Newspaper Page Text
LEAVE "WANT ADS" AT STAR BRANCH OFFICES. If not convenient to call at Th? Btar office, 11th street and Penn. avlvania avenue, leave your advertisement "at any of th? following Eranch Offices: WJJPP IBS, 1 CS1TT A WOBD. Mlnlmnm. 15 cants only. NORTHWEST RRANCTTES: Bradford'* Pharmacy. Pfh and R. 1. are. Bptler A Field. Dnigctata.' 3d aand Indiana a* Oemrnerolal Rant hide. Postal TelegraphCrlawein T>rua Store. 7th and T ata. Fred B. Campbell. Drue*. 42^3 Oa. are. Thoa. A. Pobrns. ISth and Celnmbl? mad. Pupont Pharmecr. 20th and P at*. Epply'a Prnc Store 14th and Clifton ?ta. IWWmon. O. W.. lith at. and Part road. JJentner'a r>r?e Store. 14?h and P ats. siotdenhers'* Roroan of Information. Her hat*. T>rutr Store. 2Kth and Pa. are. .HoVi^iarr", ?n-??tand. 170S Pa. are. Interior Sfh and P. Post.-.l Telegraph. F Kann. Son* A Co.. Information Rureao. Klnr** T>me Store. IRth and I at*. " Paris. Prne Store. 3th ar.d S. Ro'and Wallace. Neir^tand and- Statlcnei store. f?tb ?t. n w. Prion Station. Tosta! Te'esTaph. JJ'ted State* fan! tel. postal Telerraph. ' A I othrop. Superintendent * Deafc. -ITvO Connecticut ?v?., Postal Telearaph. Qjlfrloy'a Dnis Store. o-j*t ?n(i g sta. CKDKtifTnjws: fi'Ponneir* IViitr Store. ~?d anil M ata. P'TV>nne!V? Prut Store. 32-d anil P at*. PriJe'a Pharmacy. 2S?h and P ata. r XORTHEAST: Ptrttar'* Pharmacy. 4th anil Stanton pi. ?-*? T K Richard ?on A Co.. X. Pap. and P ata. Kenealv's Phurmsi-T. X Canltol and T ata. Tarlor * I.amh. 11th and K. Capitol ats. Mooradln's Pharmacy. 13th and H ata_ n.o. JTeatman. D. A.. Pharmacy. 7th and H n.a. pnrTHKAST: ' pradTar'a IVtir Store. S?h and B ata. s.e. M. S. Fealft. Pniealat 11th and Pa. ?OUTT?WFST: Ilfh at. wharf. Portal T'dezraph Office. 'Rnlllvan'a Prtie Stort . 7th and D sta. a.w. Charlc* S. Walter. AM 414 at. a w. WANTED?AGENTS. WANTED XKAT. lXTKI.I.lOEXT ME> capable of handling profitable accident Instil #nee proposition, whole or part of their ttni< Hot V.O. >*tar office Jcl ji 2f^ WANTED?SALESMEN^ an EXPER1KXOE11 SALESMAN WIT1? Al'TT mobile for real estate office. Excellent oppoi tnnity. Rapid advancement for satisfactor; pa rtr. ROBERT E HEATER. 412-413 Colorado bids Phone Main 52S>. Phone Main -lOs. jell-1st WANTED- SAI.ESMEX FOR RETT IOSTATI ^ffice. Suburban property a specialty. Ad idiv?x ??. >rnr ^rnoe. jpii-151 w anted?help. One cent a word for 15 word* _ mamt. W ANTEIV?BKIGHT. YOl'Mi COLORED MA? as assistant in our stockrooms. H A UN'S 7th ami K. Je20 2t WANTED?WHITE ELEVATOR oPKR YTOR must he exjierienoed. well recommended. Ap "ply W. H. HOEKK. 801 Fa. ave vantei* c<.L..iTKi. vol rii t<7 ki n-ki k vator and w.rk arv-und office. Apply HOTK1 STRATFORD. 14th and Monroe. je2n 8t WANTED A riiAi i'KKIT:. SORER! INLU' S trions and with the host of references: fai salary. RT'SSELL BEET. 1321 F st. je2"">-2t WANTED - FIRST CLASS CLERK IN URO eery and provision store; must understani cutting meat; n.w. section of city; good hah Its; give name of former employer. Roy 104 Star office. je2l>-3t WWTEIV ri.ERK YO|Mi MAN WITH EX perience preferred. Applv after fi p.m. MON ROE MARKET. 3331 14th St. n.w. je20-3t? WANTED-BRKiHT F< >Y. WRITING tTotVf hand, for office work. Applv 201 Colorad hldz.. Mr. BARKER? WANTED?SPECIAL DELIVERY ROYS WIT1 wheels. Applv to Manager J. L. I.EVERTO? A CO.. ling G St. n.w. IT A\TFn RIM/'-IIT VOI'VC It i c COD - - . - - i . * s ? r "iv our shipping department. Needless to i apply unless thoroughly experienced. S. KA.NN. SONS & CO. WANTF.D- FARMER. I M M EDI ATELY. FOl gentleman's estate near city; must onderstant farming and all farm machinery; go. d tenar house: state wages and family. Apply ED WAKD W WILSON, the Oaks Farm." Ard wi^k. Md. je20 2t* WANTED?ohoD-SIZED BOY OH YOl'.NC man. Apply H14 I'a. aye. n.w. WANTED?AN INTELLIGENT YOl NO MA} during school yacafion"to look after some net houses and show them to prospective ^rchas rs; 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Bog 201. Sta offlee. je29-3t* WANTED PIANIST FOR ORCHESTRA T> mountains: mnst be first-class and reliable 1129 12th n.w. __ J<U>2r* WANTED?PORTER IN DRt <J STORE: ?>Ni Slth experience preferred. Apply 11th an. art ard n.w. Jel9-2t WANTED MAN TO PREPARE AND PROSE cute applications for patents. CHANDI.EE i CHANDI.EE. 93f. F. Jeilt-tf WANTED?TEAMSTER TO DRIVE FOI'I horses on farm 9 miles from city: married mat preferred. E. B1RODORF, 4P5 ?th sr. n.w je!9 3t ?. WANTED?A FAST RISHELMAN; STEAD1 joh. HORN, the Tailor. C.37 F st. n.w. 1el9 3 VfcX.NTEIh? KOILKK MAKER. SHEET AM ornamental Ironworkers. Apply at IRO? WORKS. 5th and <V sts. n.e.. Eckington. 3rlfl-2t WANTED ? NEAT. INTELLIGENT MEN capable of handling profitable accident insnr anee proposition, whole or part of their time &>x 192. Star office. - jel9-2t* W \NTET? 3 B<?YS FOR wTtOI > VI iRK lNL shop; must he JH to 1" years olil, llltft Eck lnjtton place n.e. jei8-3t TWTKP A ft?.MPKTENT PATENT OCT'IO draughtsman; one thoroughly familiar wltl perspectives; state salary expect, tl and when last employed. Address Bex 173. Star office. Jel8-3t MUNTED?12 AMBITIOI'S ROYS (12 TO 1J years!. OIJE MI'SIC PL'B. CO.. 112 Keatot place n.w. Jel8-3t* WANTED MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRAPK new system; only few weeks required; wage! while learning; steady position guaranteed for fnl! particulars address MOI.ER'S BAR gEff COLLEGE. New York city. JelT-St* ft A NTED? I MADE $50,000 IN FIVE YEA ID with a small mall order business; began wltv for fret hook'et: tella how. HEA COCK. V>95 Lockport. N. T. Jel-30t* Wanted - an inti-xi.ige.nt person m.v yarn $100 monthly corresponding for rewspt Vers: to canvassing: send for particulars CRESS SYNDICATE. lax-kpoct, N. Y. Jcl-Su MALE Oil FEMALE. WANTETt?1M IMI.S TO ci'A< H 1- tiR GRAPE or high schools: experienced teacher: term reasonable. Address 1TBI.IC SCIIOO TEA'TIER. Star office. Jc^i-.'tt BOYS AND ~G1KLS "TO TAKE A SCMME1 eonr?e. Special ?-oac!:ing in public schor bran?be? l'erhaps eight weeks of two hour <!ailv will save you six tnonths. Census Offle c!erk? tnav fake a complete shorthand cours for V>o. Gregg. I'ifman ?r Graham .shorthand typewriting. Iss.kk', English branches civil service: 25" exp.-ri. in e. WOOD' COMMERCIAL S HOOL. 311 E?.~t capitoi %\ Jell-lot Wanted"those w i d> won t? p.f. intef e*te<l in taking : sh rt story iscirs-*. 31ft Co orado bn.idinc Mii.i '112. je!t-30t PEMAIE. "wANTED T" >TR4.VG WOMAN TO TAWl charge of an invalid lady. Vpply !?22 T st n.w.. after 7 p.m. Je2<>-2t* WANTED Tm M KI >! TF El". 1 NE \1 'Kit 1K N?' El aten.tgrapher; $3 per wi-ek t" start: excellen chance for eariy advancement. Address Bo 2<*>. Star office je2b-2t* WANTED Si AM ST I JESS TN 1NS1 ITITP >N must be quick and know how to <-nt and tit 173ft 14th n w Jc2dj:t_ WANTED?STENOHR A PHEK: HIST BE X< curate and quick: pertrarent piwltlon; saiar mall to start. 713 Hfh n.w.. 1st floor. WANTED-- HIGH >? H<Tt,r ;IIUES. 1,; YEAH of ago. for office w.?rk; sumaior months nnlj good pur awl pleasant work Apply to IT. \i n'HAI B, with GnMrnbrr<'?. 7th and K st j?1tk3t WANTED HfllClW.~NK.vT OIRiT"p; 1KAII Of ace. a* floor nioaeenrera: ?.>od pay hi chance for ailrancemcnt. Apply to II. V SCHAl'F, with Uoldonherr's, ith and K nt 1>1I>:? IV A NTET? YoIM: 1>\I?Y KXTKKI K\< "EI? I offl. o work. with knowledge of stenograph tlnd typewriting Addreaa. in own handwr jnc. R>x 132. Star .dtice. JdSIt IVtNTKIt 7n~ PATENT XT77IKN KVS~77kKit' fenographer and typewriter; s'ate narritnt ktvi salary. Address Box 112. Star offloe. Jel* 3t* tv; \N rii) Tv Tk\v ~m7?"re vol nTT mf.n~vx Jadtea. not under 16 year*. t-> take oar frt Ieseons In penmanship and touch typewrillc on Satnrdaya: competent BtonngT?phero ar I <iokkceprra ire in demand The I-eat pi tee Barn ts et STRAY KK'M MI'SIN Eft> t'oLl.EOl I'M Miwnio T< ii 11# Vtli an I K ?t?. I??y ar f t actes! al! ?ti nirr Sitnatloua secured f r I'lotif Coolest rtww. ? a city. t'atiloki Free mj T7 t f Wc HT' V n ivio.|J(!EVT rUhtON MA ear* Itlu monthly ei responding for t>er? n<> i tnriiMiif Mend f?" partu ulsi Irkss si vim. ilk. lawkpori. \ A )?l tut" Tl WTKP ? III "ti ll WOMAN To W XSH B<? lie# *|.pl> JOHN WTT?ltKIIbl RS If*. 6 \\.\VIM. IVollVN H'K <.1X111X1. Hoi a] oH#k A In fsinl'? f- I sip. 1412 1st fesei at ho |r)< i|t Wxviri" \ iiiM i <>n t xiM>kv xx iti ?f4 #ss..i ?n kin A|.|.|< nith ret. 17 ' f . r * I >xtti. si XT i>iimiii hihi. i.rvKM' |hm> week !?! |.|ku. Klaoucrl Appt) IT lata .4 ?.t, # WANTED?HELP. . . FEMALE?DOMESTIC. WANTED?Y'OI.'NG GIRL FOR GENERAL houaework ami rare of baby; must bo neat, clean ami willing; permanent plare for right girl. 1M floor 1344 Monroe at. n.w. Jel9-3t WANTED-WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOl'SEwork: must have pnwl references. Apply 1127 Euclid at. Jel8-3t* WANTED ? MRSK, NEAT EXPERIENCED white woman, for two-year-old baby. In suburbs. Apply Room 32. Wyatt bldg.. 14th and K; phom- Slain 133S. Jel8-3t* * WAN l'F.D?KlltoT-CLASS COOK; MUST STAY at night: wages. f2o per month; bring references. Apply store. (116 F _nty22-tf WANTED?SITUATIONS. One cent a word for 15 words. CHAUI FEI P -CHAUFFEUR OK COAHIMAN; colored; experienced; tirst-class references. R. MeKAI.E. Call or write. 224 2d st. n.w. je1t?-3t* CHAt l KKI K BY INTELLIGENT COLORED man. with private family; references; 3 years' py experience; willing to work cheap. Write J. M.. 1410 Church st. n.w. p>19-3t* DREG CLERK. GRADUATE; WANT EXPKKI cnce for registration. Box l'tf. Star office. GAR UK NER AM> FLORIST ? EXPERT ON lawns, dowers and fruits; German; gi od reference; wishes position on private estate. Box 199, Star office. je2l>-3t* GARDENER-BY GERMAN. PIAPE AS l'RIvate gardener; 14 years' experience; honest and sober: is-st of references. FRANK KASCHOWSKY'. 621) Pa. ave. n.w. Jel8-3t* JTl'ANESE WANTS 11 i.SltlON AS (NKlK Bt fler; best city reference. Address Box 182, Star officp. jel9-2t* 7 DOMESTIC. COLORED BOY FROM COUNTRY WISHES work around house; has no city reference. sir e .> .. ? B?AI>E OB FEKALE. ANY KIND OF WORK BY COLORED MAN and wife in private family; best reference*. 315 L st. b.w. = OPEN FOB BUSINESS?HELP FOR HOTELS, cltilis. restaurants and private families a specialty. BELL, EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 415 1 r 11th n.w. Jel9-3t* r- TELEPHONE EUREKA EXCHANGE, lull N. Y. ave.; competent help -male, female?for resorts and the north. JclO-f.Ba.Su.m.tlllJyl ' FEMALE. _ COMPANION?BY REFINED SOUTHERN WOM- ; >- an; to elderly lady; city or travel; mending or shopping, or assist with housekeeping. Address y Box 144. Star office. jel8-3t* , DRESSM aKEIt i EXPERIENCED!. SEWING, : by the day, in families. Address P. B. L., 1 Star office. jj IV ANTED?BY A CAPABLE LADY. THE l' care of one or more small children; highest ' references given and required. Address Mrs. r L-, Star office. " DOMESTIC. ~ BY NEAT, QUIET WOMAN. PLACE TO leave city as ladies' maid anil seamstress: can be useful generally; willing and obliging. v Please eall 2112 13th st. n.w. je2U-2t* ' DAY"S WORK ni'T OR WASHING TO bring home. 170H Sea ton st. : DAYS WOKK OK ANY KIND WANTED BY neat, honest colored woman. 1212 T st. n.w. ' * DAYS WORK. HOFSECLEANING OR WORK by the week -By a eolored woman. 2140 Sth . n.w. " Jel>L3t t - FIRST CLASS LAI N DRESS WANTS SMALL " washing at home. Please eall or address 1520 . L st. n.w. Jel9-2t* 1 - GENERAL WORK IN SMALL FAMILY. 1814Va j Kitrgs place n.w. HOUSE WORK KB ? PLACE AS GENERAL house worker by neat colored girl. 4P2 P st. n.w. la i n dry work Tin hocskwokk! any i kind. !?Ri Snows court n.w . LAI N1ARESS WORK TD TAKE HOME. 2331 . ) Champlain st. 0 LAUNDRESS WORK Ti > DO AT HOME BY experienced woman. 2425 15th n.w. Je20-2t 7 LAI .MIHRSS ? 1S\ r IKS 1 I LASS WHITE " laundress. work to do at home. 407 22d st. n.w. Jel9-3t* PLACE IX SMALL FAMILY BY COLORED ' girl; stay nights. Call b-'tween .A and 6. 1905 ?Lj at. n.w. PLAIN COOKING OK CHAMBERMAID. OR j care of children, by colored girl. 1612 M at. n.w. . WANTED-SITUATION BY GERMAN WoMI an as housekeeper, city or suburban; l>est ref 1 erence. 415 8tb st. n.w. Je2?-3t* f W ANTEI>? BY RESPECTABLE COLORED GIRL, housework or chamberwork. 1026 N. J. ave. n.w. J<-lS?-2t* ; WASHING AND IRONING AT HOME; VlTY references. Call or address 2119 8tb st. n.w. - je20-2t * * i YOUNG GIRL DESIRES PL.V.'E AS COOK OR ' . maid. EMMA COOPER. 93C 3d st. s.w. r WANTED?MISCELLANEOUS. y* One rent a word each time for 15 words .3 timet, j - THE BEST PLACE TO DISPOSE OF FURN1ture. etc.. is D. NOTES'. 615 La. are. Spe3 cial attention paid stocks of groceries and 1 general merchandise. Drop postal or nbone 1 M. 3066. . Je20-ftt? HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR WORN . . garments; ladles', gentlemen's, children's shoea ( and hats. Address postal; I will call. N. Y. BARGAIN HOUSE. 130? 7th n.w. Ph. N.3260-N. t Je2Q-23t* WANTED ?TO BUY OLD FEATHER BEDS. When selling why not drop postal to an old. reliable firm? H. MARKS. 422 10th st., oppo'. site the Gas office, or phone Linen. 2331 Y. 't je2?>-tf. ' WANTED?STOCKS OF MERCHANDISE OF ALL ] kinds for spot cash. Will call at onfe. MARCUS NOTES, 133o G st. n.w.; phone Main 5171. jel? 7t - WANTED FURNITURE FOR SUMMER HTT tel. Send Postal to 516 6th st. n.w. and w-ill : call at once. Jel9-7t WANTED- -FI'KMTUKK OF ALL KINDS; ALeo store and office fixtures, feather beds. etc. I Send postal to MARCCS NOTES. 1330 O at. 11.w., or phone Main 5171. end you will obtain the highest fash price In the city for ; your goods. We call at your convenience. I Jel9 tf HOCSKKKEPERS ORDINARY WINDOWS KX pertly cleaned. 6c. each. FXLKJTT, 1216 7th n.w. Postal or phone N. 1282. Jol9-3t* ? Rl'SH SKAT CHAIRS REPAIRED ISAAC i HARRIS. 413 26th st. n.w. Jol9-3t? . WANTED 190 OT.D WOOD BEDS TO EX change for new brass beds, dressers, chiffoniers, i sideboards, buffets, china closets, rocker, etc.. at A. MILLER'S* Furniture Exchange, 802 K i st. n.w.. opposite Carnegie Library. jel9-3t . ARCHITECTI'KE - A STI"DENT OF AKt.'HIi teeture, has a fair knowledge of drafting, del sires a position in the ?1tt<e of an architect. . Box 171. Star office. Jel9-3t* ] . HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR WORN Y clothing, ladies', gents' and children's shoes. (. hats; send postal or phone; will call. J. i TARSHES. 13??8 7th n.w. Phone North 499. it JclS-tf WANTED TO III Y SKT ASSESSMENT BOOKS; also set latest plat books. fciotu 2. 1320 S X. Y. are. Jel8-3t '* I PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR I,A- i ^ dies". gentlemen's and children!* cast-off wearing apparel. Drop card, will call. S. LIVI.NGlt STON. 1224 7th st. n.w., or phone North 73o4. d Jel7-16t 1 HIGHEST CASH l'RK.KS PAID FOHTLADIKS' and gentlemen's worn garments; drop postal . and I will call. G. LICHTMAN, 173G 7th n.w. ; Jet7:i0t* S H~~ RAl V, (t SON. 912 PA. AVE. N.W.-AN t. ! opportunity to dispose of all kinds of fnrnl| tare. We are in the market to buy slightly ~ 1 used furniture. store fixtures and office furni! Ture of every description. H. BAL'M & SOS, Phone M. 12T.4. jel5-tf ' - YE OIJ? FIRluSlTY SHOP. Sl.% 17TH ST. N.W. Entire value given for old gold and silver; 7 wanted, anything odd or antique In Jewelry, hr .nzes, paintings, china, mahogany furniture. Jel2-tf ^ WANTED To BI'Y OLD ECRNITLRE; HAVE , an order for Urge boarding house; will buy * any quantity. SINCLAIR & CO.. 422 10th st. Ph'?ne Line. 23:',l Y. Je9-19t - HIGHEST CASH PKH'FX PAID FOR CAST-OFF clothes, ladles', gentlemen's and children's. Address postal: will call anv tjme. S. BURX\ STEIN. 1314 7th st. n.w. Phone North 4390-Y. ~ A--7 -1 f v | WE WILL l'AY A BETTER PRICE FOR YoL'R old gold, silver and diamonds, as we need it for manufacturing. A. KAilX, 935 F st. n.w. r. | aptbSm HA NDS< >M E REVERSIBLE RCGS FROM WORN * i carpets; our work stands the test. The old I Laurel firm. ECLIPSE Rt'G WEAVING CO., fji; 2236 Georgia ave. n.w . Phone North 2334-Y. 1 m\29-3ot*4 WA \ TEI > F I UNITE RE. CARPETS 1'IANOS * etc., to Bell. Phone 12S2. or will call upon re lucst. WKSCHI.KR. W2i> Pa. ave. n.w. ^ mh22-90t 3 iv WANTED .tU, THK OIJ>. F SK I. ESS GOlj) t- aril silver lying IdV In your possession; pearls, diamonds. cameos. Jewelry and silverware r booKht. C. F. KARR. Jeweler. 614 13th,above r. V JalS-tf 4 wavtkii pawn tickets for diamonds and Jewelry Cash paid for old gold, silver. jz platinum, coin*, etc. LOUIS ABRAHAM. 433 ^ 8th. de6-ff i* ^VII.I. CAIJ. IN MY UNLETTERED WAGON id and pay you the highest prices for ladles', o gentlemen's, children's dla-arded clothing of f. all descriptions. Address postal or phone and 1 id will cell. \V RICE, 1332 7th n.wr. I'll. N. 17A3. if aolfJt if 5 " movingTetc. I* Fl'KMTI RE. BAGGAGE AND PI A NOW MOVED ' with care Phone Main 2"lrt. KKIEG'S EXPRESS. 1224 H at n w. Packing and shipping a specialty Storage. myll 80t.4 ? W E .MOVE AN YTHINSi FROM SMALL BOXES ' and txsgsage to I he heaviest machinery, safes, ?t. . Furniture In padded vaua a specialty. Rvtlmatrs furnished. M F Ri'll A NTS' TRANSFER A STORAGE CO., K lO* 822 E at. a.w. Main 6B00. I- I IVSVtS If _____ B WINDOW SHADES. TIIE ?>M> K 1.1.1 \ It 1.4 WINDOW SHADES I Utvde t? order, will all w|tb samples sad rail i| it. lies wall papering Write or ph. we W H. i gl'4 I oiuist,loia T'.h at.!?.< , I'DuasMtnlM. I t MHW . . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Ob* cent > word wrt time for IS words 8 tl? WANTED?YOUNG GENTLEMAN WITH CAPital; established business; lifetime opportunity to make fortune. Address "ESTABLISHED, Star offlce. FOR SALE-A GROCERY STORE FOR OVER thirty years; win sell cheap to quick buyer; pood reason for selling. Cor 4th and B sts. n.e. Je20-.1t WE WANT SMALL GROCERY AND CIGAR stores at onre for cash clients. Will be to your advantage to list yonr places with us to make quick sales. Established 1880. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKER!?, 1423 F. Je2??-0t CORNER DRY GOODS AND NOTION BL'SIness, cheap at gSOO; suburban grocery and feed store at inventory; corner grocery Bloomingdale section; monthly receipts. $1,500; price. $1,250. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS. 1421 F. / Je20-6t STEAM LAUNDRY PLANT. ALSO TWELVE l?>iler and eight engine, for sale. TYNDALL, 1350 U. Je20-3t* WEALTHY PARTY NEEDS CASH TO REAP| sure millions. Since capltadsts demand control he prefers deeding trust compay local realty guaranteeing contributors threefold return. Can state proposed subscription without disclosing name u.l satisfled. Installments, $1 upward. Offers twenty deserviug clerks life { ensions. Address Box 202. Star offlce. Je2t?-3t* $1.ih*? SECURES HAIJ INTEREST IN ESTABlished coal business; 200 cash customer* purchased 2.000 tons last season. Address Box ITS. Star office. Jel9-3t* FOR SALE?CONTROLLING INTEREST IN A very promising mfg. plant now In full operation bearing closest Investigation. Address Box 1 Chi Ctae /vffinA - Asa I - ? "Uivr. - jritf-Ol AN ESTABLISHED SPECIALTY ADVERTISlng ami mail order business; number of orders on hand; leaving city; price, $400; Its value. Address Box 187, Star office. JelO-St* FOR SAI.E?AT ONCE. ON ACCOUNT OF ILL health, an established picture frame store; good location; sell cheap. Address "P1CTl'RKS," Star office. Jel0-3t* WANTED?$3,000 TO ENLARGE A WELL Established and growing business la manufacturing line. Address Box 161, Star office. Jel8-3t* FOR SAI.E?SPLENDID CHANCE TO BUY well paying business on 14th at.; established over thirty years. Owing to death In the family the business can he had at a price which shows net profit of over 30 per cent. Will aeH business and real estate, or separately. WALTER A. BROWN. 824 14th St. JelS-sa.m.tu WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE TO BB SACRIficed at any price; must be sold at once; reason. having other business. 1022 7th St. n.w. Jel8-3t? RELIABLE MAN WITH $300 CAN 8ECURB one-third interest In paying proposition. Do not answer unless you mean business. Address Box 165, Star office. Jel8-3t* FINE LUNCHROOM BUSINESS NEAR UNION station, with good lease; will sell cheap to quick buyer. Address Box 88, Star office. Jel.VOt FOR SALE ? WELL LOCATED AND GOOD paying saloon, centrally located; also two firstclass lunchrooms. BUSINESS EXCHANGE Latest News Office. 10th and D sts. n.w. JeT-tf FOB SALE?MISCELLANEOUS. One cent a word each time for 18 words 8 times. 1*1 A NO BANKRUPT SALE?506 10TH. MAOliiflcent $400 scratched upright, $137.50 cash. Organs. $10. Tuning. $1.50. 4 SHARKS SEALED PACKAGE ICE CO.'8 stock. $23 share; par value, $25. I,. M. COOK, the Montgomery. Je20-7t* FOR SALE?A BEAUTIFUL CORNER LOT AT a sacrifice; first-class northwest section; elevation 280 ft.; square and half to car line, 17 minutes to Treasury; frontage 51 feet; price. $525 terms. $25 cash and $10 monthly. Inquire 313 Colorado bldg., for particulars, or phone Main 6721. Je20-3t* PIANO BANKRUPT SALE?506 10TH. EMERson piano. $55; magnificent cash bargain. Organs. $lo. Tuning. $1.50. VACUUM CLEANER FOR CARPETS. RUGS and matting. $8.50; handpower; dustleas, strong, easy; double action. Seen at 3070 Q at. n.w. Je20-3t* MAHOGANY-FINISH CHIFFONIER; ALMOST new; $11; call any time. Apt. 408, Northumberland. 16th and V. FOR SALE- -NEW BALTIMORE" PORTABLE range; cheap. 1654 Columbia road n.w. Je20-3t* ^OR SALE? I.OT SHAFTING, PULLEYS, time clock, Golden Jobber, Inxl5; Long fountain, steam fixtures; almost new; cheap. 615 F *t. n.w. Jel9-3t* 100.000 BRICK. STEAM HEATING PLANT and all material from 10 bouses now being wrecked. Visit our second-hand lumber yard and inspect our stock. Day phone N. 279; night phone X. 7141. T. EWD. CLARK. Builders' Supplies. Expert Wrecker of Buildings. 1305 X. J. are. n.w., Washington, D. C. JelO-Ot COLLECTION OF AFRICAN HORNS. MOUNTed, from Roosevelt's hunting grounds, which received the first prtee, to be sacrificed, as party is going back to Africa. Address Box 193. Stsr oflice. Jel0-3t* >IANO BANKRUPT SALE?506 10TH. FINE Woodward tc Brown piano, only 645 cash. Tuning. $1.50. LOT OF MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRIC FANS, ceiling and blizz. THUS. J. WILLIAMS k. CO., 610 F st. n.w., Ih basement. Jel8-3t JOOI) CHANCE FOR QUICK BUYER TO SEcure a fine player-piano cheap. Handsome mabogan> combination player-piano, good condition, beautiful tone, perfect action; also 56 rolls of music, player bench, stool and searf. all for 9205. payable $10 monthly. Frea delivery and free tuning for one year. Apply F. G. SMITH PIANO CO.. 1225 Pa. ave. Jel8-3t r'OR SALE?CHEAP; PATENT OFFICE REl>orts (mechanical) from 1847 to 1871. Inc., 56 vols., cloth; also bound . vols. Official Gazette from 1884 to 1802, Inc., and Indexes, sheep; half price. BOOKSTORE, 1208 7th at. n.w. Jel8-3t* OR SALE?PIANOS AND PLAYER-PIANOS. Standard make upright. $00; mahogany upright, used a few months. $165; new pianos, $173. $200. $225. $240. $236. $273 and $800. All on small monthly payments. New playerjdanos. $:!50. $13 cash and $10 per month. HEILB1G BROS. Estab. 28 years. 1742 7th. jel8-tf TOR SALE?BEAUTIFUL $350 MAHOGANY iinrlxht piano. $158 cash: used one month. 038 I, n.w. tiDISOX PHONOGRAPH. WITH RECORDS, horn and crane. Will sell for $12.00. 1326 lOtb n.w. ' Jel8-3t* Oil SAL..?SET OK REBELLION 'RECORD8. with some maps; make offer. Address X. B., Star office. Jel8-3t* kVE ARE A 1.1/)WING SPECIAL HIGH VALUES for used uprights am] squares in exchange for new uprights. We are selling agents for the Sohmer. Blasius. Emerson and Regent pianos. JelC-tf HUGO WORCH. 1110 Q. EXPANSION SALE OF PIANOS AND PLAYERPIANOS. PRICES REDUCED 20 to 80%. Naw instruments reduced: many used Instruments at sacrifice prices. Autoplano. $350; Hardman Antotone. 131)0; Vose player-piano. $490; Shonlnger upright. $2SO; Knahe. $175; Hardman, $2ltt); Vose. $250; Itlaslus. $175; Oahler. $175: Pease. $145. and many others. Easy terms of Sivment. O. J. DeMOLL ft CO.. cor. 12th and sta. JaU-lOd f-XJIt SALEHANDSOME UPRIGHT FINE PIANOS. We are showing a beautiful line of slightly used upright pianos at real bargain prices, values that can t>e appreciated. To close them out quickly at one-half their price. $125 to $20O. a magnificent upright for $150: only been used some six months; fine mahogany case; a rich, sweet tone. A grand chance for some one looking for a cash bargain. Act quickly. GRIMES' PIANO STORES. 1212 F at. OWNER IS UNABLE TO USE A $50 COURSE at a prominent bnstnesa college (Includes fhorthr.nd, typewriting, etc); will sacrifice for $35 cash. Address Box 272, Star office. Jell.* FOR SALE?THREE HANDSOME EVENING dresses, three linen coat suits, four summer dresses, long black lace coat. Phone North 6306. or 2O05 13th at. n.w. Jell-14t SAFES-FULL LINES OF FIREPROOF SAFES at our salesrooms; safes bought and sold and exchanged. Write or telephone. Will send representative. YORK SAFE AND LOCK CO.. 5-7 W. German at.. Baltimore. Md. Je8-tf.i FOR SALE?2 CAKI-OADS OF WINDOW AND do r screens and all kinds of screen material at lowest prices: screens from 15e up: screen* made to order. KLEBBLATT'S, 11th and H i.e. myfi 00t FOR SALE-GOOD QUALITY OPAOUE SHADES, fitted to your windows, only 35c; the best quality oil opaque shades. 60c. hung free. W? call with samples. KLEEBLATT'S. ap22-tf 11th and H ats. n e. MOTOR BOATS FROM 8150 UP AT OUR VET* store. 14th and S rt*.: 13-mlle speedabout. $300; 28-ft. cruiser, $000; canoes, $35. and row boats. RACINE BOAT MFG. CO. aplO-tf STICKIEST STICKER EVER STUCK 1 Glues Furniture. Glass. China, Books. Everything. ROYAL GLUE.lOc.40e.60c.Plnts,$l. Druggist*.etc. xi?:7-? SHOWCASE AND STORE FIXTTRES. JOHN C. SCHERER. JR.. MFG. CO.. OM-rf Baltimore. PROPOSALS. "proposals?u. s. department of agriculture. office of the Secretary. Waahincton. D. C.. June 17. 1910.?Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the disbursing cleric until 2 p in.. Friday. June 24. 1B10. for furnishing a refrigerating machine. Specifications and full lilformatlon furnished on application to the dlsbunting clerk. Rids in net be aealed and addressed to the Secretary of Agrleulture. JAMES wilson. Secretary. jel8-.Tt.eSu pkoposals-u. s. department of agjuculture. otll.-e of the Secretary, Washington. D. C.. June Id. 1910.?Sealed propoaals will be received at the office of the disbursing clerk until 2 p.m. Tuesday. June 21. 1910. for furnishing MO standard typewriters for use of the forest aerrlif. Ikellvery to be made to the Corset aarvtee supply depot at Ogden. Utah, or any railway points within the United States proper. Proposal blanks ami full Information will'he furnlaiied upon application to the disbursing elerk jamk* wli.mtx. e*r?iy ,f | jelS-It.eOq HEALTH MOVEMENT. = e o houses and vehicles. On* cent i wort ttcl time for 11 word* > tt?. FOB SALE ? HANDSOME HANDMADE 8URwy; perfect condition; price, $175. After 5 P.M.. >84 O n.w. J*9P-8f FOR 8ALE?3 STRONG WORK HORSES. 2122 7th n.w. J*20-8t ( FOR SALE?2 HORSES. SUITABLE FOR DEIlvery wagon, that I hare no farther use for; one, $00; other, $80. 1420 7th et. n.w. Jc20-3t* VEHICLES AND AUTOS STORED FREE AND sold; ail goods are covered by Insurance; horses, keep 50c a day. TAYLOR & CO., 212 7th at. a.w.. phone M. 6779. je20-3t* WANTED?HORSE AND BUGGY: TOP PREferred; warranted aound and fearlesa. Addresa Box 198. 8tar ogee. Je30-3t? FOR SALE ? BEAUTIFUL BLACK MARE; sound and gentle; suitable for woman to drlTe. 622 4th at. n.e. Je20-3t FOR SALE?8 HORSES AND MARES; ONE fast pacer, one big mule; .must be sold; in pasture on Bladensburg road, D. C., opposite Loflier'a saloon. JelS-3t* FOR SALE-BAY DRIVING MARE; BKAUTIful animal; speedy, gentle, properly broken; any lady can drive: weight. 1,100; of blooded stock; sacrifice at $150, if aold at once. 1287 M at. n.e. Jel8-3t COGSWELL'S 18 THE BEST PLACE TO BUY new and second-band surreys, traps, runabouts, day tons and delivery wagons; $15 up. Harness, $4 up. 200-211-212-214 lfth at. n.w. my6-tf GEORGE M. GANTZ. 1208 D ST. N.W.?LARGest assortment of vehicles of all kinda, including grocery and express wagons and harness, at wholesale prices to the retailer. ap>2-tf , SELL YOUR HORSES. CARRIAGES A WAGONS at WESCHLER'8, 920 Pa. ave. n.w. Sale every Saturday, 12 o'clock noon. Phone 1282. mh22-90t,8 automobiles! One cent a word each time for 15 words 5 times. FOR SALE?4-CYLINDER LIGrfT TOURING car; equipped; good condition; will demonstrate. 533 9th at. s.e. Je20-3t* FOR SALE?FORD ROADSTER. MODEL 8. IN fine mechanical condition; $350 cash to quick buyer. Call 5 o'clock at Room 410 Corcoran bldg. Je20-3t* FOR SALE?ATTOMOBILE TIRES. $fl~TO~*T2 each. DAKIN AUTO LAMP REPAIR CO.. i 722 13th st. n.w. Jel0-3t? FOR RENT?REAR 1013 10TH ST. N.W.; NEW brick stable; suitable for auto or other purposes; $10. je!9-8t , FIVE-PASSENGER. FOUR-CYLINDER POPEHartford touring car; top; good rubber; equipment, etc.; cheap for cash. Address AUTO, Apartment 27, the Victoria. Jel9-3t RUNABOUT. 1910, NEW. AT ALMOST HALF price by party tearing city. Rear 1307 K St. jel9-3t* AUTOMOBILE EXPERT WILL ADVISE IN- " tending purchasers; instruct owners in drirlng, motor adjustments, roadside repairs, etc.; reasonable fee; references. Phone Columbia . 3092. Jel9-7t* 1900 OVERLAND ROADSTER; GUARANTEED . perfect condition; nearly new; top. speedometer, : wind shield, tire rack, extra casing and corer. 2 inner tubes, clock, rear seat corer, 2 new tires, chains. Price. $800; no less will bur It. Address Box 128. Star office. Jel8-3t* FOR SALE?MODEL N FORD RUNABOUT IN excellent condition; has electric lights and ' practically new tires; owner leasing city. Address Mr. McDONALD, Takoma Park. Jel8-3t* FOR SALE-FORD AUTOMOBILE. MODEL S; works erery day. Call after 6 p.m. 022 Oth n.e. Jel8-3t* FOR SALE ? TWO-CYLINDER RUNABOUT, ' $175; two-cylinder light touring car. $225. 508 New Jersey are, n.w. Jel8-4t* WANT 4-CYLINDER TOURING CAR OR TOUR- ] about, to seat 4. of recent make, 1909-1910, full* equipped; must be a bargain, with terms . to suit. 1833 14th st. n.w.: phone North 724-Y. . I hare one-cylinder Cadillac for; sale. Jel8-8t FOR SALE?STANLEY STEAMER; TOP; WIND shield. Would exchange for larger Stanley. 1318 E n.w. Jel8 5t? FOR SALE ? FOUR-CYLINDER FRANKLIN runabout; running condition; $130. Mr. HOLMES. Vermont Oarage. Jel5-7t* FOR SALE-MODEL K WAYNE 4-CYLINDER 6passenger touring car, fully equipped and in good condition. FOR 8ALB?Columbia electric. In good condition; complete with recharging outfit. FOR SALE?2-pssseuger Locomobile steamer, in excellent condition and new tires. FOR SALE!?Stearns touring car. 30-horse power, fully' equipped and in excellent condition. CARTER MOTOR CAR CORPORATION. Jel8-tf Munsey building. ' THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF SLIGHTLY ' used autos. all makes and styles, from $150 to $2,000; 50 in number. Branch of Philadelphia. THE ROMAN AUTO CO.. apll-tf jSu.B 1315 H st. n.w. AUTOMOBILES FOR HUtK FINE WHITE STEAM AUTOMOBILES FOR hire. $3 per hour; $ and 7 passenger; by hour, day or week; driven by practical man. PHONE ' LINCOLN 1434. se20-tf,4 FOB BENT?GARAGE. : FOR RENT?BRICK GARAGE; CONCRETE fioor; rear of 1340 Corcoran at. n.w. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. National Savings 1 and Tuft Company. jelP?3t LOST AND FOTTHD. LOOT? DOG. &AMBD PRINCE; SANDY-COLOR Scotch collie. Return 308 P n.vr. Liberal re- ; wsrd. Je2o-3t* ' LOST?SUNDAY AFTERNOON OR EVENING, a stickpin, bunch of grapes and pearls with small diamond; on Brookfand or 9th st. cars, on North Capitol at. or New York. are. or K : at. Reward if returned to 911 8 st. n.w. J LOST?LADY'S SMALL GOLD WATCH; INItiala "M. E. C." on hack* between 5:39 and 6 p.m. Sunday. Please return 1514 Church st. n.w. Reward. Je20-3t LOST ~ GOLD BRACELET WITH INITIALS i "O. L. D." engraved. Return to 1111 H st. n.w. COBERTH, HANE8 & WHITE CO. Je20-3t LOST-SILK BAG CONTAINING TWO RINGS ; and gold piece. Return to offlce, 409 11th ' n.w. jeao-at* FOUND?SMALL FOX TERIIIER. OWNER please call at 1429 R st. n.w. Jel9-3t* LOST?PEARL OPERA GLAS8E8; THIN black leather case; reward. 42 Bryant St. n.w. Jel9-3t 1 LOST-ANTIQUE FOB. STONE SETTING, GOLD rim. Finder will be rewarded. Return to W. P. METCALF, 1320 N. Y. eve., city. fe!9 3t ' L08T-D0G: RED AND WHITE. COLLIE AND 8t. Bernard mixed: strayed from 63 L St.; tag 9092: name Teddy. Reward. Jel9-3t* LOST?PURSE. CONTAINING $40, IN TREASury bldg. or G st. between Treasury and White House Innchroom. $5 reward if returned to 1848 3d n.w. JeI8-3t* LOST?IN GEORGETOWN. JUNE 17, SMALL white male dog: body clipped, face and feet shaved, hair on bead, ears and tall long. Reward. Dr. AVERY, 1503 30th st. n.w. jel8-3t LOST-GOLD WATCH FOB, SATURDAY MORNing: small diamond front and hack; engraved J. P. T. Liberal reward, 1821 8tb st. n.w. jcl8-3t* LOST?THURSDAY EVENING. FOX TERRIER, female, named "Sweety"; white with black spots; tag No. 5230. Reward, 1646 Reeves' court. Jel8-3t LOST ? SMALL PLAIN OPEN-FACE GOLD watch. Leave at desk. Rochambeau apt.. 815 Conn, ave. ' jelO-tf PERSONALS. IF THE FIGHT CANNOT BE HELD IN CAL. hold it in our back yard; our prices, paid for men'a worn shoes, full suits, bats, dtc., slick ss lsrd; send csrd. JUSTH S OLD STAND. 819 D. SIGNORA ANNINA ANDRINI FAZ^L LINCOLN 3095. Shampooing Wed. and Sat. 4 to 10 p.m. Combing* and all ewltcbee made teto latest 1 etrlc braid* or puffa. Through connection with the leading dealer* am In a position to fnrnlsh everything np to date and match all shades of hair, wig* made to order. EAST CAPITOL HAIR DRESSING PARLORS, corner 4th and East Capitol at*. Jel7-tf THE DC NT LET VACUUM CLEANER WILL free your home from dust and dirt: rugs, etc., thoroughly cleaned. Telephone us, Nl 8203, for estimate. Reasonable charges. CAPITAL VACUUM CLEANER CO., 1146 HJtfc St. n.w. Dun t ley vacuum cleaner rented by tfce day. Je6-tf HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOB. LADIES' and gents' worn garments of all hinds: also shoes, hats. etc. THE BARGAIN STORE. 1246 7th st. n.w. Drop postal; will call, promptly. my!2-tf.4 MASSAGE. MASS AGE-ALL BRANCHES MAGNETIC TREAT meat; rheumatism and poor circulation scientifically treated. ANNA B. JOHNSON, late oC New Tort, 1614 lfith n.w.; phonelNorth 4666. my!7-tf STORAGE. WASHINGTON SAFE DEPOSIT CO. (INC.). 816-018 Ps. ave. n.w. FIREPROOF STORAGE. Rooms, 92 up. Estimates given. Phone Main 961. Department A. Jc2-90t,6 . GET OUR ESTIMATE ON A880LUTBLT FIREPROOF STORAGE. PACKING A MOVING. UNITED STATES STORAGE CO., 418-20 10TH ST. N.W, PBOW M. 4228. mjJ8 90t.4 r . FIREPROOF vrORAQB. ' fcpiriti locked room?. 12.00 par naobth op. Eatlmatee forolahed. MERCHANTS' TKAN8KSR 4 STORAGE 00? ?7tT-tf,8 BgMttS E at. m.w. INDESTRUCTIBLE STORAGE. 1.U00 ROOM*, laapaet thla waretwaa* aad note the cleaaH* forpiay- MothStftt eleaaiay- Aetoalofilea. PUdn. Pi4$mI STORAGE COSHPANT. i<Wu^ i[?i?i? IEPARATX COMPARTMENTS; LOST RAM s^'rco^ur^."^4}! SW J3SUTBW- .SAS* I& iw'ijj.lLr. So?iu? ihAni-WbhASil ' # FOE KENT?ROOKS. O? wat a wort for lft w?ri?. fprjiibhkp. DESIRABLE NICELY PUNISHED 2 TO i room apartments; square east of Capitol- lot summer prices. Phone Line. 2030.- Je2Mfc22 CAPITOL HILL?LARGE, COOL ROOM. WEU furnished, in family of two. Applf to Mrs WHITE. 132 3d at. s.e. Jel9-2t* 145 YOU ST. N.W.?THREE ROOMS; KIR nlsbed for l.h.k,; all conveniences; reasonable Jel9-2t* 730 12TH ST. N.W.-NICELY FURNISHED well kept rooms; screens, batb and pbone; cen tral location. jel9-7t* 416 H ST. N.E.?EXTREMELY HANDSOME 3 room parlor-floor flat, furnished in the beat o style; complete for housekeeping; elegant ga range; porcelain sink and bath; $30 per month gas included. Jel9-2t 810 5TH ST. N.E.?VERY HANDSOME TWO three and four room flats, furnished in th best of style; entirely complete for housekeen ing; everything new; eery reasonable. jelP-2 1322 10TH ST. N.W.?FURNISHED ROOMSone large front, $10; one hall room. $3 front. Jel9-2t* 1112 N. Y. AVE. N.W.?3 WELL, FURNISHEI rooms; single or en suite; also large, ligh basement; cheap. Jel8-3t 3471. 14TH ST. N.W.?ONE OR TWO V'ICKLY furnished rooms to gentlemen; secoifd floor. Jel8-5t DESIRABLE ROOMS; HANDSOMELY FUR nlsbed; en suite or single; coolest and most select downtown section; opposite Rocbam beau; summer ratfs. 822 Conn. ave. Jel8-5t' WELL FURNISHED. BRIGHT ROOM. AD Joining bath. In new house on Odumhli Heights; gentlemen only. Address Box 166 Star office. Jel8-3t FOR RENT?TWO LARGE ALCOVE ROOMS hot and cold water in each; newly furnished , well kept house; reasonable. 1451 N st. n.w. Je7-14t FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. 1541 8TH N.W.?FOR RENT. PART OF HOUSE furnished or 'unfurnished; $20. Jel9-3t* 937 K ST. N.W.?FRONT HALL ROOM. WITI closet; desirable; reasonable. Jel9-3t* UNFURNISHED. S450 14TH ST., COR. MERIDIAN?2 LARGE front rooms, communicating, with closets K each; house with modern improvements; larg< yard, with shade; broad porches; l.b.k. per ml t ted. Je20-2t* FOR RENT-FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMi and bath; heat and light; use of kitchen au< fard; rent. $16 per month to a desirable whlti amily. Apply on premises. 1115 10th n.w. Jel9-3t* IQikl war v* fl? a tiaa\io w? m?t a a www* a rr IM? " .i.n.?t nvu'19, DAJn, UAO, tlLAl $22.50; newly papered and painted; very de sirable. Jel9-.3t* 837 9TH ST\ RE. ? TWO UNFURNISHEI rooma, second floor; l.h.k.; bath same floor. JeI8-3t* 831 MD. AVE. N.E., 3-BOOM FLAT; HOT water beat; summer rates. Jel8-3t 1736 13TH ST. N.W.?FOUR OR FIVE EXCEP tlonally pleasant outside rooms; gas for rook lng and steam heat. JelfMt* ROOMS AND BOARD. One rent a word for IB words. 60S 3D N.W.?.NICE LARGE. COOL ROOM! with board, (0 per week; all home cooking. APT. 76, THE MENDOTA; LARGE. COOl furnished rooms with board; fine location; fin lew; summer rates. Phone N. 3960. Jel9-7 ROOMS' WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD; LARO] grounds; plenty shade; good table; Just ol Tenleytown cars. Apply 3321 R st. Jel9-3t TWO MEN CAN BE ACCOMMODATED IN PHI rate Jewish family. 517 L st. n.w. Jel8-3t* 1824 CALIFORNIA 8T.-ATTRAOTIVE ROOMS fine location; good table; phone; half squar from car. Jel8-7t* 1321 COLUMBIA ROAD-DELIGHTFUL 2D story front rooms. Including board, for $25 pe month; fine home table. Phone Columbia 3852 tel7-10t 1635 L ST. N.W.?LARGE ROOM FACING south; unsurpassed fare; only $45 for two. Jel7-6t* 1635 L ST. N.W.?FURNISHED ROOMS ANL board; beautiful, cool front room; unsurpassed fare; only $25. Jel7-flt* 634 C N.E.?A GOOD PLACE FOR YOUNG men studying French. Jel7-6t 204 F N.W.?GOOD SQUARE MEAL; COMFORT able, cool rooms; $5 per week. Jel7-4t* 1762 COLUMBIA ROAD ? BRIGHT. OOOl rooms. 2d and 3d floors; excellent table; tw< car lines. Jel7-10t* 1343 GIRARD STREET- HANDSOME SECOND floor room; several lines of cars convenient; good board, and telephone. Jel6-7t* BOARDING. VERY OLD VIRGINIA HAMS; LARGEST ROI herring; every variety of fish; reasonable. 1631 L at. n.w. Jc20-llt* VERY OLlJ VIRGINIA HAMS; LARGEST KOI herring; every variety of fish; reasonable. 163: L at. n.w. m Jel5-6t* TrOR RENT?OFFICES. $45 A MONTH WILL 8ECURK 3 VERY DE sirable rooms In the Colorado building. Ap ply to Room 501. < Jel8-3t* OFFICE ROOMS IN RUSSELL BUILDING, 9? G at. n.w.; every convenience; $12.50 up. PERCY H. RUSSELL. Russell building, 927 G st. n.w. Jel.V7t FOB RENT-TWO VERY DESIRABLE COM munlcating rooms, second floor. 611 F st. n.w. new building; hot-water beat; well lighted fine for architect or dentist; rent very reason able; will rent one or both. Apply EDW. P SCHWARTZ. 624 F st. n.w. . Jel4-7f FOR RENT? Beautiful office room on Pa. are. facing tb< post office; reasonable to desirable tenant. AIM fine offices on 11th st. front. Apply MAIT AGER. Star hldg.. 11th and Pa. are. JelT ti FOR RENT-FRONT OFFICE ROOM, SECONT floor, 907 G st. n.w., $8. McLACHLEN BANKING CORPORATION, sp7-tf 10th and G. FOE RENT?STORES. STORE. GROUND FLOOR, 917 G ST. N.W Rent, $50. PERCY H. RUSSELL, je20-8t Russell bulldlffg. 927 G at. n.w. FOR RENT?14TH ST.. BELOW S ST.. LARGI store; very wide and deep: will remodel t< suit tenant; rent very reasonable; will maki good automobile showrooms. Inquire at onci of SHANNON A LUCHS. M. 2345. 713 14th st. n.w. M. 2345. 1210 13TH ST. N.W., STORE AND DWG.$25.4( 915 I> St. n.w.. 1st floor and cellar 80.0C LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER, 612 l?th st. n.w. NEW BUILDING. 528 13TH ST. N.W. Modern, up-to-date store. Cellar and 2d floor. The store has celling 29 ft. bigb, with 1,801 square feet floor space. THE SECOND FLOOR Has 2,800 sq. ft. floor space; 15-ft. celling. Plate glass windows. Ventilation and light In abundance. Freight elevator. Will rent separately or as a whole. Excellent terms to good party. BELT. O'BRIEN A CO. (Inc.). 1309 G N.W. Jelfl-tf.eSu FOR RENT?CHEAP; LARGE NEW STORI near Union station; well located for lunch room; also 5-room apartment above. WILLIGE, GIBBS A DANIEL. 003-03 13TH. JelS-flt FOR SALE?STORES. FOR SALE?N.W. BUSINESS PROPERTY: STORE. 3-STORY BRICK AND STABLE; 5 YEAR LEASE. $900.00 A YEAR. PRICE. $10,000.00. ANTON HEITMULLER. 008 14TH ST. Jel8-3t FOR RENT?STABLES. FOR RENT?SANITARY STABLE; 3 8TALLJ and loft; In rear of 718 Euclid at. n.w.; rent 9U.DU. THEO. FRIEBUS, 1320 New York are. SUBURBAN BOARD. FOB BENT-FURNISHED ROOMS OR FLAT with private bath; no children. 98 Chestnu et., Takoma Park, D. C. Phone Tak. 5o R. Iel9-3t* OLEVELA N D PARK?TWO ADJOINING ROOM J with excellent board In private family: flnt location. Address "F. A. It.," Star office. Jel8-3t? ' THE TOWERS. 2900 WISCONSIN AVE. (TEN ley town roadi?Large, airy rooms; attract! vi porches; exceptional table: special June rates Phone Cleve. 314-M. 25 minutes te Treasury. ?>14-8f ^WANTED?COUNTaY BOARD WANTED?BOARD FOR MAN AND WIFE quiet, shady grounds; convenient to city; n< children or other hoarders; give terms ant full particulars. Box 195. Star office. WANTED?FAMILY OF FOUR DESIRES COUN try board within 20 miles of Washington; give sates and full Information. Address Box 148, Star office. Jcl8-3t? HOUSE REPAIRING^ GENERAL HOUSE REPAIR CO.. 2018 14th at. n.w. Organised especially for all kinds of ms chanlcal work connected with * HOUSE BUILDING AND BEPAIR8. We do carpentering, plumbing, papering Cinttng, roofing, tinning, spouting, gsdttlng an and hot-water heating, nlssterlng. tries laying, electrical work; I? wt. wqr con eelvable kind of bnnas repairing, ONE CONTRACTOR, ONE ORDER. ONE BILL Telephone us for estimates (phone North TBfifi) GENERAL HOUSE RKPAIB CO.. ANDREW C. SHANNON. Pres. and Gen. Mgi | | D0G8, PETS, ETC. One cent n w.*d each time far 1A waefie % times tf&MTAl IOB AkiUAU. tUfi-IR 14th at. a.w. Surgical sad asedlraltrMt sss! %rmr"^*"tua3?aJSr ' APARTMENTS TO LET. . FOR RENT-CHOICE APARTMENT IN THE Plus, Washington Circle; 4 large rooms ami bath; all outside; $40. Call Apartment 601. Je20-3t* " WHY MELT IN CITY? "" Only $19.20; worth $30. MODERN AI'ARTMENTS IN SUBURBS. 5 large rooms, .11)7-518 Rhode Island ave. n.e. 33H Adams St.. $20.20; playground for children. F. H. SMITn CO.. 1408 New York ave. Je20 0t FOR RENT-FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, beautiful 5-rootn apartment; southern and eastern etposure: fine views. Apt. 75, the Mendota: phone North 3969. ,Jel9-5t 1415 U ST. N.W., 3 ROOMS, BATH $22 50 7th and C sts. s.e. (rooms over store)? 20.00 LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER, 612 14th at. n.w. JelS-3t THE WYOMING?MOST DESIRABLE FOUR-' room and bath apt.; southern and eastern e*poeures; cool; furnished or unfurnished; cafe; location and outlook unsurpassed. Call apt. 30$. Jel8-3t SEVERAL VERY DESIRABLE 3 AND 4 ROOM and bath apartments in the Stanhope. N. J. ave. and H at. n.w.; all outside rooms: Janitor service; heat. JOHN SCRIVENER. 907 G J at. n.w. Jel8-8t DESIRABLE APARTMENTS IN MT. PLEASANT. Five rooms and bath; janitor aervlce; wry low rent for summer. See these before renting. TYLER St RUTHERFORD ilnc.l. my28-28t*7 730 15th st. n.w. t 1 ; FOR RENT?1514 ROSEDALE ST. N.E.. NICE 4-ROOM AND BATH (APARTMENT: FRONT I AND BACK PORCHES AND YARDS; IN . * FINE REPAIR; KENT. $14.50. Jel8-tf,5 H. L. RUST, 1400 H ST. N.W. THE CAROLINA, THE HILLSIDE, : 706 11th st. 1415 Chapin at. .' 2r and b $20.00 2r and b..'..$22 to $24 ' 4r and b 30.50 4r and b $28 to $33 5r and b 35.50 Cafe complete. Office rooms. , The Plymouth. 1236 11th st. : 3r St b, $27; 4r ft b. $34 A $35. Barber shop complete. AMERICAN REALTY CO., . Jel8-3t.9 7Q6 11th st. n.w. 1 FOR KENT-APARTMENTS: HANDSOME; 5 rooms; heat, elevator end Janitor servlee. $3o; also ctVaea .4 tOA WOK nn.l POiT TUie fnrsoth niov wiuci o at f mi niiw pv > ? For location and particulars Inquire of A. T. ' HOLTZMAX. 1S21 F at. n.w. Jel8-3t ! FOK RENT-BY B. F. SAUL CO., 7TH ft L N.W. 1688 7th nw.Or.b. .80.09 817 K nw. Sr. b. . J?.50 2719 14th nw,5r,b.28.59 *27 7th nw, 4r, b.20.00 . 206 D nw, 4r. b. .25.90 1400 N Cap. Sr. b.17.50 3 1840 6th nw.7r,b. .25.90 1515 nth nw.3r,b,.15.00 1 Lafayette, 1607 7th 1120 C ne. 4r. b.lS.OO s nw. 5r, b 26.09 1941 9th nw, 3r.b. 13.50 713 11th nw. 3r, b22 50 ! 1227 Duncan ne.5r.bl3.50 303 R nw, 5r, b. .22.50 ! 642^Mortonne.5r.bl3.50 : 1888 N Cap. 5r, b.2*\50 i 1301 L nw. 2r. b.12 50 . Jel8-tf NEAR U. S. CAPITOL AND CENSUS OFFICE? First-story apt. of 3 rooms; summer kitchen; ' porcelain bath. No. 224 C at. n.w. Rent. $25.50. Apply at office, entrance at aide, between 9 and 12 mornings, or phone Main 5587. - Jel8-6t 1126 8TH 8T. FIVE ROOMS. SECOND FLOOR; BACK PORCH: HOT-WATER HEATING. _ Jel8-3t* CHEAP AT $32.50. THE BERLIN?TWO WELL FURNISHED anitea of two eery large outside rooms tnu] bath, $20 each; suitable for l.h.k.; opposite 5 park. Apply Apt. 1. 7 Iowa circle. Jel8-3t* . FOR RENT-COOL APARTMEXT..WITH BACK L porch and separate yard, on top of a hill In e Wash. Hgts.; in thorough repa'r; gas range; t first floor; 828.50 ; 2319 18th n.w. CAYWOOD ft GARRETT, 1231 N. Y. are. Jel8-3t* j " * " 7 FOR RENT?FLAT?1408 EYE ST. N.W. (JUST around corner from 14th and Eye sts.); suitable for a dentist, dressmaker, milliner or any light business. JAMES M. GREEN. Agt., 1336 N. Y. are, n.w. Jel8-3t* ; FOR RENT?VERY DESIRABLE 4R. AND B. e apt. in "The Lavenia." (118 F n.e., 3d floor; all latest conveniences; only $22.50. Open. GARDINER ft DENT (Inc.), 812 14th n.w. - Jel8-co.3t ' THE "CHELTENHAM." 1706 YOU N.W.; APT. 1, 6 otutslde rooms (front); rent, $35.50; heat. Janitor, etc. THE "PARK." 13th and N. Carolina ave.; overlooking Lincoln Park. Apt. 3. three rooms, front; rent, $20.50; heat, janitor, etc. > BELT. O'BRIEN ft CO., Inc.. 1309 G n.w. [ Jel8-3t,eSu FOR RENT?APARTMENTS. " _ HAMMOND COURT. 30th and Que. ' No. 104?7 rooms and bath, all outside, large closets, large plaza $47.50 THE MONTGOMERY. North Capitol and M sts. n.w. Roof garden for exclusive use of tenants. r All outside rooms. All modern improvements. a No. 29?4 rooms and bath $32.50 No. 22?4 rooms sod bath - $32.50 No. 2?4 rooms and bath $30.00 THE REGINA, 1224 I St. n.w. ; Convenient location. Good condition. No. 3?6 rooms and bath $42.50 No. 6?6 rooms and bath $40.00 THE NEW SEMINOLE, 1444 W st. n.w. Parquetry floors, large closets, tiled baths. j No. 3?3 rooms and bath $28.50 j No. 32--3 rooms and bath *. $28.5o No. 41?1 room and bath $15.00 THE LAWRENCE, 1922 16th n.w. 3 No. 1?5 rooms and bath $35.00 5 THE NAVARRE. 215 E St. n.w. No. 22?<5 rooms and bath $27.50 1 THE PARK VIEW, 425 4th St. n.w. 2d floor, 3 rooms and bath $27.50 TWO-FAMILY HOUSES. 3423 Ga. ave.. 2d floor, 4r. and bath.. .$17.50 - THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. - JelB-d.eSu KEXESAW APARTMENT HOUSE. 16th and Irving sts. n.w. A few anartments available in this hirh-class fireproof bouse; furnished and unfurnished bachelor apartments; also housekeeping apartments; especially desirable for hot weather; : all rooms outside, large and airy; excellent ! cafe on main floor, moderate rates; Inspection welcomed. S. H. BRIANT, Manager. Jelfl.l7. TUB LOUDOUN, 314 East Capitol st. ' Several apartments to rent: all have large ' and bright rooms of unusnal size; in A1 condl| tlon; Janitor, elevator and telephone service; [ rent, $20 to $40. Apply for further informa> tion to BELT, O'BRIEN* ft CO.. Inc., 1300 G st. n.w. JolO-5t . THE ALZABADO APTS. ? FLATS, 4 TO 5 rooms $3o to $35: nort ready; all outside rooms; facing two streets; No. 70 It. I. ave. n.w. Apply to THOMAS H. MELTON, 1317 H st. n.w.. Boom 3. Jel5-tf FOB BENT ? UNFURNISHED FIV&ROOM apartment in the Cumberland; overlooking Thomas Circle and Mass. ave. Apply Boom 6. 5 Evans oldg., or phone Main 1C37. Jel5-tf ' FOR RENT?FLAT. 474 O ST. N.W., 1ST OR , 4th floor; 4 rooms and separate gas meter; rent, $14.50. THEO. FRIEBUS, 1320 New York ave. Jel4-t,th.m.3t : FOR RENT? THE NAPLES. 715 19TH. Bright, cheerful apartments of 3 and 5 rooms and bath; cafe, elevator, telephones; $22.50 to $35.00. V Jel4-eod.6t MOORE ft HILL. Inc.. 1333 G. A8HIJ5Y APARTMENT HOUSE COMPANY. 18th and California sts. n.w.?One very desirable apartment, with all modern improvements, - containing five rooms and reception hall; tele1 phone and janitor service; also aiiertmcnr suit. able for housekeeping or doctor's office on grade floor. Apply SAMUEL TALBERT. 308300-310 Dime Savings Bank bldg., 7th and E n.w, Jel2-eo.l0t SPECIALTIES IN APARTMENTS. THE COLUMBIA. 14TH AND GIRARD STS. Rent. $45. THE LINCOLN, r 111 12TH ST. S.E. Rents, $35 and $40. THE EUCLID. EUCLID AND UNIVERSITY PLACE. Rents, $30 and $40. JAMES A. CAHILL. 1308 F ST. N.W. JelO-tf THE CECIL, 15TH AND L STS. N.W.-2 ROOM bachelor apart, for rent. Apply at Cecil. myl5-tf APARTMENT FOB RENT IN THE RANDOLPH; 6 large rooms and bath; front and rear en trances; back porch and back yard. GEORGE TRUESDELL. 1627 Lincoln ave. n.e. ? I \ ' WEAVER BROS., 1418 F ST. N.W.. AN nounce tne completion or tne new apartment bouse, i THE CHEVY CHASE. At the Circle. Cbevy Chase, P. C.; 3. 4 and 5 rooms and bath. $40, $50 and $60. This build; Ing is strictly fireproof and fully equipped with every modern convenience. 1 Large lawns and extended view in every direction. Highest elevation In the District. my3-tf i i FOR LEASE-DESIRABLE NEW APARTMENTS just being completed, Nos. 1436-38-40 Meridian " st. n.w., half block from 14th st. car line. ' These apartments are modern in every respect, with parquetry floors, tiled baths and electric . lights. Apartments of five rooms and bath at $3.1 and $32..V) per month f four rooms at $32.50 and $30; one room and bath at $15.50 and $13.30; all outside rooms; buildings open for inspection. Inquire of 8WARTZELL. RHEEM & HEXSEY CO.. 727 1.1th n.w. ap2?-tf : J SUFFOLK AND IONA, TTH AND H STS. S.W. I 4 and ft room and bath apartments (not betted); in firat-claas condition; rents from $13.73 to $18.fi0. THE PHILLIPS COMPANY, | &p28-tf 330 John Marshall plaqg. | THE SHANNON. THE AsK EATON. Very desirable apartments in Georgetown; 5 > rooms and bath; fine light and ventilation; Janitor service; greatly reduced prlcea for tne summer months. J. H. BRADLEY CO.. Inc.. 806 17th st. n.w. 1e6-l5t ' - OAKLAND" APTS., 2006 COLUMBIA ROAD, wash. Heights?ft snd 7 rooms, unexpired lasses. "Stanton" apts., 128 0 at. n.e.?ft and . i. rooms. OSCAR. W. WHITE. 1116 F at. ; myft-tf I FOR RBNTDBSIRABLE APARTMENTS AT i "The sterling." 101ft Caltert st. s.w. i . "The Iroquofi," J4I0 M at. n.w. J "Tno Beacon." Caltert at A Adams Mill rd. '"The Orvsonlan." 16th and Oregon ate. n.w. "Tho Hudson." imm 14th at. n.w. I Prlcea range from i t* to 06ft a month. THO#. J. A CO . I0r., ap23 if TM Ifttb at n.w. Kill REST THE VIRGINIA, $100 0. AI'ART* most. 4 r>*mia awl hath 6r?t lata esndUhm; tee tanllor to Inaneet. Apply UnO i PA#TKKDAY. iftIV u at. milt If APARTMENTS TO EXT. t roR rent-save money. ~ Get a modern apartment downtown, gar* ? car fare and other espenaea. *" see what we OFTER. 130 and $35 a month, tn that well kept apart, merit. 'The Frederic!^" #tb asd New York are. t'nustmlly large rooma: very larae closeta, wide halla; . ay windowa. OL'TbOOK ON a park. STONE * FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. j?l-tf THE NOBTHl MBERLAND ? la a modern, fireproof, seven-story apartment bouae. with all Improvements. and two eleratora. It la altu- E ated on the aoutbeast corner of New Hampshire ave. and V at. northweat, near the Herdlc line and the C at. and 14th at. care. The huttdlng contains apartments of aeren rooma and hath, at $75 per month: at* rooma and bath, at $75; five rooms and hath, at $110: four rooms and hath, at $50 and $40; three rooms and bath, at $3250. and two rooma and hath, at $25. Building Just completed and apartments are going fast. Your Inspection Invited. Building open for inspection day and evening, electric lighted. Plagrams and further information furnished on request by SWARTZELE. RHEEM * HENSEY CO.. fe2G If T?7 15th at. n.w. THE PRESDEN. An entirely new. modern, blgh-claaa, fireproof apartment house on the southwest corner of Connecticut and Kalorama avea.. at southern end of new Connecticut Avenue bridge SDd ? overlooking Rock Creek valley. Firstclass In equipment and finish. Apartments of ten rooms and three baths at . $200 per month; seven rooms and two * baths at $135; six rooms and bath at $110, $95 and $95. according to location; five rooms and bath at $75 and $05; four rooms and bath at $40; three elevators; quarters for servants. Rapidly filling up. Building open for Inspection day and evening. Representative at building to show apartment*. mnr lnspociion inviioa. Diagrams mailed on application. SWARTZELL, RHEEM &. HENSEY CO.. fo2? tf "27 15th at. n.w. THE ALABAMA. 11TH AXD S STS. N.W.; F fireproof building; telephone service No. 101. 5 rooms and bath fi4T.1V> No. 2"1. 5 rooms and bath .WOO No. 202. 4 rooms and bath 40.00 No. 305. 5 rooms and bath 50.Oo No. 402, 4 rooms and hath 4O.00 p No. 403. 4 rooms and bath 40-00 No. 405. 5 rooms and bath 80.00 THE WARRINGTON. 18th and Wyoming *? . n.w. M No. 1, 5 rooms and bath fi45.00 No 2, 5 rooms- and bath 42.50 B No. 42. 5 room* and hath 45.00 THE TLLAXE. 2109 18th st. n.w.; fireproof floors. No. 32, 5 rooms and hath fi45.00 . No. 41, 5 rooina and bath 42.50 Large porrhes. THE WESTCHESTER. 15th and O st*. n.w.; _ new building: ready for occupancy June 15- j 3 and 4 room apartments, $30 to $45 per mo. THE NEW BLOOM FIELD. 3149 Mt. Pleasant st. n.w.; new building; ready for occupancy 1 July 1. 3, 4 and 5 room apartments, $27.50 to $47 50 per mo, For other Information apply to WILLIAM L. BROWNING. 410 5tli at. n.w., Je4-30t 008 Columbian bldg. "THE IXGLESIDE," 1859 Irving at. The Mt. Pleasant car almost to door. This 10 a cool, pleasant location: new building; no courts: all outside roouis. large and airy. One room, reception hall and hath to five rooms, reception ball, kitchen and bath. Prices, $18.60 to $45.50. "THE BEVERLY." 1409 Irving St. Located midway between the 14th st. and the Conn. ave. car fines. All outside rooms, open to the light and atr. A new building; the rooms are large and bright. We recommend this building to be all It sbould be. One room and bath to five rooms and bath. Prices, $18.50 to $40. "THE BIXXEY." 1408 Gtrard st. 3 rooms and bath $28.00 5 rooms and bath $30.00 SIMPSOX-ST7LLIVAX CO.. Je2-tf 1408 Q at. n.w. 919 NEW YORK AVE. New apartments of 3 rooms and bath eaeh. Heat, janitor service, hot water. $22.50 and $25.00. JOHN W. CHILDRESS. 1412 G at. n.w. tny!4-tf THE SHERMAN. 15TH AND L STS. N.W.? Three-room housekeeping apartment for rent. Apply at Sherman. my!8-tf THE CHESTERFIELD. 8141 Mt. Pleasant st. n.w. A beautiful apartment of six rooms and bsth. also one of three rooms and bath. In this elegant new building. _ All largf'. bright, outside rooms; private poreh; 1 atl modern Improvements; ventilated kitchens, etc. W. H. WALKER. Agent. 729 15th st. n.w. 4 Je2-tf 2 THE CHEVY CHASE. CHEVY CHASE CIRCLE. 1 D. C.. 3 to S rooms and bath.-.$40.00 to $60.00 < THE FRANKLIN 1816 14th at. n.w.? i 6 rooms ami bath ...$40.00 _ THE HAWTHORNE, 1527 Eye n.w.? E 4 rooms and bath $25.50 and $35.00 THE SORRENTO. 2233 18th at. n.w.? 5 rooms and bath $37.50 and $40.00 THE DEVONSHIRE. 1751 Columbia rd. n.w.? 6 rooms and hatb $45.00 and $47.50 THE CARLTON. 21st and N ata. n.w.? 5 rooms and bath $37JO t THE MT. VERNON. 8th and N. T. are.? 3 and 4 rooms and bath $20.00 to $37.50 THE COLONIAL! 30th and N sta.? 5 rooms and bath $28.50 and $31.50 * THE EMERY. 1812 G St. n.w.? . 5 rooms and hath $35.00 THE FAIRFAX. 1200 East Capitol at.? 5 rooms and bath $32.50 THE ADDISON. 816 14th at. n.w.? I 3 rooms and bath $27.50 THE LOUISA. 216 X. Y. are. n.w.? 4 rooms and hatb $22.00 fe28-tf WEAVER BROS.. 1416 F at. n.w. FURNISHED. * THE HIGHLANDS - TO SUBLET. 4-ROOM 1 apt., finely furnished, for four or more montha. 4 Address Apt. 807. Jel8-3t* 4 105 THE CORDOVA, 20TH AND FLA. AVE.? 7 7-roora furnished apartment; rent, $60per 4 month for summer. Apply L. S. FRI8TOE, 3 1413 G St.. or Janitor. Cordova. je!8-3t* 1 FOR RENT?FROM JUNE 24 TO OCT. 1?AN 1 elegantly furnished 7-room and tiled bath honae. 4 well located on Columbia road between 14th 1 and 15th: everything thoroughly modern and 7 sanitarv; $30 per mo. Get itermlt to inspect. 7 CAYWOOD & GARRETT. 1231 New York ave. 9 }e!8-3t*6 6 THE CECIL, 15TH AND L 8TS. N.W.?SINGLE { room and bath, furnished, for rent; large, 1 bright room, on street. Apply at Cecil. j jel5-tf 7 THE CECIL 15TH AND L STS. N.W.?FIVE- 1 room furnished apartment for rent; bright and ? cheerful; on street: three exposures: very com- y foratble, summer or Winter. Apply at Cecil. 7 jel5-tf ' COUNTRY BOARD. ~ SUMMER BOARD. SMALL FARM 10 MILES J: from Bangor, Me., on shore of lake; fishing. ? boating: dairy: garilen: views sent. Mrs. A. . B. CGM1NS, East Holden. Me. je20-6t? j; CONCORD FARM. 8 MILKS FROM WA8Hington: station 5 minutes' walk; colonial man- 1' siou; large rooms, verandas, fine shade; phone. Circular at Star office. Miss It. B. BERRY, 7 Ritchie, Pr. George c:>., Md- Je20-7t 2i OAK HILL?BOARDERS WANTED; HIGH elevation; beautiful mt. views: shady Jaws excellent water: fresh vegetables; chickens, ? eggs, tnilk. plenty fruit; ref. exch. Miss M. * F. RUDA8ILL, Front Royal. Va. Jel8-2t* WANTED-FEW SUMMER BOARDERS ON farm: fine shade; large porches; pleasant rooms; good table; good water. Ice. milk and ? fruit. Mrs. C. M. GRIFFITH, Boyda, Md. F Jel8-4t Glen Manor, norehes: ahadv walks' tennis: chickens, eggs and ? vegetables from place;'4 m. steam A trolley;phone. F Jel*-30t,4 BOOMS AND BOARD AT NORWOOD. MD.. near Chevy Chase Club: good table: large grounds and plenty of shade, porches, etc.; rates reasonable. Mrs. A. J. CAMPBELL. Jel8-31* OAK LAWN. PURCELLVILLE. LOUDOUN Co.. Va.?Large house; cool rooms, hafb; shaded lawn: farm products; Ice; fine spring; convenient to station; rates and photos on application; refs. Jel8-3t HAVE A LA ROE KUONT ROOM. FACING south, for gentleman and wife or 2 gentlemen: home comforts; porches all around; plenty of shade; in one carfare limit; 5 minutes from _ car: highest elevation In Brookland. D. C. F Phone N. 5796 or address Box 167, Star office. 2 Jel8-3t* 1 THE MAPLES" - LAROR BRICK HOUSE; J shaded lawn; porches; hath; mountain water; vegetable garden, fruit, poultry. For terms. Mrs. , H. P. DEAHL. Berrj-TiJle. Clarke Co.. Va. Jel?-?t?4 THE Dl'NBAR. OX LOWER POTOMAC; M.. D. * V. Ry. to Mlller'a; good table; arteatan water; well shaded lawn; motor boating, rowing bathing, fishing, crabbing free; rates t* parties. W. W. DUNBAR. Ridge. Md. Jell-30t*4 K WEST END snLCOTT SPRINGS. NEAR BLUR Ridge mt?.; large, sliady lawn; mile* from depot; 2 dally malls at door. Mrs. ft SHOEMAKER. PursellTtlle. Va.. R. P. D. No. 2. Jell-1lt*,4 J THE KIVERDAI.E" - SITUATED ON WATER * front, healthy location: exeelleat table board; boating, bathing, etc., free. Mrs. H. R HOWETH. Ttlghman. Md. Jel JOt _ SUMMER ROARD FOR OIRLS ANt> SMALL V boys at Montrose School from May 1 to Oct. 1) terms moderate; delightful loratlaa. MIsS HARDET. Clarksellle Md. KOVZY WAFTED AFD TO LOAM. MONEY TO LOAi? on District of Columbia Real EsUte r at lowest rates of interest FOE RENT?HOUSES. F1RKIXHED OR UKFIRRIUHED l?R RENT IIXFI RMSHED 1753 X it. (.v.. IX n?>m*. hatha. C*> *# 511 H at. n.w.. a rooms and huth Sti.RT 131V Harvard at.. X rnoma and hath b?? .V? 1773 Wlllard at.. 7 p??ms and hath 35.SO ? Onlocy pi n.e.. ? mint and hath ii.M t&5> Mth at. a.m.. t! n?m? and hath 25 V* 382 B at. n.r.. 5 rnoma and l?ath 21 *<* We have a uumher of desirable furnished houses in the n.w. section rent. $75 per ><?. and upward. TYI.ER & RUTHF.RFt?RD tlne t. 730 15th at. n.w. )el* 7fl2 OR RENT? rHONE MAIN dosf UE3SKFJJ. * MrUCRAX. 140S H ST. N.W. STARI.ISHED 1887. NOT INCORPORATE!*. ETSPBCIALTY- Ken tine unfn^li n 1 and for. nl*bed bouses and apartmentaWor reaidents, non residents. officials and employes of the gov. ernroent. member* of Congress. officers of the Army. Nary, Marine Corns and dlplatnatls corps a specialty; large facilities personal ate tentlon, aatlafaetory service to each cllaot. (CTNOTTCI!. RF.NTKRS?Parties dealring tn rent unfurnished or furnlabed honaea or apartment* will flnd it to their advantage and convenience to call on ua. They will be eent oar large llat of reniabie properties in various aa<*tiona of the city. If what Is desired la not found therein, and we are Informed aa to tha aire, preferred location, rental, etc., of tha house or apartment wanted. t?e will endeavor to supply the same. CTIJtrjre llat of unfurnished end furnished house* and apartments, stores, office rooms stables, gurngea. etc., and furnished bouaea and apartment* at reduced rentals for the summer, promptly mailed on application. HEISKKLL & MoLERAN. 1403 H at. n.w. JelA-tf i ????? lSK rOR OUR WEEKLY RENT BTTLLETTH tha largest Uat of vacant bouaea la the dtp. Bouses opened aa twenty minutes' notice. WAG STAFF * WHITE. 9H Utfc at, a.w. gp wylS-tf FURXISHEP. 'OR RENT?VERY DESIRAIU.E FVRVISHED HOUSES: SOME IAJCATKD IN THE MOST FASHIONABLE SECTION OF THE CITY; RENTING AT FROM $50 PER MONTH l*P. TYLER * RUTHERFORD tlnc.l. 73(1 15TH ST. N.W. Jel$-7t? OR RENT - NEAR BEAUTIFUL LAXOJLV Park, an S-room and hath house, in excellent condition: on wide avenue; eool and cheerful; $30.50. CAYWOOD A GARRETT. 1231 N. Y. a*. jelW-3t*4 tENT. FURNISHED FOR SI MMER. H ROOM house; faces McMillan Park; agood yard and porches; high, cool, fin* breexes. Reference*. Call at one*'. 124 Bryant at. n.r.* IOUSK FOR RF.XT?JULY 1 TO OCT. 1. 6 rooma and hath. Reference# required. S3 Randolph place n.w. Rate nominal.* "OK RENT?1S13 ADAMS MILI. B< >AD TPTN rooma, two hatha; Jul}' 1, Oct. 15; no children; $4t?. Phone Col. 2931. Jel?-S?t rOK RENT?714 18TH N.W ; 17 ROOMS; (4 square of Y. M. C. A. and State. War and Narjr bldg.; auttable for club or frate-mtY house; reasonable. Jel6-7t IXFtK.'VlSHEn. RENT FROM SHANNON * LLCHS. 713 14TH ST. N.W. M. 2345 A QUICK, COURTEOUS SERVICE. FOR RENT?5 rooma and hath. 319.50; fnrrace beat; good, .big rooma. In BEST of condition; flrat-floor flat: located near car line; rent. $19.50; 21 Todd pi. n.e., Rlootnltifdale. between T and U. You really should aea It. Get our list. FOR RENT?6 moms and bath; new home section of n.w.; large colonial porch: new; guaranteed furnace heat; large yards; Instantaneous water heater; tine gas range; faces government park; 132 Bryant at. Rent. $32 .Vt. Undoubtedly one of the beat values In Washington. FOR RENT?Six rooms; Columbia Heights; $30.50; almost new; part recently papered, Just cleaned out; full cellar; easily heated; 2-etory porch; the cheapest GOOD 6-rooin home on the heights for rent; 1719 Newton st. Get our list. FOR RENT?Our rent Hat contains no per cent of the mos* desirable properties in the city. If inconvenient to call or phone for our latest Hat. your nearest Sanitary Grocery will supply you. FOJt RENT?Owner will rent his new 9-room borne, located in best part of Washington Heights, for $50.50; mahogany woodwork; quartered oak floors; hot-water heater; porches; electric lights; faces down well known street; one of the best constructed houses In Washington ; a golden opportunity for YOU. Get our list. SHANNON * U'CHS, M. 2348. 713 14th at. n.w. M. 2345. r(>R RENT?BY L. J. MILLS. 605 NTH N.W. 233 Morgan nw,6rb$25.50 1911 Nth nw.flr.b.22.50 140 Fla ar nw.6r.b35.5d ' 63o2 Champlalnflr..15.56 230 7th nw.9r.b- .30.0011237 W.Anacoetla. 12.50 905 Nth nw, flr.b.25.50 i Klad'sb'g rd.dw.ato25.00 FLATS. 754 Wlllard. ?r. b.20.50 210% P nw, 6r.b.27.50 1336 X Cap, 5r.b. .21.50 Je20-tf OR BENT?ONLY $26 PER MO.; 8-HOOM BRICK AND BATH; NO. N24 B ST. N.B-: AIX BOOMS LARGE AND IX FINE CONDITION. CONVENIENT TO ALL LINEN OF CARS. CHAS. A. SHIELDS. 1336 NEW YORK AVENUE N.W. Jc20-6t "OR RENT?174 BRYANT ST. N.W.; NEW corner house; 6 rooma and bath; aide and back Jard; furnace heat; shadea at windows; $30. >y 1221 O at. n.w. JelM 3t* "OR RENT?CORNER HOUSE. NO. 260N GA. ave.: southern exposure; 6 rooms and bath; cemented cellar; furnace heat; rent. $25.50. Inquire 3610 Ga. are. Jelfr-3f 'OK BENT?1358 FAIRMONT ST.. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS; HANDSOME MARBLE FRONT; 12 ROOMS; 2 BATHS; STEAM HEAT; RENT. $53. Jel8-tf.S H. L- RUST. 1400 H ST. N.W. "OR RENT?FLOYD E. DAVIS. 7TH St E SW. 21 3d ae. Or. h. .$25.50 ] 1222 Union sw.Sr. .11.00 424 lat aw. 5r. ..15.00 > 2132 35th nw.fir.b. 22.50 9A 7th an- Itr h tX IK) !4M 12th n Mr li 2X .V. 26 7tb aw.lOr.b. .22.50 919 E aw. 6r. b...22.50 3 G ?", 6r. b 30.00 47 G nr. 6r. h....30.uo 06 G aw, 7r, b...25.50 41 G nr, 6r. l?....3o.0O 5 G aw, fir. b....30.00 23 Va av aw, Pr.b.25.00 6 X ae. Or 10.35 1328 8 Cap. ?r.b..15.00 218 R aw. 7r 20.00)1320 8 Cap. 6r.b..lO.OO 314 8 Cap,6r,b....15.00 1644 Kramer nc.6r.ft.5o 238 Half ae. Or...10.5" U3o I> aw, Mr 20.OO 11 6H "*' 5r 30.00 214 X aw. 4r 10.3o 143 (Tilcago. 0r.b.2U.5o 1137 XJ ae ae.fir.b. 13.5o 11 8th aw. Or. b.21.50 62 X ae. Or 12.0O 27 8tb aw. 7r. b.20.50 1325 I'nlon aw. 6r.12.oO 45 Md av 25.O0 342 L aw. Or. b.. .20.50 18 4*^ aw,ato.dwl.25.00 10O2 X J ar ae.4r.. .0 5o 51 Sheridan ae.Or..9.00 343 Md ar sw.7r.b.20.5o 12 Francia ae.4r,w.8.00 110 Franeia ae.4r.w.8.00 359 L ae, 4r. b....9.00 1334 R aw. fl. 2...21.50 atterner. fl.l.flr.b.31.00 1342A R ae. Or.b. .19.50 25 7th aw. ftr. h. 15.75 729 7th aw. 5r.b..l5.75 23 7th aw. 5r. b. 15.75 504 Me av aw.6,1.12.00 eronlea. Xo. 14..27.50 3221 Mt Pleaa.fl.2..2.Y?M) atterner. 6.l.n.. .25.00 FCRXISHHt lit ICSES 445 B Cap. 5r.b..17.00 1226 15th nw.iur.h 5o.oo 23 7th aw.6,1 16.75: 1123 Euclid iiw.10.U2.00 Jel8-3t.c8u CXFCRMSHEP. " 906 CalTert at. n.w.. 9 room* and 2 haths$5T 70 33M (J at. n.w.. lo mnoi and 1 bath 55.oo 329 Harrard at. n.w.. 8 room* and 2 hatha 5<>.5o 121 X at. n.w., lo rooms ?nd 2 liatha 45.?V> 455 W at. n.w., 8 rooms and 1 bath 40.75 312 L at. n.w., 7 room* and 1 Uth 27.50 319 <1 at. n.e.. 0 rooms and 1 hath 21 5<? 116 8th at.'n.w.. 8 ro.>ma and bath iframei 26.5o Fl'RNISHEIi. 705 Q at. n.w., 14 rooma and 1 bath... .$150.00 025 Q at. n.w.. 10 rooms and 1 hath 125.00 KEY-SMITH * LATHAM. IXC.. Second Floor Front. Erana Bldf. jel8-aa.rn.w-3t OK KENT?130S KIGGS ST. N.W.. JC8T PA? fered; 8 large rooma and bath; In fine conltlon: $30.50. GARDIXER * DEXT (Inc.). 812 14th n.w. Jel8-eo.3t 'OR RENT?3042 DENT PLACE, OEORGEtown Height*. New 6r. and tiled bath home; 6ne. See thla quick. Rent. $30.50 per month. MO It AN A GOLDEXBKRG. Oxford bldg. Jel8-3t,e8u OR RENT TO COLORED TENANTS 1439 Pierce pi. n.w.. 10r., h.. f. h..a.m l.$37 50 1814 3d st. d.w.. 6r., h., fur. b.. a.m.I. 27 5n 1335 C at. 5 room*, frame 9.50 1315 Greens court n.w., 4* moms, brick 10.50 WM. L. POLLAKP. Ajpent.* 6(i9 F st. n.w. OR KENT-J. L. KOI.B. 823 NEW YORK AVE. 2542 13th st. n.w., 14 rooms. 2 hatbs... .$80 On 2341 13th st. n.w., in rooms, bath 43 So 215 N. Cspitol St.. 8 rooms, bath $45.6n 620 "H" st. n.w., 11 rooms, bath MS 60 1801 9tb st. n.w.. 8 rooms, bath $32 SO 606 R St. n.w., 9 rooms, hath no.So 1818 Cedar st. n.w.. flat. 6 rooms. bath.$2280 700 C st. n.e., 6 rooms, bath $22 SO Jel4-tf OR RENT?JOHN SCRIVENER. 907 (I 8T. N W. 32 r nw. llr, h.$30.00 32-'. M sr. <*. b.. 16.00 202 8 nw. Or. b.23.00 12lo 1st sr. Or. b.15 00 022 Pa st 1206 I nr. Or. w..13.00 14 Kjr st sr.flr.b 724 L sr. Sr. W..10 5O 914 4th sr. 6r. b. 18.50 1359 I. sr. flr. b .10 00 Va st sw.6r.b-. 16.50 1311 3d sr. Or. w. .8.80 JrlS 3t OR RENT 32S 14th st. n r.. 6 rooms ami bath $20.$n 414 O st. nw, dwelling 16 80 UH'IS P. SHOEMAKER. 612 14th St. 6.W. ? OR RENT?KACIN'R I.K?)LK PARK. N.a.; beautiful houae; cellar; leweRry >? : It lirp moina and tiled bath, la wrRrt earnditton; neuir !> pered *i?d [?Im^ yw*iH thnroafbly; a earner E E RAMEY. <UT lAth pw. *"*** OR RENT-ON RAEHINOTON IKiTfl , A ?*room houar 2 bath* bat water beat, la Aaa c? Milt ton. W. R. MMI. ?> iMh tl.w. tarn OR KENT -OOLORRA |*>JE?. hl? OAR DA US at ; tvxxtia and hath ( MAR R RAh>* IU1 r. at |a>fc? OR RENT Rf MOMRUID THROI liRH T !? ."-V ,rs.-tnSr as* R r UclMlRE bet aai It A . fifTO at a . ato* aattaaee. ar r?mi? Mala ? )elh?t OR RENT IMVA AIR ? ? ?R R VIA h* mwtm