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BUYING EXTENDS TO ALL CLASSES Advance Causes Better Feel ing Respecting Money and Investment Conditions. ADDITIONAL GAINS FOR THE ACTIVE LIST Steel, Amal. and Union Pacific Reach Best Prices for Present Movement. Bonds Irregular. NEW YORK. July 2T>. Irregularity again characterized opening dealings in stocks today. Canadian Pacific and Na tional Railways of Mexico lirst preferred were off a point, with fractional declines in T'nion Pacitic, Heading. Erie and Steel. New Haven opened at substantial frac tional advances, so or: gaining a full point. \malgamafd Copper, Colorado Fuel and tli. Hock Island issues also displayed Foni* llrmness. Kxcept for partial recovery the more i prominent issues and gains of I to 31 points in such specialties as Great North ern Ore. American lee and National Enamel preferred, no changes of note oc curred in the* lirst hour. Chesapeake and Ohio manifested sonic selling pressure. In keeping with its recent course, today s market showed considerable early irregu larity. leading issues Inclining lower, while specialties and minor shares were up 1 to S points. Overnight News Mixed. | Overnight news was of a mixed char acter. including information of a more definite anti-trust policy by "Washington and lower London prices for our stocks. This was offset by a rise in French bonds, a favorable statement by the Ger man banks and strength in foreign cop pers. Before noon, however, the local market turned strong. New Haven rising almost four points, with best j rices for the pres ent movement in Steel. Amalgamated and i'uion Pacific. Government bonus were irregular. The forenoon advance caused a better let ling inspecting money and investment conditions. Specialties in the Risa. Buyii.g extended to all classes of stocks, including those recently scrutinized in hank loans. Additional gains of half to a point were made in the active list, while specialties were up I to j?oints. llarriman stocks ligured conspicuously on the later rise, the excellent June earn ing of 1'nion Pacific inducing increased buying of that stock. In other quarters the advance was also significant, coppers, ste.-l and coalers ruling materially over yesterday's closing tigures. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. CHICAGO. CHICAGO. July 23.?Better weather conditions in western Europe and in Russiu caused the wheat market today to develop weakuess. as tending to leasen chances for export business from this side. The bears had an advantage also in the continued favorable outlook for the spring crop both sides of the Canadian line. Opening prices were un changed to half lower. September, which started at 869?a8C% to 87, a shade to >4 off, fell to Huge Argentine shipments and the favoring weather pulled down corn. Sep tember opened a sixteenth to 1?aI4 lower vt 62*? to and dropped to 61V Oats declined with corn under free selling. September started the same as last night to off at U>lg to 40?-?, and sagged to G,J5?ao9*4. Lower prices for hogs made provisions heavy. First sales were 2*4 to 10 lower, with September options as follows: Pork. 21.37H: lard. 11.8U: ribs, 11.80. NSW YORK. \'EW YORK. July 25.?Flour?Steady, fair demand: winter straights, new, 4.H0 aim Favorable crop and weather news from the* southwest and easier cables caused moderate decline in wheat, September, iM ti-ie. Pork?Firm. Beef?Steady. I>ard?Firm; middle west. ll.S0a11.90. Raw sugar?Firm; muscovado. 3.07; cen trifugal, 3.57; molasses, 2.82; refined steady. Petroleum?Steady. Molasses?Steady. Hay?Quiet. Leather?Firm. Butter?Irregular: receipts, 12.42ti tubs. Creamery, extras. 26^a27. Cheese-Easy; receipt?, 2,367 boxes. State, whole milk, fresh white, specials, IP*. Eggs?Irregular; receipts. 18.790 cases. Refrigerator seconds, 21a^2; state Penn sylvania and nearby hennery whites, as to size and quality. -'ia.Cl; do., gathered w hites. 23a31; western gathered whites, 20*20; state Pennsylvania and nearby hennery browns. 27aS9; do., gathered brown and mixed colors. 20a2tt. Poultry?Alive. Irregular: western chick broilers. I*; fowls. 16; turkeys, 13. l>'-esw*d. quiet; fresh-killed western chick ? ; _'1.0>; fowls, l?;'aa1'.?; turkeys. 19al9. BALTIMORE. >> ? .a I>i?iNii< b t*? TV* t*?ar. BALTIMORE. July 25.?Wheat? Last*-: ?.pot No. 2 red. 89?*: spot No. 2 r?d western. S3*i; July. N*o. 2 r?*d. *!? August. N<?. 2 r?*d. Scptem ?? r \?*. r*-d. '?0 l* : steamer No. 2 red. ^ !??"*, i e<?ipts. tfl,22'-> bushels: exports. RS.O'jO bushels. southern by sample, 74V2 southern '>11 grade. 85aS9^. 1 orn- Earner: P'?t contract, re ? ?*if?ts ?? 20? bushels; exports, 3.7o2 bu?h*-l?'. Qul?t; standard w hit*^ 44a?a46: No .: whit**, 9#1?a44'/=; receipts, 5,430 bushel)*. Itv ?? Ea>:*r; No. *j western export, G?5^j .???>7; ree. ij ts, l .'.'i ousbels. Ha: Firm; No. I timothy, unchanged;! No. 1 elo\er mixed, unchanged. ??rain fr?-i?ht?. Steady; steam to IJver P?.ot, per bushel, unchanged; Cork for orders, *r quarter, unchanged. LIVERPOOL. LIVK1?P?K?L. July 2.V?Wheat-Spot xtfuiy; N<?. 1 Manitoba. 7s J?^d; No. 2, 7s ?Vjd. No. 7s 3*td: futures easy; July, 7' ."?l*d; (x*tober. 7s 3V?d; l??*cember, 7s ii7Vl f'on, -spot quiet. American mixed, new. l;i.n dried, .*? 4'*d. American mixed, old, j ? do., via Galveston, Js si; futures easy; ; ?*pt?mber (La Plata), 4s lu-vl; October ? La Plata;, 4s llv?d. { FOREIGN BANKS. July 2S.?Trading was dull off in* i?ours< today. Three |? r cent rentes, S4 francs 0u ? ? ntiiP".; for the account. f*.*? htng.- on 1<ondon, 15o francs '?> cen l.tues for checks. I'rl". ate discount rate, 3S4 per cent. MERLIN. July 20.?Trading was quiet ?? d ,?rices were rather firm on the bourse t-'Uy. r?.? weekly ?tat? ment of the Imperial l:?nk of Germany shows the following < <i?ng*s ''a*b in hand, increased, ll.7S9.000 it.ark#. l?oat>?. decreased, 13,74?.00u marks. I >l?s o'jnt.*, d?*crea*ed. 106.377,OOu marks. Treasury bills, decreased, 10.797,000 i/? arks. Notes li circulation, decreased, 107, ?.iO.'ssi marks. Deposit". Increased. 17.tiSl.000 marks. ioid in hand. Increased. 17,740^000 mark*. Hs'-hange on I^ondou. 2U marks 4?> pfen nigs for che' ks. Money, _'Via3 P?t cent. Private dl*to?at rate, 4-;i per cent. % WEEKLY RANGE OF PRICES. Washington Stock Exchange. AMOUNT. BONDS. $3,300 Washington Gas 5s 3,000 Capital Traction 5a 13,500 Washington Rwy. & Elec. 4s. 2.0O0 Potomac Electric cons. 5s.... $iI4,000?Total amount of bonds. SHARKS. STOCKS. 131 Capital Traction 125 Washington Rwy. & Elec. com 137 Washington Rwy. & Elcc. pfd 045 Washington Gas ::o Mergenthaler 45 T-anston jo Farmers & Mechanics* National Bank. H American Security & Trust 1 o T'nited States Trust 5 Continental Trust Open. 107i4 100 82-i 100 1187* 00 37Vs 00 213 70 250 303 135 1154 High. 1U7U w? 83 100 118'* iK>\2 88 00 213 70 250 135 1154 Low. 107 100 82*4 99% 118*? 00 87^, 844 213 70 250 30i? 135 1154 1184 00^ 88 85 213 70 250 307% 135 1154 1,144?Total shares of stocks. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET, Receive* toy private wire direct to 924 435* 374 664 374 224 0 31 8 t-34 100! i 159 1104 1154 1274 219 234 25? a 9S4 974 119 42 CS 344 714 874 184 47 217*s 244 924 The Star Office. Opon. i. Amalgamated Copper #94 Amrr.Peet Sugar com 23 American Cai co to.. . o3 American Can pfd.... Am.Caret Fdy-oom.. Amer.Ci ties com...:. Amer.Cities pfd Am.Cotton Oil c j b .. American Ice Amcr.Lirseed com... Am.Locomotive? j n. American Malt com.. Am-Smch .i Ref.wat Am-Sm ltef.pfd.... American Snuff com.. American Sugar com. Amc! ican Sugar pfd.. Amer.Tele.iS: Tetej... Amer.Tobaococom... Am. Writing Paper... Anaconda Copper.... At.,T.& Santa F.con!. At^T Ja Sante d. Atlantic Coast Lino.. Paid we Looo^om... Balto. & Ohio com.... Petblehem Steel can. Pet alehem Stetel pfd.. Brooklyn Rap. IVaa.. California Oil com.... California Oil pfd.... Canadian Pacific Cen'ral Leather co "a. Central Leather pfd.. Chesapeake it Ohij.. Cbi.&GreatW'n com. Cbi.4 Gr.West pfd.. C..MU.& St.Pau! com. ( birafofc Northw'n. Chino Copper 374 CohFuel k Iron com. 314 Col. Southern com... Con?o!.Ga?,N.Y Ccrr. Products com... Delaware k Hudson. Distillers* Securities.. Erie RJ?.com Erie First Preferred.. Erie Railroad 2d pfd. Central Electrio..... G< odrich con 3l?? Great Northern pfd.. 1243'a Great Northern Ora.. Gug'nh'm Expior.Oo. Hide k Leather pfd.. Illinois Centra! Inspiration Coppar... Inter boro-Mebvrja. interboro-Metro.pi 1. Kan.City Sou-oom... Kan.City Sou. pfd.... Lehigh Valley Louisville k Nashville Mackay Mexican Petroieax.. Miami Copper MinneA St.Lcom... 16 Mmne.?StX.pfd... 40 M^a^tS&M.oom. 1254 M.,St,PutS^.M.pfd.. 142 Mo^Ku>*4 Ttexo ji. 22} 2 Miscouri Pacific N ational Biscuit com. NaLEnam. k Stcom. N&t-Enam- k St- pii National Lead com... NaLRwy&of MexJd. NatHwywrf Mex. 1st N evada Gcn-Copper.. Hiffk. 704 26 31 914 444 374 ?64 384 234 94 r,2 8 f4*s 1004 159 111 U54 1274 2224 234 b)w. 694 254 324 924 43?* 374 66? s 37.4 224 9 31 144 294 1054 129 314 1314 103'g 1554 14 2=4 414 34 14C4 34 444 224 1134 154 154 274 594 1494 133 76 57 S9 98 120 43 684 Z4'i TIM 884 194 49 2184 244 924 544 144 294 1(54 1294 374 324 314 132=*^ 104 156 14 274 424 34 1404 314 1254 354 444 224 1134 154 164 594 274 594 1504 1344 76 584 23 164 404 1274 142 524 324 1164 134 78 494 11 35 164 8 134 1004 159 1104 1154 1264 219 234 354 984 974 119 43 974 344 714 87.4 18 47 2164 244 924 534 144 294 1054 129 374 314 314 1314 104 1554 14 164 414 34 1405 s 314 1244 334 444 224 1134 154 15?i ?8?a 27 (94 149 133 76 57 224 16 40 1254 142 "214 324 1164 134 78 494 11 35 164 63 984 1C04 1054 1084 30 1134 184 (3 24 26 18 1604 25 174 284 16>8 40 174 404 924 234 784 N.Y-Air Brake t3 New York Jentrai... 984 N.Y.,NJI.&Hartfori. 101 Norfolk <k Wester a... 10^4 Northern I'acifti.... 1(84 Pacific Tele-A Teloj.. 3J 1 cnna..iailroad 1134 Pittsburgh Coal com. 184 Pittsburgh Coal pfd.. (3 QnickstlverMinxoai. 24' hailway StSpaom.. 26 l.ay LonsoLCoppar.. 18 Reading Hail way.... 1614 Lep.lrcn&Steel com. 25 Lock Island oo a.? 174 Rock Island pfd 284 humley com 164 Lumley pfd. 40 Seaboard Air Lcom.. 174 ieatcardAir Lpfd.. 404 hcuthers Pacific..... 924 fccvtieni Rwy.oom.. 234 Southern Railway pf J 784 fct.L.& San Fr. corn. 5 it .LA fcan.Fr.2d M i 6.4 fc I uduhaker 214 TennesseeCopper.... 294 lexa3Company.... iw4 'lauxic Pacific. 154 'ihiru Ave-Elevitad.. 36.4 Toledo^. L.i l(fii Toledo^t.LAW.ptJ.. 224 I' ndenv'd Typr. com. 86 liuGti iacid; co a... 14*4 Inion Pacific pfd U L nited 2( 4 Imted Ry.lnv.pfj... 374 I'&Cast Ir.Pipe com. 124 U&Cadt Ir.Pipe pfd. 484 tirjiubbercjoj (04 l-SJvubber lst.pfi.. 14 l^^teeluo-n 514 l^teel pfi. 1064 I la~ copper 46 \ fc.-Car.Cbemxom.. 264 Vulcan Detinningpfd. 50 biUNiaryland com. h ettern I Oa'.'D V Llac... Wisconsin ootworta F.W ?>m. Es Dividend Today. .Amalgamated Copper Company, 14. Call Money 24 24 l?i Hourly Sale* of Stock* Today. ila-m., 105^00 12 196,500 1PML, 256,400 2 pm, 337,5 X) SEW lORK BONDS. Open. 1 Atchison4a I960.....' 98 ! Atchison eon. 4e 944 i Atchison eon. 5? 994 | BalUufc Ohio gen.43.. 894 I Brooklyn R.'f.coa.4j. 874 ChLBur.4(iuiney43. 944 ChkJLI. k Pwsfio 4a. 574 later.-Metro.443.... 76 High. I aw. C1?M. 984 98 984 95 .944 95 994 994 994 99 894 90 ES 874 88 944 944 944 684 574 584 76H 754 76 BOXDS (Co>tlHed). Open. High. Low. Clo*?. Norfolk & Western 4s 92?i 92H 92* ? 92% Northern Pacific4s... 94 94 94 94 Fa.consol.32 aa 1915.. 96JS 96' i 96H 96Vg Reading 4e 94>i 94>s 94 Js 94lg Southern Raik-ay 4s. 73 V4 73}* 73>* 7334 Southern Railway 5s. 102H 102,'s lOS^'s 102H Union Pacific con. 4s. 95"' a PG5-8 S5f'g 955? U^. Steel 2d 5s. 99H 993-i Wi 99^ LOCAL FINANCIAL NEWS. Business was well distributed through the list nt the noon meeting to day of the Washington Stock Exchange, hut the volume of trading w^is compara tively small. ' Washington Gas. the market leader in so many reccnt days, was held at about the same levels which obtained yesterday, and the character of the trading also was practically the same. Altogether there were sold 167 shares of Gas stock, on a range between 84% and S5. Other local public utility se curities. both stocks and bonds, were in light demand, but in all of the transac tions recorded there were no material changes in the quotations. Capital Traction sold in one quota tion lot of twenty-live shares at 118%. while the upward trend of the stock was Indicated when a broker, with an order for ten shares, was required to pay 119 for it. One quotation lot each of the preferred and common stock of the Washington Railway and Electric Company were sold, the former at 88 and the latter at 90%. Washington Hallway and Electric 4 per cent bonds sold to the extent of $6,000, at 82%. The review of the business of the week nt the close of the stock exchange to day showed that Washington Gas fur nished considerably more than one-half of the total business of the week. Al together there were sold 645 shares of this security, and the downward trend after the flurry of a week ago, was "em phasized In the ^ummary, which showed that the prices quoted at the opening Monday ranged around *00 per share, while the last sale today was at the level of 84%. At the regular meeting yesterday of the board of directors of the Lincoln National Hank Albert 8. Gatley was elected a member ui the board. The Fidelity Storage Company, 1420 U street northwest, has just paid It* four teenth semi-annual dividend of 3% per cent to stockholders of record July 1. The Equitable Life Insurance Company has declared its regular semi-annual divi dend of 3 per cent, to be paid August 1. Washington Stdbk Exchange. Sales? Regular call, 12 o'clock noon: Washington Qas 5s. $2,000 at 107. Capital Traction 3s. $500 at lo8%. Washington Railway and Electric 4s, $1,000 at 8:34. H.OOO at $1,000 at 82!*, $1,000 at fttji, $1,000 at S2?4. $1,000 at X2*i, *5o0 at 81. Potomac Conn, 5s, $1,(100 at OlHj. Capital Traction. 25 at 118%. lo at 119. Washington Railway and Electric com., 25 at 90%. Washington Railway and Electric pfil., 25 at 88. Washington Gas, 25 at 84%. 25 at 84%, 25 at 84%. IT at 85, 25 at 84*?, 25 at 85, 23 at 85. Farmers and Mechanics' National Bank, 10 at 250. After call?Lanston. 20 at 79. Continental Trust, 5 at 115%. GOVERNMENT BONDS. B.u. Asked. L. 8. registered 2s 9f>% *Hi% U. 8. coupon 2k ??% j#;% U. S. registered 3? 101% 102*L U. H. coupon 3s 101% 102K L\ 8. registered 4* 100% 111% U. 8. coupon 4s 109% 111% GAS BONDS. Georgetown Gas r?s 107 Washington Gat 6s 107 I07*i RAILROAD BONDS. Capital Traction 5s 108% 10?>% Columbia 5s 9JH?i lOl Columbia 0s loo 102 Washington Rwy. and Elec. 4s 82?i 83% MISCELLANEOUS BONDS. Potomac Electric Cons. 5s 99% 100 I'otomac Electric Light 5? 105 Chesapeake and Potomac Tel. 6s.. 10o American Tel. and Teiga. 4s 95 American Tel. und Telga. 4%s 95 PUBLIC UT1L1T* STOCKS. Capital Traction 118 118% Washington Rwy. and Elec. com.. 'JO 91 Washington Rwy. and EW-c. pfd... 88 88% Norfolk and Wash. Steamboat 19J 205 Washington Gaa *81% 85% Eastern Light and Fuel Ill American Tel. and Telga 120 TYPE MACHINE STOCKS. Mergentbaler Linotype 212 213 Lanston Monotype 78% 79 MINING STOCK. Greene-Cananea 0 7 NATIONAL BANK STOCKS. Ameriean 198 175 Capital 215 Columbia 250 Commercial 105 1308 District 145 149 Federal 135 130 Lincoln 150 Metropolitan 195 200 Rigys 570 National Bank of Washington 245 2(j0 TRUST COMPANY STOCKS. American Security and Trust 29U National Savings and Trust *200 270 Uulou Trust *135 Washington Loan and Trust *22> 230 United States Trust 134 lfi0 Continental Trust 114% 116 SAVINGS BANK STOCKS. Citizens 17 Home 375 Union 240 ..... Bank of Commerce and Savings... 13 17 East Washington 10 17 FIRE INSURANCE STOCKS. Arlington 13% 13% Corcoran Mi Firemen's 1:j 22 German-American 200 National Unlou 0 TITLE INSURANCE STOCKS. Columbia 0% 7% MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Ckapln-Sacks 100 220 D. C. Paper Mfg. Co 134 (Jrapbophone com 50 Hraphopbone pfd 80 Security Storage 200 220 Washington Market 17% ?Ex dividend. NEW PACIFIC NAVAL BASE. Daniels Says It Will Be Needed for the Atlantic Fleet. SAN FRANCISCO, July 25.?"After the Panama canal is opened the battleship fleet of the American navy will be as much in the Pacific ocean as in the At lantic." This was the declaration here today of Secretary Daniels of the Navy Depart ment on his arrival from Los Angeles. "The fleet probably will pass through the canal next April," continued the Sec retary, "and, of course, its presence in these waters will mean the establishment of a naval base, with dry docks and all the other apparatus for the maintenance of a fleet. "I am here to examine the sites sug gested for a dry dock on San Francisco bay. My thought is to get a comprehen sive idea of the topography, so that when the reports of the experts are submitted later I shall be able to read them Intel ligently." Killed When Auto Overturns. DECATUR, 111., July 25.-Stephen Keel ing. aged twenty-two, of Fort Scott, Kan., was killed and tils brother Keith, aged fifteen, was badly injured when an automobile driven by the boys' father overturned ten miles east of Maroa, 111., today. The Keeling family, consisting of parents and four children, was touring from Fort Scott to Indianapolis. WEATHER Fair, Continued Cool Tonight; Sat urday Fair, Wanner. For the District of Columbia and Maryland, fair, continued cool tonight; Saturday fair; slightly warmer; light to moderate north to east winds. For Virginia, fair, continued cool to night. Saturday fair; slightly warmer, light to moderate north to northeast winds. Thunderstorms occurred generally in thte Atlantic and gulf states, the east ern lower lake region and the Ohio valley and locally in the extreme cen tral west. Over the remainder of the country the weather was fair. Temperatures have fallen from the upper Mississippi valley eastward and in the extreme west, and- they are mod erate over all portions of the country. Local thunderstorms will continue in the south Atlantic and east gulf states, while in New England, the middle At lantic states, the lower lake region and the Ohio valley the weather will be fair tonight and Saturday. In the up per lake region fair weather tonight will be followed by local showers Sat urday or Saturday night. Temperatures will rise in the interior districts during Saturday, and will re main moderate in the coast sections. The winds along the New England and middle Atlantic coasts will be mod erate northwest and north; on the south Atlantic coast light to moderate west, except variable on the Florida coast: on the east gulf coast light va riable. Records for Twenty-Four Hours. The following were the readings of the thermometer and barometer at the weather bureau for the twenty-four hours beginning at 2 p.m. yesterday: Thermometer?Yesterday, i p.m., 83; S p.m., 72; 12 midnight. 72; today, 4 a.m., MB; 8 a.m., 70; 12 noon, 77; 2 p.m., 79. Maximum. 83, at 4 p.m. yesterday; mini mum, 67, at 0:90 a.m. today. Temperature same date last year?Max imum, 80; minimum, 62. Barometer?Yesterday, 4 p.m., 29.85; 8 p.m., 20.01; 12 midnight, 20.98; today, 4 a.m., 29.98; 8 a.m., 30.08: 12 noon, 30.09; 2 p.m., 30.08. Condition of the Water. Temperature and condition of water at 8 a.m.: Great Falls?Temperature, 79; condition, 9. Dalecarlia reservoir Temperature, 80; condition at north connection, 10; condition at south con nection, 11. Tide Tables. Today?Low tide, 7:12 and 7:15 p.m.; high tide, 12:33 a.m. and 12:52 p.m. Tomorrow?Low tide, 8 a.m. and 7:57 p.m.; high tide, 1:18 a.m. and 1:35 p.m. The Sun and Moon. Today?Sun rose'4:54 a.m.; sun sets 7:18 p.m. Tomorrow?Sun rises 4:55 a.m. Moon rises 10:49 p.m. The City Lights. Public electric arc and electric incan descent lamps are lighted fifteen min utes after sunset and extinguished forty-five minutes before sunrise, pub lic gas lamps lighted twenty minutes after sunset and extinguished forty minutes before sunrise. Naphtha light ing service has been discontinued. Weather Conditions in Other Cities. C Temperature. 5" ?"3 i 35 5? ? State of Station. 3 ??* S"" 'r1 5 So.3 ? ? ? Abilene 30.02 102 68 0.24 Clear Albany 29.94 72 ?2 0.20 Clear Atlantic City. 30.00 7H 68 0.08 P. dandy Bismarck ...29.84 S2 58 .... Cloudy Boston 20.84 84 66 o.22 Clear Buffalo 80.12 72 ."2 0.20 Clear Charleston ..30.10 00 76 .... Clear Chicago 30.18 C8 02 P. cloudy Cincinnati .. :?.16 P0 00 0.38 Clear Cleveland ... 30.18 72 04 .... Clear Denver 29.06 74 0.04 Clear Detroit 30.22 74 W Clear (lalveston ... 30.OU 80 80 .... Clear Helena 2?.W) 84 54 Clear Jacksonville.. 30.14 M0 74 Clear Kansas City.. 30.04 30 66 .... P. cloud/ Lo* Angeles.. 30.416 74 60 Cloudy Louisville ... 30.14 74 CO 0.48 Clear New Orleans. 00.10 80 74 0.10 Clear New York.... 29.00 82 C4 0.3U Clear Oklahoma ... 29.W4 88 72 Cloudy Philadelphia.. 20.02 90 08 1.40 Clear Pittsburgh ..30.18 70 50 0.56 Clear Portland. Me. 29.82 70 04 O.02 Clear Portland,Ore. 30.00 84 62 Cloudy Halt Lake C.. 29.90 82 60 P. cloudy Bau Dlejo ...30.04 72 60 Clear N. Francisco.. 30.04 64 58 .... Cloudy St. Lonl* .... 30.12 8? 64 P. cloudy St. Paul 30.10 72 54 .... Cloudy Up-Biver Waters. Special Dispatch to The Star. HARPERS FERRY. W. Va., July 25,? Potomac river clear and Shenandoah muddy this morning. COTTON MARKETS. NEW YORK NEW YORK, July 25.?As today's weather map and private advices all tended to confirm rumors about rains in the western belt, including Texas, the local cotton market had a barely steady opening with prices 5 to 11 points lower. With a low barometer over Arkansas, Oklahoma and the west, further rains were expected, but as the market was considerably over-sold a later covering movement advanced prices 3 to 5 points above the opening level. Futures opened barely steady; July, 11.80; August. 11.56; September, 11.37; October, 11.24; December, 11.17; January, 11.10; February, 11.15; March, 11.21; May, 11.21. The market continued steady later in the forenoon on trade buying and a de mand for August from Liverpool inter ests. but turned weak again toward noon on the official forecast of further show ers in the southwest and detailed reports of rain, reacting back to about opening levels. Estimated receipts today, 3,000 bales. NEW ORLEANS. NEW ORLEANS, July 25.?Colton fu tures opened steady, two points down to four points up. Cables were about, as due, but the weather map showed rains over the larger part of the belt, even extending into Texas, which prompted some little selling. In the early trading prices were four points under yesterday's close, but this de cline was not maintained, in spite of the forecast for showers for all parts of the belt except west Texas. Buying increased on the decline, ap parently being for both accounts, and at the end of the first half hour of business prices were unchanged to one point down, compared with yesterday's last figures on the new crops, and eight up on August. Futures opened steady; July. 11.50 bid; August, 11.56 bid; September, 11.33a 11.35; October, ll.S0all.31; December, 11.29 asked; January. ll.30all.31; March, ll.40all.41. The market fell off again around the middle of the morning on selling for short account, encouraged by tele grams from a number of points in Texas stating that the showers of yes terday and last night had greatly Im proved the outlook. Bulls pointed out. however, that only a small part of Texas has experienced rain. At the lowest the trading months were 4 to 8 points under yesterday's final figures. Selling pressure was not long continued, and at noon the mar ket was quiet and steady, 3 to 4 points under yesterday's close. LIVERPOOL. LIVERPOOL, July 25.-Cotton?8pot, business: Prices easier: middling, fair. 7 21; Kood middling, 6.89; middling. 8??d ordinary. 5.93; ordinary, 5.80. Sales, 10,000 bales, Including 9,000 -merican, and 1,000 for ?peculation and export. Receipts, 4.100 bales, all American. Futures closed quiet and steady; July, 6.32%; July-August, 6.32%; August-September. 6.24%; Sep tember-October, 6.13%; October-Novem ber. 0.00; November-December, 6.04%; December-January e.04%; January-Feb ruary. 'ebruary-March. 6.06; March-April, 6.07; April-May, 6.08; May June. <UJ9%: June-July. 6.00%. The following are the weekly cotton statistics: Imports. au k|nd8f r,4t000 bales; Imports, American, 18 000- stock, all kinds, 702,000; stock. American 600 - 000'? A?eriforwarded, total exports, 11,100. THE COURTS. District Supreme Court. EQlLi'Y COURT-Juatice Gould. WaJer agt. Waler; appearance of ab sent defendant ordered; plaintiffs at torney, James B. Green. Robey a (ft. Shoomaker; decree pro con fesso; plaintiff's attorneys, S. McComas Hawken and George F. Havell. Parkinson agt. Parkinson; rule return able August 1 and writ of ne exeat or dered to issue; petitioner's attorney, R. E. Mattlngly. Porter agt. Porter; proof ordered taken before Margaret M. Murray, examiner, and A. Coulter Wells appointed to de fend; plaintiff's attorney, C. M. Fulton. Carey agt. Dolly Madison Candy Com pany; 'bill dismissed by argreement; plaintiff's attorneys. T. X. Baker and W. A. Johnston; defendant's attorney, George Francis Williams. Darrell agt. Darrell; hearing on motion continued to August 4. Balderston agt. Willige; reference to audiior; plaintiff's attorneys, W. C. Bal derston and E. A. Jones. Brown agt. Miller: time to file tran script extended to September 30; plain tiff's attorney, C. H. Cragin and J. J. Darlington; defendant's attorney, J. 8. Easby-Smith. Skinner agt. Root; guardian ad litem appointed; plaintiff's attorney, C. H. Tur ner; defendant's attorney, J. B. Lamer. Johnson agt. Richards; rule returnable July 30; plaintiff's attorneys, W. J. Lam bert and R. H. Yeatman. Killian agt. Killlan; reference to exam iner; plaintiff's attorney. W. E. Ambrose; defendant's attorney, Leon Tobriner. In re assignment of Herbert Van Ness; order to sell assets; attorney, W. E. Les ter. Ray agt. Garrison; rule returnable Aug ust 5; plaintiff's attorney, R. S. Day. CRIMINAL COURT?Justice Gould. United States agt." Warren E. Talbert. grand larceny; time to settle bill of ex ceptions extended to August 15, and to 111; transcript extended to September 1; attorney, J. A. O'Shea. United States agt. ?Henry M. Wallace, alias Thornton, forgery and false pre tenses; plea guilty; sentenced to peni tentiary for eighteen months; attorney, M. E. O'Brien. United States agt. Philip R. Terry, non support; plea guilty; sentenced to jail for eleven months and twenty-nine days; placed on probation; attorney, W. A. Johnston. BANKRUPTCY COURT?Justice Gould. In re John Saadi; discharge ordered. PROBATE COURT-Justice Gould. Estate of William R. Ramsay; will dated September 23, 1007, filed. In re Helen M. B. Sacher; interested parties ordered to prove claims; attorney. J. S. Easby-Smith. Estate of William II. Simmons; letters of administration granted to Thomas F. Mitchell; bond, $r?0u; attorney. F. Edward Mitchell. Estate of Mary E. Wiggins; letters of administration granted to Joseph St. Clair Wiggins; bond, |u00; attorney, W. G. Henderson. Estate of Lawrence Cavanaugh; order to reimburse administratrix; attorney, J. E. Padgett. Estate of Raleigh H. Moler; petition to sell partnership interest filed; attorney, R. E. Mattlngly. Estate of William P. Saville; will dated August 16. J904, filed. Estate of Harrison W. Huguley; exem plified copy of will filed. ARMY?NAVY. Army Orders. ? Quartermaster corps, will proceed to the Front Royal remount depot, Front Royal, Va.. on official business pertaining to the Quar termaster Corps. LieUt Walter w- Merrill, 3d Field Artillery, will proceed to Peoria, 111., and assume charge of th? recruiting station at that place. Leave of absence for two months on surgeon's certificate of disability is grant ed Pay Clerk Edgar C. Campbell, Quar termaster Corps. wnf ,Card' Me<?eal Corps, J ' Z1,JSew York city for the purpose Pw Vi eye reffaction. ? George H. Paine, Field r^ultin8: offlcer, will proceed to Sparta, Wis., for duty. Capt. Frederick B. Shaw, 8th Infantrv Is relieved from treatment at the Letter sin" "I Hospital, the Presidio of San Francisco. Cal., and will proceed to the hospital at Fort Bayard, N. M., for observation and treatment By direction of the President, and upon the application of First Sergt. Charlie A. dl^r w-ni V??? F-7th Cavalry, that sol dier will be placed upon the retired list. ?.mapt Sarauel A. Price, 23d Infantry, will report to an army retiring board at lexas City, Tex., for examination. Lieut. Col. Tyree R. Rivers, 13th Cav alry, will proceed to Winchester, Va., and report to the commanding officer of the cavalry Cainp at that place for duty. Capt. William D. A. Anderson, Corps of Engineers, at Selinsgrovc, Pa, will pro ceed to Camp Perry, Ohio, for duty tis inspector-instructor with the Battalion of Engineers, Ohio National Guard. By direction of the President, and upon t eJ*I??,lcatlon of Q- M Sergt- Patrick J. McManus, Quartermaster Corps, that soldier will be placed upon the retired list. First Lieut. Nicholas W. Campanole, 1st Infantry, is transferred to the 2d Infantry. Capt. Allan- L. Brlggs, 26th Infantry, will proceed to Fort Niagara, N. Y., for preliminary target practice, and thence to Camp Perry, Ohio, for duty at the national and international matches. Lieut.. Col. John W. Joyes, ordnance department, will report to the command ing general, western department, forduty as department ordnance officer, relieving Lieut. Col. Colden L'H. Ruggles, ord nance department, of that duty Capt. Harry T. Matthews, Coast Artil lery Corps, is detailed for service in the Quartermaster Corps, vice Capt. Charles L. J. Froliwitter, relieved. Capt. Mat thews will proceed to Fort Warren Mass., for duty. ' Leave of absence to September 1. 1913, is granted Maj. Tlemann X. Horn. 2d Field Artillery. ' "a Naval Orders. Lieut. J. A. Campbell, from Annapolis to treatment Naval Hospital, Washing ton, D. C. Lieut. \\, A. Sniead, to Annapolis as executive officer and navigator. Passed Assistant Surgeon S. L. Hig gins, from Naval Hospital, New York, to Arkansas. Passed Assistant Surgeon H. L. Dol lard, from Arkansas to treatment Naval Hospital. New York, N. Y. Assistant Surgeon x>. C. Walton, to Naval Hospital, New York, N. Y. Assistant Surgeon C. li. Cam erer, from ?outh Dakota to temporary duty at V\ aslilngton, D. C. Paymaster G. C. Schafer, from Mon tana jto home; wait '-rders. Pa> niancr Chaiies Morris, from navy yard. New York, to Montana. master Clerk im. oisbrow, to, Hancock. ! *?t> master Clerk F. W. Jepson, an pointuutit revokea. Commissions have been issued to the I 7m nametl Officers: Rear Admiral I Clifford J. House-h, irom March 26. I?i3: Capt. George W. Logan, Capt. G. F. ! Cooper, Commander F. B. Upham. Com- i mander C. C. Fewel, Lieut. Commander n* ' i Lieut. Commander C. R. Train, Lieut, commander H. W. Oster ?l /V' P.' Clarke- Lieut. E. D. Washburn, Jr., Lieut. (J. a.) Francis Cogswell. Lieut (J. a.) S. M. La ^eUt? E' W' Strother, Sj- _?A- S. Carpender, L#i6Ut. (J. Q.) L. J. Poy. Lieut (J G.) F. W Rockwell, Passed Assist ant Surgeon J. A. Bass. Passed Assist ant Surgeon G. E. Thomas, Assistant Mftn? w w M wH11b, Assistant Sur ?a ' Har*rave, M. R. c.; As sistant Surgeon V. C. Clark. M. R. C.; Assistant 8urgeon G. W. Calver, M. R. C.; Assistant Surgeon J. s. Saurman, McKay Chief Carpenter F. G. Naval Movements. The Cincinnati has arrived at Siak wan, the Justin at Topolobampo, the Barney at Annapolis and the Maryland at \ aides, Alaska. "Duke," said the medical man, "you motor, ride horseback and biplane. You never walk Your legs will become atrophied from lack of exercise." "My legs get some exercise, doctor. I kick the servants quite frequently**? Kansas City Journal. FINANCIAL. FINANCIAL. 1 FINANCIAL >,vt :e >.t t/,- ?/,>#' V|/iyf?vt/- A*'.,\* ?>..v#; t t \t/^t Under Supervision of the U. S. Treasury. $ -{ 8th and H Sts. N.E. 436 7th St. S.W. 5 How to Invest a Few Hundred Dollars to the Best Advantage There are a great many people who have saved a few hundred dollars and would like to get a better rate of interest on it than it earns in a Savings Account. Many are tempted to invest it in schemes of one sort and another, too often with the result of losing it. Beware the glowing promises that offer sensational profits! They are seldom fulfilled. If you have a few hundred dollars to invest consult * us. We can tell you of plenty of good, conservative in- gj vestments which will bring you in a reasonable return on your money and where your capital will be safe. | II We open daily at 8 .'30 a.m. $ *1 I W. Home Savings Bank, Seventh Street and Mass. Avenue N.W. jj Branches: Real Estate Transfers, i _____ BRIGHTW1 OOD PARK?Georgei C. Hough et ux. to John A. and Alice V. Bowers, lot 109, Bquare 2997: $10. DOBBINS' ADDITION?Robert O. Kerby et ux. to Robert B. Blundon. lot 8.. blOCk 19# $10. imu BAI'TH. TENTH AND M STREET8 SOLT?* EAST?Washington Loan and Trust Oompanv, trustee, to Dennis Mc Carthy, "part original lot 1, square 95-, NO?l?325 BTH STREET NORTHWEST Amml A. Thomas et ux. to Eliza beth A. Todd, lot 56, square 512, EFFINGHAM plaC?T^Io*??? et ux. to D?nnU McCarthy, lot -6, <? 7ttt.m/A8TL.E HEIGHTS^?ash ington Land and Mortgage Company to L. G. Cherry and P. E. \ ogier, lot 67. square 3388; $1,100. ____ NO. 1200 O STREET Lillian Walters to Ralph D- Qulnter and Albert D. Esher, trustees, part Nok0t.m ^m.oV'REET NORTH WEST?Albert P. Tatspaugh to same, part lots 13 and 14, square O flA * S10 NO." 804 K STREET NORTHWEST Charles W. Huguely et al. to Chrlstos A. Roussos, lot B, square 403; $10. Saphronla Doane to same property; $10. Nellie C. T Huguely et al. to same, same prop NEW^ YORK AVENUE NORTHWEST between 22d and 23d streets Alice \ E. Harwood to Leo A. Craven, lots 33. 34. 35, square 61; $10. ? NO. 1114 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVENLE NORTHWEST?Leo A. Craven to Alice E. Harwood, lot 27, square 71;, CHEVY CHASE?Fulton R Gordon et j ux. to Hulda J. Riffle, lots 31 and j 32, square 1750; $10. NO. 219 EAST CAPITOL STREET SOUTHEAST?Alfred P. Leyburn to Alfred Hlgble, lot 10.- square 760; $10. NOS. 1112, 1114, 1116 25TH STREET NORTHWEST?Richard ?. Wolfe et ux. to Linnaeus 8. Savage, lots 19, 20, 21, square 14; $10. BARRY FARM?Sylvia L. Phillips to Mamie K. Cook, lot <?, square 5861; $10. ALLEY between M and N, Oth and 10th streets northwest?Howard Linton to j Eugene C. >A. Reed, lots 111 to 116, . square 368; $10. NO. 1437 AND 1439 S STREET NORTH WEST?Joseph A. Hayden et al., trus 1 tees, to Herman W. Van 81nden, lota 13 and 14. square 206; $2,265. WOODRIDGE?Edward Zernia et ux. to Frederick J. Crocker, part lot 7, block 15; $150. CHEVY CHASE?Fulton R. Gordon et ux. to William M. Lampton, lots 52 and 53, square 1749; $2,470. NO. 1?3? RHODE ISLAND AVENUE NORTHWEST?Marian Gouverneur to William Crawford Johnson, lot 67, square 182; $10. SAUL'S ADDITION?Eugene E. Thomp son to Alice D. Thompson, lot 30, square 2808; $5. NO- 1"1'4 CEDAR PLACE NORTHWEST ? Edward F. Colladay trustee, to Sa rah E. C. Cooper, lot 3), square 132; WEST HOLMEAD MANOR?Harry Ward man et al. to Bruce P. Whlpp. lot 30, square 2888: $10. Same to I sa belle V. Small, lot 59. square 2689; $10. CLEVELAND PARK?Llllle V. McCul luni to Cathedral Company, lots 77 and 78. square 2065. and lots 40 and H, square 2064; $10. BENNING H EIGHTS?James J. Keane to Philip H. Chrlstman, lot 43, square 508S; $10. BENNING HEIGHTS?Philip H. Christ man to_ Claud Livingston, lot 43, square 5083; $10. EIGHTEENTH STREET AND MASSA CHUSETTS AVENUE SOUTHEAST ?Robert E. Duvall et al. to William T Ballard, trustee, original lot 1, square 1??8; $10. William T. Ballard, trustee, conveys same property to Robert E. Duvall, William W. Duvall and Minnie L. Ash by; $10. THIRTY-THIRD STREET NORTH WEST below M street?Edwin E. Hunter et ux. to Appolonia Hurley, half interest in two parts of lot 37, square 1184; $10. VO 1*22 16TH STREET NORTHWE8T * ?Sarah B. Philp to James T. Philp, lot S9. square 177; $10. I NO. 2100 I STREET NORTHWEST? ' * Catharine W. Bollinger et al. to Richard P. and Anna C. Schleicher, lot ?'6 square 75; $10. Building Permits. Building permits wwere issued today to the following: James Murray, to build a garage in rear of 1512 8th street northwest; build er. E. J- De Lacy; estimated cost, $580. Washington Terminal Company, to re pair Union station; estimated cost, $7,000. C W. King, Jr., to repair dwelling at 1515 17th street northwest; estimated c?v' p^Varriner, to repair building at 10 Rhode Island avenue; estimated cost, Commercial Club, to repair building at 1634 I street northwest; estimated cost, $25,000. NEW YORK CURB PRICES. members OpeQ. Utah. Vow. 1:4ft. Vil ViS 5Ssj??T?:: jp '.r .?? \&w SS&uciU li-io l u*i01 U-1? I ii-i? & I WHAT HAS HE DONE?" y i & |ii r> 3. I ii t ? I Napoleon's Famous Question. The bloodless bnrfhiers l*ttles of tJ?isy -<fi are no less intense than the bloody mlli if tarj fights vin*??J by the sreat Napoleon. J?[ and h'.s IneTltubl* question regarding mvu -% he wished to enipi"T repeated today ij with even jfreater Insistence. "What Has H? Done?" Is a pertinent question?the proper answer throws a great light npon :> ability and character. ir~ 1 ARTHUR COWSILL, ^ "The Builder Who Makes <Jood," HIRES BT'ILDING. 723 15th N.W. irwmwww wwwwmw First Mortgage Notes Sold on Easy Terms. $100 First Mortgage Notes can bo purchased on $5 monthly Install ments. Principal and interest GUARANTEED. CTFull particulars on application. REAL ESTATE TRUST CO., 1414 F St. Phone Main 40SI. 4% on savings U S Savings Bunk 14- &YouStretts We h C ooper.Prcst I I-ONDOX, July 25.?Money was in lirhter demand and discount rates were I maintained today. A somewhat uneasy feeling prevailed on I the stock exchange during the early sts . sion owing to Turkey s occupation ofj Bulgarian territory. Howovrr, the ;tn- 1 nouneement of bettor dividends affected cheerfulness in homo rails and other de- i partments and helped rails to recover re cent declines. Consols were weakened by I ; new issues and kafflrs were idle, but cop- ' i per stocks closed lirm. American securities moved irregularly early. I^ater the list turned weaker, par- ' 1 tlcularly Canadian Pacific, which lost over a point. There was a slight rreov- j ery in the last hour and the market closed steady. London Closing Prices. LONDON, July 25. Consols for money 12% Consols for account 72 15-1U [ Amalgamated Copper 72% Atchison ." Baltimore and Mhlo 100 4 Canadian Pacific 2^;* Chesapeake and Ohio r>V.4 | Chicago Gr?at Western 14 fhleago, Milwaukee and .St. Paul 10HV: De Beers aiHj ] Den*er and Bio Grande llH? I Erl? 27$ I Erie lat pfd 42Vj I Grand Trunk 2.1V* 1 Illinois Central 117 Louisville and Nashville 13??,; Missouri, Kansas and Tesat New York Central lOlu Norfolk and Western 107*4 Ontario and Western .10u Pennsylvania OKy, Band Mines (M Beading 82^ Southern Railway 23% Southern Parltc Ml' Union Pacific 152* U. 8. Steel 13?U Wah&sh o Bar sliver steady, 27 3-16d per ounce. Money. 'J% |>er cent. Discount rates?Jihort bills, :i!j# per cent; three month bills. 4*4 Mb per cent. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO, July 25.?Hogs?Receipts, 17.000 head; slow; bulk of sales, S.tt5a9.30; light. 9.10a9.60; mixed. S.75a9.45; heavy. S.66a9.30; rough, 8.55a8.75; pigs, 7.50a 9.25. Cattle?Receipts, 1.500 head; slow; beeves, 7.20a9.20; Texas steers, 6.90a 8.00; stockers and feeders, G.50a7.75; cows and heifers, 3.65a&.25; calves, 8.25a 11.26. 8heep?Receipts, 8,000 head; strong; native, 4.85a5.50; yearling's, S.tOa6.85; lam be native, 5.66a8.00. The dally aUr?Tti?;i'!uent of the fyjeiety for Having* and Loans of Wasblugtuu tve Friday. July Small Loans Exclusively. Loans on Savings And A Considerable Saving on x > Loans. The plans of the & Society tor Savings and ? Loans of Washington $ Were devised for the benefit << of persons of moderate and small incomes. ft Find out about them. 5> Rooms 514-518 Washington Loan, and Trust Building. r EQUITABLE | Co-Operative Building Association, 915 F Street Assets, $2,679,609.06. The Result of Systematic Saving ?Is in evidence on every side. People of modest incomes have been enabled to acquire enough to make first payment on home*. Shares in the 65th issue i : now open fur subscription. Shares, $-.50 Each. ]j Jobs Joy Kdsoa. President. Frmuk P. Raetld*. Secretary. The Safest B investments Arc those that do not fluctuate durins di? tu!lx>ii condition* of the money or market. Firat deed of trust n._rteg thrst n)t>rtea(r'*'. well secured on ri-al ??*t#t>- it* the District of Columbia, constitute "irilt edRc" liiTOftmeniH. Thev do tiot depend upon tbe tinnix-lnl reajNiiiKllillity of indi vidual* or corporations fur their stahi'ity and are exempt from luxation a? |K-rn.>nal property. We can supply au. li luveatmeiits in amount* from *ftoO upward. Send f<>? booklet. ? ?Concerning ?uJ In vest men ta." SwartzeM, Rlheemi <& Heosey Co. 72V lith ST. X.W. National * Metropolitan | | Bank, | II 5th Street, | 1. U.S. Treasury. % 1 * 1 : !i >'e Oldest National Bank in the Dla- 34 trlct of Columbia, invites accounts ^ of all sues and solicits interview* g with those contemplating the es tablishment of new baokiuff con- r-t nections. ^ " . Money to Loan Secured by Firat Pood of Triut on tteal E.tai. Prevailing Interest and rommlaalon. Joseph 1. Weller, 620 F St. N.W. 4Wi AND Wc MONEY to loan on approved city real estate security. JESSE U maSKLLU 1403 H St. s.?.