Newspaper Page Text
- ? WEATHER ? ^777 k A L /L 11 The Star is the only afternoon | j Fair and warmer~tonight, with / | f f \ gi> 3 |T M ^hST paper in Washington ,ha, prints frost. Tuesday fair and warmer; ft! 'jV I I r J J fl B WT BIB I I I I I fil I the news of the Associated Tress, moderate southerly winds. ^ |>V/ -/V/# V/V V-VA i^^/VWJr t ~ ~ 1 \ J \ / C/ 5553?? PAGE 14 M ?? ? * _?? 1 ' ^ No. 19.024. WASHINGTON, D. C., MONDAY. OCTOBER 28, 1912?EIGHTEEN PAGES. ONE CENT. TWO TOWNS TAKEN Servians Capture Motrovitza and Verisovitz. TURKS ARE IN RETREAT Fleeing Troops Drop Rifles and Leave Supplies Behind. BULGARS GET MILITARY TRAIN First Uncensored Accounts of the Fighting at Kirk-Kilisseh Received at London. BELGRADE, Servia. October 28.?The Servian troops have taken the town of Motrovitza. on the railroad to the north of I'skup, and Verisovitz also has fallen into their hands, according to a dispatch from the Servian base at the frontier. Fifteen quick-firing cannon, 4.000 rifles and a mass of ammunition were abandoned by the Turkish troops during their retreat. All the neighboring small towns also are surrendering to the Servians. The Turkish army, after abandoning Uskup. retreated toward Vlees, the men throwing away their rifles in their flight. Hundreds of wagons full of supplies were left behind. It is asserted here that the Turkish . * oops evacuated I'skup in such haste at they killed one another in fighting ir places in wagons and railroad cars. Capture Military Train. SOFIA, Bulgaria. October 28. 4 p.m.? The Bulgarian troops today captured a military train in the vicinity of Eskil'aba carrying troops and supplies from Constantinople to Atlrianople. The Bulgarian troops today occupied Bunarhissar, twenty-two miles to the -outheast of Kirk-Kilisseh. It was through Bunarhissar that the Turks retired from Kirk-Kilisseh pass. Kresua, in the valley of the Struma, also has been taken by the Bulgarians. The eaoture of Esk -Baba was effectc J by Bulgarian cavalry. Bulgarians Push Forward. LONDON. October 28.?Since the capture of the town of Eski-Baba by the Bulgarian troops very little news has been received from that region, where the future of Turkey in Europe may be decided within a few days. The Bulgarians have been pushing forward. according to the latest Bulgarian leports, from the eastern side in the hope of fittirely de-troying the Turkish army defeated at Kirk-Kilisseh. At the same time the Bulgarian armies a'-e carrying out a wide, sweeping movement. reaching almost to the shores of the Black sea. and still other Bulgarian columns are comj leting the circle around Adrianople. How far these combined movements have been successful the outside world is not informed, but the Bulgarians assert that the fate of Adrlan1 ople is practically sealed. Despite the perils of the situation, howeer. the Turks have not lost hope of retrieving themselves. According to a dispatch from Constantinople receied here today by way of Kustendje. Roumania, sufficient Turkish reinforcements have now reached the front to enable the Turkish commander-in-chief to assume the offensive. It is stated that three Turkish columns are moving toward the north, and that these columns are to be supported by otlmr Turkish troops being taken bywater to the Turkish ports on the Black sea. Whether they will be in time to do any good is problematical. Achievements of Servians. The dispatch says, too. that the Turks have recaptured Maras from the Buigar ian?. In view of the big events in the eastern region or" the theater of war the achievements of the Servian army have been somewhat lost sight of. The Servians. from whom Europe did not expect much, are now in possession of virtually the whole of old Servia, and, in conjunction with the Montenegrins, hold the best part of the district of Xovipazar. The Hu.garian column, co-operating with the Servian army In the western part of the peninsula, has occupied Istip <nd threatens to cut ofT the retreat of 'he Turks to the south. The Greek army, too. is making steady headway. Its capture of Pentepigedia is considered of the utmost importance, for with Pentepigedia in Greek hands the v hole country to the north is easily accessible to the advance of the Greek arrny, and the way also is left open to Janina. the Turkish base in the far western region. Want to Effect Junction. Tup Greek plan is clearly to effect a junction of the Greek armies and then march on Saloniki. The Greek crown P'ince's army is now within str'king distance of that fortress. In the lirst place, of course, the Greeks must sever communications between Monastir and Saloniki. and they might send a force against the former placeThe Montenegrins, hampered by rain and the stubborn resistance of the Turks, are still hammering away at Tarakos* h and Scutari. The Bulgarians, Servians and Montenegrins have taken since the beginning of the campaign a total of lb.UoO prisoners, and 2.">0 field guns, according to carefully tabulated estimates. All ?he invaders of Turkish territory are establishing civil administrations in the towns captured r>y them, which is taken as further evidence that they have no intention of giving up any of the conquered territory without a struggle. Turks Fight Turks. The first uncensored accounts of the fighting at Klrk-Killsseh are just reaching here from Constantinople by way of Kustenje. Koumania. It appears on the night of October "il a Turkish force under the command of Mahtnoud Mukhtat Pasha and Prince Aziz went out with the intention of making a surprise attack on the Bulgarian urmv converging upon Kii k-Ki!ls.-eh. The night was extremely stormy, violent squalls of wind and rain, followed by a s'eady downpour, heating upon the troops and drenching them to the skin even before they started. The column was divided, the separate parts advancing along in parallel formation. At dawn the advance guard of the Turkish troops came into contact with the Bulgarl'rs and a severe eng icement ensued. The Bulgarians were discovered to be in overwhelming streng-.h and not merely a light vanguard, as had been expected Owing to the darkness, or possibly to some error in the route followed or to some confusion of intructions. one of the Turkish columns mistook another body of Turkish troops for Bulgarians and made a violent attack. causing heavy losses. Turks Give Way. The Turks were soon compelled to give way before the Bulgarian advance and shortly afterward the Turkish cavalry in attempting a charge, was severely punished. The Bulgarian fire upon the retreating cavalry and the galloping of the horses started a panic j among the Turkish infantry, who precipitately bolted, although their reserves finally succeeded in stemming the torrent of their flight. Details of the casualties are unobtainable, but it is alleged that one Turkish division was virtually decimated. According to various observers the Bulgarian hospital arrangements were inadequate and no search was made for J the dead and wounded lying on the held. 'DOUBT TOWN IS RETAKEN. Report Turks Have Captured KirkKilisseh Questioned. Official dispatches from the Turkish !T>1 r.lci?/\r> nf fcvwtticrr* offotrc roooit'Cgl it P PP j uiiiuoiri v/i. avi c>5ii c? ?* ?* ?i ?" i wv> ? v\? j today by the Turkish ambassador are ! interpreted at the embassy as news that I the Bulgarians have been repulsed from | Kirk-Kilisseh with heavy loss and that j the city has been retaken by the Turks. | A Bulgarian defeat at Marasch also Is reported. LONDON, October ?No confirmation of a report that the Turkish troops had i recaptured Kirk-Kilisseh from the Bui- , garians has been received here. The re- i port is believed to be a repetition of the official statement made in Constantinople Friday that the capture of Kirk-Kilisseh by the Bulgarians was fiction. No credence is attached here to the report. WANTS TO RAISE $100,000. Mrs. Grouitch Seeks Aid for Wounded Servians. NEW YORK. October 2S.?Mrs. Slavka Grouitch. wife of the Servian minister to London, is to have charge of the American headquarters here of the Servian Red , Cross Society She arrived on the steamship Cedric, and will at once begin a campaign for raising a fund of $100,000 for the re'.ief of the Servian wounded. Mrs. Grouitch is an American and a graduate of the University of Chicago. Before her marriage she was Miss Mabel Gordon Dunlop of Clarksburg, W. Va. rnn rnn niirnMiu rtflK run mumi Friends Concerned Over Illness of Vice President. DOCTOR ADMITS CONDITION ; l ? m , Does Not Apprehend Any Immediate i Crisis, However. HAS BEEN RESTING SINCE JUNE ; ? i Patient Realizes Precarious Nature j of Sickness and Has Avoided < i Campaign Work. i i UTICA, X. Y., October 28.?Alarming l rumors regarding the condition of Vice 1 President Sherman influenced his physi- ] clan. Dr. F. N. Peck, to issue the follow- , ing bulletin today: < "Vice President Sherman is a very ill man. although the reports In circulation ] during the night were greatly exaggerat- J ed. Mr. Sherman was sitting up yester- j day. and he walked about the house from room to room. His condition is bad, it is true, but I do not apprehend any im- j mediate crisis." Condition Causes Apprehension. * It was reported from the residence of Vice President Sherman this afternoon that his condition remains such as to cause apprehension, and that he does not 1 respond as readily as heretofore to the 1 remedies that are given him. 1 Close friends of Mr. Sherman admit that his condition is very serious and | that he has had sinking spells at times ( during the summer. It was stated early < today that he was slightly improved, but ] Dr. Peck, nevertheless, was in frequent j telephone consultation with Dr. Theodore ' C. Janeway of New York. The Vice President realizes the pre- ' carious nature of his illness and some | time ago agreed not to undertake any i caiupdiKu wujr ur uiucr uuues mui would tax his strength. 1 ] Gave Up Work Last June. "j 111 health required Vice President Slier- 1 man to suspend the performance of his duties as the presiding officer of the 1 Senate early in June. At that time he asked the Senate to choose a presiding officer for about two months so that he could enjoy entire rest. . When that period was up Mr. Sherman found himself unable to return to the Senate, and his absence continued until the end of the protracted session at the end of August. Close friends of the Vice President ] have been worried about his health throughout the entire summer, and reports from those with him did not reassure them. His usual ruddy complexion and twinkling eyes, when he left Washington during the early summer, gave no indication that he was ill. But his close friends felt then that absolute rest was necessary. TAKES HER CHILD BT FORCE. California Woman Aided by Deputy Sheriffs and Court Order. LOS ANGELES. Cal.. October 28.?Mrs. Virginia McDowell Clark-Tanner took forcible possession last night of her infant son. J. Boss Clark 2d, whose legal custody had been granted her Saturday by Judge Robert Clark, but whose actual custody was denied by the grandfather, J. Ross Clark, vice president of the Salt Lake railroad. The young mother appeared accompanied bv attorneys and two deputy sheriffs, and armed with an order from Judge Fin ayson eal ing for immediate Dosses- I i slori of the child. Several times during the day Mrs. Tantier had gon?- to the Clark home and demanded the child, in accordance with the first court order, and each time was refused. Mrs. Tanner and her attorneys searched the city for Judge Clark, hut he had returned to Ventura, and Judge Kinlavs?n was appealed to. He Immediately gave an order to Sheriff Hammell to secure the boy and deliver him to Mrs. Tanner. A locked door to the nursery barred the way after entrance to the Clark home had been gained. It was opened at the officer's request, and Mrs. Tanner rushed in. grabbed the sleeping child from its cradle and departed with it. accompanied by the nurse who had charge of the baby. Blame Brink for Their Plight. NEW YORK, October 118.?A "straw vote" of nearly 'JO.UOO destitute and homeless men on the streets of New York city, ( just completed by the Chrfrlty Organiza, lion Society, shows that do per cent ascribe the'.r destitution to intemperance, 17 per cent to sickness and injury and 1Si \ per cent to old age and slack work. ACTION NOT NEEDED President's Reassuring News of the Foreign Relations. NO CHANGE IN POLICY Situation in Mexico and Cuba, Respectively, Subject of Conference. TOUR BY SECRETARY KNOX Will Make Several Speeches for Republican Ticket?Taft Going f A XT n T*T "V Atily I.W Al C W x UX A. The foreign relations of the administration are not of such importance as to require much of the time of President Taft, judging from the Wief visit he had this morning from Secretary Knox and from the fact that after tomorrow the Secretary of State will be out of Washington for a week. Mr. Knort was the lirst caller at the White House, but stayed only a short time. It is understood the Mexican situation is not disturbing the officials of this government and that there will be no change in policy so long as the Madero government is able to give protection to American citizens. The Cuban situation is annoying. but not serious. Mr. Knox will make a number of campaign speeches this week. One of these will be in Ohio Wednesday night, at a place to be designated by'the republican leaders there. It will be followed by three or four speeches at places to be named by the republican national committee. The week will see many of the cabinet officers adding to the oratory and interest of the campaign. Secretary Wilson has been on the stump for the republican ticket several times. Secretary Nagel has also been doing this sort of work right along. Secretary MacVeagh has made several Speeches and is booked for others. Secretary Stimson, too, has been doing similar work. Secretary Fisher is in Chicago and his political engagements are not known. Attorney General Wlckersham is showing himself to be a campaign talker of the first rank. Postmaster General Hitchcock and Secretary Meyer are not making speeches and both are in the city. If a cabinet meeting is held tomorrow at the regular hour the attendance will necessarily be small. President Speaks Hopefully. To his visitors today the President spoke hopefully of the outcome next week. Chairman Hilles and friends in ail parts of the country continue to 3end him good news as to big changes in the sentiments of voters and a tightening of lines that will help the republican ticket. Former Representative Olcott of New iferk was one of the visitors. "I do aot make predictions as to the general result," said Mr. Olcott, "because I do lot know of conditions, but I am willing to go on record as predicting that Taft will carry New York. Thousands of republicans there who a few weeks ago were intending to vote for Wilson to offset the possible election of Roosevelt, no longer believe Roosevelt a menacing factor in the situation, and will now vote for Taft. To these may be added thousands of democratic business men who will vote for him." mu _ r? 1 .a a. a. . . . NEARLY SCORE REGAIN SIGHT. Indiana People Victims of Welding of Trolley Wire. ANDKRSON, Intl., October US.?Most of the nineteen persons, whose sight was affected by a bright and peculiar light of an apparatus used for welding a trolley wire Saturday night, have recovered today. John Hagel, who was stricken blind, also probably will recover and specialists who have examined the others believe that no injurious results will follow. ? in? x-resiuem. ioaay seni to simon Wolf of this city a beautiful floral piece commemorative of Mr. Wolf's seventy-sixth birthday anniversary. He also sent a floral piece to Gen. lulius Stahel, who is celebrating his eighty-seventh birthday anniversary. Official Routine Resumed. At his desk in the White House today. for the first time in a number of weeks. President Taft received visitors and took up much accumulated work, which he will try to dispose of in a short time. He will not spend the whole week in the city, having two engagements that will take him away. One of these is to be present at the launching of the battleship New York, in Brooklyn, Wednesday afternoon. The other is in Newark Saturday. Next week he wil go to Cincinnati to vote, and after that will remain in Washington, preparing his annual message to Congress. The President will go to New York tomorrow. He will be the guest of MrHilles at the Hotel Manhattan tomorrow light and will dine there with nim and witn* his two brothers, Charles P. and Henry W. Taft. I.ater in the evening a series of eonferences will be held in Mr. Hillets' room at the-Manhattan. Will Occupy McKinley Suite. The President will be quartered in the suite which was set apart for President McKinley and occupied by President and Mrs. McKinley whenever they came to New York. Wednesday morning the President will breakfast with Mr. Hilles at the Manhattan, and from there go to the navy yard. in Brooklyn the President will be a guest of the navy >ard employes at a iinner to be given Wednesday night, and In Newark he will speak at the ceremonies incident to the dedication of a monument. The election returns eight days from aow the President will get in Cincinnati, at the home of his brother, C. P. Taft. TO TRAIN PROSPECTIVE BRIDES. Church School Will Instruct *in Household Duties. CHICAGO, October US.?The Rev. Myron F. Adams, pastor of a Baptist church here, has announced the establishment of a "school for prospective brides," which will be opened at the church tonight. More than 150 girls already have announced their intention of attending. *The young women are to be taught cooking, sewing, music and other studies that go toward making a home cheerful, as well as promoting economy. Twenty assistants, experts in their several departments, will be associated with the pastor ?n the work. "Of course we don't guarantee husbands for the girls," said Rev. Mr. Adams last night, "but we do guarantee that they will make more desirable wives by our help and instruction. Anyway, it is a new experiment in institutional methods and we intend to give it a fair trial." ppl ; 1 ~ W i] 11 .. | | r ^ ^ lui ROOSEVELT IS STRONGER, BUT WOUND STILL OPEN Expects io Deliver Scheduled Speech in New York Wednesday Evening. OYSTER BAY. N. Y., October 28.?Col. Roosevelt was stronger today, but his wound was still open, and he was not gaining strength as rapidly as his physicians had hoped he would. He was up early for the* second time since his return, and took a short walk but he was obliged to move about slowly. His right side is still sore from his wound, and the muscles there are badly bruised. The colonel went to the stable and saw Sirdar, his favorite riding horse. Sirdar neighed in recognition of his master, who fed him lumps of sugar. Bide in Special Car. CoL Roosevelt was anxious to ride in the open air in his automobile to New York Wednesday, but his physician feared the jolting of the car would be unfavorable to his condition, and he will go by train. A special car has been engaged for the trip. Col. Roosevelt will remain in New York just long^enough to make his speech, returning to his car directly afterward for the trip home. During the forenoon Col. Roosevelt put finishing touches on his Wednesday night speech. He then took up his correspondence. Several thousand letters and telegrams, received while he was in the hospital in Chicago and since ids return to Oyster Bay, remain unanswered, and the coionel probably will be unable to catch up until after election. FIBE CAUSES PANIC. Firemen and Policemen Carry Over a Dozen of Families to Safety. NASHVILLE. Tenn., October 2S-?Preventing panic-stricken women from jumping from ttiird and fourth story windows was one of the main difficulties experienced by the firemen in lighting the blaze which threatened to destroy the Vendome Theater building here early today. The fire originated in the elevator shaft and cut off the front entrance until firemen got it under control. Policemen and firemen carried over a dozen families out of the building, as well as a number of working girls. Many were barefooted and clad only in night clothing. None was seriously injured, but one woman, Mrs. Margaret Johnson, was cut about the hands and arms as the result of breaking out panes of door glass, waking up tenants. The loss was small. HIDE BODY AND SPEED AWAY. Six Parties in Auto Escape After Killing a Pedestrian. G1..ENROCK, N. Y... October 28?An automobile containing three women And three men killed George Price, a contractor, here last night and after the men had carried the body into the weeds at the side of the road they entered the car and put on full speed ahead. A nine-year-old boy who was nearby saw the accident and watched the automobilists as they tossed the body to the roadside and hurried away. He at once told the local authorities and the police of Passaic, Paterson, Ridgewood and other places nearby were notified, but the party escaped. Big Fire in North Dakota. CASSBLTON, N. D.. October 28.?The First National Bank building, one of the finest business blocks in this part, of the state, was burned late yesterday. When the town was threatened the Fargo department was sent for. but the blaze finally was controlled without assistance. The loss is |70,000. i, U IN THE STRETCH. MARTIAL WW IN TEXAS I NOT PRESIDENT'S PLAN * Police Powers of Regular i Army Enlarged to Enforce Neutrality Law. There is no purpose on the part of the President to declare martial law over 1 any part of Texas as an Incident to the * continuance of the revolution in Mexico. < It has been found necessary, however, 1 to enlarge the police powers of the I regular army engaged in patrolling the I border. that applies not only to the mere arrest of armed rebels crossing 1 the line to escape pursuit, but also to t their detention. Serious embarrass- t ment to the officers charged with the s execution of the neutrality laws has c followed the discharge by the state judicial officers under corpus j proceedings of fugitives held by the army and by officials of the Department ^ of Justice. That difficulty is to be met by regarding these refugees as mili- r tary prisoners beyond the jurisdiction a of the state authorities. t Five Secured Freedom. a g This decision was reached as a result of the proceedings in the case of a number of the officers of Orozco's staff who were captured in Texas and held by the soldiers. Five of these were released under writs of habeas corpus. Although their rearrest was ordered from Washington as soon as news of that action reached here, only two of the Mexican officers?Maj. Astarte and Col. de le Fuente?could be found. They will be held under section 14 of the neutrality act passed at the last session of Congress, under "detention" rather than "interned," which might be regarded as a recognition of the belligerency of the rebels. Also there will be very close co-operation hereafter between the United States deputy marshals and secret service men and the regular army in the manner of making arrests, which is expected to result in a more wholesome regard for the neutrality law. PLANT SACKED THIRD TIME. j Rio Tinto Company, Near Chihuahua, 1 Again Attacked by Rebels. i State Department advices show that the plant of the Rio Tinto Copper Company * near Chihuahua was again attacked and [ robbed by the rebels last Friday night. This is the third time that the property of the company has been sacked. At present rebel bands appear to be active throughout the country around Chiliua- 1 hua. Throughout the state of Tabasco quiet and order prevail. Conditions at Tampico appear to be normal. except for the presence of some hun- 1 dreds of unorganized men in the north- I ernmost part of the state of Vera Cruz. i The U. S. S. Tacoma arrived at Tampico e Friday, and the U. S. S. Denver has sailed from Cor nto for Manzanlllo, on the * west coast of Mexico. v OPERATIC MANAGER DEAD. * ? g Herman Grau First to Produce ^ "Lohengrin" in America. NEW YORK. October 2M.?Herman Grau, for forty years a widely known operatic manager, is dead at his home j, here, aged eighty-seven years. He was e A U ,r/M< t/\ n t?A/1llon tlirt /in/\Mn LUC 1IISL IllfcLIIttecri LU pjuuutc iuc V|/cia | "Lohengrin" in America. n He was for some time in charge of th^ ^ Metropolitan Opera Company, retiring v from active work nine years ago. Capt. Brinkley Dead in Japan. TOKIO, Japan, October 28.?Capt. Frank n Brinkley, Japanese correspondent of the r London Times for many years and foreign l adviser to the Japanese Steamship Com- t pany, died today at the age of seventy- e one. ^ s 1 -W> ) , DENIED VISIT TO WIFE, HUSBAND SLAYS THE Alvin Roehr's Crime Followed by Discovery of His Body Hanging From Tree. SHEBOYGAN, Wis., October 28 ?Alvin Hoehr, a young: farmer of Plymouth, shot ind killed his father-in-law, Philip J. Dtt; Mrs. Ott and Mrs. Ott's father, Fred hlaut, aged eighty, when he was refused jermission to see his wife, with whom he lad not been living. Roehr's body was found this forenoon langing to a tree in the woods about a luarter of a mile from the scene of the ragedy. It is supposed that the assaslin, fearing summary action at the hands >f a posse, committed suicide. Mrs. Roehr and her baby escaped by riding for three hours. News of the triple tragedy reached here his forenoon. About a year and a half ago Roehr narried Ott's daughter. They did not get ilong peaceably and Mrs. Roehr some ime ago took her six-month-old baby md returned to her father's house, just icross the road. She then began suit for livorce. Roehr started suit for the re:overy of the child, but failed. Roehr Denied Admission. L<ate yesterday afternoon Roehr went o his father-in-law's home and denanded to see his wife. The grandfather inswered the door, but denied the young nan admittance. Roehr went back to lis home, but returned in ten minutes vith a shotgun and as the grandfather, ^"red Haut, went to the dairy shed, Roehr ;hot and killed him instantly. Mr. Ott ind his wife came out of the door and itoehr shot them also, both shots c^terng the breast and killing them. Then he entered the house in search if his wife. She had heard him and had aken her baby and hidden in a chimney :upboard. where she stayed for three lours. Finally she slipped out and gave he alarm to neighbors. Juvenile Witness of Tragedy. A witness to the crime was the four'ear-old adopted son of Ott, who was at he milk shed. Thinking the entire fanily had been killed, he went upstairs and liri In urhora Iip u*a<s frinnil lafpr. Hoehr's father committed suicide about ' ive years ago. Ott was one of the most irominent farmers and stock raisers in ; his county. i FATHEK VATJGHAN NOT ILL. i Friends Say He Will Go in a Fort- ; night to California to Lecture. NEW YORK, October 28.?Friends of rather Vaughan of the Jesuit fathers of ^ondon denied today reports that he was U. He is in New York, they said, and ' (xpected to leave within the next two veeks or so for San Francisco, where lie viil lecture the latter part of No emner. it was added that tie had made lo plans for returning to London. They aid they knew nothing of the meeting at 1 Chicago at which he was expected tc peak last night, and thought that the innouncement of such an engagement vas due to x misunderstanding. Deer Hunter Shoots Trainman. HOUGHTON. Mich.. October 28.?The ' irfct fatal hunting accident of the presnt season in northern Michigan occurred oday when Jerry Coffey, a logging trainnan, was shot, presumably by a deei t unter, as he was walking through the < iroods. Manila Strike Partially Broken. MANILA, October 28.?The eigarnakers' strike, was partially broken thh norning after lasting a month. Of tin 4.(K)0 strikers 2,500 registered at the facories and returned to work, and it is ' xpected that the remainder will resunu ' oon. c BRIGHT JRWILSON ( Reports to Democratic Headquarters in New York. C CHAMP CLARK'S MESSAGE ( Tells of Enthusiasm in Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming. s uuv. swansun uniMisriu Looks Forward to Democratic Con- j. trol in Legislative and Executive Branches of the Government. s BY N. O. MESSENGER. NEW YORK. October "J7.?Speaker j Champ. Clark sent the following telegram to the democratic national chairman. William F. McCombs, today: "For the past fortnight have been touring Kansas. Colorado and Wyoming. We have had groat crowds and most cordial greetings. Democrats in these three states, which I have toured thoroughly, claim, and I join with them, not alone the electoral vote, but senators. I will spend three days of this week in Illinois, the rest of the time in Missouri until election." Arthur J. Fitzsimmons, chairman of the St. Louis democratic committee, has told national democratic headquarters that his city will give 15,000 plurality for Wilson and Marshall. He says Taft will run second in St. Louis and Roosevelt third. Claims Colorado for Wilson. Chairman Bradley of Colorado, in a telegram to democratic headquarters, claims *that state for Wilson by between 40,000 and 50,000. Chairman Bradfey says that in no county in the state has the democratic party lost any of its strength. but has been making gains in all districts. Mrs. Imogene Huey of Los Angeles, organizer of the Woman's Democratic League of California, has made a careful canvass of the suffrage vote of that state, and claims that a conservative estimate gives Wilson and Marshall 1<W,0(J0 women's votes In California. 8 Swanson Finds Great Enthusiasm. tl Gov. Claude Swanson of Virginia is in ll town today. Discussing the political out- r' look, he said: " "I am satisfied that the democratic s; party will win the electoral vote by an c overwhelming majority. Information I r receive in various ways from all sections d of the country has yet to indicate any t! democrats who are not warmly and en- tl thusiastlcally supporting Gov. Wilson. B Any possible defection from the democratic party, which I have not yet seen 8 nor heard of, will be far exceeded by the 1 accessions to the democratic party of T those who were favftrable to Taft or favorable to Roosevelt. "The republican party is hopelessly divided, and it is a guess as to who wiil run third. Taft or Roosevelt. Gov. Wil- g son's nomination has been received en- a thusiastlcally in all sections of the coun- , try, and by his speeches, interviews and utterances he has daily strengthened w himself in the confidence of the country. t< His election is conceded, and the im- C proved business conditions since his e'ec- r< tion has been admitted clearly indicate t' that the country is satisfied that under o his administration there will be a return t! to better conditionss and improved pros- h perity in all directions. d "The democratic House of Represent- a atives ind the democratic senators in the t< last twelve months, by their proposed e bills and contemplated legislation, have s; shown the country what their programs d would be in case of success and return r< to power, and the country is satisfied n with this and feeis sure that it means b better business and better industrial and li political conditions in America. r< Loots for Absolute Control. ' "I look for Gov. Wilson to carry more ? than three-fourths of the states in the t electoral college. My experience in elec- a tions has? shown me that the conditions h always Improve the last week of the ^ campaign for the strong candidate, and p when the results are over the success- t ful party is surprised at the extent of its r victory. r "The democrats will have an immense y majority in the House of Representa- t tives. will control the Senate and have s the executive branch of the government, c and I feel satisfied will justify by its leg- t islation and administration of affairs the h confidence of the country." v REGARDS VICTORY ASSURED, " S V Democratic National Chairman Is- 1 e sues Last Weekly Forecast. p CHICAGO. October 28.?Chairman McConvbs of the demicratic antional committee issued a statement today containing lus last weekly forecast and exhorta- c tion In behalf of the election of Gov. e Woodrow Wilson to the presidency. The c statement 1f? divided into two parts. "Inside information," declares Mr. MeCombs, "gives us final proof that the ^ party which polled more than t?,UOO,?>uu b votes four years ago will poll nearly a A third more than that this year, and the P number will be made up of many republicans. Defeat is now virtually ineon- 8 ceivable." n Elsewhere in the statement the manager warns his followers that they muat not lay down arms till the election is past, and that they must be prepared for j 07 "eleventh hour efforts of their oppo- i tu nents." President Taft is called "inef- J ftcient but well meaning." and Col. Roose- "" velt's followers are declared to have tried ,a vainly to "capitalize the shocking per- 19 formance of an irresponsible person." sr hi CONVICTS SCALE WALL. ? W Three Escape From Illinois Peniten- ^ tiary at Joliet. Jv CHICAGO, October 2d.?'The Chicago Pr )Olice were asked today to be on the tr ookout for three men who were reported p* .o have escaped from the Joliet peniten- fa Liary Sunday afternoon. *U The convicts, all of whom were sent to *'s the prison from Chicago, it was said, th ;caled a wall just after being summoned Co rom the jail yard for roll call. The lej ? ? ? ?\/\l Irt- k?. t h la I lira f-1 ? c:i iur vun-afeu uici ? iuard Kane are W. AJ. Dums. serving th ife sentence for murder; Tony Saunders, en :erving one to ten years for confidence th; -rame. and Frank Thompson, sentenced fo: o a term of from one to eighteen years. m) harge not mentioned. foi , foi Seek Three Insane Criminals. fo BRIDGEVVATER, Mass.. October 28.? \ posse of seventy-live officials and atendants from the Bridgewater State ' Vsylum for the Criminal Insane are tolay searching the surrounding country jn( or three prisoners who escaped during he nicht by scaling a seventeen-fooi V. >tone wall with a rope maOa ul bedilotbes. ret m T Campaign issue as seen by taft In One Side Prosperity and Real Progress; on the Other a Leap in the Dark. SURPRISE FOR OPPONENTS NOVEMBER 5 PREDICTED ikens Conditions to Those Preceding Cleveland's Second Election. AME FIGHT ON PROTECTION 'resents Figures Showing Increase of Trade Under Payne Tariff. Which Democrats Propose to Bepeal. I AS TATT SEES THE ISSUE. "The choice for the %nter to ont obncnret on the contrary. It la no plain and elear an tonne an ever prr'rm rn in oar political history?It la Mwm actual and assured prosperity. active Industrie*. fcnod wages, a flouiinhlaK home market and rapidly growI l>x farm trade, on the one hand, and depression of business, paralyala of Induatry, Io?m of employment for waxr earaera aad general demorallaatloa of trade at home and abroad, on the other hand. One aide prosperity aad real progress* on the other a lr?<i In the dark."?From a statement by President Taft. President Taft today made public a latement in which he declared that ti.e four years of depression which followed le second election of President Cleveind" were due to the promise of tarifT eforms and the democratic c hanges In lie tariff that followed. The President aid that the Issue before the voters la lear?"on the one hand prosperity and eal progress; on the other, a leap In th? ark." "The American people," he conInued, "have more than once surprised hose who thought the people were being uccessfully fooled, and I believe that a imtlar surprise awaits our opponents on be coming 5th of November." >epression After Cleveland Election. The statement in full follows: "In view of erroneous statements r?arding the causes of the four years of epresslon which followed the second lection of President Cleveland, It may be rell to recall the facts. In his formal let?r of acceptance, September 2rt, Mr. 'leveland emphasized the need of 'tarlfT eform' and made It the leading issue between the parties. "Tariff reform Is still ur purpose.' he said. "Though we oppose tie theory that tariff laws inay be passed aving for their object the granting of iscriminating and unfair governmental id to private ventures, we wage no ex?rminating war against American intersts." This has a familiar sound today, ave that, instead of "tariff reform' the emocratic slogan now is 'a tariff for evenue only.' According to the Baltilore platform, the tarifT is not merely to e reformed, but the principle of protectlg American industry is to be excised aot and branch. On that platform Gov. i'ilson stands. '"To go back to Mr. Cleveland's second erm, the proof from his own writings nd utterances is that he was elected on he issue of 'tariff reform." It is also . fact of history that immediately upon lis election capital and industry took .larm. enterprise became paralyzed and lusiness disorganized. The somewhat luerile argument has been advanced hat these deplorable conditions could iot have been due to Impending 'tariff eform," because they arose nearlj two ears before the ?nactnient of the Wilson arifT bill. It should be unnecessary to ay that when there are si^ns of a eylone the rational man does not wait for he storm to hit his house before getting nto the cyclone cellar. The Wilson bill ras in sight above the horizon on the norning after the November e ection o? and capital and industry began their tart for the cellar, just as, I tear, they rill take to shelter again should the laitlmore platform of a "tariff for revnue only' be aporoved by the American eople November .V The Silver Purchase Act. "Mr. Cleveland was undoubtedly sinere in his belief that 'the alarming and xtraordlnary business situation,' as lie ailed it in his special message of Auust 8, J&CP was due to the Sherman aft but tlie fact remains hat. after the act had been regaled, lovember 1. ISflCt. the bus'iit-w situation ecame more and more alarming, and imertcan energy and enterprise were rostrate throughout Mr. Cleveland's ?rm, being vivified ;.gaiti with the election of McKlnlcy and the consequent asurance that the "tariff reform' expedient would soon give way to protention. Depression After "Tariff Reform." "The effect of the 'tarifT reform" of 1sjmwhich, as I have indicated, was aclally felt from 1?c to 18117, is apparent the statistics of wages paid in manucturing industries in the decade of 1N9m00, as compared with preceding and ibsequent periods. In 1890 wages paid id increased nearly 91.00<?,<*i0,Oiim over sSl>?from 91h7.fi53.705 to 91.80l,2".'8.3^1 ? hereas 1900. when the country was reivering from the blight of four yeirs of mocracy, showed an increase only to <*JS.."{?1.000?that is. about 91 17.chiO.ouo er 1890. In the subsequent decade of otection wages In manufacturing tndusies increased to 9."?.4J7,u'US,<??0. The ex rienee of the farmers Is equally irnessive. Their losses on the value of rm animals alone during the Cleveland iriff reform' regime amounted to about 00.009,000. 'In this connection It may be noted - a- -I-*-- ji. at our aemocrauc uifuue pinti 10 oi?ver cause for amusement in the alied claim by republicans of credit for is year's abundant crops. The credit at republicans claim, with the experice of fifty years to sustain them, is at the republican policy of protection r American industry maintains the best irket in the world?the home market? r the farmer to sell his crops in. while reign markets have been invaded and tned for both farmer and manufacturer a degree never even distantly apoached under democratic -adm.nistran. increased Trade After Payne Law. 'The growth of our foreign trade durt three fiscal years of my adminlstran has been set forth by Secretary iox in a statement which ought to be id by every American who kalends to