Newspaper Page Text
&tarw^T Get Best Results RATES. Bep. Sanation*, Loct awl I\>utd. Rem /looins. Comtr7 Board. ctc.. ore cent s word each time fvr-iB words or mort. j Miarellaneoiis Sab-? snJ Wants. P.n?5uess Op- i ~urUnilt??s. Antorrob.'ics. e'"., in? cer.t a word each time for thres or naorc t!rae?, witu a 15 ?*? onl minimum. Boalne** Annoon.'^r. crts. n -:<! retain. Apart n ettts, ?(o.. for..- Hr*? or m> e. three time*. 10 ; ? ents a line e*-*h tlm\ with i decreasing rat?: *?r a longer p*ri?id. Leave your little wants at The Star Branch. One in yotir neighborhood. i \0*THWKsl BRAVtllKS: A Mi'Gn're. ?;b -iti.1 V sty. Sutler A Field. Dr-.eiU's. st;d^saa *ve. Pe?tal Telegraph. W.. n. 4 A. <?*.. B-nd bide Criawell's Drug store. Ttb ::r.J T st*. Fr#rt B. Campbell. Drag-. 41''";3 Georgia * <?. I* H. Day. Druggist. 14 "? ? *1 P st*. ^leaner1* Pharnmcv. IRtli an 1 Columbia road Oentaer Drug ?tose. 14th ami U ?ta. 2*M*ibere,a Bureau of Information. Mert<st'* Drug Store, an<l Pa. a?e TTolfacIaw'a Newsstand. 170" Pa. av?. JafeHor Dept.. Sth and F Postal T?>'.-graph N- nun. Sena A Co.. Informnticn Ruriar. "v. T>. Parker. N. Cap. ami IT n.w. Prnl Ponton. f>rrtegi?t, ISth spl Florida are. n.w. F. H. Kidawway Pharmacy. Corn. nad Fla. avee. Bfdand Wallace. Newsstand and Stationary 8* ore. ??B flfll at. n.w. r?l? Station Pofti! T?l?r?pl. ???lttd State* Capitol. Pn*t,l T?1?*r*p'< '1ST Cbaaectlcrrt *??., Postal T?leev?jih Dnjp Store. 21 cf **r?d O *t". (JEOMOKTOW5 ? O'Donnetl'a Dint Store. "2n?l am* M ?ts. FrlAe'a Pharmacy. 2Mb nnd P at*. Postal .Telegraph. I24v> Wisconsin av?. XORTHBASTi V. K. Richanlsnn A Co., N. Cap. and P at*. KlMll/'i Pharmacy. N. Cap. and 1 at*. Taylor A Lamb, lltb an.1 K. Cap. sts. B- -M. MeWllllama* Pharmacy. Iflth and H sta. n.e. 1 ?eatman. !>. A.. PHarmacr. 7th and n n.e. T 'fieolu Park Pharmacy. IStb arid F-art Cap. its. SOUTHEAST: " iMimpaon T>rue Co.. Sth and R ft", a.". BtiuU?j*a T>rur Stove, l'tk and Pa. ??e. a.e. II.'9. F?alT, Dru?pist. 1ltb an-.l Pa. are. ? JOlTHWBSTt ?tlth. ?t. wliarf. Poatal Telegraph oflbv. VvlliTaa'a brut Store. 7tb aad D ats. a. w. AM AC OSTIA: Bury'a Drug Store. 2200 Nichols are. i - j LOST AND FOUND. WHS?Small black and tail dojt: name. Jeff: tnsr No. 14?. Jflu reward if returned to 113:: D at. n.w. _ 28* 'iiOLli WATt'li .VXri VIX Unlr'?. at *ilen Echo Pwrtt or ?n car fi>?ro Tcnleytown U> Gleii I*lcb<). Friday. Jnl.r 25; initial K ou front: "John to FSB* -8. U?4ie.v. Xmaa. 1UI>4." on Inner case. Retwrn to Mrs. K. S. I>iiTall. 44*^3 Alton place a.*., TVrleytown. I?. C. Reward. ? III'B CAP HVrrlPW; on .Inly 23, on M St. n.w. Brward If returned roar 1510 K n.w. 28' PHOTOGRAPHS ttwo>. Udy'a and gentleman's, in brown folder, on Georgia avenue or 7th st.. car n.w. Reward !f returned to 4414 Oth st. n.w. FIX?Gold bar pin. with Greek letters Theta PI ? ?n It; tnitiala M. C. B. on t?ck. Reward if re turned to 134 C at. n.e. 2fi* FIX?Small PI Lambda Sigma: small aet with nfblea; trlamralar shape: on Sunday. Liberal reward If returned to 1710 Pa. are. ? FOG&JCTBOOK Lance, black, bet ween K st. and Has*, ave.. rtth and 7tb at*, n.w.: reward. Iteturn to l.-ua Stewart, ???? I. st. n.vr. WXBFRXT: diamond and {tearla: Thursday night; vicinity, of Columbia road or 14th at. Reward If returned to 3331 I* at. * WATCH CHARM. A. O. II.: diamond in center; with Inscription: lost Friday. Finder will be liberally rewarded by returning to Arthur Small. 281S M at. 2?* 1 ALUMINUM HUR CAP. marked Itau.-b laiDg. Reward If returned to Lacsburgh Bpo.. 490 7fh. ___________ WANTED?-HELP. __ A?B.%*T?. AGB!CTS-^>iod pay in &pewialtles: delay T*> longer; take advantage of thla Iteantlfnl sum-! mer weather ami make lota of money. The Consumers' Bureau. Sol6 Cambridge at., Phl'a delphla. Pa. ?_ AGENTS?|S dally, fast seller: 100 ftne printed visiting or baalneaa cards, with nice Identifica tion cardease. only .KW-; samples free. S. liibbina. Novelties, 11SO 41st st., Brooklyn, N. T. 23* ?ALBSMEX. BOOK ANI> STATIONKRY SALESMAN. Apply at once the Washington New* Co., 313 315 Oth at. ?-W. _ MALE. ' CANV.VSSKKS -Three flrst-Hasa etmvaasers: up to-date contract for the onen ^"ho can deliver the goods. Apply Knbt. <*rook. 3rd flo--.r. American Home Lffe bldg., Oth anil G eta. n.w. _?! i CANVASSKRS?Four g'*>d < auvasxrr?. Apply j H. N. Beall, between Q and 7 p.m., 431 luth n.w.. third floor. COLLECTOR and solicitor; salary: to become partner; invert $400. Write Box 3S. Star otB?re. COLLECTOR! Installment, furniture. Address Bog 3fi0. Star ogee. CORRESPONDENT?An intelligent person may earn flOO monthly corresponding for newspa pers: no cansaaalng; arnd for particulars. Press ?yndleste. S60 Ix>ekport. N. Y. * I'llAFWMBN. draftsmen, draftamen. neealed all | tlx> time; big opportunities for competent men; j prepare for tbla profession with steady etnploy ment and a zood salary by enrolling at once In f?ir nigbt claaaes; now colng on. Write for ?tetalla. Columbia .School of Drafting, Mc l^cblsa bldg. IiRI'G CLERK. Junior, with one or two yeara' eKpsrl?ce. Address Salol. Pox 29. Star office. I KpiO GOOD MEN everywhere, part or all tints, learn my bnalnem.; make money with ;ae; no experience n-eded; desk, tvpewrlter and ootilt frse. W. M. Ostrauder. Dept. 32. 12 Want Slat at.. New Ysrk city. HM CREAM AND CANDT MAKER. Doran k. 9 H st. n.w. HAIL CARRIERS WANTED?185 to |100 mocth: Washington esaminations rooming; specimen questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 41 F. Bocfcaater. X. Y. ? MAX to drive 4-horme team: also farm hands to ?vork by the month; 0 miles from Washington. Call 410 Sth st. n.w. MARRIED MAN on dairy farm; muat tie good milker, experienced In feeding, etc. Addreas J. H. R. 251 N st. u.w. 27" ?11,1 . ? PHOTtiGRAPHY?Competent man in an estah 1 billed business: must know outside work and stare management. Address, staling experience and salary. Box 81. Star office. PflESSKK- Fii-st-class, wanted: neat appearance: no other need apply. IBO'* 17th st. n.w. 94LESMEX (fonr) to sell artlc'e to drug and shoe, trade. Address Box 67. Star office. TINKER (SMd), fompetent to do plumbing Jobs. Addre?a Box ?V?, Star offiof. 2ft* vm your spare time tmild up a mail order bualaeaa or yoor owr; w? help you start for a ahars In profits; 27 opportunities; particulars free. Mutnsl Opportcnities Exchange. Buffalo. y. i. ?i? YOCTWI MAX to iesrn automobile huaineas; one rtw can drive ear preferred. 1615 O at. n.w. HANDS to leave Hty: Jtl.73 per day. Watson'a, 004 F at. n.w. * FARM OpIP FEMALE. - Bxperlenred filing clerk: vroman middle aged; must have exiwrlencs; got<i salary. B<>x g, Star office. {'.??RESPONDENT- An lotdljnat person may earn $100 monthly corresponding for nesrspa aera; no csuvaastng: ac-id for particular*. Prea* Vadkate, Ixickport. X. Y. ? MILLINERY TRIMMER?Good positiou for ca pabis woman. Addre&s H. m. H., Star offi-e. MALE AND FEMALE. IMENT JOBS open men and women; i; nat IB to $150 month; fist of positions free. Sanklin Institute, Dept. 43 F. Ilnchest?r. W. Y. f ET U* solve fhe labor prolJem of your office ? or lane free of cbarfe. Watson's Employment Agency. f^aps M. XI9. 6Q4 F st. n.w. OB0AKIZERS -10 colored persons, men and wosaaa, as organlxers for s fmtirnal society; goafi PW to tight par tie i. Call K-twcou A a.BL and 7 p.m. A*. D. Johnston. 1111 U at. STABCHBR. first-class. far seashore hand laun dry; long season simI go<Hl %\ages to r'.gh: party; SWiepee* reqnlred. Apply after 5 p.m. Jit 'Pharmacy. Ot'u and U n.w. TBAGHERH <experlence<;i v,111 prepare foi hu 9m* examination- mathematics. English, Lat'.u. shorthand. Addre?? W. J. F.. Star ..Hi. e. r7? . . DOMESTIC. (AID and waitress <whlte> wanted, and experience. Apply 201 C aL ?.w. 26* ROUBEWOBKER; references. SOI is. BtOCaBWORKETS; settled wb'.te i; gtar nights: elty *efer<?c~e. 61o n WANTED?HELP. 1MIMKSIH t ;K\K RA i7 11OU^KWOKK I'R -Girl; two in faa. ?|r. 91.". M st. v w. ~1HI. ???okired? for centra! housework; must un rier*tajid r'?ln cooking. ^>0 Mt. Vernon, pla<? I-..W ? ! IP>USKK F.EPER- White woman. aud cure for 1 '.-n children. Address Box -?4. Star ojjj?g^_ ~~ WANTED^OTUATONS. MAIE , Ti.U KKKI K <whltei; reliable, careful driver. Address Box IK-., Star office. , T\ _ t H\rn i'I I! Reliable youug white mau. ex l^rl'-iK?H: h<-st refcrencv*. Apply 118 1> JLNV ur Piiunv M. 41W> 27 i I! ini'i rn-White; llrst-class mechanic; wifu ~,"*.?1 : t-r.-ren-ci-; $<*> nacnth. P??x St. Star. .ffl.T, r?._ j ixEvxki:. laboker. janitor: reliable. 1: ?!].*.> colored man. John Motrn. 40.'C! ?rd st. . 11.v .. rccotutueuded by O. II. 1'. Johnson. a* | * 1 in Nat. Metropolitan Bank. ! DRUGGIST regi?tcred. at present employed. j desire* t > make chanif: best referents. Box | ,v|, Star ulice. _ j Ml.Ki>M (N I.T A No. 1. ?? p<??ltion on salary. ?r commission; state Mil particulars In fir?t | letter. Box *<7. Star ofllc*. 1 WORK ?, poultry farui wanted in exchange fol ly's rd. 171fl Kign* pi. -7 KK.MALl;. BO*iKKKKl'F.K ami stenographer. experienced: i.-iate particular*. Box star office. -1 Mtl.1 K'iK STrl'KNT desln* to lutor in Greek. Latin. English and high f- bool lunthematics at reasonable rates. Hoi 7??. Star 1 'fli?'c? ?1KIOSsJUVKIXG at borne; ladles' shirt walats, skirts. wash dresses. 1'iSt-A 3rd st. h-J*"- ^ ?iTENoGR\PHER. experienced. wants position st once: nnmher of .years* ??nwrience in gen eral ..fti-c work: good with figures; reference, l or interview address Box 50. Star omce. It STHNOGRAPHER. omnipotent. 7 years' experi ence. would like work or go In with public *.t??i>.^*r?ph<'r; reference, Box 80. Star office. sTKNnORAl'HKH and typewriter, youn* lady, beginner. desires position In an office. Boyn, Star office. *' T Y PEW RITI NO neatly done; vrork called for and delivered: also stenographic work; reason able charge*. Box 8S. Star office. WAITRESS?In private family, by colored girl; good reference^. Call 915 W st. n.w. YOUNG LADY, now employed, would like work evenings from 6 to 11. Address I.. Mc., 6Ja l'ark road n.w. , DOMESTIC. 1 G?H>K wantH place as general liouseworker in nroail family; home nights; references. 1639 Marlon st. FRENUH LADY wlshe* position as nurse or chsmhermtid. 1434 C st. n.w. . GENERAL WORKERS?Murphy's Agency lias settled white woman; also colored help?city Hr.d suburbs: reference. 1HS5 3?sd St. Phone. GIRL wants a place as chambermaid. 1108 10th i<t. n.w. 28 1,.\ IN D RBSS- - Work to take home; extra care taken. Call 2211 14th st. ikv^ J.AI N1>RY WORK by the day or take bom*, rail or address C. J.. SO Hanover St. n.w. 2.S* IjM'NDRY ? Kxperlenccd laundn-ss wishes week's washing; called for and delivered. 1838 S *t. n.w. NTRSK for children; experienced; English de sc<'nt. 1U.X 58. Star office. I'OSITION a-. housek?>eper; references excbaneeil. H. Beck. Box 75. Star office. ?* WASHINli?Families or single persons: large yanl; delicate colors a specialty. l?4o ? st. ii.w. _ WORK by the day of anv klud. by reliable^ re spectable colored girl; best reference. lSOl^h st. n.w. ?5???============== WANTED?MISCELLANEOUS^ WANTEr>?ALL THE OLD. USELESS GOLD aud silver lying Idle In your possession. Dia monds, Jewelry and silverware bought and sold. O. F. KARR. Jeweler. 614 13th st.. above F. THE StlCARE I>BAL FURNITURE CO. WliX buy y?sir furniture and carpets and pay best cash prices. Drop |>ostal or phone Main o030. 501 1 st. n.w.. corner Bth. FIVE SECOND-HAND CARS AT ONCE FOR customer*. IM'ST OFFICE OARAGES, HI?' 1112 C st. n.w. ** WANTED ? FURNITURE. PIANOS. CARPETS, etc. Phone M. 12S2 for wagon, or have u? ??all. "WESCHLER'S/' flg) Pa. ave. n.w. COME TO S.W. AND SELL YOUR QLD GOLD and silver. 1 will buy old clothing, etc. Drop postal. JOS. M. FRANK. 233 4'j st. s.vr. WANTED?T'J MANAGE OR ASSIST IN ROOM lng or boarding house, hotel or lunchroom; wilt supplv furniture for rooming bouse: will leave city if position for two; will take bouse and give board for rent. Address 611 Orleans place n.e. __________ DIAMONDS. GOLaD. SILVER. PLATINUM and Pawn Tickets bought by ABE ABRAHAMS. 433 Hth n.w. Main 5504. HHUIKST CASH PRICES PAID FOR WORN clothing, ladles', gents' and children's shoes and bsts; send postal or phone: will call J. TARSHES. 13?S 7th n.w. Pboue North 40ft. COOPER HAS THE DEMAND FOR THE BET ter kind of furniture and art objeets, and will give you a splendid cash figure for what you' don't want. S14 F st. n.w. Ph. Main 7292 CASH PAID FOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; entire contents of houses bought. COOK. BAUM ft CO.. s?h and D sts. n.w. HIGHEST CASH I'KICKS PAID FOR WORN garments: ladles', gentlemen's, children's aboes and Irnts. Address postal. I will call. A. KEBESKY. 002 4U. s.w. Ph. M. 5890-M. WANTED FURNITURE FOR CASH. SELL your goods to the man who gives you the most inoney. HOPWOOD S. Sth and K. W A NTED?Ft" TIN ITU It E OF ALL KINDS. WII.I# pav rou best cash prices. Call at your eon veiilencc. AMERICAN FURNITURE HOUSE. 814 E ?t. u.w. Plv>!>e Main 4110. BIG MONEY PAID FOR LADIES' AND GENTS' second-hand clothing, slioea an<V hats. Drop posts 1. D. LIOHTMAN. 17"B 7th st. n.w< w!\NTEl? TO BI'Y OLD FEATHER BEDS and furniture. Why not drop postal to an old reliable firm ' H. MARKS, 424 lOtli St., oppo site tbe i!a. "THce. or phone Col. Ml-M. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR WORM clothing ladies', gents' and children's shoes and hats. Ser.d postal, will call any hour. BEN BASS. 304 4tt st. s.w. WE NEED FURNITURE. STORE FIXTURES, stocks of gro-cries and mdse. of all kinds, of fice furulture. etc. Are willing to pay for It. D. NOTES, 615 La. ave. n.w. Phone M. 3006. NOTICE^ PAWN TICKETS CASHED. LOUIS ABRAHAMS. Rl?> G st. Opposite Patent Office. Second-hand diamonds and jewelry bought. WILL CALL IN MY UNLETTERED WAGON, city or Huburbs. and i*y you highest prices for ladles', gentlemen's, children's discarded cloth ing of all descriptions. Address postal or phone. I will call. W. RICE. 1332 7th n.w. X- 17S5. ~ PEBS0NAL. "! THE WORN t?VERO?AT TO HEIJ* PAY YOUR vacatiou tri^-Jhnt's reasonable. Send for us. We pav $1 t? $!0. Sam?- for suits. Dark-color pants. "30c to $2.50. Shoes, lints, etc. Can use anv amount y<?ti <aro to sell. JUSTH'S OLD STAND. 010 D. ARE YOU GOING AWAI1 Wc will return your laundry the hour joo mention. Charges mtderate tor_ service. Phone Main 2590. THE TOLMAN LAUNDRY. OUR PRO< ESS OF CLEANING STRAW HATJi ' AND PANAMAS not only.cleanses, but adds new life to them. OLYMP1A HAT CLEAN ' IXC. CO.. 006 F at. n.w. A PRACTICAL HATTER ? 'LEANSES MEN'S HATS. 26c. Knowing the details of bat making th<>r nnghlv eonips u* to serve you best. I remodel ladles' hemp, mllan and Panama lisls. _ WM. PAUL BRODT. Ph. M. !K4;10. 811 E st. fupstulrsl. MRS. MACE G. PARTRIDGE. Spluologlst. 2723 11th st. n.w. Phone Columbia 3441. BKADI-oitD'S DETECTIVE SERVICE. COlJ? rado bidg., 14th and G. Phone Main 2525; night pootie. Columbia 102#. Licensed, bonde.1; founded 1SX-,. Expert se<ret service, any all se.-tlons: evidence secured with_the? aid of the dictagraph. Branch offices, Baltimore. Md.. and Norfolk. Va. MORGAN BRADIORD, Jr., Principal. A. WADE WELLS, Mgr. 20* HIGHEST ?'ASH PRICES PAID FOR OLD, c??t-off garments: ladles', gentlemen's or chil dren'*: drop a postal aud I will call at once. P. Col.ltsTElN. 633 I> st. n.w. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. awmixgr. COPKLAND AWNINGS ADJUSTED WITH Cope!nnd fixtures; prices reasonsble: ?ervlee; work guaranteed. M. G. COPELANI> COMPANY. 406 11th st. Phaae M. 3410. PHONE MAIN 5?35 FOB ESTIMATE ON YOUR window awnings: no marring of woodwork; $1.75 up: work guaranteed. S. L. ? it. L. NICHOLSON. 70# H at. *-W. RAKKRS AMD COirBCTIOBIEM. TRY OUR STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM DELI Clous: The freshest strawberries and cream used; $1 per gal.. 30c half, dellverad. Pfc. M. 32T.K, AM REIN'S. 1000 X. Y. in. n.w. CAMERAS AND PHOTO SUPPLIES. PUT AN EASTMAN camera or kodak on your vacation list. Developing and prlatlug. II. Blumenfcld. Jeweler. 8010 14th at. Phone Col. 775. CARPET CLEAW1MW. CARPETS THOROUGHLY AND CAREFULLY cleastd; rest trortfn from old. ctrt^ti; ? ouit* treats renovated. Estimates furnished. Air BERT KAHLERT * CO.. Sfifi R st. s.w. M.J CARPEXTiCRS AMD BUILDERS. SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS; CARPE9 ter work, large or small; reasonable price*. C. P. COLLINS. Tit !8!h 1*. r.w. PttcB- U. :J43 BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR THE LADIES. TRAIN Ed'T'OrSeT I FRF rone to Tour hiwp aJid take your measure for a Hammer wdjfct . MP1RELLA CORSET. M. C. TRIBBY. 4c c n.e. Ph. Linen. 2105. Ask totit drcMmakor or doctor. ? DOLLY MADISON" CANDIES-120 VARIETIES ( of delicious chocolates and lioubons. 40c lb. | 720 lltli st.. 72t". Utli St.. 1600 U st. Open Sun- j days. Phoue orders solicited. M. 5134. , LADIES' IIEMP. STRAW AND PANAMA HATS beantlfulir cbaned and reshaped In the late?t strles; wir? frames a specialty. Mrs. E. Mc CAFFERTY. 1211 G at. n.w. ] *1.00. All kind? of ?~wing martinet repaired aso i warranto!. P'.one or p.-rstal. OPPENHKIM KR'3. MO E st. ji.w. HEALTH MOVEMEST. TIAV1 SCIENCE OF HEALTH? FREE LEG- . tort' for W'jmfn Wednesday. 3 ?.m. Natural, j non-sinKicsl: cioth-boaiid. 400-pag# book freo. ; ujr. Colorado building. _________ M ATTRESS MAKING. HAIK AND FELT MATTRESSES RENOVATED and rea'arie. $2: all work by experts anjl guar anteed first-class. CAPITOL BEDDING CO.. j 1241 7th n.w.: pbene X. 52B. j ROOF PAINTING. Roofs Ot.'Ii game. Six-year BOND. We can shov you. Plinne Ul?S-Y. Uncolc. Any Roof. roomy deep. $4.50. Othere in proportion. 3?> 7th st. n.e. WALL PAPER. HARRISON * rO.'S PAPEKllANOEHS AND painters art- picked experts who never fall to please. Lowest prices on papering, painting or glazing. Ph. North 17&: for estl. l."04 9th n.w. WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING. TKOLBLL-WITH VOUli WATCH OR CLOCK? Consult >1. 1">. Korrnun, expert Jeweler; watch, clock nnd Jewelry repairing, called for and de livered anywhere. 7C0 11 n.e. Ph. Linen. 8800. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. A MOVING PICTURE park .at SUh nnd 13; forced to sell this week to highest bidder; tearing town Monday. 20a A SUCCESSFUL and growing real estate com pany requires the services of a practical, ex perienced executive lo manage their office. Must hare excellent credentials for ability, sobriety, honesty and energy. Preferably one who can Invest from $1,000 to $3,000 us evi dence of good faith. <We guaranteed on ?in vestment. Address Hoi 1*1. Star office. BAKERY AND L1UHT GROCERY AT SACRI flce on account 111 health; no triflcrs; best section n.w. Box 10. Star office. 27* BOARDING HOl'SE- -Beautiful I warding house, in the choicest section 'of city: Massachusetts ave. near Thomas Circle; tilled to capacity. Bargain If sold before Aut,-ust 1. For partli-u lars call at 318 Colorado bidg. 28* , CIGAR .STOKE -Doing good business; good stock and location; a snap. Box 215. Star office. 2S* i DAIRY LUNCH for sale. Apply 1403 ?th n.w. Address Box 71. Star office. 2S* EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. $250; good place for middle aged man. Apply F st. n.w. ESTABLISHED BUSINESS 25 years; assets. $100,000: m.w Incorporating: desires secretary; must buy some bonds. Address Box 82, Star office. 2^* 1 FOR RENT?Store and dwelling. 1001 20tb .st. William Carly. 2528 L st. 28* FOR RENT. In Center market, n butcher stand for the sale of fresh meats. Apply office, 7th st. whig. ! FOR SALE-Motion picture park: fully equipped: piaAo and machine: seating ?HjO; no opposition: I cash and automobile would be accepted: will make right terms with quick buyer; other in terests. Address Box 04. Stur office. 2S* FOR SALE-Grocery and notion store; n.w.: good location; up-to-date store; will sell right: excellent op|?ortuuity: iuvite Investigation; good reason for selling. Box 52. Star office. 27* FOR SALE?On account of dissolution of partner ship a well located wholesale liquor establish ment: not affected by new excise law; big bar gain for quick buyer. Address Attorney, Star office. 27* FOR SALE?Automobile .repair and storage bn.-i neas: best stand In city. Apply to Mangura A Ehnert. rear 1326 G st. n.w. HARDWARE, paint nnd builders' supply busi ness. in good location: for sale, or exchange for small farm. Address Box Wv. Star office. * HOTEL? Over 30 rooms: elegantly furnished: also completely equipped dining rooms; uuex celled location n.w.: value. $3,000. Price cut if quick Sale. Box 240. Star office. 26* ICE BOX?Brand-new, used only 2 months; cost | $250. Apply 1311 E n.w. 27* , LUNCHROOM?Excellent location. Pa. ave.; do ing business of $125 day; ovrtier not experi enced and will sacrifice for $12,000. Cost $15, 000 to equip. ? ? J Ice cream, bakery and confectionery, busi ness street n.e.; excellent stand: cheap rent: j long lease; bad health cause of sale at $1,700. I Lunchroom, business street s.e.: doing daily business of $40; cheap rent; sacrifice price. $1,250. Barber shop. Pa. ave. n.w.; established 17 | years; on account of bad health owner will take MOO. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS. 1423 F. NOTES?For sale. $1,500 second trust notes; well secured; good indorsements: bearing In terest; pavable $30 monthly: will take $1.3.>0 if sold promptly. Address Box 66, Star office. 28* PARTNER-Lady, charitable hearted, with $20't; guaranteed tenfold return. Address Box NO, Star office. 28* PARTY?Reliable eilerg tic man with $1,001 cash to invest in clean, legitimate busines-. In ! Alexandria. Va. This Investment should net ! not less than $5,000 the first year. Address j Box 4.". Star office. * : RESPONSIBLE, capable man. with $5,000. to in- i vest lu a clean, legitimate' business. can maHe , over $10.0i?) per year. For particulars address j Box 410. Star office. 2?* ROOMING HOUSE. 12 rooms and b-th: eomp'ele ly furnished: filled with g<x?l paying tenants; facia? Carnegie Library. 703 Mount \ ernon [dace. 7th and K n.w. ROOMING HOUSE, nice; full of roomers; good Income; $Mi>0 cash or terms. 407 G ti.w. 27* ROOMING HOUSE? Attractively furnished; A No. 1: great sacrifice ou payments. Box 4!. Star offl -e. _ _ | STATIONERY?Don't let yonr mall g" astray. Why not lie sure of your private correspondence being received Just a* you would your business letters? I^s?k! 100 letter heads. 100 envelopes. 100 vlsitiug cards, $1. Neatly printed, sent to you by return mail. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address Home Printing Co., P. O. Box 162, Pity. * WANTED-Reliable man. with $150 cash, to take agency for a household article that sells on sight; money i?erfectly safe: hustler can make at least $2,100 per annum. . Address Box 38>Q. Star office. 28* WANTED?$11,000, AT K, ON FIRST MORT gage on Allegany co., Md.. coal lands (360 a.); great opportunltw for development. WANTED MuTi order scheme; medical pre ferred. Full particulars Box 05, Star office. 2S* YOU CAN iK-come part owenr of a great produc ing commercial orchard only 120 miles from the city, even though you Invest as little aa $25 and $5 a month; apple orchards net as much as 50 per cent a year. For partlcu lars address Box' 171. Star office. $900 AND SERVICES of young, .-..aipetent m?a available for legitimate business: only replies giving full particulars will receive attention. Box 2.*>. Star office. F0R~SA1^?TOSCELLANEOUS. BOATS AND ACCESSORIES. FINE CABIN LAUNCH. 30 feet by 7^-foot l>earn; IB-h.p. motor, with magneto and stor age battery; exceptionally well built and com pletely outfitted; tender, anchors, lantenn-, searchlights, charts, cushions, stove, dishes, etc.. inost comfortah'e boat of its type ana best bargain available. Call at once. I<- M. Thompson. 902 G st. n.w. ; I.AUNCH <twenty-foot); JusI overhauled: new en gine. new curtains, reverse propeller, life pre server cushions, magneto: bargain. Will dem onstrate. Seen at Reynolds' Boathouse, 34th st. 2H? MI LLIN LACNTII: 24 ft.; good condition. Can Ije sc-n ut Moore's boathouse. Georgetown. Price right to quick purchaser. DOGS, PETS, CATS, ETC. LEVY. Th^ Expert?Rats, rohches, bedbugs, etc., exterminated once forever. Address Station WaslungUiu, D. "hospital FOR animals Offers country or city kennels % for dogs and oats. For rates Phone N. 1603. 2115 14th st. n.w. POODLES -Three white French poodles; nearly ( 4 mouths old. 7oft Va. are. s.e. HORSES, CARRIAGES. ETC. A NICE ldg huckster wagon for sale or0?J'"r hire. Apply at 224 Canal st. s.w. FOR nIRE?HORSES. CARRIAGES. WAGONS, by day, week or month, at special prteea. general LIVERY CO.. Inc., rear of S3i rm. _av?. n.w. Pbone Main 11?7. FOR SALE One new dump wagon, one ?li>t wagon, two horse*. At ::02ft 13th n.w._ GROCERY wIgoS" flight) for sale. 511 K^t. n.w. z< HORSE for sale; combination riding or surrey a n<l harness; in first-class condition. Apply 615 7th st. *.w. * . HORSES AND MULES?Tills concern stands in the forefront of the trade for quick sales, anu what's more to the point, every sale we ma*? Is backed by our absolutely dependable ffuar Show horses, combination riding and ^jln* torses, draft horses and light and heavy muies. Send us what you desire to sell. Private sales dally, auction every Monday Reliable Horse and Mule (la . 212 1'1" "? HORSES?10 horses, some fresh from city broken; others little second-hand, nav log been used in my busineas; 25 wagon*. 1 dump and cxnrevv Mae<m and harne<?. L'Al 1444 p it. n.w. Phone N. 'W. HIS is the page that rents rooms, etc., and sells anything from a baby carriage to a mercantile establishment. HORSES, CARRIAGES* ETC. (Ch'O. JUST ARRIVED!!! 2 carloads of buggies from ??-??!' n% 2 ,-arioads of *r.?ctry 'f^Pa ar*. aw" I'll. M. 8140. H. O. T^arr. ..10 ?? *'?? MARE, bay; cheap; ISO. Barton. FoahaII road PONY. harness. govcrness'cari ;ovei?hlng rorn p!ete; l.argaln; owner leaving clt. . North _______ ? ? WORK IIOKSE. in good condition; owner h^.n? no use for it. Apply 1 150 I' st. j?? j MOTOR CYC'LHS ASP BlC1rCl.J5S. MOTOR CYCLE. with Xnur fsalejjjjj* ^ in?twlve V C Columbia 308G. or call 504 Part road. SEXoND-H AND MOTOR 6*CUm- A guaranteed slightly used <*"*? bought at bargains; rash or payments. HKBk RYMAN A WILLIAMS. 912 9th at. Mala MUSICAL. 1XSTR1MEXTS. PIANO (mahogany uprlg'itV. neljjjj "c^ sell at once at sacrifice. Address box Js>, Star office. ____ PIANO?Must bo sold. line upright piano; de livered, $100 cash. 1*42 N. 1. aye. *" PIANO?Upright; mahogany; $115. Bo* 17. Star office. , Piano bargains?Vosc, $170; Stultz & Bauer. | S140- l>tey. $130; Regal. $00; Kohler & Camp bell. $110. Hugo Worch. 1110 G. I rLAYER-PlANO?Mahogany; excellent ?mditlon: used Jour months; will include records and lx>ncli and sell at a sacrifice. Box ?>-. Stai office. * - SNAPS FOIt MUSICIAN'S- Strenuous reductions on notably worthfnl Instruments: $35 Maurer mandolin. $10; $55 Martin guitars. $15 and $18; Stewart banjoes, $10; other mandolins and I guitars. $3 tip; violins, $3 up. Graces. lltli and E Bis. ___ UPRIGHT PIANO?Practically .new; must be ???old at once, as owner Is leaving Washington. If not koVI will place in some responsible party's bom" to avoid storage. Address Box :C?f Star office. MUSICAL. 1XSTRUWEXTS (Oontlnnel). SPECIAL piano and player bargains. On* pianola i player, with 50 rolls of tnuslc. $50; one new ?& ! note player, $350. on monthly payments; Steger & Co. upright, $75; slightly used op 1 right. $100; one new piano, used 4 months, i *105, or. $5 monthly payments. Tuning. $1.50. Columbia grafonolas. graphophones snd recoras. Helblg Bros.. 1742 7th *t. n.w. Kstab. 31 JT?. ; V1CTROLA. $20n style, and SO records, which w 1II sell for cash at once. Box 23. Star office. | SRWIKU MACHINES. A ?;ooD DHOP-HEAD SINGER sewing machine, guaranteed, only $10. Repairs. $1 up. Tug. E. K. HARRIS, 2109 14th. Ph. Co!. I 13QB. . I o bargains?Drop-head Standard. $25; &.x>p-head i New Home. $13; Singer. $10; 30c a week. Renting and repairing. Open ereiilngs. H. H. GIVEN. 025 Pa. a?-?. s.e.. ph. Line. .M7X _ TYPEWRITERS. STANDARD MACHINES at summer rates From $10 up. Brans building. 1430 N. Y. are., aul3* Room 204. TYPEWRITERS-Wellington visible typewriter, almost new. $20; Remington typewriter No. . i. l>erfe?*t condition, $15. Cook, Baum Sl Co., 8th r and 1* sts. n.w. i TYPEWRITER RENTAL SERVICE. 36 Raa ! dolpb pi. n.w.; North 3128-M. Denstnorea rested. $1.25 monthlr; Remington*. Olivers. Smith-Premiers. $1.50; L. C. Smith, "oysls. Olivers. $2.25; Underwoods. Monarchs. $2.30. Redaction If paid JJ or ft months in advanc*. TYPEWRITERS?One Underwood. $45; one Rem inxtvu. $25; easy terms. Addresa Box 374, Star office. UNDERWOOD and Remington; in good order; easy terms. Address Bo* 373. Star office. . MISCELXAXEOL'S. "aWNINOS AND WINDOW SHADES-We make j a specialty of flrst-class opaque shades hung at &?? each. A card will bring salesman. R. C. j I M. Burton & Son. Sill E n.w. Phone M. ".^*4. | bkD (quartered oak), bureau, washstand. ward ro'lie and sewing machine. 1523 M st. n.w. I CVRPET?Hand-onie red velvet carpet, about 103 ! "yards; co?t $250; $55. Coo*. Baum & Co.. Stli ! and D "ts. n.w. __ ! CLOCK-A $250 grandfather's chime clock, with l?.ng tubular chimes; chimes every V* hour; I Call A. Kahn. 935 F n.w. i Cl.oTHES?Is it peculiar that in this little out of-tl.e-wav store we have succeeded In building I ii larg ? and most prosperous business with never a ?'reduction saie," but surely saving 25"r to I the man that ueeds the cash? See us for a brand new or slightly used suit; $3 to $10 buys a good article. One price. Jnsth's Old Stand, 610 I>. DA1IL KILLER?I heap; for 3-lnch tires. App'y rv.ll N. II. ave.; phone Col. S72. 37 DIN I NO ROOM SET-Handsome, solid mahogany; sacrifice. Cook. Bautn *; Co., Sik and D sts. n.w. _ FOR SALE?Jersey heifer csiif. highly bred and registered; a beautiful animal; $50. :[li(3 Mniiwn' st. nc.. Woodridge.' 20* GLASSES?A 540 prism binocular array and navy tield glasses for $25. Call A. Kahn. F n.w. OAK SIDEBOARD for sale, $30; cost $75; dn ine table, $10; cost $30. Bo* 102, Star office. 2t>" SHADES-*.ood quality ojiaquc snades, fitted to your windows only 35c; the best quality oil 'opaque shades. 50c; hung free. We call with samples. Kleebatt's. 11th snd II sts. n.e. STATIONERY, souvenirs, pennants, post cards, | view l?<oks, folders. Jewelry, fountain pens, oil iiaiutings. miscellaneous stock; card writ- 1 ing. Invitations, resolutions to order; old maga zines liougiit und sold; watch our windows. Trultt's Bargain House, 235 Pit. ave. n.w. I Sl'DDF.N CHII-I.S foreshadow pneumonia. Keep | a 1k>x of Bury's chill and malaria capsules af laud- It destroys germs and cures chills, van 1 isris. la grippe, colds. 25c box. At druggists'. ' TYPE CASE RACKS- -5 double and 2 single Iron ' case racks; perfect condition; Hlso over 1501 Job cases and 12 ad stands; all In good condi tion; cheap. Apply Foreman, Composing Room. Star bldg. 50c WEEKLY PAYMENTS. DAVIS SEWING MACHINES. $16. $20. $25. $35. CASH. $12. $18. $24. $32. Siightiv used machines; Latent drop-head Singer. $10; Standard. $12. Drop-leaf Singer. $3; standard. $4; White. $5; Domestic, $6. Free reoalr estimates on all machines. DAVIS AGENCY. 913 9th st. n.w. Phone M. 3638. 10,1 YEAR-OIJ) WHITE LEGHORN HENS? Sacrifice at 75c each, or half at 85c; splendid layers^ Eaton. 2226 N n.w. 27*_ 7 CEILING FANS; 110 volts D. C.; 2 speeds; I four blades; new; $12 each. 3293 M st. n.w. 27* 5-TON SCALE, coal wagon. Hobart coffee mill, with meat grinder attached; cash registers, counters, *tore fixtures of every descrlntlou for sale at 625 La. ave. n.w. _26_* atjtomobilesT FOR SALE. AUTO I>ELIVEItY TRUCK, 1.500 lbs. capacity; little used and lu first-class condition. 725 10th st. u.w. Phone Main 5140. AI'TO TIRES bought. ?>ld and exchanged; 2Sx3, ] 30x3. $4.50; SOx.'ttv. $6.50; "2x4. 34x4. j $7.541 each. Dakln Limp Repair Simp. 730 13th J st. n.w. Open day. night and Sunday. ; AUTO TIRES. Every one wants to buy hU auto tires at-the lowest possible prices. We have thus.? prices on all the best makes, with an additional 5% for cash at time of purchase. JONES KESSLER RUBBER TIRE CO.. Phone M. 3056. 606 E st.' n.w. BAKER ELECTRIC STANHOPE for sale; Inter state touring, five-passenger, fully equipped. KLOCK & DIETRICH. Phon- N. 1932. 1333 14th st. n.w. BU1CK ROADSTER; also touring car; new tires; painted, overhauled; cheap; guaranteed. Rear /116 D n.e. '-'7* CADILLAC. ROADSTER. 80-h.p.; first-class con dition: in rear 2128 Bancroft place, from 8 to 10 a.ui. and 5 to 7 p.m. CHALMERS 30. touring oar; fully equipped; in thorough repair; extra heavy tires; all acces sories; owner leaving city. Cash bargain. Bo* 99. Star office. COLUMBIA electric victoria; A1 condition; new batteries; a bargain. r>-passenger Franklin tour .up car; Stanwell No. 40; demountable rims; 5 new tires; excel lent condition; cheap. 1912 four-pnssenger Washington touring ctr; fine shape; new tires. T. Lamar Jackson. 14th and R. n.w. E M-F 30, 5-passenger, newly palute<l. $350; will demonstrate. Address Apt. 14, VJttoris. Itone Col. Il?. 28* FORD touring car. first-class condition; bargain; leaving cltv only reason for selling. Can be seen at lHOi) H st. n.w. or 1527 Q. FORD?4-cylinder; price. $80. Cadillac, 1910. .Vpassenger; in first-class condition. Gall at Wad?'s SteaAi Auto Shop. New Jersey ave. and E st. u>. 27 FOR SALE -2^?yl. Maxwell, light delivery or runabout: also 2-cyI. 5-pas*nger Bulck. Apply 207 7tli st. s.w. ' HAYNES? ?. ?: ?.( A ??' : 1 ??u*' " * AUTOMOBILES. POR SALE ( Continued )? LIGHT DELIVERY AT TO TRI CK BOUT for sale cheap. Phone West 620. 27* , M12RK EL, 1912, seven-home twin; speedometer: i carrier: everything complete: hardly used; big bargain. Can be seen at 1151 Sew Jereey are! 27* OVERLAND ROADSTER-?Newly painted nnd overhauled: gor?d tiivs: top: windshield; will demount rate: price, $200. 415 11th st. s.w. 26* PULLMAN 5-passenger touring ccr: excellent (onditiou; foredoorr. new tires, demountable | rims; will demonstrate; ranst sell immediately. Drop postal call. Phone Col. 1968. E. II. B.. :;wh> ?tb st. n.w. ! USED CARS-" One 7-pass. 1912 Pullman. One ."-pass. Olds ruobHe. One 5"PasR- Stodebaker. The above ears fnllv Mjnlppod and In good or | d??r. M. T. Pollock. 1018 Conn. ave. YALE MOTOR CYCLE. 1?12 model, 4-li.p., Qne condition, at a bargain. 513 2nd at. ?.e. 27* 1913 CADILLAC for sale; nearly new. Box 5T, Star office. 27" 30-H.P. ROAD8TER in fine condition; recently overhauled; a bargain; $150 for quick sale. Box 44. Star office. 27* 1913 HTTDSON SIX; can save yon money on new car. Box f?4. Star offlce. 27* ^PASSENGER TOURING OAR; excellent condi tion; only slightly used; will demonstrate. Apply 207 7th st. s.w. WANTED. AUTOMOBILE?BEST $500 CASH WILL BUY; please state make, year of manufacture, nutn l?er of passengers carried, condition and equlp ment. Box 79. Star office. ] WE WANT A GOOD AUTOMOBILE IN EX I change for some attractive suburban lots. 324 Southern bldg. Main 7445. WILL EXCHANGE' 5 BUILDING LOTS NEAR Benvrn for automobile. 816 L si. n.w. 28* WILL TRADE A NEW HOUSE, WHICH HAS never been occupied, for good automobile. Box 19. Star office. SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS. I ? j ATLANTIC GARAGE. w i W Ondyke. 109 ?tu at. n.w. Phone M. 7??. Automobiles repaired by expert workmen; ail | work guaranteed. - i DEPENDABLE AOTO REPAIRING?WHETHER ! it's from the simple renewing of n battery or rebulldlnir of the most lntrica^ ^rt of t^ I machine it Is masrered here. SOUTHWORTH ft REISER, rear of 1320 L st. n.w. Ph. M. 2239 i>I A.MOND CEMENTLESS PATCHES, 50c a box. in lb can Amalle Grease. 85c. .?-lb. can Ainaiie Grease. 45c. We carp full line of Mobilolls. Vennlliioii. 2107 14ih u.w^ . MAKING GOOD ON TIKES! COULD THERE l?e more convincing evidence of the ffgg to ;lanc<> in our busy shop.' Tlftr. CO.. 1705 14th n.w. Ph. V 8791. PREPARED FOR ANY RUN"? GRADY'S relia ble tlrewoik is a paying Investment, not at expense. J'be best always pleads. 1820 L st. n.w. Ph. M. 22T8. WE'LL REPAIR YOUR GAS CAR OR ELECTRIC joUSvil do the little ones at a tbrt covers overhead expenses. TRY IS?AGAlNSi Tg?AD^TOR*?^'Mlf lo-ct ?-?"!..? r?c. VnU MBIA VK.HHL.E COMPACT. Tel. Main 7718. >13 L st. s.w. WIIKV \N \UTO IIAS 04)N'E THROUGH OUR repair whops you can place more dep^^ee n it than ever. MOORE & CO., 1122 18th st. n.w. Ph. 7994. ? FOR HIRE. 1 ii aiTOMOBILBS for hire?AL New 5 *?d ? passenper cars, w'th careful chauffeurs $3 per ! hour Phone Main 7319. day or nIrtt. cial rates for trips. People s Auto HIrln. Co.. WfJ 14th st. n.w. - ELECTRIC VICTORIAS. *3 an evening: $3 a day; easy to run; days shopping, afternoon teas, theater parties. Phone Main 5248. J. M. DOYLE. 32u Pa. ave. n.w. ~ FIVE-PASSENGER AUTO. $2.?0 per hour. None letter. AUTO IHRE CO.. linen. 2563. FOR HIKE-.'. AND 7 rASSFNaKK ACTOSAND taxicabs by the hour. aUTO Phone Main 3116. ATLANTIC HOTEL AI/IU CO.. ?tb st. and Pa. *ve. ~ PHONE LINCOLN 1434 ' For ltesi aulo service in city AT LOWEST RATES. Hich-|>o?ered cars. Strlct'y careful drivers. 7-PASSENGER AUTO. DRIVEN BY OWNER. $2 per hr. Special tour Chevy Chase. R?1* r' Soldiers' Home. Arlington. Potomac Park. Mali. etc.. $0. Phone Lincoln 3275-M " GARAGES. "cars STORED. WASHED AND POLISHED. $5.00 and $10.00 per month. M Repairing of all dewrlptions. Phone M.0458-M. POST OFFICE GARAGE. _1110-12L_ for rent?booms. ~ Kl RNISHEO. FOR RENT- TO A tJF.NTLEMAN. NICELY furnished room, ti e Carolina. 700 .1th st n.w. 1013 IRVING ST. N.W.?'TWO NICELY Fl'R r. I shed rooni6, single or en suite; terms reu soimble. ^ - 505 L N.W.-XICELY ITRNISHE1) IWWJ. clean, well screened; plenty of hot water, private family; gentlemen only. ?*_ 632 IJSXINGTON PLACE N. E.?FURNISHED room. with sleeping porch. In private familj , no l.h.k.: n--ftr three car lines. -? 1406~B EI"MONT? LARGE SECOND-FLOOR BAY window room: heut and gnu for l.h.k.; $?. 7325 11th ST. N.W.- BRIGHT ROOM. LARGE closet, newly papered, $9; good size hall room, $5. Phone. 11*10 L N.W.?FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR without board; txrol and clean; facing Mass. ave. and park. -K* 174" F ST. N.W.?DELIGHTFUL LOCATION; ! ia"rge and small cool rooms; also room with kitchenette. . CoiT I ST. N.E.?COOL FURNISHED FRONT rooms. $1.25 per week. THREE LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS. WASH ingtou Helg'.iU: electricity: hot water at anv time- front room, $12: other two rooms, $7 each per month. Phone ?J. 1742. . 1758 COL. ROAD?TWO NICELY FURNLSHED rooms, adjoining bath: convenient to two car lined. rr= RANDOLPH PI-N.W.--NICELY FUR nished front room on 2nd tloor v/ith board. N. ?W32. ^FTOND FLOOR FRONT. OVERLOOKING nnrk $12 per month: also large room, $2 per wi>ek' for two. Phone M. 1157 oi.i- ut PLEASANT ST.--SECOND I?LOOR; (mme airv rooms: completely fur. for bouse kwnlnf* "icas range; detached house; lar*e grounds; u nice home for nice people; Mt. Pleasant cars. r212 T ST N.W.?ROOMS FOR RENT; MOD ern conveniences: nicely furnished; two large front rooms: for colored. 27 flil M ST N.W.?NICELY FURNISHED, PLEAS ant room, next bath; large closet; private fam ily. gentlemen. fl' l COLUMBIA ROAD-FOUR NICELY FUR tTlslied rooms on one floor: l.h.k. if desired; private family; $35 per month. Phone Col. ;j.x52. 27* 4l" 0th ST. N.W.?'1 LAR?iE 2nd AND 3rd Boor roouis; central ocation; near all cars. tH7 E CAiT sT.?LARGE PARLOR BEDROOM; niceiy furnished; convenient to both car sys tems; reasonable. j Ti JOWA CIRCLE-ATTRACTIVE SEOOND floor bay-window, southern-ex posed room; well screened": private family; references. PARK ROAD?NICEL Y FURNISHED room; southern exposure; convenient to bath;; gentieinan preferred. kIT 10th ST. N.W.?LARGE FRONT, BACK I and hall rooms: nl?-ely furnished; summer rate*. S 007 3rd ST. N.W. -ENTIRE 2nd FLOOR, 3 | rooms, furnished, for housekeeping; bath ?d- , .ioiniug; $2^ *?*__ j i;l G ST. N.W.?LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED j rooms for l.h.k.; vacant Aug. 1; facing par^: 1 1 central location. | 8th ST. N.W.?NICELY FURNISHED ; r?^om; set bowT; near batli; $10 per month. j I THE MEWRY. 1115 8th N.W., AIT. 22-COOL I front room, finely furnished; every convenience; | electricity: reasonable. 27* I ?rf MT. VERNON PUVCE -TWO FRONT ' rooms, light housekeeplnt,. I user. HOLMEAD PL. N.W.?LARGE, WELL furnished 2nd-lloor l-oom, next lAtli; suitable for l.h.k. 26* 1316 K ST. NJV.?LARGE ROOM. WITH private bath; private family; transients also. 20?, - THE CUMBERLAND. APT. 80 ? BRIGHT, neatly furnished room, opposite bath. Phone North 5344. IVi'.i OTIS PL. N.W.?LARGE 2nd-FLOOR front room; southern exposure; near bath. am I ST. N.W.?TWO SOCTH-FRONT ROOMS, faring park; spacious bath; coeple ?r gentle :u?*n. 26* " * N.W. SMALL 2nd-FM>?* ' ;'ii: convenient two ? .1., FOR SENT?BOOMS. FURNISHED (C?Bti?i?ei>. r?24 sraixc,r<t ad n.w.?two unfuunish <h! front; screened; itinwfr bath; ronTnilrtt to cir>. _______________ l'SK) FAIRMONT ST. N.W.- WITH PKI\ ATE family: private bath: electricity; telephone; $10 month. _ ! uxil VT VVE. -FINELY FURNISHED Rl>OMS . by day. week or mouth; private t.atb; five telephone. M. "7ft4!. 61S 3r?l ST. N.W.?LOOK. PEOPLE. A LARGE. I nicely furnished front room at t> hargsin. ! tMVl ::rd~N\W. TWO large. PARLOR ! ! rooms: completely furnished; l.h.k.; newly pa pered aii'l pa.ntcl. ! 141$ M Sr N.W. (THOMAS CIRCLE!?HAND aomely furnished rooms, en suite or "Angle; brass beds, chcrry and mahogany rnrnitnre; an outside room*. *yat 723 8th ST. N.W.?NICELY FURNISHED tad floor room; also small room*;.maimer ratw. 816 N. J. AVE. N.W.-3, LARGE FRONT rooms, cool, central location; summer rate*, excellent table board. _________ I'SFUBJIISHBD. 1129 llfh-ST. N.W.?LARGE, COMMUNICAT ing faiw. 2nd floor; housekeeping. 335 NORTH CAROLINA AVE. S-E-?2 ENFUR nlshed rooms on second floor for light house keeping: bath adjoining; adnlta. 0327 WARDER ST. N.W.?'THREE ROOMS AND hath: gaw; $1S. ___ . 715 FAftlMONT ST.?COOL HOUSEKEEPING flat: first floor: $10; cool and dry. 1930 15th ST. N. W.?THREE LARGE UXFUU uished second-floor rooms: l.h.k.; sink in kitchen; convenient location; reasonable. 815 7th ST. S.W.?MCE, LIGHT: 4 ROOMS; with heat, bath; 3rd floor; rent, f!5. 27 C34 PA. AVE. 8.E.?TWO OR THREE ROOMS and bath in private family for light house keeping, or would cook and give wrrloes ir re quired. Phone L. H956. . 310 IND. AVE. N.W.?TWO PARLOR ROOMS on first floor and basement. 1337"nth st. n.w. Three rooms, alcove, large closets; housekeeping; must be s^en to be appreciated. ** ?SxTmass. AVE. N.W.-THREE ROOMS FOR l.h.k.; sink; heat; light; adults only; ?"J;5" monthly. 1330~ 9th ST. N.WV-3 OR 4 BRIGHT ROO>IS; heat, gas and bath; l.h.k. ?** 1814 15th ST. N.W.-THREE BRIGHT ROOMS, bath: second floor: newly papered and painted; gas range: rent redm-ed during summer. 1417 Q N.W.?5 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. SEC ond floor, single or en suite; light allov/ed. __ U13 NORTH CAROLINA AVE. S.E.?3 UNFUR n!slied rooms for rent, bath and pas: rent. $13.50. - FIRKHHED AXD USIFl'RKISHED. i:f34 11th ST. N.W.-FLAT. THREE LARGE rooms and bath, partly furnished for l.h.k. 739 13th ST. N.W.?2. 3. 4 or <J ROOMS: LIGHT, heat, gaw. Janitor service; suitable for l.h.k. 2130 K ST. N.W.?FURNISHED A}?D UNFUR nished rooms for rent. 2ft* WANTED ROOMS. WANTED?BY TWO ADULTS (SISTERS). 3 nufurolslicd rooms or apartment, for light housekeeping; inu^t be reasonable. Address Box 77. Star office. 27* THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS NEAR NORTH Capitol St., above Florida ave.. for l.h.k.: water same floor. Particulars Bo* 09, Star office. ONE UNFURNISHED. CLEAN ROOM; VERY l.h.k.: walking distance 9th and Ave.; refer ences exchanged. City P. O. Bpx W6. 27* WITH BOARD. 1128 loth N.W.?ROOM AND BOARD; HOME cooking: Ave dollars up; convenient to all caw. 2T? 1340 W ST. N.W.?NEWLY FURNISHED M>uth room; home cooking; private family; $5 week. * 803 MT. VERNON PL. N.W., FACING CARNE gie Library Largo 2ud-floor front room; nicely furnished; nil conveniences, with excellent home ln?ard; <40 per month for two. 713' MT. VERNON PL. N.W.?LARGE FRONT j and back rooms.. with or without board; tran- I stents accommodated. | FURNISHED ROOM. WITH EXCELLENT l>oard, in private family; gentleman; ?17. Box <2. Star office. 27* 1KU CALIFORNIA ST., AIT. S-COOL LOCA tlon; best home tabie; convenient to cars; rea sonable terms. ? ?*' 1405 R. I. AVE.---TWO LARGE. WELL FUR nlshed Mwond-tkwr rooms, near ^>ath; excellent borne cooking. 1343 GIRARD ST.-A FRONT ROOM. SOUTH ern exposure; good table; telephone; near three car l'nes. 937 N ST. N.W.?'TWO WELL FURNISHED rooms; semi-detached house; large lawn; ex cellent home cooking. N. 3022. 1219 K N.W?HANDSOMELY FURNISHED front room, with balcony: two bath?; excel leni table; references; phone. 1S17 F N.W.?LARGE. COOL. SECWND-FLOOR room, high ceiling, suitable for two: electric light; t) 8(1* 105 EYE ST. N.W. ? LARGE 2nd AND 3rd floor front and middle rooms and back parlor; tnhl'- hoard. Phone M. ?3'.??. PHONE COLUMBIA 4004 ? LARGE. COOL rooms, private family: near cars; excellent lo cation : references exchanged. 937~N ST.--NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; 1 second floor. 1 third floor front; southern ex posure: table board. $15 month. Phone N. 3022: shady yard; lawn: lienches and swings. 51?) L ST. N.W ?NICELY FURNISHED COR per rooms; excellent tabic board; summer ra-es, central location. 1309 IRVING ST.?LARGE. COOL. SKCOSD storv front and other room#; southern exposure: large closets; good hoard: reasonable rates. -?'* 1224 13th ST. N.W.?SOUTH ROOMS. NEWLY furnished, with board. *22 month nn: f<*ur baths; house screened; icc water; white help; parlor. piano and phone. 301 EYE ST. N.W.?LARGE FRONT ROOM ON 2nd floor, next to bath: with best home cook lug: corner residence; very lance lH*n; all mod em !mproferments; one of the best diniug rooms In city: terms for two persons, $45 per month. Phone M. 7Wil. TABLE BOARD. 1364 COLUMBIA ROAD-EXCELLENT TABLE board and service: small tables. THE GARRICK. . 131S T N.W -STRICTI^Y first-class table board; home cooking. N. 1408. Colored. _____ SUBURBAN BOARD. ROOMS AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILY In Chevy Chase. Cleveland 060. OAK MONT, SttOO 14th ST. N.W.; 2 SINGLE rooms, boatd; porches: extensive grounds; for est trees: croquet, tennis, ridiag horses. Phone Col. 2327. TWO DELIGHTFULLY FURNISHED ROOMS; private family: one-half block from Conn, ave.; select people only; gentlemeu preferred; Chevy Chase. C level ad 741. CLEVELAND PARK-TWO FINE BOOMS; southern exposure; % square to cars; ladles preferred. Phone Cleve. 749-M. ? $35 MONTH. ROOM. BOARD FOR TWO^ NEAR city: private family. Box 235. Star office. 27 COMFORTABLE. ALDYEAR-ROUND HOME IN private family; country surrounding*. with all city conveniences: only 20 minutes from busi ness section; excelleut table: detached houae; large lawn; screened porch: hot water; phone; steam heat: V* square from cars; no children. Phone N. 4340. ? OAKDALE VILLA. GLEN ECHO. MD.; DE lirhtfully situated; excellent borne cooking; artesian' well; electric lights; baths; tenuis end crotjnet. etc.; Cabin .lohu cars pass near the door. Phone Toll 54-13. __________ rrTRACTIVE HOME, OVERLOOKING POTO mao; one fire, Cabin John line; fisLinjr. b<>at lur: i-lectrk* pUcne; $35 one, $00 two. Address IU}X Stff r office ^ | < COUNTRY BOARD. | PRIVATE FAMILY CAN ACCOMMODATE 4 OR ii t>oanlers during Augtutt aii'l September on fitrw poo?l tahl'*: plenty of milk. Iiutter and ? ?ir**:' rates re as suable. Mrs. E. J. DARBY, Oalthcrsburg. Md. -'* IDLEWILDE'S FIFTH YEAR; RIGHT ON THE ChfRUi>enke boy. Yon want to try it. _Hiie <ha<lc; never a hot day: salt water bathlug; your children safe; flsblng. ci*al>l>Ing; row. motor and suil boats free. Dancing panlNW. Descriptive circular. IDLEWILDE. Box 1, Shady Side. Md. "u*8* BOARDING PLACE IN COUNTRY FOU THREE adults, one of whom is Irresponsible; give par ticulars: reasunablL'. Address Bos 101. oStar oflice. ? , i77k7i. COUNTRY HOME NEAR VILLAGE; la-*,, boase; shade. Main lln.< Southern It. R. Good fare: aood sen icc; adults gti If r week: Childreu under 12 years. $3. Mrs. JOHN B. I POWERS. Blrdwood. CaUett. Fau-juier co.. A a. 2S* HOTEL MARYLAND-GOOD TABLE; RATES. ?1 per week; bsth; electric cars. CHAS. H. BUTTS. Proprietw. MMdletowa. Md. ?nl8* PASADENA-FINEST HOTEL, _FARM AND water situation In Maryland. Write for boefc Ipc. FREDERICK HARPER. R?yd Oak. Md. COUNTRY BO ABO. <C*attaac4.t MONTROSE SCHOOL?A SELECT SUMMER Mine for girls and ?mall boy?: no lesoons after June IS; location delightful; term* moderata. Ml? HABDET. Highland. Md. ROCKV1LLE -BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILY; Urge, shady grounds: convenient t<> cars. Mrs. JQS. READING. RwfcvHle. Md. FINE TABLE; GOOD BASS FISHING; LITHIA and sulplrar water: bathing and bos tin* in front of house; ffl.50 per week. J. FRANCK BAVLIS. Capon Springs, W. Va. ? BUMMER OR YEARLY OOCNTRT BOARl> for children; magnificent groves; good schools; Rood Uble. Address J. W. JOHNSON, Lanrel, Md. ? "THE IX>IX?K" OPEN TO SUMMER BOARD ers; bath; ail conveniences; $0 per week; adults 1 "nly. Mrs. J. D. THOMAS. Round Hill. Va. 2S? SELKtVT BOa1u>KRB CAN BE ACCOMMO dated at Frnnkllu Manor, on Chesapeake bay. Address Mrs. W. R. FRANK UN, Churciton. Md. THE RALEIGH. AT MOUTH OK POTOMAC, for summer .Iraardera: excellent table, bathing, crabbing. Ad* re* Mrs. MABEL B. CUR LEY. Hldae. Md. ROOKSPRING READY FOR BOARDERS PROM Auanst I to October 1; $5 per week. L. JENKINS. Rocbellc. Va. ? RURAL HOME ONWESTRIYEB: FINE ?hade; large lawn; rowing, bathing, launrhlax, all free; C. It p. telen^one. For circular write Box 2. Shady Side Mil. sb4* apartments to let. FIRMMHED. THE BRIGHTON APARTMENT HOTEL, 211*3 Ca.'fwnts st.. nesr Conn. arc.. W?*hinp t?"j H?igl>t*: I. 2 and .1 rooms end Uath; fur. or mifur.: permanently or transiently; svmacr _r?tss; !arg?. cool roof: cafe: American plan. 1003 qT ST. N.W. ' 2 rooms, alcove, bath, kitchenette. Southern exposure. Hot-wr.tcr host. Second floor. $32.0*? month. July rent free. THE TORONTO, DCPONT CIRCLE. DESIRABLE FUR. APTS.. 4 TO 6 R. AND B. ALSO SINGLE ROOM. GAFT>: StTMMER RATES. PHONE N. 7874. THE CECIL, 15th AND I, N.W.-P-ROOM COR ner apartment, on street; bright, cheerful; newly painted and papnred. Very attractively furnished. Apnly at C?cll. FURNISHED AND i'XFlRXISHED. KENESAW APARTMENT HOUSE. Ave. of th'? Presidents, cor. Irvine st. Coolest location; large, airy rooms; ail oat side; spacious lawns; roof garden; bachelor and housekeeping; 3 elevator*; fireproof; both car; largo cafe; excellent food and serr lee at low rates. S. H. BRIANT, Manager. APT. C?. THE BRUNSWICK 4 ROOMS AND bath, furnished or unfurnished; possession given Aug. l. Can be seen after < p.m. or Sundays. UNFURNISHED. I CONCESSIONS That will startle you- stop In and Investigate them. 1440 R. I. ave-. <n.w. 4 and C room*. BRAND-NEW; fire and i sound proof. Crunbria- Ma Jest Ic. 1324 Emlld at. 2, S, 4 and 5 rooms, some with, porches, de- ; teched building with outside rooms. MOD- I URATE PRICIS. J Mijnor House, 1324 Monroe st. 5 and (> rooms, with porches, telephone and "IJSVATOE. Nolando. 3413 T st. n.w.; $30.00. 5 rooms snd bath: front with porches. ONLY town, detached building, telephone; good order. The IiOirell. 1907-9 14th st. n.w. 5 rooms and bath front with porches. ONLY $27.50. The Huntington. 2715 14lh st.: *25.50. a roums and bath, nice condition, good service. Wjnouia. 410-16 11th at. n.e. ?? ?ml bath, porches, near cars, $20 and $22.50. N. L. SANSBURY COMPANY. INC., 121 1.1th at. n.w.. Phone Main 5004-5. UNFURNISHED APT., 1774 u" ST.-ELEGANT, o rootuft. Viatb, lind floor; nil oiith!;i<> room#: porch; janitor; Ine condition. Al?o four rooms and bath. Ifl28 14th Ht. Key in store. Rent cheap. Apply 015 R. I. ave. n.w. TWO APARTMENTS OF FOUR AND FTVE "VIM. with bath. $22.50 and $30. 1819 and st. and 150 Soatou place n.w. Inquire 144 Sea ten place n.w. ? FOUR-ROOM AND BATH FLAT, $14 PER mouth; In good neighbortiood and In excellent repair; on car Hue; very cheap. 1118 C n.e. B- F. SAUL <X>.. 7th and L stw. n.w. FOR RENT?TWO HANDSOME APARTMENTS, 4 rooms each; all mod. Imp.; $25 and $3U. The Smltlilli'ld. 1115 9th n.w. Also others at $20 and $25; centrally located. A. T. HOI7TZMAN. 1320 N. Y. AVE. FOR RENT?TWO HANDSOME APARTMENTS, 5 and 0 rooms: nil mod. Imps.; for eolT $23. Also others at $11 and $12. Also 440 OH) st. s.w., 6-room fratno. $12. _ A T HOLTZMAN. 1320 N. Y. AVE. GENEVA. 17th AND U?1st FLOOR $32.50 WISCONSIN AVE.. TENLEYTOWN. 2nd floors. 7 rooms and bath each: r^nt reduced. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. 220 SOUTHERN BUILDINO. FOB RENT?BY B. F. SA CL CO . 7 th* L N.wT TO WHITE TENANTS. 39 Qninoy nw, 5r.b.23.50l 1700 4th nw. Sr.h.lO 00 1124 7tb nw, 5r.b.V2..",0| 130!) H ne.upperfltl5.fMt Lafayette npt,5r.b.22.50 i 1310 7th nw. 2r.b J* 00 315 R nw. Sr. b. ..21.50 1118 O ne. 4r. b. .14.00 827 7th nw. 4r. b.?ooo, m? c. ne. 4r. b...l4.?Jt> 1324 5th nw, 5r.b.20.0 ) '730 7th nw. 2r.b. 10.00 II F'h itv nw.ftrti i'.i ?u i FOR RENT?-APARTMENT. 3221 MT. PLBAS ant; 4r., b.: fl. 2; new:y papered and pal .t--d; $25. FLOYD E. DAVIS. 7th and E a.w. Ft?R KENT?Ft ?t"R-ROOM AND~BATH APABT nientN in the Stenhoiie. New Jersev avenue and II st. n.w.; all outside rooms; awnlnes, *hadet>. hot water and janitor service. JOHN SCRIVENER. 907 O st. n.w. EXTRA REASONABLE RENT. MODERN APARTMENT HOUSES. SELECT TENANTS. I HE SAGAMORE. 1821 S 8T. N.W. CONVENIENT TO TWO CAR LINES: SPLENDID LOCATION. NEAR CONN. AVE.J 4 AND 5 ROOMS AND BATH: SIDE STEPS AND POKCCES FOB TRADESMEN: GOOD JANITOR SBRVICR. PHONE IN BUILDING. THE WOODLEY, Columbia road and Mintwood place. | DESIRABLY LOCATED?WASHINGTON HGT& Splendid housekeeping apartment, 3 rooms and bath. KENT. $30.00 PER MONTH. Modern, up-to-date building. THE MISSISSIPPI I486 W ST. N.W. WELL KEIT APARTMENT HOUSE. HOUSEKEEPING PLAT OF 4 ROOMS AND BATH. $23.50. Building detached on all sides. ALL BRIGHT. CHEERFUL. OUTSIDE ROOMS, LOOKING OUT ON FINE LAWN. GOOD JANITOR SERVICE. Convenient to best car service In city. LIEBERMANX & HAWN, 1303 V 8T. FIVE COZY ROOMS: HOT-WATER HEAT: screens: awnings; new house: high, desirable location; splendid car service, near both lines to adults. OWNER, 1207 New Jersey ave. n.w! "TIIE MARIETTA" (FOR COLORED!. 3418 ltth St.. on beautiful Columbia Heights?4 rooms and bath, closets, lockers; janitor service; $16.50 to $18. Apply janitor. Phone Col, lftls. FOR RENT?5R. B. APARTMENT IN CEN tral location and iu go-nl condition. $18. CAYWOOD ? GARRETT, 1231 N. Y. ave. n.w 28* FOR RENT?34 TODD l?L. N.E., BETWEEN T and U sta. and Nortb Capitol and lat ata ; Sr.. b. flat; $19. CAYWOOD & GARRETT. 1231 N. Y. ave. n.w. FLAT FOR RENT?1007 E ST. N.W.; 3rd i floor; Or. and b.; a.ui.i.; centrally located; with heat: rent, $35.00. CHAS. S. &HREVE. 100l> 7th nw. THE NORTHUMBERLAND. New Hampablre n*e. and V at. Strictly hlgh-claf<s. fireproof building; garden: all-night, elevator snd tel?)>hoae serv ice ; all autslJe rooms, alicwer In each apart ment: servants' tuun:s u?l baths; laundry; floor furclshe.-'. <>n apfiiicatlon. One two-room and both aportmeBt 925.00 One three-room and bath apartmeat soioo One four-room and bath apartmeot 00.00 Apply on prem'sc-s, or at tha Waahlnrtoa Loan and Tru.t Company. FOR RENT-COLORED TENANTS. 515 Irving st. n.w.; line apartments contain l&S 4 room;; end bath: lentsl, $l2.5u per month YELLOTT A STUBBLEFIEL1>, INC., 14tfa and U sts. n.w. RENT FROM SHANNON * LUCHS. 713 14th 8T. N.W. U. 2346. V QUICK. COURTEOUS SERVICE. FOR DESIRABLE COLORED TENANTS Fire large rooms, with large windows and high ceilings. Tiled baths, porcclaln sinks, high-oven gas range and every modern con venience. Practically a brand-new bnHdlng la perfect condition. Heat, hot water and lst claas janitor service furnished free. Inspect at once. Hie Minerva, 1838 4th at. n.w. SHANNON * LUCH8. Renting Service. M. 2345. 7V. 14th at. n.w. M. 2346. THE ALBEMARI.K. 17f!i AND T STS; <?>??: rent, fhr >? i ? ? <" ? ? ? APARTMENTS TO LET. rNriHNI!IHRD Hoa(laar4?. rOK KB.VT? STONE A PA (EFAX. 1342 Kmt York arr. n.w. APARTMENTS. (Hf?t fnrnlafced.t The Berlin. Iowa circle. 5r. and bath.... $30? 1882 Irvin* St.. T rooms sad bstfc 4T.00 TM 13th ?t. n.w.. Snd fl.. 8r.. b 48.88 The Winston. Mt. Pleas. at.. Sc. A hat*. <3.0> I8M 14tb at. n.w., 2nd floor. 8 rooma... tt-W I TW Saranac. ift* JTOap.. Or. and b... 8**8 The Iroqoota. 1410 M at. n.w.. 4r~ ?tf? MM 13th n.w.. 3rd bath *.60 The Melton. 4Tb iM 5. T. as*.. Sr.. b.. 35.3<i Tha Oswego. 1*20 W at. n.w.. ?r. aad b. 38.00 Tbe Ssratogs. T?h aad E. Cap.. 4r.. b... ZSM 3?* 8 rooma and bath MM The Turin. 1W24 17th it. n.w.. 4r. aad b. 8S0? XL" 133fi W at. n.w.. Sr. and b. ?.30 The Relwood. 1*21 Corcoran. Kr.. bath.. 82.6? The Frederick, Uth * K n.w.. 4th floor. 4r. S2.3-I The ^hosier. 420 2nd *1. n.w.. 3fl., ?r..l?. 30 S* The Dartmouth. 2?". N n.w.. 3rd floor, Br. 30.K 35* 2Jirin J7Ml **? n.w.. 4r.. b... SOXO The ET'swortt. *2". 3rd ?t. a.a.. ?r Monti cello. No. ?4, :: rtK??n? ami hatb.... S>.?M I12w Fairmont at.. 3rd floor. Sr. nnd b... 2.">.0 ? 84ft H at. n.e.. 3rd floor. 8 rooma 5T.IW Tho rutin. 1??4 lTtlj n.w.. 3 rooma 27.S) Th; SpoUanr. 121 11th n.e.. 4?.. bath... 3UJ ?* 0 at. n.w.. 2nd $r. and b WM The Melton. 4tb and X. Y. sve.. 4r.. b.. 3T..8i 918 14th at. n.w., 3rd floor 90'< TTn' ruaaell, 1334 14th n.w., 2nd floor... 33.0> U? J n.w., r. rooms and hath tA B'? 214. r n.w.. ;; moms and hath.*: 18.M 1.^? .l h n-w ? Sprt fl*or? 2r- batk.. 1AM ?TONE A MIRPAX. 1345 Vow Tor* an, n.w. TWO-FA MILT FUAT9. <Xo 1 eat furniafaed.) JI5; .r,r* rM,J- 2l"i flo?" Tr ? * ?? I#t- n rr- ^ "f- *????? 52-5* ' rT*- n-Tr- *"?' fo?r- Sr.. b-.. 3$8fl *' ?>. Pa. *"?. n.a .. 2nd f|.,or. Sr.. batb.. '<?$>? *W? at. n.w.. lat f!.?ur. Sr.. b. 38. ?? st. r.w . 2i (1 flr.o", 6r. and bath.. ' JJJ* Chapln at. n.w.. let floor. Sr.. b... 37.C? Obapln *t. n.w.. tat floor. 5r, b.... 2T.S? J12 Ch"t?in *t- ?-nr.. 'at floor. #r.. b.... *.? i 14.S Chapln at. n.w.. 2nd floor. ?r.. b... ?.; ? 203' l??th at. n.w., lat floor. Sr. and bath 26.r-1 18 T at. n.e., 2nd floor. 6 rooma 343-1 80 T at. n.w.. 2ad floor. 6 rooms 94.00 18 T at. n.*.. 2M floor, 8 rooma 38.S0 2sJ"l> ?t. a.a.. 2nd floor. 8r.. ba'h.... afl? ?* T at. n.a.. 1st floor. Sr. and b jgJt* 1SJ. T at. n.w.. 2nd fl., ?r. and batb... 22.5? 3j? Qulnor at. n.w.. 2nd floor, rt rooma... 22.'i| 2K O n.w.. flr. and hath, ateem beat.... J2.M 3010 14th at. n.w.. fir. and b.. 3rd floor.. 22.M - ? stMn r.** ?? u.w., ib\ iiwti, ?>r., AI.O f ?MR lit. n.w.. 2nd 0oor. rr. ami h 21 M 112B SStU at. n.w.. 2nd*floi)r. fl rooms.... 21.80 006 R at. n.w.. lat fl.. Sr.. bath ZIM 613 3tli at. n.s., 2nd floor. 6r.. batb HA64 3011 14th at. n.w., 2nd floor. 3r. and b.. 30.0J JBXl Sherman are. n.w.. corner. 4r.. b.. *?.?? 31 Todd place, lat floor, r. rooma lP.fl? 78# Olrard at., lat floor. 4r.. hatll 18 23 2825 ishrnuan a?e. u.w.. 2nd floor. 4r.. b. 18.0# 2011 14tb at. n.w.. 3d floor, 3r. and b... 1A08 2313 X at. n.w., 2nd floor. Sr. ami bath.. 1T*? 2?ll X st. u.w.. 0 rooma and bath 17..'k? ">th and R ala. n.w.. 2nd floor. 4 rOoma.. lft..'<6 1248 I? ?t. n.e., lat floor. 5 rooma ltf.'j BIO Klllolt at.. 2nd floor, 5r. and hath.. Ifi.Rtf 1210 H at. n.e.. 0 rooma lf.U 10o 4tii at. n.e.. 4 rouma ami hath lfl.0tl 1423 R at. n.e., 4 rooina ami Itsth 13..*a# 142S E at. ii.?.. 4 room* ISA# 474 O at. n.vr.. lat floor. :> naoma 13..VI STONE A lfAIRFAX. 1X42 Now York aao. a.w THE" CECIL. ISth AND L STH N W -HINGLA room and batb arariment. Apply at tbo Cccil. or to E. O. WAOKNIIORST. CQ4 Bond bldr I"OR RENT - rXI CRMKiUCn APARTMENT 1316 Euclid at., the Hommtt; 5 rooma and iWg. lnsr l>orrh: all convenience*: rejjnlar rent. #45. with telephone; reduced to $33 Amruat and Kes tcmber. Inquire of janitor or phone Main 4338. 26* THE R!7IK>KA. 2&4<l 14tU HT. 6 ANn 6 ROOM atiartmenta; all ontaide rooma; ^aery ?wnw ienc?; ii?<at. hot "water; cwnlug* front and resr. Cnll at Apt. 4. or iihonc t'ol. 4334. ORNAMENTAL SI HIKB VN" Al'ARTMENTF. ONLY $20.60. 5 largo, cool rooma a il iiatb: 33CA1R A'lams at. n.e.. Interaoctlon Ithmle lalsnd aac. T. 11. SMITH ?H?.. I4*w< N. Y. are. FOR RENT VERY llBSIRARLR APARTMENT of 3 rooms and hath, dowutouu aect'on; m:t only $22^3'.'. CHAS. 8. MUIlt A CO.. 1403 . N. Y. are. THE NORFOLK. 2nd AND I> STS. N.E. -?IX beautiful, cool rooma; o^erlooklnc atstlon plasa; back porch and all modvni Improm ments. Rent. $28. Phone Llnrn. 1301. MOORE A IULL (INC.). 1420-22 II ST. X.W. T1IE NAPLES. 713 10th SIT. Electric elevator, cafo and telephones. All llffht rooma: l.tnce Ude lawn; two souarss from War Deiiartmcjt. 4r.. reception hall and bati?.. .$30.00 and $32.80 2 rooms, recvptlon hall ami batb....?..|21J') THE DimniXGTON. 1744 LANIER PLACE. ONE SQITARE NORTH OF 18tb ANT> CtV LUMBIA ROAD. A well Wept, modern apart* ment. Splendid location and very low rentals. 4 rooma and liatb ami porch $32.5 > 4 rooina. hafii ami jtorc'.i $30.3J 6 rooma, hnth and porch $40 and $37.38 8 rooms and batb $27.39 THE AURORA. 1?4? n ST. fl rooma and batb. elegant location $37.5) 4 rooma, batb and porch $33.00 - THE WKSTOVKK. 2301 PA. AVE. 0 rooma and balh. corner, porch $8T.3A 0 rooms, bath and |>orch $83.09 320 Otb~ST. N.W. 4 rooina end hath $3(1.00 3 rooma and hath $22.&9 THE CHALFONTE. 2110 P ST. 4-roor.i ami hath front apt., thoroughly modem: pbonea; electric Ilgbtlng $33.30 2 rooms and bath $21.30 8013 8. 1st fl $20.00 1121* lOtli. 5 rooms, batb $30.u0 1011 H. 2nd floor. 2 rooms $20.00 GET FULL LIST AT OFFICE. MOORE A HILL (Inc.). 1420-22 H ST. N.W. WHY MELT IN CITY? Suburban apartment". 5 largo ro?m- and batb. ONLY $17.20. S05-S1R RtKd<- Island are. n.e. F. H. SMITH CO.. 1408 N. Y. ave. NO FXjl'AL IN NoRTHWm AT PRICE. THE NANTDtTKET. 1418 W ST. All oatrlde room*: moditn conrcnlences; tela pjone; 4 rooms. ?2S.3?>: 3 rooms, $30. H. L. RUST. 1400 H St. ONE MONTH RENT FREE. 2330 14th ST. N.W.-3 and ? rooma ar^l bath; will put in p?*rfoct repair and rent for $33 and $40 month; excellent service and lo cation best. KINGSTON.. 1020 18th st. n.w.?3. 4 and .1 rooms and hatli; nil in good repair: rent re duced to $2->.30. $.'40 "iO a::d $.*<3 [ier month. NEBRASKA. 31 Randolph at. r.w.?3 rmims and batb: will innke nny necessary repairs ami rent for $30.30 monUi. PARKSIDE. lllfl 23tii st. n.w.?5 and ? j rooms and bath: convenient to cars: excellent neighborhood; make anv ne.-ossary repairs and rer.t for $27.30 and $30 tnontb. ISABELLA, 1483 Newton st. n.w.-3 and 4 room? and bath; all in perfect repair; rent re duced to $22.90 and $28.60 month. DUyCESNK. 14*9 Newton st. n.u\?1. 3 and 4 rooma and hath; rents $13.30. $22.30 and $30.30; apartments In l?est of i-ondltton; ex cellent service: look at these spts. st ooce. ONEONTA. 7tl N. Y. ave. n.e.?2 and 4 rooms and bath; all outside rooms; rent reduced to $10 and $23 month. DAWSON. 1741 R at. n.w.?3 rooma sml batb: In g<aid condition; rent, $20.30 month; cUeai>e?t flat In n.w. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROERS. 1423 F. THE ALWTN. 1M2 Colombia road. Two ansrtmenta of four rowans snd bath ?scb. vacated owlog to remodeling aame. tsada aacesssry by the addition Mdi bolit. , Cc? Janitor or THOMAS J. FISHER A CO. (IHC.L 73* 13th st. n.w. ~~ THE liOUlSIANA. - 212:! I81I1 at. n.w. For subleasing, deliirhtfu' apartment of seven large, bright roums and tiled hath: all ontsUlo ivxmis; apartment In cicollont tondttlon: spa clous new cotirrcte I Kick p<ircli. cym mandl'.tc splendid view of city; rout reasonable. I*r inspection, wo janitor, or apply to THOMAS J. FISHER A CO. (Inc.). 73S 13th st. n.<v. FOR RENT -APARTMENTS. DUMBARTON COURT. liA7 31st at. u.w. 4 nv>nis and batb '...$S3.?> 2 rooms snd hath $23.uO to $27.3d 1 room and hath $13.00 THE MONTGOMERY. North Capitol and 11 4 rooma and balh $27.30 to $3o.00 THE LA WRENCH. 1022 lot;, at. u.w. Xo. 3?0 rooms :rr.5 ImiMi $85.?iO ? THR SEMIXOI E. 1444 W st. n.w. 4-room and bath ;.iurtnM-nt *32^30 THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST OO. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. TO LET. ... APARTMENTS. "iHE F H. SM'TH COMPART Main 1232 or ?486. BACHELOR APARTMENTS of 2 roapa awl bath; HOUSEKKBPING APARTMENTS of 8. 4. S, O.und 7 rooma and bath. A (OBif.Vte list, with location, re Ota. ?ta. Will be sent upon reonest. THR F. H. SMITH COMPAMf. 1408 NEW YORK A**E. THE LANDMORK. 11B3 24th 8T.?THB BE*/! apartments for th? utooey In tbe city: 4 and i nam apartment a. $25 ami $30. _ THE VAN ?X>BTLANDT. 1417 Belinviut st. u.w. Apartmoat of five large moma sad bitu, M third floor: conveniently located In most <le slrshf* section; elsctrf- elevator; excelleht service; extra coucosaions dor tne aummee ?oaths. Also r.n east front apartment to re;,t an tenant's account; 6 rooms snd batb. A1>?>W to Janitor, or THOMAS J. FISHER A CO. (luc.). 7S8 13th st. n.w. THB CHEVY CHASE. CHEVY CHASE CIRCLE. Desirable apartments of 3 roorua and bath: looatad In Washington's moat beautiful saiuirb. all outside ronasa; ? *c^!l<?nt ae.-vlca. THOMAS t. ri-iPKR r<?. .Ine.l,