?'olumbla?The Columbia Players, In
"A Contented Woman," 8:15 p.m.
I'oll'n?Poli Players, In "Madame
^herry," 8:15 p.m.
* osmos?Vaudeville and pictures; con
tinuous show, 1 to 10:40 p.m.
Clen Krho Park?Outdoor amusement
ud dancing.
Chevy Chase Lake?Marine Band con
< ert and dancing.
Chesapeake Beach?Trains daily from
district line, as per schedule in rail
; >ad column.
Steamer St. Johns for Colonial Beach
Waves 7tii street wharf at 9 a.m.
Line. 1256. Op?i All tflaht. Line. 1257.
Tyrec's, IBth and H sts. n.e. Druggists
Reliable Roof Rrpalrtag.
A. Eberly's Sons. 718 7th st. n.w
Pfcoue Year Wnt Ad tm The 8t?R
Main 2440
This afternoon at 5 o'clock, at the
White House, by the United States
Marine Band. William H. Santei
inann, leader.
March. "Italian Riflemen,"
; Overture, "Maritana" Wallace
IXocturno, "Dreams of Love"..Liszt
Waltz. "Nur ein Versuch.".. .Telke
"Entrance of the Gods Into Wal
hatl" Wagner
Intermezzo, "Valse Trlste,"
, Sibelius
f "Hungarian Rhapsody, No. 14."
"The Star Spang ed Banner."
Hany Lee Attempts Suicide While
at the Armory,
Harry Lee, twenty-three years old, a
memoer of the National Guard of the
District of Columbia, swallowed 10 '
cents' worth of odine while at the ?
armory in Center market last night. Capt.
C. E. Edwards took charge of the sick ;
man as soon as he was found in a help- j
less condition and rushed him to the I
hospilai in an automobile. It is thought j
ne will recover.
I>ee, who lives at 207 K street south- .
.ist, said at the hosp tai that he took !
ne iodine with suicidal intent, but would i
-*:ve no reason for wanting to die.
hammer Tour* via Baltimore and Ohio
ai'road daily to Jersey seashore,
Vdirondack mountains and all New
i ork. New England and Canadian provi
nces. Nova Scotia and Quebec, and Al
ghen.v Mountain resorts; also to west
en points. If contemplating a rail or
vater trip for pleasure or on business.
? insult ai-'ents at loth street and New
?"ork avenue or 619 Pennsylvania ave
ue. Ihey will help you.?Advertisemest.
House Places $20,000 at Disposal of
District Committee.
With $20,000 at its disposal the House
committee on the District of Columbia Is
now authoiized by the House of Repre
sentatives to proceed with the investiga
tions it is making into the affairs of the
I>istrUt government. Following a fili
buster made again t democ atic legisla
tion in genera yesterday, the House
adopted h(^ resolution offered by Rep
resentative Johnson of Kentucky chair
man o' the committee, and reported fa
vorably by tte rules committee. Al
though a roll call was demanded on a
parliamentary feature of the .*esoiutlon, It
was adopted by an aye-and-no vote by
tiie House after it had been amended
The resolution directs the District com
mittee of the House to inqui e into the
ids of District officials, past or present,
the books or acounts of the District or
>f persons or Arms having business deal
ings with the District: public uti ities,
market house companies, the Washing
?11 Terminal Company, etc.
?II.MO Niagara Falls aad Return,
Baltimore and Ohio route.
Social train of modern coaches and par
or car* from Union station. Washing-on,
L;. C.. at 7:45 a.m., August 1, 1.1, 29; Sep
tember 12. 20: Octol?er 10. Tickets valid
f??r return within 15 days. Liberal stop
over privi'eges returning. Cheap side ttips
from the Fails Route via Pliilade.phia
ind Lehigh Vailey.?Advertisement.
Economists of the House Likely to
Oppose Secretary Wilson's Desire.
When the economists of the House of
Representatives learned today that Sec
retary Wilson of the Department of
Labor had asked the appropriations
committee for three automobiles, in
cluding a 15 000 car for his personal
us1', the hammer and tongs began fly
ing and it is evident that if the request
in approved by the committee there
will be the usual display of anti-gaso
line sentiment in the debates on the
floor of the House. The economy squad
looks to Representative Cox of Indiana,
who has always been an antl*motor car
member, to lead the tight.
The request from the Department of
( t?.oi includes the t.'.noo car men
tioned. also a $-.50o ear and a $1,500
truck. The ordinary course Ik to get
. contingent fuiid for any department
anting motor cars, and th'.p is not
subject to a point of order. It i* be
lieved that the appropriations eommit
tee intends to specify each automobile
for-the Department of l^ibor as a sepa
rate item and in that event the econ
omy squad will have three separate
t trgets for their points of order.
Uw Rates California mmd Retura
During summer and early fall; return
different route: most liberal stopover priv
i'epee; standard sleeping cars dally; cool
'attan upholstered tourist sleeping cars;
persona'ly conducted; dally except Sun
day; berth, taction. J16.20. Washing
ton-Sunset route, 906 F; 705 15th. A. J.
1'oston. General Agent.?Advertisement.
To Inspect Meat Packing Houses.
Dr. M. P. Ravenel of the department
of hytfiene. (Jnlversity of California,
has been appointed by Secretary Hous
ton of the Department of Agriculture
an an expert in bacteriology, meat in
Mpectlon and public s;initation. He will
inspect and report upon conditions in
meat packing establishments. Dr.
Ravenel will confine his Inspections to
establishments under federal suiter
V ision, at St. Paul. Milwaukee, Chl
< dKo and Indianapolis.
When You Go Away
pjc ftienhtg
Sent to Your Summer
By mail outside of Wash
ington, daily, per month,
40c; daily and Sunday, 6oc.
Notify carrier, agent, or
write to The Star office,
cr telephone Main 2440.
|40 VOVJ'LL H Avje TO
vv ,U , ,
i^"N "*"^ ALON6}; \$*?g
>NH0O?-X)E-0OO } WAti ITT
^etty we?r >?1
****** Sow* ,
TOl fteiCMA1.
. ?&?N-D*A*-HuRSY
|| \AND<3ET ME A *\Q
Blair Lee Suggests Name to
President, So Maryland Anti
Saloon League Head Says.
That Andrew J. ("Cy") Cummings of
Chevy Chase, Md.. a member of the "ast
Maryland legislature and well known in
Washington, has been recommended bv
State Senator Blair Lee to the President
as a member of the District excise board
was the claim made yesterday in Balti
more by W. H. Anderson of the Maryland
Anti-Saloon League.
Senator Lee's alleged indorsement of
Mr. Cummings was made the basis of an
attack by Mr. Anderson, who claimed
that such a recommendation was an af
front to the temperance people of Mary
land Senator Lee Is a candidate for
United States senator, and is now in the
midst of an active campaign.
There is no vacancy on the excise
board at present to which Mr. Cummings
could be appointed by the President.
Senator Lee said this morning that he
had no comment to make on Mr. Ander
son's statement. Mr. Cummings said that
it was so p ainly a political attack on
Senator Lee that he thought he had bet
ter say nothing.
Anderson Attacks Cummings.
In his statement Mr. Anderson told of
sending an attorney tp Washington to
confirm a rumor that Mr. Cummings had
been indorsed, and adds that the report
was verlhed and corroborated at the
White House.
"It is ..ot necessary to say much about
Mr. Cummings, who is commonly known
as 'Cy' Cummings." said Mr. Anderson, j
"By waiting for his chance, he turned '
the trie which finally defeated the state- !
wide local option bill last time, after
; pretending to be for it for two preced- i
| lng sessions when his vote was not need- I
I ed. He trains with the liquor crowd. He '
is just a practical saloon politic.an of!
i the cheaper sort?no better, no worse.
The gross impropriety of Indorsing such '
a man to administer the new excise law, '
which is the most stringent governing
any big city In the country, is apparent
to everybody who knows him.
"But. most serious of all. we charge
that Senator Lee has run the risk of
putting the President in bad with the
temperance people of the whole coun
| try in thus indorsing for appointment
a man whom he himself was afraid to
try to carry through on the legislative
ticket in Montgomery county because
of his known liquor and other connec
| tions. We believe that the President
lis endeavoring to do the fair and right
thing and serve the best interests of I
I the public. He cannot personally know ;
all applications, but must rely upon the !
advice of men in the various states
whom he has a right to trust. The in- I
dorsement of such a man as Mr. Cum- i
mings for such a position, merely in'
order to get rid of him as a local po- !
l.tical millstone. Is an Inexcusabler
breach of good-faith on the part of!
senator Lee as a supposed friend of the
?1*?? to Ferry and Return.
Thursday. July 31. Baltimore and Ohio
account B. & O. Y. M. C. A. Special train
leaves Union station, Washington, 8:40
a,.in. Returning, teav^s Harpers ferry
1 5:30 p.m. same day.?Advertisement.
Finds Bottle, But Swallows Only
Small Quantity of Contents.
Odessa Stewart, a two-year-old colore 1
child, last night took a small quantity of
carbolic acid and was made 111.
The child accompanied her mother, Mrs.
Jessie Stewart, from the family home at
143? Church street northwest to the bouse
of friends at 1 Sir; 14th street northwest.
U bile at the latt.r lions.* the child found
.i bottle containing tj.rbolic acid and
swallowed some of the poison. The child
r-as taken to Freedmen's Hospital.
? l.OO to Harpers Ferry and Miirtlnnhiirjct
! nnn ' r2??e,*s? SprlnK": 52 00 Cumberland
and return. Sunday. July 27, via Balti
w?"v.? aJ?d ?hio frnrn Union station,
?riav8 S a m ' returning samo
oa> .?Advertisement.
THREE alarms of fire.
Most Serious Blaze Is Started by
Sparks From Machinery.
Firemen last night about 0 o'clock re
sponded to an alarm sounded from box
No. 418, because of a blase in the building
of the E. T. Myers Company, at 50 B
street southwest. Sparks from the ma
chinery. It Is stated, started the fire, and
about $2i0 damage resulted.
, A curtain blown against a gas Jet last
j night about 10:30 o'clock was responsible
for a small fire In the douse of Mrs.
Laura Roberts. 1107 9th street northwest!
About $50 damage resulted.
Fire last night damaged an automobile
owned by E. L. Stabler of 1331 12th street
northwest. The car was in the adey In
r?ar of 1222 12th street northwest. About!
*>.i0 damage resulted.
Report Bobberies to Police.
Forrest Osln. Capitol Heights. Md., and 1
Mrs. K. A. Padgett, Congress Heights,
complained to the police of having been
robbed yesterday. A package of mer
chandise, valued at $7. was taken from
Mrs. Padgett's wagon at Center market,
she told the police, and Mr. Osin said a
>asket containing *3 worth of meat was
taken from his wagon at the same place.
Policeman Dudley of the seventh pre
c-nct was robbed of his bicycle this
morning about 12:30 o'clock, according
to a complaint made to police head-<
luarter. His wheel was taken from in
ront of 3069 M street, he stated. 4>y a
olored boy. He valued it at $30.
An unidentified colored man is report
d to have visited the house of Charles
- HInes, 1117 I street northwest, early
ast evening He gained access to the
remises by -cutting a screen from a
ear window, a silver watch, valued at
+6, was the only article "Iwil
( ?? -
The heat that makes us gasp and shrivel, and hand out com
ments most uncivil, keeps corn and beans alive; around in sweat
a fellow sloshes, forgetting that the Hubbard
squashes need heat to make them thrive. We all
rear up and rant together, and roast the bLnk
blanked, ding-donged weather, and storm arouni
like loons; and yet this heat, which seldom va
ries, is helpful to the huckleberries and also to
the prunes. In arctic realms sun rays don't siz
zle, so agriculture is a fizzle, there is no corn or
wheat; the natives wish the sun were blazing f01
they are tired of always raising cheap polar
bears and sleet. Then let us. wh'le profusely
sweating, be in no danger of forgetting what's
needed by the peas, the egg plant, with its hue
of umber, the onion and the proud cucumber, and other things like
these. And when hot weather makes you suffer, don't be a mourn
ful whining duffer?it's foolishness to chafe; just face the issue brave
ly, stoutty, and dance and sing, and say devoutly, 'Thank God, the
prune crop's safe!"
oopthcm. ins, t?r
Ckorre UittVw ad?n?
Kentucky Woman Alleged Unique
Insurance Against Abuse of
Drunken Spouse.
ST. LOUIS, July 20. ? With Insurance
against temperamental 'ncompatlbillty,
and against marital infe Icltv already on
the market. Mrs. Belle Kinsolving of
Marshall county, Ky.. has gone the ec
centrics one better and insured herself
aeainst abuse by her husband when he
has been drlnkine.
In a suit entered in the United States
district court here yesterday she seeks
to collect $10,000 from H. P. Klnsolvlng.
the husband, who she alleges broke his
pledge. The couple were married in Ken
tucky. January 19, 190ft, and on June 1 of
the same year, while visiting in St. Louis,
Kinsolving struck and otherwise mistreat
ed his wife, her petition says.
Contract for Reconciliation.
Mrs. Kinsolving returned to the home
of her parents, but within two weeks her
husband, who was then postmaster at
Maiden, Mo., sought a reconciliation. This
was affected through a contract in which
the husband agreed to forfeit to her $10,
000 in case he should abuse her again, the
petition says.
During the same month Mrs. Kinsolving
alleges her husband violated his promise
and she was again forced to return to her
98.00 to Mountain Lake Park
and Return.
Baltimore and Ohio R. R.
July 31 to Aug. 20.
Tickets valid for return until September
1st.?Advertisement. > i
Electrical Contractors Will Go to
Norfolk Next Month.
Arrangements are being completed
by the Electrical Contractors' Associa
tion of the District of Columbia for a
week's trip to Norfolk during the lat
ter part of next month.
An appropriation has been made by
the association for the outing. The
committee in charge consists of Joseph '
W. Ireland, chairman; John S. Hebbard,
Philip C. Chipman, Crosby Kelly and
John J. Odenwald. The officers of the
association are J. S. Ramdall. presi- 1
dent; John H. Hoffaeker. vice presi
dent; William B. Watzel, treanurer, and
John J. Odenwald, secretary. The mcct
lings of the association for August]
have been called off.
We Save Yoa Money on Electrical
work. Electric Harty, Main 7872, South
ern bldg.?Advertisement.
Tug James O. Carter, with 'Consolidation
coal barge. No. 14, from Point Lookout, to
I load coal at 3<?th street, Georgetown.
| Bugeye Elnora Russell, light, at Alex
(andria. to load cement
j At Alexandria, schooners May and
! Fran. is. to load ties for Pohick creek.
Scow Klondyke with ties, at Alexan
dria, to reload on barge Clara Brooks,
now loading for New York.
Scow Fanny in tow of tug Capt. Toby,
loaded with coal from Alexandria to the
River View electric plant
Southern Transportation Company tug
with four light barges for Baltimore.
Schooners Mary and Shea, light, for
Acqula creek.
Tug John Miller, with four light clay
scows, for Swan creek, to be loaded with
Tug Rosalie, with three light sand
scows, for Oxon Run.
Tug Dauntless, with two light barges,
tor Baltimore.
Tug General Warren, with two coal
laden scows, for Occoquan.
Schooner O. J. Parks, with brick and
lime, for Maccodoc creek.
Schooner Ragged, with the scow Daniel,
light, for Nanjemoy creek, to load ties.
Power barge Daisy is busy running
grain from Farmington to Alexandria.
It makes a trip every day. bringing grain
up and carrying general merchandise afd
building material back.
Health Officials Say Much of Typhoid
Fever Here Is Contracted
Outside District.
That much of the typhoid fever prevail
ing In the District of Columbia at the
present time was contracttd outside the
Dlstrct is the belief of officials of the lo
cal health department.
In a statement. Issued today, the depart
ment urges citizens who go away on va
cations to guard against the use of pol
luted water and infected milk and avoid
places where flies are tolerated.
"Water which is clear and sparkling is
by no means always pure," states the re
port. "Water from shallow wells situated
near outhouses or stables is frequently
polluted. Lakes and streams into which
sewage flows are quite liable to be con
taminated, and, therefore. It is safe, when
visiting In the country or at the seashore,
to use boiled water for drinkng purposes.
Care About Bathing Places.
"Another source of danger is bathing in
lakes or streams near the outlets of sew
ers. The milk supply, too, another source
of danger, should receive careful atten
tion. Find out where the milk comes
from. If fit s clean and fresh, and If the
containers are clean.
"If any doubt exists as to the sanitary
qualities of milk It is a wise precaution
to pasteurise It beforr using. Flies, as
has often been remarked, are another
source of danger, for when flies are In evi
dence filth abounds. Procure protection
from this source of contagion with
screens, fly traps, poisons and sticky
tapes or papers. These are safety de
vices and good things to invest in when
contemplating a visit to the summer re
sorts or to the country."
91.25 Baltimore and Return,
Baltimore and Ohio.
Every Saturday and Sunday. Good to
return until 9 a.m. train Monday. All
trains, both ways, including the Royal
Taken 111 on the Street.
Oeorfce tinker of ~.z street south
west was taken suddenly ill yesterday
nftornoon while at 4^ and G streets
southwest. He fell to the pavement and
injured his head. Emergency Hospital
surgeons khve him treatment.
Commissioners Strive Vainly to
Beach Agreement on Amount
Fixed by Supreme Court.
Commissioners representing Virginia
and West Virginia in the controversy
over the amount of the old state debt of
the original state of Virginia which West
Virginia should pay. met again in Joint
session today, after striving vainly all
day yesterday to reach an agreement.
The meetings are being held at the New
Wi'lard Hotel.
The Virginia commissioners submitted
a proposal that West Virginia pay the
principal of $7,1*2,t'07, fixed tentatively
by the Supreme Court, in 1910. with in
terest amounting to about $14,000,000.
The West Virginia representatives did
not agree to this suggestion, but proposed
instead that the entire controversy be re
opened by subcommittees representing
both states.
The Virginia commissioners took the
position that it could not consider such a
proposal, because the principal of the
debt had already been fixed by the Su
preme Court. No way of getting the two
commissions together had been sug
gested when an adjournment was taken
late last night.
It was considered prcbable that the dis
pute will have to be taken before the Su
preme Court again, since there seemed to
be little likelihood of the two states com
ing to an agreement. It has been decided,
however, that the two commissions dis
cuss the question thoroughly in order to
attempt to discover some possible basis
of agreement.
Marine Rand Music Chevy Chase Lake
evenings,Sundays included.Dancing tomgnt
Base Bali Game One of the Features
at Marshall Hall.
Members and friends of Columbia
Lodge. No. 174, International Associa- '
tion of Machinists, went to Marshall j
| Hall today on the excursion of that j
organization. A base ball game will be '
played between a team representing
j the navy yard and a team representing j
; the bureau of engraving and printing.
! Other athletic events will be held.
! The committee in charge of the ex
! cursion consists of Posey V. Hall,
j chairman; John P. Waterbor, Edward
; N. Nusse-r. W. M. Horton, Emmett L#.
Adams, J. W. Schwenk and J. O. Mon
j tague.
If Tired. Restlena, Nerrom
Take Hereford's Acid Phosphate.
Recommended to quiet and strengthen the
nerves and induce refreshing s.eep. Try it.
Litigation Will Settle Tit'es Along
Potomac and Anacostia Rivers.
Title to many acres of fllled-ln land
along the Potomac and Anacostia rivers
In this vicinity will be determined by
litigation to follow past and prospective
improvements to those streams by army
engineers in execution of congressional
provisions. These lands were made by
extending the shore lines of the two |
rivers in deepening the channels and re- i
claiming the flats in front of lands in j
some instances owned by private parties, >
Disputes already have arisen in regard I
to the ownership of certain tracts of
filled land on both sides of the Anacos
tia river within the District and in regard
to the filled-In portions of Battery cove
at Alexandria.
A controversy also Is expected to arise
over the title to that portion of the Po
tomac river along the Virginia shore be
tween Analostau Island and the High
way bridge, which the engineers plan to
fill in behind the training dike in con
nection with the deepening of the Vir- j
ginia channel.
Little Elmer Has H s Hair Clipped.
Heurlcfc's Beera Will Do Much More
?for you than satisfy thirst?they'll give
you strenpth to withstand summer's ener
vating heat. Have rase de Ivered regular
ly. 2 doz. Maerzen or Senate,'! 1.75 (Lager,
$1.50). Bottle rebate, 50c. Tel. West 1600.
4 Standing: Order for Bfrlnbenc**
"Top-Noch" Bread Insures the best for
every meal. Grocers, or Bakery, 716 11th.
Notice to Suburban Lumber Buyer*.
Patronize EISIXGER BROS.' Bethesda
lumber yard and save hauling from town.
Grape Juice, 25e Qt. Bot.f Peaehea, ISc
can: Butter, .11c lb.: Corn Flakes 5c pkg.;
36 boxes Safety Matches, 10c; 12 large
boxes Quaker Matches, 10c; Four-string
Broom, 21c; 3 Mackerel. 10c; 3 loaves
Bread, 10c; 3 ro'ls Toilet Paper, 10c, The
J. T. D. Pyles Stores.
Free Ice cream. Best feature showB. Va.
Sofoa Tlnklna r?wlfp.
Superior to any other at any prion
25c a pound.
Phone Your Want Ad to The Star
Main 2440
"Pilgrims" Arriving There
Next Thursday Will Find
Town Gayly Decorated.
Hyattsvllle, Md., is preparing to make a
regula- fete dav and festival of the re
ception to the suffragists who are to as
semble there next Thursday preparatory
to coming in to Washington in automo
biles to go to the Capitol to petition the
S'*nate to help them.
This wa? shown today when merchan's
from Hvattsville went to suffragist head
quarters to ret In a stock of "Votes for
women" banners and bunting, and when
the suffragists received word that the
peop'r> (if U ?. ~t'
an all-day festival next Thursday, Includ
ing a series of races.
Police Force Ordered Out,
The police force of Hyattsville, includ
ing a deputy sheriff and the town bailiff,
has been ordered out for the occasion
by Mayor Harry Shepherd, and will as
sist in maintaining order. The ball park
of the town is to be turned over to the
suffragettes for the formal reception ex
Plans were completed for having a
long line of gayly decorated automobiles
at Hyattsville to greet the ? pilgrims,"
who are now on their way from different
The grandstand of the ball park will
be occupied by the large reception
committee, and the line of automobiles,
with the "pi grims." will enter one
gate of the ball park, pass in review,
and then leave by another gate. The
trip into Washington will then be
Formal Exercises at HyattsviJle.
Practically all the formal exercises
connected with the demonstration are
to be held at Hyattsville, and there
fore all the suffragists in Washington
are preparing to go out to the Mary-'
land suburb to take part in the cele
bration. The program in Washington
will be restricted to the automobile
parade along Pennsylvania avenue at
about noon, and the delivery of peti
tions to members of the Senate at the
Representative Clark Introduces
Resolution on Mexico.
In the face of the strained situation in
Mexico a concurrent resolution strongly i
reaffirming the Monroe doctrine was in- i
troduced In the House yesterday by Rep
resentative Clark of Florida. The resolu- '
tlon, which was referred to the foreiggn j
affairs committee, was directed partlcu- j
larly against "people with whom the Cau- j
caslan cannot and will not assimilate."
"We hereby reaffirm what is known as !
the 'Monroe doctrine* in each and every 1
essential," the resolution read, "and de- j
clare our unfaltering allegiance thereto." !
"In reaffirming the 'Monroe doctrine' "
concludes the resolution, "we do so with
the earnest desire to maintain peace and I
friendlly relations with every nation upon
earth, but we cannot permit the further
extension of any colonization system of
Eurofean nations upon any terr'torv of!
this hemisphere, and particularly shall I
we object to such colonization by peonies
with whom t e Caucuas.an cannot ?rni
will not assimilate."
Money to loan at 5 end 9% on i>~.i
Fra/iJv T. Rawlings Co.. 1425
Advertisement. " Me
Ethelburt Stewart Appointed Head
of Labor Statistics Bureau.
Ethelburt Stewart, chief statistician of
the children's bureau, has been appointed
by Secretary Wilson of the Depart
ment of J^abor chief statistician for the
bureau of labor statistics. He succeeds
C. W. W. Hanger, appointed assistant
commissioner of the new federa: media
tion board. The change la effective im
| Mr. Stewart is a native of niinoi.
where he was born Apr I 22, 1859. He ret
ceived his education in the Illinois schools
and' entered the government service Julv
1. 1887, in the field service of the tten
bureau of labor.
Only two days before music Mnd
dancing *t Handle Highlands, nfext
Monday night.)?Advertisement. '
Chesapeake Beach)
Bigger?Brighter f
Extensive Parks
and Picnic Grounds
'4 Cool Sea Breezes
Sandy Biacnei x
Popular Base Ball Scores by Innings *
Saturday Sweets,
40c and 60c Lb.
"The surety of scientific Pur.ty."
1203-1205 G St.
Matinee Sodas. Parcel Post.
Low Rate Excursion
$2o<0XQ) Round Trip.
On Clhesaiieake Bay,
31.P Round Trip.
Monday, July 28.
7:45 A.M.
1318 F St N.W.
Across the street.
i\ atches cleaned
Majn?nrincrs. .....
ATI WORK r.'~ \ r> \ \ < v*--T\ OVC v?t\K
r$ 1
Jse Care in
Purchasing Eyeglasses.
When you have Eresrla^ses nia<lc to your
order 111 the l<eese Uptlc.il Factory there Is
absolute certainty of getting the kind that
will mei-t your esact requirements.
M. A. LEESE "''"h!;,?;:
9 ? K
U select fe
ilFinest ??* ?g
% Christian
IfetfU? Established -o years?11113.
THE service
we render
advertisers is
of real value.
IVc write the
right ads to
make advertising
good advertising.
Star Ad Writing Bureau,
Robert W. Cox, Booms
F. T. Hurley,
C. C. Archibald.
Firebug Feeble-Minded.
PITTSBURGH, Pa.. July 23?Raymond
Raab, the sixteen-year-old boy who re
cently confessed* to setting Are to a fash
ionable northside apartment house, caus
ing the loss of one life and property
worth $50,000. has been committed to an
institution for feeble-minded youth* He
also confessed to starting Ave other fires
"Just to see the horses run."
Thrashing has been in full blast in Cecil
county. Md.. the past twc weeks and the
reports of the wheat crop show a failure.
"Washington"* Atlantic City.'
Th- dell-'htfni day.liht trip do xn th- historic
Th? dance* on thy steamer and nsrlllon.
The sa't water ??mt!ifn? and ? anrir ' h.
The cool Ireeies tlitt are ALWAYS blowing.
Saturday, July 26, pi?.
Sunday, July 27,
Daily. except Monday, m '?* i.ui. Saiurday.
2:JJ0 p.m. Boardwrslk. Hotels, < .ittaees. I'i?h.ng
and Orabhlnj. and all Ainufw,ii>rnii?. Hound trip.
iodc day. 50c. Konntl trip teood urttl Sept.
; Jl 00 Ti -feet* <?i salt* at ' 1' at. r. w.
/ y:-c -
FI'.OM .V? rvts.
band, e.t.. tiiuubkow.
?3?:33 ji _ ?jo<3v
P.M. M o n -dl m y P.M.
washington VS ST. L??ITS.
Reserved scats at Saui'a. Ilili at. and Pa. atfe.:
Saks & Co.: Henderson'*. -v ' ? '? A.
' Smith i:)"T F ?t.; Mam Adams iUh and <? ata.
Only Theater Ice t ooled.
Great Summer l'rograins.
Mother Goose, Morton-Jewell Co.
and Other \ct< This W eek.
Mr. S. Z. i'uli Presents the llest Slock Company
in America.
THK POPl'LAR POLI players.
In the Sensational Mualcsl Comedy Hit.
With Thr-e ORIGINAL Principals.
onight AT *:!&.
1 ATI VEER AT 2:15.
Thurs. and Sata.
Coiumoia Players
In the Greatest Laughing Succeas
of tlic Seas in,
NEXT WEEK?"prince OTTO.1
f. S. Marine Rand music every rrtu
ins. Suuda.va lnclu<l*-d. Dauoug weekday
evcmnga. Merry co-round Admissionfrea.
MISS chappelear. 1312 Q ST. N.W. PHONR
North 6S44. The F'wh walk. Aator whirl and
p.U the latent dances taught.
| any hour. Kali for reut.
Private lessons
GLOVER'S. ttia 22nd ST. PHONK W. 1128. Pri
vate ieasons. any hour, SOc. Walt*, 2-atep. Boa
Ion. Tango, all new dances guaranteed. Class
and dance. Tue*.. Thnrs. ere*., .Vtc. Ladles frc.
private dancing SCHOOL
Onlv One Tancht at a Time.
Latest Dancer Argentine Taiaa
Bel a sco Theater top floor. Select M. W*-T.
_ . . -4
tfJlNCKUNh. MU - --
taught every Wed. evening T till * ? el
regular dance. K till 12.
Hodlges Will
Bind or reblnd your liooks in ihe most attractive,
moat substantial manner. Moderate charges.
liu a l.imnJ in <fcr ^
II k If R fli l eit'>sr..
Star Building Annex.
Use PAPER Napkins. Towels, Tablecloths a??
Plates. Paraffin Drinking Cupa and Paper.
The E. Morrison Paper Co.