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THE EVENING STAR, With Bnntey Morals* edition. WASHINGTON. ~j SUNDAY January 12, 1913 . THEODORE W. NOTES Editor j ______________________________ I The Krralig Star Scwapaper Company. Business Office. 11th St. ami Pennsylvania Avenue. N>w York Office: Tribune Bnlldln*. Chlcaro Office: First National Rank BuUdle*. European Office: 3 Resent St., Ioodnn. England. The Erenlnr Star, with the Sundae mornlnr edlt'os. la delivered by carrlera within the rltr at 43 cents per month: dally onlr. 23 cents per month: Sunday only. 20 cents per month. Orders may he sent by mall, or telephone Main 2440. Collection la made by carrier at the end of each BiODtb. By mall, poatare prepaid: Pally. Sundar Included, one month. SO cents. Pally. Sunday excepted, one month. 40 ??nt? Saturday Star. $1 year. Sunday Star. $2.10 year. Entered a* ?econd -clans mall matter at tUe po?t office at Wa?l?!n*tnn. D. C. CTTn order to avoid delava on account of personal abecnce letters to THF. STAR should oot be addressed to any Individual connected with the office: hnt simply to TITE STAR, or to the Editorial or Business Department, aceordlne to tenor or purpose. Seeking Office. Tbr younK aspirant for literary honors hears the Kmersonlan adjuration: "Hitch your wagon to a star." The young merchant Is told that if $1R would pay him a fair profit, to price the coat to his customer at $20. In other words, in all rases, aim high. The advice is good, hut must be applied with rare and discrimination. It Is best not to aim too high, lest one excite such comment as to deprive himself of pleasure In the lower place he Is forced in the ?nd to take. The land is filled with seekers after office. Jt Is honorable to want to serve the country in office; and a change of national control from one party to another develops the ambitions of men In the field of politics. And It Is well for aim to aim high. But not too high. While it is best to give oneseu railing room." the distance should not be made too great lest mortification result, or ?ven failure to get anything. There are many warnings, but two flgrre prominently in the "anecdotage" of Washington circles. A friend of Senator Voorhees, who had been a county judge in Indiana, wanted in appointment as assistant secretary in >ne of the departments here and came in to push his application. Mr. Voorhees could not point out to his friend the absurdity of the ambition, but finally secured a messenger's piace for him in that department. Visiting the building a iittie later the Indiana senator saw his rtend drawing a small truck loaded with 'looks along a corridor, and observed tuietly to himself;* "A great country, this. A county judge in Indiana, a horse in Washington." A personal though not a political friend >f Senator Vance from North Carolina ame to Washington seeking a diplomatic jH>st, and asked for an introduction to Mr. Blaine, then Secretary of State. Mr. Vance was most obliging, but in presenting his friend gave Mr. Blaine a glance which spoke much. The tarheeler lived near the descendants of an old Indian tribe, and had never been a great distance from home. "Have you traveled much, Mr. So-and-So?" asked Mr. Blaine kindly. The visitor had not. "What languages do you speak?" "English, and a little Choctaw." Both Mr. Blaine and Mr. Vance kept their faces, and of course the applicant for diplomatic honors kept m?, ana me interview came i?m mu wim the usual polite assurance that the appllratlon would be considered. Subsequently the would-be diplomat got a job as a weigher in a North Carolina custom aouse. Many are seeking, but few will And. The number of places will cause widespread disappointment. The better is the reason, therefore, why pains should be laken by aspirants in taking aim. Prophets Who Fall Down. Prophecy is a dangerous trade, whether the prophet deals in politics or the veather. If there were not prophets on very side of every question the prophet .vould have become extinct ages ago. There are prophets who flourish because hey make prophecies that ought to ome true, and that sometimes do come rue even without any help from the rophet. When these things do come rue the prophet is. of course, a good rophet. and when they do not come .rue it is always easy to And the r<<phet who prophesied that they would ?"t come true. It has been very easy <>r prophets to forecast disasters, such train wrecks, great Ares, and so orth, because the American people are n careless about such things that they ilways help the prophets out. In pollics each side has its prophets, and \hen the votes are counted the prophets tt the winning side make such a vlcnrimis nnine that a man is apt to for ret about the prophets of the defeated who prophesied falsely. But there is one class of prophets tgainst which public suspicion is now minted. It is the weather prophet. Of ourse, he has February and inaugura.ion day in which to justify himself. >ut up to date the weather prophet is in imposter. Away back In the sunny days of Sepember, the mellow days of October and he golden days of November the Prophets assured us on the honor of rite breast bone of a wild goose and :*he fur of a squirrel that we were con'rcnted by a hard winter. It is believed tow that the goosebone and the squir el fur were misrepresented, and that he prophets did not correctly interpret those time-honored, reliable and trustwortny heralds of the future. There s a sad sense of feeling that the goosebone and squirrel fur prophets have been recreant and faithless. Still, intuguration day is yet to come Morocco has a new railway. The only >bjectlon to railways in that part of he world lies in the special get-away 'aclllties they afford to the brigands. Washington's Civil War Defenses. I?ari9 has bought the old line of ma?onry fortifications circling it, and will "onvert these relics into parks and boulevards. Masonry fortifications are out of iate, and these, because of increased ange of weapons and the growth of the French capital, are too close In. the pres;nt defensive line having a radius of ibout twelve miles from the Louvre and t circuit of seventy-five miles. The government of the United States is neglectng a matter which is one of the hlstoilc and esthetic assets of its capital?the line if civil war defenses of Washington. It t not too late. Washington was inclosed oy a three-sided line of defenses. One ass the northern line, extending from the neights west of the receiving reservoir, eastward across the valleys of Powder Mill run. Rock creek and Plney branch to the heights overlooking and the flat lands bordering the Kastern branch. Another line extended from the heights west of the Aqueduct bridge, southerly across the valleys of Four Mile run and Cameron run to the heights south of Alexandria. The third line extended from the heights east of Bennlng. southwestwardly along the majestic ridge?broken by almost countless rugged ravines?be tween the Eastern branch and the Potomac and Oxon run. There was aaoU'er group of defenses on the Virginia hilts above Chain bridge, and also the river forts. Battery Rodgers at the lower end of Alexandria, and Fort Foote on Rozier's bluff, southeast. In Maryland. There were sixty-eight forts and armed batteries connected by twenty miles of infantry parapet for a double rank of men, and this line was punctuated by many unarmed batteries?positions already selected and prepared into which artillery, principally field batteries, could be quickly placed. Thirty miles of military road, defiladed against any position which an enemy might occupy in front, brought each link of the defense system in easy communication with the others. Soon after 1861, from a few hastily constructed works covering bridges or important roads, there was developed a fortification system by which, according to Gen. J. G. Barnard, chief engineer of the defenses of Washington, "every prominent point at intervals of .Sou or a i thousand yards was occupied by an inclosed field fort, and every important ap| proach or depression of ground unseen from the forts swept by a battery of field guns, and the whole connected by the trenches." The hills around Washington are still scarred by mounds and ditches marking the fort sites. In only a few instances have the works been completely razed by man, and In most of these Instances the site remains as farm land or is very thinly covered by habitations. The north iin? . . ~ me ui ufii-iiM's nas neon more artecieu by the expansion of the city than the Arlington or Anacostia lines, hut the restoration of these forts would be an easy matter and not a costly one. Above the receiving reservoir Redoubts Kirby, Cross and Davis, that were united under the name of Fort Sumner, are traceable, and the land, where not grown up in woods. Is under cultivation as farm lands. Fort Simmons and Fort Mansfield, which would be pierced by Massachusetts avenue if that highway were projected a few hundred yards over the District line, have been plowed over and farm produce is raised on their sites. The site of Fort Bayard, at the crossing of the River road and the District line, is unbuilt on, and Massachusetts avenue just after crossing Nebraska avenue runs through the tumbled heaps of earth marking Fort Gaines. Some of Fort Reno has been thinly built over and much of Its s4te is commons. De Russy stands in Rock Creek Park and is safe. Fort Stevens is partially preserved and privately owned by a gentleman devoted to its acquisition and preservation as a government reservation. Slocum was leveled directly after the close of the war and farmed, and has lately been embraced within a suburban subdivision, but not built on to any extent- The ruins of Fort Totten are grown over with wood9 just adqf nf thp Hnnk frppk rhurP.h moH anH above the Bladensburg road. Fort remains are few till one reaches Fort Lincoln and Battery Jameson, east of the Bladensburg pike and overlooking the Eastern branch. Of the Anacostia line there axe the remains of Forts Mahan, Chaplin, Meigs, Dupont, Davis, Ricketts, Stanton, Carroll and Greble. Forts Baker, Wagner and Snyder have disappeared, but the sites could be acquired at a reasonable cost. The upper end of the Arlington lines hao suffered because of suburban growth, but south of the Columbia turnpike are the ruins of Forts Albany, Richardson, Scott, Barnard, Reynolds, Oaresche, Ellsworth, Williams, Lyon, Weed, O'Rorke and Willard. Fort Berry has disappeared, Fort Ward is being leveled this winter and Worth is maintained and is occupied by the villa of a distinguished Confederate officer. In the case of every fort site it commands the widest view obtainable in that locality. That is one reason the fort was built there. These hilltops and ridge crests would be extremely valuable as park land in addition to their historic significance. The old defenses of Washington should be saved and connected by a boulevard, that they might be conveniently reached. The money cost would not be great, measured against the sentiment and the utility of the work. A beginning has been made In this direction. It was noted in The Star recently that surveys had been completed q 1-1*9 mana nrono t>n/l fnr the onnnlirRinn Kv miu ui?|/o *ui IUV, n?.\juiouiuii uj the government of Forts Davis and Dupont and for the building of a connecting highway. Condemnation proceedings will probably advance promptly. The acquisition of these fort ruins has been authorised by Congress and they will soon be converted into public parks. By declaring that he does not desire a cabinet position Mr. J. J. Hill slightly relieves the situation. Mr. Hill would seem to have talents that would especially equip him for the Department of Agriculture or the Treasury, and the pressurfe for these appointments is likely to be so great that the withdrawal of any man from the lists, however remote his prospects, may, at least, serve as a helpful and hopeful example. A certain trustfulness in the Washington arrangements for inauguration should be felt. A man who has been a central figure in one Inauguration is always willing to come to repeat. A large number ot energetic and experienced railway men feel that they know exactly how an interstate commerce commission ought to be run. There are times when Mr. Taft appears to enjoy the opportunity of making a speech without fear of criticism at the hands of campaign managers. Harems are disappearing from Turkey, but it is not stated whether this is due to a moral awakening or the housekeeping expenses. In their impetuosity the London suf^4 ? on MM I MM ftr S 4 Vt 4 4 k I MM Duniriiiiirs mai uiru hostilities are to be directed against the males, not the mails. - i in | It may be assumed that arrangements for keeping dynamite out of general circulation have been pretty well attended to by this time. When it comes to New Year resolutions a few extra sessions are perfectly allowable. A Governor and a Pardon. Former Gov. Patterson has withdrawn from the senatorial race in Tennessee. The old Cooper pardon rose up to plague him, and no other course was left. This is the second time that matter has crossed the path of Gov. Patterson's ambition- He was obliged several years ago to retire from a gubernatorial race on the same account, when but for it he would probably have been re-elected, and have retained his hold on his party's organisation. But the haste with which he had come, and the manner of his coming, to the relief of Col. Cooper after the latter's conviction in the case of former 8enator Carmack's death put him on tlv> defensive before the people, and success at the polls was impossible. The pardons issued by a governor live after him. If well considered they help him. If 111 considered they plague him, as this Cooper pardon plagues Gov. Patterson. The loss of a governorship and a senatorship is a heavy penalty to pay for P overruling the verdict of a Jury sustained by a high court on appeal. The case was unusual. Factional politics and hitter personalities were blended. Col. Cooper was thp warm personal friend and political supporter of Gov. Patterson. Mr. Carmack, an able and aggressive man. had been the opponent of both. Col. Cooper and Mr. Carmack had settled their difficulty with pistols, and here was the survivor threatened with stripes for his part in the tragedy. Under the pressure of friendship. Gov. Patterson used his pardoning powpr. He saved Col. Cooper from the penitentiary, hut at the expense of his personal and political popularity in many quarters. A \ strong sentiment in the state condemned the governor's action, and apparently still condemns it. Gov. Patterson is one cf the brilliant men of Tennessee?the most brilliant of the number. Ills friends assert. He is a lawyer and an orator of high-class, and comes of distinguished stock. His father, who represented the Memphis district in tlie House during the second Cleveland i administration, was one of the solid tncn j of that body while he remained. The son is comparatively young, and got an early start in polities. It may be. therefore, that, notwithstanding these two defeats on the score of the Cooper pardon. Gov. Patterson may yet "come again." If his opponents are steadfast, so also are his friends. And. as a rule, time wears down enmity more than it does friendship. If Gov. Patterson sticks and his friends stick to him lie may yet reach the goal he has just been obliged to forego with the Cooper pardon fresh and operating against him. I Aeroplane Laboratory. Americans, the pioneers in aviation, ; should not lag hehind the world's procession in this art or science. The eclipse of the I'nited States in this particular sphere of activity is probably only temDorary. It is not the practice of our people to fall behind or at least to stay behind in anything which promises practical benefits. It was by Americans in America that aviation was developed from an apparently flimsy, hopeless theory into a palpable fact. The avidity of France and Germany, especially France, in grasping the significance of the fact and elaborating it by the development of machines and operators is explicable on the ground that those nations are alert for ideas that may be turned into a poscihln mi I if 51 rv aHvantacra ThPV U'PfP no Ml *_* ? ????.?-? u va T ill >_. a ibv^ ?i ?- a *. ?? v> quicker than our own observers to grasp the potentiality of the aeroplane for reconnaissance work, but they were quicker in applying it on an extensive scale. A new device holding: within it military possibilities is more interesting and more appealing to the European neighbors than to us. There need for it is more imminent. But Americans are not naturally trailers, and a stern chase is not always a long one. Europe had iron fleets while the United States was still sending wooden warships around the world. When we began the construction of a new navy, the white squadron, the Chicago, Boston, Atlanta and Dolphin, were yachts compared with the ironclads of England and France. American naval construction has closed the gap in types, if not in tonnage, and the United States can build dreadnoughts and superdreadnoughts and hyperdreadnoughts that are as big and fast and heavily armed as can be turned out In the yards and docks of any other nation. President's Taft's commission to report to Congress on the desirability of an aerodynamical laboratory is a progressive step. It recognizes the need of such a thing and proves that opinion favoring it is crystallizing. Such laboratories are conducted by European governments, with Germany reported as leading. There should be no difference of opinion, and there probably will not be. that Washington is the logical place for the establishment of such a laboratory. Washington is the birthplace of Ameri can aviation, ana us environs have been the great practice ground for government flying. An aerodynamical laboratorywould be but one more scientific activityadded to a city remarkable for the number, scope and influence of such activities. A theory that Col. Goethals' appointment should be delayed so as to give the democrats the honor of making it implies a degree of sentimentality on such subjects not always to be expected of an incoming administration. Dike many other problems, that of "What shall we do with our ex-Presidents?" becomes easy enough when we actually get to it. SHOOTING STARS. BY PHILANDER JOHNSON. Unconfirmed. "Were your suspicions confirmed?" asked the man who is interested in investigation. "No," replied the man whose mind is on an appointment. "You know as well as I do that Congress isn't confirming anything these days." Friendships are like New Year resolutions. They are not broken, but merelyforgotten. In the Confusion. There is temptation now and then To throw in the reverse, And think we are progressing when We go from had to worse. If the new member of Congress who is preparing a speech of ringing denunciation will look through the files of the Congressional Record he will find that most of it has been said before. i The Alert Explainer. "Did 1 understand you to say there was 'some class' to that dancing?" asked the father who disanoroves of slang. "Oh, no." replied the young man. "1 did not say "some class.' I said 'some classic.' " Suffragettes. Oh. a suffragette will suffer And you need not try to bluff iier With remarks about her being out of place. The ballot she will better. She will hand-paint every letter Till it proves a work of rare artistic grace. It is true that some are dashing Madly in for window smashing. And we tremble at reports from far away. But the ladies bent on voting. We are happy to be noting. Manage matters better in the IT. S. A. When they go about campaigning They don't start in with complaining That a man is nothing but "a horrid brute." It is such an easy matter His intelligence to flatter Till he thinks he's very wise and something cute. While they're mighty in convention, They can ulso claim attention By a smile and by a twinkle of the eye. They don't make ferocious speeches. They're not lemons. They are peaches. And no doubt they'll all b? voting by and by. BREEDING BET The true test of progress today seem? to be the extent to which science and system have been brought to bear upon a subject. The man. be he of the country or the city, who clings to customs of a past generation, "because his father used to do it that way." is being left hopelessly behind in the march of progress. A casual knowledge of "a | subject is broadened into a life study of the question, and things which used to be left to Providence are today figured exactly. This applies to the land which today i is scientifically tilled and fertilized, to ! the implements which are used, the j seeds and plants which are grown, ami now to the animals which help in the' work of farming. The easy-going farmer who makes h's leisurely way to "Squash Center" to "swap" horses has only himself to blame if he finds he has been sadly cheated. And if his cow does not come up lo the eloquent accounts given by her preceding owner, lie likewise can blame himself. ajc ? ? Science lias been applied to this phase of the farm question by the animal ! husbandry- division j Work at of the Department ! r? a -ii t- *>f Agriculture. A Beltsville Farm. strikinK exarnp,e of just what it is doing to improve farm animals is shown in a series of experiments being eairried 011 at one of its experiment farms at Beltsville, Md. This farm is situated in a portion of Maryland where the ground Is more or less level, hard and uncultivated. The ground of the farm itself had 1 probably never been furrowed below a few inches, officials of the division declare. This was due to two things. Not only is the ground unusuaily hard, but the horses which the ordinary Maryland farmers in that section were in the habit of using were undersized and not strong enough to plow more than the mere crust of tlie earth. The experiments being carried on include breeding horses of size and strength sufficient to plow the earth deep enough to make profitable cultivation possible, as experts in the division declare that by properly plowing the ground results equal to those already accomplished on the farm itself can be obtained throughout that portion of the state. That is but one phase of the horse breeding experiments. Mounting our troops forms an even more important part of the work. "The mounting of troops in an army is a most serious problem," said Mr. rt -*r n 1 j ? . 0 ai_ creurge m. nommei, cniei 01 ine aivision, who also has charge of the horse breeding experiments. .Not only must provision be made for a supply of horses sufficient to equip the mounted service for the ordinary routine work during, peace, but horses multiply slowly, and a reserve must be provided for use in case of an outbreak of hostilities. "In the solution of this problem the European countries, with the exception of England, have for more than a century expended large sums of money in the encouragement of horse breeding, by maintaining breeding farms, by granting subsidies to stallions, by prizes for horses bred to suitable type, and by grants to breeders' associations, prizes for racing, etc. England has heretofore been content to rely upon the resources of her colonial possessions and the I'nited States for such horses, but her experience in the Boer war ten years ago. when she was forced to drain North America of a large proportion of the horses suitable for military purposes, has comnelled her to accede to the demands of the army, and a grant of $200,000 has been made by the board of agriculture to encourage the breeding of military horses at home. That the United States faces a similar condition is a very widespread opinion. "Next to Russia, the United States leads the world in the number qf horses it possesses. These hrffses are the descendants of animalsPt>rought from the old world after the discovery of America by Columbus, as there were no horses on the American continent at that time. Prior to the civil war the horses of the United States were of the light type, with but one prominent exception. Following that war there began the rapid importation of draft horses from Europe, and this trade has flourished until the present time." * * * Today the requirements of the army, for horses is about 2,000 a year. Take, i however, the conditions Army's Need that would prevail in - -j. time of war and the ^ **0r?es. horses needed would ? 1 ? f ? r/i AltA n f n*Vt lt?h ulmi 11 numver a.iinuai. vt t? ?????, ( half would be needed by the cavalry, about a quarter by the artillery, with the remainder scattered through the other branches of the service. Further Ideas of what such a state of affairs might mean to the pocketbook of Uncle Sam can be obtained when it is understood that, in New York, for Instance, in the police department, although there are but about seventy-five horses bought annually nearly $400 is paid for each one. The number of horses actually in the army in time of pea<?e is about 20,000. Horse-breeding experiments are being carried on at several farms. The entire work is under the charge of George M Rommel, chief of the animal husbandry division, who has a corps of assistants stationed on the farms which carries i on the actual work. The Morgan horse farm, at Middlebury, Vt., is under \V. E. Hammond, who likewise hat? charge of the New England norse Dreeaing district. The centra! liorse breeding district, at Front Royal, Va.. is in charge of H. H. Reese, while the investigations being carried on in Colorado, at Fort Collins, are in charge of John O. Williams. In addition the special work of breeding army remounts includes a corps of advisory agents, authorities on thoroughbreds', saddle horses, standard hreds and Morgans. While the object of the animal husltandry division is primarily that of breeding animals which will raise the present standnrd or bring hack into existence types now almost exhausted, the i sanitation and eating qualities of the food which may be produced as a partial result of its work are left, to other branches of the bureau. In one instance, however, it stepped aside from this rule to carry on a campaign against fertile etrgs. with the object of raising tne standard of marketed eggs above their present condition. The egg industry of the I'nited States COMMENT ON rront the Htrmingnnm r<>?i. Success seems to attend the parcel post. Like a new broom it will sweep clean for a time. Then the express people expect their innings will return. From tin- Birmingham Ledger. The express companies will have a monopoly of the delivery of whisky and pistols as common carriers. These have been called "devil g<;ods.'' Krnm the lMiluth Herald. Isn't it queer that so many people express their opinions about the parcel post who never posted their opinions about the express service? From the Seranton Truth. Of course, a lot of people will be grievously disappointed if the parcel post does not throw all the express companies into bankruptcy. From the Chicago Record-Herald. The parcel post has come to stay; let us make it as good as it can be made and use it for its full value. From t lif Richmond Times-Dispatch. It has taken all the years since John Wanamaker proposed the parcel post system for an Irresistible public pressure i to make an opening. From the I'tlcs Observer. By the time one has mailed a package or two by parcel post, It will be dlscovr 'TER ANIMALS. | represents a three-hundred-milli n-dollar enterpris?e annually. Of that amount it has been estimated that IS per cent is lost, or $4."?,00!>,inh>. Following an investigation by the animal husbandry division It was found that that loss was due to about three causes, the most important of which was blood rings, a cause which can be absolutely prevented on the farm. Within the past few months the division prepared a poster with eleven illustrations and much bold type which is designed for- use by farmers generally and is intended to show without unnecessary words the pith of the subject. It is? merely a question of the advantages of infertile eggs over fertile ones. A blood ring is a certain stage of the chick development in the egg, which is developed by heat, and which often results front an egg merely being left in a room during ordinary summer weather. As a result of the investigation, it was shown that infertile eggs cannot have blood rings, and that to secure infertile eggs only necessitates removing the roosters from the tlock. which does not affect the egg production whatever. Tim i lliictro * intics oni-nmnonfintr thiu -? "V. I I V? tn. i n> HV?llt5 WW Will} "CI ? .? Hit) lll*W poster show first an absolutely fresh egg, and one which it is impossible to tell whether it is fertile or infertile. Then follows a series of comparative pictures, showing the results which were obtained by placing a fertile and an infertile egg in an incubator. After twenty-four hours there was a noticeable spot on the fertile egg, which increased. until at the end of seven days in the incubator the development of the chick was well under way. The picture of the infertile egg was the same at each of the stages shown, and it was claimed that, except for tasting stale, i the infertile egg. which had been in the I incubator for seven days, was tit for consumption. Accompanying these post- i ers is a request that thcv be hung in a prominent place, as the results : contained in the placard are the "results of an extended investigation into the subject, and are designed to over-1 come the enormous loss occasioned an- ; nually by the production of the fertile egg." These posters are fifteen by j twenty inches, and are designed for t use in public stores and such places, j In order, however, that the territory j might be thoroughly covered, a smaller j placard was also printed, which is in- I tended to serve as a handy reminder to farmers, to be posted in the henhouse, kitchen or other conspicuous place. * ? * * In speaking of the work of breeding animals, Mr. Rommel said: "In the advance Progress of that is being .. ... made in the Animal Breedmr seience of animal breeding it is very important that care- j ful study should he given to under lying principles. For scientific study j with animals, the smaller animals, like guinea pigs, rabbits, mice, rats, etc., are generally used for the work, and the division has a large stock, especially of guinea pigs, of which there are about 3,000 raised annually for use in the laboratories. Observations are made on these animals, and the results ob talned are applied to the larger animals under farm conditions." One of the most important problems confronting stockbreeders of the United States at present is the development of a breed of sheep suitable to range condition. In spite of the great development and prosperity of the sheep industry of the west, breeding methods are not systematic, and most breeders are continually crossing, the result being a lack of uniformity in the stock, and. to a certain extent, a failure to attain as high a standard as would otherwise be possible. The requirements of the range are a breed of sheep that will yiel<} a profitable clip of wool, produce good mutton lambs and stand flocking in large numbers. Experiments being carried on by the division in Wyoming include not only each of those three points of advantage, but an effort is being made to secure them in one breed. In addition to the work being carried on there, another flock ia maintained at the Morgan horse farm, in Vermont, of Southdowns, and still another at the farm at Beltsville. Md., where experiments are being carried on in crossing several breeds. Another line of work being carried on by the division is in connection with the feeding of beef cattle in Alabama. "The importance of this work." said Mr. Rommel, "touches not only Alabama and other parts of the south, but the entire country as well. * * * "The United States faces a beef cattle shortage. The cattle ranges of the west are every year being Southern Lands diminished in area by f f 4-+1 settlement. In the south, east of the Mississippi river, are enormous areas of practically idle land, suitable for pasture, where beef cattle can be raised and fattened." Other lines of work being carried on by the division include experiments in hog breeding, poultry investigations, with the object of securing a breed of hens which will lay more eggs, and work in connection with animal nutrition. Since January 1, 1911, the division has had charge of the work of passing on the sufficiency of the pedigree certificates of animals imported for breeding purposes. From the beginning of the work until June .10, 1912, certificates of pure breeding were issued for 3,130 horses. 2,024 cattle, 1,140 sheep and 03 hogs. The animal husbandry work of the bureau of animal industry began in July, 19ol, with the appointment of the present animal husbandman as expert in charge. /I ntiou n f t U.i for ttrn t'oorc A Flight of Fancy. Ten little flies All in a line: One not a swat! Then there were Nine little flies Grimly sedate. Licking their chopsSwat! There were Eight little flies Raising some moreSwat! Swat! Swat! Swat! Then there were i Four little flies Colored green-blue: Swat! (Ain't it easy!) Then there were * Two little flies Dodged the civilianEarly, next day I There were a million?Roller Monthly. * A x lie: uuiico ui in*- uiiiu-v; *.*?* i ?? w j cut o were principally the compilation of information pertaining to animal husbandry, attendance at stock shows and breeders* meetings and answering correspondence. The first independent investigation in animal husbandry began four years later, in July, 1IKI5, when experiments in the study of the effect of cottonseed and cottonseed meal when fed to hogs were i taken up, which were followed by poultry investigations and breeding with small animals in ltKXl. In the congressional appropriations for the fiscal year ending June do, l'.tOo, $U"V,'KiO was appropriated for experiments in animal breeding and feeding. Since then the appropriations have grown as the scope of the work has broadened, and the appropriation for the fiscal year ending June do, 10Id, was approximately $150,000. PARCEL POST. ered that the process is not very much more complicated than that of mailing a letter. From the Bridgeport Post. Parcel post is a bitter pill for the express companies to swallow. From the Boston Herald. It has also been demonstrated that the parcel post packages can be delivered in record-breaking time. Front the Jersey City Journal. Since the service began, nine days ago. no less than .'110,785 parcel post packages have been handled in the New York post offices alone. From all parts of the country comes the same story. The popularit? and success of the new system are already established. From the I.ynohburg News. No pistols, revolvers or otiter dangerous weapons should be allowed to pass irom ime puny 10 anuiner inrougu me helpful agency of Uncle Sam's parcel post. Knmi the I/eavenwortli Times. They say It Is wrong to say "parcels" post. It should be parcel post. Maybe they are right. From tlie Milwaukee Journal. It's a safe bet that none of the good news reading regarding the parcel post Is being overlooked by the express magnates. FIFTY YEARS AGO IN THE STAR Naturally there was great interest throughout the north in the fate of the Monitor, the first federal Monitor's ironclafl. which had rendered T ? such vitally important service at Hampton roads The Star's announcement of the foundering of the vessel off Hatteras, printed In the Issue of January 3. lStl3, was followed In the issue of Monday, January 5. 1863, by a full report from Commander Bankhead, written on board the U. S. S. Rhode Island under date of January 1, the Rhode Island having heen the steamer In tow of which the Monitor left Hampton roads on the 2lMh of December. Commander Bankhead tells of the gradual increase of the sea swells after passing Cape Henry in smooth waters. I'nder the Influence of the heavy wash over the base of the turret it was found that the packing of oakum had loosened somewhat from the working of the tower. The pumps, however. were able to keep the vessel clear of the water that penetrated through the sight hales of the pilot house and the brace of the tower. During the next morning, however, the wind Increased in strength and the sea rose, causing the vessel to plunge heavily and the tower to V(oson more and more. Although the heaviest pumps were put in service, they were unable to gain on the water and at 10:30 o'clock at night a distress signal was sent to the Rhode Island, from which two boats were dispatched. In the heavy sea the transshipment of the crew of the Monitor was extremely difficult and the Rhode Island herself was in grave danger of destruction. Finally it was determined to continue, tnit the water put out all the fires and left no steam pressure. The anchor was dropped and the Monitor swung fo the wind, hut she was filling rapidly and the deck was on a level with the sea when the commander ordered the crew to abandon ship. It was in these operations that several were lost. In all, four officers and twelve men lost their lives. The Monitor sank soon after she was abandoned. * In The Star of January 5. 1865. is the following news item relative to the affairs of the WashingtonStreet Car Georgetown Railway ComTrnnsfpr? pany' wh,ch were just then of great interest to the local public: "Tomorrow the company will put in force a new regulation respecting trans fers, by which the office of transfer agents will be abolished. The conductors will hereafter issue them to passengers at the points where the transfers are made, and by punching the tickets prevent fraud on the company by their being used twice. New rules in relation to the carrying of bundles, etc., have been adopted. The company are now engaged in removing the track on New Jersey avenue to the center of the street, in accordance with the late decision of Judge Merrick, and in a short time will have their cars running to that point, as usual. Last week the employes of the company were treated to a handsome supper, served at the instance of the directors, those of the Georgetown and 14th street lines dining in Georgetown and of the navy yard and steamboat lines at Sanderson's Navy Yard." * * On the 7th of January, lSfi?.. a steamboat laden with women and children left Washington for southern Women Sent points under permits is. ? ,, sued by the Secretary of to aoutn. War The newg of thls ia told in an article printed in the issue of that day. There were some 450 persons on board the steamer New York, 0U0 having been granted permission in all. The baggage had been carefully inspected before admission to the boat, to prevent the possibility of adding to the food and drug supplies of the Confederate capital. From many of the trunks contraband articles were taken by the inspectors. In some of them were drugs, shoes, dry goods and other things greatly needed at Richmond. From one trunk was taken a sufficient quantity of dry goods to stock a country store. In some of the trunks were as many as twenty-five pairs of shoes, but no passenger was allowed to take more than three pairs. One lady, when asked why she needed so many, replied that she generally wore out two pairs a month. Many letters were tendered to the pasengers on the New York by persons who wanted to communicate with friends in Richmond, but this could not be permitted. No soldiers accompanied the boat, but Col. Baker and a number of his detectives went along to keep watch. * * * In The Star of January 8, 1863, Is the account of an unusual accident at the corner of 3d and N streets Warehouse southeast, where a threen.ii...,. story grain warehouse Collapses. stood on the bank of the canal. While a gang of a dozen or more colored men were engaged under the direction of Capt. Joseph M. Simms in storing grain, the chimney was heard to crack, and the men immediately ran out, but the chimney seemed to settle back in its place and they returned and renewed their work. Shortly afterward the walls began to crack and fall out in all directions, and the floors, carrying about 110,000 bushels of grain, collapsed, ("apt. Simms was covered with grain and debris and instantly killed. His body was recovered some time afterward through the efforts of citizens, and particularly members of the American Hook and Ladder Company. So other deaths occurred, but several of the workers were badly hurt. The house was an old one. having been built more than fifty years before. It nad been used for various purposes, having once been a warehouse, but for some years prior to the accident had been used as a dwelling, Capt. Simms living next door. * * * Among the petty swindlers who flocked to Washington to victimize the soldiers and others during war Watch times were peddlers who , dealt in fake jewelry. In S* The Star of January 9, 1stVI, is this paragraph: "Quite a numerous gang of swindling peddlers are now and have been for some weeks loitering about the District victimizing the public generally and the soldiers particularly. These operators are not licensed by the corporation, but sell when and where they please. A few days ago a gang of watch dealers were going about selling their wares, and a number of soldiers and citizens were supplied with tin timepieces at what they regarded as very moderate prices, supposing them to be silver." The police went after these swindlers, but they were on the alert and slipped away, and have not since returned." THE POWERS AN! If the London dispatches announcing that "the powers are moving to save Europe from a renewal of the Balkan war" are confirmed there Is fear that Europe Is still nursing the "fetiche" of the necessity of the maintenance of the Turk In Europe- for the peace of Europe. We have remarked with some suspicion ^ the trend of I?ndon's dispatches and the*ic press, which were In accord with the Idea r that suggested the ambassadors' confer- ' ence as a sort of side show of the conference of the comhatants w * * 1 Why Europe should dread the renewal of the Balkan war, when Europe Is 1 agreed upon the Europe Dreads principle of reeogTTT0 u1 nizing the right of ? War s Renewal. tj)e victorious ai- t lioa tn the territorv acouired. is not HP- ' parent. The boast by Rechad Pasha that i he had confidence in his reconstructed f army in the defenses of Tchatalja has j f little weight with military critics in Eu- , rope as well as In Turkey. The chances i are that the fall of Adrlanople by sheer ' starvation may not require a further re- ! course to arms unless to save the Turk . from himself, for revolution and the de- ] struction of Constantinople have been < threatened. j The Balkan allies would renew the war , and complete their undertaking for the good of Europe, for the good of themselves and for Christianity, undertaking which is nothing less than the complete removal of the Turk from Europe. But for the intervention of one or more of the powers the vanquished Turks would not have halted at Tchatalja. but would have continued their disordered flight to Asia across the Bosphorus to Scutari. He wanted to go there, indeed, for be must be weary of the role lie has been made to play as a buffer in guarding the Dardanelles for the peace of Europe. The conference at the Palace of St. James in Eondon waa closed on the dth instant when Rechad Pasha reiterated his refusal to surrender Adrlanople. The allied delegates voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting sine die. but Rechad, it was remarked, was surprised and loath ' to go, and would have had another word before his going. The allies, with a per- 1 feet knowledge of the situation, hastened to accept Rechad's refusal and dispersed. The Balkan envoys, it should be added, were further strengthened in their resolu- 1 tion to stand for the cession of Adrlanople by the information, subsequently published in the Daily Telegraph of Eondon, that Bulgaria and Roumania had reached an agreement whereby all danger of war between, these two had been averted. Bulgaria, it was said, would cede to Roumania as a reward for neutrality a strip of land north of a line running from Olenltz on the Danube to Cape Gulgral to include Sllistria, Roumania to be indemnified also for certain expenses caused by the war. The chairman presiding at the conference on the tith instant was Stojan Novakovitch, the chler of tne Servian envoys, a man of exceptional talent and of great firmness. M. Venlrelos. the premier of Greece, on retiring, said to Rechad Pasha that if he had anyth ng to communicate of sufficient importance to justify a reopening the allies would readily assent, but nothing less than the full compliance with their previous demands would meet the case. The suspension adjourns the conference sine die, thus enabling a resumption if there are adequate grounds. The armistice would remain in operation and could not be rightfully broken. * * * In the interval when Adrianople falls, as it appears imminent even now. trouble Is In store for the Turks. More Trouble a"d automatically, if we fnr TnrVs are to belleve the re* u iuian. ports from Constantinople, which represent a spirit of anarchy that promises evil. It was thus the reign of the Turk commenced in 145^ It is meet that it should be thus at the end. M. Gabriel Hanotaux, former French minister of foreign affairs, in a recent artiqle in La Revue Hebdomadaire, ex- j presses the belief that Europe has lost | a chance to settle permanently the eastern question by concentrating its efforts upon avoiding a European war rather than sett'.e definitely this question of the Turk. The former minister holds that Europe is about to make another blunder in creating something like the Berlin congress. In the ambassadors' congress he sees the shadow of Bismarck, who, if i living, might behold how foolish were ! his efforts. M. Hanotaux denounces the attempted ! resuscitation of the Turk as nothing less than a crime. He claims that there Is no accord in French and British foroiom nnili<ir a nH that thero is lack of I VIBII |?Wt.vV ? ? - harmony between the allies. There is some truth in the assertion as to the relations between England and France due to the fact that the former has shown some disposition to flirt with the Turk, a former love affair in which ! England showed a decided weakness for j Turkey. M. Hanotaux might have men- J tioned the party in Berlin who is also interested in Turkey, but he does not do so. As for the lack of harmony between the allies, we have proof that although there was some friction it was only tern- | porary and was dispelled promptly by an j agreement to sett'e all difficulties by a conference en famille. M. Hanotaux charges that "France has failed to support the Russo-Italian situation in the Balkans." What that situation is is not at all clear and M. Hanotaux does not explain. As for the atti- I tude of France and England in the Balkan I affair, it proves that an entente is not al- ! liance any more than flirtation is a marriage. M. Hanotaux in this sort of argumentation Intimates that if he were minister he had managed the affair much better. ' Could he have done so? M Hanotaux states that the Balkan armies were masters of the situation up to the Tchatalia lines when a new '?tor entered to hold up*the allies?"a foreign prohibition." Who else but Germanv could have the audacity of such a holdup? Would M. Hanotaux. under the circumstances. have undertaken to act other than M. Poincare, who, undismayed, continued his work to the admiration of the diplomatic world, and finally committed the powers, first, to disavowal of the principle of the status quo. and then , caused them to subscribe collectively to the principle which recognized the rights of the allies to the conquered territory, j If a permanent settlement of the east em question has resulted from this ac- | tion It may be that it avoided a Kuropean war. But it is by no means certain that I a permanent settlement of the eastern ' question has resulted. That can only be 1 determined when the conference at I^on- 1 don shall have finally closed its doors, 1 and the allied armies have resumed op- j erations against Constantinople. > No need to follow M. Hanotaux into such deep water when he charges that "France | ? failed to take advantage of the situation ! by giving her full support to the Russo- i Italian sympathy." < No one except M. Hanotaux. perhaps. < rightly appreciates or comprehends ine < measure of "Kusso-Italian sympathy." < We know that there was a great deal of i press notice of the meeting1 at Racconigl ' BULGAR TURK From the New Orleans Tiin^a-Dcmaerat. j Turkey and the Balkan allies might > compromise their dispute over Adrlanoplc ( by arranging for an equal division of the city offices and the paving contracts. j Ki*nn the Birmingham I/edger. 1 The peace conference early in the game (j, resolved ltseir mio an inicniMiviui uai estate grabbag. , from the Fhilirh Herald. t Turkey seems to feel that it is the other I side of the barnyard that is trying to do r the gobbling these days. Trom the Syracuse Herald. t What a tremendous amount of self-rc- <5 straint the kaiser must be exercising at a present to keep from saying a few words out loud about the Balkan situation! l-'roin the McmphiM Nervs Kcimetar. d The isles of Greece should he given g back to the fatherland. .. from the Toronto Mall and Ktnpirr. It is the Turksf move in the peace con- t troversy, and if the move is to be of the a \ ) THEBALKANS >f the Czar of Russa and the Klnsr of Italv. that the King of MontJ-ncRm, a >allant member <>f the Balkan allies, a the father-in-law of Victor Ktnnanurl. and otherwise allied by mat iage to the Czar of Kintsla Italy executed with Turkey the treaty of tuchy October and Italy, which ras assumed to be on the rile of the tin*;a father-in-law and with Russht lw? ause of the meeting at Racconigi. tr?i wither with the father-in-law nor with tuswia, but with the triplice! w * There ia some mystery even to the d!poniat by profession onoerning Italy's singular policy. Ilyatery in It?;>, besides, had a Italv's Policv tradlt1on ,D ,Ue HaJ* iiaiy s roncy. k!in}, .Milssini in isrt trged the formation of a Balkanic con 'eueration wnose caimai siioum uc ? ??stantinople. t'rispi, lit a letter publHiH n April. 1?98. wrote: "Tl? Italian lonal party would like to we fdrnvd a Italkanic confederation with Oonstantllople for capita!. Mussulnien could tind dace in it if they woufd live as brothers ttid not as masters. Hut the oaar should ' etnaln within his present limits and the sultan should pass over Into Asia." December lit there was what was called t duo in the Italian chamber between Deputy Harzilai and the minister of foreign affairs. Signer de San (iiullano. The republican deputy interpellated the minister of foreign affairs on the renewal of the triplioe. which may he cited with interest because of its connection with the Balkanic question Signor Harzilai renewed his often-repeated question: What good does the triplice do for Italy? Nothing for her Mediterranean interests, because these are ' protected hy special agreements with Slediterranean powers, and which, on the contrary, are not comprised in the treaty of the triple alliance; they do not serve any more the Balkanic Interests, for now. after the victories of tin* Balkanic states over Turkey, the fear of a descent hy Austria in the Balkanic peninsula is dispelled. There is necessity; certainly, for Italy to protect the intangibility of Albania above ail if Albania becomes autonomous and is not incorporated into one of the Balkanic states, but that interest is limited for Italy, who may protect it by a special agreement with Austria as Italy has made with France and England for I.vhia. In fact, according to Signor Harzilai the triplice lias lost all its effect and it imposes upon Italy more obligations than It gives advantages. It was not necessary to icnew it. and it was an error to renew Just at the moment when Austria seeks to draw from it a greater force to menace Servia, from whom Austria would take the fruit of her victories. It was also an error to renew the triplice treaty without modifications. Italy should have exacted more guarantees for her Interests, less obligations ami in any case better treatment of Italian nationals in the Austro-Iiungarlan empire. * * * M. Barzilai provoked the plaudits of the entire chamber when he raid that during the war in I.rbia Italy's War Germany and A nutria took t_l- mighty good care not to in ytia. ar^ as {^.onds to Italy. "Without dout)t," exclaimed tlie orator, "there were French ministers who uttered words far beyond the importance of the incident of two ships in litigation, but there were also allied ministers who imposed ujon Italy a limitation to the war in the Tripolitan, obliged Italy to attack Turkey with velvet gloves and thus prolonged the struggle during a year, rendering it more costly and bloody ant provoking finally that Balkan crisis which they maintained they wished to avoid. Italy happily can boast that she received no aid from any one and thus owes no debt of gratitude to any one." Signor Barzilai launched many rocks at Austria and recalled that <Ien. Conrad de Hoetzendorf. Italy's enemy, ha.l been recalled to the command of the Austrian staff the morning after the renewal of the triple alliance treaty. Signor Barzilai expressed himself as to Albania: "It is just that Italy should assure the neutrality on this question, provided that that neutrality does not sign5 f t? B ? n !*.? ?.1 c * km ?d * I- ? * ? ? i * - - ? ? tin.? me auaiiuuiuuciii ui i imi rfRl'JU Austrian influences. It may be admitted that Italian and Austrian Interests converge in Albania, but they are completely opposed in the question cf the Servian port on the Adriatic, which would he very hurtful to Austria, but. on the contrary, most beneficial to Italy." The orator strongly recommended to the government to watch carefully that in the triplice Italy was not made to t?crv>* other interests than her own. It should be borne In mind that Austria had expelled last year a thousand Italian citizens. and excluded Italian workmen from Austrian industries Italian public opinion would not consent that the result of a long alliance was no more advantageous than that of a policy of isolation. To those who may ask for such sacrifices he would reply in the words of Bismarck: "No people should sacrifice the cause of its proper existence on the altar of fidelity to a treaty." We find the orator unfortunate in this citation from Bismarck?never overscrupulous in his methods. In this case there is rank adhesion to the principles practiced by the notorious Florentine Machiavelli, which detracts much from tlie force of the orator s interpellation. Signor Marquis di San Oiullano replied at length, reciting Italy's progress during the thirty years of the existence of the triplice; what the triplice could do for each of its members in t tie Balkanicquestion uuon eon dition that each ally was convinced that he might command the support of the other as compensation of what the ally hsd lone for the other. Tiie savant orator touched upon the Albanian question. the friendship of Russia, France and England, and concluding, declared the triplice to be the pivot of Italian policy. v * * Tito Italian chamber, which applauded vigorously the speech of Signor BarzIIal, also applauded Russia's Attitude that Of the mtnisToward Balkans fx~_ ruses us from comment on tliat head. A brief allusion to Russia's attitude toward the Balkans is found lti the declarations of M. Kokovtzof, president of the. Russian council of ministers, before the fourth duma Touching the question of the Balkans, the minister said that Russia, as a great Slav orthodox power, was not indifferent that these peoples should obtain conditions of existence commensurate with their rare warlike virtues and their exploits. Their pa- itic development would *void in the future the eventuality of new complications. Russia, faithful to her tllies and agreements, and sure of her friends and allies, looked with friendly interest upon the groupings of the powers. Russia greeted cordially and sincerely the initiative of the British government in the reunion of tile atnhassalors at London, expressing the hope that t would facilitate a pacific solution of the ictual crisis. CH. CHAILLE IA t N I. PEACE MEET. >ame nature as the Turks' move in the ,var it will be hurried and to the rear. 'rem tin* Council Hltiffs V npareil. Turkey is the undisputed champion duffing, vacillating and procrastinating leavyweight of the world. 'mill the I Ilea Press. Signs point rather strongly to the inention of the large European powers to ix the tina! terms of peace between the Balkan states and Turkey. r?>m the Lhilutb Xoo Tritnsue. The Balkan allies believe in the right of he initiative, they stall on the referenlum and veto the recall of the Turks to iny territory they have lost. n>m the Sioax City Tribune. The Sultan of Turkey no doult^ incises the sentiments of the late Gen. Iherinan regarding war. rum the Coluuiliuc Juaraal. The chief duty of the Turkish plenipoentiaries seems to be to attempt to make concession sound like a demand. I