OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, August 11, 1912, Image 15

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1912-08-11/ed-1/seq-15/

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39c Extra Quality
PON and 25c for
Four-string Car
pet Brooms, ex
tra quality se
lected broom
straw. Metal
capped and
strongly made.
Regular 30c
kind. <S>
35c Enameled Saucepans
For 14c With This Coupon.
Seamless Enameled
?Saucepans, with cover; 8
pint size: good, practical utensil
for the kitchen. Sold regularly at
33c each. On sale for one day only
at 14c with this coupon.
Housefurnlshings Dept., Base
ment. (sy
25c One Pound
and lOc for Full
One - pound - size
Bottle of Perox
ide of Hydrogen, j
sold regularly at I
25c. Guaranteed I
full strength and |
standard make.
d I
$1.50 MATTING SUIT CASES?New lot of Strongly Made
Matting Suit Cases, light weight, brass lock and side ir| ^
catches. Full 24-inch size. Special tomorrow at
Wilbert's 15c
Talcum Powder, 10c.
5c Face Ckaaoli Free.
and 10c for half
pound can of Wil
bert's Talcum
Powder, true flo
ral odors of rose,
violet or carna
tion. Regularly
5c Face Chamois
free to each pur
chaser. (S)
This 10c Combination
Grater, Slicer and Cutter
For Sc With Coupon.
Three articles in one.
Made of good, heavy
tin, like the illustration.
A handy article every
housewife needs In the
kitchen. "Perfection"
(Irater. SUcer and Cut
ter. Sold regularly at
10c. On sale tomorrow
at 5c with this Coupon.
25c Wilson
Bread Toaster,
for the Genuine "Wilson"
Bread Toaster?not the im
itation kind. Will toast
four pieces of hreatl at one
time. Regularly '25c. <.S>
Silk-stripe Mercerized Poplin
Regnlar 35c Value, at 19c yd.
An extraordinary bargain for Monday in the season's most
sought-after fabric?the result of an unexpected purchase from an importer
pressed for cash. We captured a lot of 100 pieces of the Finest Quality Im
ported English Poplins at nearly one-half their real value, and you are offered
the same remarkable advantages tomorrow.
They are the genuine yam mercerized goods, with handsome woven pure
silk stripes. Strictly first quality, in all the most desirable colors for late sum
mer and early fall, including white, cream, light blue, pink, lavender, helio. Co
penhagen, tan, champagne, new green, garnet, brown, navy blue and black.
Regular 35c values tomorrow at 19c a yard.
2,000 New and Charming
Wash Dresses, Worth $6 to \ J
$8, at only
In this sale of Women's Summer Wash Dresses you are offered the widest
possible range of styles in this season's prettiest and most desirable materials at a price probably
less than you have ever paid for such stylish garments before.
The maker willingly accepted a big loss to wind up his summer stock, and gave us advantages
that open up avenues of economy hitherto unknown. Surely you will want one or two of these cool
and attractive Wash Dresses at tomorrow's low price?$2.39 for values actually worth $6, $8 and $10.
Don't put off coming?for with such remarkable values as these to attract the attention of wom
en tomorrow the sale will be short-lived.
The season's newest and most popular models, in all the best materials, including dresses of
French lingerie cloth. Irish linen, French linen, French cordeline, linen Norfolk models and imported
All the leading colors and combinations. Styles include embroidered designs, cluny and macrame
lace-trimmed effects, all-over embroidered dresses, etc. ALL SIZES in the lot. Values worth $6,
$8 and $10 for $2.39.
Mercerized Silk Ginghams i
P^arnlor Onolitv at A mat
Regular 25c Quality, at
A new lot of these Beautiful Mercerized Silk Ginghams, ready for tomor
row's rousing sale at the same low price which created such buying enthusiasm
last week. These attractive cotton fabrics have the rich luster and silky sheen
of the finest check taffeta silks, and come in all the newest check effects from
small pin size to large blocks.
The rich luster is imperishable, and no amount of washing will hurt their handsome ap
pearance. All the leading summer colorings. Ideal in even* way for frocks and waists. Regu
lar 25c value at 12%c a yard.
29c Tan Dress Linen, 15c Yd.
Tan Linen? have been long established in popular favor for summer skirts,
suits and blouses, and are in greater demand this season than ever. For this
reason you may well count tomorrow's sale of Tan Dress Linens at 15c a yard
an event of extraordinary importance.
Extra fine, heavy, firmly woven grade, 36 inches wide, every thread war
ranted pure linen flax. Unequaled for wear, comfort and service. 1 omorrow
at 15c a yard instead of 29c.
Xo Xall or Phou Orders.
3c Basting Cotton,
Five for 5c
THIS COUPON and 5c for
FIVE SPOOLS of good qual
ity White Basting Cotton,
worth 3c a spool. (S.)
8c Shaving Soap,
3lAc a Cake
a cake for Williams' Bar
ber's Bar Shaving Soap, the
large round cakes that fit the
shaving mug. Regularly 8c.
5c Cotton,
Two for 5c
THIS COUPON and 5c for
TWO regular 5c packages of
Antiseptic Absorbent Cotton,
best grade; one-ounce sealed
cartons. (8.)
Pearl Buttons,
Three Cards, 5c
THIS COUPON and 5c for
dozen each good quality
White Pearl Buttons; sizes
14 to 22 ligne. (S.)
Infants' Socks,
5c Pair,
THIS COUPON and 5c a
pair for Infants' Fancy-top
Socks, In all the leading col
ors. Sold regularly at 12Vfcc
and 25c pair. (8)
Barefoot Sandals,
44c Pair
THIS COUPON and 44c a
pair for Children's and
Misses' Barefoot Sandals,
good quality solid leather;
all sizes from 3 to 11. (S)
45c Worth of
Stationery, 25c
THIS COUPON and 25c for
on*' pound of Linen Writing
Pa*>er, worth 2T>c; one pack
age of Envelopes to match,
worth l*>c; one 5c bottle of
Stafford's Writing Ink and
??n?- 5c Penholder. Total
value. 45c. <S)
\ Women's Vests, 5c
THIS COl'POX and 5c for
Women's Swiss Ribbed
V* ,-ts, gauze weight, low
neck and sleeveless, finished
with tape in neck and arms.
Infants' 29c Slips,
THIS COUPON and 19c for
Infants' Long Bishop Slips
of tine nainsook, trimmed
with small ruffle around
???-? k anil sfeeves. Regularlv
29c Aprons, 16c
io: Women's Round Aprons
of pen-ale, in neat stripes
and hecks; with and with
out bib and pocket. Worth
->? each. (g)
10c& 15c House
hold Drugs, 4c
THIS COUPON and 4c for
usual 10c and 15c cartons of
Household Drugs, including
Licorice Powder. Bicarbonate
of Soda. Powdered Alum.
Powdered Boric Acid, Char
coal Tablets, etc. (S)
. 39c Pompeian
Cream, 28c
for Pompeian Massage
Cream, two-ounce jar, sold
regularly at 39c. (S)
Three Lots of Bleached Sheets
Offered at Extraordinary Low Pricss.
1 here s no indication of the upward trend of cottons in these sale prices offered on Bleached Sheets.
\\ ith the market steadily rising, we have been able to capture several large lots of reliable grade sheets at
a big advantage, and you are invited to share the remarkable values tomorrow.
81x90 Linen-finish Seamless
Bleached Sheets, full double bed size;
made of extra heavy sheeting. ^
finished with 3-inch hem.
Worth 85c each. Special at...
63x90 Seamless Bleached
Sheets, single bed size; made
of close-woven shec-ting; free
from starch. Regular 59c value.
81x90 Bleached Sheets, with
welded seam; full double bed a a
size; heavy, close-woven sheet- '| '| C
ing. Worth 59c each. Special at
11-4 Croehet Bedspreads, double bed size, in //\
Marseilles designs. Worth $1.00. Special at O^C
11-4 Croehet Bedspreads, double bed size, in a /\ Q
good assortment of heavy raised Marseilles pat- yfSC
terns. Worth $1.39 each '
45x36 "Salem" Bleached Pillowcases, large size; s f
hand torn and ironod; made of genuine Salem ?
sheeting. Worth 22c each
Yard-wide White Cambric, s fine, close-woven, /j/
soft-finish quality, free from starch. Regularly O
10c yard. Tomorrow at
40-inch Sheer White India Linon.
Regular 25c Quality at 1254c Yd.
This is the best grade White India Linon manufactured to sell at 25c a yard; made
of finest selected combed Egyptian yarn, bleached by a new process that brings out all its best qualities.
Possesses that desirable sheerness and fineness women appreciate in white goods intended for cool sum
mer waists and dresses.
Note the width?full 40 inches. One of the season's most remarkable white goods values at I2^c
a vard.
25c WHITE FRENCH VOILE?40 inches wide White French Voile, the superior
imported quality, made of two-ply, close-mesh yarn. Beautiful snow white texture of style and distinc
tion. Ideal in every way for smart dresses and waists. Regular 25c value at
2?e White English Pique?36 inches wide?extra heavy,
firmly woven quality, in tho stylish broad rail 4 Q^
welts, which are so much desired this season for ?
skirts and suits. Full yard wide. Sale price
25c White English Rep, a firmly woven, two-ply quality;
one of the season's most favored white fabrics a
for separate skirts and suits; washes perfectly ^ ?'/2C
and is unequaled for wear. Sale price
125?c Yd.-wide Percales
Offered Monday at Yd.
A new lot of 200 pieces of these Standard Quality Percales on
sale In our Domestic Department tomorrow at a saving that will
make it well worth your while to supply your needs.
Excellent, long-wearing material for women's suits, waists,
children's frocks and men's neglige shirts. Light grounds in a
large variety of styles and colorings, such as stripes, checks and
neat figures. One day at 8%c a yard.
18c Fancy Serpentine Crepe.
Purchase of "Mill Ends," 1254c
Large assortment of new fall styles and colorings, including
Persian designs, floral patterns, heat figures and dots, in navy
blue, cadet, light blue, tan, lavender, rosei pink, red, ntle, cream,
etc. Especially desirable for women's house garments and
kimonos. Each yard stamped the genuine.
Sold regularly a? 18c a yard. On sale tomorrow at 12%c yard.
The Season's Greatest Shoe Sale
Closing out remainders of Women's, Misses' &
Children's Summer Footwear, Worth $2.00,
$2.50 and $3.00 a Pair, for ONE DOLLAR.
For this final, sweeping clearance sale of summer foot
wear we have collected all the incomplete lines and broken sizes from reg
ular stock, as well as the remainders from recent special purchases, and
offer the entire assortment at the trulv astonishing price of ONE DOL
Choice of a large assortment of this season's most popular styles, in
all the best leathers, including the following:
Women's High and Low Shoes, of white canvas. Russia calf, patent colt, gun metal,
vici kid, suede and velvet, in oxfords, pumps, sailor and Gibson ties. Also Misses' and
Children's High and Low Shoes, of white canvas. Russia calf, patent colt and gun
metal, as well as Boys' Oxfords of patent colt and gun metal leathers.
Not a complete range of sizes in any one style, but a,11 sizes in the lot. Choice of
values worth $2.00 to $3.00 a pair at ONE DOLLAR for choice.
Women's Silk-Boot Stockings
At 25c Pair Instead of 50c.
An offering of Women's Silk Hosiery
that for unusually low price and big value
has not been equaled in a long while.
Pure Silk Boot Stockings, with double
heel and toe, seamless foot and garter top.
Choice of black, tan, pink and sky blue?
the most called-for colors this summer.
Actual fifty-cent value tomorrow at 25c
Purchase of "M. P." CORSETS.
Usual $1.00 Models for 69c.
The makers of the Popular "M. P.
>pular "M. P." Corsets have sent us a
special lot of regular dollar quality corsets to sell at a big
Made of striped coutil, In medium bust, with drawstring and
lace; long back and hip; with two seta of hose supporters at
tached .
Regular $1.00 value for 89c.
All sises from 18 to 80.
59c Rice Boilers
For 23c
and 23c for
regular 51k- Seamless
Enameled Rice Boil
ers, four-pint size;
none sold without
coupon at this price.
No mail or phone orders filled.
Limit, one to each buyer.
Housefurnisliings Dept.?Basement.
9xl2-ft. Brussels Rugs.
Usual $15.00 Grade at $8.98
We have fifty of these Largest Room ?ize (9x12 feet) Brussels
Rugs to sell at the low price named, and the entire lot should be dispos
ed of in a single day, so unusual is the value.
Made in one piece?no seams. Choice of floral, medallion, conven
tional and oriental designs; colorings of green, rose, tan, blue, gold and
red. Regular fifteen-dollar value for $8.98.
Laces and Embroideries
At Unmatchable Low Prices.
?tO-lneh Swiiw Flouncing*, in scores of
handsome patterns, showing the
latest blind and oj?en work de
signs. Regular 75c value at
Flar Quality Hat lute Flounrtna*. with
Irish crochet edge, slightly mussed from
handling. Sold regularly at 75c 4 g\
and $1.00 yard. Reduced to
lK-lnck All-over Shadow I.ucck, in
white, cream and ecru color, 3 ft
Very stylish for waists and cos
tumes. Regular Upvalue at
27-lnek Tucked Nets. In white and
cream color; the most desirable material
for waists, yokes and sleeves. a |-v
Values worth up to $1.50 a
Headed Nets, in pink, blue, alice,
lavender, mals and dresden ef
fects. Values worth up to $1.50 a O^C
yard to be closed out at
Lot of Torchon Laces, in edges and in
sertions. widths up to 5 inches, extra
heavy, durable grade, in good
variety of styles. 8c and 10c
kinds, at, yard
All-over Swiss Kmbruldery, 22 inches
wide, in beautiful blind and open a p
work designs. Sold regularly at
75c and 98c a yard. Reduced to..
Fine Quality Swiss and Nainsook Em
broidery Edges, in various desirable
widths, from 3 to 10 inches; also m
insertions to match. 18^c values J C
Midsummer Needs in Notions.
Sandow English Pins, 400 in each
paper; regular 3c kind. Three
papers for
Improved Granger Hooks and Eyes,
proof; two dozen extra invisible
loops on each card; black or white;
all sizes. Card
Colored Darning Cotton, on ??ards:
assorted shades; regularly lc card.
2 for
100-yard spools of Good Quality Black
Sewing Silk, for hand and machine f
sewing:; sold regularly at 5c and I IJfT
8c spool. Three spools for
Children's Pin-on Hose Support- p
ers; jcood quality lisle elastic; regu
lar 10c kinds. Pair
Horn Hairpins, curved and crimped ^
styles; half-dozen in box. Sold
regularly at 10c
$6 Seamless China Mattings.
40-Yard Rolls at $3.98
Fifty rolls of Heavy-weight Seamless China Mattings, close-woven,
even-edge quality, in checks and stripes of red, blue, tan and green.
Good, serviceable grade for all-the-year-round use. Being seam
less, these mattings are reversible a nd will give double service.
40-yard rolls at $3.98 instead of $6.00 tomorrow.
45c a Dozen.
45c a dozen for Sehxam
Pratt Jars, quart size,
made with wide mouth,
which will admit whole
fruit; they seal auto
matically, and cannot
become loose.
Honsefurn tshlnga
Dept.?Basement. (8)
Women's $1 Nainsook Gowns
The Popular "Slip-Over"
Style ........
From a maker of undermuslins of the bet
ter class we have secured a lot of his regular
one-dollar quality Nightgowns to sell at this
unexpected saving.
Made of fine quality soft finish nainsook
in the desirable "slip-over" style?the most
practical sort for summer wear. Deep yoke
of fine swiss embroidery and val laces com
bined with ribbons. Cut extra full and well
made. Regular dollar value for 68c.
Women's Drawers, of good quality cambric and
muslin, with flounce of swiss embroidery;
others with tucks; finished with lace edg- ^
ing and
French band; all sizes.
Women a Lobs White BfusUn Petticoats, made with deep
tucked flounce; others with fine tucks and embroidery flounce,
finished with extra underlay; cut full and well made. 69c 4VC
value for ? ^ ^
Women's Lon* White Muslin Petticoats, with 14-inch em
broidery flounce, also fine tucked and embroidery ruffle; large ffco
variety of designs in embroidery; all with underlay. Sale
price ,v/v
Stamped Waists.
Special at 29c Each
Stamped Shirt Waists, on fine quality
French lawn and voile, with kimono or
set-in sleeves. Choice of a number of at
tractive designs.
With each waist we will give, free of
charge, four skeins of "Royal Society"
Floss for embroidering.
(Art Dept., First Floor.)
19c Stamped Corset Covers, on | f\
good quality nainsook, in pretty f Vf C
two-piece designs. Special at...
Plain Color Chambray.
10c Grade at 534c.
27-inoh-wide Plain Color Chambray, la
light bluo, tan, brown, pink, gray, ato.
Warranted fast oolors.
Serviceable material for making inex
pensive garments for women and children.
Black Petticoats.
85c Value at 59c.
Serviceable Quality Black Cotton Petti
coats, made of dull-flnish, soft material,
with flat plaited flounce edged with nar
row plait.
"King" Collar Buttons
One Doz. for 5c
THIS COUPON and 5c for one dozen
Celebrated "King" Rolled Gold-plate
Collar Buttons, in assorted shapes;
guaranteed to wear. One-piece, un
breakable kind; white enamel baoks.
(Jewelry Dept.) (S)
Men's Handkerchiefs,
Silk Embroidered Initials
Worth 15c and 19c Each
Lot of manufacturer's "second*' of
Finest QuaJity Silk-initial Japonetts
Handkerchiefs, extra soft, silky grades
that have the exact appearance and fool
of silk and wear better.
Wide hemstitched borders; large silk
embroidered initials in all letters.
The imperfections are hardly noticeafcle.
Choice of usual 15c and 19c kinds for 7c
No Mall or Phone Or?lcr*.
5c Laundry Soap
Two for 6c
THIS COUPON and ?c for
TWO regular 5c cakes of
"Santa Claus" Laundry
Soap, made by Fairbanks.
10c "Jello,"
Two for 15c
for TWO regular 10c park
ages of "Jello," the popular
dessert; choice of assorted
flavors. (S)
15c Mirrors,
5c Each
THIS COUPON and Be for
regular 15o Mirrors; oval
shape, with gilt, ebony or
brown enameled metal
frames. Fourth floor. (8.)
Boys' 50c Bathim
Saits, 25c
for Boys' Regular 50c Navy
Blue Jersey Bathing 8ults;
two-piece style; sizes, * to
~li years. <S.)
25c and 39c Golf
Caps, 15c Each
tor Boys' Regular 25c and
39c Fancy Cass: mere Golf
Cape. 3d Floor. (S)
$1.00 Birdeye,
79 c a Piece
for 27-inch Antiseptic Bird
eye or Diaper doth; put up
in sealed sanitary cartons
of ten yards each. Regu
larly $1.00 piece. <o7)
10c Tomato Soup,
Two for 15c
for TWO Regular 10c Cans
of Campbell's Tomato Soup.
12Vic Sugar Corn,
2 for 13c
for TWO Regular 12%c Cans
of Sugar Corn; select qual
ity, sweet and tender. <S.?
5c Sardines,
Two for 6c
THIS COUPON and ?c for
TWO Repular 5c Cans of
Sardines, packed In oil. (S.)
29c Window
Shades, 19c Each
THIS COUPON and 19c for
Opaque Cloth Window
Shades, size 3x6 ft; mounted
on strong spring rollers;
strictly perfect quality, not
"second**; white, ecru sad
several greens. Regularly
29c. (0)
39c Matting Rugs,
19c Each
54 lashes
; light and
50c and 59c
Cushions, 29c Ecu
for Bilk Floss Cu*
and Ou/ty as down;
with heavy white <
slses 20x20 and 22x22.
nlarly 50c aad 59c
44-in. English Mohair Sicilian
Regular 69c Grade for 48c yd.
\\ omen in quest of stylish and serviceable material for skirts
and suits will find this offering of timeliest interest.
44 Inches Wide English Moljair Sicilian, a rich silk, lustrous
grade, in black, brown. gray and navy blue. Strictly dustproof and reversi
ble. Kor late summer and "autumn wear this is the most durable material
you can choose. Tomorrow tor 48c a yard instead of 60c.
36-inch All-silk Satin Messaline.
Regular >1.00 Quality at 69c
Another exceptional silk offering for Monday?a sale of
Yard-wide Satin Messalines at a price that will rivet the atten
tion of money savers on this Silk Department.
Ful! :$? inches wide; the heavy-weight, superior, satin-face quality that
women like for waists, dresses and petticoats; all pure silk", of course.
Choice of a complete range of street and evening shades. Tomorrow at
Wu* a yard instead of one dollar.
69c Seamless
Bnameled Covered
20-pint size, OQ
in strong
$1.00 Selected
dumber Folding
Lawn Benches;
strongly C Qr
made, for.. i
$1 Heavy Double
coated Galvanized
Iron Wash Tubs,
with drop han
dles, 24-inch 59c
$1.25 Twin
Alarm Clocks,
copper finished;
a warranted
timepiece, 7Q_
for /7C
19c Selected
Lumber Patent
Sleeve Ironing
Boards, felt
padding, cotton
covered, 10c
closing-out prices on all summer housefurnishings. 75c Satin Table Damask
Mercerized in the Yarn 48c
This is the best grade Mercerized Satin Table Damask pro
duced to retail at 75c a yard, and being mercerized in the yarn,
the rich, brilliant luster will remain as long as there's any wear
left in the damask.
25c Heavy
Gal vanjzed
Iron Water
Pails, 12-qt.
size, for
59c Heavy
Gal vaniced
Iron Sprink
ling Cans,
10-quart size.
50c Inverted
Gas Lights,
brass fixture,
wheel adjust
ment; give a
brilliant light
Complete 29c
$3 Fancy Blended
50c Heavy
Tin Steam
Cook ers, 3
large c o in
50c and 59c
Heavy Tin
Jap a nned
Flour Can
1 s t e r s; 25
and 35 lb.
size. Choice,
75c Bnameled
Tea Kettles,
14-pint size, 33c
$1.25 sets of Mrs.
Potts' Best Qual
ity Nickel-plated
Sad Irons, 3 irons,
stand and /Q~.
handle, for.. ?7C
t:uc Heavy Iron Frame
Fruit or Potato \Ar
Presses, for
$4.00 Wire
wrapped 4-p 1 y
Rubber Garden
Hose, 25 feet,
with combination
nozzle and hard
wood $7,59
reel, for
$18.00 Ranney*s Mascot
Hardwood Refrigerators,
galvanised Iron lining; all
up-to-date improvements;
76-lb. ice capacity, $8.49
Full 72 inches wide (2 yards); good, heavy weight and firm, beautiful
weave. Choice of fire new patterns. No other table damask will give an
equal amount of wear and satisfaction for the money. Regular 75c value
tomorrow at 48c a yard.
$15.00 Bed Outfit, $9.95.
A- Hint of the Remarkable Values to Be Found in This August
Sale of Beds and Bedding.
Each outfit consists of White Enamel Iron Bed, with con
tinuous posts or brass rods and knobs and heavy fillers; Soft-top
Combination Mattress, covered with heavy ticking, choice of one
or two piece styles; All-iron Frame High Riser National or Rome
Link Steel Fabric Springs. Sizes 3 ft. 6, 4 ft. and 4 ft. 6. Regular
$15.00 value. Sale price, $9.95.

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