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rrrnMriw 111 mi tittn iniitimmiinnnnn ! IDM SHE I i: THEKE13 9HEUEFA" * < ,,, * , \ i ^i th ttttt n MY ANCHOR r~ ?TK1 T|OT ^ THEY HEWER INNV Dr. WHI' 407 7th S Opposite Woolwortli 5c and 10c Open Evening? gtttti::;;;:;; i:i::;i;:',;;!i::i:;:iii!;;?iitii:m: ? r i 1 (11HEG11T& 1 v i 1 n"|g 'X|||f| I ]|TTH |j|j|f ? :\ Is the Week's I Prices such as these for wear have never before been Washington's shrewd shopper present and future needs. Re; : W omen's Ribbed /r* H/ ii Vests \n/2(Q Wo me n * s Ribbed ^ * Vests, with taped neck * and armholes; sell at 12V*e usually. For this sale at HVje. ' Women's Ribbed t\ : : Vests U?(R Women's Nicely Made ;j; Ribbed Vests. with lace yokes: all sizes; sold usually at i.V. Thev are in this sale at 9c. i Women's Rib- ^ ^ n f 8 bed Vests IZVlB g Woman's Rest ^ 4=3 / ^ ^ H Quality Ribbed 8 Vests- neat fatjev la<-e vike?. sold 3 usually at 10c. For this sale at 8 i^ptf Men's Lisle Hose... *i| ^ILfP S M^n's Seamless Lisle g Hose, in all the favor8 ite shades: all sizes; sell at 2->c tt usually. This sale says 14c. 1 Men's Silk Hose.. 9 Men's Pure Silk Nov*9 elty Hal? Hose: all S new effects; plenty of all sizes; 3 s'icht imperfections; sold 73c usu ally. Our sale price, 39c. ? Men's Black Hose. 'j_ Men's Seamless Half 8 Hose in fast black: 2 sold usually at 10c and 12V?c. 8 Women's Union I Sm?, ............. W omen * hnc Lisle 'www 8 I'nion ?uits, in all 8 sizes; sold regularly up to $1.50. 5 They are in this sale at 09c each. 8 Men's Underwear. SI (Hj/p 3 Men's Ralhrigietan A CV S I'nderwear, Shirts and |f Drawers; sold reaularlv at 29c; all 8 ?izes. Tn this sale at 19c. 8 Porosknit Under- ^ ^ ? it ear , H Men's Oenuine Porosg knit Underwear, in all g sizes, selling everywhere at 50c. g In this sale at 2V. ADDRESS BY REV. MR. BR0WH "Applied Christianity" His Them< Before Bible College. Rev Sterling A. Hrown delivered ar address on 'Applied Christianity" before the Interdenominational Bibli College at Galbraith A- M. E. Zior Church yesterday afternoon. Prof. I,. B- Moore; dean <of the Teach ers* College, Howard University, com trended the system of Bible schools it the homes as inaugurated by the Bibl< College. J. A. Davis told how Cath erine Ferguson, a slave girl, establishe< the first Sunday school in New Yorl Have the Star Follow You Wherever You Go, If you are ?oirg out of town for a few days or for the Season The Star, nine times out of ten, can bring you the first news from Washington. RATES BY MAIL, POSTAGE ' PREPAID: The Evening Star. 40c a month. The Evening and Sunday 8tar. Wc a monthThe Sunday Star. 20c a month. In ordering the paper or having the address changed always give the old as well as the new gddress. ; . # iinniinMiniiiiiiiiHiiiiiimniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'Mi i EETIH TROUBLES 1 rMYdmoEFoiTM 6 ! My wonderful painless methIs, my up-to-date appliances, y corps of trained specialists e features no other dentist in ashington can.offer you. From art to finish my work is done ith care and skill that oniv enty-two .years of experience d study could produce, and I T. roughout it all there is i & Absolutely fo Trace of Pain, iij 4 ly Easy Payment Terms re ake it absolutely unnecessary for : ou >u to worry about money. A ! nail amount payable weekly or du onthly enables you to have your in eth cared for AT ONCE, when at- g co ntion is moat needed. ? *'c HI of . i ? FilHings, 50c. i| < " SOI !d Crowns, Bridge Work, th, $3, $4, $5. I ? ' : wi (traction. Examination jjj ev( and Advice Free. j Zl .11, ^ PAINLESS Z 9 DENTIST, S treet N.W. J *" Store. Sundays. 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. ] i Until 8 O'Clock. :: so HiH??i????nj?iHi?i?tiuniHtnin?mm: p' tn * ur ??i?miiiinnimm??i??;?i??????m? ' : ? =| fo | [ i mil I j U MTOMJf |p fFQi T1 ' tra rwear Sate: I : ! oe Big Store Event! High-grade Hosiery and Under- up quoted?and many hundreds of i ; s are here today supplying both i I ad the details? Pi? esi Women's Lisle n ? ! i to Vests *1 n (& : ev Women's Extra Qual- ii. U ,lf ity Lisle Vests; worth . up to 35o; also Pants, lace trim- 01 med. In the sale at 17c. fi ar ., so Women's Union ^ /^v :: 101 Suits HQjg ! ve Women's Lisle Union ^ <U/ ; tn Suits; prettily lace P{ trimmed; sold usually up to 75c; jl pa all sizes. Special at' 30c. ; fr< Women's Lisle ~ : wi ! Union Suits J Women's Daintily (?J/ ^ Lace-trimmed Union Suits, made in all styles; sold usu- : R ally at $1. Sale price. 55c. !i: , Women's Lisle y\ /j\ ::: irr Hose 1143 iiiWomen's Mercerized ^ ;; po Gauze Lisle Hose; in wl black and all favorite shades; all nc stores sell them at l!5e. This sale ||J pc at 14c. gr Women's Silk *n jj nose C m Women's Pure Silk Ji. W : | Hone, with lisle tops: sold at 75c pair: all sixes. In this ;; sale at 40c for the pair. jji .. Women's Silk : th Hose /f y(R \\\ w Women's Pure Silk U ... th Hose; every pair per- efl feet; sell at fl.tiS; sale price, 79c. % th Boys' Porosknit... ^ /f3> ; bl Boys' Genuine Poros- JL (J ;; |j[ knit Cnderwear: short- j: "J sleeve shirts and knee drawers; j:j *" everywhere sold at "5c. !! , Lisle Suspenders.. (Q)/P :i m Mens Lisle Suspenders, <&/ '* made of and 50c webs; :: strongly made and serviceable. ,l1 Now on sale at 9c. $ f? X lo Men's i^c Hose | as Men's Black Seamless | th Half Hose, in all sixes; ex- | to eellent wearing quality; selling at ;| se i 15c usually. j m tni;iinm?iiumimm:iiinn>iiMu:ni;mgr 7? pi ? ac city in 1793. Prof. A. U. Craig said a< that the present Sunday quarters in w various churches are not at all well ai ; adapted for the work of practical teaching. a| The musical program was given by hi Miss I.ilia K. Pollen, Mrs. Agnes White, ci ' Mrs. M. Clinckscales. Mrs. Eva Bell la Height and Edward Lane. Prof. Jesse w ? Lawson presided. la i pr HIT EMPLOYEE WITH STONE. ? _ _ - K< "" 11V * Negro Laborer Placed Under Arrest e on Charge of Assanlt. Ernest Jackson, colored, who resides th t at H527 Crescent street,' was arrested co this morning by Policemen Davis and pt Miller of the eighth precinct and charged w with having assaulted Charles Smith ra of Vienna. Va. The men had a dispute ei over money this morning while at a building being constructed by Smith in 'n Chappell lane, Tenleytown, where Jack- In son was employed as a laborer. w The colored man, it is charged, struck r? Smith with a atone and inflicted a pain- w ful scalp wout\d. Dr. A. W. Chappell th dressed the wound. Jackson hurried en from the scene of the trouble, but was arrested a short time later before he m reached his home. He will be arraigned pc in the Police Court tomorrow. se bl Brazil's President-Elect Coming. m Dr. Hermes de Fori sees. President- r* elect of Brazil, will visit the United ^ States next August. He will sail from J. England July 3d on the Mauretania and will remain in this country about thirty days. Although not a guest of the nation he will receive the courtesies and entertainment usually accorded a y< visitor of his prominence, M _ ( ICE FROM WEST lorah Gives His Views on Conservation. 0 CHECK ON INDUSTRY gainst Locking Up Water Power Sites in Idleness. AXES SHOT AT THE EAST tys It Is Outrageous to Assume That the West Is Not Honest and Efficient. 'What we want is a sane, practical nservation policy, under reasonable gulation, permitting the development of r natural resources in accordance with e natural law^ of progress and inistrial growth," declared Senator Borah addressing the Senate today during nsideration of conservation legisla>n. Mr. Borah spoke as the champion the west. 'It would be a magnificent scheme, ined," he exclaimed, "to compel the iole great west to hold its vast reurces in idleness, deprive its people of fir enjoyment and use and compel them pay tribute to those resources of which u have taken possession here in the st and developed at your own free 11." Contending that it was a violation of ery principle of the Constitution to thhold power sites from the use of the stern states, Mr. Borah inquired: 'If Illinois or Massachusetts re i\tr? uiuuPttiiua ui wen minions 01 uuirs as a revenue for their water power d Idaho receives nothing, but, on the her hand, pays millions into the fedal treasury, is there equality among the ates?" Not True in Practice. He said the contention that natural reurces in a state belonged to all the peoe of the United States was all right in eory, but that in practice it was utterly itrue. "Our power sites do not in any sense the term belong to the people of New (lgland or New York," continued the nator. "They are to be utilized by ose who make themselves citizens of e state and join with others in trying build up a commonwealth." He argued that it never had been the eory of the government that these reurces should be utilized as a revenueoducing proposition, but that they were r the benefit of all the people. "But," he said, "the people must come thin the state in order to avail themIv-es of the use and benefit." Hr. Borah said Congress could not pro)te conservation by treating power es, which to utilize was to conserve, it did coal beds, which to utilize was consume. As to undeveloped natural sources, he said that after Congress d adopted laws to prevent waste, exivagance and monopoly so as to insure ?ir economic and bona fide use by the jple, it was about as far as the United ites government could go. He added it as to timber there always should be ; encouragement and aid of reforesicn, as t .at was something that could reproduced. I Subtraction From Happiness. j 'Every, water power site unused, locked i In idleness and inactivity when there e communities to serve is a subtrac- J in from the sum of human happiness j d prosperity," he continued. "Every < ;ce of land which will produce the necsaries of life dedicated by law to non- J e. incorporated in a reserve and denied settlement is an extra burden upon erv man who buys the necessaries of e. "Every year in which thousands of feet ripened lumber are permitted to rot id fall in the reserves you are stealing mething from the human race that bengs to it, and every year that the great al beds of the Pacific slope go undeloped It costs this government its exi millions to send coal around to the tciflc, burdens every citizen in that rt of the country with exorbitant eight charges, and puts extra millions to the hands of eastern coal companies no are delighted to see this go on." Economic use and .development should the basis and fundamental principle any conservation policy agreed upon incorporated into law, said Senator >rah. "These resources are not to lie idle, iprisoned and unusable." he urged, f you join with us in that proposition t will glagly join you in formulating a ilicy of regulation and control which ill avoid waste, extravagance and mo poly as far as possible. But upon a licy of non-use, of strangulation of the eat west, we stop at the first call for gislation. If strangulation is to he had will first be tried upon some of the easures in this body. Declares It a Libel. 'We have reached, it seems, that pitiap. indefensible position, according to ose who would tie up our resources, iiere we are willing to confess before e world that as lawmakers we are inIcient, as administrators worthless, and at our citizenship is ao brazen and corpt that we can no longer do business, it out of sheer impotency must shut i shop. I denounce such a theory as a (el upon our citizenship, a manufactured id well distributed libel upon the west, id for ulterior and selfish motives." Senator Borah declared that any legistion upon the subject of conservation ust be upon the basis that western cltenship was ho test, law-abiding and indigent; that western people appreciated e value of their resources and proposed protect thein. and that they were yal to their tates and to the nation i a whole. "The conservation policy which teaches le farmer the science of farming, how vary his croi s. protect them from incts and his siock from disease, how to ake thirty-flvo bushels of wheat grow here only tw ?ty grew before, which forests those timber lands which will oduce nothin : but timber, which will lopt a policy of regulation and control Imlttlng of u-'ie and development everyhere, is a tri e conservation policy." he iserted. "But the policy which withholds the griculttiral Jand from production and nders industrial life, which forces the tizen into a city or a foreign clime for nds, is not only short-sighted and uaise. but it is a blunder which, in legistlon. is even worse than a crime. I ophesy that such a policy will be rected in <he end. What we want is ore farp.ers and better farms, more tmea and better homes." he added. State Has Fight to Make. "The west has her fight to make in ie industrial world," said Mr. Borah in inclusion. "She has to take care of her ople and furnish prosperity for those ho come among us. Taxes must be ilsed to 'sustain county and state govnments. With one-thlru of our state a forest reserve, wlt{t our settlers beg driven* from our state into Canada, ith our power sites tied up, with the sources which belong to those who are tiling to take hold of them and develop em taken from us. the outlook is not icouraging. "If you say to us that conservation eans the holding of those lands and wer sites indefinitely with a view of curing permanently the highest possie revenue to the government we will >pose that policy to the end. But If it eans an honest effort to protect those sources to an economic and safe use by people, free of extravagance and aste. we will Join you. But we have own weary of this universal and sensess outcry against a whole community." ? Solomon S. Thomas, aged seventy-nine >ars. a retired farmer of Boonsboro. d., died of dropsy Saturday. ! Summer 1 ! ? Tlhi^i X H U U ^ J % f Armlets and Ribbon Garters. In pii ? blue, white and dresden effects. 39c, 59c and ^<L X ^ 7-inch Sash Ribbons, embossed c >j> signs, in many different Patterns 9 pink, blue, white. Usually 75c | yard O? ? 5-inch Dresden Ribbons, with sal ? edges, pink, blue, cardinal, mai: lavender; for children's hair, sash- *5^ ^ es and hats. 29c values |??? - ! I^f^Thi i in | Can Be Procure at-Our Mai Store or Any < the Branches. | ? ^ A & P Coffees Are and Used by Tho The economical housewif United States has put her proval on A & P Coffees, ful aroma, their delicious t unusual strength give them a in "Coffeedom." Senate Blend 25c Congressional Coffee..,.35c : : II : : ? ? Another CarDoad of II FLOUR i : | |j Just Received. This Flour was milled es: peciallv for us from Fancy Spring Wheat by the largest flour mill in the world. These prices are offered for as long as the supply lasts. Better place your or ; uci <xl \jiiw. Full barrel $6.30 : Quarter barrel $1.60 Eighth barrel 80c Sixteenth barrel 40c 7-lb. sack 25c yVi-lb. sack 13c Graham Flour, per sack 12c Rye Flour, ner sack... 15c Franklin Whole Wheat Flour, pkg 25c Special attention is given to orders for summer resorts and excursionists. Prompt shipment guaranteed. Lea & Perrins Sauce, 22c a bottle. Courtenay's Worcestershire Sauce. 12c, 23c and 45c a bot; ! tie. Snider's Ovster Cocktail Sauce. 15c and 23c a bottle. Campbell's Soups, 3 cans for 25c. Campbell's Chili Sauce, 10c a bottle. imiminmnmiimtniumnmiiiiimmma SAENGERBTJND EXCURSION. Had Jolly Time on Trip Down River to Marshall Hall. Juit such a holiday as the German loves, with his family and friends around him. sharing the feast and joining the singing, is what several thousand peo Hearts C It looks as if nine of them v to scare away No. 10?she has me And think of it?she paid only 50 work Department, first floor, near Centerpieces, 30x30 inches, o are Centerpieces, Covers and Scar braiding and embroidery designs. Ribbons aim v ? ir Use0 tk, 5-inch Fancy Satin and Moire Str . _ Ribbon: pink, blue and white; for >C dren's hair and sashes. 39c " values le- 6-inch Dresden and Persian Ribb of all colors and combinations. 50c \ ? values a JC ' No. 9 All-silk Belting', white gr< with colored edges, also black. 25c f tin values * id Velvet Ribbon Bows, for the necl 5C cardinal, maize, lavender, green, * brown, alice and pink. Kach.... * Note the Two Picture! You Read in Sunday's Star o Yesterday's Palais Royal paj the custom. The items below are !6-inch Hair Switches, all ffjQ ades; best $12.00 quality... { Transformations, for all around the !"? sg'oo R'sular $3.49 f U? VV lair Rolls, all shades; 50c and T)<n!,r : values Ayiv Single Puffs; all the shades; st $1 quality lair Nets, of real hair; all shades; st?two for price of one?2 Tabots of mull and net, lace edge d insertion trimmed, side pleated, scade and flat effect; some hand iQr*, ibroidered. Were 50c Tokes and Chemisettes of Venice and sh laces, lawn and net, with tucks, fh stocks and Dutch styles. ere 75c itocks with jabots attached, of mull, th lace trimmings; some hand emoidered in colors. Were Calais Roys is Beautiful v id Just Like I Accepted usands. Ffir Thi e all over these JT ? stamp of ap- LaiP Their delight- Califonnii aste and their Japan Ri foremost place' Peanut S Fig Newl : lb., 5 lb., $1.15 Society 1 lb., 3 lb., $1.00 o New York Best Elg I BROOKnELD EGGS, 1 * A & P Chili Sauce, 25c a bottle. Crosse & Blackwell's Pure Malt Vinegar, 18c a bottle. Heinz's Pure Malt Vinegar, : 25c a bottle. Heinz's Pure Tarragon Vinegar, 25c a bottle. Crosse & Blackwell's Mixed Pickles, 20c and 30c a bottle. Crosse & Blackwell's Gherkins, 20c and 30c a bottle. Crosse & Blackwell s Chow Chow, 20c and 30c a bottle. Empire Brand Pickles, l/2 pint, 10c; pint, 18c; quart, 30c ^^ Main /f Branch^^s>v ( Stores: . II 1318 7th St. N.W. ^ (I 1620 14th St. N.W. V\ 3077 M St. N.W. ^ 815 H St. Telep 11 Alexai iiiiii?imimMn???i?iii?ini?im???trtttt pie, young and old, members of the Washington Saengerbund, their families and friends had in the Saengerbund excursion to Marshall Hall yesterday. It was simply a good old German picnic down the river, with everything necesBary to make a day of genuine pleasure and enjoyment. Music there was, and good music, in apt u red t vere strung in triumph on this Sui rely embroidered her own handbag, c for the metal frame and the linen G street door. Lgarn__of ( )ther Summer f white and tinted linen, stamped fs of dark linen, stamped in various 3c to ioc skein or ball for Silk-like s. s of Dainty Wash Dress >{ the Finally Reduced Prices of A i ge told you of finally reduced price those that were crowded out of ou Silk Four-in-Hand Ties, plain colnrs ind figured, the correct shades. t| <Q)^ Some were 50c II Mull Ties, with embroidery ends, 'ome hemstitched hems and fine t| (ft)*, :ucks. 25c values " Dutch Collars of fine mull and awn, lace trimmed. Were 50c... Head Scarfs, plain colors, all Persian ?ffects: also white. J 1.50 RGhr "alues 0>5. Black and Colored Lisle and Cot- fl Ar ion Hose. Values up to 25c liniL Black and Colored Lisle Hose, plain, ace effects, and silk embroidered. D<n)*, 19c values Black and Colored Silk Lisle Hose, plain, ace effects, etc. Black and colors. 5<rh*, 59c values Pure Silk and Novelty Lace Lisle Hose. Black only. 75c E(m^. -alues SyC |J^ A. LISNER. Q ^ ******* *************< minmiinmimmnmmimimnmustmmi 4-Piece 8a 1 lustration. B; fans at 111 On is Week Only?Get Youi d, 8b a Primes, 4 Ebs ce, 6 lbs Gutter, lib tons, lib ,.... Teas, lb. State Cream Cheese . in Butter, I ta,, 26c COUNTRY Pin Money Gherkins, l/z pint, i6c: pint, 28c ; quart, 50c. Pin Money Mixed Pickles, y2 pint, 16c; pint, 28c; quart, i 5<*\ Pin Money Bur Gherkins, ]/2 pint, 16c; pint, 28c; quart, -I 50c. Pin Money Mfelen Mango, pint, 35c: quart. 65c. A & P Mushrooms, 20c, 25c, i and 30c can. A & P Imported Peas, 13c I! and 18c can. Gosman's Ginger Ale, 3 bottles for 25c. A & P Pure Grape Juice, J2 pint, 10c; pint, 20c. Storc=607 Seventh St. I sruNnc-PAcinp hone Connections at All S rid Ha Branch, 525 Kins: St T abundance. Family parties gathered under the trees and ate and drank the good things they had twice before hoped to enjoy, but were prevented by the rain \ that caused the postponement of the excursion on the two previous Sundays. Yesterday furnished the long-looked-for weather and other conditions were equally | favorable. The children romped on the i >y Summ nmer Girl's Bap. The Summc and if hearts are represented it bag portion. Where? At the P Girl Vacation Work. in artistic designs?at 21c here designs. At 29c instead of 5< Mercerized Cotton for working Toilet An Samme 1'rinkle Eradicator 18c ir'Kintho Freckle Cream ?Wc bottle Balm of Rosea bottle German Hair'Tonic Wc ottle E>anderine Hair Tonic 3*Jc ottle Bay Rum *'Jc ox La Dorine Face Powder. .UK; ottle Safety Cleanser. 3 for 3#c ottle Pearls of Violets Sea Salt ottle Corylopsis Sachet 35c ake Johnson's Foot Soap 18c ottle Young's Heir Kemover ?c otlle Mello Dew 42o 5es Reduced to $2.08. 11 Other Dresses and Suits. s here, a month earlier than is r Sundav naee. ~ ~. 1 o Union Suits and Separate Garments. 39c values Union Suits and Separate Gar- Kf] ments; all sixes. 76c values.... Mercerized Low Neck Union 8uit lace-trimmed pants. 98c "fm values Marcus Ward's "Saguenay" Writi Paper; 100 sheets in box. For 11 / only Whiting's "French Cheviot" Writi: Paper; cloth finish; new Athena shape; 100 sheets Whiting's "French Dimity" Elite Cc respondence Paper; 100 sheets in package ** French "Trinity" Writing Paper; pu white cloth finish; 100 sheets in | package The well known "Army and N'r Bond" Writing Paper; 135 sheets tf fl in package & 11th Sts lad Set FR ^ith Every Purcl of A <& P Bah We want every housel st A & P Baking Powdei our Main Store and All Piece Salad Set with c aking Powder purchased. ? StOHB@ 0ur Tea Fra " Shaf5* No othe sale than th 25c perfectly mi 25c ij results. As i| A c find a more Thea-Nectar }?c Golden Key" ?1?C Celinrus Te; =^-= Golden Tipp . 18c lb. ? * 111 i in 11111'? i?"?>?* () b. . 32c EGGS, doz., 24c ? Firiest French Sardines, % can, 15c; y2 can, 25c. Finest Skipper Sardines, 15c a can. T7inect Pnrtnorii#??#? Sardines. * ' ioc and 20c a can. * Fat Norway Mackerel, 7C each. A & P Columbia River Salmon, 12J/2C and 20c can. Red Alaska Salmon, 15c can. Pink Alaska Salmon, ioc can. Fancy Canadian Lobster, 25c and 40c a can. Imported Bijou Herring, in sauce, ioc can. Imported Soused Mackerel, 18c can. ) j/ Market \\ Stands: \\ sist&K Sts. Mkt. || W Center Market. II 5th & K Sts. Mkt. // ^^Eastern Mkt. S.E^r tores. xeet. < grass; the men patronised one form < another of the various amusements pr vided at the place, and the woipen laugl ed and talked and had a good time gei erally. There was no mishap of any kind, ar when the last excursionist took the ci for home after the arrival cf the steam* at the wharf it was with a feeling thi one day, at least, in his life had bee an enjoyable one from every standpoin 1 ? ler Girls? | :r Girl knows better than thus 4S was an unconscious production. Palais Royal, in the Art Needle- <! \ * ' 1 1 instead of 50c. At 48c to Si.oo ? >c arc Pure Linen Centerpieces, 4 above-quoted pieces. ! ! i 1 < 1 tides for < > sr Use. 25c 1mx Satin Skin ("team. "J for 2V 4 J 25c box Satin Skin Powder, 2 for 25c , , 1.V box Antiseptic Tooth Powder, 2 < > for 25c 4 1 5t?c bottle 8anitol Tooth Wash Wc J | 75c bottle Idsterlne 88c < ? 15c box Emery Boards 8c * * 25c box Parker's Natl Enamel 18c 4 \ r>?c bottle Or. Pray's Ongoline Sic < > 25c aire Nail Files 10c ' ' 55c siae Tooth Brushes 18c 4 J 25c box Rosaline l?c < ? 2.1c box I,a Rosette Face Powder 18c * * lnc site Chamois 7c \ J ?r ? v * vryv ? winF I- 1 1 unmiiiiiinnnminMi niniiMiiinmniniuim EE!^| hase of a 50c Can j :ing Powder ceeper in Washington to j r, and to that end we offer Branches this Beautiful j :very 50c can of A & P j & i: - q Ar? First Pickings. grant Delicious. r Teas sold today enjoy a larger e .Teas we offer. They are all xed, so as to produce the best a summer beverage you cannot delightful drink than Iced Tea. 6oc a pound rea (black & green) .6oc a pound i (all black) 30c pound ed Ceylon 25c Y* pound / ? Crescent Soused Mackerel, 18c can. A & P Extract of Beef, 20c ! a jar. Armour's Star Bacon, 27c a i jar. Beechnut Bacon, 28c a jar. : R & P Smoked Beef, 15c a jar. i Armour's Corned Beef^ Hash, 15c a can. Armour's Corned Beef, 14c. and 25c a can. Armour's Roast Beef, 14c and 25c a can. Fancy Sugar-cured Hams,?* 22c a oound. ? r Snowdrift, Xo. 3 can, 4JC. Snowdrift, No. 5 can, 70c. Cottolcne, No. 2 can, 30c. Cottolene, No. 4 can, 60c. Maraschino Cherries, 25c, 40c and 65c a bottle. French Capers, 18c a bottle. Velva La Pura Cane Sirup, 15c. 20c, 35c and 65c a can. Yellow Corn Flakes, 5c a package. Grape Nuts, I2l/2c a package. Force, 12l/2c a package. Ralston's Breakfast Food, 14c package. Malt Breakfast Food, 14c package. Cream of Wheat, 14c pack- 1 . age. I i Postum Cereal, 12c and 22c 1 I package. j V' ' I . II * or Fights Hard to Die. "I NIAGARA FAI-L8, N. Y-. June 20.11. After battling fiercely with a companion whom he finally overcome, Prank Quint id twenty-five years old, of St. Catharine* ir Ont., committed suicide yesterday tr r jumping into the gorge from the lows it steel arch bridge. His was the thin n suicide within a week. Quinn suffer* U from melancholia.