FOR RENT?HOUSES. KI'RXISHED. FOR KENT?DESIRABLE HOUSES. F ALL M(,TION.S. 1 TYLER A RUTHERFORD. I NO.. ? 21? 730 Iftth ST. X.W. 1 FOR RENT- I 2118 o St. n.w., desirable lionise of 0 room* p and 2 hatha; eoDrenlent to cars: completely j furnished; electric lights; large rear yard to { alley; excellent condition; $100. r THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY. f 1IOK NEW YORK A VEN1"E. _ UNFURNISHED. 3 FOB RENT-BY GEO. W. LIXKLXS. 1 1714 Pa. are. n.w. I NW.2025 O.llr.b.fjOTwj STORE!?. ETC. 1 NW. 1740 Cor. 9r,b.42.50j SW.1713 Pa aT.sto.83.33 ' NW. 1713 H. Sr. b.40.301 NW.733 ? NW.231 fi. 7r. b. .28.50! NW.7S5 Rtb.9tore.65.0i> J NW.910 Web. 6r.b.27.50| Mi*) llth, ?to;e 40.fM) 7 NW.43l3OuaT.6r.b27.50i NW.1715 Fla ar. atore 1 KW.2221 H. 6r,h..23.5?> and flat 80.00 1 NW.21.75 I. Or. b..22.50 NW. Warehouse.. ,23.0u 8 NW.2228 H. 3r.w..17.50 NW.1140 I7tb2r.stl8.50 1 EE,322 8 C aT.6f.b.25.8t> rm 5.00 1 SE.119 H-ktnan.?,M8.40 COLOR YD TENANTS. 2 APARTMENTS. NW.1922 13th.l0r.b4O.00 1 OctBTia." I NW.2141 L. Or.b..26.30 8 **- ?- L "SA/Vll VII' fiAl AeaV u. W 0*? CA 4 .^(1 ^ OI A ? ,CI"1 wiMU,aitU.A?*tlV No 24 ?Furnished.45.00 NW.1713 Soatou ?t. } NW.2020 O. 5r. b 6r and water... .18.50 (pwfift floors). .35-50 NW.17H Scaton at. . NTV, 1221 Otis place. Or and water... .1S.00 ? Sr. b 20.50 NW.800 N H sr. flat. ' XW 21.7214 H.or.b..22..V> 6r. b 16.10 ' STABLE OR GARAGE. NW.40S 22J. 6r.w.l5.U0 ? NW.2114 Il.l~atalla90.00 ' Oct complete Mat at offlce. J TOR RENT? CNFCRNISHED. 2 '204 18th n.w., 11 moms and bat'a $125. 1 '437 Glrard at. n.w.. lo room* sod bath..$5000 C 102 B at. n.r.. 0 rooms and bath $90.00 1 1648 13th at., TO rooms and bath $4o.Uw 1 944 Westminster n.w.. 9 rooms and both..835.50 l: "496 Monroe n.w.. 6 room*, and bath K2-"'*0 ? 22$ 12th at. s.w.. 7 rooms and bath $27.50 F COLORED TENANTS. TflO Oregon are. n.w,. 10r. and bath $40.00 1747 llrh ?t. n.w.. 6 rooms and bath $22.00 WEAVER BROS.. 735 15th at. n.w. ~ W)R KENT? N STONE ft FAIRFAX, 1342 New Yorh are. n.w. N Adjoining corner 14th at. n.w. N 6350. .2007 .Mass a*. 30r| $?7.50.018 Michigan. ?r N $300. .2309 Mass as nw, $27.50.. 1715 9th nw, ?r N S2.V>. .2401 Mass ar nwl $27.50. Inglealde ter.9r,h $250. .2000 Mass or nw : $25.50 29 Q nw. flr N $2*O.. 1625 K nw.15r.2bi $25.50.. 1009 24th nw,6r N $150..1627 Mass ar nwl 12.5.50.. .3500 Center. S N $100...1431 L nw.14r.2b $25.50..Ill Seaton st.6r N $60. .1217 N nw. 15r.2h! $23.50.2300 17th nw, 6r X $75... 1S23 Lament. 10r $25.50.2316 17th nw. 7r N $73 1739 P nw. 14r $25 2300 Ontario pi N $70... 1404 L nw. Ur. b; $25...1117 Harvard,6r.b N $70 1746 P nw. 12r; $25 1332 O n.\6r $70.1362 Ha-rard.llr.2b $23 603 Col rd, 6r.b Ti $65.2029 Hillver pi. 12r; $22.56.. 1605 Mb nw. 8r TI $65 909 M nw. 12r $22.50.. 1119 E nc. 6r,b T] $00. ...1875 Irving. 12r J $22.50.1027 K'yon nw.6r $60 1333 R nw. 12r $22.50.. 1210 Bye ne,6r.b ? ?H0.1650 Part rd.12r.2bi S22.50 19 15th n<-, 6r ?< $56..1944 raWcrt.11r.2bl $22.50 603 9th oe,6r $55.1746 Col rd. iOr. 2b $22.50 718 F aw.9r $35.1754 Col rd. 1 Or. 2bi $22.50.755 Uresham.Orb Pr $55 2337 18th $22.50.1312 23d nw.flr.b $52.50.1354 Kenyon. 12rj $22 50.1418 35th __ $50.75.No 2 6th ne.lOT.b! $22.o 1645 Outarb' [ $20.50.759 Harrard.Sr.b 6(i $30.50. 1649 Ontario pi $20.50. .1356 N C ar ne 22 $50... 1204 Kenyon. IOr; $13.50.1817 Emerson ns 27 $50...1310 Kenyon. IOr-$16.50.110 Hecknian se.6 14 $50 1141 Glrard. 10ri $18.50.. 1356 Eniersor.Rr 5< $5?. ...4729 13th nw, 9ri $18.50.337 Md av r.e, 6r 85"..'702 Ore ar. lOr.b: $18.50. .507 Uth S5o. .3114 IMh. llr. 21 $18.50. .143 He, kman >s $59 639 Md ar nc $18.50.1700 Summit. 6r S47.5o.1254 Col rd IOr $18 593 Col rd.Tr r~ ss.v iti. zsrw lorn nw, ivri . -.-I H' j ne, or *' >4."..50. .2606 Fnlrerslty! $10.50. .634 Pick ford ne $45 14 4th ne. 12t $16. .6.33 Florence ne.6r ** $45 1722 Sw. 11 r]$15.50? .12 7ih no, Ur "J $42.75.1764 Corcoran. 10> , $15.50. .1425 Duncan. 6r $42.54). .18*6 Ontario. Tr $15.50..2514 tieorjtia a? ^ $42.50... 1126 Lament.8r | $15 1(UG Fuller.fir ~J $42.50.1525 Q Dir.$15 1G15 A sc. 3r ~J *44?.50... lt::i M nw. Mr $12.50. .$22 Mtb ne. Or *\ S40.5?i. .412 2nd nw. lOr t COLORED. If $40..V>,. 1833 St'.i hit. 9: I $40.50. .90S S nw. lOr.b $40.54).1716 17th nwlOrbl $33.541 217 T nw. Sr ??. $444.50... 1631 Core'n.lOrl $30.50.1*39 5th nvr.lO.b *3 t40.50.1240 10th nw.lOr $28.50 lSlu 4th rtw.Sr.b '* 40. . .3530 10th nw.'jr.b $2*..?.. 1322 \V-lla.-h st EC $: 7.5.30 .1124 <1 ne. ?r. b ? $57 .V). . . 1421 Q nw. lOr . $16.50.71* Fla ?v nw.6r * $57.50. UC* 1*; nw.Mr.h | $16.50.1706 Scaton nw.Gr } $37 54)...127 ClU se, lOr J10.3O.tVl!) Diincan.Gr.b ? $37.50.2419 1st nw.Sr.b $13.50.2110 8th nw.Gr.b 34 $35 75 1418 Q nw.Or $14.50.318M> 22d nw.4.b $35.54).. 500* l.'fth nw.7r $13.50.. 1223 Duncan ne Tl $33.50. .1527 T rw, 9r STORES. $85.50.. .712 B sw. lor $200 911 7tb nw J4 $35.50.. ,92o \ nw. 10 $1S0.732 13t"u n\ *? $35.50..1736 Corcoran.9r , $175 1-itU and 1 nw ^ $35.50.1*25 R1?s pi nw $175 037 F nw $35.50.. 1204 N Cap.lor $150 73<1 13th nw 5C $25.50... 18412 S nw.lOr $125 1222 II nw T. $35.30... 14-43 Monroe.tir si00 lStG 14th nw v' $35.50..707 *th n-. !tr.2b' S*4> 504 11th nw 935.50.. .1015 I* nw, 14)r .*7.5..1201 North Capitol 525 1933 Or4?*on.Or $75 75 .\ nw $35 74 R uw,8r ! $50 2220 18th st ? $35 2825 14th nw.6r $50 2216 18th nw " $33.5? 18 I nw.Or $50 two Md nv ne ,, $32.54). .114 D liw. 7r i s:jo 1932 8th JJ 532.341. .939 4? nw. t r. b | $25.14)20 lbtli nw.>;tr?.sta ' $32.30... 104 1: nw. 6r.h $22.50 226 41 nw $32.541.1464 Monroe.Cr.b $22.50...3308 <;a ar nw 11 $90.50.440 Irving uw.d.b $22.30. .3310 Ua uv nw 1: $30 30 . . .3649 11th nw OFFICES. 1! $ ..147.7 Monroe.Or $83.33 Gil 14th nw a $30.50.. .756 Newton.Or $30 9fh and O nw 3< $30.30.. I KM Ore av nw $23.30 703 13th nw $30.30.1324 12ih nw.ti h $25 516 12th nw 15 $30.50.1420 1st nw.Or.t- ito 1326 14th nw 1* $28.50... 416 4th ne. ??r '' See our list uf apartments under Apartments 1! to L?t. 1' y ?! JOHN F. DOXOIIOE A SONS. ? 314 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. S.K. 1! IS IF VOL' WANT TO RENT A llOt'SE. APARTMENT. OR BUSINESS I'LAt E ?: cool) COLORED TENANT-oLV, titb ST. ae.: ? large rooms, water and sewer; tine loratlon; rent. $12.50. W. P. Mr I K> WELL, & Kenols bl'lg.. Hth ainl ?0? 1.1th ne. ?r.w. 1.1.50 ISO* E ne. Or, b...20.30 1 Store,265fi 15th mvl 1.50 31' Mo a*. Sr. b. .20.50 ltK'3 On!e* ne,5r,w 12.00 1?12 O ne. Or. b...2ft.50 1 FOR COLORF.D. 70ft R I ar. ilr. w..l?.5i 2422 17th, 4r. b. . .10.00 12t?s R ne. 0^ b. .16..V) (IW Ith ne. Or. w.. 15.5n 1125 Duncan ne,C.bl5.6t>! 1883 3d sw. Or, b.. 13.50 1159 Oateaw.Tt,bJ599 4M U'.th 8e.r>r.w...i2.3u 2520 !3tb ST.. lt? RMS. AND 2 BATHS. .$50.00 1ft22 New Haitipehlre arc.. 14 room* and 2 bat ha $55.00 1501 Meridian at., <1 rooms $23.00 ALONZO O BLISS PROPERTIES. $5 B at. n.w. Linen. I860. for rent-l npurnlsheb. 1*17 M t,t n.w., llr., 2b $53.00 n*">\ Uolmead are.. lOr. and b.. furnace. +3.0U ,7ft" s st. n.w.. Sr., b., latrobes 30.75 2137 F at. n.w., Sr., b.. latrobes 27.10 2! 10 Flagler pi n.w., 6r. and b.. furnace. 20.50 2510 K st. n.v?.. 7t. and b.. latrobes 22.50 4-1 Irving at. Or., b.. furnace 22.51) ?. J.'iO Hobart st. n.w.. Or., b 20.50 STORES. 1208 C at. n.w.. store $150.00 1422 P at.. re0t 27.50 QASCII A BIEGK. 1020 X. T. are. n.w. K rORRENT-907 AND 000 M >\W , 121L. .$66.00 nru.Tiiu hi., n> rooms, . uaias 1102 Stb st. n.w.. 9 rooms 00.00 ? JOHN W MOBRIS. C14 F at. U.n. F FOR RENT -TWO-FAMILY HOUSES. 0 rooms, bath ftl.on per mo. 4 rooms, hath $12.00 per m*. Apply 1022 13th st a.a. FOR RKNT 402 i: n.E.. $22.50; <;-KOOM BAYwindow brick bouse, a.m.I., facing park, near ar*. 424 4tb B.C., $25.60; "-room bay-window brick corner bouse, a.ui.i. M. J. HUNT. l.loP F n.w. bolt RKNT TO A D COLORED FAMILY. 342 OAKDALK ST. N.W. J rooms and l?th. near Howard University and a go.*! renting seetiou, on!r $22.50. MOORE A HILL Hue.), 1430-22 >1 at. n.w. FOR RENT?Hob 5th ST. N.W.; ? ROOMS and bath. I35W C at. n.o., d looms and bath. _ARTHUR F. MF.RP.I.VM 210 Woodward bldg. FOR RENT-NEW HOUSE. SIS dth ST. XJtT; T rooms and bath: h.w. heat: electric light*. ITtce. $32 50. N.K. WASHINGTON REALTY CO., 909 11 n.e. Pb. Linen. 375d. FOR RENT?1838 NEWTON ST. N.W.; TWO- ~ story brick dwelltng; 6 rooms and reception hall: eoloiiial |a>ivh; gas aud electric lighting; hot-water heat; a.m.i.; $ii5.3o. 3542 loth et. n.w.; d and reception ball; furus-v heat; a.ui.i.; rent. $30.50. 2311 I st. n.w.; two-story. pressed bay-window brick: 6 rooms and bath; rent. $23. M. .1 KKANE. ftM Colorado bldg. FOR REN T ?42tTK ANSAS AVeTnW. a NEW iiotise. ti room* anil both, in splendid ondltion; hot-water beat: lot 2o*140; near cara. Rent reduced $27.50 301 7th st. n.s.. 7 rooms and bath $20.5) AVK1GHT 4c HOPKINS. 716 Hth at. n.w. FOR KENT -1225 N ST. N.W.; 11 ROOMS and bato: kitchen on flrst floor; elegant location for renting rooms: $45.03. IE L. RUST. 1400 H ?t. n.w. IOURENT1 t>2l Conn. STe.. Ihr. and 2 baths $146.07 I Sift 19th st. n.w., 12 room* and bath... 46.00 20 Qulncy pi. n.e.. 4 rooms and bath.... 35.30 202 E st. n.e., 5 rooms and bath 21.30 TYLER A RUTHERFORD line.). 21* 73? 1.7th ST. N.W. roi RENT- SEMI DETACHED 10B. BRICK. Mount Pleasant; I rooms deep; first floor Wit'-Jicn; 2 hatha; 3 fire pla?-?*s: perfect steam beating ga.- aud coal ranges: electric aud gas lights; low rent: garage If wauted. OWNER. 1407 Iriing _*L FOR RENT?6-RM. BK1CK8; GOOD REPAIR; 1 408 K .u n.e., $18; key at 410. 331 DtU at. 1 n.e., $ioFhey at stare, hth and F n.e. I At* l\V. TCCKER ft BR0., 730 A et. n.e. 1 FOR RENT?HOUSES. I'SFPRWISHBP. j _ OR RENT?BY B. F. SAI L CO., 7th A L N.W. F 1*15 V nw.lOr.3b.$42..V' 1229 !r, tOr.b. .40.5O 33l!> Sher av nw. S 563 Utb nw.lif.b40.'?' Or. b 25.50 i 14 M nw. Or. b..37.50 955 25th nw.6r.b..23.50 f HO N nw, lOr, b..35.50 637 N nw. flr. w. .22.50 $ p09 O nw. 10r. b. .35.50 1109 3d sw, 6r, b. .21.50 * (12 12th ne. St, b.85.00 isap flth nw. ?r,b..20.50 $ 16 N nw. Sr. b... 33.50 419 O'kd'le nw.fl.bTO.So * SN'Tit nw.9r.b.33.0O 817 R nw. ?r. w..20.09 *1 (711 N Cap. 6r,b.32.50 2.307 8th nw. 6r.b.l8.50 _ i24 Kecron nw, 8r. 2040 Ga av nw.6r.bl7.5o p( b. stable 30.50 1023 12th nw.4r.b.l7.50 519 5th nw. 8r,b..2&.50 244 Bryant nw.4r.bl7.50 H6 10?h nr. 7r. b.29.96 2227 9th nw.Or.w. .16.50 ? 403 3th nw. 9r.b .27.50 250 lYarrrnne.4r.bl5.50 F '02 Qutney nw.8r.b27.50 2215 Ga av nw.5.wl5.R0 4 01 IrTlng nw,6r.b.27.50 1214 Walterse,4r,b.l5.50 B 5>13 On a* nw,6r.b23.80 824 Ky av se. 5r.bl5.30 1 19 15th ee. 6r, b.25.50 2012 Ga av nw,5r.bl5 >>0 p8 It nf, l<>r, b... 25.50 2219Water nw.6r,wl5 00 << 02 Irving nw 6r.b.28.oO 635 15tb ne. Br, b.14.50 08 Mass ne. 6r.h.25 '*0 433 Wash nw.4r.w.14.50 028 D ne. Tr, b...22.80 1339 7tb nw.4r.w.12.50 16 P nw.dwg.part22.90 2040 Ga av nw.S.wl2.50 04 9th ne. 6r. b. .20.50 2221VVaternw.6r.wl2.50 .. S14 Pot avee.6r.b20.50 426 Rldeo nw.3r.wl2.25 *13 M nw. 9r. b..20.3't 826 Armory sw.4.w12.00 . 86 Q nw, 6r. b...20.50 2266 9th nw. 4r,w.ll.60 228 Water sw. 6. b.20.30 1821 H ne.5r.w.stall.O0 418 5th nw. 6r.w.19.50 120 Bro>k's. 4r,w.. 10.60 ro-l R 1 av nw,6r.wl6.50 jgj y 6r, w..10.50 07 Morton dw.S.K 16.50i ?iaj NY av nw.4.wlO..">0 212 M17 1st so, 7r. b. .14.70 12013th nw.sto.Or.bSO.OO 007 2i1 tie. or, w. l.l.O1 1!<3S ftth nw,ato.6.b35..r>9 :;4S ^!i r ? ,3r.w..10 Oo 1020 Oth 62S K-amer ne,5.w0.OO 12"9 9th nw. store lOLORED TENANTS. T.Y, b .. .60.05 417 Cor'n nw.10.b38.00 l?Ot) 7th nvr, 2r..27.50 320 R nw, 7,. b. .33.19 700 S ?t nw 19.00 204 R nw, lOr. b.33.5V _ OR RENT?1R0S RIOGS PLACE. 0 ROOMS. 930.50; 1320 11th at.. 0 moral, $35.50; 471 O _ t.. 40 rooms, rent reasonable. JOHN T. KNOTT. 018 E. T>R RENT? NW.2256 12th. Sr.12.50 r, :W.1423 Cbaplti, 12r. N K.I 035 10th.6r,b.22.50 1 b 800 60 NE.722 L, Gr.b...22.50 IW.930 E, 12r.b..50.00 NE.606 L. 6r. b..20.40 W.2120 18th.9r.b.42.50 NE.1108 8th. Or.b.10.40 W.2118 18th.9r,b.42.50| RE,1018 N Car.6r.10.60, W.2600 Oa ar, llr, ! SE.910 Pot ar,6r..12.30 b 35.50, SE.1111 10th, Or. .12.50 W.1928 8th. 6r.b.22.50; SE.1103 loth. 4r. .16.60 W.l 159 20th. Or.. 16.50. SE.407 13th. 5r...12.50 W, 1012 4th, 6r.. 15.40'SW.887 C. 8r. b. .25.50 W. 1424 NJ ar.5r.15.40 SW, 025 C. 6r 14.00 W.1501 Euelid.Or. 13.001 SW. 631 C. 4r 12.60 W.2027 E, 6r... 14.50 SW. 618 C-. 6r 14.00 W.517 S. Or 13.50 NW.413 26th. 6r..10.40 "W.1808 6th. 4r.. 13.60 APARTMENTS. , fu he Vlneetta, 6 rooms and bath $27.50 ho Vlncetta. 5 rooms and bath 25.00 ! he Vlncetta, 4 rooms and bath 22.50 ? OFFICES-NORTHWEST. Ft Central building, offices. ore. 2256 12th 814-50 x>m 6. 800 II n.w 6.00 Call at office for information regarding alley frz opertr. stables, etc.. 1 hare for rent. vl. For further Information applr at office. 1 J. W. PILLING. 1416 F at. n w. > OR RENT? r~. i6 R I am w.Or.b$45.00 i 1433 Newton ne. 6r. L12 Irrlng. Or, b..32.5o' b. hot-water ht..22.50 J il P nw. 8r. b...30.50j is Todd pi ne, 1st | 15 8th ne, 6r. b. .30.0;'i il, 5r. b 19.00 _ 109 Ont rd. 6r. b.27.50, S14 Mich av ne.6r.16.50 or US Col nw. 7r.b.25.50; 233 nth ee, 6r.b. .15.50 a :? 17th ne, Or-b.-ia-B'1 S17 3d ne. 5r 15.00 I OFFICES. ?McLachle? building. Modern. Ft MeLACHLKN BANKING CORPORATION, 10th and G. 1 1R RENT-BY EDWARD 5. WESCOTT, ! 1907 Fa. are. i 33 X. 16r.b,aml.$50.75 COLORED. = IS 23d. 10r.b.aml42.Si' 031 S. 9r b.aml.-.40.50 il 1 Euclid.ldr.b..42.50 2301 M. 10r, b....30.70 119 Ere. Sr. 2b...av~5 1506 Kingman.6r.b27.60 OT 18 2d sc. 8r, b...82.70 902 24ih, Sr. b. . .27.5 > , a c- L OO T 1 iti'io r- o_ t_ 1 -? Aj f ^. 8r. b.. .32.7 ' 2003 K. 7r. b 23.50 , HI 30th. lOr, b..30.50 2228 G. 7r. b 20.50 V 15 21st. Sr. b 28.-50 606 Acker ne.8r.b..20.50 ?! >0014 24th. Sr. b. .25.50 416 Elm, Or. b 20.60 >8 r ne.Sr.b 25.60 sin 23d. 6r. w 19.00 ? 228 G tie. 6r b 20.60 2310 P. 7r. w 16.50 0 12th ue. fir. b.20.5 2429 F. fir. w 13.30 22 I'd sr. fir. b. 18.50 2635 Etc. Cr. w... 12.50 >10 Eye. 8r. b....18.50 2427 F, fir. w 12.50 310 Eye. Tr.rr.. ,lfi.5>'> 2!12 Va ar. 5r.w. .12.50 126 C stv. fir, w.. 15.50 2631 Eye. 5r, w... 12.50 115 K. 7r. b 14.541 HV. 23?1. or. w 11.50 134 Va ar. 12.50 2017 N Y uv,5r,w. .11.50 APARTMENTS. 1331 27tb, 6r. w.,11.60 he Carlisle, 1213 N. 2123 Stevei3 23d. 5r. b IS.50 )Ii KENT LIST OF BELT. O'BRIEN 4 CO. (Inc.), 1309 G ST. N.W. Telephone Main 12tG-1205. UNFURNISHED HOUSES. t Irviug St. llr, 2b. ! 1319 Core'n. 1 lr.b..25.50 year $1.00 '1 1122 N H :\2h.l00 30 O. fir, b 30.50 149 Girard.12r 3b.7D.iM 150 U. 7r. b 30.50 14 lfiih. 12r. o..7O.O0 3611 10th. 7r, b...30.50 535 lltb. 15i 2b.C5.00 726 W Va av,bttb.OO '53 Northampton. 34 I no. 8r, b 30.01 llr, 2b 62.50 48 T, fir, b 28.50 575 Irv1iig.12r.2b.rtO.oO 1344 A se. 7r, b...27.60 >28 17th. lis b. .fio.oo Sea ton pl.fir.b.25.50 i02 Q, Or. b ....60.00: lOOOfi, 24th. 8r.b..25.60 j-< 521 (J. lOr, 55.00 ]?ifi 8th, Cr. b 25.50 , 735 17th. llr. 2b.55.O0 718 Ky av ao.fir.b.22.50 , 748 Euclid.10r,b. .52.50 717 Greaham fir.b.22.50 S03 18th. lOr. 2b.50.00 1 1919 9th. Cr. b.. .22.00 516 13th, l"r. b..50.00 2>G 10th se. fir.b. .20.50 ? >20 13th. lOr. b. .50.00 . 70S 7t> ne. 7r.b.. .20.50 K 129 Irving. 9r, b.47.50|"64 P-oapect ne...20.0u I ?4o c?l rd.lOr.b..45AM 1222 Klrby at. 6r. .18.50 1 -09 14th. lOr. h..40.00 1725 Sri;, fir,, b.. .17.60 " >05 Mozart.fir. b..57.5* 133fi fitb, fir..... .15.00 20 X. 10r, b 38.50 i 1334 6th, 6r *5.00 153 13th, 9r, b.. .33.50 I J OFFICE ROOMS. i 610 F st. n.w. M Bt Coor, rear 25.00 ! 2<1 floor 50.00 17 STORES. | 337 11th OO.IM 12605 N Cap 27.50 >., m _ /> (u> ' (1.. < rt-j .a... n w r. f\ iin, 6i a. oT.uv.w | imi rnni'eiou ^o.u'? 360 IU1 30.CO | U03 Princeton 22.50 l*1 919 L 50.00 8 Chancing 20.50 J 942 Ua av 40.00 \ 3224 11til 29.00 FLATS 151 14th, 2d 11....23.001 3014 Q nw. 5r.b...20.50 :_ 330 Monroe. 7r,b..30.50' 1443% A se.5r.b... 18.50 109 | 620A Orleans pl,4.hl5.30 554 Univ pl,3r,b.30.00 631A Orleans pl,4,bl5.BO 237 N. 3d 0. ?r. ..27.50 1159 17th. 4r 15.00 300 13th. 5r. b...25.00 1217 Duncan.4r.b.. 13.50 9 T ne. Cr, b 24 00! 1C4? K. 5r, b 12.50 APARTMENTS. * z= THE LOUDOUN. THE NEWTON. 314 East Capitol st. | 520 E 6t. n.e. Lpt 51?Or. b 40.00 Apt 301?5r. b ..,30.00 IV BELT. O'BRIEN & CO. Unc.l. 1300 G ST. N.W. OR RENT?CHOICE NORTHWEST HOUSES. 1318 Glrard n.w., Or., b.. h.-w.h $41.00 1354 Kenyou st. n.w., llr.. 2 baths -iS.Oo 022 22nd n.w., 0 r<-oms. bath 22.50 CHOICE NORTHEAST HOUSES. ? 1214 East Capitol at., 7r. and bath... .$30.50 , 27 P sv n.e.. Or. and batb. furnace 25.50 , 1373 N. C. ave. u.e.. Or. and b., fur.. 22. O . 140 C at. n.e., Cr. and b.. near station.. 22..'i0 ? 1370 N. C. arc. n.e.. C rooms, bath.... 21.50 1302 I n.e.. C rooms, bath 20.50 1345 P at. n.e., C rooms and b?th 17."41 ? ? 1353 B st. n.e., Cr.. b. ico'.oredi 17.50 , CHOICE SOUTHEAST HOUSES. 751 10th s.c.. 0 rooraa, bath 20.50 i 910 7th st. B.C., C rooms, water 17.50 i= 1*XI4 E at. s.c., Cr. and b., latrobe 15.00 1 1410 A st. a.e.. 7 rooms, water 13.00 " CHOICE SOUTHWEST HOUSES. T" 915 Oth st. s.w.. C rooms. bath 25.50 I!07 McLean ave. s.w.. rt rooms; 14.50 425 10th st. 9.W.. 0 rooms. 13.50 528 M st. s.w., Or. and bath 18.50 325 l.inuortb pi. s.w.. 0 rooms and bath. 18.50 480 1 st. s.w.. 5 rooms, water 12.80 1341 4'i st. s.w.. 5 rooms. watee 10.r>O ? JAMES K. SHEA. 043 LA. AVE. N.W. 1> OK RENT-NO. 1375 N. C. AVE. N.E.; SIX nice bright rooms and tIL-d bath; furnace; house oasilv heated; rent. 822.50. JAMES E. SHEA. 1143 LA. AVE. N.W. SI OR RENT?TO GOOD COLORED TENANT. | Brick house with six large rooms and bath; cellar: No. 1349 B st. u.e.; rout. 817.50. JAMES E. SHEA. 043 LA. AVE. N.W. OR RENT?A FEW SPECIALS. T, 1217 N St., IBr.. 2b., fur. ht $80.80 * 737 I3tb, llr.. I>.; goal rooming 75.7" ls4b Perk r.; b.-w. b.t 48.60 ; 174;: Park nl. lttr.. b.. b.-w.ta 4*.3 ? I 1001 Monr**. 12r., 2b.. corner bona-' 45.00 : mj 418 ?th, 11r., ?>.. yard A brick stable.. 43.75 I " 1440 Girard, lor., b.; fur. ht 42.8D 1203 New toil, Or., b.; oak floors, etc 3 ..50 1470 Newton. Sr., l?., 2-story torch :iTi.S0 ? 1464 Monroe, Or., b.; 2-story porch 32.80 M 14.17 Monroe, 6r., b.. fur. ul 32.60 11 ti n.e.. Or., b.. fur. heat 30.50 132s 10tb. 8r., b.. 1st. ht.: yard 3>MM) 1517 One. 7r., Is ; near market 27.80 JJ 332S Ga. are., Or., b., fur. ht.,-porch, yd. 21.50 712 Morton. 6r., b., fur. ht.. porch. yard 20.60 730 Glrard, Or., b., fur. bt.; scml-det... 20.80 1419 1) s.e.. Or., l>., h.-iv. h ; porch.... 10.00 get our complete usyr. _ GARDINER A DENT, Inc.. 012 14th st. BRAND-NEW. 1525-20-31 AND 35 PKNN. AVE. S.E. ATTRACTIVE IIOPSES of 0 rnoms aiid bath: coiiTenlent to cars; large rear yards: lreat type of furnace: IMMEDIATE OCCl'PANY: $23.5^?. T1IK I II. smith company, 1400 NEW YORK A V EN IE 'OR RENT?THE 1". 11. SMITH COMPANY. 1400 NEW TURK AVENCE. j: 2151 Haueroft pi.. 14 rooms. 4 baths... .$125. Crispin st.. 7 rooms and batli 30.50 ? 102<1 C st. n.e., it rooms and tiatb 30.00 702 tl'ilmv ?t., 11 rooms and bath.... 2T.50 745 Varuuin at.. 7 rooms and bath.... 26.30 52s Columbia road. 0 rooms and bath.... 21.O0 I4ii!i G st. s e.t .6 rooms and bath 20.00 _ 2917 OU?e are.. 6 rooms and bath.... 18.50 14?>1 K at. s.e., 6 rooms 12.50 645 11th ?t. u.e.. 5 roouis 12.? TO DESIRABLE COLORED TENANTS. 223 Linden. 6r.bf2H.801 2)28 P. 4r 12.50 MN'n iv, Or.b. 10.501 2517 K. 4r Il.n0 1921 M ?|. 4r 1360 605 N II. 4r 11.00 1134 Slat et, or.. .12.501 2513 Mills, 4r, b. 10.31) FOE BENT?HOUSES. r xfi'HX i s n ep. ' OR RENT? S2R.50?909 H nw. Or. b 65.00? 21U O. 14r, b , $25.50?003 I- ne.10r.2fc 28.60?024 B aw. 10r,b *21.50?7?1 3d nw. Or 2S.50?123 10th ne.lO.b #16.50?611 10th n*.5r.b (25.00?120 Mas6av,7r,b $23.50?1109 I ne. 6r. b 27.60-1602 :id nw,6r.b $23.50-1019 Fla av.6r.b 27.50?1624 3d nw.Sr.b COLORED. 27.80?1868 Ing ter.lO.b #30.50?006 R uw, Or, b 23.50?951 25tb, 9r. b 120.50. .923 N II av, 6r 18.OO?1361 Em n. 6r.b $17.50.. .524 23d, 6r. b S.50?43 Myrtle, Sr. 1. $16.50?46 Defrees. 6r,b J. LEO KOI.B. 923 N?-w York are. [>R RENT?1341 CORCORAN ST.; ELEVEN rooms; In sood condition; $35.S3. JOHN T. KNOTT. 918 F et. OlT RENT?RV I.. .1 MILLS. 606 6th"ST. X.W~ 7 K ne. Or, I>....28.01 77 r nw. Or. l>....22.5) Mat.14 Fla av nwl9.5o 1707 Vt av nw.6r.bitt.60 03 4th lie. 7r. b. .30.8 > 710 12th bp, 5r.w. 13.50 OR RENT? 16'h 4 Decatur 60.00 107 II nw. 24r,5b..$450 1619 21st, lOr. b...50.00 i 124 Vt av. 13r, 4b.. 160 1832 Jefferson pi..60.00 I 139 Harvard at...83.3$ 1813 M, 12r. b flo.C.) j stable ib.oo 1731 it. nr. n 4 nnsvivnnie p to fmnt S.r)"?. ()tk?f . romf. at moderate rate?. Appiy to tie BUSINESS MANAGER. Star Building. FOR RENT?STORES. 'ORE Ft?R LETseT-TUOM 1 TO 3 YEARS: lorth side of F St.. No. 1307; best location in Vaahlogton for retail trade and cheapest rent >n F st.; handsome display window. LL'CIOS. 307 F at. n.w. FOR LEASE?THE BRIGHTEST AND most beautiful store on Columbia Heights. In the Carlisle Coort, cor- F" oer of 14th at. and Columbia road; large show windows; tiled floor; neceastry toilet facilities; gas and electric light; suitable for a drug store or other light business; will be leased for , a term of years at $100 per month for the first two years; $125 per month for the following three years and $150 per month thereafter. Open for Inspection. Inquire of SWAUTZELL. RHEEM & HEXSEY CO.. T27 15th st. n.w. It RENT?CHOICE BL'SIxSrT LOCATION: ; ligii-class trade. Look at 816-818 Conn. are.. '14 13tii n.w. Also first-class automobile parage and showroom. Apply S16 Conn. are. )R~REXT? 1206 G st. n.w., lieat furnished $175.00 ' 1114 G st. n.w.. 12x42 $140.00 1411 14th at. n.w.. store and 6r. &, l>...$75.oo 821 11th St., new storeroom 82l? Oth st. n.w $40.50 F 1515 to 1525 7th st. n.w.. each $35.00 601 N. H. ave.. store and 6 rooms $23.50 THE F. II. SMITH COMPANY. 1408 NEW YORK AVENUE. >R RENT-STOKE AND DWELLING. 7th ST. _ war G: large floor space; 25-ft. alley in rear; j>uly $125; irood leaseGARDINER & DENT. Inc., S12 14lh. Phone Main 4884. >R RENT- TWO HANDSOMELY Egt'IPPED Soors In our new building. In the bpst G street 7 usiness section. Suitable for refined business. '08 13th st.. at G st. Grimes' Piano Store. I vl.Y *15 A MONTH AND RENT To l-TAUT March 1; nice store and room in rear; on II ?t. n.*. near X. Cap.; suitable for auy light icsinea*. :\V YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 1 *23 F. F JK KENT19/VN all.. J.*. r tn fhl wuii 'Jii. rutu'. j , mr ui. I'UILLITS CO.. S30 fohn Marshall place. DO 1 ST. NEW. STOKES AND OFFICES. *'!.r, ~ to $150. All conveniences. Best of service. Rain office handsomest in cltv. Open. JOHN IV. OH 1 EH RES S. 141.1 H at. n.w. EOB KENT?HALLS. : j OR RENT?CARROU. INSTITUTE HAUA. 10th and K sts. n.w.: the in 1 complete aal thoroughly equipped halls In the city for a? _ cletles. banquets, entertainments and race*- ,, Hons; terms reasonable. Apply at kail. FOE BEST?WAREHOUSES. HOEESAI.E PRt >D(ICE COMMI SSI ON HOUSE, nearly new: large 3-story bui'dlng. fronting 2 streets; suitable for warehouse or manufactur- . Ing purposes; purt or whole. A. CEKKIGLIG, #13 La. ave. n.w. ""WANTED?WA^HOXTSES:"" AVTE1>?TO KENT FOR A SHORT TIME, warehouse, fireproof preferr "1. in or ud.1acent to the downtown business section. State price and particulars. Address Box 1K1. Star office. (. FOR ]RENT?GARAGE. JR KENT- TIIRlvE PRIVATE OAKAUES: rear of lt>23 Columbia road, shto 1Sx20: one I4s1S; al?o one at 1840 V st. n.w.: by W. A. VOLLANI). 2!?1H Sherman ave. 2'i" I0NEY WANTED AND TO X.0AK. e MAKE A SPECIALTY OF NEGOTIATING hwond-trmt loaus in small amounts to pay interest. taxes and improvements, and larger amounts loaned on business properties and . dwellings. Prompt attention to all applicants. <. JOSEPH A. IIA YUEN. Bond building. Phone Main 7312. rSLMS OF *7.000 AND I I*; INTEREST, vtfk. I iUUlIU, luui U'VUB aim v i uumj?;ni :>vri > X. L. SANSEURY CO.. 719-21 i3tb St. n.v. Phone Main 5904-5. I ONEY TO LOAN?S290 TO $300,000 ON D.C. real estate. Several large trust funds. 4% to 0 per cent. All transactions conducted with economical conaideratior Tor borrowers. WM. U. SAUNDERS & CO.. Southern h!d?.. SOT 15th st. u.w. IOXEY TO CO AN X"T 4?h'.7. .W. 5?V :c UN IMPROVED PROPERTY NORTHWEST. JAMES J. LAMPTOX CO.. INC., 734 15tli ST. N.W. ONEY TO LOAN OX D. C. REAL ESTATE at prevailing rates of interest. FRANCIS S. Dl NIGAN. 230 Bond bldjr., 14th and X. Y. are. Phone Main 4593. ONEY TO LOAN" ON D. ~t\ P.EAL^TATE; lowest rates of Interest; most advantageous terms. I>arjre loans a specialty. The F. H. SMITH COMPANY. 140R N. Y. are. ONEY TO I.OAN ON REAL ESTATE AT lowest rates. Special privileges with reaped to prior payments. TYLER & Kl'THKltFORD. TS'l 15th st. n.w. ONEY TTTLOAN ON D. C. REAL ESTATE. 3% INTEREST. PROMPT REPLIES AND ECO- XOMICAL CONSIDERATION FOR BORROW- 1 ERS. MOORK & HILL (INC.). 1420-22 H ST. N.W. MONET TO LOAN ON DISTRICT OF Colombia real estate at lowest rate of Interest. *11 transactions closed promptly. I THOS. J. FIST1ER & CO.. INC.. 73S 15tli st. n.w. , i j [9.000 ToTlOAN IN RUMS TO St'lT AT 9% I RAYMOND TOMPKINS. Room 10. No. 322 John Marshall place. Phone Main 1940. OANS NEGOTIATED ON INDORSED NOTE9^ , stocks, bonds, all kinds collateral. I buy notes. No delay or red tape It It. BENNETT. 510 1 Met. Rank bide. Phone Main 0.MW. AN INVESTMENT THAT DOES~NOT FLUCTUATE. > 0 PER CENT FIRST MORTGAGE XOTF.S. mply secured upon conservatively valued od Improved District of Columbia Ileal Esite. Interest on Investments collected and ? luitted without charge to luvcstors. j Notes from $2&U aud upward. Write for forIter information. REAL ESTATE TRUST COMPANY. 14X4 F ST. N.W. SECOND TRUST. Money to losn at 0?u District real estate. Any amount from $200 to $5,000 on first Of 1 second trust, in straight note or monthly payments. Takes on'y three days to make them. CHARLES K. TKIBBY. Thompson bldg.. 703 15th st. n.w. Opp. Treasury. Next to drug store. FOR SALE?HOUSES. ' 'OK SALE - GILT-EDGED INVESTMENTS. PAYING 8% AND 10% NET. PRICES SNA LOW THEY SHOULD BE RESOLD AT A PROFIT. $2,000 each. Renting for $19 a month: now hoiscs with baths, on a numbered street n.w. $4,200 each. Each renting for $40; nearly new; In Rlooniiiigdale neur North Capitol St.; S rooms, cellar. $3.7.70. Ken ting for $35; 3-stocy brick; 9 rooms; 19.6x93. $4,000. Renting for $39: 4 brick houses. 23rd st. n.w. $3,000 each. Each rents $2"; S-rootn bricks, northeast. $.' 00 will bur the equity in a G-story brick, with bath, on a lettered street n.w. south of N. Y. eve. Trust. $1,800. Ren s $20. $4,300. R"nts $35; II st. between 4th and 3th n.w.; Tnluable for business. $7,300. Renting for $90; several small houses O!) Otli st. u.w. SlO.OoO. Renting for $73: a 12-roo'm dwelling en Mass. are. n.w. $.".,500. Renting for $49; 12 teems. 2 baths; west of lOtli st. n.w. Send for complete list. STUNK A- FAIRFAX. 1342 New York avc. OR SALE ONE OF THE GREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED ON THE HEIGHTS. IN, THAT CHOICE SECTION WEST OF 14th ST. AN OFT-OF-TOWN OWNER WISHING TO REALIZE WILL DISPOSE OF HER ELEGANT HOME AT A PRICE SO LOW THAT THE PFRCHASER. SHOULD HE WISH TO RESELL. SHOILD REALIZE A HANDSOME PROFIT. Price reduced to $<5,750. A house that could not lie duplicated under $E?.lK)0 or Si0.000. Description: Three siories. cellar under entire be use. large attic, very handsome front, etc. First flour?Parlor, library, dining room, pantry and kitchen. Seven sleeping rooms on the second and third floors. Two elegant tiled bathrooms. House heated by an economical hot-water beating plant. Ia?l over I4i> feet deep to 20-foot alley. The bouse has a rear stairway, which Is worth several hundred dollars to the occupant. See us as scon us you can about this bargain, as we esnocl to sell it Inside of the next ten dave. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. OR SALE - $i?,000 WILL BUY A THRKEstory, teu-rooui brick dwelling on I el. near btb st. Good sine lot. . The house Is in first-class condition. Now is the time to purchase property in this location, as it is likely to become quite valuable for business purposes. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. OR SALE? A PAKTICFLARLY DESIRABLE HOME. CAN P.E PURCHASED AT A PRICE $5,000 LESS THAN ITS TRUE VALUE. THE OWNER BEING DESIROUS TO MOVE TO THE COUNTRY WILL SELL HIS COMPLETE HOME AT A SACRIFICE. $8,500. The location is on one of the best improved squares on the heights, north of the city, with the southern exposure. Convenient to two car lines, sclioola, churches, stores, etc. Very handsome front. Three stories and cellar. Laundry, storage room in cellar. First fluor. parlor, library, dining room. pan. try and kitchen. Six sleeping rooms and two bathrooms on the second and third floors. Hot-water heat. Gas and electric lights. 3.100 square feet of ground. Public alley in rear. Must tic inspected to be appreciated. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New Y'ork ave. OR SALE? IN THE FASHIONABLE NORTHWEST. $8,200 will buy u well constructed threeaiory dwelling on a lettered street near Cos- | nectlcnt avenue. Four rooms deep on the first floor. Six sleeping rooms, two bathrooms, hotwater beat. etc. Terms, $500 or more cash. Balance in easy payments, with interest at the rale of 4'yY. An opportunity to locate in this fashionable section of the northwest in a modern home at a comparatively small outlay. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. OK SALE?WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. A particularly attractive Lome. Only $6,500. 0 stories, cellar. 4 rooms on 1st floor. 6 sleeping rooms. Hot-water heat. STOVE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. OR SALE?HOW DO YOU LIKE THIS STYLE OF A HOUSE? r? stories; cellar uuder entire house. 4 rooms deep on first floor. Back building. TWO (2) STAIRWAYS. Hot-water heat. Two tiled baths. Gas and electric lights. Finished from top to bottom iu REAL hardwood. Instantaneous gas hot-water heater, t'overed porches. Ciiainberliu metal weather strips in all windows. Room for garage. Location, lettered street west of 16th. 1 Vice. $7,500. Could not be duplicated for $0,500. See utf aliout it. STONE Ac FAIRFAX. 1.142 New York ave. OR SALE?A CHEAP PROPERTY. Only $4,500. VALUABLE FOR BUSINESS. 444 II st. n.w.: 6-story brick dwelling. Similar liocses on this square rent for $35. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1042 New York ave. OR SALE?INVESTMENT. 54,850. Renting for $40. 2 brick houses on a lettered street south of New- York ave. n.w. STONE A- FAIRFAX. 1542 New York ave. OR SALE?$5,500. Renting for $4-9. 10 rooms. 2 baths. West of 14th st. Thoroughly well constructed. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. OK SALE-A CHEAP DWELLING. $5,750. Renting for $35. 10 rooms: lot 19.6x95. Alley. West of 14th st. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. OR SALE?$4,500. RENTING FOR. $40; 8room brick, with cellar, convenient to peualon and pruning offices. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 Now York ave. OR SALE?$5,000. A low price for one of those nice houses on Corcoran st. bet. 17th and 18tb. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. I'ILL SACRIFICE MY BEAUTIFUL 8-ROOM and attic detached home and take as part payment good second-hand automobile and reasonable cash deposit. Give full particulars. No ngents. Will deal direct. Address Box 109, Star office. fcENT, $840. PRICE, $8,000. 4 six-mom and bath bricks in go UilV ?. " IIUII J ??V ^ A W ? ***- *J per month. There is a straight first trust of $1.7.*>b on each house, which can remain. tine thousand dollars takes thorn. Fays more than ?.V;k not on your investment. Must be sold, so be quick. Box ISO. hUar office. IN Gilt A Kit STREET WE.ST OP 14tb-SIX rooms, reo. hall and bath. Two sold from plans; only one left. Reserve this now, and have it finished to your liking. Worth, In comparison of other property, every ceut of $7,5; needs cash; always routed for $210 a year. CEW YORK REAL FMTATK BROKERS. 1423 F. "OR SALE 7 ROOM ltRICK. ON ?tli ST. X.W. near S; best in the row: rented for $30 a mouth: sell to a colored party; price, $4,000; nice home. sEWYORK REAL ESTATE RPOKERS.1423 F. r'i )R SALE S1.55U WILL Bl'Y A SIX ROOM brick house on K st. s.e.: only $150 cash, balance $lli.5o a mouth, including interest and taxes: rare chance to get a nice little home. s'ErW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 1428 F. ok SALE -ti-ROtiM BRICK HOUSE, I ST. N.E. n-ar 12th: hot-water beat; bargain at $3,500; easv terms. (KW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 1423 I\ rolt SALE AM OFFEltlNt; FOR SALE ATtraetlvo downtown home, all modern, with ten rooms and a nearly new large two-story brick iftHbie; lot is large, and wide alley. Price. $ti.,V?tt. but might consider less. Property can l?e inspected tii?oti application. Address Box 41. Star ofHee. "(Hi SALE - MUST SELL AT ONCE- TWOstory eight-room bonsr; all inedern. aud alttiated In the vicinity of Htli and Bark road. Would consider cash payment of $20O end easy monthly flotes at reduced price of $4,000. id< dress Box 3$0, Star o|?M. I FOR SALE?HOUSES. FOR SALE?ONE OF THE FINEST HOMES over offered for sale in this delightful uelghlmrhood at hut price. .Tust west of Connecticut nvc. nnd close to the now bridge. House is nearly 24 feet wide. Contains many special features which characterize it as u home of the highest type. Nine largo, bright rooms. 2 baths, hot-water heat, gas and electric lights, largo front and rear porches, parquetry floors, servants' toilet, laundry trays, steel hpam construction. deep lot to paved alley. This houie is in excellent condition, but owing to reverses owner must sacrifice at onee. Price to o quiets buyer. 57.050 See this today or you will lose an exceptionally fine opportunity. SHANNON &. LUCHS, 712 lttU st. n.w. FOR SALE?A GREAT RIG BARGAIN FOR A reliable colored purchaser. South of R and west of 14th street. One of the lx-st downtown ligations in the city. Fine semi-detached home that has just been put in absolutely perfect condition. Seven sunny rooms and bath. Southern exposure. Convenient to the 14th street car line, but within walking distance of the shopping center. NevCr before, to our knowledge. has such a splendid home ever lieen put on the market at such a ridiculously low price. Price just cut to $4,400. SHANNON & LUCHS, 713 14th st. n.w. FOR SALE?THE OWNER WILT. BE LEAVING town in a few weeks, aud it is absolutely necessary that his home should be sold at once. Located in the best pari of Washington Heights and faces on a splendid street, Contains 0 excellent rooms, bath, hot-water heat, hardwood floors. laundry trays, servants' toilet, rear stairway, gas and electric lights, etc. It would lie impossible to put the home In letter condition, and at this price it is the biggest i bargain in the city. If you ac1 at once we lie- ] lieve you can buy it for $6,500. You can't buy a six-room house In this neighborhood at such a low price. SHANNON & LECI1S. 713 14th st. n.w. FOR SALE-.V TWO-STORY. EIGHT-ROOM house located in a choice part of Washington Heights. Very convenient to car lines and but a short ride to the downtown section. All the rooms hix? large and sunny, splendid bath, liotwater heal, hardwood trim, parquetry floors, servants' toilet. laundry trays, gas and electric lights, large porches, etc. A home that is perfect In every detail. A rare opportunity at $7,000. .See this TODAY!!! SHANNON & LUCHS, 713 14th st. n.w. FOR S A LE?HOME OK A RET IRIXO CONGHESSMAX WANT TO SELL BY MARCH , 4th; SEMI-DETACHED: SIDE LIGHTS; , SEVENTY FEET OF SOUTHERN EXPOS- I URE ON THE SIDE; drawing room, library, dining room, pantry , und kitehen on tirst floor. SECOND FLOOR?Four bedrooms; imfllern tiled bath. THIRD FLOOR-Three bedrooms ami tile batb. Numerous large closets; rear stairway: laundry; servants' room; modern heater; a bright, well built home: particularly well located in COLFMBIA HEIGHTS: WILL BE SOLD POSITIVELY BELOW COST. PRICE. $S,500. The property is clear of mortgage. Will sell on very easy terms. CASH NO OBJECT. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 217. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. t - t FOR SALE?BEAUTFUL BRICK HOUSE. 9 rooms*. all improvements. perfect condition: large lot. $150 cash untl lialance $40 monthly, including principal and Interest. No agents. OWNER, on premises. 18 Adams st. n.w. 25* FOR SALE? A brand-new. semi-detached home, located In tieautiful Chevy Chase. right ?u Connecticut ave., at Jenifer street n.w.; full brick construction: Immense porches and a glass inclosed and screened sleeping porch; entrance hall, living room with large open fireplace; large, well lighted dining room: kitchen, una also au Inclosed rear porch; second floor, three master bedrooma and one flnlsbed and one unfinished room on third floor. The lowest priced property surrounding this home Is $8,000. Wonderful opportunity for on Immediate buyer. Price, $6.600 -a Srlcc that will hardly buy .a far inferior ome iu a much less demr&ble section. Terms, $500 cash, balance monthly. Further Information. Call or write for our auto to make Inspection. TO INSPECT Take Chevy Chase Conn. ave. car to Jenifer at. Jenifer st. is about seven squares south of Chevy Chase Circle. Other houses In this beautiful section range in price from $7,500 to $30,000. \ SHANNON & LL'CHS, 71S 14th st. n.w. FOE SALE?BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE?9th ST. N.W. $6,500. Renting for $50. Rot 131x94, alley. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE?9th ST. N.W. NEAR II. Valuable business stand. west side. Well worth $14,000. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE?E ST. BET 9th AND 10th. NORTH side; lot 24x130; wide alley; first-class Improvements: $20,000. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE?11th ST., WEST SIDE, NOT FAR from O; 3-story blilg.; lot 20.6x 5. $22.nOO. STONF. A- FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE - VALUABLE BUSINESS CORNER west of 7th. south of N. Y. ave.; renting for $4,600 to a tenant who makes all repairs. Price, $65,001). STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE?14th ST. BUSINESS CORNER. $35,000: renting for $2:13 a nioDth: good, sub stantlal improvements; ore.- 3.000 sq. ft. of ground: such a fine corner is likely to be worth $50,000 before many years. SfrpXK tc FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. FOR RENT?BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR LIGHT MANUFACTURING OR WAREHOUSE? Five-story fireproof building. 41x105? about 21.000 sq. ft. of floor space; concrete floors. Alley on side and rear. Light all around- Hot-water beat. Elevator. No. 221 Llnworth place s.w., near Agricultural Department. Rent. $900 per month. Apply A. O. BLISS. 39 B at. n.w. FOR RENT?140.1 n ST. N.W.; BEST location In city. For office or business purposes. Entire floor, en suite, or single looms, 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors. Steam heat; electric light; OUTSIDE SIGN SPACE ON BUILDING. Inspection Inlted. ESSE L. HEISKELL, 1403 H St. n-W. INVESTMENT PROPERTY. FOR SALE?TWO-STORY BRICK CHURCH, ON" beautiful corner In n.w. Call 420 Q s . n.w. FOR SALE?*3545 10th N.W.?OWNER LEAYiTig town will sacrifice 12-room brick. semi detached (8 bedrooms i; newly papered throughout; tile bath, laundry tubs, servants' toilet, awniugs, etc. Cost $6,900. No reasonable offer refused. Trust, $3,900. A snap for some one. Also for rent, reasonable. JOHNSON'S AMERICAN AND FOREIGN REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. 045 Pe. avo. n.w. FOR EXCHANGE. LOTS-HAVE 7 LOTS. FREE AND CLEAR. IN n.e. Washington. Will trade for improved or unimproved property. Make offer. Address Bos 151. Star office. 21$4,500 IN EQUITIES OF 3 PROPERTIES N.W.. and from $1,000 to $1,500 cash on Penning lots, near car line. Only quick replies will receive attention. Box 139. Star ofliee. 2n* FOR EXCHANGE-WILL EXCHANGE RESIdence in s.w.; U-room brick; large lot; white tenants; white neighborhood; now rented for $27.50; also residence on Irving st. I?*t. lltli and 13th sts. n.w.; 10 rooms and hath; hot waier atraitru; yrn?;i?-ttnj nvtv* , iMxupmi u.v owner: will sell or exchange for 1'hMudvlphia iiroperty, either residence or business; owner leaving city. For full particulars address Box 40'i. Star office. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES A SPECIALTY. An active Hat of houses, apartments, lota, Mbirban and farm properties. For quick deal* ec L. It. F PRINCE 721 Bond hid*- . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. A FINE CHEVY CHASE HOME LOT with 00 feet froutage. Nice trees. Southern exposure; one square from car line. Open fireplaces. Spacious porches. Only reason for disposing of this property, which was built by th" owner for his own home. Is Its size. Needs a smaller house. Will exchange for such a house in Mount Pleasant or Washington Heights, or will sell outright. THOMAS J. FISHER & CO., Inc. FIVE ACRES; 1 ACRE IX YOUNG FRl IT; well located, near ca-ts; all fenced; new pel ble-dash house, with a.m.!.; chicken bouse 4or i 18; barn; $6,000, or will exchange for city: property. W. I'. XicPOWELL. Kenois hidg.. ilth and G. ! FOR SALE?OVER 3 ACRES, WEST RIVER j dale; will trade equity for automobile, tin- ' proved property, or will sacrifice for cash. OWNER. 1337 C st. n.e. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE ELEGANT HOME. Just west of the new Q Street bridge. Threestory lirlck. I'd rooms, three baths, hot-water heat, laundry tubs, hardwood floors. Will exchange for vacant or Improved property. Tills property will greatly increase in value as soon as the Q Street bridge has been completed. Price. $15,000. For information apply to WEAVER BROS.. 735 15th st. FINE "TRACT" OF 35 ACRES W ELI < LOCATED in the District, on high ground; would make excellent subdivision; would consider exchanging this property clear for improved property clear or small trust: price, $?0o per acre. CHARLES A.TMIODES. 1^21 G st. n.w. FOR SALE?LOTS. CONNEOTICFT AVE., NEAR WOOPLEY. 25 x nearly 120. Price, $3,750. ALLAN E. WALKER A CO. (Inc.). 1338 O at. ' FOR SALE-CHOICE HOME SITE: LOT 00x135; lust west of Conn. uve. and south of Chevy Cha?c Circle; ternwe; southern exposure; near school and churches. O. W. ULATWOLE. Owner, 630 6th st. n.w. >j* SUBURBAN PROPERTY. FOR SAI.K. FOR SAI.K RESIDENCE IN KENSINGTON Md.. one of Washington's most delightful suburbs; nine rooms, rw-rptlon hall, hath, concrete cellar thirty feet square: hot-water heat, electric light*, shade, fruit, artesian water and large corner lot (more ground if desired); at highest and one of the choicest locations in the tottu; both steam and electric cars. Apply to Superintendent of Terminal Storage Buildings, 1st and K sts. n.e., Washington. P. O. " TAKOMA PARK?COTTAGE~7 ROOMS: I'AItTly finished basement: next to big spring: Hacrc lot: $2,250: l;; cash. Address 20.20 Ftilvcrsity place, Washington. P, C. 21'* FOR SAKE?W1KI. SACRIFICE MY HOME 7\ t'leTeland Park near Cominecttcut ave.; large lot; room for garage. * Address Box 150. Star office. $2.300-*100 CASH. HAL. *20 MONTHLY: ? rooms. ni'Xlprn. hot-water heated. and complete equipped bathroom: half aero in a thriving. refined town in Alex. co., Va., 1 miles from city: 10 minutes to oars. Look into tills at onor. OWNER. 332 lnd. nvo. 22* FIREPROOF SUBURBAN HOMES: LO'V COST; easy tortus; electricity: plumbing; hot wator; food oar service: garden plots; high ground: sample houses roady: oottaces desiened. Phone M. 200. PHILIP B. IIOGE. Civil Engineer. 017 14th St. 1UVERDALK. MD. FOR SALE?AT A BARGAIN. TF SOLO AT onoo: 7 room*. bath and receprion hall: ail modern improvement s: electric light and gas: lot t>i by 300: fruit trees; chicken run. hedge and shrubbery: one block front eleetrie and sp-am ears. Apply to OWNER. Apart men: 201. the Itfimflia. ?'.7i> 4th si. np-. I Ftn: SALE-GENERAL M LUC HA M USE ( (11 N try store, with 0 living rooms; newly papered and painted: large cellar: water in house; corner acre lot: barn for 4 horses: chicken bouse; only 28 minutes front I'nion station, on I'a. It. It., right at station: for $2,800: easv terms. BOOTH'S FARM AGENCY. 7w lOih et. n.w. mhlb* FOR SALE?TWO LOTS, ONE BLOCK WEST of Connecticut ave.. 60x130; all Improvements: price much cheaper than the adjoining property. Box 54, Star office. 1 ACRE GOOI) OARItEN !,ANl>. GOOI) 7rootn house atxl outbuildings; nice ntnn'ng etream; 1 square to electric cars. Price, *3.500; terms. W. P. McDOWELL, Kenola 1'ldg.. 11 tii aiil G. JEST COMPLETED. ONE 01' THE MOST UP-TO-DATE HOUSES Ever attempted by suburban operators. Six rooms, beautiful bath, hot-water heat, gas and electric lights, gas range in kitehen, floors polished, walls decorated, large opeu fireplace, attic, fine water and shade, place fenced, no expense to you other than moving. SMALL CASH AND MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Two more in course of construction. ORN'DORKF & SMITHDEAL (Owners). WASH. AND G. V. IE R.. ONE FARE. DOMINION HEIGHTS, YA. FOR SALE?$35~ MONTHLY; LARGE. 0-ROOM lionse. bath: all modern improvements: lighted with expensive chandeliers: electric lights: polished maple floors, laid double; also double siding and slate roof; front and back stairway: quartered ohU trim; front and rear porch. Large forest trees and lot containing 18.00) ft. of ground, fronting on macadam pike. See owner. IV. It. WILSON. Hyttsvlile. Md. LIGHTBOWN BUNGALOWS? AND HOUSES ARE THE BEST. Terms. All sections. All prices. SEE CHAS. >1. LIGHTBOWN. ACROSS FROM CATHOLIC CHURCH. MT. RAINIER. FOR SALE? ANYTHING THAT YOU MAY WANT, FROM A LOT 50x200 TO 200 ACRES. - ALONG THE LINK OF THE ROCKVILLE ELECTRIC ROAD. EITHER IMPROVED OR UNIMPROVED. I OR INVESTMENT OR SUBDIVISION. J. H. MILLER. 1804 F. FOR SALE?BROKERS AND INVESTORS. ATtention! 9Va acres within l1-; squares of Cbevy Chase Circle. 10c a sq. f?.; suitable for subdivision or villa sites. Practically no other acreage for sale in this zone of the city: greatest development. Three million dollars' worth of bouses rocentiv built nearby. Sewer, water, gas and electricity close bv. FULTON It. GORDON. Owner, Colorado bldg. { Main 15231. _ 28 ACRES. WITH GOOD 5-ROOM HOUSE. NEW stable and carriage house; 3 blocks from cars; only $3,500. This is good aa a home or an Investment. CHARLES A. RHODES. 1321 G st. n.w. FINE SUBURBAN HOME. WITH NEARLY AN acre of choice garden land: apples, quinces, pears, plums, cherries and grajtes; house has modern plumbing, large porches, and Is one block from c?rs: onlv 82.930. CHARLES A. KHoViKS. 1321 G st. n.w. 2V4 ACRES LOCATED ON HIGH GROUND AT the District line for $1,250. Terms. CHARLES A. RHODES. 1321 G st. n.w. CHICKEN FARMS?YES. WE HAVE THEM, and a very attractive list of suburban homes and acreage. STEPHEN P. WRIGHT CO.. offices Clarendon. Vn.. 332 Ind. are.. D. C. FOR SALE?$3,000 LESS THAN COST. FINE home of 9 rooms and bath. This Is a detached house, with unusually fine, large rooms, porches; cot glass chandeliers, gas and electric fixtures: 11 modern conveniences: large lot. with shade and flowers. This Is an exceptional Imrgalo. Oniy 20 rain, from Treasury. Opposite Washington College grounds. 1945 4th at. n.e. FOR RENT. 8EVKRAL NEAT HOMES. JUST IN MD. LINE, at Mt. Rainier and E Hyattsville. with large grounds, sufficient for chickens, garden and flowers: 4, 5. 6 and ? rooms, and prices rang* log from $10 to $22; % of rent to apply te purchase of place at tenant's option, f. Q. ROGERS. Owner. Mt. Rainier. Md. FOR RENT AT LANGDOX. NEAR MILLS nve.. six-room house: city water; large lot; chicken houses; $15.50. JOHN T. KNOTT 819 F St. H IXTED. TO RENT?NOT LESS THAN 10 ACRES (MORE desired); house T rooms or more (furnished preferred); want outbuildings: within 30 miles Washington: must be reasonable. Address Box .'*.2. Star offiee. " FARMS. FOR SALE. FOR SALE? AT G LEND ALE, MI)., 12 miles out on the Pennsylvania railroad, nearly three acres; 7-room house, chicken * brooder, chicken incubator, carriage house, fruit trees. A genuine bargain. Price, $2 ::oo. ~\VM. A. BOSS CO., 1320 X. Y. avc. 35 ACRES, ST. MARYS COUNTY, Mb.; 2 outbuildiugs; private oyster creek; 12."> acres newly cleared; excellent laud; suit aide for stock, early truck, grain or grass; 1,0U0 cords of wood; sacrifice at $3,000. Farm specialists. Catalogue. KENXARD & CO., ;:34 Pa. ovc. s.o. Pbone Line. 3668. FOR SALE- A BARGAIN' IX A SMALL THICK farm, 24 01-100 acres, l'i miles froui Polomac river. !) miles from Center market, in Prince Georges county, Md.. improved by a fairly good, new. five-room dwelling. In a good, well settled, healthy neighborhood. Immediate possession given. SI.80O. MARYLAND REAL ESTATE TITLE COMPANY*. 1301 H st. n.w. CONSERVATIVE BUYERS OF VIRGINIA REAL esta(c protect themselves by consulting the Virginia Title Insurance Company. This corporation Is financially responsible and furnishes abstracts of titles covering any part of the state. Branch offices, Washington Ixrnn and Trust building. t)th and F sts. Piione Main 3438. AN ELEGANT FARM. CLOSE TO WASH XGton. containing 130 acres f.u- lair:: X.oOu peach trees, 200 apples and lots of small fruit; >room dwelling: 3 large barns, i<,ato hous". etc.; convenient to It. R. Gr-aiest bargain in this section. Only $5,(XM?: terms. A. I>. CAMPBELL. 1410 11 n.w. FARM OR SUBURBAN rROPF.RTT. large or small. In the vicinity of Washington. Maryland or Virginia. MlLACHLEN BANKING CORPORATION. 10th and G sts. n.w. I HAVE A Nl-MBER OF CUSTOMERS FOR large and small farms near Washington anil dose to railroad and street ear line. In fact, any farm you may hate, list them with uie and 1 believe I can sell them for you. ALFRED M. DUCKETT. Room '?*. 1320 X. Y. ave. 50-ACRE FARM, ?3 MILE SPRINGFIELD STAtlon, on Southern railroad. Improved by fiveroom house, new outbuildings; well feneed; fine water. For further particulars, E. G. ATlVELL. at Station. 10* FOR RENT FOR RENT ?10 ACRES. WITH GOOD HOUSE and outbuildings, with privilege of buying; near city: for truck and chickens. Itox UK). Star office. WA.M'lil). TO LEASE 3 IX) 40 ACRES AND 8-ROOM house. Maryland or Virginia, near Washington and railroad; retired clergyman. Uox 181. Star office. " 2o? FARMS WANTED?WE WANT A NUMBER OF high-class, well improved farms with good road frontage for subdivision; also want vacant city property that is suitable for a lot proposition. We will take your farm or vacant propertv and turn it into rash and interest-bearing notes within a few days' time. When writing give complete information in regard to property, stating price, terms, etc. No matter where located or how large a farm you own we cau sell it for you. Correspondence solicited. lA't me know what you have and we will talk it over. J. L. .MARTIN REALTY AND AUCTION CO., * It?22 10th St., Washington, D. C. WANTED--TO LEASE A SMALL 1 \RM~NKTR city with privilege of buying. Address Box 3tv, Star office. ^ 20* ninri? t.?i. u sunnK inn I' niH ' j More Than 74MMO Kurxucsts kTmkim not) 200.000 Tourist*. l*rg. i mi, Z ?. Mud, S a -t 11 O OKI. K T *!i':"dr>i" Free from Town & Country n tr-.iin Burrau, .*?? Slh Ave., \r? r^ArTtft' York. CON?'KKT> winter resorts. I'l.ORI 1> \. Winter ;||' In a Surra it FLORIDA E i Under perpetual sunshine can i>c enj< diligence in the numerous social fun \ along a chain of r.jsorts cover ng a "AMERICAN RIVIERA." Each resoi ' assures an untiring vacation. Thron cipal cities to Jacksonville an?l Key J East Coast resorts: steamship ronne ' Key West for Havana. Cuba. DAIRY ] beautiful Southern Sea, after a mo ( Railroad. ;; PRINCIPAL RESOK i, St. Augustine i Ormond j Palm Beach | in1 ami V Kong Key... A n Ideal Fishing C i Nassau. Bahamas ' i Havana, Cuba Via 1 ; NEW ROUTE TO Til with sail'ngs twice a month from 1 1 Unexcelled service and accommodatioi For Complete Information, Booklet the Local Agent or to Florida East C 243 5th Ave., NEW YORK. I'm General Offices, ST. At WINTER RESORTS. ATI.ASTIC CiTV. X. J. ill H I T^Bximmtwk K'rkST:: r'"I^Hr^Ur ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The Mending of the pleasures of an ocean voyage with the delights and < xnforts of a first-class hotel?having all the disadvantages of the former eliminated and the advantages of the latter included?are the hours enjoyed upon its open decks or in its glass-enclosed solarium overlooking the sea and the famous Boardwalk. "THERE'S HEALTH AND VIGOR IN EVERY BREATH." This hotel maintains an unobstructed ocean view from every floor (as pictured above). Sea water in private baths. Capacity 600. Always open. WALTER J. BUZ BY Albemarle, Special rates of $IO up weekly; $2 up daily. Sunny rooms. excellent table, steam heat, elevator, private baths, sun parlors; every comfort aud convenience of the most luxurious hotels. ltooklet. J. I?. COPK. Berkshire SmuraVAA,aveT5 from Boardwalk. Special Lenten rates. $:O.OU to $17.50 wklv.; $2.00 up daily. Can 300. Kiev. $3.50 Sat toMon. J. E. I^CKIXSOX. The Wiltshire, .,?? z. r*nn n=iii PriratA hnth* uicniij lui^ivtcu. w- - . running water iu rooms; elevator; 6un parlor, j etc. Music. Special. ?12.-~0 weekly. $2.50 np daily. Open all year. B.*>k!et. SAMUEL ELLIS. I " HOTEL SSLESWORTfir Vlrtrinla ave. and Boardwalk. Elevator. Sun par'or. Orchestra. European plan. Special American plan, $2.30 daily. Special weekly. No charge for sea or freah water baths. Ikoklet. Raleigh Hotel, Charles til. Faces { two main avenues, affording ocean breeze and ocean view equal to l>eacli-front houses, at about half the price. 200 large rooms; privute baths; running water; electric lights; elevator, sun parlors, etc. Meals and service best obtainable. Spcelal Lenten rates. H. J. DYN'KS. ] Hotel strand > ATLANTIC KJ CITY. N J ALWAYS OPEN CAPACITY 6M FIREPROOF Conducted entirely on American Plan HALF-BLOCK OF OCEAN FRONT ORCHESTRA OF SOLOISTS Ownership Management QALEN HALL MOTEL AND SANATORIUM. ATLANTIC CITY. NEW JERSEY, j At: ideal place for a long or short stay. Stone, ! b.ick and ste, I building, Rooms en suite with hot : a;:d odd sea water In private hatha. Tonic and (Curative Baths and Treatments with trained atI tendon Is. Lessons In Basketry and Wearing, j F. L. YOLNG. Gen'l Manager. i lioarlborougb=36lenbeira ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. j -Togiab White A Sons Company. I TUI n n ^ ,^4- Ocean ave. and liflULCl lUUU&iTCUI tt. Boardwalk. Fire-I proof: private baths, ocean view rooms. elevator to street. Speri?l f.enbn rates. E. EOCKHART. i hotel moirton ' Virginia aw., near the Beach: open all year. : Capacity, 250. Improved auu: i:v( k? e. i, rs? M ininir*. '(Wll U I vs* % % . I* ? ? ??fl ^ ? ?? n * ? m ? - ? M CAHI.?B%P. \l ?TM? %. SK?!iO\ AI I I HIT > K IR KNTS hinat ? of ih" m h mat In'c-tii*-. lie *|>!reil an I illT 4iallt>ll>ll>'K. I> 'CSH'I Of K li ' r iiim! t'nwtatn. Kisit1" i , 1tI<* A. n|. . iivnic:.. " >1 > .?*. -i I S It k lout It.i.h < u. '*. ice establishment*: < ' i-fam V1 .. H.HP7, Hire;-. Stcall! untl llnl * T I'm - ' * ai" St.i- 111 l; III- II";' ! _ .( ;l i >. i \V|1 i Tonr-rHI It* I J -1 :i 11:'i:n-i.t* I" - ? nit'. tt.n inn I .niaiiatoniiui. S-ei-ii Mnli o :isl ;1 nt Mk-kkCi'. . WiMlliS AMi I'KilMKV.M'l S I'llF.A rKUS i LAW \ I LNMS. illtl.r. UOUSr. K.M l> WINTER RESORTS. I'l.oKiii A. Resorts aer Climate 4ST COAST ' jyrd every outdoor t Icasnre and the In- U ction*5 at the various leading; hotels > distance of tM'o miles known a- th? \) t having its own individifal ' ir!i I'uilniuu service from the priti- ?({ West, with close connect ons lor ail ( '' ct ons ai Miami for Nassau ntid at i(t SERVICE: ! daylight hours on the d( st unique trip over tile tea-going The Colonial . Eight ixi'a utes from Union station. American and. k>o:opcan plans; $1.(10. HJ. Spates. Proprietor. EAILHOADb. " CUES AI "KA KL A NU OIUO IJ MS*. 3:10 p.ui. daily?S.eepers tu Loulst-lUe. Cioclanatl. Indianapolis and St. Louis. 6:30 p.m. daiiy?Pullman tj Cincinnati anj Chicago. 11:10 p.m. daily ? Sleeper* to Virginia Hot Springs. Cincinnati nod Louisville. 613 Pa. aye . lSfti F ?t hih! I r.ion St.ttloa. Tfrse SooBtEmcrrD Railway. PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH. X. B.?Following schedule figure* publlfht* only as Information, and not guaranteed: TRAINS LEAVE WASHINGTON: For Atlanta. Montgomery. Mo'.dle. New Orleans. S:50 a.m. and 10:43 it in. daily. Dining oara. For Chattanooga and Memphis. via Asheylllr. 10:-to p.m. dally. For Atlanta. Colnmlttts. Birmingham. 8:30 am. and 4:85 p.m. daily. Dining cart. For Atlanta. Annlston. Talladega, Calera.Selms. 8:50 a.en. and 4:35 p.m. dally: and for Unlontow". Demopolls, Meridian. KTiOH.m. dully. Dining '-era. For Itoannke. Bristol, Knoxvtlle, Chattanoof*. Birmingham. Meridian. Vteksburg. New O.leuua. 10:10 |i.m. daily. Dining car. For Roanoke. Knoaville. Ohattan. Phone Main G'.KX). ti20-!t;?! I" ?t. n.w. stkoia i. r.vFn. ma it. l. lbi". free hai i. lug to warehouse, wltliin city limit*. Apply ' ? EITTLKKIELD. ALVORD A <>)., .?7 Hm at. n.w.; nth at., opp. New Wiliard. Phjnc W. 7.17. EMERGENCY TRANSFER Co. AI'TUM OBI 1.1 i vans. Moving anywhere, any time. Special rates on planoe. Distance moving a specially. 1318 2^nd at. n.w. Phone X. 231i0. PADDED VANS?, $4 AM) $T. lA)AD: II HOKSII wagons, $3 load. Phone Main l!?lt? lfilfi. COLUMBIA TRANSFER A STORAGE CO two NEW YORK AVE. N.W. Packing & Shipping. Storage, t- van loail GET OI K ESTIMATES ON AISStTTTTeT.1 FIREPROOF STORAGE. PACKING A MOVING. I NT TED STATES STORAGE CO.. 418 lOi h ST. N. VV. PI I ONE 4 '??' _ EDUCATIONAL. IX WASHINGTON. WANTED?XVBLE EDUCATED WOMAN. WITH small capital and of good social standing, for exceptionally well paving educational worl,. Only those possessing these three requirements n>*ed apply. Box 15ti. Star office. IX)' STRAYER^S . Business College, s' NINTH AND F STREETS. WASHINGTON. .1 Dav ami Night School now open. _ I Students may enter any time. l} Individual Instruction. Shorthand, Bookkeeping. Typewriting. Arithmetic; Spelling. Penmanship. Letter Writip?. Rapid Calculation. Civil Service and English. Positions for Graduates. Call, write or phone for catalogue. MRS. leather of Singing and Elocution 148 11th st. n.e. Phone L4neoln 1738. Miss Aramae L. Murray. Tracher of Banjo. Mandolin and Guitar. Studio 330:) O St. Phone W. H'JN Wood's Commercial School. 311 E. Capitol st. Shorthand., bookkeeping. ?-Ivil service: twenty-seventh year. PIANO 1.KSKONS AMI HAKM??\Y. A French and German, gl\cu at studio >?f a Ivy who has lately arrived from abroad. 15th n.w. 2'f The Misses Eastman's SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. 1 1803 17th at. Opened Oct. I. Regular grades and graduate eouraea. Write for cataiome. Phone N. 4815. PROFEH8HIN AL TRAINING FOB PUBLIC A.Nli private account lug practice; 4S-|?g.- bulletin. Instruction adapted to employed men. Washington School of Accountancy. 1736 G st. HALL-NOYES SCHOOL. Primary to college. Entrance day and night. Catalogue. 221 E st. n.w. M. 3872. OPT OK WASHINGTON. UtONTROSE A SELECT BOARDING 8CHOOG In the country for glrla and small toys: meat healthful part of Maryland: terms moderate )llM QAKDCX. Highland. Hi . .