Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING STAR, With Sund?7 Morula* MitiW. WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY July 2, 1913 THEODORE W. NOYES Editor ?-Tie Evening Star Newspaper Company. Bu?tne?? OfTVe. 11 tri St and PennsylTant. Atmw. ><mv York Office: Tribune Balldlnir. Cli!r?co Oftv-e: First Nithmal Bank Butldln*. f nrofxati Oflt-e: 3 Kecent St.. London, England. T he Ki'tiIic Star. with the Sunday tnortlUa rilltv?n t* i!<!:?prpil hv carriers wltht. the city 4" r<-v'< ;i-r rn ? " da My on!y. 25 rent* per m pi!): - v. ??!'?. p-r month Orders rrnr N> M ?.?'.? telephone Slain -44'>. C??lerti<v - mad- by arr:?r at the end of each BK'Otb. i?nTnh In adrarr-- h? i>all. |v-*tace nrepaM. v , , " -.1-1. one month. ?? cents. Tiuf . i\ ? '*?* mouth. 4o cents. ^,iri. < , S-.nd.ySt.r. *2 40 year. Entered ap neennd nail tna'ter at the po?t oflle at ^ ash'us'->0. I1- c- % r^Tn order t> ? d on account of rrri- il ah- n ?? letter* 1,1 H^M.^T c^nS^ted not W *<Wr. - 1 ?? ?'-T ,nd^' '"JT:7,nl,tr tl w'th the ..fflr. . ? ?* n.p'% *<? THE TAf!" the Ed u>rs' -.r Department, *?'?ordlnr to tenor ? p>irp"-o. The Gettysburg Battle News. I"p in n p n> w (* have been ,,nabb ? Karri that the authorities here t ! rf' civfl at.vthinsr official ert.i e the battle ? !" > esterday near tlrti istiurR, jvnn.i.. or indeed that iK T.t unofficial on t lie subject had r-bed W.ishintrtoe hi addition to the Information to 4 p.m. yesterday. pub- ? lished in flu; first issit*? of today's Star, rt ?^ evident from that that at that | Imur the fortunes of the dav remained undecided. The fact. however, that tm, r nr.- of our army corps were then crttnc ii i" the fight, while those two that w? encaged had successfully hold t! ?? trround l.onsstreet and Hill pro striving to drive them from. - \t s us strong bopM that the next ndvi?*es t rom thence will indicate a sub stantial victory for our arms. !'or the tirst tine in the war a battle ti,(S taken place upon the soil of a t, re state. Gettysburg. the ^locale of ?.?i. battle of yesterday land perhaps today ?. is the capital of Adams county. Pa.. on she turnpike road from Phila delphia to Pittsburgh. Ill miles west of the former and ?'? miles southwest ^ ..t llarrishurg. It stands on elevated Rrounil. in Ihc initlsl ?C a fertile farm ,:il; count! ?. ; has a courthouse and pub 11*' Offices built o. brick and is the scat of se\ eral collegiate institutions. It- population is about ,?.nnf>. I* rom The K\ening Star, Thursday. July 2. 1863. Currency Reform. Jru < . the way of currency legislation is hard. For years the cry-for reform Iih~ gone up. Hut it lias been only a cr>. I ?ctails have been lacking. Beyond the i hmse. --.t more elastic currency," few have gone. The km at majority of both i oters and b sislators have been left in the dark, and are now in the dark. That phrase has a companion. What is meant by the phrase, an adequate navy"? Many men?among them some democrats?interpret that td mean more vhfps. and al! ships kept up to the fight ing mark, others?among them some democrats?interpret it to mean that we have now ships enough, and that the ' e/M of Mr. Bryan's new style cruiser friendship when laid will complete our tosk afloat. Ru: now ajiat the Prudent insists upon n-.-tlon. Congress must decide as to T^hat a more elastie currency is, and provide for It. The time has come for fewer words, and more meaning to words ut tered. Hov is the currency, which every body agrees needs reform, to be re formed ? Years were consumed in the discussion of resuming speeie payments. Everybody agreed that resumption was necessary? should take place in the interest of the public credit?but no plan of the many suggested seemed to tit the case. Finally Horace Greeley said that the way to re sume u> resume, and the greatest financier of the day, then at the head of the Treasury Department?John Sherman - brought resumption about. Our legislators -senators and representa tives alike?are at sixes and sevens about what should he done about the currency. All agree that something should be done, hut no wide agreement as to any of the plans proposed ! as been reached. Is such an agreement possible at this session? Or will it he necessary to wait until next session for the reform so generally de sired? 1'nlike the tariff, the currency Is not primarily in the hands of the House. But, lit the circumstances, the Mouse must take up the question tirst. The Senate is oc cupied with the tariff, and will not have time for anything else until the tariff is disposed of So that if the guess of six weeks or two months for the passage of ti e tariff hill through the Senate proves ? ?orrect, September 1. assuming that the House meanwhile has agreed upon and passed a currency bill, will find currency reform still qui!.' a distance from goal. The present is thinking time for all party leaders, whether democratic, repub lican ? r "? 1 moose, and regardless of ?wh^re they stand on the question of tariff revision. \ New York theatrical manager had a fist r:?.ht with the husband of an aetreas. It ?as probaldy even more interesting thai; the regular show. ?';vic j ride is so easily aroused that various citb-s are now boasting of beini? able to show the highest thermometer record. To precipitate lo'.jby sensation was a heartless thit g ??? do in the midst of al ready superheated condition. Hx-Presid.-r.t Taft :> going to Canada to piav g?>lf. ?'n< e a globe-trotter, always a g lobe-trotter. Henri Roehefort. Modern Kratiee has produced no more inlere- titeharact- r than Henri Roehe fort. w io d; d, yesterday at Aix-les-Bains at the in.-" of e 'hty-three years. Born of aristO'-rati j ..iVn:s, lie was always a re publican, .l'> pronouncedly a republican, lnde? d, *hat h- is continually in trouble w:th the empire and suffered exile as a result of his variance of political views. It was iii?>:-t appropriate that Kochefort's fame sho ill have been chiefly connected in Journalism with his daily paper The Intransigeant, meaning "the irreconcila ble." He was in opposition to practically ail established ideas. He seemed to have a peculiar propensity for selecting the wrong side of a controversy. His fight against the empire of Ix>uis Napoleon proved to 1 e ii * I rn iteiy successful owing to the intervention of Germany, but Uochefoit could not f:tll into step with the tiew conditions following the fall ol the empire lie was soon at outs with th?" coma m od was tried by court martial aiid imprisoned and ultimately transported to New Caledonia, from which he later escaped. Much of his life was spent in exile or In prison, but, possessed of an indomitable spirit, liochefort never yielded to exigen ? cles and never compromised his views. He hal ed Be .huge: as the true leader of France, and even after the collapse of th?} movement in favor of "the man on horse back," when it was obvious that a reac tion had come and that Boulangism was dead, Roehefort persisted, pne of his exiles resulted frAn this pertinacity of disposition. I-atrr he adopted the anti Dreyfus side of that remarkable contro versy, and In the face of the accumulat ing proof of a conspiracy against that of ficer he maintained his hostility to Drey fus to the end. This marked the begin ning of his decadence aa leader of public opinion in France. On his return in 185?3 from his exile In L?ndon, resulting from his espousal of Boulanglsm, he was greeted at the rail road station by a cheering crowd of ?X>, ouu people. He was then the Idol of France, notwithstanding the collapse of his leader. It seemed for a time when Zola had undertaken the unpopular de fense of Dreyfus that Roehefort had fully regained all the ground he had lost In his advocacy of Boulanger. But Zola's tri umph came speedily and Roehefort fell from his high place, never to regain it. Rochefort's* career was a remarkable series of adventures arid his memoirs read like romances. His highly cultured tastes, his wonderful facility of expression, his sweeping knowledge of wurld facts, his tremendous power of Invective and at tack made him without opposition for many years toe leading Journalist of France. possibly?the leader of all Europe, and though years have passed since lie was a factor In molding public opinion his name has remained one around which the sentiment of the Frcnch people has cen tered and his death is now nationally bo wailed. A Cowardly Campaign on Sulzer. The campaign against Gov. Sulzer of New York, conducted by hla enemies at Tammany Hall, with which organization he is now at odds over the question of a state primary* law. has been marked by h singular depree of bitterness and resort to extraordinary methods to discredit him with the public. A short time ago, just before the bill was voted on in the as sembly, appeared a statement to the effect that a long time back somebody accused Gov. Sulzer, then representative in Con gress and a practicing attorney of New Vork city, of perjury. On examination the case appeared to be without any sub stantial foundation whatever, and more ; over referred to transactions so remote as to have no conceivable connection with the present can er of the state exec utive. The attempted sensation lasted only two or three days and left no one convinced of wrongdoing on the part of the governor at any time. Now comes a suit for damages for breach of promise of marriage, comprised in an affidavit filed in Philadelphia by a woman ofi that city alleging a matrimonial contract on the part of William Sulzer about ten years ago. This relation of prospective husband was maintained, it appears from the woman's claim, until November, 11*07, a short time after which date the "William Sulzer mentioned in the affidavit married another woman, who is now his wife. The lapse of about five and a half years between the marriage of the alleged recreant lover to another woman and ; the filing of a claim for berach of i promise is not explained. It is patent that this case has been made up for political purposes only. In deed, when the Philadelphia court before which the affidavit was filed refused to order the arrest of the defendant, the affi davit was itself withdrawn. It seems to be the intent of Sulzer's enemies mere ly to throw out these allegations against him in a manner to lead to no libel suits, in an endeavor to besmirch his reputation by arousing suspicion in the minds of people. A meaner campaign of vilifica tion cannot be conceived. In none of this mud-slinging does any one of Sulzer's avowed political opponents appear. This is probably the end of the alleged breach of promise case, but what next will be advanced must remain for disclosure. Obviously it is the purpose of the Tam many people to try to destroy Sulzer without openly attacking him, but in this they are running a serious risk of cre ating a sentiment for him by arousing the public sense of fair play, which these underhanded, cowardly attacks so grossly offend. Confusion and Distress at Gettysburg While it is to be hoped that no grave result? will follow the assemblage of so large number of men at Gettysburg, it is to be feared that the reunion encamp ment on the battlefield will not pass with out fatalities. These men are all well advanced (n age, the majority of them over seventy years, and it is question able whether they can withstand even the slight hardships of tent life on a crowded field, with the usual accompaniments of such existence. 1'nquestionably the camp at Gettysburg is as well devised and equipped as it iB possible to be. Fortu nately the whole establishment is under the direction of the United States Army, which insures competent administration and the provision of every conceivable facility for the comfort and well-being of the veterans. But these men are not un der the military restraint and discipline which must be maintained in any camp organization, and already there are signs of trouble owing to this fact. The Star's correspondent has vividly related inci dents regarding the failure of the blan ket supply illustrative of the difficulties ' attending so large an assemblage without strict military rule. If the anniversary passes without numerous fatalities it will be a blessing. The condition of the weath er is not favorable, and heat prostrations have already been reported. Yet not even this state of affairs lessens the ardor of the veterans who have so eagerly grasped the opportunity to revisit the scene of the fight in which they participated fifty years ago, and those who return from Gettysburg in good health will have great tales to tell to their families of participa tion in a celebration that is certain to be come historic. The idea of putting woolen clothing on the free list may have met with some i opposition because it is so entirely un i seasonable. In considering the summer landlord's | bill it should be charitably remembered | that the season Is likely to be unusually short this year. The Chinaman who recently told the ! immigration authorities that he was HU I years old was pijobab'y only a poor hand j at arithmetic. Hot weather hints in the line of avoid ing exertion and excitement are barred in Washington during an extra session. The British Ministry. The exoneration of Attorney General Isaacs and Chancellor Lloyd George by i the British house of commons on tlfe ncore of their participation in Marconi Hock transactions on the eve of the 1 r,ranting of a contract to the Marconi | company for exclusive wireless rights throughout the British empire has not 'closed that incident. The attorney *en eral has now resigned and it is expected that the chancellor of the exchequer will follow his example. The withdrawal of these two members of the ministry in the circumstances is a serious blow to the government, and it is now the expectation that other resignations will follow and the ministry will be subjected to a reor ganization. This does not, of course, necessarily signify the collapse of the A government immediately. There li every probability that It will be held together long enough to put through the home rule legislation to which it is pledged. As soon as that is accomplished the dissolution of parliament and the call for a general election is likely to follow, with the lib eral coalition compelled to defend lt^e f against a vigorous opposition fortified by the Marconi scandal. It is altogether likely that in another year the writs for a general election will be issued. It has already been suggested that the unionists withdraw their opposition to the imme diate enactment of the home rule bill in order to precipitate dissolution and elec tion at the earliest possible^ moment, to forestall the Welsh disestablishment legislation and to make the appeal to the country while the wireless shares scandal is still fresh. Fire Insurance calculations in Great Britain may ha\e to be revised in o-der to meet conditions created by th? mili tant suffragettes. Blondes are advised by a scientist to avoid the sunlight. The freckle experts and scientists meet on the same ground. There are few' displays of eloquence more remarkable llian those of a re pentant lobbyist. The sale of a perilled Patagonian re veals a new and interest ins use for Pat agonians. Oratory will provide that however safe and sane a Fourth of July nwy be-, it shall never renia'n noiseless. SHOOTING STARS. BY PHII.XNPKIt .JOHNSON. The Weary Inquiry. want something in the way of light summer literature. You understand, it must be something very light indeed," The new boy at the newsstand looked at the tourist wearily and inquired: "Do you think we're selling the stuff by the pound?" The Nonsense Garden. The Nonsense Garden is a spot Where Sunshine fiercely spread Discloses by the apricot The folding flower bed And great politeness was displayed Where fruit is hanging now. The bush before eacti blossom made A very pretty bough. Not Needed. "Are they going to have a Midway Plaisance at the Panama exposition?" "I don't know," replied Mr. Growcher. "There doesn't seem to be any need of novelties in the line of dancing that was started at the Midway Plaisance in Chi cago." A Misanthrope. "A summer vacation is a great thing." said the man who had just hit the board walk. "So restful, you know." "They don't seem so restful to me," replied the man who was running a shop. "It seems to me that vacations are merely schemes to overwork a lot of peo ple to help others overwork themselves trying to have a good time." An Error Corrected. "I note," said the woman who desires the vote, "that you refer to our band of hikers as a bevy of merry walkers." "Yes," replied the descriptive writer. "Well, what I want to say is that if you referred to the costumes, you are en tirely mistaken." The Sage and the Troubadour. The person who always insists on the facts Met a troubadour singing his lay; His mood was not rude with intent to in trude As he caroled so light and so gay. And this was the song that came floating so free As he journeyed along without care: "Oh, The Nightingale Sweetly is Singing to Me As the violets Perfume the Air." Said the person who thinks in statistics and tracts, "I am sorry that 1 must arise And say that your lay is from truth far away. It fills me with grief and surprise. For the violet, when it is blossoming wild. No perfume possesses; that's clear. And it's proved by the data which I have compiled That we do not have nightingales here." So, the person who stiictest adherence exacts To the precepts by learning laid down Told the throng how the song was es sentially wrong And should not be allowed in the town. We heard with respect and we thanked him full loud For the lesson he gave us that day? And then we forgot him and followed the crowd That danced to the troubadour"s lay. No Permanent Session. ! From the Sew York Sun. 1 In the project for the establishment ?in the Blue Ridge of a hot season capitol 1 in which the Congress might carry on its summer deliberations unvexed by the ' torrid heat of Washington may be found the suggestion that the time has come when the needs of the nation require the lawmakers to be at their work twelve months in the year. Who cherishes the notion that any such uninterrupted gnna inK of the statute mill is necessary or i desirable? A great many persons. Yet I the records do not support their opinion, it ' a spot so uncomfortable as to provoke unanimous ambition for early release from its duties could be found for Congress the country would be glad to build a perma nent capitol there, it suffers today from overlegislation, from delay and useless talk, and it longs not for a legislature constantly In session but for one that will pass the appropriation bills, abstain from nectoring business and regard adjourn ment as its principal good work. Vacation Dangers. From tbe Chicago Tribune. To the man cooped up in a small office on the eighteenth story of a skyscraper, to the girl locked in the cashier's booth in a big store, the country on a hot summer day looms as a paradise. And a paradise it is. Bue the Garden of Eden was not without a serpent, and the summer resort of today is not without serpentine teeth. They appear in the guise ot an army of disease germs. The city man or woman does not get milk as sweet as is the milk that comes fresh from the cow. But he gets, if he cares enough, milk that is positively free from tuberculosis, or other germs. The citj water may not be as fresh as well water, but it is freed from typhoid germs be fore it reaches you through t,he sink ot drinking fountain. Many a ?an wh0 has left for a two-week vacation to re gain his spirit and freshness has in tin past returned to the city a walking hot house of typnoid or other disease germs. No More a Celebration of Terror. From tbe New York Herald. The "sanelessC* Fourth of July celebra tion is a thing of the past. This year, ai last, explosions of giant firecrackers, mini ature dynamite bombs, toy cannon and the tetanus-breeding toy p'stol will be ex cluded from the list of pleasures of the observance of the moat glorious ^a> American history. It is unavoidable thai with our mixed population any celebra tlon should be had without noise, but th? noise of the death-dealing kind will bt rigidly prevented. ?H"i llliuiinilllll Hooper Bros., ?' 939 Pa. Ave. X m ? Women's Smart J Pump ? ,T ? v I T <T ?the $3.50 Kind, :: t q t S D/ O ALL the latest styles In Patent Colt, Gun '4 V , ? V *? Metal, Russet t'alf and White Canvas Pumps and Blueher Oxfords, also Patent Colt and Russet Calf Button Oxfords, low and high heels, also broad-toe styles. All sizes in each style. ? $ | i r Spccial Women's White Nu buek Pumps and Ox fords, low and high l he $1 kinds, at.. 3: heels? ^ ss it." ? 3^ fMen's English; Oxfords at T T V i* ? ! x. T T ?% I | .f. tll< HfeiSB are the Oxfords that are so extensive ly advertised at <4. I. Shown in gun metal and 4* russet calf?all sizes and J* widths. I,ow and broad heel, j. flat sole and blind eyelets. 4? Agents for "EDUCATOR" T Shoes for Misses and Chil X dren. Full line of HU-MAN 4* 1C Shoes for Men. Hooper Footwear for Men. Women and Children. 1939 Pa. Ave. ?H-H-K'.M-M'i ,i ,n i ?! i-h-h :? 11 i i 8?, LONDOM Store Closed All Day July 4 and 5. For Your Trip. Week-end Case, $5.75. High-grade black enamel, black leather binding, 2 side lever spring loeks, attractive lining: shirred pocket in top; re movable tray in body: light as a suit case; sizes 24 and 20 in. Cowhide Oxford Bag ?stitched-in frame, hand-stitch ed edges and corners; leather lined; convenient <h pockets: sizes up /kX Ml ) to 18 in. Special.. M"-*' Special Steamer Trunk ?full riveted, steel bound, steel clamps, best lock; cloth lined. Special at $6.50 Becker's Leather Goods Co., 1324-1326 F St. N.W. South Side, ot-ar 14tli st. Closed All Day July 4tU and 3tli. I Everything That is New and Desirable in Summer Furniture Is shown here. Inspect this stock and let us quote prices. Geo. Plitt Co., Inc., 12118 Connecticut Ave. r?m?"iw ?"m* m ii?iw??? iil 3: "Star Brand" Pure Elgin Creamery BUTTER 33c per lb. "FOUR LEAF CLOVER" CREAMERY BUTTER, 3-lb. BOXES, $1.90. jj IE^"Cal!, Write or Phone. JAMES F. OYSTER, Cor. 9th & Pa. Ave. ZXTVix. SELECT THE WAGON ?from this bl? stock. You will get ?ouiothlag attractive aod isexpraalv*. t. e. youno ai,s!s,?rr;rt.. Closed All Day Friday (July 4) and Saturday. f Fourth of July and Saturday's Needs Must Be Bought Thursday?Our Remodeling Sale Prices Enable You to Save Money. Mennen's Talcum I Powder for J Jc Thursday only. Main floor? Toilet Articles. I ( New Store Hours in Force Monday, July 7. ; Open at 8:30 A.M., Close t > P.M. Daily. Including 1 Saturday. \. _____ \ 4 cakes Fairy i Soap 1QC Thursday only. Main floor? Toilet Articles. Every Hoor a New Bargain Offering in Otor Garment Section Thursday Read, Then Come the Hour the Garment You Want Is Advertised. Prices Have Reached Their Lowest Point. A novelty sale scheduled lor tomorrow in our garment section?that of offering every hour a different item, interest, as savings are large on every item represented: All are of treat 9 to 10 A.M. Any $1 Wash Skirt, 10 to 11 A.M. $1.00Tokio Silk Waists, 4 11 to 12 M. Misses' Wash Dresses, $i.->0 Value, 1 to 2 P.M. | 2 to 3 P.M. Any Misses Norfolk: 5Q Tailored Suits or Balkan Coats Worth Up to $8 at Sizes for girls 8 to 20 years, Made of serge. Worth Up to $30 at Late styles. Plain col ors and fancy mixtures. 3 to 4 P.M. 4 ?0 ^ P.M. Any Child's Long Linen Coats Gingham Dress: Worth up to $1 j at Worth Up to $3, Sizes 6 to 14 years. Nice for motoring. Many different styles. 'P Men, Buy for Outing Wear Neglige Coat Shirts,) Look Cool in Hot Weather?Wear a White Trimmed Hat. Beautiful Creations at Values, $1.25 to $2.00. To be comfortable 011 the Fourth buy one of these Coat Shirts offered tomorrow at 85c. Choice of percale, woven and printed madras Coat Shirts, with stiff laundered cuffs attached, also of soft soisette, pongee or pongette material with neckband and the popular turn-back cuffs attached or with soft turn-down collars' separate or at tached. * All sizes when the sale starts Thursday morning. Displa\ ed for easy seeing and selling 011 bargain tables. Men's Shop. 430 7th st. entrance. Undermuslins, 95c. Worth $1.25. The kind of Undermuslins tiiat will do credit to your taste and that will save your pocketbook many nickels. GOWKS of longcloth, with high or low neck, elaborate yokes of lace or embroidery, or simple trimming for those who prefer it; long or short sleeves. COMBINATIONS of longcloth, em bracing corset covers and drawers, nicely trimmed with the most desir able laces and embroideries. PETTICOATS with flounces of lace or embroidery?the popular Golf Petticoats included. Second Floor?Undermuslins. Outing Neckwear. 25c Lace Chemisettes ...... J Chemisettes of plain net or shadow lace, in white, cream and black, to be sold tomorrow at 16c. SLEEVELESS GUIMPES, of net or shadow lace; they tie around the waist, so can be held ^ *1 in place. Choice tomor- / J1 ? row PLEATINGS. of shadow lace, in white or cream; 1 to 5 in. wide. Special value tomorrow, a yard MIDDY OR BALKAN' TIES, three-corner shape: all shades. Special KECK FIXINGS, including Im perial Collars. Fichus, Sets, Bulga rian Collars. Imperial Lace Yokes and Swiss and Lace Round Collars. Values. Jj&Q 39c. Choice tomorrow.... Main Floor?Neckwear Section. ( Wash Fabrics \ Cool and Daintv 29c 45 c Prices so low that you will not be able to resist buying two or three dress lengths tomorrow. 12Vic PRINTED WASH GOODS, including Batistes, Voiles and Dot ted Swisses; 28 and 30 in. wide, in large variety of striped, figured and ^dotted designs and many different colors. Special _ value tomorrow, a yard. (Q) only 25c WHITE EMBROIDERED DOTTED SWISS; 2S in. wide, in *sewed dots: just 30 pieces have arrived, and tomorrow it is marked very special, a j| yard Main Floor?Eighth Street Annex ? Wash Goods. (?r \ Take With You One of These Parasol. Worth LTp to $4.00. Just the best kind of Parasol for outing use and to use there after. Covers of all-silk tatleta and pongee, with dresden ribbon borders and inserting: black-and-white effects, all-over dresdens. plain colors that are most in demand. Made with 10 gilt ribs and the new long pear-shape handle. Also the popular bell, dome and canopy top effects. Parasols that will offer protection from the sun s rays and also improve your general appearance. ?Main Floor?Bargain Tables. ) Boys9 Serge $6.50 Values ^ for No suit s<< cool?no suit so nice looking as one of blue sei?t for the young boy. Tomorrow we offer All-wool Blue Serg*. Suit* in the popular Norfolk style; sizfS 7 to IS. ut *4.!'8. Well made and well litting; full cut pes pants: lined and taped BOYS' PLAY SI'ITS. including Cowboy, Indian and (Ti\Q ? Base Ball styles; complete with accessories: sizes 4 to 1- Jr ? ^ vears; $1.30 values. Special at BOYS' BATHING St"ITS, of blue jersey, with white ?> * /fjj/ff, or red trimming. Special value at ^ BOYS' KlIAKI PANTS, well made; sizes ? to 17; a ^ 75c values. Tomorrow, special at Third Floor?Boys' Clothing. / I I 12 to 1 P.M. Tailored Wash Waists Worth Up to $2, 5 to 6 P.M. Any Wash Waist Worth Up to $4, W hile shopping Thursday , step into our Millinery Parlors and see these charming White 1 rimmed Hats at $3.95. They are especially made np for tomorrow's buyers. No two alike, and there is every style that is fashionable with the new soft maline or chiffon trimming, white wings, rosebud wreaths and other flowers arranged artistically. You will be delighted at these we know. A live dollar bill never bought better?vet tomorrow your choice at $3.95. PANAMA HATS, the new large and small shapes men's blocks, at prices ranging $2.95, $3.95. $4.9;. Second Floor?Millinerv Section. Irresistibly Low Priced, } Lawn House Dresses $2.00 Values. Beautiful and cool Lawn House Dresses in dainty floral designs and colors of pink, blue and lavender with trimming of embroidery; also Tan Linen, House Drt ases. with yoke and black-and-white str ped collar and cuffs. While termed House Dresses?yet these are very suitable for outing wear. The price?is a very low one. "Lansburgh's Special" Corset for i $1.00 Values. A very cool wearing corset and one that is comfortable, too. Made of light-wefght ba tiste. medium bust, long over the hips complete with garter extensions. It is a corset made expressly to our order, and embodies the best points of Si.00 corsets, yet is specialized at 69c. j}Uy one to wear on the out "Jjain Floor?Bargain Tables. ! $1.25 Silk <J Hosiery " Splendid Silk Stockings, at the very low price tomorrow of 73c a pair. Choice of black, white and all colors. Lisle foot and garter top?balance of fine quality silk. Good $1.25 value for 73c. CHILDREN'S FANCY SOCKS; many different color com binations. 25c quality. Tomorrow, a pair, only... W OMEN'S GAl'ZC LISLE STOCKINGS, with double heel and toe; garter welt. Spe cial value?3 pairs for $1 a pair ................. Main Floor?Hosiery Section. Holiday Ties for Men, i 15c Jewelry For Outing W ear. GERMAN SILVER VANITIES: new hexagon shape: fitted also same style in /*> ?< ^ /Th gold plated. $2.oO &li0Oy vfllup for. ,...., ENAMEL SLIPPER BUCKLES; oval or square shapes: different styles. Special value at. a pair SAUTOIR WATCH CHAINS. Special value at 79c ;oc The great "tie chance" or the sea \ 08on. and right before a holiday, when { they are so much in demand. Made of silk bengaline?the silk that "slips through" the collar band wltli ) out "tugging" at it. Reversible, and ; 40 inches long. ) They are the proper four-in-hand ^ shape. Embroideries Go Down in Price. Two lots, and both will appeal strongly to you. 27-in. SWISS EMBROIDERY FLOCNCINGS. in showy designs. Good 89c values. ^ Choice, tomorrow, a yard. Jj, |l iC only 1 lo 2 in. EMBROIDERIES?in sertings only. Worth up to 20c a yard. Desirable /-j. patterns. Choice tomorrow, y) a yard