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SUa/ye j | ^0^17S l|i CFiibs, Beds Quality is most essential in I I should be strong and durable, t mattress of known purity. The & Foster" Mattresses allows you '' m | tress and to be certain of its pur Purchases here may bo charge the terms to suit you. ] This $5 All jl Brass This 2=lmch Post ! Brass Bed, Attractive Two-inch Post Brass Bed, just like the illustration shown to the right. The posts are two inches in diameter; has twelve strong brass fillers, brass ' casters, and choice of polished or ; 1 | satin finish. All-Iron Be This Heavy AIMn K- - - ? r ^t?i???i?i?*? * ? ?-? fflaat B? 1 A "Steams Mo M^wf 'M/ppH1 T/r AN^/U iiVl The investment in a "Stearns lifetime. The wonderful web pr Foster featured makes a mattress warranted to never grow uneven t is the cleanest, most hygienic at can be used in mattress construct) "Stearns & Foster" Mattresses ments. each mattress wrapped in from soiling until it reaches the 1 $14 Fifty-Pound ton !!! "Steams & Foster" Ms A full carload of Mattresses, n the mill's dull summer season, is t !;(; ful reduction. These* are special -Stearns ?v Foster laced opening, Foster guarantee. They are .">0 usual 4.% pounds, and are coverei ji double j-'zes only in this grade. T , $12.0? "Storas & Fas || xi::i:iti:i::iiii;i!:;tii;;iiii:i:r.ii;iii?iiiii:im2 jjA&P Extra Ete | A & P Fancy IMaioe Con Regular Price, \2%c. GREAT ATLANTIC & BRANCH STORKS M <n>; .~,12S 14th St. n-w. i;:is 7tii ?t. n.w ? i?ao i4u? *t. n.w. stOf 1325 Wiscoiwiu ave. .MB H st. n.e. . A/fli** *=74. T i*xh aa?l E ?t?. ?.? . \rXHa i LI Telephone Connect!* uuuiimiimin:?n:miuiuii?:??m???i 9 i ADVANCE IN DIAMONDS! < t Unsettled Conditions In Diamond Markets. According to the iatest reports from the diamond centers. Amsterdam and Antwerp, there rill be an additions! adrance of from 10 to iy? (n 'he price of cot diamonds. . Tkla is caused by the organizing of the <Jta-uouJ cutters into unions after the pattern of ; ?ur labor unions, and the demands for higher rage*. ai?o by a raise in the price of uncut i hoick by the Ia.oJod syndicate. Mr. Adolpb Kahn, the Jeweler, of t?3"> F street, "ko has Just returned from abroad, when Interviewed state?1 that while in Antwerp and Amsterdam he had foreseen this udvan e and had bought law quantities of diamonds at prices at which it is now inipossjhlc to obtain tbem. For instance, lie can now sell a 'j-earat bluewhite diamond for far., which sbou'd be at least |r> \ vi a 1-curat diamond for $120, which should I ji its !"? | ? Without An EquaH. For style and superior construction " Young's Deli Terr Wagons are unriral-'d. t>rv moderately priced. TP Vn1lf^^!C, r-?rrisce iti! ItWPa.aT n.w. ^ . C. I UlIUil^ Repository. I'boue M. 27. | J T&0J evenlhSt. ? & Bedding I r beds and -bedding. Your bed j jji he spring comfortable and the laced opening on our "Stearns i to see the inside of your m?tIty and cleanliness. d, if you desire. We'll arrange fljfn iijj =I roan Crilb, 1 , $2JB I Strongly Constructed All-iron : j C f 'riK -(* at libo Vir. tr> the r. vin/, just v. i.i c v v v * ' left. Ha? strong posts, heavy j \ i 1 it tillers, all-iron National Link ) i i spring, and good white enam el. Special net price for this week only. $2.7.". Beds. 11' d SpringSo |l m National Link Spring, All Sizes, j| $2.98 || Miost Durable National Link j Spring, just like the illustration 16 the left. Has heavy iron pipe ' j j sides; large, strong coil springs at each end; no wood what- 1 ever used in its construction, and bronzed finish. All sizes in Mi stock; for wood or iron beds. >st ef Mattress ; j d Be Eemade. ! |; & Foster" Mattress will last a ocess tan exclusive Stoarns & that has the utmost resiliency., jr lumpy. The pure cotton felt j j j id most durable material that Ion. 5 come to us in carload shipa separate bale and protected tome of its purchaser. . i ii *(? Meed QS y ittress i|| I; I sade up for us specially during : he explanation of this wonder- jj '' stock mattresses, bearing the !j ) bearing the regular Stearns &. t| !l! pounds weight instead of the I in fancy art tickings. Hull wo-part Mattresses, 50c extra. tef5 Mattress, $8,98 J? j|j!;t irgain Special!! FREE! i This Beautiful English Salad Bowl ii "REE with every i>urchase of 1 lb. :: rhea-Xectar Tea, 00c lb.; or 1 lb. II ioiden Key Tea, 00c lb.; or two 25c II >ottles of A & P Extracts. , 11 iTTTlOei Can j PACIFIC TEA CO. ii ? MARKET STANDS: 21st and K Sts. Mkt. center Market. i .">th and K Sts. Mkt. u r.flKfrrn Mkt. ? f> >ns All Stores. I HimwmnummnummmniiimiiHttm * ft ?t-H ftftftftftft^Ma* | ESTABLISHED L>4J ^ ^ > "It Pays to Buy the Best." J J CHAS. M. STIEFF, ;! Direct Branch Warerooms of Factory, J J [ 1008-ioio F St. N.W. > SECOND HAND PIANOS AT ALL ' 1 PRICES. Including some of our own 1 make, and kHgbtly used Player-Planoa at ' . low figures. Timing by Factory Experts. 1 , J. C. CONEIFF. Manager. 1 m =jbb Keep Coke In Mind ?when yon need fnel for cooking. It is economical and yields excellent r*>' nults. Wc supply coke at these prices: 25 Bushels Large Coke, delivered... .82.30 40 Bushels Largo Coke, delivered... .?3.70 60 Bnshels Large Coke, delivered 83 .M 23 Bushels Crufh?d Coke, delivered. .*3.00 40 Bushels Crushed Coke, delivered. .84.60 I BO Bushels Crushed Coke, delivered. .$8.30 Washington Gas Light Co.. 418 TENTH STREET K.W. ! GIVEN GOLD ROSARY ? ? i Presentation Feature of Cardinal Gibbons' Jubilee. HOLY NAME CONVENTION : Delegates of Society Present From Nearly Every State. BIG PARADE THIS AFTERNOON Prominent Catholic Divines Assembled in Baltimore to Pay Tribute to Prelate. BALTIMORE, >fd., October 16.?The opening of the lirst national congress ot the Holy Name Society and the presentation of a golden rosary to Cardinal Gibbons constituted the chief features today in the cardinal's dual iubilee celebration. I The rosary is composed of gold nu?i gets mined by a Newfoundland miner. J and was presented to the cardinal by the Knights of Columbus of America. At the same time the cardinal received a set ot engrossed resolutions of congratulation passed by the national organization of the knights. A mass at 7 o'clock this morning in all the Catholic churches of the city for the delegates preceded the opening of the Holy Name Congress, which later assem! bled at the Lyric. Bishop O. B. Corrigan of this city presided and Cardinal Gibbons delivered an address. Represent 600,000 Members. Delegates of the society are in attendance from nearly every state in the Union, representing a membership of tSOb.OOO men. The chief object of the society, which was formed in the thirteenth century, is to suppress profanity and blasphemy and to inst.ll a greater reverence in the hearts of its members for things divine. In connection with the congress, the Very Rev. Charles H. McKenna of New York city, the veteran Dominican missionary, who revived the society in America, more than forty years ago, addressed the v.siting members of the hierarchy at Calvert College. Other events arranged for today are the jubilee parade this afternoon and solemn vespers at the cathedral in the evening, at which Bishop P. J. Donohue of Wheeling, W. Va., will preach. In the cathedral here, where, flftj years ago. he was ordained a priest, then successively consecrated a bishop, invested with the pallium of an archbishop and twenty-five years after his ordinatior rece.ved the red beretta of a cardinal, Cardinal Gibbons yesterday received homage from illustrious prelates and laymen from all parts of this country and foreign lands. Cardinal Celebrates Mass. The ecclesiastical celebration of the cardinal's dual jubilee began in the morning with pontifical high mass, cele brated bv the cardinal, with Rev. Dr. William A. Fletcher, rector of the cathedral. as deacon, and Rev. F. C. Gavan chancellor of the archdiocese, subdeacon Archbishop John J. Glennon of St Ixiuis delivered the sermon, which was an eloquent tribute to the head of the American church. The music was chiefly Gregorian though there were intervals of figured music, and orchestral instruments were employed In the choir. The decorations were confined to the sanctuary. The main altar was ablaze with hundreds oi candies and radiant with thousands oi Bermuda lilies. Over the altar were th< arms of the church, with the dates of the jubilee. 1861. 1886 and 1911. In the procession, which for impressiveness probably never has been surpassed in this country, were nine of America's I twelve archbishops and about thirty bishops. Included among the archbishops were Diomede Falconlo, the apostolic delegate, and Paul Bruchesi of Montreal. Among tlie bishops was Hugh MacSherry of South Africa, There were three civilians In the line. One was .V. E. Mankins of New York, who received the decoration of knighthood In the Order of St. Gregory, at the hands of the Pope. He wore a scarlet waistcoat, on which gleamed a number of jeweled decorations he has received. The other two civilians were Aristides Leonard; of Rome and Edward du Met of Philadelphia, both of whom wore the scarlet coats of apostolic chancellors and marched beside the apostolic delegate. Address of Falconio. Following the mass, dinner was serve* to the visiting clergy at St. Mary's Seminary. In response to a toast proposed for Pope Pius, Archbishop Falconio, the papal delegate, said that up to the time of the present pontiff's election "society at large was distracted by a spirit of innovation and unwholesome liberty; that a vastly extended and most dangerous organization of modernistic ideas was undermining the most fundamental truths of the Christian religion and that prob; lems oi the highest importance tor the 1 welfare of the church and of society were ! awaiting a speedy solution. | "There was required then." said the | archbishop, "a man of apostolic zeal, a I man coming from the ranks of the peo! pie. who could fully understand their | wants and direct the movements of the | advancing democracy; a- man of Chris; tian courage and of stern determination, I able to protect the rights of the church i and religious liberty against irreligous > lee station and atheism. And God nro vided the church with such a providential man in the person of Pius X, whose energetic action in the administration of the church has been so beneficial to religion." The papal delegate thanked the American Catholics for their "well known loyalty to the holy .see," and offered to Cardinal Gibbons his felicitations on the occasion of his twofold jubilee, giving him high praise for his "glorious career." Tribute of Farley. > Archbishop John M. Farley of New ! York, in lauding the cardinal for what he | had accomplished for their Catholic faith [ in America, expressed the hope that t eventually he would be seated upon the t throne of the Vatican. In response to the toast to the Presit dent of the United States, Archbishop [ John Ireland of St. Paul said that Presi\ dent Taft had not discriminated against Cathoilcs, and that while he had given them no more than their due, they were , grateful to him. > The cardinal, rising at the end of the dinner, said that the prejudices which formerly existed against Catholicism in this country were almost exterminated. He charged the bishops and archbishops around him with the command to garner by the end of another fifty years 100,000,000 souls for the Catholic church in this country. Archbishop FalcoonJo presided at the t .U . J 1 1_ 4 1 vespers in me vuiucurm mai 11 gm, una the sermon was delivered by Archbishop Janes H. Blenk of New Orleans. Shorty McCabe Again! i Sewell Ford enlightens our next Sunday ' Magazine with one of his tine Shorty | McCabc stories. "Barton's Primrose Plunge." Poor Barton had been pestered by a somewhat narrow and puritanicwife, and when she finally departed this 1 lite the longing husband -proceeded to sow a large acreage of wild oats. All the while, however, he was inwardly chafing at the strange fetters the gay life was forging about his inherently Innocent personality. And so he was not entirely displeased when Angelina. Murdock, agent for a votes for women organization, a former intimate of his wife, took up the reins of his somewhat crimson life and proceeded to set him straight again. Of course Shorty was the good angel standing by pdor Barton through all his experiences. The tale is funny and full of ! Shorty sidelights. | I SMALL W King's 500-yard ? Basting Cotton; all / Be % numbers. Spe- ca) jjf for':. 3...SPOO,.S J0c sp '? * 2H and 3 Inch Skirt ? 3C Beltings; in heavy s,z black and white mer- o-, TP cerixed silk. Regular price. 23c yard, ft ? _ cia | Special, yard HOC foi won s!f Every housekeeper wants f. nn k $14.50 Axmiwf I $8.9 ; !; Genuine Axminster?soft, : yt orientals and florals?beautifi ft 6x9 ft. : i ! SUS & $18 S 1 I *' 31 | Floor samples. Plaii % | borders of a narrow straig . ?;C | Each side shows a diffcrei | blues, natural and browns. ! We Hav J $25.00 ( rri ; l nere was no way | \ cloths to more than ) strictly man-tailored ; j $LSO a : S New *jr | Suiting: 3C 54 inches wide, and inclm ft spuns, diagonal serges, Natte | =& cipallv rough weaves or semi-i I GERMAN BROADCLO ft quality that will sponge well % well; 50 inches wide. Special ft STORM SERGE. 50 inch< & is of pure worsted yarn, and , S a vard .0; ft First Floor?Dress Goods uT fC'W.."..' v.- ' \ vr "wiry*. Ci cvr/c-A-; r-. nrt j GOVERNMENT AT WORK, FUND OF INFORNIAT1 ! I , 5 ? Frederic i. Haskin's Compre [ hensive Exposition Available to Star Readers. i ???? ' Nothing is more astonishing to th average government official than the ig 1 norance that many people display whei writing to the various government de partrncnts on off! rial business. Some of them, for instance, fancy tlia the Department of Justice has ccontrol o the courts, and that the federal judge have to do about as the department says ' Others try to sell their inventions t< the patent office, or ask it to take u their Ideas and place them on the marke on a commission basis. Write for Clover Seed. Still others write to the Department u Agriculture for a bushel of clover tec : or a bag of wheat. One hopeful sign, however, is the fac that this Bort ot' correspondence shows ; tendency to fall off. People are bcginntni ! to see the advantage of knowing hov their government 1b operated; of knowin( ; what it is doing in their behalf. In a letter approving the chapter de voted to the Department of Justice ii the new book, "The American Govern ment, by Frederic j. iiastun, Attorne: ' General George W. Wlckersham say the book will prove of value to man; people who have no idea what the De partraent of Justice really is. In Clear, Concise Way. And so it is with every chapter. Th story of the government at work is toll in such a clear, concise way that whei one reads It he is not only well enter tained, but he gains a fund of just thi sort of information needed by every per son who would know what Uncle Sam ii doing and how he does it. Save thi . coupons from The Star and get a cop; of this valuable book. BOY OF SEVEN ATTACKS TEACHER WITH A CHAIR Young Woman Severely Injured bj Pupil of Outdoor School at Montclair, N. J. MOXTCIAIR. X -I.. October Ifi? Misi Edith Chase, a teacher in the Montclali outdoor school for children of tuberculoui tendencies, has been moved to her hom< in New York city suffering from seiloui injuries resulting from an attack mad< upon her by Benedict Annello, a seven year-old pupil. Annello had been a disturbing factoi in the school since the reopening of th< present term, and Miss Chase had fount it necessary to reprove him on several ?c caslons. Friday lie was especially noisy, anc when Miss Chaee corrected him he flew a her, biting and scratching. Miss Chase'i hands and arms were torn, and she re< treated before the attack. Annello ther picked up a ehalr. which he brought dowr with great force on Miss Chase's bosom Miss Chase almost fell from the force o; ? .RES >25v f-* / Hip-oat Collar j ines; all sizes; 6 on I r ^ rd; white only. K<r V ^VO A\ eclal, card \ II \ filk Dress Shields: I |\ ;e *4; regular value, I / 1 J I V ; pair. Spe- \. v J/ J. 2 pairs 25c ,, ** * * ^ ^ ^ ? f AIT S a new rug for refitting the house ir <^4- h?n?o Vi?.n/1crv?^/> r?/?c 4rv ^ ui navv, uaiiuouiuv i iu gu Willi iter Rugs, ' $; '8 ! , deep wool surface? . i1 new designs. Size ! Perf i ft. and 8cotch Art Rugs, 10.50 i color solid wool rugs, having I [lit line or narrow stenciled effects, f it color. Colors are greens, reds, ? Size 9x12 ft. ? ^(Tbr= = ^A//Ol AA ^ tVJ'Hj' V V ^ V \ "Sample* to increase the number of T 80, so, madam, it behooves effects. Best satin and sil nd $2o00 Rough ? at 98c fle such weaves as German homeweaves and Scotch mixtures, prinough, which are favorites this fall Ti-ic i Li- -? iiio, uiigui. iiisiruus liiacK, a and wear exceptionally (? j] a (Q a yard, tomorrow 4^ H o 11 V :s wide, in navy blue. This a big- value for the money. ^(Q)q y '. Jyyy'y y..- yy:;' y y yyy y y i I ? the blow, but she tried to seize the chair. Annello again raised the chair, however, ' and hurled it at the teacher. The chair hit Miss Chase In the abdomen, and she fell to the floor crying with pain. The twenty-two pupils in the school ran screaming from the tent which forms the 1 shelter for the class. The janitor at the I Maple Avenue School, nearby, heard the 5 cries or me cniiureu, miu uurnea up. me r was just in time to prevent Miss Chase from receiving: another blow with the s chair. The janitor seized Annello. ? Annello will be sent to the school for delinquent boys. NEW WAY TO KEEP SERVANT. r _ i Treat Her So Well She Will Refuse to Leave House. i WILKESBARRE, Pa.. October 16 ? t Good servant girls are mighty scarce in i this city, but no housewife has been ac. cused of kidnaping one until yesterday, i Mrs. Brennan of Kingston went to the j United Charities here and declared that . her daughter Katie had been virtually f stolen from home by Mrs. George Oullek, ? t; pfW ^m1^ 8th ST. & Pa. Ave. uv, *THE BUSY CORNER* DUE OF i the fall, or, if you are a new house the pretty, new furniture. Buy the 12.50 to $30 Qerium Ax mi nster Rugs, s 14.5? V ect rugs?florals and orientals. Siz ft. $20 Brussels Rugs, j $ 12.25 | H eayv ? seamless ? perfect, j Orientals and florals. Size ] 9x12 ft. j tould Lnketc Suite td ailored Suits that could be i you to be here early. Onl; k linings. Take advantage i IMs SdcMlfor 1 i ^ 1 "UMBKEAKABLE BILL" | ? i The hardest- ? f ) headed, best | ? f'i'T \ natured baby i a little girl t f t^/Jf jaA ever "cuddled j ; JK/jII \ UP" Bumps, i 1 | * lyfl thumps, raps ? *-T F nor whacks | I affect him. 2 Jf * "Unbreakable i Bill" belongs ? i f to the large ? J y y, i family of t i ^ character dolls * that all little folks have learned \ f to love. He is 10 inches high, and is ? ? dressed in rompers of various colors, j PninA ar?a <rof o f?nhq IntoH tvif V? ? him, little girl; and little boys. : You will find him at home in a spe i cial booth on the first floor. ? ? ? % ."4 rirt rw->r?n .in wa-v. .1 ."a -- .. -. i-v* - 1 -? ' " I I J9UR S Pennsylvania Ave A Decided Ai Pjf Conservativ the 500 Si $10 They are not ' shop, seeking a pi been made up wil garment, r lttin^ Grays i ;:MgSj| snappy mode ijllp stouts and lo |?|L it's bein^ ac< who is persuading her to remain at sen'- c ice with her. t "When I went after Katie she locked herself in a room and wouldn't see me," 1 Mrs. Brennan complained tearfully. s Mrs. Gulick and her husband say that v Katie is eighteen: that they pay her good . wages, and that she is satisfied with ner J1 place and would rather work for them d than go in a silk factory and turn her J1 wages over to her mother. The agent of the United Charities says b he will investigate the case and learn h if maids are so few that it is necessary- d to carry one oft by force or stratagem. APPROVED WASH'S DEED. p Jury Acquits Man Who Shot De> ? spoiler of His Home. t< CARUNSVIIXE, III. October 16.?John ? W. Wash, acquitted here Saturday of the ^ murder of George Clarence Martin, whom a he 6hot to death for despoiling his home, n will become reconciled to Mrs. Waah. c "I have a certain Christian duty toward my wife, and I expect to live up to it." J he told a reporter. "Doubtlees I will be ? i 'tmmtinrjrtrtrlmr-.^ k"-kwwvcvv'*?--. .<r -#.-??->c-, r*as ' 1 . .. Only Fiv* x&/7? free S. | I l(^J Lectures at ic qy i n iom \ l 11 Crown Roast \>y Potato Roses Farina Balls. THESI keeper assembling fresh, new h< m here?prices speak tor thems e $50 V 3S cs f)XI, Art loom Seam] compact. Attractiv* ? : Remnants ol inlaid Ui ! Thick granites?pebbled e - go through to the back. Plain - grades made. Special tomorr< ? 3) Have 800 nade out of these "sample y one or two of a kind. Si of this offering SURE.? New Fat Speciall; Look over this list?see th< morrow's selling. Then be her 69c LINING SATIN, 36 trous finish, and in the followi brown, tan. light blue, pink, A yard LINEN COAT FORMS, pa long?needed for coats, and oflft MERCERIZED SATEEN, and fast black. Usual 20c qu a yard IMPORTED VENETIAN green, white, cream and black. a yard First Floor?S. Kann. Son .5 W VWUVmKi AOU? ' WU" W U' V.' UJ'?5 UU*W < ? '/?**? r riw< ??- www rw, r. .w< ^ s & ^on nue. ivantage Is Oi This Special S _1. _ iU. 1 eiy me vaiueb range u iits we've divided in $12.50 'mavericks'*?wandering nrchaser. But every Suit th all those characteristic I our way; modeled our w md Browns?staple dark mixt :1s, as well as the conservati\ ngs, of all sizes. A sale to ecli complished. 44 k<i4 T /1AM*4 MOVA aVtAIlt hat." Wash expects to move to Greene couny, Ky., where he was reared. He has old his store and home in Palmyra, rhere the killing occurred. After the trial Charles Buehling, a Liror. expressed approval of Wash's conuct, amid assenting nods from other urors gathered about. "Martin should have been killed long efore he was," said Buehllng. "and if l ad been in Wash's place 1 would have one just what he did." Gires Party for Children. Mrs. Isidor Grosner gave her annual arty to the children of Bruen Home, S00 O street northwest, Saturday afteroon. Mrs. Grosner has given a party j the children annually for nine years n the birthday anniversary of her aughter Ruth. The next event in the ome life will be a fair during November, t which articles made by the children ill be on sale. TO CURE A GOLD IN ONE DAY ike LAXATIVE BROMO QnlolM Tablets. Drug tsts refund money if it fails to core. S. W. ROVE'S si fas'tire is on each 2Se. I -I. ? I. . ? ? I I. I II. .. I II II II * i Days More of Our Cooking School * a.m. and 2130 p.m. 4th Floor. ORROWS MENU: Peach Farina Lfi . Pudding. Waffles. * i mm msehold chattel-, oi cour>e. you elves. Hilton Rugs, \ . 39.75 ' le>s?extra tine. W oven verv > . . t? designs. Size <)\i2 ft. f $! & $1.25 I ; noleuimis < 1 fleets in green and blue that ' 1 brown in the thickest )\v, per square yard..^"-^C <> ^js nrti U on u iniese j | t f * ; lengths" of imported \ tyles are the latest in 5 -2d Floor?Suit Section. 1 Linings | j y Priced I \ e unusual values we offer for to- h e early. S i inches wide; good quality, lus- b !, ntr shades: Grav. navv. C7 ^ ' white, cream and black. :: OO'^ *: idded with haircloth, extra Q(Q)/:red tomorrow at 36 inches wide, all colors ality. Special tomorrow, ^ ; LINING, in navy, brown, dark ; ' LTsual 50c quality. At, -s s & Co. : S I'- W WW..'U' W-JV?''JW c in;nn<->C~A~Vnr%nn.**?tr**v cm.?"o?. c-. ^ - 8 I # #r J* j 1 * * u H __ ! tipany i Seventh Street. [fered * ? uit Occasion. ip to $20?and | :* to three lots? hi* $15 I I!] | I' lli! ures?in the new e cuts?regulars, pse a record?and "? ~?. - ~ ?~~ .* 1 e? ft GETS TOKEN OF BRAVERY. * I Medal Awarded *-* ' 1 ? " ?v?iowaiu I JU1C Oehl for Rescuing Two Men. A silver medal for gallant conduct, exhibited in rescuing two men from drowning in Scammon's harbor. Lake Huron. ; has been awarded to Alfred H. Oehl. boatswain's mate, second class, United States Navy, by the Secretary of tha Treasury. The gunboat Yantic, loaned to the naval mflitia of Michigan, the last vessel ever built in the Washington navy yard, was at anchor in deammon'a harbor, at tha north end of Lake Huron, August 14. A? the steam cutter was being hauled aboard the davit backs broke, precipitating two men Into the water. Boatswain's Mat# Oehl immediately dived overboard and rescued the two men. Oehl Is a native of Newark. N. J. He has been hi the service about live years. H. T. Patrick, one <*** residents of Hustburg. Vs. died at that place Friday afternoon of fart fnnare aged seventy-four years. He was a . Confederate veteraa.