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V. 6 J. S FLOOR CC ORDERED NOW FOR AUTUMt Permit us to call attention now. to be delivered in the Linoleums and oihsr Flo^r Cove adoption cf this suggestion will rc anxiety they may anticipate as to .L- _f I iii- ir\.icnic |;?cs?u(c ui ujmi Hi? exact c'tte for laying will be s*i!lful'y and promptly, done. The excellent facilities of merited by the large organizatior York. injure every possible advai of advance orders for the Autum Our new a.sortments o? we bzmples and prices promptly written request 1414 H Street N. W. > '* || ^ _ i||; Edmonston & Co.. ji Advisors and Authorities S ? >:i ITM >'i' TKOUU.KS. j'j ] r". Voj learn what true 1<>< fort is only when yi "Foot Form Boots or < and then you gladly sp Im j j:?'_ "uon Tminvs. !-'ca?l this Letter. \vr-mio. Ftiv?okii n. X V., \jtri ',| .Vtcs- KI'MOXbTOX ?> ?'<?. i: ! nave bffi -n nvn-l j . r? ?v slop? t ni I i.s- < vconv.r.rmlffl i orn<n fi-lcni* troubled wit i InIien ""an jo" fat or m- vita n loiter in? ji tu how the; ought ! > takp th<- meas ' Al?o liSV?> vo11 n r.;l:iln;j i ' l of -?iiocs for different iv cr? Y our* si ti ?- - rcl . > S , I *i >t it i'ORM" I;.wt in .-fu ;<it fiirl i::: v cvoi'v foot ailtnonr -f isrc/,1 jo':? I ?=. J'-tlle-.i instep*. corns i: giowinjr r^i:i. etc. Y- -1 fan cons-nit on J professional sborrirtors villi < >iriilr*r.< .that *1 ?. >v?{l an'J ft tiic ; "KV>ot i-'orm" tfoo-* or t?:;foriTt to il an ' > f mi'ij-i ->< ; ? *!om'.il'T<' lino- .pC Kn m " fi ! Trfn ai ! voincr ;:!l ^omj V^r'nr-i ; ;?ric??i rr> ;r.?n? **fi < ! Hcrcn vi ifci accord insr ? > sine, i I EDMONSTON & Advisers and Authoriti f / .8 This Se&mtess fi|t:i llj ^orcelain-Lirss LEONARD nit 'HI rw<iit*ern 1r,rh;:? ;{ iT\ W U 3 IJ^ll vCLi'-U'J I $34.75 N i ,j 1 lie interior of t:.i.- rffri; !j j breakable rov< elairi. smoot ?! !! rrai-ks or rr?vH?i, -It i* x< j j{ high and no's ipt-hes. deep, ti ;i lK"in?is. The outer ease is of (in .!:jl and the trimming.* of solid h ; ! insulation, three tinned win j! i mesh, all pa rls-'re movable f. A Leonard Por<-clain-lhi? ijj | save enough In your ice bill . ' be sweet-smelling and sanit fjjjl Other Porce&injlll Refrigerators jij; Leonard's ' Gt Refrigerators | Mayer jjjH 409 to 417 Savin Per feat Discount on %? :?t. ! r j I ^ V! ? V.' ?insect Powder I Is the Worst , !! Foe of Bugs. gW ! -?m ni. a;* Ji.? i*vi. > - i.. f * si * l?;4 J I >:.{* | h!i< I /( I i'.'W't-i i. in, deidly. Vl I . Spilnklr it al?nt tli kitchin. Wm ? !>?atry, and ?l? .1 roaok*., *i,t? ?':<! k'niliY.l ?ii-< ' ' SnriuUIiug-lup , 1 Lans. ioc. I ^c. j^c and ^oc. ' , * *' Tfeoisr.sjsc:! P Li&rmacy, FHANK ?\ !' 01... 7<>:i tv.u. : i >l-W.f.lo > [ Decorating of a j Distinctive Type. ton. f>'? a * ofFo< : * a roil when >:*\nj <! <>: '): I. ,.r.- hr PICT', arti- ? n.'Uj vi,. n-- 1 nf working on. 101tr vrrmm | tilt will !?- *<? striking. | Ceorge Plitt Co., Eric., ,S P#:i.tinc. P.i ^ 1 pu UtfViii-. ,| ' \Y !; : nII N. 11--. T-7 7:It *'. ,tr. . !i l#l-??-l I IP ? A Its'ant it ICSCd? S f?* B-*W-y Cari t..< . i; .aiwiiU .. I ^ -'OeJlt ' n*"ri t:"r Piiis j .nd I. tckt r \ 0 LOANE [ )VERINGS i i WILL BE HELD J DELIVERY. to the advisability of ordering Autumn, such Carpets, Rugs, rringi a* may be needed. The rlievc our patrons of any possible > ! J - f -_J J aeiayc'J execution 01 cratn.uue r>e~?s in the active Fall season, carefully recorded and the work our Washington office, supplci of our headquarters in New itage to customers in the matter n. aves and designs are now ready, submitted upon telephonic or - Phone: 4909 Main. >t ~ ( Om- ^<p^SS=K- j m near / | re-id the wyy!' | "i i P Ul A V / ' \ ! ; Aa^/ \ i'i} i -i itSpf 'l;|! trurt ons Is /H;'. ' /1 ?*512 1151 / l Bf^CE ill : p/J ! CO., 1334 F St. ij: *1 ? ies i>n Foot Troubles. !; l:;i ! I . . I"i! K'-ia or l- pure white. v.n- jiji ii as jrlass and without | j,j M ine-hes ffM", Id in dies j!< r'ith an i'"'- < aiju ity of 1 ?? ? || || ely finished satin walnut, j ; r?ss. Ii has nine walls of j j shelves with fine -"v-iin-h rr eleaningj. ! jj id Refrigerator will soon | ' to pay for itself. It will ! ! arv always. I j ! =Lined Leonard iji! ?, $22,25 Up. -and Rapids" ijjif >, $110.48 no. ii & Co., 1 enth St. N.W. pj counts < loseil In :SO IIrvn. jMlj! ' ' ! i _ j enurt belmont ^haai ^ 1 i h nr hi i HB ^H i n 1^, A ^ aArrow COLLAR. with the Ara-Notch in place of the bothersome buttonhole I5c. each?2 for 25c. i Clurrt, Peibody tt Co.. M:kfr? ARROW CUFFS. 25c. a Pair w v[ OU Ought jj. iO K51QW au.t.t a i.a Li \s;n nt ;j ' is' o Hiu-mpiaiin^ mural : 1 , , - ? : j \' ?* *: ! ? #t 1 - t'? j . m .a : , .rim*. O* s | i ' :?!. ? !.? it :i *? . . 1 . , W.I I. BUTLER CO., i, r st. xav. / KING GEOKGES LOVE STOEY. Who His First Wife Was and How He Parted From Her. I'mitm Hi" r. ?;<.?n Trarserlpi. When, a. a petty officer in the navy,I Ptince George teas in Malta, hp , ami Admiral gej mour # daughter fell in love with each other. Hi* elder brot er was living, so that he was not the heir to the throne, who i? forbidden by law to marry n woman he low a certain rani;. The voting people did nothing clandestine. The affair went or. under the eye of her fat her, and my informant, an Engiisn ! lady, widow of a physician whose iitelong frien.j v. a- one of the royal physi- i v:ans who told iter a :.| he husband the story, said the admiral was present at j the ceremonv of ma r.age. Time passed ; aid no trouble was rede fir the pair. ; Two children were bo n: then lite storm broke. The Duke of Clarence died. i'he | girl f'iince George i:ad married could not ht the wife iti any degree of the heir to j the throne, wliicii Prince George I ad be-; oj*?!C. T;:p tale relate? Mow uetjicrauu 1> held oft in the familr council. how hi? mother t*\mpathized and stood by him.. I i is unck, t'.f Duke of Cambridge, had married in C is same way ami been 1 happy. Put W- never become Piince f Wales. Tiu argimienr use. of course. : !>\ the h*i."s grandmother arid father was . that the young prince's life was not only! ii? own. like tl>at of other men: it be- j longed to the nation. The end "of the long ; snuggle was that Prince George insisted i t at title do"b'e duty of his toward tne ; obligations h?- had already-assumed 3" a n<a:i on the o le hand, and that to which fate had assigned him as the father of Kngland's future kings on tpe other, should liotli l?e acknowledged, distinct sod equally recognised. Pnlcss the woman he | had made Ids wife by every law in his power was allowed to come to Knglanct ; and live where lie could Bee her he would not agree to the state marriage which j was utfgcd as a necessity for the country. This was finally agreed to. but the j broken-hearted girl over whom the fight j had been made was taken ill and a quick i consumption seized upon her as soon as : she arrived in Kngland. On the occasion j of Queen Victoria's funeral Iter grand- ! son. the heir to the throne, was not pres- j cut. !t was given out that he was jil with j it mild form of a contagious disease which i prevented him from seeing any one but j his doctor and nu-se. The truth was that . the woman lie lover] was dying and he | would not leave her. This i? King ! George's tragedy. Of how many kings in all history can so pure a love story l>c told? 1 ? THE LEPERS AT MOLOKAI. ? Their Escape From the Settlement j * J wt ? M-1 rracucany impossiote. i'rom Harper's WeeklyNo greater misconception of any p1;9lie institution prevails today1 than the general idea of the l?pev settlement on the Island of Moiokai. Instead of the entire island being used for such purpose the settlement comprises only eight square miles of a total area of 2f'd square miles. It occupies a tongue of land on the northern side of Molokai. The north, east a:id nest sliores of this tiny spit are washed by the Pacific, while on the south side rise precipitous cliffs of l'torn !> '< to feet, whleh make the i Isolation seem even more hopeless than j the beautiful deep blue waters of the sea e\er could. The most difficult and dan- j gerons trail, constantly manned by g??v- j rnvnent guards, foils escape, if it were : ever contemplated, by the land side. Naturally the fear of being isolated at j the settlement caused the natives to i thwart segregation. Generally, it was) done h> seeret'.ng their afflicted, yet there arc instances of lepers using violence to re:-;st arrest. The necessity of severing t>e? of the strongest affection Involved grief of the deepest description, ' and many are the ca*es of abnegation j where the ?lean have accompanied the afflicted to the settlement to die there ; with them. Then. too. by degrees there grew up > the belief among the natives that ter- j i hic mistakes of diagnosis by the physi- ! elans wete consigning innocent audi helpless people to the living sepulcher. And as each year failed to eradicate the I disease as had been represented, but still claimed its toll, the belief became almost j universal that a larger proportion of those committed were sacrifices to the despotism and ignorance of ihe white man's medical so'eme that boasted but could not cure. By degrees, as the government realized tllO ir.A'r.IUll' -. T 1 ,rn./n'< < i.i mi ?uuvifi 10 care 101 themselves, conditions w?re improved, i until finally (lie authorities took entire! chaigc of the lepers, and today the ap- j propriations for the maintenance and i care of these wards are most generous, j ami ev. red *h> annually. ENGLISH SONG BIROS. Sweetest Voice in the Woods Is That of Nightingale. Vrum 1 lie I.ejiden Post. Sciw song bird- have a monopoly of! reputation. The lark and nightinga'e : ac homely looking creatures, yet they ! have a wider fame than even Signor : t'aruso. Yet there is a dear little friend I of mine who, because he sings in rivalry I with tumbling waters that only attrac ; the fisherman, Is hardly known at all in [ the bird choir, and this is the wa er ousel. | Just as a caged tan try will sing its Iou1- ! est to diown the notes of a pis no or \ ic- ' lin, so the dipper, as lie is ano < ailed. | makes Us grandest, efforts only in the j toai of -Oiiit cascade. I have listened , pis quavering song he.dde i ie brawl- j ing Orcny, with tiie pitrp'e of a Scotch ino<r all around, or am d the btulders ; which break the course of tr.e Merced j as i hurries through the valley of the; Vestmite. in tiie iii-tst corner if Call- ! forma, jit sings as if ius it,tie heirt! must break l'or iot Itnt ft r >. . - - ? - ? J - . > "in IIII a I I | white waistcoat He wcuid be a d.wdy! iellow: yet hi? neighbor, the hir.g.1 he ~, ! wiin tiie p:uniage cf u laity, i-roam* iiK? a ! fti? - i in ilte ordinary way no do not birus' sing because tltey lik# it. be- u e they j are filicd witli the joy of lite. '? tiere ' no mystery in Uiis. as Unman beings ! sing for the selfsame? reason. In the j case of these migrants who crowd across j tlie- seas to enjoy an K:ig1i?h rummer,, ilie males first to look t?ui suitable build- i iilg Kites, t'.ic- SCIig is also MO doubt it but I for a male, and v.e miy assume ihr.t b - ! wiio sing* best has first . ho: -e. .At any J rate, birds do nut sine by v.ay t tnak- j iug eonverta;ion. Tuey tl j not, as m ] grand ofiera, sc. their small talk to music. j Ti.ey have other notes I > express their thoughts, notes- which, if Indeed we hear ; them at all, we do no. a s eiate with sung. It N very doubtful whether, as ha * j been alleged, any bird consciously ex-, ere tea the ar of Va'entine Vox. Some fanciful writers, who love to make tier, natural history a- full . f mystery as j possible. ussiR.i P. tlii-- . :teg ry tli "v^X do- praetors nihil' of t..e hiding corn-' crake. As a matter of fa.-; 1 have of.en : suspected. v.-itea t.amping wit.i lite gun in those lie I September days, ilia- there, more fhsiu one coin.- ake i: the held, j and* that the ?" u-r i c? j-.u y , i* ftol in- j v; 11 ably the same bh-fi tbt a'"e-l a in*?men. earlier trim beltind us. Tlr- s ar >n t. ? . . n ^ i r . . i ! . i ' ; .r.nn.i.fs i< now. v. i : pr fie* :.i u , i at " hers eall "Ja-clf," l*a? ?]?o b-es? credited with this eo ts-ion.? :ri k cT ventriic<itii.Mii. Yet if tins be no more than f tr.ey, , v by. \vi.? i pitching hi* > oiee elsewhere. ,loos I-o remain iii full \ lew ?>ji the house- . lop? his- \ eiitr.lofiui-iii cud not sa-.e hint from ci:!'.or eat or g-jn. The sweettft % ic? in all . u- L'ng idt wi oils is rr.doubtcd'y that o* the nigh'.-! iogaio. Tt ii cii'i almost I ei him sias;?i,i B osi r.iiis s liii" : ii.'. i i :.. Fr.;;!* ml. '.j'v tust 'if. tiw.'?"! ami a l.'.-t h? i- nitre i oiiiat i.a.i the ., e?. for i't- does nu s.ay in Italy, i' is ?tid thai ';c ?ing- pnss'onately i* ln? . .ten b? op i-(\ p'i. a *en; argil nert. i' tree, against . y 4 w.i view r at i "' ? biro's si .g :'! >. >j happiness OitJyv P? #}tHlly, I s!h ? I<? iprk *' " nr- v? 'o inaki? ?o b-ut'it an , * .'ir>. ? !?. a >1 n n < "i le i to ? '):? the MtdUnittit n fftt. Cttj t'?? run i y if the ntshtln ga'e's no e, w'lteti' A * c re f pr-...?* l;a? e ii en to he-* rib*, is ret er In doubt, ar.d 'he ?'i gestio; tint these iVlriis t-houid be fc111** .-1c.1 to our l.onrion parks ha' n to < mmend i:. Has ill- n ri il? in this ecuntry. no. When re ently lio i-g in the .Ionian T tried in vahi to . ..impure i'.s notes v.ii i ti.i'.wo ! !' I in- bt.ibui. . i:,.- - ho.r spie t- s art t'ouuti &l.n; tin sit cam. But 1 PEC | 0. | Special. r*fT&v rirrs.ri.i^T fvuurui^i ' ?. PEROXIDS PRE AM Grea?e!e>s. Harmless. beautifying i iearn: v?liiten> an ! softens the si-in: clears the worst complexion. This coupon and 119c Ml SOU RI BBING OilA remarkably Ci? n,S linim* i for rheumatism. lumbago. stiff and swollen joints, pain in ilie ba-lc. chest and throat: --rent relief fcr 'sR sore and swollen t? e-1; 'rrae t>jfT-~ .Vv bottle A#>'v i*OR.M A I.DKH VDK. Powerful- gerricide and dtslnfeciani. Pint bottle a??l> ff COUPON lllRSrTOl.V SHAMPOO POWDKR. Removes dandruff. cleans the bah and sealp; large package enough for ten applications. 2 This coupon and il9c 2 COUPON J.".. AKK-BZK 1-IM AD A CH K 0% TABi.KTS, a# Relieve headache and neuralgia: never fail: do not affect ilie heart {?? or stomach This coupon amd 6c _ TO Kl'MKNTHO CATARRH JEI.HV. Pertain relief for eatarrh of the head. Disagreeable and uneomfortaTOi ble feelings in the throat and nostrils 0jj[ are signs of eatarrh trouble, bar fe^ ver and influenza. Humentho "J??*"* i* relieves at once. CtOc tube A 7Sc Theatrical Cold Cream. jg lb Saritol Bath Powrler... H He D _ Ql 25r Sanitol Face Powder y>Q M J.V Boot Beer Extract; fl ^ makes o trallonp ** ^c"' |J 1<?o Williams' Shaving L Soap? N 3 for BflJc A _'o(- Wcodbury's Facial Soap. BSc L Mwnvon's Witch Hazel Sean. Fiepulariy 1."ic a cake. Our special rj Priee ^ Sal-Hepatiea. Sy size 2?C P ."Or Stilhnan's Freckle Cream 29c ." oe Xadinola Cream... 39c ^ "J.'iC Sulphur and Cream Tartar1 l.ozenges. K?c. Purify the blood and clear she complex- j]Ar % ion. Only um* S6 Phosphate of Soda., lite liver t] 2g tonic; 1-lb. package Jl-AC ^5 The hrst malaria medicine is Elixir {pt of Iron. Quinine and Strychnin-1. tJiuger up! Oct a bottle to- /.?7r day. Full nint ^ e ts'5^ 1 n tablet form. Imported Olive Oil. Tiieie is ,< differenre in olive oil. The one we sell 0fk has no superior in the worid? the i'aniotir Pompeiau Olive O'l ih-i-m ^5 sun-kissed Italy. Pints. .the: quarts >J)jr<kr tytr Walnut la lialr Stain.... J 40e <"ns?;ar n Tablets. cho-olatc 4^r coated; I'M* to hot 'e, ;J-"c. Aromatie t ascara. f-o>:. hot- *^>j=? %% tl?* AvC -Vic Vaseline. <' c - bry; lis. "i)E= 2 bottles A5C | J* En-em Salts, i em ysrallizcd an i ^/purest to he had. Full pound....?''4' Rn hello SaIts. 1 lb.... 25c ^ ( ; Syryp of Hypopiiios= 1i pihateSo rM j A SfbENDtD XKRVK TOXH'. : AS VOl" KNOW. Rl TS HOSES 1 IN VOI R FllICEKS. ROT|H I TI.KS, ."VhF. \ <*? i Willow Flier .oal I'owdcr. 1- t] OH lh. ho.v 11 >jft Witch llaz'-l. double distilled, a do.a?, suable "first rt::i" product, ti g , 4m Full pint bottle llro'C Violet Talcum. Hie he?t you ever && used for the baby borateci ! end perfumed with Rivieta || violets, l lb 11?'~ #? 'jr.e Seidlitx I'owders. full tj Es weight, in sea leu tin boxes.... *<#5 1M-" Salicylate Soda SJfe ^Oc.I inj" rijr urnaii>in, i*^? in ?> ? a bottle there is another candidate. The mocking bird of North America and the Weit Indies has a lovely voire, and in the warm moonlight of a June nisht in Jamaica a chorus of mocking birds, as you drive home through a darkness 1't only bv h million fireflies, is a ucng the i:np'-r!shable memories of a f'aribbeai summe-. The 20th Century South. from lbe Columbian Mssuv.inr. The new south ? > es?hut v illi the spirit, the energy. Hie courage of the men and women of 1 lie old south?of the men who fought, the battles of the Revolution, who followed Jackson to New Orleans, who bore the Stars and Stripes from Vera thus to the halls of the Montezuma.*, and who strove for th? iMiice they believed to be right tin lit utter exhaustion compelled surrender?of tiit vvonit a who endured witli patient, uncomplaining fortitude tue hardships that fell to their lot. while their husbands ar.d fathers, broth errand sons, by the distant June;; and Kappahannork, sang: Hurra*:; f< r tii v?*nK -,? ni s Tiiat ???nti!orii lait'i * v.ear! The new south has already out .-tripped the north in < otton goods manufacture. Birmingham, Ala., skyscrapers stand on land which was sold just after the civil war for ?10 an acre, and that Nourishing ritv ??f iron and steel and coal proiptses to b,- a greater Birmiiitf'liam tiian its namesake of Britain. /Tvery where the south is awakening,toi^s imtgniiiceiit re.-ourciand ujipartVfTgfed opportunities. Tito former great plantations ire being divided into farm -, to which industrious im-' migrants from the north and front k'n-j rope are gladly welcome. There art ret\d> markets for produce of ever* sort, and fortune.; are being made from winter and spring crop- for the north ern market. Years av;u uie rcrr&wi us?d lo be. * ("n :le Sam i- rich enough to give t;s nli a farm." That is practically true of the south today: for any industrious man can easily tarn the farm that is waiting for him and his family. Sout hern also is being' developed. and industries are springing up along the beautiful riven that so long flowed unvexed to tiie see. Xot the south alone, but the L'nited States is looking forward to a future hat will far surpass anything heretofore ilnown to the new world or the old: hut the south has special reason for assurance that its fimtre will witness an advance greater thu.1 that of arty other section of the republic, that the wondrous transformation which has already taken place i.- but a:i augury of the mightier achievements to come. Guaranteeing Attendance. IVuu: < '. i ; i :il. "Going to have .111 oi l lion:.* wo* h. eh?" Yes. we want ail our wandering hoys to come ba< Wber had bei'er Icdd it?" , After the grand Jarj adjourns, 1 : should oay." 1 l W 3^$?^f 5^W*^? ?^rOT*33SPV jWi )PLE'? 7tl Sale for Tt ~! CLEAN SO he C ream S"dn. will) \ elvel not made in a cellar I rcsli Lgy Phosphate _ ( Milk Sna?e>. all flavors 1-gU Lemonade L<^- ( hocolatc. Klers Zit CiearEs Clothes : axl) a 1.1. i'.xbr'cs !x! st a xt i. y. 1*1 xe for: r | ivio ?ji.ovns. Fri.i. | - ; i'm xt <?'->'** i ' 1 i ! i 1 Eczema ?mtment. I graham's a hint- [ t mknt ret.i eyes the ter| fit bus iron ing at once. extra. earuje 7r.f j - j size i i ! \~ i I EmuSsaom Cod Liver kr f-8 if and pa lata hi- k. ! *i no p.m% j tiVks t.".::.w j P. D. Q.f Death to : Bed Bugs, CERTAIN AND SERE: NO ' DA NOER TO Hi "MAN 1,11" E. i WHEN APPLIED TO P.EDS | IN THE SPRING IT IS HE- ! FECTIVE THE WHOLE YEAR: j A LIQEID APPLIED WITH A BRESH: WHEN DRY IT j FORMS A POWDER: BIG BOT- I TLICS. WITH BRES!I FOR AP- | PLYING, FREE: BETTER AND SAFER THAN EORRO- 'Tig- i SIVE SUBLIMATE A??(v i DobelFs Solution for ?'a- f larrh. Full pint 11 Linuid Soda Mint, for heartburn, acid stomach and indices- II E,-. t;on. Full pint L ?> v Peroxide Hydrogen. full 111=7 pint, best grade W tv 10c Palm Olive Soap. "7<cake ^ Aspirin Tablet*--. fi-.jrain: do::.. 10c: 100 for 25c Violet Rice Powder, t] white or pink " ' ^ Imported Bay Rum. oC/ir , Pint c- ><k. i 10c Cosmo Buttermilk Soa j Big Soap Special. We have bought * ') gros- (doPine Completion Soap, made v. ith pine needle oil, and never sold foe less tlian 10e a cake. While it ! lasts. a box of three jj jj q f Purest Vanilla K\true;. made from j select 7-inch Mexican Kevins ami aired for two year.-- before Qjn^ i offered for sal . Pull pint . ** island's Iron Pills. ionic tj nr j and blood builder: 100 for .. - ^ ^ Trional Powders, 10-sr;in. j <'?; lotnel ;<rd Soda Ta!>',< : j] e^. i any strength: 100 for ll?>^ 30c Putieura Oint- " {?r j irent ^ Joe Squlbb's Partial ion l1//i Talcum 15c Petermans Discovery, f, o_ or Iloach Pood k 50c Kosmeo tfQC Asafoetida Pill.-, 5-arain: fl 100 for " - ^ 5c Toilet Paper. ' for 10c. I 1 eadcr brand: regularly .... | j J~>c lied Pross Kidney j| i c'-arain Quinine Pill.-: 100 H3^ j fO! 11 :Me?Daga"ett & l!arcs:dell's r ~^ < "old '('ream L?s>? :;.*>f Parker Pray's Flo-a {] line U/,w _'jc Hiker's Tootn l'ou - f. der ShoaSder Braces, j s;.r>o expansion shoul| I>.:n I3K \CKS: COnilK'.'T j l round shoulders and ; P.AO OA RUT AGE: .MAKE VOL* V"A LK GRACKHTiilA' AND 1 ] BREATHE COR- fffl "JfR j j nEGTLY. THIS SALE.. vlcAiJ r*F5 ?<*?*< 0: f>' -0*^ 'T LONELY ON THE FARM. One of the Effects of the Introduction of Agricultural Machinery l Prom 11?=? St. !. >n;.s th ;-iMIc. ! Power i-a^ always lingered i11 owsicrsl ip of the laud. This has beet somewhat ebsrured in Amen a L?y tie fa-M ?tii?: there l a- been. during the infancy and youth of the re'.".ih!i<\ r-o ranch I uul and so few people. With the set Moment of tb? country. however, we are ao1 broaching nearer and nearer to old world conditions: the farmer in America is today in ore a person of consideration thai f*er before: the divert r.'ng may mak-* out the beginnings <f the development, of a "hinu^'d gentry"?.1.;.: is, if ti e i i:rashe not taken too serloi siThe increase " of the farmer in substance and Ills ris:* ; in. social an t political consideration are ar:onc the most interesting signs of th times. Ther^ i'.nv.v cr. a a -tcr ?.re-~eri" l:rr? which is new In the history of th - develop, nen. o: the land-! oiling in 'v-*,- of a now iiumr.v?machinery. The farmer of the old ivorlii increase! i:i wealth and oower ity becoming a large einpiovcr of la ><?:. A ilia possessions grt-v. his 1 t,us j i'oM grew likewise. A peasantry was ! developed: near the manor house cius| tered col. ages whose enpauts com no s* .1 ' the farmer's working force. 1 .org-.* farming meant mans people; the farmer ! lite; n; a manager of n.en. A generation lias changed ah that. Th-? 1 farmer today is not an overlord of men; ; e is a mwbualeal engineer. X > small houses risr m-ar i'is own: hot is u. t| etiine shed gr ows larger and larger. 11 plows with gang plov.-. ; h- wit'"headers": he has an inexpensive ma -. hint' v.n i -h ! c attai nes renin 1 !i> ya : i which loads on it the 1 ay fro t! meadow. In trad of the lit ids full i> map s a sing'e man driv- ; ? a time! im? a*I da long around a square \vho--e - des gr .v. i shorter with ^ round: tlore am- n:a . ? r1i.? i.r.t ?ii nlftn; r-rir:* . u fotiuer?even to milk (ov. -. Modern prosre->s lias bttnished ? onmatiionshi ?.he farmer's li'V; . ej. even co.r.ran:ons; ip with hi.* hors-*-. When h? want7 ro go to ?own today he give* titers n is of his thirl v-horss-;.o wer raoto. | tar a turn and lays hold of a ;*ver and a v.-lie; I The Ki'iocl uf iliis is y-t to i.e stuii d and ascertained. At this moment v.c n:ay worder j;.st v ltat res;'it will urn t.-om tliis i :ar,.ei;i;)sr of the farater's in. tellev In one direetiun. tin's o. iiis executive rowers. this intense fyir.g o : the loneliness ?.' the toifi ry by lea ing- the tine of thv soil <lu"!ngr the workins hours with no eonipanion htit a mo hint. Mamma Had Mentioned It. 1'. riif t' ? ?i M:? I::: .. I t 1 " k . 5 ?* <. * ?' ; feet." >*i?l the ? unlay s iionl t*ach?v. v\ it or.e ?_ i you (*u teii nie v.nn he V, t\ . Mary Jane's Land went up and the tea* iier nodcleu to her. "He tvas mamma's first husband," a be aid. > DRU( i aimd Mass. fl TP"55 9 - muirsoay, rrM DA WATER j . Kiml lot- Cream. ) j~ I /p?\ * w I . Qjj ^ $2.0? Thymo^aied t. QEycsrines 49c, ; K I ess than half prion for this splendid ant isejft i?- Useful in <a- j > tHirh of the nose a no throat, month wash and prartxte: as larpre as t !te hiy; size (if Glyc<?-Th ymul inc. I'on't neglect to set a hoi- A<Qf | tie at once: >1.00 size j _ "Renew?" j i g i: ay 11 a i i: ki;ST< <1:1:1:: m.vkks yt?rii i<i:y. ?wni:i> \ 1 1ta! f: sokt a n'k gi?si?y; j uk.stottks thk uolni; ol' I 1 i youth: ?i hottlk. i Or. 1 _ j Essence of Pepsin, relieves Moat- i ins", fas and heartburn: l-ounce i t: j bottles: others charge 10e. *5 fl ' Our price A11C | ! _ 1 $H Box Nuuxtorce ,, Tablets, 49c. run NKRVoi's. ki x-down ' MEN AND VOMilX; NOT A I J PATENT MKDRTNK: 1'OR.Ml'f.A ON KVKR V RON. /0r : THIS SADM. Sl.bO SIZE... ' 1 Eiixir Lactates! Pepsin RELIEVES DYSPEPSIA AND STOMAfll TROT'BLKS. Tif?,, l-OI'XCK BOTTLES ' j 31 (Glycerine Tonic, 69c, j A i'O M B I N A T I O N or I flT.Vt'KRiN. t; KNTI A N. DAN- f; j DEMON AND OTHER VAi.l- 1 \ I ABLE TONTC I NOR EDI KNTS ! IN A PLEASANT AND P A LA- j .j ; TABLE form: MARES ?CE\V I I BLOOD, INCREASES VOPR T APPETITE. <iT\'F-;S YOl' THE | "DO-IT-XoW ' I'EEL; I NO. LARUE SI .to ROT- 1 I I I t j ? I j[ HOc Koriro Kaps, 6c, A CORN-RKMoVINi; TM .AS- | ter that is n,EAX and j s i < 'ON'V EN i i . XT *n? rsi;. : ! i ! : Moth Balls. FRKS?H AND STKONO. ?_ t> ? * OC j ; EXTRA STRKXCTII HOl'SK- ! j HOED AMMONIA, SDHt'IA E. Ijr. j | ! I ! ; I j Cuc-g ii hat Co51= stspatSon. ,1 i KASNA I.AX TARLETS <TEE \ i Til!-: MOST STI'RBOnX ''ASKS. | | r-'rr SI /. ! :. THIS All AND TV! it: ! { I ; j : Coupon, j 1 ! ! -J.v M KNTi lOTOX I: ill NT- | { MKXT. :'Oi: CAVMHHI. <OED , ' i IN" 'i*I IE I ! I KST A XII IN THE ; | j tlKAH: REEIEVES iHIKKJIA- I ! TISM. THIS lOUIUV n m I ANI-i u j j ! How 3s Your Old i _ Sv'-r'Tva/ ?3ii.iTcL V/ iiJedil-i ) MA\K !' ' I.UOK lJKi: XRW. ; i ; -BLVArn WIIITI;- i I ! STRAW HAT OLITAXI-K- j I XOTUFXC BIOTTKR AT j] ifTj? 1 AXV I'KICi-:. THIS riALi:. * j I if ; A'iva; *> : ii'e-; the y\:,i at | on-p; i-: used 'i the placr of nowfJfr: 1 :.y the ra:.v effect. out dot s not show yii.c j_ r?, r*': CRUTCKES "# ! A PHOlv OGKAPHIC MUSEUM. * * Taiuagno's Former Sweetheart * Faints at Dead Singer's Voice. * I Par:- t\?r"<-si>Mni>!iro I.t Milri! V i i ho i !p;i' i A. J Sjoii-ty. ?? eontinuifjr ! ' r-irn u in fsvor of the V < rent of a r>ho;;oq;ranhi<- :rm< ( !>' . s 2;.! ir J!; aridion to the Ititf-r- ?J? ' tfo' s collection of warl? ." >> cylinders V offered to :< b; I ?r. A. Asoulay. The.*4- A include r"<-o;-(Js of tlip languages and "J* ; idioms >r"5 ?ken nil over the globe, "nitono- *?* jr::." of ct a.. r sat.icita I.i the I'.-gnu of the Laplanders, contribution-- by Kaf- *? firs anil tin- natives of the Sedan rin! * * ' "c.' < *..?;%. MVisat'ciif. by \i. sar.rt-. ^ nr ^Jaon'iesf ;... pn*- -an . H<-,.1 Po i. i'. vhortif .'s and many other curious !* Interesunv specimens of toe smiien v word. V Ti!>liortogra( : ie ? ;, lindr-rs deposited V in the vaults <-f the opera 1 valuable V adjoint to tie* iolUeila: of the Artthropo- V So'. !< t . and anions the ;.i y. t re- *:* 4-r-i' 1 adult hut? ! < tie* -o-ort's of those itlvched { ? t'"e ?n-j N'a-'ora** ?U* \t - otto -.-I (!< la Dane* a; disy-.s io,.vo! drc-lng the voii-w? of Note-. Delmas, Mile- ?% 1 Brrval. Mile, tlrot.d.ieasi and Allle. llatto. v j All ti-i v.ol! known singers have .hi- y j in-. !> sung for portetity v ithotif e\pi".-t- ' * log any 1'.i'-r&tioii. :J1Jt w: en ONi 01 . *;* il o.doj-t "|K nsii Ml i i i o ' .'it i ho 01.-;t- , *{* ; ..a : aslti il to do lii-.etv v.. |< ; i..-d that *1* 0 -,va.- v, iil:..:; on i-oiidition that h-* ! 1 re. 1 .1 h'J . lie I.- sliii waitit-'i tor 'lie ,% I 1101 i-y. and 11 is to h. iVu;.-d thet if he ?*? o' Ito h: - -i edition. i 'to * i-tii- aitu: ' ?* Wtl! I'O t'li'e:"Il-lt 1 ' i'l iif lllliatll-i' of ?J? ! he !:::> :o. of hi.- vol.--*. it i* Not always;,*, > ijijn.i::-"! bif: htg to he able to re propee the organ of a dead vocalist, as the : > bowing h'". will tiiiiw; ? "!",i:j.:i- no. th- in:-; .u? Italian sinxe- v :: t o:t* i v. t; fond of a JOlUJJ VI >i .?: ?? > ! ' . ?* " !?" A I T .9^1'' t'.eu, ' ii;? ; uuaf, w,'..;aii. *# eartbrohon. tct rril i ? the country for : *i* time. Brent "?!': : h" returned j X (t Ron* at.d stinted ! or for'r.jy node f -sr.-.. 1)1," f iie v * ii to > musical , ? j r>lival in a theater at tlie capita?. ' . [ itig the fviirabtctcr selerinous tvere given ; " ' 1 i a ;>i:or.ojri a .It. Stdnonly from the lu- . ? j tti ui!i*!U came the s-rni'-r-a:'. voi c oil i .c fn"w.:.c maestro apf>stiophi2iu< D^s- 11.: ben.'na in I one1 of anguish and ft try. 1:3 1 X? t'~f tie.'-pairiim a ore! : "InfideJe; !u*i- pre [ .ieiel toil" were 1 teard in the mournful . oif " of the dead singer a t??; it> 1 e- cry j "r: . air; thro i:g.- tin- theater, and tin un-i sat for..i of a woman v. --: home! f i itca,'-. It v. as to: \vc:nr.t: v. iio:n Tatuagno 1 alf ' :> ?.. loved, "d tvlie:s < cant to i 1 >' -i - oyc- ? (-; vacant and without t-i? i-'Ct Ti": t hod !i:cm in i v:o- >*. ; ; ! r! '.ilia py woman i?.: ?i 1o.-t her; | i u. Fiy.-f Fnglish Hoitc Ruces. I .i I'r tt iolmhi-:* : 'i.i 'ti*. ^ I ...... t Fa < if-tor ;,0.-.-'c.;See par " '-?!i!iii to be 1 the birtb. place of the British turf, it va.- >to ! one William '.ester, who about icon. ?>,?-, *| !nc mayor of t."heater, .did cau-e t uve to silver bells to be made of good value to i he run for upon the Rocde Dee." I This seems tlie earliest dctinit" cctab- cot 3 STO /e. lay and Sa Rubber Store News. Kl'BBKR GOODS. TKTSSKS. i rinsn i.x.\> X L> l!OcCITA!, S! TIM.I KS. Al?01 'I*? 11i ' *otion. Fountain ?\viins,'! j . ml Wat<" Hotilos iii \ ari? t\. ,'?> wondoi- wp <; iot<- \o I lower ri'ff than the small wholesaler? reause our "Upon : * bigger?and I ? person::y stand bad; of rvct \ j ' sic. i lundi < iis of items not listed I " < ;r. Cxje 11 In:.-s littini;; lad., at- i , :l l e.dant. I IP Red Rubber I-ou .it:: in yrlna-: s"!milo?-: riui't leak: ! *j.i<:-il..u in-in-:: :: pipe.-. n ?>r T',' o tijdeir . . .... t I RI'BBIIR GROVES. for irorsiiHOt.D rsK. "">>?< . I iui PAIR ~ CSI wiiifiuxd spi:\y i SVKIXGK: FINEST HARP ! , r i" M a k u I'll'!:. ! j ll( SAFi: ANO NAM- | , - 1 bo M m II \ t a i lo3\ v Maroon \Va t< i ottlc: full two quart*; ffi it XiO j Pa ic!.c?t firmlc. T'ui.- sale... ^J ' I "? Xlpples. J for ?<Z i I CV .v: : >> Genuine Goodjonr Sitl ?9, ivalid P.inss .VO Si.on ibilh Syringe. rcinjropcl with hard rubber. AtH)~ his sale Ifyw rs ( 10c Crutch 'l ip* i 1 Oil Sluiniflpr I * p;i *-':- 'M< Sauitarv iMs;>itn! Aii.-or'.'e:u'211 c i f?. o;con. full 11>. nil's i&llt, ( ? i Knickerbocker Bath ^ Suray Brushes. , 1 "7 A SHuWKTi HATII AT MOMi:. I i ?!oi 51.50 KINK. $2JW KIND, j ' !>*c: K i NT', sit*. XKVKR I HT'H'din: MKKMKKTi Y<?t' AT i j tiii:sk kk skim: t?? h), GET ONE. | ; TRVSS!;S AND ABDOMIN'.M. ! T Kl Tf*. EXPERT KITTINC. I.M'V ! , iTT ENHANT. ; ;; , SI.Am >.". V. KMst|n Trusso. "JQ1,i; i .yf] I roe N. V. Ktastlcs Cfl 2F idritpsns. lilt"'! fret ' * ' r/=sa' __ Stt.oo Vi'lorri'iai to lit tho form yt.oo sMi'c .M*l<.ntinal SI <? p bits. to ill the form nPJ?>0 St.o i S'< lv Hiiril l.'ub- i . or Truss */U*> J Wo carry T' ?t styles ?,f Trn>-es ' , ort<"- for your r r.turo. i j 7A. t'lfrticiM Tit'-rmontotor .. rJi^C I | I SS.<K? Soilr,lie-S / itr l?o:i? "no ! I 'an-, light an?l ?iiiral?lo. Sur- ! 1 i*' ^ i si.ct "J-'jiiart Fountain (?)?/yiixiao j 25c Xorrsox Kern I 1 3c r ?*,'" 'V I'll ^.lu :l i. ?i-c \V ? i Y IfOtiRLK ti /n^ j 1 rii ?: ?.V;M ijkk? i-'Ut** j I J "* I * 5?s Puivc-Septine. _! AX ! HA J- IX >?/< ! IT: A.VI" SANITARY WASH. SPEC TAT- w'*, I i Graham's Baood 1 j ' Purifier I ! ! ' IS THE HEST Ri,OOl? iWI'.IKV-; ! * J NO TOXH" vol* I'AVK ever I "SKI J. ("KFSTA i X UHSri-TS > | ? I "OR PIMPLES I MP I' RE | } BROOD A.\'l> TO TONE I'P ; . !c THE SYSTEM- MAMMOTH on S1.3M BoVTHH. THIS SAI-E. v?r. . j 1 <\o I Doss Your Back ~ Acitfie a" nr.Tir p.'ttons wire rhEIEVi: YoT"R BAOKACHK. KIDNMY AX!' BLADDEK : i T It ?> I* B K S. \YFTII -j jy^ I THIS < <H*P< '.v. ?> > ^ ; t A *"> ft ! %?*?*%1*1 *#\M Nt**** ?%/H% ?V* NEW YORK WASH Julius uarf. i- Street. Corner W'c ('a; Particular Attest ore ()i?eu at 8 aii< Redttctio Trimmed WH are placing on sale tot Trimmed Hat- at -pee attention called to the e ilats that sold for f>Z g? /f r ?T -O' vi' i iais that >old lor Si 5.00 4?7 . 5 llais that >old ior Si8.00 $io.c Aian\ Imported Mode! Mats, vah Sale Prices, $2 I W'li VUH R)k PI I I la. ivyanl Bao* fall I>r.v. S'ai mi ? iia'il Park. * *1 ani::-* . < J Tv.o east touns. Help the cante. >\ % *> ! vvv %'vv 't'PI' v 'IK* v v -X'v v irc'-nt of lio:>e raor. |*r? n? .h*' t:::v of tn ;<:!/. va- derived si; verb -To bear the bell." thougii 'the l'*n i> in t: l lt= case < y sif.i O .? ipfoi'P tilo :u:. < M;r ancestors Lc-irg muiv easily ' vo i-neu i*i ;li inc.* ' r of ami s: !; - I i: i'i ' ,c. ir (iegencreie dcacend&uts. there l?aro:it!> only ? t ?-c;ites:. -The 1 'ho:- -p?Oup." vp eh has been sub .it m <j ?"orj fj "best," ::o*.v w.jfih K-.">'*}. to ;,r nothing: of < 'in- -hire < ';)<?-? s f?;. ,il0 , ; : l?':rd Iv.-vff. . t hi A Forgotten Art. Ill I*,: Ml -tuner I >*- * yr:i have Van |-o, In:>i> fp" i i 'i<hui!i>i. \rc . < i 3'.vai> 1,^1 ii !)!: . ancestors came a?-ro.-s on the he '-(* v\c ? . | we "aiior -So? It's too i.a<l be <Jo?sn t try, mutate their noble deed. Win* do yon nuan?" I *.? i made him in" soils. and he ha.-o i j J sie across yet." ?* " RE, | I j? 1 turdayo- | 53c Beef, Iron and I m Wine, 25c i Je Tin; t?i.r? K APHiox k i> ? <?Nli : I'l.KASXNT TO TAKE l N'l? Ml li.ns VOl' IT. I wP <akos Armour's l-Tot ilia oat in* Hatb Soap. to for - W Z"r" "T . SI.00 & I White's VfUciiirf Tablet?. if.- and Knst Iteveloper. lis sale only . UVt- 7* I.ithia Table's, H SC <>\ Murrott t'omade: makes B r*;h. curly hair -oft and oss.v; for mriJSr "incn-Tone '"old Tablets; Rreat- lp i remedy ever soil for W> i.l in bead or rbest. ?r?e JJ If loraeic .Void: fttll |fe t;binitis Tablets. l<?'? in fl 5r> afc ttlo U^V ?. Ceison'.- Hair l?re?sinx ii'f-C r'sian Sa?e "?'5/* lair Tonie ^ !(> ,. vonrrh W'aa'.i <"lotIt ft (o){* 2, i-cllent ?j;iall,v. for ?W Jf' "e Ftronio S?!tzer ^ 5nax. the I>et: i?o;ind ^ Jum <'anr.-bu!. ;>oamI 45c $ c I a vfi'dpi- I '.imjjhor. Iir-t f| Sr* t i Inruran--e. PacUaRo. i?>K iulphur <*atii11r?. !???-: :5 25C .*' Prking Om ihov: ^ Of" uud package II > ? .1c Black Flag It ?ci fow- $ -j nsect Ptiva;. r, sirona and idly; full pound "vv L? ' udc Carbolic Acid: pi:;:... ]! ijjg 5) bott'es Pure \V!i!;" Far- 5 !; Acid: nim &* C > Palm and 'OnPI*': Bash S'>:u?: ulfc of ti'efe tine h!'I ?a"'?. ""Jiff/* I'ov * 'airy Sot;n. tl JV for *>< ? " >'c Wallet Halyr'y i'Ihv.1- ^ Tito K<"iMi;nc i >o: -rest#-! -Jje, _ ? ni. Pound ??'*' r\ Ss Your Hair TeS!ing | You GoDd=toyc? ; ? I a iN'T PART WITH* IT IVLiiSS MM WANT TO?FSK i** iMRSF-TOVK A XI > Tlii: IIA IK , is. IV IKK sTi.'l' FAKMVG. IK- ' P \ .n-:vi:<s i v,v i iti IT A x ii i TCWVG H'Ai.P AT DM' lv M I.m H? tTT!/} :. <<lc. j CSear Your Coinrs= ! p? jpHexjor;. : ** a::sk\?j-<ak?tvi: bkaitv ](? |'m:.nh'v p.m i.ts: 1*01: imm- j fr IM.ES. SPOTS A \ 1 > WFOl.'Y SKINS THERE lR sT VnTlirw; IJKTVi ;!T. WHY > VoT MAKD VOIP. SKI V SOFT bv NO VELVETY? SPECIAL? ! ft.- s!/.! :. :; : size j* no \\ .\ FKf tS, 1-VL Purity Coffee. 2&c ! c 5 b. E YoF O A N T ClKT A BKTTKI! ^ IRAOK KOK LESS THAN :15c J & \xyv. hi'mk. rome storks : i IA r:?;K :>? TRY A POP NO ^7 vT C.r.ul'M), WHOLE OR I & TLVKKIZKO. jfr 'uvufioi oi:i--' rool. 'lo vpj.v ^ uf dr.- shsrnpoor: I 11 jfA? r.. cp U h>C y/g I 'u<*r A. Cialltt Rice row- 22c jj? .\rni?-a Oarbcli or fl ftfitcli Ha .el Rulvc 5?c Solution of g Chlorides. ?>OOKLKSS. K.\SY T<J FSK. N* HEATH TO OK RMS. KILL JUA JIT, & ^ .% * m 26 :74 ***?? ? 1XGTUX. PARIS. % Inkle ^uo.i V Thirteenth. I> niion to Mail Orders. * * [1 tloses at 5:30 > ?n Sale ? Hats, I norrow ,1 number 01 line - of *j* ially reduced price-. Your xceptional values. ? S10.00 t<? Si5.00 at 2j. f V S to Sit^.ou. sale price, 0. . i to Sj^.oo. sale price, X 10. ' * t'-\< ^4-'? ' >45 00 Uil?l S^S.OO. 1.00 io $30.00. I .AYUKOUX 1 lay dun? at Amcriva:! !.< .<. ) ' * * vo v.*. fCnisl.t* tf e'jiir.i jj?. ; _ . ____ _ _ A ?% **< *1M1* Technical Terms. i.i?i I il*' I'M.i u OP >* If. !V i !ir. I t ? i *: i ;i it- iiwzx! i itf. n.r the -i: '- y-'St hif I'tiur.' ir. ..i rl;semen5 <j!nniiP. ">Ve !iav<- -lot ' i- "moUio >if c 1h< ? iu?t jtoni' king l??ker. Im| rl- *. !i*>' l>iv-a 1 nuiksr. Alau ha h*i-> i"'!' ox I.' hi ( >.! tJ..? "t>. ijj,- ?j t'snnKi". I.I i-' i '< TOii !: . ?; r.ia'.ir;: vl 1 vv'. ' : wlfuini lit.a c'rom i iii.-i:'- i li!r-t?r?r:|? "! !? tim'i i . > .p th- iol'i'vltu': " I '** i ri?v\:: i- 7-i <?n miv.oi ? A : ! .. ui" fa-v ?i:is hiri i.i a p?rti.r >c<i upper r. til! >ui! realize riu.t th-? "cuiiiuiutia" wotiUI liau'i '<* s'( morel> a specie* ?>f I! paper. iiuil Trip Sunday*. Hlurwoal. SI.OP. Southern Kail way special train, S:'.S it.?Atlvt.