MONDAY October 16, 1011
THEODOBB W. NO YES.. . . .Editor
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The City of All the People.
Practically no other city in the United
States has the same opportunity to
Impress itself upon the minds of the
people of the country at large as Washington,
and it is to be hoped that advantage
will be taken of this exceptional
chance by proceeding in the direction
suggested in The Star yesterday to acquaint
all visitors with the peculiar
status of the District, its requirements,
its limitations and its dangers. Through
the assembly here of conventions Washington
entertains in the course of a year
many thousands of delegates from all
parts of the United States, representing
<* oroq rancn r%f InHiiotHal Pftmmflrrlfll
am] professional activity and all degrees
of social standing As an illustration of
the country-wide range of Washington's
guests in the course of a single year
the following list of conventions meeting
in Washington in li?10 will he signifi-cant:
. .
The executive committee of the American
liar Association, National Civic
Federation. Conference of Governors,
Association of Accountants, Association
of Life Insurance I'residents. National
Impior League. Association of Marine
Engineers, National Hoard of Trade,
American Association of Masters. Mates
and Pilots. State and Federal Stock
Feed Officials. National Organization for
Food Control. National Association of
Ladies" Tailors, Interstate Builders' and
Traders' Association, Grand I^odge of
Knights of Pythias. National Conference
on Weights and Measures. Eastern Commercial
Teachers' Association, Sigma Phi
Epsilop Fraternity, B'nal B'rith. Daughters
of the American Revolution, Daughters
of 1812. Colonial Dames. American
Daryngological Association, National Tuberculosis
Association. CMlgreSs of American
Physicians and . Surgeons, -American
Therapeutic Society. Pharmacopeial Association,
Polish National Congress, American
Federation of Art. l'nited Tvpothetae
of America, United States Brewers* Association,
Southern Association of .Conductors
and Trainmen, convention of
cnioren mks, congress 01 -r^perantists.
National Medical Association (colored).
Association of Car Inspectors. National
Association of Building Managers and
owners, Supervisors of State Banks. Supreme
Division Loyal Guards, Internationa!
Humane Conference. Ladies' Catholic
Benevolent Association, Brotherhood
of Locomotive Engineers. Agricultural
Chemists, American Ornithologist Union,
Association of Agricultural Colleges and
Experiment Stations, American Red
< "ross. Warehousemen's Association,
American uivic Association, internal
Htvenue Association, Eastern Fruit
Growers' Association, Institute of Dental
Could all the people who atended those
meetings be brought Into one gathering
they would be a remarkably representative
assemblage, standing for a wide
range of the world's work- Patriots,
technicians, scientists, business men, philanthropists,
financiers, they came from
every state and from .every walk in lifeTheir
numbers were In the aggregate
perhaps more than 100,000. With their
families and friends accompanying them
they made an army of fully a Quarter
of a million people. Some came from
overseas, some had been here many
times before. All of them were interested
in Washington, as a municipal creation,
as the national city, as an expression of
the American civilisation. Each of them
should have been told the story of Washington
in simple terms and In a manner to
make them all at least friendly to If not
enthusiastic partisans of the partnership
arrangement whlc^i makes it possible, and
by which alone It Is possible, to maintain
here a city commensurate In appoint
iienus. in u^giuiy, in pnysicai equipment
as the Beat of government.
From year to year this title of visitation
grow* larger. Precious time is passing
that should be Employed to the fullest
extent in carrying on a propaganda
of education that will tell the people of
the country, who are In truth the federal
partners of the national capital arrangement.
how matters stand with the District.
The Cincinnati millionaire who wails
that a rich man has no friends should
have lived in the good old days when
every metropolis had a regiment of bunco
men ready to greet strangers.
John D. Rockefeller would doubtless
like to go on shaking hands, but he needs
his digits and wrist not only for golf
playing, but for signing checks.
a the recipient of a promotion. Dr.
tVlley will, of course, be more than ever
disinclined to resign.
Tk. w ?
* vuvc auu x ire men s tensions, j
Can it be possible that Congress will1
continue to skimp In the matter of restrict
appropriations, and especially in the
provision for the payment of pensions to
policemen and firemen Injured and the
widows of those killed in the line of duty,
in the face of the spectacle Just presented
of the municipal government practically
unable to make any compensation to the
families of the firemen who lost their
lives while endeavoring to prevent the
spread of Saturday morning's destructive
blaw? Surely the case will appeal to
every member of the House and Senate
Who professes to feel the sympathy for
the National Capital which has lately
been Indicated so freely in Interviews and
statements drawn forth by the disclosure
that a change in the organic act asu contemplated
in the House of Representatives.
The provisions for the police and firemen's
pension fund have never been adequate
have never been businesslike. Certain
odds and ends of revenue have been
turned over td It. su<th M collected
in the Police Court. If the city grows exceptionally
goQd and arregts and convictions
diminish, the penstoo fund suffers.
The result is that in a measure fins fund
depends upon the activity of the police in
making: cases in court and filling tiss jail
and workhouse with prisoners. This Is
hardly, to be viewed as an ideal method
of insuring a decent prpvision for thoge
injured in the performance of their duties
or for the families of thoee who fall while
obeying orders in the protection of the
community from disaster and Igss.
Efforts have been? made In the pa?t to
have thin fund put upon ai proper basis,
and an amount definitely ^appropriated
annually, to maintain it.' with contributions
from the District and federal revenues.
"There Is nd equitable or statutory
inotifleo#ai? c eonflPiitinn from the
ju^yjiiv^uvii kvt ? v?' * ?- ? -
other municipal extensions. It 1? as much
an/ Itbm of maintenance as the fund for
the pay^of the firemen and policemen or
the salaries of the Commissioners. If it
is proper to pay the disabled members
of these tiro forces and their widows pensions,
If is surely no less than -right to
charge the cost upon the Jointly provided
revenues Just as in other matters of
municipal Maintenance. ,
To neglect-longer to make decent provision
for the police and firemen's pension
fund is certain to lower the morals of
these two 'services, which have no superior
in the United States for efficiency,
integrity and bravery.
The Excite Board Inquiry.
It is to be. hopetj. that *he investigation
conducted by the Commissioners into the
activities-of the-exttse hoard, precipitated
by the accusation of a member of that
board by a former employe, will be thor"'ly*?.
< -character to insure entire
public confidence in" the findings when
they tre. rendered. En an Important degree
this board safeguards the community's
Interests. Its members occupy
a dual position, as assessors of the
real estate- and personal property in the
District and as a quasi-judicial body in
supervision of the liquor trade in the
District. In both functions they touch
intimately the affairs of the citizens. It
is in the latter capacity that they are
now nnder inquiry, the Commissioners
having: felt themselves justified in widening1
the sctfpe' of the investigation beyond
the limits of the specific accusations
brought against one -of the members. It
is due to the officials themselves, in any
case, that the whole subject be throtvn
open; that technical rights be waived
to permit the testimony to cover a wide
range, so that at the end the verdict will
appeal to the community as a satisfactory
finding not clouded by doubt.
Without reference to the matter immediately
at issue, it is desirable that the
Commissioners' should take a sharp look
into the methods and practices of this
board. It is incumbent upon them from
time to time to ascertain the workings
of every branch of the municipal organization.
The average of official integrity
in this District is remarkably high. There
is an exceptional degree of public confidence
in the administration of local affairs.
This confidence will not be shaken
by the spectacle of a sharp investigation
of any of the branches of the District
government, but will rather be strengthened,
even though Irregularities may be
developed and facts disclosed which call
for changes.
The Commissioners have acted wisely
in deciding to hold their inquiry in this
case in the open. A secret hearing would
defeat the best object to be held in viewthat
of convincing the public that whatever
eccentricities may have existed in
the past in this department, whatever degree
of foundation there may be for the
charge on which the proceedings are
based, there is no disposition at the District
building to hide the facts.
Supreme Court Changes.
The death of Justice Harlan will give
to President Taft the unusual and only
once paralleled duty of appointing a fifth
member of the United States Supreme
Court during his term of office. Since he
assumed the presidency, in 1909, he has
already named four associate justice^,
Lurton. Hughes. Van Devanter and
Lamar, and has promoted an associate
justice to the chief justiceship. The successor
to Justice Harlan will be the fifth
member of the court to receive his commission
from the hands of President Taft,
who will thus have named a majority of
the highest court.
Only once before has this occurred.
President Lincoln between 1862 and 1864
named five members of the Supreme
Court, including one chief justice. These
were Associate Justices Swayne, Miller,
Davis and Field and Chief Justice Chase.
President Grant in 1870-74 named four
tiirujLtrrs ui nit; tvurt, rt??uci<tie justices
Strong, Bradley and Hunt and Chief
Justice Waite. President Harrison in
188J)-tXi named four associate justices,
Brewer, Brown, Shiras and Jackson.
Of the eight surviving members of the
court today the appointments came from
the following-named Presidents: Chief
Justice White, from President Cleveland
as associate and President Taft as chief;
Associate Justices McKenna and Day,
from President McKinley; Associate Justice
Holmes, from Prestdent Roosevelt;
Associate Justices Lurton, Hughes, Van
Devanter and Lamar, from President
The death of Justice Harlan removes
the last of the elder jurists from the
bench. The member of longest service is
Chief Justice White, who was serving in
his eighteenth year in the court. He is
the only member who received his commission
from the hands of a democratic
The local dissensions which have been
a prehistoric custom in China again take
precedence of any designs for becoming
a world power.
A chauffeur has some rights and maybe
expected to complain of frightened
pedestrians who scream so loudly as to
drown the sound of his signal squawk.
If chickens can be taught to talk, the
comments of a hen on a cold storage egg
ought to be worth listening to.
Any man who gets caught In the woods
without a moving picture machine is
liable to be assailed as a nature fakerPredicting
the renomination of Mr. Taft
is about the easiest thing a political
prophet does.
Evidently the beet and most convincing
arguments on arbitration have not yet
been translated into Italian and Turkish.
Motor Fire Engines.
The motor fire engine and other fire
motors appear to be coming rapidly-into
favor with fire departments, and the
prophecy is justifiable that horse-drawn
fire apparatus will soon be abandoned
It Is already obsolete, in the New York
city lire department there will be by
March. 1912, 160 motor carriages. London,
Berlin and Boston are replacing the
fire department horse with the gasoline
engine. Boston is using two motor fire
engines, and proposes promptly to add
fifty pieces of motor-driven fire-fighting
apparatus. Smaller American cities are
adopting the motor engine, truck and reel.
Increased efficiency in speed, length of
runs and pumping capacity and economy
of maintenance are urged as much more
than offsetting the higher first cost.
Washington's fire department must
soon be put upon a motor basis. Here
the distances are long and continually
lengthening, the streets are favorable
to fast run.<* and the calla. though happily
mostly** for small fires, are nu
merous. Greater speed In going Into action
will suppress these small Ares at less
cost to the department and less loss to
property owners and tenants.
With Washington's non-political and
highly efldieht fire-fighting personnel,
and with the installation of up-to-date
material, ipclpding. a&f course, a hlghpresidre
system for the congested and
Irigh-building district, the local Are department
should be a world model.
The manner In which base ball fans
from vftrious cities are rooting for Philadelphia
or Ne&- York, according to their !
league affiliations, shows a generous forgetfulness
of past experiences.
? I ?
If China needs more soldiers California
would probably be glad to have it establish
a station for the enlistment of
oriental recruits on the Pacific coast.
It is not alone the small boy with the
rosy face who is now being patted on
the head by admiring friends and told
that he may be President some day.
^Ir. Bryan's assertion that he would
rather be right than be President commands
respect, even thougii it cannot
Ha pnnuirlorpH tin nnVinal nolfPV.
r ?rn?i ?
News of intellectual uplift continues ^
to come from Boston, but the bulletins .
of an uplift in prices still carry a Chi- <
cago date line. '
' <(
?ii?: j
By-Prodncts. j
"In most of our great industries," re- j
marked the studejit of affairs, "the by- j
products have -developed values far sur- *
passing those of the original article." ?i
"That's right." replied Senator Sor- J
ghum. "Even in some official positions ,1
we have seen that the regular salary i
amounts to very little compared to the J
incidental emoluments." i
A Case in Point. <1
If early rising: brings great wealth,
As ancient proverbs state, ?
The milkman, who arrives by Health,
Must have a bank roll great.
Intrinsic Values.
"Why did you select Charles instead ?
of George?" asked Maude.
"Well," replied Maymie, "George said
I had eyes like violets, cheeks like wild
roses, shell-like ears and Jips like cherries."
"Very pretty." <
"Yes. But Charles said I had eyes like ^
diamonds, teeth like pearls and lips like ?
rubies. It seemed to me that his ideas
were much more practical."
Figuring. ;
"Do you think dissolving your big monopoly
will add to the expense of your
"Certainly." replied Mr. Dustin Sta.v.
"The readjustment of accounts will call
for a lot of extra bookkeepers. ,
Persistent Pursuit. ?
"European nobility's fondness for the
American dollar knows no Jimit," said
the cynical patriot. *
"That's right," replied Mr. Cumrox.
"If they can't get our daughters Into
their families by marriage, they send
around heraldry experts to convince us j
that we are lineal descendants of dis- ]
tingulshed but unemployed people."
Leisure. <
They say we are hurried and flurried and I
pressed, ^
Pursued by a demon of constant unrest, 4
ginee conditions are such that men J
scarcely dare turn J
From the cares that demand all the coin ^
they can earn. *<
But various things seem to prove that ;
the pace ?<
Isn't always a struggle to keep In the
. race.
For there must be some people who read
the long list j
Of problems in checkers, in chess and in ;
whist. !
There's some one whom life In its kind- !
lier drift *!
Invites to reflections on psychic uplift, *|
And some one who follows the people who
pen *?
The "Questions and Answers" seen oft *1
and again. J
There's always some one who is seeking *<
a guide. .]
A bet on a pinochle game to decide. ?j
The masses may hustle and bustle and *j
climb, 3
But there's always some one who has !
plenty of time. j
' ,M j
Washington's Proud Boast. .]
From the Omaha Bee. *j
It is so comforting to hear now and ?j
then something good about our American 4
titles that what Gen. John A. Johnston ,
says of Washington. D. C\. will bear ?i
repeating. Gen. Johnston, who is one ?j
of the three Commissioners who, with ;
tlie assistance of Congress, govern the *;
District of Columbia, declares that Wash- J
ington is a city without graft, where ^
every dollar appropriated for city pur- 4
poses is so expended, and that already 4
it is one of the most beautiful capitals in
the world. Washington, of course, has ?
no city council or other such governing ?
bodies, and to this is attributed the ab- ?
sence of graft. This, inferentially, be- ?
comes a severe stricture upon such func- ?
tionaries in other cities. What we Amer- *
icans are hoping for is the day when such *
a thing cannot with impunity be said. '
But what a great thing it would be if it '
could be said of all our cities that 100 '
cents of every dollar set aside for munlci- '
pal purposes went into those channels \
and none other. The results would he re- ,
markable. We would have better paved 4
and kept streets, better lighting, better
sewerage, better regulation in every re- "
spect, and smaller taxes. That would be
the point of ehief interest to many. !
California's Experiments.
From the Philadelphia I>*dg?T.
California has made up its mind so
positively that "progressiveness" is the
sovereign balm for all the ills of misgovernment
under which it has suffered
In the past that it has taken the entire
treatment. Woman suffrage has been
carried?contrary to the earlier reports?
along with the initiative, the referendum
and the recall and the various other
amendments of the state constitution.
Each of these modern panaceas for the
defects and failures of democracy Is to
be tried out In its most "advanced" form,
and if the Callfornians are willing to
make the experiment in so whole-hearted
a way the rest of the country may watch
the results with equanimity as well as
with interest.
The Oyster Metropolis.
From the Baltimore Sun.
The Charleston News and Courier prints
the following: right on its editorial page:
"We get our oysters from Bulls bay. In
Baltimore they get them from Cow point
and serve them in milk."
This is a base libel on the finest water
fruit that ever delighted the palate of I
mankind. That oysters now and then 3
are served here in milk cannot be denied, j
but they are prepared thus for visitors '
from such benighted outlying districts as :
Charleston. The native eats them raw. :
with all the delicate flavor of nature upon !
them, or fried in the cracker dust that '
embalms them in toothsomeness. This i
is the oyster metropolis, the place where ;
you get the best that ever graced a shell.
From Tripoli to Timbuctoo, the eyes of
the hungry turn longingly toward B<i- \
, more. They know that this is the home ,
of the perfect oyster. Bnvious criticism
Is harmless When directed against the '
gastronomic capital of the world.
I *801 Pa.ff ,
| Ave. Mr&2
A a i
Our prices are marked in p
y tion. whether Cash or Credit.
I Dining Roon
?{ "We have marked at Sped;
X pieces of a kind throughout the I
y Separate Pieces or Matched Sets
* ?and we have these special sah
of the accumulated "last pieces.
f China Closets.
A. 4 ?
? uoiden Uak. fcarly tnglisn
3? and Fumed-finish?that the
& lots are broken indicates
g the popularity.
J* $45.00 China Closet $36.30
g $30.00 China Closet $22.50
S. $22.50 China Closet $17.50
? $20.00 China Closet $13.95
g $30.00 China Closet $22.73
5 $10.00 China Closet $31.30
g $38.50 China Closet $27.30
? $26.50 China Closet $22.50
f $32.30 China Closet $26.50
S $75.00 China Closet $56.75
g $45.00 China Closet $85.00
C $25 00 China Closet $18.75
[ $48.50 China Closet... $36.75
g $00.00 China Closet... $48.00
L $42.50 China Closet $37.50
?* $35.00 China Closet $27.50
j* $98.75 China Closet $73.00
g $55.00 China Closet $45.00
|? $33.00 China Closet $26.50
f $50.00 China Closet $38.75
k Dining Chairs.
g Tn sets of from one to eight,
$ matching the other Dining.
:* Room pieces
( ; " '"* ' "V-.* '
r#" $2.75 Early English Rfl
Chairs; solid scat . yi*"?
[. $2.50 Early English ft(ni '
|? Chairs: solid seat
1* $4.50 Early English R/fTv
I. Chairs: leather seat jwmJUJ'
[ $2.25 Early English ?1] 5?
j* Chairs; solid seat sfil a/V
11.75 Golden Oak Chairs; <n)Q
[ eane seat vA.yo
t* $2.50 Golden Oak Chairs; 6jjJ ^j)g
>* 11.08 Golden Oak Chairs: er/ni
I* cane seat
. $4.00 All-over Leather b?a
|. Slip-seat Chairs
t* $2.50 ChairB, with box Cl| *fR
t. effect and cane seat !! /%$
[ Chairs with genuine leather seats;
t* mahogany-finished frames ? $2.06,
[. 11.50, $#, $5 and $5.50.
>: Rugs?Specialed!
t* Another assortment of patterns
t* in that (9x12) $25 Ax- C^fl RifV
t* minster Rugs for d>^IU?5UJ>
The variety of the $30 Axminster
Rugs (9x12) has been re- C7R
[ plenished. Special w.
t* Whittall's Wonderful Wiltons?
C 9x12?$34.75, $41 and $55.
[ . V . "
I Artistic Ligkfti
I: Efccfts for th
!; *y-y*HE great variety of
\ Vrly and Electroliers v
|* opportunities for s<
to any scheme of home ad
[ floral and conventional U
? rich silk shades, embrace
j; designs and richest colon
tf Exceptional values in
are priced at $8.00, $10,00
$18.00, $20.00, $25.00,
OIL LAMPS for ho
including many new desii
^ _ j _ D "
? Ke acting l^amps. en. ueu
[ Shades and Candle Shade
!; We are also disph
? handsome designs of our
!; duplicated.
I Bulm<?k M
< Pottery, Porcelain, Chi
1215 F St sind
Keeping Oc
?bills is one effective way of
Every day a greater number o
economy of having us supply
pure and delicious
5-lb. BOXES of our "FOl
CLOVER" Creamery Butter..
; Mail or Phone Orders
Phone Main 4820. .. .
... ... ... ... ... J46 I
LwOUR Home Will |i
!|J 1/ Be More Beautiful I
Than Ever I
?if tou place the decorating in K
the band* of PlUt. He know* how E |
to work oat effective color acbemee. P
George Plitt Co., Incn I
Mala Showroom, 1184 Cobb. ova. m
Workroom*. 1T27 7tk dt. b.w. ?
? ==< I I
0 f, I Corner |
^fC/?u? I 8th St. I
? & ?
lain figures. There's no devia- T
Delivery made to suit you. ?
, >
i Fumitimre. ;i
al Prices all the one and two \ \
Dining Room Furniture stock? \ \
We never duplicate patterns ?>
?s from time to time to dispose X
In Mahogany, Mission and V
$40.00 Buffet $32.30 V
$30.00 Buffet $23.00 V
$32.30 Buffet. $25.30 V
$26.30 Buffet $18.75 x
$31.50 Buffet. $23.50 X
$30.oO Buffet $29.75 Z
$30.00 Buffet ..$22.30 X
$80.60 Buffet $48.75 J,
Mahogany Buffets. |
152.00 Buffet *45.00 f
*130.00 Buffet *125.00 I
H2.CAJ Buffet.../. *32.50 X
*155.00 Buffet *125.00 A
*75.00 Buffet 505.00 X
*05.00 Buffet *48.75 A
*49.50 Buffet *33.75 A
*35.00 Buffet *48.75 Y
Golden Oak Buffets S
*39.50 Buffet.. *33.75 Y
*06.00 Buffet...., *48.73 Y
*56.00 Buffet *47.50 X
*125.00 Buffet *98.75 X
*75.00 Buffet *49.50 1
*60.00 Buffet *48.75 1
*39.73 Buffet 535.00 X
*36.50 Buffet *29.50 A
*41.00 Buffet *35.00 A
*48.00 Buffet *39.00 A
*148.00 Buffet *119.00 4
*65.00 Buffet *57.50 A
*48.00 Buffet *37.50
*37.50 Buffet *26.50 V
*35.00 Buffet *27.50 V
*30.00 Buffet *19.85 V
*65.00 Buffet *52.50 Y
*87.50 Buffet *88.75 Y
*75.00 Buffet *58.73 ?
*4.3.00 BufTet *35.00 X
*20.50 BufTet *22.50 A
*31.50 Buffet *25.00 A
*26.30 Buffet *19.50 Jjf
*32.50 Buffet *29.73 .j,
Dining Tables. |
In Oak. Mahogany and Mis- >
sion?some matchiner the Buf- A
fcts and China Closets; others Y
of different models and finish. y
|21.n0 Dining Table $15.00 Y
$28.50 Dining Table $22.50 Y
$35.00 Dining Table $25.00 JT,
$50.00 Dining Table $37.50 A
$90.00 Dining Table $75.O0 X
$50.00 Dining Table .$30.75 A
$30.00 Dining Table $22.50 X
$30.00 Dining Table $23.50 A
$35.00 Dining Table..... $25.00 A
$45.00 Dining Table $38.75 >
$60.00 Dining Table $45.00 A
$65.00 Dining Table $48.75 >
$45-00 Dining Table $35.00 Y
$18.00 Dining Table $13.75 Y
$37.50 Dining Table...............$28.50 Y
Lace Curtains and |
Portieres. s
We're offering special values in jf
Dace Curtains and Portieres of X
entirely new patterns and col- A
orings?some even 25 to 50 per cent
below the regular prices. X
Dulin & Martin Co. |
airag I
i? Mom?. I
artistic designs in Lamps ;?
:e offer affords unusual 'k
?curing those best suited |
ornment. ?
JROLIERS. in artistic |
?aded - glass effects and %
ing the most distinctive |
,72^. |
/^.r^ Electroliers %
. $T<.oo. #16.00. $
7# V 7 ' 7 r
$27.30, $30.00 to $73.00. $
///*? use and adornment, |
yns in Banquet Lamps, ?
utiful creations in Lamp %
r >
2_viw</ <2/2 excellent line of |
this line many of the ?
Electroliers are exactly f
I arts is COo91
na, Glass, Silver, Etc., ?
1214-18 G St |
own Butter;!
reducing household expenses,
f housewives are realizing the
the table butter. Note these
29c lb.
UR.L.EA.F..$11.85 box |
Promptly Delivered.
YSTER, ftXi.!
Stands in Principal Markets.
WHITE ASH EGG <tA -7 r f-nn
Large Furnace. $6.50, and Nut Coal, $7 Per Ton.
Spot Gnib Only.
Delivered east of 17th and south of W streets,
provided streets are clear of snow and ice. Deliveries
within 5 squares of X. Cap. and It
streets, 10c off. Deliveries south of Park road.
25c additional. We handle only the beat grade
of coal that can be bought, and guarantee 3.240
pounda to every ton. Eatah. 37 yrs.
Ml H. 1MT 5TH N.m.
New \
Imported HalIoweei
. Women's
Greatly I
high standard of
(y 1 . beautiful dresses, bui
^ half.
Women are quick to ret
feel sure that they will prom
most noteworthy occasions
ure to present. There areg
worthy character, embracini
fashionable women will wai
creations in every sense of tf
A wealth of effects in m
both in the kind and the mai
them being exquisitely ham
trimmed with laces, nets, sil
rings; skirts in a variety of
colors are also used with ch;
in evidence. All sizes.
Rich and Han
New Arrivals Spec
Our selection of choice Furs, in tl
and embracing all the accepted variet
with every new style note.
The surety you experience in bi
tant because of the fact that so few
judgment, Furs being one of the mo
to become acquainted with. Howe
have exercised in selecting protects
bilitv in securing an unreliable kind.
Particularly beautiful exai
in designing and making are
mentioned, and the luxurious
Black Focx Scarfs, animal and
shawl shapes, va
$9.75 to $75.00.
Black Lynx Scarfs,
$35.90 to $1100.00.
Skunk Opossum, $11
Natural Opossum, $
Cross Fox, $50 to $1
Red Fox, $47.50 to i
Alaska Fox, $100.00
Blue Wolf, $39.50 e
1 Hit v
Exquisite Ermine, 3
Tiiose Who Stored Theii
minded of the necessity of notifying i
withdrawal, so as to avoid the deh
sioned by waiting until they are actu;
facilitate delivery if the receipt is i
order is placed for withdrawal.
Third floor. G st. , /
Beautiful Pre
The Finest Creatioir
Designers an?
A new importation of the finest
us from the leading fashion creator:
elusive models their desirability is r
be seen only here, and the styles ar<
thus limiting choice to individuals,
marquisette and silk, and elaborate
oriental and metallic effects in th<
$ 112.25' to $23
Amd the FoHowin
Chiffon Cloth and \
Silk Moussellne ^ va
Blouses. Each $0-75 3.tla ?pO./5 col
. . w- i-i- x ? %
Tailored bilk sniri w hi sis, in pnuu i *
stripes and plain colors, with ~ cyj
neglige collars. Each 5*3-75 I am
Third floor, G St.
Women's Higlh-gi
Characteristic Feature
To Its Established 1
Refinement of character, correc
and unsurpassed quality in leathers s
are assured at all times, as every p;
reoresents the highest and most a
Models and styles for all purpose
ment?dress, street, house, walking
etc., in the various leathers.
attention is called to the
kJpWlUl u?. v c _ .
Black Castor Button Shoes,
Patent Kidskin Shoes, plain
top, $6 pair.
Tan Russia Calfskin Butt
cloth top, $6 pair.
Creann Mohair Button Shoe:
White Buckskin Button Sh<
$8 pair.
Gun Metal Calfskin Button i
The Cushio
A shoe designed particularly foi
feet, and the perfection reached by t
the many foot troubles frequently su
a cushion or rest at the same time,
ease and rest, and enabling the wear*
much longer than the ordinary shoe
A try-on is enough to convince 1
ference becomes all the vnore evident
$4.00 the
Tfclrfl floor. Teeth st.
ard & L
1 Novellties, Main Floor, I
rnoon and Evi
ielow Regular
our regular lines is not or
t the price on the entire as
:ognize values, and we
[>unce this as one of the
it has ever been our pleasowns
and dresses of every
5 all new style ideas that
it ? they are charming
le word.
ew trimmings is revealed,
iner of applying, some of
d embroidered, others are
k, chenille, fringe or shirmodes,
meeting every re
irming effect, and many 1
cial price, $17.75 eaci
y $29.75, $34.75 and
dsome Furs.
ially Exhibited.
he very latest designs and styles
ies, is again complete and ready
lying Furs here is very impor
people can trust to their own
st difficult lines of merchandise
ver, the carefulness which we
every purchaser of any possimples
of the furriers' art
to be seen in these here
? beauty of the skins is
Black Fox Pillow Muffs, in a
$15.00 to $87.50
Black Lynx Muffs.
$37.50 to $1100.00.
5.00 to $50.00.
25.00 each.
.00 to $200.00.
>1150.00 each.
r Furs With Us=Are reus
in ample time regarding their
ly which is bound to be occailly
needed. It will also greatly
-eturned to us at the time the
* - t
iss - Blouses.
! i
as from Foreign
$ Makers.
Dress Blouses has just come to
5 of Paris, and as they are exnuch
greater because they may
s the one-of-a-kind effects only,
They are developed of chiffon,
ly embroidered and beaded in
I popular two and three tone
i.M each..
g New Styles:
Vhite and Cream Net Blouses; a
ried and attractive e. ^ermr
lection. Each $0-75 vf 2./5
few Mourning; Waists, of crepe de
tne, crepe meteor qq ^e, ,
d silk crepe. Each v?-75 10 h>i3-75
rade Footwear:
s That Contribute
n>if5tii net! vemess.
? ?1_ ??
:tness of style, comfortable fit
md workmanship?these things
lir of shoes entering this stock
idvanced possibilities in shoe;s
are shown in splendid assort,
golfing, automobiljng, riding,
following recent arrivals:
, with silk top, 56 pair,
i toe, silk=fiiniis!hied cloth
on Shoes, silk=finished
s, plain toe, $6 pair.
>es, plain toe, serge top,
Shoes, cloth top, $6 pair.
n Shoe.
women with tender, sensitive
he maker does much to lessen
ffered. It supports and acts as
supplying a certain amount of
;r to walk or stand comfortably
the most skeptical, and the difeach
day they are worn.
pair. Woodward
& Lothrop.
Eleventh Street.
ening Dresses
ily maintained in these
sortment averages about
? 1 ' ? 1 " " 1 9
Crepe Meteor,
Satin Messaline,
Bordered Chiffon,
Velvet, ^
Silk Serge,
Plain Serges.
All titrable rnl.rt are abewa,
| laclndla* black aad beaatlfal
pastel sbadea.
^quircmcnt. Contrasting
oops and buttons arc also
Washable Waists for the
Tailored and Street
1 *..?.
Most effective are the matrV
new styles we are now showing m
Waists of practical designing to
meet the great demand that must
necessarily come from the vogue
of tailored suits. Every style,
fabric and trimming that is favored
is among the selections we
are now presenting, and which arc
being increased each day.
The beautiful new effects of
applying trimming will be interesting
to those who are not ac?
quainted with the latest modes.
Batiste. Voile ;ind Cotton
Waist*, trimmed with lace insert ton
tucks and side ruffle; kimono sty)*
with high neck and three-quarter
sleeves; also the new tailored effect*.
with turn-back cuffs - j .
and soft collar. Each. $2.00 ilia $-.5?
Black-and-white-striped Voile Waists,
In tailored style, with tucks on shoulder
and side pocket; plain shirtsleeves,
with soft turn-back cuffs and a
turn-down collar. Each $2.95
Crepe and Voile Waists, front trimmed
with lace . insertion, lace buttona ' .
and side-effect ruffle; plain back and
lace-trimmed high collar; long
sleeves. Each 53-3?
Batiste Waists, tucked to form preitty
yoke, and front trimmed with hanaembroldery
and drawn work; back and '
sleeves tucked and laoe-trimmed;
embroidered high collar. Each..
Third floor. G at.
. .
Exquisite Hand - embroidered
Tablecloths, Afternoon Tea Sets,
Doilies, etc. The designs are
beautiful and their execution -is
the finest; in fact, it has been said
that this particular make of Embroidered
Table Linen is the
highest class produced in the
Tablecloths, 36, 54, 60 and 72
inches in diameter.
Afternoon Tea Sets, 30-inch
cover and six doilies.
Doilies, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 inches
in diameter.
Doilies. 14 inches square.
* " 7 K,
Hemstitched and Embroidered
Linen Scarfs, Pillow Shams and
Table Covers, in a variety of
? ? ? l:?: l." a
loveiy aesigns, comoinmg ucauiy
with practical qualities.
Scarfs, $1.25 each.
Shams, $2.50 pair.
Covers, $1.25 each.
Silver Bleached Embossed Damask
Tablecloths; a fine wearing
quality, with the patterns woven
out from the body of the cloth?a
permanent feature.
45x45 inches, $1.00 each.
54x54 inches, $1.75 each.
60x60 inches, $2.00 each.
Two other sizes, $2.50 and $3.00
Second floor, Elerentk ot.
iiiemonsiranon 01 p. p.
DustBess Dust Cloth ,
and Mop.
The B. B. Dustless Dust Cloths,
Mops or Bric-a-Brac Dusters ab- ,
sord or take up every particle of
dust with one application. They
are the only genuinely satisfactory
solution of the dust problem because
they are treated with a
chemical solution which actually
picks up and holds every particle
of dust with which it comes in
contact, the action being somewhat
similar to that of a sponge
absorbing water. The dust can? ,
not be shaken out, only washed
out with warm water. This
cleaning does not reduce the absorbing
quality of the chemical.
Indispensable for dusting and
cleaning furniture, picture moldings,
walls, fabrics, men's hats
and shoes, and for polishing i
chinaware, glassware, metalware, I
leather goods. Absolutely sani- "
tary and reliable.
HouMftmteMac Dept., Fifth Saerr Vltam* 9L *