Newspaper Page Text
??>tar Want Ads Phone Main 2440 Only One Cent a Word with a tflalmum Charier of 15 Crala for tli" following: 1 .out ati'l Found. Help and Sit nations Wanted. K?-nt Iloonis. K?oms and Board, ^urouier or Country Board, etc.. a ud One Cent a Word for three or more time*. With m Minimum (barer of 4.1 f 'ontn for Tfcrer Time*, on Sa'o ht'I IVtntwl Miscellaneous. Business Opportunities. Automobiles for Sale and Wanted, Horses and Vehicle", Dogs. rets, etc.. ami Boats and Accessories. All Other Classified Advertising 4 Mara or More, 1(1 ( enta * Mac Each Time for Three Tlmea. Raten Leas for a Lunitrr Time. \ORTHWFAT BRAXCHKS: Foard A MrGulre, 9th and I" ?ts. Butler A Field. Druggists. 3rd and Indiana are. foetal Telegraph, IBM X. V. are. Crlawell'a Drug Store, 7th ami T bts. Fred B. Campbell, Drugs, 4203 Georgia are. 1 . If. Day, Druggist, 14th and I* sts. I iemer'a Pharmacy, ISrh and Columbia road, (.entner Drug Store, 14tb and I* sts. Ooldenberg's Bureau of Information. Ilerbat's Drug Store. 23ih and fa. are. Holtxclaw's Newsstand. 1705 fa. are. Interior Dept., Sth and F, Postal Telegraph. S. Kann. Sens A Co., Information Bureau. Paul Pearson, Druggist, ISth and Florida are. a w. T\ II. Ridgway Pharmacy, Conn, and Fla. ares. Poland Wallace. Newsstand and Stationery Store. 1*28 9th at. n.w. 'I cwkabury's Drug Store. 2540 14th n?. t nion Station. Postal Telegraph, t nttcd States Capitol, Postal Telegraph. 1132 Connecticut arc.. Postal Telegraph (Jutgley's Drug Store, 2tst and (1 sts. GEORGETOWN: '? Donnell's Drug Store, 32nd and M sts. Pride'a Pharmacy, 28th and P sts. Postal Telegraph, 1249 Wisconsin are. NORTHEAST: l.ehr'a Pharmacy. 4th and Stanton pi. n.e. F. K. Richardson A Co., N. Cap. and P s?s. Kenealy'a Pharmacy, X. Cap. and I sts. Taylor A Lamb, 11th and E. Cap. sts. R. M. Mr-Williams' Pharmacy, 13th and II sts. n.e. Taylor A Lamb. X. Cap. aud Rhode Island ave. Yeatmsn. D. A.. Pharmacy. 7th and II n.e. Lin- oln Park Pharmacy, 13rh and Ea?t Cap. sts. SOUTHEAST: Thompson Drug Co., Slh end E sts. - s.e. Bradley's Drug Store. 1.7th and Pa. ave. s.e. \! S I Voir 1 I'-nrrir'wl litis O rial I'n u VP SOITHWESTs 11th st. wharf. Postal Telegraph offl'-e. Sullivan's Drug Store. 7th and D ats. s.w. LOST AND FOUND. AMETHYST PIN. surrounded by pearls, lost Feb. 15. 1913, between Cochran Hotel and Ruchanan st. Uberal reward If returned to 1423 Bnchanan st. n.w. 19* \FTti HIM?Continental demountable, with 34*4 tire and cover attached. Reward if returned o 911 16th st. 20* MIT.I. TERRIER White; long nose; answers to 'he tiatne of Billy. Return to 1*17 ipth st. n.w. and receive reward. 20* IKK1 Rrindle French bulldog; name. Mike. Reward if returned to 1316 Kenyon st. n.w. i mm; -Cuban poodle, white, long hair; nam?. Teddy": tag No. 5348. Liberal reward learn M. O'Connor. 91414 23th st. n.w. I MM ,?Water spaniel; white feet and breast; answers to name of Dickey. Liberal reward. 1"13 L st. n.w. 19* I mm; Blank oocher spaniel: 18 in?-hes tall; 8 ire. old: tluITy ears and coat: bet. 3:30 and 4 Sunday. Reward. 1904 Fla. ave. H. C. ' stewart. PISHINt; TACKLE Near Randolph st. and Ga. aie n.w. Reward. G. G. Bailey. 610 l"p?httr ?t. n sr. 20* MR Ml KF- Found in lobby of the cashier's office. P. Telephtme Co. Owner apply. MORSE BLANKET Bet. 2820 14th tiTw. and 11th and Kilbourne. Pleas*' return to 2820 14th ii w. Reward.'KET AND CHAIN, gold, on Tuesilay evenitic tn'tween 11th and G and 4th and Pa. ave. engraved "A. S. E." from "Mamma.'' Return to MO 11th st. s.e. Reward. PHOTOGRAPH of a young iuan, b-tween W and Corcoran sts. Reward. 1517 13th st. n.w. T'OFKETBOOK- Dark blue, containing small silver slipper earrings, key and little money. Reward. 8018 Hlllyer place. 19* ? ii sttnaay. l-enruary lb. on suburban or 11th at. car or 9th and f> n. w., lady's gold open-fare watch. with pin attached; dial twisted. Howard if returned 1721 Jackson at. n.e. Phone North 1S86-Y. WATCH?1(.old: Vernie Iianr on case. liberal reward. 1731 North Capitol at. 2r>* WAJTTED^AQENTS. AGENTS* Earn $.' to *12 a day. every house ^fcou'.d have one; sell quick: unlimited fletd: no talking required. Highland Mfg. Co., Post office It. y ii;?. Norfolk. Va. WANTED?HELP. MALE. AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS taught: earn money while learning: we want 2 willing worker* at once; lowest rates In town: call for Information. Automobile School. 119 I> n.n.; no colored. BE A ItRAKTSSIAN?Better position and better salary; course at night, three times a week; openings for trained men in this work; call or drop card at once for full particulars. Columbia School of Hraftlng. Mcl^chlen bldg. BOOKKEEPER -Competent, male; must furnish reference front last place of employment; state age and salarv expected. Address Hoi 2W. Star office. 20* HOYS?Six bright colored boys to work in laundry. Apply West Knd Laundry, 1723 Pa. ave. ROTS to sell candy. ,\pply to H. Hornet. Lyceum Theater, bet. B-7 ROY tyoung> to attend to furnace, attend door. 4 to 6. 121.1 M st. n.w. BOYS Stock boys and bundle wrappers; must be 1? years or older. Apply to Cashier, 4th floor. Palais Royal. t? and 11th sts. BOT Strong colored hoy to pack pajer. Apply to Supt., 1st fl?-or, Palais Royal. tJ and 11th sts. BOYS wanted iwhltei, over IB years old, to run errands around store. Apply Julius Harflnklc A Co.. 11th and K *ts. ''ANVASSKRS wanted to solicit trade for an article of daily domestic use; only thoroughly respectable men need apply; wage and com mission Apply by letter, with reference. to Box 131. Star office. < HAri'KKrU white: one who will take good are ?.f expensive car: must he strictly tem ( ri I'o.' niiu i.uamr i?.?r ?u? uiir?*iQpnR Box \fci. Star office. * Lh <iM'KKlit.S .% clear knowledge of an automobile means a go-xl position; ?-ur method les ties the automobile business Id all bran-hes; ?pe.)al rate* for Feb. 71' 1.1th at. n.w.. rear t I KICK as buyer; grocery ami provision _ store; exr-erienced; refereijee or bond, Rox 14i, Star ... Ol office. -' CORRBCPUN'l?KXT Intelligent person may earn fluO monthly corre*|??>ndiBg for newspapers. No canvassing. Rend for asrtlculars. Press Syndlrate, MR Lockport. X. T. 28* 1 >K1 V Kit. experienced, for t&xlcab service at oree Address Rox 7. Star office^ l?Rl"G t'LKRK -Junior; 2 or .1 years' experience. IddlVM B<?x 1?2. Star offi.*. uril U CLERK Junior or recently registered drug '-:erk. Address It.,x .t'.7. Star office. JANITOR?White man preferred. Apply at Nurse's Home, Walter Itccil Hospital. Ta Uitn l'ark. 20? JOB-PRBBS FKKDKIC Must be cxpcrleDrfNl Oven K. Trultt t'o . 1211 1' st. n.w. MAIL ORDER -I've your spare tltne to buildup a mall order business of your own. We help you star* for a share In profits. 27 opportunities. Particulars free. Mutual Opportunities Exchange. Buffalo. X. T. 28* MAX, single, around 25 rears of age. weight 1?0 lbs. or more, to ride a bicycle; straight salary. American Loan Co., 132(1 X. Y. a\e. vi. w. MAXGLP WORKERS t'olorcd men about 20 years old. Kllte I.itittjdry Co., 2117 14Jh st. n.w. _ MUX" wanted with rig to introduce and vii eighty five extract*. spices, medicines, etc. Rig money. Wilaou made .?<?? weekly. We mean business. Box 771, P>pt. Ills, Cedar Rapids, lows. MEN?If you want position as flretuan, brakeman. electric inotoruiaii. conductor, colored train or sleeping car porter, firstclass Washington. Philadelphia. New York roads, fiio to $1H0 month, steady work, winter and summer; no experience necessary: no strike; write Immediately; name |>o?ltlon wanted; Inclose selfaddressed envelope. Address Railway Inst., | Ilept. 2d, Indianapolis, !nd. WANTED?HELP. MALE. UKN mnlrd (colored i for general work around store. Only those with best references. Apply Julius l.arflnkle A Co.. 527 irtth St. PATENT ATTORNBY; man of experience to propar" ami prosooute applications for I". S. patents: permanent position; state experience and salary desired. Box 254. Star office. I'l.ATK PRINTERS for V. C. cards and wed- j dings. et<\ Lycett, 317 X. Charles St., Baltimore. Md. j BALES .MAX?One with typewriter experience preferred: call between 5 and 6 p.m. 107 Barrister building. 21* SALESMAN?Flriu handling such business, to dispose of new patent, to manufacturing house; good commission. Apply by letter. NOu Eye st. n.w., city. 21* | sai i sm \\ IcU-rul commission: handle attract Iti- nrtii unlimited field: splendid pruposi- 1 tion f>?r live man. 2i?l Kenois bblg. SALESMAN <hoe salesman: young tnan with some experience. Harry Kauftuan. 1320-1324 7Vli at. n.w. SKAKCIIEIl of experience to make preliminary examinations in the patent office: permanent |MiKitiott: state salary anil experience. Box 250. Star office. I'PHOIjSTEREK ami slip cOTer cutter, experlenoed: pKil wage* and steady job. U. S. f'phoistery Co.. 812 P St. n.w. I'PHOLSTKREK wanted: first-class: piecework; cannot guarantee steady work. l>ut good t>ay. Address, with particulars. Box 173, Star office. 21* YOUNG M.\.\, seventeen to nineteen, two or three years" course in high school, as office boy anil to learn searching; salary. *."> per week to j >tarl; state age anil qualifications. Address Law. Star office. 2i>* POMK8TIC. ?'t>OK All round. Star lunch. 7t>2 fith n.w. Mtl,H AA? FKMAl.E " At IE NTS- -Three, mule or female, of good address. with approred references. Call after 5 p.m.. Sanford, No. 11 Lincoln flats, 123 12tli st. s.e. BOOKKEEPING? Eveulug inatructlon by expert accountant at your home. Phone M. 3334. Box 61. Star office. JANITOR and housemaid?Man and wife. whit?. Apply Nurses' Home, Walter Reed Hospital. Takoma Park. 20* MEN-WOMEN?Get government parcels post Jobs; $20 week; write for list of positions open. Frauklln Institute, Dept. 43 B, Rochester. X. V. ap5* FEMALE At'Tit ESS or clever singer: season work for right party: answer immediately. Pity Post office Box 88. 21* CANVASSER- Ladles to canvass household tiecesaity; sells at sight. Apply 0 p.m. Friday to Mr. Sol at .",12.'> M st. n.w. 21* CORRESPONDENT?An Intelligent person may earn $10o monthly corresponding for newspapers; no canvassing: send for particulars. Press Syndicate. 850. Lockport. N. Y. 28* GIRLS wanted to run power sewing machines; good pay. 506 14tli st. n.w. 26* M ANIO'RE EXfTrRT. who thoroughly under" (itands shampooing and scalp treatment, wanted at once; must have several years' existence and first-class reference; $12 to start with. Anna Soelberg, 711 Royster bldg.. Norfolk. Ya. 23* MILLINERY trimmers and preparers?Competent. Apply to F Rose. 1113 F st. n.w. 21* OFFICE WORK -Young lady for office work; state age and salary' expected. Address Box 174. Star office. PI'PILS?Experienced teacher of elemenrary branches of music wants beginners; terms reasonable. Miss F. C. Schuldt, 317 4th st. s.e. 21* SALESLADY?Girl for store; white; Jewess preferred; good salary and commission; short voforonpoB Anttlr hf?t. J* and 1(1 UVUi '??? > I t 11 V MV. v u> ? ? - - ? ?? or 6 and 8 p.m.. 1761 I, ft. n.w. SALESLADIES for the following departments: Ladies' Suits, Millinery, Misses' Wear. Applv to Superintendent. HECHT & CO., 511 to 517 7th St. N.W. SHIRT OPERATORS and buttonhole workers. Hall's Shirt Factory. 1210 F n.w. SHIRT WAIST BUYER- The Bluestine Co. requlres a competent shirt waist buyer;- salary no object to the right person. STENOGRAPHER?Experienced: permanent position: opportunity for advancement. Apply after lo a.m.. Hub Furniture Co., 7th and D sts. n.w. STENOGRAPHER and typewriter to take charge of office: $10 per week, with chance of advancement; reference. Box 102. Star office. * STENOGRAPHER-Experience not necesaary. 1426 You at. n.w. TAILORESS?Wanted, first-class girl tailor at once. 100 Q st. n.w. 19* TEACHER-Young lady, teacher of grammar school and high school mathematics. 221 E st. n.w. TELEPHONE operator, switchboard. In large first-class apartment house; give experience and reference. Box 1.13. Star office. 21* TYPEWRITER- Experienced lady for shorthand, typewriting; also Fisher-Elliott billing machine. Box 2.7. Star office. 19* WAITRESS theadl white. $2!>. Apply Gallaudet College. 7th and Fla. are. n.e. WANTED?Competent cook: must have city references. Apply before noon. 3340 16th st. n.w. $2.10 PER DAY paid one lady in each town to distribute free circulars and take orders for concentrated flavoring In tubes; permanent position. J. S. Zlegler Co.. Chicago. * DOMESTIC. CHAMBERMAID atid waitress - White; $10 month, room and beard: Rood home. 1224 i:;th at. n.w. 20* CHAMBERMAID, waitresses (ft coloredi. $10. $18, $20. $22: private families; also fifteen cooks. Indies' Exchange. 807 Vermont aTe. 1ft* CHILD'S NURSE (white). $25: girl 7 years: French nurse, $.10. Other places. Ladies' Exchange, 807 Vermont ave. lft* OOOK?All-round. Star lunch. 702 ftth st. n.w. COOK-HOUSEWORK ER for two, $2t>: no Ianndry. Many other places. Ladies* Exchange. 807 Vermont ave. IB* COOK and general house*orker. Apt. 4.7 the She'hy. 141ft Columbia road. COOK ANtTLAUNDRESS In private family. Apply 010 5th st. n.e. COOK AND LAUNDRESS-First-class colored woman; wages, $25 month: stay nights. Address Box 17ft. Star office. COOK, wash and Iron: go home nights. 1006 Otis plai-e. Mt. Pleasant. COOK LAUNDRESS, chambermaid-waitress?Two girls for family of two (2t. 1735 20tU st. lft* COOK German woman: German house girl and waitresses of all kind: also rooks. Watson's Employment Agency. 004 F n.w. COOKS- Fifteen colored cooks for private families; $25, $25. $2f>. $18; also chambermaids, waitresses, general houseworkers. I Julie*' Exchange. 807. Vermont ave. lft* GENERAL HOUSEWORK-A reliable colored girl, with references. 1518 Corcoran st. 11.w. So* GENERAL HOUSEWORK ? Apartment; stay nights; family three: good wages competent person. Apply 0 to 0 tonight or 8 to ft In morning. Apartment 31. 2033 Adams Mill road. * GENERAL HOUSKWORKKR?Settlwl woman'. 715 M st. n.w. GENERAL HOUSEWORKKR?White girl; family of three. 1301 Madison St. GENERAL HOUSEWORK- Givl; 110 washing or Ironing; stay nights; reference required. Apply at 1448 Harvard st. n.w. GENERAL WORK?A woman; also a neat girl xor nminf? room.' Hid j-iin. ? GENERA f. HOUSEWORK?Girl: nl?o girl to nurse: reference required. After tl p.m.. 1771 1 .union t st. 21* GENERAL HOUSEWORKEU Girl. 1S21 H st. n.w. GF-NERaT. IIOUSKWohKEK Two In family; stay nights: references. 1213 M st. n.w. ?? GIRL to ?-ook and do housework; no applicants considered who cannot cook. 45 U n.w. ? j HOUSEKEEPER ANI) COOK - White woman, small family In country: 2 miles from city: ! prefer settled woman and one who has lived in country: permanent place; reference required. Applv between 3:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. W. C. PRATHF.R. 1123 F at. n.w. 19* llOUSEWt iRKKK White woman for general housework; two In family; laundry Included: stay night K desired; refg. Apply pot; G at. s.c. HOUSEMAID (white). Apply Nurses' Home, Walter Reed Hospital. Takotna Park. 2t>* HOUKKWORKER Half-grown girl for housework: small, private family; no washing. S.*2t? 141It n.w. KITTHRN'MAID (white). $23; oek. $23; co<.k, $.* ; cook. $35; issik. $f>0: private fumilles. Indies' Exchange. SitT Vermont ave. 1J)? MAID. F reneh. $30: lady's maid. $30: chambermaid. $25. $30: waitress, $30; parlor tnald, $'25: chambermaid, waitresses. $25. $20: prWate families. Indies' Exehange. SOT Vermont ave. !'.)? ITO tNM>K and <k> general housework: settled woman In family of two: good wages; stay liIghts: elty reforenoes. Apply 174Q T'ark road. * WAITRESS?A good colored girl in eafc. 302 loth st. n.w. ' * WAITRESSES, experienced, white. Wallls' cafe. 41$ 12th st. n.w. 21' HEALTHMOVEMENT. VIA V1 SCIKNUE OF HEALTH.- FREE LECture for Women Wednesday. 3 p.m. Natural, non surgical: cloth-hound, 4O0-pugc hook, free. Did Colorado building. MATTRESS MAKHf HAIR AND KELT MATTRESSES RENOVATED and remade. $2, all work by experts aad guaranteed flrst-clas*. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. 1241 7th n.w .; phone N. 52$. WANTED?SITUATIONS. MALE BARTENDER want* permanent position; be? ref. as to character and ability. Bos 1?7 Star office. BOOKKEEPER?A1 local record for capacity Judgment and fidelity: for early employment wii accept very nominal Initial salary. Bos 10fl Star office. 20* CITAITtTl'R (whltei, licensed, desires posltlo with private family: als years' experience; bes references; two years with last employer. Aii dress Box 178. Star office. 25* CHAl'FFEFR?'Thoroughly competent; references private or commercial." R. McCawley, 47.'l i st. s.w. 20* CHAl'FFEL'R?Colored: 8 years' experience make own repairs: sober; first-class reference? 40 Hanover st. n.w. 20* CIiKRK. ste.vard or assistant steward; best ref*. 16 years' experience. Box 170. Star office. 20 DRl tJ CLERK?Tonne man. 5 years' experl en<-e, wishes position iu drug store. Box oi Star office. 13* JANITOR c?i: DK1VEK?By colored man; first I'lass reference. 1906 19th St. n.w. 19* SALESMAN traveling, Washington or south meritorious line only considered; bank refer enee. Boy 177. Star offloo. STEAM FITTER?First-class man wishes good steady Job. Box 341. Star office. 20* YOUXO MAN tu office desires position lnaugura t!on dar; oitv references. liars, Fhone Wet, ST. ^* DOMESTIC. BFTLEK Filipino, honest, sober, trustworthy wishes place iu private family; $50; rcfs. Bo: 58. Star office. 23* WAITER or anything to do. by neat colorei man. 4"3 X st." n.w. 20* MAI.E \>D FEMALE. dARbKXBk Germ an. married, many rears' ei perlence in practical garden work; excellen references; wife a good laundress. Box 61 Star offlia. 30* MAN and wife (while); wife, cook; man. butle and houseman; good references. Address 6i New York are. n.w. 19* FEMALE. BU? >K REEFER, 1>. K., AND STENOGRAPH Erf familiar with office details, and capable of as snming entire charge of office. Box 138, Sta tlon B. 19*_ CASHIER -Best of references furnished. Addres Z. B. S.. Star office. 20* STENOGRAPHER, expert, desires engagement: after 4:30 or typewriting at home. Addresi Box 161). Star office. * DOMESTIC. ADVERTISER desires place of responsibility in large household or hotel; kept house twelrt years; hotel experience; first-class references Address 1426 Columbia road. AM. CAPACITIES capable private family hel] supplied; white, colored, male, female, ladles Exchange, 807 Vermont are. 19* CHAMBERMAID only; no waiting; good refer ence. 2605 P st. n.w. CHAMBERMAID OR WAITRESS-By neat col ored girl; can give reference. Call or addres: 1747 Soatou st. n.w. COOK?Good place, by n good cook; ref. Call o write 1817 10th st. n.w. * COOK- By a colored woman, place as cook anc laundress. 1829 5th st. n.w. COOK?Good, flrst-class nlain cook. Is willing t< stay nights. 1038 Euclid st. n.w. COOK?Wanted, by young white woman, sltua tion as cook in private faintly; can give first class city reference. Box 180, Star office. * COOK?-Wanted, ^>y colored woman, work a cook In hotel or first-class family. 2265 Oleve land gt. n.w. " 19* GENERAL HOUSEWORK - References. CaIl~o address 2216 Champlain st. n.w. GENERAL house or day's work?By reliable col ored woman. 1910 R st. n.w. 19* G EXEItAL IIOISEWORK or washing "and Iron lng, out by day, by colored woman. 1003 I st. n.w. LAUNDRESS?Washing wanted by experiences lauiiurrsB oy uie uay. iwi r sr. n.w. I.At'NDRK^S to take work home. 131 1j at n.w. 20* NEAT, experienced colored prirl wishes place ai chambermaid or waitress. Call 1427 S St. n.w IP* NURSE?Position, wanted by reliable colore< woman In private family. 1439 P st. n.w. WORK OUT by the day or small washing ti take home wanted by a reliable colored woman 129 L st. n.w. WASHING?First-class laundress; small wash by day or at home. 2633 Va. ave. n.w. 19* WANTED?MISCELLANEOUS. STEAM and hot-water heating. remodeling am repairing a specialty. National Heating Co. Heating Engineers. 441-443 G st. n.w. Tele phone Main 8143. FURNITURE. CARPETS. PIANOS. ETC., WAVJ Ml. Phone M. 0162 for wagon, or have us call Cook. Haum & Co.. 8th and D sts. n.w. WANTED TO BUY OLD FEATHER BED! and furniture. Why not drop postal to an ol< reliable firm? U. MARKS. 424 10th St.. oppo site site the Gas office, or phone Col. 961-M. INVALID'S ROLLING CHAIR. RUBBER-TIRED must be In first-class condition and very com fortable. Address, bv mail orflv, L. E WRIGHT. 1520 H st. n.w. 19* WANTED?FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. WIL1 pay you best cash prices. Call at your con venlence. AMERICAN FURNITURE HOUSE 814 E st. n.w. Phone Main 4110. IF IT'S DIAMONDS. OLD GOLD OR SILVER we'll buy It and give you the highest cash price Eetab. LOUIS ABRAHAMS, 815 G st. 10 years important?No branch stores. CASH PAID l'OR SCRAPS OF OLD GOLD silver or any other old jewelry; diamonds ant U. S. cigar coupons bought. Open evening] until 0 p in. HARRY S. FISCHER, 901 I st. n.w. LAW BOOKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS. THE OLD BOOK SHOP. 606 11th at. n.w. PAWN "TICKETS! DIAMONDS. PLATINUM GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT BY A BE ABRAHAM S. 433 91 hit. w. LAUNDRY?'WE LAUNDER^ LACE CURTAINS giving them the same finish and luster as new 25c a pair- prepare for inauguration visitors Drop postal or call at 512 F st. n.e. WHO REPAIRS YOUR WATCH? ITS DELI cate mechanism requires finest materials am skill for lasting results. Cleaning. $1; mVp'g,$l M. BLUMENF KLD. 3010 14th n.w. Ph. Col. 775 SURPRISE PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNI TURE. Show me anything In household goodj you care to sell. Phone N. 2964. or drop card MAX WITK1N. 2100 14th n.w. BEST PRICES PAID FOR HOUSEHOLD FUR nlture of every description; will call. Consul the SQUARE DEAL FURNITURE CO.. 501 at. n.w. Phone Main 5636. VAI? r* A X- OPT tronn lfAVPr T?nn VAf'D iuu ucii munn aiu;>n 1 r i?rv iui;n Furniture, carpets. merchandise. etc. Call I>. NOTES. 615 La. are. Phone Main 3006. ANTILLES ANI) ART OBJECTS SOLD O! commission or purchased outright. Wanted for out-of-town collectors, antique furniture china, glass, etc.; liberal prices given. R JORDAN. 815 17th at. WANTED SHOWCASES. COUNTERS. IRON SAFES', CASH REGISTERS, ROLL-TOP DESKS. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION BOUGHT. COOK, BAUM & CO., PHONE 5162. Mh AND D STS. N.W. WANTED?FURNITURE FOR CASH. SF-L1 your goods to the man who gives you the mos money. IIorwoOD'S. 8th and K. WANTED FURNITURE. PIANOS. CARPETS etc. Pione M. 12S2 for wagon, or have u CAM. "WESCHLER'S." D20 Pa. ave. n.w. WILL CALL IN MY UNLETTERED W.UGON city or suburbs, and pay you highest prices to ladies', gentlemen's, children's discarded cloth Ing of all descriptions. Address postal or phone I will call. W. RICE. 1332 7th n.w. N. 175.1 CLOTHES WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICE! pair for cast-off elothes. ladies', men's am children's. Drop postal or plioue H. BERN STEIN. 1314 7th n.w. I'lione N. 439Q-Y. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR WOP.: clothing, ladles', gents' and children's shoe and ha'a; send i?on!h1 or phone; will call. J TARSIIES. 1308 7th n.w. Phone North 4iW. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR WOK! clothing, ladies', genta' and children's siioes an< hats. Send tiostai, will call any hour. BEN BASS. 8'M 4U at. s.w. ~ DVDGOV AT I A JUMIUVA1 I ? !? INAUGURATION TIMES WILL KEEP UK BUSY as so many will want to spend cash wlthotl making ? sacrifice. No use doing It. Send fo us and get our offer for men's worn clothing shoes, etc. JUSTUS OLD STAND. 013 D. LADIES. I WILL CALL AT YOl Il RKSIDBNOE Scalp treatment hiwI *hainp?M(liig: wlentifl massage; combing* made to order. I'bone Nort 21)55 M A. K. BOI.I.F.R. laid T st. n.w. NAT'L PR ESS INC! CLUB STEAM CLEANINli pressing and (l.relnjt men's suits. 2f?c; pantt Hie; ladies' suits. ?5e. Called fur and deliverer SAMUEL GORDON. 227 <J st. n.w. ONE OK THE REST KNOWN VIOIJ1 schools In elty, to discover talented pupils fn scholarships, makes reduced rate S5 for eutlr term ('an l>e paid 50c lesson); violins furnlsbe free. Box 332, Star office. NEW YORK PRESSING CLUB AND HANI I.AUNDKY'?Knits cleaned and pressed: flrs lass 'sundry work; called for and dellveret 1408 10th st. n.w. Phope N. 1304. FOR FEBRUARY. Ladles' one-piece unllned wool or silk dresse cleaned and pressed, $2.25. SPTXDLKR'S. HOT 12th n.w. Phono Mala 2704 DOGS, PETS, ETC. HOSPITAL FOR ANIMAIjS -ALL PETS TRBA1 ed humanely; surgical operations: boardln kennels: dog cemetery. Mrs. R1DWELL, Ml iron. 2115 14th st. Phone North 1608. "EEFaiGERATORS & ICE BOXES McCRAY refrigerators Aid Cooling Rooms Have No Equal. I McCRAY REFRIGERATOR CO.. 1 811 V at. s-V. FOE SALE?MISCELLANEOUS. ATTRACTIVE BARGAINS IN - PIANOS AND PLAYER-PIANOS ll RECENTLY TRADED IN FOR PIANOLA PLAYER-PIANOS. STE1NWAY UPRIGHT $250 SOHMER UPRIGHT 11175 1 ii WEBER UPRIGHT ! 175 I WEBSTER UPRIGHT % 150 VOSR & SONS UPRIGHT 1 100 AUTOPIASO 5325 n O. J. D?MOLL A CO.. 12th and O ate. BLANKETS?10 eiderdown blankets; never used; Just the thing for Inauguration. 2188% Pa. - ave. ii, w. p BOOKS?Architectural and engineering: also I. C. 8. course In architecture. Bo* 157, Star _ office. 21* .* BRASS BED, dresser and several articles; have too much furniture. 1106 L at. n.w. 20* ~ BROODERS?Ten cypress outdoor brooders, style i C. Reserve 11111 Poultry Farm, East Falls _ Church. Va. Phone Rossi vn ft-A. i . : BUFFET?Very handsome, solid walnut, new; '* also other handsome pieces. 816 18tfa ?t. n.w. - CATS-Beautiful, long-haired Angoras; must sell; " best offer positively takes them. Bos 45, Star office. 23* ? CHAIR?Ow-ved oak. In perfect condition, formerly In House of Representatives (1859). 1738 F n.w. CLOTHING?It mtrv pay you better neat time to ' wait a little longer before letting go of the T cash. You have not seen all the rood values t until you see us. Why man, there's no values < to lx-at these tailored new suits, and as for the slight Iv used overcoats, low as $3. tide you over and save the cash. One price. Jt'UTH'S OLD - STAND, (lift D. x COFFEK CRN'S, two, 5-gal. each, and 15 white enamel armchairs with inarble tops; also four J tables. 525 9th St. n.w. 20* COUNTER, marble, sanitary. Your own price. -. Must be sold at once, it 1008 Pa. ave. n.w. ? DOU Male Scotch collie; beautifully marked; gentle and kind with children; one year old, r price, $40. Phone Cleve. 185. ? FIXTURES-Large lot of store fixtures, consisting of outside show cases, counter cases, 3 fine mahogany counters. 4 floor ittses, ctgar wall cases, etc.; cheap. Cook, Baum &. Co., 8th and D* ., sts. 11.w. ~ FLAGS?Flags and decorations for sale or rent. Largest stock mid lowest prices south of New York. Flags from 5c up. Buildings decorated s from $5 up. All material absolutely fast colors. Satisfaction guaranteed. Let us estimate for " decorating your building. R. C. M. Burton & g Son. 911 F. st. n.w. Phone Main 3494. FLOOR OIL?Best dust less, 35c per gal.; Yale and other keys duplicated. 20o each. * Enterprise Hardware Co.. r Phone Main 5051. 927 9th st. n.w. ' FRAMES?Allow us to frame one picture to prove our quality work: incomparable moldings and price lowness. RELIABLE PICTURE FRAME 9 CO.. 1.829 14th n.w. Phone N- 2948. FURNITURE, consisting of dining, bedroom ?nd other very desirable furniture: reasonable prices. 1300 Harvard St., Apt. 7. 20* . FURS-ONE NEW BLACK RUSSIAN WOLF SET; latest model; will sell for $12: valued s $35. Big bargain. Box 176. Star office. r FURS; MANUFACTURER'S SAMPLE SWTS; great reduction since stocktaking: rare bar: gains available. Room 304. Kcnols building, i 1 opposite Palais Royal. Phone Main 7128. - GREAT BARGAINS IN PLAYERS' One Pianola. * $75, including n large collection of choice , player rolls. One slightly used 88-note player- ; piano, $250. Oue new Mellotone player, up-todate and covering everything In player construction, on $7 monthly payments; no Interest charged. Beautiful walnut piano, like new, * $175, on $5 monthly payments. One new mahogany piano. $125 cash, and one veneered mahogany piano, $15o, on $10 monthly payp ments. Square pianos. In good condition, $15 up. Organ, $15. Open evenings. Tuning, $1.50. Columbia Grafonolas and records. Hclbig Bros., 1742 7th st. n.w. Eatab. 30 vrs. , " f - INAUGURAL GOODS?Cook, Baum & Co.. Auctioneers. 8th and D sts. n.w. Inaugural goods at auction. We will sell at public auction on ; Friday, Feb. ill. at 10 o'clock a.m.. lot of household furniture, chairs, tables, beds. etc.. etc. Cook. Baum & Co.. 8th and D sts. n.w. INCUBATORS?Cyphers. 250 size, 515; 400 size. 520; nearly new. Apt. 9. 1814 14th st. n.w. LATROBBS?Three second-hand, ob good as new; cheap. 021 10th st. n.w. 22* MACHINESStager Sewing Machinea. The new 1913 model Is positively the greatest machine of the 20th century. Phone L. 448 and have one sent to you on trial. Others from $10 and up. Renting, repairing and parts for all machines. Also patterns and embroidery silks. G. C. Smith. 313 Pennsylvania avc. s.e. a MOTOR AND STARTER -4-h.p.; direct current; 220 volts speed. 1,175; Westinghouse make. 3293 M st. n.w. j MOTOR, 2-h.p.. A. C. Also 7-h.p. direct-current motor. 952 I Ji. ave. n.w. SEWING MACHINES?1 Drop-head NEW HOME and WHITE, with all attachments; taken In trade.; cost $60: price. $12. Repairing and renting. auppdies. Larkln. 3rd & II n.w. Ph.M.3235. . MACHINES?New Home, drophcad, $15; Singer. 2 drop leaf. $10; Domestic. $5; and a full line of ; new Singer machines. 50c per week; repairing 1 by experts; open evenings. H. R. Given, 625 Pa. ave. s.e. Ph. Line. 3672. * PARIiOR TABLF,. oak costumer and oak um5 brella stand for sale cheap. Call after 5 o'clock, 142 U st. n.e. PIANO?For sale, gteinwsy piano, including stool and cover, in perfect condition, cheap. - _Call No. 1223 4th st. n.w. 19* PIANO EXCHANGE. 1237 G st. n.w. Bargains In Second-hand Pianos. $300 Berkeley Upright $150 $300 Howard Upright $150 i $500 Hazelton Upright $95 ? $300 Jacob & Bros.' Upright $95 $300 Miller Upright $175 $250 Kramer Upright $150 < $275 Bradbury Upright $150 $350 Shonlnger Upright *125 $500 Knahe Mahogany Upright $290 $500 Chickerlng Upright . .. $95 $000 Stelnway Upright $250 $325 Citble Upright $275 $000 Autnplann $275 $750 Lauter Player $390 We will buy your old plauo for cash. We_ sell on small paymenta. , see us and save money. PIANOS?GRIMES PIANO STORES MOVED TO 708 13th. j Just above G St. [. Still greater reductions govern the sale \[ of both new and used pianos and playerpianos. Additional stock now in transit must be advantageously placed. ' We'll fix the terms to suit. Remember the new number. 708 13th. _ Phone Main 1838. . 1 PIANOS? : 1 Piano bargains?Vose. $170: Stultz & Bauer, I $110; Estey, $130: Regal, $00; Kohler & Campbell. $110. Hugo Worch. 1110 O. ] POOL? TABLES?1 t-ixO ft.; balls, cues and racks. 926 N. V. ave. n.w. 23* PGRK?10,000 families wanted to eat Case's J Belle Mead brand prepared pork; try It; It's ! delicious; at grocers' and butchers'. Agents, ' T. T. Keane Co.. 9 Wholesale row. fe2l* " POULTRY?Hatching eggs, baby chicks, ducklings; white Leghorns. Barred Plymouth Rocks, giant Pekin dufka; our breeders enjoy free range; chicks are hatched in a giant hot-water incubator, capacity, 10.000. Insuring vigor and vitality. Reserve Hill Poultry Form, East Falls Church. Va. Phone Ross. 9-A. RANGE AND LATROBE?Large double oven range, suitable for lunchroom or boarding house; also latrobe in good condition. Address Box 271. Star office. f 1 RANGE?Second-hand, suitable for restaurant or boarding house. 921 10th st. n.w. 21* SHADES?Good Quality opaque shades, fitted s to your windows, only 35c; the best quality oil opaque shades, 50c; bung free. We call - with samples. Kleebatt's, 11th and H sts. n.e. r l- STATIONERY?Truitt's Bargain House offers full line stationery, post cards, pennants, novelties and fountain pens. Watch our window! Open day and night. Expert card writing, invitaj tions. resolutions, addressing, letter writing. 1 Write 'cm for inauguration! Call 235 Ta. ave. , n.w. 21* " TREAD HORSEPOWER MACHINE, cheap, with * circular saw and tublo. Apply DIM H st. n.e. s 2<t* TYPEWRITER?Ba 11 bearing; L. C. Smith L ~ Bros.: A1 condition and n bargain. Address < * " Box 1X3. Star office. ,1 ??? TYPEWRITER RENTAL SERVICE, 3ft Ran_ dolph pi. n.w.; North 3128-M. Densmorea = rentPd. (1.25 monthly; Remington*. Olivers, < Smith-Premiers, (1.60; L. C. Smiths, Royals. Olivers, (2.25; Underwoods. Monarch*. (2.50. Rpdurtiona If paid 3 or ft months In advance. 1 WAGON SOAIJC?Cheap; five-ton, platform. Ap~)r ply 913 H st. n.e. 20* WATCH?Must he sold. man's 14-carat solid gold 7 Elgin watch, thinnest model. $18; lady's 14carat solid gold Elgin watch, $13. A. Kahn, " 935 F n.w. h __ WINDOW SHADES?We make a specialty of r flrst-claas opaque shades hung at 60c each. A * card will bring salesman. R. C. M. Burton & ' Son. 911 E st. fl.w. Phone Main 3494. WINDOW SHADES?Have your home furnished - with new window shades before Inauguration. s Low prices. Estimates furnished. ir W. T. Batr. 1023 12th at. n.w. Tel. If. 205S. 5 "carpenters and builders. D ALL WORK GUARANTEED AT REASONABLE t- rates. Job work given special attention.' I J. B. UFFEY. 1327 F st. n.a. Phone Linen. 8782-T. ~ WEATHER STRIPS PUT L.: CARPBNTBB .. work, large or small; reasonable prices. 8 C. D. COLLINS. i. T19 18th at. n.w. 'bone If. 1643. * piano tuning. n HIGH GRADE PIANO TUNING. REPAIRING * and nlaver work. $2 up. W. W. SAUNDERS. , twenty years expert for Sandera A St ay man, i 1 3d 14 R. C. Ch. rd. Phone Col. 2381. window cleaning. PHONE MAIN 71 b? TO HAVE YOUR WLN'DOW? cleaned by reliable white help; houses overhauled. ACME WINDOW CLEANING CO.. Leon L C'Oiv-m, , ".'21 G st. n.w. AUTOMOBILES. FOB 4AI.B. AUTO TIRFS REPAIRED to stand the test of MILESTONE" requires bonestv In materials and methods. WtLSON-OOUCHER TIRE CO. "Free air op tap." 1703 Hth n.w. Ph. N. 3791. AUTOS?WHY HESITATE 1 READT CASH for old useless ears, auto tires and tubes. Parts of cars for sale. Call anywhere. 1SADORE OLA8SER. 2025 7th at. u.w. Phone X. 3959. ADJUSTMENTS and repairs by B. B. Share ft Co. Increase your driving force. Overhauling a specialty. 152T M at. (rear). Phone N. 2104. BARGAIN for quick sale. "Warren." 1913 model. 6-cyllnder. 7-passengrr touring car. with complete equipment. Including electric selfatartiug and lighting system: tires practically new. Car has been driven eighteen hundred miles and in use two months only by direct factory representative for demonstrating purposes. Carries same guarantee as tieW car. Geo. D. Wilson, rep. Warren Motor Car Co.. Hotel Raleigh, or care W. P. Barnhart Co.. 1707 14th at. n.w. FLANDERS ROADSTER, in daily use. $325. Phone North lfclft. FRANKLIN?A moneymaker for investigation; 6-eyllnder; 60 h.p.; 7 passenger: cheap. W. A. Bell. Alabama and Stanton roads. Anacoetia, D. C. 20* CADILLAC. 1906 model, fairly good condition: any reasonable offer accepted. Apply 3259 N st. n.w. CADILLAC. 1911, 5-passenger touring car. completely equipped: first-class condition. CADILLAC. 1911. 4-passenger touring car, with detachable tonneau; first-class condition. CADILLAC. 1010. 4-passenger touring car. with detachable tonneau: first-class condition: CADILLAC. l'.lOO, 5-passeuger touring car; first-class condition. CHAIjMEBS-DETROIT, 40-h.p., 5 or 7 passenger touring car. OLDSMOB1LE. 1912 Autocrat, 7-passenger; first-class condition. PACKARD, 1910, roadster: first-class condition. WASHINGTON. late 1810. touring car, with 40-h.p. Excelsior motor; run less than 10,000 utiles. THE COOK & STODDARD CO.. Tel. N. 7810. 1138-40 Conn, ave. CADILLAC?1908, 6-passenger; in good condition; tires as good as "new. Apply to Weaver Bros.. 735 15th st. n.w. COLOMBIA TOURING CAR ? Seven-passenger; new top; demountable rims, and recently overhauled: could be made to pay for Itself during inauguration. Dnpont Garage, 202Q M n.w. 22* FORD TOURING OAR?Model T. 1910 model: excellent condition; wilt demonstrate. Address Box 130. Star office. HAYNES?5-passenger; 45-h.p.; bargain Rt $900. See Clark. 311 Kenols bldg. Main 7126. Residence. Col. 1537. * LIMOUSINE?$1,200 limousine body, shop worn, for $450. The Miller Co., 1026 Connecticut ave. MARIONS MAXWELLS. MOTOR C YCLES." Fords and Flanders. Bargains In 2nd-h&nd cars. See us for summer storage rates. New Jersey Avenue Garage. 425 New Jersey ave. n.w. MAXWELL RUNABOUT?In first-class condition: good tires, top, magneto and windshield; $185. 3295 M st. 24* METZ runabout; perfect condition; equipped with Bosch magneto, gas lamps, tools, etc.: big bargain; $150; will demonstrate. Address Box 36. Star office. 19* Oil AUTO OH,. 40c PER GALLON. Give It a trial. Phone M. 7315. Nat. Machinists' Supply Co.. 520 12th St. n.w. RACER?Forty horsepower; owner leaving city; bargain. Call 1341 9th at. n.w. 23* RADIATORS THAT ARE FROZEN REQUIRE expert attention; our work is thoroughly tested; reasonable charges. GUARANTEE RADIATOR AND LAMP CO.. 1215 N. Y. ave. Ph. M. 4356. REPAIRING?Automobile owners, do you want yours done right at the right price? Overhauling and storing in steam-heated garage. N. A. Sbepley. 1619 L st. Tel. N. 1297. TOURING CAR, 5-passenger, for sale; run 3,000 miles; 4 months old; $750; this is a snap. Apply Maryland Garage, or 616 G st. n.w. WAVEHLY ELECTRIC RUNABOUTS for "sale or rent, guaranteed in first-class condition. South wortn-Keiser < o., t.iectnc vehicle Repairing and Battery Work, rear 1320 L at. n.w. Phone X. 2231). 1 WASHINGTON touring car, $330: also one Aoto Car runabout. $100: both In good condition; fully equipped and practically new tires; two great bargains. Phone Col. 586. for hire. AUTO FOR HIRE AXI> PRIVATE CARS. 7 and 3 passengers, by the hour; reasonable rates; careful chauffeur. Call Linen. 3668. FIXE AUTOS FOR HIRE. $2.50 PER HOUR up; fire and seren passengers; lowest rates In city; strictly competent drivers. For special rates phone Linen. 1434. FIVE-P ASS ENGERAUTO. $2.00 per hour. Foot warmer. AUTO HIRE CO.. Linen. 2563. FOR HIRE? By the hour or trip. Five-passenger private auto. Phone Xorth 2846. "HELLO. MAIN 68341 SEND SAME EASTriding 6-passenger car with same careful chauffeur." $2.50 per hour. No up. Seven-passenger limousine. $3.50 per hour. PRIVATE-APPEARING CARS. NEW 1013 5 AND 7 PASSENGER AUTOMOhlles for hire. $2 per hour up: careful chauffeurs. Day phone Main 7319. Night Xorth 5049. PEOPLE'S AUTO HIRING CO., 827 14th st. n.w. wanted. " AUTO WANTED WILL EXCHANGE MT equity in a well rented house for a runabout automobile. Call Room 2in, Woodward bldg. WANTED-AT OXOE, LIGHT TOURING CAR; Ford or Flanders preferred: must be reasonable: cash. Phone Col. 5115. 20* garagesT " GARAGE SERVICE for those who know what they want. Expert repairing and storage. NORTHWEST GARAGE, Campbell & Bland, 1219 13th ireart. Ph. X. 2320. MOTOR CYCLES^ " MOTOR CYCLES. " 1910 Indian. l>est condition. Bargain $60 Various makes of used machines at bargain prices. HOWARD A. FRENCH & CO., 736 14th st. n.w. SECOND HAND MOTOR CYCLES?A FEW guaranteed slightly used machines can be fought at bargains: cash or payments. BERRTMAN A WILLIAMS. 912 Bth at. Main 4180. BOATS AND ACCESSORIES. MONARCH KEROSENE ENGINES FOR MO tor boats or lighting plants cost little to operate. Send for catalogue and prices. L. M. THOMPSON. Agent. 1.131 Belmont st. n.w. HORSES AND VEHICLES. FOR SALE?25 up-to-date vehicles of all styles, good as new; buggies, surreys, runabouts, family carriages and delivery wagons to suit anv business from 810 up; harness. 8+ up. COGSWELL'S. 216 11th st. n.w. MARES?Two working: also one work horse: will sell cheap; owner leaving city. 806 10th st. n.e. _24? MARE?Handsome, brown, aix years old, 16 hands, stylish. Tcry fast driver, safe and sound, work well under saddle. Bay gelding, 6 years old. 16 hands, well bred, safe and sound, broken to saddle only. Brown gelding. 7 years old, 15V6 hands"; a grand combination horse, with great speed; suitable for lady or gentleman. Two English saddles and two military saddles, with bridles, saddle cloths, etc. Call for Mr. Boyd. Downey's Livery Stable, 1622 L n.w. Tel. M. 2286. BOARDING?Having purchased and thoroughly remodeled at aide. property rear of 337 Pa. ave. n.w.. we are prepared to hoard or hire you horses, wagons or huggies of all descriptions, ai special rates. M. 1197. Gen. Livery Co.. Inc. HORSES?Two large work horses, cheap. 1420 7th st. n.w. 19* TEAMS wanted; contract for season's work; house, stable; small farm on the job, n.e.; bond required. Box 47. Star office. 19* ~ WSSTpapeb! ' ARTISTIC INTERIOR DECORATING, HARDwood and floor finishing, radiator bronzing, house painting. We use only the highest grades of material and employ skilled mechanics exclusively. R. E. KNIGHT, 1410 Park road. Phone Col. 838. SATISFIED WITH YOCR PAPERHANGER? I'aperhunglng. decorating, cornices, centers and picture rods tinted to match papers selected. fjllAo. r^VA>>r?. otn s.w. .uain NlHo-.M. 3. GOLDBLATT. GENERAL CONTRACTOR, painter, paperhanger and plasterer. Rooms papered, $2.50; painted, $2; city or country. Call or drop postal, 701 22nd at. n.w. PAPEKHAXG1NO. PAINTING A DECORATING, In all It* branches, 20% cheaper than any firm In the city. CHAS. R. HYSAX, 204 East Capitol st. Phone Linen. 2239 for estimate. PAPERHANGING- PAINTING - DECORATING. Artistic A finished work. Write for onr special eat.?no charre. Drop postal or ph. M. 5638. Take advantage of dull season. BrownACo.,803 5th nw. 23.000 ROLLS 1913 WALL PAPER JUST REC'D. 26% off this month. All papering and painting absolutely guaranteed. Call or drop card C0PENHAVER & SON. 1203 Bth n.w. HARRISON A CO.'S PAPERHAXGERS AND painters, are picked exports who neTer fall to please. Lowest prices on papering, painting or glaalng. Ph. North 1733 for eatl. 1502 th n.w. 12.000 ROLL8 FINE WALL PAPER. FINE 7?T terlor work and paper hanging a specialty. Lowest prices before inauguration. Phone W. 622. F. A. POURNIER CO.. 2010 K st. n.w. CARPET CLEANING. CARPETS THOROUGHLY AND CAREFULLY cleaned; rugs woven from old carpets; mattresses renovated. Estimates furnished. ALBERT KAHLERT A CO.. S62 B at. s.w. M.30M ^ ' TABLE BOARD. ll? IRth ST. N.W.?NEW MANAGEMENT; Excellent table board, home cooking; only choicest provisions. Phone M. 8579. 1864 COLUMBIA ROAD -EXCELLENT l'ABLB board and service: small tables. mh4* 1122 VERMONT ATE?EXCELLENT SOt'THcrn table lioai-d, to- Inauguration or longer; reasonable; desirafll# rooms near. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. BARBER SHOP for sulo..or will take partner: 3 chairs. Address Box 132. Star office. 20* CANDY BPSINESS- A long-established. lilghclass candy business, located in the heart of the city; good business: low rent, including large basement for manufacturing; cheap to a quick buyer. Investigate. Booth Business Brothers. McLachlen bldg.. 10th and G. 25* DRUU fTORE?Fint-claas proposition; only > 1.too on payments. Boa 138. Star office. 20* EQUIPMENT, complete, for lunchroom; coat $800; will sell for $150 cash. Phone Col. 4757 before 10 a.m. or after 6 p.m. FAMILY HOTEL; no better furnished, located or paying place in city at price asked; closing estate cause sacrificing. Rooming house near Iowa Circle: cost to furnish. $1,500; quick sale take $S0O; very cheap rent: also 14-rootn rooming bouse; 3 baths: hot-water heat: clearing $S3 a month; half *alue at $590. Paper rente; good section n.w.: clearing $1,800_ year under management; if personal axienuon given couixi near raucu uiuir, ic^a than cost at $1,050. Rooming house near Franklin Park; 15 rooms. 2 hatha, hot-water heat; corner; give away at $650. 11-rooni house In 000 block K St. n.w., only $00O, ami nicely furnished house on 11 st. n.w., near 3rd St., "only $500. Livery business; best value In city, at $9,000; barber shop, near 13th and F. worth $1.20.1. price. $S0t?; saloon, receipts $S0 day, price. $3,800. To buy or sell a business see us. New York Business Brokers. 1423 F. GREAT (TT In price on general stock nx-rcnnille line. Box 139. Star office. 20* GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE?Doing a good business; n.e. preferred. Box 148, Star office. 21* GROCERY?Southwest; excellent corner: cheap rent; living rooms; sales, $200 week. $1,000. Grocery, near 16fh st. n.w.; one of the beat stands In the city; owner retiring, will sell, $1,800. Grocery?Le Droit Park; excellent cornet; well paying proposition; owner has other business. $1,000. Grocery?Tennallytown; cheap rent; living rooms; sales. $200 week; will sell $900. Ilalto. Bus. Brokers, 504 E. GROCERY and fruit business at a baTgaln price; well stocked store; prominent street downtown; n.w.; owner retires to engage In other line. Address L. P. D-. Star office. LUNCH AND DINING- ROOM; strictly cash business; average. $500 a week; good reasons for selling: no brokers. Box 00. Star office. MEAT BENCH (first-class! for sale; .-heap If sold at once. Address Box 35. Star office. 19* PARTNER with $50o. to open store; big profits. Box 107. Star office. 27* PARTNER with $200, male or female; drug sundries, delicatessen, cigars, leeless soda fountain; low rent; good location. Box 183, JStur office. 21* PARTY having a fine restaurant will give an experienced person half Interest inauguration week; small capital required. Box 168, Htar office. 21* PATENT ATTORNEY with established practice would like to meet lawyer or office man with means to Invest in advertising. Address Box 187. Star office. POOLROOM (club charter); cheap to quick purchaser; doing good business; low rent; good reason for selling; no brokers. Address Box 3*9, Star office. 21 _ ROOMING HOUSE? Hlgh-clasg, permanently filled. Rent, $65. Income, $130. Price, $io0. No curiosity seekers. 519 L st. n.w. 21* ROOMING HOUSE for sale: 12 rooms; permanent roomers; excellent location- easily heated; a bargain. $275; leaving city. 523 Oth n.w. 20* HlXOXIIVx: ITril*KR_Kl?vniiHv fnrxHshexl vnluc. $1,500; will sacrifice to quick purchaser. Box 136, Star office. 2o* ROOMING IIOUSE?Attractively furnished; on paying basis; price. $600: payment of $350 cash; balance monthly payments. Box 137, Star office. 20* SALOON'?Near Pa. are.; beat proposition In town for $2,950. JJodd & Co., n.e. cor. *th and G sta. n.w. SNAP for bosiness woman; $2,500; no agents. A<ldress A. C. P., Star office. 21* STORE?Nice grocery store, cheap If sold this week. Call 632 4th n.e. 19* TAILOR STORE?$100 will buy tailor store, fixtures and tools; 7 living rooms; rent, $35; must be sold at once. 621 P St. n.w. 23* VOTES?What am I offered for forty-one thousand In thp Washington Herald contest? Addrcss Box 149. Siar office. 21* FOR THE LADIES! THE BAUGHMAN COLLEGE, WHERE LADIES and girls can learn dressmaking and tailoring. Kor particulars call or write the College, 7113 11th St., 6 doors above Palais Royal. * REMODELING AND REPAIRING OF ALL kinds of furs at summer prices. WM. WOLF, the Furrier. 716 11th st. n.w., 2nd floor. WE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE YOU INSPECT our full line of valentine and dinner favors. DOLLY MADISON. 720 11th st. n.w. Phone orders given special attention. Tel. M. 5134. STYLES DISPLAYED IN LADIES' SUITS BY ALF GREENBEKG (formerly of the Louvre* are a full season ahead of anything seen outside of N. Y. 1207 9th n.w. Ph. N. 692. COMBINGS VALUABLE ? MADE INTO THE Borden pat. stemless switches, pompadour: every separate hair woven together, with all roots at top. Hair will not creep or mat. Ask about our special offer. Borden's, 704 11th st. n.w. Phone Main 4443. LADIES' SUITS, FINELY TAILORED AFTER THE LATEST CREATIONS FROM PARIS, WITH WORKMANSHIP AND FIT GUARANTEED. Made up. you furnish material and trimmings. for $10. Made up. you furnish material and we furnish trimmings, $15. complete. Made up. with us furnishing everything, for $25 up, complete. D. PLATSHORN. 940 N. Y. ave. n.w. Phone M. 7603. MISS JEANNIE Y. MAJOR. 929 G N.W.. FASHlonahle modiste and gown builder. makes a specialty of trousseaus.evening and reception gowns, also street dresses. Models and fit guaranteed. LET US BLEACH AND RPBLOCK YOUR Panama hat now to avoid the coming rush; winter prices on all summer work. VIENNA HAT CO., 410 Dth at. n.w. LADIES' PANAMA AND STRAW HATS cleaned, bleached and remodeled. Avoid the rush, leave your order now and save inonev. D. NEUFELD. 814 9th St. n.w., bet. H and .1. \VtLI. clean your gloves twenty times for the price you paid for your cheapest pair: In other words. 5c a pair. Consult us about cleaning and dyeing. NEWPORT DYE WORKS, 2822 P n.w. Phone W. 1146. SPIRELL A CORSETS THE CORSET MAKES THE GOWN. On it depends the flt, the grace, and effect even more than the material itself. SPUtELLA CORSETS fitted by a TRAINED COKSETIEKE are ideal . SPIRELLA CORSET SHOP. 46 C st. n.e. Phone Linen. 2105. MILLINER. ARTISTIC, STYLISH: HOME OR out; moderate; feathers made, dyed, cleaned, enrled: hat frames. Phone Mala 7949. 1010 Eye st. n.w. SPECIALIST IN OSTRICH FEATHERS?GllUued, cleaned, dyed and repaired: long feathers mfg. from short pieces. Reasonable prices. Miss M. C. DALY'. 47 H st. n.w. Phone L. 1702. $1.00. All kinds of sewing machines repaired and warranted. Phone or postal. OPPENHEIMER'S, SOO E st. n.w. CLARA I!. CUNNINGHAM, Expert Furrier, 1011 K st. n.w. Remodeling, Repairing. Redyelng of Fine Fur Garments a Specialty. Phone Main 004. R00MS AND BOARD. 1404 L ST. N.W.?FOR THE INAUGURATION. G or 6 handsomely furnished rooms; each room having one double and two single beds; suitable for four in each room; excellent table; all modern conveniences; exceedingly low rates If reserved this week. 1309 CONN. AVE. (DUPONT CIRCLE)?EX cepiionu.1 accumunraauaua lor inaugural visitors, or permanent: meals If desired. 1024 17th ST. N.W.?CAN ACCOMMODATE 15 or 20 for inauguration: excellent tabic; very reasonable if reserved at onee. 25* * 720 10th N.W.?LARGE KOOM FOR TWO Oil three persons; also single room; low rates. 1135 6th S.W. -WGIiL FURNISHED ItOOMS FOR inauguration; ean accommodate 15; convenient to cars. . 1106 L ST. X.W.?LARGE ROOMS. WITH breakfast; eau accommodate about 75 visitors to inauguration. 20? 1440 M ST. N.W. Can accommodate party of 15 for inauguration: handsomely furnished rooms; adjoining hatha; every convenience; excellent table hoard * optional. Phone N. 7435. 320 MD. AVE. N.E.?TWO NICE. LARGE rooms, southern exposure, in good neighborhood, with excellent table. 46 V ST. N.W. LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR 2 gentlemen; excellent table board; private family. 20* THE DECERN E, 1224 1226 13th ST. N.W. ? Centrally located; accommodations lirat class; $25 month tip; $1.50 day. 28* 515 M ST. N.W.?COMFORTABLE ROOMS; EX cellent table; can accommodate 10 for Inauguration; very reasonable. WANTED?ROOMS AND BOARD. W ANTED?*BT MIDDLE-AUED GENTLEMAN room ami ttoard iu private family; neighborhood 15th and V sts. n.w. Address Box 46, Staf office. 19* WANTED?ROOMS " WANTED-FURNISHED ROOM ON PA. AVE., parade route, from March 1 to 5, inclusive; reasonable. Box 60. Star office. 20* BY LADY EMPLOYED. WELL TERM811 ED room, n.w., not to exceed $10; permanent. Box 143. Star office. 18* 3 OR 4 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping, by couple, no children; central u.u.; reav>ii,4h|r. l'<>x 39. Star office. 19* FOB RENT?BOOKS. furnished. 2900 N ST. X W. One room. 19x19-; 2 douhle bed*. 1 single bed. One room. 10x19; 2 doable bed*. One room. 10x10; 1 double bed. One room. 8x10: 1 single bed. Near restaurants and both line* of street car*. Will not rent le** than 4 day*: reasonable rate*. No meals. Address W. 11. llOFt.HTOX. with reference*. 20* 1511 L ST\ N.W.-FOR INAUGURATION; i south front double parlors: unusually large: well furnished; also other room*; 5 block* from White House. 1115 Oth N.W., A IT. l-UAROK FRONT COMfortably furnished room: suitable for thro.- for j Inauguration. 1019 9th ST. N.W.?C.\N AC'OMMODATK A few refined gentlemen for the inauguration: reasonable. 91K F ST. N.W. SKntMi l l.oolt. Si tl TUF.ltV exposure, cheerful, unlet room: bath same floor; gentleman. 21* TWO NICELY FI RXISHED CEX trally located; suitable for Inauguration: ideal sufroundlngs. Box 171. Star office. 1213 I ST. N.W.?CAN AC<!OMMODATK 10 FOR the Inaugural lor.; reasonable. 2.'* 14th AND L BRUNSWICK. APT. 36-NICELY furnished room, suitable for 2: reaerTe for inauguratlon week. 24* 1433 M ASS. AVE. N.W.-2 HANDSOMELY 1 1 1! nlshed parlors: bay windows; southern cxIHJsure; suitable for four gentlemen; $10 per dav f?..r each rootn: reserved for inauguration. 28* 722 X.E. ~ ? EXTREMELY HANDSOME three-room Hat. furnished in the best of style, complete for housekeeping: everything ne?v: great bargain. Phone I.inrn. Ro06. * Foil RENT?KITCHEN AND DINING ROO>I. partly furnished, near 7lu and II n.w. Box 140. Star office. * 417 9th ST. N.W. COMFORTABLY KFRNISHed rooms; transients accommodated. Can accommodate 7 for Inauguration- * 1100 VT. AVE. YOCNG MEN; ELEGANTLY furnished rooms in private family: exclusive downtowu section. 412 II ST. N.W.-FRONT AND BACK ~R<K>M. yard, heat; no objection to children; $10. 2228 N ST.?TWO NICELY F CRM SHED rooms, third floor, front; private bath: reasonabtc. Kilo MASS. AVE. N.W. -FOR RENT. A FEW single and doable rooms for Inauguration. 710 lutli N.W.-SECOND-STORY FRONT. IN private farnllv; to one or two gentlemen. Phone M. 7507. 20* 2911 p'bT. N.W.-2 COMML N1CA . :n"G BOOMS, furnished; private family. 20* THE OAKLAND. 2000 COL- R< IAD BKAI II fill rooms and' bath reserved for Inauguration. Apt. 23.' Reference. 2U* 1908 H N.W.?4 NICE, LARGE ROOMS: WELL heated; permanent; will reserve for luauguratlou. 413 G N.W.?CAN ACCOMMODATE PARTY OF 20 for Inauguration if reserved at once; reasonable. 512 5th ST. N.W. CAN ACCOMMODATE TEN for inauguration If reserved at owe: reasonable. S GRANT PL. N.W. VERY DESIRABLE rooms: hot water heal; transients accommodated: can accommodate 12 or more for inauguration; central location. , 1319 PA. AVE. S.t.--2 NICE. LARGE ROOMS; could accommodate four during inauguration if rfRWY#?d note. 810 30th ST. X.W. -TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms; heat and gas: gentlemen preferred. 20* 421 II ST. N.W.?3 6EAUTIFUL ADJOINING rooms. 2nd floor, for gentlemen, or housekeeping. 19* 813 CONN. AVE. ? FINELY FURNISHED rooms, day, week or month: also reservations for Inaugural week. Main 4783. 19* LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS TO REFINED gentlemen for inaugural week; quiet, private family; line location. Box 337. Star offlee. * WILL TAKE PARTY OF 85 OR MORE MEN for Inauguration at $3 per ,week; warm, eomfortahle quarters. 1310 Mass. are. n.w. THE ALABAMA, 11th AND N. AFT 401 -FOR the Inauguration, double room for three; elc-, Tator and telephone. 2b* 1304~S ST. N.W.-LARGE, NICELY FURNISH ed rooms for men only; heat, liath. gas; colored. 912 MASS. AVE. -LARGE PARLOR RED room; suitable for ronple; also back room*; southern exposure. 432 lOTH ST. N.W. Very desirable rooms; transients accommodated: rooms reserved for inauguration. 1758 COLUMBIA KD.-DELIGHTFUL FRONT rooms, 2nd floor; southern exposure; adjoining hath; near car lines. 510 5th ST. N.W. Very large front and back rooms: all modern conveniences; transients accommodated: can accommodate 15 for inauguration; reasonable. ~ 7 B ST. N-W. " 8 large, comfortably furnished rooms; suitable for partv of 40 or 50 if reserved at once; 8 large windows facing Uapitoi; line view of parade: reasonable. THE IROQUOIS^ APT. 602?HANDSOMELY funtisbed front room; every convenience; reasonable. 1426 X ST. N.W.?CAN ACCOMMODATE 15 for Inauguration; single or double rooms; private family. 1418 M ST. N.W. (THOMAS CIRCLE!?HANDsomely furnished rooms, en auite or single; brass beds, cherry and mahogany furniture; open fireplaces; all outside rooms. Rooms reserved for Inauguration. Phone X. 4895. 126 RANDOLPH" PL. N.W. ? LARGE ROOM; ^I'lUi'Munu , an iuuu?*i u luijiiutvujruu-. iu;rc . <'Hr linen. 16* 1915 14th. THE FRANKLIN. AIT. 7?SECFKE your rooms for inauguration in handsomely "furnished apartment. 16* 929 K N.W. FOtR LARGE. < OM FORTAP.LY fur., well heated rooms: suitable for 18 or JO, for inauguration. if reserevd at onee. 20* 1016 15th ST. N.W. BACHF.i.or apartments and transient rooms. can accommodate from 10 to 14 for inal'gl'ration. break fast. if desired: phone m. 1485. 226 E ST. N.E.?2 NICELY FUR. ROOMS: near Union station: could accommodate four during inauguration. 705 5th ST. N.W.?TWO LARGE. NICELY FL'R niched parlor rooms, suitable for 10 or 12 for inauguration; transients accommodated; reasonable. 21* 1742 F ST. N.W.?VERY LARGE. COM FORTable room, suitable for party of 5 men for Inauguration. 735 11th N.W.?NICELY FL'R.. WELL HEATED rooms: transients accommodated until March 1: can accommodate 8 or 10 men for inauguration. if reserved at once; reasonaflle. THE ALABAMA. 11th AND N. API. 206Large. nicely fur. room, in private family; will reserve for inauguration. FI RNISHED ANP I XFIRMSHED. 2718 13th ST. N.W.?THREE LARGE ROOMS: private barb; also second-floor room, with porch. 2121 F ST N.W. ? TWO ROOMS. THIRD floor; heat and gas. Phone Main 5030. UNFURNISHED. 2118 G ST. N.W.?FOUR OR FIVE ROOM flat; also rooms with or without board. 204 F ST. N.W.-2 ROOMS, HEAT. GAS. $15 per month: three for $y>. 401 6th 8.W.?3 LARGE ROOMS. WITH HEAT and gas; private bath: rent reduced to $16. 21* 332 IND. AVE.?HANDSOME PARLOR HOLSEkeeping flat: 3 rooms and kitchenette: steam heat: opposite park: $27 month. Call owner. 2rt* 2307 M ST. N.IV.?TWO COMMUNICATING rooms; second floor: bath, gas and heat: reasonable. 1818 8th st. n.w.?tliree l'nft'rnishei) rooms; heat, gas and bath: $16. 2 OR 8 LARGE ROOMS. SUITABLE L.H.K.; Somerset, Met.; reasonable rates; one fare. Box 16 B. BethesJa. Md. 20* 232 F ST. N.W.-3 ROOM FLAT. L'NFl'RNISHed, heat, gas and buth, $5 per week. NEAR STATE DEPARTMENT. TWO URGE first-floor rooms, with large basement and kitchen: $80. Box 49. Star office. 19* 3919 KANSAS AVE. NU -.I UNFURNISHED rooms for; steam heat; private family: between Randolph and Shepherd; convenient to 9th and 14(h ?t. car lines. APARTMENTS TO LET. VERONICA, 210 13th qt. ?.w. 3 rooms and bath, heated.' $28.00 SUFFOLK. 7th and H ats. a.w. 8 room* and bath $15.76 op PHILLIPS COMPANY. 330 John Marshall pi. TWO-ROOM AND BATH BACHELOR APARTment to let; location handy for everything. Apply at Hygiene Pharmacy, cor. Mass. ave. and 2nd at. n.w. 19* KENESAW APARTMENT HOUSE, 16th CORNER IRVING ST. N.W. Special rate# to Oct. 1st on a few vacancies In this lilgh-class fireproof bouse; best location both car lines; all rooms outside, large and sunny; housekeeping and bachelor; some furnished; 3 elevators; spacious lawns; exnollAnt p?fp At ritM. S. H. BBIANT. Manager. THE HILLSIDE. 1415 CHAJ'IN ST. -I ROOMS and bath. $28.50. THE CAROLINA. 706 11th at. n.w.. two rooms and bath, $20.5o. AMERICAN REALTY CO., T09 11th n.w. THE OLTMPIA. 14th and Euclid sts. n.w. Poll fireproof construction. All modern Improvements. Large, comfortable rooms. Excellent cafe. Moderate rates. A few desirable 5 and 7 room aptrtamh from $40 to $60 a month. PITCH. FOX A BROWN. MS3 P at. n.w. "THE RIGGS." Fireproof, 1409 13th n.w. g rooms and bath $23.50 to $32.80 P. W. GRAHAM A CO.. 617 14th. THE OWASCO?Flee large, bright roofed and bath; southern exposure; first* . class condition. THE ONBIDA?Fire rooms and bath; st! la food condition; prirate rear porch. GEORGE TRl.ESDELUr 1627 Lincoln road. " APARTMENTS TO LET. FOR REST?A CORNER APARTMENT. I?OWK" TOWS, NEAR AIJ. TAR LINES: SHoRT WALK TO 14th ST. AND NEW YORK AVE N.W.; 2nd FLOOR FRONT; ALL Ol TSIDE ROOMS; IV ROOMS AND HATH; NEWLY I* V PERED AND FAINTED: I'oRCH; RENT, it*.; steam heat and plenty of nor wa TER AI.L THE TIME; EXCELLENT J ANITOR SERVICE. STONE A FAIRFAX 1.142 nf.w YORK AVE. N.YT. THE ADDISON. 922 14th~at. n.W.2 rooms au<l hath $45.0* THE COLONIAL. 1305 30th lit. n w.? 4 room* and hath .$30.5'* THE HAWTHORNE. 1527 Eve *t. 5 moms and hath . $.17 5 > THE OREGON. |;C7 11th st. n ? A rooms and hath $30.0'i 1217 OTIS 1*1. N.W., r. rooms and hath. $t!?.!V> 1 O.MI i? ? t?- ? . 1 . . , 1 . ? ? Km <> el. .> . .1 rOIIHIS ?ll?l 11*11! 69 I* ST. \K.. 5 rt Hints and bath 816 **" 72 () S'l . N.K.. I room* ai.d hath. . . *15.( WEAVER BROS 7.15 15tb at. n.w. FOR RENTSTONF. A F \IRFAX. 1342 New York ave. u.w. APARTMENTS. (Heat furnished.) The Harford. IS13 Clifton. 5r . . ?? .09 71? 13th st. n.w., 2nd 11 6r.. h . ... 45 5* The Montloello. 5157 Mt. I"e*? st . r.. 11.'^ The Trueman. 1359 Park rd.. 2nd (! ><>: .dr. 421k" 1539 14th st. n.w., 2nd floor, ft rooms... 42.*-". The Saranac. 12"9 N. Cap.. ?r. and h... The Iroquois. 141M at. n.w.. 4r.. t>. . 4o *> The Christian!. 5 rooms and !>*th 35 on 920 N Y. ave. n.w.. 3rd fl 4r. and h.. 32 8" The Turin. In24 17th st. n tr.. 4r . 1>... 30 5* 'J llf Ellsworth. t!25 5rd st no. r.r . ISO PIS 14th st. u w.. 3rtl floor.. 3<tf>? 2uft D st. n.w .. 2nd floor. Sr.. bath ... 27 ' ! 643 II *t. n.< . 3rd floor. ft rooms 27MI 29ft I> st. u.w . 2ud d.. Jr. qnd hath... 27 5 912 Now- York are. n.w 2na fl.. 2r.. I? . 25 The Bryn Mawr. 131(5 C n.w. 4r.. I?... 25.51 Tho S|tokane. 121 4r., bath... 25.56 The lussoll. 1324 14th st. n.w. 2nl fl >: 25.?? Tlio IlkloT. 1320 C St. n.w.. 4r. anil (>... 25 on 1324 14th n.w.. 3rd floor. 2r. and hath 1* 00 STONE * FAIRFAX. 1342 Now York are. n w. TWO FAMII.T FLATS. (No boat furnlalied. 1 1193 Park road. 2nd floor. 7r.. h 35 0* 1674 Itvlntr at. n.w.. 2nd floor. 7r.. b . . 30.5'? 171S I'a. arc. n.w.. 2nd floor, rtr.. bath . 28 51 818 R. I. ave. n.w.. 2nd floor. Sr.. b 28 5'? 3032 Q at. n.w.. lat floor. Sr.. b 28.<"> 1478 Chapin at. n.w., 1st floor. Br., b... 27.5? 1478 Chapin at. n.w.. 2nd floor. Cr.. b.. 27 50 1468 Chapin at. n.w.. 1st floor. Sr.. b... 27.5b 1470 ChHpln at. n.w.. 1st floor. Sr. b.... 27.50 1761 Wlllard st. n.w.. 2nd fl.. ft'.. and b. 2T..B?? 1811 Kaloraina are. n.w . 1st floor. Sr.. b 35.So 1 8 at. b e., 1st floor. Sr. and batb 26 "0 22 T at. n.e., 2nd floor. Or 24 56 Id T at. n e.. 2nd fl.. fir. and b 24.5'> 37 Qulncy st. n.w.. 2nd floor. Or., b 23.30 22S 11th at. a.e.. 2nd floor, dr.. ha'h.... 23.iu 22 T st. n.e.. 1st floor. Sr. and b 23.50 lt?2fi T st. n.w.. S rooms and bath .. 22.5(1 2511 t7lh st. n.w.. lat floor. 5r. and b.. 22.59 1309 1st st. n.w.. 1st fl . Sr. and h.... 22.6'? 21 Seaton at. n.w.. 1st floor. Sr.. bath.. Jf.lW 309 R st. u.w. 2nd fl.. Sr., It.... 21.8 311 R st. n.w.. 1st fl . Sr., b 21.5(1 395 R st. n.w . 2nd floor. Sr. and'b 21.50 305 R st. n.w.. 1st fl.. Sr.. bath 2t.?H 2821 Sherman are. u.w., 2d floor, 4r., b. UD.J" 2811 Sherman are. n.w.. corner. 4r.. b.. 29 '*? 2809 ShTman are. n.w.. 2nd floor 4r... 19 59 2895 Sherman are. n.w., 2nd fl.. 4r.. b.. 18.5?1 2899 Sherman are., lat floor. 4r. and b.. 18 5? 769 Cirard St.. lat flisir. 4r.. bath 18.25 282S Sherman are.. 2nd floor. 4r. and b. 18 90 474 0 at. n.w., 4 rooms 12.8)1 2418 O St. n.w.. 3r. and bath 19.06 STONE * FAIRFAX. 1342 New Tortc awe. A.w DOWNTOWN; 6 HEAt TIKI L ROOMS AN I * bath, for private family. Th?- Como," Hfl Crant pi. n.w . See Janitor. I?. It. THOMPSON1 A CO.. Agt. LEASE HANDSOME APARTMENT; 3 ROOMS and bath: the Sherman. 15th and 1. n.w.: $2". Apply Janitor. FOR LEASE?IN TIIF. DRESDEN. OS 4JONneetlent and Kalorama avenue*: splendid aelfh borhood: a four-room and bath apartment at $40 and a 12 room and 3-l>ath apartment at $225 per month. Open for Inspection. TOR LEASE-IN THE PHOENIX. 207 EAST Capitol street; near Capitol and Congressional Library; homelike apartments of 5 rooms and bath; SU7.50 per month; good neighborhood. ' FOR LEASE-IN THE KARLINGTON. ON the east side of 16th st.. Just shore Columbia toad; beautiful location; well arranged apartments of 4 rooms and bath. $7 5; 5 rooms and bath. $37.50? Mt. Pleasant cars pass the door FOR LEASE-IN THE I.OSSDALK, NO. 2134 California are.; high location, overlooking the city; a nine room apartment, with two hatha. $85 per month. FOR LEASE-IN THE ROCHESTER. US$ Meridian st. u.w.; splendid location; nnar1 menttt of three rooms and hath. $25.50 aed $26.50 per month, and one loom and bath at $13.5o per month. FOR LEASE?In the Morton. 14S2 R st n.w.. very desirable apartments of two rooms and bath at $1S).50 and $20.50 per month. ! SWARTZELL. RHEF.M & HEN SET CO.. j 727 15th at. n.vr. HOUSEKEEPING. WENDELL MANSION'S. 2339 Mass. are. n.w. 12 rooms. 3 baths $250 O > THE WOODWARD. Conn. are. and Ashmead pi. 5. C and 7 rooms and bath $90. $85 A $115 THE AIRY VIEW. !M15 2<Uh st. n.w. 5 rooms and bath $32.50 and $5".00 TIIE DAMARI8COTTA. 91S l.Sth st. n.vr. 5 and U rooms and bath $15.00 THE SHELBY. 1410 Columbia road n.w. 3 and 5 roc ins and bath, porches. $27.50. $42.50 THE WAI.LIS. 1647 Lainont ?t. | 5 rooms and l?ih $32.50 to $|0.?ii iTIIE HOWARD. 1617 Swann st. n.w. i 5 rooms and bath $30.oi? THE ECKING1 ON. 332 Seaton at. n.e. 5 rooms and -bath . $27.<a? THE WARD. 307 S st. n.e. 3 and 4 rooms and hath. . .$22.50 and $27.">o 1206 G ST. N.W.. 6 rooms and bath $40 50 338 ADAMS ST. X.E.. 5 rooms and bath. . .$23.50 BACHELOR. 1114 G ST. N.W.. 2r. an I bath.. .$20.00 to SR.Ot 707 12th ST. N.W . 2 room* and hath $27 5 > 725 11th ST. X.W.. 2 room* and bath . .$22 5't THE AIRY VIEW. 2115 2 >rh 2 rooms and harti (20.<si FLATS HEAT NOT Kl ItMSHED. 39 0 ST. N.W.. Sr.. h.. porch. Iiirnaee . $23 .' 522 It. I. AVE. X.E.. 5 room* and bath $19.2" 503 It. I. AVE. N.E.. 5 t ooins and bath... $17.2 304 V ST. X.E.. 6 rooms and lei I h . $I8."o THE I II SMITH COMPANY. 1408 NEW YORK AVE. N.W . A DESIUARLF. PRIVATE APARTMENT; 5 rooms; bath: large south porch: hot-water hesi . locker: janitor; half square to ears; tine Iocs 4 1M.. 4V1 . .... ? 1.1 - -w. - ? IM. ? /?! 1 CC 1 i J"u ? uriKiiiP, I rnfHiunuir i' in . i ii.a *n. a?K"? ' . desirable 5 room "and batTT apartnent; rent, (47.50 per mooih. The LeMX. 1623 L St. JO jn I,. EDWARDS, Agent. T08 14th st. n.w. THE CONCOHD. ~ New Hampshire jtiifl Oregon avos Attractive 2. and 4 room apartments, nlili tiatli. $25 to (4" l?'r mouth. Itestilrnt manager. FOR WHITE TKNANTF (14.60-474 O ?t.. rooms and Path FLATS FOR COLORED. (27.50 1622 New Jersey ave.. 5 room*, hath. (26.5'>?1622 X. J. are.. 5 rooms and hath. J. LEO KOl.K. 923 New York ita. THE LESTER 2132 F N.W UN OAK I,INE?T tS rooms and Path: rooms exceptionally large; newly papered: (37.50 per mouth. Apply Janitor. Rent free till If arch 1. THE NORTHPMRKRLANl> New Hampshire are. and V st. Strictly high elates fireproof building. r?*.f garden; all-night elevator anii telephone *er> Ice; all outside rooms; shower to each spanwent; servants' rooms and Path; laundry; floor plans furnished on application. One two-room and hath apartment ( One four-room and Path apartment . .. 5" no One six-room and bath apartment 75 no Apply on premise*, or at the Wasblngtoa Loan and Trust Company. Cafe. THE REVERE. 1201 M_ST. X W. FEUY DE sirahle; 5 rooms and Path; all outside; second floor; (50. DOWNTOWN APARTMENTS: NEW" HO.*. F.YK st.; three large rooms, kitehen Htid tiled hstb: beet of service; electricity; hardwood. JOHN W. CHILDRESS. 1413 I! st. n.w. FOR~RHNT BY I!. F. SAI L CO.. 7th & L N.W 1TOW Oft, niv Op h. A43 3,! ne Rr h .14.40 host. gus. fine it.27."4) .'tlt> Fls at nw,5r, hi 8.50 1124 7ih nw, 5r,b.23.(M 1711 4lh uw. 5r.h.17.00 1312 No Cap, 4r,b.20.50 12I?! 7tli nu. IJr.b. 1.7.7". l.'!24 5th nw, 5r.b.20.00 1941 9th nw. 4r b .1* 00 14 Fla it nw. Br.b.19.SO 1359 I nw. 2r. .12..V? Ft lit RENT?SPEf'J.\ h-TWO <2? VERY DK~ slrable apartments. located In one of the besi section* of the northwest, convenient to tw<> (2i car lines: one of five ?5) rooms and bath, reduced from $35 to $27.5<J; one of si* 16) rooms and hath reduced from $4?) to $35.50. Better see these before It la too late. Phone M. 85U3. J. L. WATSON ? CO.. _____ Hih'st. n.w. KlRSlSHEDi^ ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED APARTMENTS? two and six rooms, overlooking Rock Creek Park. In heat residential section: suitable foe congressmen. Phone Main 188!) Itet. !t and 5 (except Sunday). 21* FOR RENT HANDSOMELY FURNISHED apartment: seven rooms: references required: no aiuall children. Inquire No. tl. the Concord. TWO ROOMS ANh 15ATII. TJIE~ TORONTt?. 2Mb and P sts. n.w. Apply on premises or to KINO A M1ER1RN. 141Q tl at. n.w. FURNISHED APARTMENT, 4 ROOMS AND hath: second floor: southwest exposure; fur nished either for housekeeping or non-housw keeplug: immediate occupation and lease for a* long a |?orlod aa dealrcd. Apply Apt. ltJW, Florence Court. MOST 1>ESIRABLF ' APARTMENT sT FOR RENT for six months or two years; overlooking White House grounds and I.afayettc Square; southern exposure; handsomely furnished. Inquire office, the Rocbainbeau. FOR RENT 3-UOOM AND BATH APT. ON Washington Heights, completely furnished for l.h.k.; near two car linea; reasonable. Address Box 53. Star office. TO sPBLjrr UNTIL, JUNE OB OCTOBER, 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING AITS. PHONE N. 7574. WASTED. FURNISHED APARTMENT, 3 OF 4 ROOMS? hv couple, no children. central J*.; reason able. Box -"9. Star office. 19*