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Dr. Lyon's PBRPCCT Tooth Powder not only cleanses, preserves and beautifies the teeth without injury, but impartspurity and fragrance to the breath, removing instantly the odor of tobacco. I FRED. A. I | SCHMIDT, ! %| 516 9th Street N. W. | f W e arc petting ready to T | remove to our New Build-* v ^ ing. and are offering our X ? entire stock at a great sac- X ritice. t | BARGAINS! | I BARGAINS! | I BARGAINS! J: I This Sale Is Now J t Going On. | J We offer % t Without Reserve | | for Cash? | Drawing and Painting Ma- k ??:_i., A i ? *i_ i i k ??> lVJdlllCUlrtlKdl J 11^11 ll x ?* ments, Surveyors' and En- <| pincers' Supplies, Thermom- X -gs eters and Picture Framing. % I AO Pictures and | ? Studies at Cost. f T. A. Alteneder & Sons' vy Drawing Instruments and f * Imperial Tracing Cloth at % X 10 per cent reduction. Extraordinary Special Sale of Diamonds. mDVANTAGEOl'S buying while j things were extremely stow In : the diamond markeT enables ] us to offer sensational values, j These twit-gains are for tomor- I row only, ami it behooves you to eooie in at once if you would share In these values. fi Pjre White Diamonds. karat. .$10 U Pure White Diamonds. '? karat.$18 S Pure White Diamonds. ^ karat..$45 5 Pure White Diamonds, 34 karat..$75 j Pure Wuite uiatnonda. I Karat..flZ't | 1 Pure White Diamond. UH karats..$300 i j To prove tbat these are real bargains | we w'll at any time refund your money, i j leas 10fi. or exchange same for full j value. A.KAHN, 935 F St. N.Wj! jj iySO-w.f.m.40 |j '<9 I Capital and Profits Over >1.700.000. WE'LL ACT AS ! VIM ASSENT : ?during your absence i; from the city, giving the best attention to the -details of vour business. a/ This service can be had at verv reasonable cost. 1 CTSafe Deposit Doxce for valuables. rented >." jr. up. National Savings and Trust Company, I Corner 15th and N. Y. Ave. i FORTY-FOURTH TEAR. > JvISVw.f. ro.40 Ilve marriages IN QUEEN'S MEMORY Servant Girls Receive Dowries From Fund Left by Luise of Prussia. . j ?OTIDA31, July 30.?Twelve pairs of young folks were made happy at the Garrison Church yesterday, thanks to Queen Luise of Prussia, the centenary of Whose death thus was commemorated. Her majesty left a fund to provide an welly a dowry of SI 12 for each of six servant girls to be chosen from the most wwrthy. On this occasion twelve dowries VAfft am'l rrlpd AS thA fiuto foil tinnn t'rto ___ _ _ .. _ _ . ,. t v a. ?? w v?i? VUC t entenary and the fortieth anniversary of the declaration of the war with France. The weddings were witnessed by thousands. The eldest spinster princess of the HohenaoUern family. Victoria Marguerite, daughter of Frederick I^edpold, presided, aftd three dowry bridea of twenty-five years ago. with their husbands, particl- j pated it: celebration of their silver wedclnge. Fmprees Auguste Victoria pre- > rented the newly-made wives with auto- t eraph certiflcatee of merit, and Emperor i WUllam telegraphed hie congratulations. i His majesty ordered that P.000 copies of "The Life of Queen Luise" be purchased and distributed among deserving school children in Germany and abroad as a mark of the emperor'a personal approbation. The prees throughout the country today published long articles concerning Quoen Lulse's life, and her majesty's tomb was decorated by Prussian veterans. John Fisher. a negro of Kmporla, Va. who wu shot and wounded on a northbound passenger train on the Seaboard Air Line railway last Sunday by Special Detective J. T. Braneh of Suffolk, while i resisting arTest. died yesterday at the i Petersburg Hospital of hie wounds. I ssacsi i ii. . 1 T. ! i Sticky Sweating Palme aftar taking salts or eathartlo waters?did you erer notice that weary all 90ns feeling?the palms of your hands sweat?and rotten taste in your mouth ? Cathartics only move by sweating your bowels ?Do a lot of hurt?Try a CASCARET and see how much easier the job Is done*? how much better you feel ? caeca EST* IOC a bee for a week s treatment. all druggists Biggest seller ta tke world. Million boxes s woutb. 1 * a MARINES ON WAY! crv J. Steps Taken to Protect Con- t x sul at Cape Gracias. r A, AS RESULT OP DISORDER ? I Anti-Foreign Demonstration Threat- X 4A A WInrinone .J. Villllg IV AillvA IvAUwi I v ??? j '& BLUEFIELDS RUMOR FALSE ? f ??????? V ? Dr. Bergheim Not Molested by the % Madriz Forces?Message to X *? Senator Lodge. ' ??> i BLUEFIELDS, Nicaragua. July 20.-Ac- t cording to advices received at the insurgent headquarters here, conditions at "r Cape Oracias are growing more unsatis- ^ factory to foreign interests. The repre- % sentatlve of the Nicaraguan government ?? in charge there is said to be permitting T open demonstrations of an anti-foreign <?. character. % The I'nited States cruiser Tacoma has Xgone to the cape, and will leave forty <s? marines there, if such a course proves *? necessary, to protect tor. Edwin W. % Trimmer of New York, gio American ?|> consul. y Cape Oracias is the extreme northeast- ^ em point of Nicaragua. SAN JUAN DEL SUR, Nicaragua, via 4i' Galveston, Tex.. July 20.?Dr. Cardenas, formerly president of Nicaragua and !? chief of the conservative exiles, wires Dr. Dadriz from Punta Arenas, Costa Rica, V strongly disapproving the allegetf nego- A flattens being carried on at Blueflelds for T the segregation of the Atlantic coast from A the rest of Nicaragua. A Threat Holds Vessel. y NEW ORLEANS, La., July 20.-That insurance policies on the steamer Imperator would be canceled if the vessel left this port for Blueflelds was the statement in a cablegram received by Capt. Andr.ew- T sen of the Imperator from its owners late Monday. The steamer, loaded and ready ?*? for departure, remains tied up 'at its wharf here. 'x' The steamer Hiram, flying the Nor- T wegian flag, which arrived here Monday A from Nicaraguan ports, proceeded yesterday to take on cargo for a return trip. Unconfirmed rumors are that the Hiram will carry supplies to the Estrada forces <y at Blueflelds. yRumor Is Denied. 4Information has been received at the 4* State Department front United States V Consul Moffat at Blueflelds that the re- << port that Dr. Bergheim, an American cit- <5* izen, had been compelled to treat the wounded of the Madriz faction in Nica- Piragua witl^ut his consent is false. -y L?r. Berghelm worked voluntarily with y the wounded m>*n on the Venus, and has % carried his professional and scientific investigations so far as to change camps. 4, He is now attending- to the wounded In <?Estrada territory, but the United States consul reporting to the State Department does not know exactly where. <*> It is pointed out at the State Depart- r ment, as a consequence of the Bergheim report, that many malicious statements *5' are coming from Nicaragua, from both % the Estrada and Madriz factions, and & that it will be well to withhold judgment ? on the various stories circulated for effect ^ by either faction. A Dr. Bergheim was reported to the State <|i Department to be held in duress and <|> obliged to treat the wounded of the Mad- y riz faction almost at the point of the gun. It turns out that he is pursuing his peace- 1 ful vocation, just as any other American y physician and surgeon woii*3, by minis- V terlng to the wounded among both fac- 4, tions wherever duty may call him or wherever he may think his services arc needed. It is declared he Is now ministering to v the sick and wounded in the Estrada hospital at Bluefields. '** Not Bearer of Message. ? A report that was emphatically denied V at the State Department was that Luis % F. Corea. a representative of Dr. MadHz. IE tne nearer of an important massage to Dr. Madriz from Mr. Knox. "Ridiculous,"' /, was the word used to describe this 'Lrumor. *5* The department ,s information is that Mr. Corea is at present in New Orleans. ??> It may be stated on high authority that <?? no matter where he is or may be going ?f* he would not be intrusted with any mos- v sage by the State Department to Dr. Madriz or anybody else. T Pittman Case Explained. V The acting secretary of state ha? sent a telegram to Senator L.edge in reference T to the case of William P. Pittman. the ?J, American engineer captured by the Madriz forces while operating mines against them at' Blueflelds h.nd now held at Ma- <? nagua as a prisoner of war. V "Telegram from United States consul at Managua," says the acting secretary, y "states that Pittman was in filthy cell in jh local jail apd In half-starved condition. Consul, fully aware of the Interest which ? this government takes In case, made 'ly most energetic protect to President Madriz and secured Pittinan's transfer V to cleaner and larger cell and is supply- V lng him food and sleeping cot, I have telegraphed the consul general at large, ? who Is at present In Managua, directing hlm to reiterate as under special Instruc tlons the protest to Madriz, making clear A to him the general indignation and as- II tonlshment caused throughout the United ^ States by his treatment of this American citizen." Torktown Believes the Vicksburg. ^ The gunboat Yorktown has started from Portland, Ore., for Corlnto via San Francisco to relieve the gunboat Vtcks- j burg. The Vlckeburg has been In Central i American waters for over two months. ! and will proceed north shortly after the U| arrival of the Yorktown, according to the present Intention of the Navy Department. The Yorktown herself may later be succeeded by the Princeton. It is Cl denied both at the Navy Department and at the Blate Department that the dispatch of the Yorktown has any special significance to the trouble in Nicaragua, but her presence there is meant merely as continued Insurance of protection to * i 1.. t .. Ainenctn murrtrwus in i^itaiaiun. _ ?IM WITHOUT OPPOSITION. , ne Representative Barnhart Renomi- tin nated in ISth Indiana District, 80UTH BEND. Ind., July 20.?Henry A. Barnhart of Rochester has been re- na nominated for Congress by the democrats of the thirteenth congressional district In so convention In this city today. He had wj no opposition. United States Senator Benjamin F. Shtvely presided at the meeting. ae , tes HISS HAZARD RESIGNS. " Is Head of Wellesley College Retires cfr Because of 111 Health. in BOSTON. July ao.?Visa Caroline Haz- ml ard. for the past eleven years president of Wellesley College and one of the bea: known woman educators In the country, lias resigned. Her resignation haa been op accepted by the board "f trustee* of the "v college. Miss Hazard's administration e<* had been the longest In the history of the W; College, and under It the growth In the wi number of student* has been noteworthy, tji The resignation lb due to her poor th health. w< i^v Angel or Sunshine Cak Thursday Only ? - = = > Only tomorrow ran you buy 01 Anirel or Sunshine Cakes for be. Al Third Floor?Bakery. 2?<3><3"?H3v'cv'3>t51*4"5H*K3H?,$H5>^3 '3^3H5* <3><fHS,'Si'5v'3" $3.00 to $6J Embroidered Pies Just 19 in this clearance lot. VII J- J J ? iiii Jiauu-cinui uiuci cu ill I'rauii i u Choice o? Centerpieces, Corset Cc low Slips, the latter ruffled or linisht Third Floor?Art Section. You WIS It s been several years sii goods buying arriving too lab 12/4 c Figured and 1 12 /4 c Figured and ] 15c Mercerized Ponj 25c Mercerized Popl 25c Embroidered M 25c Quality Highly 29c and 39c Silk-an< \2l/2C Plain Colored 18c Handkerchief L 25c Scotch Shirting $3 amid $3, That Have Been Reduced Lingerie models with long and Trimmed with dainty laces and embi < lx>t of "Dutch" Necl; Waists. $1.1 med with lace, medallions, tuekinj duced to. CHOICE Second Floor. Clearance White Canv Just in the height of the season f Women's $3.50 am White Canvas Pun Made of the finest -white Sea Is] leather Cuban heels, broad flat bow, and widths. Women's $2.50 White Canvas Low Pumps, two. three and four cycl* Goodyear welted soles. All sizes in Women's $2.00 White Canvas Pun Included also are two-eyelet ties, lty canvas. Every pair fresh and ch Second Floor? Shoes. Here fls a Bargain $80 Standard ;>>:-?-<k^^4>,:>4V 1EXANDRIA AFFAIRS ntire Estate of Park Agnew Is Left to His Wife. ALUE PUT AT $182,000 ises in the Corporation Court. William Baumgardner's Story of Encounter With Footpad. I i I ;cial of The Ktar. ALEXANDRIA. Va.. July 20. 1910. 3y the terms of the will of Park Agw, admitted to probate In the ccrporan court for this city today, his wife, s. Laura B. Agnew, receives his ene estate, constating of real and pernal property valued at S182.000. He mes his wife aa administratrix, and e Qualified as such and gave her perns 1 bond In the sum of $200,C00. The !| Is written In the testator's own hand- j 'Iting on a business letterhead of the ceased. It Is dated April 22. 1908. The <tator directs that upon the death of i wife the estate shall be divided, share d share alike, among his children. It also provided that should any of his lldren die with issue their children all receive their share, lame to be held trust for them until they reach their' ijorlty. Houd-Up by a Footpad. William Baumgardner, a telegraph erator. about eighteen years old, who e* on South Columbus street, reportto the police last nlaht that as he is coming from Now Alexandria by ty of Hunting Creek bridge, a short ne before, he was ordered to halt at e point of a pistol by a footpad, who jnt through his clothes and took his f8:. 9c 1! STORE ir regular 15c ^ ^ solutely fresh, 4?? ^ ^ ^ 90 | |V \0 :es,sE-?s| | J i! designs. T ?8? 1 | I / vers and Pil- Y V V X.X >d with cord. A T i i i Af@ Off?: 'u 1 ly] lyj yji in nee at one time you were offered e, and some radical action was ne JUST LOOK Floral Organdies, yd. Floral Batiste, yd. . *ee, in all colors, yd. ins, in all colors, yd. ulls, pretty styles, yd. Mercerized Foulards, > i-Cotton Seco Silk, yd Dotted Swisses, yd. inons, nice and sheer, j Madras, nice patterns, wW",wf,l"wMf,,f,fI,,f"lNl,,W ww W*^W .50 Waists Soiled and Mussed to $1.69 ?4 sleeves, sizes 34, 36 and 38 mostly, roideries and medallions. >Oo 50 and 82.00 models, trim- <f\f\ % and hemstitching. Re- 5j]|#(U/tJ ??..... Sale off All ra? Footwear or wearing white shoes, too. d $4.00 i Ag Tips - = j :and duck, with Goodyear welted soles. , no straps, very stylish and in all sisies Shoes, | $2,119 jt ties, duck or canvas, hand-turned or the lot, but not in even' style. A?> Hps - = J u o-ir All sizes, and all made of a good finalJan. ?Sewing Machines Rotary Cabinets At $47.50 Our special clearance price has been .< >), and they are grand bargains at that. Just because the cases of a number of cabinets have l>een slightly .scratched or otherwise marred iimperfections scarcely noticeable) we offer these otherwise perfect machines at S47.30 tomorrow. The cases are of handsome mahogany and French walnut, absolutely IM'STPROOF, complete with all attachments. Sold under our regular 10\ car guarantee. -Very desirable machines for persons living in apartments. We also offer a few good bargains in AITTO GRAND MACHINES at special prices of $32,50 and *42.50 lTsua1 terms: $J.OO down atid weekly payments of $1.00. Third Klocr -Sewing Machine*. ????? ?? < ?? r money. He said the footpad then tired at him, but he jumped into the creek : and escaped. About 10 o'clock he appeared at the police station and told his story, which is being Investigated. Funeral Services for Lieut. Smith. Funeral services for Lieut. James Smith I of the police force, who died yesterday ; morning, will be held at 6 o'clock tomeri row evening at his late home, 221 North Fairfax street. Rev. H. M. Canter, paster of tho Methodist. Episcopal ! Church South, will conduct the services, and the Interment will be made in Bethel ' cemetery. The following will be the pallbearers;, Lieut. Frank Bettis, William A. Ferguson or trie ponce iorv?. ur. ?nnur onuwuvn, Dr. Thomas Gibson, W. A. Haddox and C. Haddox, the last named two of Front Royal. Va. A detail of policemen will attend the funeral, as will the members of the board , of police commissioners. As u toke^ respect police headquarters was this J morning draped In mourning. The board of police commissioners meet this evening, when it is expected, appropriate action will be taken. Funeral services over the remains of Luther Carter were held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at his late home, 117 South Henry street. The services were conducted by Rev. W. F. Watson, pastor of the First Baptist Church, and the interment was made in Bethel cemetery. The following were the pallbearers: J. Frank Bollard, Judge J. K. M. Norton, G. L. Boothe, L. H. Maehen. E. L. Payne, C. B. Marshal! and Silas Deavers. I Alexandria Notes. Arrangements were made by the Re' 11 ? X l? nance nre engine company i??i msm for participation In the parade In this city August 25. when the state firemen's convention will be held. The company also decided to continue improvements on the interior of the company's house at Its own expense. The board of fire wardens and city council were thanked for the money already expended for improving the house. The Cardinal Athletic Club gave an excursion to Marehall Hall today. The excursion was well attended. The Methodist Protestant Sunday school will go to Marshall Hall tomorrow. Cases disposed of In the police court today follow: Harry Brown, drunk and disorderly, fined ?5; Mary CocVrell. lmI f >?????????????*?? > ? ?' HOURS ? A. i. II ? [\^ 8th St. < "THE BUS red (Dhole tMl in one sale choice from so many cessary to clear up stocks. AT THIS Bl . . . . . I'A-c . . . 19c . 12/4 c rd 19c 25c . . . . . 9%x rd 12/^c yd. ... 19c BSeIE ? ^ 7 ? G ~ ; v aifllLlOT, . \ hm I ONE DA ? We reserve the right to limit the H23 ^^BB f Salt Boxes of im| ported porcelain, neat- gjx cajJ T ly decorated, wooden j lid. j Pride Laui ? One dozen Jelly Glasses, with tight | covers, 1-U-pint size, i One dozen Table Tumblers of i medium-weight crystal glass, 5?-6z. i Six cakes of Star Laundry Soap, f Water Pitchers, finest crystal *? glass, cut pattern. 'A-gal. size. Z Refrigerator Pans of best galv. i iron, riveted handles. 14-in. <> Water Palls of best galv. iron, riv<> eted handles, l^'-quart. 11 Six pounds of Extra-grade Double" strength Tarrinc Moth Bails. " Dishpans of heavy stamped tin, " seamless, and with riveted handle, | 14-ouart. ^ Washboards of selected stock, cov,, ered two iddes best metal. ,, Water Dippers of solid copper heavily nickel plated, enameled han1 die. " - packages of "PAROWAX," the. '1 new paraffin for sealing fruits. Jardinieres in handsome shapes | and pretty glazed patterns, 8-inch. ( ? TSn an/1 65(Tbr? <1 OIIU WW II || \\/Tf I Jewelry at. . 1 I A clearance lot, consisting: of a most varied assortment, hardly Itwo pieces alike in the lot?Cuff Pins, Collar Pins. Veil Pins. Scarf Pins T] and a large number of II \1V{\Jl Cuff Links. Choise First Floor?Jewel ry. proper conduct, forfeited |5 collateral; Sparty Clay, colored, drunk and disorderly, fined $5. The tower and exterior woodwork of the Columbia engine house arc being painted. [RED 10 BLOW UP VENUS i I SANDS SAVED FROM EXECUTION BY DR. BURGHEIM. j American's War Canoe Sunk by Shot?Captured Later in Battle. SEATTLE, Wash., July ISO.?Clifford Sands, a former Seattle high school youth, and erstwhile brigadier general in Estrada's army, told some of his experiences in the Xicgraguan insurrection upon his arrival in Seattle on a visit with relatives last night: Young Sands escaped being snot by a firing squad of the Madriz army by the chance aid of Dr. Clarence Burgheim of Houston, Tex., who refused to give medical attention to the Madriz forces unless Sands was paroled. Attempted to Blow Up Venus. "I was captured at Prinsapu'ca, on the coast, June 18, two days after I had made an attempt to blow up the Xicaraguan gunboat Venus," said Sands. "I was charged with being a dynamiter and a spy. "Of course the trial was a farce. I was sentenced to be shot. Dr. Burgheim intervened and 1 was paroled." Sands tried to dynamite the gunboat | Venus by paddling out to her in a canoo i as she lay off Bltieflelds Bluff, i "They saw me." he said, "and sank the canoe with a machine gun. I escaped without a scratch and swam ashore." With seven men Sands was sent, two days afterward, to Prlnzapulca. a town below Blueflelds. The gunboats Venus i IP. ML SATURDAYS I m & Pa. Ave. ^\ly Y CORNER^ j +0+03ifr j, .?.,5, <! ^ /^v /ft\ -(? <cs>a in m Pi u kinds and at such large reductions. IQ LIST OF C Anderson's 32-in. Zej 8c Fast Color Apron 18c Gray Chambray 1 6Vc LMagonal Weave 50c All-pure Linen F 29c Natural Linen, gi 25c All-pure Linen C 39c Black and White 19c Full Mercerized 1 18c "Blarney" Liner 25c to 69c I jB lie! iY ONLY 1 quantity to each purchaser. ? - .: _ HEShES^^I mmSmgggBKM Preserving Kettles, j seamlees granite iron, ? of Swift's bail handle and cover, | ndry Soap. j 9-p?nt. | Chamber Pails of heavy tin, paint- f ed Inside and out. 10-quart, with T cover. | ' dozen American Beauty Jar a Rings, best made, wrapped in wax i paper. ? dozen Breakfast Plates in Tine j plain white Syracuse china. ? One dozen Ice Cream Plates of line ^ plain white Syracuse china. ? Meat Dishes of fine plain white * Syracuse china, pretty shape, 17- I inch. Glass Oil Lamps, complete, with ? burner, wick and chimney. 1 t Granite Iron Coffee Pots, with ? handle and cover, 5-pint size. ? 4 dozen "Kann's Superior Safety ? Matches," the licensed kind. = Mixing Bowls of extra-grade yd- J low glazed earthenware, 5-quart. 1 Berlin Kettles, seamless granite X iron, bail handle and cover. 10-pint. j Teapot3 of granite iron, with han- | t die and cover. 5-pint size. * 1 Children's Straw Mats!. I OHTLDRHN'S STRAW HATa ; I trimmed with ribbon. . g>iTh I I Were 51.50 and $ - <?. 11 . QJj(lJ> i I Reduced to v ' X t SAILOR HATS, finished e> I J with ribbon band. Re- ? J duced from 50c to | 1 SAT TOR HATS in tan or dark f iblue, trimmed with ribbon g? i bands. Reduced from $1.25 J to 4 ">$> ?"? ? ? > ?.fr .frM"* ; and Jacinto came down, shelled the town, landed 150 marines and captured Sands and two of his men. "Two days after the capture," he said, : "they took me out and made we watch them shoot two men they had captured. | It was to impress me with my comingfate. 1 "They blindfolded them, stood a file , l of soldiers off a few paces and shot incm. DECLINES TO OPPOSE FRIEND. Representative Foss Declares His Position on Governorship. Special Dispatch to The Si?r. BOSTON. July 30.?Representative Fosa, who 1b being besieged by many demo- j ! orals to resign front f'ongresa an<T be- j come a candidate fur governor on the democratic ticket, makes this statement: ; "I will not be a candidate against James H.. Valiey before the democratic convention. I have the greatest admiration and j respect for Mr. Vahey und his services! to the democratic party. We are both working toward the same end. the sue- | cess of the party and the principles for which it stands. I realize that whoever is the candidate of the democratic party' this fall must have its unanimous supi port. "Mr. Vahey and I are the best of friends." Mr. Vahey and Mr. Foss are to hold a conference shortly and talk over the; i # I # n ri t i ABt ouuaviuu. HEIR TO HALF MILLION. Grateful Mining Operator Rewards j Man Who Befriended Him. < MACON, ?A., July 20.?8hort!y before j ! the Klondike sold boom, W V. Miller, a | motorman of this city, then living in Ati Janta, and known ae "Kid" Miller, met j J. F. Curley, a miner, stranded and with- i! j out funds. j| i He took h(m in, fed him and gave him j money with which to travel as far as I i Birmingham. That was the last lie ever heard of the bread cast upon the waters until yeaterday. when he received word 3 that Curley had died in Dawson City and e left him a fortune estimated at flWfcOOO. t 2fc ?Hssjss X u ^ou can *ar Ci ^rXX T , ? tomorrow if yoi W# m * f I I o yet tomorrow o W X ? Third FloorI $3.0< 1 (it:: Ch V I I I f {t only 72 to s X % # / a broken bottoms T J ca*? and purse. ,5 <j> lect from. ?r Flrat Floor? ni m t >t> i h:'i Tm'i"ii * ttri1! tt )iff?FeBt I m\\Y [d) i n I Vi7 U U ! It's a clear case of the seasonable UT PRICES phyr Ginghams, a yard Ginghams, checks Ginghams, nice quality. Linen Suiting, 36 in., Lamie Weave Suiting, } uaranteed pure flax, 36 !rash Suiting, 36 in., ys Checked Linen, 36 in 3atiste, in all colors, ya i?38-in. cotton, linen NEDRA FACE POWDE It's a fine dainty powder?a powder f "A touch with the puff is enough." XEDRA Is a specially prepared powd< and possesses the distinct quality of i rubbed into the pores. The pored bein naturally insures a healthful, enviable skin that delightful satiny finish. Ask department. She'll tell you of the ms bought Nedra Face Powder and have coi it.?First Floor. ? New Lot Especially Priced IKlW '" JilW . . . > 4 . k .1M.1I, J We find it difficult to keep pace wi the demand for Cluster Puffs, they bei sold out as quickly as ve receive the New lot just in for tomorrow's buyers: CLUSTER PUFFS, contain- Of iny 20 to 22, special at <J71i?5rc CLUSTER PUFFS, 8 to 12 CI fl { in set, ?5pecia! at PMella 18-inch HAIR SWITCH, long hair, short 24-inch WAVY SWITCH, special at J6-lnel> NATURAL CRAY SWITCH, spec TRANSFORMATION?for all around the LARGE ALL-OVER SILK HAIR NETS, >"?-? ?' ? ?' ? ? "??? ?"?l? ?"! Clearance NECKFI Just the best of clearance bargains: LOT 1?Contains 2 Black Silk Point Yc lars. , 2 White Oriental T^acc Fichus. 1 White Net Blouse. 1 Jet Blouse. I Black Silk Lace Jumper. 1 Persian Cape, veiled with chiffon. Were $5.00 to $12. Choice oOo LOT 2?Point venire I .ace Collar Crowns with edge. Were $1.50 to $3.00. . oO oRBFERENCE SAMPLES OF OFTMP lace or tucked yoke and sleeves; others tucks or lace. Worth S1.98 to $3.50. Ch( Long Kimonos 1 Long Crepe Kimonos; shirred yoke; t trimmed in satin folds; a* ? y X light and dark effects. >5 || (ftjO I Worth $2.00, for u * ^ ^ ! I^ong Lawn Kimonos, in floral de- t signs; yoke back and />/> f front. Reduced from II _Q])fl|) T $1.39 to ^ * t Jiifctttl itlI^id) irfiA At rajtaift) A dt A i? A ~ 'ft' 4 ^ ~ i 4 v -5 ^ 4- V V v " ? Vni Would '800 Acres of Park Land Be of any particular benefit this time? Wouldn't it be in it within one square ot the 1 \\ iiofa %t li/?ro kut* tli t ? v nat v iv iivtv? uuk v&i tures which have made this property in W ashington. Price, 3 i ? A ou can buy this home < asked tor properties in nei parks and sections that arc water, such as this section is Sample Home: 3223 / $300 cash; balance. To insDect. take oth street cars _ ^ -f ? - " Shannon i Sales, Reals I 713 14th i Took for Our Gffco " -i . .. - - w = i Mrs- EHaa Ann Armentrout, sixty-live rears old, died Saturday three miles north fi >f Harrisonburg. Va. She was a daugh- f, er of Silem Sellers. t< Coffee^ flX" | Only, Lb. - - - U /1 nple 'off** made of Druid Coffee T u wish. It's good 23c Coffee?and j, ffered for 17c. X -Coffee and Tea Demonstration. ? > I 319 <' # D Handbags, t loice, $1.95 | ell at this price. 10-inch frames. T i, leather lined; fitted with card ^ About four different styles to ee?r? l.cather Goods. ??< ? >*? ??? <? Lots ? idfp^ UUUIUMIL .r? j weather that induces wash . v ^ ? *? Jb 4> .... 15c | . . . . 6^c| , yd. . . . 10c | a yard . . 19c * rd. ... 29c | in., yd. . . 19c $ ird ... 19c | ., yard . . 29c ? rd ... 15c S finished, yd., 12^c '% READ t ? h?H :r t ! or women of refinement. A 4k ?r of the-finest materials obtainable ^ fulfilling its mission without being ^ g open to perform their functions, ^r, complexion. Nedra Just gives the ? the demonstrator at the perfumery any enthusiastic women who have ?r. me back to tell how much they like ?j> fr* j 4? stems ? #ufa X 12.40 X ial at *2.00 ?> head, for M.OD special at 10c -"* v Lots of I Tir IT tv T /TV t Afil^yb ? A* _ . , ?sn:ce tape < ol- ^ ^ UWo <U( t I - <. s. Chemisettes and Hat q > ** Choice.... uuC Ti. ' % *< i Bb. home of net with ^ * r\ *., of muslin with yokes of jl y 4c to^c Silk or Cotton t Braids. 2c Yard I For deeiKning on cotton, linen er cloth suits. These Braids....Pigtail... .Colored V Cords Rattall Plaited. All col- Y ore at 2c yard.?First Floor. * " | i to you or your family at (valuable to you if you had lome you tverc paying for? # lat is only one of the feahome the most successful j ! ? 53,750. ' an terms actually less than , ghborhoods that have no not 180 feet above tidet I Georgia Ave. N.W. J , $28.84 monthly. 1 s to corner of Lamont street. I I i k Luchs, ;j w< lmiii, j st. N.W. | 1 u< WMI* Mf*." - - ' . "~l: , Yesterday marked the coldest July 1 1 Norfolk. Va., with t**o exception*. 1 i>rty years, the mercury having ilroppc:, j a minimum yesterday of tfi degree?.