Newspaper Page Text
LEAVE "WANT ADS" AT CTA?R BRANCH OFFICES. If not convenient to call at The Ster cffke. IHh street and Penn:vani'a avenue. leave your sdve: Usernent at anv of the fdllowin-r Branch Offices: VTAftr ASS, 1 CSZTT A WOSS. Minlanai, 15 ccrte only. - ? "" vahtfWKfT BRANCHES5: T" OfT> F I **** B-f'fr A Ftr'd TnAUn* ? *. * ii*Tvr? Funk Foft"' T^l^STapi . 1J'? Dm* n?-? Tfh *nrf T j#tPV~<A B r.mnholl. D-U#? 4?'?* *** . T?,-a \. n.?hi r*. I5?h *nd rvnwMa roia. , P*.jrv?nt Pharm??'r. C^th and P *t#-a T>rrs < !.-* Mrh .inri Oifton F-ne-<an C. TV 11th ? ?f? I ^-rk road. Dnir Sf*>ro. 14* h and U a'#. OoMTWf'p F'Ttini P^r' tf'n Orflp Stnro rtTt*i *?n?T Pa. !*ff? FD'f-'n* 'n \>w??tand fTOS Pa n*""n?r>t. J8th nni r ro?t?l Td*rr*pa. F T\?nn *nn? To Inf*-irVtnn Bireaa. KJ*!PriT Jltorf. f?Tfh ^ ? d T at*. TV T? Ptr|t P; i?j 'Sfnvf. P ^ and S Poland TTej]ij..# v^w??*and an1 Stationary V ne-? (IOC r>? V .. ? ? "i - ?* 11 ' I ?? . " rn'on * ? ??' T?'e?~*rV pmii' rv?;; are . T>,,?tnl Teletrrapll. CilgVy'* Prnp Store. ?1at and G *t'Georgetown: ODnnttetr* Tv-iz *fn-e. 3n'1 anil V BtB. O'TVmrr" ? r>n'z S?n-e. P21 j?r>rt P Sle. P~tde s Pharmaer. ?Sfh and P northeast: p"''<-r' T'-irrc.irr. 4?h and S'antnn fll- n*f i\ t:'trrdrrn ,4 *> . v. pan and P 4tbKrnn-itv'? On'?rrt,ff'''r \ finltel and T at*. Tnr'nr .? ;ith and E. Btn. M 'ad'n'? Pharmn'-f. 1.7th and H at? n.e. Peatman T>. ,\.. Phnrmarr. 7th end H a.e. SOT'the \st: Pra.l'eVs Ortiz Store S?h and V ?t?. s.e. M. S. Fea.'ef. TVnzsr!?t. 11th and Pb are. softh west: 17'h ?f wharf. Postal Telegraph OtBce. S'tlUvsr s Or't Store. 7th and D sts. B.w. ?'K .r'e* P Walter, 901 4t& at. s.w. WANTED?HELP. One neat ? word for 15 word?. ZZZZ mu. wwrvi' :.7 WAYS Tt> Q1T0K AND KASY\ a live one; i>ar;ionlar* free. BARTON A i> . llox 17". Detroit. Mirli. w \ \ti;i? yoT \t, man in ovkk-k. $h \ ??cW. Addrean ltn\ lta.. Star nftire. jv20-St* WANT! !> RKOISTKRKli HIM ii < I-KKK TO T>0 r??ii? f ?'*rk: stat" KfrmcM. Addms Box I''>7. St.11 "ftirt-. jy2u-vv.f.e.3t M ATTK;> ' l\ II. SI.UVH K PREPARATION UN- ! d?-r former ctrll service examiner. BELMONT! vi AI> 1321 -1323 t'olumbia road; phone CUobMi 3852 Jy20-2t* j W A NT! I > Al?VK"j{TISK.M KNT SOLICITORS To | " >rk on -alary and commission. (f. RICK, 113 j B st s.e. T\ \M KIi BOOKKEEPERS- THIS IS AN AUK ' of business. am! there is ae. ordlngly a great ' oa'.l for tiookkeetiers thoronghiy trained in | modern me: ho Ig. We teach the most approved and up tii-iiaie systems. at a low cost, by j mail. Wr'Ie today for "Commercial Circular." | I C. S Box 2003 B. Scranton. Pa. j v. antei>~Tn iTsi ai.i.mknt moi sk xTk 1 aires the serTiers ..f a thoroughly experienced j Investigator. who must furnish At rpfprenee: ; steady position and satisfartory salary to the ; right part*. Address Box 130. Star offi~e. I ivlPAt WANTKH OPERATOR FOR A HIGH CLASS i photograph stud o in Washington: ninat be a j goo.| retoucher. Address, with reference and | experience. Box 132. Star office. jvl{*-3t WANTl li ! OllTEK WITH WHEE1.; MTST j have |? st of reference. Apply at onee. LAI'- ! MAN'S. 4ti2 7th st. n.w. jyl9-2t | WANTO VOl'NG MAN ?IF GOOI? APPEAR- j anep aa<1 good talker to solicit storage fori .-aragi. 1214 V st. n.w. Jyl9-7t WANTEI* A Vnl'Nt; MAN 23 lilt 30 YEARS OF age to tak" charge of a bundle counter; must have years of experience In handling and wrapping nice goods; state what experience -you have had. Address Box l.'tj. Star office. Jy1ft-3t W A NTEIt?FT VK TIN ROOFERS. 631 PA. are, s.e. jrl8-3t* WANTED REGISTERED RELIEF I>HT"G tier-. Address Itnx ltiil. Star office. jyl8-2t* W?MK|l- tllll SKHDV AT '-bUll CONN. AVE. W A\'TF.I? I MAPE $r.i>.Oiio IN FIVE YEARS wi:h a small mall order business; began wit's *5. Serd for free booklet. Telia bow. HKACOfK Lo"kport. X. Y. Jyl-30t^ W\NTF.I> -AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn Slfki monthly corresponding for newspapers; no canvassing. Send for particulars. PRESS SYNDICATE. Lockport. X. V. Jyl-30t* MALI OB FSIUZJ. WANTED PIP1LS Tu TUTOR IN MAT1IEuiatie*. physics, mechanic*: 50 cents a lesson. <U4 K n.e. Jy20 3t* WANTED TRAINED HEADS AND HANDS are In demand. The beat place to receive this training Is at DRALGHON'S PRACTICAL ISPE.NCERIANI BUSINESS COLLEGE. 1317 N Y. are. Beat location In city. Individual Instruction. Graduates placed in positions. \ak for free catalogue. JyS-flOt WWIED SALESWOMEN FOR THE FOLLOW- I ins departments: Dry goods. fancy goods, suits and waist-, muslin underwear and boys' clothils permanent positions for experienced help. Applv at ?>n< e. GOLDENBEltG'S. 7th aDd K. Jt2->3i W" ANTED LADY STENOtJIVVPHER: REFER mi e required. Apple at onee, WASHINGTON; NEWS CO.. .313 dth n.W. Jj20-3t WA\TED A YtH'NG LADY WITH 2 OR S j rears' experience in the linen department. Address II..x 155. star office. State where and how long employed. jy20-3t tf \ i ro a - x a r?? n?- t.'? * ? ? ? ?. \ * i m ' i"' r nri.'M rijir.i.l.l liAI'l I??on private work; Christian bearing. Address Hot 14f?. Star office. Jyl9-3t* TT \VT ED <<>MCF.TE\T MIIJ.INERY TRIMmor. Addn>M Itoa M51. Star office. jyl9-5t \V T N T FIi \ GERMAN TRANSLATOR; MT'ST also i;ndmtind English aril enough to tranelate ordinary business letters. written In Gerican. info good English: position p rmanmt. Address in ow n handwriting Box 131, Star effle. Jyl8-3t C \ \ VASSKIts FOR EASY SEI.LER~ SIDE 1,0" or full tiule; r>nl com ml as. on. ft38 8th at n.w. jylS-lt* W \NTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES FOR "i>artniei:t store; g<?od salary; permanent po- I ?;t|on?. 712 7th n.w. jvl8-3t j V iMKIi H>f AilK PREPARED TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR PERMANENT POSI- I TIONS WITH TWO EXPERIENCED CLOAK I AND SI IT SALESLADIES. APPLY AT MAYER BROS. A CO. MT F ST N.W. Jvlh-llt anted a few more yocng men and trjiea not und. r 16 yeara. to take our frew le*aon? in penmanship and tonrh typewriting on Saturdays; competent stenographers and bookkeepers are in demand. The host place to Darn <> at STRAYKR S HCSINESS CO I, LEGE, i O'd Mason!" Temple, ?th and F ats. Day and j t ;ht s-booi ali a lnom'-r. Situations secured for | gaduatcs Coolest rooms in city. Catalogue ] M iny?7-tf VY i \ Tf'T I XV IVTtnifi'PvT DtMtaAv * ***' .... ..... .... i .1 i . i .... ' ie.. ? i uj.o< i * .*1 a 1 itu Sl'.f> moiitulr cnrreapoud'ng for Dtwiiap*r?; no iiiv?.?injr. Srnd for partlenlari T'KESS SYVDIi'ATF. favkport. T. J.vl-30t* DOKXSTIC " V. \ NT EI > G1RI, FOR LIGHT K1TVHKN work wng?*? S' 50 |*r wwk to start. 9Kt N*-? York a??-. n.w. W \"\ TKO WHITE GIRL AS WAITRESS, wilting to gn to rotjntrr; wage*. SI* Fall ?fr?>r Thumdav 1.'55 l2tb s.e. J.v20-2t WAVTEH YOING <OU)RFX? WOMAN FOR i'T>*tairs work !u private familv; wage*. $12. Gil* 10th ?t V ANTED vf AITRESS AND ('HAMREKMAIH. n?at woman, t-tna'.l familv. to go to outttry pisrr. Aildmt Mr*. H.. 1115 G at. n.w. NvVnTKI) j'l.AIX <i >)7ikv GENKRA1. HOUSE w irkr-r. T-itr and suburbs: iaundraaa. leave tT EXriiANGK. 1?;.1A nth n.w. jv1?-2t WANTED?SITUATIONS ' Onr i-car a word for 1ft wortls. fX 'IXRTOK ' tR < I.ERK WISHES POSITION in paint store: Wat of reference. TVAETEK JAMISON. General Drlirfrj. rHAl^-PETR AM> PORTER. OR 1ELEVATOR man: two rellab'.a. n-.nmmtndrt men. 2O0_' ISth at. n.w. Jyl9-3t PORTER PLACE AS PORTER OR OFFICE cleaning. b* colored man; gtxai reference. 45S N ?t. r w. JylB-3t* FTEAMFITTF.R FIRST CI.ASv 15 YEARS" experience. be*t references; ran apt as heating engineer Call or writ* K P.. apt. 21 Penhnrst. H *T. n r. soxesttct PRIVATE NURSING OR THE PA TFT CARE of id tDTalld h* colored graduate nurse: aereral rears' experience. Phone V 2175-Y. PAISY SPEARS. j/io eo.7t? ?CXJLIi8i feoOKKEEPER FIRST-CLASS: 1R YEARS' EXrrleoee: boat references. Addre*a Mlaa I*. L>. . 132R 12th c w. J.rl9-St ROOKKBEPEB BY GIRL 17. ONE YEAR B. H. P . position aa assistant bookkeeper, cashier or other nflce work. Addreaa Boa 131*. Star offlpe. Jrl?-2f flRENSMAKER FASHION A RI.H NEW YORK dreesmaker wishes, few more customer*. Mme. BBKTHA, 1440 W ?t. n.w. Jy20-2t* poms tic. _ BY COMPETENT SETTLED WOMAN. PLACE; genera! housework. Inquire 1413 Spring St. n.w.: phone Columbia 3021. BOOKS, GENERAL HOCSEWORK GIRL: KIKSTrlass references; nil) leave citr. Mrs. MURPHY'S AGENCY. 16V. 326: W. 113>i-Y. OOOK?BY INTELLIGENT COI?RED WOMAN, n place to cook, wash and Iron. 11B6 21st n.w. OJSAJCING BY' DAY ANT) LADIES' LINGERIE garment*. M4 V st. n.w.. Apt 3. Jv20-2t pf SMALL, FA.MIIA'; NO WASHING OR IRONe; refined white glii: city reference; or house per; 112 a month. Address Boa 164, Star WANTED?SITUATIONS. TIIIALI-POMIITIO. j LAUNDRESS. FIRST -CLASH WASHING TO tnke bump or doctor's apartment to clean: reference. 1755 Sea ton st. p.*. . LAUNDRESS?BY FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS. . Monday and Tuesday out or washing to do ? home, lflio nth at. n.w. NURSE'S PLACE OR HKJJ' AROI NT) HOCSE. Address 23-7 G st. n.w. WANTED?BY RESPECTABLE WOMAN. A ; place a? cook in private family. 1125 X -*t. it. vv. WANTED -BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG COIc ; ored girl, place to iro away as nurse or chain- j hci-matd. fall Sju 23d at. n.w. Jyl9-2t* j WANTED- SITUATION BY A GOOD COOK usi.l laundress: stay nights: gool reference. Call 1443 Cbnrcii st. n.w.. as I don't know much aliout city. ' WANTED ? THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED j 3 young lady piano player for moving picture j show. Box 156. Star office. Jyl?-3t* I i WANTED BY'COLORED WOMAN". GENERAL ! { housework: rood cook. Call three days 1413,' 11 th ?t. n.w. jjTS-3t* WANTED?MISCELLANEOUS. ;* | On? .-erf * irnf<) ?n<h time for IS ?ir'? S times. j WANlkn TO HI V OLD FEATIIKlt BEDS. soiling whv -not drop' postal to an old. reliable firm? H:' MARKS. 423 10th ft., opposite the Gas office. or phone Linen. 2331 V. IrtfO-tf f : BEbT PLACE TO DISPOSE OK FURNITURE. j etc.. Is D. .NOTES'. CIS La. ave. Special at-| t'-ntlon paid stocks groceries and general m?r- j iiaiMlis". Drop postal or phone >f. hOOti. * ,i -. 2ll-12t* WANTED-SCf'U AT~S'L FIVE YEARS; AMPLY j bv 1?. C. Improved property. Box ICS, ' * Slur dgltc. J.v3'- ?' ! WANTED?LANTERN SLIDE' COLORING I.ES-j sons. Immediately. .Miss WARDEN. 3107 DninbnrtoD hvp.-: phone West 938. jy20-3t* 111<;IIEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR IVORS "lotblnjr, ladles', getita' and children's shoes, hats; scud postal or phone; will call. J. TARSIIES. :30s 7th n.w Phone North 4?. 1r1'?-tf WANTED?FURNITURE If yon hare any furniture, store or office fix- \ * tnrcs'or anv Rtoek of merchandise to sell, don't fall to send for MARCUS NOTES. 1330 G St. n.w.. as be will give you the highest cash price for same. Phone Main 5171. Jyl8-tf WANTED - WE NEED AT ONCE DIAMONDS and gold for manufacturing. We will pay the " highest cash prices for yonr diamonds from one-ha'f to fonr karats. A. KAHN, 935 F st. JylO-tf / H. BAt'M A SON. 912 PA. AVE. N.W. ? AN opportunity to dispose of all kinds of furniture. We are In the market to buy slightly used furniture, store fixtures and office furnl- j ture of every description. H. BAL'M 3c SON, Phone M. 1254. Jylj-tf WANTED- FURNITURE. CARPETS. PIANOS, etc.. to sell, rhone 1282. or will iall upon re- 7 quest. AVESCHLER. 920 Pa. are, n.w. je21-80t YK OLD CURIOSITY SHOP. 815 17TH ST. N.AV. Entire ra'.pe gtTen for old gold and silver; 7 wanted, anything odd or antique In jewelry, brtnses, paintings, china, mahogany furniture. Jol2-tf WANTED-PAWN TICKETS FOR DIAMONDS and jewelry. Cash paid for old gold, silver, platinum, coins, etcv LOUIS ABRAHAM. 433 flth. de6-tf WILL CALL IN MT UNLETTERED WAGON k and pay you the highest prices for ladles', gentlemen's, children's discarded clothing of all descriptions. Address postal or phone and 1 will call. W. RICE. 1332 7tb n.w. ?b. X. 1765. i ? >o33-tf.g HOESES AND VEHICLES One cent a wnrd esrh time for IS wordy 8 time*, p FOR SALE? SINGLE 1CEWAGON. APPLY M. K1NSLOW A SUN. logo M si. n.w. FOR SALE - FOUR SHETLAND PONIES, traps an*l harness. A. J. STABLER. 931 D. Jv2?-3t FOR SALE-T.'. SFi'OND-HAND CARRIAGES? I and harness of all kinds. A. J. STABLER, 931 D n.w. Jv20-3t FOR SALE?ONE BABCOCK SURREY: A1 CONditlon: practically as good as new: for particulars apply to JAMES B. HENDKR?<ON. 1108 G st. n.w. Jy16-tf FOR SAI.K-1 FINE BAY HORSE (ABOUT 1.200 lbs.). 1 "Hooker" six-passenger opera bus, 1 depot wagon. 1 canopy-top stirrer. Apply PORTLAND STABLES. <H3 N. Y. are. _ n.w. Jyl5-6t 358 WILL BUY A NEW RUBBER-TIRE &UNabout; latest 1910 style. f TEASY TERMS. . f] PROBEY CARRIAGE CO.. (See Our Complete Stock of Vehicles). >21-tf.6 1230 32d at. n.w. COGSWELL'S IS THE BEST PLACE TO BUT ? new- and second-hand surreya. traps, rnnabouts, daytona and delivery wagons; 815 up. Harness. 84 up. 209-211-212-214 11th at. n.w. my6-tf _ GEORGE >1. GANTZ. 1208 D ST. N.W.?LARG- G eat assortment of vehicles of all kinda, Including grocery and express wagons and harneea. at wholesale prices to the retailer. ap!2-tf ~~ AUTOMOBILES. One cent a word each time for 15 words 2 Mmes. p THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF SLIGHTLY used autos all makes and styles, from $150 to $2,000 : 50 In number. Branch of Philadelphia, t THE ROMAN AUTO CO.. apll-tf.eSu.5 1315 H st. n.w. FOB S ALE?TWO-O YLIM>BR BUICK TOURING car; perfect running order; bargain. 1314 Fla. are. n.w.: phone N. 5139. jyJKMJt* FOR SALE?4-CYLINDER. HIGH-GRADE TOUR- ing car. Apply to H. LIVINGSTON, 477 E at. L b.w.. after 5:3Q p.m. Jy20-5t* FOR SALE ? 1910 "HUPMOBILE"; FULLY eqnipped: practically new; used only two weeks: will demonstrate any time. Bargain for iquick buyer. FRANK G. FAVORITE. 120S F 7 at. n.w. ^ Jy1fl-3t* FOR SALE - 20-H.P. ROADSTER; FULLY equipped: perfect condition; demonstration. lfi03H 3d "t. n.w. "j?19-3t* FOR SALE?FOItD RUNABOUT. NEWLY F painted, top. wind shield, storage battery, lamps, horn, extra tube and tools; bargain. $375. 1005 D at. n.e. JylS 3t* FOR SALE-MODEL O FRANKLIN 4-PAS8BNger touring car. first-class condition; newly painted; equipment; top. wind shield, speedometer. gax tank, tire chains; demonstration given. Address Box 109. Star offlce. Jyl7-tf 1 FOR SALE?COLUMBIA ELECTRIC. IN GOOD condition; complete with recharging outfit. FOR 9ALE>~Stearu* touring ear. .j?-horsepower, folly equipped and In excellent condl- tlnn. C Two-cylinder Yale tonring car in good condition: a bargain. IPOS Overland fonr-cvlinder. four-Dassenger. fully equipped. in excellent condition. 7 CARTER MOTOR CAK CORPORATION". 1 .iyl2-tf Mnnaey building. FOR RENT? 7 PRIVATE OARAGES. COLOMBIA COURT (14ib and 15th. Col. road and Irving at.). MODERN IN EVERT DETAIL. S Paved court: water, newer, gas and electricity. Rental only 97.50 to $25.00 monthly. " Each contains space for one to nine cars. Well adapted for shops, storage, etc. = A. F. FOX COMPANY. Established lVTfi. Rental Agenta. 14TH ST. AT NEW YORK AVE. f Jyl.Vtf AUTOMOBILES ?0R HIRE. ? COOL RIDES FOR WARM EVENINGS-93 PER hour for tine White Steamer aiitos: 5 and 7 passenger; hour, day or week; driven hv prac- ti<3?l man. Phone Lincoln 1434. Jy'7-tf.4 I WANTED?AUTOMOBILES . ?_ [ I HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR GOOD SEC ond-hand cars: sold seven last week. If you wint to buy or sell see me. I can save you money. Address Bo* 162. Star office, jy 19-3t* WILL TRADE EQUITY OK >350 IN MY TENN. I sve. bouse for Ford or Maxwell runabout. AdI dress Box 144. Star office. Jyl9-3t | FOB BENT?GARAGE. _ FOR RENT?NEW BRICK GARAGE. In rear 1011 11th at. n.w. $20.00. Will accommodate 4 automobiles. jyl9-3t* A. T. OrMBE. 1425 N. Y. avc. FOR RENT?IN REAR OF 1221 CONN. AVE.. with room above; a.m.l.; door space, 21x23; rent. $25 per month. I FITCH. FOX A BROWN. 1333 F at. n.w. 1rl?-3t PERSONALS. " SI6NORA ANN IN A AXDRIXI FAZZI. LINCOLN 3005. J Shampooing Wed. and Sat., 4 to 10 p.m. Coabinta and all switches made into latest < style braid* or puff*. Through connection with * the leading dealer* am In a position to furnish everything up-to-date and match all nhadea of hair. Wigs made to order. EAST CAPITOL HAIIl DRESSING PARLOUS, corner 4tli and Kast Capitol eta. Jel7-tf s HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' and gents' worn garment* of all kinds: also hoe*, hats. etc. THE BARGAIN STORE, 124ti 3 7th at. n.w. Drop postal; will call promptly. myl2-tft4 HAVEN'T REEN OPT OF TOWN? SO EASY, " when we plank the money down for men's worn shoes, full suits, hats; mall as postal, and drop that frown. 1 JySO-tf.5 JPSTH'S OIJ> STAND. 61? p. OVERCOME THE HEAT OF SPMMER By rreouenring the famous G STREET TURKISH BATHS. NO. 1320. Special tow rate* until October 1. 1010. THE SHOWER BATHS AND SWIMMING TOOLS. In both ladies' and gentlemen's departments, open every day and evening. F<>r hoys and girls special boors. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.. H to 9 p.m. dally. Special classes for swimming lnstractldb. Open day and night. Half rates by special tlcket?j, 25c. ?7 Norma I physical conditions maintained by Turkish baths. Jy2-saAw-26'. BRADFORD'S DETECTIVE AGENCY. SUITE 224 Colorado building. 14th and G. Phone Main 2525. Established 1SS5. Expert investigation* any cause, all sections. Advice and consultation free. Special agent Atlantic City. N. J., and alt prominent resort*. Jylfi-Tf SAFETY BLADES HONER i . DULL WAFER BLADES OF ALL MAKES . made like new by our new successful method: ' finished same day as received: all edges tested; charges reasonable. K. E. HOFFMAN. Barbers' Supply Co.. 90t> K. Phone M. 45SH. jy30-w,tn,*a,21t,J FOE SALE?MISCELLANEOUS. One cent a word each time tor IS words a il?a. OR SALE?FINE MILK COW. HOLSTEIN: 3^4 gallons of milk per day: passed government teat: good condition; price, *3t> If sold iuHuediatelv. Address S. It. NORMAN, 7tli and I'a. ate. n.w. SAFES?FI'IX LINES OF FIHE1'KOOF SAFES at our salesrooms: safes bought and sold and exchanged. Write or telephone. Will send representative. YORK SAFE AM) LOCK CO.. 0-7 W. German sr.. Baltimore. Md. je8-tf.5 FOR SALE?2 <"AR1.<,AOS OF WINDOW AND door screens and all kinds of screen material at lowest prices; screens from t.V lip: screens made to order. KLhEBLAI T'S. lltli aud H n.e. myti-lKtt 'OR SALK-t{ool? QFALITY OFAtJI"E SHADES, tit.ed to your windows, only :15~; the best quality oil 'Tpacp:e shades, title, hting free. We ejll with satupics. KLEEBI.ATT'S, np22-tf llth and H sts. n.e. SioTOR BOATS FROM *130 I P AT OCR NEW store, 14th and S sts.: IS-uiilc l>-ft. cruiser. $5)00: canoes. $35. and row-boats. It ACINIC BOAT MFG. CO. aplH-tf HOWI ASE ANI STORK HXTI IIES. .1 Of IN C. 8CHEKER. JR.. MFG. CO.. de4- f Baltimore. "OR KALE?SO IIIVES <>F TIKES. 710 sfll ST. n.w. jy2P-3t? "OR SALB - LARGE-SIZE. FILL-TONE TP' righ grand piano, with Hue mandolin uftnohmrtr.: in splendid condition: onlv $lia> cashJr2?-2t CRIMES T'lANO STORKS. 1 -'1 ^ K si. 'Oil SALELarge two-manual organ; in fine shape. Only $50. jy20-2t ORIMES PIANO STORES. 1212 K st. on SALE-FINE. NEARLY NEW STAN DA R D upright mnhoguny piano, very cheap for cash, fall 22N A st. s.c. j.v2f>-3l on SAI.E-A sacrifice bargain In upright piano. Handsome nialn^fanv ease. 7'j octaves; has all the latest improvements; beautiful, rich, sweet tone; the whole piano is just like new. having been used but a short time; one of the best bargains we ever offered; sells always and everywhere for $575: to close up owner's aceount. who Is leaving elty. $110 cash will buy it; a grand bargain for some one. ORIMES" PIANO STORES. jv30-tf.l2 1212 K st. OR SALE?GO TO MAKCl'S NOTES' AlCTION rale at 133<? G st. n.w. o:i Thursday. July 21. commencing at 10 a.m.. for extraordinary bargains in furniture, etc.; National cash register, 'otai adder, in first-class condition, will also be on aale. jyl9-2t OR SALE?IRON STEPS A.\i? PEA FORM AND old material in front of 735 13th st. Apply GEO. T. IIOt'GH. 1317 11 n.w. Jyl0-3t I SET OF THREE It A 1ST PLAT BOOKS OF the 1>. of C., vear lftnS; in excellent condition; for sate cheap. IXWIS & .TONES CO.. H17 E st. n.w. jyl9-3t O (R-SALE PIANOLA IMANO. MISIC ROLL^T etc.. to Immediate buyer; will take part cash and notes. Address at onee. Box 138, Star of? iii-sr. j.* " i'RIGHT PIANO. "KNABE," CHEAP TO quirk buyer. Addrefa Box 14?, Star office. JvlS-lt Y?R SALE?AX UPRIGHT IMAM): IX GOOD condition: price, $100. Address G. C. S.. Star office. Jylfl-6t* PIANO BARGAINS UNPRECEDENTED. $400 Needhnm $105 $400 Cable ft Nelson $1.86 $30O Vose $175 $40O Emerson, small size $165 $00') Mathusheck $175 HUGO WORCH. 1110 G. Sohmer. Biasitis. Emerson Pianos. JyO-tf.S 1AHOGA.NY UPRIGHT PIANO. USED SEVeral months, only $110: slightly used Helbig piano. $1.10 cash Open evenings. HELBIG BROS.. Kstali. 28 yrs.. 1742 7th. Jy9-tf OR SALE-PIANO BARGAINS; KNABE Upright. $175 .00; also Stelnway, Mason ft Hamlin. Shaw. Fischer. Kohler ft Campbell and a number of other makes; all at sacrificing prices: cash or small payments. CHAS. M. STIEFF. 1008-1010 F st. n.w. J. C. CONLIFF. Manager. Jy7-tf iXTKAORDINARY BARGAINS' IN PIANOS AND PLAYER-PIANOS during this great expansion sale; high-grade, guaranteed Instruments: easy terms of payment. A few of t$e specials: StlefT, $2t?9: Knabe. $175: Weber, $250; Gibson. $125; Hardman. $210; Bradbury. $225; Vose, $290; Cblckering, $145: Pease, $145: Ilardman Antotone. $300; Cecillasi player-piano. $345: Pianola-piano. $290; ten new $650 Autotones at $445: many others. O. J. De MOLL ft CO., cor. 12th and G sta. n.w. jy2-l0d . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, >ne cent a word each tune tor 15 words 3 times. (O YOU WANT TO BUY A MOTION PICTURE theater? Juat remodeled: ready to open: cheap. Investigate quickly. Address Box 1C5. Star office. Jy20-3t* ON FECTIONERY. OPPOSITE SCHOOL: SUITahle ladv; dailr busineas. $10; cheap rent. THORNTON. 1745 Pa. avy. n.w. Jy20-3t* IROCERY N.E.: EXCELLENT STA v ft AND business. Cigar, periodical and newssffind. payinw Asia IS ro r nopift/llon )u (Mill hliv>tr 'It h fit n. w. Commercial pboto business: gold mine. Antique furniture business: right price. Secondhand furniture store: paving tine. THOTtNTON, 1745 Pa. ave. n.w. Jy20-3t* OK SALE?STOCK AND FIXTURES OK GENeral store; good location: on corner. 2000 17th n.w. Jy20-3t* EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY TO PI R ehftso established merchant tailoring store doing $25,000 business, with bright future prospects: located In best business section;, reason for selling, other business demands entire attention. Address Bos 143, .Star office. JvI9-3t? iONG-EST A RUSHED CAFE: HANDSOMELY equipped: near War Department: daily receipts, $45: now under management:' asking $1,500. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS, 1423 F. Jy19-3f VAXT TO MEET MAN WITH $4,000 CASH and business ability to join me in a theatrical lecture proposition on the Eimendorf order: details at interview: no triflers. Box 151, Star office. Jyl9-3t* OR HALE - RARE GROCERY BUSINESS: chance for the right man: want to sell out on account of bad health. Box 153. Star office. jyl9-3t* EXCELLENT-PAYING CAPE. lilJCATED ON Pa. ave.; coat to equip $0,000: best of reasons for selling; asking price. $3,250. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS. 1423 F. j.vlS-tit "OURTH INTEREST IN PAYING MOVING plctnre business, located on prominent afreet northwest and property, owner hug other business, hence will sacrifice. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS. 1423 F. jrlS-Bt >PEN AND CIAlSED MOVING PICTURE Bl SI neaa; best paying colored stands in Washington; great bargain at $1,000. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS. 1423 F. Jyl8-6t "OR SALE?FINE GROCERY STORE. CHEAP. In southeast. Call 245 loth st. s.e. between 3 and 7. Jylg-31*. UK SAi.r,? : UUUU Bl.Wl.AhV; good location; reasonable terms. Box 14. Star office. Jil8-7t* tOAD HOUSE. WITH BAR WELL STOCKED; will sell cheap for cash: reason for selling, sickness. Address Box 110. Star office. Jv17-71* _ iOST AND FOUND! OST?DIAMOND-SHAPE GOLD LOCKET; MO.Nograui "C. ('. J." Return to ltoom 707. -410 5th u.w.. and get reward. jy2u-3t* X)ST~? SUNDAY AFTERNOON. BETWEEN 17th and R sts. and C'hevv Chase Circle, lady's gold watch: monogram L. F.. T. Reward If returned to 107ft 17th at. n.w. jyl9-3t* -OST ? PHYSICIAN'S MEDICINE HAND satchel. Saturday evening. Return to 815 >f st. n.w., and receive reward. Jyl?-3t* ,OST?SATURDAY. NOTEBOOK AND DEED, with owner's name. P. A. Latimer, on Tenlevtown cara or Lincoln Park car. Liberal reward if returned to P. A. LATIMER. 226 12th at. s.e. J.vl8-3t? XXST - SMALL PLAIN OPEN-FACE GOLD watch. Leave at deak. Rochambeau apt.. 815 Conn, are. felO-tf STORAGE. WASHLNGTON SAFE DEPfhliT OO. ONO.). 916-918 Pa. ave. n.w. FIREPROOF STORAGE. Rooms, 52 up. E8tlmatea given. Phone Main 261. Department A. Ic2-00t.5 GET OUR ESTIMATE ON ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF STORAGE. PACKING A MOVING. UNITED STATES STORAGE CO.. 418-20 10TH ST. N.W. PHONE M. 4229. my25-90t.4 FIREPROOF STORAGE. Separate locked rooms, 52.00 per month up. Estimates furnished. JERCH ANTS' TRANSFER A STORAGE CO.. my!7-tf,5 920-22 E at. n.w. SEPARATE COMPARTMENTS; LOW RATE of Insurance; free hanllng to warehouse In padded vans during July. LITTLEFIELDl ALVORD A CO.. Colorado bldg. Tel. W. 737. fe4-tf STORE YOUR FURNITURE. PIANOS. ETC., at WESOHLER'S. 920 Pa. ave. n.w. Ratea reasonable. Phone M. 12S2. my22-90t LOO SEPARATE STORAGE ROOMS?STORAGE by the load; packing, hauling and shipping. See us before storing. THOs. DOWLINO A OO.. 612 K at. n.w. Phone 515. ap2-tf.4 FOE BENT?STORES. cTTit RENT?UTII AND G STS.?BUSINESS property: excellent show window: In excellent condition: rear entrance; storage bouse In rear. Building la 3 stories. Will rent for 53.000 per rear. SHANNON A LUCHS, M. 234.V 713 14th St. n.w. M. 2345. i\KW DlllLUlAU. 625 J3TH ST. N.W. Modern, up-to-date afore. Cellar and 2d door. The store has celling 20 ft. high, with 1,800 square feet floor apace. THE SECOND FIX)OR Has 2,800 sq. ft. floor space: 15-ft. calling. - Plate glass windows. Ventilation and light in abundance. . Freight elevator. Will rent separately or as a whole. Excellent terms to good party. BELT. O'BRIEN & OU. (Inc.). 130? O X.W. _Jelft-tf.eS a DOGS, PETS, ETC. " One cent a word each time for 15 words 3 times. HOSPITAL FOR ANIMALS! Dogs boarded In clt/ or country kennels. Best of care and food. Call or phone No. 1603. lrl-tf.4 2115 14th at. a.W. FOB BENT?BOOMS Q?e cmt a word for 13 worta. WPRgWHTO. PLEASANT SUBURBAN HOME; PRIVATE family; large porches; lawn and shade trees; electric lights: with or without board. 4727 Connecticut are. n.w. telephone Cleveland. No. 42a. Jy20-2V_ 1012 11TH ST. N. W. ? GENTIJ3MEN ; XICEIA furnished moms: cool, well kept house; private family. Jy2t>.23.27* 6U? ">TH X.E.?THREE BRIGHT. CHEIUtFFl, j rooms; elegantly aud completely fnrnislied for , housekeeping: nice gas range; "beautiful brass bed; large closets; $22..">0; gas include*!. | Jy20-2t* 4o2 K N.W.?NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS; I private fainilv; bath: single and dout'le rooms. | Jy2u-:;t " 17.10 i' st.-pleasant. attractive rooms i in private house: suitable for a uijrried couI pie or gentlemen: convenient location; rent j reasonable. jyl9-3t i wamkd -a lady to take charge of I ' apt. Iii part payment of room; desirable house n.w.: references exchanged. Address Box 147, Star odii e. jyl9-3t* ; 27is? p n.w. ro one ok two gentlemen. nicely furnished, lurge rooms; private family; j use of telephone. Jyl9-3t Til* .'.1> ST. X.IV. .HAVE LARGE ALt'OVK 2d-story front room, nicely furnished; bsth ' same floor; $12? per month. jy!H-2t* . 2 UN PL' R YItiHEU. 1017 M ST. SR?1! UNFURNISHED ROOMS. second door, for l.h.k.: with gas; adjoining hath: $10.50. 1320 \V N.W.-3 OR 4 KXCEITIONAIJA PLEA3unt housekeeping rooms: separate bath: entire floor: heat, gas furnished: 3 rooms. $15: 4 rooms. $3t>. jylfl-2t j KOI R ROOM FLAT; HKA'l. LIGHT AND l_gas: large yarji. _ 1603V* 3d st. n.\# jyl9-3t" ROOMS AND BOARD One ren: a word for IS word*. 331 r ST. S.E.. (\\PITOL HILL-FRONT I'ARlor: ifliil; suitable for two; with board. $5.50 per week each. Jy20-2t* KOU KENT ?'WITH OK WITHOPT BOARD? One to five nieely furnished rooms: transients taken: $1.50 per day. iueltiding two meals: private fantilr. 212 Sth st. n.e.: phone IJncoln 216-M.. J.v20-3t* 1321 COLO MBIA ROAD -DEL1GHTFIL 2D story front rooms, including board. $25 |>er month: flne home table. rinue Columbia 3852. J.vl0-3t* 3321 R ST.-M USING HOME. GEORGETOWN Heights; large grounds. pleasjn:. rooms, good table. Phone W. 1378. jyl8-7t 1204 K N.W.?FRONT ROOMS; BATH EACH floor: exeellent table: summer rates. Phone Main 0358. Jyl8-3t? 1343 lilKA UP ST.?ROOMS. GOOD BOARD*; baths: telephone; awuiuga: screens; near three ear lines. Jyl7-7t* 1824 CALIFORNIA ST. ATTRACTIVE ROOMsi late locution; good table; phone; half square from ?ar, Jyl6-?t* 1635 L ST. N.W.?FRONT ROOM. $25: LARGE back room. $20: best table board; reasonable. I jvir>-6t? | COUNTRY BOARD! ! GRAND VIEW. HIGH AND HEALTHY. COMI mandlng un extensive view of the Blue Ridge 1 ??? '"? ?v"l !?> r?r.4nm oo rl ror fl triilos f?HKt 1 lllUUlliUiiis mm Mir vwuiav v. , .? ..... of Harper* Ferry, on the R. IS: O. R. R.: fine bathroom: special famllv rates; good fishing. Mrs. WM. HENKEL. Knoxville. Mil. iy20-i?t LAKE VIEW FARM. ON THF, ROCKVII.LK electric car line near B. & O. r.r. stutlin; good board and accommodations: modern Improvements. Phone Kensington 27-4. P. ' address. Mrs. M. J. WAGNER. Rockrllle. Md. jy20-4t BOARDERS WANTED?i MILE FROM MITCHells. Va.; comfortable home and pleasant surroundings: terms moderate. My address Is: Mrs. R. I. NORRIS. Mitchells. Va. Southern R. R. JyltMt* WANTED - FEW SUMMER BOARDERS OX farm: fine shade; large porches; pleasant rooms; good table: good water, ice, milk and fruit. Mrs. C. M. GRIFFITH. Boyds. Md. Jy 19-31* WANTED?SEVERAL GENTLEMEN BOARDERS in Takoma Park; large rooms. Address Bo* 159. Star office. jyl9-2t* IDVLEWILDE. AN IDEAL PLACE TO SPEND a vacation: near Bluemont and the tnts.: can accommodate a few more guest*. Apply KDW. FINNELLE. Round Hill. Va.. R. F. D. No. 2. j> lS-ot* CONCORD FARM. S MILES FROM WASHINGton: station o minutes' walk; colonial mansion; : large rooms: verandas: fine shade; phone. Clr nlar at Star office. Miss B. B. BERRY, Ritchie. Pr. George Co., Md. Jyl6-7t FF.W BOARDERS WANTED AT MAPLE HALL, In the Blue Ridge mts.; shady lawn; cool, airy rooms: good tahle: $6 and $7 per week. Apply to Mrs. 1. C. FOSTER, Bluemont. Va. JylSit if HE TOWERS, Highest and coolest point near city; airy rooms, large porches. Phone CleTeland 314 M. Jyl5-7t "THE RIVERDALE"?SITUATED ON WATER front; healthy location: excellent table board; boating, bathing, etc.. free. Mrs. H. R. HOWETH. Tllghman. Md. Jyl4-30t "RED TOP FARM," DIRECTLY ON WEST rlTer tsalt water): excellent table, llsb, oysters and crabs: boating and bathing free. Aduress Mrs. W. F. WEEMS, Shady Side, Md. 1..19 14. I J.t lll'lTl WEST END. YEAR BLUE RIDGE MTS.: QUIRT, restful plare; large shady lawns; 2V4 miles from depot: phone to R. R. st. Mrs. E. SHOEMAKER. PureellTllle. Ya. Jy9-30t.4 OAKMONT. 8S0O 14TH ST.: 2 DOUBLE ROOMS with board; porches; high, extensive grounds; forest trees; tennis; barn. Phone Col. 2327. JyO-tf THE RALEIGH, AT THE MOUTH OF TUK l'otomac. for sntnmer boarders; plenty of f shade; fine bathing and fishing; excellent table, i Write for terma. Mrs. MABEL RALEIGH CI'RLET. Ridge, St. Mary Co.. Md. I JyW-ante.4 HOTEL CHESAPEAKE?FINE SALT WATER bathing, fishing and scenery; sea food and game; artesian water. J. V. EUBANK, Propr. M. D. & V. R. R. to Lewlsotte, Va. Je30-30t? , IDLEWILPE-ON-THF.-BAT. A family reiort dt* rect on Cnepapeake bay. Salt water bathing, boating, fishing and crabbing. Illustrated circular. IDLE WILDE. Box 1, Shadyslda. Md. je30-30t*4 # RKTTERTON. MD. IDLEWII.D HOTEL. ON CHE8APEAKE BAT: open sarmundlngs; refined boarding; good service. Booklet. A. H. SUPLBE. ii>2?-30t.4 . SUBURBAN BOARD. SUMMER BOARD FOR GIRLS AND SMALL boys at Montrose School from May 1 to Oct. 1; terms moderate; delightful location. Miss HARPBY. riarksTllle. Md ap2tt-tf FOB BENT?OFFICES. FOR RENT-OFFICE ROOM. 2D FLOOR: 907 <5 st. n.w^; $0. M-LACHLAN BANKING COR ! PORATION. 1007 <J St. n.w. jyjo-n FOR RKXT- CORNER 14TIJ AND H N.W.". suite of 3 outside rooms; good windows; low rent; second Boor. Nee GARDINER A I)EXT (Inc.). 812 14th n.w. 1y10-eo.3# FOR RENT? " Beautiful ofBee room on Pa. are. faring the post office; reasonable to desirable tenant. AIM lice oBices on lltli st. front. Apply MAUAOF.R. f>i t hldg.. 11th and Pa. see. jeI7 tf MONEY WANTED ANITTO LOAN. WANTED?$2,000 AT 5%- ON NEW HOUSE that sold for $3,500; NO BETTER LOAN; no agents. Address Box 163. Star oAce. Jyl9-3t MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT AT OUKrent rates of Interest on real estate In the District of Columbia. FITCH, FOX A BROWN. Jyl-tf 1333 F st. n.w. " REAL ESTATE AND LOANS. ~ CHAR1.ES A. BAKER, 1110 F St. n.w. my2?;.tf-4 Phone Main SIT. FIRST AND SECOND TRUST LOANS. We will loan more on your property than any other concern. lowest rates. All amounts. Pavnients arranged, to suit vou. NO DELAYS. OPEN UNTIL 6:30 P.M. NATIONAL LOAN A INVESTMENT CO.. Thompson bldg , 703 15th at. n.w., 2d floor. Opposite Treasury. Next to Drug Store. ap29-tf LOANS ON STOCKS, INSURANCE POLICIES. Indorsed notes or any good collateral. No delay, middlemen or red tape. R. R. BENNETT. 510 Met. Bank bldg. Phone Main 6808. Jy22-tf ?n\KV TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Low interest. Reasonable fees. Prompt action. LARGE LOANS A SPECIALTY. GEO. W. LINKINS, 800 19TH ST. N.W. mbl6-tf MONEY "Dp LOAN ON APPROVED CITY REAL estate at lowest current rates of Interest. Special privileges with respect to prior payments. Large- amounts a specialty. TYLER Sc RUTH. ERFORD. 730 lBth st. n.w. feO-tf.5 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES OF interest on D. C. real estate. No nnreasaaable delay. WALTER H. ACKER. mbSiMf.S 1420 F st. n.w. MONEY TO LOAN ON D. C REAL ESTATE? Lowest rates of interest. Payment on principal in amounts of $100 or more received at any Interest period. THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY. Bond bldg., 1408 New York nve. n.w. no2-tf IF.YOU WANT TO BORROW OR LOAN, BUY or sell on real estate I can saTe you time and / v I <riv* nprsnnnl attention to all deals. de?tf.'4 "" J. KAKIN OAPBBY. B26 13tb ?t. n.w." WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO ait on D. G. real estate; economical consideration for borrowers. GIVE US YOUR APPLICATION. apl-tf MOORE A HILL. (Inc.). 1333 O at. MONEY TO LOAN?LET US MAKE YOUR NEW loans and replace old ones at lowest rates of interest. All transactions conducted witii economical consideration f~r borrowers. WM H. SAUNDERS ti CO.. 1407 W it. n.w. mjl7-90t.S WANTED?APARTMENTS. WANTED?A FLAT OP THREE ROOMS IN THE n.w. for two gentlemen, bachelors; unfurnished. Box ltfti, Star office. APARTMENTS TO LET. THE IOWA. 13TH AXD O STS. N.W.?ONE 5room apt.. $30. The Mendotn?One "-room apt., til). The Ontario?One 5-room apt.. $"0; one 5-room apt.. $00: one 4-roora apt.. $50; one :t-ruom apt.. $as. MeI.ACHI.KN BANKING I'ORPORATION". Agent. Temporary Offlre. 1007 0 at. n.w. Jy20-3t RENT FROM * SHANNON & IAJCHS. "IS 14TH ST. N.W. M. 33+5. A QUICK, COURTEOUS SERVICE. FOR RENT?5 ROOMS AND BATH: AI.MOST new; large n>orns: magnitrocnt kitehen; enameled tubs ami .sinks; porches: Washinjftoo Heights: convenient to two ear lines. nENT ONI.Y $27.3w. The Crataloe. 2320 Champlain are. SHANNON & LCCHS. M. 2345. 713 14th St. n.w. M. 2345. THE MKI.TON. 4TH AND N. Y. AVE. N.W. Elevator and telephone exchange. 4r. and h., $25.50. Sr. and b.. $35.53. corner. SAMX W. COCKRELI.. ko'J K n.w. j.vl!?-tf.4 FOR RENT- STONE A FAIRFAX. 1112 New York ave. n.w. APARTMENTS. (Heat furnished.) 1 CA" t rrw> toi i _ a. i o i ,% % ?i AA -loin mm si.. isr. anu .1 [)Bin?. The Piresdet^ 0 room* and 2 baths J20.00 The Versailles', 2130 Cal. ave.. 8r.. 2b.. 90.00 The Northumberland. X. H. ave. and V at., 1<5 rooms and hath 73.0# /IS llih st. n.w.. 0 rooms and hath.... 65.00 The Gibraltar. 2305 IStb, 5r. and bath.. -17.50 1311 Park rd. n.w., No. 1, 5r. and b.... -15.00 The Akron. 1823 G st. n.w., 4r. and b. 45.00 The Savoy. t> rooms and bath 42.50 The Oswego, 1320 L' at. n.w.. Or. and b. 43.00 The St. Cluir. 1717 T st. n.w.. No. 21. 5 rooms and bath 40JM) The Birmingham. 5 rooms and bath.... 40.00 1400 Irvine st. n.w.. 2d fl.. 8r. and b.. 37.50 * The Melrose, 13151 Clifton st. n.w.. 3r.. 37.50 The Mint wood. 1841 Mintwood pi.. 5r.. b. 35.50 The Wagar, 1820 G st. n.w.. Or. and b. 35.00 The Mint wood. 1843 Mint wood pi.. 5r.. b 35.00 1608 Park rd. n.w.. 2d Boor, 5r. and b. 35.00 The Montieello. 3157 Mt. Pleasant at.. 4r. 35.00 The Nonqultt. 2014 11th st. n.w., 6r.. b. 35.00 The Kelwood. 1821 Corcoran, 5r. and b. 35.00 15103 K st. n.w., Ctl floor, 5r. and bath. 35.00 420 2d st. n.w., 1st floor, or. and b.... 33.50 The Raymond. 1408 Monroe, cor.. 6r.. b. 32.50 The Saratoga. 7th and E. Cap. sts., No. 300. 4 rooms and bath 32.30 1498 Monroe, 1st floor. 5r. and b 82.50 The Gibraltar, 2305 18th. 5r. and bath.. 32.50 The Parkside. 1114 25th st. n.w., 2d floor. C rooms and bath 32.50 517 11th st. n.w., 2d floor. 4r. and b... 30.50 2808 Csthedral ave.. 3r. and b..... 30.30 2412 18th st. n.w., 2d floor. 5r. and l>.. 30.50 611 Md. ave. n.o.. 2d floor. 3r.. b., beat and light 30.00 The Frederick, llth and K sts. n.w., 4r. 30 00 The Bryn Mawr. 1316 Ti. 4 rooms 23.00 208 D st. n.w., 2d floor. 3r. and L 27.50 916 N. Y. ave. n.w.. 3 rooms and bath.. 27.50 475 11 st. n.w.. 4 rooms and bath 27.50 The Ellsworth. 625 3d st. n.e 25.50 1731 Euclid. 2d floor. 6 rooms and hath. 25.5(1 1627 North Capitol. 4 rooms and bath... 25.5# 506 H st. n.e.. 2d floor. 5 rooms 25.00 j 3221 Mt. Pleasant St.. 2d floor. 4 rooms. 25.0# 1 306 H st. n.e.. 3d floor, 5 rooms 25.00 1241 (rirard sr. n.w., 4 rooms and bath. 2.*.00 616 3th st. n.w., 2d floor, 4r. and U .... 545.00 1340 Now York are.. 3d floor. 2r. and b. 20.50 1627 North Capitol, 4 rooms and batb... 20.00 1312 Fla. are. n.w.. 2<1 fl.. Sr. and b. . 18.50 13111$ Corooran at.. 3 rooms and bath.... 18.00 The Mlntwood. 1841 Mlntwood pi., lr.t b. 15.00 STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. n.w. TWO-FAMILY FLATS. (No heat furnished.! 1S01 14th at. n.w.. 6 rooms and bath... .$35.00 , 1676 Irving St.. 2d fl.. Sr. and b.. n-w. h't. 31.50 1416. 14th st. n.w.. 8 rooms and bath... 30.50 1 636 F ?t. n.e., 8 rooms and bath 30.50 634 F sr. n.e.. 2d floor. Sr. and b 30.50 1745 T st. n.w.. 2d floor, 6r. and b ?S.50 2228 Decatur. 2d floor. 6r. and b 27.50 1674 Irving. 1st floor. 5r. and b 27.50 1480 Cbapln at. n.w.. 2d fl., 6r. and b... 27.50 2327 18th st. n.w.. 2d floor, 6r. and b... 27.50 1478 Cbapln at. n.w., Ijst fl.. 5r. and b.. 27..'>0 ' 1674 Irving at. n.w., 1st fl.. 3r. and b. 27.50 1622 9th at. n.w.. 2d floor, flr. and b.... 27.50 1468 Cbapln. 1st floor. 5r. and b 27.50 1745 Willard st. n.w., corner, 6r.. b... 27.50 1765 Willard st. n.w., 2d fl.. 6r. and b.. 25.50 1778 Willard st. n.w.. 2d fl., 6r. and b. . 25.50 1713 Euclid st. n.w., 2d floor. 6r. and b.. 25.30 1029 35th st. n.w., 2d floor, 6r. and b.... 25.50 2238 Decatur pi., 1st floor, 5r. and b.... 25.50 .770 Willard st. n.w.. 1st floor, 5r.. b... 25.50 1778 Willard st. n.w., 2d fl.. 6r. and b.. 25.50 1770 Willard st. n.w.. 2d floor. 6r., b.. 25.50 2211 N st. n.w.. 1st floor, 5r. and b.... 25.50 1406 P st. n.w., 0 rooms and bath 25.00 30 Quincy st. n.w., 5 rooms and bath 24.50 37 Quincy at. n.w., 2d floor, flr. and b... 24.30 20 T st. n.e., 2d floor, flr. and b 24.00 40 Todd pi. n.e., 2d floor, 6 rooms 23.50 22 T st. n.j., 1st floor, 5r. and h 23.50 306 R st. n.w.. 1st floor. 5r. and b 22.50 711 7th st. n.w., 2d floor. 3 rooms 22.50 800 R st. n.w.. 2d floor, flr. and b 22.50 35 Quincy st. n.w., 1st floor. 5r. and b.. 22.50 16 T st. n.e.. 1st floor, 5r. anC b 22.50 634 F st. n.e., 5 rooms and batb 22.50 640 10th at. n.e.. 1st floor. 5r. and b 22.50 2821 Sherman ave. n.w.. 2d fl.. 4r. and b. 21.70 802 Fla. ave. n.w.. 2d floor. 6r. and b... 21.50 3422 R st. n.w.. 2d floor. 3r. and b 21.50 23 Todd pL, 1st floor. 5r. and b 20.50 1721 4th st. n.w., 2d floor. 5r. and b.... 20.50 29 Todd pi. n.e.. 2d floor, 6r. and b 20.50 31 Todd pL. 6 rooms 20.50 , 23 Todd pi.. 1st floor. 3r. and b 20.50 1 2809 Sherman ave. n.w., 2d floor. 4r.. b. 20.00 2S05 Sherman ave. n.w., 2d floor. 3r.. b.. 19.25 2825 Sherman ave.. 2d floor, 4r. and b. 19.00 1213 Otis n.w., 2d floor. 5r. and bath.. 18.50 2325 N st. n.w.. 2d floor. 5r. and b 18.50 610 Elliott at. n.e.. 1st floor, 4r. and b. 15.50 9th and I sts. n.w.. 3 rooms and bath.. 15.00 711 7th st. n.w., 3d floor 15.00 nmo ni ? ? ?... - ? oin ar. ii.w., a rooms ana nam la.uu 1134 12tb pi. n.e.. 1st floor, 4r. and b... 15.00 451 Tenn. ave. n.e.. 2d d.. 4r. and b 14.30 474 O st. 4 rooms and bath 14.00 ' 1223 Duncan st. n.e., 1st fl.. 4r. and b.. 13.50 ' 1221 Duncan at. n.e., 1st floor. 5r. and b. 13.50 838 Florence. 1st floor. 4r.* and b 13.50 2418 O st. n.w.. 3 rooms and bath 10.30 . 8TOXE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. n.w. Jr FOR RENT- ONE MONTH'S RENT FREE. NO. 814 23D ST. N.W. 4 rooms and bath; heat; hot water and Jan- ; ltor service; rents $22.50 :o $28.50. GEO. HENDERSON. Phone Main 1303. 1418 F at. n.w. J.TlG-eo.Bt APARTMENTS RENTING RAPIDLY. MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW IN THE BEAUTIFUL NEW APARTMENT HOUSE. DUMBARTON COURT, 1057 31ST ST. ON THE HEIGHTS' OF GEORGETOWN. GRAND VIEW; BEAUTIFUL LAWNS: FINE OLD FOREST SHADE TREES; PRIVATE PORCHES (CAN BE USED FOR SLEEPING); ELECTRIC LIGHTS. GAS; TELEPHONE IN EACH APARTMENT: GAS LOGS FOR OPEN FIRES: JANITOR'S CALL BELL IN EACH APARTMENT; PRIVATE LIFTS OR FREIGHT ELEVATORS: PATENT VENTILATORS FOR CARRYING OFF SMOKE AND FUMES IN KITCHENS: COLD STORAGE CUPBOARDS BUILT IN THE WALL. ALL BEAUTIFUL. BRIGHT OUTSIDE ROOMS. POSITIVELY THE MOST MODERN, THE MOST REFINED AND THE BEST PLANNED APARTMENTS FOR THE PRICES EVER OFFERED IN WASHINGTON. 1 room and bath, reception hall $15 to $18 2 rooms and hath, reception ball...$20 to $22.50 3 rooms and bath, reception ball $23 to $30 4 rooms and batb, reception hall (private porches), $33 to $37.50 5 rooms and bath, reception hall (private porches). $40 to $42.50 7 rooms and 2 batba. reception hall (private porches). $00 to $65 BUILDING NEAKING COMPLETION. OPEN FOR INSPECTION EVERY DAY. l.IEBERMANN & HAWS, 1303 F ST. lvlH-zt 26 THE BRUNSWICK. Fonr-room anil bath apartment; outside rooms; light anil airy; location convenient to all car lines. lyl0-3t*4 FOR RENT?A IA1VELY CORNER APARTMENT. ONLY $25.00. One of the most attractive apartments in the city of Washington. Situated on a corner of a lettered anil numbered street. No. 1029 35th at. Outlook on beautiful public grounds. Six good-sized rooms; tile bath; porcelain tub; nickel plombtng; cellar; covered porches front and rear; every room has been attractively papered; all of the woodwork painted. All rooma are front, looking out on streets. Must be Inspected to be appreciated. 8TONE ft FAIRFAX, 1342 New York ave. 1ylS-5t FOR RENT-SAVE MONEY. Get a modern apartment downtown. Save car fare and other expenses. REE WHAT WE OFFER. $30 and $35 a month. In that well kept apartment. "The Frederick," fltb and New Y'ork ave. Unusually large rooms; very large closets; ' wide halls; many windows. OUTLOOK ON a park. STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. J.vl8-5t FOR RENT?APARTMENTS. HAMMOND COURT. 30th and Quo. No. 104?7 rooms and bath, all outside, large closets, large plaza $47.10 THE MONTGOMERY. North Capitol and M ats. n.w. Roof garden for exclusive use of tenants. All outside rooms. All modern improvements. No. 29?4 rooms and bath $32.50 No. 22?4 rooms and bath $32.50 No. 2?4 rooms and bath $30.00 THE REGINA. 1224 I at. n.w. Convenient location. Good condition. No. 3?6 rooms and bath $42.50 No. 6?6 rooms and bath $40.00 THE NEW SEMINOLE. 1444 W St. n.w. Parquetry floors, large closets, tiled bathe. No. 8?3 rooms and bath $28.50 No. 32?3 rooms snd bath $28.50 No. 41?1 room and bath $15.00 THE LAWRENCE 1922 16th n.w. No. 1?5 rooms and bath $85.00 THE NAVARRE. 215 E st. n.w. No. 22?5 rooms and bath $27.50 TWO-FAMILY HOUSES. 8423 Ga. ave.. 2d floor, 4r. and bath.. .117.50 1007 F n o 1st floor. 5r. and b $19.00 THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST (DOMPANT. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. jy"-d.eSn FOR RENT?BV B. F. SAUL CO., 7TH & L N.W I 1538 7th uw.flr.b. $80.00 1325 7th nw, 5r,b.20.00 1618 7th nw.Sr.b. .30.00 1711 4th nw. 5r,b.20.09 2719 14th nw.Sr.b. 28.50 75 N nw. 4r.b...18.00 306 D nw, 4r. b.25.50 1400 N Cap. 3r. b.17.50 " 1840 6th nw. 7r. b.25.50 1611 N.T avnw.4r.bl7.50 . Lafayette. 160J 7th 1515 9th nw.3r.b.. 15.00 n nw. 5r, b 25.00 1120 C ne. 4r. h..L5.0f> 713 Uth nw. 3r.b.22.5011227 Duncan ne.3r.bl3.50 803 R nw. 5r, b. ..22.50! 1361 I nw. 2r. b.. 12.56 1338 N Cap. 5r. b.22.50 30 K ne. 4r. h 12.00 317 R nw. Sr. b. .22.50 1114 7th nw.3r.w. 10.0!) 1 SOI E Cap. 6r. b.22.50 iylO-tf FOR RENT?APARTMENTS. APARTMENTS. Call, phone or tlrop postal for complete list 1 of apartments, all sires, beat locations. GEO. HENDERSON. Phone Main 1303. 1418 F at. a.w. JjT6-6t APARTMENTS TO LET. DESIRABLE APARTMENTS IN MT. PLEASANT. Fire rooms and bath; Janitor service; very low rent fur summer. See these before renting. TYLER A RITHERFORD tlne.t. Jvl0-7t* 7:tO 15th st. n w. THE CAIRO. Q ST.. NEXT TO CORNER 16TH. Reduced rates. Home table board. $35. Largest anil lightest rooms in city. Single rooms and hath". *2f> to *25. Two rooms and bath. $30. $37.50 ami $4<>. Four-room apt., housekeeping, $50. . Larger ants., with several baths, can he bad. ELECTRIC LIGHTS FREE. Two new electric passenger elevators. Freight and help elevator separate. This elegant 12-story steel-frame building is the tallest in Washington, and although the first absolutely ('.reproof apartment house here, is tt'.ll the finest and raosr up-to-date and th? leading high-class house of the city. Also furnished apartments. Jyll 90t.25 PLEASE INSPECT. THE CECTL. 13TH AND I. STS. N W. -2-ROOSI bachelor apart, for rent. Apply at Cecil. myl5-tf ONE MONTH FREE! $2T..>?. ATTRACTIVE 6 room flat. 3d fl.: excellent condition; st m b t; Jan. service: r'r yd. ft porch: lovely in summer. 3257 N at. n.w. Phone N. 4588. Jyl4-30t*4 FOR RENT?A COOL 4-ROOM FLAT; ALL tile bath: porch; reduced fur summer. $19..*.0. 2115 14th at. n.w. Phone N. 1603. JylO-tf APARTMENT ON NORTHWEST CORNER^ No. 1350 F st. n.e.: fonr lgrge rooma and bath: mo<lern heating plant: back porch; large yard; woodshed. Reut. $17.50. BELT. O'BRIEN & CO. line.). Jy7-tf ' 1309 O st. n.w. A BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT. NO. 1730 NORTH CAPTOL STREET. Five large rooms: twenty feet wide, and tiled bath: large cellar: furnace heat: rear porch; large front and rear yards. Rent, $25.50. In perfpot condition. Advantageous arrangement can be made by applving to BELT, O'BRIEN A CO. (Inc.). Jy7-tf 1309 G st. n.w. THE ALZARADO APTS. - FLATS. 4 TO 5 rooms. $30 to $35: now ready: all outside rooms; facing two streets: No. 70 R. I. are. n.w. Apply to THOMAS H. MELTON. 1317 H st. Room S. Jel5-tf -OAKLAND" APTS.. 2006 COLUMBIA ROAD. Wash. Heights?6 and 7 rooms. "Stanton" apts.. 128 C st. n.e.?6 and 6 rooms. Pricea from $30 to $65. OSCAR W. WHITE. 1116 F at. Je25-tf . FOR RENT ? UNFURNISHED FIVE-ROOM apartment in the t'umberland: overlooking Thomas Circle and Mass. ave.; $35 per month. Apply Room 6. Evans bldg.. or pnone Main 1637. JelS-tf FOR RENT?SAVE MONEY. Get a modern apartment downtown. Sara car fare and other expenaea. SEE WHAT V.'E OFFER. $30 and $35 a month. In that well kept apart* mend. "The Frederick." 9th and New York ave. Unusually large rooms; very large closeta; wide halls: . ny wlndowa. OUTLOOK ON a park. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. Jel-tf . 916 NEW YORK AVE. New apartment of 3 rooms and batku Heat, janitor service, hot water. $22.50. JOHN W. CHILDRESS, 1412 G at. n.w. SPECIALTIES IN APARTMENTS! THE COLUMBIA. 14th and Girard sts.; rest, $49. THE LINCOLN. Ill 12th at. a.e. Rents. $85 and $40. THE EUCLID. Euclid and University place Rents. 130 and $40. JAMES A. CAHILU 1308 F ST. N.W. JelO-tf THE INGLESIDE." 1659 Lainont St. The Mt. Pleasant cars almost to door. This Is a cool, pleasant location; new building; no courts; all outside rooms, large and airy. One room, reception ball and bath to five rooms, reception ball, kitchen and bath. Prices, $18.50 to $45.50. ' THE BEVERLY." 1400 Irving st. located midway between the ?4th st. and the . Coun. ave. car lines. All outside rooms, open to the light and air. A new building; the rooms are large and bright. We recommend this bnildlng to be all It should be. One room and bath to fire rooms and bath. Prices, $18.50 to $40. "THE BIXXEY," 1408 Girard st. 8 rooms and bath $25.00 5 rooms and bath . $30.00 SIMPSON-SUM JVAX CO.. Je2-tf 1408 G sti n.w. THE CHEVY CHASE. At the Gircle, Chevy Chase, D. C.; 3. 4 and 8 rooms and bath. $35, $45 and $35. This building Is strictly fireproof and fully equipped with every modern convenience. Large lawns and extended view In every direction. Hirbest elevation In the District. my3-tf WEAVER BROS.. 1416 F st. n.w. rOR RENTDESIRABLE APARTMENTS AT "The Sterling." 1915 Calvert st. n.w. "The Iroquois," 1410 M st. n.w. "The Beacon/' Calvert st. A Adams Mill rd. "The Oregonlan," 18th and Oregon ate. n.'/. "The Hudson," 1800 14th st. n.w. "The Knickerbocker." 1820 Mlnttr'd pi. n.W. Prices range from $25 to $65 a month. THOS. ,T. FISHER & CO. (Inc.). ap23-tf 738 15th at. n.w. APARTMENT FOR RENT IN THE RANDOLPH; 6 large rooms and bath; front and rear eatrancea; back porch and back yard. GEORuB TRUESDEM.. 1627 Lincoln ave. n.e. SUFFOLK AND IONA. 7TH AND H 3TS. S.W. 4 and 5 room and bath apartments (not heated): in first-class condition: renti from $13.75 to $18.50. THE PHILLIPS COMPANY, ap28-tf 330 John Marshall place. FOR LEASE?DESIRABLE NEW APARTMENTS Jnst being completed, Noa. 1436-38-40 Meridian at. n.w., half block from 14th at. car line. These apartments are modern in every respect, with parqnetrv floors, tiled baths and electric lights. Apartments of-fire rooms and bath at $35 and $32.50 per month: four rooms at $32.00 and $30; one room and bath at $15.50 and $13.50: all outside rooms; buildings open for inspection. Inqaire of SWARTZELL. RHKEM * HEN8KY CO.. 727 15th n.w. ap26-tf THE CHESTERFIELD. 3141 Mt. Pleasant St. n.w. A beautiful apartment of six rooms and bath, also one of three rooms and bath, in this elegant new building. All large, bright, outside rooms: private porch; all modern Improvements; ventilated kitchens, etc. W. H. WALKER, Agent. 729 15th st. n.w. 1e25-tf CHOICE APARTMENTS IN THE HOYT. 1S30 Belmont St.. 5r., b $42.50 BIRMINGHAM, 2611 Adams Mill road.. 40.00 ALBERT. 1825 F St. n.w., 4r. and bath. 37.50 CORA. 3207 N St.. Sr.. b $25.00 to 30.00 HEAT AND JANITOR SERVICE. ALLAN E. WALKER & CO.. Inc., 1412 G st. n.w. THE DRESDEN. An entirely new, modern, high-class, fireproof apartment house on the southwest corner of Connecticut and Kalorama aves., at southern end of new Connecticut Avenue bridge and overlooking Rock Creek valley. Firstclass in etfuipment and finish. Apartments of ten rooms and three baths at $200 per month; seven rooms and two baths at $133; six rooms and batb st . $110, $1*5 and>$85. according to location; five rooms and bath at $75 and $65: four rooms and batb at $40; three elevators; quarters for servants. RapIdly Idling up. Building open for Inspection day and evening. Representative at building to show apartments. Your Inspection invited. Diagrams mailed on application. SWARTZELL. RHEEM & HENSEY CO.. fe26-tf 727 ISth st. n.w. THE CHEVY CHARE. CHEVY CHASE CIRCLE. D. C-. 3 to 5 rooms and bath.. .$35.00 to $55.00 THE FRANKLIN 1915 14th at. n.w.? 5 and 6 rooms and bath $32.50 to $40.00 rHE HAWTHORNE, 1527 Eye n.w.4 rooms and bath $25.50 and $35.00 THE SORRENTO. 2233 18th st. n.w.? 6 rooms and bath $37.50 THE DEVONSHIRE. 1751 Columbia rd. n.w.? 5 and 6 rooms and bath $32.50 and $37.50 THE BIT. VERNON. 9th and N. Y- ave.? 3 and 5 rooms and batb $20.00 to $37.50 THE COLONIAL. 80th and N sta.? 4 and 3 rooms and bath $26.50 to $31.50 THE EMERY. 1812 G at. n.w.? 3 and 5 rooms and bath $27.50 and $35.00 THE FAIRFAX. 1200 East Capitol st.? . '5 rooms and bath $30.00 and $32.50 THE ADDISON. 918 14th st. n.w.3 rooms and bath $27.50 THE LOUISA. 218 N. Y. are. n.w.? 4 rooms and batb $22.80 rHE FRANCIS. 1118 25th st. n.w.? 5 rooms and bath $30.00 1506 Pa. ave. n.w.. 4 rooms and bath $20.50 t?2S-tf WEAVER BROS.. 1418 F st. n.w. i 'i uv vADTtrrrtravrar a vt\ xno iivninoiUDuniia.w Is a modern, fireproof, seven-story apartment house, with all Improve ments, and two elevators. It Is situ- 1 ated on the southeast corner of New Hampshire ave. and V st. northwest, near the Herdlc line and the D at. 1 and 14th st. cars. The building contains apartments of seven rooms and ' bath, at $75 per month; six rooms and 1 bath, at $75; five rooms and bath, at $80; four rooms and bath, at $50 autf $40; three rooms and bath, at $32.50. and two rooms and bath, at $25. Building Just completed and apart- J ments are going fast. J Tour inspection invited. Building open for inspection day and evening, electric lighted. Diagrams and further Information furnished on request by SWARTZEIX. RHEEM & HEN'SEY CO.. fe26-tf 717 15th st. n.w. rOR RENT?THE VIRGINIA. 2120 G: APART- " ment. 4 rooms and bath; first-class condition; ' see Jauitor to Inspect. Apply GEO. J. BASTERDAY. 1410 Q st. mhlfl-tf FCRNISHED. PO Sl'BLET - TWO ROOMS AND BATH 1 bachelor apartmfeae, furnished, $22.50 per month. Apartment 53, the Cumberland. 14th and Mass. are. n.w. Jyl"-3t* rHE CEC1I- 15TH AND L STS. N.W.-SINGLB " room and bath, furnished, for rent; large, bright room, on street. Apply at CecU. jelS tf rHE CEC1K 15TH AND L STS. N.W.-FIVE- " room furnished apartment for rent; bright and 1 cheerful; on street; three exposures; very con* foratble, summer or winter. Apply nt Cecil. JelStf r FOE SENT?HOUSES. FIIRX1SHED OR IIWURKUHED. FOB RENT PHONE MAIN flftS. HBISKELL & McIJCUAX. Mt?3 H 8T. X.W. E^TARUSHED 1887. NOT IVOORPOKATED. ICTSPECIALTY? Renting unfurnished and furnished houses ii ml apartments for rctideuts. non-residents. officials aud rmployn of the government. members of Cbngress. officers of the Army, Navy. Marine Corps and diplomatic eorps a specialty; large facilities, persona! attention. satisfactory service to each client. CTNOTICB. RENTEItg Parties desiring to rent unfurnished or furnished house* or apartments will And it to their advantage and convenience to call on ns. They will be sent our large list of rentable properties in various see. tions of the city. If what is desired Is not found therein, and we are informed as to the siae. preferred location, rental, etc.. of the house or apartment wanted, we will endeavor to 'supply the same. ICTLarge list of unfurnished and furnished houses and apartments, stores, office rooms, stables, garages, etc.. and furnished houses anil atioef nionto n A .1 ???< ? 1 - tUn ui.u atMiii ujr hi.- ai I'mimi iruiait* n?r luc summer. prouiprlv mailed od application. HKISKELL & McLERAN. 1403 II at. u.w. je!5-tf __ FOR RENT?UNFURNISHED. 1753 X st. n.w.. 18 rooms. 5 baths $200.00 1212 18th hi.. 18 rooms and 2 baths ... 100.67 1444 Rhode Island are., I2r.. 2 hatha... 70.80 132t) Harvard St.. 8 rooms and bath 00.50 1773 Willnrd St.. 7 rooms and bath 35.50 4 Quincy pi. n.e.. 6 rooma and bath 25.50 62rt 0th st. s.w.. 6 rooms and hath 25.50 We have a number of desirable furnished houses In the n.w. section: rent. $75 per tno. and upward. TYLER & Rl'THERPORD One.). 730 13th st. n.w. Jylfi-7t* ASK FOR OUR WEEKLY RENT BULLETIN, the largest list of vacant houses in the city. Houses opened on twenty minutes' notice. WAGSTAFF & WHITE (Inc.). 004 14tb st. n.w. myl3-tf FURNISHED. ~ FOR RENT?10 ROOMS AND BATII; COMpletelv and elegantly furnished: will rent it for $00, a sutn; will lease It if desired. 1813 Adams Mill road. Here's your chance to get a big bargain. Get our list. SHANNON A- I.1TH8. M. 2343. 713 14th at. n.w. M. 2343. for RENT?FURNISHED?A VERY ATTRACTIvo two-story and high attic brick dwelling, with largo porches and side rard; south and east exposures; 7 rooms, unfinished attic, tiled bath. cellar: hot-water heat: completely screened and furnlahed: only $45 per month rent: 430 Bark road n.w. JOSEPH I. WELLBR. 602 P St. n.w. .1v18-3t FOR RENT?VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED HOUSES; SOME LOCATED IN THE MOST FASHIONABLE SECTION OF THE CITY; RENTING AT FROM *60 PER MONTH UP. TYLER ft RUTHERFORD (Inc). 730 15TH ST. N.W. }yl0-7t* UNFURNISHED. FOR RENT?1211 H ST. N.W.: 12 ROOMS AND bath; steam heat; central location; suitable for room renting: 345.50 per month. THOS. W. HUNGERFGRD. 617 14th St. n.w. Jy20-3t* FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED. HOUSES. 1207 Conn. ave.. 13 rooms, 2 hatha $150.00 3044 N st. n.w., llr. and b.. stable 50.0o 936 T st. n.w., y rooms ft bath, furnace. 4O.60 2135 F st. n.w., 7 rooms and bath 27.50 FLATS. 1327 G st. n.w.. 7 rooms aftd bath 40.00 1402 14th st. n.w., 4th fl.. 7r. and b 30.50 The Essex, 1422 N St., 5 rooms and batb. 30.50 "The Chelsea," 2d and E s.e., 5r. ft b., 27.50 OFFICES. 1328 X. Y. are. n.w., whole first floor, very flne, per month 125.00 GASCH ft BIRGE. 1320 N. Y. ave. n.w. iyfl-tf FOR RENT?D.D.THOMPSON ft CO.,1335 F NW. 712 4thne, Or.b. .$25.50 The Coywood, 4r.932.50 702Quincy Dw.lOr.b25.5o 15 Grant pi, 3r,b.25.00 1232 G ne. 6r. b .22.50 COLORED TENANTS. SOS 12th ne. 7r, b.22.5<t 819 13th ne. 8r...2o.00 641 I ne. 7r, b 22.80 2535 15th nw.flat. 17.00 1438 G ne. Or. b.. 18.50 .2422 17th nw, flat.10.00 Store. 1326 H ne. 15.00 | Erie flat. 4r, b... 15.50 FLATS. 130 Ben rd, 8r...l0.6o 15 Grant pi, 5r,b.35.00 lU N Champ pi, 4r.8-50 Jy20-d.eSu FOR RENT?BY L. J. MILLS. 605 OTH N.W. 649 Fla av nw,6r.$30.30 612 Q nw, 7r, b. .25.00 1905 8th nw. 6r,b.25.50 1228 4th nw, 6r.b.25.00 Blad'sb'grd,dw,sto25.00l 1237 W.Anacostia.12.50 PLATS. 1764 Wlllard, 6r. b.20.50 210Va P nw, 6r,b.*7.S0 1336 N Cap, 5r,b. .21.50 302^ Bryant nw, jo20-tf 6r. b 14.00 RENT FROM SHANNON ft LUCHS. 713 14TH ST. N.W. M. 2345. A 4JUICK, COURTEOUS SERVICE. FOR RENT?6 ROOMS; JUST PAPERED throughout; woodwork all through painted; modern bath; furnace heat; concreted cellar; rent only $28.50; located In n.w. section, convenient to car lines; 130 V st. Get our list. FOR RENT ? FACING WESTERN HIGH 'school; 5 rooms and batb. 2d floor of modern two-family apartment; front and rear porches; recently put in most attractive condition; fur. ncce beat; large dry cellar; rent, $21.50; 1821 35th. Get our list. FOR RENT?FOR OCvOD COLORED TENANTS; 8 rooms and norcelaln bath tub; modern in every respect; u.w. section; modern heaters; $20.50. 1908 K st. n.w. See it NOW. Get our list. FOR RENT-FIVE ROOMS AND BATH. $10.50; furnace heat; good, big rooms; in BEST of condition; first-floor flat: located near car line; rent, $19.50: 21 Todd pi. n.e., Bloomlogdale. between T and U. You really should see it. Get our list. RENTERS, ATTENTION! OUR RENT LI8T contains 80cr of the BEST properties In Wash ington. If impossible to call or pbone for our latest edition your nearest Sanitary Grocery will supply yon. SHANNON ft LUCHS, M. 2345. 713 14tb st. n.w. M. 2345. FOR RENT-BY JAMES F. SHEA. 643 Louisiana ave. n.w. 223 N. Cap. st.. 11 rooms and batb $35.00 3318 19tb- st. n.w., 6 rooms and batb 33.50 lloi N. H. ave. n.w.. 10 rooms and bath. 30.50 1407-1403 N. J. ave. n.w., 6r. ft b., each.. 25.50 1024 I st. n.e., A rooms and hath 25.50 211 A st. n.e.. 7 rooms and batb 25.50 X13 H st. n.e., 7 rooms and batb 25.50 <156 Kst. n.e.. 6 rooms and bath 22.50 1010 26th st. n.w., 6 rooms and bath 21.50 70S 3<1 st. s.e., 6 rooms and bath 20.50 1329 F st. n.e., 6 rooms and batb 20.50 62o M st. s.w.. 6 rooms and bath. 20.50 2226 13th at. n.w., 6 rooms and bath 20.50 474 M st. s.w., 6 rooms and bath 18.50 1615 E st. a.e., 6 rooms and batb 18.50 629 9th st. n.e., 6 rooms and bath 18.50 10-.C 4 1/ of ? a .. n ,1 1Q K/. X4?c?e* T73 oil o.n w iwuis auu xo.i?v 1205 3d st. s.e., 6 rooms and bath 18.00 2426 I St. n.w.. 6 rooms and water 17.50 609 D st. s.w.. 6 rooms and water 13.50 462 Va. are. s.w.. 5 rooms and water.... 12.5u 304 Ltnworth place s.w., 5r. and water... 12.40 1337 st. a.w.. 5 rooms and water 11.40 COLORED TENANTS. 945 T st. n.w., 10 rooms and bath $30.50 1351 B st. n.e., 6 rooms and bath 18.50 59 M st. s.w.. 6 rooms and water 11.50 2711 K st. n.w.. 4 rooms and water 10.50 161 N st. s.e.. 6 rooms and water 9.50 489 Cnllinane court s.w., 4r. and water.. 7.50 FLATS. 460 N st. n.w., 5 rooms and bath $25.50 703 8th st. s.e., 6 rooms and bath .'. 26.50 1256 X. J. are. n.w., 3 rooms and bat)>.. 26.50 1231 Fla. are. n.e.. 6 rooms and bath.... 22.50 608 Morris st. n.e.. 5 rooms and bath.... 19.5o 1443 A st. s.e.. 4 rooms aDd bath 19.50 650'3 Morton st.. 5 rooms and bath 12.50 STORES. 1509 17th st. n.w., store. 9r. and 2 hatha.$52.50 1301 H st. n.e.. store and stable 40.06 328 Pa. are. s.e., store and cellar 35.00 2106 14th st. n.w., storeroom 25.00 1246 H st. n.e., store and cellar 20.00 1208 Water st. s.w.. storeroom 18.00 oai OIL - * _ ? ?A ? -a? AA ui oiu m. ?,n., siurt'iwui ?u.w 1137 Potomac ave. s.e., store and dwg 15.00 STABLES. Rear 810 6th St. s.w $10.00 Rear 501 II st. n.e 7.50 Rear 312 D s.w 6-Op FOR RENT?2304-8 OH AM PLAIN 8T. N.W.; 6 rooms and bath: fine condition; fine cellar; large yard; near two car lines: only $10.50. OWNER. 2322 Champlain st. . Jy20-7t FOR RENT?COLORED. 316 Oakdale st.; C rooms and hath: $20.30. Jy20-3t CHAS. E. BANES. 1321 F st. FOR RENT-NO. 617 C ST.. S.E. COZY BRICK DWELLING OF ? ROOMS AND BATH: V, SQ. FROM PA. AVE CARS; RENT, $20.50 PER MONTH. GEO. HENDERSON. PHONE MAIN 1303. 1418 F ST. N.W. jc20-6t FOR RENT?RESIDENCE 57 NEW YORK AVE. n.w.: 7 rooms and bath: excellent condition: modern tmnrorements: $30.60. Key at JOHN WALDMAN'S. 009 7th at. n.w. jyl9-6f FOR RENT?1635 KRAEMER ST. N.E.; PRKTtiest new 6 room modern brick house in city; rent reduced to $15.50 month. !7EW YORK REAL ESTATE. BROKERS. 1423 F. 1vl0-3t FOR RENT?2829 OA. AVE. N.W.; 7R. AND B.; hot-water heat; cement cellar; washtnbs; side light; permanent screens; south, east and west exposure; modern, up-to-date, and can't be beat for $27 50 jyl?-3t CLIFFORD A. BORDEN. 604 5th n.w FOR RENT -RENT TREE TO AUGUST 1: FINE 2-story brick; 8 large rooms, bath: good yard; In first-class repair; rent only $19.50. Get the keys today. ALLAN E. WALKER A CO.. Inc.. 1412 G st. n.w. jyl8-3t FOR RENT?22D ST. BETWEEN F AND G. 8 fine large rooms, buth. good yards; Just put in splendid condition. Rent, $10.50. jyl8-eo.3t MOORE A HILL. Inc.. 133.1 O. FOR RENT?1235'K 81. Near Pa. are. cars; 6 rooms, water, yards. Cheap at $12.50. Jyl9-eo,.1t MOORE A HILL. Inc.. 1833 G. FOR RENT?722 HARVARTl V W Semi-detached; 6 bright. cheerful room*, bath, cellar, furnace, ftont porch; cosl fur hummer: $22.50. lvl8-eo.1t MOORE & HIIX. Inc.. 1333 G. TOR RKNT-806 21) N.W. Near H at. car line: 6 rooms and bath. Rent only $22.50. JjlB-co.ot MOORB & H1LU Inc.. 1333 G. FOR RENT NO. 1 L ST. N.W. Corner of North Capitol at.; 6 rooms and bath. Rent, $25.50. Jyl8-eo,3t MOORE t HILL, lac.. US O. f FOR RENT?HOUSES. imrPKWwHKP. ~ FOR RKNT 326 ?' ST N.W. 10 ROOMS ANi> hath; $35.?ti> per Apply to S. II. Ill(YIN Jenifer bnlldluc. Tlh and I) n.*\ JytO-:# FOR UKN'T 817 FN. w7. 2STT. R.-SVrV ~~ Three r.. ba.. eel.. #27.SO: .'-Oft N. J. ?*e. p.w., 2. ?ty. b -win.. 7 large r.. batb. pantry, eel . larg# yd*.. #30.50. Apply 1210 S *1. u w FOR KENTSTONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. n.w. Adtoinfnr ccr. I4tb *t. n.w. ! #S.(XK).S23 16th nw 22r.?m #::o . ".o 1.12s p?h nw. if #6.000 1517 10th *t #30.5?...724 S:b re. *f nw. 2Tr. 4t> #30..V). 037 French. ?T #350. .2200 Mna* av nw #3n. .122 K re tlr. t? #200 1527 N H a* #2V50 314 ?J ne. Or il25.223rtMa**nw.l4r.31> #27.50 1157 10th liw. *e 125.. .714 IRt b ntr. I7r #27.50 .041 Man #105 912 N Y' a^i $27 50.1003 9tb nw.7r.l? #100 1734 K utr. 12r i #27 NO. .700 A nr. Sr. h #100.1120 10th nw.tlr.2h #27.30.. .1415 9 ?e. rtr #75 .1433 R I *r nw.l2r! *27 30 AlO H ne Rr h $75. ..IMS R t*. 13r, b, $26.75 ..716 l?t nw.Sr h $<>5.2108 Fla nr nw, lOr $20.50.. . 218 sth ne. 7r $05..1875 California. I2r: $26.50 .22 3tb ue. 7r. b $05 1740 P nw. 13r $05 50 1530 l)th nw Or $05.2020 Hlllyer. 13r.2t> $25.50 .003 M*?r ht.7v. 800.75..1335 15th nw.l2r $25.50.510 I2;h nw.?r.b 80O.1P25 Colrert. llr.2b. $25.50.. 1017NJ ?t nw .fl h MO...162.5 14lu nw. llr $2V.V>.124FIa ac nw 6r.b 880 1435 Glrard nwi $25.50 .1400 P nw. ?r. h 880 133 Pa nr nw $25.5<>. 1210 H n?. Or b 880.. 1517 P nw. 12r. 2b $25.SO. 214 Kjr ar *e.8r.b 800 514 5th nw. 13r 825.50..727 Fairmont. Or 555.. 1033 Grtlvert, 1 lr,2h $25 50 721 l.".th nr. Or 55 1033 Q nw, lOr $25 50.. . 814 3d lie. Or 55..1343 Col rd. llr. b $25.50 318 Oth in*. 8r, b 55..1708 P nw. ldr. b $25.50 710 4th ne. Or. ii $52.1123 Euclid nw. 12r $25 50 .320 t. ne. Or. h 851 2 I ne. 14ci 825.50. ..310 Oth ne. Or $50.75.202") R nw. lOr.b $25 786 Jlobart. Or $50.50. .. .3031 14th nw $25 1210 Md ?? n$50.50..1S17 L' nw. lOr; $25,175 Maon av ne *r.h $.50. . 1540 iTlh nw. 1 Or $25... 1102 V Cap. Or. h $50. 2004 I'ntTeralty.lOr' 123 800 Oth re. Or $50... .813 21st nw, llr $22 50. .30 K ne. Or. h ICO 1212 12th nw . Or $22.50 741 Glrard nw.O H 850..1300 lrrlnR. I2r.2h I $22.50 1311 Fla it ne.Hr $50 1742 Rlffte, 10r; $22.50.3221 14th ne.or.b $50.1202 Ken von nw 12r! $22.50.. . 1228 H ne. Or $50..iflir, 21?t nw.llr.b $22.50 .528 Col rd. ar. h 850. ...3310 Holmead pi i $22.50..758 Greabam. ?r $50.1800 Park rd.llr.2b! $22.50. . .40(1 K nw. 8r $50.. 1702 Ore ar, lOr, b| $22.50. .1320 I re Or. b $50 1320 llarrard $22.50 .1443 <J ne. Or b $50. ..1717 Ore it. lOr. 822.50 . 402 K nw. Orb $50..1802 Belmont. 10r.2hj $21.50. ..110 G ne. rtr. h $V> 110 O nw. lOr i $21.. .654 Hnbart. Or. H $47.50 1755 Park rd $20.50. 624 Morton. Or.b $47.50.2541 13th nw.lOr $20.50 621 2d na. #r $45.75.525 Oth nw.llr.b $20.50.. .718 13th ne. 7r 846.56.2402 14th nw,12r $20.50 ..707 Oth ne.Or.b 845 50.2431 lSth nw.Br.h $20.50.1318 24tb $45.50. ..1716 17th. lOr $2o.r0...2O nth ne 7r. b $45.50.. .3415 Brown nw. $20.50... 1314 I ne. Or. b $45.50. .2803 P nw, 14r ] fltt.50.. . 1531 P ee ?r $45.50.1418 Belmont. 12r! $18.50 .1431 ?; ne fir. h $45.50.. 1028 8th nw.lOr.b! $18.50 32 Myrtle, flf ??.v . iTifi j?m rw. nrj *1* 50. 515 nth rc?r.t> $45 901 K Cap. lOr S1k.50.1O14 4th ?e. Or.b $45 137 N. lOr *17..V. .022 22d nw. Or $45...1200 rtth nw.l2r,t? $17..* *> 040 Plckford. Or $45...1343 T bw, l'Jr. h $17.50.150 Heok'an.Or.b $45 4017 l^th riw. 9r $17.50.1307 Emorann tin $45..617 Md a* nc,12r.b $16.50. ..521 7th *? . Or $43....1439 Newton, lir| tl(t..VI.640 '5th ne.0r.1i $42.50..1744 cor'n. lOr.b i $10.5<I. . 10 Mvrtle ne.Tr $42.50 1327 11th nw.lOr $15 50.. .330 1flth ae. or $40.50.917 li)th nw.lOr.b'$15.6<? .203 17th ae.Sr.h $40.50..1524 1 nw.Dr.b $15.30.. 1391 Fla it. 4r S0.50..1311 Euc'.ld. !0r $15.5". .040 Floret*-" no 0.50..1729 1" nir. Or. b $12.50.. 019 Morton. ?r $40.50.3010 13th nw.lOr $12 ?0n Morton. Or $40 50.. 1203 IrTlnsr. lOr COLORED. $40.30 .1723 C nw.Or.b $45 1343 T nw 12r $40 1327 S nw. lOr $4.-1..415 N J at nw.lOr.t? {40...337 H nr. 12r. 2b $40. ...1715 11th nw. Or 40.1730 Corcoran. 9r.b $32.50. .1*29 5th nw. Or $40.. 1831 Corcoran. 10r,b $30.50..1620 Fla at. Or {40....405 I? nw. lOr. b $30.50. ..1430 Q nw. Or 40...3004 Q nw. 9r. h $25.5o..721 13th nc. Or $40. .1410 llth nw.lOr $25.30..1400 lat aw. fir $37.50. .1529 Q *25 30..923 10th 11?. ?r $37.50..1739 L' nw. 9r.b $22.50.. 1126 19th tiir.fc $37.50.. 1006 Park rd, Sr *17..TO 709 13th n* $37.50 1334 Corcoran $15.50 320 22.1. 4r $35.50.3553 10th nw.Or.b $14 245 Warren. 6f $35.50 ..33 I ne. llr. b STORES. $35.60.2143 P nw. Or. b1 $225 ..llth and E aw $35.50 38 T nw. 7r] $150 1107 E nw *35.50.3533 10th nw.Or.b! $130 507 lOtli nw $35.50.2007 13th nw.6r.b *125. . 1X32 14th nw. at. $35 1810 Cedar. l"r j $105,912 N Y av.aio.dw $35 1535 P nw. lOr $1(84....719 llth iiw. ato $3o..1477 Monroe. Or, b $100 1*01 14th nw $35...3317 R uw. Or. b $75 022 24 D nw $35..3049 llth nw.Or.b $70 2501 V" Cap $35...902 ftth nw. ?r. t? $3*>..? 1440 Newton. $.*'.5, .424 7th aw, 13r. b atcre and dtvla $32.05..472 O nw. llr. b $35.50 1325 ffli ar $32.50.3129 llth nw. Or $35 14O0 P nw $32.50..3129 llth nw. Or *33 llth A- E Cap #90 rev 4 4 Or* ttoiL ?? A_ U. ? A ? A ? ? 11-11 AH II UW..', J.W.OV "IV rv U " *32.30.3*10 K II IT HIT,: JWO f04 Flo or $32.50.159 Randolph.8r.b $27.50 2427 18th *32.50.3432 Mt Pl't.Or.b' $27.50..618 4H- ?t?. i* *32.50.160S 15th nw, $25...1800 V nw. stors $32.50 28 I ne. 12r: $25 1030 B nw $32.50...030 O *25 .630 H nr. st. 2r. L 530.50 044 Shepherd $25 17.5 Mae* ne I30.50.3C35 Uth $20 3228 11th a? $30.50...000 Krefer, fir| $12.50 004 2!?t nw $30.50.132Bryant, *8.50...1801 FU ae nw $30.50.2500 K nw.llr.b! OFFICES. $30.50..654 0th ne. $125. .821 14th nw.2.1 ft $30.50.. 152 D ae, 10r. b: $40...706 18th nw. 24 8 $30.50. .720 6th ne.0r.oj $35 716 14th nw, 2r *30.50.122Mas ae ne,7r.b' $25 616 12th nw $30.50 .7 Qulncy ne. ?r $20 1328 14th. new $30.50.-.2118 M- nw. Of 1 $12.50 608 F nw See oar Hit of apartments nnder Aoartmenta to Let. Jyl6-aaftw,tf FOR RENT? " 2248 Ontario road; 6 rooms and bath; fnrnaea beat: colonial porch: rent. $22.60. Apply M. J. KEAXE. 604 Colorado building. Je28-tf . FOR RENT -RESIDENCE 021 EVE ST. room*: modern Improvements: hot-watef heat-; in good condition. Inquire of owner. O. W.GRAY. 023 Eve ?t. Jyl5-7t* FOR RENT?ON THF HEIGHTS; LARGE 11- ' room bouse, with large garden: furnished or not: $40: alao smaller house. $32; newly deeorated: opposite Dumbarton Club. R at. near Wisconsin are. Telephone West 1378. Jyl6-Tt FOR RENT-BT B. F. SAUL CO.. 7TH ft L N W. 1213 K nw.l8r,2b$101 05f 1422 K ae. 6r, b..15.3d 1345 I- nw.15r.2b.05.80 1507 R ne. 3r. b. 14.06 102S Sth nw.0r.b..45.5O| 1007 2d ne, 6r. W. 18.00 460 MoaTnw.21r,b42.00 2217 Ga nv nw.5r',wl2 5-1 1763 C nw, 8r. b..40 50 612 F. offlees 12.<*) 1223 O nw, Or, b.40.50 42 Decatur ne.8r.wl0.06 518 13th ne.Sr.b..32.50 COLORED TEN" A NTS 7 Qulncy ne,6r,b...30 60 1526 5tb nw.Sr.b-.S'i.SO 000 T nw. Sr. b...30.5'i 637 L nw, 8r, b..28.50 1421 Flaamw.6r.b30.50 1400 1st nw. 6r,b.27.50 607 Kla av nw.7r.b50.50 17254-j Sea ton nw,4r. 36 T ne. lOr. h...50.00 b 20 31) 1213 L nw, 7r, b .27.50 2207 8th nw,4r.b...18.60 702 Qnlncy nw.0r,b25 50 708 13th ne, 4r, b. 17.60 102 P nw. fir, b...25.50 127 N ae. Or, W...12 50 1916 Oth nw. 6r,b.25.85 22lOWstT nw.8r.wl? 10 428 Fla ar nw,7.-,b24.50 I 1070 30th nw.5r.wl2.0O 124 Fla av nw.8r,b23 60 f 468 Franklin nw, ato. 1235 Morse ne,6r.b22.50 . 2r ll.Vt 725 Oth ne, 6r. b..20.50 2041 Gale ne.Or.w.lO 50 1113 Sth nw. 6r.w.10.06 84 Goat al nw.6r.wl0.0d 1626 G se. 6r. b . 18.00 j STORES. 1229 Morse ne.6r.bl7.50 1701 7th nw.ato.Sr.h60.00 706 R1 ?? nw,7r.wl7.50 1306 7th nw 35. "O 205 R nw, 6r, b..l7.50 i 601 N nw.ato.cel. .18.50 24 Myrtle. Or. b. 17.50 20R4 3a hr ow. ...14 ,V> 73S N J av nw,6r,bl8.50 019 16th ne.*:o.3r.l3 00 3402 (In av nw.5r.wI5.50 Jylrt-tf pOR RUN T? 1353 Km-lid ?t. n.w.. lOr. and bath..., .$50.0? 1217 U n.w., 10 room* and bath 45.63 1036 10th at. n.w.. 8 rooms and bath.... 35.00 1627 Wis. are., 10 room* and bath 80J? 937 French at. n.w., 0 rooms and bath.. 30.50 1414 30th at. n.w.. 6 rooms and bath.... 26.0? CLEVELAND PARK. 3013 Vorton ntirp 1) rooms sort hath... 14(100 jy9-tf WEAVER BROS.. 1416 F St. n.w. ALLAN E. WALKER & CO. (Inc.), 1112 G ?t. n.w. 1520 RI nv nw.12r.Mllo 4". Fla a* nw.?r.b.27.50 Olrt SI nw. lor. h.70.001 74." Glrard nw,6r.b22.50 142.% V nw. Mr. b.45.5? 1288 H ne. 6r.b..19.50 l.">27 S. lOr. b....40.00 i 1220Drincarnc.6r.bl1.ft0 1607 15tb. ?r. U..37.50 4720 Reservoir. Sr.15 00 1528 Q nw. 7r. b .35.50 STABLES * OARAGE* 28 Q nc. Or. b. . .35.80 Rear 2023 0 25.00 4112 Cheske. 0r.b35.00 1884 nil! more 15.00 3150 Q nw. 6r. b .32.50 1341 W. shops 10.00 7 Qulnry nc. 7r, b.30.50 STORES. 23 S nw. flr. b...28.50 1 2th and V nw .20 no 1415 S nw. Or. b. .27.50 42 H nw. & flat..35 00 Send for complete llat of bouses and apartments. JyO-a& ROE RENT LIST Or BELT. O'BRIEN * CO. 0?C.), 1309 O ST. W.W. Telephones Main 1204-1208. UNFURNISHED HOUSES. 1525 P, 22r, 2b...$150 2006 1st. ?r, b. .. .86.60 1145 Conn st. 9r. b-138 416 3d. 8r. b 36.50 254213tbnw.14r.2b8o.00 1512 18tb, Sr, b. .38 60 910 M. lOr. b 76.00 28 Q. 9r. b 3.1 V? 113 D. 8r. b. sts. .75.00 1802 S. lOr, b 35.00 1435 9th, lOr, b. .60 00 $8 Sea ton. Or. b. .82.50 1843 U, 12r, 2b...56.00 1X37 lat. 6r. b.. .,32..'0 , 909 E Cap. 12r.2b.60.75 23 K. lip, b 80.50 2417 18tb. lOr. 2b.60.00 511 G ne. 7r. b. .28.50 1329 Harvard, 10r,b50.00 425 Oth ne. Or, b-.27.50 110 C. llr. b 50.00 1171 6th ns. 7r.b..2T.5 > 1025 22d. lOr. b..45.81 721 13th ne. Cr.b.2.1 ? 1701 T nw. lOr. b.45.50 1003 ?li ?t aa.6r.b23.50 1025 22d. llr, b. .40. *3 111 IBth H, Or, b.2B 30 1743 D. 9r. b 4<>.50 102 Qalnej na.6r.b25.50 ' 1000 Park rd.10r.b40.50 439 Q. Or. b 25.5? I 1751 V. lOr, b....40.30 637 llth ne,6r.b...25.5u 1741 U. lOr. b 40.50 331 N C av ae.6r.b22 50 22.3 A ae. lOr. b.40.50 643 C ne, 5r. b. ..22W 1240 Irvine. 9r. b. 40.50 1167 6tb M. 9r, b.22 50 1320 9th. lOr, b. .40.00 1327 9th. Or, b. ..90.30 105 13th ae. 8r. b.37 50 630 Plckford. 0r.b.l7.50 2118 O. 9r 'sTOUts!. ? 5'' b"1 Pope bid*. 2d fl. .150.00 1204 Water nw...20.?> 200 Wh ae. 9r, b. .60.00 1208 Water aw...20.00 720 20th 23.00 714 M 7.00 TLAT8. 718 13th, 2r. 21. .40.00 618 2d ae. 4r. b. .22.60 6431 14th. 2d fl...36.00 S3 A Todd ne, Orb.21 50 10O3 F. 4r. b 33.00 718 13th. 2?, 2(1. .20.00 3028 15th, 4r. b. ..30.00 2006 4th na. 6r, b.18 50 8451 14th. 3d fl..30.00 20O4 4th ne. 4r, b.18.50 1913 H. 4r. b 80.00 1213 Otla. 5r. b. .18 .VI 623 13th, Sr. b. . 28.30 1350 F ne. 4r. b. .17 50 6257 N. 3d fl. flr. .27.50 1359 C aw. dr. b. 15.30 17:{9 x Cap. 5r. h.26.50 , 020A Orleans 15.30 61814 2d ae. 4r. b. 22 50 ' APARTMENTS THE CHELTENHAM i "THF< XONQCITT." 1706 U at. 2914 llth at. Apt. 2. 5r.. b 35.50 Apt 2, 4r, b 35.00 -THE TXJT7DOCN." ; THE BEJU.tX. 6(4 WP r.M ad 1 * I?. on mu. v/oy. i twm vii v>?* Apt 32, 6r, b 40.00 1 Apt 3. 4r. b 32 <30 Apt 22, 6r. b 40.00 . THE MELROSE, Apt 41. ?r. b 40.00 1343 Clifton it. Apt 31, Or. b tO.OO Apt 51. Sr. b ST.50 Apt 34. ?r. b....32.50 THE PARK, Apt 42. 6r, b....40.00 121 13th at. I Apt 3. Sr.. b 20.00 Stable, rear 1008 flrh at 10.00 BELT, O'BRIEN ft CO. (Inc.). 1309 O ST. N.W. FOR RENT?AX INDIVIDUAL HOUSE WITH finish and conveniences only found in a house built for a home; 1344 Girard; per month. earner would lease for one or three years. R. E. L. YELLOTT. 1410 H n.vr. je9-tf FOR RENT?3. L. KOI.B. 928 NEW YORK AVE. 215 N Cap. Sr. b.345.00 105 F nw. ?r. b...30.50 620 H n*. llr, h.45.00 606 R nw. ?i. b. .30.30 1120 Euclid. Sr. b..43.00 10?;i 4tb ne. 8r, b..23.J0 2541 13th nw,llr,b45.00 1510 Stb nw. Or. b.23.30 1729 Ti nv. Or. b .40.50 70? C ne. (lr. b...2?v30 1214 N Cap. Or. b.33.00, 605 K 1001 Oth nw, Sr. b.32.50. 1240 K ae 11.00 Jy2-tL? _ 1. *