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FOB, SAUt?H0U8S8. |C?ttowi.) roR 8A I.B-1 N V K STM BNT. St?M a.w. on prominent ear Uae. $4,230. Ren tics for 940 a month. Out-of town owner needs caah. gee us sooa, aecare tbla bargain. 8TONB ft FAIRFAX, 1348 New Tort aK. FOB SALE?INVESTMENT. Nn, $4.#60. Renting tor 149 a moath. Two stories anil cellar; eight rooma: conven iently located near car*, schools. atorea and cborcbes. Do got fall to Inspect tbla property. STONE 4 FAIRFAX. 1342 Sew Tort sea. FUR SALE ?INVESTMENT? #1.750 EACH. Bach Renting for $17.50 a Month. New house* oc tbe Heights north of the city; 2 stories; modern baths. On? of the best proposition* ever offered. STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1.142 New Tor* Ave. FOR SALE?SECURE THIS BARGAIN. ' ON ONE OF THE VERT NICEST SQUARES ON THE HEIGHTS?BETWEEN 14?h AND loth. REDUCED TO #4,500. 3 STORIES; CELLAR: 9 ROOMS AND BATH: LOT IPs 100. PUBLIC ALLEY. FOR MERLY RENTED FOB #45 A MONTH. STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1342 New York tea. I t OR SALE-HOW IS THIS FOR A BARGAIN'/ -|4.650 will bay a three-story dwelling near 13th st. on the Height*. Tea rooms and bath, rear or servants' stair way; lot 27xlo0. An out-of-town owner, needing money to pay for property he purchased In that section, offers thin property nt a great sacrifice. STONE ft FAIRFAX, 134J New Vorlt nre. FOB SALE?STOBE AND DWELLING?#1,500; renting for $40; lot 1U.4xP4; side and rear al leys: between 8th and 14th. south of P at. STONE ft FAIRFAX, 1342 New York are. FOB SAIJt-INVESTMENT. #8.800 each. Ea? h renting for #40. Brick building*: good condition; between 0th and 14th. south of Q at. HTONE ft FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. FOR SALE?SECURE THIS BARGAIN. $2,750 will buy a three-story house, contain ing nine rooma. In tbe northwestern aectlon, north of P at., renting for $25 a month, to g select white tenant. Other houses similar la tbe vow are held at $4,600. An out-of-town owner must make g quick aale. STONE * FAIRFAX, 1843 New Tort ?ra FOB BALE?INVESTMENT. $3,640. Renting for $2S. A brick dwelling west of 14th at., aix room* and l>ath; good condition. 8TONE ft FAIHFAX. 1842 New Yoyk arc. FOB SALE?INVESTMENT. New house*. Price, $1,750 each, cacb renting for $17.50 U IDOUlit. Situated on tbe Height a. north of tbe city. Solid brick bouse* with bathrooms and other conveniences. STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1842 New York ave. TOH SALEA VERT CHEAP HOUSE AT $6,500; one of tbe.-c attractive and substantial a-story 9-room brick dwellings oo Bbode (aland are. a.w. between North Capitol and lat ata. HTONE ft FAIRFAX. lUi New York are. POR 8ALE-#4 500 New bonne* oa r,n avmue a.w.; 8 rooms; 20sISC: hot-water heat; tiled batba; attractive decors t ions. STONE ft FAIRFAX 1342 New Tork a? FOR SALE?TO SETTLE AN ESTATE. No. 11 S st. a.w. Practically a corner, situated on tile aide of an alley. Two stories, cellar and attic, large tiled bathroom; house In almost perfect condition. An opiiortunUy to secure a particularly de sirable home a? an extremely low price. ?STONE ft FAIRFAX. 1342 New York arc. ON PARK ROAD N.W., OVERLOOKING ROCK CREEK PARK; beautiful house of 12 ramus aa*l 2 baths; hoi-water heat; 30 ft. frontage and lar*e yard; we are offering this house at 81.000 cheaper then any other house on the square: price. J>7.25o. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 1423 F. FOB SALE-NICE NEW O-l&OOM BRICK Con ner bouae. near school: new cellar: chicken house. Good yard. Ix>t 25>150. Square from cars. Cheap at $2,700. #J.000 cash, balance easy terms. Box 78. Star odloe. Fi>R SALE-HEBE'S THE KINO OF HOUSE you're wanted at a price you can afford to pay. JUST ONE. 1214 SHEPHERD ST. $3,000. r. roams; tile bath: southern exposure; big <srd: hardwood trim: ouk floors; gus and ? let-trie lights, etc.; 1 square from Oth st. cars; " squares to 14'h st.: pee this today. SHANNON ft LUCBS. 713 14th nt. FOB SALE A CORNER IN NORTH COLUM I iu Heights for only $4.C00. .tn?t ntniplrlnl; on southeast corner of Shop be-I street and Kr.isas are.; near 0th and Hi i st. t :ir lines: H rooms; tile bath; hi? ? tuj| water hcai; cellar; toilet: laundry !ihr.lwrn?I trim; oak floors: 2-story rear , o.c.i; bi^ rooms: buy-window dinine room and .jM!>te.- betlroura ;ind other out of the>ordinary ??:itnr<? oi. ? would expect to find In a house ; it:11 for a home; accommodating terms; see II at onck.*. SHANNON ft LUCUS. 713 14th St. FOB SALE- ^ A FINE COBNER HOME. lu the choicest part of the northeast. 726 U ST. N.E. W.Je colonial porch, broad public parking, i; large. bright rooma: large ball; tiled bath; i'-fcH plumbing; plenty of closets; electric .Iglitiqg; liot-wgter beat; gas range; refrlg mtor; cellar under entire house; handsome decorations; honieUkv and cheerful. Open aud lighted until U p.m. Iamv price and easy monthly tonne. JOHN M. HENDERSON, 1418 F at. a.v. ft HOME WITHOUT A FAULT. IN ft DELIGHTFUL LOCATION. IS43 TO 1*65 SHEPHERD STREET. If theae homes were built to your ndiriduel order tb>x couldn't pleaae rou more. Beautifucln design, supe ;lor 1a construction, cxcrlleat in ?t ngement. six rooma. tiled bath and flnlfheu s ic; double flooring; quartered oak; rencrete porche*; hot-water heat; Urge >?rd to pottle alloy: beautiruliy pa ired; expensive gas Ixtutve. Take 14th at. cgr to Shepfcerd at.. alk east one half square. Sample bouae. 1347 Shepherd at., open for iaapectioa. FBANCI8 A. BLUNT ON, 707 G ST. FOB SALE? SELECT ONE OF THESE HANDSOME HOMES ON GIBABD STREET. Juat a gtep from the &>|dl?n' Home. PHos. $4,650. #800 cash. #37.50 par month, whteh includes Interest aad monthly payment. OdoI. bright, cheerful rooms, finished with eaaa aad exactness. That's wbat yea can expect when yoa tlai: t'aeaa hones Sunday. Hotwatar heat; imidiiu tiled bath; plenty of Urge closets; aeweat atyla gas tgtam; doable porches front aad roar; alee tract parking; large back yard. CAM BB REACHED By taking North Capitol street car and getting off at Glrard street. Juat a atep from the Soldiers' Home. Open for Inspection Saaday. FRANCIS A. BLUNDON. 707 G ST. FOB HALE-HOUSE, tt BOOMS AND BATII: gas and coal ranges; large lot: front and l.a*k porches: 2-etory barn; all newly painted; hon or Investment: #2,850. 0 lots adjoining, aewer, water and gaa. #1.000. A sua|>. Owner. M. E. SHIPLEY. 514 and 515 Bond building, 14th and New York are. n.w. ? foil SALE?COLORED HOUSE BUYER: Owing chanaed luisiness will sacrifice H room, reception hall, tiled batb and veatlbule modern heating plant borne; northwest: quick party, $4,750. Addreaa ?'OWNER." Box 304. Star ? ?Bee. JOHN F. DONOIIOK ft SONS, INC.. 314 Pennsylvania ave.- s c. FOR SALE-HOUSES. PRICE, #3,tfJ<>. RENTED AT #33 A MONTH. 12th ST. S.E. near Pennsylvania ave. An S room, iuod?rn, press brick, bay-window Mnae. 2 muderu baths. This hou*? la ideal ly located and is in a very rapidly growing <>ectk>o. PRICE, #3,375. PENNSYLVANIA AVE. 8.E., facing gov ? m:uent reservation, a corner house; ? rooms tall outside), brick, modern heat. We ean eeil this bouse on accommodating terma an<l know of no cheaper pioperty lu this section of tbe city of tli? fciml. Au out-of-town owner has instructed us to sell at th? best offer obtainable. GET OUR SALES AND RENT IJSTS. WE HAVE THE PROPERTY TO SUIT YOU FOB ANY PURPOSE. JOHN F. DONOIIOE ft SONS. INC., 314 Pennsylvania ave. a e. 1 .'.J'.. 1. !4<J Harvard at.; usod by owner only two earn; is ready for occupancy; cga be pur > based by quick buyer reasonably. Contains iilno rooms, two baths, h.w. ht., electricity; awulngs aud acreeus; brick garage, lgx?8. Ap ply OWNER, 1018 14th St. a.w. Ph. M.- 376. FOR SALE?HOUSES. (Catda FOR SALE-CORNER HOLME. HEIGHTS, N.W.; f loo cub. balunce like rent; $4.3?*>; one Wock i to car*: 6-room house; bath; electric lights; hot-water heat; hard trim; fia range. Ftwne I Columhla 25. 1 FOR RALE?ONE OF THE HIGHEST AND healthiest polats la the District; H. Hampshire arc. sad Upshur *t. n.w.; 4901 N. B. ave.; opeo for Inspection; two stories; tour bed rooms; front and rear parches; hot-water heat; lares attic; bsaatlfai lit urea aad decorstloas. Take 0th at. car narked "Soldiers' Home" snd get off at N. H. are. See (ray brick fronts on n.s. corner. Open nil dsy; lighted at night. Price. 15.500. ALEX. MILLAR, Owner aad Ratlder. Phone Col. 46S4. M40 N. H. ave. n.w. FOR SALE-VERY CHEAP HOU8E; REDUCED to $2,200; 6 rooms; batb: cellar; large yard: on corner northeast: decided bargain; must sell; easy terms. OWNER, 403 Jenifer bldg. 28' FOR SAI.E?12-R. HOUSE. STORE AND 8TA ble attached, on business thoroughfare, or will exchange for small bouses; car line paaaea door, another 2 Mocks away. Apply 701 4th at. n.w. FOR SALE?1731 Q 8T. K.W.; REMODELED AND BETTER THAN NEW; ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS; OPEN DAILY AND SUM DAT. L. W. GROOME8. 141$ H Bt. WANTED TO 1UY. HOUSES. To BUY HOUSE, ABOUT 14.000; PAYMENTS same as rent; good location. Address Box S6. Star office. * WANTED TO BUY IN D. C.. NORTHWEST section, about one acre of ground, with 8 or 9 j room house in good condition, near car 11ns; state exact location and price. Mast be bar gain. Box 61.. Star office. 86* WANTED?TO BI7Y OR LEASE A ft OR 10 | room bouse, west of 14tb, north of Florida a*.-., with garage or room for one; must have h.-w. i??;at and 4 rooms on first fioor. Address with fall particulars Box 47. Star office. I HAVE $6.2Qo IN CASH TO INVEST rN D. a ! R. E., either homes or investments; give loca tion, trust aad lowest price, otherwise no at tention paid. Box 274, Star office. IF YOU HAVE ANY IMPROVED CITY PROP-, erty for gale write me particulars. Will ssaks I you cash offer within three days. Address I Box 870. Star office. FOE EXCHANGE. PEERLESS, T-paasenger, 1910 model (la good condition, all new tires), aad $1,000 for sanity la good Investment property. E. 0. A. Reed, Hotel Richmond, M 4256 DOWNTOWN BUSINESS PROPERTY VALUED at $40,000; equity $16,000; exchange for good fans. Apt. house, rented for $6,800 year; contains 18 apts.: finest location in city; always rented; prk'e. $60,000; exchange $35,0110 equity for good ground or acreage tract. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 1433 F. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE A SPECIALTY. An active list of bouses, apartments, lota* buslnesa and investment properties. For quick deals see L. B. F. PRINCE. 721 Bond bldg. I HAVE $890 EQUITY IN FINE COBN'BB lot; slso $200 cash; can pay monthly notes of $40. What have you 7 Address H. J., Star office. ? WILL EXCHANGE A SUBSTANTIAL. WELL rented bouse for an automobile la good order. Box 21. Star office. FIVE ACRES: HIGHLY IMPROVED; NEARLY new modern house in fine condition; large poultry bouse, etc.; 70 fruit trees; well fenced; i on co. road, two blocks to cars; 25 minutes j to city; trade for city property; price, $6,000; clear of incumbrance. W. p. MeDOWF.LL. Keanis bldg.. 11th and O. F0& SALE OS EXCHAJTG& ro CLOSE AN ESTATE. 60.000 SQ. FT. GROUND ! fronting on 3 sts.: downtown location; central n.w.; price, $40,000; assessed for more than price asked; would consider exchange for im M-d property. YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 1423 F. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-SEV ERAL SUB urbau places near electric railroads; one of 1# 1 acres, fine orchard, large dwelling and outbuild ings. $6,500; another of 7 acres and one of 4 acres, with brick dwelling, near the city. Suitable for chicken farms and trucking. A. T. HOLTZMAN. 1820 N. Y. AVE. WILL PUT IN $4,000 CASH AND OTHER property for apt. bouse with trust of not more than $15.009. Box 100. Star office. 38* FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE?FARM. 67 ACRES, on fine road. 9 miles from Waaiilngton. Great; bargain to quick buyer. For particulars ad dress Box 14, Forest Glen. Montgomery county, Md. 2S* ~ ~ FEES AND CLEAR FARMS. 140 acres, highly improved; 10-room-dwelling; artesian weril; on Potomac river; price. $7,500. Want business property. loO acres near La ?iata, blgii state of cultivation; elegant 'Uuild igs: on state rood; convenient to station; tine for stock; price, $5,000; win consider good city equities. EENNARD REALTY CO.. Pu. linen. 366.x. 334 Pa. ave. g.e. WILL TRADE $2,500 EQUITY IN $5,500 MOD ern brick house, bet. 14th snd 18th, Mt. Pleas ant, Cor unproved or uulmnroved timbered farm on river. Box 90. Star office. WILL EXCHANGE MY EQUITY IN AN EX cvKent suburban home, within one-fare zone, tblrty-five minutes from center of city, for tuotor cycle, automobile, harness and .buggy or unincumbered serfage property lu Virginia or Maryland. A rare harm in to quick pur chaser. Address Box 74. Stsr office. 2S* SALE OR EXCHANGE?OWNER OF A'MOD ern 9-room bouse, Cbevy Chase, will trade equity for small boose or auto and some cash. Box 42. Star office. 28* i FOR SALE OK EXCHANGE - 16 ACRES IS I Prince Geurr*s county. near Hyattsvllle, with | excellent imnrovements; known as the Has-: cock or Col lings wood property. PHILEMON H. TUCK. 207 \. Cilvert st.. Baltimore. Md. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE?H-KOOM HOUSE In northeast; suitable for small store; $2,750; on easy terms: or w:ll exchange for first mort gage note. A'ltlress H. A. C.. Star office. 27* FOR SALE?LOTS. FOR SALE?APPROXIMATELY 61,000 ?QUAltt? feet of gronnJ, located on Metropolitan Branch, B. and O. R. R.. near Intersection of Rhode Island ave. n.e. Exueil.nt site for wart-ho.*,: or storage buildings, with R. R. s<ding. 1'rlue reasonable. Box 49. Stsr office. 2S' 3 FINE LOTS AT HILLBRlK)K d7 0.; KIBE protection, school and church convenient; 1 csr fare; a.m.i. A great bargain lu quick. B. UHLFELDER. 903 La. ave. Ph. M. :s&?2 FOR SALE-LOTS FROM 50 TO 300 FEET front on tbs AVENUE OF THE PRESIDENTS (19th st.) In SIXTEENTH STREET HEIGHTS; beautiful old forest shade; high eietstlou; i grestest view of Rock Creek Psrk In D. C. To create rapid building development on Six teenth Street Heights we will offer la this subdivision a few choice lots, 80 feet front, fur 11.1C0, on easy terms. When our offer Is with drawn it will never again be made in tbls lo cality. Plat an<1 full particulars npon request. ROBERT E. HEATER. Colorado bldg. FOR* SALE^ON SHEPHERD ST.. NO. COLUM bla Iltlgbts; two lots; next to alley; snace for three houses; cheap. Address Box 302, Star office. _ * TWO CHOICE LOTS WITHIN ONE HALF block of 14th st. b.w.; above grade; macadam ized streets; concrete sldewslks; sewer, wster, el*-.; easy terms; price. 2Sc s sqnsre foot. Box 228. Stsr office. 8Q* FOR SALE THE CHOICEST LOT IN CHEVY Chasa Heights: n.w. cur. Huntinxtnu st. snd Conn. ave. Inquire of OWNER, 3740 Keokuk at.. Chevy Chase Heights. WANTED. WANTED?BUILDING LOTS IN GOOD LOCA tisa. Agents, submit what you bsse: stats price and location. CARL H. SMITH, 1921 Htltipor- st. n w au'j* INVESTMENT PROPERTY. FOR SALE FOUR-ROOM HOUSE ON 23rd ST ?.w.; sewer, water. Rent, $8.50. l'rfce. |?00 cash. I,and worth more money. Bos 50, Star office. 27? TWO-FAMILY SEMI-ftETACHED FLAT NEAR 11th and Olrard sts; white tensnts; rents $420; equity. $2,00t>; on easy terms; pays about 13%. OWNER. _142T_Chapln st. ? 5 NEW HOI SES ON FAIRMONT ST.: GOOD iavestmeats; 2-story bricks: rsnt. $23.50. Price, $2,650; trust, $1,750. Wtli consider trad*. W. II. H. C1SSEL ft CO.. Jordan bldg.. 1301 O st. n.w. OPPORTUNITY FOR SMALL INVESTOR. FOR SALE?SeversI small Income properties paying over 10% net. Address Box 401, Star office. ?0R SALE?BUSINESS PROPERTY BUSINESS PROPERTY AND HIGH-CRADE business; unexcelled location; $25,'>00 cash or tanks hie notes will negotiate deal; balance ar ranged to suit purchaser. If notified will rive information in detail by personal interv'ew _on y. Address Box 39. 8tsr office. 27* FOR SALE- STORE AND DWELLING ON PA. av?. a ear 19th st. B.w.; 28 reet front: bargain. TIlOS. W. FOWLER ft 8QV. 234 Southern bldg. S1>?RE?7 ROOMS AND 2 BATHS; CORNER brick property n.w.; 2-story brick; stable In rear: price, including grocery stock and fix tures. ouly $8,500; clear of trust; reasonable payments: closing estate. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 1423 F. WAN TED?BUSINESS PROPERTY HAVE CASH BUYER FOB BUSINESS PROP erty with rooms above. Price not to exceed $10,000. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 1423 F. I AM DESIROU8 of Investing a certain amount of cash in buslnesa property In Washington. Any one with the right propositloBt will sd dress with full psrilcnlsrs Bax^ 5^ Stsr office. FOR SALE?GARAGE. FOR BALE-GALVANISED IRON STEEL shelter; two roomp; 9x12 feet; two windows In esch room; Urge screened porch 6x18 feet; house furnished sad set up complete for $270 anywhere within radius of two car fares; wood fioor. JAMES E. ALBINSON, 1802 14th sL n.w. ? 27* FOR SALE-GALVANIZED IRON PORTABLE garsge. 12x18 feet, with one pslr doable doors, one small door and four windows; furnished and set up complete with cement floor. $900. JAMES E. ALBINSON, 1SWJ 14tb St. n.w. 27* SUBTOBAJ PROPERTY. FPU 8AL8. look! cherry dale, vaI beautiful pew "-room |tome, % acre ground, electric light, yu, bot-water beat; close to car*; one car fare. Great Falls rwy. Cheap. Only 160 cash, tel. $28 par mo. OWNER. Box 80. Star ogee. * THE SWITZERLAND OF AMEBICA, BWAVTirVh^^vfuSil^Bering EOCK CTREKK PARK. Qet off at Conn. arc. and Porter at., walk two squares east to the clear lag. GET TOE VIEW. GET THE PHI OK. J. WALTER O'BOYLE, 630 Bond bldg. 1* BOOMS AND BATH; HALL THROUGH center; steam beat, bot and cold water, tele phone service, coal and gas ranges, private water plant, sewerage; about one acre of ground, facing on t?ree streets, within oue block of station, electric and steam roads?flve uiinute service; electric ligbt available: abade and fralt trees: place fenced gad hedged; room for garden and cblckeaa; open plumbing; large closets through the bouse and four dark rooms for atorage; perfectly dry cellar: Urge porches: tenais court, schools and churches. Address or call on A. GORDON. Elverdale, Md. MARYLAND?11% ACHES. 8-ROOM DWKLL ing, porches, abade, outbuildings; apples, peaches, apricots; close to electric E. R. from Chevy Chase to Great Falls. Price. $7,000. Ten acres (unimproved) adjoining elevation. 340 feet; soil the best. Price, $300 per acre. Boom 14. H10 G st. n.w. ACRE NEAR CHEVY CHASE CIRCLE. D. j C.; macadamized street, sidewalks, sewer, wster. Address Box 94. Star office. NEW EBA DEVELOPMENT CO., 817 Maryland bldg. At Tskoma Park, on Lincoln and Mor gan aves., a log cottaae; 6 rooms and bath; city water and sewer. For terms, write or call. WANTED?$6,000, at 6%, on trst mort gage, on Allegheny eo. coal lands (309 acres); great opportunity for development. YOU CAN BUY DIRECT FROM OWNER LARGE lot for bungalow, in Petwortta, at tuuf price of adjoining lets; water, sewer, shade; on grade. Box 02. Star office. . " A BBAUTIFUL OORNBB LOT AT CHEVY I Ob see. V4 square from Connecticut are.; south ern exposure; large shade trees: all Improve : * ""&A* bErrfo&'iI.t,~ | 900 REFINED HOME SITES AT OHEVYI Cbaae, In the District, each one a velvet lawn; near); every k>t Is covered with natural fur ait shade trees; nature cultivated; 400 feet evatlon; 80 minutes' ride to the center of tbe c|ty. Capital Traction car llse, 6-cent fare. Sofcd on terms as low its $100 cash and $lfi monthly; Interest on deferred payments, 6^. i Will flnam e building a borne Mr you on very easy terms. For further Information write, [ phone or call on WM. H. RITCHIE. $17 and 318 Colorado building. Phone Main 6231. COME OUT SUNDAY. CASH. $1 MONTH. BEAUTIFUL LOTS AT GREATER CAPITOL HEIGHTS, Where It la cool and delightful. No Landlord. No Bent. No Building Bestrictloos. No Malaria. No Mosquitoes. No Sleepless Nights. Pure Water. High Elevation. Perfectly Healthy. Beautiful Shade. LOTS ONLY $20. NO INTEREST. NO TAKES. Be OAR FARE. $1 CASH STARTS YOUR BOME. Come out SUNDAY or any day. Take "U" Street Car to 61st st. n.e. Agent on Grounds Daily. O. B. ZANTZINGER, Offices: Main Office, 8th st. aud N. Y. ave. On grounds, 61st and C n.e. $1 CASH. $1 MONTH. COME OCT SUN DAI'. CHEVY CHASE: 3733 KANAWHA ST.; NINE rooms and bath; everything up-to-date; c?it gS.SoO: sell for $6,000. Greatest bargain ever offered. KaUUICK & ME'iCALF, 1306 1 ?t. n.w. 25 ACRES FOB ONE HALF ITS VAI.TK, IN Montgomery co.. Md.. 2% miles from District line, on bine stone road: nest to property sell ing for $300 per acre; owuer must have money at once, and Wl.I sell entire tract for (1,750. COLL1NSGRU-BLFOBD CO., 1410 G st. n.w. BEST SMALL HOME IN BETHESDA, MIX; all conveniences; electricity, gas; latge po.eo; bearing fruits. Will trade. Address Box 62, Star office. 2&* CHEVY CHASE?Just completed, an ideal home of 7 routes and bath; electric lijrht. modern beating; beautiful, lar^e porches; cellar under entire house; large pantry. fine, latve closets and a nice garage. I-arye i??t. with shade. Close to Conn. ave. cars. Tula is the greatest bargain in Chevy Chase section. Key at othee. Price only $4,850. Terms. A. B. CAMPBELL. 1410 H n.w. 25 ACHES FOB ONE-HALF ITS VALUE IN Montgomery co.. Mil.; 2^ miles from District line, on blue stone road; next to property sell ing for $Hoo per acre; owner must have money at once, and will pell entire tract for 21,750. cqllinsi;ri;-bi;fobd CO., 1410 O st. n.w. (DEAL SUBURBAN HOME IN NORTHWEST; nearly 2 acres; 10 rooms snd hath; bot-water heat: waterworks and sewerage; electricity; beautiful grove; high elevation: for sale by owner; prlre. $6.300. Box 53. Star office. 27? FCH KALE?$5,850; AT CHEVY CHASE; charming new bu:i?alow of S rooms aud bath; bot-wuter heat; big lot; 60x185; Bill exchange for small property. L. E. F. PRINCE, 721 Bond hldg. J. JEROME LIGHT FOOT. THE SUBURBAN Farin Specialist, calls your attention to three fPlK* "?any others; also farms; 5'4 a., "(??? m mllea of Oab'n John, near Bradiay ? v.*" ?but 2 fares; line land; stream; fruit; fir. h.; new stable; typical poultry place; high; views; $3,500. lA a." G. P. A O D.; siting, rl<*h land; stream; 6r. h.; fruit; $2.2u0. 'r"n,|ug trolley; new Or. b.; concrete cellar; good poultry bldtfs.; $3,750. Many others. ?!! kinds, and farms. J JKBUME UGHTFOOT. 1404 H st. n.w. TO SOME ONE WHO WANTS IJOME-FIVE rooms aud cellar buaga ow: colonial porch, front and side; large screened porch back: ex cellent well with force pump; wat. r In kitchen; lot oue hundred by two hundred twenty f?-et, well fenced: orchard, fourteen kinds of bearing fruit; two chicken houses, with runs; three squares from electric c.-rs, Sve from steam c're. Small cash payment, lialance as rent. Applv on premises Saturday afternoon or Sunday, Sliver Sprlnr. Md.. or by mall to Mrs. M. X. FAUL CONER. Thbonis Par^ D. C. ? 27* 6-ROOM HOUSE. ALL MODERN CONVKN fences, hot-water heat, slate roof, cellar under SJJ.J? bouse; one square from car line. Price. $jl.50<?. $500 cash, balance iqonthly. ARTHUR CAKR. ffyattsvlHe. Md. FOR SALE--3 NEW HOUSES, 6. 8 AND lO rooms, modern: lots 50x127; large (torches and sun |*rlor. Price. $4.5oo and $S.OOO. Easy terms. Take District line. Biverdsle or Ber ?;>n car. Get off at 20th St. JOHN L. KNOPP, Owner, 1Q2!? Jackson st. n.e. 31* ?"'OK SALE?10 ACRES NEAR CHEVY CHASE Circle at a bargain; extensive Improvements I?."".??H.1"* values rapidly: brokers, attention. M 5231 R GORDON. Owner. Colorado bldg. $1.500-6-UUDM HOUSE. 2 ACRES OF LAND, on, new macadamised road costing $8.00'> per mile, within sl.-ht of new $10,000 school build 7*- 0?'/ cash, and assume trust, $600. Address Rox im star office. 30* HEAL BARGAIN: 0 AND 8 ROOM HOUSE; larre lot and all modern Improvements; 1 block if?,'? ?; "? and electric station; terms to eult. i U 5 p m- or Sunday, Dr. VINEBEBQ, 1 Bsitlmore at.. Hyattavllle. * ?^5!f.XiCHA8K- D- C.-NO CASH AND SMALL monthly payments will buy 7r. bungalow; ele neighborhood; built day's labor; 10.800 sq. rt. ground; electric lights; b.w.b.; newly papered and painted; trees; jrarage; conven lent. Address Hx 328. Star office. Hampton heights. M??' beautiful lots ever offered colored buy ew. *5 down. $5 per month; fine views; cement walks, nesr fine car line: perfect title. - Houses, $50 cash, $15 per month. ..T,ke,D'*trIet line car on NTY. ave. to 48tk St. east, one fsre. MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT CO., Room 5. 1413 O at. F?R.8^LiK~?,0(i0: CHF.VY CHASE. D. C.. 7 rooms; bungalow; garafe; treea: adjacent to houaea of promfoeut banker a?d general; aurrounded bi S20 000 houses; bot fMtur?e,p?/W,1?0i: highly speculative features. Phone Columbia 25. ? Thilnt "J*aobdinaby HOUSE, $8,?00; bSil * 1*' tbe owner; ten extra large rooms snd batb; extra toilet; wash c'vkinPOOL: BILLIARD BO|OM; tni o^ ^ wlde porches; lO^oet sleep ing porch, 36 feet long; plastered; hardwood ?yj. _ot>ei1. 'rsplacss: expensive electroliers and decorations; exclusive neighborhood north 1,r*e eellar; shade trees; spacious term*. Will exchsng*. Address Box 218, Star office. SUBURB AS PROPERTY. FOR SALE (CoattaM). CLARENDON, VA.; NEW HOUSE AT SACtt fice; seven rooms; batk; reeeptlon ball; gas; wide front, side and rear pomes; large cor ner Iota; price. $3,160; terms to ault. Owner, NOR HI 8 BOWEN, Clarendon, fa. ?? RIVER FRONT PBOPBRT1 NEAR WASH., or aale In acre vi'.la sites; macadam roadways, electricity, water and electric ear service'. GEO. L. APPICH, 107 8. Royal at.. Alexandria. Va. SUBURBAN HOUSES ALWAYS UNDER CON *tmet Ion In several subdivisions. botb In the District and out. See CHA8. M. LIGHT BOWN, acroaa from Catholic Church, Mt. Rainier. Md EASY TERMS. 3 ACRES; WELL LOCATED ON HIUH ground in the District; beautiful abade; fine macadamized road; only $600 per acre. G. A. RHODES. 1321 G. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. LARGE CORNER lot; elec. lights: slate roof; cellar and attic; 1 car fare; $50 cash. $20 a month. J. C. ROGERS. Mt. Rainier, Md. FOR SALE? ANYTHING THAT YOU MAY WANT, FROM A LOT 50x200 TO 200 ACRES, ALONG THE LINE OF THE ROOK VILI.E ELECTRIC ROAD. EITHER IM PROVED OR UNIMPROVED FOB IN VESTMENT OR SUBDIVISION. J. H. MILLER. 1304 F. HOW TO BF. YOUR OWN LANDLORD, on $100 caah and $13.00 monthly, at CHEVY PHASE. For full particulars dro? postal, telephone or call on WM. H. RITCHIE, 317 Colorado bldg. Tel. M. 5231. FOR SALE?FINEST LOTS IN TAgOMA Park; near electric and steam car lines; wa ter. sewer and gas; cheap and on easy terms. J. P. EARNEST. Trustee, 323 4at. n.w OWNER LEAVING THIS VICINITY HAS Au thorised me to sell his beautiful bom* of 8 rooms and bath; reception hall; fine cellar; hot-water heat; about 1 acre; fine oatbuild inga; fruit; beautiful lawn; 10 minates from electric line to Washington; $7,500: less might buy. Apply at once. ROBT. ELLIOT, Beat Estate Agf.. 127 So. Royal st., Alex.. Va. BIG BARGAIN-BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED 8 room bouse; hot-water heat; batb and gas: near care; one fare; 6 rooms; large lot: $2,300; terma: several for rent. J. M. EARNEST, Mt. Rainier, Md. 27* FOR SALE-NEW DWELLING; SIX ROOMS; hot-water heat; tile bath: Meetrlc lights; bug* lot; on easy terma; northwest section. Af dress OWNER Boa 247. Star office. CHOICEST LOTS. NEAR STATION. VIRGINIA Highlands, $110 to $175; only 12 mln. from 12th and Penn. are. See F. B. CLARK. Tlr glnla Highlands. Phone Rosslyn 30-X. ? 6-ROOM HOUSE. OUTBUILDINGS AND ACTRB of ground; near cars: also lots for sale or exchange one or more for aoto. value for value. OWNER. P O. Box Kg. POTOMAC HEIGHTS?80 ACRES. ON BLEC tric railway; fine site for factory or amuse ment park; one car fare; also lot Is Brook land; eaay terms. Address Box 302, Star of fice. ? T IRVING ST.. CHEVY CHASB, MARYLAND: sew, attractive colonial brick boose of 11 well lighted rooms and S baths. Rent only $78.80 a month. THOMA8 J. FISHER * CO.. INC., 738 15tb st. n.w. CHEVY CHASB. "Ttie best suburb of the National Capital." Branch office of the Chevy Obase properties now open ft Cbevy Chase The home builder will And In this sec tion more Inducements than can lie of fered In any other suburb. Prices range from 12c to 50c per square foot. Well built and carefully planned tomes, ready to occupy, from $7 500 np. THOMAS J. FISHER A CO.. Inc.. General Sa1e8 Ageat, 738 15th at. n.w. and Chevy Chase Circle. FOR SALE?$30 MONTHLY: NO OA8H PAY ment required; new bungalow, with 8 rooms and batb; large basement with laundry and furnace: gas; electric- lights: beautiful stone and cement porch. 11 by 2?, with 12-Inch colnmns: bath and all modern Improvements; lot 30 by 300, fronting on mscadam state road; one block from electric cars: on high eleva tion; large forest trees In front and rear of house; price, $4,200. See Owner, W. R. WIL BON. Rlverdale, Md. FOR REVT. FOR RENT OR SALE?7-ROOM HOUSE. BATH, furnace, etc.; Elm ave., Takomn Park. C. I* SHEAR. Dept. Agriculture, city. 28* FOR RENT?114 EAST QITINCY ST. CHEVY Chase. Md.; 7 rooms and batb; hot-water belt; gas and electric light; complete in every particular. Rental ouTy $35.50. Keys across street. Get off car at Qulncy st. and walk east 1H blocks. YELLOTT & STUBBLEFTELD. Inc.. _ 14th and U sts. ? FOR RENT?8-ROOM HOUSE. TAKOMA PARK; near ??are; one fare; water, sewer, gRs. batb. outside shutters, porches, cellar; shade. AR THUR R. COT.BUBN.J505 E n.w. Phone. au7? ATTRACTIVE HOME ON WISCONSlN~A VE. and River rd.. I). C.; 7 rma. and bath; city water and sewer belne Installed; iar-'e l?t. shade; . heap rent. Apply Mrs. MARY A. i " ~ i>, D. C. BRITT. Tenfeytown, SEVERAL NEAT HOMES JUST IS MD LINK at Mt. Balnler and E. Hyattsvilie. with large grounds, sufficient for chl'kens, gardes and flowers; 4. 5, 6 and 7 rooms, and price* rang li(t from $10 to $22; V4 uf rent to apply to purchase of pia<*e at tenant's option. J. C. ROGERS. Owne-. Mt. Rainier. Md FOR KENT OR SALE. FOR RENT OR SALE? EW BRICK KTOUB and dwelling at Forest lilen. Md. Good stand and low rent. Address Bos 14. Forest Glen. Montgomery county. Md 28* SILVER SPRING. MD., AHtl. 1st, 8R. AND B? electric liatita, tiorches. shade. Address owner. H. S. PARSONS. 1418 Hopkins st. n.w. 27* FOB SALE OB RENT?'tO, REDUCED from $4,250; seven-room detached; a.m.I.; 1 I torches; cellar; your terms; two squares terminus 14th st. cars and one Georgia ave.; ' rent. $25: open. 5734 l.ltb st. n.w. 27* WA.\TKD, WANTHD?FOR AIGUST AND SEPTEMBER, a furnished <-ottaire within 10 miles of Ws^h-1 Jngron. Apply 12gS_M n w. ? I FARMS. FOR SALE. 13?4 ACRES. IMPROVED BY 9-BOOM DWELL Iu?; all necessary outbuildings in goo-1 condi tion; plenty of fruit; bti.ide and lawn; new furnace; must be sold to close r.n estate- 15 miles from city and close to R. B. Price $4,250; terms. ' 32 acres, Improved by 7-room dwelling; all necessary outbuildings: 2 springs and fine stream on place: loft fru't trees; 2 miles Lorn It. R. Price, Sl-,7?i0: terms. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE BROKERS. 1423 F. FOR SALE?FARM; 7 ACRES: WJUSHlN(m>Nl Baltimore and Annapolis railroad; near eitv new four-room house; orchard, garden crWa' Inspection will pleaae. Bargain. Address Box 70, Star ottce. ? SMALL FARM BARGAIN-^ ACRES. HIGH state of cultivation; uvw ba.-n; outbulld'nits; mfli hinery: team horses; stock: growing crops cottage on beautiful bill; 2 miles from eiectrie cars; $6,000. SLAYMAKER - SCHNEIDER <X>R1'ORAHON, Hj2 King St.. Alexandria Va BfbU JlFo Lo wl'N'fCY HOME, 30 MINUTES Wash.; 2. 3 or 4 room new house and 1 to S acre fatm, with choice varieties, all kinds of fruit, bearing throughout the season. High and healthy location. Prices. fj.s3 to $1,160; lib eral term*. ? JOHNSON'S REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, S45 Ps. sve. n.w.. Wash.. P. Q. For sale?small Maryland farm vinf miles from Washington; excellent water;*good view; abundant fruit; healthy location Ad. dress Bos 2482. Station G. Washington, * D. O. M ACRES ON MACADAM ROAD NEAR VI enna ElecKIc Carriage Co ; excellent water; ideal location; adjoining land brinjrlna $16<i acre. Price, $4,000. BARBOUR A Bjft. BOUB. McLacbfen bldg. * 16 ACRES FERTILE LOAM; CROPS' PRETTY modern home; fruit; ine water; shade; conven ient to Berwyn trolley; $3,500; $.".00 for d?e.l GEO C. WALKER. Kenols bldg.. llib A NBAK RITCHIE, PR. GEO. CO Md.; 6-room dwelling and tenant bouse- two near bams; all necessary outbuildings; firtlle; fenced; excellent water; young orchard Address CHAS. E. BEANE, RitchleTMd. Furl cfty orma,'on "PP'y 10 W. W. GRIFFITH, FARM OR SI'BURBAN PROPERTY large or fitnall. in the vicinity of \\ashlncton, Maryland or Virginia. McLACHLEN BANKING CORPORATI(W 10th and O sts. n.w. for rent or sale. FRUIT AND CHICKEN FARM; BRICK RESI bli??Ur particulars phons Oolum F0R RENT?OUT OP TOW*. FOB BENT-NINE ROOM COTTAGE. FURNIsIl tfAvn JmpV ?PT,nK?- APP?y to J. HAM W Va ' A*ent. Berkeley Springs, TEN-ROOM BBICK llOi.'SE AT BRADDOCK Heights: eice lently lts-ated on the elactri" line; four acres of land; bath, hot and colt water; $.10 per month. Apply C. KEITH CAR. LIN. P. O. Box 33. Alexandria. Va! SUMMER RESORTS. FOR NAI.E FOR SALE?CEDAR VIEW BOARDING HOT7SK Wiikerson, Va Including bathlnV^ beach fnd 4 or 6 acres of ground; will rent or Kit ai ttore and wharf. W. 8. WILK?ngQN. HOME OPPORTUKITTpg $449 Buys the needed Lumber Mlllwork, Shingles, Lath*. Glased Windows, etc., etc.. *11 No. 1 material, for Plan in a S^M-roo? Cottage and Frw *'ail I04- Plana and F.O.B. our dty. Frank Libbey & Co., Lumbermen. etb 8T. AND N. Y. AVE. N.W., THIS CITY, STEAMSHIPS. | STEAMSHIPS. KRONPRINZ WILHELM SAtLfi TUESDAY. JULY 29. 10 A.M. KRONPRINZESSIN CEC1L1E SAILS TUESDAY, AUGUST S. 19 A M. L0ND0N=PAR1S?BRBMBN Express BclllUfS Kaiser Wllbelir der Groase.Anr. IS Kalaer Wllfceln. U Auk. ? Kronprlnz wllheim Sept. 2 Twin-Screw Sailings Berlin As George Waafc'ngtoa .. fPrledrick der Grose. fBremen direct; one AH|. | inf 9 se Aug. 19 ne cabin (II). jyjy1 KapleaT Genoa. iWEOITElR^ANEAN ?Bsrbaroaa*. ...S^pt. * ?Omits Gibraltar. Through rates from New York to Egypt. India. Far East and South America, via Europe s&wnera^iT'this servica Independent A roua d-t&e-World Trips, $618 Panama and West Indies Cruises Jan., Feb. and March, 19 B4 In 1912 the North German Lloyd carried more passengers in every class to and from the port of New York than any other line. WASHINGTON OFFICE. 715 14TH ST. N.W. Tel. Main 7M6. E. F. DROOP & SON3 CO., 1300 G ST. N.W. OELBICHS & CO.. General Agents. 6 Broadway, NEW YORK. RIVER BAY and OCEAN TO NEW YORK and BOSTON VIA Norfolk & Old Point Comfort Modern Steel Palace Steamers From Washington Daily 6:46 P.M. City Ticket Office, 781 J?th St. N.W., Woodward Bldg. Phone, Main 1620. Norfolk & Washington Steamboat Co. THE WHITE STAR LINE'S LONDON?PARIS VIA PLYMOUTH?CHERBOURG?SOUTHAMPTON. Aug. 2 IT Aug. 23 SEPTEMBER 13?OCTOBER 4. AMERICAN LINE PLYMOUTH?CHRRBOURG?SOUTHAMPTON PHILADELPHIA?QUEEXSTOWN?LIVERPOOL Atlantic Transport Line h'BW YORK-LONDON DIRECT. RED STAR LINE LOXPOX?PARIS VIA DOVRR-ANTWERP. WHITE BTAk LINE PI YMOrTH?CHFBBOrRO-WUrrHAMPTO* SWW TORE 0r-R KV*tnW\ - T.IVKRpOOL BOSTON -WFr>TTFt?*nKP PORT*. fTALY R. M. HICKS. Pa-wafer A*?nt. VliUagtoB OSor. 1808 F it. O.V. VACATION TRIPS r. Oua\)CC ill Halifax, N. 8^ ?oat delightful cruise of ..MO miles. Magnificent Scenery: Gut of Caasa. Northumberland Strait. Gulf ?nd River St. Law rence and far-famed Hacocaay Hirer. S. 8. "Trinidad" from New York August 2c.1 nod 10th. Prom Quebec July 25 th, August 8th and 72nd. Go Temperature Cooler cbnu a; toe Middle-Atlantic Coast Resorts. Tours Inc. Hotels. Short" Excursions, ^oweet Hates. Ht Twin Screw 8. S. "BERMUDI AN," ld.MS teas displacement. Pasieit. newest and only Steamer landing pasunfen at the daek ia Ber muda without transfer. fcaiuatra every litre days Is connection with B M. 8. P. Co. Tlcketa Interchangeable. For full Information apply to A. E Ol'TER. BRtnup # < ?., Apis., Quebec S. 8. Co., Ltd., 29 Br*dw'y, V. Y.? GEO. W. MOSS, til Idth St. ar.W.. sr ear Ticket Ageat. VACATION IN BERMUDA. Book your passage by "OROTAVA/' All F.?pcuse Tours, 127.50 and up. NEXT SAILING AUGUST 8. Tickets Interchangeable <vitt> W. S.S. Co. CUBA-JAMAICA-PANAMA. Special Summer Rates. Excellent Passenger Acco.nmodatlon. Nest Sail!ng. "DANUBE," Augnat >? HAMBURG = AMERICAN London?Paris?Hamburg I ?Pennsylvania. Jnly 81, 3 pmllmperjtor....Aug. 0 tKalsenn Aug. Vic Aug. t|*|Patrlcla.. .Aug. ? ?Second cabin only. (Hamburg direct. fRlia-Carlton a 1h Carte Restaurant. rrg. g. Pennsylvania and 8. t?. Pretoria sail from New Pier, foot of 33rd st.. South Brooklyn. Al) other sailing* In this service from out Hobo kea I'lers. FROM BOSTON Cleveland July 89 I Cievelaad Sept. 18 Cincinnati Aug- 1* I Cincinnati Sept. 28 CTTbese steamers offer exeeptiono accommoda tloos In botb First and Second Cabins. Gibraltar, Naples, Genoa C7A1I steamers In tbta service leave from NRW PIER. 33rd St., Soutb Brooklyn. Take 30tk Street Ferry. S. S. HAMBURG 111 000 tona)..AUG. 0, 10 A.M. 8. 8. MOLTKK (la.fifo tons)...AUG. 28, U A.M. New direct passenger service between Philadelphia and Hamburg Nest Sailing: S. S. PBINZ ADALBERT a.ALCL 7 S. 8. PRIXZ OSKAR .. AUG. 28 3. S. GRAF WALDERSEE SEPT. 11 Hsmburg-Asierlcan Line, 45 Broadwa;-, N. Y. Or E. F. Droop A Sons Co., 13th snd G eta. a.W.i Geo. W. Mota. 517 Hth st.. Wssblugton, D. O. CUNA1D MOST EXPEDITIOUS ROUTB DIRECT VIA FISHGUARD LOUDON PABIS BERLIN VIENNA The Fastest Steamers in tlM World MAURETANIA LUSITaNIA QueeBJtown. Flehguard, Liverpool. Carmania..Aug. 2, 10 am Carmania.Sept. 6, 10 aa SSaSTiif4 VS *M auretaniar."^ ?Mauretanu-'TT^ Campanla.Sept. 17, 1 am Campanta.Aug. 87, i am Caruala. Sept. 20, 10 aa ?Lusitania Lusitania ?Does not call at Queenatown, Eastbouad. MEDITERRANEAN-ADRIATIC SERVICE. Calling at Madeira, Gibraltar, Genoa Nipli^ Trieste, Flume. Salllnga noon. See Itinerary. SAXON'A. luly 20 tCARPATHI " Am 18 tIPANXONIA, Aug. 12 IVBRNIA Sent g tOmlts Madeira. (Omlta Geiwa RouAd the World trips, nu*. SDerlal throncfe rates to Egypt India China j.pan^anlla AuY tra la. New Zealand, South Africa and Sb.ith America. Independent toura In Euruoe etc. Sena for liooklet Cunard Tour*. e,Cl A^NTS TOR I'EN 1X8[;laR AND ORIENTAL 10 ,SDU 0?*~-" GEO. W. MOSS. 817 lttb at. n.w., Waah.. D. <1 Between New York and ALGIERS ITALI. CENTENNIAL at VIBXXA ontHOctober. Special u, K. raivs. PHELPS BROS, it CO., G.A., 17 Battery pi., N?T? Potomac River Landings , AND BALTIMORE. 9?PFB?!F,S15Z *?*$? I i,P ID i ?H'tTe WasfiltlgtOn BOCOnd Sr^?i2 ? !' . Rlver freight prepaid. Passenger first-claas. Pre'Sbt received until 8:tf p.m. oa sailing days. ; STEPHENSON. Agent. *?>d Virginia Rwy. Co.. Telephone Main 74B. Ttfc at. Wharf! Washington to Philadelphia, Atlantic City and New York. .J^ERIC8sov l!nk steamers." ATTRA(rriVE WATER ROUTE FROM .^n,^AKTJiIOSJ? TO PHILADELPHIA. t/% tlje^Chesapeaka and Delaware canal ??m?? 5r ? Stopping at the great tailing ground, Betterton, also Cheater, Pa. From Washington by B. and O. or W.. B. and DK t i ? Jffclwore. thence Erlcason line to Philadelphia. Steamers sail dally except Sunday ? P-ni. fast day boat* dally and Sundays 8 a.m. Tlcketa to Philadelphia on sale tn Waah I?1t0? *L B- ?D(' ?- ??d W.. B. and A. E. By. ?<*?* oMcea; also J. SPLIEDT, Ticket Agent, 1335 F at. n.w for New York. Atlantic City. Cape May. Aabury Park, Ocean Grove, Long Branch, Albany, Troy and polnta north. Meals, GOc. Write for guide. CLARENCE SHRIVER, O. P. A.. Light and Pratt ats.. BalUmore. Md. LAMPORT & HOLT LINE t>. n?P?IX PLACE OF SOUTH AMERICA. BAHIA, RIO DE JANEIRO. SANT08, .. , MONTEVIDEO AND ROSARIO Latj*,New_and Fast Passenger Steamers from New York every alternate Saturday. Al'Pll j,00*1 ticket Agents, or B1 bit A DANIELS. General Agents. 301 Produce Exchange. New York. Clark's Orient Cruise ?&& *,*?? !io?s 1I?,10118- 04 d*yr ^ooip Kit ?Vv' n /4l 7 14tl> 8t- n w-. Wash. f c lark. limes Mag.. Mew Yorx. T-?mi TS ITA,?Y IS 11 DAYS. Taomioa Au?. 16. Mfodoza, Sept A. , "A?8. MS, no 976, kHko Yp. * RICHARD & fX).. 31 Brtiadwar. N. Y. Merchants and Miners Trans. Co. VACATION TRIPS "BY SEA" Baltimore to Boston?Providence Savannah?J ackson ville Three sailings weekly. Through tickets from and to principal points- Fin- steam fn Excellent service. Low fares. Win> rtMnteiegrf^b- ??nd 'or (Miok'et. B. ft ?17 ?ith" ? * a ,( o- "Bees and fill Hth ?t. r w Automobiles carried. W P. TI'BSKB. P. T. U? Baltimore. Md. F^dMefnl HOME COMPAGNIB GENEKALE TRAN^TLAXTloTg Direct Line to Ilavre? 1'uri* (France) Departure from N. Y. every Thursday 10 a m ?La revenue... July Sl.JPrVe iSe"??. Ang 2. La torrnlne.. .Aug. t *La Touraln ?.. .Au< 27 itvi. I V-iu" 13 *L" Profetc* Si-pt. ^ isno^T.'y steamer. {Quadruple screw att a..i r SPECIAL SATURDAY SAILING. 3 P.M. "" & 3rd-claa* I'ars tig r- Only fi^XERAt VfiKVCY, ' Y# * VtVte* * S^Ft* U- J- WEIDMAN. itl:t N'W York ate.. Wasblnetop. P. C If Goingf to Europe Call at The Star office, at Utb street and Pern sylvanla avenue, to arrauge for having yoor mail addressed care the London office of The Washington Star, No. 3 Regent street. Londot. England. If desired. Ball will be forwarded t<i all parts of Europe and tiie Coutlnent. Tourist, are requested to register at our office "i"? reach In* London. The W ashington Star LONDON OFFICE, No. 3 Regent street. EDUCATIONAL. |I* WASHlSiGTO^ Slrayer's insmess College NINTH AND F ST?. N.W. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALJ THE YEAR. Pbtge. vrrite or rail for free catalogs. PRIVATE TUITION. Addre<*> L. S. TILTON. 1T68 Church st. n v. Phone North Tfltifl. HALL-NO YES SCHOOL. Primary to college. Entrance day sod night. Catalogue. 221 E st. n.w. M. 3S77. PUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENIS Who need help In any study will do well to Investigate the opportunities afforded by WOOD'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. 311 East Capitol 8treet. Electric fana. Open all summer Telephone Lincoln 3S. NATIONAL DOMESTIC ART AND SCIENCE. 1754 and 1750 M st. n.w. Normal, special and regular couraea. Students enrolling tor fall term. Registration limited. OUT OF WASHINGTON, THE OILMAN SCHOOL ROUND PARK, MD. The moat beautiful suburb of Baltimore. Ac commodations for 60 boarding buys In the new building; 1U0 hoys and 14 masters. Prepara tory for the leading colleges. Dr. John M. T. Finney, President Board of Trustees. FRANK W. PINE. Headmaster. Charlotte Mall School, Charlotte Hall, St. Mary's county. Md. Founded IT74. Ample building* and extensive jrrounla. gealthful location at the hiatotic "Cool Springs." borough instruction lu business and claaalcal courses. Military discipline. Moderate terms. O. M. THOMAS. A. M.. Principal. The Mercersburg Academy FOR BOYS. MERCEKSB'JRO. PA. Send for catalogue to WM. MANN IRV1NK, Ph. D.. LL. D.. Head Maater, Box Hit. Westero Maryland College WESTMINSTER. MD. REV. T. H. LEWIS. D. D.. LL. D., President. I Delightfully located la the hlghlanda. 2i>-acrv | campus. Modern buildings, completely equlppe laboratories, library, gymnasium, athletic Held. FOR YOUNG MEN AND YOUNG WOMEN. CUaalcai, scientific and hiatorkal courses fori the A. B. Degree. Pedagogy. Muaic. Elocution I ?nd Oratory Coumea. Also a Preparat->ry School. |22.r> a year for hard sod tuition. Catalogue and riew bock furnished. STJKXEE BESOMS. ATLANTIC CITY. R. J. Albemarle, BCS "A np weekly; $2 up dally. Kjrellent table. ele vator, private baths ;8.000 it. porches; "(rj comfort and convenience of the mast luxurious hotel*. Booklet- J P. OOPR. Hotel Shoretiam, Rlevator. private hatha, phone; <wa mrwial la|i. Special earl/ aeeaoa rate*, 111-50 tf W-? weekly Booklet. W. B- COTTRN. HOTEL MONTICELLO Kentucky a*e.. aear Beach tad all attraction Modem, bigh-elas*. homelike. Capacity. WX Excellent table, cvolce room*, private hatha ?2.00 ap dally. American plan; ?pecl*l weaklg. write for descriptive folder. A. r. EKHOLM. ffiarltoroagb-Waitefii ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Josiah White k Bona Company. I^rnntpnnr Kentucky ave., close to li rusi llrilitVt the ocean. All the advan tagea and comfort* of the modern hotel at special rate*?$8 to $13 weekly; $2 op dally. Steam heated, elevator. sun parlor, ocean view room*; white service. Booklet. W. P. WATTS. BEST MODERATE BATE HOTEL. ELBERON And Fireproof Annex. Tennessee hvenae near Beach; central; new throughout; capacity, 400; opposite Protestant and Catholic churches; ran alng water la rooms; private baths; sxcallent tahTe; fresh vegetables from oar own farm; windows screened; white service; booklet; so cial rates, fl.90 to |t.M dslly; $8 to f21 weakly. B. B. LUPf, M. D. La Belle Inn, W.1U, C.? y0?Jiu)na. CLARENDON HOTEL, Flcgtala sve. naar beach. Cap. 800. (.tyen all rear, Private baths; electric lights; elevator. Open surroundings. Booklet. Monroe Hutchln*. BOWKER'S; $10 ON BRACH AND FAMOUS BOARDWALK Inlqne, homelike, snbstsntlai, satisfactory; bath booklet; only inaxpenslvs hotel so sit* ?^???5 ?ted. U/aMvlrV * Csrolina art., first house " OITWBVIIV, trotn BoardwsIk. Flr*t-cla*a In every particnlar; elevator; private artealaa well water. 8 A RAH B. Kl'LLOM. PHILLIPS HOUSE, Massacknsetts av*. and Beach; <"l*yat?f ?* Street level Booklets F. f. PHlLLjPS. RALEIGH Ocaaa and St. Charles Place. Fsces twa ssata sreuses; ocean breeze and view equal to hea<h front houses at about half the price; 200 larfe rooms: private baths; running wster; * lev* tor, ete. Meals and service the best; white service la dining room. Special July rates. H. J. DYNRS. THE CALVERT, Virginia ave., aear heach. All outside room. Private baths, excellent table. Homelike and fotnfortshle: moderate rates. E. H. LCXDT. Kenilworth Cottapc, j?Jchc^%e. ai? rooms. Good table. $S to $10 weekly, $ 1 V> up da fly. O. S- wRIQgT. Hotel! New England _a. Carolina ave. Jt Beach. Private baths; ma niac wster In rooms. Rlevator to street level. Sun parlor. Capacity, mo. Special rates Booklet. B1TAN ft WTLLUM* HOTEL OSI END Whole block of ocean front. In fashionable Chelsea section. Larger' airy rooms, with Ml ocean view. Equipped with everything neccsas-y to comfort. A'f batha have fresh and aes water. Dally musical concerts In Palm Room: dance >n Ballroom evening*. Rates sre reasonable. Booklet. DAVID P. R \HTER. Prop'r. Hotel Majestic, iSSl" i?..2S throughout; center of attractlona; ocean view; capacity. 3Q0; elevator, private baths, while service, ete.; snprrior tsl>le. SneMal. $10 ap weekly; $2 np dalle Booklet. M. A. SMITH. MOST POPCLAR AND ATTRVCTIVK HOTRL for Washington .Isltor*, HOTEL R0RTON. oceaa end Tenn. ave.. cenrral to all attractions; uome lt ke: $10 np weekly: $2 up da'Iy. R. B. Vorhees. Hotel Oasre running water In every room New brick hoU-1. $1 up dslly: weekly rates. TWOS. I.. GAGE. Prop. ABSECO.M HOTEL. 0m>n 11,1 7<**r. Privst* hatha * ? UvfB nt11,1ipf wtter. $2.50 sad up daily; $12.60 and np weekly. Booklet. q l>. PAIXTRR. Pmn Tflhip Iron !'"nn ,w an<l **?<*?? " ?5*Ilt tdeai location: law. airy rooms; excellent table: bathing from hotel; 11th season owner's management; $0 np werkly. A. M Ponn sv?. >?? AvflflU Inn Ocean ?-nd of Vlr.*lnli nran, r?P.. -^?o. ??*?. *er1or fable, modern, eleratof. private htf ?. rutl nlav wster. (but. A Fnr". plan. H- W. William*. K?*n nesr &?*r-h. railroad stations, piers and all amusement*, otre comforts. Moderate rates. J. McOialey. ^oteS McG*n?ey,{;;^,^!. The Wiitsfiire 9 Refill. Oecan v|?w. Greatly improved. Capacity. 3V. Private hatha Runntat: nater in roouis, elevator, etc. Music. Special. $15 up weekly. $2^ up dallv. Open sfl the vesr. PookNt ZSVrF.t. F.T.I.1S. Berkshire Ann vAm"it,0pio. Td. from Boardwalk. Special ratea. $10.00 to $17-^0 nkly-; $*.0c? up daily Cap.. 10O. Kiev. K M Sat, to Mon. j. e niriciva^N. 0?-e*n <ni Tenn hv.-. Con u , u eul to Penns. Depot, Piers and all amusements. $100 up dt-i'v; 08 up weekly. Booklet A. HRALT. HOTEL CRESTON MONTPELIER AVE. AND BOARDWALK Private baths, running water In all moms, ela vstor to street level. Special se*s?n rates. H. M. REEVES. PACIFIC AND ARKANSAS AVRS. Grounds with TENNIS and CROOUKT COI RTS aJJ.m BEACH. Guests msy po from HOI'SR to BKACH In BATHING ATTIRE without "sin* STREKTS, which Is PROHIBITED. Kl'XNI VO WATER In rooms. Private bstlis. $1.50 ao-i up driily. $S rv $17..Vt w.ekly. AM. PLAN. WHITE SERV1CR ORCHESTRA. RALLIIOOM. VAUDEVILLE t'N TERTAINKltS. BOOKLKT. PAITL C. ROSF.CRANS. Arkansas ave.. fin ing Million 'l dollar Pier. Kl'-vator. Eifei leat table Near Reading station. $1 25 un daily. 18th_*eason. Booklet. A. C. ( HANNKLL. THE ERSKINE 30 So. Michlr'in sve., one sijunre front bosch. Family hotel. Exci-llent tsMe. Write for psr tlculars. $1.50 |:er day; $0 j?er week and up KENTON HALL, On beach at Belmont ave. Ocean view from ail mams; running hot and cold water It. ?r*ry room. Elevator to itawt level. Free bath (??uses. Capacity. 5(10. THOMAS KENT HOTEL DEMN1S Facin? the sea snd overlooking the fsuious Boardwalk. Every room connected with private bath or having hot and co'd runnlnc water. Capacity. W>0. WALTER I. BUZBT. "Ask Mr. Foster," 503 14th st. n.w. ASHCRY PARK, X. J. Bristol-Belvedere direct ocean fkont. Rlevator. Music. Capacity. 400. poofctet BANTA A HILTARP. Hotel TTiitedluorcfi, o-.eriookinj ocean. Suites with bath: refned patrona?e; hook!et. HARRY PUKFIELD. Owner snd Proprietor. CAPE MAI. S. J. Hotel Lafayette, <*r M.y,?. j. Rooms en suits with private baths. JOHN TRACT. Oaaer and Prop. LAKE HOPATCOWO. If. J. New Motel Breslii On Lake Hopatcong, Mt. Arlington, N. J. UNDER ENTIRELY NEW MANAGEMENT. CATERING TO A DISCRIMINATING PATRONAGE. SEASON MAY TO OCTOBER. Tha Ideal Hotel at which ta enjoy the Bummer the week end. Elevation. 1,400 ft. Ks ma laria, no mosquitoes. 800 roouts with hot and cold run a log wator; 100 private bath suite*. Motor boatleg. canoeing, bathing, Sshlni;, golf, tenuis, saddle horse*. Ex cellent motoring. Orchestra, cafe, grill. Booklet with auto map* mailed. Special esrU July and aea*on rates. O. FRANK COPE. OCEAN CITY, |. J. Hotel Mayberry SSTZTtti *11 attractions; fine view; apaeious porchss; table snd beds first class; rooms en suite with bath. Day rates. $2 and $2.50; special season rates. Booklet. S. H. MAYBEBBtT NORMANDIE BY THE SEA. Acsommodate 000 guests; 100 suites with Fi rsts bath: hot and cold se* water; lias arealau well water; oun ice plant; electric light*; tele phones In rooms: elevator* from *tr*et level: tele graph station; directly facing ocean: cuisiie fL? nest. For rates snd full lnform.itl<>n and book* , addicts P. H. *. CAKE, Manager, I 3U1UCEE &ES0&T8. MA6WT, M. J. THE TREMONT, ?? ?? su-*" ?' ^?nvTwareJe* WtLDWOOft 1. J. roB YOUR SUM MRU ODTtNO. NATURES MOST FAVORED RESORT. WILDWOOD-BY-THE SEA Jtotn?t l|?t?li. RnMMMt m>r ^ BORTH WILPWOOP, W. J. " Hotel Ottens BeaotlfiU uc?u tnmt 1 UUU.C1 room*. ??? aulte. wit* or wltkoat bath. Culslae uneicelled. JOHN H. R1SDON. VAX ADA. SPEND %OlR SlVl-lfcK \AlATlON I* fHl bigklande of Ontario. Grand T.unx railway Often. Write tor rreo bonk*. F. P. DWYER. Dept. H.. 20 Rrosdnar. New York e'O HKHOIOTH BKiCH. PKt. Washington Cottage, DIBBCTLY UN THE OCEAN. l arge wraodaa; ?try rooms. M B DAY. MOTEL HENLOPEN. June to Octol?T. Season 1B13. Booklet. VALTKR BURTON, Owner and Prop. MABVLAWD. Potomac Hotel, EU mS^oJ^ July 20. Take Md., Del. and Va. 8tra. to Ploy Polat whf. We meet >11 boats. ADAMS BUOt " LAKE VIEW HOTEL, LEWISTOWN. MD. In the Wart of tb<> Blue Ride** Moan tains, M Biles from Washington. Bathing. Bowing. Ptafc hV, Tennis,!Saddle and Driving Hor*es. Owa faraa and dairy. Booms en suite, with private bath. Rata* a poo application. Booklet of vtewa on appllnallaa C. ?. RKMSBURG. Owner and Proprietor. LOCH LYNN HOTEL. MOUNTAIN LAKE PARK. MD On tke creat of tfce Allegtienlee. Write lor booklet. L. B. C. LIST. Pn? HOTEL ST. GEORGE. ST. GBORGES ISLAND, Md.. opens July -2. 1W13; boating, bathing, crabbing and Ashing; terms reasonable. aulS* TRICE 4 HOBBR. umsrsws. Oa Chesapeake bay. High elevation. Pine water rlew. All reaort amie tu.nts. 3-hour trip from Bal tlmore. Orchestra. BxAiet. How ard Turner, Prop. The Chesapeake, "SJ?; on (week; good bathing, boating, tahlug; no m? qaltoes; 00 malaria: booklet. 7. 8. Owena. Fw?. BRADDOCK HEIGHTS, HO. HOTEL BRADDOCK. MODERN SUMMER HOTEL. W L SHEPARD. MGR. THE NiBRAH HOUSE Seventh season. Modern conveniences. Elect(te lighted throughout. Wide porebea. Notedly goad table. Oarage. Booklet Vlr?.. J. \. HARBIN. SPEND YOUR SUMMER AT BRADDOCK HEIGHTS, MARYLAND'S FAMOiS MOT NT.41N B' KORT. THE A DUNGTON-BREEZY- NO MOS</UI toee; pure water; UH?d**rn house; amusement*; moderate ratea; unexcelled tab e. THOMAS O. COBLKNT2. MAYFIELD COTTAGE, RB.? PDOCK I1EIGUTS. Md.; six ami *eren dollsts r>er week. Address J. M SMITH. 1* B. F. P.. No. 5. Frederick. Md. OCEAN CITY. MP. The Breakers, II- R. NEWTON. Owner a?d Maaa^r. imw I7th at- n.w. THE VIRGINIA Ocean front. Excel'ent table. Reasonable rates. ? M. P. MOO IE. Q<A<t >ni Mnniger. THE MOUNT PLEASANT, On Ocean front. Comfortsule rooata. Excellent table. Open June 21st. Mrs. W. E. R17ELL. e??? ? 1 i ? 1 1 ... , . 1 ??? Mt. Vernon and Oceanic, Ocean front. Itooius facing beach. Bathhouse attached J. P SHOWELL. The Dennlsa'ST: raJ? fSS.-JBT Comfortable aud liomellke. Eicrlbnt t ible. Mod erate terms. Address R J. DENNIS. PINKY POINT. NO. Swann's Hotel. Piney Point, Md Opened July 1 for the season. Take Md. aad Vs. railway steamers, foot 7th ?t. wharf; <*oa veyance meets nil fteamers; terms reasonable. Address J. T. SWANN. Pinoy Point. Md. ' piney point Hotel Now open fot anon. Salt-water bathing, boating, fishing, crabbing, etc. Discing. Tcm?? and reservation*. Write WAKREN TOLS1N. P. O.. Tol?on. Md ? Prop. PEN N ft L V A VI \. CHAPMAN MANOR. BLUE RIDGE SUMMIT. PA. HIGHEST POINT IN THE BLUE RIIHJE ON THE WEST EitN MARYLAND RWY. Writ* for B^'k.-t. PEN MAR, PA. WASHINGTON CLIFF HOUSE-HIGHEST Lo cated hotel at Fen-Mar. Beautiful rlew; de liglitfui air; cuisine excellent. cjuvenlent. near park. bookl--t; ate-,. Mrs. G. II. ALLEN. H.UO Al.l-SfcAfeO.N TICK fci TO I'KN M AB UT. FORREST INN. new b?u?e. l-ath. electric light*. large iiorcbes; gtajd table: rlflit at l>ark. Write lor e'r< ular. Mr?. REl.t.E F RTOI.ER. EVERGREEN COTTAGE. Ad)olniui; imrk. Fine table. Ev. ry ? ou?t nlence. Spacious porches. Write Mra.C.C.Ewiug. P?n Mar. VIRGINIA. HOTEL HI VFRTON. RI?i?RTON. VA.. Lo cated In the forks of the feheuaudoaa rlrera; 5 mln. walk to either brunch: black baaa tlsblng; boatiug; bathing; nigbto alwa>a cool and rest' ful; a ileiL'htful raeation ?|K?t. H. A. DUNCAN. THE LOLDOLN. BLl'hMONT. VIRGINIA. * Now open. In the mountains. E<vUif* frum ut>th a< d M ets. For mtea. ?tc.. aild ?-s> INO It CHAPlR. OPEOUON INN. JORDAN SPBIN'JU. Ill KO erick Co.. Va.- Modern Improrcmei tf*; mineral waters; *ery large i*r>>un(ls; excellent cil?:ue. ideal for children; batlis free; booklet; sp. cial ratee to t??rty for aesfn. * GREAT FALLS. FREE DANCING. AMUSEMENTS. Cars I rare .'liltI) and M sts. 35c ROUND TRIP. Tempersnire at Biuen">nt. Va.. Today. 11' THE ALLEGHANY INN, GOSHEN. VIRGINIA. Modern brick and *toL" structure; pert eft Ip Its iipix'ini iii' Tiih: io'ai"d in Tllli llEVRT OF THE ALLEGHANY Mt l'NTAINS, on the uiaia liBe of tV-e ?.'ucaapedWe and OHio rallri>ad. Exi eCert tab e. Itetluei! pairvtuage. AI J. AMUSEMENTS Fine tennis courts; ojieu-air twluim!n?' p?>o!; g.wxl saddle horses. Special ludii'ements to families. For lufor* njHtlon sddre.s Alleghany Improvement Co.. Owuer* and Muuati rs. (iuKhen. Vu. SPECIAL WEEK-END TICKETS. FRIDAY TO MONDAY, ROUND TRIP. $3 80 Orkney Springs Hotel and Uaths, Orkney 'springe, Va. 0|>en Jiiir* 1 to Nov. 1. Beautiful monntain*. Elevation 2 .T<0. Temper ature. fj*. Delightfully con!. re?tf-il. iiooielkr, heaittiy Ideal spot. Putr.inage ai d env ronni -i.t rbe N*st. Wonderful waters. Cuisine most plej? tig feature. ItiMiklel. II C ("aRTKR. Prop _ -NOR i n III LI.." CASTLEMANS FKItRY. VA. 80 tnl. from Wash via Rluemont. taller mt. and water *eeuery: s'usdi'd grnimd* and dr'res: flslilng. hosting. imminc; no children lakeo. daily mail; telephone; fresh meat. milk, fruit* fowls; 17 per \vk. till Nov.: circular. MAI'RICH CASTLEMAN r*stlei.-an? Ferr>. riarke I'o.. Va. COLONIAL REACH. VA. MRS. K. TASKER. PROPHIE'lRESS OF THE Frsncl*. facing i*ach; large pun'brs; plenty chade: tborouKnly renovated, rste* rcinoaable; special rates to parties: bl<?-k from tre;g'..t wkf. Colonial Beach Hotel. New In every respect. Aiuerlran slid European plan. Special rales io narties. Ele< tric lighted, running water, call helis: all modern improe? uients. Cinder the pertoual ronnagement of M. W. SHERMAN. "lx-t us estimate on your fam Uy before deciding " Mf>?t rensontble rutee. WKST VIRGINIA. TH E COLON IAL H<?ME. Berkeley Spring*. W \ a. Fine table. Excef'ent water. fn.Wl per week. IT* Mrs J. P HAWVERMAl.E. ITopreire^a. HARPERS PERRY, W. VA. the Lockwood, ? ;une 15. Large rooms; shady gro?nda: table aad ?err!ce escellent. Mrs. A. P. DANIEL SPARROW'S INN. HARPERS UERRY. W. VA.. offers one delighffnl. r< lined aceor where mountain awl rirn of great lntcrei?t. Miss FLORENCE SHAwCa. BRACKET1 HOUSE. HARPERS FERBT. W. Va.. on Camp HIH; o*erio<-ks 1?,?.Jr^Sr - mono tain air: ample grounds: air* roomu. wmr Own garden: family atyle. Mrs. B. On the Beach. from the Boston TranecrlpL He (joUylnE)?I'U b*t rati don't know how to kiss. She?Peril aim not; but I har? made tt a l<oint nev^r to uiUm ? chance to learn.