! 420-426 :
| $1.00 4;
| LIM11
^ 25 pieces of Extra Quahl
{; etc. The colors are light blue
a brown, raspberry, wistaria, n
Y This is the greatest of all linei
half price. This lot only, w
| 45-inch Mercerize<
I Batiste at Half Rei
Y This is a superior nualitv
*5 cerized finish: specially ad<
dresses, etc. This lot for
^ only at half price, yard
| Wednesday
? $3 Skirt Length:
X Four yards Extra Quality 50X
Sicilian, in navy blue only; or
X Mohair Sicilian, in gray only. 1
A 7.?- fabrics. Four yards?entire
| SEJ9 Sjpnng=weight P
X We will sacrifice the Staple .
X Panama; non-crushable; wiry, ma
a ?ng; full 50 inches wide; only five
A be prompt. Worth SI.10. Just whe
A them, to go at. yard
'f Cream Diagonal,
^ Tennis Serge,
X Two staple fabrics reduced f?
X Plain Cream. OS-inch Diagonal
A Serge, with hairline of black. On
& $2.25 Grade $150
? $2.75 Grade $2.00
$3.98 Grade $3 00
? $4.89 Grade $3 98
^ $6.50 Grade $5 00
ICoat Suits
| Coats, Wort
a 125 Man-tailored All-wool
x Pure Linen or All-wool Alitor
ized Taffeta Silk Raincoats; a
The above assortment of
| $27.50, $25.00 and $22.50. All
| row
' 1 BELT?"
| Size 9x12,
| Worth $7.98, ai
| 9x12 Deltox Grass Rug;
*:* and red; the smoothest and cli
4 ing of the kind made. $7.98
X each
Y Other sizes in Deltox Gra
special prices:
X 18 inches by 36 inches....
? 21 inches by 45 inches.
% 27 inches by 54 inches.....
% 30 inches by 60 inches
? 36 inches by 72 inches
X 54 inches by 90 inches....
| 6 feet by 9 feet
8 feet by 10 feet
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Can quickly be overcome by
Purely vegetableact
surely and
rently on the
Hrer. Cure
and Indigestion. They do their duty.
Small Pill. Small Dose, Small Price.
The feature of A. Kakn's IDEAL EYEGLASS
mounting ia its Arm and easy
grip. You cannot shake it off.
Oftentimes d.rrjnets. headache. Insomnia.
nervoiianeiai. etc.. are caused by de
fe*-U?e eyesight. we examine eacn ey*
flMritrl; free of chars*.
Finest Gold-filled Nose Glasses. ?n
Special v 1
Special Bifocal Leases (for far andCi
scar) for PI
OcullaU' prescriptions filled. Prices 30%
less than elsewhere.
Artificial Eyes Fitted.
A. KAHN, 935 F St.
m.T 30-1 u. t h. sa, t f, 33
II Enhancing the Beauty
U of the Home.
i ?It takes experience and exceptional
ability to study the interior of the
home and produce 'ffectlTe color
schemes. You can always exitect the
unusual when PUtt doea the decorating.
George Plitt Co., Inc.?
Painting. Paperhanging. Upholstering.
Window Shades.
Phone X. 4123. 1727 7th st. n.w.
' Je2h-2M ' _
yig ST. AI7S-ineh
:y Ramie Linen?the kind at this tirr
, dark green, canary, champagne.
:scda. mulberry, leather, apricot, ta
i bargains. Think of buying a $
hile it lasts, tomorrow, at, yard
i Lingerie 12^C Pj
fjular Price. Orgaodi
, permanent mer- 100 pieces,
ipted for waists, ty patterns su
tomorrow dresses; colors
^ ? ivn IF
' ^ 111 1L
?, $11.95. 5<Qc Cream
-inch Pekin Mohair" For a day yi
four yards English Mohair Sicilian;
Popular <1 /nkB? on,y flve Pieces; ]
- skirt ^ J| roW- Worth r,0c'an
anna, 79c. 50c Wool
All-wool Navy Blue All colors; sor
kinp It dust-resist- fects; 38 inches ^
e pieces, so ^/f> _ dresses or separa
?n you need sale tomorrow; v
last you can buy
Cream $|^0 SI
Tn a rich, dar
>r a day? a a anteed all pure
and Cream 4L<QL? ideal fabric for
e day, yard 11.50. Reduced tc
8-4 Allendale Dimity ...$1.25
10-4 Allendale Dimity ....$1.59
11-4 Allendale Dimity ...$1.75
10-4 P. K. Dimity $r.i9
11-4 P. K. Dimity Si .75
11-4 Featherweight $1.50
and Separate
;hi to $35.00 Cream
Serge Suits, All-silk Cloth-oi
hobile or Traveling Coats, Long Bk
11 colors, including gray,
seasonable ready-to-vvearables are
I to be sold at one great reduction p
i Kue?>,
t 08
plain green, green bordered, blue
)sest woven floor covervalue.
For tomorrow,
ss Rugs to match at the following
$4-98 1
x~:~w-w~:-x- <"X"X~k~x~h~w**
; i:: Hardman
1 The*
TT :_Li ti
uprigni jt
offering at
NOT repc
all late mo<
> \ slight use.
] | to stay her<
get anothe
your lifetir
D. G. Pfeiffer, Vice-Prcs.
Sir C. P. Clarke Quits Metropolitan
'Museum of Art Board.
NEW YORK, June 28.?Sir Caspar Purdon
Clarke, for Ave years director of
the Metropolitan Museum of Art, resigned
yesterday, and his resignation was
accepted by the trustees. His health Is
Ipoor, and his physicians have advised him
not to spend another winter In New York
city. At present he is abroad.
The trustees. J. Pierpont Morgan presiding,
adopted resolutions ofregret, and
425 8? ST. 1
3,59c I
' V
ie in demand for two-piece suits, *:*
gray, Copenhagen, terra cotta, 4*
in, navy and black. RiHv a
j quality for almost !?
^ted.. 6'As |
in a large variety of neat, pret- *;*
itable for waists, kimonos and
fast. This lot at half
)res? Goods. I
i Mohair Sicilian, 39c. S
r>u ran buy HS-lnch Cream A
good luster and reversible; *2 jfV 4*
prime wholesale cost tomorAt.
Crash Pamarnia, 29c |
no are mixtures; many are check ef- A
vide; a good sturdy fabric for entire y
te skirts; 25 pieces to go on **** y
rorth 50c. As long as they ^VC ***
them at, yard ?. ^
triped Serge, $11 .0$.
k navy blue; 50 Inches wide; guar- A
wool; non-crushahle; an a <i >
separate skirts; worth A
>. per yard ^
$1.48 Percale and :>
Gingham $
House Dresses, |
98c !
Of good quality percale and ging- *|*
ham, in light and dark colors; some
made with high collar; some with .1.
round collar and others jrtf) A
with Dutch neck: a nice- A
fitting garment. Special A
t-gold. Rajah and Pongee Suits,
ick Taffeta Silk Coats, Rubber- X
values up to $35.00, $30.00, y
rice tomor- ' $9.65 |
Laces and Veilings.$
Silk Figured All-over I.ace, IS V
inches wide; in all new shades; used ?
for yokes and sleeves; a* ^ V
good value for *1.75 >5 ]| *:*
yard. Spec ial, yard.... v %
A big lot of White and Cream Ori- $?
ental Laces: good patterns and very y
desirable widths; these laces are y
used very extensively on y
summer dresses, and are ? *f
worth 25c to .*tfic yard. I Vf Y
Special, yard A
White Wash Veils, l'/j yards long; A
pretty embroidered edges; A
very much used; extra > ? >
good value for 75c piece. >
Special, piece y
Chiffon Veiling by the yard in all *i*
the leading shades; 3C inches wide; A
just the thing for covering large A
hats: wide hemstitch bor- a/\ A
i j ? i j - - t fl ?
uri , amays soiu ror l.?C U v( " A
yard. Now, yard *" A
Square and Button Auto Veils in
ail shades; made of good chiffon y
and iegular size: worth a ^ ^
piece.piece.\. Specla,\ 1.00 :j:
Silk Nets, 4? incites wide, in white. X
black, cream, gray and navy; used A
for yoking and sleeves, a* * g\iT\ V
Always sold for $1.39 I ? DU D ?;
1 yard. Now, yard
5 splendid KNABE jj;
'ianos which we are i
: $300 and up are ;
lired pianos; they are ?
dels, only having had is!
They are too good iii
i long, and you won't i;|
1 ft ' I:
r cnance hkc it in |
ne. 1
1328 F Street, J
provided that his full salary shall continue
for a year, and that he shall receive
a salary of $5,000 a year for life.
It Is also desired that he accept the position
of honorary European correspondent
of the Institution.
Sir Caspar is fifty-four years old. and
one of the best known art critics in the
world. Before coming to the Unated
States he was director of the famous
South Kensington Museum in London.
His successor here has not been chosen.
During a quarrel Incited by Jealousy,
Mrs. Miranda Rice Is alleged to have
stabbed Mrs. Mollie Carter fourteen
times at Clothier, Boone county, W. Va.
Mrs. Carter will die.
An exquisite bridal gown is ?
satin, veiled in white chiffon. I
folds over a vest of real lace, th
bordered with a narrow band of
of lace bordered with silver. T
The chiffon of the skirt is gatherc
thus forming a tunic which falls
dered and circled by a row of sil
lace and shows the new mob-cap
of orange flowers. The Dutch ne
modern features.
Process Is Not Difficult, I
Patience?No Rubbing Is
Soiled Garments Mi
and Down Throuj
Until All Dirt
Every girl likes to wear thin lingerie wj
blouses, and only the cost of having
them laundered prevents the majority
from wearing them constantly. jf
And yet. if a girl will give time for ]
the ta#k. such blouses may be washed th
and ironed at home for comparatively ^
little money. pr
Of course, tailored blouses that require
starching must be sent to the fir
laundry, but such fabrics as madras
and cotton crepe are not difficult to fir
launder at home. Because no cnemicaia, ar
which lessen the strength of the th
threads, are used. In the average laundry
the aim is, of course, to get the jn'
best results with a minimum of time ioi
and labor, consequently chemicals for th
preserving the whiteness of the fabrics f
are employed. ^
It goes without saying that sheer jr,
waists washed and ironed in a laundry la
will be Injured still more than substantial
fabrics, so for this reason alone
girls should make the attempt at home f0
cleansing. er
For a trial at home laundering wash
and Iron a mull waist. It requires no 1
starch, and after a little practice with
unstarched waists a person gains a
little knowledge of how to iron
starched blouses. For example, a girl
discovers the knack of getting the iron
into the tops of the sleeves and how to
press tucks and hems, besides a few
minor points, all without injury to the at
garment being ironed. th
Experimenting with starched clothes
is rather difficult, because the iron !
sticks, "smuts" are apt to transfer te
themselves from iron to waists and si
other ills often happen. of
The first step in the laundering process
Is to soak the garments. If they
can lie in the bath over night so much ra
the better, because then less rubbing ta
will be needed. Into this bath put m
suds made from a good white soap that pa
has been melted into a jelly. A few sj,
drops of ammonia may be added to de- jf
stroy any odor of perspiration. If
Next morning the waists should be
squeezed through the hands and moved
up and down in the suds to release the
Then prepare a second bath the same
as the first, using borax instead of am- cc
monla (this for whitening purposes), tw
Squeeze as before. Soap must not be ta
rubbed directly on the fabric because ta
this thickens the threads and consequently
the waist shrinks, besides losing
the sheer effect of the goods. pP
When thoroughly clean rinse in warm in
water, then cold, and lastly in slightly T1
blued water. "Just show the blue bag of
to the water," as one amateur laundress
puts it.
The waist is then ready for drying
and there are more ways of doing this i
than hanging out of doors. cy,
With crepe or any otner fabric requiring
no ironing drying in the open
air is desirable, but in the case of wash
silks, mulls, etc., that need ironing a
but no starch, the waists may be laid m
flat on a clean towel and rolled up m
tightly, then left for several hours to
or overnight.
Madras blouses should be starched tj
around the wrists and collar bands before
drying unless cold water starch is t0
used, then the entire garment is dried
and starched in parts where stiffness is
Starch for fine lingerie blouses should
be made thin, so when Ironed they have
the consisten -y of new garments.
To make the starch mix one tablespoon- ai
ful of dry starch in about a wineglassful gi
of cold water, making the mixture as w
thick as cream. pi
Pour upon this a quart of boiling water cc
and stir until smooth. Turn into the in
double boiler and cook for ten minutes.
If clear it is ready for use, if lumpy it
must be strained. If the starch seems to
be too thick add more hot water before
When sufficiently cool put waists <
through the starch. Wring with the hands .
and shake thoroughly, rubbing off any
Btarch that is not removed by shaking, to
Hang to dry. . in
By the way, a small lump of borax dis- al
solved in the hot starch will often prevent dt
the irons from sticking, but this does not '
preclude the use of ironing wax, which eq
should be applied freely to the bottom If
.and sides of the iron and then cleaned off w
again. fe
, When only a crispness is desired, rinse .q*
ketched above. It is of white
'he surplice bodice of chiffon
e short kimono sleeves being
satin; below these are sleeves
'lie girdle is of silver tissue.
;d into a shaped band of satin,
over an underskirt lace-borver
roses. The veil is of old
arrangement with its wreath
:ck and elbow sleeves are also
3ut Requires Time anc
; Necessary?Instead,
ist Be Lifted Up
gh Warm Suds
Dfcii nnoifo
iists quickly through cold water afte
IVhen dry, sprinkle with hot water, if !
to be ironed in a short time, with col
left for hours.
h"or ironing a white covered board an
oroughly clean hot iions are essential!
sleeve board is a convenience, and a
eir cost is small amateurs should b
ovided with them.
The neck band of the waist is irone
st, then the sleeves. If no sleeve boar
available, lay the sleeves on the Iror
g board and iron the under portion
st. then the upper. Take a small iro
id place it inside the sleeves, runnin
e point of the former up into th
itliers as a finishing.
Vext iron the back of the waist, smootf
g out tucks or pleats and turn to th
ft front. Iron this, and then complel
e ironing by doing the right front.
This is. of course, supposing the wak
ittons down the front. If closing is i
e back, the same order will prevai
onlng both backs first and the froi
Embroidery must always be ironed o
ie wrong side, using a hot (but nc
orching) iron. Place a thick, soft clotl
Ided several times, under the embroil
ed portions. ELIZABETH LEE.
Recipes for Summer.
Raisin Gold Cake.
Cream a cupful and a half of butte
len add four cupfuls of powdered. sugt
id beat light. Add one cupful milk an
ie yolks of eleven large or twelve sma
;gs, beaten until light colored. Add tw
aspoonfuls vanilla and six cupfuls flot
fted twice with two teaspoonfuls creai
tartar and one of soda.
Lastly, add two cupfuls seeded and ci
isins which have been dredged with tw
blespoonfuls of flour reserved from tt
easured six cupfuls. Bake in a larg
in or divide and bake half in a gooi
Eed pan and the rest in patty pans, lc
desired. This cake will be tine graine
the eggs are whipped sufficiently.
Southern Johnny Cake.
Sift together one cupful each flour an
rnmeal, three tablespoonfuls sugar an
ro rounded teaspoonfuls cream of tai
r. Add three eggs lightly beaten, on
blespoonful softened butter and or
ipful of sour milk, In which a tet
-oonful of soda has been beaten. Bak
a hot oven about twenty minute:
his can be made with but one egg, hi
course will not be as lignt.
Jefferson County Johnny Cake.
stir together one tablespoonful <
licken fat anil one of sugar. Add on
ipful of sour milk, into which has bee
aten one-half teaspoonful of soda an
saltspoonful of salt. Add flour an
eal in the proportion of two-thirds t
eal to one-third of flour. Do not niak
o stiff. When poured into the pan
tould be thin enough to flatten easil:
here is a difference in the thickenin
lalities of meal, so much must be lei
> the Judgment.
Maple Mousse.
Whip one quart of cream until thicker
I. Break the yolks of three eggs int
tother bowl, beat until light, then ad
-adually one cupful maple sirup. Mi
eii,,tnen wmp gradually into the crean
our into the freezer without the dashei
>ver, pack in ice and salt and let stan
a cool place for three or four hours.
The Children's Hair.
% ????
Some children are liable to catch col
ter having their hair washed. In orde
prevent this the hair should be rinse
warm water to which a few drops o
cohol has been added, and wrung a
y as possible.
The hair should then be divided an
ich strand wiped well with a dry towe
the child is then allowed to sit in
arm room or go out in the sun for
w minutes the hair will dry ver
lickly.?Home Chat.
M Every physicia
M visit our plant an<
m bottled. Over one
m February 22, and al
m wanted them to see f
M furnishing absolutely
m any one of these phvsi
I , Of all the dairies in W
irfilk in the country, while
M milk to Washington in ref
M milk to our customers dire
sweet every day in the y<
\ wmit
Is sold under a positb
absolutely free from
Delivered da
Our Booklets,
"White Cross Milk,"
"Description of \
Furnished upon request.
Orchestra Stops Panic by Striking
Up National Air?Reward Ofl
fered for Perpetrator.
BUENOS AIRES, June 28?Twenty persons
were injured, six of t- em mortally,
by the explosion of a bomb hurled from
the gallery in the Teatro Colon during y
a performance Sunday night. Among the Y
injured are members of some of the most a
prominent families in the Argentine cap- y
Those who, it is believed, cannot sur- *t*
vive therr injuries are Senor Nicolas Lo- a
zano, a physician, and Senora Ix>zano; y
r Senor Fausto Roberts, a lawyer; Senora *j*
It Roberts and Senors Guido L?avalle and
d Jose Zaboni. y
The theater was crowded and almost *x*
^ in darkness, when suddenly there was
s heard a loud detonation, and a blinding
e flash illuminated the house for a moment. Y
A bomb hurled from the gallery toward 5,
the orchestra seats had exploded in mid- | y
air. -j
" Scores of persons were thrown to the y
' floor, and many were struck by flying
fragments of the missile. Y
g Several women fainted, and for a mo- * *
ment it seemed as if a panic-stricken ?
rush toward the exits was imminent. A jt,
" moment after the explosion, however, the 1
orchestra struck up the national anthem.
This quieted the spectators, and a catas- A
t trophe was avoided. A
A reward of $50,000 lias been offered by A
I the police for information leading to the y
J arrest of the man who threw the bomb. y
>t :<
ti, .
J- National Congress Adjourns After * ;
Adopting Many Reform Statutes. $
CARACAS. Venezuela, June 28?The 3
Venezuelan congress adjourned yesterday, y
Among the more important laws en- i
acted were those giving greater advanr
tage to foreign mining interests: facitli- y
lr tating the colonization of public lands,
irt validating foreign educational degrees
II conferred upon Venezuelan students; im- y
ro proving the consular and diplomatic servlr
ices; encouraging the construction of ar- ^
m tesian wells throughout the country and Z
providing for the coinage of 18,000.0110 boljt
ivars in gold and silver.
0 Congress rejected the protocol agreed
ie upon between the Italian minister Serre
re and Gen. Juan Pietri, former minister of
foreign affairs, adjusting the Italian
.* claims against Venezuela, and also refused
the proposition of Gen. i-ietri and
Sir Vincent Corbett, the British minister,
adjusting the guarantee of the government
of the English-owned Puerto Cabello ?
and Valencia railroad. ?
d While excavating for the $100,000 bank
P_ and office building to be erected on Baltimore
street, Cumberland, Md., by the
Interstate Trust Company, workmen disIe
covered four vats, an old wooden pump
i- and wooden water pipe bored by the
e processes used generations ago. A tans
nery once stood on the site. ?
J i* ?
| The Complexion
Na&Mta yCMibSl I '
ANT WOMAN may easily and quickly gain a !
beautiful complexion by using Nadlnola Cream,
d It banishes tan, sallowneas, freckles, pimples. :
y liver spots and other facial discolorstions. Worst j
d case in twenty days.
if NADINOLA CREAM rida the pores and tlasoea '
& of all impurities. Leaces the skin clear, soft and
healthy. Directions and binding guarantee in *
4 each package. Price, 50c and $1.00. by high-claas |
' toilet counters or mail. * # j
a NATIONAL TOILET CO.. Paris. Tenn. j
y Bold by O'Donnell's Drug Stares and high-class 11
toilet counters. 'Jg
ir Physici;
n in Washington has beei
i laboratory where our mill
hundred responded to th
bout the same number la<
or thmselves how perfect a
pure milk to the people of
cians what he thinks of ou
'ashington we alone treat and bo
it is perfectly fresh; we alone s
rigerator cars, and we alone deli
ct from the cars. Our milk is fr
/c guarantee that it is fre^h. cle;
disease germs, not merely ore
ily at 8c.
i and N Streets N.W.
Phones N. 1112-1113.
"Burc Milk for Washingtc
V'hite Cross Milk Plant,''
/ A. ne^/Ca^is<
from Madam
The issuing of a n<
famous singers is an evi
portance in musical ci
than the production o
Metropolitan or Manha
parativelv few petople he;
lovers all over the worh
the exquisite blending o
This beautiful duet occurs
Pinkerton (Caruso) and Shar
(Scotti); and the number clo
Pinkerton recklessly pledges
hopes to meet some day.
Madama Butterfly?Duet, Act
Victor Record S9043. Twelve-Inch
Out I
withthe Julj
new Victor Ri
, Hear this record at any Vic
and ask him for a july supple
' contains a complete list of n
| with a detailed description of
| Victor Talking Machine Co., C(
To got best results, use
Victor Needles on Victor 1
[ And be sure to hear the Vic
John F. E
Victor Record:
Largest Stock of Victor
Records in
Droop's Mi
S" Ttiirteei
Full Line of \
Machines a
Sanders & S
1327 P
Get Your VIC1
?. ? ith. w irv rr t a it
T h irteen-t hirtee
he Exclusive Talking Machine "Store.
iphysentery and Other
Bowel Disorders
Speedily checked by the Jadicions use of
To-Kslon Blackberry Cordial. The pore j
Juice of Blackberries fortified with pore ;
Grape Brandy. Per bottle, 75 cents; '
half bottle, 40 cents.
To-Kalon Wine Co. j
Phone Main 086. 014 14TH ST. N.W. j
Jf 27-20d J
it is treated and|
lis invitation on -ri
;t Saturday.
re our facilities for %
Washington. Ask m
milk. 1
Warily f II
' Fitted and - I
I Saated I
w,J 4*1^'
By Machinery
^pMSi ^ ^ I
le Butterfly
?w Victor duet by these ?
ent of the greatest ini- +
rcles ? more important ?
f a new opera at the 2
ttan. For while com- 2
ir the new opera, music- %
1 will soon be enjoying 2
f these two great voices. X
in art J. between Lieut I
pless. tl?e American Consul
ses with a splendid climax as J,
the "real American wife" he J,
I, "Amore o grillo" T
(Love or Fancy?) Puccini Y
i, with orchestra, |4. Id Italian. ??
;oday I
r list of j:
m.n i j
Ills & Co.,
? a no talking
^ania Avenue.
Talking Machines and
i the City*
isic House,
ith and G Sts. N.W.
/ictor Talking
nd Records.
tayman Co.,
Street. ^
1$0{I .A nnri th#*
M X ^ II H A
n F Street N. W.
Pbone Main 744S.
Sanitary Wax Floor Oil.
Price, 15c bottle, 50c gallon. delivered.
LAYS the Dl'ST and DOES NOT leave the
floor STICKY or SLIPPERY, bat BRINGS out
the GRAIN and GIVES tb.< floor a HARDWOOD
FINISH. Juat the thin* for tbe floor aftor
taking up tbe carpeta and mattings.
Mfg. and Sold by ED. BRINKMAN * CO..
Pbonv Mala 3287. Offlce. 363 Pa. ^va. B. w.
Sold at All Grocery and Clear Staves.