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HAVE Been Decorated for All Sorts of Services? Decorations Come From Nearly All Foreign Countries ;.. ?The Various Grades of Foreign Orders?Scientists of Washington Who Have Been ' Decorated?War Correspond- . ents Who Have Been Re membered by Foreign Rulers - ?Veritable Array of Medals and Crosses Owned in Wash ington?Ceremonies Are Usu ally Missing When Decora tions Are Bestowed. X the mail of a Washington physi cian a few days agD there came a heavy, square, offi cial looking envel ope, in the upper left-hand corner of which a double eagle was blazoned in bright gold. In side was a parch ment not unlike a < ollesre diploma, but written in German. The physician had scarcely finished read ing this parchment when hiB telephone hell rang. A second later a voice at the other end of the wire asked him to come to the Austrian embassy. "The eiriperor has given you a decora tion," said the voice. "I suppose you have already received your diploma? Very good, then. Come to the embassy and the ambassador will give you your rross? No, you need not change your clothes?there will be no ceremonies there never is. The honor Is great enough not to require them " The physician to whom the foregoing relates is Dr. Ernest A. Sellhausen of 620 G street northwest, on whom his imperial majesty the Emperor of Austria-Hun gary has just bestowed the chevalier cross of the Imperial Order of Franz Jo sef, thereby adding one more to the long list of Washingtoniana who have been decorated by foreign governments. *? * * More native Washingtoniana have been decorated by foreign governments than the residents of any other ten cities put together. In all, there are seventy-five men and women who make this city their home who have been given the crosses and Jewels of royal orders?and this num ber does not include a large additional number who have received diplomas making them members of lesser foreign orders, whose insignia are ribbons. Still other Washingtonians who are in the active service of the government have been decorated, but may not wear their medals. Instead the bright gold decora tions are kept locked in some dark safe in the State Department. This is due to the fact that the Constitution of the 1 nited States forbids the acceptance on the part of any one "hold'ng a position of honor, trust or emolument under the government of any decoration or g'ft from a foreign prince, power or poten tate." Congress alone can give such an official permission to accept such a deco ration?and this favor has been granted but once In twenty years. The number of orders now existing is not less than 215, any one or group of which from a given country may be wiped out cf existence or grouped, or a n??w order may even be created to mark *ome notable event, it is impossible to compare the stand'ng of the various or ders of the various countries, although some are far more noted than others, as. for instance, the Legion of Honor of France, the Order of the Garter of Eng land and the Golden Fleece of the Latin speakinst countries. There is one order, however, the Order of All. which has but a ringle member?the Shah of Persia. Then there is the Order of Moreto, con ferred only on the president of the Acad emy of St. Luke, Rome, but on retiring from office he retains the order as evi dence of past service There are. also, many family orders to which only the members of reigning houses are eligib'e. like the Holy Order of Slam and the Golden Lion of Hesse. The Order of White Elephant of Slam has only once been granted to an American, and tnis one came to a Washingtonlan. Prof James Howard Gore of the George Washington University. v * * But while the Washingtonians who have received decorations receive merely the honor that they convey, sometimes being given only the diploma and re quired to buy their own medal (pro vided. of course, that they wish one), they have a distinct advantage over the citlaens of the country honoring them. A citlren of a foreign countrv on being decorated by his sovereign must enter the lowest grade. Not so with Ameri cans. Comparatively few of the Wash ? ngtonlans who have been decorated have been forced to enter the lowest grade. Instead, so distinguished have f-een their services that most of them have been created "officers-." and in one or two instances have be??n given even i igher posts. In addition to being the home of more Americans who have been decorated than any other city In the United States. ?tshington is also the* home of the ni"n w ho lias received more decorations than any other one American?and also more than a vast number of tit'ed foreign no blemen. He is Prof. James Howard '.ore of 2210 R street, a" ready men tioned as being the only American re cent of the White Elephant of Siam. is a'so one of the greatest Iving authorities on the subject of for eign orders, on which he has written several treatises. There are cases where the recipient as made a personal sacrifice to receive hi a medal. One of the moat notable of ?hese cases is that of John Callan O Li"ugh in, now the Wushln?r?on cor-e spondent of a western newspaper. M-. O T-aughlin haa two decorations, one from Russia and one from Japan. ft was the latter Which necessitated the self-sacrifice. a * ?? The Japanese cross was conferred on Mr. G'Laughlin for hit services as a member of the American commission to the Tokio exposition in 1002. He was made a member of the Order of the fiislng Eastern Sun by Emperor Mutau hito, and in 190*, following the Russo Japanese war. during which he served as a correspondent, he was presented with a set of go d cups by the emperor and was promoted to the second class of the order, a signal honor. Following th? war Mr. O'Laughlin was appointed assistant secretary of **tate* by Presi dent Roosevelt. Nat long after thut Czar Nicholas of Russia, fishing to con fer some recognition on American news paper men as a class, picked out Mr. O'Laugblin as n representative menibei of the fourth estate and bestowed on him the Cross of the Imperial Order of Saint Ann?. Decoration and diploma were sent, to the Russian ambassador here to be con ferred?and then came a hitch. Mr. O'Laughllii was an assistant secretary of state?one of the highest posts in out government. The Constitution fo". bad'* his acceptance of the honor unless^ he received special permission from Con gress?and Congress was not then in session. Meanwhile the decoration must be either accepted or refused. Thete could be no de!ay. Mr. O'Laugh in took the matter up with the Secretary of State. The de cision of that official was prompt and unequivocal. "You munt refuse th? cross," he said, "or resign." Mr. O'Laughlin went back to his own.< office and pondered over the matter for. an hour. Then he. took up his pen and wrote out his resignation. With the exception of the cross of tpe Legion of Honor, comparatively few women have ever been decorated, but of the few who have received such honors four live in Washington. Oi these perhaps the most notable is Miss Mabel Boardman. whose philan thropic work, especially In connection with the Red Cross, has won her signal recognition. But Miss Boardman has nbt received as many decorations as Mme. Marie von Unschuld., a pianist of 1347 L street northwest, who has been honored by four foreign rulers. Mr*. von T'nschuld was court pianist to. Queen Carmen Sylva of Roumania, and In recognition of this post was decorated with the cross of Bene Mer^nti. Then she came to America, and settled in Washington, where she has lived fcyer since. Meanwhile, she was composing and her works were gaining recognition. They became known in Turkey, and so delighted the sultan that he conferred on her the cross of Nlcham-1-Chefakat? an order given only to women. Her works also became noted in Servia. and the king of that country set a new precedent in the orders of his realm and gave her the cross of commander of the Order of St. Sava. Different grades of this order have been bestowed on other women, but Mme. von Unschuld is the only woman in the world, excepting princesses of blood royal, who holds the rank of com mander in it. Mme. von Unschuld has been decorated with the Cross of Merit by the King of Cobourg-Gotha. another recognition of her work as a composer. * ? * Another Washington woman who has been decorated is Miss Eliza Ruhamah Scidmore. whose home is at 1837 M street northwest, and who in 1908 was given the cross of the Order of the Eastern Rising Sun by the Emperor of Japan, in recog nition of her writings on Japan. Perhaps more notable than any of the fore going, however is the case of Mrs. Her man Schoenfeld, once lady manager of the George Washington University Hos pital. Mrs. ScHoenfele and her husband have both been decorated, and the two are members of the same order, that of N"lshanl-MedJ!di, created by the Sultan of Turkey, In 1S30. Dr. Schoenfeld is now consul general of Turkey, but for all that he is a native Washingtonian. He has lived here many years, where he has long held a professorship in the George Wash ington University. Mrs. Schoenfeld was decorated several years ago. She is a member of the low est grade of the Xishani-Medjidi. Her husband outranks her, he being an of ficer of the order. And in addiMon to this decoration Dr Schoenfeld has been given the cross of commander of the Or der of the Sun and Lion of Persia, has been made commander of the Exalted Or der of Osmanic Turkey and created an officer In the Order of the Bust of Brazil, one of the most famous of South Ameri can chivalric orders. Yet, for all their decorations. Dr. and Mrs. Schoenfeld live quietly at their home In Cleveland Park, with few of their most intimate friends even dreaming of the Jewel-studded crosses they keep locked In their velvet cases, for they never wear them and never mention them. Far-off China also has its representa tive of a chivalric order in Washington in the person of the director of the Bu reau of American Republics John Barrett, who was given the order of the Double Dragon in recognition of his services to the yellow empire when he was in the diplomatic service. Col. Thomas William Symons. United States Engineer Corps, whose home Is at 30 Lafayette square, has also been decorated with this order, *05^ * -o of whicn. mere are only twenty. in - all America. Director Barrett Is also a .member of. the Order of the Bust of Boli var of Venezuela. J * * . Washington scientists are specially prominent in the lists of Americans who have been decorated by foreign govern ments, and in seeking to Interview them and get the story of how and why they were honored. The Star man ran across a peculiar coincidence. In the new office building of the National Museum and the Smithsonian Institution, in ruonis not more than 100 feet apart, sat two men, each of whom had been decorated by a different country. Neither of the two had ever worn his decoration, and neither knew that the other had ever received . one. The men are Dr. W&l ten- Hough, cu rator in charge of, ethnology in the Na tional Museum, and" Dr. Leonharijt Stej neger, curator In charge of reptiles in the same institutldn.' Dr. Hough was created chevalier of the Order of Charles XII. of Spain nearly twenty years ago. The honor came as ;i result of his services In connection with the exposition at Madrid in 18fl3, during which he was practically in chaf-ge of the American exhibit. "I heard I was to be decorated before I left Spain," said Dr. Hough, ."but I didn't take much interest In the report Of course, I had worked hard?but I didn't think I had done enough to deserve a decoration. But a few weeks after I got home I received a message from the Spanish minister telling me the king had awarded me a diploma. I didn't get any medal or cross with my diploma. They don't give them in Spain.- Instead, they take the position that the mere con ferring of the right *o wear a decoration is enough. If the recipient of a diploma wants a cross, he can buy one. I under stand the cross 1 am entitled to wear is some sort of a jeweled affair, but I'm not certain. I never bought one?didn't see any use in It?and if I have evfer seen one I have forgotten what it looks like. I think, though. I have the diploma put away somewhere at home." Dr. Stejneger's decoration came from the King of Norway shortly after the separation of Norway and Sweden. He was made a knight of the second class of the Royal Order of St. Olaf. "I don't know just why I should have been given a decoration," said he. "When a country bestows an order on one of its own citizens a reason is assigned, but this is not always done when a foreigner is decorated, and no reason was assigned when I got mine. I suppose it must have been just a sort of recognition of the Norwegians in America who have worked themselves up to positions of prominence, although I don't know why they shouid have picked me out." Friends of Dr. Stejneger, however, de clared him far too modest. They pointed out the fact that he is the author of nearly a score of scientific treatises deal ing with Norwegian and 8wedlsh sub jects, and that he has a reputation for learning extending throughout practically aJ the civilized world. It was for these reasons, they said, that he received his decoration. Dr. Stejneger, too, has never worn his cross. Some countries are more quick to award decorations than others, and naturally enough, the fewer fe decorations tne more they are to be prized. Austria-Hun gary is especially chary with her orders? and hence Frank J. Sobotka is especially proud of his. Mr. Sobotka is confidential secretary of the Austrian embassy here, but for all that he is a native Washlngtonian. He was born here, married a Washington girl and has lived here all his life. Yet Joan CaixanOioughlix i JZ>27 CCX/2.ATSCW5 ywi^3 OTK'XUSSIA AKO JA Pa*T fs rrn^ C%**~ 'Jfc.IfcttEST A.^XULHAVSEN1 InPXRIAl ORDEH, OT <5 Traw? Josxr ^ ^telXOUJAeD Sri.JTfEGXTR CK.OS^ OT $TtQXAT so valuable have been his seer vices to the Austro-Hungarian government that, three years ago, he was given the Golden Cross of Merite by the Austrian emperor, and before that he had been given the Golden Sixtieth Year Jubilee Cross. Ilir two decorations are of the heaviest anf purest gold, delicately chased by hand They are two of the most handsome in the city I>r. Frederick A. Kinne is another Washington ian to be honored by the Aus trian embassy. Four years apo, In recog nition of his work as a physician, he whf made Commander of the Imperial Order of Franz Josef?the same order which was recently conferred on Dr. Ernest Sellhausen. although the latter was given only the rank of chevalier. Dr. Sell hausen's decoration came as a mark of the arpreciat'on nf the emperor for his services to the Austrian embassy here. Dr. Sellhausen is the embassy's physician. Of all the Washln. tonians who have been decorated, perhaps none is more typical than that of Walter van Renn saler Berry, who for many years has al ternately pursued business interests in this city, and. diplomatic affairs for Uncle Sam. In fact, he has combined the two. for he has specialized in foreign law, and at various fme? has been of ftclal counselor to the French, Italian and German embassies here. Italy has recognized his services in this connec tion, creating him a member of the Or der of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, and a chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy. France has a? o recognized his services by making him a member of the Legion of Honor. According to rumors in diplomatic circles, too, it is not im probable that Germany will follow suit and also award him a decoration. Probably more Washingtonians have been given the Cross of the Legion of Honor than that of any other order. Among these are Samuel Wesley Strat ton. direcfor of the bureau of standards, who received his decoration a little less than two years ago; Gen. William Crozier of the United States Army, whose home is at 2389 Massachusetts avenue; Admiral John Mitchell Hawley of 1514 R street northwest, Capt. Joseph Newton Hemphill, Rear Admiral John Francis Higginson, Francis B. Loomis of the ?m Sate Department, Admiral Richard WainwrlRht, who became a national hero during the Spanish-American war, and who for many years has made this city his home, and Dr. Harvey W. Wiley of pure food fame. Ministers of the gospel, too, are in cluded in the list of Wishingtonians wno have been decorated by foreign govern ments. Only three in all Ame ica have been so honored, but one of them lives in Washington. He is the Rev. Paul A. Menzel of the German Evangelical Church at 20th and G streets northwest. Several years ago, on the day of the fiftieth anniversay of the founding of his church. Dr. Menzel was given the cross of the Pruss an crown, the presentation being made by the German ambassador, at the lnstan-e of Emperor Wiliiam of Germany. The decoration came as a recognition of Dr. Menzel's services in keeping German Americans banded to gether and preserving tne old i? uton tra ditions among those sons of the father land who have found a home In the land of liberty. Dr. Menzel in his church work has kept atlve the German lan guage and customs, even preaching his sermons In German and conducting a German Sunday school In connection with his spiritual duties. Mills Thompson is another Washingto nian who has been decorated and Is one of the few Americans who hag received a cross from the far-off k'.ngdom of Siam. He was given the royal order of the crown of S am, the cross being awarded as a general recognition of his work in the field of art and especially for services rendered direct to the land of the sacred elephant. Mr. Thompson decorated the Siamese pavilion at the St. Louis expo sition, basing his work largely on knowl edge gained in travels through that quaint land. So artistic was the result that the Siamese commission, which came to America to attend the exposition, recommended that he be decorated, and the king accordingly made him chevalier in the second highest order of his king dom. Larz Anderson, another Washingtonian. a close friend of President Taft and widely known In diplomatic circles, is the only American who was ever made com mander of the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, an Italian order of high rank. The decoration came at the con clusion of three years of service as sec retary and charge d'affaires of the American embassy at Rome in 181*8. Mr. Anderson during the present adminis tration has at various times been promi nently mentioned for appointment to high places in the diplomatic corps. Numerous cabinet officers have been given foreign orders from time to time the decorations usually coming after they have concluded their official service? this for the reason that they couid not be accepted while the recipients were in office. Usually the cabinet officers thus honored are connected in some way with the diplomatic corps A large majority of them have been Secretaries of State. A notable exception, however. o< curs in the case of George von Lengerke Meyer. Secretary of the Navy, who holds a deco ration even while in office, although he probably would not wear it, at least not until he ret res. Secretary Meyer was decorated shortly before the end of the Roosevelt admin istration in 1907, during the briefest o;' in terims between two official posts. He had been American ambassador to Rus sia. filling that post just after the Rus sian-Japanese war. and in 1907 was re ?w >,Pauiakenzu 3 otf^'o^slw cs.owk ,?ailed to become a member o? President Roosevelt's cabinet as Postmaster oen ,-ral. During his service as ambasijailLir he won the warm friendship <?f the nese ambast*ador to Ruwla. His work lr* dealing with the conditions which aro** between Japan and Russia following tna settlement of the Portsmouth i eace tiations was generalv recognized. and na won a reputation In both countries. The Japanese mikado had long ex pressed a desire to decorate him. but h'.* post made It impossible Then came tha recall which afforded the desired oppor tunity. During the period between tha time he relinquished ills diplomatic pos ;tnd the time he received his appointment as Postmaster General he wa.? not regard ed as officially connected with the gov ernment service. It was during this brief space that he was made a member of the tirst class of the Order of the Rising Eastern Sun. the highest honor which can be bestowed by the mikado on a for eigner. Hut of all the Washingtonlans who hav.? been decorated none possesses the ver itable array of medals and crosses which have been showered on Prof. James How ard Gore. Prof. Gore was the personal friend of the late King Leopold of Bel gium. When that monarch began to be at tacked for alleged outrages in the Kongo Free State rubber country. It was to Proi. Gore he turned for counsel as to the best way to refute the charges and put him self right with the world. As a special representative of the Belgian monarch. Prof. Gore visited the Kongo, and later wrote many magazine articles, defending the Belgian administration there. For hi* services I/eopold decorated him with thi Order of Leopold I. then In imO he pro* moted him to the rank of grand officier, which is second only to posts held oj reigning monarch*. * * * Since then he has also been created a member of the Order of Leopold II of Belgium. But, while acting as emissary for the Belgian monarch. Prof Gore was also lecturing, conducting scientific re search work and writing text books on languages and higher mathematics, whlcii were being used in scho "* and universi ties throughout the world. In recognition of this work he was given the Cross of the Order of Orange and .assau of Hol land, one of the few Americans to ba made a member of this order; was given the Cross of Civil Merit of Bulgaria, a country extremely chary in bestowing its decorations on foreigners; given both tna Merlte Agrico'.e, an order created to honor persons who have rendered service t?i agriculture either practically or by in vestigations or publications, and the le gion of Honor by France; given the (xosa of Vasa of Sweden, made grand officer of the Order of the Crown of Roumanla. and was given the Order of the Whlta Elephant of Slam, the highest of Siamese orders except the family or^er, which has a restricted membership confined almost entirely to titled noblemen. Prof. Gore is one or two Americans In a long list ot sovereigns who possess the order. Tha other American is James Hazen Hyde, the New York financier. Then there are many other Washing tonlans who have received the crosses of foreign orders. The list embraces tha decorations of practically every country in the civilized world. Reginald Schroe der of 1301 K street Is an ouicer of iha Orde. of Mshani MedJ.d.e of Turkey and William Pitt Scott is a member of tha ? Lyakat or Medal of Merit of the sanm country, possessing one of the four deco rations of this order ever sent to Amer ica Admiral Caspar Frrderlch Goodrich has the Bust of Bolivar of Venezuela f<n? services rendered the "Venezuelan go\eiu ment under special appo.ntment from l"n cle Sam He was allowed to accept tha decoration on the technical grounds that while performing his miss on he had tem porarily severed his connection with tha United States government and was in the employ of Venezuela. 3jC * Admiral Henry Ware Lyon, like Dr. Stejneger of the National ^fuseum, is a member of the Order of St. Olaf pf Nor way. He outranks his scientific fellow, however, for he 1s a commander of tha order. Capt. Karl Reichman of the army, who makes Washington his home, ha* been honored by the Czar of Russia* wb<J conferred on him the Order of the Cros* of St. Anne of the second class. Tha honor came as a recognition of his serv. ices as a military attache to the Russia n army In Manchuria during the Russo Japanese war. where he was sent to ob serve the Russian and Japanese method* of modern warfare by the American gov 'james F. Archibald, another Washing* tonian. has ilso been given the cross the same order as a recognition of tna literary works and for his services as 4 war correspondent during the Russo Japanese war. As a representative of one of the American weekly magazine* Archibald accompanied the Russian forces throughout the entire campaign in Manchuria. Archibald has also served through various South American revolu tions He was with Castro's army during the Barcelona campaign in Venezuela and later followed the forces of the allied forces against Venezuela, foi which ha received the Bust of Bolivar and numer ous other medals. He was also with the British forces In the Sudan in INBO and served through the South African war. For his services in Africa he received a medal from the British government. Mr. Archibald as a war correspondent haa been In practically every war during tha last twenty years, and once fop a brie: ,>eriod he enlisted in the Philippine con stabulary to wage warfare against tha ladromes or robbers of the islands. Gen. Thomas H. Barry and Kliery C. Stowell have both received decoration* from Russia. Hansford S. Miller of tha State Department has been decorated bvr Japan and given the cross of the Legion of Honor. George Burchell Williams, who was once selected by the Emperor ?f Japan as financial adviser of the gov ernment of the Land of tha Rising Bun, and who was later appointed special com missioner to Europe by the mikado in connection with financial matters, haa been given the Order of the Eastern Ris ing Sun of that country and has also ieen decorated by the Sultan of Turkey md made a member of the French Legion >f Honor. Assistant Secretary of Stata Huntingdon Wilson has also been dec >rated by the Japanese mikado, receiving he honor, however, before he entered .he government service. John Joaepfc Toppinger has been decorated by tha Ital an king. ? d Cml Wm Dsfeinn asily Located Air ?mad Waskimigtomi /.-Ti, JTk . <7 b ?> C^Dk V ^ rc&r V5r et^s? ( THE remains of a number of the civil war defenses of Washing ton may be found in that part of Virginia south of Fort Myer and north of the valley of Four Mile run. During the civil war the first high ridge west of the Potomac, which Washingtonians generally call the Arling ton Heights, extending from the hills above the Aqueduct bridge four miles southwardly to Four Mile run. was top ped with earthworks and batteries which were, in the main, connected by lines of rifle pits. This line of works was not straight, but a waving line following the strategic val ues of the land. On the heights one mile west of the Aqueduct and on a road run ning to the Chain bridge was Fort C. F. Smith. A quarter of a mile south of Fort Smith was Fort Strong. A half mile far ther south and slightly to the east was Fort Morton. An eighth of a mile south east, and more east than south, from Fort Morton was Fort Woodbury. A quarter of a mile due south from Woodbury was Fort Cass; a ha.f mile farther due south from Cass was Fort TUlinghast; another half mile to the south, with three inter vening batteries, brought one to Fort Craig, and still another half mile south broupht one to a lar^e battery, the name of which does not appear on old maps. The left of this battery, facing west, was on the Columbia turnpike three quarters of a mile west by south of the point where the road from the Aqueduct to Alexandria, along the east front of Arlington, crosses the Columbia pike. Eastward of this long fortified line?that is, nearer the river?were Forts Bennett. Corcoran, Haggerty, Whipple and Mc Pherson. ? * * * An irregular triangle was formed by the railroad and the dirt road running south from Fort Runyon. half a mile southwest of the south end of the Long bridge, to Four Mile run, the Columbia pike running west and couth from Run yon to Arlington Mills station, and the Loudoun and Hampshire railroad, later the Bluemont division of the Southern rail way, running northwest from the Wash tngton-Alexatydna road along the valley of Four Mile run to the crossing of the Columbia pike at Arlington Mills sta tion. The base of this triangle was two miles long and the opposite sides about three miles. Inclosed within this triangle were Fort Albany, In the southwest an gle of the Washington-Alexandria and the Columbia roads; Fort Scott, on the hills above Luna Park; Fort Richardson, com manding Green valley, through which Long branch runs and a wide extent of Four Mile Run valley; Fort Berry and Fort Barnard and several unnamed bat teries, commanding a south and West prospect of the valley of Four Mile run and the line of the Loudoun and Hamp shire railroad. The land in this triangle was mostly owned by the Roach, Fraser, Jenks, Hunter, Corbett. Squ.res, Gra ham, Johnson and Lacey families. * ?f * The remains of all the. forts in this triangle, with the exception of Fort Berry, may be seen today. Fort Berry stood on the 300-acre farm of 8. B. Corbett. The parapets of Fort Berry were thrown up so that they Inclosed the old Corbett homestead, and the timber of the sur rounding country wns cut down to give a clear field of fire to the forts. One maple tree that grew by the side of a gun platform of the fort was left stand .ng, and It Is growing today. A cherry tree was allowed to remain Inside the fort, and this also is living. Various cedars that after the war grew up on the fort sides are pointed out today, though the earthworks were leveled a few years ago. F. 8. Corbett, son of the war time owner, lives on the place, and the present Corbett house stands a few yards southward of the site of the fort. Dr. H. C. Corbett. another son of the war time owner of the fort land, also lives on part of the original tract. On a hill south and west of Fort Berry, and also on the Corbett'farm, was built Fort Barnard, named for the chief engi neer of the defenses of Washington. This earthwork, well preserved, may be seen by going Into the thick woods which cover the land there. Remains of batteries south of Fort Barnard and of the rifle trenches that connected Forts Barnard and Berry may be traced. * & The ruins of Fort Richardson are piled among scrub pine and oak on the south edge of a wide plateau that commands an extensive view south and west. This land was owned by the Hunter family. Near the ruins Jive Aunt Ann Jones, col ored, who admits the age of 110 years, and her daughter, Thlna Kent, who confesses to the age of ninety five years. Thina told The Star man that though Fort Richardson stood on land owned before the war by Gen. Hunter, who lived down by the river in the house in which Nellie Custis was born, most of the land in the neigh borhood of Fort Richardson was owned by the Fraser family. She had lived in that part of the country all her life, hav ing belonged to Anthony Fraser of Green Valley, who lived half a mile west of Fort Richardson, and who long before the war was married to a Miss Lee of Montgomery county, Md. The old Fraser household, one of the beautiful homes of the environs of Washington is standing, bowered in venerable trees and occupied by descendants of Anthony Fraser. Fort Albany is one of the best preserved of the old defenses of Wash.ngLO.i, The parapets of the old fort are high and steep, and the ditches deep and upgrown In small timber. On one side of the earth works stands Mount Zion Colored Bap tist Church, erected there in 1884. This church, a laqpe. bold brick structure, wLh red sides and a dun front, may be seen from high points in Washington by fol lowing with the eye the sky line south from Arlington Mansion. This church was organized by ex-slaves soon after emancipation, and the congregation had a small building in a settlement nearby called Freedmen's Village. This village was wiped out and its site inclosed by the southeast walls of the late addition to the grounds of Arlington cemetery. Liv ing next to the church and under the shade of trees growing on the ramparts of Fort Albany is Carrie Bowen, whose family belonged to the Fauntleroy fam ily in King and Queen county, Va? and came to Freedmen's Village directly after the occupation of Richmond by Union troops In April, 1865. On the Georgetown-Alexandria road a few rods south of Fort Albany is the brick homestead, gloomily shaded by big trees of James Roach, one of the old landholders. Roach owned the grist mill on Four Mile run marked on old maps as Roach's mill, and as a contractor he had much to do with the building of the Loudoun and Hampshire railroad. The place has changed hands several times and none of the Roach family lives in that neighborhood now. * * * Three hundred yards west, along the Columbia pike from the crossing of the Georgetown-Alexandria road, one comes to an abandoned house of no great age, but surrounded by tree growth showing that a dwelling house has leng marked the site. An old brick meat house stands nearby, as does a venerable "cabin," which probably was an ante-bellum kitchen. This was the Johnson place, John Johnson living there, and being the owner of many acres roundabout, in cluding the land on which Fort Albany was built. Two hundred yards west of the site of the Johnson house is the relic of a battery that looked across the vale through which Long branch flows. It is now a jungle of sassafras, sumac and vines. Standing on the embankment, one looks down into the colored Odd Fellows' cemetery. In the Johnson field The Star man met a colored man, John Simmons, seventy-one years old. He said he had belonged to Mina Shears in Prince Georges county, near Marlboro, Md.; that she had willed him to William Wells, and that he in turn had bequeathed him to Mor decai Plummer of Prince Georges county. He left his owner in 186"J. came to Freed men's Village and helped in the work of building forts. * * * "All this land," he said, "belonged to John Johnson, who came by it through marrying the Widow Stone. After her death It went to her son Charlie Stone, I and he left it to his two ha f-brothers, Dick and Will Johnson. None of them Is living around here now, and I be lieve they are all dead." * * ? Half a mile west of the Johnson place and on the Columbia pike was a series of batteries on and opposite the Graham place. The owner of that property dur ing the civil war was Curtis B. Graham. His son, also Curtis B. Graham, lives there today. He told The Star man that the old Graham home was torn down by the federals soon after the laying out of the line of fortifications along the Ar lington ridge; in fact, it was about the first house to be torn down in that part of Virginia that it might not mask tha fire of the fort guns. The Graham fam ily moved away after the destruction of their home, birt returned when peace had been restored. Then Graham the senior bought a sutler's house that had been erected on his land and lived in it for some time. The present Graham house, which stands not far from the site of the old one, was built a few years ago. Gra ham, senior, before the outbreak of the war had planned the erection of a large house on his land, facing the Columbia pike. The foundation was dug and build ing material hauled to the spot. War caused the stoppage of work. Years after the present Graham house was built on part of the foundation that was put down before the Arlington hills were occupied bv troops. The earthworks be hind which" the batteries were planted on the Graham farm are as they were when the war closed, excepting, of course, that the embankments are somewhat worn down. Some that were on the north side of the pike running in the direction of Fort Craig have been leveled. Fort Craig is still standing. People who owned the land on and about which Fort Craig was built were William Elliott, Septimus Brown and Bushrod Hunter. Some of the land is still in possession of the Hun ter family. The only war-time house standing in that neighborhood is the Per kins house. Warren Perkins lived there. The Perkinses were northern people, and ?om? of the Union officers stationed in the adjoining fortifications boardt?d with them. Mx\ Graham indicated to The Star man the Perkins house close by and within easy pistol shot of the wireless towers southwest of Fort Myer. Easily Deceived. CEXATOR POMERENE has a happy ^ knack of driving home a statement with an epigram. At a luncheon Senator Pomerene described a would-be littera teur. "Thanks to whisky and strong cigars," he said, "the poor fellow has failed to make good. He earns a precarious living by newspaper work, but, though he is fifty now. none of the wondrous novels and thrilling stories that he u.?ted to prate about have appeared. "And yet in his shabby apartment ov?_r a bottle of cheap liquor and a box of cheap cigars he will boast by the hour, poor gray-whiskered, wrinkled duffer, of his unfinished manuscripts. Oh. they will appear yet! Yes, he will yet illumine the world with the light of his genius." Senator Pomerene sighed and concluded: "Ah, if we cou d deceive others as eas ily as we deceive ourselves what repu tations we'd all have, to be sure!" One Escaped. APROPOS of the opening of the rabbit season. W. Goadby Loew. while driv ing the coach Pioneer from New York to the Piping Rock Club at Locust Val ley, said: "There's a man out this way who in vited some friends to his place to shoot rabbits last year. The first day's shoot ing was very poor. Not a rabbit, in fact, was located. Accordingly, that evening the host bought some rabbits from a farmer and turned them loose in 1 his grounds. i "He couldn't hunt himself the next i day, so his guests set off without him. When they got back he asked them how < they had made out. 1 " 'Oh, pretty fair,' they answered. 'Look, i We've got five.' < " 'There should have been eix,' he eald." j /