Newspaper Page Text
& t a r wAAnST Get Best Results RATES. Help, Situation*, Loct and Found. Rent Room*, Country Board, etc., one cent a word each time for 13 words or more. Miscellaneous Salea and Want*, P.uslness Op portunities, Automobiles, ctc.. one cent a word ea>h time for three or more time*, with a 15 word minimum. Businesa Announcements, Real Estate. Apart ments. etc.. four line* or more, three times, 10 rents a line each time, with a decreasing rate fur ? longer period. Leave your little wants at The Star Branch. One in your neighborhood. SOItTinVKST BRAIVC'HKSi U-iard * Mrt.iilre. t?th i:od U st*. roller A Field, Drigglsta, ;;ru and Indiana ave. Postal Telegraph. IV.. U. & *ta.. Bond bldg. C riawell'a Drue Stow. 7tb and T sta. I"red B. Campbell, Drugs. <20". Georgia art. L. H. Day. Druggl.t. Htfc and P sts. m. H. Dasl*. Drugelst, 11th and U ata. F 'mfr'j Pharmacy, IMtb and Columbia road. Centner Drug Store, 14?j and t' eta. '?oldenberg's Bureau <?f Information. Herbst's 1 ?r.i>r Store, 25th uud I'a. ave. Ilygeian Pharmacy. 2nd and are. JI'Hmeaii Pharmacy. ITolnvad .md Otis place. Hnltzclaw's Newsstand, I Tuft Pa. are. Interior Dept., gt'i an,I F. Postal Telegraph. ??. Kunn. Sons ft Co.. Informat'.cn Bureau. Slope's Pharmacy. U*j4 L *f. N. D. ??artier. \. Cup. and V n.w. Par,' Pearson, Druggist. ISth and Florida are. F. H. Itligrway Pha Tinner Conn. and Fla. ares. Roland \\ a.'lai e. New^sta^d and Stationery Store, ?28 fcili rt. t:lon Station. I'osmI Telegraph. Inlted State* Capitol. Pwtal Telegraph. Il"2 Conoe ave., Po>t*1 Telegraph. Vulgley'* Drug store. 21*t and (i at#. O EORR KTO WX ? ?? DouncIl> Drug Store. 32nu and M sta Pride* Pharm:?. y, 2*:h and P s>i?. Postal Telej;rapt. 1219 iVI<,?n>|u *ve. XORTHEASTi F. K Richardson A Co.. \. Cap. and P it*. Keu<>al,v> Phmuia.-y, N. i'gp. ?nd I kta. Taylor A I.amb. llt'.i and K. Cap. ata. R- M. McWiliiaais* lrh?rinai*y. 1245 H at. n.e. Meatman D. Pharmacy, 7th and H. Lincolu Park Pharmacy. 13th and East Cap. ata. SOUTHEAST! Thomps >n I?rujr Co.. Stb and E sU. Bradley's Drue stor . l.Vh and l*a. are. II. S. Fraly. Dnuv'-t. Hlb and Pa. are. SOI'TH WEST: lltfc ?t. ?barf, IV-tal Telegraph Office. fcullivau's Drus Store, 7tli and D ata. A V4COSTIA: Bury'? Drug Store, 22w Nichols are. LOST AND FOUND. 1*1* LE?Emblem: black frcriip; coaster brake; wired !*>x: handle bar; spring saddle: slx tn?-li piece of rublier hose on frame: $."i re ?urd if returned to 1201 X. J. ave. n.w., or intprmation leading to its recovery. BRACELET?Ii?>sf Friduy afternuon. Xot. 7. en gra\ed gold band bracelet, with Initials on the inside. E. L. O. Finder please return to E. L. Os trawler. National Park Seminary, Forest. (Urn. Md. BHtIOCU?Cameo; Wednesday afternoon. Llb ? ral reward. Apr. 2o.*H F st. n.w. CANE With huckboru handle; owner's name en graved thereon. Keturu to Cu3 Eye St. n.w. and receive reward. " g* CAT? Cray ami black striped j>et eat. Return after t> o'chn-k. Reward. 212!? il ?t. n.w. DOC Boston hull: male; brindle l>ody with nliiti* forehead, muzzle nnd etiest; answers to name of Rowdy: license tair 7?C. Liberal re war<l if returned to Owner. 2210 It st. n.w. 0* DOC? Fox terrier: white, with brown inarklne: tajr No. 7oi:S; answers to name <>f Percy: left home Oct. 2)?. Reward glrcn i* r-turned to owner. 2HW> H sr. n.w. DOG? Fox terrier: black and white: "Duke Bet ter" <>n collar: Atlantic City license: lost Sun day. Not. 2: answers to nan.e of ??.Son." lle wnnl. ftis 2nd st. s.w. OUfVK?Leather: lost Tiiusnluv; slip. ~y. Perrln make. Iteuard. 21.UU II st. n.w. l.omiNKTTE Cold: umrke<l D. I. .1.. 1IHI4. |te ward If returns! to the Wilmington. lSll Wyo are.. Apt. PENDANT PIN- Cold, diamond ami pearl, on R.?cl< t 'reek car or nth st. car. Monday nljthf. Nor. 3. Please return to 1C.CV. Q st. Reward. " Ji? POCKET BOOK SUer mesh bag. lost on Wis ave. between R ami P sts.. Thursday. The Kenols bltlu.. room 2iI2. 9? SCARFPIN on Thursday. November 1!, on Mass. ave. ?ict. 17th st. nnd Conn. ave.. a gold searfi.hi with circle of ]>carls at its top. Find** "III is1 rewarded by leavins It at Cen. Wll sfMi's. No. 177.'5 Mass. nve. n.w. ? W yrcn I?ldr ?. sold, and blark fob. bef.vecn 2_i: F -1. n.w. and Rock Creek cemetery Thnrs ?lay afternoun. <>? WANTED?HELP. Ar.E\TS ACEN r.v -Send for free sample; new artlele; Immel to ^ell; write tiMlay ftr our attractive fall |>nt|H>vltioii. New York Necessity Co., 12KI I!. I? to st.. Rnmklyr. N. Y. ? ^1 P.\ V fctt; a week and expenses to men with ric* to introduce i*>ultr.v eomnound; year's con 't- Iniperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 78. Parson*. Kan. SALESMEN. SALESMEN 'I iv> 1 v anted at owe; wide-awake, hiisiliug iWasliaictooians); with w>me ex|>erl ci'ce in r. ai estate; to repreM-nt us down south: aM 1 \|paid and lllieral <t>uiinlssioii; aiate jferences ami c\|H>rien"e. P. O. Box ISO. !?? ^ AN I SALESMAN for hl;b-eiass article; must nvest tine o{ienlog for good man. Box Star office. MALE. ANY I'KRSON with special training in aato ?!ohUlny can secure a xo^d paring position; small roat: short coume: night lesaona If de <ireil ra!| Auto mold c College. 1|? p n.w. Al TOMOBII.E TRIMMER and ropuiaker?Flrst elass. Apidv 01 Piece st. n.e. BoY with soiue experience iu gen I a' furnishings. \pply Crosner's. I11I3 Pa. ave. n.w. Bo^ White, for shop work; $3.30 week. 723 nth >t. n.w. BOY of 1i> years or over for position in book More; referent's required. Address iu own ? lainlw rltius. Box 3>1. Star office. 8* Ro^S. two. lt? years old; one to learn drun husineas and one to work evenings after t>. Apply l>et\veeii mid 7 p.m., McCbeaney & Joachim. 8th and F sts. n.e. Bo^s with wheels; j^M>d salaries: |H-rmanent r>o sitlons guaranteed. Apply at once, S0t? 11th St. BO^i S?Immediately, for general store service: iO to 18 years of aSc- Apply Supt. Woodward & Lotlirop. CLERK In tirst-clas" market store; one who is exprrieneed In cutting meat Apply Wlscon sin ave. arnl N ?t. n.w. OtLLECTOR. married man; not over 40 years old. Apply 11(5 7th n.w. IRRESPt >N DENT?Intelligent person may earn |IU0 monthly corresponding for newspa" l*rs; no canvassing; send for particulars. Press Syndicate, X?'o. lxtckport. N. S". 28? DRAl-TSMEN Ambitious n-en to liecome draftT ?uen. Cet mw ay from druitgery. Send earil for catalog. It tells the story. _ Ida Sclawd of T?r-ifting. McLachlen bid?. FIREMEN AND URAKEMEN for all railroad* entering Washington; wages. $UK); railroad re eniltlng headi|uarters: positions assure*] com P"teni iuexpeiieaced um-ii; send age. Address Rail\v?> A>so<-iath>n, Dept. ll>2, Brooklyn, N. V. ? I NEED liOoD MBN everywhere, part or all time, lesrn my bualnets; make money with ice no experience nc?!cd: desk, typewriter ?fH outfit free W. M. Oatrander. Dept. 32. 13 _ 011 ( rnst st - New York city. J??lt PRINTER .Man tuoro tgbly experienced on general job work u:ul ru'eil blanks and forms :i!"t , omjietent to take charge of smal' offlee; irive r. ferefiee and state salary exp?'ctej. Box :'-'?7. Star office. M All i>KDKIi-l?e your spare time to build up 1 'nail order bu?tnesii of your own; we help ."?11 -tan for a -bare iu praftt*; 27 opportuui; *iHtrtiei|lar? free. Mutual Opportuultlas I'xebange. Buffalo. N. Y. 30* MAN-Young, to draw soda and help In drug storv evenings, from '? to 11. and Sundavs from 1 to 11: 50 cts. j*r evening and SI for Sundays. Collins Phar.. 1201 >' J. ave 1 MAN. young or 21 years, to work In wholeaaln ll<|uor houae; one with experience preferred. '"oloniiil Wine ? ompany. 31R Mh n.w. MEN I will teach several young men the ?uto moWIe bwsineas In ten uin-ks by aiall and asalst them to c??s| i?>sItions; no charge for tu'tlo.i null I position i? secured: write today. H, s Price. Automobile Expert, Box 4?3. Iajs An geles. 1 'al. MEN 4u abic-i?ntie.| on i: Apply Columbia The ater stiig.-. entrance Saiur.'uy aftenwon. 5 o'clirw k. Nov. 8. PH.:. MRN?For light delivery. 5u?ly 7:30 a.m.. Mer ebants' Transfer and Storage Co.. Srd and B a.w. WANTED?HELP. WALE I e*Btta MEN 000) wanted, to assist In organizing the most modern. social and fraternal organization In Anierb-a. Call at 42W) Florida ive. n.w., evenings. 11* ? PRESSER? Experienced; at once. Apply Led erer. 1243 H at. n.e. PRE8SEB Lederer. 1243 II gt. n.e. 8? PORTER (colored) with reference. Apply 923 K at. n.w. TAILOR First-class. 734 15th at. n.w. WANTED?If you want position as fireman, brakeuian. electric motorman. conductor, go! ored train or sleeping car porter, first-da**. Washington-Vew York roads. $flf< to $1<>5 mo . steady work, experience unnecessary. do strike, loclpse stamp, name fiocitloii wanted. Passes and uniforms furnished when necessary. Ad dress Railway lust., Dept. 4-N, Indianapolis. Inl WATCHMAKER- Eipert, with first-class refer cm-es; steady position. Apply Salvatore Desk>. Witt F st. n.w. . YOL'NG MAN for light office work that can In vest >375 with serrices; good opportunity; no experience necessary. FEMALE. j APPRENTICE In rircsainuking. Apply Karchem it Fox well. l.iO 3d St. .s.e.* BOOKKEEPER. experienced, f?r permanent po sition; kItc ref. and salary expected. Address ltox 343. Star office. "?AT HANDS*, waist drapers and finishers; must lie it'xmJ sewers. Apply Nichols. 1417 22nd n.w. CASHIER, experienced, girl. Ap i ply Young Men's Shop. 1319 !?" n.w. CORRESPONDENT?Intelligent person uiay earn $100 monthly corresponding for news papers; no canvassing; send for particulars. Press Syndicate. 859. Lockport. N. Y. 29* GIRLS wanted on lining furn: good* salary; steady work. 1224 F at. n.w., 2nd floof. U*" LADY. young, to attend office. Apply Bush Plumbing Co.. 2912 14th at. n.w. LADY, young, for nlgat bookkeeping. Apply 21Q4 14th n.w. LADY, orer 30, to travel and organise for Yiavl Company; permanent, rapid advancement: no canvassing. Address for appointment, V12-018 Colorado bldg. NTRSE (graduate) In small private sanitarium. Apply 1417 R. I. ave. 9* SALESLADY Salary and commission; reference required: Jewess preferred. Call S to 10 a.m. <>r 11 to H p.m. 17(51 L st. n.w. . SALESGIRL, experienced, for cloak and suit de partment. Apply N04 7tii st. n.w. SALESLADIES, experienced, in art and glove departments. Apply Supt., 1st floor, Paltfis Royal. G and i ith n.w. SALESWOMEN required for: Jewelry. Silverware, Stationerv, ^ 7 ' Perfumery, Women's and Children's Shoes, And other departments. Apply employment ofticc. sev enth floor, Woodward & Lothrop. SECRETARY for correspondence school In di etetics; also trained nurse assistant. Apply, 11 a.m. or 7 p.m.. at 1322 R. I. ave. n.w. SKIRT AND WAIST HAND; also apprentice. 17d7 M st. ?? SLEEVE PHAPKRS nt oiic"c~ " 1744 Q^trnT^. t)"8 STENOGRAPHER ami typewriter (exjierlenced); young lady: must be rapid, accurate and not afraid of work; permanent position to right Party; do not apply unless you arc qualified, or Interview call Mond:ty morning between t? and 10. John B. Harrell. 017 F st. n.w. ? WAITRESSES?Two first-class: no others need apply: l>est pay. 517 11th n.w. WAIST and skirt drapers. Apply 1539 Eve st. n.w.. Apt. 2. WAIST DRAPER?'Thoroughly experienced. Ap ply at once. 1(SS1 H St.. second flour. WOMAN?Refined, mature woman desiring per manent position In pleasing branch of medical work. Address Box 7?.i Star office. WOMAN, experienced, for art department, and one who can give Instructions In needlework. Apply at oncc to Manager,* Goldenberg's, 7tU and K sts. YOUNG LADIES for elocutionary contest. Ad t tress Box 107, city. MALE AMD KEMtt.E. MEN. WOMEN?Get government jobs: $90 month: 12,<>Co appointments coming: mite for list of positions. Franklin Institute. Dept. 42 II Rochester. N. Y. del"* Ml "SIC LEADER ? Small church seeks music leader who can secure and train voluntee. choir. Address Box 2. Star office. 9? PARTNER?In ladies' and gents' tallorlug; esth.; Jewish preferred. Box :niO. Star office. 8* PIANO PLAYER?Must lie good. Apply at once 719 7th st. n.w. SHORTHAND "DICTATION" by shorthand re porters; nln<? hoars n week; lieglnners' and speed classes. Success Shorthand School. Ap l?eals bldg.. 42B 5th st.. Bins. 10-20. Ph. M. <>.'?7S. W to $150 MONTH paid men and women In government Jobs; common education snfflcleM; j 1 over 12.000 appointments coming: write Im mediately for free list of position*. Franklin Institute. Dept. 40 II. Rochester, N. Y. ' DOMESTIC. COOK?Good, plain cook, to take full charge; will pay $30 per mo. to start, with board and room. Apply 201 1 st. n.w. COOK, home work and laundry: small family; ref. required. Apt. 407. the Alabama. 8* COOK for small boarding house. Apply 940 22nd st. n.w. COOK and laundress: woman. 1332 31st st. n.w. COOK and general housework: need not apply if canuot cook. 45 You n.w. COOK AND GENERAL HOUSEWORK ER-No washing: stay nights: reference required. 3708 Morrison St.. Chevy Chase. P. C. COOK and general housework; stay nights; ref erences. ;:720 Morrison St.. Chevy Chase. D. C.* COOK?Colored; stay nights. Primrose st.. Chevy Chase. Phone Clev. 54Q. COOKS (2). colored women, refs.; colored wom an, general housework, ref.; cook (white wom an), 2 In family; colored butler, ref. North west Employment Agency. 1111V. U at. n.w. Phone N. 3078. ? ? GENERAL HOUHEWORKElt - Good, reliable girl; small family; must have Hood reference. 1423 Q n.w. GENERAL IIOUSEWORKER?Experienced. Ap ply 2827 13th n.w. GENERAL IIOUSEWORKER?GIN; good wages to competent person; reference required. 3815 Jenifer st. n.w. GENERAL HOl'SEWORKBlt-^oirl; family of three; no laundry: stay nights If necessary. 3 West Irving at.. Chevy Chafse. Md. 13* GENERAL HOUSEWORK Kit-Woman to cook and do general housework* tao hi famllv. Ai> ply HB3 S st. GENERAL IIOUSEWORKER-Colored woman To cook, wash and iron; good wages. Phone Col. 4Q17. Apply 747 Qwebec n.w. j>? GIRL?To wait on talde and do chambermaid work; can stay nights; wages. $15 per month. 1020 17th. ft. n.w. $? MAN and wife-Man as butler, wlft> as cook and laundress. Apnly 2119 B at. jnornlogs between 19 ar.d 12. Must have references and star nights. NT USE (white) wanted to assist in taking care of two children, one 20 nnd the other 8 months old: permanent place with good pay. Address Box ?7. Star office. 0* I NL'RSK (white) for children; atay nights. Apply i after e p.m.. Olymphi Apt.. 14tU and Euclid sts. n.w. j WOMAN?For general housework; stay nights; food wages; small family. Call 211 Oak ave.. 1 akoma. D. C. 14* WANTED?SITUATIONS. j MALB. "" BOOKKEEPER?Flrst-claa* credit and offlcu man: liigli-cla*s. energetic; expeiicu.ed In ex- I ecutive capacity and as correspondent; well reioniiuendeJ. Address I'. O. Box 2405. Sta tion G. BOOKK EKPER. employed, wishes to change IKMitlon; can use tyi>ewritcr; lublt* eorroct; quick and accurate worker; best reference. Box 1.1. Star office. BUTCHER?Yogng man, recently arrived in this country, ha*iig uo knowledge ?f English. best speaking French and Italian, wlaltes position as butcher, where skill Is required; willing to go to country i good references. F. C. R.. Star offiec. Bl TLEU -Young cotorcc! nmH .wants place as butler or to care for bachelor apt.: first-class waiter; ref. Call or address J. Y.. 120C E st. o*__ t'HAl'FFEI'R. colored; sober ami careful driver. ?'tu reference. 2M1 Q ?t. n.w. 14? CHAl'FFEJB White! good habits. <s refill driver: light repalrinn; refa. tiU lltii st. Piwne t oj. 125. Apt. :t. 14? CHAI Fl- El K-<Viinix>t?iit, white. (I years' prac tical experience: reliable; highest city refer Address Hoye. care of Mr. Holland Perk, Glsh t.arage. j j* CHAUFFEUR, experienced. mhitt; does own re- j ^'re:K00?l r*'?*?nes; waxes. Box 4i*s. otar otflcp. CHAl FFEUB?Would like to have a position for my chauffeur; he la first-class repairer. v*ry carrfnl driver and would like to get him in a good ponitlon as I am leaving city. Ad <lr*n* Box :'.42. Star office. jl? CHAUFFEUR. cook, coachman or butler, by ?L "* reference* iSTJStXjtsl r' ^?" CLERK In geuentl merchandise; six years' ex. perlence: good references. F. S. E.. two ?th **? WANTED?SITUATIONS. MALE (continued) MAX-Colored, married wants place on farm: experienced poultrvnwn and gardener: first class refs. Q. A. A.. Star office. !?* MORNl.NO and evening work, by student. Ad dress 1614 15th st. n.w. Phone N. 4095. OKCI1ARD MAN- Experienced In all kiuds of orchard work: also a first class packer wants position near Washington on a "commercial orchard of some size; married man. with small family. L. II. Taylor. Lincoln. \a. in* PHARMACIST?Student In pharmacy wants posi tion in drug store. Box 200, Star office. 8* SALKNMAN for Saturday evenings; young man experienced in men's furnishings. Box Star office. * WAITfcll (experienced!, Howard .student; morn ings and evenings. 1430 Sw .in st. n.w. 10* YOUNG ATTORNEY. g<M. I vteiM>irrapber.<|csir' w?irk to do in the evpinfr. H"> Star offi.?? iOl'NO man. well educated, ?ho cau speak nnd write SpaDish and English and knows Latin Terv well, wants position: he typewrites, too; liest references. Bov "41. Star office. 10s FEMALE. COMPANION?To invalid or elderly lady: re _flne<Mady wants a place. Phono Main 7066. 8* FURRIER?Heltne fur corns, alter to tit: make fashionable muff. Practical Furrier, 707 G at. ii.V. ? HOUSEKEEPER?By need? widow iwhitci, ni manager of rooming house or clean up offices or private ajturtnients. Box 25. Star otliee. ;i* NURSE Hrainedi. knowledge stenograph*'. type writing, as companion. secretary; willinc to travel. Main WW. Apt. 47. * XI'ltSE- graduate; all eases reasonable. Phone N. , <i* PLPIIjS wanted to coach in arithmetic by cx iM-rietns'd teacher; v.lll come to the house. !>'"*. 23rd at. Plione West ??5-M. SKAMSTRKSS. 3520 Center st. n.w. Phone Col. .'C133. ft? SKIRT HAND? Situation wanted b', skirt hand on tailored skirts. Box 317. Star ofHi-r. 11* MAliE AND FEMALE. EDITOR and journalist will conduct library research. revise and type manuscript. rend proof; moderate chn.-gc. Address 14<>7 ('hapin at. !!? DOMESTIC. BUTLER, liellnian. |iortcr or work of any kind Ry experienced. iutelllseni young colored man. ?ith good references. Boxrl:!. Star office. !?* RL'TLER'S |iosltIon wauteil by a neat colored tnwn. Apply Box 17. Star office. ;t? CHAMBERMAID an.1 waitress or chnmbermail and laundress--Bv a neat colored girl. Add res j card. .lt?20 15th st. M. V. B. 8* COOK - Place In private family by a reliable colored woman. Call or write 24'i 3rd st. s.w. * COOK AND OKNEIIAI. HOUSEWORK by col ored girl. 61 N st. n.w. COOK -Plain, also chambermaid, for two colored wouien; stay nights. ?|K lltli st. u.?. !>* COOK?Competent, by reliable white woman; l?est reference. Call 243 1 N st. n.w. COOK First-class pastry cook wishes position. 1510 M st. n.w. COOKS?Experienced: two neat, reliable girls: j good, plain, economical; chambermaids and waitress. Call 2300 I. st. n.w. !t* COOKS, housemaids and ge.ieral workers, white and -colored, city mid suburbs: best of refer ences. Call Mrs. Murphv, 1121 17th st. n.w. Phone N. 2150. GENERAL HOUSEWORK?By settled woman, in small family. 1833 T St. n.w. GENERAL HOUSEWORK by honest country girl. 432 S st. n.w. * HOUSEMAN AND COOK - First-class, by man aud wife, with city reference. 1013 18tii st. n.w. / In* LAUNDRY WORK?By u good laundress to take home. Phone North 2<1-M. 1515 T st. n..v. 14* MORNINO WORK rim] washing for small fam ily In apt., by colored girl. 505 21st st. n.w. NURSE (white, settled) for elderly ladv and child; city reference. Apply by letter, D, II., 1427 Wis, ave. _ WASH morning or evening, or small washing, by young colored woman. 11211 2tith st. ii.vv. WASHING, ironing, by the day, to go out or at home. 11(10 L n.w. WASHING to take home or daj^'s worL- by first class lanndress. ?22 W st. n.w. 8* WORKINO HOUSEKEEPER to gentleman In o7 fice or very small family; refs. Box 3u4. Star office. ? 10* WANTED?MISCELLANEOUS. ONE DOUBLE BRASS BED?FOR BRASS twin bed*. 1644 1'ark road. ? . WANTED?COLLECTIONS OF UNITED STATES and foreign stamps; highest cash prices paid at the OLD RELIABLE STAMP STORE. 100T. 7tli at. n.w. 14* HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD OOLD, silver and diamonds FOR MANUFACTURING PURPOSES. SAKS OPTICAL CO.. 70S 7th st. n.w. WANTED?UPRIGHT PIANO; STANDARD make; good condition; cash. Box 365, Star office. 9* HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR WORN garments; ladies', gentlemen's, children's shoes and hats. Address postal. I will call. A. KEBESKY. 0<t2 4*- s.w. Ph. M. 5800-M. WANTED?ALL. THE OLD. USELESS GOLD and silver lying Idle In your possession. Dia monds. Jewelry aud silverware bought and sold. C. F. KARR. Jeweler. (S14 13th St.. aliove F. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR WORN c'othlng. ladies', gents" and children's shoes and lints: send postal or phone; will call. J. TARSHKS. 1308 7th n.w. Phone Nortii 4-*>. WANTED- FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. W1LI. par vou best cash prices. Call at your con - veulence. AMERICAN FURNITURE HOUSE. 814 E st. n.w. Phone Main 4110. WILL CALL IN MY UNLETTERED WAGON, city or suburbs, and pay you highest prices for ladles', gentlemen's, children's discarded cloth ing of ail descriptions. Address postal or phono. I will call. W. RICE. 1332 7th n.w. N. 1735. WE NEED FURNITURE. STORE FIXTURES, stocks of groceries and indse. of all kinds, of fice furniture, etc. Are willing to pay for it. D. NOTES. 015 La. ave. n.w. Phone M. 3000. LAW BOOKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND government documeuts. THE OLD BOOK SHOP, 50(1 lltli st. n.w. notice: pawn tickets cashed. LOUIS ABRAHAMS. S15 O st. Opposite Patent Office. Second-hand diamonds nnd jewelry bought. DIAMONDS, OLD GOLD. SILVER. PLATINUM, rare coins and curios Imught and sold. Established 18GC. BURNSTINE'S. 301 Pn. ave. n.w. WANTED?Diamonds, watches. Jewelry of all description; oid gold, silver aud platinum; shot guns, rifles, revolvers, cameras and lenses; highest cash prices pabl. Groee's. Uth and E. WANTED?FURNITURE FOR OAS11. SELL your good4 to the man who gives you the moat money. HOPWOOD'S*. 8th and K. ABF. ABRAHAMS. 433 Oth N.W.. MAIN 5504. wjl! pay the highest cash prices for DIA MONDS. GOLD. SILVER. PLATINUM. PAWN TICKETS. COINS and JEWELRY. THE BETTER CLASSES OF FURNITURE AND art objects are collected here and the highest possible price paid for them. Send postal. EDW. COOPER. 814 F st. Ph. M. 1292. CASH FOR FURNITURE! Patronirfc firm that gives the most money. THE SQUARE DEAL FURNITURE CO., 501 Eye st. n.w. Drop iiostnl or phone Main ."63<;. WE'LL BUY IT! Bring your pawn ticket, old gold, diamonds, etc.. aud get cash price and "a square deal" from GRF.BN fc CO.. 5Q5V. 11th ft. n.w. Ph. M. 8714. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES OF ALL DE script Ions liought. sold ami exchanged. Stock of all kiuds lioiight. Phone Main 250. WASH INOTOX SHOW CASK EXi;iL. 025 La. ave. WANTED - FURNITURE, PIANOS. CARPETS, etc. Phone M. 12s2 for wagon, or have us call. "WKSCHLEirs." 920 Pa. ave. n.w. WANTED TO BUY OLD t'EATIlKR BEDS and furniture. Wbv not drop postal to an old reliable firm? H. MARKS. 424 10th sr.. oppo site the Uns office, or phone f"ol. 961-M. Household Needs reliable business announcements Arty one dea/ing with the . -"'Vowinf firms a/rtw/cf receive oalisfa-ctory service felcphoiie any one below, mentioning 1'he Star. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS awxix?;s. COPKLANL) AWNINGS ADJUSTED WITH Cope I and fixtures; prices reasonable: prompt ?*rvlc*; work guaranteed. M. O. COPELA.\T> COMPANY. 403 Uth st. Phone M. 3410. CAMERAS AND PHOTO SUPPLIES. EVERYBODY PHOTOGRAPH* nowadays; East man goods are best; prices, $1 to $25: films mud sup)JU;s. Itefelopluj and printing. M. Blnn?epfeiii. Jeweler. 30|t: 14u, at. Ph. Col. 773. C'AHPEMTKHS A .Ml Ul!|LDER8. HUCK BUILDS. Construction that f ands paramount for thor ougBness. Get his estimate for carpentering S2* C' K HUCK. 1727 Pa. ave. IT>. M. S132-M. WEATHER STRIPS FURNISHED AND PUT in; carpenter work, large or small: reasonable prlee*. C. D. COLLINS, 719 18U> st. n.w- Phone M. 1543. CONTRACTOR AND Bt 'ILDER^AND GF.NERAL repair work a specialty. It will pav you to *et my bid. L. H. ZIMMERMAN, 1S12 K n.w. Phone M. 030T-M. carpet cLEAiyiyc.. CARPETS THOROUGHLY AND C^HCFlTlY ciesnotl; vugs woven ft??ro old cnriH-ts; mat tf<Wa reOovsted. Estimates .famished. AL BKRT KAHLERT A CO.. :C.2 B at. a.w. M.atXW. THE REM A KING OK AN OLD CARPET ? wBen properly done luakcs the buying of a new one ut|nc?v?sjtry. Pt,. \|. 2056 for BAIR, 1023 12tB ?t. Clomiin^ aii<l ri'iiairing. THE ^SERVANT PR Is readily solved by a little Ad in the "Help Domestic" column of The Star. STAR WANT ADS GET GOOD SERVANTS BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. (LKtthG \\I) PHKSXIXi. WE KEEP MEDI DRESSED WBLb BY (LEAN inj am! pressing their clothes bv our now meth od. I,A MODE i.'ljEAMMj AND PRESSING CO.. 1408 I Ft. Phone Main 3118. CURTAIN CLEANING. LACK CURTAINS, BED SETS. CENTER pieces, everything lace, wc clean; work called for an<l delivered. Phone Line. 3770. 1114 11 li.e. .T. J. PEE. E1,E( TRIf \l, SUPPLIES. ELECTRIC LIGHT: MORE LIGHT AND LOW er cost from MADZA LAMPS Ihan old stvle Ihiii[(s. Every one uses them. CAHR< ?LL ELEC H!H' 514 1?tli si. n.w . I'll. M. 7320-732L FOB THE LADIES. OCR SPEC IALTY IS ORIGINATING AND COPV Injj any design from any fashion book and cut tin;; patterns to tit any figure from r>:? cents up. The Bauphman College. 72:: 1ltb si. INi. M.762.1. LADIES" CAPITAL IIAT SIlol'--.V>s Tltli ST? n.w., 3rd tl.. next to Crown Lunch. Velvet, plush, beaver, felt, velour hats remodeled Into l itest styles. Buckram and wire net frames. PHONE M. 1720 OU DROP POSTAL and iniiii call (o give estimate on rcsilvering old mlrrurs: quadruple plate. THE MIRROR SHOP. M. B. BROTSKY. Prop., 021 7th st. DINNER FAVORS ARE ONE OF ?iLRSPECIAI. tles; large variety to selec1 from; ail prices; Dolly Madison candles fresh every hour. 720 11th at. l'h. your order. II. ,r>i:;4. Open Sundays. THE POLLET OSTRICH FEATHER WORKS can In- depended upon for strictly tirst-class i work in every brain li of their special business. Established 1S72. New store at 1322 G st. n.w. FELT AND BEAVER HATS REBL'ICKED into the new fall and winter shapes. Bnckram frames a specialty. Mrs. E. McCAFFERTY. 1211 <1 st. n.w. MY SEWING MACHINE REPAIR WORK HAS stood the lest for over ::o years, the result of expert factory experience; duplicate parts and supplies for all makes. WM. STIERELING. 1751 Pa. :ivc. n.w. Estali. 1S77. Kb. M. 251S. REMODELING FURS REDYEING AND RIC-: pairing. The work dune is exceptionally good, i Our people can get the most striking effects at | very little cost. TALBERT. 710 11th. * THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL -#00 DROPHEAD i Singer, SIS; S'Vi Standard. Sir., Machines s.sld ! ^5 np: easy payments, Repairing, rent ins, sup plies. Ph. M. 323.1. LARIvIN 3rd & II sts. n.w. Let our TRAINED CORSF.TIERE come to your home anJ take your measure for a SPIREI.LA CORSET. M. C. TR1BBV. 40 C st. n.e. Phone Linen. 210.". Repairing. altering and la'inde;ing a specialty. SPECIAL FOR TH1S~WEEK. ~ 1{ EU PIIOI.ST E RIN G. o-piece suites (heavy tapestry I?SS.75 & $13.75. U. S. Upholstering Co.. C31 F at. n.w. Ph. M. T032. ' S? I VACUUM LAI"NDERING?NO WASHBOARD. : Compressed air. suction, water, soap, do all. ' Half your washable garments saved yearly. ; Waists, lingerie, laces, returned within 48 hours. VACUL'M CLOTHES WASIIK.I. 1110 G st. n.w. REMODELING V.'OMEN'S SCITS IS FEATURED liere. Last season's garments are Iwouyht up to j the latest mode at reasonable < ost. Furs and I fur coats rellned and remodeled. Low prices, j WASH. TAILOHINC CO.. 1)21 G <t. M. 41)7:;. j 1I RS REMODELED AND REPAIRED BY EX- j pert furriers; low prices; also sani;le> of la- ; dies" outer garments at ba'f price. 7th and E i sis. n.w.. above People's Drig Store. FEATURING MAKING HATS INTO THE LAT est styles, also reblocklng. cleaning. etc. Splen- ' did showing of rcady-lrimme<I hals. CRYS TAL DRESSMAKING PARLORS. 1*25 11 st. MILL1N Eli. ARTIST IC. STY LIS 1 iT IIOM E < IR : out; moiicralc; feathers made. dyed, cleaned, j curled: bat frames. Phone M. (KJ13-AI. S')4 10th st. n.w. Formerly 1010 1 st. n.w. THE NEW FI R SHOP? EXCLI SIVE MODELS in furs of ijualitv. Sets and coats <jf rare | merit. W. ROSENDOItF. 1213 G. Dyeing, repairing. SPECIAL KID GLOVK< CLEANED. H] 10 and I,-, cents a pair. NEWPORT DYE WORKS. French dry cleaners and garment dyers, 2U22 P st. Phono West 1H14. i LADIES* velour. beaver and felt bats dyed and remodeled into the latest creations. Prices con sistently lov%' with tlie best workmanship. ? Vienna Hat Co.. 410 Otli n.w. M. 073J*. [ ALL KINDS OF LADIES' HATS?FELT. BEA ver. silk, etc.?cleaned, blocked and remodeled after latest; Iwst work guar.; low prices. D. Neufehl's Hat Store. S14 9th, bet. II & I n.w. $1.00. All kinds of sewing machines repaired and warranted. Phone or postal. OPPENHEIMER'S, .c00 E st. n.w. HEALTH MOVEMENT. VIAVI SCIENCE OF HEALTH- FREE LECTURE . for women Wednesday. 3 p.m. Natural, non surgical; cloth-l-ound, 400-page bo:>k free. 01(5 Colorado bnliding. MATTRESS MAKING. HAIR AND FELT MATTRESSES RENOVATED and remade. S2; all work I v experts and guar anteed first-class. CAPITOL BEDDING CO., 1241 7th n.w.; phone N. 520. PAUVTING AX1) DECORATING. PAINTING. DECORATING, PLASTERING AND jobbing; neat and iinick service. Phone Col. .'?313. 3010 Sherman ave. n.w. F. P. Cook & Bro. PIANO TUNING. i I/)WEST PRICKS. WORK GUARANTEED. GIVE US A TRIAL. PIANO EXCHANGE. 1237 G ST. N.W. I'HOM" MAIN 3.<fU. TUNING. $2, BY EXPERT. PLAYER-PIANO and organ work guaranteed. Phone Main 268 or drop postal card. HERMAN'S PLAYER-; PIANO SHOP, 1420 Pa. ave., next door to ? Poll's Theater. j "5 PLUMBING AND HEATING. CALL MAIN 712J-.M OR DROP POSTAL AND | get my estimate; tirst-clrsa work, lowest rate*. Jobbing. K. RABBITT. Remodeling, 460 II at. s.w. HI G WKAVINti. BF.AUTIFLL RCGS WOVEN from old carpets bv the WASH INGTON RFC. WEAVING CO.. lt."l .'.111 s>. n.w. Main 4020. SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE. MRS. II. BI.OM^RKN. M. G.. OF SWEDEN; massage and tmifc;nent cure. Swedish system. For ladies only lit their residence. 1220 12tU u.w. Phone Nofth 140$. j ANNA B. JOHNSON. SCIENTIFIC MASSEI'SE. specialist in all hrnnc.n-s nervous (roubles, j rheumatUui aicj no-r eirculHtloii; appointment by phone. Ph. N. 1005. 1014 15th st. n.w. SLIP COVERS. SLIP COVERS MADE TO ORDER. oOe EACH Cieee; workmunship guaranteed; all scams tape ound. Write or phone NATIONAL SLIP COVER CO.. 57 II n.w. Phone Line. 3o4. TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED AND overhauled bv expert mechanic. Prices reasonable. CAPITAL TYPEWRITER REPAIR CO.. Ph. Linen. 4005-M. ? 1111 Mh st. n.e. VACUUM CLEANING. ELECTRIC AND HAND OPERATED VACITM i CLEANERS RENTED. $1.00 PER DAY; i OPEJLATORS FCRNISIIED IF DESIRED. room :?03. Mi-gill ri.dg. phone m. :i37o. W ALL PAPERS. HARRISON k CO.'S I'APERl I ANGERS AND painters are picket! er:|iert* ?ho iwr fall to please. lowest prices on papering, painting or glazing. I'll. North 17:!3 for est!. 1540 0th n.w. 21* _j CONVENIENT?OUR NORTHWEST SIIOW^ room, S2U 14th st. n.w.; paperhangint: and painting. JOHN R. MAHONEY. Store, 324 Pa. ave. s.e. Phones Main 7000; iHiicn. 550. WALL PAPER AND PAINTING WORK DONE right aud promptly; prlivs right. 1'houe or drop postal. II. L. HLTCHINGS. l?43 O st. n.w. Phone N. 5248. PAPERHANG1NG. PAINTING A DBCORATINtI, in all Its branches; cheaper than any firm In the city. I "HAS. It. HYSAN, 204 East C?:i 1 tol st. Phone Linen. 2230 for estimate. PAINTING. AND PAPERHANGING?MAKE THE house i-07.\ snd attractive for winter now with new null papers and the necessary painting. J. C. REYNOLDS, till II n.e. PU. L. 377#. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. WI \ UO W CLE A \ l\(T HOW A BOl'T DIRTY WINDOWS? WHITE ?""'l'; moderate prices. Phone M 7139. LEON L. CAUOO.N. ?" '"dow Cleaning C.n. twi o st. a.w. 3USINESS OPPORTUNITIES! BOARDING and rooming house, nicely furnished, ? ?'v,'r-, roon' ful,: on K between Uth ?i'"I f',r ??'le. Box 418, Star office. B,.S'N!':SS "ftl ;?'"s?ai merit and offering wow dcrful |tos?ih1lltics for profit. recently In corporated ami now oi>crat1ug here. offers large Mock interest In company for Slno eash. For lujrticnlars- und nppolntmeut to visit factorv and investigate the business. with ? view to imesting if suIisficd. address Honest Onpor "nntv. Star office. jj? C.U'ITAJy With or without tier vices. WouTii finance legitimate growing business or would consider new enterprise In manufacturing or re.all lines. < an furnish up to $5.0ot). Only part ies of character. al.illty and AI reference "ceil address Box i;T. Star offli-e. ll? CAPITA I, Wanted. $L?*I0 additional canPat: pav 2iK't dividends. Address Box :I32 Star office. j j, E X'' H A X G E - -Ss<H) S% preferred stock in lo.*al company for good iiutouioldle. Address Box M. it. Star office. CHICKEN BI'SiXKSS; eti paying basis: n.w. of the city; stock and equipments north price asked. Cigar. newsstand, candy and fruit store; no lietter located and paying stand in the n.w. at price; $450: half cash, balance monthly. Drug store; old anil prominent stand In DIs irict: rent, $25; receipts. $20 day; best of rea sons for sacrificing; terms. Grocery. well located on Bowen road s e ; j price, including acres of land and improve- | mints, only $2,000: half cash, balance to suit. \ Lunchroom: downtown business and sliopping district: receipts, $o0 day; snap at $700. Rooming house, corner s.e.; handsomely fur nished; only $450. Also corner rooming and Isiariling iiouse. downtown section; half value at J1.S00. - XKW YliliK RFSINESS BROKERS, nil p. GENERAL MERCHANDISING STORK, nearbv Md. town; a well paying proposition for the right party; investigate; price $2,500 Hardware; one of the best corners in the ci,J" $350 C!gar. confectionery and periodical g.-ods, n.e. section: a liargaiu; see at once $500 Wholesale liquor in safe location, according to the new excise law. * We also have a number of groceries, rooming houses, to be sold at a sacrifice. Balto. Business Brokers. 504 E. GOOD business opportunity to stendv man un derstanding collecting and .soliciting; sni.ill capital required. Box 222. Star office. 8? GROCERY, corner. 71!> H n.w.: old established stand; price right. Box 4Q?. Star office. 10? GROf'KRY STORK and fixtures; good reason for selling. Ai.nlv tttli and It s.e. j GROCER) A XT) I.IQI OR STORK?Good safe; i n.w. corner; goou reason for selling. Box .12.", Star ?:ffi~e. jj? j GROCERY SI ORE?Kiue location; good business; long lease; must sell: no reasonable oiler te fnsed. Address Box i!54. Star office. $? I.I NCHROOM in the liest location of tiie city; doing good business; owner leaves th- country; ' ? heap to quick buyer. Address Box B. E. J..' Star office. MANfFACTI'RING COMPAXY will admit voting, ambit ions partner: one w1k> is willing to take active interest aud mis 'work with bra'ns. Address Box IS, Star office. .MOVING PICTCRE THEATER for sale; 500 ca liacily; owner leaving city. Box 1. Star office. OUSTER IIOI SE s.e.: rent. $25: $.150. Lunch room. near I'iiIoii station: rent, *20: nlcc. i lean, paying place; asking $280. Also luncli ro>in, "Mil st. n.w.; give away at $800. Lunch room downtown; rent, $.10; will sacrifice for F.iiiic'uroom_ neitr rath and N. Y. arc. n.w.: receipts, fl.i per day: large and well equip ped: will sacrifice for $l,:)00. Grocery n.w.; rooms rent, $.10; $1,500. Gro cery s.e.: rent. $15; usklng $250. Grocery n.e.: rent. $21: rooms; $225. Light grocery ami cfgr.r store; owner away; your price takes it: , location the 1-est. Oyster house s.e.; cheap wit: asking $:!50t Employment agency; chance for lady. Hotel. SO rooms: hot-water beat: rent. $100: receipts. $1.0110 per mouth: this place turning people away every day. Rooming. 0th st: 22 rooms; rent. $40: with small repairs this can be sold for $1,200; price $000. Marshall Business Brokers. 01.1 X. Y. ave. 0\STER HOI SE--Excellent location: good unf its; $250 boys it this week. 408 8th st. p.c. IS* j PARTNER wanted for a good-paying furniture i business. Address Box 27.". Star office. PARTNER wanted for a good-paving furniture business. Address Box 27.1. Star office. PARTNER wanted for oyster house; wholesale and retail: sliuek on premises; or will sell. 1305 7th st. n.w. j.j? PARTNER wanted for wholesale liquor busi ness In Baltimore; established trade; must have about $lti.O00. For particulars address Box .1S4. Star office. 9? PARTNERS?Wanted, one or two partners in one of the liest paying businesses in V.'ashlng- i ton and without a competitor In this section of I the city: It will not cost you anything to in vrbtigate; good clianee to make money. Box 70. Star office. 10* PARTNERS-Wanted, one or two partners in a mall order business, which cannot possibly fall to bring results. l)o not answer unless vdti mean business and have a few hundred dol lars to invest. Address Box 2:t2. Star office.9* PARTY to back business proposition Just started; $1,000 is needed: excellent future. Box 15, Star oflic". I0? ROOMING HOI'SE? ll rooms, all full; goad profit;, must sell this week; will, sacrifice. Box Star office. 8* SOMETHING NEW?I can pogltlvelv show you how to cut your cost of power of heat and light i'i half. Particulars, address K. L. Floyd, R. i'". D. 4. Washington. D. C. ? STORE First-class delicatessen, home bakery and confectionery: corner n.w.: will sell cheap to quick buyer, inquire .1210 11th st. n.w. TAII.oit STORE for sale; ou street; sacrl fice price. Address Box 2.11. /Star office. ? ? THE MANAGEMENT of a live, profitable busi ness is offered to a wide-awake .voting man or woman to oj>eralc. or $2,000 to $.1,000 of own money, most attractive proposition to be hatl: investi^at?>. Address Box 48, Star office. \ ALL'ABLE PROPERTY overio.ikiug Delaware bay. suitable for physician or iumlier, coal and Ice husinrss. About 12 acrt-s witii iuu*rove mpnts 'and vnluable wharf. Nearest d-.ctor, 0 miles; nearest lumber yard. 13 miles. Ix>w Price, to close estate. Charles W. Reed, M)5 East Capitol st. ? TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT: yood trade; saerlfli-f- to quick buyer; with or without stock. Be.x .'171. Star office. ? WANTED At once, for cash, small grocery or rooming house. Box .187. Star office. \\ HOLESALE LIQl.'OIt HOI'SE atiout to open family liquor t-tore wants manager; nuist have lH'twecn $1,000 nn.l $5.0 >0: monn.v rveured. For iNirticuliirs lumiirp Box :^S. Star office. ?i? WKOLESALE LIQI'OR STORE-<?ld estableshfil. at a sacrifice; license grante?l: o?ner leav ?II" c'l;.* a ha run in for n quick buyer. Addn-s; Big ? -?|H?rtnnl:v. Star office. !<??? FOE SALE?MISCELLANEOUS. It OATS A.\U ACCESSORIK8. MOTOR YACHT?Thirty-six-foot.raised deck and trimk cabin inotor yacht:-factory built through out: liertbs for six: four-cylinder four-crcle motor: electric licbts. toilet, stove, sink, "lee liox. fresh-water tanjii, .wicker chairs ami com plete equipment; bargain price. Box 0"75, star office. DOGS, PETS, CATS. ETC. IRISH SETTE1L untie, thoroughbred. l5 raos? old: well broken; sohl on trial; $5?>. Harry Myers. Miller ave.;. Mertluybnrg. W. Va. '.)* PUPPY. St. Bwrnard. Iieautifally marked; r*rw reasonable: excellent pedigree. 1402 Perry ?t n.w. Ool. l?t?. PI PPIES. pointen; 2 male; thoroughbreds: handsome; make first-class field dogs; reason able. ItKi I lib n.e. miscellaneous. RABBIT ^BbIKU IHKJ.S for sale. 1?e; 1 '"'"I Hoy? ffml. Anaomtia. p. O. m1 iHi".\nU.S BirJ *nd IVt Stork Empornm. 712 1-th s?. u.w.. THK HOME OF PUTS"? anarica. parrots, rats, docs, monkey!*, rab bits, guinea pigs. poultry. gold Ash. aquarium*, med elnes for every ailment. Ask for d?it catalorw. Phone Mvln 24?1. I'I'RMTCRK. BED - Fine antique fo?i?Uii i ,.|i t -t.,N Newton st. it.w. ? j|i? DIX1XU ROOM I'ABI.E. nMiard an?l itmlr?: ViT^'L!^14 l'"r',,r ' hair*; very rvaso.mb'e. IbM .loth n.<\. Harris. ? I^ ITI RE. 1 itlranm ami dinlii: r?oni. . i:-! library table. nt a bargain; s<>-*l qiialltv. Saturday <t M .. i.ntii ii^j; K) n.w. 1*1 UXI Tl 1JK i'i,iI < oi>ioii|<. of ti rooim-. Call !? and 2 or r. nix I 7 Ap_irtm.ui f r nut. I.. S. Kami. 1<i?! Park rood. n? HAXDSOME SOUli oak Hi? KlUiARl>. l->Tn< h ?"?yel mirror; cost $75; sacr'H,-.. for $1... Wis < alrert at. HOH<KX. I'ARRIAIJKS. KTI-. T?KaTII FROM AW CAUSE " NV INSURES UVK STOCK. ?? ? EIRE AND CASUALTY. P. C. AND MI? AGENT. CO.". MASS AVE NR DRI\IXG HORSE f<ir -air; quiet: suitable for irro<-ory (ir lauudr.v waeou; ,.h ?. , K . "w. ' for hi::k- houses, cvimiiaoks. w \ou-7s7 rrvrpii^Mi.c' ???'<???? t>"!c-s. GENERAL LI IER\ CO.. Inc. rear of 3jT I*a atp. n.w Pi, -no Main 1V7. Git EAT ItAKliAIXS IN CARk7\?;ES of ail de scriptions. consisting class :iml curtain ststim wagons. e^f. broughams. landaus, opera and note. buses. tnliyjio cosch. Brewster brake horse siiow rtiiialxmts. '-w sijow gles. minia ture victorias; over J50 lo set?ct from; rl?> Imported s.ncl.. nn,| double harness. Kngllsh pad dle*. bridles nnd robes. ,,??y vehicles mid har ness. V. illaril Storage. 400 14th st n.w. ? * large assortment of wagcus madi> hf the most reliable firms, suitable for any busi ness, also a full line of harness. See us sod get our prices. W. E. VAN DKUSEX & CO. . ?"?-?87 .T280 M st. n.w. HORSK. II years old. just from eountrv: $S0; driven by lady; stands with weight. 3005 P st. I HORSES AND MT LES "There are 11;or** hordes and mules of the right kind shipped t.rre for I sale than any other coneem In town e-ii linn die. Our daily sales, .-is ?ell ns tb ? remlir i Monday auetivns. are full .if rren! opp..i tuul i ^ on ran find Un* Hi bort1 v.?u doihJ I any tlmi* you IIEI.IAIll.K UOItSE AXI? MI I.E CO 21'.' 1Kb st. n.w. HORSE for sale; cheap: yoiiiitr, sound drlviiis [ horse; no |rjek?. At 172t4 st. n.n. n* l HORSE. yearn old. eity broken P. E. PunT I ill rev s Store. 7ih.ant| K sts. n.e. ' *!!"-? 'wy u,,d waom for sal~ Inouire Tt : '?<? It st. n.w. Mr. John llarrutig. p* HORSES?lo fresh from Virgfn'a and Maryland? r>a.j.? ?'??OOO-lbs. einiage. wago'u and sadd'c liors-'s; f, second hand liorses. cheap, j I* st- n.w. Phone N. 33. II1 'V Olj UAX [ TO BUY. sell, hire or exchange horses, earriages. harness, etc.. see WM F DOWNEV. 1620 I62S L st. n.>V. EveryVttns strictly as represented. LARGE b'nek horse. 7 years old; absolutely f?"n?U auilable for hearse -jr coal business. 1330 U ?>t. Cross. jj? PARTY owning lino driving hors^anTTarriage will give fre?]uent use to responsible pnrlv who will share expense of keep. Address Box ::77 stnr ofnro. jrEATFORM TOP WAOOX. cost $1X0; ?sed bui shon time; will sell rearonable. Barker's sj i. bles. New York ave. j4? MOTOR UYfLKS ,\XD IIICYCLBW. BICYCLE. Mitchell, for sale; <*oastcr brakes mud guards; $1*,. law C st. n.e. SICCOXII-IIAXD MOTOR CVCLES ? ,\ PKW pnranteed slightly used machines can be ;n''Rtht :1' bargains; cash or payments. BEIt ll\ MAX A- W II.I.IAMS. ;H2 nth st. Main 41S0. SEE PS If ytni want to buy or sell a used motor cycle. We liare the iiest selection o( machines in tilt' city from $2."? up (anytliins >*on want). Motor Cycle Exchange. T. X. Mjidd. Jr.. Inc.. S21 Oth st. Phone Main 2.W). W'AXTED? Motor cycle (twin) Immediately for eash. Call 7-S p.m. 2.Vil llth n.w. 9* MUSICAL iySTRLMEXTS. EOR SALE?NEW I PRIOHT PIANO; just re cpiTcci from tho factory; fine tone; inaliocan? ease; great bargain. 3614 Rock Creek ChurcL road. HAV,-f " Decker Bros, upright plai o. In excellent condition: will sell cheap for lack of furthe: use. Address Box 3?0, Stnr office. j KNABE PIAXO?Will sell for $1S0. 1237 G it" | n.n*. PIANO, upright, mahogany. $sj; g<vKl condition and willing to take part eash. Call M. :?34. ? PIAXO. UPRIGHT. iu sell to Immediate pun-haser for $7#. Can be seen evenings. 1237 G sr. n.w. PI,^?L..U|)riKilt- uemr,y new: sacrifice. Box l^o. ?>tar olPrc. PI-AYER PIANO. 88-note. mahogany case: rolls must sell at once. Box 124. Star office. SPECIAL line bargain In a Bradbury upright; excellent condition; one of the best grades; >115 to quick purchaser. Hugo Worch. 11 JO O. THREE remarkable bargains in upright pianos H' f'?i $12."? ami $145; cost more than double: will accept $."> monthly payments. K. G. Smith Piano Co.. 1217 F st. n.w. twelfth anxivkrsary salk. ' SPECIAL SALE OF USEU PIANOS AND PLAY Kits. $^00 Koliier & Cumpbell $145 $300 Howard .77. I1B0 $430 Ilardmnn J175 $000 Stelnway "."."liao $400 Kimball $15o $33<? Marslmil &. Wendell *.'$175 SS00 Billingd. upright ." $75 $450 Hallet & Davis, upright $75 $800 Chk-kering <?>??* PLAYERS. $?00 Behning $330 $6.T0 Autoplauo 'V-i-a $B75 Antfelus .$330 ANY PIANO PELIVERKD ON PAYMENT OF $10. JL'RLG PIAXO CO.. ? G st. at 13tb. WILL TAKE 3-our old piano or organ as flnt payment on any new high-grade player or piano. New S8 note players, $375. New pianos, $200. Easy terms. No iuterest charged, fno slightly used uprights. $100. Piano tun ing. $1.50. Grafonolas, $15 up. Latest rec ords. 05c. Heliiig Bros., Estali. 31 years, 1743 ?th ?t. ' r,, $395.00. Pl*yer-piano, 88-uote, mahagon.r case. Standard make; cost $700. Box 34. Star office. ~~ $175.00. " upright piano, mahoganv case. Been.used three months. Cost $400. Box 35. Star office. POULTRV AXD KGGS. 1IKXS AND PCLLETS ? Tlioroughbred sj C* Rhode Island Red: *10 and #12 per doz It L. Pickett. Alexandria. Va. It. F. D.. No. 2. SKWIWG MACHINES. pictorial RE\ IKW PATTERNS nuw on sale. New $45 Standard Grand sewing machine, used 3, weeka, J?.on; tine drop-heud Singer. $15 51) < "me ,und see them. 2Hr.t 14th st. Ph. X. i:uk?. ? SEWIXC MACHINE BARtiAINS at ..13 Pa. avo. s.e. Dro|ihcad machines from ?? ul'-' "thcrs. $:; up. Renting and repairini. New Singers, OlM. the ll?htest silent sewing machine in the world; try one. Terms to suit Phone Line:;. 44ft. G. C. Smith. 50<-- WEEKLY PAYMENTS. 5(i7 DAVIS SEWING MACHINES. $16 up. ens;.- itaynieuts; $12 up. cash. 1"^ repair estimates. SH3 ?th u.w. Ph. 31. Xiiit. 3 1 N.? ^'-"P head Household. $ 15: New .Standanl. *S; S ngcr. $10; 50o a week. Rent ing and repairing. open evenings. H. B. Given. C2o Pa. ?ve. s.c. Ph. Ijiien. 3672. tvpkwriters. DON'T BUY A -TYPEWRITER L'NTIL YOU machinesprlces' Bi? on all. Stanlard 730 14th ST. N.W'. Phone Main 6601. T? B'TEtt?:Blickecsderfer road ma liine and oo! l?r fa8L'' S'sxl as new: less than half cost. ?-l B st. n.w.. liefore 3 p.m. S* TaninhVK,iTER "ENTAL SERVICE. 3li Itaa Pi, Norlil "12s M- Densmores c^. t.w'r. * r' ""Wifely: Remingtons. Olivers. I- C. Smith. Royal, 2ii? ?; $-.-j; lnder-.voods. Monarchs. $2.50. _ Reduction.if paid 3 or t; month. I;i advaaee. MISI KLLANF.OI S. AI^l'ING MACHINE ? Burroughs adding ms enlnc. No. l>, with wide carriage, eliminating ana non-add keys; can be bought at a bar gain. Address Wo. .Sliedd Holton, 1311 U st. u.w. APPLE CIDER?The New Yorii state pure ?Pl^** rI(i?>r. V th- lib!., keg or gallon. THE STANDARD WORKS. I hotw Linen.. I?a4. 7th and (j sts. a.e. ALTOMt?BILE and carriage robes. 500 large size; heavy and vaterproof; chsace buy from manu facturer overstockeil; your gain; $!> robe*. $5; other bargains in proiiortion. Wll'nnl Storage. 4?9 14tli st. n.w. AWNlN?;s AND WINDOW SHADES- We make a specialty of tirst-ela^s opaque shades buns at 50e each. A card will brlui; salesman. It. ?\ M. Burton & Son. IH1 E n.w. Plioiie M. ;U!<4. BEAUTIFUL gray kid fur set. $12; tiger s-?t. $12; canary set. $14;. maenifli-eut black set. ? $17.30:' latest models, direct fmai maker; an swer for Interview and examination of furs* you will save 1WI#. Box 3MI. Star office. BONE CUTTER ? Mann power bone cutter; good as new; $25. E. Rice, Box 75. Vienna Va. - 10* BRICKS, lumber, mantels, doors, aaaa, wludo**, e|c.. second-hand. II. J. pblllipi, 210 North Capitol St.. or buy, a house complete. . CARDS-Beautiful Florentine Christmas cards, calendars and novelties: uo others like them in th? city. 290U Mozart place n.w.. u.-ur Col. road and ITtli st. s? CUX5CS, 'JO% off;. closing-out sale: Christmas gifts .and wedding presents can bo bought at nanraln prices. Carl A. iKmbel, jeweler. I40v " 14th at. Ph. N. 2017. 1" t:?5<n off o? all stock FOR SALE?MISCELLANEOUS MISCKLLAX HOLM (loot!? uH.T CARPET I'tvnch U IHoii: 2"\22 feet: hfVfr ill one-fifth its cost. inquire at Ntc olairtes. 1100 II st. ii.w. IO* main _ _ hand for big value w hen yon flixl It. and It's lion- lit shape of a fine lot ?f 515 fairs new |wm? rt $2 i<> i also showing a Ktnrr full good *|u?I ity :in<l condition slightly used overcoat*, to *lo look thetn over. Jnsth's n|?l Slainl. j j "UP price. 019 D. ! CLOTH IMS?tSettlng the tight start 1* ttie thing. and tliat tneans having cash on tin it i Cul t Klv I KN, gas utovf. latfol*. automobile ! delivery vvason. l*nkirt Vtiksniilit; Tire Stv?p. 7".!I Kith si. n.w. C'tWS for wile 0 good family inn's: "rn'lr J?r Ii. A. \atton. St. I'|jm>, Alfl. <-o., i Vh. 14* I *'?\Y> | iirif* (PKti'il fr<->-'i cm * (j'i;fl condition: j ?!ii nitlk ronte If desired. V. Goentier. Ten ! uja,.v . n. r. n? | D. A ' ii ? \. ? --Will sa< rlfi.-c my diamond ring. 1 ? l-'m white --ti'iie. $t4o. I". M. I^eithpispr. SJ? F at., nntm P>. ? i>iav.~\ds, wa i ciiksT lav aimkrs~ktoI J ran l>- pun-La si-?i on small weefclv payments: ] best in'ufs. I'i'our. write or ca't. Pl-one M. 1055. II. a. Sen bridge Co.. OOS I' si. t,.w. A siliaii iiiai?j>tt will reserve t?ny article. FOR .SAM-: Partitions for private oflice. g'a?* j iil>-s ami door; voir ch'ap. ?:U 14th st. n.vv. Ul* <;??! l?EN OAK shaving stand. 2 ?ashstauds. china toilet set; cljeflp. ,\!mi lipid's ?<?al. si 'e '2: lO'Mi .enjitlon: ex?v; I ioiial bargst'i. 1C114 Belmont st. ii.w. JKWKLRY li'i nf iouolry: mm* tlr>t ela*-. n*Hi < ;. -;i|>: big bargain at Ml** * aslt. Phone Wont 1 .MT*. In* j MKIt* M AMHSt: recently purcli:i*>*d a( tin- dead j 11* r office: all new goods: now la-ing sa<ri (Vcd hi 5lH- on i lip dollar. On sale tllS* K n.w. I Storp open iinlll II | ON'K l1 MY ST AI. ?' 11A N DELI 1 It. ga s and iiw trie, $25: nrlKimilly coat $150. Sauio <-an Ik? kc<-ii 4120 !?' at. n.w. PAWN Tl? KKT for ?clc For diniiKitid; tli'kPt i'ti?n|?. Address llnj .'Ul. Star otttc-p. 10* PIANO I'prlstit. In cihkI poiHlltlon. atiti?iu<* ?Ulplioard. In ro.kI conilitiou. $10. 1740 Sth at. n.w. 11* 1'fMil.ROOM FOR SAIX AV. U a|ipoTiit?-d; sli ! tallica: poo<l location: liantain; cash or tprma. Addrew Bot 7:>. Star otlicp. 10* l'OOh TABI.KS for sale. Call at OOTCt M at. n.w. PBIXTIXO PBB8RK8. p.i|x'r rmtrr*. canpa. ,V?b gild Innly tyiK-. mr. K n.w.. main floor. 0* SAIICS or I ? Noiv and second-tiand safes for sale. Phone ..j- write; wilt have loprei ntnlive call. York Sjife and l^?ck Co.. r?-7 W. Herman st.. Hallo. SIIADKS tSood quality o|ia<|ti>: aliadoa. fltted to your w-in<lo"S. oiilj ::.V; the ln?st quality oil opaque shade*. 5t)c; tiuuj: fip<-. We call "wlih sauiplpg. KKRKBI.ATT'K. Iltti and II sis. n.e. STAMPS WANTKIl FOR COLLECTION. AO drpsa BOX 74. Slur offlii*. 1"* TIMBKK Hi.MKi.umi ft. stamlliiK tiardwo'Ml for sate, located on main line of railroad. If In tpresteU call at Itooni 4?4. Mmiwy tilde. I-* TRAIN -Toy mechanical train, with largr track; fine condition. A. F. Cl.nv. 14".""> li st. n.e. S* I'SKIi STKAM find tiol wnier Imilcrs K^id steam radiation. In gcod condition. Taloott >V Poorc. HIP G st. YICTROI.A?New. with n-oorda: ?t??t $105; take $75. att L St. n.w. 10* 0\9 Brussels rugs $i? no 0x12 Brussels ru;;* 7.<*l Bnisspts stair earjiet '. ,45c yard Cook. Uautn & Co., Stli and 1> sts.". Pli. M. 51IC. " PERSONAL^ T1IKRK ARK NO WKItJHTY OBJBCTIONS why wp simuld not plitutte you with our offer; ImiuuiI to do it: a man's unit or overcoat. c?en If worn, ia worth $1 to *10 of our tnonev. and we buy any amount. JL'STH'S OLD STAND. 0I? D. MRS. MACK. G. PARTRIDGE. Splnolojty and Manual TheropatHy. 2723 11th at. n.w. ! Phone Columbia ."441. TALLY AND PLACE CARDS?EXQCISITE hand-paiute<l pipcea for all occasions, at moat reaiuinalilc prices. Samples shown. Ph. Col. 4MO. or call 731 Quebec at. ARLINGTON RKST SAMTARII'M (INC.t. PIM ltco. Bnito. <>>.. Mil. For treatment and euro ol AliCOHOLIC. dr.iK and NKRVOI S DISEASES. I<ocnl office. Ml N. Y. ave. Phone Main 2952. AN I MBRKLLA IS NEVER LOST AS LONG as the handle remains. Ila\e a new "Regea schuriu" built on the handle you have. M. A. GRISWOFLD. 411 11th at. CLARA II. CUNNINGHAM. FURRIER?FUR saruieuts. muffs and sto'.es remodeled Into latest styles; furs repaired, cleaned and redjred. 1011 K at. n.w. Plmne Main !X)4. MRS. LYDIA JOHNSON IS A GRADUATE OF tlie Swedish colletre* in scientific massage; . i massage, face and scalp; wrinkles eradicated; trial treatment. 50r. 821 17th. Ph. M. 0448-Y. MEN'S CI.INIC. FREE TREATMENT. DISEASES OF MEN. 22.1 Bond bldg.. Mon.. Wed., FrI., 7 p.m. to 8 Dr. E. F. KING In charye. AUTOMOBILES. FOR MALE, ETC. ABACEDE TIRES?Special: 28x3 tires, $4; 30s $5; 32x34, $?: 38x4. $7; 36x44 tires, $10. "Sln-TI" la a puncture healer. We sell "Siii Tt." Auto Tire Co.. S27 9th at. ATLANTIC GARAGE. Autoiuoliiles repaired by exi?-rl workmen; all work guaranteed. E. W. OPDYKE. 100 0th st. n.w. Phone M. 7720. ACTOS- Second-hand cars. In Kood condition. 1?1813, 40-h.p. Interstate, $1,000. 1?1910 Sis-cyltiKler. 7-|Kisseugcr Franklin; extra limousine liody. $1,500. 1?1013 4-cyl.. 7-imi"s. Atilwitt-Detnolt, $1,700. 1?1010 4-cyl.. 4-pas-'. Franklin. $000. 1 ? 1900 4-cyl.. 5 pass. Franklin. $250. David S. lleudrick t!o.. Inc.. 1024 Coun. ave. AUTOS?WHY HESITATE* READY CASH for old useless cars, auto tired and tubes. Parts of cars for sale. Call anywhere. ISADORE GLASSER. 2025 7th st. n.w. Phone N. .WH). AOTO SUPPLIES are be?t bought wliert :ents do aot have to firure up into Increasing coat. Take ihe hint and see us?Modern Supply Co.. 017 II st. li.e. Phone Linen. :1S9C. BAKER ELECTRIC runutiout for sale cheap; battery in first-ciass condition. Zell Motor _ Co.. 1405 II st. _ BU1CK. two-cylinder; good condition; uiake sootl delivery uukoii. Garage. 527 8th st. s.e. Phone Lincoln 400. 9* BUICK ROADSTER?Good condition, fully equip ped. sale cheap. Immediate; cash. Inquire M. B. Woli-ott. care O. .1. DeMoll x Co. CHALMERS 30 roadster: In good condition; will sacrifice for cash or make terms to suit. 811 17th n.w. CHALMERS. ltrlO. roadster; good condition, with good tires and electric ilghls; cheap to quick buyer. Address Box 300. Star office. DEAD STORAGE! $3.00 pkr month:: Limited space. S. J. Mecks' Sons. C22 G st. n.w. l'h. M. 2188. DEAD STORAGE. $5 PER MONTH. We have room in our new warehouse for a few automobiles at $5 per month. Pro bey Company, 1230 Wis. ave. n.w. EEECTRIC BROUGHAM ? Oicap: 4-passeiiRer; late model; tiest make; good us new; Just overhauled mid repainted; equiptied with new j Exide battery and new Motz tires; a bargain. Demonstration on request. Phone West 458. or call at 1200 New Hampshire ave. ELECTRIC VICTORIA?For sale cheap: finest make; first-class condition; has new tires, new batter}-, new fenders and many other new parts: completely overhauled ami repainted; a bargain. Phone West 45h for demonstration, or call at 121M New Iluuipsuiro ave. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS IN REBUILT WIL COX TRUCKS. One-ton sire. One-anu-one-half-tou tizc. Two-ton size. Three-ton size. Sis teen-passenger sightseer. Thlrt\-passenger sightseer. <Jne-tbousaml i?>uud size. All In perfect condi tioif. Rebuilt in our facturv. li.Kiies to suit, i CONGRESSIONAL GARAGE. 028 Pennsylvania uve. s.e. I Phone Linen. 823. FORD roadster for sale: perfect condition; can be seen rpar 330 8ih st. s.e.; $150; will dem ons! rat p. 10* FORD. ran. cliass's. Address Box G. E. K.. Star office. FORD 5-passenger louring car. *913 model; K. A W. Master vibrator, electric lights, storage batter'e-. electric horn, two extrit Inner tube*, all tuol-. chains. ?-t'-.; traveled only 4,250 miles. 1020 Park road. Phone Col. 3335. FORD mod*-! T. : laiister; excellent condltiou; bsrcalu. 824 *4th st. n.w. !>* FORD-Ariny officer ordered'west will Hell 1H10 touring car: fine ruunln* condition; Major Rhodes. Fort Myer iWest 095i. |?* F??RD TttURING CAlt. late 1H12. fori-door. In tierfect condition; blaster vibrator, electric lights, extra tires anil tubes, alt tools, engine coier, chains, etc.. etc. Price (inli 11175 A snap. Sec Janitor. 070 4th at. n.o.. the Ra inoiw. FORD New. panel side, deli very body. S. J. Atpeks' Sons. 022 G *!. n.? FREE'S AI'Tfl RKPAIIt SiiOP does ?v?irk lhat stands nn against the most rigid tests of xtreniiou* fours: uiost r>asonabie charges. 020 K at. n.w. Phuiie M ."ki52-Y. IMPORTED CAR Flflv h.p.; slx-iyJInler; for sale; electric equipment; fully equipi>cd: de tachable riois; four new tires; bargain, quick sale, cash; coutidautlal. Address Bo* C, Star ofllcp. 10* LANDAU LET BODY for sa|p; In tine condition. Call 1104 15th st. n.w. 10* MAXWELL-Five-pass-tiger touring car. com p'.ete; eiijiiie just overhauled; $3i>0. lfia sli"ar;* Auto Shop, near l.'t20 Mass. ave. n.v,. MAXWELL RI NABOUT for sale, in first- last eoHdltioti In every |Mrtientar. 92,'i Now Yo-k ave. 13* MICHIti.VN. Ml-h.p., for sale; bargain: ad van.-e l!tr> mode!. 5 passenger. fully equlptH-il. self starter. electric lights with generator; 2 extra tires ami demountable rims. U?w pfiea to ?niick eash buyer. No dealers. Address Box 7. Star office. AUTOMOBILES. KOH MI.K KIT. MAXWKI.I. lit I IVrf.s i nflr tires ao'id; excellent for delivery < m . SIS*. M Street .*52JC> M n.?. !'? NKW TdNK HORNS. *s.:<0; ffWi Top dy<- ami dressing. ifc <|t : Puritan |?>H*ti. tav gal.; gal. can lnT9<lrr oil, $2 .2.Y \crmllllou. 21it> 14th st. n.w. PIhhi. X. 1724. O* MM A Nil DKI.IX Kit V W M;<Vn In "flr-T" condition. Pbetie I.. wr?, or call 22i"i XlcUols ave. K.e. OVKR1.AND touring nr. IMS Mt4 '? in i wtMl'Ikiti; $!>*? for qiil -W *al?\ 1? Mfin 11* [ ovkri.axd. iui::. fl*e user, g'v>i ,>i.i i'tii: electric lights; extra large t? : tmtlk. ! tool* :i11*I equipment: imi re??oii:itil*' off' r i' ? f.t* ?!: must wit quickly. lto\ Ml" o1>-? *" OV KIIUMi Dif pamt uKfr, in first <*!??? end!" tbui; _1;'.4 I'* av<'. u.vv. I'Iwm We t 1221 XT PACKARD Kim lei* than 12. '*** milt'*; Ave luofup-r; detni lonticau; prank-ally new; bargain: must If sold. Aildrck* DOT I'ark road. I'hmip Col. Mafter six. 14* r O'KARll l ltl i k A Titfbt~!M>i-*i?-i*'af.!7- iWtlT ery truck, wllli cxptvss b?iy on I'n k>r<l thirty ch??Mt>. luillil tires; immediate delivery; |.r. jt'hVl. I'hnii- Main tK'lrt. 11. \ kl'ck. S2l 14ili i *t. I..W. i KOAllSTKK Gee* ^* "1 mIK! cx I .-client lit'llirrv \* ag.m. II'h-hi ?Ii|1.- Ac^iici, lllli a ml H si* ! Kl V\r.?'l"l Eight. rlw?tp; <? i| V gun ranted. 1111 I'ark |?l??? -?* nr aft r ?; jsTANI.M STI.VMI I! i . i~ ?e *a. r flee, h.|i. Stanley ?ii'uni' r tiwn: h- ?t r ?! Iui; nuil easiest iittilrnllnl ?n built. in \l ?iimlilion ami fnllv cqitippcil. nicliid tig *"k mo 1ii*ir top. \\ 1ml shield. *|nft|titiii l' ? I'rcvr o* I.ite tank ami extra I Ires tin- ?>i- -c will -ir pr'se. Address "Kianln SlrniuN." Star office Till ItlNil I Alt horsep.: lift overhauled; new top: gttgraiilc. .1 in c??l shape.. ncriHo* at *.14?>. .*.23.* Oa. are.; f.i|. 2.." 12* TOURIXG CAR, .V?h.|i.. in good runelug order. $31.*; cars washed. imlKhfd ami stored, $19 per month. Southeast Garage anil Repa'r Shops, rear 527 8th at'. I'll. l.iu<-n. 4#0. mi? kimuiV coYpf \ bargain? i?-t make: eompletely oTf>rliatile<l. rrpalnteil ami rehllllt by factory: A 1 c?iia|tl Ion. ban ii-mv Imt lery. new lire* and new fei..|c- unttranteed; n annp for Kotni^ one. I Miotic tt e?t or. In'tter ati111. call ami ace the cat al I2'*? Ne>* Hantpaltlre ar?* WAVERT.KY Fl,F?*TRlf fij- sale; m w l>fttert?>?: recently |iainl<?l: aii In dry I r!a?? uditoa. Knntliworih A Koli?*r 1'. Vd nc Srrim Co. 1429 L ?t n.w I'lione X ltiO*i , 1 ir?T7 \HMIK1?T Koltil t ~\1t. V (I| T'H2 Vo:i*r Ht.-r Irndy ; all newly pa Intel: in tli>l c!?*a eoialitlon: will sell reasonaMe. Miller Uro?.. si I'lercc st. n.e. niiiii- mTTiiuTi^WMMrrAifwirr n-rnoi-r | Imk *-ar IhmIv. all newly pilnlml , in > lii<f condltion:, will s*'ll renMitialilc. Mli'er l.ros . vl l'ieBt> *1 ti e. l'.ll t t .MHl.l.At lt< i.\l tS'l'KIt l ie ..i|c cheap, used only ti tnotiHta: tir~l-cla*a ??onditlon; l- > ?*\lra tires and rutillde Meal: <???*1 $2.1l?'. new. a liartraitt for <|nli k wale, ?an l?e ??ii at 121*1 New l'atnpsliliv ave. I'hone Wi-m 4,'.s for d'*m oust rut ion. W W I KI). WAXTWi I.ATi: Mi'ltiJ. ItiiAPSTi:!; CAR: l?ty caalt for lianraiii. I'hone Norlli ISlv y. 1436 R hi.. Ant. ::7. o" Wilt, tr.wm: a nkw iioi:sK. \vincH hah ?erer N*en ocenpled. for good autuuiobli*. Box 19. Star office. IIIR Hi hi:. Al NKW 1*1 VK AMI SKVKN autoK. *2 tip pe. hour. Phone Ma'u I'KOPT.'VS Airro 1IIRIX<J CO.. SSI 14.a ?it n.w. COXTIXKXTAI. Al l?? SKltVlCK. Well apiioinicd car*. ScrUec at all hours. ReasonaMe rate?. I'h. Main liS7S. KLKCTRIC MCrtlRIAS S4 and 15; < asy to run; dty?* n|iopplt)(, afterooou teas, tlicuter parties. Phone Mats 5248. J, M. iMIYl.i:, "1*0 Pa. uv? u.w. ELKGAXT 7 PASSKNUKR 1.1 M? H SI \ KS. Phone Lill'-n. 14.'!4 for I" St auto S"r?|ce <? city at lowest r&tes. lllKh powered cat*. Strictly careful drivers. FIVK-PASSKXOKIl TOI'IUNC CARS For hire. S2 |>er hour. NORTH WKS'I' OA It Aii K. Phone X. 11M. KlVK PASSKXeKIt AL'TO FOR IIIIllC. $2 per ltoi.r in city and $2.51 on road. Phone Llm*oln 171.1 M. FIVE-PASsr.XOKR AUTO. $2.?y> per hour. None better. auto ama co.. uncn. an. FOR HIRE- 5 AND 7 PASSK^OKR AUTOS ANI> taxicalis by th>' hour. dav. week or month. Phone Maiu 5110. ATLAXTIC HOTEL. ALTl> i CO.. Cth st. and I'a. a^e. ' FOR RENT?ROOMS? ITHMSHRU. 417 2nd X.W. ? X1CKI.Y PITtXISlIKI* I IIOXT hall room: clean, comfortable; Ml mo.; central ly located. U2.*? L N.W.?ONE CLKAX I I RXISIIKH IdHiM: every convenience; well heated; ttMilrally lo cated: XN month. ix? !?'Al UMO.XT ST. X.W.* TWO XHI.lTv furnished mollis. Mttilalde for -it I he; anil Im-iI room, or two liedrooius; bath. plioii?v !i* 1418 M ST. X W. iTiTo.UAS ?;IRri>'~Il A*Xm" soitfly furnished rooms, en suite or uln^ic; hras.-j l>ed?. cherry and malio^-aiiv fiirnltui*. 14* FURNISHED ROOMS Colt ItKX 1 WPIII I'ill v?te fautlly: iK-autlful, well furnished n?>n for one or two |w>r*om<: hot water heat, near cars; home comforts. II. K. Star of fice. !?? ISIS CONNECTICUT AVE -N.W. FOB RV x H to denirahb' party, pleasant single r.Mim. 14* 1U25 11th ST. X.W. M-;\VI.\ P.M'KUKO. painted front room: extra larjji- clos?-t: *|t|; ndjotiilni; hath: hall riaiiu. >ii: miuie floor. 1S0SI It. I. AVE. X.W. - 4JXK U4UOE SKCOXD tloor room; sQutheru ex|*i.tuiv; convenient earn. 10* J21!? I N.W. ONE I.ARtii: FltoXT itlloVT; private bath: southern exiiosure; jwr initted; central location. II* 184:: vkrxon sr. x.w.. or ist i:\rK.\lV i>il?Three larte connect ins iiM?m<; private both; eoutinuous hot water; Hteam heated. I'l* 221 UAST t'Al'ITOI. SM\ "|~I :o\T~ lift ?77m7 southern ei|>osure: aecond-floor apart menl; hot water heating; op|4n>ite library; retit. fs. ?? 1107 P ST. X.W.- XICKUt I'l KMSIII Ii a\T? ivell hcaletl second-fliair rwm: near business section: Kenlleman preferreti: reasonable. 10* THE lUtUXSWlt K. APT. iMi. i:i::2~T S l'."~\" vv* ?Newly ftttnishci? rooun>, all ?vtncnu'i:ces; p'i tlemcn. ? 8TUDIO (MISICi. UllTl PIANo. I'KMiai, downtown: Ix-autifiilly fiirnlahcd. Addrcs R-x 12. Star office. * Dir.t u x.w. - xn'Ej.v furxisiiT.i? skconh floor room*, quiet home; all conieiilcuccs; Sii. $10 nwi. each. ? 014 2nd X.W. XlfEl.V FI'RXISIIKIi KltOXT mom. secoud flmir. c?Mitrally located; all <-on venletices. HOTEL, OLIVER. ?S7 I'A. A V K. V " ?A>:ltT" thing new. with a new feature .-off.-e and folia served free of charge to guests in their rooms every morning. Rates weekly, ?."{ up; daily. 75c up. In* 1111 P X.W. I'l RtV|Slli:il l Olt I. II K ; third floor. ,'. nanus ami til Hi. in family of two. ?4?if. IIOl.MEAD PLACE?Sen-mi blight niuiiK; i modern couvenleinvs; icasotiable; ip-ur I4'h and Monroe. Pittite I'olituihia 2<nni. 1712 s si. is RKMM.H run vi i; IIiTmTT large, beautifully furnished front room, second floor: rcferenci-s. Phone X. 74i7. U15 M ST. N.W. ITXEUV FURNISHED ItunM." itexl bath: hot-water heal; private family; gentlemen. n>* SMil MASSAt III SKITS AVI . X V. XM1.I.V furnished r?a>tn; hoi water heat; willi or with out 5neal?. I'*" THE Mofxr VKRXOX. MT 1? I.AIttii:". bright, "nicely furuiahed front room, adjoining bath; hut water; no other n.unrs: ccvator 1 and janitor service: gentleman 715 11 X.W. Xl< K1A FUltXISIIED ROOMS KOll two; steam Inal; hot water continuously; cen tral; reasonable. TO ONE OR TWO VoTv r MIA. IN UK AI iT fill dowiilowu apt.; fin ing I'arm g!c IJhrary. Iinptlre h?M? 7ih n.w. t*jda> ?r !l Home a;il , 7lh and Mass. ave., Siunlay . ? i:;2." coiT.\iiu.\ road m? ki.\ fi rmsiii.d ??uuimuiiicuting rooms; k-ihiiiI rt.H<r; nevt to bath: southerii ex|Misiire. I ' i7ar?;k. v:T.i: :m?niovr ikhimT Fri va i r family: no childreii; no other roomers; Uu|Mt Circle locatii.n. I'l.olie N .".271. THE NKW UERNE. APT. ;:i I.ARiiK, I I to XT room overlooking i>ark: three windows; 'le vator: phone: gentleman. H* 514 yUlXCY ST. VW. ' IX K I HON! AXD one back room, respectively. $12 and $|o |ier month, tias and electric light; hot-water heat, wltli balli atK* toilet on same floot. With pri vate family of father and daughter only. IjmIIcs in office preferred. Take So'dlers' llotue ears on Sitli it _ !'* I??7~N kr. X.W TIIItKE xicki.v I I ItXISH is! rooms w lih use of phone; I* *aMHiabie rat*'S. Till: t'ARl7lSLK. T?2Ii K X.W. \ RKIINKD anil iM.melike liou-e. newly furnished- Inrg" mid small rooms. Voui* ins|*N-tloii cordially invited. First-clars tabic l*t?rd al 141*1 Iv if deslreil. 1KII WVOMINO AVE.. AIT. 4 I.ARiiK. bright room; finely furnished; adjoining halh; ressotiehle. 42H ."nl N.W. ONE I.ARiiK ROOM AND poreh; second tl?*?r, $12: front haaemrut, flu; i::i:: Htn KT. SITTING RtstM and 2 bkd rooms; newly dtroratml; ?-n suil-* or single; no I.h.k.; suitable for 2 <?" 'I adults. 1511 L ST. X.W. EXTRA WUI.l. HEATED iimin; I wo large closets. Phone N. trt.'al. VEltV DESHtAltl.E RECOND-STOItV FRONT and otle'r rooms: n-asonahle rales; It. w. Iieet. .*>14 "(r?l n.w. ltat ti ST. X.W.-TWO NICKIA FIRNISIIKD. well hrated rv>m?. same flis.r cs lattli: TTi 5th N.K. - EXCEEDIXOl.y HANDSOME, well heated, newly papered three-mom tlet; elegantly end completely famished for house keeping; great bargalo.