Newspaper Page Text
&tar?T Get Best Results KATES. He'n. Situation*. Loft and Fonrd. Rent Room*. Coenfry TVoxM. etc.. ow rent a word each time for 15 word* or mure. Mlaeellaneona Pales and Wanta, Business Op. | portrmltle*. Automobile*. etc.. atv* cent s wort er*1? flme for three or more times. with ? IS worr! minimum. Rns!ne?* Anw>ownnfiit?, R?al Pstate, Apart ments. etc.. frmr Htw* or more. three time*. M i*iti * line each time. wltli a depressing wff far a lonrrr period. Leave you- little wants at The Star branch. One In votir neighborhood. !fO*THWF!ST RR *VfHK?t P"sr?f ft MeOulre. and U ata. B?t!er * Fle'd. Prirrl***. 3rd and lnd'ana **0. Postal Telegraph. W.. R. A A. ata.. Bond blftg. rrlawetv* T>rv< ?tore. 7th and T *ts. Fred B Camt^-ell. Dme*. 4?03 Georgia i?. I., n. Day. Dmeelat 14fh a%1 P rts. Flemer'a Ph*rro*ey. ISth Colnmbla rou. Oentner Dm* *tore. ?4th and r ata. (To'denhere'a Bureau of Information. Werhat'a Omc fffore. 2Bth and Pa. TTolfsrlaw'a Newsstand 1 TOR Pa. are. Tatertor Dept., *th and F Postal T?''ft*A P. Ram. Sons A Co.. Tnfo-roation Bureau. N, T*. P?rlw S, Cap. and V n w. Paul Pearson. t>ru***1?t? 1*th ?ld Plnf*da at*. *.w. F. H. Rldrexesy Pharmacy, Conn. and Pla. ae?e. Roland Wallace. Newest and and Stationary itora, KW Itl it. *.*. Union Ufatton Postal Telegraoh. rnlJM nts?e? Capitol. Pnatal Teleeraplu I1M OwmwHrui are., Postal Wicipl. Qg)rl?7'i Dnr Stone. f1*t ***d 0 itl 0?0*?KT0WTtf T>m* Store. SJod and M sta. Pi Ha'a Pharroace, t*tti and P atfc Poatal Telegraph. 1lW Wisconsin tr?. NORTHEAST* F. It. Rlcisrdaon A Co., K. Cap. and P it* Kenesly's Pharmacy. !*. Cap. and I ata. Taylor A T*mb. 11?b and R. Can. ata. R. M. McWIlllam*' Pftannse?. ta?b and H at*. ?.?. Yeatman. *>. A.. Phsrmaee. 7fh and H U.a. Lincoln Park Pharmacy. IStti and Caat Oip. Ib> SOUTHEAST! Tbtmmmm Drug 0>.. stb and E ata. i.e. Bradley's ntu Store, Ifftfe and Pa. in. a. a. M. ft. Ftealy, Drurelst. lltb and Pa. am SOtmWUTi Iltb at. wharf, Postal Teleeraph office. Halllean'a Drag Store. 7tb and D ata. a.w. ANACOSTIAi Bury'a Droj Stora, 2200 Nicbola are. LOST AND FOTTND. 1MKS. female, black, old. near 7th and N n.w., Thnradajr Reward retnrn 114ft <\>nn. are. * KOX TKKRIEK PI P-Mtrayed from 130ft De catur at.. Jnly IS. Retnrn to 1812 Delafleld ?t. and receive reward. 1'IX?<Jold bar pin. with Greek letter* Hieta PI on It: Inltlala M. C. R. on bnck. Rewartl If re tnrned to 1.14 C <t. n.e. 2H* PIN?Small PI hambda Sigma; amall aet with ruble*; triangular abape; on Sunday. Liberal rcvrnnl if returned to 1710 Pa. are. l'? ?OR.ETBOOK?I arge. black, between K at. and Maaa. are.. 8th and ?th ata. n.w.: reward. Return to Lena Stewart. ftW L at. n.w. SI.KEVK fil TTOS (gold): lettera A. I. Reward !f returned to *06 O at. n.e. * M ATCH roft?inuial* J. A. R. Reward If re Mirned to 412 Sth at. n.w. 23* I ALlTl 1X1*31 HUB CAP. marked Ranch A i 14ng. Reward If returned to Lnnabwsh A Hro.. 420 7th. AGENTS. At JESTS? Plenty of money to be made; faat sell ing repeat-order a pec I alt lea; now la beat time ? >f the year; get bnsy. The Union Mfg. Co.. t'nlon Bridge. Md. A-iKNTS? ?S dally; faat aeller; 100 toe printed rlaltlsg or bnalneaa carda, with alee Identlflca ton eardeaae, only 30c; aaaaplea free. S. BoftMna. Koralttea. 1180 41at at.. Brook^a, ?ALBSHE1V. AJTD aTATlONKRT 8ALKSMAN. Apply en 3m Wiakta?taa New* Co., 813-313 6th ?or apedalty aa lea man. it with local conanalnn trade preferred. ?mwhrlint. Ap fcrrwto, ?kid; rrfWwuti. Apply 1703 14th j enniaaaaia. ^A ^ kS a* chaaffear and help around P. O. Bea 882. dOLLBCTOB and aolldtor; anlarr: to become M00. Writ* Ban 38. Star oOce. COLLECTOR, last an men t, furniture. Addreaa Boa 88ft, Star oSce. CORRESPONDENT?An Intelligent peraon may earn 8100 nmtlly cotreapoadlnt tor newapa pera: no eanvaaalas; aend for partlcnlara. Prnaa Syndicate, P80 Ixykport. N. T. * DRAKTSMlCS, drnftamen, draftsmen, needed all the time: big opportunities for competent men; prepaie fo- tbls profeaalcn with ateady employ, ment and a g-?-d salary by enrolling at once la ?air nlg'.t clsases: now going on. Write for ?l-tjila. Columbia School of Drafting. Mc l.a<-.Men Mdg. l?Ui>, CLKRK. Junior, with one or two yeara' f?>MTieiii-e. Addr?-aa Salol, Box 29, Star offlce. Ii'i: CUKAll AND CANDY MAKER. Doran | i:n*.. H H at. n.w. ?~\'T. f IRRIKRH W A ST ED?809 to 8100 month; nKhin^tor. eiaulnatlons coming; a pec I men ? nest Ion* free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 41 W. ''i(-?tn. N T. ? MAN (yonngl to dlatrlbnte type; one who can !.sm1 |iit? ptvferred. Apply 617 R n.w. MAN, ron-.ig, to run elevator and awltebboard. Tlie It a! fc.or. 16th and V. ^lAKKlRD MAN on dairy farm; muat be good ?uilker, cxp?-rlenced In feeding, etc. Addreaa J. II. R.. 251 N at. n.w. 27* NKtSATIVE (1'TTRRS?Klrat-claaa. National I'^Mtrartcg Co., fn>6 14tb at. n.w. ritKSHER--First-claw, wanted; ueat appearance; no other n?ed apply. |6<M 17th at. a.w. TINNER (good;, competent to do plumbing Jobs. Addrea* Box 3S. Star office. 20* USB yonr apare time to onlid up a mall order boalneaa of yxrr own; we hHp yon atart for s ahare in proflta; 27 opportunities; particulars free. Mutual Opportunities Exchange. Buffalo. *. a. 81* YOTSO HIGH SCHOOL GENTLEMAN for of """ ~noek collecting, in piano atore. 8<ij P. 14 ? YOUNG MAN to learn automobile boelnea*; one can drlre car preferred. 161S O at. n.w. HANDS to leaee city; 81-75 per day. Wataoo'a. 0M P at. n.w. PE MALE. BOOKKEES*EB?Young lady. AJ-lresa Box to! Star ogee- ?? COLORED WAITRESS. 820; cook. $2U: leave city; private famine*. Other places?cit*. snbnrhn, away. I^adlea' Ktcbange. X>7 Ver mont an. ?? CX)RRE8PONDENT?An tntelllaent person may earn 8100 menthly correapondlng for newapa Sera; no canvaaalng; a^nd for particulars. Press mdlcate. S3# Lockport. N. Y. ? lVFAVrs SLR.SE <white*. 82?-8:f>; children a nurse, 93A; oorwerymaid. $25: alan bouse ma Ms. waltraaaaa. cooka, general booaeworkera. Ladie?' Kachange, 807 Vermont ave. 2S* I.ADY, experienced, for manicuring and aham pooing. Maxlne Parlor*. 3014 14th at. n.w. SALESLADIES? At our dry gooda atore. 820 Ttb at. a.w. TVPKWRlfEK 'young lady) to a***at with office work; ateadj. pcrmaaeat position, till 14ih n.w. 28* W \NTEI> ?A niiVlne t trimraer apprentice. M. B Boo'*, 3021 14tb St. C?. YOUXG I.ADY. now employed, would like wo k "vt-nlnrs (ruui 0 to 11. Adtlreaa L. Mc., ?2S> Park ruad n.w. MAI.E AXD FEMALE ?OVfRSVRVf jobs open otes and waaen; 9&*> In gl.vt month; Hat of poaiilon* free. f>aaklln Inatltute, Dept 43 F Rochester. N Y. *_ ?T m *??I?e ? h- labor problem of your office i home f-ee ef <-b?rge. Watoon's Employment \zency. I'V'tm- ?l. 27 9to F at. n.w. ? ?RGA NITERS-- 10 colored peraons. men an'! women, as organlaers for a fraternal aociety; rood pay to right parties. Call between ? a.m. anJ 7 p.m. W. D. JoUnatuu. 1111 U at. DOMESTIC. ? CHAMBKUMAID and waitrewi (white) wanted, wlti reference and eapoitenre. Apply 801 0 at. n.w. 2ft* COOKS. cliamtMrrnaUs. vraltreaaea. nurses, whlta and colored i:<2fl O n.w. GENERAL noUSEWORKKR-Glrt; tww In fam tly. ?8 M at. n.w. GENERAL HOI'S*WORKER far one; experi anrod. IW4 Perry at. QIRL (colored) for general bouaewurk; muat un deratnnd plain cooking. 808 Mt. Vetaoa place WAKTED?HELP. DOWBStlt GIRL to do general homework. 0?1] this even ing or Ssturd ay afternoon. Apply 1208 Glrard al. n.?. HOCSEKKEPER?White woman, and care for two children. Add reus Box M. Star office W AlTRESg?A white waitress; go to country; wages. ISO. Call from 3 to 3 p.m. at 185 12th s.e. WANTED?SITUATIOHS.^ MALE. CHAUFFE1 R?First-class ref.; sober tad truwty; can hamlle any gasoline ear. Apply 1104 2i?t . 23' CHAt PFEl S? Reliable young white nan, ex perlenced; beet references. Apply 119 D n.w.. or Phone .At. 4189. 27* CHAI.KKF.1R?While: first-class mechanic; with (rood references; month. Box 9 Star office. CHAl FTEt R?Yomif man: neat In appearance; eiperleuced on all care: also knowledge of bat teries. W. B. Calmes. 1231 20 tb at. n.w. 23* CI.EA NEK. LABORER. JAMTOR; reliable, honest colornd man. John Mot en. 1082 Srd St. n.w., recommended by O. n. P. Johnson. at the Nat. Metropolitan Bank. 28* HOUSE AND WINDOW CLEAXKR-FOr an ex pert d-op postal card to 813 4th at. n.w., or telephone to Main 1028. All Work guaranteed awl none at very lowf^t price. ? Shoemaker g; a rmmg colored man, place as shoemaker. 422 Temple court n.w.. D at. bet. 9th and 10th ats. ? WORK on po ultry farm wanted In exchange for board It 16 Ricgs pi. 27* YOl NG MAN, owning auto, desires permanent position, wltb salary: experienced salesman and bookkeeper. Box ftftQ. Star office. FEMALE. DRESSMAKING at boa*; ladles' shirt walcta, akirta^wash dresaes._1833-A 8?1 at. n.w. 28* STENOGRAPHER, experienced, wants position at once; number of years' experience In gen eral office work: good With figures; reference, for interview addrtaa Box 50, Star offlco. 27* STENOGRAPHER and typewriter, young ladT. beginner, desires position In an office. Box 01, Star ogee. j7? 8TEXOORAPHER?Experienced In patent work; permanent or temporary. Box 22, Star office. DOMESTIC. A MIDDLE-AGED white woman wanta a posi tion as a working housekeeper far an elderly couple or a widower with a small farnllr of adults. Call 724 6th at. n.w. 2fi? COLORED GIRL?Nurse or work In amall fam ily. 1701 V st. n.w. COM PETE W CHAMBERMAID - WAITRESSES ?F\>ur; each liaa good reference. Also cooks, laandreases, day workers, housemaids, nurses, butlers, etc. Ladles' Exchange, 807 Vermont 26* GENERAL HOUSEWORK?Toung colored worn an; work in private family. Call 409 L at. n.w. ? GIRL wanta a place aa chambermaid. 1108 10th at- n.w. 26* HOL8EKEEPER?Middle-aged refined woman, position as housekeeper or manager for hotel or large boarding house In or out of city. Ad dress Box 2ft Star office. 26* NURSE for children; experienced; English de scent. Box 68. Star office. 27' WASHING?Families or single persons: largo yard: delicate colon a specialty. 1748 8 st. aa* WANTED?MISCELLANEOUS. THE SQUARE DEAL FURNITURE CO. WILL btif your furniture and carpeta and pay beat cash prices. Drop postal or phone Main 6886. 501 1 st. n.w., corner 6th. FIVE SECOND-HAND CARS AT ONCE FOB enstomera. POST OFFICE GARAGES, 1110 1112 C at. n.w. 27* WANTED - FURNITURE. PIAX08. CARPETS. ?te. Phone M. 1282 for wagon, or have ua call. "WESCHLER'8." 920 Pa. aTQ. n.w. WWK T? 8.W. AND SELL YOUR OLD GOLD and^ailrer. I will buy old clothing, etc. Drop JQ8. M. FRANK. 233 4% at. a.w. WANTED-TO MANAGE OB ASSIST IN ROOM -"f 7 house, hotel or lanchroom; will ?apply furniture for rooming house; will lea to c!ty for two: take bouse and glen board tor rent. Address 811 Orleans place 0??? diamonds, gold! silver, platinum" and Pawn Tickets bought by ARE ABRAHAM^ 433 9tb n.w. Main 8004. iC-?H. PRIC?8 PAID FOB WORN ck>ihi*?' ??nta' and chlldreh'a shoes ?^?eni.p2*tal or phone: will call J. TARSHES. 1308 7th n.w. Phone North 499. COOPER HAS THE DEMAND FOR THE BET Ster kind of furnitare and art objecta, and will ire yon a splendid cash figure for what you ou t want. 814 F st. n.w. Ph. Mala 7292. CASH PAID FOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; entire contents of houses bought. COOK. BAUM 4k CO., 8th and P ata. n.w. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR WORN garments; ladles', gentlemen'a. chtldren'a shoes n'^rar-1 a" si. - HOPWOOD'8. 8th and K. WANTED?FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. WILL pay you beat cash prices. Call It your cbn Tenlcnee. AMERICAN FURNITURE HOUSE, 814 E at. a.W. Phone Main 4118. BIG MONEY PAID FOR LADIES* AND QENT? aeeond-hand clothing, shoes and hats. Drop D. UGHTMAV. 1730 7th st. n.w. W.'l?T|?II,.TO OLD LEATHER BEDS JVhT "o* drop postal to an old lite nm? J? MAttK8- 424 *0th at., oppo. aite the Ga? office, or phone Col. ftftj-M. HI?!l?ST 1c^.8n, PRICES PAID FOR WORN an* ^ ^2 ? **?!?' MnA chlldraa'a shaea h*t^?Se15? Post*', will call any taw. BEN BASS. 804 4*4 st. a.w. WatoefcfS>^FllilTIT^E- STORE PIXTUBES. atocks of groceries and mdse. of all klada. of DWNOTMr?sl?* *** w!,1,D* to PV 'or It. NOTES, 818 La. are, n.w. Phone M. 8008. NOTICE! PAWN TICKETS CASHED] " ?i* ? L?l,iL ABRAHAMS. fTrrnml !,?? 11. 0,'??1,e Offiee. second-band dlamonda and lewelry bo"fM .9Alf J* UNLETTERED WAGON, ladle? Wr highest prieea for . yntlemen a. ailMren's discarded clotb ? ii.f ?' .I^Tlptions. Address postal or phone. ? win can. W RICE. 1*12 7thTw. N. 17K "SFSmLJSZ .OLD- I7SELraw oo*-? 122.a. <? '*'?? '<"? 1* your possess loa. Dla i ?1,TPr*are bought and sold. c. F. KARR. Jeweler. 814 13th st.. aboes y. PEBS0JAL. ^in ?>!JXL.BK.A Bl SY SO MANY r. v...if i, 5?ln* 00 ? vacation trip; may Sef at ?? atA* aJ wor? ?nit or overcoat and get $1 to |10 each or 50i- to 82..10 for shoes and pants; we call for any amount. JUSTH 8 OLD STAND. 619 D K* ca. w'T'tf. .LJ A UAT Cl"!| A PRACTICAL HATTER ~~? CLEANSES MEN'S HATS. 36c. Knowing the detalla of hat making thor oughly equips us to aerve you beat. ladles' hetup, miian and Panama WM. PAUL BRODT. Ph. M. S430. 811 B at. (upstalra). MRS. MACE G. PARTRIDGE. " Splnologtat. 2723 lltb at. n.w. Phone Columbia 3441. BRADFORD'S DETECTIVE SERVICE, COLO H*1*' 14tb ,D* Phone Main 2525; night phone. Columbia 1U24. Lleenaed. bonded* founde?l 18HS. Expert secret serrloe, my cause' fT01'00*: erldence s*mred with the aid of *? d'.'ufT*Ph. Branch offices. BsIt more. Md.. siwl Norfolk. Vs. MORGAN BRADFORD. Jr.! I rln'-:pal. A. WADE WELLS, Mgr. &)* HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR OLD, c??t-off j*rrant?; ladies', gentlvmen s or chil u rllw 1 w>u ??u ?< once. R. oi'i.pyrEiN. trr, p at. n.w. ARE TOU GOING A WATT _w* w,ll return your laundry the hoar yoa mention. Charge# mulerate for thia posltWt rrT ?'np>^b,Jn<? Mal" 2*b0- THE TOLMA.V BUSINESS AHW0UNCEMEHT8. AWNINGS. COPE! AND AWNINGS ADJUSTED WITH Lope.and fixtures; prieea reaaonable: prompt cuaranteed. M. G. COPELA.\l) COMI'ANT. 400 nth St. Phone M. 8410. PHfiNE Ua i N 3835 FOR ESTIMATE ON IOUR window awnings: do marring of woodwork; fl.75 bp; work guaranteed. 8 1. 8 K i. NirHQt.??ON. 7<K H at. n.w. * A.\D PHOTO SUPPI.IBS.~ PI "1 AN EA8TMA camera or ko<lak on your vacation list. Developing and printing. M. Bluuezifeid. Jewelor. 3010 14th at- Phono vol- ?&. CARPET C LEA.MXG. CaKI Kit* IHOKOIOHLY AND OAHEFPLLV rum woven fTosa old carpets, mat L'Sf? ronovated. Katimstex fnrnlsnoi. AL RKHT h AHI.KRT A ry>.. tag B s?. ?.w m f AKPEXTER8 AND BUILDERS. SCRFK.N DOOMS A.'.D VINttOWS. CABPSS ter ?t>r*. largo or small; r*aamahi< " ... .. C. D- COLLINS. T18 nth ?t n.w. fho?? M POR THB LADIES. TRAIN ED** CORSETI ERE come to your home abd take your uieasnre for a summer weight ST1RELLA CORSET. M. C. TR1BBT. 46 C n.e. Ph. Linen. 2108. Ai-k toot dreaamaker or doc tor. LADIR*' HEMP. STRAW AND PANAMA HATS beautifully cleaned and rrabapod in the laie*( frawea aj^cUlty. Mm. B. Mc uvrun. UU o at b.w. Btrsflrcss Airaotwciaaarrs. FOR THE LADIES (Coatlnoed). SI.00. All kinds of tewing machines nnM and warranted. Pbone or pNtil. OPPENH RIMER'S, 800 E st. n.w. HEALTH MOVBMEST. TlAVI SCIENCE OF HEALTH?EKES L EC tore for Women Wr(iKM?, 8 p tn. Nataral. non-snrgical; clotn-hound. ?00-pars book Int. hlft Ci.l-.rndo building. . MAT1HE89 MAK1NU. HA1H AND FELT MATl-HESSE^ KENOVATEI? and remsde, $2; all work by exper;? and gua? anteed first-class. CAPITOL BEDDING CO. 1241 ~th u.w.: pbone N. 62?. THIXK REPAIRING. THE BEST AND MOST REASON A HUE PLACE iri rowo to bnve ydur suit case or trunk re-. haled before eidBr nway. The Trun* Shop, , 1233 Pth st. work called for and delivered. ! I*h. N 1632* WALL PAPER S WALL I'APERS. ISO 8BLECTIONS; ANY SIX roum bouse scraped, pointed op; sized and papered only $18.50. HOME REPAIR CO.. 205 7th a.e. Pbone Unc ?? ?. HARRISON A CO. 8 PAPKRHAKGERri AND painters sre picked experts who never fall to nlease Lowest prices <>n papering, painting or gluing. Vh North 1733 for JutI. laft M n.?. match A.HUJEWKLRV UEPAIRISO. TROI'Rl.K W ITH YOUR WATCH OK CLOCK? | Consult M. B. Konnsn expert Jeweler; watch, clock and Jewelry repairing, called for snddj Uttered arywhere. 708 H <!??. Ph. Linen. MW. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. A H I'STL EH wanted for Ttrnsirer; nlBn '? take my equity and position In well known property; Treasurer must be stockholder. Address Bos 14, Star office. 85 A LIMITED NUMBER of shsres of the Kalo rama Film Company for sale. Apply Room t4. Warder bldg . 9th and F sts. n.w. 25* IA MOVING PICTURE PARK at ttth and U; forced to sell this week to highest bidder; leaving town Monday. 20 AN ATTORNEY wanted with $1,260 to $1,600 caab to draw salary and Interest for offlce sere Icea. Box 13. Star otfl e. 28* BAKEKY AND UGHT GROCER* AT 8ACR1 I flea on accoun* 111 health: no trlflers; best section n.w. Loi 1?. Star offl e. 27* BARBER SBOl'- Best 4-cbalr. n.w.; same man- | agement 17 years; books open to any one, meaning business; i:i health reason (or aelllng. Box L 8tsr otftof. 26* EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, $250: good place for middle-aged man. Apply 004 F st. n.w. EQUIPMENT of u moving-picture theater, com Slete. Also a fully equipped steel launch, 3 orsepower engine, in good condition. Will gscriflce. Will sell separate. Only reason for selling, other business demands my attention. Apply B. J. Stevens, 82 Md. are., Annapolis, Md. ' . * FOR RENT, In Center market, a butcher stand for the sale of fresh meats. Apply otfice, 7tu at. wing. FOR SALE?Grocery and notion store; n.w.; good location; up-to-date store; will sell right; excellent opportunity; Invite Investigation; good reason for selling. Box 52. Star office. 27* FOR SALE?On account of dissolution of partner ship a well located wholesale liquor establish I ment: not Affected by new excise law; big bar gain for quick buyer. Address Attorney, Star office. fe7? FOR SALE?Automobile repair and storage busi ness: best stand In city. Apply to Mangum ft Eh pert, rear 1326 Q st. n.w. 2fl* HOTEL?Over 80 rooms; elegantly furnished; also completely equipped dining rooms; unex celled location n.w.: value. $3,000. Price cut If quick sale. Box 249. Star office. ??*_ II HAVE"*1,000 to IpTCSt Uj rooming bouse, small 1 hotel, moving picture theater or other good paying, eatabllsbed business that will bear In vestigation; describe fully la strict confidence to Insure attention. Box 412, Star office. 25* ICE BOX?Brand-new, used only 2 months; cost $260. Apply 1311 K n.w. 27* MOTION-PICTURE PARK, fully equipped; a money maker; seating 800 people; $350 If taken at once. Box 7. Star offlce. 25* MOVING PICTURE THEATER, 7th St., sacrl fice $700. Moving picture theater, clearing $400 per month. $1,000. Moving picture par* and theater, this combination clearing $180 per week; price, $4,000. 10 rooming houses In b?st renting location, n.w., $200 up to $2,600. Special bargains in grocery stores. See us to buy or sell. Marshall Business Brokers, 013 N. Y. ave. 25* PARTY?Reliable, energetic man with $1,000 cash to ineest la clean, legitimate business in Alexandria, Va. This Investment should net not less than $5,000 the first year. Address Box 48, Star offlce. 27* ( ROOMING HOUSE?10 rooms; completely fur nlshed; newly papered; southern exposure; overlooking park; centrally located: all car lines; will sacrifice. Box 6. Star office. ROOMING HOUSE, nice; full of roomers; good Income: $300 cash or terms. 407 Q n.w. 27* BOOMING HOUSE?Attractively furnished; A No. 1; great sacrifice on payments. Box 41. 8tar offl-e. . 26* ROOMING HOU8E wanted, central n.w., with roomers: must have 12 rooms or more; will buy fdralture of same. Address Box 18, Stat offlce. . . ?BOOMING HOUSE?11-room bou?e. furnished; splendid location: low reat; bargain for oulck ' sale. Box 24. Star office. &5* , STATIONERY?Don't let your mail go astray. Why not be sure of your private correspondence being received Just as you would your business letters? Look! 100 letter hesds. 100 envelopes, 100 visiting cards, $1. Neatly printed, sent to you by return msll. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address Home Printing Co., P. O. Box 162, City. . * YOU CAN become psrt owenr of a great produc ing commercial orchard only 120 miles from tbe city, even though you Invest ss little as $25 cash and $5 a month; apple orchards net as much ss 50 per cent a yesr. For particu lars sddress Box' 171. Star offlce. $300 AND SERVICES of young, competent man available for legitimate business: only replies giving full particulars will receive attention. Pox gi. Star offlce. 2fl* FOB 8ALE?MISCELLANEOUS. BOATS ASP ACCESSORIES. II^LVE CABIN LAUNCH. 30 feet by 7^-foot I beam; 16-h.p. motor, with magneto and stor 3re battery: exceptloaslly well built and com etely outfitted: tender, anchors, lanterns, searchlights, charts, cushions, stove, dishes, etc.; most comfortable boat of its type and best bargain svallable. Call at once. L. M. Thompson. 902 G st. n.w. I COASTING CANOE?40-ft.. new sails, 18-Vp. 1 engine, fully found and able crulMng boat; will stand closest Inspection. Box 3, Star offlce. 26* IMULLIN LAUNCH: 24 ft.; good condition Csn be seen st Moore's boathouse, Georgetown. Prlfe right to quick pnrchasT 27* DOGS, PETS. CATS. ETC. I LEVY, Tb< Expert-Rsts, roaches, bedbugs, etc., 1 exterminated one? forever. Address Station K. Wsshington. T>. C. * HOSPITAL FOR ANIMALS Offers country or city ken:icls for dogK and eat*. For rstes Phone x )fio3. n m 14th st. a.w. HORSES. CARRIACiES; ETC. L NICE big huckster wngon for sale or fo? hire. Apply at '/Ut Canal st. s.w. 27* FOR HIRE-HORSE*. CA Kill AG Kb. WAGONS, by day, week or month, at special prices. GENERAL LIVERY CO.. Inc., rear of 847 Ps ave. n.w. Pbone Main 1HTT. GROCERY WAGON (lltfht) for"sale. 811 K st. a.w. 27* HORSE for sale; combination riding or driving; surrey and harness; In first-class condl lon Apply 615 7th st. s.w 20* HORSES AND MUMtS This concern stands in the forefront of the trade for quick sales, and what's more to the jmint. every sale we make is backed by our absolutely dependable guar antee. Show horsea, combination riding and driving hornes. draft bor*"s snd light snd heavy mules. Send us what .von desire to sell. Private sbIch dally, auction every Monday. Reliable Horse and Mule Cn., 212 11th st HORSES- 10 hor?e?, some fresh from virjluls, city broken: others little second-hand, hav ing been used In n?v business; 28 wagons, 1 dump and exprens war?n and harness. J. C. Ixive, 1444 P st. n.w. Phone N. 38. JUST Alt RIVED! It ; cartond- of buggies from $40 to $100. Zcanoada uf grw-ery wagons from $75 to $125. Fh. M. 8140. O. G. I^ary, 310 Pa. its. n.w. MnwK* b*y ' cb**p: *i0 Bur tonT" Fox hall" road WORK HORSE, in good condition; owner having no me for it. adi.Iv iuo i* st. 28* MOTOR CYCLES AND IIICYCLES. MOTdK ?.\CLK. With Tuor efigiue. for sgls. flsa condition: s bargain in 2 figures for cash; leaving city is twelve davs. Pnone Onlutabla or call 1W?4 l ark ruid. StloMKH AND MOTOR CYCLES ? A EE? guaranteed slightly used icgcliluea can JS 5*"#bt at bargains; raati or payments. BFRr BY MAN A WILLIAMS ?I2 tiih si. Msla ^t'SICAL nmilMEYTI. PIANO?Mu*t tie sold, fine upright piano: de llvereil, llts) essh. ms \. y sve' 2?t* PUNO-l prtgb,; nishogany; $||ft. Bos 17. Star PL.XYER-PIANO? .Mshogany; ?t> ellent condition; u?fl four mofitUs, will include records snd bsuch snd sell at a sacrifice. Box 82. Bur offlce. PIANOS? Piano hsrgaioa-Vos*. $|T0; Htultr A Baast, $140: Bstey. $IH0. Hegal, $ i); Kohler A Oainp bell. $110. Hugo Wmvh, 1110 Q. SNAPS FOR Mt'iUriANIC Mtrenuoils reductions on notsbly worthf il Instttitnenlc $3? Matter msidoltn, $lo; ?a? Martin guitars $18 $19; Stewart banjoes, $io; other mandolins snd guitsrs, $it up; violins, $3 up. Urocs's, Iltb srd E sts. K UPRlOirr PlANtt -Praritrsllv new; tnust be Isold at once, ?a owner Is btavlug Wsslilngton. If uot aold Mill place In some responsible UeSK*.1* aton>**- AAtnm B#* HIS is the page that rents rooms, etc., and sells anything from a baby carriage to a mercantile establishment. FOR SALE?MISCELLANEOUS MUSICAL IXSTRt MEltTS (Continued). t" player, $8.10. nn moot my payments: pgpr ft Co. uprleht, $75: slightly used up :ht, $100; ono new piano, us d 4 months. 15. on $5 monthly payments. Tuning. $1.50 SPECIAL piano and player bargain*. One pianola player, with 50 rolls of music, $50: one new 88 note player, $830. nn $8 monthly payments; Steger " " " " ? right, $1?5. __ ?. Columbia grsfocolas. praphophones and record*. He'hlg Broa.. 1742 7th gt. n.w. Katab. 31 yrs. VICTROLA, #200 style, and 39 records, which will sell for cash at once. Bon 33. Stto oft re. SEWIItG MACHI\R9. A NEW DROP-HEAD sewing machine, attach ments; in perfect condition, $10. Repairing. $1 up. K. E. Harris, 2109 14th. Phone M. 1863. 8 '-argalna? Droii-hesd Standard, $28; New Home. $15; Singer. $10; 90c a Week. Renting and repairing. Open evenings, H. & CIVFN. 025 Pa ave t.e.. ph. LlUc. Wtl. TYPEWRIT EJUS. OUR TYPEWRITER RENTAL OFFER?Model 6 Remington three months for $B: condition first class. If later yon wish to buy, that $5 will apply on purchase price. RRMINGTOJf TYPEWRITER CO.. 1340 N. Y. are, aw. STANDARD MACHINES at simiMr rat* From $10 an. Rraas building, 1490 N. T. si*^ aul3* Room 204. ______ TVPKWRITEn RENTAL SERVICE. M Ran dolph pi. n.w.; North 8128-M. Densmotee rented. $1.28 monthly; Remingtons, Ollmk Smith Premiers. $1.80: L. C. Smith, Royals. Olivers, $2.28: Underwood*. Monsrchs. $S.9& Reduction if paid 3 or 8 months In advance. TYPEWRITERS-One Inderwood. $45; ons Rsm Ington. $25; easy terms. Address Box 874, Star office. UNDERWOOD and Remington; In good order; easy terms. Address Box 878. Stsr office. MISCELLANEOUS. AWNINGS AND WINDOW SHADES?We make a specialty of first-class opaque shades hung at 60c each. A card will bring salesman. B. 0. M. Burton ft Son. 911 E n.w. Phone M. 3404. BHD (quartered oak), bureau, wsshstand, ward robe and sewing machine. 1528 M st. n.w. BEGINNING a good thing keep It up, be posi tive to save cash on the clothes you buy; any man Is 25% to the good by coming to this store; we hare closed a deal with a prominent 7th st. tailor; the suits are here; alio hava a big stock slightly used, $3 to $10; big value, sure. One price. Justh's Old Stsnd, 619 D. CARPET?Handsome red velvet Carpet, about 100 yards: cost $250; $55. Cook, Baum ft Oo? 8th and D st*. n.w. CLOCK?A $250 grandfather's chime clock, with long tubular chimes; chimes every H hour; $163. Csll A. Kahn, 935 F n.w. COUNTERS, shelving, wall cases, show eases, cash registers, large mirrors, iron ssfes, etc.; cheap. Cook, Banm ft Oo? 8th and D sts. n.w. DAHL FILLER?Cheap; for 3-Inch tires. Apply 3511 N. H. ave.; phone Col. 872. 2ft* DIAMOND RING for sale; a bargain, $78; can pawn same any time, $40. Box T. R. M.. Star office. 23* DIAMONDS, watches, jewelry?Gems of their kind: 1-3 cash; 50c to $1 weekly. Phone North 803-Y, or postal and representative will call with samples. M. De Gams. 1761 L St. n.w. DINING ROOM SET?Handsome, solid mahogany; sacrifice. Cook, Baum ft Co., 8th and D sts. n.w. FOR SALE?One new dump wagon, one slat wagon, two horses, at 3628 13th h.W. 27* FOR SALE?Jersey heifer calf, highly bred snd registered; a beautiful animal; $50. 3103 Monroe st. ne.. Woodrldge. 28* GLASSES?A $40 prism binocular srmy and navy field glasses for $25. Call A. Ksbn, 935 F n.w. OFFICE FIXTURES, consisting of one standing oak desk, one 6-ln. and one 8-ln. fiat-top oak table, one cherry desk, roll top. snd revolving chair; tfcree iron aafes. one double door, one single door and one single door with Inside door: two metsl cases containing compressing files and roller shelves, together with other office fixtures of various kinds. Would llhe to exrhsnge for unincumbered real estate or at close cash price. Addreas Box 253, Star offlc*. SHADES?Good quality opaque shades, fitted to yoar windows only 85c; the best avalltx ell opaque shades, 50c; hung free. We call with asmplea. Kleebatt'e, 11th and H "ts. ?.e. STATIONERY, Souvenirs, pennants, post cards, view books, folders, jewelry, fountsin pens, oil paintings, miscellaneous stock; card writ ing, invitations, resolutions to order; old maga zine* bought and sold; watch oar windows. Trultt's Bargain House, 235 Pa. ave. n.w. SUDDEN CniLLS foreshadow pneumonia. Keep a box of Bury's chill and malaria capsules al band- It destroys germs and cures chills, ma* larls. Is grippe, colds. 25c box. At druggtkts*. WHITE LEGHORN HBX8, one and two years old; fine breeders and layers; bargain at TOc each. 217 Un worth place a.w. Phone Main 88"3-T. 36* TYPEWRITERS?Wellington visible typewriter, almost new, $20; Remington typewriter. Ho. 7, perfect condition, $15. Cook, Baum ft Co., 8th and D sts. n.w. 100 YEAR-OLD WHITE LEGHORN HENS? Sacrifice at 75c each, or half at 85c; aplendid layers. Eaton. 2226 N n.w. 27* 7 CEILING FANS; 110 volts D. O.; 2 speeds; four blsdes; new; $12 esch. 3293 M st. n.w. 27* 8-TON SOALE. coal wagon. Ilobart coffee mill, with meat grinder attached; cash registers, counters, store fixtures of every descrlntlon for sale st 025 La. ave. n.w 2fl* AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE. AUTO DELIVERY TRUCK, 1,800 lbs. capacity; little used and In first-class condition. 728 10th st. n.w. Phone Main 8140. AUTO TIRES. Every one wants to buy his anto tires at the lowest possible prices. We hsve these prices on all the best makes, with an additional 8% for cash at time of purchase. JONES-KESSLER RUBBER TIRE CO.. Phone M. 3056. 606 E st. n.w. BAKER KLEerRIC STA.VHOPB for sale; Inter stste louring, flve-passenrer, fully equipped. KIjOCK ft DIETRICH, Phone N. 1932. 1333 14th at. n.w. 6UICK ROADSTER; also touring car; new tires; painted, overhauled; cheap; guaranteed. Rear 116 D n.e. 37* BUICK 2-cylinder truck in perfect running or der. Z D. Blacki8tone. 14th and H. BUICK 1910 runabout. In excellent condition; new tires. Can be seen Connecticut Garage, 1628 L st. 25? CHALMERS. 1913. car: six-cylinder; five-pas senger; self-starter: electric lighted; electric born; perfect condition. See McLean. 1406 H st. n.w. ? COLUMBIA electric victoria; Al condition; new batteries: a bargain. 5-passenger Franklin touring car: 8tanwell No. 40: demountable rims; 8 new tires; excel lent condition; cheap. 1912 four-passenger Washington touring ear; fine shape; new tires. T. Lamar Jacksqn. 14th and R. n.w. FORD touring car. In first-class condition: a bargain; leaving city only reason for selling. Can be seen at 1309 H st. n.w. FORD?4-cyUmter: prUte, $S0. Cadillac, 1910, 5-pas*enger; In first-class condition. Oall at Wade's Steam Auto Shop, New Jersey ave. ami E st. n.w. 27* FORD TOURING CAR for sa'e; new 1913 model; run one week; pair non-s':14 tires, tool box. Inner tul>es; cost fQG0.35; $600 cash; no d al ers. Address J. O. A., Stsr office. 25* ' FOR SALE?2-cyl. Msxwell, light delivery or runal>out; also 2-cyl. 5-passenger Bulck. Apply 207 7th st. b.w. FOR SALE?2-cyl. Maxwell, light delivery or runabout: s'so 2-cyl. 5-passengcr Bulck. Apply 207 7th st. s.w. So* FOR SALE?USiED AUTOMOBILES?IN FIRST CLASS OONBITION. OLDSMOBILE SPEEDSTER. New r painted; a bargain: $1,100. GAHFORD FOUH-PASSENGER. New tires and top; powerful motor; $1,500. MAItMON DEMONSTRATOR. 1912 model; fully equipped and newly painted. Seme guarantee as new enr; $1,750. { Owner* of first two cars hsve bought ne , Mariuoua. and prices quoted abo,ve are rt*l be* I gains. Call, write or phone 1 POTOMAC MOTOR CAR CO.. 1226 Conn. ave.. Phone N. 2000. Washington. P. PL HAYNES? Must sell my Hs.vnea 45-h.p. flre passeuger touring car; perfect condition; mftke an offer. Clark. 311 Keaols hldg.. Main 7376 or Col. H1K2. ??_ LIGHT DELIVERY AUTO TRUCK BODY for sale cheap. Phone West 620. ST* MEKKEL, liil2, seven-horse twin: speedometer; csrrier; everything complete; hardly used; big bargain. Can be seen at 1181 New Jersey ave. *??' OVERLAND ROAD8TER ? Newlv painted and overhauled; good tires: top; windshield; will de nmnslrate: price. $200. 413 11th at. S.w. SB * OVERLAND JiOADSTERr?Model 80; first-class running orde": $250. Box 8, Star offl'-e. 25* PULLMAN 6-passenger touring car; excellent condition: foredoors, new tires, demountable ritns; will demonstrate: must sell immediately. Drop postal or call. Pheoe QoL IMS. JL B. 8806 13ih st. U.W. AUTOMOBILES. POM ?\bR (Cnnttanedi. STANLBY STKA.MBK.1b A1 condition; new ex tra tire and tvbfe; new teller tod burner, '"all after ft:8Q. 1808 N at. 28* USED CARS- ' 7" One T-paia. 1913 Pnliman. One 8-pass. Olds mobile. One 5-pas*. Studehaket. The above cars folly equipped and la ffod or dit. M. T. Pollock. lOlff Coiiu. avy. TALK MOTOR CYCI.E* U?l* model. 4-h.p.. line condition. at a bargain. 513 2nd at. a.e. 27* 1913 CADILLAC (tor aale; nearly new. Bo* 67, Star ofBce. 27* SO-H.P. ROADSTER la fine condition; recently overhauled; a bargain; $160 for qolck aale. Boa 44. Star office. 27* 1918 HUDSON SIX; can save yon money on neW car. Bos 54. Star office. 27* ^PASSENGER TOURING CAR; excellent rondl ttoh; only slightly oaed; win demonstrate. 207 7th at. a.w. iiviii WANTED. FORD TOURING CAR. lull OR 191* MODKL; "whether In good condition m not moat he cheap for oaefa. Boi ljj, Star oBce 28* WE WANT A OOOD AUTOMOBILE IN EX change for some attractive suburban lot*. 824 Bon i hem bldf. Main 7445. SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS. ATLANTIC (JARAGK. E. W. Opdyke. 10ft flth at. a.w. Phew M. 7T?. Antomobllea repaired by expert workmen; all , work gnaraateed. 1 DEPENDABLE AUTO REPAIRING?WHETHER tt'a from the almple renewing of a battery or rebuilding of the moat Intricate part of the machine It la tnaa'ered here. SOUTHWORXH k REISER, rear of iTCn L ?t. a.w. ph. M. 2239. DIAMOND CEMENTLESS PATCHES. 50c a box. 10-ib. can Amalle Oreaae, 65c. 5-lb. can Amalle Grease, 48c. We carry full line of Mobllolls. Vermillion. 2107 14th n.w. MAKING GOOD ON TIRES! COULD THKR8 be more convincing evidence of tbe fact than to glanc^ In OjjMrasy ahopT WILHON-GO UCHER TIRE PP.. 1706 14th n.w. Ph. N. 8791. WE'LL REPAIR YOUR GAS CAR OR ELECTRIC AND DO IT BIGHT? FOR LESS MONET THAN REGULAR SHOPS. WHTt Becanae we have aa AUTO FACTORY equipped with fine machinery, and between big Jot* we'll do tbe little onea at a price that Just covera overhead expenses. TRY US?AGAINST THE OTHER FELLOW. DEAD STORAGE?half lowest prevailing rata. COLUMBIA VEHICLE COMPANY, Tel. Main 7718. 213 L at. a.w. WHEN AN AUTO HAS GOVE THROUGH OUB repair shops you can place more dependence In It than ever. MOORS A CO., 1122 18th at. n.w. Ph. 7904. FOR HIRE. A1 AUTOMOBILES for hire?Al. New 1 aad 7 Csseager cars, with careful chauffeurs, $3 per nr. Phone Main 7819. day or night. Spe cial rates tor trips. People'a Auto Hiring Oik, 827 14th at. n.w. _ ' ELECTRIC VICTORIAS. " $3 an evening; $3 a day; eaay to rim; day** Shopping, afternoon teaa, theater parties. Phone Main 6248. J. M. DOYLE, 320 Pa. ay*, n.w. FIVE-PASSENGER AUTO. $2.00 per hour. None better. AUTO HIHE CO.. linen. 230B. PHONE LINCOLN 1434 For beat auto service In city AT LOWEST RATES. High-powered cars. Strictly careful drivers. 7-PASSENGER AUTO, DRIVEN BY OWNEIt. 12 per hr. Special tour Chevy Chaae. Rock Creek. Soldiers' Borne, Arlington, Potomac Park. Mall. etc.. Phone Lincoln 8278-M. GARAGES. CARS STORED. WASHED AND POLISHED. $9.00 and $10.00 per month. Repairing of all deacrlptlona. Phone M. 045S-M. PQgT OFFICE GARAGE. 1110-12 O at. a.w. FOR RENT?ROOMS. FURNISHED. 431 G ST. N.W.?LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED noma for l.h.k.; vacant Aug. 1; facing park; central location. 1120 8th ST. N.W.?NICELY FURNISHED room; aet bowl; near bath; $10 per month. THE MEWRY, 1115 8th N.W , APT. 22-COOL front room, finely furnlahed; every convenience; electricity; reasonable. 27* 5rr mt\ vbrnon place-two front rooms, light housekeeping. . 3666 HOLMEAD PL. N.W.?LARGE, WELL furnished 2nd-lloor room, next bath; anltable ] tor l.h.k. 28* 1815 K 8T. N.W.?LARGE ROOM. WITH |rivate bath: private family; transients also. 417 9th 8T. N.W., SECOND FLOOR-NICELY furnlahed rooms; all modern convenlencea; fine location; reasonable; permanent parties. * 1211 EUCLID ST.?DELIGHTFULLY COOL second-floor front room; southern exposure; modern Improvements; board optional. ? 1310 MASS. AVE. N.W.-A HANDSOME 8T ITE of rooma; housekeeping privileges; other rooms; en suite or slp~V. THE CUMBERLAND. APT. 86 - BRIGHT. , neatly furnlahed room, opposite bath. Phone North 6344. COOL. WELL FURNISHED FRONT ROOM* private family. 1200 11th at. n.w. 25* 1369 OTIS PL! N.W.?LARGE 2nd-FLOOR front room; southern exposure; near hath. 2001 I ST. N.W.-TWO SOUTH-FRONT ROOMS, facing park; apacloua bath; couple or gentle men. - 20* 1310 WALLACH PL. N.W. (NEAR 14th AND U ats.)?Very nice room. >6 ner month. S5* 1830 FAIRMONT ST. N.W.-WITH PRIVATE family; private bath; electricity; telephone; $10 month. 913 9th ST. S.E.?FURNISH ED ROOMS FOR rent. > 722 5th ST. N,E.?? LARGE. BRIGHT. NEWLY papered rooms: elegantly and comfortably fur nished for housekeeping; everything new; very reasonable. _ 1021 VT. AVE.?FINELY FURNISHED ROOMS by day, week or month; private bath; free telephone. M- 87ti0. 2tt* 618 3rd ST. N.W.?LOOK, PEOPLE, A LARGE, nicely furnlahed front room at a bargain. 004 3rd N.W.?TWO LARGE. COOL PARLOR rooms; completely furnished; l.h.k.; newly pa pered and painted. ? 12th AND MASS. AVE., NO. 83, THE NEW Berne?Furnished room near bath; electric light and phone. 1742 F ST! N.W.?NEAR STATE DEPT.; large cool front alcove room; alao other rooms; phone Main 4473. 25* 1418 M ST. N.W. (THOMAS CIRCLE!?H.\ND aomely furnished rooms, en suite or single; brass beds, cherry and mahogany furniture; all outside rooma. Jy28* EN BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME?A OOU ftle or two gentlemen can aecure beautiful, a rye, cool, elegantly furnished front or back room In modern home In Saul'a Addition, ?n car line; electric lighta, bath, unlimited phone; large lawn and porches; garage In rear; mod erate teraw. Phone Oolumbla 4776. 723 8th 8T. N.W.?NICELY FURNISHED ~2n(P floor room; alao small rooma; glimmer rates. 1800 EUCLID 8T.?NICELY FURNISHED large and small rooma; near bath; borne com fortg; single or en suite. 810 N. J. AVE. N.W.?8 LARGE FRONT rooms, cool, central location; summer rates; excellent table board. 001 flrd ST. N.W.?ENTIRE 2nd FLOOR, 8 rooma, furnished, for housekeeping; bath ad Jolntng; <25. 27* UNFURNISHED. 310 IND. AVE. N.W.?TWO PARLOR ROOMS on first floor and basement. 37* BEST LOCATION IN CITY?5 BOOMS. F1RST floor fiat; 2288 Decatur place, between and 28rd. R and 8 n-w.; |S3 per month. Ap ply on premises. 18S7 llth ST. N.W.-THREE ROOMS, ALCOVE, large cloaets; booaekeeplng; muat be seer to be appreciated. 800 MASS. AVE. N.W.-THREE ROOMS FOR l.h.k.; elnk; heat; light; adulta only; $18.50 monthly. 27* 1880 9th ST. N.W.-3CE 4 BRIGHT ROOMS: heat, gas and bath; 1-h.k., 27* 41* 9th N.W., SECOND FLOOR?THREE NICE rooma, sultsble tor gentleman or couple; rent slngie or together. ? ? 1814 16th ST. N.W.?THRKE BRIGHT ROOMS, bath; second floor; newly papered and painted; gas range; rent reduced during summer! 1417 Q N.W.?6 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 8EC r* ?r en light housekeeping ' allotred. 903 R N.W.?ENTIRE tod FLOOR, TWO LARGE communicating rooma; l.h.h.; bath; gas; south ern eipesure. 013 NORTH CAROLINA wi, 8.E.-8 UNFUB niched rooms for ren ath and gas; reat. i? C ST. N.B.?TWO UNFURNISHED ROOM^ near Capitol and Library. g>* 084 PA. AVB. S.E.?TWO OR THREE ROOMS and bath la private family tor light house keeping. or would cook and give services If is* qpired. Pheae L. 8980. 1129 llth ST. N.W.-MIWE OOMMUNlQAT* lag rooms, 2nd floor; houaakosplag. * FOE EEHT?ROOMS. I SFl RN1*HED irMllauHI. 1337 lltb ST. N.W?8 BOOMS ALCOVE, larp* closets; housekeeping; mutt be seen to be appreciated. 28* FURNISHED AND t'NrUMlSHBO. 738 13tb ST. N.W.-2, 3. 4 or 6 ROOMS; LIGHT, heat, gas, Janitor service; aai table for I.h.h tlS# K 8T. N.W.-FURNISHED AND UNTLR niahed rooma (or rent. IB* WITH BOARD. 1406 R. I. AVE*?TWO LA HOE. WHLL TOR. olshcd second-floor rooma. near bath; excelUut home coot I tig. 1343 GIRARD ST.?A FBOKT ROOM, SOUTH - ern exposure; good table; telephone; near three ear llnea. 837 N ST. N.W.?TWO WELL. FURNISHED mom*: semi-detached bouse; large lawn; ex cellent home cooking. N. 3021. 27* 1119 g N.W.-HANDSOMELY FURNISHED front room, with balcony: two bath*; excel lent tsble; references; ptxme. 1817 F N.W.-LARGE, COOL. SBOOND-FLOOR room, high celling, suitable for tiro; electrio light; phone. ti* 13(W IRVING ST.?LARGE. OOOL. 8BOON D atory front and other rooma; southern exposure: large clooets; good board: reawonaMe rates ga? 1224 18th ST X.W.-SOUTH BOOMS. NEWLY furnished, with board. $25 month op; foot bat ha; house screened; lee water; wfclte help; parlor, piano and phone. 801 EYE ST. N.W.-LARGE FRONT ROOM ON 2nd floor, next to bath; wtth beat home cook ing; comer residence; very larae lawn; all mod ern Improvements; one of the best d'nlng room* In city; terms for two persons, $46 per month. Thone M. 7H61. 1881 CALIFORNIA ST., Apt. 8-OOOL LOCA tlon; beat home table; convenient to cars: rea sonable terms. IT* WASTED ROOMS WITH ROARD. ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIV ATE FAMILY BY young man. Box 48. 8tar office. * ROOM AND BOARD BY GENTLEMAN; NOT exceeding <8 per week. H. R.. Star office. * TABLE BOAED. THE OARR1CK. 1318 T N.W.?8TRK7TLY first-class table board; home cooking. N. 1406. Oolored. 1304 COLUMBIA ROAD?EXCELLENT TABLE board and service: small table*. SUBUEBAN BOAED. OAKDALE VILLA. GLEN ECHO, MD.; DE llghtfully situated; excellent borne cooking; artesian well; electric lights; bat ha; tennis and croquet, etc.; Cabin John can pan near the door. Phone Toll 64-13. ATTRACTIVE HOME, OVERLOOKING POTO mac; one fare. Cabin John line; flaking, boat ing; electric light; phone; f35 one, foO two. Address Box 388. Star office. COMFORTABLE, ALL-YEAR-ROUND BOME IN private family; country surroundings, with all city conveniences; only 20 minutes from busi ness section; excellent table; detached bouse; large lawn; screened porch; hot water; phone; steam heat; Mi aqua re from can; no children. . Phone N. 4340. A FEW MORE GENTLEMEN ACCOMMODATED at nearby country .home; alwaya cool. Call West 880. SB* GENTLEMAN AND WIFE WOULD LIKE board In private family; Chevy Chase preferred. Box 418. Star office. 15* COUNTEY BOAED. PA8ADENA?FINEST HOTEL, FARM AND water situation in Maryland. Write for book lets FREDERICS HARPER, Royal Oak. Md. MONTROSE SCHOOL?A SELECT SUMMER home for girla and amall bora; no leaaona after Jane 18; location delightful; terms moderata. Mlas HARDEY. Highland. Md. "THE LODGE" OPEN TO SUMMER BOARD ers; bath; all conveniences; $9 per week: adulta only. Mrs. J. D. THOMAS. Bound Hill. Va. 28* SELECT BOARDERS CAN BE ACCOMMO dated at Franklin Manor, oa Chesapeake bay. Addreas Mn. W. R. FRANKLIN, Churchtoa, Md. THE RALEIGH. A'T MOUTH OF POTOMAC, for summer boarders; excellent table, bathing, flshlng. crabbing. Address Mrs. MABEL R. CURLEV. Bldw. Md. ROCK SPRING READY FOR BOARDERS FROM Aurust 1 to October i; $5 per week. L. JENKINS. Rochelle, Va. ? RURAL BOME ON WEST RIVER; FINE shade; large lawn; rowing, bathing, launching, all free: C. ft P. telephone. For circular writs Box 2. Shady Side. M?1. aM' HOTEL MARYLAND?GOOD TABLE: BATES. $5 per week: bath; electric cara. CHA8. H. BUTTS. Proprietor. MiddletoWn. Md. aaiS* APARTMENTS TO LIT. FURNISHED. THE CECIL, 18th AND L N.W.-5-BOOM OOB ner apartment, on street; bright, cheerful; newly painted and papered. Very attnctlvely furnished. Apply at Q?clL THE BRIGHTON APABTMRNT HOTEL, 2123 California St., near Conn, ave., Washing ton Heights; 1, 2 and 8 rooma and bath; fur. or unfur.: permanently or transiently; summer rate*; large, cool roof; cafe; American plan. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED. APT. 66, THE BRUNSWICK-4 ROOMS AND bath, furnished or unfurnished; possession given Aug. 1. Can be aeeu after ? p.m. or Sunday*. THE HIGHLANDS?TO SUBLET, FURNISHED or unfurnished, 7-room h.k. apt.; a.e. exposure. Apt. 702. Phone N. 1240. KENESAW APARTMENT ITOUSB, Ave. of the Presidents, cor. Irving at. Coolest location; large, airy rooms; all out side, spacious lawns: roof garden; bachelor and housekeeping; 3 elevators: fireproof; both car lines; large cafe; excellent food and serv ice at low rates. S. H. BBIANT. Manager. UNFURNISHED. MOORE * HILL (INC.), 1420-23 B ST. N.W. THE NAPLES, 715 19th ST. Blectrtc elevator, cafe and telephone*. AH light rooms: large side lawn; two aonana from War Department. 4r., reception hall and bath. ..$30.09 and 882.80 1 noma, reception hall and bath $21.8o THE DUODIXGTON. 1744 LANIER PLACE. ONE SQUARE NORTH OF 18th AND CO LUMB1A ROAD. A well kept, modern apart ment. Splendid location and very low rentals. 4 rooms aDd bath and porch 832.30 4 rooms, bath and porch S30.50 8 rooms, bath and porch $40 and $37.30 $ rooms and bath $27.06 THE AUBOBA. 1849 U ST. 6 rooms and bath, elegant location 887.39 4 rooms, bath and porch $35.00 THE WESTOVEbT2501 PA. AVE. 9 rooms and batb. corner, porch $37.90 9 rooms, bath and porch $35.00 520 8th ST. N.W. 4 rooms and bath $30.09 8 rooms and batb $22.60 THE CHALFONTE. 1118 P ST. 4-rootn and bath front apt., thoroughly modern: phones; electric lighting $$1.80 1 rooms ana bath .$21.30 2015 S. lat fl $20.00 1129 10th. 5 rooma. bat* 836.00 1011 H. 2nd floor, 3 rooma ,$20.00 | GET FULL LIST AT OFFIOB. MOORE A HILL (Inc.), 1420-22 H ST. N.W. AUOU8T RENT FREB-NEW APARTMENTS; private balcony. Phone Main 6732. Room 801. Colorado bldg. APARTMENTS FOR BENT. 2000 4tb ft- n.e., 4r and b., white... .$19.80 FRANK T. RATYLINGS CO., INC., 1423 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. COLORED-NEW TBREE-ROOM FLAT; FIRST! and second Soon; latrobes, ranges and lann 1 drv tubs: near War Dept.; rent only $10.80; open 2142 N. Y. ave. n.w. FOR RRNT THE HARVARD, 1320 Harvard at. , 8 large rooms, tiled batb and fine porch; first time vacant in several yean; rent. $35.50. Worth Inspecting. I MOORE &? HILL. Inc., 1420-22 H at. n.w. " THE BALTIMORE. 1S32 Biltaore *t. A nice place for nice people. Engagements may he made for Iran BnpUfT"'" -".J R van, ,v. copancy. also Arena October 1. Selection offered 3. 4 and 8 room an*.. Call and Inspect or phone Colombia 3884. THE CECIL. >5th AND L 8TS M.W.-KINGIA room and bath apartment. Apply at the Oeell. ar to B. O WAGKNnOBST. S&4 Bond bldg FOR RENT - UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, 1816 Euclid St., the Summit; 6 rooms sad sleep lag porch; all convealencea: regular rant, $48. with teiuphoae; reduced to $35 August and Sen temliar. 1 hqair* of jaaitar or ph*M Mala 4669. , APAKTXEHTS TO 1ST. riftftWWHgP i^ittowWIK THE ALBKMARl.E, 17th AND T STS.-FOR mt, am rooma irt hath. W Ap<. 404 28* THE ECDORA MO 14th ST. -8 AND 0 ROOM ? ptrtB*nts: all nlitdf room*; lence; brat, hot water: awolugn froct and rear. call at Apt. 4. or phone Ool. 4-TM. ornam&nTal suburban apartments. OM-t ?!?. ? large, cool room# awl ?>sth-. BMM M? ?t. Interaction Rhode Island ive. F. H. SMITH CO.. 140* N. t. ave. FOR RENT-VERY DESIRABLE APARTMENT of 3 rooms and bath, downtown eoctlan; rent only 922 SO. CHA.* 8. MUIR * CO.. 1468 N. T. aw. . THE NETHERLANDS, 1880 Oolntnb'a toad: Mt. Plesssnt ear ltaa; 8. 4 and 6 mom* an* bath: housekeeping; T**r'J les?e. Phone N. 811. THE IOWA. 18th AND O STREETS N.W. One excellent 5-room apartment. $ mnflth. Standard ft reproof building. (7EN TRALLY LOCATED. McLACIILEN BANKING CORPORATION. AGENTS. 10th AND U STS. N.W. 8t. Lawrence. iwn California it.. 8 and 4 room*, tiled bath. $25 and $82.00. Natdie*. 1440 W at. n.w., 8 tod 4 room*, bath. $27.50 to 983. Derbyshire. 1761 Columbia rt. d.*., ? renraa end bath; outside; $42.50. Belgrade, 18th at. and Ph. a.*.. 3 and S room*, hath, $28 to $37.50. 1119 14th at. nw. <new), 2 and $ rooma, bath. $18.50 and $82.50. 1408 1 at. n.w.. 2 rooms and bath. $27.90. JOHN W. CHILDRESS. 1400 I ST. N.W. M. 278. THE OWASOO?Five lsrge, bright room* and bath: oonthem exposure: first . _ class condition. THE OWKIDA?Five rooma and bath; all ta |Md condition; private rear porch. GfBORGE TRUESDELA* 1027 Lincoln road. DESIRABLE FRONT CORNER; TWO ROOMS, hall and bath apt.: anesplred lease: privilege of renewal: rent. *35. Call bet. 6 and T p m. Apt. 810, the Cecil. H ST. N.W., NEW BUILDING, OPPOSITE fort, printing office?Attractive 4-room and bath Mtwekeeplng apt.: txit-water heat; electricity and $25 per mmth. 2a* THE DANFORD. 1428 HARVARD ST. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. A very desirable front apartment. Four larre rooms and bath. PRICE ONLT $32.50. WM. H. JUUNDEHS * CO., SOUTHERN BLDO., 807 15th JTT. N.W. THE RIGGS. 1408 13th N.W. New fireproof apt., 8 rooma tad oath, ?bis location. $25!.fO to $32.80. r. W. GRAHAM A CO.. 017 14th B.w. T15RONICA AND SUSSEX. 18th and B its. n.w. 8 to 5 rooms and bath, heated. ..$21.00 and np EA8THAM. 15th and East Capitol sts. 8 rooms and bath, beated $20.80 and up SUFFOLK. 7th and H sts. a.w. 8 rooms and bath $14 78 and np PHILLIPS COMPANT. 330 John Marshall place. FOUR ROOMS AND BATH, $22.50; 8R. A B? front, $32.50; Or. and b., front, $35.50: el"V?tOr, telephone exchange. The Melton, 4tl? and N. T. ave. n.w. COCKRELL, ?02 F at. n.w. FOUR NEW. COMFORTABLE AND CON ?enlent apartments, at 477 F at. n.w.; 4 rooms and bath each; rent, lat floor, $18.50; 2nd floor, $20.00. C. H. PARKER OO.. 438 at. a.w. FOB RENT?BY B. F. SAUL CO., 7th A L N.W. 1124 7th nw. Sr.b.22.6011709 4th nw. 5r.b.1>?.00 Lafayette apt,Br.b.22.5011300 H ne.npperfltl8.00 818 ft nw, fr, b...21.W! 1819 7th aw. 2r.b.|.Y00 827 7th nw, 4r. b.20.00 1110 C ne. 4r, b. ..14.00 14 Fla a* nw.flr.b. 19.80 1730 7th nw. 3r.b. 10.00 THE HILLSIDE. 1415 Chapln n.w.? 2 and 4 rooma and bath $23.00 to $38.00 THE PLYMOUTH, 1238 11th B.W.? 3 rooms and bath $26.00 THE CAROLINA, 708 11th B.W. 2 and 4 rooms and bath $20.00 to $28.00 2180 Pennsylvania ave. a.w.? 4 rooms and bath $17.00 AMERICAN REALTY CO.. 708 11th n.w. THREE LARGE ROOMS AND BATH HOU8E keeplng list; heated; all ontslde rooms; elec tricity; cm: acreena; awning: nse of porch; flne condition; $21. 3520 14th n.w. THE ALBEMARLE, 17th AND T STS. N.W.?4 mom and 6-room apartments for rent; all ?ot ?tda rooms. THE ETHELHURST, 15th AND L 8TS. N.W? 2 and 3 room apartments; all ontslde Apply at respective apartments or E. O. WAG EN HURST, 004 Bond Bid*. THE H1UHVIEW. <1 R- I. AVE. ?.?. t&e^olLand, *^p?eX<on2<u) ?T. N.'l? Tm$DF?NVEILtt H^CH^PIN 8?" n!w!"* b.^ elevator, ^hooe. $87,081 THE ILKLEY, 1$20 U ST. ? and 4r. and b. apts.. $23 to $25-80. L. W. GROOVES. 1418 H ST. N.W. THK ULl'Mi'U, 14th and Euclid eta. a.w. Fill Ore proof construction. All modem improvements. Large, comfortable room*. Excellent cafe. Moderate rate*. A few desirable 8 and 7 roam tn?m 840 to $80 a month. fitch. fox * brown. 1838 F st. ? >. 1848-45 8th N.W.-3 AND 8 ROOM AND BATH apartments; front and back porches: central location; near scboo's and cars; rent reason able to permanent tenants. Inquire Janitor. THE NORTHUMBERLAND, New Hampshire ave. and T at. Strictly high-clans, fireproof building; roof garden; all-night elevator and telephone serv ice: all ontslde rooma. shower In each snart ment; servants' rooms and baths; laundry; Boor plans furnished on application. One two-room and bath apartment $28.08 One three-room and hath apartment 30.00 One four-room and bath apartment 80.00 Apply en premises, or at the Waab\pgtoa Loan and Trust Company. FOR BENT?HOUSES. FURNISHED. DETACHEn'TEN-ROOM cottage-cool and please nt; porches and screened sleeptng bal cony: to adult* only: for month of Attaint. An ply on pre:nlvs. 3408 Mt. 1'teisaitt at. FOR RENT?DESIUABT E HOUSES. ALL SECTIONS. TYLER A RUTHERFOHD, INC., 25* 728 15th KT. N.W. UKrUHNISHgP. FOR RENT? 708 4th ST. N.W. 7 rooms and bath; near penalon office and Q at. cars; rent only $32.50. MOORE A HILL. INC.. 142Q-22 H st. n.w. FOR RE.NT 1728 WILLARD ST. N.W. Genteel residential street; near cars; s well bnllt house of 8 rooms; newly decorated and a nice home; rent. $40 50. MOOPF A HILL. INC.. 1420 22 H st. n.w. FOR RENT? 1342 RIGG8 STREET. 9 rooms and bath; near 14th st. cars; very cheap at ~o<!.50. MOORE A H1I-L. INC 1420-22 H St. n.w. HOUSES FOR RENT?WHITE. 330 15th st. n.e.. 7 rooms and bath $30..SO 707 Harvard st. a.w., 0 rooms and bath. 18.50 FRANK T. RAWLINGS CO.. INC., 1425 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. HOUSES FOR RENT?COLORED. 1227 Linden st. n.e., 0 rooms and bath..$50.50 74 P st. n.w., 0 rooms and bath 25.BO 70 P st. n.w., 0 rooma and hath 25 SO 1227'A 10th st. n.w.. 7 rooms 20 50 2327 E st. n.w.. 0 rooma and bath 30.50 FRANK T. RAWLINGS CO., INC., 1425 NKW YORK AVE. N.W. FOR RENT?705 "th ST. N.E.; BRICK HOUSE; m.l.; newly papered through- utl reasonable rent to desirable party. MILLARD METZGER. 631 Pa- ave. n.w. 27* FOR RENT?MOrBUN ll-ROOM AND BATH dwel'ing; convenient to Capitol, Congressional Library, sChoo's. churches and all car llneo. Inquire OWNER. 101 2nd st. n.e. 7* FOR RENT-VERY DESIRABLE TWO-STORY brick; 0 rooms and bath; a.m.l.; central north west: house In perfect order; rent reasonable. OWNEU. Bos 00. Star office. 81* i FOR RENT- " ~~ 1808 BELMONT. 10 rooms; 2 baths; s nicely located borne In Wsshlprtou Helmuts and rents for $52.00; thorourhly modern. _ MOORE A HILL. INC., 1420 22 H ?t n.w. BE 8UBB TO READ J. LEO KOLB'S RENT LIST In SundaVs 8tar. where you will find the best of everything for rent In every section of the <lt7" J. LEO KOI B, 823 N. Y. eve. n w. Phone M. 8027. 1237 W'sconsln ave. 1241 GIRARD ST. N. W .?LARGE 12KOOM house with npertment on fhlrtl Boor; will sub let how or apt, to desirable party. Col. 2S10. FOR RENT-1743 13th ST.' N.W.. TO A lat clase colored tenant; two-atory eorner brick; near colored Y. M. C. A. Keys at 1224 H st. n.w. Owner. IFOR RENT?ECK1NGTON. 317 V N.E.; MOD era. 8 rooms and bath; fine cellar; front and rear porches; only $23.50. W. F. NASH, Own er. 122 M n.w. FOR RENT?2248 ONTARIO ROAD; NEWLY papered and painted; d rodros ami bath; fur nace heat; colonial porch; rent, $22.50. M. J. KEANK. 004 Colorado bldg. TO COIXIKKD TENANTS. 806 20th at. n.w.. $17: 915 11th n.a., $13: 1702 Fla. eve. n.w., $23 : 2281 N. Y. are., $16.50. 1 ALEX. fe. CLARKE. Jr.. 635 F ?t. FOB BENT?817 P 8T. N.W. ? 2-STORY WUCK; bath; cellar new farnace; mX; teat, y 8707 14tb at B.V. & ? FOR RENT?HOUSES. rurrii?n?rhd (OtthitH). for Rjcrr ? attraottfw nr. homt* 498 10th ST. N.ft,. 832 50. fl totunm and bath; c?l??, funMK*. istr ? ST N.fc. $28. ? mm aftd batb. c*; I?*?. lit? R ST. N.E.. 120 80. ? 100am tad batk. wm. n. eAtxnrRs * oo. SMitbera bids.. 807 15th at. n. w. FOB RRXT to good cot^cred tenant 241S F ST N.W. 4 large room, and t?tb; on Oipltal Traction car line. H^ni only $17.50 Nt aiontb WM. A. BOSS CO.. 133U Ntw York it*. FOR RtVT-WHT ROOM* AND BATH: ercellcnt condition; bot-water beat: par qnet flooring; a I no'alde rooma. Sift I5tb St. B.e. Rent. $23.80. WM. A BOSS CO., 1320 New York are. FOR RENT? NW.1018 K. atore. 12r. b ITS'** NW.3 NW 212?> 18tli.?r.h 42.,'<? NW.2US 18tb.:<itf>.42.50 NW.1324 U. IT h.40.5 ? NW,1?m ftth.inr.b.38 'o |*W,lR0fl Wih lor.b.36.50 NW.S2R Weatmluater, Sr. b 32.5"* Stb. flr h.2ft.fl i IfW.lflno loth.atore?5.or VW.102S Rth. flr.b.22.?0 NW.S15 2?d. 8r ..IR.N NW,1!?42 ttth. flr. NW.1S06 4th. flr. lfl.4 NW 1494 NJ av.5r 15.4? NW.9010 H. atore 15 SW.2016 E. Sr.... J4.4. NW. 2516 Ea?t pi. 4r. h 15 US NW.1WJ0 *th. 4r. .11 .V) NW.411 26tb. Or. ???. 40 NW.2R2S K. 6r 8 *n NW.9S1' n. rooma.5.00 VF.110" ?th, 7r b.2Ti..V> NF.tO.15 l"tb. fir.b 2? so SR.W10 Pot ae, flr. 12 6A SK.till loth. ?r..U3ft SE.407 11th. Sr. .10.30 SR.Uns lOtb. 4r..l?.80 8W.94.1 C. Sr, b. 22.HO sw.anr lib pi. 7r. b 20..10 SU MOU Ta ae.6r.16.50 SW.814 Mclean tT, Or. h 18 40 <\V.nn c, Sr 14.00 W.031 C. 4r 14.60 APa RTAIRNTS. Tlie Vlar*tta. B r-ouit mil bath 197.80 The Vlncetta, 5 rooma ami bath 25.00 The V'ncetta. 4 room* and bath t;>.60 The Cheltenham, & rooma and txith 3ft.60 okficfjr vortrnwwrr. Central building. ofHcea. 800 H at. n.w., first floor $25 SO Call at oflVe for Information rcrardlng alter property, atiiblee. etc., I have for rert. For farther Information ar>plf at ofllce. J. W. PIU.INO. HIS F at. n.w. |FOR RENT CHOICE NORTHWEST IIOCSR* 619 2nd at. n.w., in riniua, batb S':t..">0 141 T at. n.w., 8 nx'iui. b tb .*V>.*? 1010 3rd at. n w.. rt rooira. hath 27.00 62 R at. n.w.. 7 rooma. batb 25.M tIt P at. n.w.. * room*, batb 85.60 CHOICE SOUTHEAST HOr.fRB. jm tt c. are. n.e.. Or. and h. fur 22 64 18W N. O. are. n.e., 0 ro?ma and b.. for. 21.90 1337 R at. n.e., fi rooms. Imtb <ep|nred)... 2" 50 416 5tb at. u.#.. 0 rooma batb t!?..%0 1368 N. C. are. n.e., ? rooma. hath 18.50 1304 N. C. are. n.e.. 0 rnom?t. bath 17.50 S3 Myrtle n.??.. fl room*, huh choice Rorrnr*<T hofskb. <105 F at. s.e.. A room*, hath IS ?0 SOS 7tb at. a.*., ? rooma. water 10 V> 12* Heckman at. a.c.. fl rr ma, bath.... 100>? 141 N at. a.e., fl rooma, water (eoloredl.. ^.0J CHOICE 80PTIIWE.*T HOUSWL SOS F at. a.w., 8 rooma. bath 473 Md. are. a.*.. 11 rooma. bath 216 Ltnworth nl. a w . * rooma. ^atb 80 90 28.30 2* ?S 010 i at. a.w., S rooma, bath BO) 816 Stb at. a.w., fl rooma, batb..?????? 2^.6*t ?2fl f at. a.w., 6 rooma; batb 22.30 630 I at. a.w., 6 room?. bath 2*J.?M 402 M at. a.w., 6 rooms, batb 614 M at. a.w.. 6 rooms, batb 2".VI 1201 Stb at. a.w.. Sat, 3 room*, batb.... 16.BO 477 Ere at. a.w., 6 rooma. hath 16 "O 475 Eye at. a.w., 6 rooma and bath.... 14.5<> 408 11 tb at. a.w., ft rooma water 12.30 1349 4ty a.w., 5 rooma. water 10.68 JAMES r SHF*. e.n r.*. ?VE N W | FOR RENT?rNFI RNMSHEO RY JESSE L. HEISKELT.. 1401 H RT. 212H B at. n.w.. 16r., 2b 1744 Q at. n.w., Or., lb 1731 30th at. n.w. (flat?. Or. lb 126 E at. n.w., !*.. lb 1510 R at. n.w.. 7r.. lb 1380 U at. n.w. (flat), flr lh 101H 6th at. n.w.. atoreronn 9010 I. at. n.w., 6r , lb 23? 13th at. a.w.. Sr., lb 142 C at. n.?.. 7r.. lb 411 3rd at. a.w? Or * ?2fl N. n. are.. Rr OOft 23rd at. n. w., 3r ?...... 1348 In Ion at. a.w., flr.. lb 1421 Peoatnr eonrt, 4r 1*03 H at., ofllre rooma, alngle 9t en N.W. MSI . r>5 o<? . 40.00 . 36.30 . 32.50 . 32.50 . ?i.00 . 22 30 . 22.50 . 22.60 . 15.RO . 20 90 . 16.50 . 13.50 . 9 50 aotte. rOR RENT-BY JOHN T KNOTT. 918 f St. 1 Iowa clr. 15r.8i23.oo 11 him Rlrira pi. t?r..80.88 132P 111b. Sr 85.50 11?13 Rlrra nl. llr.M.M S20 23d 7r 25.30 11424 6th, 6r 23.60 FOB BENT - TWO-FAMILY FLATS. NEAR two car llnea. containing bath, aeparate en trance. back yard and front lawn; SU nootfe. Apply Airent. 1022 13th at. a.0. FOB RENT?0-BOOM " HRICR; ONLY *17: 618 K at. mod. lain*.: irood repair; key at 614 K a.e. P. W. TL'CKEB * BRO.. 798 A at. n.e. a a 12* i FOR RENT- TO COLORED TFVANTS. 1804 L ST. N.W.. $25 50. 6 rooma and bath. 1806 K ST. N.W.. $32.50. 8 rooma and bath. WM. H. BATCHERS * CO., Southern bldg.. 807 15th at. B.w. I FOR RENT?M* R ST. N.W.: 7R. AND B.; EX cellent condition; PJft.50. 300 F at. a.e.; 8c. and b.; ctce'lent condition: $30. PTTILLTPS CO.. 330 John Marahall place. FOR RENT?1?? CONN. AVE. N.W.; IMMEPI ately adjoltilne Rritlab emh:iaay; large, apa lo*s bouse, admlralilr adapted for entertaining; baa 13 rooma and 2 bathrooma; being thoroughly overhauled: rent, $91.67. PHILLIPS CO.. 330 John Ma-ehall placo. I FOR RENT-BY L. J. MILLS. 005 6th ST. N.W. 700 H ne. 8r. b...$35.00 1212 F a ar ne.Or.b. 18.5 1 1721 Vt a*. 6r, b..20.8f? F'at, 11 Fla a? nw.l'.v'-" 1200 Fla ar ne ?. ? 18.50 635 L aw. Sr 14.6" FOR RENT-BY B. F. SILL CO., /tb A L N.W. 901 F. Cap, 9r, b.?45.6'? ir?2 Walter a?*.n.b 20 >? 5-1 I n>T. llr. b...45.w<?|19?4 Mart'n tiw.0.w!R.60 1223' O BW. 9r. bv .40.30 1210 Irrlnff nv ,8r.b?o.S ? 414 M nw. 9r. b..ST5S 825 Stb nw. 10r.b.S6.3? 1520 R nw. 7r. b. .85.45 714 N rw. 9r, b. .35 OO 1711 13th nw,12r,h32.5 > 80S K nw, 8r, b...30.0(t 1729 Ptb nw, Pr.b.80.50 1342 Rl?rc? nw.Sr.b'JS 30 312 R nw. flr. V..ft>0? 702 Qulm-y 1?10 3d nw. flr h.. 2t..%n 606 Lanr n' rw.fl,b.?6.3' NYji n^v.fl.b. 2fl '<0 1222 N nw. Pr b. .25.30 ?10 D tsw. Or. h, ,5rt.5 2?i3 Oa ar nw.6r.t'2YVi 2734 iiMrtr nw,S.btH.5o lOO.t Mar'.on uw.7,t2S."0 3?m? g nw. 7r b...2;( !t'2* D rif, 7r. b.. 22 50 1232 f* ne. rr. b. .22.3 > 183ft Mb nw. 6r.b..?.5 I Ml N 3 ar je.T.fJ.M II Tl I ne. .21.3 1228 Water aw 6r,b90.:i0 2"24 f; nw. flr. I...18.M Ml M'cb at no.fl w1?..V 7<?fl R I ar nw.flr.wlS.W ! SI v Md a^ n .Hr.wM. W) 914 I ae. 7r. w....15.:?" 312 3th ce. 5r. w. .15.4" 12:7 4th nw, 5T' -? ? * 1-4* ?,, I 905 K bw. Or. w.. 18.90 79 O nw. 4r. b ...lH.S.i ??o?i o nw 5r.w. ..1s.<b? 407 Oakdale nw.4.bl7.V' 1 23 12tb nw 4. t?. 17 5-' 66 Pierce nw.6r.b..lS.'-" 311 nth ne. flr. w ifl.5-' 2121 4th nw. Sr. b.l?.S? 1534 Stb BW, 6r.w.l*fc> 13i*3 B ne. 3r. ?...13.".'? #14 Ky a* ae. 5r.b 15 ?012 fla a* nw.5r.hl3.Oi 221flWater w :5 2233 Vt*- ttw. R * r. ;5 0J 232 W*rr?-n ne.4r.bl4 ?'*? 2Vt7 n*. 3r w I4.0<t lii! Cor'n. I t .7r.w!3 5> HO Fcl.w'ck. Pr.w.l2.V? W40 Oa av nw,3.nl2.j'? 1015 12'Ij rw. tr.? . ll.fc ? t2"J7 Wri t* Be.5r.wll.S0 22t? flif nw. *r.w. 11.60 441 Pra>b?*r a ft. 4r, ? 11. ?* 125*4 IUflg. nw.Xwll.25 >VI It r> !l .wjti'1 AC R-ar fill M nw.4,wl0.50 r'.3S ftth nw.Or.w.. 10.50 N'Y tr nw 4.wlO.SO 20tl Oalra TM-.0r.wlM.6S ?:<2* *-th n*r, 4r.w.lo.3rt ?th ?)?? rtr.w 10.8# lt<72 30ih nw.r.r.w.10 3? M OoHt al nw^r.wlO.O"! 22C7 N Y a* nw.5 bl5 "xil 7 31^ j... 4r, w.,..10.0? 14^4 K ae, 6r, b,..16.8ft| 13 F to- ct ? h ?" Kr-W 1* ** . .. BW/*.wio.oo ne. 4r, b.,.15.00 ' ?l tiw.4r.w.l,>.oo 017 1st *p. 7r> b.. .14 7.. 'Vl4* V ae. 6r. b. .11.30 4i Decatur ae.Rr.wlOOO OLt'-KH TENANTS, trie 7tb nw. ato, Tr^ I'03 Marlon n*.7.h?" ?' ls21 4th nw. Cr.b..t3 50 8113 Sh?-r ?t nw.S.btS 30 7 L nw. 7r. b . ?.3o 2112 loth nw 5r.b. 25.0< 150" flth nw. 6r, b 23.5! 21*7 Newport pl??^,. nw. r.r, b 2? 5^ 2331 hi b I'W. 6r.b..?.'5> 836 L nw, "r, w. .21 6 t"o Brook'a, 4r,w...<t50 'CT N ae. flr. w .. fi M 10^2 Kramer re,r>.wS.00 KTORRS. 8 NT it ne 74 50 933-838 Stb nw K5.00 l23'.t "tb nt, ?tore. Or, b 6S.OO If>9 Pf% tiw, ators, 12r, b 3.1*0 1t"1 5th n*.n? 9 KW.90 938 3d uw.atoAdw .35.01) ]o<m ntb ^r.b.J6.0<) "*in ?* nw V 00 1 c04 7th nw,^3.60 2T6 12tb nw. atore tr w 20.50 ^2'b nu^rbVSi M J H ::p4uTtTiw 40rt L nw. Hr, w,..?.yilW1< 0, ato...19.00 1030 4th r:w. 7r.w.20,..O' I FOR RENT?BEACTIFt'L DETACHED 8IX R<?OM DWELLING ON LAR-JE LOT, NORTH. WEST 8ECTION, WITH BRAlTiEdL YARD, TILE RATH. LARflK PORCH. EI.BCTH.IO LIGHTS; ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS; REASONABLE RENT. Al>I'RF.-tS WM. E. FOWLER, ftlfl 14th ST I HONE MAIN 78H7. 1 FOR HEM 1607 H ow.24r.5b.$450 1451 Harvard at.83.33 Stable 15.00 1315 M. 12r. b... 75.00 1721 Q. 12r 2b, wltb roomy garage. Klrfcp at. Cbety Chaae. lOr, B....S0 <? 1619 2Ut. lOr. b-.30.00 1S32 J?-ffcrao? pi . .??<>? jr 1313 M. 12r. ?.....-m* riio 1446 N nw, ltr. 65.00 1731 R. llr. b...40 00 l?-22 Eye iw. 7r.b_20.00 A rrry daalrable at?>re, 1702 14tb?t. m.w. .$30 0? ST0NFI E1C.H COCBT. A faw *er? de<1rable apartm"nta mow TBcaa*. from $50 to $:t3 a noutb THE OLYMPIA 14tb and BoeBS. Terr dealrable apartmeBta, 5 ropy a? mm $? t roumk ard batb. from $? wW ? MiMtfc. FITCH. FOX tc BR0*N. 1333 F at B.w. FOB BEXT-CNFl RMSnED. t!5 C tt. n.w., H?r ?i<1 o ???*? 1M0 Q at. B.W., 7r. A ?).. b.-w_beat., 887 Weatmlnafr at., Or., b., fornaeo... 1780 S at. n.w.. Sr v.. V"*"* fltS F at. b.w., ? rrwaai ainrt >>?tU 9137 F at. b w.. Sr.. b.. latrobea. .840.75 . -;h 73 . 36.50 . 30.75 . 30.5l> 27.30 1731 N. J. ??e. B.?. 7r. and b., lalrobe. 22. <0 ?M. 50 11.00 2C1P K at. n.w., 7r. end b.. latrubea 1910 3rd at. 4-raoui brick APABTMENTS. "Tbe New York." Si., b.. ateaa beat.. .$35.50 "The Eases." "4?2 N at. B.w.. 5 rooma and b.ui steam beat 89.30 "Tbe Cbelaeo." tr. awl b at earn heat... St.Mt STORES. 1325 14tb at. b.w.. lance atore, two sis room end batb apartmrata above and atable and atop In rear. Per u>ontb.. .81.30.00 1906 O at. B.w.. atore 815U.0U 1813 New York arc. b.w.. 8-atory bolld lag: large More, wltb entraaca oa two .o~u: .M. -MM. 9409 Virginia a?e. b.wu 6 roMM 18.80 OASCH * BIBGR. 1396 N. T. jrt. B.M.