Newspaper Page Text
FOR ilENT?H0TTIE8 t irvmiiNKO. " F?R l!K\r HRWUNKW t'KHHI.B f?A*H "ii" ? "f 5 rnnra? III the < <?> <!rlw for $12 So 3* ml .Hi H-nnina nod W Wtn?|i A UAR UK' T IJ.ll \-?* > <>rh a?e 1 % .**' % i"l( ICKN I R$ W I III \ \U,. 722 11TH N W~ Al l let n n . ?r hmI 2?' .$33.5? 123 D n * . !>r and h . nire ronditl n ...32.5' 1421 S n * . *r amt t> 32.5o 1".! I n w , hid* . room* t-> t<> I?"1 C n w.. Sr. it n I h, lai'S** yard .... 27.4 i 111 lltb ii *. 1st ami 2'I fl ar?'a $2" anil 22 SO 1462^1 rotomar in. sc. Sr. and h 17..V v23 lith n e . O rooms and hafb lit.SO WSI Morton pi. n.e . Ir. and l>. Hat 12.5? IMS Morion pi. nr.. 4r. and l>. fiat 12.So Attrartire apartments ? "Suaqiu-hanna." 14.1i W st. n ?.1. 4 and Sr. and b. apts.. with Janitor sereire. from *23 to .75.40 The lrvius. 3?14 I*-nt p!.. Sr. and b... 72'> 11th it.n.. 2<1 and -Id tt. apts..$27.50 A 25 00 t'olorrd tenants? ?13rt N. Cap. at 14.30 44? 3d n o . Or. and b 21.75 115? Blaiionsburc ril . S rooms 10.00 Store. 130? 7lh n.w. large and light 55.00 Stable*?R?-ar 3410 Brown st. u.w 12.00 Rear 422 2d St. n.w 20.00 Jolft 31*22 KoR RENT? " 1613 13th ntv.l0r.*41.00 404 K nir, lOr 30.50 2tu T nn. 8r 28.80 2518 Gir nv nn-.fir.2?.50 "< 4 7th n-'. fir....22.50 123 Carroll se. Or.21.50 1"32 S Cap ae.flr... 15.30 12.51 Hamlin at. Brook712 23d nw. 5r. ...14.30 land. 1> C. 7r....l3.50 214 13th sw. 5r... 14.00 2823 1 nw. 3r 11.50 021 F *w. fir 11.00 loll 12th se. fir...10.50 1811 Kramer 1224 1st atv. 4r....7.5'? 47 R!ag al nw.4r.. /9.50 1241 Half aw. Sr. ..8.50 It 311 Lin pi sw..Nr. 8.00 1240 Kuowlptsw.5r7.5o 120 Seat'-n ne. 2r. .7.50 APARTMENTS. 112? Oth n.w.. Apt. No. 2. 5r $25.fto 1131 7th n.w.. Apt.. 4th floor. 4r 18.Oo 128 O s.w.. 3r: 2d floor. 3r 5.50 30 O n.w.. 3d floor, fir 25.00 I NFCKNISHED BOOMS. 4t'? <sth a.p.. Sr.. 2d floor. $18.50 12304 7th n.w.. 2d and 3d floors. 4r 15.50. 430 otb n.w.. It-aims 8 and W 13.00 14"5 1st n.w.. 2d floor. 4r 15.50 STABLES. It-ar 2124 C n.w $3.00 Roar 134 L n.w .- 3.00 OARAGE OH SHOP. Rpar 1520 GsIps st. n.p $10.0o Rpar 81H M n.w.. 1st floor 8.00 MOVING PICTCRE THEATER. 1237 11 n.p. (Includes ant . fir. & b.t. 7r. ..$50.00 JpIS 3t* A. S. t AVffOOP. 015 X. Y. are, n.*. 1471 PARK ROAD. 10 ROOMS. 2 BATHS. steam beat, fine condition $50.00 loon Park road, 0 rmtus and bath 4".00 42 H n w.. store and flat 50.00 WALTER A. BROWN. H24 14th St. n.w. Jel8 3t FOR RENT -HANI'SOME BRICK; In ROOMS, all mod. Imp*.; kitchen en parlor floor; beautifully papered and painted; near New Ilnnip shire stp. and S st. n.w $45.00 1501 2fith st. n.w.. two new flats: porcelain bath tnhs; all mod. Imps.; 5 rooms; will rent to colored $22.5it and $20.00 a Other Cats at $35. $30 and $25. 1H2 12th sr. n.w.; handsome brick; 9 rooms; all mod. imps.; front and back yards and porch; one of the prettiest houses In the cl% $50.00 3lo V st. n.e.: handsome dwelling: 11 r.ioms; all mod. Imps.; steam heat: larise yard. .$35.00 1etR-3t A. T HOLTZMAN. 1321 F st. n.w. FOR RENT fill 44 ST. SSTO.. 12R.. UAK and sta.. $75: 1st fl?>*>r. bak. nnd sla.. $55.<st. 1021 44 sw,sto.4.b.45.00 Flat.311 7th SW.5.M0.50 225 44 sw. 1 ??r. b.35.00 35fi G sw. 4r. b... 10.50 411 84- ft. s'". 5r. I 411 44 t?w.sto.7r.b.30.50 bak 25.00 OlM 44 sn .sto.5r. .25.00 7ofi G sw. 7r. b. . .25.50 318 Mass av 2n4 7th sw. sto.2r.25.00 !<*>! 44 sw.sto.5r.25.5rt filb 41* sw.slo.jr. liiiu \a ?v sw. ir.l>.ZO..>o Sto. 31.1 7th aw...20.50 338 11th ne.Kr.b.. .25.50 361 G jw, fir. h. .18.30 44;? Del sw,5r.w.g.20.((0 952 Fla at mv.7r.trlN.50 132.1 3d sw, fir. b. 10.50 134(1 1st ?w. 12.50 918 1st aw. 4r. h.. 15.50 Flat. 714 G ne. 5r.lS.00 110 Va ar sw.4r.b. 15.50 543 4th m, 15.oo 47S X aw. Sr. b...16.50 334 X sw. fir. w. .15.50 82t'a 4l4 sw.Sr.w. .13.50 fiio 4li gtv. 5r. h.13.00 344% B .15.50 1104 N J ar ss.fir.wl3.5o 12l> D sw. fir. w..18.30 1250 Water st sw. 303 II sw. 4r, w. .12.30 sto. 2r 12.5o 727 fith w, fir. w.. 12.50 414 8th sw, Sr. w. 15.50 12WOV, Half so.4r.bl0.50 1253 l"ni?n sw.3r.wlo.3f) S03 3<1 sw. 3r. w..10.50 1003 4!-? sw.4r.wr. .10.50 Sta r'r 431 6th sw..8.rto 1351 K Cap. 5r. w..9.(10 Sto. 311 7th sw... 22.50 1306 Half 142 X so. fir 10.30 C. H. I'ARKER CO. (Inc.). Jel8-3t 435 414 st. s.w. FOR RENT?224 8TH ST. 8.W.. 8 ROOMS AND ha'n. first-i-lass condition, adjacent to Smithsonian Park $32.50 SOl'TH WEST. COLORED. 413 7th st. Sr....$16.00 941 Golden sw. fi"H 10th. Or. ba...18.50 420 8th sw. re. 2r.5.30 !'<( T) st, 5r 13.5'j|l510 12th nw. Sr. .20.00 315 31 P sc. 4r 7.501 . BROOKLAND. I), r. 1254 Erarts st. n.o.. ? ruums and bath $14.3C R. 11. JOHNSON. Phone Main 2385. 306 7th at. a.w. jo48-Ot FOR RENT? 1700 H. 12r. 2b ?t 1012 16th.5r framo20.50 6"8 Dtb.atoAdwg. $25.50 I1102 25th. 6r. b...20.00 ,1t>28 ram pi ,9r.b. .25.50 328 1.1th no, fir.b. 10.50 Jel8-3t F. W. GRAHAM A CO.. 617 14th n.w. FOR RENT? 121 Tenn no. 8r.b$30.30 I 6?0 NJ ar nw.9r.tCD.00 4(? Tortor no. 6r.b.2?.50 ! .117 V ue. 8r. b...23 50 4 ?0 Mo ttr sw.8r.b25.00 I 1636 Vr ar nw. 6r20 '0 1131 10th nw, 6r. .20.30 1 1209 I nw. fir. b..18.50 614 I. sir, Sr 18.30 1916 X Y ar nw.5rl.V50 718 19th ne. Gr. ..15.50 808 14fli no, fir...15.40 3S Benning rd. 5r.12.3o 635 11th no, 5r... 12.00 FLATS. 731 13th nw, Sr.b.SS.Up 2.1 lit 18tb nw. 5r.b28.30 25 12 17th ntr.fir.h.21.S> 264-1 Yaar nw. 5r,bl5.00 6 1 I. ne, 6r. h. .15.00 2624 I nw, 4r, b..l23o CAY WOOD A GARRETT, 1231 X. Y. ave. n.w. JM8-3t* FOR RENT-BY B. F. SAUL CO.. 7TH * L. N.W. 1145 L nw. 1 Sr.2863.80 j 1229 Morse ne.6r.bl7.50 1701 7th niv.sto.8r.b50.00; 706 RI sruw.7r.wl7.30 3: Mass ar nw, stare. 203 R nw, fir, b.. 17.50 fir. b 50.00 ; 1507 B no. Sr. h. .15.30 1"2S 8th nw, fir. b.47.30 1422 K se. 6r. b. .15.30 717 8th nw. fir. b.45.50 1007 2d ne. fir. w.ll.On 4fi? Mo arnw.21r.b42.00 512 F. offices 12.00 1763 T' nw. 8r. h .40.50 42 Decatur ne.5r.wl0.00 518 3d ne. 8r. b..32.'0 COLORED TENANTS. 7 Qolney ne.6r.b. .30.50 1526 5th nw.Cr.b. .30.30 fiOfi T nw. Sr. b. .30.50 637 I. nw. 8r. b. .28.50 1421 Fla ar nw.6r.bS0 30: 1723 Seaton nw.4r.b20.50 648 Keefernw 7r.b2S.50 , 2207 8th nw,4r.h.. 18.30 110 R nw. fir. b.'.27.501 708 13tb ne. 4r. b.. 17.50 2200 Ga nr. stn.4r.27 *>' / 13 Hanorer nw, 5r. 1213 L. nw. 7r. b..27.?4 ! w 13.50 124 Fla ar nw.6r.b25.30 123it lOib nw.5r.wl3.30 r.'t P ne. Or. h 25.36 121" Madison nw. 702 Quincy nw,?r,b2S.30 5r, w 13.00 VI P Be. Or. b... .25.30 127 N ae. Or, w..12.30 1?2 P ?w. Or b 25.50 221ftWaternw.5r.wl2 W 1916 9th nw.6r.h..25.S51 1O70 30tb nw.5r.wl2.00 42>t Fla st nw.7r.b24.50 450 Franklin nw. sto, 703 Glrard, Or. h..23.00 2r 11.00 1235 Mora* ne.0r.h22.30 STORES. lortrt N Cap. ?ir. b22..v0 1701 7ih uw.sto.Sr.h.'VO.OO 1V41 oth nw.0r.b..20,.*i0 153H 7th nw 30.00 JT'3 5th nw. Or.w.20.00* trw. 7th nw 33.00 1240 H nr. Or. h.. 10..M>; ?01 X nw!.. IS.50" 1626 G ee. Or, b..lS.uO : 2034 Ga ar nw...14.30 lelS-tf TAKOMA PARK: ? RMS. AND B.; OXF. square east of car line; large porches; fruit trees; furnace b-at: rent, only 335.5ft. ffll H. SAUNDERS * CO.. 1elS-3t 1407 F *t. n.w. FOR RENT-NEAR UNION STATION. LARGE 9room and bath brick; good condition: on wide avenue: fiftft New Jersey ave. n.w.; 330. CAYWOOD & OARRKTT. 1231 N. Y. ave. JelS-3t*4 ' OR RENT-309 N? J. AVE. N.W:: 2-STORY bar-window: 7 large room*: hath: pantry; eellar; large yards; $ Apply 1216 S at. n.w. after 4 p.m. Key at 511 X. J. ave. Jel.Vtf FOR RENT? 345.00-No. 3413 Brown at.. 10 rooms and bath. $40.00?No. 1323 N. Car. nve.. new. Sr. and h. K7 V(?The Cora. 33d and X n.w.. 5-rootn flat. $25.56? No. ino9 Fla. are. n.e.. Or. and bath. .*22.50 No. 1366 G at. a.e.. 6 r>?>m? and bath. 320.00? No. 617 E at. n.w.. 5r. and b. flat. 330.00? No. 1013 M at. a.e.. slore and 6r. dwg. $18.!V>?No. 27 3d at. n.e., 5-room flat. 310.OO?No. 1712 E. Cap. at.. Sr.. sewer A wa. 33.0O- No 2922 Wit. ave. n.w-.. 5r. and water. " Near 1st and Fla. are. n.w.. amal! bakery. $50.(n>- No. 133*4 T st. n.w.. 7 rooms and bath. LEWIS & JONES CO.. 617 E at. n.w. ie!5-6t ' FOR RENT?CENTRAL: 12 ROOMS AND BATH; in floe condition; ready for immediate occupau<-v; 1335 15th st. n.w. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 .New York are. je!7-3t FOR RENT A CORNER HOUSE NEAR 22D ST. and Mam. ave. n.w.: 11 rooms; all outside rooms: plenty of sunlight in every room: garage for two large touring cars. Rent. $65. STO.nE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. Jo 17 -51 FOR RENT 3240 SCHOOL ST. N.W.. COR. OF Park road: 9 room* and 2 baths; reception hall. , pantry, laundry, servauta' bath, steam heat, all in pood repair: rent. $Sft. THEO. FRIKBU8. 1320 New York are. ie! FOR RENT 1313 WY1.IE COURT N.E . 4 r?v>m.>: nice yard; in good order; for colored; rent. 33. THEO. FR1EBUS, 1320 New York are. Ufi.t th m 1* FOR RENT TO DESIRABLE COLORKD TENANTS. No. 123 Ttli at. B e. A double bouse: good repair; bay window; brick; porcelain bath; #27.50. No. 1844 Kla. are. n.w. 6 moms and modern hath; large porch; 82V50. Both are in desirable locations and will be rented to select tenants only. MOORE A HILL (Inc.), 1333 G at. n.w. FOR RENT? 2233 W "t. n.w.. llr. and b.. steam 1-843 U at. n.w.. lOr.. 3b.. steam beat... 53.73 2721 Ont. rd. n.w.. lOr . b.. steam heat.. 43.73 2713 Ontario rd.. 10r.. b.. steam heat 48.73 2017 l:?th at.. Or. and b.. steam heat.... 43.30 1700 15th n.w.. 10r.. b.. furnace heat.... 43.80 802 S at. a.e., Or. and b., furnace baat.. 30.30 1330 T at. a w.. 7 rooms aad bath 03.90 1023 1st at. 'n.w.. 8r.. b.. beat furnished. 23.90 1233 B s.e.. Or. and b.. latrobe heat 23 30 180 Thomas at. n.w.. Or., b.. fnr. beat... 23.30 010 12th n.e.. Or. and b.. latrobe heat... 30.80 1338 12th at. a-e.. 0 roams aad bath.... 30.00 1528 21?th *t. n.w.. 7 rooms and batb.. 18.00 COLORED TENANTS. 442 3d n.e.. 8 rooms and batb 22.80 STABLES. Rear 1708 15th n.w.. stable with 3 stalls 10-00 OFFICES. Wash. Lean and Trust bide., desirable sattea. Harden bhlg.. 807 E n.w.. 18 rooms aad lam pressroom $100.87 McGtll betiding. desirable suite. XHR WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRCST COMPANT. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. JeA-d.eSu POR RENT-NO. 1917 K ST. N.W.; BRICK: ? stories and basement: 1? rooms and batb; just / . aewlr papered and painted throughout; ennrruient to >ir lines and within walhlt'C distance of aosertmtcat ofRres. Rent, $48.75. In?ulre of SWARTZEI.L, RHEKM A HENSEY P.. 727 lath at. n.w. JelO-co.tOt HtMt RENT TO DESIRABLE COLORED TENant 1204 T at. n.w.; lo rooms and bath: In fine condition; rent. ,$35 50. WAG4TAFF A WHITS (lac.1, 004 lllh JeJ7 5t FOE REXT?HOUSES. mri KNI*hicd. ' FOR KENT " 8e??n hath, bar *ln'lu* hrtek. IJO Florida arp. n.w.: on <'*r line. lr<|iilre No. 42?t Florida W-IT It*4 F'>lt RENT fl"T T ST. N.W.. EIGHT ROOMS: tare cellar. kitchen on flrrt floor: wasbtube; h*' k atalmar: In rod repair: $30.50. JeS tf JOHN T. KNOTT. Room 14. ?18 F at. iill: UK NT? SW.921 C. flr, h..22M I. 12r.h $45.00 SW.207 I.lnWh.Sr.h20..r>0 NW. 1733 R. 10r.h.4l.OO SW.938 Va aT.5r.b2O.50 NW.212 N J ar.Sr.h40.75 SW.307 M. 4r 10.50 NIV.619 B. Ptort?cr25.0O SE. 1100 9th.13r.b30.00 SW.72.*. 22(1. 7r. b.20 50 SE.301I Ta aT.flr h.S5.00 NW. 817 22d. 8r. .18.30 i APARTMENTS. NW. 2027 E. flr.. .lfl.40 I SF..309 Pa av.Cr,b.2S.O0 NW. 1426 NJ aT.5rl5.40 SW, 625 C. flr...15 40 NW. 1323 Oih. 6r... 14.40 The Vlneetta. 5r.b.27.M NK.712 L. flr, b...22.50 The Vlneetta. Br.b28.00 NF..300 A. Or. h...20.50 The Vlneetta. 4r.b.22.50 84V.325MflaT.l2r.bfl5.00 The Vlncetta. 4r.b.lS.50 8TV,343 M<1 nr.Cr.h2B.00 OFFICES?NORTHWEST. Central building, offlees | Qunton building. oOoea Call at office for Information ri-garding all*/ properties, stable, etc.. I bare for rent. For farther information apply at oflcn. le.l-tf .1. TV. PILLING. 1410 F at. n.w. FOR RENT??-ROOM BRICK HOI SB; MOD em improvements: No. 1521 12th at. northwest - f28.5<>. Keys next door. Apply to JOHN F. GRF.F.X. 1416 Q at n.w. mj23-30t FOR KENT?AN 1NDIV1DI AL HOUSE WITH finish and conveniences only found in a house built for a home; 1344 Gtrard; per month. $55; owner would lease for one or three years. R. E. I- YBLLOTT. 1410 H n.w. Je8-tf FOR RENT? 801 H st. n.w.; 12 rooms with batb $50 jefl-tf JOHN H. BRENT. 1819 H at. n w FOR RENT? 1229 Kearny at., Brookland, 6 rooms and bath .*. $18.00 1414 S at. n.w.. 7 rooms and hath $30.50 McLACHLEX BANKING CORP.. Je7-tf lOOT G at. n w. FOR RENT- n.D.THOMPSOX A CO..1335 F N.W. Siore. 13th A H ue $40.00 413 I ne. flr. w.. .14.00 72o Quincy nw.rtr.b28..V> FLATS. TO2Qnlnernw.10r.b25.50 15 Grant pi, 5r. b. 35.00 t a* i-i <?_ l. no xa a r rt_s nI O. AO ii'ti r> Lip, or. in *.Tr*iii. pi. u.i"-"" 1232 fJ bp. 6r. b. .22.50 118 D hp 4r, h...12.50 808 12th ne. 7r, b.22..lO COLORED. 1439 G 11#. Or, b.. 18.50 81# 13th ne, Sr. ..##.00 907 C se. 5r, w.. 18.50 2422 17th nw. flat. 18.00 622 L se. 6r. w... 15.50 201 12th dp, 6r....l#.0O Ptore. 1328 H hp..15.00 130 Bra rd. 8r. ...10.80 #- 6 13th op, 8r... 14.50 8 N Champ pi. 4r. .8.50 lel-d.eSn FOR RENT? 1217 Q n.w.. 10 rooms and bath 45.63 1527 Wis. a TP., 10 rooms and bath 90.50 937 French at. n.w., C rooius and hath.. 90.50 1414 30th st. n.w.. fi rooms and hath.... 25.80 mv26-tf WEAVER BROS.. 1416 F at. n.w. FOR RENT?I'NFl'RN 1SHF.D. ? HOUSES. 3044 N st. n.w.. llr. and b.. stahlp #50.00 936 T ?t. n.w.. 9 rooms and hath, furnace 40.5n 2135 F st. n.w., 7 rooms and bath 27.50 FLATS. Th Vprnon. 1774 V st. n.w., 5 rooms and bath: heat ^.... 32.50 1402 l?th st. n.w.. 4th 8., 7r. and b 90.50 "The Chelsea." 2d and E s.e.. 5r. and b. 27.50 1115 II st. n.w., 3d 8.. 5r. and b 25.00 2016 14th st. n.w.. 2d fl.. 5r. and b 25.00 OFFICES 1328 N". Y. are. n.w., whole first floor, verr flnp. per month 125.00 OASCH ft BIRGE, 1326 N. T. are. n.w. niylS-tf FOR RENT?U NFC RMSHED. NW cor 19th and O 1311H M,. llr. h...60.00 nw. 19r ......$100.00 812 18th nw. 8r..45.00 818 Conn nr. 12r.l00 00 1731 R nw. lOr... .40.00 1459 Harvard at..83.33 1521 35tb nw,l2r.37.50 1315 M. 12r. b 70.00 A fpw dpsfrnble furnished houses. Store. 1702 14th st. n.w $50 per mo. STONELEIGH COURT. A few Tprr deslrablp apartments now meant In Stonelelch Conrt at from $50 to $186 per month. THE OLYMFIA. 14th nnd Euclid ats. Desirable outside 5-room and hath apt... .$40.00 Desirable outside 3-ronni and bath apt... .$25.00 FITCH. FOX ft BROWN*. mhl3-tf 1339 F at. n.w. FOR RENT?1023 VERMONT AVE.: 19 ROOMS, 2 baths, $90 per mo. ESTATE OF DANIEL 8. EVANS. Room 6. Evans bide , 1420 New York re. FOR RENT?1415 K ST. N.W.; 14 ROOMS AND 2 baths: $100 per month. Apply Estate of Daniel S. Evans. Room 6. 1120 New York are. VJ A MTTTTl TT ATTfiVC VV - AAV V VJUVi WANTED ? HOUSES ? OWNKIiS OF VACANT houses and flats will find it to their advantage to list their property with as we have more applications for rents than we can supply. I'nsurpassed facilities for renting. Key will be delivered on one hour's notice to any house we have for rent. CISSEL. TALBOTT & CO. llne.t. 94.1 Pa. ave. n.w. Jel8-14t WANTED-! WANT TO BI"Y FOR CASH I modern house with 4 bedrooms; in any good section f Bioomingdale preferred*: price not over $5,000. Address Bo* 157, Star office. jel8-3t WANTElt-TO BUY 2 OR 4 SMALL BRICK houses in street: rent. $12 to $15 per month each; state price and location. Address Bio* 163. Star office. jel8-3t WANTED-I HAVE $10,000 WHICH I WISH to InTest in small properties in Washingtna for a client: submit ench as yon may have. Address I.AWTER P.." Star ofBce Jell-tf _ FOE SALE?LOTS. CITY PROPERTY?UNIMPROVED. A corner lot fronting 153 feet on 17th St. and 100 on Park road. Lot 100*138. fronting 19th street, corner of Newton. * Three lots on Shepherd St., between Georgia avenue and 14tb st. One near 14th St. cars and one near Georgia avenue cars. * Lot in North Brlghtwood. fronting 50 feet by 162 feet on Rittenhouse street. Fourteenth Street Heights, on Georgia avenue, opposite Petwortb, a lot containing 2,000 square feet. KBT-SMITH & LATHAM, INC., Second Floor Front. Evans bldg. Jel8-aa.rn.w-3t FOR SALE-LOT 14 BY 75; SITE SUITABLE for store; 1st st. s.w. bet. D and E sts. Price. $800. 220 Oxford bldg. Je20-3t* FOk SALE? W ST. AND ADAMS ST. BBtween North Capitol and 1st sts., wast; tots on grade, alley in rear. A builder can aecura any frontage desired on accommodating terms. H. L. RUST. Trustee. 1400 H st. n.w. W. J. BROWN. Trustee. 1413 H st. n.w. Ie8-tf FOB EXCHANGE. FOK EXCHANGE?MOST BEAUTIFUL HOME in Cleveland Park, 1ft rooms, all well planned and spacious; tiled baths; hardwood. Built like a palace. Lot 100x300. Original old forest shade trees; flowers and vines. Price, $25,000. Want other smaller property. MOORE A HILL (Inc.). 1333 G at. n.w. Je]8-eo.2t FOR EXCHANGE ? NEWARK ST.. BEST street in Cleveland Park; 3-story cottage. 9 rooms. Price. $9,000. Trade for lot or smaller house. MOORE 4 HILL (Inc.). 1333 G St. n.w. Je 1 H-eo. 2t FOR EXCfiANGE?A HANDSOME HOME NEAR Conn. ave. and S at.; 2 baths; built by Nolan, the high-grade builder; 10 rooms; aouth front. $9,900. Want lots. MOORE & HILL (Inc.), 1333 G at n.w. Jel.S-eo.2t FOR EXCHANGE-OWNERS. SEND PARTTCUlars of property you wish to exchange for improved or unimproved, city or country. Get personal attention aud results. MoGF.E * KENGLA. 1701 14th st. n.w. Jel0-90t FOR EXCHANGE - HOUSES. LOTS. APABTments. suburban and farm properties: a big list: anything you want for something you don't want. L. fe F. PRINCE. 721 Bon<T bldg. Je2-fl0t FOR SALE OB EXCHANGED FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-LOT NEAR WAR DEPARTMENT. 75x183; suitable for offices for government, hotel or apartment house; priee. $2.5n foot; will Join with builder or exchange for other property; chance seldom offered to cirhangc for such high-class location. KARR1CK A METCALF. 1320 N. V. ave. Jel8-3t FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-WILL TRADE handsome 10-r<?im bouae on avenue, near Iowa Circle; hay-window brick, large front and rear yard; steam heat; for unimproved ground or two famllv apartment. KARRICK A METCALF. 1320 X. Y. ave. Jel8-3t j FOB SALE?BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE?TO CLOSE AN ESTATE. F1NH business property. 3-story brick building on 14th st. near L: wide frontage with good depth to alley. Offers wanted. Worth looking UI> WALTER A. BROWN. 624 14th at. n.w. Je166t COLONIAL BEACH PROPERTY. FOR SALE- CHEAP FOR CASH! ONE OF THB finest ft-room cottages at the Bearb; well situated; good water; shady; open daily: must be seen to be appreciated. Inquire ELLETT. 319 11th st. s.w.. city. Je9-tf OUT-OF-TOWN REAL ESTATE. FOR KENT?A BKAl'TlFt'L HOME FOR THE Miimmer; furnished and use of fruit; very reasonable. Address F. H. JAMES, Jr., Jel9-3t? Round Hill. Va. i itMArr.ARr. itereral cottages for rent and Bale. App'f (Uil I'a. are. s.e. or phone Lincoln M2. )el8-3f country property. t'oit SALE?AT CARPER. LAND FROM ONE acre up to Bfty. at 1160 to $300 per acre. Alao 33 acres close to Balls Hill. $2 300. JOHN W. BA PC KM AX * 80N. Heradeo, Va. Iel8-3t* for rent business property MOVING PICTURE THEATER BITE POR rent near Midway. 14th at.; bulldtpf will be erected to suit tenant. KARK1CK * METCALF. 1320 N. Y. are. Jel8 3t " Wanted?business property WANTED?BUSINESS PROPERTY; NOT OVER $20,000: any section of this city. Address MaJ. R. B. C., care Ardnore Hotel, 516 isth at. ?.w. JelSSt FOR 8A1R?HOUSES. run MALE?A CLEVELAND PARK CORNER. Beautiful 1" mom bona*, 2 stories attic. hot water beat. W^no Lars* lot with southern snd eastern MNNrr. MOORE k HILL (Inc.I. 1333 O at n.w. FOR SALE-COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. Th? finest new noose ever offered ta this attractive residence section; 6 rootni* 2 stories, cellar, furnace, good bath. $3,500. IxK-ated on choice residence street. MOORE A HILL (Inc.). 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE?TWO-FAMILY APARTMENT. Prominent residence street northwest; not far oat; close to all car lines. Good renter. Original price. $8,000; $6,000. This is a bargain. This is too good to remain long unsold. MOORE & HILL (Inc.). 1333 Q St. n.w. FOR SALE?SMALL INVESTMENT. Six-room house northwest. Rent, $20.50. Price, $2,*00. This is a new brick and Is located on prominent residence avenue. MOORE A HILL (Inc.i, 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE-AXOTHER SMALL INVESTMENT. Six-room brick with all improvements. Rent, $17.ft". Price. $2,000. MOORE A HILL (Inc.), 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE-SEMI-DETACHED HOUSE. Capitol Hill. 8 rooms; good condition. $4,650. Fine Wat ion; overlooking park. MOORE A HILL tlnc.i, 1333 G st. n.w. FOR SALE-IT ISN'T NECESSARY ?to pay a big price to get a house with a side yard in addition to the usual frout and back yards. New houses open on three sides. They are among the handsomest houses of the site ever bnllt In Washington. They are of 7 and ? rooms and are built and finished equal to anything at several * times the price. Note the description in brief: Two stories and ATTIC?attic over the whole of the house. Hot-water heat; electric light and gas. Parqnet floors first story; paneled dining rooms with beamed celling. Instantaneous heating for hot water; gas logs and hardwood trim upstairs and down? Tiled baths, laundry tubs and servants' toilet in cellar. Covered front and rear porches and steel girder construction. Some have seven rooms sad some have nine: the lots range from 3d feet to 5tJ feet in width. Prices. $1,930 to $H.230. See us and let us tell you fully about them. They'll surprise you MOQRF. A HILL (Inc.), 1333 G St. n.w. FOR SALE?CLEVELAND PARK. The suburb with a national reputation. See us about homes there. We are showing a number of new hou?es there that are fery attractive. We are the original agents of Cleveland Park and have the only complete list of properties for sale in the Suburb Beautiful. MOORE & HILL (Inc.l. 1333 G s$. n.w. FOR SALE-HIGH CLASS RESIDENCE. $35,000. Unquestionably the most for the money in a high-class new residence under $00,000. NOTE THE DESCRIPTION: Locate 1 on one of the wide avenues and extenling through to a numbered street in the desirable northwest, and surrounded, by homes costing as high as $125,00). The house Is a comer and HAS A FRONTAGE OF OVER 50 FEET; handsome design of Spanish?white stone and brick, and an overhanging red tile roof. The arrangement Is most desirable and spacious?large entrance hall, a library, drawing room, dining room (22x23). large pantry and kitchen: four large rooms and two hatha on second floor; three large rooms and bath, besides two servants' rooms and servanta' bath, on third floor; automobile accommodations. APPLY FOR OUR LI8T OF FINE RESIDENCE PROPERTIES. MOORE & HILL (Inc.). 1333 G St. n.w. FOR SALE?HOUSE WITH GROUND IN WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. BeautIfnl 12-room semi-detached house; desirably situated and convenient to both car systems. $12,900. The bouse Is among the most attractive ever offered for sale In Washington. It Is remarkably well planned, with all rsimi large and well lighted. The construction and finish arc of the lest. The decorations are in keeping with the high character of the house. Colonial design, with covered front porches; three covered porches at the rear. EIGHT* BEDROOMS. Lot 25x1424 to alloy. H?om for stable oc garage. MOORE & HILL (Inc.t. lWl G st. n.w. FOR SALE?MT FLEA 8AXT. No Doer house In the market at anything like the price. ? ? rooms; batii and shower: front entrance to cellar; lot 30x105 feet to alley; room for a garage or atahle. Me invite comparison of the workmanship and construction of other houses at similar or higher figures. Price, *1715? i. Be sure to see this before It is sold. MOORE * HILL (Inc.). i:?3 G st. n.w. FOR SALE?COLL'M RIA HEIGHTS. Six-rooin bouse. Just eolith of Park road. *4.75o. HOT-WATER HEAT, with automatic adjustment; beautiful tiled bath; concreted cellar; large pantry, with window; high-grade plumbing; handsome decorations; good yard. Easy terms if desired. MOORE A HILL (Inc.). V133 G st. n.w. FOR SALE-BARGAIN ON HEIGHTS. NEW HOUSE. Beautiful location. Convenient situation. Perfect const ruction. Choice neighborhood. Best elevation. Charming plan. PRICE. *7,250. Nine rooms. * Twenty feet wide. Hot-water heat. Two opert t)replaces. Electric and gaa lights. Large library finished la hardwood, including door. Two handsome tiled hatha, with shower bath in addition. Covered front porch. Double back porch. Hardwood trim. Hardwood floors. Refrigerator In kitchen. Ample closet space. Servants' toilet. Laundry tubs. Steel girder. MOORE it HILL (Inc.). 1113 G st. n.w. FOR SALE?CONVENIENT TO UNION 8TAtlon and government printing Olflce. At Tractive new o-rm. Dries; all modern conveniences: good through residence at reel; one square from two car lines. 13.600. This is a reduced price and a big value. If you are seeking a goad home for little money you cannot afford to uiLs seeing this. MOORE ft HILI. (lnc.i. 1*1.1 G at. n.w. FOR SALE?BEAUTIFUL CORNER. West of 16th st. in exclusive residence neighborhood; 11 rooms; wide frontage; hot-water beat. An unusually handsome house at a reduced price. 911.000. This is several thousands under real * value. If lookiug for a high-class home at a bargain figure ask to see this. MOORF. ft HILL tine.). 1.133 G st. n.w. FOR SALE?THIS WAS $15,000. Price reduced to close estate to $10,000. A corner In central nortiiweat; two choice residence streets; not far out; 12 rooms. 25 feet front. Deep lot: room for stable: remarkably well built house with large, high-eeilinged rooms: double parlors on first floor. MOORE ft HILL Unc i, mi G st. n.w. FOR SALE-119 1ST ST* S.W.; $200 CASH, balance to autf; frame house; room on front oi lot for two additional houses; price, $2,009. 220 Oxford hldg. Je20-3t? FOR SALE IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THE best built house in Washington, brand-neu\ Investigate; contains 0 bright rooms, large tiled bathroom; all standard plumbing; gas and elec trie lighting; hot-water beat; hardwood trim; handsome decorations: house 20 feet wide; con venient to best car service in city: first-class location. I will sacrifice and aell on easy terms. Address OWNER, Box tW, 8tar office. FZO-Ot _ FOR SALE?$5,300; BEN ED AT $45 PEE MONTH TO GOOD niNANT; TWO-APT. HOUSE; 11 ROOMS AND 2 BATHS': NORTH WEST. CHAB. A. SHIELDS. 1330 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. Je20-3t FOR SALE?$3,300: RENTED AT $25 PEB MONTH: A T ROOM BRICK. WITH LARGE LOT. NEAR 7TII AND A STS. 8.E.; A FINE INVESTMENT. CHA8. A. SHIELDS. 1330 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. Je20-3t FOR SALE?EXCEPTIONAL OFFER Of BEAUTIFI'L IIOMES At 14TH AND SHEPHERD STS. S.W. Moat picturesque point on till* attractive thoroughfare. , VerT high and very cool. , Theae houaea arc exceptionally wall built and up-to-date In every particular; wide lot to alley; 7 large moms. including large re eeption room: cellar full depth: stationary waahtuba; hot-water heat: hardwood trim; electric and gaa lighting; large closet in eact bedroom; quartered oak floors; colonial front porch and two-story Iron and concrete porrt In rear; tiled bathroom fltted up accord Inn to the most modern ideas. Including showei bath and other accessories; good front antj deep rear yard. It will pay you to inspect theae bouses. The situation is the best and the price reasonable. ONLY |o.300. ON EASY TERMS. FLOYD E. DAVIS. Ttb and E s.w. FOR SALE-AT A SACRIFICE PRICK; NO. 123 D st. n.vr.; rooma and cellar; brtcl dwelling house; tot 814 ft to 128 ft. * a I lev W. C. OUvILl, 723 111% at. ?.w. *18-31*4 FOE SALE?HOUSES. rOR SA1>; On* of the nicest homes !n Co!, llgts ; R Urge inn. on 2 floors: li. n. he?t: gun snd elec. light; lot 25 ft. wide, Urge front porch. House lia* J tin been papered and painted throughout Hardwood floor* and finish: beautiful fixture*. Worth Price onlv WAGSTAFF & WHITE, Inc., 1HM 14th n.w. FOR SALE?W* would like to find a few more like this for sale. On numbered st. n.w. west of 18th. In a fine neighborhood . . and facing a beautiful government rark. In perfect condition. t> rni*. and b.; party wall; nice yards. Price. $4,250. WAGSTAFF & WHITE, Inc.. SM14 14th n.w. FOR SALE?Wash Hgts. Price. $P,50?. Owner forced to sell and will consider an offer. 12 rni*. 2b.. hot-water heat; southern exposure. The adjoining and duplicate recently sold for Sll.nOO. This home Is in perfect repair. Double floors: bard wood flniah. It la seldom you see a house of this character at such a low price. WAGSTAFF & WHITE, Inc., CM 14tb n.w. FOR SALE?Near Pupont Circle; 10r., 2h.. li.-w. heat: gas. and elcc. light, laundry, servants' room and toilet. lot 22xl.t2. This property Is in i>erfcct condition. Hardwood floors and flni*h. Beautifully arranged and modern In every detail. This Is the b'ggest bargain in the citv. WAGSTAFF A WHITE. Inc., 004 14th n.w. FOR SALE?X. W.t west of ifith; Or., tiled b.. h.-w. heat, gas and clec. light, laundry and servants' toilet. Party wall worth $10o. This home recently sold for $s.imio. Just papered and painted, and in the best of condition. It will )iay you to see this one. Owner must sell fnd will sacrifice. Price. $7. loo. WAGSTAFF & WHITE, Inc.. 5104 14th n.w. FOR SALE?English basement on lfitli n.w. above Scott's Circle. Tills house has no eyual at the price, and It's in such a delightful location and in such flue repair, llr., 2 tiled b., h.-w. heat, gas and elec. light, laundry, servants' room and toilet. Price, $13,500. Worth $18,000. ' WAGSTAFF & WHITE, Inc., 004 14th n.w. FOR SALE?This property has a story which can't he told here. We are able to sell it. though, on terms about the same as renting, and you'll find the reason a good one. Built for entertaining, and cost $23,300.' On corner of two of principal sts. n-ar Conn. ave. and S. Now vacant and recently papered and oainted throughout. 12r. and 2b. Price. $14,500. You'll never sec a better chance than this. WAGSTAFF & WHITE. Inc.. 004 14th n.w. FOR SALE?To desirable colored purchaser. We liavc one new Or. and b., fur.bcated brick borne that we can sell on terms better than renting. Very cheap. In n.w. Look Into this. WAG8TAFF & WHITE. Inc.. 1IQ4 14lh n.w. FOR SALEPRICE REDUCED TO *4.800. FACING SOUTH ON COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. Here is the chance yon have been waiting foi Many have needed and have lieen looking t buy a THREE-story pine-room hotne. and yj have been unable to pay the price asked. I order to obtain some cash the owner of thi attractive bay-window brick has decided to r? ducp the price to a figure where buyers woul quickly recognize a bargain, and thereby los no time in securing a purchaser. The presen rrlce asked puts this house in a class to itseli t is less than that asked for two-story sij room houses in the vicinity, which are less dt Irahle than the one we offer. A good lot, tot 18x10." to alley. Furnace heat. 8TONK & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. Je20-2t FOR SALE?16.500. PRACTICALLY A CORNER. All the advantages, except you need not po; the price of one. Lot 30x127. A nearly new house: beautlfn! tiled bath HOT-WATER HEAT; SIDE YARD. The location is one of the choicest on th1 Height#?weot of 16th. Be sure to see thi bouse If you are considering buying a nic home. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 Nefr York are. Jc2Q-2f FOR SALE?*4,750. IX MOUNT PLEASANT. Lot 50x125. Two stories, cellar and attic: four roomi deep on a floor: furnace heat and open fire Slaces: rear porches. A chance to secure i ne borne In this desirable section at a prici you would ex|iect to pay for the same housi In a far snburb. * ? STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. Je20-2t FOR SALE-wNEAR THE GOVERNMENT PltTvi IX OFFICE. A FINE LARGE HOUSE AT siCBiPtcir to sprrti? xv vasiTp. nnict $4,500; RENTING FOR $33 A MONTH; THREE-STORY DWELLING. rONTAJXIXG 1 ROOMS; FIRST-CLASS CONDITION; 21 FEEFRONT; SOUTHERN EXPOSURE. TH1 HOUSE ALONE WOULD COST OVER $5,00 TO BUILD. STONE it FAIRFAX, 1342 New York are. Je20-2t * OXLt $4,006; " $300 CASH. $25 MONTHLY. 3610-21-23 11TH ST. N.W. 2 SQUARES NORTH OF PARK ROAD. 2-STORY AND CELLAR COLONIAL HOMES. TRIMMED THROUGHOUT IN HARDWOOD HOT-WATER HEAT. DEEP I/)TS TO ALLEY BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED. OPEN. WM. H. SAUNDERS St CO., Jelft-.1t 1407 F ST. N.W. FOR SALE?ONE OI1 SIX MCE. LARGE SI3 room* and hath; deep lots to alley; 22 fee parking; bay windows. press-brick front* rented good tenants; 12 per cent Investment 615 F st. n.w. Jel9-3t* FOR HALE?SIX ROOM, BAY-WINDOW BRICI on Capitol Hill; all m.l.; price, $3,S0<>. Ad dress Box 172. Slur office.. Jel9-3t* FOR 8ALEA 3-story 10-room and bath brick bouse; la re stable and garage in rear: will rent for $6 per month for entire property; sitnated on 3 at. n.w. between Q and R sts. A fine invest ment. On Q at. between 20th and 21st, a lieautifii home: all modern improvements; facing south an exceptional opportunity for a nice home for a reasonable sum. l'rice, $15,0UU. Term to suit. A detached house on the corner, containing rooms and hath: located on Shepherd st. nea 14th; in growing section of the city. A rar chance to secure a nice home property for reasonable sum of money. A 12-room 2-bath English basement house o Columbia road, near the Highlands apartment A handsome home. Two 10-room and 2-batb houses on Irving si near 16tb. A fine Investment. On Biltmore street, a 10-room snd bath boiist 11 - room and 2-bath house, with <-o!ouial porch semi-detached. First floor has parlor, dinin room, reception hall, kitehen and pantry. Th two upper floors contain four rooms and bat each. Steam heat. Overlooking Rock Croe Park. l.arge lot. with driveway on the sidf Situated on Irving street. A handsome new granite house in the eleve hundred block of 16th st.; containing 2t? room and 5 bath*: servants' quarter* to themselves A masnifleont nronertv. for reasonable sum. In rbo thirteen "hundred block of Connecticu nr., two Ill-room and bath English basemen bouses; suitable for physicians. On I-amont street. 1(>-room and 3-hath housf In Petwortb. 8-room and bnth house; heate by furnace: containing concrete cellar: situate on a corner lot: fronting -4?j by 1?h> feet. Ca he bought for a little more than $5,000. TbI la an exceptional opportunity. KEY-SMITH A I>ATHAM (Inc.). Second Floor Front. Evans bldg. Jel8-3t.eSu FOB SALE ?GREAT BARGAIN ON F.AS terms; excellent home; 0 rooms, modern batb cellar: hot-water heat; two stairways; all i splendid condition; ail conveniences; concrete garage; rare chance for <iulck buyer: prlct $0,700; way below cost* near 13th and Fall mont sts. WALTER A. BROWN, 024 14th at. n.w. Jel8-3t FOR SALE-BY OWNER, FINE NINE ROOl house, splendid location, Columbia Heights everything the beat houaes have; party wall worth $300; only $<1,500; must lie seen. I , you are looking for a good investment writ at once. Address Box 102. Star office. JeIS-8t* , ;FOR SALE-BARGAIN?FRONTING B ST s.w.. overlooking Smithsonian Park; deslrabl , home property; containing 11 rooms and batb ideal location: luiprovementa alone would cos $7,000. If sold within the next week, price $0,00). H. H. JOHNSON. Phone Main 2385. 306 7th St. s.w. JeX8-3t # FOR SALE?WITHIN HALF SQUARE OI ; Stoneleigb Court; splendid nine-room and batl dwelling, walking distance of government de partntents and business section. Ideal locutioi for physician or dentist. Only $8,500. THOMAS J.^FISHER & CO., Inc.. Jel8-3t > 738 15th at. n.w. ; FOR SALE?TWO NEW STORES. RENTINt for $51. in good location. T-easeJ for threi i years to clewlrable tenants. This Is a safe au( conrerratiTe income producer. Price onlj THOMAS J. FISHER A CO.. Inc., Jel8-3t 738 18th st. n.w. ON "O" ST. N.W. NEAR 7TH: F.IGHT ROOMS and bath; twenty-one ' foot fr.rnt. Will ex change clear of incumbrance. Price. $4.1)00. THOMAS J. FISHER & CO.. Inc.. JelS-3t <738'15th St. n.w. FOB SALE?$7,000. OX THE HEIGHTS. WEST OF 14TH STREET. VERY ATTRACTIVE 3 STORY BRICK RES IDEXCE. CONTAINING 10 ROOMS. TILE3 ? RATH. HOT-WATER HEAT. LAUNDRY, SEN I V ANT'S TOILET. ETC. HARDWOOD TRIS i ON MAIN FLOOR. 2-STORY HEAR PORCH I EVERY ROOM LIGHT AND AIRY. LOT 18: 150 TO 20-FOOT PAVED ALLEY. 8MAL1 I CASH PAYMENT. BALANCE SECURED B1 ONE (D DEED OF TRUST AT 5%. AN Or PORTUNTTY SELDOM OFFERED. L. W. GROOMES. 1410 "G" ST. JellQt MAIN 0852. FOR SALEYou cannot afford to boy wit boat oeolng our lint. It la a recogatxod medium of tbe boot the market produce* t - and always at the lowest prices. t It will par you to consult us. MOORS ft BILL (Inc.), 1338 Q sL bt. 1 mm-m m , t FOB SALE?HOUSES. F??R 8<*LK- TD COLORED PURCHASER. 2 lory brlrk. A rooms anil hath; furnace hnt; cellar und*-r entire house; lot 21*130. Price, $3.5"*). Address Boa 117. Star o|n>. Jel*-3t roit Salj&? ??? headquarters FOR REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. WE OFFER THE BEST PROPERTIES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. OWNERS WHO WISH TO 8ELL QUICKLY PLACE THEIR PROPERTY WITH US. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY . WITHOUT SEEING OUR LIST. STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1312 New York m ? FOB SALE?APABTMEHTS. ~ A TWO-FAMILY APARTMENT HOUSE ON Irving st. near 11th st.; very reasonable. KEY-SMITH & LATHAM. Inc.. Second floor front. Evans bldg. Je18-.1t.eSu SUBUBBAN PBOPEBTY. FOR SALE. FOR SALE?FRIENDSHIP HEIGHTS; TWO beautiful new houses Just completed; hardwood finish: polished maple floors; walls prettily decorated; large grounds; open for Inspection; see them. HENRY W. OFFUTT. Wis. ave. and N st. Jel0-4t FOR SALE-STORE. WITH 7 ROOMS. SIR rounded by two acres of Tery shady ground: plenty fruit. There la a tenant house on the property, which is occupied. - This property Is in a growing community, very near Washington. Also house and lots, sdtoll and large farms on easy terms. Write or call at 235 4^ st. n.w. or phone M. 5922. JeI9-2t*0 KENSINGTON, MI).. HOME; DWELLING 8 rooms, bath: excellent condition; water, aewer. gas, furnace: corner lot. 110x130; fine location. Apply premises or J. M. PROCTOR, District Atty's office. Jel9-3t*4 FOR .SALE?11 ACRES OF LAND. ADJOINING University Park; can be bought for $3,500. Also 4 acres situated In Trnlevtown. 1). C.; can he Itought cheap. Apply to Mrs. WM. BRITT, Tenleyrown. D. C. jcl8-3t* * A r><< tt ? n/\i>tl ??< ? ------- unrnTH nifUBEil AUIIIil .MiWi largo porches; well on hack; shade, garden. Iiarn-; acre ground: easv terms. Or will rent. It. COLTON LEWIS. Vienna. Va. JelR-3t* FOR SALE?AT WOODRIDGE, F.LEO ANT home; cellar under entire house; Sexton warmair furnace and laundry trays; hot water for summer and winter use; large kitchen with gas range: large pantry and rear poreh; library with open fireplace; bay windows in lining ^-ooin and parlor; large reception hall; dressed and waxed floors; three large bedrooms with closets: all modern Improvements. r- House will So decorated to suit pnrehaser. ? Lot 40x120. Buy direct of owner and snve ^ agent's commission. Price. $4,250. Cadi. $50'?. n and $.'{0 per month. O. I. NIGH. 2904 25th St. 8 l'lione North 7005. sel8-7t d FOfc SALE-BE QUICK TO GET PLEASANT e grove, or either of two other places, wllb it acreage, mile south of and on Rockvlllo clecf. trie. Box 1, Route 3, Rockvllle, Md. i- Jel8-.1t* 3. 5 AND 10 ACRES; HIGH GROUND, BEAUtlful view, surrounded by fine estates; rich solt; near steam and electrics, at Hyattsvllle: prices now $90n to $500 per acre: ea?v terms: adjoining land $l.O00; hi.lid a bungalow, get health ntyl a living from garden, orchard, chickens and cons, and this land will groi* J into a fortune. KARRICK & METCALF, 1820 N. Y. ave. Jel8-3t 5 FOR SALE-CHEVY CHASE. p UNIMPROVED. , BRADLEY LANE? 100 Xeet front by 2f?o feet, overlooking -the Golf Links. , >t,. .? 160 feet front by 304 fe^t. 'midway "between Brookvijle road and Connecticut avenue. SO foeg front hy 125 feet, corner of Bradley Lace and HrookvllJe road. Ql'INCY STREETi 100 feet front by 150 feet deep. 1 SONNEMAN'S ADDITION? s 60 feet front by 130 feet on Brookville road. S CONNECTICUT AVENUE? Two adjoining lots; 100 feet front by 200 feet deep. 00 feet front by 200 feet 'deep. . Just north of the Chevy Chase Club. RAYMOND STREET\ Two lots fronting 200 feet by 230 feet deep 2 (both eorners). r H BROOKVILLE ROAD? 0 12-aere trset at the intersection of Primrose street. FLORIDA STREET? One block east of cars; lot 50 by 150 feet. Triangular lot. hounded by Irving street. Western avenue and Brookville road, containing 9,2u2 sq. ft. Bargain. FOR SALE?CHEVY CHASE. IMPROVED. , Primrose street. nt??r Intersection of Brookville road. 6-room and bath frame house; two I ^c*t_. *AA. A A- (A siunca nuu nine, f<),uuu; inois iu sun. At corner of Primrose street and Brookville road. 9-rootn and bath. 2-story .and attic frame - house; $7,500; terms to suit. t On Primrose street. 8 rooms and bath; 8I story bouse; $6,750; terms to suit. Lenox street near Brookville road, 12-ro<yn " and baYh, 3-story and attic house; large ve? randas; lot 100 by 125 feet; a corner; $10,900; terms to suit. On Morrison s'treet, 9-room and bath. 2-story p and finished attic house; $10,500; terms to suit. *? 9 * j On Irving street, one-half block treat of Connecticut avenue. 9-rooni and bnth house, with large grounds; one of the prettiest piacea in ,1 Chevy Chase; $12,500; terinn to snlt. KEY-SMITH & LATHAM, INC., h Second Floor Front. Evans Bldg. jcl8-sa.rn.w-3t ? BBRWYN. MI> : IX>T 160*120; IMPROVED BY r a "-room and bath, 2-atory frame house, with e concrete cellar, furnace heat; stable, frnit, a large verandas. Price, $3,250; terms to suit. II SILVER SPRING. MD.; handsome place on L- Blair road; lot 67x350, improved by a 2-atory and attic frame bouae; 9 rooms and bath; concrete collar: gasoline motor for pump?$9,780; terms to suit. '= BELT8VILLE. MD.; thirty-three acres. 25 ? under cultivation; improved by an 8-room h frame house; $4,750; terms to suit. * KEY-SMITH & LATHAM, INC., Second Floor Front. Evans Bldg. n jel8-sa.rn.w-3t s FOR SALE-THREE SNAPS, CHftVY CHASfc. i. 100x140, close to Raymond St.. $450; 100x250, close to Taylor at., $850; 1% acres, high, good it view. $1,800. t Jel8-7t.eSii H. M. MARTIN. 14Q4 H st. n.w. '. FOB SALE?TAKOMA PARK, d I am authorized to sell one of the most atd tractive homes In Takoma Park AT A BARn GAIN TRICK. House has 9 rooms and bath: s hot-water heat: lot 50x200; garden and chicken yard: fine shade trees; near street cars. Beasonnble terms. THIS IS A BARGAIN. For price and full information see H. L. THORNTON. Takoma Agent, " Je1S-3t 607 13th at. n.w. I. FOR SALE?$25 MONTHLY: NO CASH PAYn mont?house In good condition: 8 rooms and <1 ' bath; attic, cellar, furnace: porch 68 ft. long: >, one acre of good land, planted to grapes, etc.: r- poultry house; located near electric cars ami school. Annly to owner. \V. R. WILSON, Rlve||lale. Mdj, Price. $3.7QQ. e!8-3t - FOR SALE?BIG BARGAINS IN REAL ES if T*TV NF.ATi TTASHIWrnN riTV AS acres i; on Great Falls and Old Dominion Electric road: I. adjoining. Dr. Tabor Johnson's and Admiral f IUxoy's fine lands; for less than one cent per e square foot; five i-ent fare to any part of Washington; also 7 acres highly improved, and a 4-rnom new bungalow, with 14 acre. $2,100: terms. $100 down, balance *20 per month; 3 6-room houses, with large lots, only $23 per e month; also. 10 miles from city, highly lm: proved farm of 13o ncres, $40 per acre: ahd a t large tract of 700 acres, only $21 per acre. , < Call for map and particulars. JAMES E. CLEMENTS, je!8-3t* 1410 G st. n.w. AUCTION SALE OF 2508 ACRES AND 14 building lots near new 16tlj st.. In "Argyle 7 Park." Friday, June 24, at 5 p.m. For par [i ticulars moo Thos. ,T. Owen & Son's ad under auction sales in this paper. The recent opening u of lrttb st. through this locality makes this property very attractive for Investors and homeseekers. je!5-8t FOR SAI.E?TAKOMA PARK PROPERTY. ' I have everything that is for sale in Takoma * -HOUSES AND LOTS. SOME BIQ BAR, GAINS. ; H. L. THORNTON, Takoma Agent, *ell-ut 607 13fli st. n.w. FOR SALE-BEAUTIFUL HOME; lft ACRES: stream: open lreplaces; gas; bath; tang ana ~ engine: hot-water heat; lawn and trees: 33 * minutes to Treasury. Phone H. L-, Main 8026. " f or JBos 228. 8tsr office. mjitJOt* WANTED - TO SELL ELEGANT1 SUBURBAN acreage on 14th street electric; bargain to prompt purchaser. Apply Jefl 'iaw.6t*4 A. C. RAY. Ashland. Va. FOR SALE-HOMES, LOTS; ALL LOTS ARE I- choice lots In Wisconsin Avenue Park; city 3 sewer; city water: gas, electric lights available; one ear fare; 30 minutes to Treasury: ( values rising dnlly; 14 new homes already built, 5 more will be built and ready for oecu( pancy; buy now and reap the profits; terms L, easy. Take F st. cars marked Georgetown, f get free transfer to North Chevy Chase or - Rockvllle line, get off at Fessenden at. Resident agent on ground Sundays and holidays, or call at office. H. F. HANDLER CO. (Inc.) 703 11th at. n.w. Look for the Red Arrow Sign. je4-eo,15t ~ FOR BALL?CAI.DWELL HOMES AT WOODeide, Md., on Forest Glen electric B.R.; only one left; 8 rooms, modem conveniences; lffc acres; near schools and churches; $5,000; easy terms. Lots for tale. Apply owner. Dr. t. CALDWELL, 1st ave., Woodslde. mylfctf SUBUBBA* PBOPBBTT. rOR SALS. POR BAI.N-A LARUE AXD mL LOCATED lot In Tiktm Park at 1^ rents per foot. Address OWNER. 5Sl I'd loo Trust bldg. Jel*-St* A 30TH CENTURY !HBt'RB FOR 90TB GSMTl'RY PEOPLE. SO MOP URN. UP-TO-DATE. SANTTART. HIOH. HFALTHY AND COMMANDING A MAGNIFICENT VIEW OP WASHINGTON. SUBURBAN HOMES WITH ALL CITY CONVENIENCES. THE BEST BUILT HOUSES IN OR NRAB THE DISTRICT. ARTISTIC IN DESIGN. SANITARY PLUMBING. LARGE LOTS. AT ROSEMOXT. VIRGINIA. (IS minutes from P. O. corner.) PACTS. NOT PROMISES. Water. gas. electricity, a complete sewer syatem. granolithic sidewalks. Implored streets. a $3,000 electric railway station. Ball telephone aerrice. mall dellrerlea and collections, police and Are protection; household supplies deHvmd dally; convenient to schools and churches. For the Inspection of this property car tickets wit)oat charge can he secured at the office of th? ROIEMONT DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. Inc.. 313 Evans hldg.. Washington. D. C. myi0-90t.36 ATT. IDA Is acknowledged by all to ha the moat beautlful place for a nuburban home around Washington. We have granolithic walk*, sewers, running water, electric lights he lag Installed, high elevation, low prices, eaay terms: only 16 minute* from 12th and Pennsylvania avenue; frequent cars. Call at general office. 617 ISth at., gat plat, booklet and tickets to go out. MOUNT IDA REALTY COMPANY. apl4-90t,14 FOR SALE-FINEST LOTS IK TAKOMA PARK; near electric and steam car lines; water, sewer and gas; cheap and on eaay terms. J. P. EARNEST. Trustee. 323 4% at. iv. apl-tf ARE YOU GOING TO STAY IN THB CJTY ALL SUMMER and suffer from heat and crowded quarters, besides making your landlord richer? We can offer you plenty of room, froah, cool air. and in the end you will be the owner ef a pretty and convenient borne, at ae mora expense to yon tnan paying rant. Coma on to GROVES PARK and sea what we can offer. Lots and bungalow sites for sale. Office 617 13th at. n.w. ap17-BOt.!4 A RARE OPPORTUNITY; ATTRACTIVE house and furniture, with 19.000 aq. ft. of ground, all modern improvements, aurrttanded by privet hedge, with handsome shade trees and shrubbery, furnished completely, in Chevy Chase section, on Conn. avc. car line, for $6,730, on eaay terms. If you want a auh urban home see this. R. E. L. YELLOTT, 1410 H. Chevy Chase telephone Cleve. 390. 1e9tf . FOR SALE OR RETT. FOR SALE OR FOR RENT?SO. 33 AND 33 Maple et.. Takoma Park. 6 r.. a. m. 1.. hot water heat: $23.50 per month, by the year. Jel7.rxsu-3t FOR SALE OR EICHAWOE. SUBURBAN' HOMES BUILT FOR COMFORT at your own terms, or will exchange. Apply to EUGENE BUSH. 2912 14th at. n.w. je$-3t? FOR KENT. FOR REST?A BUNGALOW. FURNISHED. 3769 McKlnley at.. Chevy Chase. D. C., 3% months; large screened porch, flowers, vegefable garden. Phone Clove. 303. Je20-3t FOR RENT-FURNISHED HOUSE TO OCT. 1. 9 rooms, gas. water, sewer; one aere. mostly natural grove, and garden: 33 minutes' run to F and Hth; good car service. 452 Blair rd. Pbone 40 K. Jel9-2t* FOR RENT-ON TENLKYTOWX CAR UNE, Wisconsin ave. bet. Davenport and Elltott sts.; 6-room bouse, porches, water; $13 per month. ANDREW L. PAYNE, Tenleytown. D. C. jel9-2t* 4317 8TH ST. N.W., 8R. AND BATH... .$25.00 5819 PIney Branch road n.w 30.00 LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER, 612 14th st. n.w. jel9-3t FOR RENT?TAKOMA PARK-2 HOUSES. ? apd 8 rooms and bath each. Kent. $26.50 and $80 per month each by the year. je!8-3t H. L. THORNTON. 007 13th St. n.w. FOR RENT FURNISHED. TAKOMA PARK. FOR THREE MONTHS. House of 8 rooms and bath $80.00 House of 12 rooms and bath $40.00 These houses have large lots, porches and shade. Apply at once. Jel8-3t H. L. THORNTON. 607 13th St. n.w. RENT FOR SUMMER?FURNISHED HOUSE, eleven rooms and bath; ten minutes to Hth st. cars; thirty minutes to Treasure; high grounds and woods. Address Bot 133. Star office. jel8-3t* CHEVY CHASE?FURNISHED. Cor. Lenox and Brookvllle road. 12 rooms and bath $100 Cor. Irving and Brookvllle road. 12 rooms and bath , ....r 100 UNFURNISHED. 3 Irving street east. 12 rooms apd 3 baths.$100 KEY-8MITH A LATHAM, INC.. Second Floor Front. Evans Bldg. Iel8-ss.rn.w-3t FOR RENT?FURNISHED; FOR THE SUMMER months, a large bouse in Chevy Chase. M<L: containing 13 moms; two acres of shaded lawn; garage and garden: fresh cow, if desired. For particulars apply to WEAVER BROS., 141G F st. n.w. JelS-tf FOR RENT?FURNISHED: VERY ATTRACT Ive 9 room dwelling: best part of Takoroa: near cars; large grounds: plenty of shade. For rent for the summer; $73 per month. WILCOX. HANE A CO,, Inc., 1420 F st. n.w. Jel8-3t FOR RENT-FURNISHED HOUSE. JULY 1 TO Oct. 1, 4 bedrooms, 2 sleeping porches, servant's room, large yard and porch oh 2 aides of bouse; gas range. 14 Kirke St.. Chevy Chase, Md. Jel8-3t* IN CHEVY CHASE FOR THE SUMMER. From the 15th of June to the 15th of October, furnished. $83.00 per month. From the 20th of June to.the 20th of September, famished. $300.00. From the 15th of Jnne to November or December, furnished, per m?nth. $100 00. From the 1st of July to the 15tb of September, furnished. $73.00 per month. From the lath of June to the 15th or September, furnished, |60.OO per month. B. K. L. YBLLOTT. 1410 H nt. n.w.. Chevy Chase phone, Cleveland 300. Jei3-u FOR REXT?NEW: 3922 CBK8APEAKB ST. n.w.; 6 rooms and bath; large lot; 127.80 per month. HEISKELL ft MeLERAN. 1403 B it. n.w. Phone Main 068. my28-tf FOR REXT?FINE SUBURBAN PROPERTY. $45 month; roomy, double house, 2 stories and basement; 12 large, bright rooms. 2 bathe; furnace; gas and city water; large porches and grounds; 16 minutes from city; 2 car lines, one fare; atones, churches, schools and all conveniences. J. V. X. ft T. B. HUYCK, 1606 PO. are. n.w.Jell-tf ' WANTED?FARMS. WANTED?TO REXT FOR OXE YEAR. WITH idea of buying, n small farm. 15 acres or more, with comfortable dwelling; must be {.ood elevation: on car line preferred. Address, with all particulars. Box 174. Star office. JeH?-3t* MEDICAL. Dr. Shade, EE" WASHINGTON'S OLDEST SPECIALIST. Limited to office practice. Hra., 16 to 1 and S to 5:30 dally; Sundays. 10 to 11. Conaultntlou free. Elevator and phone. fe2B-tf,S DR. FISK ELGIN, Expert in treatment of special diseases, chronic and acute. Both sexea. Consultations confidential. Medicine furnished.' Prices moderate. 14 and Pa. ave. n.w. Phone 7047 MalD. Hours, 9 to 1, 3 to 8. Jc3-30t.0 NEURASTHENIA. IMPOTENCY AND GENERAL DEB1IJTY will be CURED by Mechane therapy-resisting movement treatment. Call on Dr. JOHN E. RUEB8AM. 817 14tb at. n.w. HOURS: 2 TO 8 P.M. my31-30t.5 Dr. Reed Specialist, 804 II 7th St* *2.1 vpadq* successful *ta i jtirlllvaj practice in Diseases of the Brain and Nervous System, Skin, Blood. Heart. Stomach. Liver, Kidneys. Bladder. Nose. Throat and Lung*. Stricture. Varioocel. and Hydrocele cured. No pain. No loaa of time. Blood Diseases and Disorders of the Urinary organ* promptly reiierea una permanently cured by safe methods. Charges tow. Frea consultation In person or by letter. Hours: 10 to 1 sad 8 to 8: Sundays. 10 to 1. segl-tf.88 HERB SPECIALIST. MFG. OF HERB REMEDIES, WHICH A*B guaranteed to cure or rollers any and all ailments: men's complaints a specialty. U. A. . I.OI.19 * SONS. 1748 7th at. W-tM ^TJCATKwiL IN WASHINGTON. HALL-NOYES SUMMER Business Night Clsss. slto Prlrste Instruction In Grammar. High and College Preparatory Work, day and nirht; fcth regular year opeos Oct. 1, with boarding department. Frances Mann Hall, A. M., Prin., 82i e st. y.y. "School of the Short Story." WE TEACH YOU TO WRITE. We Publish Our Msgs tine and Offer Prises. 8-WEEK PERSONALLY INSTRUCTED CLASS NOW FORMING. NATIONAL LITERARY BUREAU. Phone Main 1148. ?1? Colorado hldg. Je3-80t.8 OPT Or WAMBUQW. MAPLEWOOD, SStS- I5? fel-d,e8u,?m \ i JtOVXY WABTKD AIB TO LOA*T have a tbijbt rrxn ot'ahVm t ??? <* to latest in Brst inn ?e rlty nroffft; Will let it ia say ananjau. *.Mf. R.? in ^ Star ua?f. j?ia l?i LET l ? MAKE YOUR REAL I ST VTK l.iH vi' 'Hi short iHilltr i? am prepaid tn fuiwi* any amount nf B"Wf at tk* Incmt tneres ntM Give im your application. It Bteuna a . saving to you. GARDINER 4k PENT. Inc.. *12 14th at. a w. I jelBlut MONEY TO I/IAN IX m ils TO M IT ATTl It' rant rates of Internal ??n real estate in the District of Columbia. > FITCH. FOX Jk BROWN. Jet tf IMS F St. n.w. REAL ESTATE AND LOANS. CHARLES A. RAKER, 1110 F at. n.w. _m.v2r. tf.4 Phone Main .M7 ~~ WILL MAKE YOC A LOAN ON YOI'R EQUITY TO pay back payments ami Interest. my24-tf.4 Andreas B>i 222. Star offlce. FIRST AND SECOND TRI ST LOANS. We will loan more on your property than any other concern. Lowest rates. All amounts. Payments arranged to suit you. NO DELAYS. OTEN FNTIL .V30 P.M. NATIONAL IX)AN A INVESTMENT CO.. Thompson Rldg.. "03 l.Ath St. n.w.. 2<1 Poor. Opposite Treasury. Nest to Drug Store. ap29-tf LOANS ON STOCKS. 1NSFRANCE POLICIES, indorsed notes or any food collateral. No d lay. middlemen or red tape. R. R. RENNETT. .MO Met. Rank tydg. Phone Main ?*0S. Jy22-tf MONEY TO IX>AN ON REAL ESTATE. Low interest. Reasonable fees. Prompt action. LARUE LOANS A SPECIALTY GEO. W. LINKINS. 800 I9TI1 ST. N.W. mbltt tf MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED CITY REAL estate at lowest current rates of Interest. Special privileges with respect to prior payments. Large amounts a specialty. TYLER A IM'THEBFORD. 730 15th St. n.w. feO-tf.5 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES OK Interest on D. C. real estate. No unreasonable delay. WALTER H. ACKER. mb29-tf,5 1420 F *t. n.w. MONEY TO LOAN ON D. C. REAL ESTATE? Lowest rates of interest. Payment on principal la amounts of $100 or more received at any in. tereit period. THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY. Bond bldg.. 1408 New York ave. n.w. n?2-tf IF YOC WANT TO BORROW OR LOAN, BUY or tell on real estate I can save you time and cash, as 1 give personal attention to all dealt. de6-tf.4 J. EAK1X UADSBY. 52? 13th at. n.w. WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO auit on D. C. real estate; economical consideration for borrowers. GIVE US YOUR APPLICATION. apl-tf MOORE A HILL fine.). 1333 G at. MONEY TO LOAN-LET US MAKE YOUR NEW loans and replace old ones at lowest rates of Interest. All transactions conducted with economical consideration for borrowers. WM. H. SAUNDERS A CO.. 1407 W at. n.w. mvl7-I>0t.B RAILROADS. lit i.? c m. a ? ntimiiit vuosi une "The Standard .Railroad of tha South." Kotlca.?Ttme of arrivals aad departure* ail COB sections sot guaranteed. 4:10 a.m. dally?Through sleeping can aad coaches to Jacksonville. 4:05 p.m. delly?Through sleeping cats to Charleston. 8. C.; An casta. Savannah. Oa.: Jacksonville, Fla.; Port Tampa. Fla. (for Havanai; Knights Key (for Hat-ana). Through caches to Jacksonville. UNEXCELLED DINING CAB SERVICE. 0:40 p.m. dally?"Palmetto Limited"?Through sleepers to Charleston. 8. C.. and Wilmington. N. C.: thronch coaches to Charleston. Ticket Office. 1419 NEW YORK AVE. SEO. P. JAMES. D. P. A.. Washington. D. O. . a WHITE. G. P. A.; W. J. CRAIG. P. T M-. WHmtngton. X. C. Chesapeake&OhioRailw&y Published only as Information, not guaranteed. 9:00 P.M. Dally.?For Virginia. West Vlrglula and Kentucky points. Pullman eloerers to Cincinnati and Louisville. C. A O. a la carte dining ear from Charlottesville. . 6:30 P.M. Dally ?CINCINNATI ST. LOUIS-CHICAGO SPECIAL. Solid train to St. Louis, with Pullman sleeper to Chicago. Stops only at important stations. Pullman's finest equipment and C. A O. a la carte dining car. 11:10 P.M. Dally.?F. F. V. LIMITED for Cin clnnatl. Louisville, the west, wjiiilme-t and northwest. Pullman sleepers to Virginia Hot Springs, Cincinnati and Louisville. C. A O. a la carte dining car. Chesapeake and Ohio offices at 513 Pennayl- ! vania avenue. 13X9 F street and new l"ni?n station. Telephone Main 1066 and 2306 for ticket*, baggage checks^reservations and taxlcabs. Southern Railway N. B.?Ftfllowing schedule figures published only as information, and are not guaranteed: For Atlanta. Birmingham. Mobile. New Orleans, .Aahevlile. 9:00 a.m. aud 10:45 p.m. daily: 9:00 a.m. daily for Chattanooga and Memphis. For Itoanoke. Knoxville, Chattanooga, Birmingham. New Orleans. 10:10^t.m. dally. For Roanoke. Knoxrllle, Chattanooga. Memphis, Nashville. 4:10 a.m. dally (sleeping car open after 10 p.m.) For Atlanta, Birmingham. Columbia. Charleston. Augusta. Aiken. Savannah. Jacksonville and Florida polnta. 4:15 p.m. daily. Tonrlst ears for California Monday, Wednesday, Thursday. Friday. 4:15 p.m. Local for Harrisonburg. 8:30 a.m. da'lv. 3:38 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. week days; for Danville. 7:80 a.m. dally, and for Charlottesville. 7:30 a.m. and 4:55 p.m. daily: for Warrentoh. 4:55 p.m. daily and 4:30 p.m. week days. Frequent trains to and front Bluemont. L. 8. BROWN. General Agent. Baltimore and Ohio R. R. LEAVE .UNION STATION. ROYAL BLUE LINE. "EVERY OTHER HOVR OX THE ODD HOUR" TO PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK. NEW TERMINAL. 23D STREET. NEW YORK. 7.00 a.m. Diner. Pullman Parlor Car. +9.00 a.m. 5-bonr train. Broiler Parlor Car. 19.00 a.m. Pullman Broiler Parlor Car. *11.00 a.m. Diner and Pnllman Parlor Car. . 1 p.m. Diner ami Pullman Parlor Car. 8.00 p.m. "Koyal Limited." All Pullman. S-br. t4.00 p.m. Coaches to Philadelphia. *5.00 p.m. Diner and Observation Parlor Car. 9.00 p.m. Coaches to New York. 12.15 n't. Sieepera .to New York. 2.52 a.m. Sleepers to Phlla. and New York. ATLANTIC CITY, t" 00. *9.00. tll.00 a.m., 71.00. *3.00 p.m. TO BALTIMORE. "EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR." (Week days. 7.00 a.m. and 11.00 p.m.) 2.52. 75.00, tC.30. *7.00. *7.20. tS.OO. *9.39. 9.00. +9.30. *10.00. *11.00 a.m.. *12.00 noon. tl2.0S. *1.00. 11.15. +2.00. *8.00. +3.20. 43.30. 74.00. 74.45. 5.00, 75.03. *5 30. +0.00. *0.30. 77.00. *8.00, t9.00. *10.00. *10.35. *11.30, *1X19 night. WESTWARD. CHICAGO. *1.22. *3.30 ? *. CINCINNATI. ST. LOUIS and LOUISVILLE. *9.10 a.m.. *4.05 p.m., *12.10 night. PITTSBURG.. *9.10 a.m.. *1.22. *9.10 p.m., 12.30 night (sleeper ready 10.00 p.m.). CLEVELAND. *9.10 p.m. COLUMBUS. *5.30 p.m. WHEELING. *9.10 a.m.. *5.30 p.m. CUMBERLAND, Queen City Special. *8.16 p.m. . WINCHESTER +9.10 a.m.. +4.05. +3 00 n.m. FREDERICK. f8:20. t9.10. |9.20 a.m.. J1.30. t4.05. t5.45 p.m. HAGERSTGWN. tO.lO a.m.. +5.00 p.m. Dally. tExcept Sunday. (Sundays only. TELEPHONES at all of the fol'owlns ticket offices: 1417 O St. N.W.. Main 191; 619 Pennsvlvanla an., Main 278: New Union StationTicket Office, Main 73S0; Information Bureau. Main 73S0. ?ln!ES^!P>!WE mm Schedule of Excursion Trains to and Proas Chesapeake Beach. Effective May 28. 1010. Subject to chance without notice. WEEK DAT8. Going, leave District line at 0:25 and 11:00 a.m.. 2:30. 5:40, 7:45 and 0:45 p.m. Returning, leave the Beach at 6:35 a.m.. 12:43. 2:00, 6:00. 8:00 and 10:00 p.m. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. Going, leave District line at 9:25 and 11:00 a.m.. 2:80. 4:00, 7:45 and 9:45 p.m. Returning, leave the Beach at 7:00 a.m.. 12:43. 2:10, 6:00. 8:00 and 16.00 p.m. PAUL Y. WATERS. General Manager. Take New York are. cars tor District Line ftltiOD. For additional Information telephone Lincoln 1620. my28-tf.25 Seaboard Air Line SCHEDULE. 10:03 A.M. DAILY ? "Florida Fast Mall." Through coaches and Pullman sleepers to Savannah and Jacksonville. Parlor car Jacksonville ta Tampa. Through sleeper to Atlanta. Dining cars7:85 P.M. DAILY?"Seaboard Express." Through coaches and Pullman sleepers Stvsnnsh. Janaonrtlle and Tampa. Alao Atlanta. Birmingham and Memphis. Dining cara. Ticket olBce. 1418 New York are. n.w. K. A. HAH WOOD. C. T. A. GBO. Z. PHILLIPS.D.P.A.. C. B. RYAN.OP.A_ Portsmouth. Vs. Waahlngton. D- O. POTOMAC EIVEE BOATS ; MARYLAND. DELAWARE AND VIRGINIA 1 RAILWAY CO. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MAY IS. _ Staamera leave Washington every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday at 4 p.m. (or riser landings and Baltimore, arriving at Baltlmare early Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. 1 Raterning. leave Baltimore, Pier No. 8. Light e?.f 1 Monday. Wednesday and Saturday at 6 a.m. , arriving In Waahlngton earlv Monday. Wednesday and Friday mornings. All river freight must 1 ha prepaid. Paaoeager accommodation strictly < flrat-clasa. Electrically lighted, and eulalne peg. feCt* STEPHENSON A BBO., Agents. Telephone Main 746. 7th St. Whart. imia-tf.80 LOAM SOCIETY. ? ON DIAMONDS. ~ XV X WATCHES. x Money \ jewelry, etc. / _ \ a Philanthropic Institution. 2 I 1% tO 2% \ capital? I Ma I iaatitotlea in the d I \ x / dem prions made from pawn- , \Extr?/ JSS7. Private aide eatraace. Transactions strictly as J M7-tf.lS Mattel. I 9 % -. ? * r p Mi?at Wiohitifion t?< 11nU?lr1j?!n.i. \* lactic l ify and \f? \<??k ' MICMUN LINK ATTR k<TI\ K ? (TKN It'll 11 I M'?M MI.TIMiiKK TO PMII ll?U'IIO "TtiMUft th<- t Vm|t ik# In<l I Via* are aval I" I'M I I.A I >KI I'H I \ ' ? < Ikr ? ' Idiillf hilim.Hi, )?< ('!? (? I? I'm* IN aohnif-Ht ! ? H and y Hf W It A A K. My , t?, HalllBnrr, tkama Krli'?? I Ida Philadelphia. Kiaiiiirrt aall daily ?*ai<ep< '* d?T, A | l?i?l iln\ hnau dailv tu>l Htm Tleketa ! ? Phlladel ,>li a "it ?a .? K't>hln(tnn at K and o and NX .. H A A I U.V. Ti.-fcot IMfrn \ la.i J KI'Ul ltT lvk'i Apnt, 1.1X'i I' at. N It',, far N?a V-rk Nr lantir t'lty, i'i|a .May A?lnr< I'ark. ocean linn?, Irene Krcirh. N'.bany. tmf and |?tM north. Write for rilOr t'LARKNCK AIIIIVM ?i I* A . Light and Pratt ata.. Halt inv ar. Md. *$EFlIfflE THE MOST CHARMING SHORT SEA TRIPON THE ATLANTIC COAST. STEAMSHIPS MffilTH IMS? & 5338TMITA1 TO PORTLAND. MAINE. Salllrft: Monday. 10 a m . and Tim4?J Thuradity and Saturday. S p.m.. from Plrr 30 Kaat Hirer. S. Y. For full Information iw booklet apply to MAINE S. S. CO.. 380 H road way. N. T. lel-tf.25 ___ MagnlSomt S. S. -ARABIC" j7?>| learea Feb. 4; ratra. $400 up. jjfMolR'jWi Including abora earursloua; 71 |[I?JCMY enchanting day*. Stop-orer prltllegva. Program ready. GRUISSa FRANK C. CLARK. Tlmra Bldg.. New York. R. M. HICKS. IMS F at. n.w? GEORGE W. MOSS. 1411 G at. n.w.. WaaklDfftoS. ?nyl7-tf.1? |==SwMzroHi==]' Sails June 28 for London?Paris?Bremen Wireleaa and Sabmarlnc 81 fa a la. TATT A 11 TO LONDON I'ARII. H /TflPl' i ! Fvp^r^U.nca. il\ ViL L, i. KroIp**WHhelm .Jane 28 K. Wilh'tn II July R i pi yuAfTn K. Wllh m d. Gr..Jnly 13 I CHFRBOIRG. Kr?n!' OciHe...July 1? BREMEN. sigtoiai Rnrhnro??a..July 7 G. Washing! on (new)..July 14 Hrentr-n direct. __ _ _ , TO GIBRALTAR. Tl NAPLES A GENOA. AOT/f Sail In** Sats.. 11 A.M. . 11 11 \w I ( TXock.r June ? J U JJ W U i . ir?nc Jul* 2 ^ tU ~ K. Luiee July ? Berlin (dpbi July ID tI)oe? not mil at Gonna. Independent A round-the-World Tours. Trerelerj' checks nod all ow Ikf world. OELRICHS A CO.. General A;?nti, 8 Broadway. New Tori. '< WASHINGTON OFFICE. 715 Utk at. a.m. K. K. DROOP A SONS CO.. 13th and U ata. n.w. j?23m.w.f.312t II SBH^^hb All Modern Safety Derlcea iWlreleaa, ete.L LONDON?PARIS-HAMBURG. G.Wald>...June23.10am i *Prea. Lincoln. ..July * tKnls'n Aug.Vlc.Jnno 23 1 Amcrfka. July ? Bluecher June 23 Pre*. Grant.. ..Inly K. Deutachland July S Cincinnati July It tl'nex celled Rits-Carltnn a la Carte Ueataurnai. {Hamburg direct. 'New. *rp AT \ r VIA GIBRALTAR. I I A I V NAPLES * rlA-' * AND GENOA. 8. 8. MOLTKF. July 12. $ p.IT K. 8. RATA VIA August 1 S. S. HAMBURG Augnat i HAMBURG AMERICAN LINE. E. E. DROOP A SONR CO.. 13tb and O ata. n.w., Waahlngton. D. O. fcX-.KtSt FABRE LINE NEW YORK. NAPLES. MARSEILLES. J. TER KUILE. G. A.. 33 BROADWAY. X. S. la36-.8l3t.eSu SCANDINAVIAM AfNEtt&ftH 10,000-ton Tuln acrew paaaenger Steamer* Direct to Norway, Sweden and Denmark Helllg Olar lune 231 llclllg Ola* Aug. t United States.. .July 7 .United States. .Aug. It Oscar II July 21' Oscar II Sept. j First cabin. 873. upward: aecnnd cabin. MS. AU Steatrera "Equipped With Wireless. SPECIAL NORTH CAPE CRUISE By S. S. Tletgen from Copenhagen July 7. A. E. JOHNSON A CO.. 1 Broadway. New York, Or to Local Agenta fe2I-m.f.83M4 T8klBrass?- R M S P COMPANY uuo Ui/Uo \dJa IT a JASSS-ieA-ffiBlLOH, BARBADOS, BTB. Msgdttlena.... June 25|Atrato July 23 Clyde July Ol Tagus Aug. ? Tours of 12 to 25 daya from $05 up. Cruises to the NORTH CAPE by K. M S. p. 11.500-ton twin-screw S. S. "AVON." Juaa tt August. -rSANDER80N A SON, G. P. A F. A~, 22 State at.. New York. R. M. HICKS. 1306 F at. n.w. G. W. MOSS, 1411 G at. n.w. ANCHOR LINE Glasgow & Londonderry Sailing from New York a eery Saturday New twin-screw steamship*. SALOON. $67.50 AND $72JM. SECOND CABIN. $45 AND $47.60. THIRD CLASS. $28 75 AND $80For new illustrated book of tours and information apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. Now York or GEO. W. MOSS. 1411 G at. n.w.. ?. F. DROOP A SONS CO.. IStb and G ata. n.w? Washington. ap6-78t.e$n AMERICAN LINE PLYMOUTH - CHERBOURG?SOUTH AMPTONPHILADELPHIA?QUEENSTOWN? LIVERPOOL Atlantic Transport Line NEW TOR*?LONDON DIRECT. RED STAR LINE NEW TORE?DOVER?ANTWERP. WHITE STAR LINE M. Y.?Qt "ERNST* N?HOLYHEA D?LIYBRPOOta PLYMOUTH - CHERBOURG - SOUTHAMPTON BOSTON?QUEENSTOWN?LIVERPOOL. Also New Tor I; and Boston?Mediterranean. WASHINGTON OFFICE. 1306 P ST. K.WT R. ||. HICKS. Passengtr Agent. mh?0-Qg4t.eSc ILON IS COMPAGME GENERALE TRANSATLANTIC! Direct Line to Havre?Paris (Prance). Sailing every Thursday at 10 a.m. from Pier No. 57. North BItct. foot West 13th St., N.I. La Lorraine.. .June 231 La Bretagne July 14 La Sarnie June 30 *La Lorraine. .July 21 La Provence July 7| *La Savoie July 2S Twin-acrew ateamera. GENERAL AGENCY. 19 State at.. N. T. E. P. ALLEN. Agent, 14th at. and N. Y. a?4. Telephone Main 758. mhlBWf CUNARD LINE ff !4 !. L>UdiL?iiia?ivuiui ciauia Largest. Fastest. Finest Steamers Afloat. New York to London Direct VIA FISHGI'ARD. The Most expeditious route. Quickest also to Paris?Berlin?Vienna LEAVE NEW YORK WEDNBSDAYS. 9 A.M. MONDAY IN LONDON. IL'BHD AY IN PARIS, Wireless Telegraph- Submarine Signals. Mauritania June 22 Campania. -. ..July S Carmania.June25.10am Caronla. .July 9. 10 am Lusitania June 2i* Mauretnnia July U Will rail at Queenstown and Fishguard. H IT NO A RI AN A M ERI CAN SB? VICE. To Flume rla Gibraltar. Naples. Trieste. tCarpatbla .JulT 7,noon fritonla Aug. 4 Ptnnonla. .July 19. noon 1 tCarrathia Aug. 25 fCarriea 2d and Sd class oaiy. tCalls at Genoa. Travelers' checks Issued?good everywhere. Particulars of service, rates, sailings and other Information will be supplied on application. Offices. 21-24 State st.. opposite the Ratterr.VE. r- s" A ? * 1411 if .? w u. w. .Muno. Ajvui, falO-d.eBo.31gi If doing to Europe Save roar mall addressed esrt the Lradn otn ?f The Washington Star. No. S Regent Street, London. England. If deeired, mail will bo feeirarded to all parts of Europe and tbo Oonttaent. Toarir'a at* regaeeted to register at ew dBco upon reaching London. \ Washington Star, London Office, L Kn. ? Ttinont WL , Raccoon Orercome by Smoke. A pet raccoon was overcome by smoke yesterday morning in a Are In a room >ver the dining room of Ray Howioon, 1th and B streets northwest. The animal ras rescued by a fireman. The fire had a good start before the lremen reached the building, but they sere able to prevent it from spreading to idjolning structures. About 1800 esulted. The origin is unknown.