Newspaper Page Text
FOR REFT?HOUSES. UNFURNISHED (Caitlaatd). FOR BENT? 1123 Vt. ave.. IS rooma awl 4 bath* $100.00 1322 19th at. d.w., 12 rooma. 2 hatha.. 130.00 10 Grafton at.. Cbery Cbaae, 9r. and 2b. 08.00 8240 S at. B.W.. 10r., b. nri|r, I?rfe lot 65.00 1005 Ii-tIii* n.w.. 10 rooma. 2 baths.... 55.00 707 Qulncy at. n.w. (Petworth), Or, b... 81.30 2H Qulncy pi n.e.. 0 rooms and bath.... 28.90 TTLER 4k RUTHERFORD (Inc.). 28* 728 15th ST. N.W. FOR RENT? 1310 17th BW.0r.b.$23.30,5? 17th ae. Or.h. .10.80 1841 kray ae.7r.b.a>.0o 810 II ae, Or 10.30 ?14 Mich av 1412 Krny ne.flr.b.22.30 OFFICES. Modern offlrw for rent. McLachlen bvlhftng. McLACHLEN RANKING CORPORATION. 10th a ad O. FOR RENT-BY OKO. W. LINKINS. 1714 Pa. aw. ?.?. NW.HIS S. Or, b. $40 M> NW.2114 H.lOr.b.SS.Mi NW.2I44 I nw,0,b30.50 NW.7S8 Newton pi. Or b............27.80 SE.022 3d. 8r. b..2S..V0 VW.522 21st 7r.b.23.50 NW.2221 H. Or. b.2S.'<0 VW.423 P, Sr. b. .28.80 SR.322 8 C av.0r.b23.80 NE.323 8th, Or. w. 17.50 APARTMENTS. VW.!?29 O. Sr. b. 80.60 \W 2020 G. Or. b. parqnet floors. ...85..V) 'Vta?)a, 4r. b S2.."W> NW.818 21at. 5r,b.8ft."4> NW.1S20 O, Sr. b.27 50 SW.12WH C. Or.h.22 30 Get mmpVlf list at vw.1724 Pa av.S.bM.80 N'W.1221 Otla place. 8r, b..20.80 N'W.82 Q. 3r. b. .20.30 STORES. FTC. NW.7JW ?th. stnre.08.00 COO llth. store.. .40?? NW,!84* 7th, atore35.00 VW.2nr? L.stoAflat30.30 NW.171R Fla if, store and flat 30.00 XW. Warehouse. ..28.00 NW.1I40 lPth.2r.atl8.80 NW.2147 P. atore. 18.00 N'W.tiorage room.. .8.00 COLORED TENANTS. NW.1143 21st.llr.b8S.50 NW.1711 Beaton at. Or and water. ..18.00 FOR RENT?TO COI.ORED. 1840 CORCORAN at.; eight moras: In good condition: 888.30. JOHN T. KNOTT. 010 F ?t FOR RENT?OFFICES. \THT PAT HIGH OFFICE RENT WHEN TOO can nt room In the Stewart bidg.. cot. Oth and D ata. n.w.. for 88 to $10 per month? A.aa.1. DESK ROOM IN MAIN-FLOOR OFF1CB. Chlldraoe bid#.. 1408 I at. a. w.; light, wait. Janitor; my reaaoaable: desirable I oration. Apply to JOHN W. OHILDRR3S. on premls.-a. THE KRNOI8 BUILDINO, llth aad G a.w., apposite Palate RoraL Tha Terr renter of the bnalneaa district. Urge, light. slrv rooms, $10 op: beat, hot aad cold water, electric llgbt. janitor eerv1<a i white) free; two electric el era tors all night. Sunday and holiday service. Renting office. Room 404. or Wardmaa bids.. 1430 K n.w. FOR RENT? Very desirable room on tbo 4fh floor of TTie Ermine Star Bid*.; 2 commnnlcattn* rooma, Pennsylvania are. front. $55. Oth>-r at moderate rarea. Apply to the BUSI NESS MANAGER. Star Baifdlng. LARGE OFFICES IN BUSINESS SECTION: . lectrlc lights, elevators, steam. Janitor; $12 to $25. VICTOR BUILDING. Oth at. and Oram place n.w. Call Oth floor. FOR RENT?STORES. MV. I> ST. N.W. SEE R. M. RICHARDS. ROOM 14. Central hid*.. 900 nth at. n.w. * STORE FOR RKNT?2120 NEWPORT PLACE n.w.. $24.SO. FRANK T. RAWLUtoS CO., INC., 1425 NEW TORK AVE. N.W. RXDUCED TO $00 MONTH. 1310 14th ST. N.W. A large and attractive a tore room, suitable * >r auto sa'?sroom. WM. H. SAUNDER8 * 00.. Sonihern bide.. 807 13th "t. n.w. OTHER REAL ESTATE RENTS Ml I'KOHKNTI FOR RENT?1403 H ST. N.W.: BENT location la city. For office or busi ness purposes. Rattrr floor, ea aulta. or single room. 2nd. 3rd aad 4th floors. Steam beat; electric light; Ol TS1DE SIGN SPACE ON BUILDING. Inspect loo In r I ted. JESSE L. HEISKKLU 1408 B at. a.W. SHOPS. FOR RENT-LARGE SHOP. 710 O 8T.; SDIT abte for wagon and antomoblle repairing; price. $30. F. P. NASH. 1331 8th. 28* ?EAR S21 Uth ST. N.W.; LARGE CON crete room: plenty light; hot-water heat; elec tric lighting; entrance on llth ?t.; suitable for plumber or plasterer. M. J. KEANE. 004 Colorado bid*. WAREHOUSE AND STABLE. FINE BRICK* BUILDING. 50x100; S. CAP. AND ] N ae.: 40 atalla; will acparato 10 to 40 a talis; ; floors tor storage; low rent. W. F. XASH, 122 M n.w. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. IS TOl'R HOUSE. APARTMENT OR STORE vacant? We have a dcairable list of appllcauta; Hat TW property with ua. KK.sXAlU) 1 tEALTT CO.. 334 Pa. ave. a.e. FOR SALE?HOUSES. FOR SALE?HALF SOI ARE OF LINCOLN Park, eight-room brick house; 93,250. OWNER, ?07 A at. a.e. I OR SALE?TWO SOLID. 2-STORT AND CEL Iht bricka: n.w.; 0 rooms and hath: permanent r?nanta; at $20.50 each; price. $2,050 each; :i;la can't be beat; sacrifice of $1,500; terms; part caah: balance 3-year trust. THOS. H. BANES. 013 G at. n.w. IOR SALE?12-R. HOUSE. STORE AND STA h'.e attached, on business thoroughfare, or will . tcbange for amall houses: car line paaaes door, another 2 blocks away. Apply 701 4th ?t. n.w. INVESTOR OB COLORED HOME BUYER? | Four almost cew br'.ck boaaea; six pretty ?*>ms; tiled bath; porchea: targe yarda front] and rear. Fine street n.w.; cars at corner. Uented for $22.80 each. Price for ten day a, $2,200 each. Trust. $1,800 each, can remain. Box 30. Star office. 26*_ il-OKF. AND DWELLING?STORF-. 11 ROOMS I and bath; owner retired Ju'y 1. after 28 years I f successful business at this stand. Addreaa | OWNER. Box 4. Star office. ? 25* FOR SALE-WILL SELL MT BEAUTIFUL NEW tV-mom and bath home In Col. Hts.. with hot* ".ater heat, gaa and electric llrhta. 8 'arse I->r<-bea, quartered oak floors, for leaa than *4.000, and will ac<-ept eaay terms. Addresa OWNER. Box 406. Star office. F'Mt SALE?804 Oth ST. N.E.. NEAR H ST.; T| 'arcc rooms. tl!ed bath, hot-water beat; larval l'runt por. b. double back porch; deep lot to | alley: room for stable; hardwood trim through. eiit: oak stairs; laundry trays, servant's toilet In cellar. See owner for price, and make yonr owe terma. Open for inspection. JA& O. NEALON. 723 Oth n.e. rOR SALE?THIS MODERN feRICK HOUSK. 140T. Harvard st.; used by owner only two .rears; Is resdy for occupancy; can be pur chased by quick buyer reasonably. Contains nine rooms, two baths, h.w. ht.. electricity; awnings and screens; brick garage, 18x28. Ap p?y OWNER. 1018 Uth at. n.w. Ph. M. 370. FOR SALE?1731 Q ST. N.W.; REMODELED AND BETTER THAN NEW; ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS; OPEN DAILY AND SUN DAT. L. W GIIOOMES. 1413 H ST. WANTED TO BUY. HO( SK*. WANTED-TO BUY IN !?. ?'.. NORTHWEST sePtlon. about oiie acre ?.r c^un.!. with 8 or 9 room bou^e In ifo*"l <t?nd:tlon. n-ar car line; atata exact locauuu etui price. \lu*t be t>ar gain. Box 51. >-'tar ottice. 28* WANTED-TO BUT OR LEASE A OR 10 room boose, west of 14th, north of Florida avc., with garage or room for one; must have b.-w. beat and 4 rooms on tint floor. Addreaa with fail partlcalars Box 47. Star office. I BATE $8,200 IN CASH TO INVEST IN D. C. tt. E-. either homes or Inveatmenta; give loca tloa, trust and lowest price, otherwise no at rent Ion paid. Box 274. Star office. IF TOU HAVE ANT IMPROVED CITY PROP orty for sale write tae particulars. Will make Crash offer within three days. Addreaa I 270. Star office. FOR exchange! I HAVE $000 EOUITT IN FINE CORNER lot; alao $200 cash; can pay monthly notes of $40. What have you? Addreaa 11. J., Star office. * FIVE ACRES? H1GHLT IMPROVED; NEARLY new modern house In One condition; lane poultry bouse, etc.: 70 fruit trees; well fenced; on co. road, two blocks to cars; 25 minutes to elty; trade for city property; price, $0,000; clear of Incumbrance. W. P. MeDOWELL. Kenols bklg.. Uth and O. URAL ESTATE EXCHANGE A SPECIALTY. An active Itet of houses, apartments, lots. bustaeas and Inveatasent properties. For quick deals see L E F PRINCE. 721 Bond hl<*. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-S-ROOM HOUSE in aortbeast; suitable for small store; $2,750; on easy terma; or will exchange for Oral tnort gage note. Addreaa H. A C. Star ofl^. SALE OR KXCHANOE?OWNER OF A MOD em 0-rooo _honae. Chrvy Chaae. will trade equity for small house or aato aad some caah. Boa 42. Star ofllce. 20* 18 TOUR HOME TOO SMALLT HANDSOME 5-story. 9-room hoaae; good neighborhood; 1784 17th at. n.w.; near N. H. avc.; exchange modern am a liar hooss. OWNER, 2ll Jenifer Md?. 23* INVESTMENT PROPERTY. FOR 8ALE?FOUR-ROOM HOUSE ON 23rd 3T B.W.; nearer, aratar. Rent, $8.80. Price, $800 caah. Land worth more money. Box 00. 8tar 27* 8 NEW HOISES ON FAIRMONT OT.; GOOD Inveataients; 2-story bricks; rent. $28.50. Price. $2,860; trust. $1,750. Wlli consider trade. W. H. H. CISSEL * CO.. Jordan bid*.. 1301 G at. n.w. OPPORTl N1TT FOR SMALL INVESTOR. FOB SALE- Several amall income properties over 10% ml Addreaa Box 401, Ktar WANTED?BUSINESS PROPERTY. 1 AM DESIROUS of ln*?il?* ? of cash la bualneee property In Wart ngton. Any one with the right propo*itloa will ?d drees with full particular Box ?'?>? Star office. HAVE CASH BUYBK FOB nrty with rooms above. Price not to exceed KKw'?rORK REAL ESTATK_gROKCTS:_14a^ FOR RENT?OUT OP TOWH. TEN ROOM BRICK HOISK AT BRABDOCK Heights; ?w lently l**?1** Him-; fonr acres of ,aD^'_j*KEITH CAB wster: $30 per month. Apply C.?KEITH LIN, i*. O. Bo* 33, AleuininOi^ ^ FOR SALE??OUT OF TOWN. 1 HIGHLY IMPROVED FARM OF 200 ACRES kt Upper Marlboro station. binding on Chesa Deafce Beach railway and on atate road to Washington; beautiful {Elding streams of water. Apply to F. SASSttit, Attorney. Cpper Marlboro. Md. j.or hALE?BUSINESS PROPERTY riuivKSS PROPERTY AND HIGH-ORADBS BbSto?ST ouexcelled location; $28,000 cash or linkable notes will negotiate ranged to ?ult purchaser. If notified will give Information In detail by personal interr ew on.y._Addre*Jk>i. a?. Star office._ Zl*_ FOE SALE?GARAGE. for SALE?GALVANIZED IBON STEEL shelter; two rooms; t?xl2 f^i ^w windows In eacb room: large ecreened porch 6x18 feet, house furnished and set up complete tar <270 anvwhere within radius of two car fares; wood SErT JAMES E. ALBINSON, 1802 14th st. n.w. ? FOR SALE-GALVANIZED IRON ^PORTABLE garage. 12x18 feet, with one pair doable doora one small door and four wtndowi; furnished and set up complete with cement floor, 1200. JAMES E ALBINSON. 1802 14th St. n.W. 27* SUBURBAN PROPERTY. FOR SALE. COME TO M"T OFFICE SATURDAT Al^iKR NOON and let me tell J**1 *'^b|n5' aIJL tnc the 600-acre Virginia subdivision. On tne SUNDAY from 10:40 to 2:40. At myCIarendon offlce same day from 3 to e ?'Ck>Ck" "COLLINS," Exclusive Agent. <?) Clarendon. Va. COME OUT TOMORROW AFTERNOON AND make your home or ?*leTi'2?n t^ A'OOO Clarendon. Houses from $2,800 to $5,000. Lots from $150 to $300. payments. ? ? ?COLLINS." Clarendon. Va. ?>> ACRES FOR ONE-HALF ITS VALUE IS ""Montgomery co., Md.; 2% miles from ? 'trie* line, on blue stone road; next to *1" ing for $300 per acre; owner must have money at once and will sell entire tract for $1,7^). COLLINSORU-BUFORD CO.. 1410 O at. n.w. FOR"sALE-$3.a00: 8 ROOMS; A.M.I.; LARGE talked ^Uc! 1-3 acre. Alleghany, Elm and Pine ats., Takoma Part __ IDEAL SUBURBAN HOME IN NORTHWEST; ....I, n acres' 10 rooms and bath, hot-water Seat- waterworks and sewerage; electricity; heantiful grove; high elevation; for sale by ^?fUnrtS?S6.300' Box 53, Star office. 27' SST5 <*AtF-I5 850: AT CHEVY CHASE; charming new bungalow of ? roo^ and bath^ hot-water heat: big lot; COxl^. dJ,,kpK 721 for small property. L. E- F. PRINCE, 721 Bond bldg. | J. JEROME LIGHTFOOT. THE SUBCRB^f; Farm Specialist, calls your I cood ones; many others; also farms, 6% a.. Md., IVi miles of Cabin John, new Brad ey | Hii-ct hut odIy 2 fares# fine land? ftr^&iD? fruit; 6r. h.; new stable; typical poultryj>lwe; strong Tri^'und^stream; 6r. t: fruit; **0. TZ fating trolley; new 6r h^ concrete; cellar; good poultry b'dg?.; $3..60. Many' 0tl*lRROMfcK LIGHTF?>0T?'l404 H St. n.W. Trt onur ONE WHO WANTS HOME?FIVE ccllent well with force P??P;^tcT'"^^e't' lot one hundred bf two ' Wlni well fenced; orchard, fourteen kinds or Dears two chicken booses# with runs; three ^utVesTrom elect ric wru. live from ste.n small caah payment, balance as rvnt. ^Applr Op premises Saturday af'^noon or s?nd*y,p^\^ Spring. Md.. or by mail to Mrs. M. M. FAUL PONER. Takoma Park. D. C. f?_ R.ROOU HOUSE, ALL MODERN CON\fcN entire house; one sqoare from_carUna..rrice. $3 500. <800 cash, balance monthly. AKTHUttj CARR. Hvattsville. Md. Fr?? KAI.B?3 NEW HOUSES. 6, 8 AND 10 ?^Sm^i^rn^t. 50x127;jWKf-jJ sun parlor. Price. $4,500 and #5.000. Ha y terms. Take District line. wytTcar. Get off at 20th at- JOHN U KM>PP, Owner. 1U29 Jackson st. n.e. . FOR SALE?10 ACRES NEAR CH??2w?SittnM Circle at a bargain; extensive impro*ementa loosing TaluSr rapidly; broker^attentoa. FULTON R. GORDON. Owner. Colorado Ndg. M. 5231. $1,500?S-ROOM HOUSE. 2 AORJ? OF UN9. on new macadamiaed road coating $8.00' per | mile; within sl.rht of new $10.000 school build tag. Only $900 cash, and assume trust. $000. ifrlreM Box 1"0. Star office. li2!_ L,. tpirvnnN VA ? NEW HOUSE AT SACRI to? tZL\ bath; reception hall; gas; wide front, side and rear porchea; large cor ner lots: price. $3,150; terms to wit. Owner. NORRIS BOWEN. Clarendon. Ta. 28 RIVER FRONT PROPERTY N?ARm^,?T? or sale In acre villa sites; macadam roadwys. electricity water and electric car service. GEO. L. APP1CH. 107 S. Boyal st.. Alexandria. Va. FOR THE CHEAPEST DEJSIRABLE 6 TO 20 ??e farms wUh or without houses, on Balti more electric, and on your own terms, address OWNER. Box 288. Star office. Hi RI RRAN HOUSES ALWAY8 UNDER CON District and out. bee CHA8. M. uuai BOWN, across Catholic Church, Mt. Rainier. Md. EASY TERMS. ArRPa. WELL LOCATED ON HIGH ground in the District; macadamised road; only $800 per acre. C. J UHOHE8. 1321 G. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW; LARGE^ CORNER lot; elec. llghta; slate roof; cellar and attic. 1 car fare; $50 cash, $20 a month. car tare. ^ ROGERS. Mt. Balnler. Md. FOR ANY^ING THATTOU MAT want. FROM A LOT 50\200 TO 200 ACRES, AI>ONG THE LINE OF THE ROCK VK.LF. ELECTRIC ROAD. WTHEB IM PROVED OR UNIMPROVED FOR IN VESTMENT OR 8ITBDIVI810N. J H. MILLER. 1304 F. HOW TO BE YOUR OWN LANDLORD, on $100 cash and $15.00 monthly, at CHEVY cnASE. For full Par^cni*^3T^p postal, telephone or call on WM H. RH 1K 317 Colorado bldg. Tel. M-* j231. FOR SALE ? FINEST LOTS IN TAKOMA Park; near electric and steam car lines; wa ter, sewer and gaa; cheap and on easy terms. J. P. EARNEST. Trustee. 323 4?4 st. n.w. OWNER LEAVING THIS VICINITY HAS Au thorized me to sell h's beautiful borne of 8 rooms and bath; reception hall; fine cellar; hot-water beat; abont 1 acre; line outbuild ings; fruit; beautiful lawn; 10 minutes from electric line to Washington; $7,500; leas might buy. Apply at once. ROBT. ELXJOT, Real Estate Agt., 127 So. Royal St.. Alex., Va. BIO BAROAIN?BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED 8 room house; hot-water heat; bath and gaa: near cars; one fare: 0 rooms; large lot: $2,300; terms; several for rent. J. M. EARNEST. Mt. Rainier. Md. 27* FOR SALE- NEW DWELLING; SIX ROOMS: hot-water heat: til? bath: electric llghta; large lot; on easf terms; northwest section. Ad dress OWNER. B?n 247. Star office. CHEVY CHASE. ?The beat snburb of the National Capital." Branch office of the Chevy Chase Sopertles now open at Chevy Chase rcle. The home bnl'der will And In this sec tion more Inducements than can be of fered In any other suburb. Prices range from 12c to 50c per sq'iare foot. Well built and carefully planned bonee, ready to occupy, from $7 500 up. THOMAS J. FISHER A OO.. Inc.. General Sales Agent. 738 15th st. n.w. and Chevy Chase Circle. FOR SALE?$30 MONTHLY: WO CASH PAY ment required; new bungalow, with 8 rooms and bath; large basement with laundry and furnace; gas; electric llghta; beautiful stone and cement porch. 11 by 29. with 12-'nch column*; hath snd all modern Improvements; lot 50 by 300, fronting on macadam ft it* road; one block from electric cars: on high eleva tion: large forett tree# In front and rear of house; price. $4,200. See Owner. W. R. W1L SOX. Rlverdale, Md. CHEVY CHASE?Just completed, an ideal home of 7 room* and bath; electric light, modern heat'ng; beautiful. large porches; cellar under entire bowe; la-re pantry, flne. large cloaeta and a nice garage. Large lot. with abade. C'o*e to Conn. ave. cars. This la the greatest bargain In Chevv Chase section. Key at office. Price only $4,850. Terms. A. B. CAMPBELL. 1410 H a.w. FOR RRXT. ATTRACTIVE HOME ON WISCONSIN AVE. and River rd.. D. C; 7 rma. and beth; city water and sewer being installed; lai?e lot. shade; cheap rent. App'y Mrs. MARY A. BR1TT, Tenleytown. D. C. SEVERAL NEAT HOMES JUST IN MO LINE, at Mt. Rainier and E. Hyattavllle. with large grounds, snfficient for chickens, garden snd Sowers; 4. 5. 8 and 7 rooms, and prices rant lag from $10 to $22; Vt of rent to apply te purchase of place at tenant's option. 3. C. ROGER8. Owner. Mt. Rainier. Md FOR RENT?8-ROOM HOUSE. TAKOMA PARK; near rare; one fare; water, sewer, gaa. bath, outside shutters, porches, cellar: shade. AB THUB R. COLBl'RN. 505 E n.w. Phone. an7* | FOB RENT?FOR SUMMER. FURNISHED, 8UB urban home, Brookland. D. C.; six rooms and bath: porches, awning, shaded lawn. Apply 501 Hilbt blilg.. 723 15th st. n.w. 25* FOR RK.NT OR SALE. FOR SALE OR RENT?$3.6t(U, REDUCED from $l.2.V>: aeven-room iletaclwd; a.m.!.; .porches; cellar; your terms; two ttquares . - terminus 14th ft. cars and one Georgia ave.; I rent, $25; open. 6734 13th st. n.w. ST* PABM3. FOR SALE. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. 80 MI MUTES Wash.; 2. 3 or 4 room new house mad I to 6 ?ere farm, with choice varieties, all kinds at fruit, bearing throughout the season. High and health; location. Prices. $586 to $1,150; lib era! terms. _ JOHNSON'S REAL ESTATE EXCHANO*. Mt Pa. aye, n.w.. Wash., D. O. WATER FRONT BARGAINS. ~~~~~ 500 acrea, three 5r. dwelling* $10.00 acre 450 acres, lOr. dwelling ii?'22 acr* 160 acres. 8r. dwelling JJj'S!! ,cl* 180 acres, 7r. dwelling acrf 100 acres. 7r. dwelling ..$30.00 acre Beautiful views, flab, frame and oysters la abundance; high state cultivation: easy terms. KENNARD REALTY CO.. Ph. Line. 334 Pa. ave. s.e. FOR SALE-SMALL MARYLAND FARM. NINE miles from Washington; excellent water; good view; abundant fruit; healthy location. Ad dress Box 2482, Station O. Washington, D. C. 30* 65 ACRES ON MACADAM ROAD NEAR VI enna Electric Carriage Co.; excellent water: Ideal location; adjoining land bringing $100 acre. Price, $4,000. BARBOU R A BAR BOUR. McLacfclen bldg. 16 ACRES FERTILE LOAM; CROPS; PRETTY modern home; fruit: flns water; shade; conven ient to Berwyn trolley; $3,500; $.">00 for deed. GEO. C. WALKER. Kenota bldg.. 11th * Q stS. 45 ACRES. NEAR RITCHIE, PR. GEO. CO., Md.; 6-room dwelling and tenant house; two near barns; all necessary outbuildings; fertile; well fenced: excellent water; young orchard. Address CHAS. E. B F. AN K, Ritchie, Md. Fur ther information apply to W.. W. GRIFFITH, city. * FARM OR SUBURBAN PROPERTY, large or small. In the vicinity, of Washington, Maryland or Virginia. McLACHLF.N BANKING CORPORATION, lOtli and G sts. n.w. SMALL FARM BARGAIN?*2 ACHES. HIGH state of cultivation; new barn; outbulld'ngs; machinery: team horses; stock; growing crops; cottage on beautiful hill: 2 miles from electric cars; $6,000. SLAYMAKER - SCHNEIDER CORPORATION, 612 King s?.. Alexandria. Va. row RENT. FOR RENT?50-ACRE FARM; 36 ACRES planted In corn and late potatoes; good 7-room house, partly furnished: nice grounds, stock, etc., for sale near Forest Glen. Address Box 28. Star office. 2S* FOR RENT OR SALE. SILVER SPRING, MD., AUG. 1st, 8R. AND B., electric lights, porches, shade. Address owner, H. S. PARSONS. 1418 Hopkins st. n.w. 27* FRUIT AND CHICKEN FARM; BUICK KESI dence, furnished. For particular phono Coitus Ms 3S54. FOE SALE?LOTS. FOB 8ALE?LOTS FROM 50 TO 300 FEET front on the AVENUE OF THE PRESIDENTS (10th St.) In SIXTEENTH STREET HEIGHTS; beautiful old forest shsde; high elevation; greatest view of Rock Creek Park in D. C. To creste rapid building development on Six teenth Street Heights we will offer In this subdivision a few choice lots. 60 feet front, for $1,150, on easy terms. When our offer Is with drawn It will never again be made in this lo cality. Plat and frill particulars upon request. ROBERT E. HEATER. Colorado bldg. TWO CHOICE LOTS WITHIN ONE HALF block of 14th st. n.w.; above grade; macadam lied streets; concrete sidewalks; sewer, water, etc.: easy terms; price, 23c a square foot. Box 228. Star office. 80* FOR SALE?THE CHOICEST LOT IN CHEVY Chase Heights; n.w. cor. Huntington st. and Conn. ave. Inquire of OWNER, 3740 Keokuk St.. Chevy Chase Heights. 3 FINE LOTS AT H1LLBROOK. D. t;.: FIRE | protection, school and church convenient; 1 car ffeie; a.m.I. A great bargain to auick. B. DHLFELDER. 003 Im. ave. Ph. M. 3382. WANTED. WANTED?BUILDING LOTS IN GOOD LOCA tion. Agents, submit what you have: state price and location. CARL H. SMITH. 1921 HI It more st. n.w. an*)* REAL ESTATE LOANS. IN SUMS or #1.000 AND OP; INTEREST iWV Prompt, conrteoua and economical service. N. L. SANSBURY CO.. T19-2I Hth st. n.w. Phone Main SWH-S. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE %T lowest rates. Special privileges with reapsct to prior payments. TYLER ft RUTHERFORD. 730 16th st. n.w. MONEY TO LOAN?$25" To $000,000 ON D. 0. real estate. Several large trust funds. 444 ts 0 per cent. All transactions conducted wit* economical Moderation for borrowers. WM. H. SAUNDERS tc CO.. Southern bldg.. 807 15th st. n.w. LOANS NEGOTIATED ON INDORSED NOTES stocks, bonds, all kinds collateral. I bay notes. No delay or red tape. R. R. BENNETT. 519 Met. Bank bldg. Phone Main 680ft. * ? MONEY TO LOAN ON D. C. REAL EST A Tit Lowest rates of Interest; most advantageous terms. Large loans a specialty. F. H. SMITH rOMP\XY. 110* V. T. a vs. SECOND TRUST. Money to loan at 6% on District real estat". Any amount from $200 to $5,000 on first or second trost, in straight notes or monthly pay ments. Takes only three days to make them. PAUL V. MITCHELL * CO. Tt* I4tb st. O.w. MONEY TO LOAN AT 4W7*. 5% OS IMPROVED PROPERTY NORTHWEST. JAMES J. LAMPTON CO.. IXC.. 734 15th ST. N.W. MONEY TO LOAN ON IX C. REAL ESTATE. 6% INTEREST. PROMPT REPLIES AND ECONOMICAL CONSIDERATION FOR BOR ROWERS. MOORE * HILL (ISC*. 14?-22 HUT X W. WANTED. WANTED?$750 FOR TWO YEARS AT SIX per cent on second trust; desirable Improved northwest real estate; ample margin; liberal commission. Box 46. Star office. 27* WANTED?$700 AT 6% OX 7-ROOM HOUSE, gas, water, etc.; lot 75 ft. front by 265 ft. deep; fruits, etc.; will make terms to transfer; | chance for sure 6% Interest or good home in Tafcoma Park. Box 375. Star office. 26* $12,000 FOB 6 YEARS, AT 5 PER CENT; first trust on valuable improved real estate. Address Box 277, Star office. 25* PROPOSALS. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS, D. C. July 22. 1913. SEALED PROPOSAI.S will be received at this office. Room 509, District Build ing, until 2 o'clock P.M. on July 31. 1913. for the construction of Sewers in the District of Columbia. Forms of proposals, specul ations and nece.-sarv Information may be obtained from the Chief Clerk. Engineer Department, Room 427, District Building, Washington, D. C. OLIVER P. NEWMAN. FREDERICK L. SIDDONS. CHESTER HARDING. Commissioners, D. C. Jv22-6t.eSu OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT U. S. Capitol building and grounds, Washington. D. C., July 8, 1913.?Proposals (In dupllacte) will be received and opened at the above office on Saturday, August 16, 1913. at twelve o'clock noon, for the sale of all material. lnclud'ng residences, business houses, stables, sheds, fenc ing, etc., now on squares 634 and 685 In the city of Washington, D. C., lately selected and condemned for the enlargement of the Capitol grounds. The successful bidder must be pre pared to remove all the material from said squares within sixty (60) working days from date of order to be lasneri by the superintendent of the U. S. Capitol building and grounds. De tailed information and speclflcatons will be fur nished by the aliove office. A certified check in the sum of five per cent of the amount of the proposal must accompany each and every b'd. Specifications will be ready for Issue on and after July 19, 1913. The right is reserved to re ject any or all bids, and to waive any in formality or technicality in any bid. ELLIOTT WOODS, Superintendent. U. S. Capitol Bu'ld lng and Oronnds. jyll.25.aul,15 LEGAL NOTICES. A. COULTER WELLS, Attorney. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT of Columbia, holding an Equity Conrt.?George W. Talbert. E. Hume Talbert, Edith May Car 5enter and Ella E. Talbert, complainants, vs. onathan S. Front et al., defendants.?Equity No. 31005.?The object of this suit is to estab lish of record a complete and perfect title in fee simple In complainants, by adverse posses sion, to all that parcel of land altuated In the District of Columbia and known as lot No. thirteen (13), In equare No. nine hundred and seventy-seven (977). On motion of complainants it is this 8th day of July. A.D. 1913. ordered that the defendanta. Jonathan S. Pront, Nannie S. Prout, Ellen S. Oddle, Henry M. Oddle, George G. Bradley, Martha II. Anderson, W. W. Anderson, Elizabeth H. Pront, Mary C. Prout, Lucy B. Prout. Laura C. Pront. Thomas V'.nson, William S. Prout, Rot>ert W. Vinson. Julia P. Anderson. George M. Anderson, Mary G. Peter, Edward C. Peter. Nannie 8. Vinson, John T. Vinson, James S. Davidson, Jane B. Bradley, Mary D. Bradley, Mary R. Bradley, Nannie S. Vinson and the Safe Deposit and Trust Co. of Baltimore, trustees; Harriet C Bartow, William A. Bartow and William H. Talbert. cause their appearance to be entered herein on or before the fortieth day. exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, occurring after the day of the first publication of this order, and that the defend ants, the unknown helra, devisees and alienees, if any, of Martha H. McKnlzht. cause their appearance to be entered herein on or before the first rule day occurring after the expira tion of forty (40) daya from this date (good cause for fixing snch time having ben shown); otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as In the case of default. Provided, a copy of this order be nubl'shed In the Washington Law Re Kter ana The Evening Star once a week for (5) successive weeks, three (3) times In the present mon'h and twice (2) In August. THOS. H. ANDERSON. Justice. (Seal.) A troe copy? Test: J. R. Young. Clerk. By F. E. CUN NINGHAM. Asst. Clerk. Jyll.l8.25.aul.8 F. EDWARD MITCHELL, Attorney. SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF CO lumbla. holding Probate Court.?No. 20022, Ad ministration.?Thla Is to give notice: TTiat the subscriber, of the District of Columbia, baa ob tained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia letters testamentary on the estate of Lydla M. Poynton. lute of the District of Colum bia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenti cated, to the subscriber, on or before the 9th day of July, A.D. 1914; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand thia 9th day of July, 1913. JOHN S. POYNTON. No. 11 S st. n.w. Vs?aL) Attest: JAMES TANNER, Register of Wills for the Dis trict of Colombia, Clerk of the Probate Court. Jyll.18.25 IT isn't hard to sell anything. Tell the honest truth about it in a Star Want ad and then take what's fair for it. Try and you'll see we're right. LEGAL NOTICES. CHAP1N BROWN, Attorney. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP THE DISTRICT of Columbia. Holding an Equity Court.?Henry H. Bergmann. trustee, plaintiff, vs. Sarah Wegge inann. et al., defendants.?Equity No. 3182j.? Thte la to give notice (which notice ia given pursuant to an order of the court passed in the above entitled cause on the 23rd da* of July, A.D. 1913) that the subscriber, Henry H. Berg mann, surviving trustee, under a deed of trust from Nicholas Weggemann. now deceased, dated the lfith day of July, A.D. 1838. and duly re corded in Liber 2321). folio 282 et sen., one of the land records of the District of Columbia, ha* a fund In his bands arising from the sale of the land and premises mentioned and described in the aforesaid deed of trust: of which land and premises Nicholas Weggemann died seized and possessed. subject, however, as to his title thereto, to the aforesaid deed of trust and the amount secured thereby, and subject, also, to certain costs, commissions, liens, charges and expenses, and a dower right. All persons hav Ing claims against the said Nicholas Wegge mann, now deceased, are hereby warned to ex hibit the same, with the vouchers thereof legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the eighteenth (ISth) day of August. A.D. 1013; or to come Into the above entitled cause by peti tion on or before the said eighteenth (I8th) day of August. A.D. 1918, for the purpose of ex hibiting and proving their claims therein, and with vouchers thereof legally authenticated, and for the purpose of claiming to have the said fund ariaing from said sale, applied to the pay ment of their debta; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said fund. Qlveu under my hand this 23rd day of July. A.D. 1918. HENRY H. BERGMANN, Surviving Trustee; address. 311 7th st. n.w.. Washington, D. C. Jy23,aul,8.lfi E. H. THOMAS aBrjAsTFRMCS" SMITH, Attorneys. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP THE DISTRICT of Columbia, Holding a District Court.?In re the establishment of a building line on the south side of Lanier place, between Adams Mill road and Ontario road northwest, in the District of Columbia.?District Court, No. 1067.?Notice is hereby given that the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, pursuant to the provisions of an act of Congress approved June 21. 1806, entitled "An set providing for the establish ment of a uniform building line on streets in the District of Columbia, less than ninety fret wide, have filed a petition in this court praying the condemnation of the land necesssry for the establishment of a uniform building line on the sonth side of Lanier plsce, between Adsms Mill road snd Ontario- road northwest, in the District of Columbia, 15 feet south of the present south building line on said place, as shown on a plat or map filed with the said petition, as part thereof, and praying also that a Jury of five judicious, disinterested men not related to any person Interested In these proceedings and not In the service or employment of the Dlatrict of j Columbia, or of the United States, be summoned by the United States marshal for the District of Columbia to assess the damages each owner of land to be taken may sustain by reason of the establishment of said uniform building line on the south side of Lanier place, for which this proceeding has been Instituted, and the con demnation of the land necessary for the pur noses thereof, and to assess as benefits result ing therefrom the entire amount of said damages, including the expenses of these proceedings, upon the land in the squares In which said building line is to be established, and in the squares confronting said squares as provided for in and by the aforesaid act of Congress. It Is, by the court, this 8th day of July, 1918, ordered, that all persons having any Interest in these pro ceedings be. and they are hereby warned and commanded to appear In this court on or before the 6th day of August. A.D. 1913, at ten o'clock a.m. and continue In attendance until the court shall have made its final order ratifying j and confirming the award of damages and the assessment of benefits of the Jury to be em paneled and sworn herein, and It is further order ed. that a copy of th's notice and order be publish ed once in the Washlnrton Lsw Reporter and on ten successive seculsr days and intervening Sun days and holidays in The Washington Evening Star, the Washington Herald and the Washington Post, newspapers published In the said Dis trict, lmmedistely preceding the said 6th day of August, A.D. 1913. It is further ordered that a copy of this notice and order be served by the United States marshal or his deputies upon such of the owners of the fee of the land to be condemned herein aa may be found by the ssid marshal or his deputies within the District of Columbls and upon the tenants and occupants of the same before the said 6th day of August. A.D. 1013. By the court. THOS. H. ANDER SON. Jnstice. (Seal.) A* true copy. Test: J. R. YOUNG. Clerk. P. E. CUNNINGHAM. AsaL Clerk. Jy25,dftSu.iuau5 LUCAS P. LOVING, Attorney. SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF CO lumbls. Holding Probate Court.?No. 20047, Administration.?This Is to give notice that the subscribers, of the District of Colombia, have ob tained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia letters testamentary on the estate of Richard A. Walker, late of the District of Co lumbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are herby warned to ex hibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 14th day of July. A.D. 1914: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under our bands this 16th day of July. 1913. ALFRED A. WALKER. 1600 7th st. n.w.; WILLIAM T. WALKER, 317 T st. n.e. (Seal.) Attest: JAMES TANNER, Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court. JyI8.25.aul G. P. McGLUE, Attorney. SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Co lumbia. Holding Probate Court.?No. 19996, Administration.?This Is to give notice that the subscriber, of the District of Columbia, has ob tained from the Prohste Court of the District of Columbia letters of administration on the es tate of John Mangold, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to ex hibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 17tb day of July, A.D. 1014; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand th's 17th dsy of July. 1913. ANNIE E. MANGOLD. 618 1st St. ?s.e. (Seal.) Attest: JAMES TANNER. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court. Jy 18.25,aul MADDOX A GATLE2Y, Attorneys. SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Co lumbia?Holding Probate Court.-No. 10961, Administration.?This Is to give notice that the , subscriber, of the District of Columbia, has oh tslned from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia letters testamentary on the estate of Susan M. Constable, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to ex hibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber on or before the 23rd day of July. A.D. 1014. otherwise they nisy by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate.* Given under my hand this 23rd day of July. 1913. SAMUEL MADDOX. 340 Indiana !-T^?neJK>rthwest- (Seal.) Attest: JAMES TAN NER, Register of Wills for the District of Co lumbia, Clerk of the Probate Court. J.v25.aul.8 E. H. THOMAS aad JAS. FRANCIS SMITH, Attorneys. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT! of Columbia. Holding a District Court.?In re ' the extension of New Hampshire avenue north-1 jjest, in the District of Oolumb'a.?District ? Court. No. 1068.?Notice and Order of Publics- ? tion. ?Notice la hereby given that the Commls-1 sloners of the District of Columbia, pursuant j . provisions of an act of Congress ap proved March 3, 1913. entitled "An Act to pro vide for the extension of New Hampshire ave nue. In the District of Columbia, on a straight ii?f' *. J?r ofber purposes." have filed a pe tition In this court praying the condemnation of the land necessary for the extension of New Hampshire avenue northwest on s straight ex tension of the lines thereof as now established !??J ? :UZ?h I ngton from its present ter minus north of Buchanan street to the D'strict line, with a uniform width of one bnndred and LSlfi!1 *" "fcown on a plat or map filed . Petition as part thereof, and pray I"? , that a Jury of five Judicious, disinter ested men. not related to any person Interested it ?!!L Proceedi nffs and not In the service or f.mpWJ ?cf rh? District of Oolumbla or of rT.Ti??S *tr8' to be summoned by the I States marshal for tb*. District of Oo !??? ? L" assess the damages each owner of i*"?ay sustain by reason of the extension of New Hampshire avenue for wblcb ?i!nKm has been instituted and the condemnation of the land necessary for the pur * to assess as benefits resulting entire amonnt of said da maces. !?'J, J " ? expenses of these proceedings upn *!? !L? ""'d New Hampshire aven ?? nut*? ,D? "P"" any and all other of land which the Jury may ?k? -TiV vT- by^ed by the said extension of Hampshire avennr as provided for L" "toTjald ?ct of Congress. It la omiJ^ X? ? 1Tt> ?ay of July. A.D. 1918, ***?!** having any Intereat In w and they are hereby, warned and |*^cd to appear In thla conrf 2? 10 OV& .?.l2th *5* of Was*. A.D. mHi tU i.*?1 continue In attendance g><y?rt 'hall have made Its final ord-r andconfirming the award of damages ?2of benefits of the Jury to IWoni herein, and It la fur ther ordered that a com of this notice and or ? ^e Washington Law r:??rner,T,?,n,d..?? tw*"ty successive secular day* ^hTnX^In^nda^.%a^th^IW^.".Mnn^ ttshed P?"t* npwapspers pub niS isti, ill Vrict' Immediately preceding fSrthtr ortlVVh.0/ Au*?t- A.D. 1913. It 6 oSdert*serJ2l t^.v a J**?* of this notice and M? de5ut?7^,nJX tbe United States marshal or fee otT^n te^ndemned ZSln ? be found by the within the District of SSSSw. n^n thS LEGAL hoticbs. RALSTON, S1DDONS A RICHARDSON, Att*m7?. IN THE STPRKME COTW OF THE WSTOCT of Columbia.-George W. White ana m?i?? ^ SfS*?ieiS?'S!i ?! ?! ? *?? V" Vr ^"^t^5oa?."srrs &??,;? tion.?Tfce object of mis m" ? r . aBj r?? & S'jtF1"?n?Uj5si?tK ?* d*k tkD District of Columbia, to SS. ^VJp.r?V f ru?;T.-ns"S,47.w.o;?? >y? tWs 11th day of July., A.P. 1913. >nd V&ZS'TMi v<ssts; this date; otberwlae thisi ?n~ w?? v ^ with as in case Provwa. Vju%ree this order bs .poMl*** Jg? Jg**** f. e^ti$isgham. A-t. ant*. jyii.i?-? ABNf&R H. rBROWOMi Attereey. SUPREME COURT OFTHE DISTRICT OF Cg i'sssvas; District of Columbia, deceased. All PfJ*00* "J ^herwlse^hoy may by faw be excluded ftom ALDSON. ftrathern building. (S??U. f. urq TANNRR. RnrlttfT of Willi for cne irw CtolumbS: Ckrt of the Probate Own. Jyl8.85.anl M. P. MANGAN, Attorney. IN THE SlTPItEME COURT OF THE of Columbia.?In re the estate of Thomas Burke, deceased.?Admlnistrmtfon. No. 188OT. The executor* and trustees of said * tng reported that they bare sold the real estate In the city of Washington* tHatnct of Colombia: Parts of original lots ten (10) and eleven (11) In aqnare numbered one hundred flftv-foor (154). beginning for the aame at a point on Seventeenth street fifty G?) {J??j} of the southeast corner of said lot numbered eleven (11) and running thence T fii?lnt^th (96) feet, thence south parallel to Serenteenui street twenty-five (25) feet.thenceeast ?'??ty* six (96) feet to Seventeenth street and thence north twenty-five (25) te^.to .th* PjV^ntv nI^e (tinning. Also part of original lot twenty-nine (2"> In square one hundred and forty '3 *? ' ^ talned within the following metes and J**?*? rlr. beginning for the same on the line of Eighteenth street at the northeast corner of said lot and running thence a with alone said *tr**et twenty-five (25V feet, thence west and two (102) feet slx and one-half (6W >?ehe?. thence north twenty -five (25)^ '^t and ttence east one hnndired and two (102) **?tstx snn one-half ?W>) Inches to the place of .beginning, to Randolph Isom for $5,000 cam. leas B per cent commission to broker for making ssto. It Is thla 24th dav of July. 1913. ordered that said sale be ratified and confirmed, unless cans? to the contra rr be shown on or before the 12th day of August, 1913. Provided that n copy of thla order be published once In the_Wamhlnirton Law Reporter and three times In The 8t"r before said day. By the court. ASHLEY M. GOULD. Justice. (Seal.) A tw eony?Attest. JAMES TANNER. Register of Wills. Jy25.aul,8 JACOB H. LICHLITER, Attormey. IN THE SUPREME COl'RT OF THE DIOTRICT of Columbia. Pi^te OOTt--Eat*te of Alisan Wilson, deceased.?No. 17491, Admlnl ti* tlon Docket 42.-Jacob H. I^llter. execntOT of the last will and testament of said deceased, having reported that, by the antborltyasd^rec tlon given In said will, he has made sale, by public auction, of lota 46 and 47 1n R.chardaona subdivision of lota In "9^ houses known as Nos. l?ra and 1626 Wthstreet northwest. Washington, D. C..'.io Fennlng and Spencer Gordon for the sum ?f two thousand nine hundred aDd sevpnty-Bve dollars <$2,975.00). and also the part of Joiliv ?Jf*'? K17 fnl'v described by incites and bounds in iw tdVeXmenTof sale7.nd aly I..the renortjrf sale made by said executor and filed In 'Ws caae. Improved by houae known as No 400 H street northwest. Washington, D.C.. to Bobert B. leathers for the sum of one tbonsind seven hun d?d 3d twenty-five dollars ($1,725.00), and that the respective purchasers elect to pay one-half of the nurchaae price In cath and the balance In SL alkf two years. In accordance with the terms ofad^rtCn^t of sale. It la, by the court, this 10th day of July. 1913. ordered that the said sales, and each of them, be ratified and con SrTd by the court, unlej. cauw U>.the contrary be shown before the 1st day o* AaT?.t;l,J? , * Provided a cooy of this order be published In e^of three^^ssWe l?ues of the Waanin^n Law Reporter and once a week for three siiccea slve weeka in The ?v?nlMM?.^or to the ex piration of said period. ^HOS. H. ANDERSO^ Justice. (Seal.) A irg*,<*>Wr-Atte?t. J^g? TANNER, Register of Wills. ]yll,l?.^5 HENRY I. QUINN. Attorney. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT of Columbia.?Jane M. Quinn, plaintlfT, va. unknown heirs, alleneea and devisees of Cath erine Teresa Black and Catherine Teresa Quinn, defendants.?Equity No. 31319.?Order of pub. Illation.?The object of this suit la to obtain m decree declaring the title of the lot thirtv-one in square three hundred and thirty-six. In the city of Washington. District of Columbia, to be Kood by adverse possession. On motion of the plaintiff it Is this 11th day of July. 1913, or dered that the defendants, the unknown heirs, alienees and devisees of Catherine Teresa Black and Catherine Teresa Quinn, deceased, cause their appearance to be entered herein on or be fore the first rule day occurring after the ex piration of forty days, exclusive 01 Sundays and legal holidays, after the flrat publication of this order (good cause having been shown to the court for not requiring this order to be pabllshed for s longer period or to be returnable later); otherwise thla case will be proceeded with aa In case of default. Provided a copy of thla order be published once a week for three successive weeks during the said period of fbrty daya, ex clusive of Sundsys and legal holidays. In the Washington Law Renorter and The Evening Star. THOS. H. ANDERSON. Justice. (Seal.) A true copy. Test: J. R. YOUNG. Clerk. By F. E. CUNNINGHAM. Assistant Clerk. Jy 11.18.25 JOHN P. McNAHON, Attorney. SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Co lumbia. Holding Probate Court.?No. 19831. Administration.?This Is to give notice that the subscriber, of the District of Oolnmbla, has ob tained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia Iettera of administration on the estste of John Hancock, late of the Dlatrlct of Columbia, deceased. All nersons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to ex hibit the same, With the vonchera thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 3rd day of July. A.D. 1914; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand thla 16th day of July. 1918. JOHN P. McMAHON 340 Indiana ave. n.w. (Seal.) Attest: JAMES TANNER. Register of Wills for the Dlatrlct of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. 1vl8.28.aul EDUCATIONAL. IN WASHINGTON. PRIVATE TUITBON. Address L. S. Til/TON. 1768 Church st. n.w. Phone North 7908. HALL-NOYES SCHOOL. Primsry to collcge. Entrance day aad night. Catalogue. 221 E at. n.w. M. 3877. PUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENIS Who need kelp In any study will do well to '??-"s&si ,ssffi*ERssfoa. 311 East Capitol Street. Electric fana.. Open all aomaMr. Telephone Lincoln 38. NATIONAL DOMESTIC ART AND BOIEKCB, 1754 and 1756 M at. n.w. Normal, special and regular courses. Students enrolling for fall term. Registration limited. Stayer's Business College NINTH AND F 8TS. N.W. DAT AND NIOHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. Pbme. write or csll for free OUT OF WASHINGTON. ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. ANNAPOLIS. MD. Department of Arts aad Sti enoesoftke UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND. Es tablished 1696. Term beglnS Sept. 17. Classical and Scientific Courses. SbeeUf advantages tor ?tndenta purposing to study Law or Medicine. Army Officer. Also a Preparatory School tor ftnriL adjoining the U. S. Naval Academy. Terms. Sgg* For catalogue address the REGISTRAR. Charlotte Hall School, Charlotte Hall, St. Map's county. Md. Folded 1 IDKlUCUVU ui UUBIMIW ?tfu VIMWiq "^3. thoS& AUCTION SALES. THIS AFTERNOON. THOS. J. OWEN * SON. A UCTION EBBS. TRUSTEES* SALE OP VALUABLE IMPROVED REAL. ESTATE, BEING THE HANDSOME TWELVE-ROOM BRICK DWELLING NO. 1451 HARVARD STREET NORTHWEST. Br ?lrtw of a certain deed of trust, duly i? corded In Liber No. 3267. folio 40 et teq.. of the land words of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public loctwn. In front of the premises, on FRIDAY, THE EIGHTEENTH DAT OF JULY, A.D. IMS, AT HALF-PAST THREE O'CLOCK P.M.. the M lowmg described land and premises, situate ?n the city of Washington. District of Columbia, and deslfmated as and being lot thirty-seven (37) Id Loalse H. Em inert et al. snbqlvfslon ?J lot ?even (7), In block thirty-nine (89). North Grounds of the Columbian Cnltmlty, as said subdivision Is recorded In Coanty Booh No. IS, page 112. of the records of the oft* mT.' tctot of the District of Columbia. Also one half of the west party wall erected^ oa lot thirty-six (86) of same subdivision ss *bore^ de scribed, and being between premises No. 144fc and No. 1481 Harvard (formerly Bacoa) street, as conveyed to Francis A. Lot* by deea record ed in Liter K47. folio 423. of the land record, of the District of Colombia. part of lot thirty-six <38) being subject to cowmkmaa to use of party wall as described to said deed, to gether with the improvemeats. consisting of hrlcfc dwelling. . Terms of ssle will be snmwmced at time of sale. A deposit of 1200 will be required ^ st time of sale. All conveyancing. recording, etc., at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be com plied with within 15 dsys from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to re sell the property at the risk and rwtof de faulting purchaser, sfter Are days sdvertlse ment of such resale In some newspaper pub* llshed hi Washington, D. C. _ _____ JOSEPH O. TRTBBT, HARRY K. BOSS. Iyll-dAdbs.exSu Trustees. PTTHB ABOVE SALE IS POSTPONED UN FRIDAY. THE TWENTY-FIFTH DAY OP JULY, 1918, same boor and place. BY OBDER OF THE TRUSTEES. jy!8-d*ds.eSn " TOMORROW. C. G. SLOAN & CO.. Inc., AUCTS.. 1407 G ST. Attractive sale of Household and Office Furniture, Surgeon's Outfit, Upright Piano, Rugs, Per sonal Effects, etc., at public auc tion within our rooms, 1407 G St., Saturday, July 26, 1913, at 10 A.M. Comprising Nearly New Surgeon's Outfit. Up right Piano. Bedroom Suites, Dining Room Suites, Mahogany, Walnut and other Bureaus and Chif foniers. Rugs, Gas Ranges, Refrigerators, Pic tures, Brass and Enamel Beds. Bedding. Mat tresses, Pillows, Desks, Office Chain, Bric-a Brac, Toilet Ware, Kitchen Tables and Utensils, etc.. etc. And at 12 M., New R. C. H. Touring Car, complete; Horses, Carriages, Harness, etc. Terms cash. O. G. SLOAN * OO.. Inc., Aucts. ADAM A. WESCHLER, AUCTIONEER. Household and Office Furniture, Upright Pianos, Carpets, Rugs, Etc., by Order J. D. Coughlin Trustee of an Estate, and Oth ers, BY PUBLIC AUCTION, At Weschler's, 920 Pa. Ave. N.W., SATURDAY, COMMENCING AT 9:30 A.M., Including three Upright Pianos, Brass Beds. Oak and Walnut Dressers, Wardrobes, Uall Racks, Desks. Davenports, Mantel Set (Clock s and Vase), Bookcases, Parlor Suites. Pa'nt ; lues and Pictures, Mission Clock, Dropleaf and ? other Tables, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Dining Room Chairs, Sewing Machines, Lawn Benches and Urns. Drop Lights, Electric Fans. Gaa Ranges. Computing Scales, Mattresses. Springs. Crockery. Carpets. Rugs: also Oak Boll top ana Flat-top Desks, Office Rev. Chairs, Li brary Table, File Cabinet, etc. At 12 O'Clock Noon, One Bay Horse, one Sorrel Horse, Buggy, Delivery Wagon, Harness, Blankets, Etc., by Order F. R. Gibbs, Trustee in Bankruptcy; one Large Bay Mare (about 1,300 lbs.); Single and Double Feed Wagons and Harness, by Order W. E. Les ter, Assignee; also 5-Passenge! 1913 Auto, with new tires and electric lights, 4 New Outer Casings, 30x3; other Automo biles, Carriages, Wagons, Etc. Terms cash. Jy24-2t ADAM A. WESCHLER. Anct. ~~ FUTURE DAYS. THOS. J- OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ES TATE, BEING A TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING. NO. 648 ACKER STREET N.E. Bv vtrtoe of a certain deed of trust, duly re corded In Liber No. 3124. folio 460 et seq.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees wl'I sell at public a>tc tion. In front of the premises, on MONDAY. THE TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY OF JULY. A.D. 1913. AT HALF-PART FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. I the following described land bikJ premises, sit uate in the city of Washington, District of Co iSimb'a, and designated as and being lot 175 in Samuel H. Walker's subdivision of lots In square 861, as per plat recorded In Liber 18, folio 45, of the records of the office of the surveyor of said District, together with the improvements. Term* of sale: One-half cash, balance In one year, with Interest at 6 per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, from tlaj of sale, se cured by deed of trust upon the property. sold, or all cash, at the option of the pur baser. A dep?Blt of $100 will be reqnlred at time of sale. All conveyancing, recording, etc., at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with wltbin 15 days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defsulting pnr< baser after five days' advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in Washington, D. C. FRANK T. RAWUNGS, JESSE W. RAWUNGS. 1425 N. Y. ave. n.w., jyl6-eod<fds.eSu Trustees. THOMAS J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' SALE OF THE VALUABLE MOD ERN THREE-STORY AND BASEMENT BRICK DWELLING NO. 1436 N STREET NORTHWEST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly re corded In Liber No. 3482. folio 400 et seq.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at nubile auction. In front of the premises, on TUESD AY, AUGUST THE FIFTH. A.D. 1913. AT FIVE O'CLOCK P M.. the following-described land and premises, altuate in the city of Washington. District of Columbia, snd designated as and being lot 83 In Andrew Wylle's subdivision of lots in square two hundred and twelve (2121. as said subdlvis'on is recorded In the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia in Book R. W.. page 95. together with the improvements thereon. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase monev to be paid in cash, of which *250 will be required at time of sale, balance In two equal Installments In one and two years, with Interest at six P" centum per annnm. payable semi annually from date of sale, secured bv deed of trust op*?n the property so'd. or all cub. at the option of the nnrchiser. Terms to be compiled with within fifteen days from dste of sale, other wise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk ^nd cost of the defsnlting purchaser sfter Ave davs* advertisement of ?ucb resale In some newspaper published In Washing ton. ROBERT H. T. LEIPOLD. THOS. S. HOPKINS. jv25-dAds.eSu Trustees. THOMAS DOWL1NG ? CO., AUCTIONEERS. Trustee's Sale of Fierce Arrow Limousine. By vtrtse of a certain chattel deed of tnst, recorded In Liber No. 8636. at folio 9. of the records for the District at Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, I Will sell at on b lie a action, in front of the auction rooms of Thomas Dowling A Co., 612 B rt ix. on TUESDAY. JULY TWENTY-NINTH, ftis, AT TWELVE O'CLOCK, one Pierce-Ar m Limousine. - cash. BIOS HOOfil AUCTION SALES. future pays. THOS. J. OWEN ft SON. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. NO. 1139 TENTH STREET NORTHWEST. By rirtoe of t certain deed of trust. 4aly re corded la Liber No. 3288. foil? 2stt et seq.. of tbe land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, tbe undersigned trustees will sell at public auction. In front of the premises, on MONDAY. THE FOURTH DAY OF AUGUST. A.D. WW. AT HAIF-PAST FOUK O'CLOCK P.M.. the fol lowing-described land and premises, s'tuate In the city of Washington, District of Columbia, and designated as and being part of lot num bered eleven (lit in square numbered thw hun dred and sixty-nine i36J). described as fftllows: Beginning on "Tenth street west" twentv-slx <2?> feet and eight (Si Inche* north of the south west corner of said lot and running thence north on said "Tenth" street thirteen <W> teet. four (4) inches, thence east to the rear line of said lot. thence south with said rear or east line of aald lot thirteen (I8> feet four (4) inches, and thence west to the point of beginning on sa'd Tenth street, together with the Improvement*, consisting of a three-story, six-room and bath brick dwelling, with all tuodt-rn conveniences. Terms of sale: One-third of ^he purchase jnooey to be paid in cash, balance in two eaual Installments, payable In one and two years, with Interest at six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually from day of sale, secured by deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $800 will be required at time of aale. All conveyanc ing, record'n*. etc., at cost of purchsser. Terms of sale to be complied with within 1& days from day of aale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser after Ave days' ad vertisement of such resale in some newspaper published In Waahlngton. D. C. ALBERT F. FOX. 911 F St. n.w.. EDMUND K. FOX. Wll "IT' n.w.. Jy34-dftds.eSn Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN * SON. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' 8ALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE, NO. 400 B STREKT NORTH WEST. By rirtoe of a certain deed of trust, duly re corded in Liber No. 3377. folio 44 et seq.. of the land records of the Dlattlct of Columbia, and at the request of tbe party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction, la front of the premises, on MONDAY. THE FOURTH DAY OF AUGUST. A.D. 1013 AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. the following-described land and premises, situate la the city of Wash Ington. District or Columbia, and designated aa ?nd being all of lot numbered three (31 In C. F. E. Richardson's subdivision of square Ave hun dred and aeren (507). as per plat recorded In Liber No. 10. folio 106. of the records of the surveyor's office of the District of Columbia, to gether with the improvements, consisting of a two-story, 6-foom Bud bath laiy-window brick dwelling. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be (Mid in cash, balance lu two equal Installments, payable In c-je and two years, with Interest at six per centum per aunurn. payable semi-annually, from day of aale. secured by deed of trust upon tbe property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $2<*> will be required at time of aale. All convey ancing, recording, etc.. at coat of purchaser. Terms of sale to be compiled with within IS days from day of aale. otherwise the trustees re serve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after fir?* days' advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in Washington, D. C. ALBERT F. FOX. 911 F st. n.w.. EDMUND K. FOX. 1311 "H" n.w.. JvM-dtdn.aSn Trustee*. THOMAS J. OWEN A SON, AUCTIONBERS. TRUSTEES' SALE OF MODERN. THREE STORY AND CELLAR. NINE-ROOM AND TWO-BATH BRICK DWELLING, KNOWN AS NO. 2011 PARK ROAD NORTHWEST. Whereas default having been made In the pay ment of certain installments due on tbe d<*bi secured by a certain deed of trust, dated Au gust 19, 1912, and recorded in Liber No. 3M0. folio 153. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the parties secured thereby, the undersigned trustees, by rirtue of the power vested in them by said deed of trust, will sell at public auction. In f*otit of the premises, on THLTISDAY, THH SEVENTH DAY OF AUGUST A.D. 1913. AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M., lot ninety-Are (951 In the subdivision of lota in b'ock four (4). "Ingle side," aa per plat recorded In Liber No. 44, folio 188. o< the recorda of the surveyor's offl e of aald District, together with tbe improvements thereon. Subject to certain corenanta and re strictions already of record. Terms of sale: This property Is sold subject to a prior deed of trust of $4,750. bearing interest per annum, payable semi-annually, pay ment of which Is to be assumed by the pur chaser. The purchase money over and above said deed of trust to be paid one-third In cash and the balance secured by a second deed of trust on the property, bearing lntereat per annum, said principal and Interest b^Ing i>ayab'? In monthly installments of $28.20 until said note la fully paid, or all cash over and above aald first trust, at purchaser's option. A de posit of two hundred dollars ($200) will be re quired at the time of sale and terms to be fully compiled with within fifteen (10) days from day of sale, or deposit to be forfeited and property resold at the cost of such defaulting purchaser after fire (5) days' advertisement of su<-b resale In some newspaper published In Washington. D. C. Conreyancing and recording churg>* ut purchaser's coat. B. PRAXIS SAUL, Trustee. 7th and L ata. n.w. HERBERT T. SHANNON. Trustee, jy2S-dftdbs,oBu 713 I4th at. n.w. ADAM A. WESCHLER. AUCTIONEER. Receivers' Sale of the Large and Desirable Stock of Hardware, Cutlery, Tools, Builders' Sup plies and Paints and the Fix tures and Office Furniture of the Karpeles-Hopper Co., Inc., in Premises No. 824 Fourteenth Street Northwest. By rirtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Oolumb'a, passed in Equity Cause No. 31789, the undersigned receivers luvlte scaled proposals for the purchase of the stock and fix tures above described, to he submitted to them on or before the 29th day of July. A.D. 1013. at 11 o'clock a.m., such proposals to lie accom panied with a certified check for $500. and to be submitted to the court for acceptance and ratification, tbe balance of the purchase money to be paid immediately upon such ratifies ton. In the erent that no satisfactory sealed pro posal is received the said receivers will ofTer for sale, at public auction, on WEDNESDAY. THE THIRTIETH DAY OF JULY. A.D. 1013. AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK A.M.. in the said prem ises, the said stock and fixtures in hulk, and If no satisfactory bid Is received therefor they will proceed on MONDAY. THE FOURTH DAY OF AUGUST. A D. 1013. AT TEN O'CI OCK A.M.. AND THE FOLLOWING DAYS AT THE SAME HOUR, to acll the said stock and fixtures in detail. Terms of rale: If In bulk, a deposit of $500 will be required at time of sale, and such sale will be subject to ratification by the court, and the balance of said purchase money will be pay able in cash upon such ratification. If said -tale la made in detail. ca*b at time of sale. BYRON U. GRAHAM. Receiver. 317 John Marshall place. HERMAN L. KARPELES. Receiver. jy24-d&rths f>?4 14th st. n.w. THOMAS J. OWEN & SON, AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' SALE OF TWO-STORY FRAME STORE AND DWELLING, NO. 27 F ST. N.W., AND THREE-STORY BRICK DWELL ING NO. 2S F ST. N.W. WITH TWO-STORY BRICK STABLE IN REAR. By virtue of a certain deed In trust to us. re corded in Liber 3505, at folio 468. of the land records of the District of Columbia, we will sell at pub'lc auction. In front of ?he preml es, on THURSDAY. THE THIRTY-FIRST DAY OF JULY. 1913. AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. the following; described land and premises, situate j In the city of Washington, In said District, and being part of the south hilves of lots Nos. 6 and 7 of, Walter C. Johnson's suixllvlsion of square No. 626. as per plat In Book N. K.. page 332. 'In the surveyor's office for siid District, de- I scribed aa follows: Beginning at u point in the i north line of F street distant 22 feet east i from the southwest corner of said lot No. 7 aud 1 running thence east with said l'ne of F street 20 feet, more or less, to the mouth of a ten foot-wide a'ley; thence north with thf west line of said alley 62 feet 7 inches, more or less, to a point where said alley t'irns Its course westerly; thence westwardly with the south line ? of said alley until it Intersects a line drawn ' north from the beginning and at right angles with said line of F street, and thence south with said last line 67 feet 6 inches, more or leas, to the beginning. Improved by premises No. 27 F street northwest. And Immediute'y thereafter rh? lot No. 76, in Abner B. Kelly's subdivision of lota in square 62S, aa per plat recorded in Book W. B. M? at folio 273, in said surveyor's office. Improved by house No. 28 F st. northwest. '"Terms of sale: One-third of th?* purchase money, payable within l"i days alter day of aale: one-third In one year a'd one-third in two years thereafter, with interest at the rate of 6% per annum on tbe deferred payments from day of aale, until paid, payable semi-annually, the deferred payments to be represented by the promissory notes of the purchasers, secured by deed of trust on the property solU, or all casa. at purchaser's option. A deposit of $200 to he made at the time of snle on each -ar'-el. Ail conveyancing and recordlu* at purchaser's cost. Terms to be comp'led with within fifteen day* from day of sale, otherwise trustees reserve the right to retell at rlak and coat of defaulting pur chaser. RALPH P. BARNARD, GUY H. JOHNSON, jy21 -d&da.eSu Trustees. E.ana bldg. ADAM A. WESCHLER. AUCTIONEER. TRUSTEES' SALE OF TWO-STORY FRAMB DWELLING, NO. 2004 P 8T. N.W. By rirtue of a certain deed of trust duly re corded la Liber No. 2005, folio 238 et aeq., of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party aecurt-d thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction. In front of the premises, on TUESDAY. THE TWENTY-NINTH DAY OF JUL*. A.D. 1913. AT HALF-PAST FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. part of lot 60, In aquare 1262, in what was formerly Holmesd's addition to Georgetown. D. C., be ginning for the sbme at a point on the south aide of P street SO feet 6 Inches west from the Intersection of said line of P street with the west line of North street, running thence south ISO feet, thence west 16 feet f inches, these* north 120 feet to P street, thence esst along P street 16 feet 6 Inches to the place of be ginning. Terms of aale: Cash. A deposit of $100 re quired at time of rale. All conveyancing and re cording at cost of purchaser. Terms ot sale to be complied with within fifteen daya from dij of aale, otherwise the trnsteea reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and coat of the defaulting purchaser, after fire daya' adrertlaement of such resale in some newspaper published In the cHj w^rahteetos^. O. AUCTIOH SALES. HTI KIS DAYS. ADAM A. WESCULKR, AUCTIONEER. Bankruptcy Sale of Drug Busi ness at No. 3540 14th Street N.W. By rirtas of an ort#r of fh? Unpmm Ooart of th* District of Columbia. hoMlac a Btnkraptir Oourt In rr M. B. Tewk?bor>. Bankrupt No. M2. I will tell by public auction for cash, within the above prenilM*, on MONDAY. THE TWKX TT -EIGHTH DAY OF JILY. ltflS. AT ELKVR.V O'CliOCK A.M., Stock In Tra?U-. Ftitnrr*. Oaafc Regmter. Scale*. Soda Fountain. Imn. etc. J)24-3t ADAM A. WKSCHLKR. A net. C. G. SLOAN A CO.. AUCTS.. 1407 Q ST. CHANCERY SALE OF VALUABLE REAL **? TATE. IMPROVED BT STORE A XT* DWELLING NO. 1M4 FLORIDA AVENCR N.W. By virtue of a dccrw of the Sopcaaw Ooart of the DUtrlct of Columbia. pniwd on April 14. 1913, !n Equity Caiuw No. S15M Bradford t*. Bradford. we will tell at public auction, la front of said prrtnlw*. If clear; If not. within Mid prrmiaMi, on Tf'BSDAY. JI LT TWENTY NINTH. 1913. AT FIVE O'Cl/JCK P.M.. tb? following described real estate In the city of Wash'net on. In the District of Oolambta. to wit: Lot fifty, in Arms A Spies' subdivision of part of squaro three hundred and ?fty-?e?en, as per plat In Book 12. page 11?. In the ?urTi?3ror'e offlce of said District, together with the Im provements. Terms of sale: One-third cash, one-third la one year and one-third In two year*, or all rash, at the purchaser's option. Deferred payments. If any, to be represented by the promissory notes of the purchaser, dsted <m the day of aale and secured hy deed of trnst on the prop erty sold, said notea h^nrlnc Interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable semi annually. Terms of sale lo be compiled with within ten days from day of Kale. In ci? of default the trustees reserve the rirht to either enforce compliance by appropriate Judicial pro ceedings or by resale at the risk and eo?t of the defauJtlnapanrbaaer after five days* advar tlsement Is The Evening Star. A <!? i**1t of $200 will be required at the aale. AH <>oa veyanclng. examination of title aad recoiling at pnrchsser's cost. ? JOHN BinorT, Fenda'l balldtng. STANTON C. PKELLE, 1416 F at.. jy!T-4MMa.eBo Tniateea. ADAM A. WnSODLER. AactlMeee. ~ Groceries, Wines and Liquors, Fixtures, Etc., Contained in Store No, 1920 14th Street NAY.f RY PUBLIC AUCTION. TUESDAY, JULY 29, i?JU. Commencing at 10 O'Clock A.M.* Including IB to 20 barrels Oom and Ry W 1? keys. Rum, Apple and Peacb Brandy. ?'?iit ? its Brandy, etc.; also Bottled Goods. 1;, -1 ? n| ChampagTieB, Whiskeys, Gins. Rum, 1: . -a. Imported Wines, Sherry. Port. California ??, Oocktalla, Bans Ale, IVrtcr, Evans Ale. r ale, etc. Also Imported and Domestic ? < ?, Olive Oil, Marawhlno Cherries. Teat* 1 ?, etc. Also Fine Shelving, Oounter tin I Oases, Electric Coffee Mill, (3nsb Regl-i ?. ker Bin Fixtures. Iron Safe. Electvi Scales. Ice Boxes, etc. The above will first be offered as an . . Including 1'quor license, etc.. and If m s factory bid la not received will b? Imm<>i21i - y sold In detail. . Jy23-dArtb?.eSn ADAM A. WEBfTTLK:;. ' K MOVIFG. PACHnSTQ^A ST01A GE~.' PACKING l*hone M. 2010. KKEIG'8 EXPRHXSS. 1226 H St. : Larpe padded vane. I'.xperlem-< i! n 0 Get our estimate. shipping. ftmi; \ MOVINO?PACKING?8TOR *OE ESTIMATES OLADIY GIVEN. WA8HINGTf)N FURNITCRE C<< PHOVE N. 227 '. 1510-1? Ttli .. GET Ot'R ESTIMATES ON ABSOLi 1 11 t' FIREPROOF STORAGE. PArF.ING A M'V <?. UNITED STATES HTOltAOE <?? 418 10th ST. N.W. PHONE MAIN '.i ?. Before Moviig Your household goods let on furnish an e.-t.tuata. Rates by load or contract. Padded vans lml ca llable movers. Packing, Shipping. Storage. Merchants'Transfer & Storage Co. Phone Main 8900. 92n-?22 E st. n.w. WASHINGTON SAFE DEPOSIT OO. (INC >. 916-918 Pa. ave. n.w. FIREPROOF STORAGE. Rooms, $2 mo. up. Pbone Main 2tf!. Estimates furnished. STORE TOUR FURNITURE. PIANOK. ETC.. at WB8CHLF.RS. 820 Pa. ave. n.w. Kates reasonable. Estimates cheerfully given. Phone 1283. PADDED VANS. $4 AND*$6 LOAD; 2-HOR?K wagons. S3 load. Phonos Main lSlS-lOl*!. COLUMBIA TRANSFER A STORAGE < 9>kS NEJW YORK AVE. N.W. ^Packing A_ Shipping. Storage, *2 rati i.,;,d. JERSEY WIDOW PARTNER IN SPIRITUAL WEDDING Springs Surprise on Gathering of Friends in Parlor at Supposed "Spirit Seance." UNION HILL, N. J.. July 23?Mrs. Mary Hoppell, who has taken up spirit ualism since the death of her husbaad in an automobile accident a year ago. In vited all her friends to attend a "spirit seance" in her home last night. They sat in the dark in the parlor ?ra tins for rappings from another world, when the folding doors suddenly swung back and a flood of light revealed Mrs. Hop pell hand in hand with Frederick Bruef cher, a reUred baker, and with them a minister, who performed a wedding cere mony before the astonished guests real ized what was happening. "A spirit came to me," explained Mr*. Hoppell. "and it ordered me to search out Frederick Bruefcher, and marry him. I knew htm years a?o. but I had lost track of him." Within three days ufter she had found him, she said, the desired proposal was made. "It is a sp.ritual wedding," she added, "and Is not to be iudged by earthly unions." JELLY OF HUMAN FLESH. Enables Medical Students to Learn Anatomy Without Dissection. PHILADELPHIA, July 25.?A new method of giving medical students in struction which, it is said, will largely obviate the necessity of dissection Is to be tried at a local medical college. The process originated through the recent discovery by a German student of a fluid by the use of which the human body can be rendered transparent. The fluid Is composed of several oils, and it turns the flesh into a sort of trans parent jelly, enabling the students to study the veins, muscles and bones even better, it is asserted, than If they re sorted to the dissecting knife. Tool Foremen Elect Officers. CHICAGO, July 25 ?A. M. Roberts of Greenville, Pa., was chosen president of the American Railway Tool Foremen's Association at the closing session yester day of the annual convention, and other officers were elected as follows: Vice presidents, J. J. Shenan, Roanoke. Va.. and E. P. Purchase, Springfield, Mass.; secretary-treasurer, A. R. I>avis, Macon, Ga. Selects American School IOWA CITY, July 25.-The King of Sweden has selected t<>e University of Iowa as the United States school for the study of experimental (sychology under the auspices of the American-bcandina vian Foundation. President John G. Bow man of the university received notice to day of the choice, and also was informed that Pinar Corvin of Stockholm, a dis tinguished student, will be sent here. . Go to Prison for Slander. BATON ROUGE. La.. July 25.?Pleading guilty to charges that they had slsndsrsd Dr. W. R. Dodson. director of the state farm experiment station. EL O. Brunsr, state commissioner of agriculture, and J. E. *Ialligan, former chief fertiliser in spector, have been sentenced to sixty days' imj>risonment and fined $200 each Witnesses testified that Bruner bad re ferred to Dr. Dodson as a "crook sad a grafter."