Newspaper Page Text
APARTMENTS TO LET. 1 *FI HM9HKD ((MtlaaHt. f?)130f.0BUa>-J5? M ST.~N.W.. 3R. AMD B.. ? 14. JO. *117 lot!) n.w.. Sr. nud b.. 914 30; ISIS O r>.w., 2r. u&l b.. $IU. FRANCIS L. MrHF.K. 1701 14th |fl?0 S ST. Attractive aparta?e?ta at low . OutsMe rooms ml?. ?eat. tot water. Janitor. 4 rooma and bath. ?ST. 30 to $98.00 tici W. B. WALKER. 7? Uth ?t W. n. WALK ICR. 72? ISth at. n.w. REAL ESTATE. LOANF INSCRANCB. buy and SELL PROPERTY. RENT HOUSES. APARTMENTS. STORKS. call AT OFFICE for "RUNT LIST." APARTMENTS FOR HKNT. W06 4th st. n.e.. 4r and b.. white... .910.30 FRANK T. rawlinos CO.. INT., 1425 NEW YORK AYE. N.W. COLORED?NEW THREE ROOM FLAT: FIRST and second floor*. latrobes, ranges and laun dry tuha; near War Dept.: rent only 910.30: <n?en 2142 V. T. ave. n.w. FOR RENT - THE HARVARD. 1320 Hnrrard at. 3 large r otns. ?!'??<! bath and fine porch; first Urno ta -uu' In n-v?ral .roars; rrnJ. 935.00. . Worth ln?tMvf:iiK. M'WiRE A HILL. In.*.. 1*20-22 II at. n.w. Tin- HM.TIMORK. 1S32 ? ltm>re at. A nice place for ni?? people. V rpaje:n*rts may be made for immediate or rtimi'-r. al?o from October 1. 8ete<-tfor offers I I nn-1 ."> room npartmeota. ?.*?!! unit liwpeot or t>!>one Colombia .1834. BK?T LOCATION IN CITY-3 ROOMS. FIRST floor flat; TEW Decatur place, between 22nd and 23rd. R and S n.w.; >25 per month. Ap nly on nremlaea. FOR"KENT desirable apartments at ' The Alwyn." 1*182 Colombia road. ??The Cbevy Cha*e." Chevy Ch&aa Circle. 'The Mel wood." 1770 I' at. n.w. "The Maury." l&th and G ata. n.w. 820 (i at. n.w. ? The Sterling." 1A|5 Calvert at. n.w. "The Van Cortlandt," 1417 Belmont at. n.w. 1R*4 Columbia road n.w. (HA New York ????. n.w. "Th* Oregonlan." Uth at. and Oreg. ate. n.w. "The Gotham." Ift43 Calvert at. n.w. "The Louisiana." 2123 18th at. "The Haddington." 1840 BUtinorc st. n.w. Price* range from ?2200 to 9*3.?V> a inontli. THOMAS J. FISHER A CO. line.). 73# 15th st. n.w. THE netherlands, I860 ColuinMa ruad: Mt. Pleasant car 11m; 3, 4 and 5 room* and bath; housekeeping; yearly >a*?. I*hfne N. 811. THE OWASCO?Five large, bright rooma and !>eth; southern exposure: flrst cluss condition. Till: ONEIDA?I'lve rootus and l>atb: all In good conditinu: private rear porch. GEORGE TIIUESDELL. 1<I27 Lincoln road. THB RIGG8. 1409 15th N.W. Krw fireproof apt.. 8 rooma and bath, dealr* able location 923 SO to 932.50. F. W. GRAHAM A CO. *17 14th O.W. VERONICA AND SUSSEX. |3th and ? ata. a.w. to 3 room* and bath. heated. ..921.00 and op KASTHAM. lath ami Eaat Capitol ata. 3 room* and bath, heated 920.60 and up (SUFFOLK, 7th and H st*. a.w. 3 rooms and bath 914.75 and up PHILLIPS company. OCO John Marshall place. FOFtt ROOMS AND BATH. 922.30: 5R. A B.. front. ?.".2.50: Or. and b., ?r'lit. $T!"i.,V); elevator, tc'.epbono exchange. The Melton. 4th and N. V. arc. n.w. COCKRELL. *02 F at. n.w. THE HIL1JSIDE. 1415 Cbapin n.w.? 3 and 4 room* and l>ath 923.00 to 933.00 THE plymouth. 1236 11th u.w.? ?*5 room* and bath 928.00 THE CAROLINA. 70rt 11th n.w.? 2 and 4 r-> >:nx and bath 920.50 to 928.00 21.10 Pennsylvania are. n.w.? I room* and bath 917.00 american REALTY CO.. 700 11th n.w. FOUR NEW, comfortable AND COX . venleat apartments, af 477 F at. a.w.: 4 rooma | and hat'a each; rent.. 1st floor, 919-50; 2nd 1 Coor. $20.50. | C. II. PARKER CO.. 435 4S, at. a.w. THE ALBEMARLE. 17th AND~ T STS. N.W.-+ ? lUi aud tt-rvom apartments for rent; all out- ' ??d? room?. THB KTHKLHURST.TSUI AND L 8TS. N.W. - and Jt ro-jni apartmeati*; all outside roams. Apply ?t re*i<ectlve apartments or K._ ?>. WAGENHCRST. ??4 Bond Bldg. 1 iili UltiliVIEW. ?1 It. I. AYE. N.B. 5, 4. Sr.. bath and pantry. 922.50 to 937.39. TH2 HOLLAND. 1S25 VERNON |tT) ST. N.W. 4r. an<! bath acts.. S^0 to 933. PUone. 1HE DENVER. 1410 CBAPIN ST. N.W. Gr. and b. elevator, phone, 937.5a TUB ILKLEY, 1330 C ST. N.W. 9 atd 4r. and b. apt*.. 923 to 925.30. L. W. OROOMES. 1418 H ST. N.W. l'Uk OLXMP1A. 14th aad Euclid ata. &.?. ri!ll f.r-pvuot rooatructlon. All taod-:-a Impcovcineat*. Large, comfortable no?. Kiroll?n> caft. Moderate ratoa. A few dealrable 8 and T r.-waa ?i i vu? t*o to Mo ? mmtb. FITCH. FOX * BROWN*. 1M r at. aw. 1843-45 ?:h N.W.-3 AND 8 ROOM AND BATH apartment*; front and b?ck porches; central ' ?cation; near arbou'a and cars; rent rcaaon ab\- to prrmaneut tenant". Inquire janitor. WAITED. WANTED FIVE OR SIX R?H>M FURNISHED apt. for *}* montao. from Sept. 13. 1918; rent :.ot tu exceed 91W iht month. Box 70. Star iiWcn. FOB RENT?HOUSES. lU RKKHBD AND UNrCTBWISHKD. FOR RENT unfurnished AND* FURNISHED ?i<M>?e* und apartments; uealralile loi-ationa: retit?-rn given fnil t:iformatlo?i ??n application. JESSE L. IIEISKELL. Uw H st. u.w. Phone Main 'VIS. FVRNISHBD. Pott RENT?DESIRABLE HOUSES ALL sections. ? TYLER * RUTHERFORD. INC.. 72* 13C.I sr. N.W. I F< >lt RENT 1023 I ST. N.W.; b ROOMS AND l>ath: ga.i and coal ranges; short or lo:jg lease. 1 DENTIST. 12th and Pa. ave. p.w. ; DETACHED TEN-ROOM COTTAOE C?x?L AND ' pleaaant; i<orcii?* and acreenrd *lecp!ng bal ??ny: to adult* only: fur montii <?f August. Ap ply >n prenilqc*. 34QS Mt. Pleanant at. l'N FURNISHED. I'uit KENT?bV einVAHb a. WE8C0TT. 1907 Fa. ave. 1T60 ChurcU, 10r.945 00j COLORED FLATS. ?'5 I9th. Or. U 3e.5o;22il? E. lat 8. 5r.b2u.50 Wl 10r. b..??.30 a2 23rt. 3r. b 13.5a 2117 G. Mr. b. eel.30.50 COLORED. '914 fttb. ?r. 24S3 K. Sr.b, ami.27.M 21*2 F. 7r, b 23.50'2121?'a P? ov, ?r.b.2?;00 2418 Pa aT.*r.h.lat23.40 ! W2? L. 7r. b 3?.50 I 2417 Pa >v. Sr, b. .23 .'<0 1300 Kiagmau.(lr.t>.S.flO -JK N. 7r. b 23.3011710 P, 6r. w 20 50 24th. Sr. b. X9.V? 713 23d. ?r. b 20.30 ? Otb aw. JJr.b.. .2J.0Oia(? Acker ne,t?r b..90.M 1**7 :?tb. ?r, b?20.50 12323 Va av. ?r. b..18.50 '.421 IStU.'Or. b. ...20.5??;213 Mass av,5r.w.ld.30 :?M L, Or, h 1S.5W SJW7 K. V. i Ifc89 ^21? Eyr- ar. b ...IS. IS! 514 21st, Or. w....lS;50 92S1 O. Sr. W....JS.80 :,12 24th. ?r, b 14.30 ;.41 ? o dr,a' 24th. Or.w 14-50 l'_*24 C ?w. 7r. W..1V50|724 24th. 5r. w....14.50 2317 Eye. 5r. w. (.18.30 1212 SS'h. Or, w...14.00 122?1 C sw. 7r. w.. 18.80 r.52 20tb. Or, w...18.30 1.310 Ey?-. 7r. w.. .18.50 ,V31t* Eye, 5r, w...|9.">Si rilOH Eye. 7r. w. 15.80 i 2211^ E. 5r, w...19.80 1 V118 K. 71. b 14.8' 719 Jbti. 8r. w....tSJ? 810 ?1. Or. w lS.5o -.M2ft F. Sr. w 18.3m V?5 27th. Sr. w. *..11.30 W4 27th. 3r. W....1S.80 APARTMENTS. , i?27 11 ne. 8r, w..12.50 I he Charl<* le. 21?> P ;?27 27th. 4r. w...11.50 son "a aaa ? ^ I ? - - ? " " ? ? ? * i?*a *n(4* fi? w . . . ; ?t 9S2.5O-98S.80 IS37 2Tth.5r,w.eol. 11.60 -.i a. 2fl. 5r. b... .21.A), STOBES. mi 3d, 2fl,5r,b. .11.80 ; 1714-tO U. lr.w.? 30.5 74 Q. lat fl. 5r,b..10.50 .821 20th.sto,w.g.. .20.00 1712 Slat. S. 5r,b.. A3 )!1744H V. If. w. g.lB.SJ 1 IB Toddf 2fl.4r.w. l%.5,i; TOR RENT-TO COLOIIED TENANTS. 1 L NT. N.W., 925.8o. 6 ruoma and batb. .1^5 K 8T. ~N.W.. 932?. t< ruoma aad bath. VII. H. SAUNDERS A CO.. ."Mjothern bldg.. 807 10th *t. n.w. IDTS RENT 3 attractive N.E. 110MKS. | 423 10th ST. N.E.. 93280. 8 rouma aud bath; cellar; furnace. 1287 B ST. N.E.. 925. ?> rooms and both; cellar; furnace. 1378 E ST. N.E.. 920.50. S rooms and batU WM. H. SAUNDERS A CO.. Southern b]dg.. W?7 13th at. n.w. FOR BENT? ."24 3rd st. n.e.. 6 rooms and batb... 92^.30 .120 G at. n.e.. 0 rooma and bath 2.Y80 1^.17 Montlcello ave. n.e., ?r.. b.. atahle. 25.,V> M9 0th at. n.e., 8 rooms and bath ?VtM 447 M st. n.w.. fl rooms and bath 23.3o 2438 Ga. ave. n.w., tf rooms and batb 22 .V> 'Mi E at. s.w., 0 rooma and batb 22. "-o 11<M 5th at. n.e., 0 rooma and batb 21.5o 1221 H at. a.e., 3r. ami b.. apt l?.v> 28 Myrtle n.e.. C rooms and bath ia.?o 004 Tenn. ava. n.e.. 0 rooms and bath... 10.rm 84 K at. n.w.. 3r and b., apt 727 l?Mb st. n.e., fl rooms 13.50 I014 3rd st. n.e.. C rooms i::..*iO 31S D *t. n:c.. f! room* and Iwtli. ... is.'rf> 71? O ?t. r.w., 0 ruouii aiul bath l>t..V? 7 F st. n.w.. 4 rnoiuii. ...^ . 10.?K> ?M 11 M'GltANN CO.. Inc.. lia lltii at. "n.'?. FOR RENT 1722 WILLARD STREET NORTHWEST. * rooms, tlb-d butb; concrete cellar imdcr ?v>tir.- boii*,.. A well built and well kopt lioum ?u a aelwt street, tin' *<tunr?- f run cars. ?M?nt. ?4o.5o. MOABE A HI1J*. Inc.. 1l2?t-22 II ?t. n.w. li?R ItAM H> TI1E l-t ??K AUGUST. 1?2? i .? Ii? <';-d--r to suit t<'uunt. Ai? .'5 i: 1. FOB SENT?HOUSES. I'XFl RKIfHED FOR RKXT ?? THOH. J. FIMIKR k ?H>. (INC.). Real Kstate. U>?ns and Insurance. UNFURNISHED. Conn iv, S Ft and i2MI2 27 III nw.&r, I..50.50 Fla ?t. 20r.7h. .$6,000 i 1337 Km lid et uw. 1785 Mao av nw, i lOr. b 50.00 30r. 8b 5.000! 134a Col rd. Sr. 3h, 14 Lafayette square. vacant Auc 1... 50.00 year 5.000 2803 18th. lOr. b. .50.00 |600 K nw, year. .4.0001 3823 Woodley place. 1 9r. b 30.00 1813 19tb nw.Ur.b 50.00 16th nw.0r.2b47.50 Tliden nw.O.b.41.67 Euclid nw. lor. 40 50 O nw, 8r. b. . 40.5o O. 10r, b 40.O0 ... , _ P nw. Sr. b..3ft. 15 .looj 1215 K f a* nw.l?..b37.5i> "I nr. 9r. b..35.3o hv nw.0r,b.."5.5n i ? * a llM . l#t . If . <1,1. ,V ' 1407 Belmont nw, 9r. b 35.50 3608 13th. 7r,b.. 35.50 1812 Inglealde ter race nw, I4r, b. .35.50 1802 S. Mr, b 35.50 1728 15th, Sr. b..33.4? 1400 20th nw.9r.b.35.00 747 Park rd. 8r.b.350O 2468 24*47 1453 b . 2107 1513 213.-1 i52? N H it lPr, 8b. Tear 2.400 27T>6 Wisconaln ar, llr. 2b. year 900 4 Jfirkmu pi. 16r.Sb.13n 1136 17th 125 1KWI Avenne of the Presidents. llr.Sb.100! 1632 Kalomma road. I2r. 21. l< ^2tt4 K nw.15r.2b..84.17; 812 N J 232H l!?th n?,1 or.21.73.0 i| 10 N .1 1 1515 L nw. 12r.2b.75.01', 1504 P 4001 Conn ot nw, llr. 31 73.00 2018 It nw. llr.b. .73.00 1647 30th nw. 18r. 2b 75.00 1856 Calvert nw, 12r. 1 3b 75.00 1741 Q nw. Mr.2b. 75.00 34O6 R. lftr, 75.00'... 1513 20th. llr.a>..75.00 1331 Cor'n nw.llr.b35.oo 1428 Euclid nw. lor. ; H02 H nw. 8r. b. .32.50 b 70.0011536 5>tb nw. 8r.h.32.50 1121 1 nw. ISr.h. .65.88:1135 5th nw. 8r.b.30.65 21M Cal st. llr. ..65.50 3542 P'k pi nw.rt.b.3o.,V> IfCUi Co'iimbla rd nw. 122 Qiiincy n.\?r,b3<'.50 12r. 21' 65.00' 2803 Q nw. Dr. |...,"VMi? 1420 Columbia r?ad 1 1106 7th no. hr.h.2*.0o nw. llr. 2b.....65.00 1^7 Thomas nw. 101?! 9th nw 65.00 1013 :?th ne. 0r.b.27.5'> 1919 Cnlrert nw, ! 302 0th ne. 7r.b..26.50 12r, 2b 60.00 4114 < Uc?.a|>e*ke M 16<i5 Ir*luf nw. 10r, iiw. Hr. 1 2b 00.00! 172* Church iiw.6.b25.00 1080 Calvert nw. 12r. 11336 Pa uv se.0r.b.23.5o 2b 60.00 12o 15th ne. Or. b.23.50 1042 Calvert,lf?r.2b6o.00'2?18 11th nw. 6r.b.22.50 3051 X. 16r, 3b.. '651 Morton oe.6r.b20.50 1843 Vernon nw. 12r, ! 134 D ne. 6r. b...20.50 512 Col rd. 6r, b..20.51 510 1st se. 6r.b. ..20.50 1310 B aw.5r,shop.30.00 641 Florence ne,6,bl6.50 714 L ae. 8r 15.50 747 6th ae, 6r....l5.40 220 1st aw. Or 12.50 1035 Claael al nw.4r.6.40 31. 57.80 2387 18tb, llr.2b. .57.50 1636 AYp of the Pres ident*. 8r. b... .55.00 1044 Calvert nw. llr. 2b 55.00 1849 imtarlo pl.0rb50.50 1631 Q nw. 8r. b..50.50 1833 Q nw. lOr. b.B0.5o APARTMENTS. 1740 Willard St.. 5 rooms. hath 25.00 9'i8A Morgau n.w., 5 rooms and bath 25.00 2436 18til st. D.w., 4 rooms and bath 15.00 218V& Quliicy n.e., 5 rooms and batli 11.50 2128'14th st. n.w.. lst-fl. rear. 4r 10.00 COLORED. 1844 13th st. n.w., 6 rooms, hath 35.50 1623 Church st. n.w.. 6 rooms, bath 25.00 1417 Swann st. n.w., 6 room* and bath 23.00 48 Dffrees at. n.w., 6 rooms and bath I8.&0 The Temple, 1102 R at. n.w., 8r., both 1H.??? 700 24tli *t. n.w., 6 rooms * 1514 >1 at. n.w., 4 rooms 12.3S 630 W st. n.w., 4 rooms 11.50 022 Hughes court n.w.. 4 rooms S.50 OFFICES. 1226 Connecticut avc.. 2 rooms #150.00 1228 Connecticut ave $25.00 to #100.00 S.E. cor. 12th and F sts. n.w., 2nd. 3rd. and 4th doors $123.00, #75.00 and *50.00 Union Trust bldg #18.O0 to $35.00 031 G st $10.00 to $27.50 Lewis bide.. 402-404 Louisiana ave. .$8 to $25.00 The Steriinr. 1015 Calvert at., room In hsmt.25.00 Century bide. 412-14 5th at. n.w., room 48. 12.O0 1504 H st. n.w., 2 rooms . 28.00 1421 F n.w.. rooms 7 and 8 25.00 1423 F at., room 6 16.00 NE cor 7th 4NY av. ^ 18M 1st nw 40.00 entire bid* 30>.00 2436^ 18th 35.O0 1131 7th nw. entire 2111 14tji nw 27.50 building 125.00 , 2201 On av nw...22.50 1733 Vernon st uw | 024 20th 11 w......20.00 (corner) lOO.flO 405 H nw, store..15.50 1800 14th nw.sto. 100.00 1 STABLES AND GARAGES. .U40GOV al ow.$1.000yr 1 Green al 11 w...70.00 H 1320 Mass nw..50.oo H 815 15th 50.00 12 Sumner alley.. .05.00 Hear 1601 N II nv.35.o0 Rear 1711 H nw..25.00 20?1 Govt al uw..20.'00 UNSURPASSED FACILITIES FOR THE COL LECTING OF RENTS FROM ALL CLASSES OF PROPERTY. THE ABOVE IS ONLY A PARTIAL LIST OF THE PROPERTIES IN OUR CHARGE. BUT WE SHALL BE GLAD TO FURNISH COM PLETE BULLETINS OX APPLICATION AT IIS OFFICE. / THOMAS J. FISHER A CO. (Inc.). 73? 15th nt. n.w. FOR RENT-1253-1235 6tb ST. S.W.: NEW AND np-to-date: <1 rooms and bath; rent. $2u.50. C. H. PARKER CO.. 435 4>j st. a.w._ WHITE TENAXT-5 ROOMS AND*WATER: ~IN first-class condition; No. 44 Decatur st. n.e. ? between Nurth Capitol and 1st. O and Psts.). Rent only $10. B. F. SAUL CO.. "th ard L sts. n.w. run V0T $3,500 2200 Mass a* nw, 18r #1.990.. 14-11 CI it aw. goo. .2l*t rw. J4r. far 50. .2401 Mara av. 20r |200...1?U Col. r?. 1ST $150 1402 L aw. 10? $100..,.200S O nw. llr $100. .1738 17th nw, 12r $75.2021 Kala rd nw.l?r K.472 Pa ?v nw. stora . .810 15th nw. 3#,4r $70 2234 Q nw. lOr M.1840 Mintw'd pl.lOr $68 1614 S nw. 5r W7.80.23S7 J 8th nw.lOr $52.5a1.3.Vt!? 13th liw. Or S51.15.1416 RI av nw.lOr Ml.20.202 Inri av $50. ...1103 13th nw. Or ian. .107 Sea ton aw. 8r $45.85.328 lad ar nwlSr 84R.1S14 Newton nw.Ft $45 221 I aw. ltv *45.1724 Nawton nw. fr #4S 441 Newt'a aw,C.far $42.50.1600 Rlcgs nw.n $40.05... 118 E aw. Itr $40.50.1725 Euclid nw.^f g7.50... 1802 8 aw. 8r I.SO. 1407 Cor'n nw,9r S.50.1412 Irvina $85.30 120 C M. Or $?5 NOT Rock Creek Cfcnrch mad, store $32.50.1407 14th aw. *to man 129 O ae. l?r $32.50..4001 4th nw. 7r 831 IW1T? Corcoran. 8r $30.50.4000 Marlboro. 6r ?30.50. .4028 5th nw. ?r >30 SO. .Wn Varnum 7r 830..VI. 1430 Fia av tir.lf $27.50. .4018 0th nw. Tr $25.70...221 O nw, llr $25.50..325 Shrofeerd, it $25.50...4?kis 3d aw. 8? $25.50. 1C28 14th "w v $123...Ti:? Dre^e^ $85... .Thr* Dresden. $75 T!.e Dreader.. 805....Tlie Dresden. $50. .^.Tbe Ixmsdile. 5r $25.50.1780 Will'd nw.5r $25 50.400H Marlboro, jjr BP.30.1840 Vt ?J nw.7r $25 80. ..4024 5th aw. 8r ^4.50.1774 WlVd nw.6r K3.50... 1010 N Cap, or gir.: s V, *22.50.1774 wira nW?5; $22.50.424 Sliep'd **??; $M 512W. 2d ae. 5* $20.50 604 C Or fe0.50.ii01 $20.50....621 9th ae, <? >20.SO. .1106 22d aw, 0 *i?.50..1217 JTth aw,7r 8lA.5O.1206 Fl? a?n?,0r 818.30..3009 13th nw, 5r $18.50.12in Otl? plaw.Sr $18.50.1030 14th nw, 4? $18 50.516 20th nw. ?t ?18.50.3618 nth aw. 3r ciR 40..1007 5th nw. 5* $17.60.91 Myrtle * #17.40.182? 10th nw. *? ?it; 50.. 1?25 5th uw. 5r $16.50.2122 Fiaav nw.j?r #16.40.81 DetP? 115 50.1704 Sea ion nw6. il3.50.827 Mats av a?."r ${5 25.1642 Fuller 814 50 412 N.1 ar aw.?r ?14 40' .433 10th SW. 5t $14.40... 1608 W aw. ?r tl4 10 2528 6th nw. 5r *14*. .S5?" 18th uw. rt?r $13 80.01' Morton 11 1 1200 Kirbr nv. 5r V12I75.1630 Fuller nw.or #12.50.616 Morton nvi V $11.50.14 Fenton ne. 5r $l??.,Vi $2?> ?- ne. 4i <'0,5?).3r. Fenton ne. or $30.60.The ,Ta.- Landmore. 5r $2S.50.The Bar1lnitt0D.Br ?2t( 50. The Rochecter.3r , *25 The Lonsdale. 2r $50..The Cumberland. 5r 1 $25...The Landmen. 4r $40. v.. The Dresden, 4r i $20 50.. .The Morton. 2r $37.50.The I>.nsdule, 4r ;$20.The Oimbarlaad, 2r ?87.50. ,T1i' rwnl*. 5r $20 The Terrace. Sr ?33. .The Ear'tnrtoa. 4r $18 The Terraec. 4r $30. .The Caveadlah. 3r! omcE. $50 1331 F a**. Far complete list of property for rent *aad for weekly bulletin. 8WARTZELL. BUFKNI ft HENSEY CO.. 727 15th n.w. FUR RENT?BY JESSE L. 1IK1SKELL. 140S H st. n.n. I'houe Main 6*V<. 1754 Q. 16r. 4b..$125.00) 1744 Q. lOr. b 55.00 1818 Belmont. 12r. 1157 Euclid. 12r.b.55.trI 3b I'lO.Oii 1-H4 rHlvert.l0r.2b5T..?<l 1723 S. Kir, Sb...100.001 3113 13th llr. 2b. 35.00 212?> R. 1dr. 21>.-..H5.0"| 1h21 u. ?r. b 36.00 1817 M. lOr. 2b.. .73.00 1744 Q. lOr. b.sta.75.00 ?18 R. lOr. b 75.<*? 1843 Kalorumn. l?r, 2b 75.00 2310 20th. lOr. 2b.75.00| 1742 18th. ?r. 21..5o/??. 1734 17?h, lor. b..45 00 4017 14th, Or. b...42.50 1731 20th. rtat. Or. b jo.00 14-34 N. Mr. b 35.5<> 1515 20th. 12r. 2b .75.Oi)' 123 jr._ {(r> j.5ll 1510 R, 7r, b 32.50 1330 V. flat. tir. b.32.5t> XUt 13rh 142 C u? sw. Ur.b.22.5ii 7r. b 22.50 nxim*. siualo or 124 ?uh ne. y, 7"o ti 11c, Sr... 7<>2 tjulii'-y 11H, 15 >1 11th. I2r. 2b-*15.110! 1750 P. 12r. 2b....?15.(*l ... ldf* Irving. 10r.2l..i*j 00 10H4 6th. *iorer'm.3?i.'*? 1506 17th. Sr. b...rtu.u0' ? 1717 De Sal.**, lor. 2b 60.00 Special?1403 II *t.. t.RK-e ?11 suite, n-asonaide rental*. Complete list of other unfurnished and fur nlnhed bouse* and apartment*, also offices, store*. ?!?'.. on applirntion. JKSWK L. IIKISKKU^ 1103 H st. n.w. M. HrtV FOR RENT- TELEPHONE MAIN 2o2:?. *17 L nw. Sr $40.50; 1000 Q nw. tir 27.5o .. .35.50 1X16 Kmerson ne.tfrlH.5 > .35.50 I HKiK 25th nw. 8r..2??.5?? 6r.27.50 12 7th ae. 5r I5.3*t COM1RED. 1521 Marion 17.00: 1?^?1 Cor't'ti nw,5r.l2.5o 1"?1!? 7th uw. Ur. .1B.301 3d Fen tun i?l 517 23d nn Or . .15.501 1122 Linker's al uw.8.5?) WTILIAM K. K.U.IS, 14H? G st ii.w. n?R RENT :t04 H ST. N.W.; 7r. and l>.; newly (Minted and papered...$30.5o Garage, rear 10U> 11th i3 uiachtnesi 20.00 2x? A. T.H'iU-MBg. 141W G ST. FOU RENT 1107 N ST. N.W.; 2-8TORY. UX fnrnished residence; 8 room*; all in eicellent i-onditlon: awnlUK*. screens aud vhades; $40. Anily 1100 X st. n.w. FOR RENT -TO COLORED TENANTS. US>4 L ST. N.W.. $25.50. 6 room* and batii. 1005 K ST. X.W., $32.5W. 9 roouis sud bath. WM. II. SAUNDERS k. Co.. Southern bid<.. W>7 15th at. n.w. FOR RENT - 1415 R. I. ave. n.w $50.00 4200 8th St. n.^v.. nr.. b.. recp. hall, only. 22.50 .'122 1st st. s.e., n ut reduced. Wisconsin ave n.w.. Tenieytown 13.50 U>1 McLean are . 4r 13.60 COLORED. 1117 V st. n.w.. 0 rooms, bath $22. 1(1 Brewer* court n.e 10 5o Kiuzs court n.w S.50 LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER, i _ _ 220 SOUTHERN BI1LIUXG. IOU RE N'T T?? t;tH?I> COLORED TENANT. Itr^lraMe nearly new alt-room and batli briek: a.m.l. 2111 I St.. l.e?r Wa*li. Circle. Rem reduced to $18.50. IJL t? RI ST. 1400 II st. n.w. FOR RENT - 2112 1M1? bk br.b#42.50 j 625 L lie, llr.b .22.."4? 2?i i'?, ftr.b.. .;S6.30 211 etli se, 7r,b.20..S0 4*. it ne. ,?r.b. . -Jot nth ne, rtr.b. IK..*?o 2"> 6th se. .27.50 ,i|.>4 Tetin av ae.6r.b17..'hi 1?bmi 1? v, ?r,h. .25.6015r .-ot. 4? grotind. 13.50 tllO C se. 8r,b. .23.00 > Nlea Or house, col.a..'si Verj *i< *tt able *e<Tond-tl"or front office rooms, fs.liia 9th nnd G at*, n.w., in the Velatl bldY. J \S. M. YORK A SON, 004 G at. n.?., 2nd dour. 28* FOR KENT?HOUSES. V\KIRXIMHKP <?owtlwed>. FOR RENT? ~ " HEAL ESTATE TRLST CO.. 1414 F St. UNFURNISHED. HOI Vt av,l*r.4b.$3.riO 1801 Kenyon.l lr.21>. para*e 125.4)0 1134J 17th aw, lor, 2b 125.0" 1030 19th, 12r,2h. 125.04) 1813 19th 10-.2T' .HO.-ai 1433 CUfton,lw,21>4irt.oo 1407 Belm't. ?r,b..S5 0 2517 Wis 8T.10r.2bo0.50 ! 4ol Belmont 12r3bl00.04> lull Q nw,9r.b... .35.50 1030 1st, Or.b 27.5o 1001 Meridian.6r.b.25.00 1317 lit. Or.b 22.50 14441 C se, 6r, b...10.50 642 Irvln* et,6r.b.82.50 212 Ind a* nw.9r.h40.T5 204 Ind a* nw.8r.bS5.T5 1421 Harvard. 10r.b75.4K) 2510 13th. l?r. b. .50.0 ) 8611 10th. Or, b.. .30.80 2520 13th. lOr, b. .50.001 756 Newto?. 6r. b.30 0> 2423 18th Dw.lOr.h<O.50 1702 Q nw. lOr.b.60.00 ! 1*14 M. Or. b..' 1122 N H ?t, 9r,n.33.5o 1-Ov ?n, nw, Kr.h.32.5'1 81S 12th ne, 6r.b..22.50 1734 Ore 8V. Or.b..35.0' iTtfil ore av. --Tv ?ir.b. ."".01 tii.b..So.Oi 30 Myrtle ne,0r.b..l7.5 73o Glrard, Or. b. .27.5 1431 2lst. 9r.2b. .54M15 73(1 Col nl. rtr 15 50 738 Col rd. Or. b. .18.50 173s On.- a* 1333 15th, 13r.2b 10' SUBURBAN. 2*21 Ordway ft.. Cleveland Park. lOr.. 2b. .$75.00 Mistletoe Sprinsrs Station. Laurel. Md.. 12 rooms. partly furnished $75.00 2517 Wisconsin ave., lOr.. 2b $50.50 FURNISHED. 1709 It. 1. are.. 15r., 4b.. year $3,300.00 1401 Belmont St.. 14 rooms. 3 baths, com pletely furnished .* $300 per mo. 1612 19th d.w.. 12 rooms and bath $150.08 1616 18th. 12 rooms. 4 baths ?400.00 22U> Wisconsin are.. 20r.. 4b fSSo.OO 1811 19th. 12 rooms. 2 baths $150.08 1702 19tb. 10r., b. (servant's room). $1.00?> (?>r year <?r $100 per m?. Oil East Capitol st. * ro*>niK. bath $90.01 ] ??'7 O ct.. 13 iw?nis. 2 b tbs $80.00 143:: Clifton St.. lor.. 2b $75.00 | 1037 <'<init. ave. n.v. APARTMENTS (HEAT n T.N1SHED>. The iM-esdeu.Or^blOO.oo'Tbe Wilton 1;?:? 1 17tb. The Maderia. 7o7 22d nw, 5r. b 30.0) THE WALBAFF. 3025 15th st aw. 4r. b. .$27.50 to $32.50 , The Executive. 3401 j 4 & 5r.b.32.50 ft 37.50 The Jeanette. 1314 14tb. 3r and 4r. b. $25.50 and $30.50 The Analoatan. 1718 Corcoran na.rtr.b.42.50 16tb;'nw. 4r and 5r. (The Truxton, 2031 F b $37.50 to $55.04iI uw. 5r. b 32.50 507 10th, 4r. b 25.50 The Lester. 2132-34 F The Inclesldc. 1057 nw. 6r, b 37.50 Lament st, Ir and {1226 N Cap. 5r.b..35.00 Sr * b.$13.50 4 30.501 APARTMENTS (HEAT NOT FURNISHED). 221T N nw. Or.b. .25.50\ 1023 Pa av. Br. b. .25.50 1741 Corc'n. 6r. b.27."i'| 107 15th ne. 5r. b.13.50 1624 9th nw, 6r,b.25.5"l 3023 Dum av.5r.b..20.50 cTOin ? 1 lOO.Of STORKS. 1134 Conn av....l30.0J ls05 1306-08 O. 3 floors A cellar. Per year.4,500 14*4 N Y av 225.00 2926 14th. store and 6r ft b apt 75 00 2013 Ga av nw. feed store A coal yd..">0.'<0 14th, store 1223 X Y av 90.00 JS07 14th, store...SO.tvi 1744 r at nw 85.50 1740 I" st nw 35.50 1220 N Cap. store and 2r flat .35.0O 144(8 9tti 25.00 903 Princeton nw.22.50 I 21.".3 K 20.50 2031 7th 25 50! 1744% IT at uw..'.. 15.50 1207 9th nw 25.00 54 U ne 15.03 1201 Oth nw 50.00 !537 Eye nw (will re 1009 9th. 3 floor*. .9O.0 11 OFFICE BOOMS. 702 9th. 2d floor. 13.0). 700 13th. 2d fl. h?at 702 9th,3d fl.rear.2rl7 50 ? and lipht 14.00 United States Trust NW cor 7th add G. bid*. 10th & Pa av. $10 to $15 $10 to $32.50, Very desirable rooms In 1132 Conu ave. 2 the Bond bid*. floors 110.00' 1424 New York ave $223.00 610 F st. n.w., 2nd fl $45.00 tflO F st. n.w., 3rd fl $25.00 COLORED TENANT8. .100:114 Sber a v. 4. b. 17.00 2229 X Y ar, 5r.b.lH.50 22.31 X Y av, 5r.b.16.60 2233 X Y av, f.r.b. 16.50 $01 12fh ne. Or.. .10.00 1351 Core'n, 9r. b..35.5n 1320 5th nw. 6r. ..18.50 1710 20th nw,9r.b.27.50 34W3 Sber av, 4r.b.lO.O) GARAGE AND STABLES. Rear 4SO Mass. ave. d.w $30.0) Lincoln alley, bet. L. M. 18th ft 30th n.w.. 15.00 Rear 22u2 14th S.U? 2035 Gevrgla ave 25.00 Complete rent list can bo gotten at the above apartment bouses. M. 40S1. M. 4082. Office open at 8:30 a.m. FOR RKNT? 1006 C aw. l'?r,l>.$30.50' 302 McLean av. 60S F sw. lOr.h.30.50 dr. I, in. Sto 911 4?-i aw. d.3O.50 !(U2 10th tie. 10r,b.30. 457 4? aw. tlr.b. .18.4(0 4?2 M sw. Or.b. .20.50 1324 4Vi aw. ( 03? B lie, Or.b. .25.50 716 7th sw, 454 K uw. 1253 ?tb aw 477 Y sw. Sto 510 4V. 24.50 lor.b. 37.50 0r.b.20.50 4r.if.. 19.50 481 I sw. Or.b.. 15 1124 45th se. Or.b.. 17. 347 X sw, 8r.b...l0. 519 9th sw, Or.b. .10. 351 X sw. 5r.w.,10. 13?i9 Emerson ne. Or. b...? 10. 1259 4'i sw. 4>r,w,13. HW.7r.28.50 10O.S Va av s\v,7r.bl8. 729 3d ne. i>r.b..25.vO '12il4A~ ^ se. 4r.b.lO. 487 T aw, I2r.b. 35.50 ? (121 I sw. 6r,sia..lT. 357 L aw, 4ir.b. .22.50 i 13 X hc, 5r.w...8. Stu 910 4H> hw,7r,U't0.5f) .340 N sw, vjr.w.,15. 320 I sw. Or.b. .20.50 j Sto 1225 4Vj.8w .5r.15, 479Vg K sw. 7r.b.25.50 1 !?35U. F kw. Or.b. 18. S(o 1(*>H 4'-j sw.7r.22.50 403 K se. '5r,w..l3. 313 7th sw. 5r.l>. 18.501479 H sw, tlr,w,g.l5, COLORED. 1210 Union sn ,ilr*12.50 |1219 Union sjv.41r.wl2. lift Va av sw.4r.ii.15.54t [AI9 1) sw, 7r,w..l5. 1208 I?el av sw.5r,wt?.t>? ] 130 Va av H\v.4r.b.l5 754 7tii se. 5r.w.J2.50 914 3d se. 5r,w. 12 318 I? sw, 8r.l?. .22.5t? (53 C aw. 7r.b 23 1212 .'Ul sw. Or,w. 12.50 i?24 1st s?*. 4r,w..9. 134 41 sw. 5r,w.. 15.5411100 M sw, 5r.w.,9, 311 Del av sw. 4r.S.54? 1348 It sw. 0r.w..l3 i~i4 :id sw. Or.w. 13.50 1444 (Hj sw. 5r... 12 C. H- PARK Kit CO. (InM, 4J15 Mj st. s.w 50 50 50 50 50 50 ,50 ,50 .50 .50 54 ? .50 50 r>4? .50 .50 .50 .50 50 !S4? 50 50 50 54> 50 .50 50 FOR RK.V1-B* B. F. SAUL CO.. ith A L N.W. 713 L nw, 14r, b...50.75 205 K nw, Or, w..iS.30 9o4 E Cap. 9r, b.*45.50 79 O nw. 4r. b 18.50 221 I nw. ilr, b...45.u0 . 2s(rj O nw. 5r.w. ..18.00 1223 O uw. 9r, b.. 10.50. 407 Oakdale nw.4.bl7.50 1210 lrvlnKnw.8r.b40.>' i:t23 12th nw.4r.t... 17.51 414 M nw, Wr, b. .37.50 21 IDA 4tb nw,8r,b. 17.50 825 5th nw. 10r,b.35.5o 311 9th nr. ?r, w.lO.Sn 1529 8 nw, 7r, b. .35.43 1534 5th nw. Or.w. 15.50 T14 N nw, 9r, b...35.00 2207 9th nw. 5r,w. 15.50 un? <'k 1. 1. 'ir <ut ... , 1342 RIkb? nw,8r.b28 30 31*4 Ky uv sc-. 5r,b. 15.30 1250 Stli nw, 9r, b.28.50 2012 Gu av nw.5r.bl5.00 *12 R nw. ?r. 2219Waternw.ttr.wl5.Oo 702 Qalncy nw.8r.b27.50 2253 9th uw. ttfr.15.00 1610 3d nw. Or.b. ..27.50 , 252 Warren ne.4r.bl4.50 WO Lamont nw,0,b.26.?0 710i.j I3tu ne, 4r.b.l4.5o <49 x Y av nw.O.b.W 'W 101 Cor n. t C.7r,wta.5u 1222 N nw. 9t*b.. 25.50 no Fen wick, 5r,w.l2.5o 210 D nw. 9r. b.. .S5.5 i 12040 Ga av tiw,3,wl2.30 2913 Ga av nw.tir.b25.50 n?l5 12th nw,4r,w. 11.5;> 2734 Sherar uw,6,b2:i.50i 1227 Wylle ne,5i,wll.50 IC09 Marion nw,7,b23..^)! 441 Prather's ct, 4r, 3oo Q nw. 7r. b.. .23.>? ? I w H.?0 U'2S D nc\ 7r. b.. 22.50 1 425U Ridge nw,3.wll.25 1S38 6th nw, Or.b..22.5-J -.1 n 1,^.5.,w.?ta ! ?* 10KS N J av n?v.7.i.2?.ji? Hear Hll M nw.4,wl0.50 H19 1 ne, Or.bft*. .21.5Jj-.'a50 8th nw.Or.w.. lo 50 1228 Water sw.Or.bao.30,2120 NY av nw.4.wl0.5u 2224 G uw. Or. b.. 18.50 2041 Gales ne.6r.wl0.50 814 Mich a* ne.O,wl#.5U 232s s?l, 4r.w. 10.3d 70*1 R I av nw.Or.w 14J.50 irxs* ?th aw 0r.w.l0.8o 121il Md av a.-.ur,WI4.40 ; 1072 30th mr.3r.vf. 10.50 914 I se, 7r, w. ...lo.jO.s4 4*oat al iiw.4r.wl0.0j 312 5th ne, 3r, w..15.40j7 31*, n<.t 4^ ?-....l0.0|i 1227 4th uw, Or,w. 13.50 13 l>"tcn ct nw,4.wlO.00 2227 NY 29 Mad al nw,4r.w.l0.00 1424 K st:. Or, b...15.30,120 Ilrook's, 4r,w...9.50 1018 4th Be. 6r.w.l5.tJ 127 X se. Or. w 9.5o 817 lat se, 7r, b...14.jn (2219 Potueroy <-t nw. 1414 tj se. Or, b. .12.50. 4r ^ .... li ,"i() 44 Decatur ne,5r,wl0.00t ? OL4.>i( 1 > 1 h.VANTS. 2016 7th nw, ?to, Tr, w 2A.M l.V)3 Marion uw.7,"b25.til 3 x , olr IKfl jjh nw, Or.b..25.50 uxi.935 5th nw....05.00 3313 8her av nvf,0.b25 50 1SSu 7th Bw> ,tore> (137 L nw, 7r. b.. .Z5..V) f)r. h W.OD 1507 0th nw. Or, l>.23.50, ]2<i? u:l* on-, store. 21*7 Newport Place ^ 12r, l( .^.SO ? 5r. h...... .22.50 12.1i .no, nw.<>r<>.? fcSO.aO -351 9tli nw. 6r,b.._..50 , y,j nw.sro&dw .35.00 930 L tiw. or. w..?.1.9f> jons r?th ne,at 5r.b.25 ?a> ivar Oil M uw, 4r. w u. 00 14182 Kramer ne,3,ivi?.uij HTtilll'i. Y ?v ne 74.5-t 1927 lltb nw.Sr.w .21.00 1917 12lh nw, 5r.b.20.5u 040 Fia av nw,tlr.b2o.."f0 410 L uw. Or, w. ..20.0J 1723 Beaton uw 3.i)20.50 404J L nw. Or, w...20.50 1030 4tb nw, 7r,w.20.3i> 123* Walter seXb.^O-'M' 1524 Mari n nw.Q.wlS.50 UW I 11 w 20.O0 1804 7th nw.sto,lr.23.3'J 225G 12th nw, store. 2r. w 20.50 1007 H ne 18.M 005 4tt sw.5r. W. .15.50 1HI4H Tth nw ..,.15.0" 2034 Ga a*, ato. ..12.00 FOR REXT? 1720 13th nw. 10i$5tl.0o 93!? L nw. lOr 32.50 1322 9ti? nw. 8r. .32.50, 1522 5th nw. 8r.. .30.fill 310 T tiw, 6r 27.5?M >23 loth tiw. Or. .26.50 1719 9th nw, 4?r...20M' tw; 1 irtli nw, 8r. .2?1.5o 4R1 X Y av ue, Sr. .25.541 j '5lo 1st nw. 8r.. .25.50 1241 5th tiw, 0 ...23.4NI; 131(1 Md av ne. 0r.23.Mi 1522 C urch nw.tir.2o 50 'lit; loth aw, 0r...2tl.5o 94)7 Fla av nw. Or.20.541 mm da av nw,0r.20.5o 35410 X II a* uw.7r20.K0; '121V4 4'a aw. Or. .18 5o 1530 5th uw. ?(r..l8.5il ; 1229 5th nw. Sr...18.5(1 311 ? ne. Or 1X.50! i't* Bryant nw. 0rl8.5i 3253IVr. ?>ect nw,7rl0..ra? 04 S<'aton ne, 0r..15.5o 316 14tli sw. Or...16.50 ?31 K uw. 4r I6.0O 023 Newton nw . Orl5.50! 1240 1 ne. ttr 14.00 Al' IC MEXTS. 419 M ?iw, 3r S2.4M)| Vi O uw. 3r 21.50 424 Ri<!*e nw. 3r.15.50' 2321 X nw. Or 15.00 52(? M tie. 4r 14.501 ??20 5tli nw. 4r. .10.50 1229 7th nw. 4r..l2.54?' 2'5 4Vi nw. 3r 12.50 ST tREM. 1503 X 4"ap. sto.. H3H.50' Ml Xeal pi uw.5r..25/10 402 11th sw. 4r..l7 4? l(a?4 4th se.stcr.dBl5.'O A. S. 4'AY\V<KHJ. 915 N. Y. uv.-. u.w. Ph.M.710. 28* F4?R RENT - . I4i2? 3d sw. Or.w.. 18.50 45U> 7th sw.ljre sio$22.50j 407 I-' sw, 7r, b...25.5o 829 ?ttf aw. lOt^b 25 5"j 4t2?l I sw. ?- b...21.50 aw. Or, b. ..18.i_v'i ?22 tIMi sw, 4tr, b. 1*5) 3o3 Mi-Lav sw.0r.bl4 .V? 323 ti aw. Or. b... 14.5o 111 M si-. Or. b.. .12.50 T'.?w PBn?yn.617 4'. sw 457 4.. .... 49?i I aw, 6r. b. ..18 51 4121 7tli sw. 4r.b.. 15.5 1 54'" School sw.0r.wl2.50 Jts' FOR RKNT ^BY It. O. IIOLT/.MAN (INC.). REAL Estate and Insurance Rroker, 1420 N. Y. ave. 1204 M**a av.ior. $<J tOi|[ 1442 Fla av. Or. .23 00 H12 4'..r-:i av.lOr,21>.75.0'>t 1443 W, 7r 25.50 17511 T. 9r 42 50 1440 Fla av iiw.Or.25.0) liaai X. lOr 40 75 14.V1 Fla av. 5r...25.50 1028 Rifts, lor. ..40.eo ^231 P. ?r. sto. .25.00 1455 W. 8r 35 50j 003 ittii ne. 7r 23.10 1*4* 7th nw.4r.ato.30.0ft: 32:45 P. Or 20 50 1451 1344 R05 1519 1123 51* 1724 V. Or ....27.54)'24W K nvr ?r 1714 V. Or 27.501 30 Myrtle ne. 4ir.l*.o4i 1451 W. 7r 30 00 7:10 4th nw. Or.... 141.00 R!*7s, 7r 30 410] 1354 n n,v. Sr...15 44) r ne, 7r... .*5E5.5o| *22 K a-. 7r 12.50 P tiw. 7r 25.05] 1221 .:d se. 5r 10.50 I? 7r 20 <*?l APARTMENTS. if $38 50. $?7|'?24 Htli, 3r 30.00 1210 Mass av. 5r. ^P|rEs 1420 New York ave . 3rd floor. .$30.00 and $40 f*) 1211 F, 2nd fl?ior. % ? ? ?4.00 425 12th nw $in<) tK)' t.i27 14th nw... flo.oo 1320 14th nw 75 '?o ]7th * Md av sw.125.ia) 217 Indiana av... Rear 1012 U I a* .$??<*?! Hear 911 D nw... 12.00 Rear 1327 14tb..20.00 \ FOR REXT- 1950 CALVERT ST; N.W. 1) roonia and 2 bailia; in-aled by hot water: concrete eellar. llous?' will Ik- put in thorough repair. Rent only $00 a nioiiih. Apply to THOMAS .1 > ISMER A Ct). (Inc.), 738 15th st. 11.w. FOR RENT Very desirable corner Ixtiise of 17 rooms and 3 baths: nt'ar one of Washington's moat fash ionable and dlstiwcuUhvd elnrs and only I'-j bifa-ks from thr?-e foveriiiiH-nt departments. This li'iuae la so arran*ed that it may he uaed as a private residence <* for business imrpoa^a. la speellon by pernil: oniv. Appir to THOMAS I. PfSllER rti., INC., 73^ 15j li >1. 11. w. T isn't hard to sell anything. Tell the honest truth about it in a Star Want ad and then take what's fair for it. Try and you'll see we're right. FOR RENT?HOUSES. I.VFIRNISHRD (Continued). FOR RENT-BY R. ?. HOLTZMAN (INC.), REAL Estate and Insurance Broker, 1428 N. 1. are. ? " 1442 Fla it, 6r. .23.00 1448 W. 7r 85.00 1440 Kla it aw.6r.3B.00 1450 Tla a*. Br. .25.50 3231 P. Sr. sto. .25.00 803 9th tie. 7r....S3.10 8235 P. 6r 20 60 20S R nw, 6r 18.50 So- Myrtle ii". Hr.isoo ~:ui 4iif nw, ur....l?.00 1354 r? nw. 5r..l.V40 "22 K s*. Ti 12.5. i 1221 3d St. Sr....10.90 1204 Mass aT.10r.l80.00 M2 Conn av.10r.2b.75 00 1759 T. 9r 42.00 1006 N. lOr 40.75 1628 Rigga. 10r....40.00 1455 W. Sr 35.50 1838 7th nw.4r.sto.30 00 1724 V. 6r 27.50 1714 V. 6r 27.50 H51 W. 7t 30.00 1314 Rigrs. 7r 30iOo >?0* C ne. 7r 28.3o !5J0 I' n*. 7r 25.65 1423 P. 7r 28.0ii ? APARTMENTS. ^ ,*i7|"2l 14th. 3r 80.00 1210 Mass ??, 5r. .OO.Ool _ u ? OFFICES. }<28 New York are.. 8rd floor.. $30 00 and $40.00 1211 F. 2nd floor, 6r 77! 08.00 STORES. nw $100 00 11827 14th nw... .80.00 J?20, Ijtk nvr 78.00 7th k Md ??nr. 128.00 217 Indiana 20.00 I STABLES. Rear 1612 R I ar..80.00,Rear 911 D aw.... 12.00 ttear 1327 14th 20.00' I OR RENT?UNFURNISHED. S16 18th nw.13r.2b.75 00 1427 21st nw, Or.b.50.61 2*14 13th nw,10r,2b50 00 3358 18tb nw.10r.2b4S.50 <1343 18th nw,9r,b..45.50 1035 L nw. 8r.b.35.50 1545 9th nw, 8r,b.30.50 308 1-tli uw. 8r,b. 30.50 APARTMENTS Hampton. 4r, b.$32.50\ Llbhardt, 4r, b. .25.50 1 OA1 n tin. C. I, ?* itA 4ilin ? rt_ ? A.* 1014 Swann aw. Or, b...........27.50 1228 NJit nw.0r.b25.50 732 5th se, ?r.b.22.50 717 11th ne. 0r.b.22.50 308 R ne. 6r.b?.20.50 1002 8th nw, 5r 12.50 1901 G nw, 6r,b. 55.00 Akron, r.r. b "ft.00 Clifton. 5r, b 37.50 Darlington, 5r. b. .35.00 Juniata, 5r, b....30.00 Nantucket, 4r. b. .28.00 Nottingham, 3r, b.27.50 '<05 C nw, 3r. b.27.50 1019 1?t nw. flr.b.22.50 2505 17th nw,5r.b.20.50 26 Todd pi ne,5r,b.21.U0 2S23 Sherman av, 4r. b 18.50 1548 N J a* nw.6r,bl?.50 005 9th se. 5r.b. 16.50 767 Girard nw,4r,b.l7.50 COLORED TENANTS. 1718 E nw, Or, b. .22.50 ! 2411 Eye nw,6r.b. .19.50 STORES. 727 12tb nw $75.00 . 206 7th sw 20.50 3068 Mt Pleas nw.35.00 1803 P nw 15.00 U10 1st ne 25.00! GARAGE. R'r 1013 16tb nw.$15.00 ?. L. RUST. HOP H n.w. FOR RENI?CAYWOOD * GARRETT, 1231 N. Y. are. n.w. 1837 Vt bt nw.9r.b37.50 1523 Vt av nw,8r,b37.50 1737 Otb nw.Sr.b. .32.50 634 B sw,8r,b 30.50 "26 Lam't nw,6r.b25.50 331 A ne, 8r, b....22.50 817 *>>pw,8r,b 25.50 ?'.?J!) F'tnont nw.6,b.23.50 511 O nw.Or.b 22.50 1030V* av nw.6r.. 22.50 ?1 Pne,6r,b 22.50 U?38 G ne,6r,b....20.50 |.'i02 G ne,6r,b....20.50 322 E so,0r,b 18.50 1518 D se. Or 10.50 1701 T nw,9r.b...42.50 1328 10th nw.Sr.b.32.50 603 N.I av nw.9r.b.30.50 1317 lOtli nw,8r,b.25.50 1427 NJ av nw.6r.b25.50 1828 7th uw,4r,b..25.5C 2" E se. Ur. b....25.0) 318 10th se.Or.b.. .22.5?' 752 H'v'd nw,?r,b.22.50 414 1st nw,8r,b. ..21.50 1236 G Ue.Cr.b....20.30 412 1st nw,6r 20.80 733 IStb ne,6r,b...l4.50 FLATS 53 I tie,Sr.b 27.50(216*' Fla nw,4r,b..25.50 018 O nw.Sr.b 25.0012009 14th nw,7r,b.27.50 28* FOR KENT--:*IS C ST. NORTHEAST. "" Modern house. 7 rooms aud bath. Well arranged. * Front teriace. CONVENIENT TO CARS. RENT ONLY $30.50 MONTH. LIEBERMANN & HAWN. 1303 F ST. FOR RENT?ATTRACTIVE ~CORNER~ HOUSE. " COLUMBIA UTS.. 14th AND PERRY PLACE. ONLY $33.50 MONTH. Six large, cheerful rooms; plenty of closeia> modern tiled bath; bright, coucreted cellar hot-water heat. LIEBERMAVN Ac HAWN. 1303 F ST. FOR RENT TO DESIRABLE COLORED TENANT. 51G 20th st. n.w.; C-rooiu brick house In splen did onler; reduced price to proper party. THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY, 1408 NEW YORK AVENUE. FOR RENT?1234 N. J. AVE. N.W.; 5-BOOM brick; entirely remodeled; a pretty home; new plumbing, etc.: rent, $21.50. C. S. SHREVE. 100!) 7tii St. FOR RENT -HIS G ST.; 8R. AND BATH: KEN T. $30.50. Apply to CIIAS. S. SHREVE, 1000 7th n.w. FOR RENT 8 L ST. N.W.; BRICK: OR. NICE little home. CIIAS. S. SHREVE, 1"09 7th st. ii.w. FOll RENT? RENT FROM SHANNON & Ll'ClIS. 713 14th ST. N.W. M. 2345. A QUICK. COURTEOUS SERVICE. FIRST-CLASS RESIDENTIAL SECTION. Just off of the Avenue of the Presidents on desirable street. Ten rooms, 2 tiled Uith*: modern equipment throughout. Call at 1?87 K st. u.w. and inspect. NEW HOUSE COH MIUA HEIGHTS. Practically brand-new and in |>erfect condi tion; lo rooms and two tiled bath*: hot-water hear, electric lights; front colonial Hn<t double back sleeping porches: parquetry floop: serv ant's toilet and every possible convenience: long yards, tine lawn in front. This is u chance to (ret a iii?-e home at a low urice. Rent. $45.50 per mouth. OPEN SUNDAY lrorn 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Don't fail to Inspect. $37.50. CLOSE TO 14th AND PARK RI?. One of the most up-to-date *ix-ruoui houses ??onsirucied In the city. Tiled bath, with la test-designed fixtures: iip-to-the miuutc kitch en: parquetry floors on nil rtoors: 2 tirenln^e?, I electric lights, front.and double buck twrches. servant's toilet, etc.. etc. Will Is- decorated to suit tenant, mi Perry st. Open Sunday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Bo sure to inspect. FACING 800-ACRE PARK. $3".50. Six rooms, tiled bath, servant's toilet In cel lar, electric lights, front colouial porch. large double back |Hjrcbes, good yards: every possi ble convenience. Only ti few feet from one of the prettiest |utrks in eastern part of the country Brand-new and In perfect condition. i? if and 3544 Park place, i square north of Park road entrauco to Soldiers' Home Park. i WIJt W)8E TO BUSINESS SECTION. Midwaj' between G. I*, ii. amt Treasury anil convenient to any po|nr in the business sec tion. On all-white prominent residential street. Seven rimuis, porcelain hath. Just put in good condltiou. Kent, fa?,50. No. 154 .Mass. ave. n.w. SEE IT AT ONCE. 1IRAND-NEW HOUSE N.E. llcnt. *lo.5o. I.oi-ated in choice residential section of new homes. On d'rect car line, l our pleasant rooms, porcelain bath and sink. Long yards fnjnt and rear. l."J57 C st. n.e. FIVE ROOMS AND BATII. $17.50 AND $18.50. .r\tUesir?ble wlUl a11 ?ntsidc rooin^: pbntj of windows; high e?'lllng?. roomy porches; furnace heat. Location in a new hoiise section s e.. bio k from direct car line. . Irt *1".50: 2nd tlo:>r. #1S.50. m Renting Service, M- <i:t 14th -t. n.w. M. 2345. '.'M- RRXT?JOHN SCRIVENER, 907 G ST. N.W. 71.' v.' M'' l';*iC-00 OIO luth sw. ?r,b.18.50 i?w ii av "Jr^r-l, ?',.50 3 icti. ue. 6r,b...18.50 a \ 13th ae. 8r,b,.18.00 S'h ne ?r, 5:^, ?tii ne, 7r.w..17.50 Mo ?.I 8"' ?? k"J2'5? "m ,4th n?*. 7r,b..16.50 - ' "" s*' 6r.b. . 18.50 015 4th se. 6r.b.. .16.50 FOR RENT - U*} }' 12r 2h $85.001 vr w.... 12.50 -1''1 nw.12r.2')60.0o ?lJl nw sr.b.35.50 U00 Md av ne. Rear 040 G sw. 4r.7.00 632 H sw,*to&dwg20.00 COLORED. 1SU I4?h" ? "* ?*? ato*dg35 ?)0 7"4 F .!. 4r b;?-50 '"02 Fla nw. 6r.b23.50 in.. sw* fir" 1150 I*6 nw.Sr.w..83.50 ?MM A.i Lw T:1D" I- ?r.b. .22.50) 4'W e ' '"-SiPi 1080 4th nw- ?r-w.a2.50 r-'Hi ll ,,;. r \- ? 10th V ... ? U? "w- Or.w... 15.50 458 M Or, w. ..15-50 N'"' H se '<r u'" S??! '?n 'M ??.w.. 15.50 JOHN oJ I\v 'i'l! ' Uo n ?r,w... 13.50 ? ( " . fie.. 704 13th st. n.w. 1 V?w Tan2?4 ) N w-; 8 ROOMS, BATH; 222- jl'u -"o " -i-,,furUll<'"; 3 <ar lines. Key at Ul\\ tl rHOs W. Hl'NGERFORD, 617 ' Or' a ml^ ba t'h ?' 'i'"' ' 1516SWANN X'En.W.; Sv r. w: FOR RENT ~ 1 ax-roon^t^uvp; ,, ,jy .m ej and screened, ^rilc. Khndy vara ,8 ? mon,h. ? __/? 1 hone Lin.oln 8770 FOR RENT Klrtt t H.o. - ?lit rooms and l.atTi, tZi.&O. _OWN"KR. T?ii7 V Kf c.p. N b" IrK;.^11 '?, SK i " I-ARC.E ROOMS, .front: hot-water h ?at 'le* V?n,:aW'tb f-rtble On'v ??>- v v< c uiverdent and com - : ?_*->; from owner. 1534 A n.e. ? FOR RENT? 10 rooms; 2 Ut|1HBKr'M,?N;T . Washington He I Jiii.' " located home in ihorouchlr modem * ?l,<1 rf,nt" for $^2 50; B,w. n j s!In; T? Rkad ? it- kolbh In Sunday's Star iVi... 'Sl of everything for iei. V ,0'' W1" city. r 1,1 ??very, section of the 023 N. Y. ave V;? K?!sP' 1237 \vi . , h""e M. 5027. Iri'- u !t"'"nsln ave 1841 U ll( A KM StTTT? ?5 house with ajMirtumnt , 12-ROOM let Iioiim- or apt. fltt?r; will aub ? 1-?. oil hie ,,arty. ftr|| OJ, , fl THE ^ RhH ^ J." {J USES. >I.'llta COMPAX*. I'ouses In all loo.i,r,"r prices1 anting from $1* v?^ 17 f00"* A COMPLETE Ust v?? I1?6 0*. ? THE F. 11 v ON KEQUEST. 1408 M v. , 0," A I FOE BENT?HOUSES. UBfFUHWISlIBP FOR RENT HARRY W A RDM AN, 1430 K at. n.w., Phone M. 4191. UNFURNISHED HOUSES. 14 Lafayette square 93,000.00 3929 Eye n.w., 22 room* and 4 baths... 800.00 Maia. ave. near Sheridan Circle. ISr.. 3b. 300.00 2007 Mass. are., 14 rooms and 3 baths.. 250.00 92ft McPberson eg.. 16r. and 2 bulbs... 200.00 1525 P at. n.w.. 22 rooma and 4 batbs... 1301 Conn. arc.. 16 rooms and 2 baths... 175.00 1441 R. I. are. n.w.. 15r. and 3 bath*... IOC.75 1255 New Hampshire ave.. 13r. and 3b.. 108.73 1818 Belmont. 10 rooms and 3 biths.'.... 95.0t? 1462 Columbia nl.. llr. ajid batb. vat-age. :i6."0 3114 10th n.w... 14 rooms and 2 baths... 90.00 1534 22nd st. n.w.. 12r. and 3 baths.... 75.00 1759 P at. n.w., 14 rooms and bath 75.00 1384 Columbia rd.. 14r. and 3 baths 65.00 13 Kirk at.. Cfaery Chase. 10r.. bath.. 60.00 1738 15th at. n.w., 12 rooms and batb... 30.00 1720 13tb at. n.w., 10 rooms and batb... 63.30 1342 Glrard n.w.. 10 rooms and 2 bnthi.. 62.50 1702 Oregon ave. n.w., lOr. and bath.... 30.00 1000 17th at. n.w.. 8 rooms and batb.... 30.00 1313 lath at. n.w.. 9 rooms and bath.... 30.00 1417 U at. n.w., 10 rooms and bath 47.30 4316 14th n.w.. 8 rooms and batb 47.30 8743 Jocelyn, 7 rooms and bath, new.... 42.50 3803 Connecticut. 6 rooms and bath 46.50 8823 Wood ley road, 8 rooms and hath... 43.00 8318 10th n.w.. 11 rooms and bath 40.30 8219 11th n.w., 9 rooms and bath 85.30 3919 14th at. n.w.. 6 rooms and bath...- 85.50 1407 Perry n.w., 0 rooms and bath, new. 36.00 1116 15tb st. n.w.. 11 rooms and batb... 35.00 8541 14th at. n.w.. 6 rooms and bath.... 82.50 1439 Monroe at., 6 rooms and batb 32.00 730 Upabur n.w., U rooms A bath, new. 30.50 05 R st. n.w., 8 rooms and batb So.ftu inoo I8tb at. n.w., 9 rooms and batb.... 27.30 003 Qt^ncy at. n.w., 6 rooms and bath.. 27.50 170 L at. n.e., 0 rooms and batb 20.5O 159 Ubland terruce li.e., nr., b., new... 20.50 177 Uhland terrace n.e., 6r., b.. new... 26.5<> IHMO Cambridge St., 9 rooms and batb... 25.50 214 P st. n.w., 8 rooms and batb 25.5o 748 Columbia road. 6 rooms and bath.. ' 22.50 102 15tb st. n.e.. 6 rooms and batb.... 22.50 745 Harvard. 6 rooms and bath, new... 110.50 APARTMENTS, HBAT FURNISHED. Northumberland, N. U. ave. A V, 4r.t b..$50.00 Airy View. 2415 20th n.w.. 5r.. b 45.00 1436 Meridian at., 1-st floor, 5r., 2 b 40.00 Saratoga, 7th and E. Cap., 4r.. b 32.30 1440 Meridian at., 4r., b? front 30.6!) Northumberland, N. II. are. A V, 8r., b.. ?0.00 Northumberland. N. H. ave. A V.. 2r.. b.. 25.0,? Saratoga, 7tb and E Cap., 3r., b 22.50 823 11th at. n.w., 2r. and b., 2d fl. front 20.30 34 K st. n.w.. 2nd floor, 3r. and balh 16.00 1440 Meridian st. n.w.. lr. and batb.... 13.50 TWO-FAMILY FLATS. 2219 N" st. n.w., 1st floor, 5r. and b 924.50 1770 Willard st. n.w.. l?t floor, 5r., b... 22.50 STORES. 007 14th at. n.w >400.00 1331 c, n.w 250-Ot 037 F n.w.. store rnd 2 II 150.00 1211 Connecticut ave 150.0o 1214 14th st. n.w.; will remodel 150.00 S16 Connecticut ave., heat furnished.. 125.00 1417 U st. n.w.; will remodel 100.00 1610 14th st. n.w., large store aud cellar lt>0.00 2026 14th at. n.w., store. Or. and bath.. 05.00 1760 li 6t. n.w.. lante store CO.oO 816 Connecticut ave.. basement 60.00 1785 Florida ave. n.w., large atore 43.00 3033 14tb St. n.w 80.00 1744 You n.w 30.50 8308 Georgia ave. n.w 22.60 HARRY WARDMAN. 1430 K st. n.w. FOR KENT UST OF " . . BELT, O'BRIEN A CO. (Im.). 1309 G ST. N.W. Telephone Mala 1201-1205. UNFURNISHED HOUSES. 8 Irvine ?t, llr. 2b, ) 1109 5th nw. 6r,b.27.50 year $l,000! i:$44 A sc. 7r, l>...27.50 1466 R I av,17r,Sb...l23 7si Fairmont, 0r,b.25.50 1914 16tb. 12r. o..70.00 G2S s. Or, b 25.50 18 Grafton st.9r.2b05.00' 105 15th se. 6r,b. .25.50 311.1 13th. 10r. b. .00.00; 7S3 Faimiont.Cr.b.25.541 1331 N. lor. 2b 57.0011910 Sth. Or, b 20.50 2803 18tli. lOr. 2b.50.00'3 K, Or. b io?u. ? ? 2516 13th. lOr, b.. 30.00 1009 24til 22.50 wJiU xum? ?w?| ?. ? - - - . , 2620 13tb, lOr. b..60.00 1220 Irving, 9r, b.47.30 1701 T. 9r. b 42.90 2513 12th. Or. b. ..37.50 il? N H av,9r.b..35.30 1718 Ore av. Or. b.33.00 1020 Cia uw, 8r.b.33.30 |?03 Taylor n\v.6r.b.3-.3 2?11 11 tit. Or. ?>. ..32.5v? 21 Mi.-li av, 6r.b..30.50 .1037 11th, flr, b...30.5(i ISO U. 7r. b 80.30 8011 10th, 7r. b...30.5c 1115 Sth ne. 6r, b.30.5o 1207 I", Or, b 8JI.50 OFFICE ROOMS. 010 F at. B.w. 1st floor, rtrar 26.00 | 2d floor 30.00 STORES. ir.06 G st.. store and basement 12,000.00 1300 G st.. store, 2nd floor, year 2.000.00 621 K st.. store and two flats $130.00 '^34 New York ave., 21x100 $100.00 310!? Mt. Pleasant St., store and 3r? b $45.00 1009Vi 24tb 22.50 710 Ky av se, 6r,b.22.50 0 ? 8 M ne, 7r,b..22.50 80 P, Or, b 22.50 718 Ky av ae.6r,b.22.50 2918 Ga av. 6r,b..20.30 164 Prospect ne.. .20.00 1302 Km'fion. Or. b. 18.50 2260 Cleve av.Cr.b. 18 50 1008 Va av. Or, b..lS.5u 14 tc 18 Patterson st no, 5r 15.30 1524 R'dale. Or. b.13.5 ' ?10 Fla ar, Or 11.30 1837 11th 00.0? 1050 30 50.00 10] it L 1628 7tb, a to A cel.50.t-0 3012 Ga av 4W.00 2505 N Cap 27.50 901 Princeton 23.00 9C3 Princeton 22.5V 8 Cbannlng 20.60 3224 11th 20.00 I FLATS. ! 621 E n.w-.. store and 2 flats 9130.00 1745 N ? ap, Or, b.30.5 ; j 1443% A se.Sr.b. ..IH.5H 1745 N Cap, 1st fl.30.0011408 1st ne. 5r, b. 17.00 1312 N Tap. 5r. b.22 5O|G30 14th ne,4r.b.28.13.00 ' 1040*4 NJ av,5r.b.21.50| APARTMENTS. THE LOUDOi N. Apt 103?5r, 1. 30.00 814 East Capitol st. Apt lo2-5r. l> ... .32.50 Apt 51?Or. b 40.00 THE NAHANf. ! 24 A. 2r, b...t....30.001 143 R. I. ave. n.w. THE NEWTON. ' Apt 1?4r, b 28.00 I 520 E at. n.*. , Apt 6?Rr. b 32.50 Apt 404?5r, b 28.00 14o2 14th liw,Or,b.32.50 Apt 401? 5r. b ....27.50' BELT. O'BRIEN A GO. (Ine.l. 1800 n ST. N.W. | FOR RENT?NO. 1218 0th KTT~N? W7T OR. AND hath; thorough repair; a Betn: $27.50 per mo. ? W. B. LORD. 007 La. ave. i FOR RENT?FLOYD E. DAVIS. 7th AND E M.W. K08 7th s\v,8to,djf$30.50' 14 7th se, ltr.b.. .,'11.50 3"?? F ne, 9r.b 80.00 "" " ' 64S I sw, Or.b 22 50 633 H aw, Or,..b. .22.5o 3202 17th ne. Or.b.21.00 411 6*~ sw,sto,dwg20.00 1217 Oth sw.Or.b. .20.50 1324 4Vi aw, Or.b.20.50 100* Va av, Or... 18.50 03 M* se. Or,b.... .18.50 527 51 sw. Or.b.. .22.60 1208 6th hw. t?r,b.22.00 1141 Chic. se. 0r,l>20.50 1004 C sw. Or.b. ..'W.50 1302Oonn nwtyril.l 10.00 1210 Water sw0r.b20.50 Oil Sth aw, "r.b..20.00 HOMVj t; sw, Or.b..18.50 - ___ ... 931% F sw, Or.b..18.50 44N 8t'? sw. 7r.b. .Ih.SO 42o llth sw.7r,b. .17.00 304 M?-Lean ny,Or. 10.00 420Vi ?th aw, 6r.bl7.50 lolO 3d st*. 5r,b.. 10.50 017 Oth sw, Or.b.. 10.50 214 I. s<\ 5r,b... .10.30 479 II sw. Or 10.30 914 F sw, Or 10.50 330 N aw. Or 15.30 328 N ?w. 5r 15.00 712 F sw. Or 10.OO 1231 4?j aw, Or.b..14.50 7??5 7th aw. sinr.Srl4.00 1328 S Cap. 13.50 711 H . Or.b... 13.50 4117 L aw. Or 13.30 1230 Cuion aw. Or. 12.40 1320 Union aw,Or. 12.00' 1329 Hunt. pl,sw..7.0u APARTMENTS. 122S B sw, 5r.b. .20.001 1443 E Cap. Or,b..25.00 Latterner. fl 1,No.23.00 I 709 It sw, ll 2. E.IOOO 723 7th sw. ti 1..10.75 1701 Oth sw. fl 2...15.00 (QUIRED. 106 4H aw 18.50i 409 Sth sw 15.30 51 Canal sw, Sr..lA.5o 917 G sw. Or 13.30 1205 3d sw. II 1.. .12.50! 57 N se. Or K.uo FOR A MORE COMPLETE LIST, CALL AT .^OFFICE. FOR RENT 1122 Vt. are., 10 rooms and 4 bath-i... .$159.00 1322 19th st. n.w., 12 rooms. 2 baths.. 150.00 18 Grafton st.. Chevy Chas'-. nr. and 2b. K5.00 3240 8 st. n.w.. lor., b. irarace, lar^e lot ?;\.0i> 1003 IrvliiB n.w., 10 rooms. 2 bnths 55.00 707 Qu'ncy st. n.w. XPetworthi. 9r, b... 31.50 20 Quilicy nl. n.e.. 0 rooms nn I b:itb 23.00 TYLER * RFTHFRFORD (Inc.). 72** 15th ST. N.W. JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS. 814 Pennsylvania avenue s.c. FOR HuNT?HOUSES. Let us send you our Jlst of "For Rent" haufie*. We ave prorierty of all descriptions to snlt all classes. We Mdvlse laitdl?'<ts to put a fair rental on all p.-operty In onr charge, and ran offer yot: as good n projiosltlon us you enn ?ct in the cliy. JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS. 314 Pennsylvania avenue s.e. |FOR RENT 70S 4th ST. N.W. 7 rooms and bath: near peualon offlce and G st. cars; rent only $32.50. MOORE A HILL. INC.. 1420-22 H at. n.w. (for RENT? 1728 WILLARD ST. N.W. Genteel residential street; near care; a well built house of 8 rooms: ne<*ly decorated ami a nice home; n?nt, $4*150. yonrp /.? mi.l.. INC.. i42<i-22 H at. n.w. |FOR RENT 1342 RIGGS STREET. 9 rooms itnd batb; near 14th st. cars; very cheap at ",w 50. VMPRF A- !"l l- INC.. 1420-22 H st. n w. ! HOUSES FOR RENT?WHITE. 336 15ih st. n.e.. 7 rooms an.i bath $20.50 707 Harvard st. n.w., 0 rooms and batb. 1S.00 FRANK T. RAWLINOS CO.. INC.. 1425 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. HOISES FOR RENT?COLORED. 1227 I.indeti st. n.e., 0 rooms and bath..$20.50 71 P st. n.w., 0 rooms and bath 25.50 70 l? st. n.w., 0 rooms and bath 25 50 1227V? 10th at. n.w.. 7 rooms 20 50 2327 E st. n.w.. 0 rooms and bath 20.30 FRAN* T. RAWLINOS m? INC.. 1425 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. FOR RENT?705 7?h ST. N.E ; BRICK HoI'VE; m. I.; newly paprrpd throughout; reasonable r.'nt to dealrable patty. MILI.ARI) METZHER, 031 Pa. ave. n.w. 27* FOR RENT?MODERN I1ROOM AND BATH dwel'lug: convenient to ?'apltell C>nureas!unal Llhrary. scb<xi!s. churcbt-a and all car line*. Inquire OWNER. 101 2ud at. n e. 7^ FOR RENT- VERY DESIRABLE TWO-STORY* brick: 0 rooms and Imtli; a.tu.L; eontral uorth ii i>l: ItusiM- in tterfit-l o<-d-r: f it? n-a^nible. i/.iA tit, <-:li?f. 31" ( FOR BENT?HOUSES. ? rxruRxisHKp (coatii FOR BKNT 8TOXS ft FAIRFAX. 1342 New York arc. a ? Adjoining corner 14th St. >. .*07 Maw n, .2209 >1 fie* a* nw ---- --2401 Man a* nw 9250. .2000 Macs a* nn $200..162R K nw.tBr.2b 95R0..1027 Mnas av nw *1 ITS..;0.10 lath nw. IRr *125.. mo irtti w, tor IIIVi 1723 s* n-v 12 9100..1226 M?|< nw.lOr 9100..1M* Belmont. 10 >100 1223 N nw. 12r 9~5 Ill" K nw. 15t 25 17!W p nw. $75....1236 Enclld. 14r 532-."iif04 L nw* *!*? b $70.1302 Harvard. 14r.2h 8*>R. . IflftO Harvard. 12r MS. ..219 East Cap. 14r $65 1428 On! rn. 12' MO. ..2610 Garfield nw. lOr, b 900.1650 Park MO 1534 22d nw. llr MR 2821 Ordway. 8r *R5 Cleveland Parv ?5;J2mZ7.c,w*. 1? MR. 1827 K a lor.1 ma. l2r MR.. C015 10th nw, 10r 955. 1944 Ca'.vert.llr.Sb M.V1754 Col rd. lOr. 2b M* 2337 Htb ???2.o0.712 3th nw.llr.b ?SO.50. 1?40 Ontario nl 950. ..1742 18th nw, 12r $50. ..1^01 Newton 10 M?*1703 21st nw. lOr.b 950.. .1*10 Rpnvon, lOr MO, ...1441 Girard. lOr & i-4J?L,s,h nw- ** 950.. '702 Ore a*. lOr.b M6. .3114 J*th. nr. Jh f3.h iw.tor ?> MO...2417 1?th nw. lOr 950.3100 \ft pioa<ant at J47.RO...1417 V nw, Or. 947.RO. 1008 Monro*, jOr 947.R0...1316 nirard. Or ?47 .V) HjPrr P2afi?p 7 $40. .1870 California ht nw, lOr. 2b 94R.SO.2J32 2oth nw. Tr 94R..RO vn* 27rh nw. 8r 945.RO.. 1736 It nw. lOr ??JR.SO.4017 14th nw. oT WR 1028 V nw. 9* MJ 14 4th ne. 12r 17W Cnn?df?ii.l#r $42.50.. 1300 Euclid nw. ? lOr. b 942.50,.1234 r,-il rd. 10r 940.7R 10 | nw. I'r 9tO.TR. ?or, r> nw. lOr $40.50.3307 l?th nw, 10.b 940.RO. 122" Hn-vard lOr 9tO.RO.. .2* S rw. 9r. b 94O.50. ..1833 Ant pi. Ar 940 213 4th ?e, Rr *27.50.707 8th M. 9rJh ?7 RO...1018 fith ae. ?' 927.50.122 Qalncjr ne.6r <27.50.918 MIchlfSB. -* 927..10.lDgleald" $27.?.0 2711 P. tr $20.50.. .314 G np. 7r. b 925.5o 1117 Harvard nw. Sr. b 92.*.70. ..221 n nw. I2r 925.50 214 P nw. 8r $25.50...724 F no, 8r, b $25.50 028 8 ?w, 6r 825.50.. .8500 Center. Rr 92R.50.2318 t7th IV, Tf 92R.RO 212 P nw. 8r #25.50...3141 P nw. lOr *25...779 Fairmont. 6r 925 14 Xlchotaoa at ?2R. ?"?? Ontar'o pi 924.30.607 9th ne. 6r, b 921 80 T nw. ?r *23 So.2631 Sb-rm. ?v ?r $22.50. ...89 P ne. 6r, b ??2.R0.. .1882 O ne. ?r 922. RO... .222 O nw. 6r 922.50. .802 I ne. 7*. b 922.RO.731 Harvard. 6r 922.50 .1*10 Rre na.Sr b 922.50. ...1# 15th a*. Or 922,80....008 9th M.fe 922.50 718 ? ?22.50.1418 85th aw.Tr.b 922.50.1000 24th nw, flr 922.50.1009H 24th RO.. .705 12th ne, 7r 122.50 504 D ne. tr 921.50.. .2208 F nw. 8r T21 RO.. . 826 T, ne Or 20.50.. 1200 G ne, Tr, b .20.50 621 9th ne. 8r ***0.R0.. .518 14th ne. 6? 920.RO... 1012 7th ne. Or 920.RO.l2H Morae at ftr 920 .RO.75fl Harvard.0r.b 920 SO. .1350 NOlTH 920.50.. .270 15th bp. ?r 8?o.5o.62* Morton ne,6r 919 3S8 nth ae. 6r 918.50.119 Herkmaa ae.? 918.50. .1356 Kneraoo.Or 918.50. .507 14th ?e.?r h 91?.50.1706 Snmmlt. 6r $18.50 1014 7th nw.Cr.b 917.50.913 9tb lie, 6r, h 917.50.429 13th m\ Or. b 917.50.782 Lamont nw,6r i >17 30 819 14V4 ne 918.*.o. .884 Plehford n? 910 60.1138 Genoa ne.8' 910. .638 Florence ae.flr 9"l. .829 Klnren^e et. 6* $15.50...822 B "ae. 6r. b $1R 50 12 7th ne. 6r 91S..V?..14*?R 1>nn<*an. Mr $14.50.. .2615 P nw. 7r 912.50 1231 K ae. Or COLOR ET>. 940...3RR0 10th nw.?:,hI 933.50 217 T nw t 937.RO. .3581 N Hi?. Or 932. RO.. .1511 Corc'n. 8r 9^7.50.. .1421 Q nw. lOr,*"?..?. ...1701 V nw. 7r 937.RO. 193R lat nw.Sr h | 927.50 12 N nw. 9r 937.50... 127 6th ae. 10r; $23.5u.l313 Waltach nw. 935.75.. .1418 Q nw. Or! ?r, b $35.50..500 M nw. 9r, b!92R.R0.121R 13th n-w.lor 935.50.1751 i?tb nw. Or $25.50 2508 M nw. 8r 9S5.RO.2148 P nw. lOr.b. 50.. ,2?n Florid* av $35.50.2449 18th nw. flrj 922.50.. .39 P nw. 6r, b $35.50.172* Chnreh. new 922.50.2214 I2tli nw. Or 135.50.. .717 K rn". 10- 922.50. .2030 4?h nw 6r $35.50.937 Weatnln' 92t?,50. ..1727 Seaton. 6r M5.50. .1836 Ore av aw 920.50 718 I8tb ne. It $35 50..360V 13th nw.7r 91B...778 T,inv"it ?t. 6r 935.50.. .1527 T nw. 9r, 917.50.. ..2052 K nw, 6r 9"5.R0.. 1738 Corcoran/>? 910 50.1410 I?"nnav..6r b 935.50... 1S02 8 nw.lOr 914.50.31814 22d aw.4,b 935 50...1443 Monroe.flr 913.50..1223 Pnncan ae 835.50 90" Monroe. ?r ' STORPS. #32.oO.. 14'3T Monrop nw, $'.'.500 523 11th nw 6r. b, $200.1319 New Tort av 935.50.3fWK! ISth nw. c.r' $200 nil 7th nw 935.50.138 Tpnn Ave. 8-, 9'?0.732 13tb*36 $35.. 1405 Newton st.lOr IlJiO 837 P nw 935..335 Mo ?? nw. 14r, 9ir,0 K02 lltb nw 935 1036 3d nw, 8r 9'50 730 13th nw $35 461 H nw, Or' 9125 1222 FT aw 935 1833 Orecon.Br i 9100. .034 New Tort av 935 8825 14th > Hon ion* i4t?, nw 935 472 O nw. 1lri$8n 2011 14th nw 933.50 18 1 aw.Orl 980 504 lltb nw $32.50. ..1104 F. Can. *r i *75..1504 North Oapltol 932.50.1250 Md8v ne.ltri 975 75 V nw 932 50.1017 l.jimont. 9r 950 1A29 14th at 932.50i... 114 D nw. 7r ' *?*.;> 2220 1 8th at 932 50,3320 l^t'j r.w.?r ^ 9RO 2210 18th n~ $32.50.1250 Md ar ne,12r " 931.54*1 la't it ne. <;r *71 50 11th T.W, Or -V0.2NO;; lith MO 50.123 Adam* 93o ,v?.. ,14'7 Moa oe -<t 930.50. .53 K ne. lOr. h ?">.50.132S loth nw. Rr $80.50.. >30 50.. 830.50..2033 13th nw. 7r 930.R0... 151 r ne. 8r. h $30.50. .918 C ne. 8r.,b 9Vt.50.S12'> 11th nw.6.b *30.50. ..1523 N Cap. fir 92". 50 40 I ne. 12 927..V)..150 f nw. 7r. b 927,50...2130 n nw. Sr $27.3C?.,446 Kenyon nw. Or, h -wvV >t,V o m' $40.50.1332 141li> 940.1810 7th nw, store 940 1333 14th nw 3th nit' K nw $35 401 n nw 93- 254 11th ?e. ?r - - 9?0 034 Pa av se .3049 11th nw 930 icon t nw ~5? \'ewton.6r 9RO 816 9th nw 822.50. .3320 Ga ar nw, $22.50 222 G aw t~t -V) 220 n nw 922.50. ..n.*!0?! Ga it aw 922 50. .8310 G i av nw $15 734 10th nw OFFICKS. 9?3.X3 Oil 14tb nw 925.50. .703 15tb aw $10 1326 14th aw v? j l* f M9? ? ? ? ? ? a I "IB ? *w See onr Hat of apartments under A part meat a r? 1 et i TO IlKsmARLK COLOHF.IV TF.NANT-1822 4th st. n.w.. dclachetl hv'tse of 10 rooms and buth; bteam beat; good order; available Aug. 1: *40. TUB F. H. SMITH COMPANY. 1408 NKW YORK AVE. l OK HKXT?1400 20th ST. N.W. i Nicely locate<i In note of V roi>rna and bath; furnace lieut. Kent reduo?*d to M7-50 a month. In g<*vi condition. Aor'v to THOMAS .1. FISHEK & CO., INC., 73S 15th st. n.w. FOR it EXT? $22.30. 6i.'i Elliot Ht. n.e.; 2-stoi-y, liA.v-windniw brick. ? rooms and bath: bot-water heat. Or will sell for $3,300: ea?y terms. JOHN F. DOXO1I0E & SONS, 314 IH. avc. a.ew 28* : FOR RKNT-n.D.TnOMPSON * ro.,1335 " N. l'lft lUk nmm 10r K U1 A I TAD B I .. K. . 1<I 420 Oth nw,l2r.b.$51.0) IS Grant pi. Or.b. .40.0') I 3!<l7 Ga av, Or, b..27 50 S023 Ga nr. 6r. b.27..V> II13 Pa av ae.6r.h.23.50 I 2419 Pa av, Sr.b..22.50 1111 M. ?!r. t>. flat.21.O0 j owtvj 7th ne. <ir. b.20.3i 1214 G ne. Or. h. ..20.50 11*9 Oarea ne.7r.b.'"05> Mor<\ 133 Reevea..20.00 ?17 ^i'lo't ne.6-.b. 18.50 ? 08 R I av, 6r,w.. 16.50 702 15th ne. 5r.... 15.50 1333 3d aw, 0r.b..l8.8'? 426 lrtth ?e. 4r 10.30 '030 Sh'man av.5.bl8.50 2351 Champ *t.4r,bl6.R0 "422 17th, 4r. 6t.. 16.0o 1415 nnncan. tir.h. 14.50 120S B ne. Or, b.. .15.50 ???45 t'bamp 6t.3r.hl5.' 0 024 Gordon av, 4r. .9.80 IfiQQ Kr?m*r ae. 5r.0.50 1432 A .ST, N.E. ? HOFSE; 6 ROOM8 AND bath; a. in. 1.; key at 1416 A n.e. ? FOR RE.VT-1319 24t!i ST. N.W.; SIX LARQB n??m: ; all Improvementa; parch; good condition; rent. $20.50. FRANCIS it. McGKE. 1701 14tb at. n.w. TOR KKXT? ALLAN E. WALKER * CO. ttae.1 1838 G at. n.w 2231 15th, Or, li...20.50 -?33 Oulncy nw,6r,h2.V5 ? 911 Fla av. Or.b..22 5? 14 K ^e, Or. b:...20.3.?i t71 Harvard nw, ,<!r- ???-h 20.50 1001 O ae, Cr, b.. .1* 5 > 1317 Em'son ue.C,bl7.5 ? 1112 3d ne. Or in "o ^2.aW. ?r 14.50 mo Prov ne. 6r.. ..lo.- > 2714 K. 5r 10.51) sfrfrhan. Ortwav tr.2b.T5.00 ->thft1<owell.lor b.RO.-rt 3743 Jocelyn 7r b. .47.50 "743 Kanawhn.9r.bt7 5A ?718 Reaervolr ,Cr. 15.00 1410 Mum av nw 14r, 2h $135.oo pi 1-13 2'ith 12r.b.7V^'> *;10 lltth. 12r ?W).0> 1421 R I nw.l2r.2t60.00 1722 21?t nw.lOr.b.SO. >0 ino2 ("dlwrt at nw. 8r. 2b 43.'.0 -trt7 p-mh nv.llr.l' .00 3035 15th, 9r, b... 40.5 > 351 * 10th, 10r. b. .4 '. 6 8S87 1Ktli ! lOr.b 40 -0 !i07 Monroe. Hr.b. .25'1 > 14*0 M'-rldi-B.Or.b "t-'i 4t< K nr. lOr. 2h. .30.5 14 ?7 *1orroo Or.b. .30 * > 520 Irv:nir. Or, b...i!7.5i 132 Sea ton. Or. b..27 "??? 2230 N nw.8r.2b. .27.5" STORES 1215 G n.w.. entSr? huilrtinjr 200.93 1312 11th n.w.. 2-storjr. cellar b'd* 100 01 Soil 14th n.w.. 2 atorp*. remodeled M OO SI07 14th u.w.. new atore tlt'oo ;?55 K n.w.. lar?c corner wtore mid lor. . 400 1 3033 14th n.w., 1 -ftorr atorca. IKxGO each 40 00 220S 14th n.w.. *tor\ 26x60 30 00 tend for run. '!?"'? IUt of hovw^ Mn.i npartoifots Fi^It REST? 1601 S at. n.w., 13 room* and bath..,. t* 1007 Monroe gt.. 8 rooms and bath.-..40-a 218 Eye at. n.w.. 11 ro?ma ami bath.. 4o'ro 1030 3rd at. n.w.. Or. and bath, ftiraWd' 4it'ivi 121 4th *t. n.e.. S room* aad b-th.. ' 4A00 1^02 10th at. n.w.. 8 rooma ard bsth 3525 10th at. n.w.. 8 rooma and batb.".*." S'vl 2317 O at. n.w., 0 rooma and halb S'iw 1028 25th st. n.w.. 10 rooms ,md ha*b" " 27 -S? , 1847 "th st. n.w., 8 rooma and bath..""" m'so 71R 22ud at. n.w.. 8 room* and b?tli. "" S'-,! 825 4th at. n.e., 6 rooma and hath.. "" 1?20 ?th st. n.w.. 6 ronmg-and bath M-a 1!?04 M at. n.w.. 7 rooma $?*?;? 2nd floor. 2219 N at. n.w., 6r. aud'b m 2! 225 F st. n.w., 7 rooms and battu... "* 55'^ 57 II ?t. n.w.. 6 rooms aid bath 1419 G at. n.e., 0 rooma and batb.".*. isv! 42:? 11th at. s.e.. 7 ronln, and bath la^Vi 1234 I) *t. s.e.. 6 rooma and batb.}? v, 007 Oliard st. n.w.. 5 rooms and bath "* nis R ?t. n.w., 0 rooms 2805 4th st. n.w., 6 mom* .** 0FFIC1W. Wash n?ton I?*n and Truat buiMlnr McGIll building. ?" THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRn*T PANY REM. FOTATE r>EI'ARTMKXT 1B50 IB. 50 12.00 FOR RENT?1743 11th ST. N.W TO * l.t claro, colored tenant: two-atory cortjpr bri.k -?r M C- A- at 1224 S at! FOR RENT?ECKINGTON. -317 V NE - MOO crn. h with and bathf Bne cellar; front and :.;.ari22rM''n.w.' y * ? W F- NASH. Owad FOR RENT?2248 ONTARIO ROAD; NEWL* papered *nd nainted; 6 rooma and bath; fur nace heat: colonial norch; rent, $22 50 M j KEANK. 004 Tolorado Mdj. M' TO COLORED TENANT*. " 50R 20th st. n.w.. $17; 315 mil n.e. $13 ? 17..2 Fla. ??V.'vW' i'r,1 ul3J,N-,Y avP ALI.A. S. CLARKL, Jr., 0:15 F at. I FOB BEHT?HOUSES. i>. LXKHIX1SHKO (CwtlM jAMK8BrNVhBA. 043 LOPISIANAAVE. H.W dwellIng* NORTHWEST. 1*10 W nw. Or. h.$H5.8<? 1602 Xd nw. Or. b IMS 85(h nw. 10r.tvi5.50 100 E o*, 12r. 2b.32.50 3541 l*th nw. 6r.b.32.50 1119 2d nw, lOr.b. .H2.50 141 T nw, fir, b?.30.50 625 I'psbnr nw,6,b.27.o<) IUO W nw. Or. b. .27.10 1440 EI* ?* 214 P nw, *r. b.. .t-\ V? DWELLFNGS northeast. 212 P nw. Sr. b..|S.80 I44S W nw. ?r b. *?A0 3513 Holmead.?ir,b.2S-O 1343 im pw. fir.b..23.50 1442 Fla aT nw.6.t>.2S50 522 22>1 nw. Or. b. 22.80 652 Park rd nw.R.blJ.50 613 Morton nw.5,wl2.u0 907 Man* a*. l -r.t> +5 50 1034 Eye ne, fir.b..23..M 21 L n?. fir, b 22.30 1373 N'C aT nc.Gr.b21.Vt 8 M ne. fir. b 215' 1379 NCai ne.fir.' 2o < 1885 N C aT ne,6r.b20 5 ? 0-17 Mortou 5 ? 1301 H ne. Sr. ' ,.20'?i 415 5tb ne. fir. b. .19.51 lo:.:< .lib nr. Or, b. 13.50 818 K ne, ?r.b...lA.?0 136fi N C a*. 0rJh.lH.?> 130!" Em'aon n?\fi.bl7.50 53 Myrtle ne. fir.b.1T.80 1X04 X C a*, fir.b. 17..*? 7:. Myrtle in*. Or.b.Io.Wl <3 Myrtle ne. Cr.b.18.30 !Kk> 13tli n-. Or. w.13.'"> im 2i'th tic. 4r. w.8.00 DWELLINGS SOrrnEAST. 513 D ae. 8r, b 30 5 G?4 B *e. 6r/ b 25 50 513 llth ae. Or.b. .22.5 > Uo5 E *o. Or. b....19 00 1534 E ae. fir. b... 18.50 1248 Pa av ae.fir.b. 18- M> dwellings SOUTHWEST. 90S F aw. 9r. t... .30.50, 477 Eye aw. fir.b. .18 80 473 Md ae aw.llr.b25.30 475 Eye aw. fir." 702 Eye a?\ fir. b. .W.Jft 251 14th ae, fir.b..lfi.V* 1.0* 7 th ?e. fir. w-l? SO 128 Heefcman 1334 E *. 5r. w.. 11.00 1346 I'nlon aT. 5r..12.75 462 Va or sw, Sr. .12.50 408 llth aw. flr.w. 18.30 1340 4*4 aw. 5r.W. 10.50 ? 3r. * .10.50 216 Llow'th. 8r.b..88.40 913 6th aw. 6r. b.28.30 020 Eye aw.fir.b.. .2S.50 630 Eye aw. fir b.20.BO 462 M sw, flr. b ?.19.5'? 1355 C aw ?32S M aw. Or, b... 18.50 fUTt <12 F nw. Sr. b. ?28.5n|1<*;< Mass ?* ae.S.hlff.SO 1505 N Cap. 5r. b.25.V 1201 6th aw. 3r b..lO.V> 1762 Wll'd nw,5r.b.22.501 121 A 15th ne. Sr.. 13.30 BUSINESS PROPERTY. 201 C ne. at A dw.50.80 1301 4% aw.atAIOrnO.oO 4S? 20th nw.ato.dw82 50 1608 N Cap, store.30.58 SO 14tb ae. store. ,2n.0>. 1102 20th nw.atore.20.00 1206 Water aw.ato. 18.00 650 Park rd nw,st0l6.*.0 1208 Wat aw, ato. 15.48 408 lim aw. star*. 10.00 COLORED TENANTS. .. M 1527 17th nw.7r.w.25.50^ *15 E Cap._8r. w.. 15.80 1427 9tb nw.?r,w..23 50 733 4th nw, Or, w.20.? 1337 R ne. 6r. b. .tO.50 526 20th nw. Or.b.20.8" 1214 4th nw. fir.? is.50 816 N H aT nw,6r,bl7.50 1624 E Cap. 6r. b. .l7 |Vn 2048 E nw. Or. b. .17.50 125 L nw. 5r, w.. 17.30 420 3d aw, fir, w-lfi.V' 1843 L nw, 5r. w.lfi.jW 335 15th ae, fir.b..lfi.81 1007 2?th nw.fir.w.lfi.50 323 15th ae, 6r. b,16.<v> 732 7th ae. Or. W..15.T0 632 B at-. 6r. w....15.50 2309 H nw. 5r.w. .15.5o HO D ae, 7r, w. ..13.50 101 Corcoran. Iry City. lOr ISJO 1417 MaaaaTae.fiatl8.30 5710 R nw. 4r. w. 11.60 1 17th ae. 5r, b.. .16.80 111 O ae. 5c, w....10.00 JT11 K nw. 4r. w.lO.O" 828 2d ae, 4r, w....9.80 134" Crandall. 4r.w.0.00 1011 JefTaon nw,4.w8.50 15? N ae. 6r. w 8. no 151 N sc. 6r, w 8.00 D nw. 3r 7.5o 1321 Half sw, 4r.. .7.50 1223 irth oe. 4r,w.7.50 1?5? Half aw. 8r.. .7.50 FOR RENT-617 P ST. N.W.; 2-STORY BRICK. 8 room*, bath: cellar new fnrnaee; m.l.: rent, 827.50. Apply 3707 14th at. n.w. FOR RFVT ? TO OOOD COLORED TENANT. 2418 F ST. N.W. 4 large rooma and bath; oa Capital Traction car line. Rent only fl?.o0 per month. WM. A. BOSS CO.. i:;SS) New York ave. FOR RENT?EIGHT ROOMS AND BATH; excellent condition; hot-water beat; i?ar qnet floorlnit: a!l ootslde rooms. 310 15th at. n.c. Rent, $23.50. WM. A. BOSS CO.. 1320 New York ave. FOR RENT? NW.1013 E. atore. 12r. b rrs.^w NW.3 Ir?'*.12r.2b.?S.OO NW.2120 18th.!Jr.b.42.50 NW.2118 l?th.?r.b.42.50 NW.1324 C. Or. b.40.5" NW.1830 9tti,10r,b.35.50 SW.1806 9th. lftr.b.35.50 NW.928 Weatmlnaler. 8r. b 32.50 NW.1238 6th. 6r NW.lfino 10th.atore28.00 NW.1928 8th. 6r,b.22.50 NW.815 22d, 8r... 18.50 NW.1942 9th. 6r..l6^W> NW.1606 4th. Or..16.41 NW.1424 NJ ar.Sr. 15.40 NW.2010 H. atore. 15.<?0 NW.2015 E, 6r 14.40 NW. 2516 Eaat pi. ?r. b 18.50 NW.1809 6th. 4r. .13510 NW.413 26th. 6r. 10.40 NW.2528 E. Or 8.80 NW.2010 H. rooms.8.00 NE.1100 8tli, 7r. b.25.80 NE.1035 10th. 6r.b.22.50 SE.910 Pot ar. 6r.12.BO SK.llll 10th. 6r..l2.SO 8E.407 13th. Br... 10.50 8E. 1103 40th. 4r..10.50 8W.'.>43 C. 8r. b. .22.90 SW.IWT Lin pi. Tr. I b 30-SO 8W.940V4 Va ar.Or. 16.50 SW.314 McLean a?. Or, b 16.40 8W.625 C. Or 14.00 SW.631 C. 4r 12-50 APA RTM ENTS. The Vlncetta. 5 room* nnd bath 32i..?<) The Vlncetta, 5 rooms and bath The Vincetta. 4 ro-jma and bath S0.3?? The Cheltenham, o rooniH ami Iwtii OFFICES?NORTHWEST. Central bultdlnx. ] SOO H st. n.w.. flrst floor ,fu>.ti0 Call at ofllce for Information recardimc alley property, atables. etc.. I hare for rent. For further lnforniatlou attplv at office. J. W. PILIJNG. 1416 F wt. u.w. FOB RENT?B? JOHN T. KNOTT. 918 F ST. 1 Iowa dr. 15r.8125.00 J1808 RU?? pi. W..J0.M 1320 llth. Or 35.50 1 *1.1 niitpi pi. Ur*? (520 23d. 7r 25.80 <1424 5th, 6r 2J.50 1 FOR RENT - TWO-FAMILY FLATS. NEAR tifo car llnee, contalulnr bath, aeparate ea tranee, back yard and front lawn: 111 month. Apply Agent. 1022 13th at. a.a. FOR BENT?918 R ST. N.W.: TR. AND B.: Ex cellent condition; $28.50. ;i09 F at. n.e.: 9r. and l>.: exce'lent condition: $30. PHILLIPS CO.. 330 John Marshall place. FOR RENT?1302 CONN. AVE. N.W.; IMMEDI atelv adjoining Biitlah etnbaaay; largi-, apa -lous bouse, admirably adapted for entertaining; baa 13 rooma and 2 bathrooms; bslnj thuroufhly overhauled: rent. $01.67. PHILLIPS CO.. 33U John Marshall place. FOR RENT--BY L. J. MILLS. 005 6th ST. N.W. 700 H ne, 8r. b...$30.00 1212 Fla av ue,or,l?.18.5j 1721 Vt av, 6r, b. .20.50 l"at. 14 FlaaT nw.19.30 1200 Fla ar ne....18.50 635 L aw. 5r 14.ot) fOK KENT?t'NFCRMSHED. 215 C at. n.w.. 10r. and b. HOitS 215 C at. n.w.. lor. ana b 18A0 Q at. b.w., Tr. * b.. h.-w. heat.... 3S.TJ 937 Westminater at.. Or., b.. fnrnaee 38.50 1780 8 at. n.w.. Sr. V. lafmbes... SO.tS 2188 F at. n.w., 9 rooms and bath 80.50 2137 F at. n.w.. 8r.. b.. lotrobea....^.... 21.30 1731 N. 3. a*e. n.w.. 7r. and b.. latrobe. M.->0 2619 K at. n.w., 7r. and b.. latrobea 20.50 1810 8rd ?L e.e.. fi-room brick 11.00 APARTMENTS. "The iNew Tork," Sr.. b.. ateam beat.. .885.80 "The Eaaex." 7422 N at. n.w.. 8 rooma and batb. ateam beat ........ ?, ?The Chelsea." 5r. and b.. ateam beat... 28.30 STORES. 1325 14th sL n.w.. larce store, two all room and oath apartmfita aboTe 8D<? ^ stable and shop In rear. Per month.. .8130.00 1808 O at. n.w.. store ....-...-.-?150.09 1813 New York aTe. n.w.. 8-atory bullo Ibk; large atore. with entrance on two streets; whole bai'dlng .flwAw COLORED. i 2402 Virginia aee. n.w.. 6 moms... 13.30 ! QASCH k BIWGE in2?? N Y aTe. n.W. I iroR RFNT? 1310 17th nw,fir.b.$25.50 (52!? 17th ne. Or.b. -1?-$0 1341 Krny ue,7r.b.20.00 310 H ne. 6r^. -20.50 S14 Mich aT ne.6r.16.50 1412 Krny ne.fir.b.22.50 OFFICES. Modern offices for rent. .?M&"?b|en bn'ldlnf. iM.lfHT.KX BANKING CORPORATION lOth and O. F?>R RENt !W?7 If nw.24r.5b.84" 1450 Harvard at.83.SK 8tabl? 15 00 |3ir, M. 12r. b.-75.09 5T21 0. 12r 2b. with roomv caraae. ?05.00 rke Bt. Cheey Chare. 10r. b....60.00 010 21at. lOr. b.50.00 ?>"2 Jcffersou pi?50.WO 313 M. 12r. b 00.00 1446 N nw.*.0o 1731 R. llr. h- ?0?2 f322 nw. Tr.b 20.00 A T*ry desirable store. 1T02 14th ?t. n.w?880.00 8TONELEIGH COURT. A few very 'lealrable apartmenta now Tacant, from $50 to $165 a month. THE OLYMPIA 14th and Enclld. Very de3rable apartmenta. 8 rooma and hat* to T rooma and bath, from $40 to $oo a month. FITCH. FOX A BROWN. 1333 F at b.w. __ FOR RENT?6-ROOM PRICE: ONLY $17: 018 K at li e * mod lmp?.: aood r?'pn1r, |? * a t614 K ne? F W. tIcKER A BRO 720 A st. n.e. ?? FOR RENT?BY GEO. W. L1NKIN8. 1714 Pa. ave. n.w. NW.915 S. or. b..$40M) NW.2114 H.10r,b.35.5;' XW.S141 I nw,9.b8tf.50 NW.75V Newton pi. fir I ? SK 622 Sd. Sr. b. .25. .9 S'W.522 21 "t 7r,b.23.S'> NW i'221 H. Or. b.22. 0 VW.425 p. 5r. b. .SJ-J" ?E,322 S C uT.6r.b2.V5.> KB..323 Mil. Or. \\.17.5" APARTMENTS NW.l?-29 ?i. 5r. I).29.1 < Nt*' "HO" G (Ti b. purniH-t floors. ...3"' Ort'ttl:t. -Ir. b iZ. -o 2Iat. 5r.l?.So.'0 ViV.lvji (Sr. b.27 -'i1 SV ('. or.b.22 5" r.r-t co?rti.U'te Hat nt office. \ \v 1724 Pa nT.S.h20.50 S'W.1221 Otla place. 5r. b 80.50 NW.SC Q. Sr. '? 29.59 STORES. ETC. VW 735 Otb atore.63.00 vti'i nth. "fore. ? 40,'v NW.1S4* Tib. storeSS.OO \XV.1'?-' I..*toAflat3f?.50 \W.1715 Fla ae. atore nnd Hat 30 00 \tv Warehouse.. 25.00 WV.1140 ll?th.*r.at18.50 \ W.2147 P. store. 1K.00 w'li.oravv* 5.00 nr?RFr> 'i^vants. s-W.1143 21?t.llr.l)33.50 VW.I7I1 S?-Bton at. fir ami water. ?18-90 FOR RENT-TO C')T.CMt|;T> St.; eight rtvim*: '?? JOHN 1540 ronCTMlAX ?: -m i >=: J33 Stu KNUTT. v!* F ?? FOE KENT?OFFICES. ^ f >?.??> Tiii'TiPPV i\ }{(r^*v S NKC'TION J 'fw.rtn uihi? dew-t-is. Steam. Suultor: $12 n,:ii.!"v?. nth at. nod Grant pla.'e n.w. Call <llh . ________ WHY 1* \Y HIGH OFFIC1J RENT WHEN \OL" ..J, m.'t r,,,? III t!-?" Sieowrt l?!dg.. cor. 6tn nZ . 'or to $10 per month? - TIIF KENO'S Bl'ILDINO. ? it i. ...ii'' ii ...iiha: ite Pa'ala Royal, i.'. nnter '( the business dUtrlct. fanre*. light ulrv r<? m*1. $10 up: beat, hot Sundae and' holiday - "W. Renting ???e. Room'404. or Wardman hldg.. 1430 K n.w. FOR BENT-- _ . on the 4th floor if ''ir Slur Blilr i 2 communicating Thf> 'pjinarlTaala arc. front. $55. Oth-r roouiM. rooms NESS at iri<lerate rate*. MANAGER. S'?r Bui ,1I& to the BU8I FOH RENT?STORES. F?W- WNT-y'SffJ^rAmonth:li5?,,^l ;A^ it^t.Tw': W RY'oi'NU A CO.. 804 7th nt. d.w, ? oirvT 711 R ST; STOIiBHOOM. STORK atand; rent. $25JO. S SHREVE ^' 'tb n.w. ( HAH. n. ?!?????. - m)RE FOR RENT?2120 NEWt'ORT PLACE T RAWL1NGS CO., INC., 1425 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. FOE REHT?6T0JLES. ?r*atti rOR KENT?714 Vth ST. X.wT just AHOvr. o rr. ??5&5.2N.i?, 2JL2 HK BUSIEST TRANSFER' STATIONS IS TITK CITY. DEitlKADLR STORK -GOOD FOB ALMOST AN* KIND OF BUSINESS RENT ONLY #87 50 UO. LIERKRVIANN I HAWS, 1803 T ST. REDUCED TO $?n MONTH. 1S1B 14th ST. N.W. A large and attracts storeroom. ntftaVt for auto aa'earoom. WJI. II. SAUNDERS 4 CO.. ? S*vnthern bids.. &07 15th st. n.w. FINEST BUSINESS STOKE IN THE rrn running nil the war back; can be used re moving picture and antomoblle cars, etc. Ai> ply M5 It. I. avr. aso 1M ST S R. - RENT REDUCED! 485.1 Wisconsin n\c. n.w., store. 7 room* au<l batli: h?t->vater 1mi. loujs r. kh<u;maker. an SOUTHERN BUILDING. 7th AND C STS. S.E. 41S loth at. n.w 9125.00 1H"0 U st. n.w. 1415 U at. n.w. J>>.00 LOI IS I'. SHOEMAKER. 22Q SOUTHERN WILDING. DESIRARLR STORKS. ALL SECTIONS OF'THB city. severs1 comers. reaaonatle rents. Call M. 1222 for full particulate. THE F. II. SMITH COMPANY. 140* NEW TORK AVENUE. FOR RENT I2tb and H ata. n.w.. larf* afo^e 93nn?s> 1720 Pa. ave. n.w.. n?n-, Pr. ?o<J b 7o<>i 010 G at. n.w HO.O 014 G at. r.w T5.0" ?12 Loulaiana ave. n.w 40.00 71 G at. n.w.. store. Or. and b 3S.M 2001 Va. are. n.w.. store. Or. and b US.Bo 414 0 at. n.wIO.Ij THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COM PANT. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. FOB RENT? W* AND S<H 11th ST. N.W. BETWEEN E AND F. TWO NEW STOREROOMS. WITH CELLARS. Located In one of tbe busiest sections of t%s city: a location where yon can do buslaeaa, at I your fooda without sdvertlslag. The people are there, brought there t>y th* advertisements by aereral of tbe lsrgest con ? raerclal bouaea In the city?Moaea A Sor Woodward A Lothrop. Berry A W hi f more Barber A Rosa. Palala Boyal. Near the clt? poat office and Star office, etc. We offer 602 lltb at., storeroom with cellar with alx-room apartment above. 004 11th it., a tore room with cellar, let water beat. The fronta are modern snd attractive. The atoremoma are bright and chcerfnl, metal ceilings, toilet*, etc. Reaaenable rentala to reliable tenanta. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. OTHER REAL ESTATE HEFTS lt|Tfl1NR?? PROPEHTV FOR RENT RENT FROM SHANNON A LUCH8. 713 14th ST. N.W. M. 2348. A QUICK, COURTEOUS SERVICE. Clone to good business center. I arge, d?et? store. with modern copper ?nd plate gls?? window*: with upp??r floors. Up-to-ds?? e.piip ment throughout. Close to comer of 7th and F ata. n.w. Rent. $200 i,er in?ntli. SHANNON & LUCIIS, Renting Service. M. 2345. 713 14th at. n.w. M. 234.*. COAL YARD: 62 O at. n.w.: office, sheds and large vard: aide and rear alleys; One at ami; 980. . A. T. HOLTZMAN. 1320 N. V AVE. FOR RENT?1403 H ST. N.W.: REST location la city. For office or bosl neaa purpo?f>. Entire floor, ea aulte. or single room. 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor*. Steam hoat; electric light: OUTSIDE SIGN SPACE OX BUILDING. In?i>ect!oii Invited. JESSE L. HEISKELL. 1403 H at. a.W. SHOPS. REAR S21 11 tli ST. N.W.: LARGE CON crete room; plenty light: hot ??iw Ivat: Hlrte tric lighting; entrance ou lltli ft.; auitnb'e f<?- plumber or plasterer. M. J. KEANE, tKN Colorado hldg. FOR RENT?LARGE SHOP. 710 O ST.: SUIT able for wagon and au:omoblle repairing; price, $30. F. P. NASH. 1331 8th. -'P* GARAGES. FOR RENT?GARAGE, 27th AND GARFIELD. "Woodley Park," near Conn. avc. bridge; rooai for two cars; 97.50. FLOYD B. DAVIS, 7th and E at*, r.w. WAREHOUSE AND STABLE. FINE RRICK BUILDING. 50x1 no; S. CAP. AND N s.e.; 40 flails; will aeparate lo to 4o btulls: floors for storage; low rent. W. F. NASH, 122 M n.w. WANTKD?HOUSES, WANTED?UNFURNISHED HOUSE FOR MEM lwr of Congress In t ?? host residential section of the northwest: must have 5 main l?ed cham bers and 3 bathrooms: prefer corner with garaire. Will lease for one year. YELLOTT A:, INC.. 14th and U sis. n.w. JOHN F. DOXOIIOE A SONS. INC.. . 314 Pennsylvania avenue s.e. WANTED?HOUSES. LIST YOUR VACANT UO! SK* WITH US. We have applicants for all classes of prop erty in auy se. tlon of the city. We csn rvnt your property. Satisfactory results guaranteed. Personal attention given to every detail. A member of the firm always in the officc. JOHN F, DONOHoE & SONS. INC.. 314 Pennsylvania uvenue t.e. HOUSE WANTED-A RESPECTABLE COL ored family wishes to rent <1 ?!> room: a.m.L: northwest; willing to pay $25 5o to (35.AO; ?* up-to-date modern 5-r?*>m flai reasonable; u ? ag?nta. Address "TENANT," B<<l Star office. FOB SALE?HOUSES. A BEAI TIFI L Uo.MI IN MOUNT PLEASAN'l OFFERED AT A LOW PRICK FINE VALUE FOR THE MONEY. REAL ESTATE MEN WILL TELL VOIT THERE EXISTS AN ACTIVE AND CON TINUAL DEMAND FOR A SIX-BOOM l|Ol xr, EQUIPPED WITH I P TO DATE IMPROVE MENTS FOR HOME COMFORT. IN A SE LECT RESIDENTIAL SECTION OF THM CITY USUALLY THE THREE STORY HOt>K* KITII NINE OR TEN ROOMS ARE TIIE SMALLEST " Iltrt SES OBTAINABLE IN THESE NEIGHBORHOODS. ?YOU NOW HAVE A FINE OPPORTUNITY TO BUY A NEW BltlUK RESIDEN* E U ITH SIX ROOMS AN1? RECEPTION HALL. ' MODERN TILED BATII. IIOI-WATEU HEAT ANf> ELEtTBK LIGHTING. HARI* ?\V?K?n TRIM. EXPENSIVE FIXTURES ANI? PORCHES IN THE FRONT AND REAR OF THE HOUSE IN A SPLKNDIP RESI DENTIAL SECTION OF MT. PLEASANT. THE PRICE OF THE PROPERTY IS VERY REASONABLE. TAKE A LOOK AT NO. 1810 NEWTON ST. N.W. IT IS OPEN WEEK DAYS AND SUNDAYS. YOU WILL BE DELIGHTED WITH THE BEAUTIFUL APPEARANCE OF THE HOUSE AND ATTRACTED BY THE MANY 8PU CIAL FEATURES FOR TIIE COMFORT OF THE HOME BUYER SELDOM FOUND IN HOUSES OF THIS PRICE \ FIREPROOF BRICK GARAGE ON THE RLAIt .'I THE IA)T ADDS TO THE VALt E OF TUiC PROPERTY. THE LOT IS 130 FT. IN DEITH AND EX TENDS TO A 15-FT. PAVED ALLEY. PRICE, *5.800. REASONABLE TERMS OF SALE THE BEST HOUSE FOR THE MONEY IN MT. PLEASANT. JAMES F. 8HI.A. 043 LA. AVE. N.W. FOR SALE?OPPOSITE OBSERVATORY. A SNAP. The only ONE for sale. Six rooms and bath: electric Ugbta and h.-w. b.: porcb; new; afreet ear line; owner obliged to leave city. Price. 95,000. Your own terms RICHARDSON GIBSON, 1410 II st. Phone Main 5543. POR SALE-TWO SOLID. 2 STORY AND CEL lar bricks: n.w.; 0 rooms and liath: permanent tenants; at $21150 each: price, 82.050 each; this can't be beat; aacriOce of 91,500; terms; part cash: balance 3-year trust. THoS_ H_BANES. 013 O at. n.w. INVESTOR OR COLORED HOME BUTER Four almoct new brick houses; alg prune rooms; tiled hath: porches; large yards front and rear. Fine atreet u.w.; cmrs at eorurr. Rented for 5o each. l*rlc? for tea dayi1. *2.?s> ea<"h. Tnist. 91.300 each, can remali.. Box 30. Slur office. 2d*