Newspaper Page Text
LEAVE "WANT ADS" AT STAR BRANCH OFFICES. If not convenient to call at The \ Star office. 11th street and Pennsylvania avenue, leave your advertisement at any of the following Branch Offices: 1 WAIT ABU, 1 CUT A WOOD. Minimum, is cents only. NORTHWEST BRANCHES: Bradford's Pharmacy, nth and B. 1. ave. Bntler A Meld, nniggists. :td and Indiana are. Commercial Bank bldg.. Poatal Telegraph. OrlswoH'e I>rtig Store. 7th and T ata. Fred B. Campbell, I?rnga. 42ns Ha. ave. Thos. A. IWihtn*. 10th and Columbia road. Tbipont Pharmacy, 20th and P ata. . E|i|>!.?'? Drug Store. 14th and Clifton at#. F-mer?on. K. W.. 11th at. and Park road. Oeatner'a Drug Store. 14th and 1" stS. Ooldenberg's Bnreau of Information. Ilerhnt's Drug Store. 221th and Pa. ave. i Holtselaw's Newsstand. 17<>tV Pa. ave. Inferior Dept.. Stb and F. Postal Telegraph. S Kann. Sons / Co.. Information Bureau. King's Drug Store. ISth and I sts. W. H. Pavts. Drug Store. 0?h and S. Roland Wallace. Newsstand und Stationery Store. 02S 0th at. n.w. ' I nion Station. Postal Telegraph. I nited States Capitol. Postal Telegraph. Woodward A- I?throp. Superintendent's Desk. 122t? Connecticut ave.. Postal Telegraph. Cuigiey's Drug Store, 21st and G ats. GEORGETOWN: 1 O'Ponnell's Prog Store. H2d and M ats. O'Ponnell's Prog Store. 32d and P ats. Pride's Pharmacy. 28th and P ats. < NORTHEAST: Bntlcr's Pharmacy. 4th and Stanton yl. n.e. F. K. Richardson & On.. N. Cap. and P sta. Konealy's Pharmacr. N. C-apitol and I ata. J" T*? ?1 ? 9. T 11.1. P ata i i? i" n i J MII?. i i ui nit*i ci. * ?r: Mnoradin's Pharmacy. 13th and H sts. n.e. Year man, I>. A., Fharinaey, 7th and H n.e. t SOUTHEAST: Bradley's Drug Store. 8th and E at*. s.e. ' M. S. Fealey, Druggist. 11th and I'n. ave. SOUTHWEST: * llfh st wharf. Fnstal Telegraph Office. I Sullivan's Drug Store. 7th and I> sts. b.w. Charles S. Walter. #01 41? St. s.w. WANTED?AGENTS. ! want ki> men and women to repre- ( sent a company having exclusive local i-ontrol MTcr several well advertised special and staple I articles. Our new selling plan is a winner? we "break the ice" for our agents, who work from "leads" furnished. A gilt-edge proposl- 7 ti?n for the right parties. Call Room 122, Manaey bldg., 3 p.m. Jc26-31 _ WANTED?HELP. One cent a word for 13 words. MAUL i WANTED- BRIGHT. ACTIVE SALESMAN IN butter and egg commission house: goo! position for right man; state age. experience and ^ ^alarv wanted. Address Box 71>, Star otllce. jc' WANTED MKIOHT B??Y E(t|{ OFFICE. \U~ "7 ply immediately to TABULATING MACHINE * CO.. DCs* 31st st. Je2S-2t* WANTED COMPETENT ASSISTANT K??R p dairy farm Dear Washington; comfortable lmnic offered and good wages to reliable inan. ? 2?! Metaemtt building. 1<I a.m. je2S-2t* V W \NTED - A OOOIh EXPERIENCED C?7T7- lector; must be over 22 years old; reference. " Address Box 78. Star office. je28-3t WANTED FORWARDERS ON EDITION WORK. Write 1^ II. JENKINS. Richmond. Va. j"2S-2t SALESMEN WANTED. SEVERAL MEN TO handle exclusive I In.' for a large New York house. Apply to W. II. WILSON. Room 120. _ MeUlll bblg.. Washington, D. C., front 10 to ~ 12. 2 to 4.* V*"ANTED?2 RELIABLE MEN WHO IXDER- C stand handling horse*; good home. good par. t Apply at once. JXO. ME1KLEJOHN. Blair 1 road, Takoina. je28-3t* WANTED POUTER WITH WHEEL. OWEN. IJT>4 H at. n.w. je27-2t* WANTED-WHITE BOY TO WORK ON METAL V goods. W. A ROSS. Si?S llth n.w. je27-2t* WANTED- EXI'ERIKNt KD YOENO MAN FOR grm-ery and meat market. E. F. HALL. 3d and C 11.e. Je27-2t WANTED VOtNG MAN TO DO CLERICAL nnrk. Applv at on?-e, WASHINGTON NEWS V CO.. 313 6th n.w. je26-3t WANTED-MAN TO PREPARE AND PRO.SEente applications for patents. CHANDLEE & rHANDI.EE. !?3tt F. Jel?-tf WANTED- I MADE $30.00" IN FIVE YEARS Y with a small mail order business; began with $".: send for free booklet: tells how. HJSACOCK. ViW. I^ckport. X. Y. Jel-30t* j WANTED - AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly correspond in g for newspa?ers:* no canvassing: send for particular*. RESS SYNDICATE. Lockport. X. Y. jel->0t ?AMhl' MILIUTUilB FOB U.MVEKSITT; good salary and commission. Address Box 247. Star office. je23-7t* ? wanted?those who woui.d be inter- 1 ested in taking a short story course. 31b Colorado building. Main 1142. ' Je3-30t WANTED TWO ItRUlHT YOl'NG LADIES TO V 1-arn office work iu an established laundry: one <-aliable of earning ?# per week; hours, S _ to i:.KI. Address Box lu::, Star office. 1 Je28-3t Wanted- an cxderwear saleswoman; one wiio has had experience in selecting goods preferred: none need apply unless able to furnish IH?st references as regards ability and _ character. Apply Box 81. Star office. Y Je28-.1t Wanted-saleswoman fob childs* and misses' department: only those with l?est references as to ability and character n"ed apply. ? Apply Box !*?, Star office. Je28-3t H W \NTKD?MILLIXKHY SALESWOMAN: <?NI.Y tho*e with best references as regards gbll'ty and character need apply. Box 104, Stir offlce. Je28-.1t WANTED Y< 1'NIJ? LADY TO DO BOOKKEEPIng and general olllec work In real estate office; salary. *2." per mouth; atate experience. Address J. M. S.. Star offli-e. Je28-3t W \XTKD - A REGISTERED DRUG LEKK. ? Address Box 88. Star office. Je28-2t* WANTED- TWO YOI NC MEN WITH ONE OR two years' experience at bouse painting: steady _ work to industrious men. Address Box 85, ? Star office. je28-3t* WANTKD-YlU Ni; MAN. WITH EXPERIENCE at earis-nter's trade; good chance to learn the trade. Address Box 86. Star office. je28-3t* w ANTED WHITE WATCHMAN ON Ri ?W OK new buildings: must be competent to wait on j " purchasers who inspect the houses. Address i Box 81?. Star office. je28-2t WANTED-WHITE WOMAN WHO CAN SPEAK I gfwsl German to care for children ami assist Y around house. Box 87. Star office. je28-2t* WANTED-SOLICITORS FOU OITICIAN: EASY' work and short hours: large commission. WHEELER. S17 14th st. WANTED EXPERIENCED LADY CLERK IN confectionery and cafe. Addfess Box 59. Star office. J"27-2t* w "\NTED EXPERIENCED LADY CASHIER V in confectionery and cafe. Address Box HO, Star office. Je27-2t* wanted mangle eelder and catcher? ELITE LALNDRY co.. 2117 11th n w. ie2T-.A? _ XVXXTKD FIRST CI.ASS MILI-INER AND DE igncr; on* acquainted with Washington work; _ good salary. Address Box 06. Star office. i~ Je27;r w \NTKD H ELPERs AND OlNlD FINISHERS ii line summer dresses. 112J> 17th st. n.w. i > 27 2t wanted woman TO takk charge of l ALTERATION ROOM Must have department store experience. Permanent position. Address Box 70, Star office. F Je27-3t W iNTH) PERMANENT POSITIONS FOR bright young women between the ages of 17 . a-iil 21; applicants must tie at least 5 feet 4 T tu bes tall. Apply TELEPHONE SCHOOL. 1411 1 R st. n.w. je26-3t wanted experienced help on sT\7 nier gowns. Mrs. PRICE. 1420 S st. n.w. * jeltt-St* WXNTED Vol Ml LADY WHO DEM RES permanent employment to make herself gen erally Ils-fill in optical store; references. Ad- ^ dress opticians.'* Star office. Je2d-3t W \ NT EI> x CF.W MORE YOl Ntl MEN AND I ladies, not undi r 1H years, to take our free lessons in penmanship and tonch typewriting on Saturdays; competent stenographers anil he .kkeepcr* nre in demand. The best plaee to 7 I ant is at STRAYER'S HI SI NESS COLLEGE OI<! Masonic Temple, ftth and F sts. Day and night school all summer. Situation# secured for g-aduates. Coolest rooms in city. Catalogue 1 free. niy27-tf WANTED AN FnTELLIGKNT 1'EltSoN MAY earn fl'si monthly corresponding for newspa- _ lo-rs; no cauvassing. Send for particular*. i PRESS SYNDICATE. Isxkport. N. A. Jel-Hot* ~ DOMESTIC. ' W \NTKD?GIKI. FOR HOUSEWORK IN SUB- I orbs; good home; good wages. Cgll or address Mrs. ELLIOTT, Forest Glen. Md. Je2S-"it# WANTED - HELP; WOMAN COOK. WASH 1 and iron for three. 112i? 17th. J?-2S-2t WANTED AT ONCE. GOOD. PLAIN COOK for aiuall hoarding house. *J33 New York ave. . " " I WANTED?COLORED GIRL. FOR GENERAL housework. 1T40 Hiti *t. n.w. WANTED WOMAN FOR HOI SKWOKK ON . pleasant farm. Apply Rooiu .'15.*, Treasury j Department WANTED HAI.KliKoWN COLORED GIRL TO assist with housework. Apply 12U0 Harvard at. n.w. Je27-.1t* WANTEI> -ELDERLY WOMAN. WHITE OR <-olored. to ?lo general housework, two In family. and make home with same; small wages. ' Address B<?* ?H, Star otjlee. Je37-.1t ' WANTED-COOK AND Nl USE. MRS. K. II. SHAW, East Klrke st.. Chevy Chase. Md. jel'T'lt WANTED GENERAL HOISEWORKER IN ; family of two; stay nights; references. 614 (j n.w. JelTT-2t* WAVfiiD- WHITE tilRI, ABOCT 16 TO nurse rod help around bouse. Apply 3436 P. Je37-3t J. # WANTED?HELP. WANTED?PI.AIN COOKS. CHAMBERMAIDS, general taouscworkcrs. nurse; also whit* companion. EXCHANGE. 1635 11th at. n.w. Je27-2t WANTED?WHITE WOMAN WILDING TO GO to cnnntry to do general housework In family of three; good wages for competent person. Apply The Oakland. Je28-3t WANTED?FIRST-CLASS COOK; MUST STAT at night; wages, $25 per month; bring references. Apply atore. 816 F at. n.w. ayP-tf WANTED?SITUATIONS. One cent a word for 18 worfln. ALLROUND HUSTLING. INTELLIGENT COLored man. good horseman, wishes position. Address Bo* ?. Star ofllce. Je27-2t" ~ mn om ramti. WANTED?BY YOUNG COIjORED MAN AND wife. i>nsitinn as bntler and rook, together or s?poratelv, city or suburbs; ref. ROBINSON, 1.-.24 O. VANTKD?PI-VCE AS I.ADVS MAID OR TO care for invalid, by colored woman who sews nicely; wish to leave city. Address Box 93, Star ofllce. POMBWIO. CHAMBERMAID till NUH8E-PLACE BY A it*'Hi. n'liaiH** rownn ??uuibu. tn in-in-in pi. n.w. TtoK - COLORED WOMAN. FIRST-CLASS rook and neat appearance. would like position In Chevy Chase or suburbs; best references. 2iO? 12th st. n.w. T?OK OR PAY'S WORK BY FIRST-CLASS j eolored woman; ood referrnre. Call 436 S n.w. ooK S 1'l.ACK. BY COLORED WOMAN, 2303 K st. n.w. j :OOKINO OH O EN KRAI, HOUSEWORK wanted by n young eolored woman. thoroughly competent. Call or address 1916 N st. n.w. )lt(G CLERK REGISTERED. DESIRES REllef work; tirst-elass references. Address Box 02. Star office. Je28-3t* LEVATOR BOY OR WORK OF ANY KlNtS- 1 By a eolored boy. 1911) !)th st. n.w. iENERAI, HOUSEWORK IN PRIVATE FAMily?By a eolored woman. No. Irt F n.w. JKNERAL HOUSEWORK. CHAMBERMAID by two neat women. EXCHANGE, 1635 11th. l'hone X. 6182. Je27-2t ANITOR IN SMALL IT-XT OR TO ATTEND horses. 429 Elin st. n.w. .ADY LEAVING TOWN FOR THE SUMMER reeoninieuds her <-ook as honest, reliable and a good crs?k. Address Box 74, Star office.* ,A UN DRESS ? EXPERIENCED. WANTS vashimr to do at home. 409 Howard ave., Anacostia. I>. C. cTRSK OR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN small family by respectable colored girl. 711 5th st. s.e. J.-28-2t* .1 KSE - SETTLED COLORED WOMAN wishes plaee as child's nurse; stay nights If desired. Call or address 1551 4th st. n.w. LACK To WORK IN STORE OR WITH DOC tor?By colored boy. .W W st. n.w. IORK OP ANY KIND BY BOY 16 YEARS OF . age. 2124 8th st. n.w. 1 ANTED BY WHITE GIRL. PLACE TO ASslst In doing housework. Write or rail 24 6th st. s.e. Je28-3t* CANTED?DAY'S WORK TO DO BY COLored woman. 428 X st. n.w. lOI'NG GIRL WANTS PLACE AS NURSE. _Call at l234 20t_h st. n.w. - WANTED?MISCELLANEOUS. tap cent a word each time for IS words 3 times. j IIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR WORN elotbing. ladles', gents' and children's shoes, hats; send postal or phone; will call. J. TARSHES. 1308 7th n.w. Thone North 499. Jo2Vtf WANTED?FURNITURE OF A EL KINDS; AI>- . so store and office fixtnres. feather beds. etc. S Send postal to MARCUS NOTES. 1330 O st. n.w., or phone Main 517.1, and you will obtain the highest cash price In the city for yotir goods. We call at your convenience. J'-^S-tf j PANTED ? TO BUY OLD FEATHER BEDS. When selling why not drop postal to an old. reliable Arm? H. MARKS. 422 10th st., opposite the Gas office, or phone Linen. 2331 Y. Jc2S-tf PANTED?PRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN "3D jcar" French and "4th year" Latin. Address Box 94. Star office. Je28-3t* HE BEST PLACE TO DISPOSE OF Fl'KXIture. etc.. is D. NOTES'. 615 La. ave. Spe- j rial attention paid stocks of groceries arid general merchandise. Drop postal or phone M. 3006. jo27-2t* FAXTED?FEATHERS; .100 OLD FEATHER j beds this month; will pay highest cash price; send t>o?tal. our man will rail. SOUTHERN FEATHER CO., 615 ?tb n.w. Je27-3t* : IIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR WORN garments; ladies*, gentlemen's, children's shoes < and bats. Address postal; I will call. N. Y. BARGAIN HOUSE. 1300 7th n.w. Ph. X.3200-N. > Je27-16t* PANTED ? FURNITURE CARPETS. PIANOS, etc.. to sell. Phone 1282. or will calL upon request. WESCH1.ER. 920 Pa. ave. n.w. Je21-30t IOOK MSS. WANTED BY WASHINGTON 1 branch office of prominent and long-established New York publishing house; Immediate consideration and Issue if acceptable. Write or send m?s. at once to E. K. GOLDBBOROCGH. Jr., < 1331 K st. n.w.. Washington. D. G. Je21-14t* E OLD CURIOSITY SHOP. 815 17TH 8T. N.W. Entire value riven for old gold and silver; wanted, anything odd or antique In Jewelry, j bronzes, paintings, china, mahogany furniture. Jel2-tf IIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR CAST-OFF . clothes, ladles', gentlemen's and children's. J Address postal: will call any time. S. BURNSTEIN. 1314 7th st. n.w. Phone Nottb 4390-Y. W-t I I'AV THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR LA- 1 dies', gentlemen's and children's cast-off wearing apparel. Drop card, will call. S. LIVING- STON. 1224 7th st. n.w., or phone North 7304. ^ jel7-16t UGHKST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' and gcutleineu'g worn garments: drop postal and I will call. G. UCHTMAN. 1736 7th n.w. ! Jel7-.V?t* I. BAl'M & SON. 912 PA. AVE. N.W. ? AN opportunity to dispose of all kinds of furni- lure. We are iu the market to buy slightly 1 used furniture, store fixtures and office furniture of every description. H. BAl'M Ac SON", 1 Phone M. 1254. Jel5-tf VF. WII.I. PAY A BETTER PRICE FOR YOUR old gold, silver and diamonds, as we need It for manufacturer. A. KAHX. 935 F at. n.w. ap6-3m 1 I'ANTED-ALL THE OLD. USELESS GOID nil silver lying Idle In yonr possession: pearls. diamonds, caineo*. Jewelry and silverware ] bought. C. K. KAIUt. Jeweler. 614 13th,above F. Jal3-tf.4 lANTED PAffN TICKETS FOR DIAMONDS . and Jewelry. Cash paid for old gold. silver, i platinum. coiD9. etc. lAtUIS ABRAHAM. 433 ftth. de6-tf 1'ILL t'ALI. IN MY UNLETTERED WAGON ami pay you the hitrheat prices for ladles', gentlemen's. ebildren's disearded elothing of all deseriptiona. Address jmstal or phone and 1 will rail. W. RICK. 1332 7th n.w. Ph. X. 1735. a:i23tf.3 J LOST Am) FOUND. rOST? LADY'S (JOIJl W'ATt'H AND PIN. ON 1 Pa. ave. or II at. bet. 17tb and 24th. Please return 1713 Pa. ate. n.w. and receive reward. DST -CHILD'S LOCKET AND CHAIN; LETT ter H on locket. Return to 131 N. C. ave. a.e.; reward. Jel'S-St * DSr-LADY'S G<>ID OPEN FACE WATCH: : monogram G. B. M. on bark. Reward for its return to Hborebatn Hotel. DST-SI'NDAY. LADY'S GOLD WATCH. OPEN fare; from St. Alovalus Church. North Gapltol to Lim-olu ave. Reward if returned A. E. SMITH. 1037 iAwrenre st.. Brookland. D. C. Je28-3t? LsT WHITE DIM;; BRINDLK SPOT OVER one eye; long tall; about 14 months old. Reward. 3038 M st. n.w. Je28-3t OST- LAMBDA SIGMA FRATERNITY PIN; tiearls with diamond corners. Rewsrd If returned. F. J. WORK. 51. the Brunswick. Je2*-3t DST-GREEN BAG. SUNDAY. CONTAINING keys, money, glasses. Reward. 1802 G at. n.w. .OST--SILVEK-GRAY PERSIAN CAT. WITH long hair and large, fluffy tall; strayed from 282S 27th at.. Wood ley Park. Ita return will l>e liberally rewarded. Je28-3t* DsT-ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, LARGKsl/e sterling fountain pen. Addreas Apr. 311 the Portner. Je27-3t* 7>STr MONDAY MORNING. IN TOILET NAtional Hotel, gold watcli and fob; J. W. B. engraved on from side. Liberal reward If returned National Hotel. Je27-3t* LOST?$3 REWARD FOR MALE COCKER spaniel; tag 4870. for Rex. 20181* H n.w. JfJI-Jl ,OKT?DOG. MALE COCKER SPANIEL: l>lark: long earn, abort tail and lock collar; tax 4*70. Reward. Return 2018H H St. n.w. jeao-at LOST ?GOLD P1X. WITH ONE DIAMOND, BEtween 20C."i <; n.w. and Smithsonian Inatltutlon. Reward If returned to 2025 G at. n.w. JetX. 3t LOST?SATIRDAY AFTERNOON, A GOLD bur pin with '"Ethel Trowbridge" engraved ou inoer aide. Kinder please return to 1821 II at. n.w. and reeelre reward. je26-3t LOST-GOLD CROSS AND CHAIN IX FRONT of residence 105 H at. n.w. Liberal reward if returned lo ata>re No. je2B-3t* LOST - FRENCH BI LL; DARK BRINDLE; white breast: answer* to name of Dixie. Libera! reward if returned to 1229 D at. n.w. je2*?-3t* LOST ? KMAIX. PLAIN OPKN-FACR GOU> watch. Lease at desk. Roc bam beau apt.. Stt Conn. are. jelO-tfPASTUBINO. WANTED HOUSES FOR PARTE RAGE-WTLL take a limited number of horses at ray farm, situate sis nillo* from city. El eel lent pasturage; running water. Beat attention. For particulars apply J. L HASKELL, 1403 H at. Phone Main 089. j?SMt / FOB SALE?MISCELLANEOUS. O? wat a word net time for 18 w?rti 8 tl?. YOU'LL SAVE 28 TO 50 PER CENT ON THE USUAL PRICE OF ANY PIANO OR PLAYER- TT PIANO YOU BUY HERE DURING THIS EX- , PAN SI ON SAIjE. Every Instrument In ?took , reduced. Investigate these special bargains: _J Knabe. $175; Chlckertng. $145; Staonlnger. IK $250; Hard man. $210; Pease. $100; Weber t grand. $285; Vose. $250; Stleff. $2U0; Gibson. $125: Hardman Antotone. $390; Bebnlng Play- ? er-Piano. $545; Autopianos. $390, and many others. Easy terms of payment. O. J. De- r MOLL A CO.. cor. 12th and G sts. n.w. f >28 10d 0> FOR SALE - GASOLINE ENGINE STATION- _* ary; 2 horsepower: reason for sale. Installing o> electric motor; cheap for cash. Basement. a 1305 H st. n.w. Je28-3t* ? FOR SALE?CHEST CARPENTER'S TOOLS. i 936 French st. n.w., frdtn 6 to 9 a.m. 1 Je28-3t* ~ FOR SALE?TWO YOUNG. HIGHLY BRED . setters; well broken. BRUCE G. HAMILTON. , MltchellvIIle, Prince George co.. Md. Je28-3t* j WE LEAVE FOR COLORADO FRIDAY, 1ST; gJJ will sell all furniture and honsebold goods Immediately. 207 9th st. s.e. r FOR SALE?NATIONAL CASH REGISTER; 'I total adder and check printer. Call at 1343 a E n.w. Je2S-6t 131 HAVING INSTALLED RUNNING WATER IN all rooms, we will aacriflee abnnt 50 marble- i/* top waahstands. HOTEL JOHNSON. Je28-m* UNIVERSITY COURSE IN BUSINESS. ALSO * law, giving degree: atandard text; tuition free; v-r $5 month. Box 65. Star office. Je27-3t* h MARCY'S MARKET. 1410 P ST. N.W.; ICE 1 tiox for sale, cheap. Je27-3t 71^ DEADRISE LAUNCH, COST *40S; CABIN; T line eonditlon: $225. Full particulars malb-d. r Box 71. Star office. Jc27-3t* 10; 34 SHAKES STOCK SEALED PACKAGE ICE J1 Co. at $2.30 per share; less than company's _ price. L. M. COOK, the Montgomery. Jc27-7t* (j> PIANO SNAP-ALMOST NEW UPRIGHT. $125. ? BOSTON BARGAIN STORE. 619 K. Je2?-7t* ' FOR SALE-ONE OR FIVE; NICE SIX ROOMS ~ and hath; deep lots to alley; 22 feet parking; 71". bay windows; press brlek fronts; rented good " tenants; 12 per cent Investment. OWNER, 615 F st. n.w. Je26-3t* ? FOR SALE?TWO 110-VOLT D. C. 12-H.P. OTIS elevator motors, with worm gears; complete; _ good as new.. Apply S. KANX, SONS A CO., J 8th and Pa. are. je26-3t I FOR SALE?CORNER LOT 4OX0R. WITH 15 ? additional reet or parking; nne northwest loea tlon, near car line: 17 minutes from Treas- &2< nry: worth $900; will take $42.1; perfect title; | terms $10 monthly. Call or write K. M. n LAW. 818 Colorado hldg. Je26-3t? ^ FOR SALE?I.OT OF SHAFTING, PULLEYS. r time clock: 10x15 Holding Jobber; long foun- ? tain. 015 F st. n.w. je2B-3t? 13^ FOR SALE?PIANO IN GOOD CONDITION: . very cheap: party going to leave city. 123 T P st. n.w. Je26-3t* ? 2H FOR SALE-ELEGANT UPRIGHT PIANOS RE- t turned from rent, a few of them only used e six and eight months. Smashing the prices - ? for the bargain hunter that pays cash. Up- 17C right in fine case and fine tone for $90. Pianos f that sell for $350 to $450, If closed out quickly, 75: for only $140. $130. $175. The choice of three ^ magnificent uprights that sell for $450 at all j times, the first quick buyers get one for $100. t Hurry up. 131 GRIMES PIANO S7TORE8, 1212 F St. fl Je22-tf ? FIVE SPECIAL PIANO BARGAINS. r< $400 Cable A Nelson $193 $ $400 Needham $190 ? $350 Stleff. $300 1T' $400 Bradbury $173 f $700 Sohmer $263 1 HUGO WORCJH. 1110 G. Sohmer,. Blazlus. Emerson, Regent and Worcb Pianos. Je22-tf.S 144 X>R SALE-NEW AND SECOND HAND ELECtrie fans. THOS. J. WILUAMS A CO., 610 F n.w. Je22-7t i*OR SALE?PIANOS AND PLAYER-PIANOS. W-< Standard make upright. $90; mahogany upright. u used a few months. $105: new pianos, $175. t $200. $223. $240. $250. $275 and $300. All on 1< small monthly payments. New player-pianos. S $330. $13 cash and $10 per month. HEI.BIG ?; BROS. Estab. 28 years. 1742 7th. ielS-tf IAFES?FULL LINES OF FIREPflOOF SAFES at our salesrooms: safes bought and sold and rz~, exchanged. Write or telephone. Will send rep- 1''1 reaentatlve. YORK SAFE AND LOCK CO.. 5-7 [' W. German at.. Baltimore. Md. Je8-tf.S [J rOR SALE?2 CARI-OADS OF WINDOW AND 207 loor screens and all kinds of screen material 01 at lowest prices; screens from 13c up: screens ? made to order. KLEEBLATT'S, 11th and H n.e. 245 myS-90t Ii POR SALE-GOOD QUALITY OPAQUE SHADES. hl fitted to your windows, only 35e; the best TM quality oil opaque shades, 60c. hung free. We n call with samples. KLEEBLATT'S. It ap22-tf 11th and H sts. n.e. ? d< (TOR BOATS FROM $130 UP AT OUR NEW q store, 14th and S sts.; 13-mlle specdabout. $30o; ri 28-ft. cruiser. SOOO; canoes. $33, and rowboats. RACINE BOAT MFG. CO. apl9-tf SHOWCASE AND STORE FIXTURES. P JOHN C. SCHF.RER, JR., MFG. CO.. ? de4-tf Baltimore. 1!? BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. >ne cent a word each tlm? for 15 word* 8 timer WUJ fOR SALE?TO QUICK BUYER. IX'NCrfROOM fi and cafe business; fine trade; profits average n $200.00 a month; hooka opeq to verify state- n ment; a bargain; owner called away suddenly. a Address Box SO. Star office. Je28-3t* A FINELY EyflPPED COMMERCIAL PHOTO- IK graph eatabllsbment: unsurpassed ground-floor r location; snap. THORNTON, 1606 Pa. are. r xi. w. je28-3t* 73? >900: HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMIMJ _a bouse; 20 rooms, all occupied: paying splendid. ,,, $400; boarding boose clearing $75 monthly. a THORNTON. 1505 Pa. arc. n.w. je28-.1t* ?I m l UJ ANTIQUE Fl KNITI RK BUSINESS. FINE , money maker; also second-hand furniture store, line trade. THORNTON, 1505 Pa. ave. ? n.w. je28-1t* l^1 >5.000 TO START POULTRY FARM AND \ stock food infg. in Va.; fine investment; large ?? profits; l?cst reference as to character, ability, -34 honesty. Box 84. Star office. je28-3t* *j FOR SAI.E-HALF INTEREST OF MOVING ? picture park. 37 Good Hope road. 1<J* VANTED-LIGIIT GROCERY AND CONFEG- n tionery. with rooms, renting for about $25; J< price not to exceed $500. NEW YORK Bl'Sl- 775; NESS BROKERS. 1423 F. Je27-0t iUBURBAN FEED AND GROCERY AT IN- fl ventory; grocery and lunchrooms at reasonable ?Srices: investigation invited. NEW YORK 1? USINES8 BROKERS. 1423 F. Jc27-flt LUNCHROOM FOR SALE. 910 D N.W. ? jc27-3t* FS FOR HALE-MOTION PICTURE THEATER: r, splendid location, good business: partv leav- j, lng city: Inquire at once. CHAS. F. DIOGS, ? 9th and G fcts. n.w. Je27-3t* . Mw FOR SALE-MOVING-PICTURE SHOW; MCE location: seating capacity. 240; rcasonablo " price. Call 1207 11th at. n.w. je27-3t* ? FOR SALE?FIRST-CLASS BARBER SHOP; ~ doing fine business; reason for selling, owner going to Europe. Address Box 47, Star office. DE IF DEAL CAN BE CLOSED IN 10 DAYS $2,000 " cash will buy a long ectabliahed job printing ' and mall order business, all clear, paving . $1,800 a year. Plant Is in best of condition; I' good location. Present employees can run F0 office. Regular trade assured. Cash only. F Address Apartment 24, 1428 Meridian at. n.w. f >26-31* F ,, LOANS NEGOTIATED FOR SALARIED PEO- j, pie from $10 up. CHARLES R. OKMK. Room ? 310. 1410 II at. n.w. je23-30t FOR SALE?LUNCHROOM OUTFIT: STEAM I table: mission furniture; cash register; easy ji terms. 1318 E St. n.w. Je24-5t* FOR SALE-WHOLF.SALE LIQUOR LICENSE and fixtures at u sacrifice: going out of husiness. must sell. 2118 Pa. ave. Je22-7t* PERSONAL^ _d WELL. GOOD-BYE; HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR F? self in Reno. Spend our cash freely we |Mld for meu's worn shoes, full suits, etc. Send . for us. ' m Je28-5d JUSTH*S OLD STAND. 619 D. * WHAT IS IT YOU WANT TO KNOW? BRADFORD'S DETECTIVE AGENCY. SUITE 224. COLORADO BUILDING. 14th and _? G. Phone Main 2325. Established 1885. Pri FC vate consultation rooms: delicate and intricate Investigations, any raun>; ell sections. Office p hour*. 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.: after 6 p.m. Mr. 1 Bradford cau be consulted at bis residence, I 3002 11th at. n.w. Phone Columbia 1924. ? Jc2fl-7t* .0 SIGNORA ANN1NA ANDRIM FAZZI. LINCOLN 3095. _? Shampooing Wed. and Sat. 4 to 10 p.m. ~ Combine* and all switches made Into latest style braids or pufTs. Through connection ? with the leading dealers am In a position to furnish everything up to date and match all _? ahades of hair. Wigs made to order. RAST f?i OAPITOL HAIR DRESSING PARLORS. corner 4th and Eaat Capitol at*. Jel7-tf LET US ESTIMATE ON TOUR HOU8ECLEANlng; rug*, carpets, furniture, walls, mattresses, etc.; DUXTLEY VACDl'M CLEANER used: reasonable charges. Telephone N. 3208. CAP. , ITAL VACUUM CLEANER CO.. 114? 15th at. y Duntley vacnuni cleaner rented by the day. . Je4-tf ? ? 78; HIGHKST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' C and genta' worn garments of all kloda; also shoe*, hat*, etc. THE BARGAIN STORE. 1244 { 7th at. n.w. Drop postal; will caU promptly. TOTl2-tf.4 MASSAGE. ~ MASSAGE-ALL BRANCHES MAGNETICTKBAT meat; rheumatism and poor circulation sciem ' tiflcally treated. ANNA B. JOHNSON. Uta of ) Now fork. 1414 16th a.w.; phono North 4494, _J mylT-tf FOR REin?STABLES FOR RENT?TWO-STORY BRICK STABLE IN rear of 1824 Vermont nee. n.w.; 5 stalls: gas and elsctrtc light; toilet; carrlnge room; coachman's room; loft; water; elevator; In excellent a condition; nlace for stove. Rent. $30. WAGSTAFF * WHITE (Inc.). 904 14tb St. n.w. Je24-5t FOR RENT?GARAGE. FOR RENT?PRIVATE GAKAGE; NEW BUILDlog; built specially for garage purposes; fireproof: cement floors; sSheato* shingle roof; J electric light: lockers: washrooms and toilet- fx Rear 1400 l?th at. n.w.. or 152b I> at. n.w. ww ? r?A 1*11 4 L? at n tm XI. n. HUT* DKl W?, **?*? * - Je28-10t | 1 FOR RENT?BOOKS. Ow cmi a word tor 1ft word*. j FPEwwmm. ? E ST. S B. FURNISHED ROOMS NEAR *Hpitot and Library; also 2 unfiir. rooms. Ic28-3t? t KENTUCKY AVE. R.E.-ONK ROOM ON ( second floor, adjacent to both. Phone Linen. 1127. Je28-2t* i H ST. X.W. - LARGE. CLEAN. AIRY ooms In well kept h?nse; aummer rates; south- . rn exposure. "] IB FURNISHED ROOM. $5 FEB MONTH; yntlemen only. 1142 7tb ?t. n.w. Je28-3t? IE FURNISHED ROOM. SECOND STORY; iimmer prices. 1441 Fnlrmont St. Jc2S-3t* IOICE OF PLEASANT NEWLY FURNISHED . -ooms. bath, 91.25 weekly up. 1002 lltk n.w. i Ie27-2t* NICELY FURNISHED COMMUNICATING . -ooms. suitable for young men or very desir- 1 tble for light housekeeping; summer terms. t30 Md. avr. n.e. Je27-3t* > 5TII N.E.?THREE BRIGHT. BEAUTIFUL ooms. parlor floor; "handsomely furnished. 1 omplete for housekeeping: everything new and ip-tn-date; elegant gas range, porcelain sink nd bath: Tery reasonable. Je27-2t* 13 K ST.?LARGE ROOM, WITH PRIVATE iath. and one small room. Je27-2t* 15 H ST. N.W.?LARGE SOUTH-FRONT AND ther rooms; attractive home comforts- deslrible; central location. Je27-4t* IR GENTLEMAN. ONE LARGE ROOM; ^ >ath; no other roomers. The Clifton. Apt. 22, 323 Clifton st. Je26-3t I 5TH ST. N.W.?ONE LARGE FURNISHED ront room: also two furnished communicating j ooms: complete for l.h.k. Je26-3t* !6 NEWTON STTI BROOK LAND.?THREE urge completely furnished housekeeping rooms. Inner. Je25-a,S.tu,th,4t* J IE LARGE FRONT ROOM. OVERLOOKING Smithsonian Park; private family: qnlet nelghporhood; terms moderate. 1006 B St. s.w. e25-7t* I 6T1I N.W.?COOL ROOMS. SECOND FLOOR; ( outhern exposure: $5 to $10 month. Je24-6t ' FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. j \NTED?A GENTLEMAN OF MIDDLE AGE nd settled habits to Join similar party In ^ noaern H-room ano oatn apt.; locanon ana erras to bo mutually agreed upon. Address h>x 30. Star office. Je?6-8t UNFURNISHED. I 4TH N.E. -5 LARGE ROOMS AND BATH. ; n good condition; near Union station; ressonhle. Je28-3t L MP. AVE. X.E.?FLAT OF 3 ROOMS; ent Ion*. ja2H-3t xT W N.W.-FOUR DESIRABLE HOUSE " Leeping rooms; entire floor; heat, bath and ;ns: lanndry facilities in basement; fine yard; ery reasonable. Jc28-3t* 17 H N.W. -ROOMS. SI NOT JO OR EN SUITE, urnlshed or unfurnished, for l.h.k.; southern xposure; reasonable rates. Je28-2t* ^ 17 13TH ST. N.W.-ENTIRE FLOOR, 3 UNurnlshed rooms and bath, l.h.k. ifi ?TH N.W.?TWO FINE ROOMS, ADoinlng bath; l:b.k.; gas; unfurnished. e28-3t* ? . 17 11 Til N.W.?FOR RENT?ENTIRE 2D \ oor: two rooms and hath; gas; $18. Je2S-8t* 18 6TH ST. N.W. ?THREE UNFURNISHED : wms for l.h.k.; on same floor with bath; 15. Je2R-3t* !1 N. J. AVE. N.W.?TWO NEWLY FA- ( ered rooms, second floor; heat, gas and bath; .h.k. Je22.2H.24,27,28,29 WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. A IRVING STREET.. MT. PLEASANT?FUR- S Ished rooms, with or wlthont board. Je23-7t W ANTED?ROO MS. j IXTED?A ROOM WITH RUNNING WATER, rhich can l?e used for dark room; also one or wo furnished rooms in same house; centrally >cHted; give particulars. Address Box 73, ? tar office. Jo27-3t* BOOMSAND BOABIX ; One cent a word for IS words. 12 COLUMBIA ROAD ? BRIGHT. COOL I eras, 2d and 3d floors; excellent table; 2 enr ' nes. Je28-10t* 1 C N.W.? TWO BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. SEC- 6 rwl /eAnt noa,.alain l.oih- 1 K 1- a. /am UU II"WI liVUlf wall! , l.U.a. UI 1UI nt It-men. 1' 1STH N.W.. COR. OOLL'MBIA KOAD-3 = irge rooms. 2d floor; completely furnished for [xisckecplug: private family. Je28-3t* 0 DELIGHTFUL, NICELY FURNISHED 3- i torn and baths apts.; summer prices. See jan- I ?>r. "The Koland." square east of Oapltol. B LENOX -DESIRABLE ROOMS; BACHELOR ] uarters: sixth floor; south and west; summer ?tes. Apt. 21. je28-2t* 1 MAPLE ST.. TAKOMA PARK?ROOM AND rtard in a Takoma Park home; reasoabie rates. hone Tak. 61. Je28-3t i7 H N.W.?NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; I xcellent table board; near departments. Phone I. 5432. Je28-3t t.NTED?A GENTLE3I AN To SHARE AN . nusually pleasant home with small adult ] molly on Capitol Hill: second-floor room, ewly painted and papered; table excellent; o ereasy food nor negro cooking: screens. wnfnga; house scrupulously clean: terms, $25. 1 ddress LINCOLN PARK. Star office. Je28-3t* >4 8TH N.W.?LARGE ALCOVE FRONT oom for two: location quiet; cool and shady; irivate family. je27-.1t 1 ! OTH N.W.?ROOMS AND BOARD. $5; ? m. breakfast. Je27-4t* )2 B ST. N.E.-BRIGHT. COOL ROOMS. 1 econd and third doors: .1 car lines. je27-2t >3 GIKARD ST.?TWO ATTRACTIVE 2D tory rooms: bath; telephone; convenient to wo car lines. Je20-7t* >4 K N.W.?SECOND-STORY FRONT; ALSO * ingle room; ceutral; abundant table. Pboue Iain <1338. je26-St* 14 14TH ST.?WELL FURNISHED. COOL ooms; good table; convenient to cars: high oration: phone. Je20-llt il COLUMBIA ROAD ?DELIGHTFUL 2D tory front rooms. Including board. $2.1 per to.; fine home table. Pboue Columbia 3852. i-2C-.1t 4 CALIFORNIA ST.?ATTRACTIVE ROOMS: ne location; good table; phone; half square rom car. Je25-7t* 4 13TH ST. N.W.?ELEGANTLY FURNISHED outhern exposure rooms, with flrat-class table oard; bath each floor; central; summer ratea; nlltnlted teleplione service. Je25-0t* ONT ROOM. BEST FARE. *25: LARGE oom. best fare. $45 for two. 1635 L st.n.w. i-23-6t* ANTED?ROOMS AND BOARD. ? CNTED?ROOM AND BOARD FOR BOY AND Irl, ages Ave and seveu. July 1 to Oct. 1. Hndly state terms. Address Box 95. Star fflce. Je28-Tt FOR R^T?OFFICES. 1 INTAL PARLORS. 2002 14TH ST.. FRONT f transfer station; all conveniences, gas. elec- _ rlc light, electric fans, steam heat; will rent c heap. Apply to H. E. SANDS, in store, f27-31 41 RENT-PARKWOOD. 1748 K ST.; 1ST . 'I.OOH. FRONT. 3 ROOMS. RECEPTION Z IALL AND BATH. SPECIALLY SUITED 1 OR DOCTOR'S OFFICE. rHE F. H. SMITH CO.. 1408 N. T. AVE. 1 e26-Su.tu.2t THREE DESIRABLE SINGLE ROOMS In the Colorado bldg.. to sublet to Nov. 1 at a substantial reduction. p23-10t*4 Apply Room 327. R RENT? | UNION TRUST CO. BUILDING. ! Fine offices, $16 to $40. f Heat, liirht. elevator and Janitor servlca. THOS. J- FISHER 00. (Inc.), 738 15th n.w. R RENT?JUST A FEW FIXE ROOMS AND uites in the modern and handsome METROPOLITAN BANK BUILDING. 6th St., opposite U. S. Treasury. Rental* * rom $16 to $35 monthly. Including heat, light, lerator and Janitor serrtce. A. F. FOX COMPANY. Rental Agents. Z 14th at New York are., or in building. >R RENT? Beautlfnl office room on Pa. are. facing the J oat office: reasonable to desirable tenant. Alae Ine offices on 11th St. front. Apply MAITIGER. Star bldg.. 11th and Pa. are. Jel7 tt _ K RENT?FRONT OFFICE ROOM, SECOND t oor. 007 G st. n.w., $N. McLACHLEX BANKING CORPORATION, p7-tf 10th and Q. j FOB, BENT?STORES! ion STORE. 471 C ST. N.W.. ONLY $12. OI1N T. KNOTT. Room 14. 918 F at. Je28-3t It KENT?STORE A- DWELLING. 190ft 2D ST. NORTHWEST, NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE. I Good store for tailor, physician, dressmaker, tc.: 7 rooms abore. ONLY $32.50 PER MO. Will put In new show windows for desirable 1 early tenant at increased rental. LIEBERMA.XN A HAWN, 1303 F ST. e28-3t j 1 13TH ST. N.W.. LARGE STOREROOM, CELLAR AND 6R. AND B. ABOVE, $100.00. 420 12TH ST. K.W.. OPP. RALEIGH uiTiti. storeroom rrn.oo. THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY. 1408 NEW YORK AVE. pgr.Sn.tu.2t 1 >R RENT?CHEAP; LARGE NEW STORE iear I'nion station; well located for lunch- _ oom: alio 5-room apartment above. c YILLIGE, GIBBS A DANIEL, 603-05 13TH. e25-6t NEW BUILDING. 826 13TH ST. N.W. Modern, up-to-date store. Cellar and 2d floor. The store has celling 20 ft. high, with 1,800 quare feet floor space. THE SECOND FLOOR Has 2,800 sq. ft. floor space; 15-ft. celling. . Plate glass windows. J Ventilation and light In abundance. Freight elevator. Will rent separately or as a whole. Excellent terms to good party. BELT. O'BRIEN A OO. One.). 1300 G N.W. elfl-tf.eSu >K RENT?615.00 MONTH. NO. 1016 29TH ST. N.W. (NEW). L. W. GROOMER. e4-s,ta,th,tf 1410 G ST. N.W. COUHTRY BOABD. 1KAND VIF.W, HIGH AND HEALTHY. COMmiDdlnc an extensive view of the' Blue Kldge Tt mountains and the Potomac river; 3 ml. east of Harpers Ferry on the B. A O. (I. B.: hath- , room; special famllT rates; Ashing. Mrs. WM. HENKF.L. Knoxvillo. M?1. Je28-4f XtNCORD FARM. M MILKS FROM WASHington: station 5 minutes' walk; colonial man- J slon; large rooms; verandas, fine shade; phone. ? Circular at Star office. Miss R. B. BERRY. Ritchie, l*r. George oo., Md. Je28-7t PHE SEASON OF 1810 OPENS JULY 1 AT Shell field Farm, and we hope to see our friends and former patrons as nsunl. assuring them of a pleasant time while with us. Terms. $7 i week, *1.36 per dav. Special rates for fam- < Hies. L. C. HANDY. Wllkerson P. O., Va. , Je28-.1t | IV ANTED -FEW BOARDERS IN LARGE MODern. eool. private home, near station. Address . K., Box 120. Gaithershnrg, Md. , VEWMARKET, NEAR BOYCE. CLARKE CO.. i Vs.: old colonial place, 12 acres, beautifully t shaded, lawn and meadow, ttmnla court. $23 I Rer month. Box 292. Boyce. va. Je27-Ot*4 JICH NECK- BOARDERS BY T1IE WEEK OR , month; boating, bathing free: water front; < plenty of shade; terms moderate. Mrs. TM. 1 X. AYRBS. Rock Hall. Kent co.. Md. Jeg7-7t* \ APPLY FOR BOARD. J Open for the summer. Box 32, Linden, Warren county, Va. Jc26-3t*.4 , VANTED-BOARDERS AT BEAUTIFUL HOME I 45 minutes from city: fine shade; spring water; fresh vegetables, milk, eggs, fruit; bath: 10 minutes' walk from station. Box 6. West Falls Church. Je2ft-3t* ' ,ARGF. FAM PITS. ISO OAKS; BIG. COOL ] rooms: finest water; bathroom; telephone; foot Blue Ridge. Va.; daily mail. Address M. I). ; u.. Kocneiie. va. jc^St ? 'BW BOARDERS WANTED AT MAPLE HALL. In the Blue Ridge mts.: cool, airy rooms; ? ahady lawn; good table- $fl and $7 per week. F< Apply to Mrs. I. G. FOSTER, Bluemont. Va. Je24-7t Qlen Manor, jorchea; ahady walks; tennis; chickens, eggs and rH vegetables from place;4 m. steam A trolley;phone. Ft JelS-30t,4. TOE DUNBAR. ON LOWER POTOMAC; M.. D. 5 V. Ry. to Miller's; good table; artesian water { well shaded lawn; motor boating, rowing bathing, fishing, crabbing free; rates t* , parties. W. W. DUNBAR. Ridge, Md. Jell-30t*4 j THE RALEIGH," AT THE MOUTH OF THE Potomac river; for summer boarders; excellent table: bathing and fishing; write for terms. MAREL L. OURLEY. Ridge, St. Mary Co.. Md. Je7-80t.4? , THE RIYERDALE"?SITUATED ON WATER 1 front; healthy location; excellent table board; boating, bathing, etc., free. Mrs. H. R. HOW. KTH. Tllghman. Md. Jel-30f _ WANTED?COUNTRY BOABD. ! VANTED?BY JULY 1. TWO ROOMS AND ? board for two adults and two children, 1,1 and M. 14; with small fox terrier; along car line, one fare; not over ,10 minutes from city; good cooking; breakfast and evening dinner; private family preferred; not to exceed $14 per week. Address Box 99, Star offlce. VANTKD?COUNTRY BOARD. IN OR NEAR Chevy Chase; board for two and child 2 years old. Addreaa Box 75, Star office. SUBURBAN BOARD. )LD COLONIAL MANSION: 7 ACRES; Extensive flower and vegetable gardens. Highlands Manor, Wisconsin ave. opposite McLean's clock. Jo26-3t? H'MMER BOARD IN RpCKVILLE; LARGE, shady grounds; convenient to ears; references exchanged. Mrs. JOS. READING.,tn.3t* rEJW REFINED PARTIES COULD ?ET SUMmer board at our beautiful country place on Tenleytown road. Address Box 4. Star office. Je24-fit* :OOL ROOMS, coon TABLE. BATH; KEFERences exchanged: $30 h month. Address Miss AMELIA HIGGINS, Rockvllle, Md. Je23-6t? TUB TOWERS, (Tenleytown rd.)| Ilghest and coolest point near city; airy rooms, srge porches; abundant table. Pbone Cloveand .114 M. Je22-7t II'MMEK BOARD FOR GIRLS AND SMALL 1 boys at Montrose School from May 1 to Oct. 1; ] terms moderate; delightful location. Mtss 1 HARDEY. Clarksvllle. Md. ap25-tf _J HORSES AND VEHICLES. A >we cent a word each time for IB words 3 times. ' i 4 VTi \t utr tu run en w i i.i vrn wnn x ?* auv.i i ?/ii n.iivu. j torn 3d at. n.w. Je28~-3f POIt SALE AT 921 4TH N.W. (REAR). H.VV ^ home and grocery wagon. * jo2S-3t* ] POR SALE-BAY MARK] 7 YEARS OLD. bout 1.150 Ilia., guaranteed found: also firstclass up-to-date huckster wagon. 220 E n.e. Je28-3t* JF.NTLE.UAN LEAVING CITY DESIRES TO sell his combination horse, also a high-acting black English cob. Can be seen at VIRGINIA STABLES. 4S5Vi C st. n.w. Jc28-3t? POR SALE?DELIVERY WAGON, *25: RUBber-tire runabout, $35, and new Gillette safety razor. $3. 800 E n.e. Je27-3t? POR SALE-ONE FAST TROTTING HORSE. 1 little sore; mark 14*4. can show 30 gait: $05: also one bay cob, $35; little sore. 1420 7th n.w. je27-3t* TOO LARGE HOUSES FROM VA.. SUITABLE for ice or coal wagons. Stable 9th and O n.w. Je27-3t* IIGH-GRADE COACH. SADDLE AND GENeral purpose horses bought, sold or exchanged. If you wish to hire, sell or buy carriages. , horses or harness you will find It advantageous to call. W. F. DOWNEY, 1C22 L St. n.w. , jeaft-3t pOR SALE?PRIVATE FAMILY. LSI NO AUTO MOBILES. WILL SELL HORSES. CAR- 1 RIAGES AND HARNESS AT A SACRIFICE. 4 AS WE HAVE NO FURTHER USE FOR Pi THEM. ! $250--Monterey Wilkes. 2.164 last summer; i a grand road horse, young, handsome and sound; perfectly fearless of all city sights; can be driTen by the most Inexperienced person; does not pull at the bit; a natural road horse i of 10 to 12 miles an hour; must be seen to i be appreciated; cost $750 last year. $200? I Blatr Dillon, 2.18*?. by Baron Dillon; a young, sound, handsome horse. Also three horses we have used in the family: one an excellent saddler. These horses have been driven fre- t quently by ladies. All young and sound and large enough for almost any use. The above horses are In perfect health. Speed wagon, runabout, station wagon and brougham: single and double harness. Can be 1 seen at the Burlington Boarding Stable, be- j tween Vermont ave. aud 15th and L and M =7 ats. Ask for Mr. Ford's coachman. je25-tf f 58 will buy A new rubber-tire kun- t about; latest 1910 style. J teasy term's. ? probey carriage co.. . (See Our Complete Stock of Vehicles), Je21 tf.6 1230 32d st. n.w. j JOGSWKLL'S 18 THE BEST PLACE TO BUY j new and second-band surreys, traps, runabouts, 1 day tons ana delivery wagons; $15 up. Harness, ? $4 up. 209-211-212-214 11th st. n.w. my6-tf _j JEORGE M. GAXTZ. 1206 D ST. N.W.?LARO- F( eat assortment of vehicles of all kinds, including grocery and express wagons and harness, 1 at wholesale prices to the retailer. ap!2-tf 1 VAN,TED?HORSES & VEHICLES. ' IV A NT ED? TO HIRE FOR 3 MONTHS. BF. Tr ginning July 15. by snuill family going to country, a lady's gentle driving hor?e and < surrey, for light driving purjxtses only; will . be given good care. 1920 Calvert at. Je28-3t AUTOMOBILES. 4 )ne cent a word each time for 15 word3 2 limes. \ pOR SALE?1908 FORI> ROADSTER. WITH A 5 guarantee; Just overhauled; price very reason- J able. MECHANICS' ALTO REPAIR CO., _1 rear 1206 K at. Phone 7782. Je28-3t FC "OR SALE-VERY CHEAP TO PRO MIT BUY- ! er. TVarren Detroit 30 horsepower; been used i as demonstrator. 3300 14th st. n.w. Je28-3t j i"OR SALE-ROADSTER; 20 H.-P.; FULLY ? equipped: A1 condition; $500. Addretm Box 83. Star office. Je28-3t* ."OR SALE?TEX BUICK, "09; SEATS 4; TOP: ' wind shield, speedometer; magneto; in perfect , condition. ATLAS GARAGE. 1204 New Hampshire ave. n.w. Je28-3t For sale ? two-cylinder runabout. with top; good condition; price, $125. Room 10. 615 14th st. Jc27-3t 1 1 ... i g >LDS RUNABOUT, LATEST MODEL; NEW tires: just painted; lamps; top; perfect order. 121 C n.o. Je27-3t* " ' a i? vvt?twn pptvatr artn\rnrir.r sheds, brick; dec. llchts. water, concrete floors: pared alley. OWNER, 3100 ICth at. Je27-3t? . OR SALE?OOOO AUTOMOBILE; CHEAP IF sold at once. 1063 31st at. n.w. Je2tt-3r 'IKW.K ARROW RUNABOUT. JUST OVERhauled: perfect condition; $225. Address Box 1Q. Baltic hldg. Jc26-3t* LUTOMOB1LE TIRES AND LAMPS AT HALF price. DAKIN AUTO LAMP REPAIR CO., t 722 13th at. n.w. Je26-3t* <rOR SALE?OVERLAND TOURING CAR. 190? *1 model. In perfect running order: good an new; complete with top, wind shield, speedometer, extra tire, etc.: $1,180. Phone or call for demonstration. IMPERIAL MOTOR CO.. 1214 V st. n.w. Phone North 2056. Je24-Tt i"OR SALE?STANLEY STEAMER; TOP: WIND j shield. Would exchange for larger Stanley. 1318 E n.w. Jc24-5t* I "OR SALE-MODEL K WAYNE 4-CYLINDER 6- | passenger touring car, fully equipped and In ?i good condition. FOR SALE?Columbia electric, in good condition; complete with recharging outfit. FOR SALE?2-passenger Locomobile steamer, in excellent condition and new tires. C FOR 8ALE? Stearna touring car. 50-horse- t power, fully equipped and In excellent condl- c "CARTER MOTOR CAR CORPORATION, r jel8-tf Munaey building. "HE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF SLIGHTLY . used nutoa, all makes and styles, from $150 to $2,000; SO In number. Branch of Philadelphia. THE ROMAN AUTO CO.. apll-tf.eSn.g 1815 H st. n.w. 1 AUTOMOBILES FOB HIBE. ' "INE WHITE STEAM AUTOMOBILES FOR i hire. $8 per hoar; 5 and 7 passenger; by hour, day or week; driven by practical man. PHONE LINCOLN 1434. ee20-tf,4 j a APABTXEHTS TO LET. SPECIALTIES IX APARTMENTS. IE COLUMBIA. Uth and Gtrard rent, $45. . THE LINCOLN. Ill 12th st. s.e. 1 Bents. $35 and $40. HIE EUCLID. Kufllil and Uulveralty place Rents. $30 and $40. JAMBS A. CAHILL. 1808 F ST. X.W. lelO-tf RENT FROM SHANNON ft I.UGHS. 713 14TH ST. N.W. M. 2345. A QUICK. COURTEOUS SERVICE. FOR RENT?A downtown apartment, fi rooms nd beautiful bath; located near Thomas Clr- ' le; rent. $35.50 month; Jnat been thomnghly I japrred and painted. Apply AT ONCE for ' toys. FOR RENT?Washington Heights; $2R.*0; Ire rooms and tiled bath; comparatively new: new papering: expensive decorations; janitor tervlee; a handsome bunding. The only apartnent for rent in this section under $10. The ' 'rataloc. 2320 Champlain at. ] FOR RENT?Four rooms and bath; Heights; tear 14th st. cars; all outside rooms; white lanitor service; built-in refrigerator; electric lights; telephone service. See it today. The Executive, 10th and Newton at*. ; SHANNON ft LUCHS. 1 d. 2345. 713 14tb St. n.w. M. 2345. Ml RENT-DOWNTOWN BUSINESS PROP-' prty, right at 14th and G sts.. $3,000 per year; upper floors will rent for $75 per month. A . ;reat opportunity. MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT. See It AT ONCE. FOR RENT?14th st. below S St.; wide, ieep storeroom; will be remodeled to snlt tenint; well adapted to automobile showrooms, [lent. $75 month. Inquire AT ONCE of SHANNON ft LUCHS. d. 2345. 713 Uth at. n.w. M. 2345. >R RENT?ft-ROOM FLAT. 2D-STORY. $22.50. 25]ft 17th at. n.w. Ml HENT308 FLA. AVE. N.W. 5 rooms, bath, yard; on ear line; very conrenicnlly located; good, clean square; $20. MOORE ft HILL. INC.. 1333 O. 1 |e28-eo.3t Ml RENT? THE NAPLES. 716 19th at. n.w. J rooms and bath $22.50 ? rooms and bath $32.50 and $35.00 All outside rooms; One lawn; eafe; dec. elevator; near departments and all cars. MOORE ft HILL. INC.. 1333 G. |e28-eo.ttt Ml RENTTHE MARION. 2000 H n.w. Corner; ail rooms bright and cheerful; well kept; halls newly decorated; 4 rooms and bath; $3u to $37.50. MOORE ft HILL, INC.. 1333 G. |e28-oo.3t Ml RENT-BEAUTIFUL ft-ROOM AND BATH apt., second floor: fln?* location, Columbia Heights; rent, $55.00. CHAS. S, MUIR ft CO.. I44J3 New York avc. AKE RESERVATIONS NOW IN THE BEAUTIFUL NEW APARTMENT HOUSE. DUMBARTON COURT, ' 1657 31ST ST. ON THE HEIGHTS OF GEORGETOWN*. GRAND VIEW; BEAUTIFUL LAWNS: FINE ' OLD FOREST SHADE TREES: PRIVATE PORCHES (CAN BE USED FOR SLEEPING): ELECTRIC LIGHTS. GAS; TELEPHONE IN , EACH APARTMENT; GAS LOOS FOR OPEN FIRES; JANITOR'S CALL BELL IN EACH \PARTMENT; PRIVATE LIFTS OR FREIGHT ELEVATORS; PATENT VENTILATORS FOR PARRYING OFF SMOKE AND FUMES IN KITCHENS: COLD STORAGE CUPBOARDS BUILT IN THE WALL. ALL BEAUTIFUL. BRIGHT OUTSIDE BOOMS. POSITIVELY THE MOST MODERN. rilE MOST REFINED AND THE BEST PLANNED APARTMENTS FOR THE PRICES EVER OFFERED IN WASHINGTON. I room ami hath, reception hall $15 to $18 I rooms and hath, reception hall...$20 to $22.50 1 I rooms and hath, reception ball $23 to $30 I rooms and hath, reception hall (private porches), $35 to $37.50 i rooms and batb, reception liall (private porches i. $40 to $42.50 r rooms and 2 hatha, reception hall (private porches). $00 to $65 BUILDING NEARING COMPLETION. OPEN FOR INSPECTION EVERY DAY. LIEBERMANN & HAWN. 130.3 F ST. SEE NO. 2004 4TH ST. N.E. 1 Four spacious rooms and tiled batb; well rentiiated; in perfect condition; cellar; rear [*>rche?; large yards. Rent, $18.50. BELT. O'BRIEN & CO., Inc., 1309 G st. n.w. Ie28-3t COOL APARTMENT ON THE HEIGHTS. No- 135M Girard St.; 5 large roorgs and tiled hath; in A1 order; large yards, porches; rent inly $25.50. BELT. O'BRIEN & CO., Inc., 1309 6 st. n.w. Ie28-3t ) LET-BY THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY. 3. Q. SMITH. LEE D. LATIMER. 1408 NEW YORK AVENUE. rHE PARKWOOD. 174G K ST. N.W.. 7 rooms. servant's room and bath. $90.00 and $100.00. rHE DUPONT. 1717 20TH ST., 5 ROOMS and bath, sublease, $45.00. rHE DAMARISCOTTA, 818 ISTH ST. N.W.. 2 and 6 rooms and bath. $30.00 to $50.00. rHE DON CARLOS. 2007 O ST. N.W., $ rooms and bath, furnished or unfurniahed. rHE NORTHAMPTON. 1405 W ST. N.W.. 5 rooms and bath, elevator. $40.00. rHE BALFOUR ANNEX. 1603 V 8T. N.W.. 1. 2 and 3 rooms and batb. $18.50 to $37.50. rHE BALTIMORE. 1832 BILTMORE ST. N.W.. 3 and 5 rooms and batb, $30.00 and $33.00. rHE WALLIS. 1047 LAMONT ST. N.W.. 8 rooms and batb. 1st floor front, M-*.00. rHE WESLEY. 1421 COLUMBIA RD.. 3*5 rooms, rcc. hall and bath. $27.50 to $45.00. rHE SHELBY. 1419 COLUMBIA RD. N.W.. 5 1 rooms, roc. ball A batb, porch. $40.00. rHE GIBRALTA, 18TH * KAL. STS. N.W.. ready Oct. 4, 4 & 5 rooms and batb, $35.00 to $47.50. rHE FILLMORE. 1129 NEW HAMPSHIRE . AVE., 2 * Sr. and b.. new. $27.30 * $40.00. rHE MANOR HOUSE. 1324 MONROE ST. N.W.. 4. 5 and <1 rooms and bath, porchea, $40 00. $45.00 and $30.00. 1613 SWANK ST.. 5r * b.. porch. $32.30. 118 12TH ST. N.W.. 5 rooms and bath. $33.00. LRKWOOD, 1746 K ST.?1ST FLOOR FRONT. I ROOMS. RECEPTION HALL AND BATH. 4ITTED FOR DOCTOR'S OFFICE. TO DESIRABLE COLORED TENANTS. 1900 3D ST. N.W. New building to be completed Aug. 15; i part men m of 5 rooms and bath, all outside ootns; private porches; every convenience; iteam heat; janitor, etc.; $27.50 and $30.00. 1620 CORCORAN ST. N.W. Four rooms and bath, steam beat. Janitor lervlce; good order; $20.50 to $25.00. 2424 17TH ST. N.W. New apartments of 4 rooms and bath, ait conveniences. $16.50. $17.00 and $17.50. rHE F. H. SMITH CO.. 140S N. Y. AVE. je26-Su.tu.2t j ) SUBLET?FIVE-ROOM HOUSEKEEPING tpartments. The Cecil Apt. House, cor. 15th tnd L sta. n.w. Telephone Main 7980. ie26-4t 1 THE CHESTERFIELD. )141 Mt. Pleasant at. n.w. A beautiful apartment of six rooms and batb. also one of three ooms and bath, in this elegaut new building. 1 Ml large, bright, outside rooms; private porch; ill modern improvements: ventilated kitchens, >tc. VV. H. WALKER, Agent, 729 15th St. n.w. ie25-tf >R RENT?ONLY $30. In a handsome downtown apartment house; >xtra large rooms: wide halls, large closets tnd pantries; hot-water heated: janitor servce: CHEAPEST RENT IN TOWN. STONE * FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. e25-5t >R RENT-A LOVELY CORNER. All rronr rooms; neauuiuuy oecoraiea: oniy (25; 6 rooms, tiled bath, porches front and ear; lorely location. 1929 35th St., cor. of R. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York are. ie25-5t AKLAND" ARTS.. 2006 COLOMBIA ROAI) Vash. Heights?5 and 7 rooms. "Stanton ipts.. 128 O st. n.e.? 5 and 6 rooms. Prices rom 830 to *65. OSCAR W. WHITE, 1116 F st. e25-tf >R RENT - DESIRABLE APARTMENTS IN be Oakmont. 225 Morgan st. n.w. Heat and anitor service included. 5 and 6 rooms and ; tatb. Rent. $25.50 and $32.5o per month. Ap- I >iy EDW. P. SCHWARTZ. 624 F st je25-7t A. F. FOX COMPANT. ESTABLISHED 1876. 14TH AT NEW YORK AVE. 'HEADQUARTERS FOR APARTMENTS." THE LANIER," 1749 Lanier pi.? No. 35?4 rooms and tiled bath $35.50 No. 84?3 rooms and tiled bath $27.50 'THE MANSFIELD," 1730 M st. n.w.? No. 24?3 rooms and tiled batb $32.30 No. 42?I rooms and tiled bath $37.50 'THE LA CORONA." 425 M at. n.w.? No. 2?3 rooms and tiled batb $25.50 THE TRENTON," 2031 F st. n.w.? No. 1?5 rooms and tiled bath $33.00 rnE ALLENHURST." 1106 Columbia rd? No. 22?5 rooms and tiled bath ?88.00 No. 91?5 rooms and tiled batb $37.30 No. 32?5 rooms aun tiled batb $55.00 TUB CALIFORNIA." 1775 Cal. are. n.w.~ No. 1?5 rooms and tiled batb $40.00 No. 5?0 rooms and tiled batb $12.5;) No. 4?5 rooms and tiled batb $32.50 w _ no m a sit.j OOT ra r>u. ?o ruumB ana uirti No. 24?B rooms and tiled batb $35.00 No. 33?6 rooms and tiled batb.. $32.50 No. 84?.% rooms nod tiled batb $35.00 THE SUFFOLK." 1467 Irving St. a.W.? Z .No. 34?4 rooms and tiled batb $32.36 " STUE KELWOOD," 1821 Corcoran St.? rooms and tiled bath $30.00 _ 710 M ST. N.W.? 2d floor, 7r., 2b., sleeping porch $65.00 8d floor, 7r., 2b., sleeping porch $55.00 4th floor, 5r., b., sleeping porch $35.00 ^ "NEW AND BEAUTIFUL." F Apartments In "THE KENYON." 1372 Kenron St., near 14th at. cars. Just completed: nodern la every way: 4 and 6 rooms, tiled tatb with shower, electrlr lights, fine porches, 1 team beat, attractive decorations. Rents, 35 to $45. "First floor suitable for doctor's tbce. RENT FREE. ~ ONE MONTH. ^ "The Newport." 2164 Florida are. n.w.? Convenient to 2 car lines. New and modern hronghont; all outside rooms with gas and lectric lights: screened apartments of 8 and 4 ooms and tiled bath with showers. Fine rear (orcbes. Rents, $25 to $37.50. Janitor on premises and will gladly show any if the above apartments. Farther Information Z nrnlsbed at office. ' . "THE CONGRESSIONAL." 1st and East Capitol streets, opposite Consessional Library and Capitol; very desirable Mchelor apartments. tpt. 802. third floor, 2 rooms and bath. .$30.06 Ipt. 109, first floor. 1 room $15.50 THOS. J. FISHER A CO., INC., 738 15th st. n.w. e7-tu,th,sa-tf / * APAKTHKfTB TO LET. i rOR RENT-THR BIRMINGHAM. Mil Adam* Mill road. Delightfully located apartment on Waabineton Helgbta. overlooking ; Rock (keek Park; near two car line*. porch to 1 each apartment; ?team beat, hot water, etc. 8 to & rooms, with tiled bath. Renta. $30 to $45. GEO. HENDERSON. Phone M. 1303. 1418 F at. n.w. Je22-eo.6t FOR RENT?BY B. F. SAUL CO.. 7TH A L N.W. 1838 7th nw.?r.h$3O.60 317 R nw. ftr, b. .22.50 271# 14tb nw.Sr.b. 28.50 827 7tb nw, 4r, t>.20.00 206 D nw, 4r. b. .28.50 31 Mae av nw.rtr.h. 18.50 1840 6th nw.7r.h. .25.50 ; l40u N Cap. 3r. b.17.50 Lafayette, 1607 Tth 1518 fttb nw.Sr.h.. 15.00 nw. 6r, b 25.<?0 1120 C ne, 4r. b...!5.O0 713 11th nw, 3r,b.22.30 1227Dnncan nc.5r.bl3.50 306 R nw. 5r. b. .22.50 1361 U nw. 2r. b..12.50 1338 N Oap. Br. b.22.50 Jet8-tf DESIRABLE APARTMENTS IN MT. PLEASANT. Flw rooms and bath: Janitor service; very low rent for aummer. See those before renting. TYLER fc RUTHERFORD (Inc.). my26-S5t*T 730 15th at. n.w. FOR RENT?1627 NORTH CAPITOL ST.. MCE? COOL. O-ROOM APARTMENT: WINDOWS FRONTING ON TWO STREETS; HEAT FURNISHED. RENT, ONLY $23.50. Je2.?-tf.5 II. L. RUST. 140O H ST. N.W. WHY MELT IN CITY? Only $19.20: worth $30. MODERN APARTMENTS IN SUBURBS. 5 large rooms, 507-518 Rhode Island ave n.e. S3A Adams at.. $20.20: playground for children. Je24-?t H. L. RUST. 14Q0 H at. n.w. THE LOT Do UN. 314 East Capitol st. Several desirable apartments for rent; all ' rooms of unusual else; Janitor, elevator and 1 telephone service; abundance of hot water; ; lockers; rent. $20 to $??. For further Information apply to BELT. O'BRIEN * CO.. Inc., 1300 G at. n.w. Je22- lOt TOR RENT-APARTMENTS. HAMMOND COURT. 30th and Qua. No. 104?7 rooms and bath, all oataide, large cloaeta. large plaza $47.80 THE MONTGOMERY. North Caoltol and M ats. n.w. Roof garden for esclualve uae of tenanta. All outalde room*. All modern inrprov amenta. No. 29?4 rooms and bath $32.80 No. 22?4 rooms and bath $82.50 No. 2?4 rooms and bath $30.00 THE REGINA. 1224 I at. n.w. Convenient location. Good condition. No. 8?6 rooms and bath * 142.50 . Xo. 6- 6 rooms and bath $40.00 THE NEW SEMINOLE, 1444 W st. n.w. Parquetry floors. Urge closets, tiled baths. No. 3?3 rooms slid bath $2*.SO No. 32?3 rooms and bath $23.50 No. 41?1 room and bath $15.00 THE LAWRENCE. 1022 lflth B.w. Ko. 1?5 rooms and bath $35.00 THE NAVARRE. 215 E at. n.w. Ko. 22?5 rooms and bath $27.50 THE PARK VIEW. 425 4th at. n.w. 2d floor, 3 rooms and bath $27.50 TWO-FAMILY HOUSES. 8428 Ga. are., 2d floor, 4r. and bath.. .$17.50 THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT, JelO-d.eSn WEAVER BROS.. 1416 F ST. X.W.. AXnounee the completion of the new apartment bouse, THE CHEVY CHASE. At the Clrele. Chevy Chase. D. C.; 3. 4 and 5 rooms and batb. $4?>. $50 and $00. This building Is strictly fireproof and fully equipped with every modern convenience. Large lawns and extended Tirw in every direction. Highest elevation in the District. my3-tf POIl LEASE?DESIRABLE NEW APARTMENTS Just being completed. Nos. 1436-38-40 Meridian st. n.w.. balf block from 14th st. car line. These apartments are modern in every respect, with parquetry floors, tiled Iwths and electric lights. Apartments df five rooms and batb at $35 and $32.50 per month; four rooms at $82.50 und $30; one room and hath at $15.50 and $13.50; all outside rooms; buildings open for inspection. Inquire of SWARtZELL. RHEEM A HEX SKY CO.. 727 15th n.w. ap2W tf FOR RENTDESIRABLE APARTMENTS AT "The Sterling," 1915 Calvert st. n.w. "The Iroquois." 1410 M st. n.w. "The Beacon." Calvert at. & Adams Mill rd. "TTie Oregonlan." 18th and Oregon ave. n.w. "The Hudson." 180O 14th st. n.w. Prices range from $25 to $05 a month. THOS. J. FIRHER & CO. (Inc.). ap23-tf 738 lath st. n.w. THE DRESDEN. An entirely new. modern, high-class, fireproof apartment house on the southwest corner of Connecticut and Kalorama aves.. at aouthcrn end of new Connecticut Avennc bridge aDd overlooking Rock Creek valley. Firstclass in equipment and finish. Apart- ? menta of ten rooms and three baths at $200 per month; seven rooms and two baths at $135; six rooms and batb at $110, $95 and $85. according to location: five rooms and batb at $75 and $63; four rooms and bath at $40; three elevators; quarters for servants. Rapidly filing up. Building open for Inspection day and evening. Representative at building to show apartments. Tour Inspection invited. Diagrams mailed on application. 8WARTZELU KHEEM & HENSEY CO., feaft-tf 727 15th st. n.w. SUFFOLK AND IONA. 7TH AND H STS. S.W*. 4 and 3 mom and hath apartments (not heated): in first-class condition: rents from $13.73 to ?1H.50. THE PHILLIPS tOMPANT. ap28-tf 330 Joan Marshall place. . THE NORTHUMBERLAND Is a modern, fireproof, seven-story apartment house, with all improvements. and two elevators. It is situated on the southeast corner of New Hampshire avo. and V st. northwest, near the Herdlc line and the U st. and 14th st. cars. The building contains apartments of seven rooms and bath, at $75 per month: six rooms and bath, at $75: five rooms and batb. at $00; four rooms and batb. at $50 and $40; three rooms and bath, at $32.50. and two rooms and hath, at $25. Building just completed and apartments are going fast. Your inspection invited. Building open for inspection day and evening, electric lighted. Diagrams and further information furnished on request by SWARTZELI.. KHEEM & 1IENSEY CO., fe2t>-tf 727 15th st. n.w. COR RENT?THE VIRGINIA. 2120 G; APART- i ment. 4 rooms and bath: first-class condition; see janitor to Inspect. Apply GEO. J. EASTERDAV. 1410 G at. mh!9-tf riiE ALABAMA. 11TH AND X STS. N.W.; fireproof building: telephone service. No. 101. 5 rooms and bath $47.So No. 201. 5 rooms and bath 50.00 No. 202. 4 rooms and bath 40.00 No. 305. 5 rooms and batb 50.00 \o. 402, 4 ruoma and Imtb 40.00 No. 403. 4 ruoma and bath 4O.0O No. 40n. 5 rooms and Imtb 50.W THE WARRINGTON. 18th and Wyoming ave. n.w. No. 1,5 rooms and hath .$*5.Oft No. 2. 5 rooms and bath 42.50 No. 42. 5 rooms and batb 45.00 1 THE TCLANK. 2109 lSlb at. n.w.; fireproof floors. No. 32. 5 rooms and bath $45.00 No. 41. f> rooms and bath 42.50 l.arge ]M>r<-bex. THE WESTCHESTER. 15th and O sts. n.w.; now building; ready for occupancy June 15. 3 and 4 room apartments. ! fOst to $45 per mo. THE NEW BLOOMEIELD. 3149 Mt. Pleasant' " st. n.w.; new bulldiug; ready for oecupaucy 1 Jtily 1. 3. 4 and 5 room apartments, $27.50 to $47.50 per mo. For other information apply to WILLIAM L. BROWNING. 41?i 5th st. n.w. jc 4-301 608 Columbian bldg. ' THE INGLESIDE." HS59 Irving st. The Mt. Pleasant ears almost to door. Thie la a cool, uleasant location: new huildjDg; no courts: all outside rooms, large and airy. One room, reception ball and bath to five rooms, re- " eeprion bail, kitchen and bath. Prices. $18.50 i to $45.50. -THE BEVERLY." I486 Irving st. Located midway lietween the 14tb st. aud the 1 Conn. ave. ear lines. All outside rooma, open to the light and air. A new building; the rooma ere large aud bright. We recommend thia building to be all it should be. One room and bath to five rooms and batb. Prices. $18.50 to $40. , "THE RINNEY," 1408 Girard st. 8 rooms and beth $25.00 . 5 rooms and batb $30.00 : . ! SIMPROX-SriJJVAN CO.. je2-tf 1408 Q at. n.w. j "HE CECIL. 15TH AND L STS. N.W.?2-ROOM i ? bachelor apart, for rent. Apply at Cecil. < my 15-tf I :HE 8HERMAN. 15TH AND L STS. N.W. - J Three-room housekeeping apartment for rent. 1 Apply at Sherman. * mylS-tf t Tilt RENT ? UNFURNISHED FIVE-ROOM [ apartment In the Cumberland: overlooking = Thomas Circle and Mass. ave. Apply Room 4. Evana bldg.. or phone Main 1637. Jel5-tf 'HE ALZAKADO APT8. ? FLATS. 4 TO 5 I rooms $30 to $35; now ready: all outside rooms; facing two streets: No. 70 It. I. ave. n.w. Apply to THOMAS H. MELTON, 1.117 H at. n.w.. Room 3. Jel5-tf LSHLEY APARTMENT HOUSE COMPANY', J 18th and California sts. n.w.?One very durable apartment, with all modern improvements, containing five rooms and reception ball; telephone ana Janitor service: also arartmcnt suit, able for housekeeping or doctor's office on : grade floor. Apply SAMUEL TALBERT. 3'jb309-310 Dime Savings Bank bldg., 7t'u and K _ n.w. Jel2-eo,10t f POR BENT?SAVE MONET. Get a modem apartment downtown. 8ara car fare and other expenses. SEE WHAT WE OFFER. $30 and $3fi a month. In that well kept apart, ment. "The Frederick." 0th and New York see. ? Unusually large rooms; eery lame closets: A wide ha 11a: .ay windows. OOTLOOK ON BT^OnJc A FAIRFAX, 1342 New York arm Jel-tf apartments id ebt. APABTMENT FOR RENT IN THE RANDOLPH! large roa? awl bath; froat aid raar as* traacaa: bark porch aid bark yard. GBORi.a TRCRXDEUL I?ST Uneoia are. a.e. iOR RENT? "THE BKXXJETTtB,** 1931 19th at. a.w. Oaly aaa laft. Mnl apartment. opposite haantlM Daaa ? tatr; 7 room* and bath; reasonable mt. Apply THOMAS J. FISHER * OO. (ImlW y 10 TW ltth at. a.w. FOR RENT?"THE COLONADK." 1Q2 U tf. a*.; 4 and 7 room and bath apartawuta. "THE OORONADO." 1840-1944 C at B.W.| 3, 4 and 5 room and hath apertaaeats. For rail reservation* and prima apply THOS. J. A CO. (lac ). 788 i.%th at. a.w. FOR RENT- "" 27l? 14th at. n.w., nrat-flaar apartment at room* and bath; HF.AT FURNISH E7V; raavenlent to ran; excellent location. Jaat rati oced to $28.90 a month. THOMAS J. FISH EH * CO. 788 15th at. a.w. the Hudson. uth and s sts. n.w. Just com plot ad. * Nicely decorated apartment oT 8 noma. as* caption hall and bath; coarenleat lacatlaa; janitor service. Prim. $46. THOS. J. FISHF.R A OO.. lae.. 789 19th at. a.w. * / THE CHEVY CHARF.. CHEVY CHTSE OIROIX D. C.. 3 to R roomi and bath...$40 00 to $40.09 THE FRAKKUX 1B1R 14tb at. aw.? 6 rooma and bath $4009 THF. HAWTHORNE, 1827 Eye n.w.4 rooma and bath $26.50 and $$$.49 THE SORRENTO. 2233 ISfh at. n nr.? 6 rooms and hath $37 60 and $40 09 TUB DEVONSHIRE. 1781 Colnmhla rd. a-w.? 6 ami 6 rooma and t?tb $32.60 *o $40.00 THE MT. VERNON. 9th and N. Y. are ? 3 and 4 rooma and hath $20.00 ta $37 60 THE COLONIAL. 30th and N ata.6 rooma and bath $26 50 and $81.00 THE EMERY. 1812 O at. aw.? 6 room* and hath $35 on THE FAIRFAX. 1900 Bait Capital at.? 6 rooma aDd hath $*$90 THE ADDISON. 014 14th at. n.w.? 3 rooma atid hath $37.09 THE LOCISA. 214 N. T. awe. a.w.? 4 rooms and hath $$*.99 te28-tr WEAVER BROS . 1414 F at. a w. FURNINHRD. FOR REST? THE WILTON. 1031 17TH N.W. Apt. No. 6: completely fiirnl?b<-d; 5 iooiaa and hath; can rent for $40 per month. MOORE A HILI*. INC.. 1333 G. Je28-eo..3f TWO |3 ROOMS AND BATH BACH); 1FST vacated by members of Congress. 215 Ea?4 Capitol. Je2*-3f ON THE HEIGHTS SUBLKT FOR SUMMER. ,. reasonably, to adult* 'no children!; delightful, cool. 5-room apartment, elegantly furnlahed. Apt. 41. the ntfhoaror, 1856 Calvert at. n.w. Je28 3t*4 Ft'RNISHED 5 ROOM APT.; WINDOWS I/K)K Ing on large lawn; front and hack t<or<'l?: large tree*; cool and like country: rent to mtd. die Sept. Apt. 1. the Glen. Quarry road. . Je27-2t* STONEI.EIGH OM'RT TO SUBLET FOR ST'*mer. beautiful alx-room apartment: reaaonah'a. Apply to manager. Je26-3t THE CECIL 15TH AND L STS. N.W -SIVGLR room and bath, furnlahed. for rent; large, bright room, on street. Apply at Cecil. JeI6 tf THE CECIL 15TH AND L STS N.W.-FIVEroom furnfthed apartment for rent; bright and cheerful; on street: three exposures: eery comforatble, summer or whiter. Apply at Cecil. JelS-tf boarding! VERY OLD VIRGINIA HAMS; LARGK9T ROE herring; every variety of flah; reasonable. I486 L at. n.w. )e2H-11t* money wanted and to loan. HAVE A TRUST FCND OF ABOUT $40,000 T?"? invest in tlr*t trust on Improved elty pro pert) . Will let It in any amount*. Address Box 141. Star office. |el$-14t unvrv to imv rv sru? Ti> M'it iTCIl. rent rates of interest on real eatato in ttl District of Colombia. FITCH, FOX * BROWS, Jel-tf 1333 F at. n.w. BEAT. ESTATE AND LOANS. CHARLES A. BAKER. 1110 F at. n.w. tn.T2.Vtf.4 Phone Main 317. WILL MAKE TOD A LOAN ON YOl'R KQUITT TO pay back payments and interest. my24-tf.4 Address Box 222. .Star often. KIRisT AND SECOND TRUST LOANS We will loan more on your property than any other concern. Lowest rates. An aox unta. Payments arranged to salt yon. NO DELAYS. OPEN UNTIL B:30 P.M. NATIONAL LOAN A INVESTMENT CO.. Thompson Bids . 703 13th st. n.w., 2d floor. Opposite Treasury. Next to Drag Store. ? ap2?-tf LOANS ON STOCKS. INSURANCE POLICIES, indorsed notes or any good collateral. No da1st. middlemen or red tape. R. R. BENNETT. BIO Met. Bank hldg. Phone Main MOft. Jy22-tl MONEY TO Iit>AN ON REAL ESTATE! Low Interest. Reasonable fees. Prompt action. LARGE LOANS A SPECIALTY. GEO. W. LINKIKS. 800 19TH ST. N.W. mhiq-tf MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED CITY REAL estate at lowest current rates of Interest. Special priTileges with respect to prior payments. I.aree amounts a specialty. TYLER A RUTHERFORD. 730 18th at. n.w. fofl-tf.S MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES OF interest on D. C. real estate. No uaroanoAable delay. ? WALTER H. ACKER. mh2W-tf.? 1420 F at. n w. MONEY TO LOAN ON D. C. REAL KSTA1RLowest rate* of Interest. Payment on principal in amounts of $100 or more received at any interest period. THE F. H. SMITH <X>MPAX*f Bond bl<l?.. 1408 New York ave. n.w. not tf IF YOU WANT TO BOKROW OR LOAN, BLY or sell on real estate I can aaae yon time and cash, as I fire personal attention to all deals. aed-tf.4 J. EAK1X OADSBY. R26 18th at. n.w. WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO suit on D. C. real estate; economical consideration for borrowers. GIVE US YOUR APPLICATION. apl-tf MOORE A HILL (Inc.). mi G st. MONEY TO LOAN-LET US MAKE YOUR loans and replace old ones at lowest rates at Interest. All transactions conducted with eonnomical consideration tor borrowers. WM. H. SAUNDERS * CO.. 1407 F St. S.W. my 17 -OOt.B ' STORAGE. WASHINGTON SAFE DEPOSIT CO. ONC.i. 916-818 Pa. are. n.w. FIREPROOF STORAGE. Rooms. $2 up. Estimates *1?ea. Phone Main 261. Department A. Je2-90t.6 GET OUR ESTIMATE ON ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF STORAGE. PACKING A MOVING. UNITED STATES STORAGE CO.. 418-20 10TH ST. N.W. PHONE M. 422". my25 90t.4 FIREPROOF STORAGE. Separate locked rooms. $2.00 per month up. Estimates furnished. MERCHANTS' TRANSFER A STORAGE CO.. tnylT-tf.5 920-22 K at. n.w. INDESTRUCTIBLE STORAGE. 1.060 ROOMS. Inspect this warehouse and note the cleaell r?s<? nn<l manner or storing rnrnnure. Motnproof room a for fura. rug*. etc. Silver vault Carpet cleaning. Automobile* Pianos. Padded ran* for moving. Imtretl prices. FIDELITY STORAGE COMPANY, ltf) L' at apl2-3m SEPARATE COMPARTMENTS; LOW HAT* of insurance; free hauling to warehouse <n padded ran* during June. I.ITTLKI1EKD. ALVORD A CO.. Colorado bldg. Tel. W. 737. fed-tf *TORE YOUR Kl RMTrRE. PIANOS. ETC.. at WESOHIXR'S, 920 Pa. ave. n.w. Ratoa reasonable. Pbone M. 1282. T?v22!*>t ^ Iftrt SEPARATE STORAGE ROOMS STORAGE Iiv the load: paeklng. hauling and Kh'nplnc See us before storing. THOs. UOWUV'd A 4 CO.. 612 E at. n.w. Phone 51S. ap2-tf.4 PROPOSALS. UNITED STATES SENATE. OFFICE OK the Secretary. Washington, D. C., June 14. lf'10.?Sea'ed proposal* will be received at thla >UPo until TWELVE O'CLOCK M.. JULY 7. 1910. for furnlhiitng Stationery for the us* of be United State* Senate for the fla-al year Hiding June .'SO. 1911. Blank forma of proposal*, ibowing the quantity end quality of each article ind the form of bond to be signed by the Mdder ird *i' ret lea. will be furnished on application ta b'.s office. PiOjO.^als should be indorsed "Pro>0.uil? ffr Stationery for the United States Sen. ite." and' be directed to Cbarlea O. Keuneti. Secretary of the United States Senate, Waahngtou. D. C. Proposals and specimens must be lellvered at this office Dee of charge before the iour named above. CHARLES G. BENNETT, Secretary. JeI4.21.28Jy6.dt C0L0NIM, BEACH PROPERTY. OR SALE OK RENT?NICE 5-HOOM COTtage; furnished: good water: shady and oaly 1 aquare from the boardwalk. Inquire KIAaETT . Colonial Beach, Va.. or 318 11th at. a.w., city. Je28-tf I AM.SOME HOUSE. 17 ROOMS. FUBMSHED; large porches; splendid for summer boarders: will rent cheap. Nicely furnished cottage, fhrt season: July. *30. DICK HART, New National Museum. te86-6t* JfU& ILEiN x?UUTTAUES. 'OR RENT - AT NORTH ( HEKAPKAK K Beacb, a O-room bungalow. furnished, Aug. to Sept.; also a 12-foot tent by month. t??li or season. Apply at 237 R. 1. are. n.w. y-2A 3t* OUT-OF-TOWH SEAL ESTATE. 5? ABANDONED VIIXAGK. WITHIN THREE boars of Washington, is being dtr'jid Into half-acre patches and sold to colored remote Full details are mailed by Capt. Cl'SiOXH of Glen Alien, Va. *28 it 1 . i