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I THE BEST HOUSES IN . COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. THE C. W. KING, SR., HOMES, | 12th STREET N.W. g Between Clifton and Euclid Sts. S Several of these "quality"' houses yet to be had. *5,7OO IS THE PRICE. Most Reasonable Monthly Payments. H THE ONLY HOUSES OX SALE TRIMMED IN QUAR| TERED OAK. :: There isn't a house, regardless of price, in Washington g built better?very few built so well. N u Six big rooms and spacious entrance hall. Tiled bath fully ? equipped. Numerous closets. Pantry. Two oak kitchen H dressers. Servant's toilet. Hot-water heat. ii ELECTRIC LIGHTS. FRONT AND REAR PORCH| ES. DOUBLE OAK FLOORS. PLASTERED CELLAR. 8 MASSIVE OAK PILLARS IN ENTRANCE HALL. | SOLID QUARTERED OAK STAIRCASE. :: LOTS 20x100 to public alley. S The location is most excellent. High elevation. Bejf twecn the 14th and nth st. cars. A section populated by 5 the best class of people. Each a home owner. | INSPECT WITHOUT DELAY. I FIVE HOUSES ONLY TO SELL. f BELT, O'BRIEN & CO., INC., 1 1309 G STREET N.W. 5 !ffew Seven-Room Houses 3629 to 3637 MB water Heat. Coionaal Porches. ?: ... . . :;::: ' ^ Lots 2?x!00. These houses are beautifully located on a wide avenue and can be seen at any time. Open evenings and Sunday. ? H. R. HOWENSTEIN CO. | B3I4 F Street N.W. r:n:::ii::;i::;:;Kn;;:iiiiiiiimii:in>nmi;8iiiuiiiniiniiiiui?miuumiimiuiiinm?i S INVESTIGATE I THIS HOME OFFERING. | THE GREATEST EVER. | THE PUBLIC SEEMS TO AGREE WITH US?FIVE | OF THE SET HAVE BEEN SOLD. I 15 to 37 Michigan Ave., | At the Head of North Capitol St. I- FACING SOLDIERS' HOME GROUNDS. TRINITY ? COLLEGE GROUNDS ON THE EAST. U. S. GOVERN1: MENT RESERVATION TO THE WEST. P | THE ASTONISHING LOW PRICE, $4,850. II STOO CASH. S^ MONTHLY. w i/ w ' "* ? "" ~ ? " f. THIS MONTHLY PAYMENT COVERS PRIN| CIPAL AND ALL INTEREST. THESE HOUSES ARE BUILT?NOT MERELY "PUT UP." : Six large rooms and reception hall. Cellar under entire house. Beautifully equipped tiled bathroom. Hardwood H trim. Edge grain, select flooring. Hot-water heat. Instan { taneous water heater. Servants' toilet. Numerous closets. : Laundry tubs. Has and electric current. Pantry. Wide S front porch. Two-story rear porch. Large yards front and . H rear. | DON'T DON'T DON'T Buy Anv House Till You See These. Call Tomorrow. :i TAKE NORTH CAPITOL STREET CARS TO H MICHIGAN AVENUE. | BELT, O'BRIEN & CO., INC, 1 1309 G STREET N.W., ( SOLE AGENT. OSSIFIED GIRL DEAD. I*1/1, And th? on,y ai*" __________ life manifest in it was a faint patplt _ tion of the heart. The death certiflca End Comes to Miss Murray After gives the technical name Of the disea , _ , _ _ as arthritis deformans. Thirteen Years Suffering. Miss Murreys affliction took the fo? ,m n..v u after of inflammatory rheumatism, and ahoi MAI.OKN, Mass.. August 13? After ,y af.^r |h<f flr8t of ossiflcatl. spending thirteen years in bed suffering showed themselves. The ravages front a gradually developing case of rheumatism and the etfeeta of osslflc ossifl ation Miss Margaret Murray, aeed tion left her limbs stiff and dlstortt twenty-five, is dead in this city. For and she had been able to take nourle the last few days the girl's entire body ment only In liquid form. _ r . 9 * ' | BEDS OF CANNfi BEAUTY O Gorgeous Coloring of the Eyes These Ho Leaves Fal For some reason which, no doubt, will vary with the point of view of the observer, one of the signs of the coming of fall already is to be seen, although the last calendar month of summer is only about h#If over. It is not often that the ; streets of the city this early in the sea: son are strewn with the dying and with: ered leaves that in the freshness of the ;;j spring softened the hard lines of the j brick and mortar of the houses and changed city thoroughfares info aisles of :: green. Already the masses of foliage are losing their freshness and becoming ' brown and yellow and the decay of the ?? * VicifA hf>?un. 4 app^ais iw "? - , The grass of lawns, except where care and constant watering have checked the ' natural course, also is showing the same : influences, and the withered leaves find : an appropriate setting when they drop : to the ground. But this is still a city amid a wealth of greenery, with its ::: bright stretches of lawns in the parks : and borders of the streets. Bright Beds of Colei. ;: Even the beds of colei, which contribute so much to the attractiveness of the parks and which display a rather sober scheme of color as a rule, appear : this season to wear brighter hues and certainly furnish a grouping pleasant to : look upon and restful to the eye these :: hot days. The luxuriance of such masses ; of green and of color finds appropriate surroundings in the sweep of the lawns ::: of the parks, the graceful groupings of ; the shrubbery and the noble beauty of > the trees. ;;; Flashing from amid such a setting, alii; most appearing when the eye gets a glimpse of it for the first time as if i: some rich jewel is revealed, are the magI RECEN if BUILDING AT THE NORTHWEST I! BROWNLOW'S ESTATE 1 VALUED AT $150,000 | Left in Trust to Go to His Children 5 at End of Twelve _ Years. BRISTOL, Term., August 13.-The will of the late Congressman Walter P. Brownlow of the first Tennessee district, probated in the county court at Jonesboro, Tenn., reveals that he has left his entire estate in the hands of trustees for a period of twelve years, hut the will provides that the estate shall ultimately be divided among his children, with substantial equity, his widow being generously provided for in any event. The estate, which consists of real and personal property, largely represented in the stock of the Johnson City Traction Company, in which he held a controlling interest, is believed to be worth not less :: than $150,000. Capt. Kyle M. King, a son-in-law. and Gov. John P. Smith, of the mountain branch of the National Soldiers' Home are named as the trustees and executors. It is provided that in the event either of these trustees should die or remove from the state.Chancellor Hal H. Haynes of Bristol is to act in his stead, and in the event of another vacancy it will] devolve upon the chancery court to fill l i: the vacancy by appointment. !! The board Jof managers of the Soldiers' !j Home and Gov. Smith of the home, by jjj reason of the fact that the electric road ;; owned by Mr. Brownlow enters the Sol-diers' Home reservation, have taken the view that this would prevent Gov. Smith SI from acting as a trustee of the estate, and for this reason lie lias declined to ;; serve. While the vacancy falls to <"han4 cellor Havnen under the terms nf the S will. It Is not known whether lie will XX serve, but in the event he does not he g will "have to appoint a man to til 1 the g vacancy caiy.ed by the resignation of g Gov. Smith. Gov. Smith, it i3 underH stood, declined to serve because of some fx possible conflict of interests between 5 the electric railway and the home. | INSPECTING POWER BOATS. : Fines for Owners of Improperly Equipped Pleasure Craft. The new regulations for power craft, requiring them to be equipped with fireextinguishing material, proper running ; lights, fog bells, whistles and other equipment, are being enforced here, and yesterday afternoon officials from the custom house were circulating among the ::: power boats at the races, looking .them | over. The custom house officers were aboard a speedy launch belonging to Policeman Cole of the fourth precinct and a close watch was kept upon power craft and their equipment noted. It Is stated that a few were found Improperly equipped and they will be reported to the collector of customs for imposition of fine as required by law for violation of the regulations. It Is stated that the inspection of the power boats will be continued until all that are owned here are boarded and tL Inspected and made to meet the requlre_ ments of the new regulations. a-' Three Attempts to End Life Fail. to FLEMING, Col., August 13.-ln an ef88 fort to end his life. John Taguc, twenty m three years old. Jumped from a train yes t. terday. As he was only slightly injured, cn h* 8h<>t himself. This resulted In a scalp of wound, and Tague then ate brimstone, a- This merely produced unconsciousness. hJ, and the young man is recovering. The h- cause for his triple attempt to end his _^fe is not known. I < l ADD TO F THE CAPITAL Flowers Pleasing to t Summer Days? ling Early. nificent beds of canna. perhaps the most gorgeous in coloring of the flowers?certainly of those to be found in this latitude. They lift their long stems, crowned with blooms of rich, dark red, above the leaves of the plant, which furnish a basis, a^foundation, so to speak, to set off and display to the best advantage the glory and the beauty that sway and move in the breeze. The effect of the great piles and h<*aps of color not only is beautiful, but gives a tone and freshness to the city on a hot day. The canna is wonderfully more effective since the, production of the variety in which the bloom-bearing stalks rise above the mass of the leaves, instead of being mingled and almost lost in the foliage. The method now followed in the arrangement of flowering plants of combining in a solid group those of one color, is better adapted not only to show off the brilliancy and beauty of the blooms but is more striking than the old style of hrlmrlntr f1r?n?nrc ... " * iu?,riuri wiuiuui iiiutii regard to the colors. Several Beautiful Shades. There are other shades of the canna than the rich red, the yellow and the orange, for instance, but neither shows the exuberance of color of their more brilliant relation. But a bed of these flowers is handsome in any ^shadc, and their use in the parks and on the marble terraces of the (Capitol and in the great hronze basins that flank the plaza really are features of the city that are not only pleasing to the eye, but quite as impressive as the public buildings and the tree-lined streets. In the vicinity of the Capitol, with its setting of park that is quite the handsomest in the city, the beds and vases of flowers are at their best just now and are wonderful revelations of the beauty and variety of nature as a colorist. * TLY CHANGED fr CORNER OF 9TH AND G STREETS THE AVENUE GRAND VAUDEVILLE THEATER Fine New Building Opened Between 6th and 7th Streets Southeast. The large lot on the south side of Pennsylvania avenue southeast between Oth and 7th streets, recently sold by Belt, O'Brien & Co., Incorporated, has been improved hv the erection of a fireproof theater building. The property is owned and controlled by the Avenue Grand Amusement Company, composed of four local business men. The building has a frontage of sixty feet on Pennsylvania avenue by 115 feet deep, extending through to D street. It is sixty feet in height. The front is of whtte stone and select press brick, with ornamentations. There are over -5o electric lights for illuminating the exterior. The manager's office and reception room are at the lobby entrance. The interior arrangement Is perfect. No posts mar the view of the stage from any point. The large, easily accessible balcony is so arranged that a full view of the spacious standard-size stage can be had from any seat. The seating fapacity is 1,000. Special care has been taken to provide wide aisles and roomy seats. A retiring room for ladies and children, in charge of a maid, is provided. Seven exits are supplied fir II Jb* ^BHBhmMWM ? > !?ni?n:??nnn?8:?i??H??i???8Km^ 1 Saul's A The Peerle 1 IT IS NOW UN I VERS A interested observers that SAl :: CITY is the most beautiful ai I TACHED HOMES in the vi< ::: That it is the most convenien I:: saying. That it is the ONE ::: strictly first-class car service For these and other reasons::: example of rapid and successfi the history of Washington res ::: high-class detached homes are ii! in ALL OTHER SUBURBS THERE IS NOW. EX IS I:: secure home sites that is unpar ::: District of Columbia. At the JI opportunity will soon be a thir 11: BCS1XESS can you afford t( g1 will want a detached home wi grass, flowers and shade: wit g where you may enjov the c X5 ~1 i. ? * D T7 A T ** M1UI I, cl 11U4*U^, i uil ::: not miles out, but right here 01 every city convenience and e1 MEMBER that our prices LOWER than any adjoining j ing loans. Salesmen on prope i|| BRANCH OFFICE: 14TI I No L, Samislbu 1 719=20 13tl and there is a smoking room and toilet for gentlemen. The interior decorations and furnishings were gathered from t lie leading houses of New York and Chicago. The ceiling is in cream, with gold leaf relief work about the numerous art ventilators. IANDS. hL . 0J f i ' I NORTHWEST, SOLD LAST WEEK. Terra cotta, maroon, preen and gold effects prevail. Over '-too lights are arranged for interior illumination. The stage is of ample size to accommodate the setting for any play that visits Washington. The scenic effects are the work of prominent domestic and foreign artists?a setting for every act. A water drop curtain is provided as well as all other necessary tire precautions. Four dressing rooms have been provided. .Space and equipment have been provided for the accommodation of a large orchestra. The management states that the music feature will surpass anything ever attempted in a vaudeville house in this city. The question of ventilation has been given careful successful attention. About forty windows open from the auditorium. There is an air space over the ceiling, from which a circulation of fresh air is generated. Besides these valuable comfort-giving features thirty-two electric fans complete the work of cooling the entire building. The owners of the theater have arranged their bookings for their vaudeville features from the circuit of the I'nited Booking Offices of America, and propose featuring the highest-class re linen vauuevmc arm moving im'iiires oi>tainable. Eight acta each week will he given in addition to the pictures and concert work of the all-star orchestra. The ground sold for $15,000. The cost of the theater and equipment is said to he about $55,000. Kills Herself After Many Attempts. CHICAGO. 111., August 13.?Having been prevented five times by attendants of the Illinois State Asylum for the Insane from committing suicide, Mrs. Mary sssss^^sss^ss IK^StcsrhB nB^BB^SBy * MK rfrgjaftlg ' : : |T P^W ^| BmsHV K/ K^ iPK ?. x :. fm VK . . . |n iwuuuey.' I -- : WW: . /axiwi : J ?'?j^i ji "?" ' " ' u ' ? .,.. ifTniT,^ y'^'. ' s . ' v' "" V.-:&:*:'.;X:>. '..:' '* . ^ :*' x^'Vi;%. .vX^-v'* \i:>. x-'wi*' *. *'* ?. i- ... x-.. x . +~??i?^?i 15W TIICATGR f?h the southeast I ddition, f ss Suburb. LLY CONCEDED by all dis- i JL'S ADDITION TO THE j; id picturesque section of DE:inity of the National Capital, t and accessible goes without ,Y suburban section that has ; is a well understood fact, it affords the most wonderful id development ever known in : $ d estate. TEN TIMES more j built and sold each vear than COMBINED. TING here an opportunity to alleled in any other part of the present rate of progress this ijj ig of the past. As a matter of ijj i neglect it? Eventually you ith open space around it, with i: h broad, comfortable porches, ::: ool, health-laden breezes?in may now secure such a home, 11 the borders of the city, with *jjj eery suburban comfort. REare THIRTY PER CENT ijj property. See us about build-, ::: rtv. A AND DECATUR STS. g rvowr CExcBusive :i; ITy ^Oo9 Agent, 11 St. N.W. jj;i X? ___ 1 ? A | Everybody Likes I I A CORNER HOUSE I y X PROVIDED t | LOCATION, I CONSTRUCTION f | AND PRICE i |* Are Right. ^ ; & Here Is One. ? j i 3621 14th St, N.W. 11 5? X j >> (Corner Perry Street). * : ? ? 1 ! Open All Day Sunday and ? < Evenings After 6 O'Clock. ? \ ? Courteous Salesman < r* y < ; on Premises. < ? Worthy of a Trip to See. ? j ;S* 6 Bright Rooms, Fine Cellar. *t* ; | Price, $5,750 f! > Worth Much More. i > | | Liebermann & Hawn, f! | 1303 F Street. 11 v ?ut3-2t X ! i FOR SALE. I! *F ?* . | Nos. 912 to 920 || | Spring Road N.W. |j | One Already Sold. f i X Two squares north and one ^ X square east of end of ltth X X st. car line, two squares ?j> it* from Georgia ave. at Rock <?> X Greek Church road; fine new X six-room and reception-hall X X houses; hardwood finish first X floor; hot-water heat; elec- <*> ?tric lights; gas lights; colonial fronts; deep lots; most ?! T np-to-date houses in the city 'f* for the price, $3,1*75; cash Y A payment, 56500; balance on T ^ very reasonable terms. ^ | Charles Boyd, f % Owner and Builder, % | 1215 F St. N.E. J l?l 1^1 tfcl t$1 [%l [ft 1*11JI lyi A )^| A tg| C. McArdle yesterday eluded her guards and hanged herself in her room at the asylum. During the three months she was at the asylum, Mrs. McArdle tried to rut her throat with a razor once; three times she tried to drown herself, and once before she tried to commit sulfide by hanging. The ramp meeting of the Adventists will commence at Srreamersville, Spottsylvania county, Va., August 28 and continue ten days. ^wBiKfe^ii. iwiiWMiwpSSS I ; ^ jfl I ' wr*?^gif fll Ssssssssssss?^ I ??????? ? jj" ???????? m 1 ATTRACTIVE I | RESIDENCES I ? We have many such to offer at t | Special Prices | k at this season. * $ y ^ A $ Call on us for any class of property you de* | sire and you will find us able to show you ex- 4 t actlv what vou want, whether it is your wish S A . .* | to pay much or little. The prices we can get 4 . 1* for you are bed-rock figures?our knowl- * * edge of values is a guaranteeing factor. *. ? See us before purchasing Washington prop- ^ ' $ erty. Our list includes the choicest high-grade X | houses for sale in the Capital today. s t . ? | *{ | Moore & Hill, Inc. f % 1333 Q Street N.W. | v x-i'vv :* x-i-x-x-X' x-;- v *; vvW-M' Pasadena Park. A High-Class Home Section. COMPRISING THE MOST DESIRABLE PROPERTY ii . north of the city of Washington. Prices THIRTY PER CENT lower than any adjoining property. Penetrated bv ;;; FOURTEENTH and SIXTEENTH STREETS. Absolutely perfect transportation facilities. All City Improvements, j: Only 23 riiinutes from U. S. Treasury Building. Every City Convenience. Beautiful lots facing SIXTEENTH street?a GRAND BOULEVARD i(jo feel wide running due north from the WHITE HOUSE. Consider for a moment the wonderful future in store for this magnificent section. Designed : exclusively for a high order of INDIVIDUAL HOMES. No :: rows of houses, no apartment houses or fiats of any kind. THIS PROPERTY adjoins ROCK CREEK PARK and j the situation is ideal in every particular. In locating a home or investment environment is a consideration of paramount importance. In a few years this ground could not be bought for three times the present prices. There is every indication of a phenomenal increase in value. NOW IS THE TIME to get busy if you want to secure a home site or investment at ROCK BOTTOM prices in the choicest part of the District of Columbia. EASY TERMS. BRANCH OFFICE AT 14TH AND KENNEDY STS. I! N. L. Saosbory Co., ExAcSe : 719-21 13th St. N.W. ;j' ? """ I'lllHIIIITTg 1,000 Lots 1,000 Lots | !"! | From Which to Select. | Buy a Beautiful Home Site at Classic Shore Colonial Beach, Va. j $1 Cash $1 Month | Bait water bathing, fishing, crabbing and boating. A ; delightful place to send your family ; during hot summer days. : This is the most beautiful land for sale on the Historic ' Potomac. / ^ _ Pure water. Pure air. Good health. 4 ::: THE ATLANTIC CITY OF WASHINGTON. , J <?; Prices, $50 to $100. g J: ? Take palace steamers St. Johns or Queen Anne at foot t fj; of 7th st. s.w. * Daily, except Monday, 9 A.M. Saturdays, 2:30 and 6 P.M. ; Round trip, 50c. Season ticket. $1.00. Send for plat and price list today. f 100 Agents Wanted I Colonial Real Estate Company ? N.W. Corner Twelfth and G N.W. i T:: i: n n i n ii: uixrnii: n: i::: i: i:: n i;::?i; i irrrrrtit:: i::: i i11::: t m t: ?rt I You Can Get What You Want flf You I | Build in I i Chevy Chase Terrace. . !0n Conn. Ave. Cor. Keokuk Street. 50-foot lots at speculative prices. ' I 1 Water, Sewer, Gas, Electricity, j Sidewalks, NJacadam Streets. ? Lots on grade. _ If SPECIAL Inducements to those building this season. / i J Three attractive Homes i now in course of erection?WATCH THE CONSTRUCTION. Will be offered for sale soon. Office on subdivision open Sunday. ; Allan E. Walker <&Co.s Inc., 114112 Q Street N.W. , * \