft lends. Mrs. Dunbar Hanson Johnson and her two children left last evening for a six week trip to Memphis and other southern points. I Miss Elizabeth Mason of London, the - " " TlV,^Kri,lo.> .if tit I S'U6st oi wrH. v. v^. **uvuu>? -? . street southwest, was tendered a reception by Mr. George Bonnet of Morris street northeast Tuesday evening last. Among the guests noted were Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Woodbridge, Mi. and Mrs. Joseph Scholes, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Halle. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Dewey. Mr. and Mi's. Albert Scholes, Mrs. Bonnet. Miss Adeline Woodbridge and Herbert Bonnet. Mrs. Ballinger, wife of the Secretary if the Interior, is leaving tonight to spend the summer at her home in Seattle, where the Secretary will join her after the ad- . journment of Congress. Mrs. Ballinger, who counts her Washington friends by the score, has been a del.ghtfui hostess the past winter and was herself entertained so frequently that her days and evenings were spoken for weeks ahead. She has made a charming impression on all with whom she came in contact and few women in the official circle are . more highly regarded. The ancient Greek festival to be given by Mrs. Barney at the Oaks May 23, for the benefit of Neighborhood House, is irousing much interest. The patronesses are: Mrs. Archibala uopk.ns. .rs. or iran B. Bulkelev, Mrs. Harriet Blaine Beale. Mrs. Charles J. Bell. Mrs. Willard K. Brownson. Mrs. John W. Dwight. Mrs Perry Belmont. Mrs. John W. Foster. Mies Mabel T. Bo&rdman. Mrs Churchill Candee. Mrs. George L. Bradley Mrs Stephen B. CI kins. Mrs. Nofunort i " 1"" ,T*n.< r nings. Mr?. Nicholas Anderson, Mr* Frank Ellis. A number of friends of Miss B.-rtl a Whilldin Wetzel tendered her a surpris. visit at the apartments of herself ati<t mother in the Lanier Sunday last for tin purpose of saying good-bye and ex prying well wishes. Miss Wetze! and tv?? mother left Tuesday for l'ortland, On., where they will .loin several other in. u hers of tiie family and establish tin ii future home. A very pretty loving , u.. was presented to Miss Wetzel. Mr. lj??v F. Party making the presentation r.? marks. The eup was fill?-<l with uuferniented grape juice, which each stp)? f, the last person being the recipient. ?im accepted the token in a pleasing i An impromptu vocal and instrument, program was given by Misses Edith Ian more, Ruby Xevins and Fraurcs < 1-:u ents. and Mossr*. Kay i"art\. Hague. Gordon and Joseph Rettit. Mr. Han* Ilearock. who left recently for ton. S. i\. to ir.ake his future lion.- , was present, and also received some felicitous It a ve-taking compliments. Miss Wetzel is the daughter of the lit Charles J. Wetzel and graudda' gliler < ; the late William H. Wetz I. who \ve?e [iruniiiient citizens of the District. s lias for some time been private see ret art* to <'omnialtder Robert K. Rcary, an I i highly cultured, being a vucali t. a fornn member of the choir of tin- Western l'r* byterian Church of tills elty and a'su a" plorutionist. She holds mem icis'np pi Mount Rl asanf Congregational ChutvjJ and t*hristlan Endeavor Soeietv and t\:u? very popular with her acquaint.up wi ? are very mieh regretting Iter depji.tutv Tliose participating in the com; Jinn ' * to Miss Wetzel Sunday -veiling v ; Misses Frances Clements, Chatloto- \v ren. Ruby N'evins, M. Ed tli Mods -:;, Eiiitii A. l?arimore and Mcssts. John l? Roy F. Carty, Re> burn R I'.urk-, lin. Arthur U. Ho Rejnier, s l.. l>o.\tun*. loseph F. Re tit. Rusii I I.vncli. lluyneili. Gordon and Bruce Cleveland. Miss Flora C. Schuldt of Fapitol H'i! left this morning for New > ork .-tty. where she goes to he the bridesmaid < wter cousin. Miss Clara Dorthea I'hi.ipoar , laughter of Rev. Dr. Charles 1 . iphat L>r. Ph.lipoar is well known in tins it>,* laving been pastor of the t-.v ang? It- .iR .Jcrman Lutheran Church here so'iio* rears ago. Miss Ptiilipbar is to b< mat , \ed on the 17th inst. to Mr. Itnlert Wentcli of Seattle, Wash. Miss S< '.uidt * ill remain in New *?>rk tor serf-rat* veeks. after which she wkl visit friends^ n Connecticut and then make a tour of. the Jersey seaside resorts. ? J Mrs. Samuel Nelson Barker <>t c ?.v> Chase Seminary is enter.a.nlng a ten-' Jay house party compose i of M.s. ilairy L. Jones 01 ,\ow A ovk ii<v. .Vus^ 1.0 nf ' Kelley of Texas, Aiis.-os reditu u nl ..iixabetn Hopwoou of rinn.-y.ui .ia. .d..s->. mlizahetii V'ngt ailil .Miss r.d.l.i r.U?:i of l-otiisville, .Vuss biltiilxt . Rales 01* Boston, Miss irene Slietziu.e of rtu ad-l-v. phia. .viiss ot .\o?i a-0.1, air.. George t atari of .New \ork c.iy iuj, Air. jonn C a hues of MissaWtppt. J ? Vw~mm'^ . DiEl). BOI.AC. On Friday, May I", at ^iuu Bynne, Delaware rtwuty, I'a., Jil.sEl'H, loved husband of A. 11. Rotac ( Murphy!,*, ...u ?oily-oi.e yearn. , Fun'-ral from Ln.oti station. Washington, D. C . on Monday, May 1>1, at o'elo, a -,1.111. lieot.ves aud ft.end* invited. lu.cruouL at M< UEvet ceuietery. BROWN. On '1 Uursday, May 12. l.ilO, ED-*, WARD bttOWA. senior ueaeoll ot Walter .Vieuunlal Baptist ehureli. .1 Funeral troui a.axe cuuuh Sunday. May. to. at 2 p.m. Remains at B.reh iniuortaitiiig e?: tubiishineiit, M street, West Washington. ' BROWN. On Saturday. May 14. lain, at 12.5*1 o'clock. Mrs. EEi/,A G. BKOW.N, widow ot Ihe taie .ulili u. etus n. .11 Funeral from residence of her sou. Barry S. Brown. 1715 Newton street nortnwest. Mom ' day, .May Hi. at Urdu p.m. Interment private. 2 ., CAREY. Suddenly, on Saturday. May 14, 191U-. at 1 a 111., MARY I'll, beloved w-lvt, of Hupn J. Caify. Funeral irom ner late rcsldoace. 17o; Norlaf? t_a,>uoi sircei. on .tiotio.iy 111-riling at thence to St. Martin's I'ti.ireu, w..erc soiou u" nsjuieiu mass will be said for the repot* ? 1" lier soul. 2 k HA1KSTON. On Thursday. May 12. 15)1(1. t| 12:15 a.m., SAMLEC HEaKY UAMUION, hosnanti of Sop.iie E. Uiirtliu. Funeral services will be S .uday. May 15. at* 2 o'clock p.m., at Vermout .vceuae Dapwst" Church. Columbia Oruer of Elks will uave^ charge of fnherat. 3 ' Members of Columbia l.od,.e. No. 85. wikki meet in lecture ruiiu of \e. mom Avenue Bap tlst C..urch holiday at 1:30 p.m lo attend 1 .e*^ f.ineral of our .ate broi..?-r. ?..Ai. EE HENRI. ti.iikslU.v. oiiaS. d. flii'.t.da a. i.xaiu->4,, Uuier. (Ly a-. bb.ii's and IE anoae pap.-rs plena * - opy.J 2 McINTOSH. On May 12. 'Jlo. at George Was ington I'uiversiiy 11 sp.ial. Mr-. M..RY M INTOill. widow if I.i ui. 10 a.d Anl.itos.i. late of the Tilt C..i. lr , i'. f>. .v., who killed at the Custer .uas.-a--re. Notice of luuerai hereafter. -1 ? ' ,e I'ERKINS. Deourted ibis life on We.ln ada.*. May 11. lhlo. at 12 p.m.. after a brief if ' ?Uess, DE.Ml'SEY. the be.oved father ui A fred I'ersins and Ida Mvers. Fun?-ml from hU daughtei s residence. 1>2 5 -1" street northeast; thenre 10 Third Ban l?il Church. 5th and 1 directs northwest, S u.. day. May 15. at 1:30. 2 a) SEVERANCE. On Thursday. May 12. Ihl<>. at the residence of uis sou. it Caitbcrsbnt Md.. FRaaKLIN rUiitLi* Sc.v i.i: the Mvred husband of J. .v .cr.iu. v Service* at tiie hojsc rsiuday. day 15. at i luteruicut at tore i Oas . ciu-tc. ." Maryland. Fr.etius .nwted. Train teat.**, l uioii station, iiastiuiore and Ohio raiiroad... 1tdu p.m. 2 fi In Memoriam. CONWAY. To the memory of my l?eloved bushand. WILLIAM u.SCAlt . ijNiv AY, tviio tUt^u' Saturday. May 14. 1.U4. > Friendship's Loud of tirtne t union I - lie ..die * SO... c 'III iltllll I.. Soul to soud we tli"ii were plighted And our soul* are sull tiuitea. ,, b. a. c. 4 DADE. In sad remembrance of oar slater. FLORENCE BRA i Kit'E -M l II DYDE. .< ... departed this life three vcars ago t da.. May 14. lSAC. BY UEK SISTEK AND BROTHERS. ,v DE VAl'GHN. In sad lint levins r mein' rime**' of our darling little jlrL 1 iMil.LA L'llT-tv who entered her heaveniy home two yo.tra ago tomorrow. May 15. lS#uX. Gel, si Vet h His beloved sleep. I'AI'A, MAMMA. SISTKIt AND BROTHER. OSBOKNE. In sad hut loving remembrance o' ' our dear mother. MA BY A. USBUii.V E. ? mdeparted this life two years ago today. May 14. mis. ,, Days of sadness still come o'er us, Tears of sorrow silently flow; Fond memory keeps our loved one near mi. ?* Though heaven claimed her two .veara ay... BY HER CHILDREN ' FUNERAL DIRI^TORS. mn. Oc imir<iLR> es CO., KLNEKAL DIRECTORS AND K>! BALM EES, 4.i" 1 ?? ? ? Mode t| ' 'ITVO I'h i:e I (4 rKCfciU A. iJiiLMiC. 1113 SEVENTH ST. N.W. ? 4..en V?*<n>h'"?t> V?r?b K24> Touij. m. nlNULc. UNDERTAKER. 5TH AND H N.W. M. 337. 4. >\ ILLIAM l.k.K. e'ua.'ral Uiivi-tor and Emlxluitr. Livery ifa connection. Costs*. J tout CLapel and modern .-ivmato ium. Sl^;- i octree S3? Pa eve n u. T^'pa-m- a' l.xv". *. F. HARVEY SONS. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND KMRALMKRK. tS2* 1?TH ST V W Telephnw Vorrii 2*1. j. a. wJbMfcNTS, 241-43 WISCONSIN AVE. N.W. <Ceorret4.wo|. TnlenHoff Wont Xn4 Wa?htwg'-n D. C Joseph Jr. JiiirCirs Sans,' ota m st. n.w. George P. Zurhorst, TVEHAL PARLORS. ani EAST CAPITOL 8T Telenhorie Lincoln 872 W. R. SPEARB, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EUBALMER, " 940 F Street N.W. WASHINGTON, p. a > hones Main Jg?; Pt-TcV \ Cr>rgrr. Mgr. ? x uit fiivn I* IfJuSlChMS. superb clusters, $2?Worih n BlmckLtoo.'. Flornl Dealer. CrMt ? beauty. Freeh and fragrant flowers used. Q1 trl'ictrtnp'c y^LMll.a_W4M Uiavivutwuv -?t i""rnj?f?i unmcr. ?C-M ?D Kuneral Ltet^gbm. fuuerai Uumhcum. Geo. C. Shaffer icaniiful floral deigns vary r*a?*iiable la pr?c*L *41* Main. 14** ? ?* ?r-.. ?-?W ? 40