|imm,IITHmHWtlnr""imntTt? iM8i88??itninnm?mmm!
Julius (jarfinkle 4lio. |
F St.. Corner 13th. :
'We Pay Particular Attention to Mail Orders.
Store Hours: 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. ;
. : , J
k ^ I - - I
; Extra Special Sale off
I Women's Tailored Suits I
That Formerly Sold from /f^ f \ 1
! $45-oo to $58.50, ^ X / I
:j| Reduced to ... .
' 1 1 s
These suits are in this season's most ap- j
proved models, faultlessly tailored. Materials j
are the best French serges in blue, black and j
gray; mannish materials, diagonals, checks, j
pongees and broadcloths. Also many three-piece j
suits in this sale. j
1 I
' " So Hot! !
*? ??? ? ?
You will Have a terribly large ice bill unless
you u^e a good refrigerator, one that preserves
i the ice.
Leonard Refrigerators
HUji Have 12 Coid-Retainirtg Wa3Ss
No matter how warm the weather, 110 heat
can penetrate to the interior of the Leonard Refrigerator.
W hat a Leonard saves in your ice
Jl consumption will soon pay its cost.
This Soiid Oak Porceiain-Lined
Leonard Refrigerator, V
Capacity, ICO ibs. Ice g | 1
This Refrigerator i3 just like ft 11
the illustration shown to the t JflHH ' lib'
- right. The exterior is cf fine F Jlil
? | cabinet oak and the panels of I M v I IT
genuine quartered oak. highly KIT I |aI gift n] >
l i polished. It Is :53 inches wide. In f .If >
47V, inches high and Jl1, inches jill hg~T * f WL X
deep. The interior is of pure i||
white, indestructible porcelain. aEf
The shelves are of tinned steel ' ITS?
_ 1 wire, with 34-inch mesh: the *' 2trimmings
of solid brass, nickel
plated, aivd it has twelve sepa- ff /vt .. . J
rate insulating walls. v "* '?*???*< Other
Porcelain-Lined $^)^>*25 up
Leonard Refrigerators .
$13 Standard Refrigerators, $6.98 up
! M iai wp> n? (TVh* III
i I 409 to417 Seventh St. N.W.
10% Discount on Accounts
Closed In 30 Days
In . .. j -?
# 1 1
r? - 1 t
Advisers and Authorities
Warm Weather Aggravates
Distressing Foot Troubles, but
"Foot Form" Boots or
2 ?afford instant relief
I Jy and permanent comfort.
I Jm Don't continue to put
J Jim UP distressing footf
t aches. Consult our profes/
A sional shoefitters now. They are
V \ competent to advise you as to the
\ needs of your feet, and with our
complete lines of "Foot Form"
Boots and Oxfords to draw on
they can select and fit the proper
3A footwear to afford absolute comfort.
'i. i. i- i- ... .
ineres a root rorin last to correct and cure every ,
form of foot trouble. "Form Form" Boots ^ a f\f\
and Oxfords for men and women in all good
leathers. Priced up from ^
EDMONSTON & CO., 1334 F St.
Advisers and Authorities on Foot Troubles.
? I
. _ National Union Senate Meeting.
ONFE rsttn. ALWAYS tSF.I>. The annual session of the senate o
t~> i ?. * 1/ a ivt'C National t'nion. It was announce)
' BRlNK/VtAlN ^ yesterday, will be held at Mackinac lak
Clrarsr (Tfcsl tlie *rniJd,e of Ju,-V- Already a spitite'
^>flr?3XAry WaX IPSOOu vEl contest is in progress among local can
fri.e. IV hottlr. .W e?l!on delivered. dirtates who desire to represent the Dis
I ok storks an!> i'rivatk t sk. trict of Columbia. Three delegates fior
i.ats the Dl st *" ' l'*'KS, ^"iTnJvcs Washington will be sent to Mackina
?r, ;^Vnk^Uv'ks .L V^: hKu.WOOD and these will he selected at a meetln
finish Ju-? the thins f-r the after to be held n the Pythian temple to
lakins ?P *h- .-arret* and ni-Mtins*. morrow evening.
Mfs aiel S>lil t?> KH- BRINK MAN A t" . ?
pVa? ' Mail! <-? ? r. .M*: ''a. are. n.w.j want work read the want col
S?M at All Grocery aud USar Store. Tl s
>u?jyt.au w A
* ' f
[ District Officials Carrying o
| an Active Campaign.
I: Nothing New in Pnlpit Statement b
?. W. Oyster, It Is Declared.
[] Over Two Hundred Insanitary Alle
3 Houses Hazed During the
| Present Year.
3 District officials declare that there
* nothing new in the information glvt
| from the pulpit of Peoples Church ye:
I i foi rlo t Viif W < h at or <?f tho Potwnrl
X ?v I Vttl,' !/,? 1 J . ?*. ' U V V I V4 iliv X \ VI <
X Citizens' Association. On the other harv
I it is pointed out that the conditions ai
1 known, and, furthermore, there is a
| active campaign going on all the time f<
t the alleviation of such conditions as wei
1 pointed out yesterday as deadly and di
J graceful.
2 Roy E. Haynes, secretary of the boat
2 for the condemnation of insanitary buil<
| ings, showed to a Star reporter th
| i morning that U'2<> insanitary slum hous<
2 | have been torn down during the preset
1 j year. Altogether nearly 1,050 have bet
7 rerpoved since the hoard was establishe
_ Not only is the beard demolishing buili
ings w here disease can flourish easily ar
where the death rate is higher than
should be, hut slum houses and tern
ments which need repairing are attendf
to daily.
According to Mr. Haynes. the figun
for repairs run ajmut parallel with tt
figures for demolished buildings, so th;
the aggregate of slum houses touched h
the hoard reaches about the two-thoi
sand mark.
"Getting Underneath to Uplift.''
Commissioner Rudolph said this mori
ing that he had been studying slums fc
fourteen years, and had done a lot t
active work personally and In connectio
with the Associated Charities among jui
the people who are hit by the high deat
, rate. He said that he believed that
large part and an effective part of th
) public is already working hard to reliev
slum conditions, but that unless a worke
coufd get down in the same level as th
ignorant slum dwellers there could be n
general uplift. In other words, "In up
lifting, get underneath."
"We can't go and tear down a seetio
of houses and leave the people hom?
less." he said, "but as fast as new house
tan be put up I think you will find tha
the bad places are being wiped out."
Reports on insanitary houses reach th
District building from various source!
The health office sends in special rt
ports from the house-to-house canvas
that is going on at all times, the build
ing inspectors make reports. th
plumbing inspec tors furnish data almot
daily that lead to demolition and bel
tering of conditions. Another source c
information is ferquently found in th
slum dwellers themselves. Every noi
and then a landlord presses a little to
hard for back rent due, and the tenar
complains to the District building tha
the house is not fit to live in. Sometime
the plaint rings true, and the wreckin
wagon calls within a few days and tear
the shack down.
Mr. Haynes said this morning that
peculiar feature of the alley conditions i
that landlords of slum property seem t
show more concern over alley house
than street houses and keep them in bel
ter repair. The reason for this is b?
cause the law prohibits the erection c
any more houses in alleys. Once an alle
house is torn down there can be no pei
mit issued for another house on the sam
Maps Being Prepared.
Maps are now- being prepared ahowln
the ratio of population, death, diseas
and crime in the alleys. Those which ar
nearly ready cover such lanes as Blag
den's alley. Gllck alley. Willow Tree al
ley, Armory court. Goat alley and Lin
ger's court.
Mr. Oyster spoke from the pulpit o
the Peoples Church on East Capito
street yesterday morning, using th
liealtn officer's last report and figure
from the vital statistics department o
the health office for his text and mucl
of his information. He said that' th
high death rate among the slum dwel
ers in Washington is looked upon witl
I ? U .. L.. * U ^ ...kIL M.U
<1 general a)iaiiij rne iiunut: win
are more fortunate than those wh<
have to live in tenements. He sug
gested as a treatment that a bond is
sue of $5,000,000 or more he issued s
that the slums could be wiped out ab
Special Grand Jury Takes Uf
Nolen Murder Case.
Colored Woman Who .Played thi
Part Years Ago Found Lifeless
in Bed.
- 1
j Special Correspondence of The Star.
A L<EX AI>R I A, Va., June 20, 1910.
A special grand jury In the circuit cour
for Alexandria county. Judge J. B. '1'
Thornton, is this afternoon engaged ii
examining witnesses in the case o
Michael A. Nolen, a tramp, held for tin
action of that body on a charge of killinj
Robert Murpny, jr., of this city.
Earlier in the day Nolen was formal!;
arraigned before Justiee Isaac C. Burrel
at the county courthouse and held fo
the grand jury.
Several other cases are also being con
sidered at this term of court.
The funeral of Murphy took place at
o'clock this afternoon from the home o
his father. Robert Murphy, 425 Nortl
Alfred street. Itev. Edgar Carpenter
rector of Grace Episcopal Church, con
ducted the services, and the intermen
was made in Union cemetery.
Miss Minnie Hallena Grillbortzer, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. Grillbortzer
and Eewis L. Armistead, both of thi
tp n cea mupriod a t !t n'clAi'U this: offor
I V. IIJ , n VIC a*??A? ** ? ? w V > ? ? ? I
! noon at the home of the bride's parents
: 719 South Patrick street. The ceremon
was performed by Rev. J. R. Sevier, pas
tor of the Second Presbyterian Church
The bride was attended by Miss Alen
Armistead. and the groom iiad for hi
best man \V. C. Williams of Washington
The ceremony was witnessed hy a num
" her of relatives and friends of the tw
I , families. Following the wedding, Mi
and Mrs. Armistead departed for a south
ern trip. They will return July 1. Th
t ?room l? local manager for the Posta
Telegraph Company. The out-of-tow
* guests present included S. E. Armisteac
e father of the groom. Lynchburg, Va.
i Mis. M. P. Polndexter. sister of th
groom, Lynchburg: Walter Hawkim
Jacksonville, Fla.; William Hammei
" Washington: W. A. Reade, Norfolk: Wil
n liam (Jrillhortzer, Monroe, Va.; H. A
c Stewart. Chicago, 111.
Ceiia Keeys. colored, was found dea
at her home In the northeastern sectio
Of the city? last evening. In bygon
\rars she ftlayed the part of "Topsy.
w ith a northern theatrical troupe * i
- "1'nele Tom's Cabin. In recent yean
however, she had practically lost h<
5?- ==.<S) ?- ?
Regular $1.25 i Barefoot
CREX RUGS Sandals,
" At 79c 49c
4: Crex Matting Rugs, site 30x00 Children's
inches, in the wanted greens. Tan Leather ?
Q Plain and bordered designs, with Barefoot Saotape-bound
sides and fringed ends. dais; sizes from i
i One day at 79c each instead of 4 to 11. Offered
j $1,545. , for tomorrow at
_ . (4th floor.) 40c pair.
y i i i
A Women's $110,
. [ f ailoredl Li
:| | At $1
lh 4 t
i , ?
-e g The manufacturer found himself in immediate
in offer to take these garments at a big loss,
re X You will better appreciate what wonderful valu<
s- selling many of these suits in our regular stock at 1
? The lot comprises finest quality imported pur
"d i linens, pure Holland linens and pure linen ramie,
j* | Thev are handsomely tailored throughout. So
es X plain tailored with strap and band effects,
nt 4 All the newest style plaited and kilted skirts.
>n 4 The majority are natural linen color, with a spr
^ A champagne, etc.
s! Regyllar 29c
J' At 17s a
)f X This is one of the most wa nted grades we of
" y result of a lucky trade accident which gave us an
h Strictly All Pure Linen, in the natural tan colo
a t washes to perfection and makes the coolest and dr<
* Y weather wear.
0 ? Regular price, 29c a yard. Sale price, 17c.
if ^ ^ Se^
; ii Silk Petticoat Sensa
1 Q for Regular $5 Va
f In tiuacK ana aii s
> ? /
? ,, Two hundred Good Quality Taffeta Silk Pettict
f 1 and all the leading colors for summer wear?made o
e ! \ tling taffeta, with a deep shirred flounce; full cut an
!f < ting.
0 ?
n o All lengths. What woman can resist buying a regular five
'* ticoat at 12.19?
^ <? The two hundred we offer tomorrow will go quickly?better
_ Y ing for yours.
!?-? "irons
White Petticoats, (f
Z Regular $1.00 Valuer at
J ? A purchase of 50 dozen Women's White Petti
senting a lot of garments made up for us at a very lc
V ing the maker's dull season.
y Made with a deep umbrella ruffle and 14-inch
' ruffle on the bottom and hemstitched tucks above.
? Choice of twelve different styles of embroidery. All lengths,
b y Remarkable values and timely ones?for every woman want)
$ ply of White Petticoats just now.
? Regular fl.00 values at 69c.
memory, and could not recall the days gomery street between
when she was prosperous. fax streets.
1 Reception to Grand Regent. Masons to Pli
! Alexandria Council, No. 628, Royal Ar- A game of base ball wi
f canum, will, the evening of June 28 next, o'clock tomorrow nft<
e tender Henry K. Field, grand regent of grounds on North Alfre
^ that organisation of the state of Vir- teams composed of men
ginia, a reception at Sarepta Hall. Among dria-Washington and .
those who will be present and make ad- lodges of Masons.
I dresses are Minitree Foulke, common- Tickets have been plac<
r wealth attorney for Richmond, Va., vice ponce department for its
regent, and other grand officers of the wlu be given to Marsh
_ state of Virginia. Members of George ne3(( Proceeds will be 1
Masons Council, No. 1718, Royal Ar- form aI!<i helmet fund,
.j canum, have been invited to be present b#,)ng rapjdly.
on that occasion. The closing exercises
L a >_ 1 .1 a..am IUa mjtmi.laam 1 Uallnnmll niiKllo cmViAaIc
f uneral ?crvices uvci iuc rrmauis u? ciauuncu puuut ovuwio,
Raymond G. O'Neill, who was killed an?J respectively,
' Friday last south of the highway bridge ^?.in'
t by being struck by a passenger train, given. .
took place at 9:30 o'clock this morning There will be a meeti
from St. Mary's Catholic Church. The Improvement League thl
services were conducted by Rev. Father rooms of the chamber
', l. p. Kelly. which time arrangemen
s The funeral of Mrs. Margaret J. Bald* 'jr raising funds for I
. win will take place at 4 o'clock this .the city almshouse.
i, afternoon from her home," -'19 South ?
y St. Asaph street. Rev. P. P. Phillips, TTTVPTTl rrnnw i
. rector of St. Paul's P. E. Church, will J UMirJSil JTKUM
, conduct the services, and the interment ~
e will be made in Bethel cemetery. jrrg Morrison Wad
s Burning rags in a closet in the house mr8, Mad
i. of Martha Johnson, colored, in the Vgr Arre
- court bounded by Henry, Fayette.
o Queen and Princess streets, brought Mt"s- Julia Morrison,
. out the Are department at 9:50 o'clock old, was unable to attend
- this morning. The Are was extin- session this morning, to
3 ~"duct ,h
? known. ag.ln.t h,r B.lurdky .f,,
I, A complimentary trolley ride will be man Hood of the sixth
; given this evening by Fitzgerald Couh- woman brooded over her
e cil. No 459. Knights of <Columbus, to nlght to such an ext
* the members of that organisation ana , ? . _
r' their \a<\p friends, to Falls Church. The o clock- yesterday morn
I- party will attend the festival at that from a rear window at hi
,. place, under the auspices of 8t. John's Jersey avenue, and wss
Catholic Church. A special car will This morning the eomi
d leave Prince and Royal streets at 7:30 to the assistant corpor:
n o'clock. * the Police Court and t
le in the corporation court this morning a eluded he would Ale no cl
" deed of conveyance was placed on record woman. Her collateral
n from Minnie Mllstead and husband to her. Mrs. Morrison Is e:
?. Walter Harrison and wife, conveying a ress in a cafe at 4?7 Pen
>r house and lot on the south side of Mont* northwest. The police
t i?i JB rr ?n?i?gli"
SEVENTH AND K. ^D*vend**Mar?
. .. - _ *_
1 "
Regular ioc Chambray, soft-finish quality 1 /
for house garments, children's "dresses, etc. Choice of jf
tan, navy and light blue, gray, green, oxblood. linen y\J/ /\i >
! and brown. One day at *. J
$112 a mid $15
men suits : tu
"? ?
o ^ rweh;
oy (Tj!/(c3) ' Turkish ^
? ? ? I- ! Quality 1
$> !! astonishin
: need for money and he came to us with an ;; choice oi
all heavy pi
;s they are w"hen we tell you that we have been !! right now.
5l2.5o' and $15.00. ;; Make th<
e linen raiahs, imported Russian tan blouse season s euf
11 Turkish 1
me have Italian pique shawl collar; others are " *> "otSVnd
values wo
i and 10c <
inkling: of tans, white, new brown, Copenhagen, ; Turkish
' * unbleached,
,, styles: alsi
Yard=Wide Ij5?
i Yard, : ?
Fer tomorrow way below original value, as the !! ? fe
importer's overstock, oner a bij
r; full 36 inches wide?firm-woven grade, that pink, lighi
;ssiest tailored suits and separate skirts for hot superior q
1! Choice o
nany buyers this semi-annual sale of Men's Shirts is the acc<
supply?for these are Shirts of the highest quality, workmar
ould be choosing today at regular prices if this extraordins
ry new and correct sort?affording the widest possible choie
is produced this season.
w, fresh-laundered, perfect-fitting shirts of imported Scotch v
ather-weight mulls, sheer striped madras, plain white madra
:e. etc., in white and every imaginable color,
all?the majority are in neat light patterns?the wanted bl
nd-white, tan-and-white stripes, figures, dots, novelty effects
ited bosoms; separate cuffs and cuffs attached,
ular styles,
i 14 to 18.
tion. I 25c, 39c,'50c W0ll,r
flue. and 75c "
shades, i: 12-Yard E
?ats, in black !!
if heavy, rus- There are 4,585 bolts of Fiench and Gerr
id perfect fit- stock of an importer retiring from busin
import cost?and you are invited to comi
dollar Silk Pet- styles at the astonishingly low price of icj
v Edges and Insertions in medium anc
not delay com- Styles suitable for trimming waists, dresses a
4 Fine and dainty patterns in conventional and
,, i TWELVE-YARD BOLTS, sold regularly at 23
11 (I
< ?
19? i'45-in. Iinidii
coats?repre- S?W RegUla
j * It remains for Goldenbergs to establish a new i
)W priCC dlir- | offering of 43-inch India l.inon at 12l,tc a yard instead
7 It is a superior, fine, sheer grade; made of selectei
and makes up to best advantage for summer waists i
I embroidery I What woman can resist buying a dress or two a1
| 15c White French Percale, with
f new improved linen finish; correct weight
1 for separate waists and dresses. Sale (U)-^
I price
i an extra sup- j ,-c White Cannon Cloth; full ^
| 30 inches wide, with linen finish; steam
j shrunk, ready for use. Sale price, yard f
mJMSMS?X~X~X~X~X~X~X"X**XMX"X~X~X??X* 4"
Royal and Fairj caused excitement and annoyance in the
cafe Saturday. ttttt
Yesterday morning when she jumped
iy Ball. j from the w ndow at her home her 8
m ho niflv 1 ot s screams attracted the neighbors. An am111
De pia> eu ai 4 bulance was summoned and she was hurfrnoon
on the rjetj to the hospital. No bones were
d street between broken, although she was suffering from ; j
fibers of Alexan- shock and was in a serious condition. It I '
Andrew Jack,on ^ *" ? ""P "? g#?W j I (
all Hall July 20 ? ? ,
used for the uni- Confraternity of Blessed Sacrament :::
The tickets are Holds Public Seirice. HttU
of Snowden and The nrst PublIc serv,ce of the Confrater- i i
for colored boys ni*y Blessed Sacrament, a religious ::: I wwr/
were held this association recently formed in St. Domi- ; J| TV \
e schools awards ^ic-s parish in this city, was held last j I
esting programs night ln gt Dominic's Church, Rev. J.
ing of the Civic *** Meagher, founder of the association, ;
Is evening at the officiating, assisted by a dozen or more of ;
of commerce, at local Catholic clergymen. A precession I
improvements8at ,ormed at the Ho'y Name chap* and : j: Lo1
marched into the church, chanting. || OB"BfiTBITB?
_____ The procession was emblematical and ; _
BTTVnnW consisted of 300 children, (100 members of lKCOUG
WIHIFU W. the Holy Name society. 70 choir boys, 33 II
_ students from the Dominican House of : j L,Ol
Brooded Over Studies, Catholic University a guard of Qgj|*S
at honor consisting of 10 men wearing I SUIIS
badges in the colors of the blessed sacra- | <5 5ft JSflT
thirty-one years ment, 0 boys in white continental cos- vwww
the Police Court tumeg carrying grapes, emblematic of the
defend a charge hol>' eucharist;. little girls with sheaves : IQ
at was preferred of wbeat- als<i emblematic; 33 novices | OSTJ
*as Preierrea from the Dominican novitiate, lo Domin- ;; ?
ernoon by Police- ican prie8t8 15 girls strewing flowers, ;
i precinct.' The Father Meagher, O. P.. carrying the :::
arrest Snturdav blessed sacrament beneath a white and II
it that about 1 goId canopy borne by four physicians g
" * about ? of St. Dominic'? parish. Drs. Holden. !i;
Ing she jumped Johnson, Sullivan and Diggs.
sr home, 611 New The special music of the service was
seriously injured, under the direction of Miss Bischoflf. _ _
>lalnt was stated The programe included Gounod's "Nasa- j V C
ation counsel at reth,' Chopin's "Nocturne." Gounod's ; }'*/
hat official con- "Ave Maria," prayer, by Stradella, ,
large against the "Blessed Maria ": Rubinstein's melody in
was returned to F, Hanna's "O'Salutaris," accompanied :
mployed as wait- by string quintet. \\ lYl.
rlsylvania avenue The service closed with a solemn bene- R
say that she diction. IHIIIHIfIHnfflf
< '
^ ? .T ? 0 - ----- ? Basting
I Regular 12 ]/i c
^ Cotton, jl Printed Batiste,
3 5c || IMc a Ydo i
Wttr King's 'JOO!
yard spools of ion pieces of regular l-'Vfc quelity
jj Basting Cotton. Printed Batiste. ,H? inches wide.
?in ail numbers. , All desirable white grounds with
Regularly 3c a dainty printings, in dots, figures
"V tgtoni. One day and kimono patterns. One day at
^ at THREE "V' a yard.
spoils for 5c. (Wash goods dept.)
---k ? ~? 0 0 9)
A Big Purchase of |
At Savings of % to 5^. i
ave just concluded a gigantic deal with one of the leading ?
Towel mills tor the entire stock of "seconds" of Fine Y
'urkish Towels, which wc place on sale tomorrow at T
gly low prices. *:*
! a great quantity of the most desirable Towels for summer use? X
lie, close-knit, absorbent grades that you want an extra supply of v
; most of this extraordinary money-saving opportunity and secure a ?!
iply of Towels tomorrow. *'
w y
(Vash Cloths, assorted Turkish Towels. hemtnttd and v
rles, including plain ter- " fringed styles; extra sixe; double Y
I mercerized terry cloths; pile; all white, also red and blue Y
rth 5c, Sc II / ^ borders;-worth 25c and each.
Sale 3Sc eac,, Pale j| *J,
............. f ^^5 price .....................
Tow-els, bleached and Hemmed Bleached Turkish Tow- *
hemmed and fringed els. superior quality; double pile
? initial borders; me- and extra large size: all
large sixes; white and red borders; ^
and 20c each. U Jj ?* worth 29c and 50c each. * *
* ' Sale price ...
imeirn's Silk Stockings. |
for Regular $1.25 |
'and $1.50 Qualities. I
- X
when Silk Hosiery is most in demand \vc are able to *?
ej lot cf Women's Pure Silk Stockings, in black, white, X
t blc.e, helio, mais and other shades, at less than such X
ualities command at wholesale. i
th lisle be^l. toe and sole and garter top?for serviceability. Others .j.
silk, with 5-inch garter hem and double silk sole, heel and toe. * *
f regular $1.25 and fl.50 8ilk Stockings tomorrow at ?Wc a pair. X
spted time to secure '
iship and style?the ^^
irv opportunity had //Dy ff\\ *f
e of the handsomest I \v^| J f I ?:
coven madras, whije v-^y v-V A
s, plain colored ma- < .
ue-and-white, black- ? ? - - ? ?
and checks. _- ~ . . . ~ A
V r
" ?
? -== |
? ? ~? |
mciennes Laces, 1
1 ?
iolts ior \ 9)(S !
nan \ als in the lot, representing the entire remaining J
less. We bought these laces at tar less than the usual
e tomorrow and choose from hundreds of the choicest
ic a bolt. I i
liu line uuuo eeoi. X
floral designs?an assortment that leaves nothing to be desired. |j >
c, arte, 50c and 75c, offered at 19c. A
a Lie?]?, 125%0 | _
.rly at 2Sc a Yard. ?
tnderselling record on White India Linons, as we have with this i
of 25c. J,
I Egyptian combed yard; firm, even quality that washes perfectly J,
md dresses.
t tomorrow's low price? A
35c Fine Imported White Persian g
/ Lawn:" exceptionally sheer grade; 47 inches ]|
%IC wide; n6te the width. Sale price, yard U i
* 19c \\ hite Check Lawn ; sheer, ^
llC dainty material for summer wear; full 30 11 H C* >
inches wide. Sale price, yard ...... 11 * >
"Strictly Reliable Qualities." J
ft^peia's |j?j:
cclusive Ladies' Cloak, Suit & burnishing House,: | x '
933 Pennsylvania Avenue. ? \
) Special Pre-ln ventory |
le Bargains in Suits. |
t 11 consists of Stylish Silk Suits that I
ally sold for $33.50 and $37.50. f
ed to |;
t 2 consists of High=cflass Tailored Serge ij
that originally sold for $30 to 1
'. Reduced to x
err* * i> na r a ?ti . a t
jam lanie 01 wasmi waists, g
$1.00 Wash Waists, 89c
$1.50 Wash Waists, $1.25 ij: j
00 Fancy, Silk Petticoats, $3.75
H. McKNEW CO., 933 Pa. Ave. I ;