OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, November 03, 1912, Image 11

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1912-11-03/ed-1/seq-11/

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finor. John C. M-Kinley, republican;
Elliot \V. Major, democratic; Albert D.
Norton!, progressive: William A. Ward,
socialist; Charles E. Stokes, prohibition;
Charles Ropers, socialist labor Half of
the senators of the Missouri legislature
will be elected and all members of the
lower house of the legislature. There are
nine constitutional amendments up for
considc ration.
In Montana a state ticket will be elect
ed. the following being the candidates forJ
the governorship: Harry I. Wilson, re
publican: Samuel V. Stewart, democratic; J
Frank J. Edwards, progressive; Lewis
J. Duncan, socialist. There is no pro
1 ibition state ticket. Two referendum
measures and four initiative measures
will be voted upon. One of these Initia
tive measures is that providing for the
election of United States senators by di
rect vote, and another provides for presi
dential preference primaries.
A state ticket will be elected in Ne- I
braska, the following being candidates I
for the governorship: Chester H. Al
tlrich. republican: John H. Morehead,
democratic; Clyde J. Wright, socialist;
Nathan Wilson, prohibition. The pro
gressive ticket is identical with the
republican ticket, the progressive state
ronvention having indorsed each state,
< unfiressional and Tnited States sen
: torial republican candidate. The popu
list ticket is identical with the demo
< itic ticket. There are a number of
i nstitutional amendments to be voted
GOV. THOMAS II. M \H*H \l.l.,
Urmorratlr Candidate for Vie*
I'rrsldrat. . .
on, one of them reserving to the people
the right of direct legislation through
the initiative and referendum.
Nevada will elect an associate justice of
the supreme court, James M. Lockhart
being the repubiican nominee. Patrick A. :
McCarran the democratic, W. R- Thomas
tHe progressive and George A. Bartlett
the independent nominee. Nevada will
slso eie.t two regents for the State Uni
versity. There are a number of consti
tutional amendments up for the voters
to decide upon, one of them being for
tr.e recall of every public officer in not
of the state, and another providing tor
the initiative and referendum.
New Hampshire.
The only state officers to be elected in
New Hampshire will be a governor. The
candidates are: Republican, Franklin
Won ster. democratic. Samuel D. Felker;
prn^re.-s"ve. Winston Churchill the au
t1 ? i r; prohibition. Alva H. Morrill; so
cialist. William H. Wilkins. A legisla
t>ir- ^ 1! be elected, and there are twelve
proposed constitutionaj amendments.
New Jersey.
Th? re will not be any state election in
New Jersey.
New Mcxico.
No state officers will be elected in New
Mexico, as under the enabling act the of
Ti< < rs elected last year will hold office
;n'i lblrt. Two constitutional amend
ments will be voted on. one of them to
I ? rmit s. anish-speaking citizens w ho <io
r."t sj ? - k English to hold office.
New York.
A state ti?;ket will be elected in New
York. The candidates for governorship
are Job E. Hedges, republican; William
Sulzer. democrat; Oscar S. Straus, pro
gressive. Alexander McNichol, prohibi
tion; <':arles Edward Russell, socialist;
John Hare, socialist labor. Associate
judges of the court of appeals will be
elected and a full state ticket. Separate
ballots, one fur presidential electors and
one for state and county officers, will be
u.-ed for the first time this year. A con
stitutional amendment providing for $.V>,
w'orth of bonds to improve the
state highways will be voted on.
North Carolina.
A state ticket will be elected in North
Carolina. The candidates for the govern
orship are: I>ocke Craig, democratic;
Thomas Settle republican, and Iredell
Meares. progressive. In two or three in
stances progressives and republicans have
t! ?? same candidate for a state office, but
the electors are entirely different.
North Dakota.
North Dakota will elect a state ticket,
the follow ii;j^jjKring the candidates for
the ki>v? rno^hip: I.. B. Hanna, republi
ran: F O. Hellstrom, democratic; \v.
D Sweet, progressive, and A. E. Bowen,
J' . socialist. There is a non-partisan
t:<-ket for two candidates for judges
? f th>- *'iprenie court. Andrew A. Bruce
I J E. Robinson. There is no prohibi
ts n state ticket There are two amend
rr ? nts to the Constitution to be voted
full state ticket will be elected in
'Uiio. tit,- following being the candi(];?tes
fo< the governorship: R. B. Brown, re
publican; James M. Cox, democratic; A.
I 'larford. progressive; E. Ruthe
r>* r . socialist, and Daniel A. Poling, pro
''klatioma will elect judges, one for the
supreme court ar.d one for the court ol
ap'eals A United States senator will
also he elected. Charles Alston Cook is
the republican candidate for the supreme
court and John B. Turner the democratic
cai'didate. George T. Ralls is the re
: '.Mican candidate for the criminal court
of appeals and Henry M. Furman thf
d.-mocratic candidate. The socialists did
'">t nominate for the supreme court, but
1 t up H s. Hurt for the criminal court
?'f appeals. J. T. Dlckerson is the re
publican candidate for senator and Rob
ert I,. Owen, the democi-atic incumbent,
*ttks a icUJQ. A corporation commis
sioner will "be elected, but there are no
other officers to be voted for.
Effort* to have the names of progres
sive party candidates placed on the gen
eral election ticket in Oklahoma were
abandoned and members of the party in
the state were asked to vote for republi
can party candidates for presidential
electors and state officers. Attempts to
obtain court orders compelling the plac
ing of the names of the progressive can
didates on the ballot were without re
sult. Two constitutional amendments are
to be voted on, one of them to move the
state capital from Oklahoma City to
In Oregon various state officers will be
elected, but not a governor. Ben. Selling
is the republican candidate for senator,
Harry Lane the democratic, A. E. Clark
the progressive, B. Lee Paggett the pro
hibition and B. F. Ramp the socialist
candidate. Senator Bourne is an inde
pendent nominee on the "popular gov
ernment" ticket for re-election to the
United States Senate. A large number
of constitution amendments will be voted
on. among them the privilege of suffrage
for women. Another provides an income
tax, another abolishes the state senate,
the House to consist of sixty members,
an<3 the governor and unsuccessful candi
dates for governor to be ex-offlcio mem
Pennsylvania "will vote for a state treas
urer and an auditor general. Robert K.
Young is the candidate on the republican,
bull moose, Roosevelt progressive and
Washington tickets for state treasurer.
William H. Berry is the candidate for
state treasurer on the democratic and the
keystone tickets. Charles W. Huntington
on the prohibition ticket and John J.
Schwartz on the socoJalist ticket are also
running for state treasurer. Archibald
W. Powell is the candidate for auditor
general on the republican, bu^ moose,
Roosevelt progressive and Washington
tickets, and Robert E. ?reswell, the can
didate for this office on the democratic
and keystone tickets. B. Budd Cannon
is the candidate for this office on the
prohibition ticket and Adrian H. Eldredge
on the socialist ticket.
Rhode Island.
Rhode Island will elect a state ticket.
The following are the candidates for the
governorship: Aram J. Pothier, republi
can; Theodore Francis Green, democratic;
Albert H. Humes, progressive. The pro
gressives have nominated candidates for
only two offices, governor and general
treasurer. There are no other tickets in
the field.
Sonth Carolina.
In South Carolina there are only two
tickets, the democratic and socialist, the
incumbent of the governorship being up
'for re-e'.ection on the democratic ticket,
the socialists nominating Richard B.
Britton. The democrats named no one
for the attorney generalship, the social
ists naming: John Allen Mett. The mem
bers of the lower house of the leislature
and half the members of the senate of the
state are to be elected.
South Dakota.
South Dakota will elect a full state
ticket. The canjMfees for the governor
ship are: Fralp^jfrrne, republican; J.
L. Johnson. denM^eratic; O. W. Butter
field. prohibition^ Sam Lovell, socialist.
On the republica^Btate ticket several of
the candidates afe progressives. There
will be no Taft electors on the ticket in
South Dakota. There is a constitutional
amendment providing for uniform taxa
tion up for consideration.
Tennessee will elect a governor and a
state railroad commissioner. Ben W.
Hooper, the republican incumbent, is up
for re-election, the democrats having1
named Benton MoMillin, the progressives
W. F. Poston and the socialists Carl
Harrold. The republicans did not nomi
nate a railroad commissioner, the demo
crats naming Harvey H. Hannah, the in
cumbent; the progressives J. C. Edding
ton and the socialists C. G. Fisher. A
legislature will be elected.
Texas will elect a state ticket, including
thirteen justices of the civil court of ap
peals. members of the legislature and a
full list of county officials down to con
stable. A United States senator has been
nominated in a primary by the demo
crats. He is Morris Sheppard. and is out
to succeed Senator Joseph W. Bailey.
The nominations for the governorship
heading the ticket are as follows: Oscar
B. Colquitt, democrat, the incumbent; C.
W. Johnson, republican; E. C. Lasater,
progressive; Col. Andrew Jackson Hous
ton. prohibition; Reddin Andrews, so
cialist. and K. E. -Choate, socialist labor.
A number of constitutional amendments
will lie voted on, including one to levy
a special tax to increase Confederate
Utah will also elect a state ticket," the
candidate for the governorship heading
the ticket being as follows: Republican.
William Spry; democratic, John Frank
Tolton; Nephi L. Morris, progressive;
Homer P. Burt, socialist; E? A. Battel),
socialist labor. A number of constitu
tional amendments will be voted on, in
cluding one to increase the number of
counties of the state.
The state and congressional election in
Vermont was held in September. There
was no election by a majority vote anJ
the choice of a governor and the remain
der of the state ticket was thrown into
the legislaturue. There the republicans
elected Allen M. Fletciier and the others
on his ticket.
. Washington will elect a state ticket.
The candidates for the governorship are
as follows: Marion E. Hay, republican;
Ernest Lister, democratic; Robert T.
Hodge, progressive; Abraham L. Brear
cliflf, socialist labor (only officer nominat
ed by this party), and George R. Stev
ens, prohibition (only officer nominated
}>y this party). The aocit^lists nomi
nated a woman for governor. Miss Anna
A. Maley. Three amendments to the
constitution will be submitted to the vot
ers. among them one for the recall of all
elective officers except judges and another
for the initiative and referendum.
A state ticket will be elected in Wiscon
sin. The candidates for the governor
ship are as follows: Francis E. MoGov
ern, republican; John C. Karel. demo
cratic: Carl I>. Thompson, social demo
cratic (socialist), and Charles L. Hill,
prohibition. Francis E. McGovern, re
publican nominee, has been indorsed by
the progressives. The progressives nam
ed no other candidates. There will be
a referendum on equal suffrage and va
rious proposed amendments to the con
There will be no gubernatorial election
in Wyoming this year. In addition to the
contest for the United States senatorship
there will be an election for Justice of
the supreme court, the republicans hav
ing nominated Cyrus Beard, the demo
crats John B. Kendripk, the progress
ives E. R. Shipp and the socialist^ H. V.
S. Groesbeck. The prohibitionists did not
nominate. A proposed constitutional
amendment, granting the initiative and
referendum, will be submitted to the
The territory of Alaska will elect Its
first legislature, house and senate.
(Continued from Tenth Page.)
3?Thomas F. McGourin (rep.).
3?John T. Porter (prog.)
At large?Claude L'Engle (dem.).
At large?George* W. Allen (rep.).
At large?E. R. Gunby (prog ).
1?"Charles G. Edwards (dem.).
2?*S. A. Roddenbery (dem.).
3?C. R. Crisp (dem ).
4?'Wiliam C. Adamson (dem.).
5??William S. Howard (dem.).
6?'?Charles L. Bartlett (dem.).
7??Gordon Lee (dem.).
8?*Samuel J. Trlbble (dem)
9?*Thomas M. Bell (dem ).
10??Thomas W. Hardwick (dem.)
11?J. Randolph Walker (dem.).
12?'Dudley M. Hughes (dem.).
At large?Perry W. Mitchell (dem.).
At large??Burton L. French (rep.).
At large?P. Monroe Smock (prog.).
At large?Edward M. Pugmire (dem.).
At large?Addison T. Smith (rep.).
1?Andrew Donovan (dem.).
1?'Martin B. Madden (rep.).
1?Andrew Donovan (prog.).
2?John C. Vaughan (dem.).
2?'James R. Mann (rep.).
2?Thomas D. Knight (prog.).
3?George E. Gorman (dem.).
3??William W. Wilson (rep.). .
3?Franklin P. Simons (prog.).
4?'James T. McDermott (dem.).
4?Charles J. Tomkiewicz (rep.)).
5?'Adolph J. Sabath (dem.).
5?Jacob Gartenstein (rep.).
5?-L. H. Clusman (prog.).
0?James McAndrews (dem.).
6?Arthur W. Fulton (rep.-prog.).
7?"Frank Buchanan (dem.).
7?Niels Juul (rep.).
7?Elton C. Aimitage (prog.).
8?'Thomas Gailagher (dem.).
8?William G. Herrmann (rep.).
9?'Lynden Evans (dem.).
'.??Fred A. Britten (rep.).
0?C. O. Ludlow (prog.).
10?Frank L. Fowler (dem.).
10?'George E. Foss (rep.).
10?Charles M. Thomson (prog.).
11?Thomas H. Riley (dem.).
11?*Ira C. Copley (rep.-prog.).
12?J. W. Rausch (dem.),
12?'Charles E. Fuller (rep.).
12?William Hinebaugh (prog.).
13?Ray Rariden (dem.).
13?'John C. McKenile, (rep.).
13?1. F. Edwards, (prog.).
14?Clyde H. Tavenner (dem.).
14?Charles J. Sear'.e (rep.-prog.).
15?Stephen A. Hoxworth (dem.).
15?'George W. Prince (rep.).
15?Charles F. Kincheloe (prog.).
10?'Claudius U. Stone idem.).
16? Frederick H. Smith (rep.).
16?William E. Cadmus (prog.).
17?Louis Fitz Henry (dem.).
17?'John A. Sterling (rep.).
17?George E. Stump (prog.).
18?Frank T. O'Hair (dem.).
18?'Joseph G. Cannon (rep.).
18?E. F. Royce (prog.).
19?Charles M. Borchers (dem.).'
lit??William B. McKinley (rep.).
l'.??John H. Chad wick (prog.).
20?*Henry T. Rainey (dem.).
20?E. E. Brass (rep.).
20?B. O. Aylesworth (prog.).
21?M ernes M. Graham (dem.).
21?H. Clay Wilson (rep.).
21?Robert Johns (prog.).
22?William X. Baltz (dem.).
22??William A Rodenberg (rep.).
22?1". S. Nixon (prog.).
23?*Martin D. Foster (dem.).
23?Robert B. Clark (rep.).
23?George W. Jones (prog.).
24??!!. .Robert Fowler (dem.).
24?James B. Blackman (rep.).
24?A. J. Gibbons (prog.).
25?Robert P. Hill (dem.).
25?'Napoleon B. Thistlewood (rep).
25?Robert T. Cook (prog ).
At large?William E. Williams (dem.).
At, large?William E. Mason (rep.).
At large?Lawrence -P. - Doyle- (prog.).
At large?Lawrence B. Stringer (dem.).
At large?Burnett M.' Chfpeffleld (rep.).
At large?B. M. Maxy (prog.).
Indiana. ...
1?Charles Lieb (dem.)
1?Daniel H. Ortmeyer (rep.).
1?J. C. Heldt (prog.).
2??William A. Cullop (dem.).
2?Oscar Bland (rep ).
2?John N. Dyer (prog.).
3??William E. Cox dem. .
3?William D. Barneg (rep.).
3?Samuel G. Wilkinson (prog.).
4?'Lincoln Dixon (dehfi.l.'
4?Rollin J. Turner (rep.).
4?Charles Zollar (prog.).
5?'Ralph W. Moss (dem.).
5?Felix Blankenbaker (rep.).
5?Joseph W. Amis (prog.).
6?'Finly H. Gray (dem.). .
6?William L. Risk (rep.).
6?Rev. Gierluf Jensen <prog.)
7?'Charles A. Korbly (dem.)
7?Thomas R. Shipp (rep.)
7?Joseph V. Zartmar. (prog.)
I'roKreNMive Candidate for Vice
8?'John A. M. Adair (d^m.)
8?Isaiah P. Watts (rep.)
8? Ed. C. Toner (prog.) j
0?'Martin A. Morrison fdeni.)
9?William Robinson (rep.)
ft?J. F. Neal (prog.)
10?John B. Peterson (dem.)
10?'Edgar D. Crumpacker (rep.)
!<??J. O. Bowers (prog.)
11??George W. Rauch (dem.)
11?Dr. J. W. Stewart (rep.)
11?Edgar N. Baldwin (prog.)
12?*Cyrus Cline (d^m.)
12?Charles H. Lane (rep.)
12?Louis N. Litman (prog.)
13?'Henry A. Earnhart (dem.)
13?Charles A. Carlisle (rep.)
13?Dr. R. Clarence Stephens (prog.)
1?J. F. Elder (dem.)
1?'Charles A. Kennedy (rep.)
1?Joseph S. Cralll (prog.)
2?'I. S. Pepper ?dem.)
2?Walter H. Peterson (rep.)
3?Maurice Connly (dem.)
:i?*Charles E. Pickett (rep.)
3?Robert E. Leach (prog.)
4?G. A. Meyer (dem.)
4?'Gilbert A. Haugen (rep.)
5?S. C. Huber (dem.)
5?'James W. Good (rep.)
6?S. Kirkpatrlck (dem.)
6?Milton A. McCord (rep.)
6?J. H. Patten (prog.)
7?C. L. Price (dem.).
7?*S. E. Prouty (rep.).
7?George C. White (prog.).
8?V. R. McGinnls (d??m.).
8?'Horace M. Towner (rep ).
8?L. W. Laughlin (prog.).
9?Orris Moslier (dem ).
!???William R. Green (rep.).
10? N. L. Rood (dem.).
lO?'Frank P. Woods <r?p.).
10?S. B. Phllpott (prog.)
I >
Presidential Elections of 1908 and 1904
William H. Taft
James S. Sherman
William J. Bryan
John W. Kern
Eugene V. Debs
Benjamin Hanford
Eugene W. Chafin
Aaron S. W'atkins
Thomas E. Watson
Samuel Williams
August Gilhaus
Donald L. Munro
Thomas L. Hisgen
N. Y.
N. Y.
N. Y.
N. Y.
John Temple Graves Ga.
Pro. '
Soc. L.
Soc. L.
Alton B. Parker
Henry G. Davis
Eugene V. Debs
Benjamin Hanford
Silas C. Swallow
George W. Carroll
Thomas E. Wratson
Thomas H. Tibbies
Charles H. Corrigan
William W. Cox
7,678,908 1,269,804
29,IOO ?
Theodore Roosevelt N. Y. Rep. -
Chas. W. Fairbanks Ind. Rep.
N. Y. Dem.
W.Va. Dem.
Ind. Soc.
N. Y. Soc
Pa. Pro.
Tex. Pro.
Ga. Peo.
Neb. Peo.
N. Y. Soc. L.
111. Soc. L.
?7,623,486 -2,545;5i5 < 336
11?Anthony Van Wagenen (dem.). .
11?George Scott (rep.).
11?J. W. Hallam (prog.).
- Kansas.
1?J. B. Chapman (dem.).
1?'D. R. Anthony, jr. (rep.).
2?'Joseph Tfcggart (dem.).
2?J. L. Brady (rep.).
3?Francis M. Brady (dem.).
3?"Philip P. Campbell (rep.).
4?Dudley Doolittle (dem.).
4?'Fred S. Jackson (rep.)
5?G. T. Helvering (dem.).
5?*Rollln R. Rees (rep.).
6?John R. Connelly (dem.).
ft?*1. D. Young (rep.).
7?'George A. Neeley (dem.).
7?Gordon L. Finley (rep.).
8?John I. Saunders (dem.).
8?'Victor Murdock (rep.).
1? Alben W. Barklay (dem.).
1?Charles Ferguson (rep.).
2?'Augustus O. Stanley (dem.).
2?Letcher R. Fox (prog.).
3?'Robert Y. Thomas, Jr. (dem ).
3?Thurman B. Dixon (rep.).
3?D. J. Duncan (prog.)
4?'Ben Johnson (dem.).
4?John C. Thompson (rep.).
4?E. R. Bassett (prog.).
5?'Swagar Sherley (dem.).
5? E. J. Ashcraft (rep.).
6?H. I. Fox (prog.).
6?'Arthur B. Rouse (dem.).
6?D. B. Wallace (rep.),
ft?& R. Blackburn (prog.).
7?*J. Campbell Can trill (dem.).
7?James E. Jones, (p.rpg-)..
8?'Harvey Helm (dem).
8?J. W. Dlnsmore ? (prog.).
9?'W. J. Fields (oem.).
9?Harry Bailey (rep.").'
9?E. S. Hitchens (prog.).
10?'John W. Langley (rep.>.
10?E. R. Stafford (progJ. "
11?Ben V. Smith (dem.). .
11?*CaJeb Powers (rep-).
11?H. H. Leaver (prog.V '
1?'Albert Estopinal (dem.).
2?*H. Garland Dupfe (dem.).
3?'Robert F. Broussar4, (dem.).
4?'John T. Watkins (dem.).
5?J. Walter Elder (dem.).
ft?Lewis L. Morgan (dem ).
7?Dr. L. Lazaro (dem.).
8?James B. Aswell (dem.).
(Elected in September.)
1??Asher C. Hinds (rep.).
2?'D. J. McGilllcuddy (dem.).
3?Forrest Goodwin (rep.).
4?'Frank E. Guernsey (rep.).
1?*J. Harry Covington (dem.).
1?R. D. Grier (pros.).
2?'J. Fred C. Talbott (dem.).
2? Laban 3parks (rep.).
3?'George Konig (dem.).
3?Albert W. Sproesser (rep ).
4?'J. Charles Linthicum (dem.).
4?Jacob M. Muhrbach (rep.).
5?J. Frank Smith (dem.).
5?'Thomas Parran (rep.).
ft?'David J. Lewis (dem.).
ft? Charles D. Wagaman, (rep.).
1?Richard J. Morrissey (dem.).
1?Allen T. Tread way (rep.).
1?Samuel P. Glagden (pros.).
2?William G. McKechnie (dem.).
2?'Frederick H. Gillett (rep.).
2?Thomas L. Hiscen (prog.).
3?M. Fred O'Connell (dem.).
3?'William H. Wilder (rep.).
3? Stephen M. Marshall (prog.).
4?'John A. Thayer (dem.).
4?Samuel E. Winslow (rep.).
4?Bertram W. Potter (prog.).
5?Humphrey O'Suliivan (dem.).
.V-John J. Rogers (rep.).
5?William N. Osgood (prog.).
6?George A. Schofield (dem.).
ft?''Augustus P. Gardner (rep.).
6?Arthur L. Kason (prog.).
7?Michael F. Phelan (dem ).
7?Frank P. Bennett, jr. (rep.).
7?Lynn M. Ranger (prog.).
8? Fred S. Dietrich (dem.).
8? Fred W. Dallinger (rep.).
8?Henry O. Long (prog ).
!)?Henry C. Rowland (dem). 1
0?'Ernest W. Roberts (rep).
9?John Herbert (prog).
10? William F. Murrav (dem).
10?Loyal L. Jenkins (rep).
10?Daniel T. Callahan (prog).
11?'Andrew J. Peters, (dem).
11?Sherwin L. Cook (rep).
11?Julius Fogg (prog).
12?'James M. Curley (dem).
12?Charles H. S. Robinson (rep).
12?James B. Connolly (prog).
13?John J. Mitchell (dem).
13?John W. Weeks (rep).
13?George A. Flel (prog).
14?Edward Gllmore (dem).
14?'Robert O. Harris (rep).
14?'Henry L. Kinkaid (prog).
15?John W. Coughlln (dem).
15?'William S. Greene (rep).
15?Alvln C. Weeks (prog),
lft?Thomas C. Thatcher (dem).
1ft?William J. Bullock (rep),
lft?Thomas Thompson (prog).
1?'Frank E. Doremus (dem).
1?Ezra F. Beechler (rep).
1?James H. Pound (prog).
2--Bert D. Chandler (dem).
2?'William W. Wedemyer (rep).
2?Hubert F. Probert (prog).
3?Claude S. Carney dem).
3?'J. M. C. Smith (rep).
3?Edward N. Dingley (prog).
4?Albert E. Beebe (dem).
4?'Edward L. Hamilton (rep).
4?George M. Valentine (prog).
5?'Edwin F. Sweet (dem).
5?Carl E. Mapes (rep.).
5?Suel A. Sheldon (prog.).
ft?Alva M. Cummins (dem.).
ft?'Samuel W. Smith (rep.).
6?W. 8. Kellogg (prog.).
T?John J. Bell (dem.).
7?Louis C. Crampton (rep.).
7?George H. Brown (prog.).
8?Miles J. Purcell (dem.).
8?'Joseph W. Fordney (rep.).
8?Albert L. Chandler (prog.).
9?H. R. O'Connor (dem.).
0?'James C. McLaughlin (rep.).
9?William H. Seers (prog.).
10?Louis P. Coumans (dem.).
10?'George A. Loud. (rep.).
10?Roy O. Woodruff (prog.).
11?Archie McCall ' (dem.)?
11?Frank O. Llndqulst (rep.).
11?John W. Patchln (prog.K ?
12?John Power (dem.).
12?'H. Olln Young (rep.)
12?Joseph M. Rogers (prog.).
At large-^Edward Frensdorf. (dem.X.
At large?Patrick H. Kelley (rep.).
At large?William H. H11J . (prog ).
1?Clinton Robinson (dem.).
1?'Sidney Anderson (rep.).
2?'Winfleld S. Hammond (dem.).
2?Franklin F. Ellsworth (rep.).'
3?Frank L. Glottzbach (dem.).
3?'Charles R. Davis (rep./.
4?James J. Regan (dem.).
4?'Frederick C. Stevens (rep.).
4?Hugh T. Halbert (prog ).
5?W. J. Dwyer (dem.).
5?George R. Smith (rep.).
ft?Andrew J. Gilkinson (dem.)
ft?"Charles A. Lindbergh (rep.).
7?'Andrew J. Volstead (rep )
8-^John Jenswold, jr. (dem.).
8?'Clarence B. MiHer (rep.^
9?'Halvor Steenerson (rep.).
At large?Carl Johnson Buel (dem ).
At large?'James Manahan,' (rep.) "(prog.).
1?*E. S. Candler (dem.).
2?'Hubert D. Stephens/dem.).
3?'Benjamin G. Humphreys (dem.).
4?Thomas U. Sisson (dem.).
5?'S. A. Witherspoon (dem.).
ft?''B. P. Harrison (dem.).
7?Percy E. Quin (dem.).
8?'James W. Collier (dem.).
1?'James T. Lloyd (dem.).
1?Beverly L. Bonfoey (rep.;.
1?Arthur B. Warner (prog.).
2?'William W. Rucker (dem.).
2?Edward F. Haley (rep.).
2?R. H. Williams (prog.).
3?'Joshua W. Alexander (dem.).
3?James H. Morroway (rep.).
3?W. Sam Wightman (prog.).
4?'Charles F. Booher (dem.).
4?Claude V. Hickman (rep.).
4?Fred P. Robinson (prog.).
5?'William P. Borland (dem.).
5?Isaac B. Kimbrell (rep.).
ft?'Clement C. Dickinson (dem ).
ft?Louis P. Dunnaway (rep.).
(5?G. A. Theidman (prog.).
7?'Courtney W. Hamlin (dem.).
7?Theodore C. Owen (rep.).
7?William W. Blain (prog.).
8?'Dorsey W. Shaokleford (dem.)
8?D. W. Peters (rep.)
S?Morton W. Pemberton (prog.)
9?'Champ Clark (dem.)
9?William L. Cole (rep.)
10?Maurice O'Connor (dem.)
10?'Richard Bartholdt (rep.)
10?August Slebert (prog.)
11?William L. Igoe (dem.)
11?'Theron E. Catlln (rep.)
12?Michael J. Gill (dem.)
12?'L. C. Dyer (rep.)
13?'Walter L. Hensley (dem.)
13? Simoni G. Nipper (rep.)
14?'Joseph J. Russell (dem.)
14?George R. Curry (rep.) *
15?Perl D. Decker (dem.)
15?Isaac V. McPherson (rep.)
15?Henry H. Gregg (prog.)
10?''Thomas L. Rubey (dem.)
16?James P. O'Bannon (rep.)
16?Columbus Bradford (prog.)
At large?Thomas Stout (dem.)
At large?'Charles N. Pray (rep.)
At large?T. M. Everett tprog.)
At large?John M- Evans (dem.)
At large?W. F. Meyer (rep.)
At large?George A. Horgan (prog.).
1?'John A. Maguire (dem.)
1?Paul F. Clark (rep.-prog.)
2? *C. O. Lobeok (dem.)
2?Howard H. Baldrldge (rep.-prog.)
3?Dan V. Stephens (dem.^
3?Joseph C. Cook (rep.-prog.).
4?Charles M| Skiles (dem.)
4?'Charles H. Sloan (rep.-prog.)
5?Roderick D. Sutherland (dem.).
5?S. R. Barton (rep.-prog.).
ft-W. J. Taylor (dem.).
6?'Moses P. Kinkaid (rep.).
6?F. L. Armstrong (prog.).
At large?Clay Tallman (dem.).
At large?*E. E. Roberts (rep.).
At large?George Springmeyer (prog.).
New Hampshire.
1?Eugene E. Reed (dem.).
1?'Cyrus A. Sulloway (rep.).
1?Solomon O. Titus (prog.).
2?Raymond B. Stevens (dem.).
2?'Frank D. Currier (rep.).
New Jersey.
1?D. Stewart Craven ($em.).
1?'William J. Browning (rep.).
1?George D. Chenoweth (prog.).
1?Frank B. Jes* (prog.).
2?J. Thompson Baker (dem.).
2?'John J. Gardner (rep.).
2?Francis D. Potter (prog.).
3?'Thomas J. Scully (dem.).
3?Benjamin F. S. Brown (rep.).
3?Mark O. Prentiss (prog.).
4?Allan B. Walsh (dem.).
4?William E. Blackman (rep.).
4?John E. Gill (prog.).
5?'WJlliam E. Tuttle. jr. (dem.).
5?William N. Runyon (rep.).
5?Charles W. Ennls (prog.).
ft?Ye wis J. Martin (dem.).
6?S. W. McClave (rep.).
6?Leverltt H. Sage (prog.).
7?R. G. Bremner (dem.) (full term).
7?D. J. Hanvey (dem.) (vacancy).
7?Albin" Smith (rep.).
7?Henry Mirelli (prog).
S?Eugene F. Kinkead (dem.).
8?Harold Bouton (rep.-prrtg^
!??*Walter I. McCoy
9?Herman B. Walkty'(prOg->.
10?'Edward W. Tfivnsend (dem.).
10?W. I. Lincoln Adams (rep.).
10?William F. Morgan (prog.).
11?John J. Eagan (dem.).
11?Harlan Besson (rep.-prog.).
12-^James A. Hamill (dem.).
lS^-George L. Record (rep.-prog.).
New Mexico.
At li*rge?*H. B.. Eergusson (dem.).
At large?Nathan Jaffa dep.).
At large? Marcos C. DeBaca (prog.).
New York.
1?Lathrop Brown (dem.).
1?Frederick C. Hicks (rep.).
1?W. Bourke Cockran (prog.).
^ 2?Dennis J. O'Leswy (dem ).
2?Johnston Maclleod (dem.).
2? F. E. Hopkins (rep.).
2?Felix Frltsche (prog.).
3?'Frank E. Wiison (dem.).
3?Frank F. Schulz (rep.).
3?Westervelt Prentice (prog.).
4?Harry H. Dale (dem.).
4?William Llebermann (rep.);
4?Samuel Greenblatt (prog.).
5?'James P. Maher (dem.).
5?John S. Gayr.or (rep.).
5?Charles J. Ryan (prog.).
(!?Robert H. Roy " (dem.).
6?'William M. Calder (rep.).
<>?Jesse Fuller, jr. (prog.).
7?"John J. Fitzgerald (dem.).
7?John E. Grady (rep.).
7?M. A. Fitzgerald, (prog.). :
8?Daniel P. Griffin (dem.).
, 8?Ernest I\ Salmon (rep.).
8?Albert H. T. Banshaf (prog.).
9?James H. O'Brien (dem.).
9?Oscar W. Swift .(rep,)..
ft?John P. Kennedy (prog).
10?Herman A. Metz Idem.).
10?Reuben L. Haskell (rep.).
10?Jacob L. Holtzmann (prog.).
It?'Daniel J. Riordan (dem.).
.11?William G. Rose (rep.).
11?William Wirt Mills (prog.).
11!?'Henry M. Goldfog'.e (dem.).
12?Alexander Wolf (rep.).
12?Dr. Henry Moskowitz (prog.).
13?Timothy D. Sullivan (dem.).
13?J. B. G. Reinhardt (rep.).
13?Sigmund S. Roter (prog.).
14?'Jefferson M. Levy (dem.).
14?E. C. Kindleberger (rep.).
14?Abraham H. Goodman (profe.).
15?'Michael F. Conrv (dem.).
15?F. H. Oneill (rep.).
15?James H. Ilickev (prog.).
10? Peter J. Dowling (dem.).
1(5?Francis C. Dale (rep.).
16?Timothy Healv (prog.).
17?John S. Carcw (dem.).
17?Ogden I>. Mills (rep.).
17?Lindon Bates, jr.. (prog.).
IS?'Thomas G. Patten (dem.).
18?S. W. Kaufman (rep.).
18?Amos R. E. Pinchot (prog.).
11)?Franklin Leanard. jr. -(dem.).
19?Alexander Brough (rep.).
19?Walter M. Chandler (prog.).
20?'Francis B. Harrison (dem.).
20?Abraham Goodman (rep.).
20?Julius H. Reiter (prog.).
21?'Henry George, jr. (dem.).
21?X. C. Ansorge (rep.).
21?Jerome F. Reilly (prog.).
22?Henry Bruckner (dem.).
22?Rev. Rufus Johnson (rep.)
Prohibition Candidate for Vice
22?Irving M. Crane (prog.).
23?Joseph A. Goulden (dem.).
23?Peter Wynne (rep.).
23?-Edward J. L. Baldiris (prog.).
24?Woodson S. Ogiesby (dem.).
24?B. E. Kingman (rep.).
24?Alfred E. Smith (prog.).
25?Benjamin I. Taylor (dem.).
25?James W. Husted (rep.).
25?John C. Bucher (pro?.).
2fi?'Richard E. Connell (dem.).
28?Edmund Piatt (rep.).
2(5?Augustus B. Gray (prog.).
27?George McClellan (dem.).
27?Charles B. Ward (rep.).
27?Horatio S. Manning tprog.).
28?P^ter G. Ten Eyck (dem.).
28?D. L. Prior (rep.).
28?Joseph P. McLaughlin (prog.).
2!)?Milton K. Huppuch (dem.).
29?James S. Parker (rep.).
29?Frederick E. Draper, jr. (prog.).
30?R. E. Lee Reynolds (dem.).
30?Samuel Wallen (rep.).
30?Edward Everett Hale (prog.).
31?B. Lucey (dem.).
31?Edwin A. Merritt, jr. (rep ).
31?James B. Burnham (prog.). -
32?Robert E Gregg (dem.).
32?'Luther W. Mott (rep.).
32?William W. Kelley (prog.).
33?"Charles A. Talcott (dem.).
33?Homer P. Snyder (rep.).
.'13?B. T. Gilbert (prog.).
34?James J. Bayard, jr. (dem.).
34?'George W. Fairchild (rep.).
34?Jared C. Estelow (prcg.).
35?J. R. Clancy idem ).
35?'Michael E. Driscoll (rep.).
35?Giles H. Stillwell (rep.).
30?R. C. S. Drummond (dem.).
30?'Sereno E. Payne (rep.).
3(5?Wilson M. Gould (prog.).
37?'Edwin S. I'nderhill (dem.).
37?Thomas F. Fer.nell (rep.).
137?Wiley W. Caqron (prog.).
:i8?George P. De?ker (dem.).
3S?Thomas B. Dunn (rep.).
38?A. Emerson Babcock (prog.).
39? Charles Ward (dem.).
39?'Henry G. Danforth (rep.).
39? Silas L. Strivings (prog ).
40?Robert H. Gittins (dem.).
40?'James S. Simmons (rep.).
4D?Frank C. Ferguson (prog.).
41?'Charles B. Smith (deni ).
41?George A. Davis (rep.).
41?Henry Koebler (prog.).
42?'Daniel A. Driscoll (dem.).
42?William H. Tiehknor (rep.)
42?L. Bradley Dorr (prog.).
43?Mamton M. Wvnel] (dem.).
43?Pharles M. Hamilton (rep.).
43?J. Samuel Fowler (rep.).
43?Samuel A. Carlson (prog.).
North Carolina.
1?'Jolin H. Small (dem.).
2?'Claude Kitchin (dem,).
3?'John M. Faison (dem.).
4?'Edward W. Pou (dem.).
5?'Charles M. Stedman (dem.).
(J?'Hannibal L. Godwin (dem.).
7?'Robert N. Page (dem.).
N?'Robert L. Dough ton (dem.).
8? D. B. G. Reynolds (rep.).
9?'Edwin Y. Webb (dem.).
10?'.James M. Gudger. jr. (dem.).
lO? R. H. Staton (rep.).
North Dakota.
1 ? V. R. l.ovell (dem.).
1?*H. T. Helgesen (rep.).
2?J. A. Minckler (dem.).
2?George M. Young (rep.).
3?Halvor L. Halvorson (dem.).
3?P. D. Norton (rep.).
1?S. E. Bowdle (dem.i.
1?'Nicholas Longworth (rep.).
1?M. F. Andrews (prog.).
2?'Alfred G. Allen (dem ).
2?Otto J. T. Renner (rep.).
2?William B. Hay (prog.).
3?Homer Gard (dem.).
3?B. B. Buckley (rep.).
3?Edward G. Pease (prog.).
4?*J. H. Goeke (dem.).
4?John T. Cable (rep.).
4? William E. Rudy (prog.).
I 5?'Timothy T. An sherry (dem.).
5?Edward Staley (rep.).
<>?D. K. Hempstead (dem).
(??S. D. Fes* (rep ).
7?'J. D. Post (dem ).
7.?R. \V. Hughey (rep.)
8?W. W. Durbin (dem.).
8?'Frank B. Willis (rep.).
8?Rev. L. G. Herbeft( prog ).
'Isaac R. Sherwood (dem.).
0?Holland C. Webster (rep.-prog.).
1<)?C. M. Caldwell (dem.).
10?'"Robert M. Switzer (rep.).
10?YV. E. Pricer (prog;.).
11?'Horatio C. Clavpool (dem.).
11?Albert Douglas (rep.).
12?C. I,.: Brumbaugh (dem ).
12?'Edward L. Taylor, Jr. (rep:).
13?John A. Kev (dem.).
13?Miles H. McLaughlin (rep.).
H??William G. Sharp (dem.).
14?W. S. Kerr (rep.).
15?''George White, (dem.).
15?James Joyce, (rep.).
15?H. E. Buker (prog.).
16?'W. B. Francis (dem.).
16?D. A. Hollingsworth (rep.).
17?"William A. Ashbroo.v (dem.).
17?William Morgan (rep.).
17?A. R. Milner (prog.).
IS??John J. Whitacre (dem.).
IS? Roscoe McCulloch (rep.).
lO??E. R. Bathrick (dem.).
10?H. E. Starkey (rep.).
IS)?W. F. Harris (prog.).
20?William Gordon (dem.).
20?? Paul Howland (rep.).
20?Frank W. Woods (prog ).
21?R. J. Bulkley (dem.).
21?Fred L. Taft (rep.).
21?A. R. Hatton (prog.).
At large?Robert Grosser (dem.).
At large?Lawrence K. Langdon (rep.).
At large?Randolph W. Walton (prog.).
1?John J. Davis (dem.).
1?'Bird MeGuire (rep.).
2?John J. Carney (dem.).
2?*Dick T. Morgan (rep.).
3?'James S. Davenport (dem.).
3? R. T. Daniel (rep.).
4?'Charles D. Carter (dem.).
4?E. N. Wright (rep.).
5?'Scott Ferris (dem.).
5?C. O. Clark (rep.).
At large?W. H. Murray (dem.).
At large?Emory D. Brownlee (rep ).
At large?Claud Weaver (dem.).
At large?James L. Brown (rep.).
At large?J. B. Thompson (dem.).
At large?Alvin Dallen (rep ).
1?R. G. Smith (dem.).
1?'Willis C. Hawey (rep.).
1?John W. Campbell (prog.).
2?'James H. Graham (dem.).
2?X. J. Sinnott (rep.).
3?M. G. Munly (dem ).
3?A. W. Lafferty (rep.-prog.).
1?John H. Hall (dem.).
1?'William S. Vare (rep.-prog.).
2?William Schlipf. jr. (dem.).
2?George S. Graham (rep.).
2?H. W. Lamberth (prog.).
.?{?John H. Pow (dem.).
:t?'J. Hampton Moore (rep ?.
3?1 Harry E. Walter (prog.).
4?Thomas T. Nelson (dem.>.
4?George W. Edmonds (rep.-prog.).
5?'Michael Donohoe (dem.-prog.).
5?Henry S. Borneman (rep.).
6?J. Washington Logue (dem ).
6?Harry A. Mackey (rep.).
7?E. C. Bonniwell (dem.).
7?'Thomas S. Butler (rep ).
7?Frederick A. Hay ward (prog.).
8? Robert R. Difenderfer (dem.).
8?Oscar O. Bean (rep ).
8?T. K. Oher (prog.).
9?R. M. Reilly (dem.).
0?'William W. Griest (rep.).
!)?J. X. Hetrick (prog.).
10?M. A. McGlnley (dem.).
10?'John R- Farr (rep.-prog.).
11?John J. Casey (dem.).
11?'Charles C. Bowman (rep.).
11?C. D. Coughlin (prog.).
12?'Robert E. Lee (dem.).
12?A. B. Garner (rep.).
12?W. W. Thorn (prog.)
13?'John H. Rothermel (dem.).
13?Claude T. Reno (rep.-prog.).
14?J. G. Hill (dem.).
14?W. B. Ainy (rep.-prog.).
15?'William B. Wilson (dem.).
15?Edgar R. Kiess (rep.-prog.).
16?J. V. Lesher (dem.).
16?1. Clinton Kline (rep.-prog ).
17?F. L. Dersham (dem.).
17?'Benjamin K. Focht (rep.).
17?Frank B. Clayton (prog).
18?D. L. Kaufman (dem.).
18?A. S. Kreider (rep.).
18?H. C. Deming (prog.).
19?W. W. Bailey (dem.).
19?'Jesse L. Hartman (rep.).
11)?L. A. Brua (prog.).
20?A. R. Brodbeck (dem.).
20?'Daniel F. Lafean (rep.).
20?R. C. Blair (prog.).
21?James A. Gleason (dem.).
21?*Charles E. Patton (rep.-prog.).
22?*Cu|ti8 H. Gregg (dem.).
22?Abraham L. Keister (rep.-prog.).
23?W. N. Carr (dem.).
23?'Thomas S. Crago (rep.).
23? Harvey M. Berkeley (prog).
24?S. A. Lacock (dem.).
24?'Charles Matthews (rep.).
24?Henry W. Temple (prog.).
25?T. W. Shacklett (dem.).
25?Milton W. Shreve (rep.-prog.).
26?'A. Mitchell Palmer (dem.).
28?Francis A. March, jr. (rep.-prog.).
27?F. M. Mohemy (dem.).
27?Jonathan X. Langhan (rep.-prog.).
28?J. P. Hines (dem.).
28?'Peter M. Speer (rep.).
28.?W. J. Hulings (prog.).
20?Joseph Gallagher (dem.).
20?'Stephen G. Porter (rep.-prog.).
30?D. K. Ferree (dem.).
30?M. Clyde Kelly (rep.-prog.).
31?Joseph F. Joyce (dem.).
31?'James Francis Burke (rep ).
31?John Mellor (prog.).
32?H. L. Hegner (dem.).
32?'Andrew J. Barchfeld (rep.-prog.).
At large?E. E. Greenawalt (dem.).
At large?Arthur R. Rupley (rep.-prog.).
At large?George R. McLean (dem.).
At large?John M. Morin (rep.-prog.).
At lar^e?Joseph Hawley (dem.).
At large?A. H. Walters (rep.-prog.).
At large?G. B. Shaw (dem.).
At large?Fred E. Lewis (rep.-prog.).
Rhode Island.
1?*George F. O'Shaunessy (dem.).
1?William P. Sheffield (rep.).
1?John E. Boland (prog.).
2?Peter Goelet Gerry (dem.).
2?"George H. Utter (rep.).
2?Claude C. Ball (prog.).
3?F. X. L. Rattey (dem.).
3?Ambrose Kennedy (rep.).
3?Edwin F. Tuttle (prog.).
South Carolina.
1?*George S. Legare (dem.).
2?'James F. Byrnes (dem.).
3?'Wyatt Aiken (dem.).
4?'Joseph T. Johnson (dem.).
5?''David E. Finley (dem.).
6?J. W. Ragsdale (dem.).
7?'A. F. Lever (dem.).
South Dakota.
1?r\ E. Dowdell (dem.).
1?C. H. Dillon (prog ).
2?C. B. Barrett (dem ).
?^?'Charles H. Burke (rep ).
3?Harry L. Gandy (dem.).
3?*E. W. Martin (rep.).
1?Z. D. Massey (rep ).
1?'Sam R. Sells (rep.).
2?J. C. J. Williams (dem.).
2?'Richard W. Austin (rep.).
2?W. H. Buttram (prog.).
3?'John A. Moon (dem.).
3?Clarence Steward (rep.).
3?J. W. Eastman (prog.).
4?'Cordell Hull (dem.).
4?1. J.' Human (rep ).
5?'William C. Houston (dem.).
f??Jesse C. Beesley (dem.).
5?Doak Aydelott (dem.).
?v?'Joseph W. Byrns (dem.).
(">?J. A. Althauser (rep.).
7?'Lemuel P. Padgett (dem.).
7?C. W. Turner (dem.).
7?Arch M. Hughes (rep.).
8?'Thetus W. Sims (dem.).
8?J. W. Ross (rep.).
jv?''Finis J. Garrett (dem.).
0?R. C. Cochran (rep.).
10?'Kenneth D. McKellar (dem.).
1?Horace W. Vaughn (dem.).
2?'Martin Dies (dem.).
3?'James Young (dem.).
4?Sam Rayburn (dem.).
5?'Jack Beall (dem.).
(>?'Rufus Hardy (dem.).
7?'A. W. Gregg (dem.).
8?Joseph H. Eagle (dem ).
0?"George F. Burgess (dem.).
lO?'Albert S. Burleson (dem.).
11?"Robert I*. Henry idem ).
12?"Oscar Callaway (dem.).
13?"John H. Stephens tdem.).
14?''James L. Slayden (dem.).
15?"John N. Garner idem.)
10??William R. Smith (dem.).
At large?Hatton W. Sumners (dem ). ,
At large?J. E. Elgin (rep.).
At large?Z. T. Whit? (prog.). j
At large?Daniel E. Garrett (dem.).
At large?R. B. Harrison (rep.?.
At large?F. M- Bthridge (prog ).
At large?T D. Johnson (dem.).
At large?"Joseph Howell (rep.). i
At large?Stephen H. I^ove (prog ).
At large?Mathonihah Thomas (dem.).
At large?Jacob Johnson (rep ).
At large?Louis Larson (prog.).
(Elected In September.)
1?Frank L Green (rep.).
2?"Frank Plumley (rep.).
1?"William A. Jones (dem.).
2?"E. E. Holland (dem ).
2?N. T. Green ,(prog.K
3?A. J. Montague idem.).
4?Walter A. Watson (dem ).
r>?"Edward W. Saunders (dem.).
5?A. B. Hamner (rep.?.
ft?"'Carter Glass (dem.).
7?"James Hay (dem.).
7?George N. Eurman (rep.).
R?"Charles C. Carlln (dem.).
fy? Roy M. Carter (rep.).
P?R. A. Ayres (dem.).
"C. Bascom Slemp (rep.).
9?Walter Graham (prog.).
10?E. T. McCulloch (prog.).
1?Charles G. Heifner (dem.).
1?"William E. Humphrey (rep.).
1?Daniel Landon (prog.). ^ _
2?J. A. Munday (dem ). ?3?
2?Albert Johnson (rep.).
2?"Stanton Warburton (prog.).
3?Roscoe Drumheller (dem.).
3?"William L. I^a Follette (rep.).
3?F. M. Goodwhi (prog.).
At large?-Henry H. White (dem.).
At large?Henry B. Dewey (rep. i.
At large?J. A. Falconer (prog.).
At large? E. O. Connor (dem.).
At large?J. E. Frost (rep.).
At large?J. W. Bryan (prog.).
West Virginia.
1?"John W. Davis (dem.).
1?George A. Laughlin (rep.-prog.).
2?"William G. Brown, jr. (dem.).
2?William G. Conley (rep.-prog.).
3?"Adam B. Littlepage (dem.).
3?Samuel V*. Avis (rep.-prog.).
4?"John M. Hamilton (dem.).
4?H. H. Moss. jr. (rep.-prog.).
5?James F. Beavers diem.).
5?"James A. Hughes (rep.-prog.).
At large?Ben H. Hines (dem.).
At large?Howard Sutherland (rap.
1?Calvin Stewart (dem ).
1?"Henry A. Cooper (rep.).
2r-Michael E. Burke (dem.).
2?Henry J. Grell (rep.).
3? Albert H. Long (dem ).
3?"John M. Nelson (rep ).
4?"William J. Cary (fusion).
4?Df. John M. Beffel (rep.).
5?William H. Stafford (fusion).
5-James F. Trottman (rep.).
5?"Victor L. Berger (soc.).
0?Michael K. Reilly (dem ).
0?"James H. Davidson (rep.>.
7?William N. Cofflanrl (dem.).
7?"John J. Esch (rep.).
6?Arthur .T. Plowman (rep.).
8?E. E. Browne (xep.).
0?Thomas F. Nonop (dem ).
9?"Elmer A. Morse (rep.)
10?Charles Donohue (dem.).
10?James A. Frear (rep.).
11?Henry A. Johnson (dem.).
11?"Irvine L. Lenroot (rep.).
At large?Thomas P Fahey (dem.).
At large?"Frank W. Mondell (rep.).
AD large?Charles E. Winter (prog.).
Delegates From Territories.
Alaska?James WIckersham (re%Iected).
Hawaii?J. Kuhio Kalanianaole.
(Continued from Tenth Page.)
re-election. Against him the democrats
have nominated Alfred Lucking and the
progressives Theodore M. Joslin.
Minnesota?Senator Nelson is a can
didate for re-election on the republican
ticket. Daniel W. Lawler is his demo
cratic opponent.
Montana?Senator Dixon, republican,
has been nominated by the progressives
to succeed himself in the Senate. H. C.
Smith is the republican candidate and
Thomas J. Walsh the democratic. The
legislature, no matter what its political
complexion, is bound to elect the candi
date receiving the greatest number of
popular votes.
Nebraska?To succeed Senator Browv
republican. Representative George W.
Ncrris has been nominated by the repub
licans and progressives. Ashton C.
Shallenfcerger is the democratic nominee.
Senator Nixon's Seat.
Nevada?A senator to All the unexpired
term of the late George S. Nixon will be
chosen. Senator W. A. Massey, republi
can, who was appointed by the governor
to succeed Senator Nixon, is the repuMi
can candidate. Key Pittman the demo
cratic. Sardis Summerfield the progress
ive and G. A. Steel* the socialist.
New Hampshire?The legislature to be
chosen Tuesday will elect a successor to
Senator H. F. Burnham, republican, who
is not a candidate for rf-election
New Jersey?The iiglit f?-- the senatorial
toga is on between Senator Frank O.
Brigps, republican candidate for re-elec
tion, and former Representative William
Hughes, democrat.
New Mexico?The state legislature has
re-elected Senator A. B. Fall for a full
term of six years, but the democratic
governor refused to sign his credential*.
The democrats have been making a fight
for a democratic legislature. with a prom
ise that an attempt will be made to have
it elect a democratic succti-sor to Sena
tor Fall to take his seat after March 4
Owen Up for Be-Election.
OkJahoma?Senator Robert L. Owen is
the democratic candidate to succeed him
self and J. T. Dickerson has been named
as his republican opponent.
Oregon?There is a four-cornered fight
on In Oregon. Senator Bourne Is a can
didate to succeed himself, running as an
Independent. Ben Selling is the repub
lican candidate, Harry Lane the demo
cratic and A. E. Clark the progressive.
Rhode Island?The legislature to be
elected Tuesday will choose a successor
to Senator George P. Wetmore, republi
can, who has announced he will retire
March 4 next.
Senator Gamble's Seat.
South Dakota?R. F. Pettigrew is the
democratic candidate to succeed Senator
Robert J. Gamble, republican. Thomas
Sterling Is the republican nominee. ,
Tennessee?A state legislature, to ?sbe
elected Tuesday, will choose a successor
to Senator Newell Sanders, republican,
and for both the unexpired term of Sena
tor Robert I* Taylor and for the fall
term, beginning March 4.
West Virginia?The state legislature to
be chosen Tuesday will elect a succes
sor to Senator Clarence W. Watson, dem
Wyoming?Senator Warren is the re
publican candidate to succeed himself,
and John B. Kendrlck is the democratic
That Much Too Much.
?From the^ Continent.
"Mother, does Dr. Smith wear his
everyday clothes under the long, white
gown when he preaches?" asked a little
girl who had seen the edje of the min
ister's trousers under his robe.
"Yes. dear," was the reply.
"Well," she continued, "now I know
why It is called the surplus."

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