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fob man?booms. FiTWIfHED (C?<!??*?>. 7(W? 11th AT. N.W., APT. 86?A MICELT FUB nlahed room In the Carolina; gentlemen only. 18* NO. 2 ?th N.E.. COBNKB EAST CAPITOL Boautlful front rooms; l?t, 2nd floor*; private bath. 814 6th N.W.-TWO MCELT front rooms: second floor; l.b.fc. If desired. other room*. . 41 M N.W.-LARGE, AIBY FURNISHED BOOM only <10- ? MO N. 3. AVE. N.W.-Ft RNISHED BOOMS for jrentlpmen: aame floor aa bath; near print ing office am) fnioii station. 1742 F ST N.W. WELL HEATED FIRNISH rd room, oeeond floor. 115: also room for li. ? 1*16 9th N.W.-LA It*; E BAY-WINDOW 2nd floor room. priTBlp family: also 2 rooms flrst flow. 2? F*t\ INDI \NA AVK. N.W.-COMPORTABLB room" ejeellert near station, opposite Pension i ifljtp r?rk: b.-w. heat; continuous liot water. Slain 7HS6. ?? 1H22 3rd ST. N.W HOUSKKEEP1NG, ,VE#KV larc?* f?ii?inv, outside room*, hand*om*lv fur nished. 2nd'floor lit owner'* well a wanted pn *ate home: light. heat and phone: S- ?. 1 ??ne North Mt!. -? ?_?jl k. CAPITOLMEN WANTED FOR LARGE double mom: electricity, steam liest: "n*>er Kf IwnWWt. ? MA MAINE AVE. H.W.. CORXKB 6tk TWO l*rg- front well furnished housekeeping rooms. Cas. ln'l batli. ?lng;" romi. ?l?* ?Tin. \ \ w 2~ large front rooms. rouipl^fr li"i!a?*kf??T?fnsr. en? ram:**: a??? wln*ie roon?H. ? OPPOSITE THE UAl.KU; 11 ?1*. TW') rooms and bath. S2".; o her vrf de?.:able room*. Jts and $12; rleftrie light*: *H'*m hoat. 1.? ?an i sr. v\v large rooms. basement. for Ih.k.; hot-water iieat; of phone: rea ?. not o ST vw'. brIght. sunny ii?m?m. next to bath: well heated: two other attractive r?H?riiM I'iione N. ">SA1 ?.AT rrtnl ST. -ToTTEVri.KMAN. BRIGHT. COM fortuity fiir??ish*Nl h<*u?>nd-floor room. near batn. priiatf i?'sldr!i'?. $10. 1126 Sth ST. N.W.. APT. 1 WARM IUX)M, $S p*r month. __ -? *2<\ UKWF I.AK'iK AND 8MA1J* WKIi. " fnrnisli'd room*. $2 n|?: aome for ?*^n ira!. * JI12 IStth ST N.W. I,Alli?K AND SMAM* v.*>m> m*ar nru Coinin.T.r building and "l"*T departments. [ _ J ?Mo j; \ \\ EX??EPTI?>NAl.l.V QI 1F.T HOME: ; beautiful rooms f..r young couples or reflm <1 , adults ' A th.?n?ichl? hnat'-d. I 1413 UO\W)K sr. NEWLY I I " RNISHED 2nd , ki?M r.H.t.i 'J \viini'??>' adjoining l'Hth: fan>U} . :: adnlts: ' f .ie>,i-e.l. Phone in.; ?a>? ; The i.amo.m. i?s? i.amont st. n.u i 41 \!'-c1t furnirhed '???,*.n with pr.vste fan^'T ; of two. i-CT com ok\n sr. n.w. sinci.e ??n com munlrsJfns fnrir.sheil p>"ins: cne ?tuarc from . l>ilpont i ir- 'c jy, >T S.E. ON 1. H ltNi>'ill 1' 1' BON 1 "rw/m: ho! ??I'T hew:: '? ?''"c. *rn Ti'lh ST ATTItACI'IVi liOOM WITH tK.arit in prix me family: ei?-elle?t l.'*-:it ion; un-j limited teleirfi'Mie M-r?iiv C ?ItmiMa ??->. ^i T55 i'UNN. aTTT MCK1A 1 ? KNISHED j "mm*, single or ct -uile. ,\lso do?-tor's olti.-e. Kx.-elienl tMhle I'ltone. i ."Um ST N.W. 1UONT U<Hill Tl? C.ENTI.E- J man: attractive niv.rtmon:: i r!vate faniilv of tw". Hoj Star offi--< H* TC titu \ U . \I'T ~ - I I UNISHKD FltONT rooiti. central, private f<it?ii!> gentlfnim oniy. i?y. mass we. N-.w. i i:mshi*i> k?m?ms. in well kept house: b?t-water heat and use of t'-li-frtiope. furnished AXn ofi bxishep. THK I KANKE1N. ait. H l.ABiil.. HltHiHT. nr 1 fiirnNiied or niitnrni^ie 1 w:i >: !..i.U. If :);UBI!AVKI.1N ST. N.E. tTIJEASl RY-EANG ijt.iii; :; rooin>. hall, hath: tlat: a.m.i*; ii?-ateil. month. 12l4? ?? sr. N.W. PABU.IB El.OtHt. TWll r p- ??!?? hath, porcli. or I r.K-uis. third lliH>r; desirable ' dTTliAMS ST. N.W. SI'NNY KOOMS. 1*UI rsto family: It ", heat. ga*. hot and cold !#t: lieht hons* k<'? r*inu. . ~ IXFIKMSHED. tsio NOUTH ' AIMTUI. ST. THK EE UO<?MS and hath: steanijieat: gas: reasonable. 2211 l-t ST. ENTIKE 2nd ll.Otllt: THREE ro?>.iis. in. Imlliig rear _|s>rch. with h-at. gas and hath. I'iioii" N. .".74'i. : 7(H; Nl VY JKIISl'A AVK. I WO SKCOND-STORI fiotit r.M.ius. li:lu housekeeping or otherwise: cheerful and sunny. " _ 311 :tri! si . N K 1 <?R BENT. 4 UNFI KMSH ed rooms for light iio;iseU?'ei:in?. 1 ^ } 71". KAIIt.MONT ST S.MAI.1. HOKSEKEEPINO flat: 1st ?.H>r: 2 riioms: private toilet: $!<>? 0 7o Q ST. N vV.-TWn CNH-RNTSHED ROOMYS; lieai and gas: SH>. '?'* i:?22 COM^MBIA ST.. BET. 1'. Q. '-?th AND lot!) :: heautiful 2nd tlimr rooms for l.h.k.; furnisli. il or tin furnished S 1 iWl 12th ST. N.w. litMI.MS AND private hath in newly reiiHideled reaidence; also Iargt; alcove rnotn. *** ?fl) | ;tr<| ST. N.W. ONE I.A1WE I Nl-T'RNISH ed front r?*>ni for rent: near cars. 1"* JUT. K ST. N.W. EARiiE. BRIGHT L'NKL'R nslied neiniii for rent: cvntial 'location. 1212 it ST. N.K. :t I.ARC-K. BR1C.HT ROOMS: one square from Lincoln I'ark: heat, gag ?n<J halli: *1<>. ' WITH BOAKD. K A I.ORAM A BO Al> BETWEEN 20th ST. AND Connecticut ave.?Rooais on second tloor. pri_ vale family. Address* Box 5, Star offlft*. 1 -t * i::?? IRVING ST. ? EARGE SECOND STORY front room; large closet: phone in room; pxKl Iniitrd: reasonable rates. 201 I ST. N.W.- l.AKGE Kl rn1shed FRONT room on second fl<H>r. next to bath: steam neat; <-onier resi.len.^*: a.m.i.: best of homo cooking: terms for 2 people. <48. t ?jH2 WYo.min't; ave.?BEAi TIFI'E CORNER room: Bfinnil fl<K>r: handsomely turnislieu; ei ? client table: reasonable. Phone N. K3tJ. 10* JiijO MD. ave. N.E. TWO NICELY FURNISH ed rooms oil w*i-ond tl*s*r. with Isiard. 1V> t VI.VERT ST. BKAl Til l L FRONT rooms; new: en-ellent table. Phone I. ol. .V24X. * T.ti l'ltli N VV .WARM KlM'.l l. and IHM B1.E rooms, j 1.,V> up week: excellent table ltourd. r. .30. !>* U1? vermont ave. N.W. ? desirable moms, in attractive neighborhood; with home table. 1H24 17th N.W. ? PARLOR FLOOR: OPEN grate; other rooms: $20 up; square cars; board: phone. 9* r.\L. stT apt r-fin'E location l>e*t home table; convenient to cars: reason able. V* T;t..-> El'Cl.lD ST.. washington HEIGHTS? Warm, sunny rooms: modern corner house; l<est home Ixiard. t'* NEAR CHEVY CHASK CARS. IN DISTRICT Secoml-floor front with covered itorch; privat.- familv; two peraons. one. J.V.. Tel. riev. 22 M. lt>22 BILTMOltE ST.--LARGE. FRONT ROOMS. U-aiitifully furnished, in well apptdnted house: witiiin block of car Lhes; excellent table and service: phone. VERMONT ave. SPITE OF lM)OMS. nitii bath; also other fr^ut rooms; excellent houie table. 1>* 1?|24 vermon1 ave. LAlttiE. NEWLY FI'R rooms: excellent service; transients: entrally lim-ated. Phone M. Iiil_ HP4 1 ."?!h ST. N.W HOME OF refinement and culture; us. of punne and parlor; excellent hoard. 1?1* l3tT NAVT~SI NNY. WELL furnished rooms: -iu^i. and i"?nimunicailn<; bath same rt??.r: l?>ard. m " ).>2Si t SI' V\?T PRIVATE JEWISH FAMILY: suitable for one or two people. 11 * 2?0? G ST. N.W.-ONE IkOI'BLE ^N'D TWO single r>??iiis. 2nd floor, front: hdults. <* ln2f> V Kit.MONT AVE. N.W.?NICEL1 1TU niahed r.siiii; both suine Uis-r; ex-el lent lmmc table. Main ?1?? ?* ]J?lrt i-AI.VKRT ST TWO LARGE. BRIGHT rooms, newly furnished, with excellent ln.>ard. Col. :.27t 121? K N W FRONT ROOM soithern EX |n>sun'; large closets; steam heat; exceilea: lahh-; references. Phone M. 2532. 14?1 MASS. AVE. N W. BEAl'TIFfL SOlTH ern exposure r.?miv single or en suite: private baths: home c<?.king 10* 1119 h N.W.-SELECT PLACE; LARGE AND small, warm rooms; excellent table board: de ?lrable location. L~?* WITH OR WITHOUT B0 4RI). 1 L-.PARK BOAD. APT t> FBONT, o.NK OS two outside unfurn.shed r?Kinii. steam heat: gas; south.-rn exp?>sure; retereiM-es 2U A S.E. >i:>0 IP; LOVELY COM EORT* able rooms; few il.sHs from Congressional l.i brary; housekeeping suite; reasonable: goo.l Utanl. S.t.50. optional; house just dijuc over, top to bottom: papered, painted throughout, tine heat: excellent service. ? ".Till COLT MB IA ROVD. APT. -if LARGE, cheerful front room; meals same building .if de?ir??d. . ^ ... -? - - 1758 COL. RD. NEWLY furnished; BATH oti each floor; continuous hot water; h. w. beat. Ttii ST. S W. TWO KCRNISHED R?>OMS. with b'-ard or without; for railroad men or mechanics. 10* WASTED ROOMS. 1 WO YOUNG MEN. STUDENTS HESIRK large fr:?!.t room: phor-e. Box JW>2. Star >.f 8,-e ? WANTED- FROM NO\ . tj TO \PRIi. ' BY lady in olli.-e. ehei'.'ful. taorouichlv o-uteil r<H?m In btisiite-** section, or vicinity of l>ii)ion' Circle; most le reasonable; state term*. i:i replv. Aii-Jrc** Box :;!>2. Star oitt.-? po YOU WISH TO RENT Yol ll ROOMS . We have applicants for them. WASHINGTON RENTAL EXCHANGE. Pbotie M. 57S>:>. 513 Mmmey bid? * TABLE BOABD. CAFE AND LUNCHROOM _ SAN'DWlCWltS. ttf. Craven Tfm<t. 1400 Chapln st. | THE MANSFIELD INNING BOOM. 1730 M ST. n.w. New management. Exceptional attrac tions to guests. Pure fowl proper It prepared. Small tables. Phone N. 1817 F N.W.?Sanders' Boarding Cafe: table un excelled. ??_ IS64 COLUMBIA ROAD?EXCELLENT TAB LB board and service; small table*. 1300 HARVARD ST. NW.-EXCELLENT home cooking; two meals a day; $20 per month. Col. 5070. APABTMEHT8 TO LET. FIBM18HEP. TO SUBLET -WELL FURNISHED APART meat .1 rooms and bath. The Knickerbocker. I'linne Col. ?BU. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED 6-ROOM FRONT apt.; aoutbern exposure; overlooking Rock Creek Park; electricity, gait. piano, elevator; suitable for M. C. Ph. M. lKSft her, ft and 5 ex. Sun. ATTRACTIVE NORTHWEST APARTMENTS. Near Conn. are., i-entral. bright. Sr., b. aud kit.; well furnished; servii-e; fHinne, cafe. etc. Wash. Ilgts.: convenient, roomy, nicely fur nished: 2r., h.. reception ball. kit., pantry and porch. J. V. N. A T. B. HTYCK. 1504 H ST. N.W. Otlier Fine Furnished Apartments. FOR RENT? Furnished bachelor apartment, NO. 2418 14th ST. N.W. , Containing two iaigp well lighted rooms, with private hath. Apply YEI.LOTT A STUBBLEFIELD. INC., Hth und I' st*. ll.w. TO SUBLET. Well furnished apartment. :! rooms and bath. KNICKERBOCKER. 10* Phone Col. 001. COL. ROAD. APT. 32-MOUNT PLEAS ant. Attractively furnished .Vroom and bath npt.. Including silver and linen. Nov. 1 to May 1. Phone N. .*100. THE PARK WOOD. APARTMENT 24. 7 rooms and bath. Urge closets. THE BALFOUR. Five rooms and bath: beautifully furnished: overlooking 10th St. Apply 1534 You St.. or phone N. *70. 13* THE BRIGHTON APARTMENT HOTEL. 2123 California St., n?yr Conn. ave., Washing t in Heights; 1. 2 aud 3 r-onis and hath; fur. t>. uufnr.; permanently oi transiently, large, ? ool roof; cafe American plan. TIIF ROCIIFLLR. APT. ;!l I I RN1SHEH APT.: modern three-room apt.; direct fans, to Capitol abusiness section. * ATTRACTIVE. FUR. APT8? PRIVATE BATIIS. h.w. heat; southern exposure; choice location; si), of Capitol: reasonable rent Call 129 Md. ave. n.e.. mornings, or ph. Cleve. 034. STMNELEItiH COI~RT TO SUBLET FOR ONE inontii. completely and attractively furnished six-room anil l>ath apartment. Apply to office, Stonelclsh Court. 1503 Q ST. N.W.?2nd FLOOR, ENGLISH BASE-1 uicnt house; living num. bedroom, a'.cove, kitchen anil bath: complete for housekeeping; hot-water heat; $.'Ui |>er mouth.' 13* ATTRACTIVE 3-ROOM HOUSEKEEPING APT.. completely furnished; best section n.w.; near 2 car lines: sunny, southern exposure; large i?>rch: t42..">t'. Puone Col. 0174 after 4 p.m. INFURNISBBD. TIIE MISSISSIPPI 1436 W ST. N.W. WELL K KPT APARTMENT HOLSE. HOUSEKEEPING FLATS. 4 rooms ami balli $2*.30-$30 Building detached <>u nil sides. ALL BRIGHT. CHEERFUL. OUTSIDE ROOMS. LOOKING MIT ON FINE LAWN. GOOD J.tNlToK SERVICE. Convenient to best car service in city. LIEBERM ANN A HAWN. 1421 F ST. FOR RENT- ONLY $30 PER MO.: 5-ROOM AND BATH APARTMENT AT 402 K ST. N.W.;| ELEGANT CONDITION. C1IAS. A. SHIELDS, j 133li NEW YORK AVE. N.W 10* j FOR RENT? Capitol. Hill apt.. 5 large rooms: hot-water heat aud janitor services; large back porch; ?l Hoor. 131 1 it It st. n.e. II. F. MANDLKR CO.. Lonk for the red arrow sign. 702 ilth st. n.w. FOR KENT-THE PLAZA. PA. AVE. AND WASHINGTON CIRCLE; FIREPROOF BUILDING. ELECTRIC ELE-1 VATOR. WITH ALL-NIGHT SERVICE; SEV- j KRAI. VERY DESIRABLE APARTMENTS OF I 2 ROOMS AND BATH. AND 2 ROOMS. BATH AND KITCHEN. THE BEDFORD, 1883 CALIFORNIA AVE. N.W. DESIRABLE LOCATION ON THE HEIGHTS. SOl'ARE FROM CARS; 2 VERY NICE I APARTMENTS of 3 ROOMS AND BATH. 10- GEO. HENDERSON. 1418 F ST. j MOORE & HILL (INC.). 1420 22 H ST. N.W. THE NAPLES. 715 10th ST. Electric elevator, cafe and telephones. AT! light looms; large side lawn; two squares from War Department. i 4r . reception hall and hatii.. .$30.00 and $32.50 2 rooms, reception hall and bath $21.59 j THE WESTOVER. 2501 PA. AVE. 6 rooms and bath, corner. j>orch 537.50 i 0 rooms, hath and porch $35.00 . THE CORONADO. 1S40 U ST. 6 rcoras and bath.; $40.00 : 520 6th ST. N.W. 4 room* and l>atb $30.00 3 rooms and bath $22.50 and $27.30 THE CHALFONTE 211fi p ST. 4r. and bath, tonnes, electric lighting.. .$32.50 3 rooms and l*ath $25.50 6 rooms and bath $37.50 1020 7th. 4 rooms and hath $22.50 t 1734 T, 3 rooms and bath $23.50 1!)35 Calvert, 3 rooms and bath *27.50 2220 Washington circle, 4r, l>., 2nd 11....$25.50 GET FULL LIST"AT OFFICE. MOORE k. HILL (Inc.). 1420-22 H ST. N.W. FOR RENT? 2325 18th st. n.w. The most desirable fqurtment in Washing ton Heights for the price. FIRST FLOOR. Contains 5 rooms and bath Heated by furnace $23.50 YELI.OTT A STUBBLEFI1CLD, INC.. 14th and You sts. n.w. THE ONTARIO. lHth and Ontario road n.w. One excellent 4-ro<jm and bath apartment: $75 per month; public dining room. Inquire Real Estate Department. McLACHLEN BANKING CORPORATION, 10th and G sts. PUone Mam 432. -IN GOOD REPAIR." "Convenient to Arcade Market." 2710 14th st. n.w. This first-floor apartment of five large rooms aud bath Just vacated by owner: rent reason able. Apply to THOMAS J. FISHER A CO., INC., 738 15lh st. n.w. FOE RENT STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. n.w. APARTMENTS. (Heat furnished.) 1111s Bet >in, Iowa circle, 5r. and balk-.. .$45.00 13.:;> J4tli st. n.w., 2nd door, 0 rooms.... 42.50 3606 13th n.w.. 3rd floor 6r.. batb 35.50 '1 he Turin, 1024 17th st. n.w., 4r. and b. 31.50 The Sara to;#. No. 100, 4:\ and bath 30.50 The Turin. l:?2t 17th st. u.w.. 4r.. b HO.50 Flat ?. the Ellsworth. 025 3rd n.e.. 6r... 23.50 043 n st. n.e. 3rd floor. 6 rooms 27.5? i The Turin, l!i24 lTth n.w.. 3 rooms 27 'J) . 14os l st. n.w., two rooms 23.0.) ) 116!i 21st st. n.w., 2nd floor, 4 rooms.? 23.00 17:14 T n.w.. 3 rooms and batb 23.50 1>24 14th n.w., 3rd flooi. 2r. and bath.. 1S.OO I 140s |. gi. u.w., one 1S.00 j ?TONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 Xew York ave. u.w ! TWO-FAMILY FLATS. So beat furnished.) 1445 R st. n.w., 2nd floor, 5 rooms 40.60 134>J Monroe St., 2nd floor. T rooms 30.50 | 1(174 Irvlug st.. 2nd floor, 7r. and bath. 30.&0 ! 13I?i Harvard st.. 5 rooms and bath 2S.5o ; 146S Chapln st. n.w., 1st Soar, Sr.. b.... 27.?">'.? ! 1470 Chapia st. n.w., 1*1 floor. Sr. I? 27."0 1744 WJilard st.. 2nd floor. Or. and bath. 20.oO 1478 Chapln st. n.w., 1st floor. Rr.. t>... 25.7\ j I4?s Chapiu st. n.w.. 2ud door. Or 25.,V0 HI II ?t. n.w., 10 rooms aud tiath 25.50 14*; Chapiu St.. 1st floor. 5 rooms 25.'0 1 177<? Willard st., 2nd floor. 0 rooms 25.50 1470 Newton at.. 1st Boor. 5r. and b 25.5" 2031 15lh st. n.w.. 1st floor. 3r. and Hath. 25,.T.o 1010 !?rh st. u.w.. 2nd floor. Or. aad bath. 25.3<l j 1445 R St. u.w . 1st floor. 5 rooms 25.Ot* 227 G st. n.w.. 2nd fli?or. flr. aud bath $5.00 18 T ?t. n.*.. 2nd floor. 6 rooms 24. ?'.0 T st. n.w.. 2nd floor. 6 rooms 24.<v ? 22??'? N st. n.w.. 2nd floor. 0 r???ms 23.5')! 10 T st. n.e.. 2nd floor, o rooms 2:;.5" j 225 11th at s.e.. 2nd floor, 6r bath... 23 50 :<3 Qulncy st. n.w.. 2nd flaor, 6 rooms ... 22.50 1 182H T st. n.w.. 2nd fl.. flr. and bath... 22.50 3t>20 o u.w., 2nd floor. Or. and bath 21.0^1 j 1:>2? 35th st. n.w., 2nd floor, rt rooms.... 21.00 ! 303 R st. n.w.. lat fl.. Sr . batb 21.06 1010 N. J. ave. u.w.. 1st fl.<or. 5r.. b .. .. 2l?.50 221'J N st. u.w., 2nd floor. Or. and b 20.50 22l? N st. n.w., l?t floor, 5r. aud b 20.50 30 Todd place, 2nd floor, 6r. and b 20.00 2S21 Sherman ave.. corner. 2nd II.. 4r..b. 1D.5J 342 13th st. a.w.. ft rooms and bath 18.50 1310 23rd st. n.w.. 5 rooms 1&.50 760 (Ijrarl St.. 1st floor. 4r.. butii 16.23 2011 14<h st. n.w.. 3rd floor, 3r. nnd b. . 16.00 77o Cieslium. 4 tooms and bath 17.7J Sherman ave.. 2u.l 3r 17.2". 014 Park road. 4 rooms and >>ath 1C.5> 1245 1) st. n.e.. 1st floor, 5 rooms 10.50 1210 11 at. n.e.. 0 room. 15 50 415 l*>|h st. S.e.. 4 roon ? ai.d bath 15.*-0 ?;?<? oi leans p'ace, 5r. aud bath 14.5<t I 123 1Mb St. n.e.. 1st fl<>-ir, 5 looms.. . 13.50 1 i;?l Orleans. 4 rooms aid batb 11.30 1425 E st. n.e.. 4 twins and batb 13.$<t 1173 E st. ?.e.. 4 roo i!? 13.50 1STONK A FAIRFAX, i ;42 New York av*. ?.w. APARTMENTS TO LET. fXri R*I?HKP?CoatgMMd. CENTRAL, LOCATwBp MODERN buildixIB^ CHEAP APARTMENT. FOUR ROOMS AND BATH. *32.50. IN THE HOME APARTMENT 7th ST. AND MASS. AVE. N.W. B. F. SAUL CO., 934 X. Y. are. bit. 225 H ST. N.W ?THREE LARUE ROOMS, apartment: front and rear porch; tiled bath and hot water. Apply janitor. 2101 R. I. AVE. N.E.?4 OR 5 ROOM APART ments: brand-new; with steam heat and rile bath: electric lights: all outside moms: adults preferred: rent, $27.50 and $32.50. Inquire M. O. HI LL. NEW APARTMENT HOUSE JUST BEING COMPLETED. THE AVONDALE. IT.IS I* STREET NORTHWEST. ONE SQUARE FROM DUPONT CIRCLE. APARTMENTS of 3 room* and bath to C room* and 2 baths, from $44? to $100. HARRY WARDMAN, 1130 K St. D.w. THE ARGYLE, 17th st. and Park road n.w. Built by Kennedy Brother*. Fireproof construction, ft rooms and bath. Many new Ideas for comfort and convenience. Large concrete porches, equipped with (class, screens and awnings; oak floors: servants' bath on e*ch floor; open fireplaces; all outaid* rooms. H. L RUST. 1400 H at. n.w. 3475 HOLMEAD PL.?FIVE ROOMS. BATH, pantry. porches; uot-water heat. Rent free November. 0* THE HOLLAND. 1825 VERNON <!"> ST. N.W. 4r. and b.. $33.50. Phone. THE DENVER. 141ft CHAPIN ST. N.W. 4r. and Or. and b., $30 to $37.50. Kiev. Phone. THE ILK LEY. 1320 I ST. N.W. 4r. and b. apts.. $25. THE 1IIGHYIEW. ?;i R. I. AVE. N.E. 3r.. i>. and pnntry. $25. L.W. GROOMKS, 1413 H ST. N.W. FOR .RENT?ONLY $lo. _CHEERFTJI* MODERN flat, 4 rooms and Itath: near Pa. ave. s.e. L. E. F, PRINCE. 721 Bond bldg. THE ALBEMARLE, APT. 201. 17th anil T n.w. 6-room corner aoaftment: all outside rooms. Phone N. 7040. CENTRAL LOCATION. 302 K ST. N.W. ONE 5-room and l>aili apt.: steam heat; janitor; buck porches: rent for w inter. $30: summer. $25 per month. Inquire janitor. * THE ETHELHl RST. 15th and L sts. n.w. A 1-room bachelor and 3-room house keeping apartment for rent. FLORENCE COURT. EAST. California ave. and Phelps place n.w. A 2-rootn bachelor apartment. Above are first-class. fireproof houses, with all-night elevator service: ail bright, outside rooms. Apply at respective houses, or to E. O. WAGENHORST. <104 Bond bid*.. 14th and N. Y. ave. u.w. Phone M. 5133. NEW APARTMENT HOUSE. 1327 KENYON ST. N.W. Ready for occupancy November 15. Especial ly attractive 3 and 4 room apartments; can be seen at any time. Act quickly. A. F. VOX CO.. Rental Agents. 1311 H st. NO EQUAL AT PRICE. ONLY $17.20. Centrally located on wide avenue: parkins: convenient to cars: 5 large rooms: bath; 510 522 Rhode Llaiid ave. n r.; also look at 338 33S Adatns st.. nearby: don't miss. F. IL SMITH CO.. 14os N. Y. ave. ~ ONLY S20.50 AND $25.00. As good as $50 apartments in northwest: 5 large rooms, bath: Imt-water heat: all newly papered; all modern conveniences: 336-338 Adatus st. n.e.: immediate possession; relit commencing December 1. !?'. II. SMITH CO.. 14QS N. Y. ave. 111ft 1-41 b ST. N.W.?CLEAN. HOMELIKE apartments of 2 and 3 rooms and bath, inspcct tlu-ni today. No reasonable offers refused. Sec ond floor, suitable for iniMiner, dentist, etc. JOHN W. CHILDRESS. 14Q5 "Eye" st. n.w. HANDSOME APTS.. 4, 5. fl ROOMS. $22.50 TO $35r h.-w. heat: gas. electricity; near churches and schools and car lines; hot water all times. 2204 Fvarl st.. Langdon. D. C. Phone N. 371*0-Y. IN MODERN APARTMENT HOUSE ON WA8H. Heights, 5 rooms and bath: in excellent condi tion; electric and gas light: private telephones; best of service: ONE MONTH'S RENT FREE. THE II. SMITH CO.. 141)8 N. Y. AVE. RENT FROM SHANNON & LUCHS. 733 14th st. n.w. M. 2345. A QUICK. COURTEOUS SERVICE. HIGH-CLASS APARTMENT FOR COLORED. in a first-class residential section; close to 3 ?ood '-gr lines: almost new building and ab solutely modern; five nnd six rooms; tiled baths: porcelain sinks; large, pleasant rooms, with high eel Huge: every room ati outside room; large porches. Rents. $30.50 and $31.50. In spect these at once. THE MINERVA. 183S 4th. Agents. SHANNON & LUCHS. Renting Service, M. 2345. 713 14th st. M. 2345. BKAUT1FCL .V COMFORTABLE APARTMENTS. THE ASHLEY. IStli and V sts. p.w. High and healthful location: fine residential section; convenient to husiuess section. First-class building; elevator: free telephone switchboard servicq; attractive and sanitary throughout. lively apartments; big rooms, 12x15 and 12s lft; reception halls all large as a room: large kitchens, gantries: high ceilings; large win dows; expensive lighting fixtures (combination gas and electric), mautels. etc. Five rooms: full-sized reception hall and tiled bath, with fine outlook: $47.50. DON'T FAIL TO INSPECT. Agents, SHANNON & LUCHS. Renting Service. M. 2345. 713 14th st. M. 2345. A PA RTM ENTS? NORTH W EST. The Allcnhurst. 1100 Columbia road. 5 rooms an<l bath $37 .50 The California. lHth and V sts. 5 rooms and bath $32.50, $42.50 The Suffolk. 14<!7 Irving st. 4 rooms and bath $32.50 The La Corona. 425 M st. 3 rooms and bath #25.50 A. F. FOX CO.. Rental Agents. 1311 H st. : TO LET. ' APARTMENTS. THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY. Main 1232 or 0465. BACHELOR APARTMENTS of 2 rooms and bath; HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS of 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 rooms and bath. A complete list, with location, rents. <te.. Will be sent upon request. ? THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY. 140S NEW YORK AVENUE. VIRGINIA, 2120 t; ST. N.W.?HOUSEKEEPING: 4 rooms and bath: building and apartment new ly recorated; rooms large, light and airy; large tilde yard: fine janitor service. GEO. A. EASTERDAY. 1410 G st. n.w. THE CHEVY CHASE] CHEVY CHASE CIRCLE. Desirable apartments of 5 rooms and bath: located in Washington's most beautiful suburb; all outside room*: excellent service. Rents reasonable. THOMAS J. FISHER & CO. (Iuc.., 7"'.>? 15th st. n.w. T1IF; BELLEVUE. 1921 l!>th St. n.w. Oti'y one apartment left. This apartment has eight roams snd bath: spaoioos and sunny rooms: opoaitc* the Tlean estate, n^ar U st. car line. Rent reasonable. Applv to THOMAS J. FISHF.R & CO.. Inc.. 7?^ 15th st. n.w. th;. uaivmngto:;. 18(0 Biliuore at. Onlv one apartment i^ft. 4 moms reception hall and bath: $50 a month: high-grade attend ance; excellent neltrhbor.iood: electric elevator. Apply to THOMAS J. FIMIER & CO.. INC.. 738 15th st. n.w. THE COY WOOD. 1225 L ST. N.W. One beautiful 5-room apt.. $12.50, one 2 room apt.. $20.50: one 4-room apt.. s:;2.50: downtown section; near 14th and 11 tii st. cars and Franklin Park: con gressmen. private secretaries and repre sentative people stop here; excellent jan itor and elevator service. Apply at build ing. FOR RENT?.*l'Aj:~.MENT!!. DIM BARTON COIRT. lf>"7 31st ft. n.w. 8 rooms and tmth $27.Sj 1 room and bath Jii.oj THK, MONTGOMERY. North Capitol and M ata. 4 rooms aud bath $27.50 to $30.00 THE WOODWORTH, 10th and M ata. n.w. 3 rooms snd bath $27.50 to $29.50 THE NAVARRE, 215 E at. n.w. ft rooms and bath $25.00 HAMMOND COURT. 30th and Q sts. n.w. No. 205?^5 rooms and bath $45.30 STOODERT. 2".*00 Q st. n.w. 6 rooms aud b*;b $25.00 to $30.50 CARLISLE COI RT. 14lh st. and Columbia road. 4 rooms and bnth $35.00 and $37.."iO 3 rooms and bath S2S.5,' 2 rooms an.l liath $20.00 THE WASlCMiTON LOAN AND TRUST CV. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. THE SHERMAN. 15th AND L STS. N.W.-^T l-Ooni housekeeping apt., ail outside rooois. Ap p'y at the Sherman or to E. O. WAGENHORST, 004 Boud b!dg., 14th aud N. Y. tve. B.W. APARTMENTS TO LET. 1/XFVRXI8HED?Cratlaae*. THE ROANOKE. 1348 Euclid nr. n.w. Desirable 6-room apartment. Apply F. 8. ALTEMUS. or janitor, on premises. ? THE TIVOLI"?BEAUTIFUL AFARTMENT8: 5 large, bright nut side mnm<. reception ball, bath; back and front porch; h.w. heat: first-clae* condition. OWNER, lft fl?>or. 133?l 13tb n.w. 5 ROOMS AXf> BATH: At.L MODERN CON veniences: 18th and Col. rd.: In splendid con dition; rent, $25.50. including heat. For key npply at Flemer's drug store. FOR RENT-HANDSOME ATAItTMEXT, FOUR rooms and bnth; heat and janitor service; the Smitbfleld. 1115 ftth n.w.; $25: also others at $18. A. T. HOLTZMAX. 1320 X. Y. are. I ? THE CONGRESSIONAL." 1st and East Capitol ata. j For rent, fir*t-class bachelor or housekeeping apartments. Bachelor apartments of 1 ami 2 rooms and bath. Rents reasonable. Housekeeping aparttneat of 5 rooms and bath, $50 a month. One nicely furnished housekeeping apartment of 5 rooms and bath $52.30 a month These apartments overlook the Congressional Library and Capitol grounds. All-night electric elevator service. Excellent cafe In building. Apply to THOMAS J. FISIIEK * CO.. Inc.. | TBS 15th st. n.w. THE HEXRV LEE. North Capitol st. and Rhode Island ave. EVERY CONVENIENCE AND COMFORT. 4-rooms and bath. 2nd story $81.00 4 rooms and bath. 3rd story $31.50 i ALL LARGE. LIGHT. OUTSIDE ROOMS. \V. n. WALKER. 729 15th st. n.w. THE LOUISIANA. 2123 18tb at. n.w. Only one left. Delightful apartment of <i large, bright room* and tiled bath: all outside rooma; apartment in excellent condition; spacious new co?cr?te back porch, commanding splendid view of city; rent reasonable. For inspection, see jaaiMC, or apply to THOMAS J. FISHER & CO. (Inc.).. 738 18th at. n.w. THE ALWYN. 1882 Columbia road. New addition now ready for occupancy; con taining apartments of 4 large rooms and batb. Rents from $38.50 to fftO.OO " month. See Jaultor or THOMAS J. FISHER * CO. (Inc.). 738 lfith at. n.w. 2tJ7i AVENUE OF THE PRESIDENTS?FOR rent, first-floor apartment of either two or three rooms and bath, suitable for a doctor's office. Owner will finish office to suit tenant on h two or three years' lease. Rent rea sonable. Apply to THOMAS .T. FISHER & CO., INC., 738 15th Street X. W. FOR RENT DESIRABLE APARTMENTS AT "The Alwyu." 1882 Columbia road. "The Bellevue.*' lWfl 1!?tli st. n.w. "The Chevy Chase." Chevy Chase Circle. "The Congressional.*' 1st and East Cap. ata. 1228 Conn. ave. "The Britton." 1400 L st. n.w. "The Maury," lltth and G ats. n.w. !)2S? G st. n.w. 1*84 Columbia rond n.w. "The Hanson." UtOO 8th st. n.w. 010 New York ave. n.w. 1014 14th st. n.w. "The Oregon Ian," 18th st. and Orcg. ave. n.w. "The Gotham." 1045 Calvert st. n.w. "The Louisiana," 2123 18th st. 2536 14th st. n.w. "The Haddington," 1840 Biltmore st. n.w. Prices range from $17.50 to $70.00 u month. THOMAS J. FISHER & CO. (Inc.), 738 15th st. n.w. FOR RENT? <170 4th ST. N.E.. T1IK RAMOXA. 3 rooms and butli; hot-water heat; electricity and gas: large kitchen and back porch: janitor service; rent only $22.50. Open and lighted till 0 p.m. WILLETT & REINECKE CO.. Phone Mnin 402N. 1300 H at. n.w. THE THING YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING for: modern ants.; 3 brizht. sunny rooms, bath and porch: only $12.50 month. 1714 A s.e. 12* THE RIGGS, 140;> 15th. New. fireproof. 3 rooms and b. .$25.50 to $2:).50 THE MASSACHUSETTS. 1412 Mass. ave. 6 rooms and bath 5 rooms and bath ? 43 au Iffl G N.W. 2 rooms and liatli.. * * ' F. W. GRAHAM & CO.. 017 14tli. THE BALTIMORE. 1832 Biltmore st. A ? nifjc place for nice people. Selection offered 3. 4 and 5 room apartments. Call and inspect or phone Columbia 3854. THE OLYMPIaI 14tb and Euclid sts. n.w. Full fireproof construction. All modern improvement*. I-nrge. comfortable rooms. Excellent cafe. Moderate rates. A few desirable 5 and 7 room apartuieut? from $4t) to $Go a mouth. FITCH. FOX & BROWN. 1333 F st. n.w. ONE MONTH FREE. Dwelling over 1000 7th st. n.w.: 8 larae rooms: hot-water heat; hot running water; will repaper: $35.50 per month. CI1 AS. S. SHREVE. 1000 7th n.w. FOR RENT?Bargain flat: $23 per mo.; four rooms, bath, porch, heated. Don't fail to in spect. 2115 14th st. n.w. 10* 1034 6th X.E., 5 ROOMS AND BATH $1.-.0t? 1038 6th n.e., 5 rooms and batb $16.1*I> List vnur vacant property with the N.E. WASH. REALTY CO.. 00a 11 n.e.: Linen. 375H. THE ROSANNE. 2111 18th ST. N.W.?EXCF.P tionally pranged 4-room apartments: large porches: shower baths: In fine repair; rent only $32.50. Improved janitor service. ALLAN F. WALKER A CO.. Inc.. 1338 G. THE HAMPTON?1740 lMh ST. N.W. 4 looms and bath; newly papered and paint ed; $30. II. L. RUST. 1400 TT sf. n.w. 12 S ST. X E.?.FINEST LARGEST ALL Ol T side 6-room apartment in city; h.-w.lieat: hot water year round: electric and gas lighting; phone; a.m.I.: inspection invited. FOR RENT-FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT. FUR. in first-class condition: liot water. 1826 13th st. n.w. Price. $22.50 per 1110. Applv OIl LAND CAMPBELL. 1414 F st. FOR LEASE?IN THE BRUNSWICK. 1332 I ST. n \?.. opposite Franklin Park: several choice a part incuts of four moms and bath, $37.50. $4<i and $42.50. Inquire of t>uperlntendent. FOR LEASE?IN THE CUMBERLAND. ON Thomas Circle, a front apartment on fourth story, five rooms aud bath, $55; cafe In the building. THE LONSDALE. 2138 CALIFORNIA AVE. A desirable apartment qf eight rooms and two baths, at $75: two rooms aud bath, $25; cafe- in the building. THE EARLINGTON. 16th ST. NORTH Ob' Co lumbia roa'V-An apartment of five rooms and batb. $07.50, and three rooms aaf bath. $2S.5Cr. THE WELLINGTON. 17th ST. AND PARK road?An apartment of three rooms and bath. $28.50. THE CAVENDISH. 1628 COLUMBIA ROAD An apartment of four rooms and batb. $37.50; three rooms and batb, $32.50. and $30. THE ROCHESTER. 1438 MERIDIAN ST.-AN apartment of four rooms and batb. $'-3.30; one room and batb, $13.30. THE WALTON, 1416 R ST. N.W.-AN APART tnent of four rooms and bath. $37.50; two rooms and bath. $20.50. THE NEWLON. 1440 R ST. N.W. -TWO APART - inents of two rooms an:l balh. $20.50 anj $19.50. THE MORTON. 1432 II ST. N.W.?AN APAEX ment of four rooms and batb, $37.50, an! two rooms and batb, $20.50. 6WARTZELL. RHEEM 1 HENSET CO.. 727 13tb *t. n.w APARTMENT. 4 rooms an l bath. Over Powell's drug stoie. 4th and East Capitol. THE ROCKINGHAM. RHODE ISLAND AVE. near 14th st. n.w.?Sublet, front apt.. 5 rooms and balh: a.m.i.: southwestern exposure. Phone North 5405 or inquire of superintendent. THE JUNIATA. 1424 *W ST. N.W. 4 rooms nnd bath $2".50 5 looms and bath 30.00 6 rooms and bath 87.50 All outside ro.> 11-: telephones In all apart ments: newlv ns> ered nnd painted. H. L. RU?r. *400 W street n.w. 4-ROOM AND BATH APARTMENTS. Veronica. lT.lh and B s.w. di-ated) ..$27.00 7ih ai.d il sts. s.w. (not heated* 14.75 PIHLLIPS COMPANY. :i.'I0 John Marshal! place. WHY KELP MOVING? TAKE THAT QUIET, sunny, homelike 3-iooni upa:irnent 1N0. 81 at THE CONCORD. 1816 N. II. iw.. uul you'll STAY: THE CUMBERLAND. THOMAS ? IRCLE SIX rooms. a.m.i.. soiithciii. eastern aud western exnosure: pr- c. ii:i>t;!L. i'hone North 54".1. or In'ttilrf- at Ap?. 111E Pr.YMOFTH. :2"6 11th n.w.? 3 anil 4 looms uli'l !???!? $2*1.00 to $30.00 THE HILLSIDE. 1415 Cb i'ln st. n.w ? 4 room- nnd l.atli...., $30.00 to $'13.00 AMERICAN REALTY CO.. 70f1 llllfcii.-'. THE OWASCO, 11 R st. n.e. THE ONONDAGA. 110 R st. n.e. THE ONEIDA. 147 ft st. n.e. 4 nnd 5 room apartments; large closets and pantries: every convenience. ?oine have pri vate rear porches. We keep them at all times in the very best condition. Rent, *30 to $33 per month. ? ? THE RANDOLPH. 1715 Lincoln road. 6 rooms and bath...' $32.50 For rent by GEORGE TRI'ESDELL. OIH'i1. 1627 Lincoln nl. tin the On ascot. THE CECIL. 15th AND L STS. N.W.?A 2 ROOM bachelor apt. Applv at t>cll or to E. O. WAGENHORS1'. 604 Bond bldg.. Phone M. 5133. 14th and N. Y. avg. n.w. FOR RENT?DESIRABLE FLAT Or SEVEN rooms, suitable for doctor's or dentist's office; all modern conveniences: accessible to all street car lines: hot-water beat; ready tor occupancy November l: open for Inspection. 233 Pennsyl vania ave. s.e. APARTMENTS TO LET. UNFURNISHED?Coattaaed. FOB BENT-BY B. F. SAUL CO.. 934 N. T. ATB. Tki Hone apt.4,b.32.,V The Lafayette Apt. 5r. b 27.50 1424 nth nw.Cr.b. .25.3ti 1113 9th nw. 4r.b.25.50 201 Mass a* nw, 8r. b 25.00 723 FJa a* nw,3r,b25.00 221.1 N nw. or. b..23.50 117 R nw. Sr. b...80.00 1510 7th nw, 5r.b. 20.30 312 Fla a* ?w.5r,bl7.00 043 3d ne. 6r, b.. .17.00 1420 7th nw, 5r.b. 16.50 1131 7th nw, 4r,b.l5.S0 1941 9th nw.Sr.b. .15.00 1428 7th aw, 4r,b. 15.00 WANTED. WANTED-BY WIFE OF ARMY OFFICER with two children, small sunny apt., furnished with the exception of l>ed. table linen and silver: vicinity of Col. road preferred: rent must be moderate and br the month. Address 1020 10th st. n.w. WANTED?NOV. 15. BY MAN AND WIFF. lower or middle flat of four rooms, betwecu Fast Capitol and F. 2nd arwl 7rh st*. s.e.; state terms. Rot. 385. offi.-o. S' FOR RENT?HOUSES. FURNISHED AND UNFl RNISHGD. FOR RENT?FURNISHED. 1504 21at N.W.: OR. handsomely- furnished: in excellent condition. FOR RENT?Unfurnished. 1805 Belmont are. Wash. Heights: 9r. OSCAR W. WHITE 1116 F st. FURNISHED. FOR RENT SPECIAL SACRIFICES. Intersection Rhode Island ave. 17th st. Resi dence completely furnished. Ten roouis and two baths for the winter months. Very reasonably. North side Wyoming: ave. Residence com pletely furnished. Twelve rooms and two baths for the winter months. Very reasonably. Kalorama road, near Dresden apartment. Residence completely furnished. Twelve rooms and two baths for the winter months. Very reasonably. Intersection R st. and 18th st. Residence completely furnished. Fourteen rooms and three baths, for oue or two years. Very rea sonably. SPECIAL AND EXCLUSIVE AGENTS, RICHARDSON GIBSON, 1410 H ST. N.W. TELEPHONE MAIN 5545. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED RESIDENCE ON OONN. AVE 14 ROOMS. 3 BATHS, HOT-WATER HEAT. RENT. $2,500 PER ANNUM. LIEBERMANN & HAWN. 1421 F ST. FOR RENT-NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE. A COZY, beautifully furnished house of 9 rooms and 2 baths: terms moderate to desirable tenant. Address Bos 221. Star office. FOR RENT-ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED DE tached house near Conn. Ave. bridge and two car lines: Sr. and b.: southern exposure. Phone Cleve. 710 or address Box 374, Star office. DESIRABLE FURNISHED HOUSES. ALL SECTIONS. TYLER & RUTHERFORD, INC.. 14* 728 15th ST. N.W. NAVAL OFFICER'S WIDOW, HAVING NO family, would rent her large, handsomely fur. house. Iieautifullv situated n.w.. suitable for entertaining; parlor, library, dining room en suite: piano, chins. silver, linen, etc.; large, bright chambers; 2 bathrooms: gentlemen's den: garage on inivute alley: exceptionally good terms, to private family: immediate oe j cupancy. Address Box 82. Star office. FOR RENT-NEAR DUPONT CHICLE. Furnished house; 0 rooms, 2 baths. $1,000 a year. Phone North 7574. FOR RENT?A NICELY FURNISHED. CI1F.ER ful corner house, in good location, to four or six adults; $100 per month: loner terms for two or more years. Address Boi .'124, Star office. FOR~RENT?FURNISHED NINE-ROOM HOUSE In Rlggs place near 18th at. JOHN T. ] KNOTT. 018 F st. ; FOR RENT-FURNISHED-1825 WYOMING ave.; 10 rooms, 2 hatha, hot-water heat, elec tricity and gas. Phone Fal's Church 78-S8. 9* UNFURNISHED. i FOR RENT COLORED TENANT. 14-12 D ST. S.E. Six iarsc rooms ami haih. Perfect repair. Rent, $10.r,<t. WM. A. BOSS CO.. 1 320 New York ave. FOR RENT? Near 15th and Pa. ave. s.e. 1420 IVES PLACE. Four lanre rooms and bath. White tenants. Rent, $11.50. WM. A. BO?fti CO-. 1.-120 New York ave. FOR RENT ONLY $25.50 PER MONTH. NEAR STANTON PARK. I 623 C ST. NORTHEAST. NOW BEING PAPERED. PAINTED AND RENOVATED THROUGHOUT. Cozy 7-room house: center stairway: fr?nl terrace. Gool car service, and overlooking government park. I.IEHERMANN & HAWN. 1421 F ST. FOR RENT-ON WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. JUOS Biltmore st. n.w $05.00 Modern 10-Room Residence. Six I^trgc Bedrooms. 2 Tiled Baths. Stenm Heat. Parlor, Reception Ilall, Dining Room. Butler's Pantry and Kitchen Same Floor. LIEBERM ANN &. HAWN, 1421 V Si'. FOR RENT?910 C ST. NORTHEAST. Modern house. 7 rooms and bath. Well arranged. Front terrace. NEWLY PAPERED AND PAINTED. CONVENIENT TO CARS. RENT ONLY $28.50 MONTH. L1EBERMANN & HAWN. 1421 F ST. FOR RENT?2824 GEORGIA AVE. N.W." Semi-detached house of (i rooms: modern bath; good furnace; concrete <-ellar; coal ami gas ranges. Jnst repapered and painted and repaired throughout. FRONT AND SIDE PORCHES. Convenient to ear lines. RENT ONLY $22.50 PER MONTH. 1.1BBERMANN & HAWN. 1421 F ST. FOR RENT-ON WASHINGTON HEIGHTS. Unusually attractive house of 10 rooms and 3 liatlis; "hot-water ln-at. electric light: first floor kitchen; rear porches;, deep yard....$05.00 THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY. 1408 New York ave. FOR RENT?ONE MONTH'8 RENT FREE. Desirable semi-detached house of 7 rooms and bath, in Park View. $.*>2.50. THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY. J408 New York ave. FOR. RENT? _ _ 11?<7 I ST. N. E.. 6 ROOMS AND B $lS.5o 233 10th ST. N.E., 0 ROOMS AND B. ... 18.00 402 K ST. N.W.. 5-ROOM APT 3O.00 CHAS. A. SHIELDS. lo* 1336 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. TO DESIRABLE COLORED TENANTS-2014 12th st.; good frame house of 7 nuiui* and modern bath. . .. THE F. H. SMITH COMPANY, 14Q8 NEW YORK AVENUE. FOR RENT LIST OF BELT, O'BRIEN 4 CO. (Inc.), 1309 G ST. N.W. Telephones Main 1204-1205. UNFURNISHED HOUSES. l"ol \ Canst $75 00! 1010 8th. Or. It...25.50 1331 N. lor. 2b.. .57.00-) 414 Fla av. Or, b..25.50 31 is isth. lOr. 2o..5o.O ?; 1200-10-1S Orren lie. 2510 13th, l"r. b..50.00: Or. Ii 25.5 ' 2520 13th, U>r, b..50.00 1203-05 Orren ue. 3310 18th. 10r. b..4S.5'> Or. Ii 25.50 1229 Irvlns. Or. b..47.50! 1217-1!) Orren ne, 13-10 Ilarv'd. Str.b. .45.50 Or. b 25.50 Ills Col rd. 0r,2h.45.">O 1215 Orren ne.Or.b.25.50 "1209 Giranl 45.00] 1210 Orren 1701 T. 9r. b 42.50; 12iX orren ne,0r,b.25.00 2809 14th. 9r. b...4o.5f? 1211 Orren ne.<ir\b.25.0> 8"5 5th nw, 9r. b..35.50. 1310 Md av iie,0r,h23.o0 2811 11th. Or. l>... 32.50 1009*6 24tu 22.5o 1736 Ore av nw.6r.b32.50 two I, ne, 7r. b. . .20.50 1738 Ore av ti\v.6r,b32.50 1141 24th uw,0r,b.2'>.50 ? 3637 11th, tir, b. ..30.50| 2918 Ga av.Or.b.. .20.50 150 U. 7r. b 3O.50-1 ii4 Prospect ne...20.00 86' V uw. 8r, b.. .30.00 K00 17tli nw. ISr.-lS'-o 1202 Orren nc,Sr,b30.00! 7os 7th ne. 7>\ b.. 18.03' 1421 Fla av nw.7,b27.50j2120-31 N Y a*,6r,bl6..";0 1285 T. 6r, b 27.00j :ov 12th ne. 5r... 15.00! 1304 Fla av nc,0r.l>26.50".17 N II av, 5r.,.10.3i): OFFICE ROOMS. Olo F ?t. n.w. 1st floor, rear 25.00 2d floor 50.00 STORES. 1306 G si., sl>'t!' and basement. $2,000.0* 1306 (; ?t.. stor<-. 2nd floor, year 2.000,01 021 E st.. store aud two flats 130.00 ? 3150 Mt. Pleasant st.. store and Sr.. b 45.00 1223 N Y av HO.OO'1301 Fla av ?v...35.00' ! 4IHI 13th st 75.OO; 25<>5 N Cap 27..'10 i : 1201 N Cap'st... .75.01, 406 n ne 25.50 J i 1343 F nw. 3d fl. .?15.00, 001 Princeton 25.00; 11337 11th 60.00 003 Princeton 22.50 I : 1650 3d 30.00 j 8 Chauning 20.50 i 1619 L 50.00: 32VI 11th 20.00 '3042 Ga av 40.001711 M st 5.00 FLATS. 621 E p.w., store and 2 flats $130.00 701 Mass av ne 4,h20.5i> ; 1745 N ?"ap.2fl,8r.b.32.50 1745 N Cap. l?t fl.30,50 2026 N Cap. ?r. b.24 50 1646 N J aT.5r.b-.22.50 1646'.. NJ APARTMENTS. THE MELROSE, I THE BERLIN. 1T1 s 4th nw. ii,b. 20.<>0 i 1350 F ne. 2d fl... 17.50 ; 613 Park rd i;*.4,ll7."0 1343 Clifton st. Apt 3?4r. b 25.00 Apt 23?4r. b 27.5H Apt 52?5r. b 35.00 THE NAHAN'T, 143 R. I. ave. n.w. Apt 6-6r. b 32.50 THE LOUDON. Apt 249?2r, b....*>.00 BELT, O'BRIEN * CO. (Inc.). 1809 G ST. N.W. 7 Iowa circle. Apt 21-5r, b 5O.00 Apt 31-5, h 45.00 Apt 3?4r. b 30.00 THE NEWTON. Apr lo3?5r, b 3O.00 Apt 305-5r. b 27.00 52o E st. n.e. Apt 404?5r, b 28.00 Aj>t ^401?5r, b... .$7.54 FOR RENT?HO1 UXFt'RXISHEP? JOHN F DOXOHOE & SONS, INC.. 314 Pennsylvania avenu? re. SPECIAL LIST OF HOUSES THAT WE AKB WILLING TO BEGIN YOUR KENT FROM NOVEMBER 15th. THESE PROPERTIES ARE IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION AND ARE READY FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY: RENT. $52.50. 10 j>th ST. S.E.?10 room* and 2 baths; hot ?water heat: large garage. A few steps from East Capitol at., which la a guarantee of the location. KENT. $45.00. 103 Till ST. S.E.?New house: 8 rooms an<l bath: cellar: hot-water heat furnished: hot water furnished the year around. One of the best propositions in Washington. Has all the comforts of a flat in n private dwelling. Must be seen to be appreciate#. RENT. $40.60. 701 EAST CAPITOL ST. (corner property)? 8 rooms and bath; hot-water heal. Oue of the best locations on the hill. RENT. 185.00. 415 A ST. S.E.?9 rooms and bath; ho;-water heat. Newly papered and in first class condi tion. RENT. <28.50. 823 2nd ST. N.W.?1) rooms and bai l, and in good condition. This is a central locatiou and will show good value for the price asked RF.S'T. $27.50. 816 5th ST. N.E.- 0 rooms and lwith. cellar. House in perfect condition. In a splendid neigh borhood and one of the cheapest houses In Washington for the rent asked. FLATS. KENT. $22.50. 244 12tU ST. S.E.?5 rooms and batii; cellar; 2nd floor; furnace liout. RENT. $20.50. 761 7th ST. S.E. 8 room* and l>atii. RENT. $14.50. 13131.* B ST. N.E.?4 rooms and Uaih. 1st floor. LET I S SEND YOU OUR. COMPLETE LIST OF RENTALS. WE HAVE THE PROPERTY TO Sl'lT YOl" FOR ANY PURPOSE. JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS, INC.. 314 Pennsylvania avenue s.e. FOR RENT? 1001 S at. n.w.. 13 rooms and t?aiU ~ 1330 Fairmont u.w., 11 rooms. 2 baths... W.j-j 2713 Ontario road. 0 roonu and bath 45.73 218 Eye st. n.w., 11 rooms and bath 40.5'i 1S39 9th, 10r.. b 35..5 1802 16th st. n.w.. 8 rooms and bath ' 1181 5tli tit. d.w.v t) rooms anil bulb *>*>.30 1636 I'.rd st. n.w.. 0 rooma and bath #0.30 S62S 10th st. n.w.. 8 rooms and bath 30.50 1435 R st. n.w.. 8 rooms and bath 30.50 710 A st- n.e., 0 rooms and batli 27.50 038 (J tit. n.w., 8 rooms and bath 20.75 1847 Oth at. n.w., 8 rooms iind bath 25.Si 1810 StU st. n.w.. 0 rooms and bath 23.51 2nd floor. 2219 N at. n.w.. 6r. and t? !j2.50 1022 Pu. avc. s.e.. 10 rooms and bath ... 22.50 945 Fia." ave. n.w., 7 rooms and bath. ... : 20.50 1445 Pa. ave. s.e.. 6 rooms and hath. .. 7t)7 Glrtrd n.w.. 2nd floor. 4r. and bath.. 18.50 1419 G h.e.. 6 rooms anil bath 18.50 423 11th st. s.e.. t rooms and bath.... 18.30 2823 Sherman ave.. 2nd floor. 4r. and b.. 18.<fc> 618 R st. u.w., 6 rooms 15.50 920 M st. s.e.. 6 rooms 15.00 2805 4th at. n.w.. 6 rooms 12.00 OFFICES. Washington Loan an1 Trust building. THE^WASHIXGTON LOAN AND TRUST COM PAXY. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. KOR RENT- TELEPHONE MAIN 2029. 1."i02 17th nw. 9r.$50.00) 1ti(W Q nw. ?r. , .2<.MJ 1323 lltli liw. Or.40.50 12 Seaton pi ne.br2t> 817 L nw. 8r 35.50 928 R nw. 7r... 22...0 219 11th s". 6r...32.50 1020 F ne. ir 22..j0 702 O'cv nw. 7r..27.50 100S 25th nw. 8r.20.o0 .118 iotii se. 9r...27.50' 1350 Eui'n ne. Or.18.00 COLORED. *30 17th nw. Sr..25.501 720 13th ne. 7r... 18.50 2224 Clev ave nw. 1122 Linger ct. 4r.!>.,/? Or 16.30' 30 Fenton nw. 4r..8.50 1S19 Vtii nw. 0r.16.o0i WILLIAM K. ELLIS. 1410 O ST. N.W. FOR RENT 1018 Vt. ave., 18. rooms. 2 balhs 1753 N st. n.w., 17r.. 4b., stable 1322 Wth st. n.w.. 12 rooms, 2 baths.. 150.00 S240 S st. n.w.. 10r., b.. garage, large lot to-^0 1349 Harvard st.. 9 rooms and bath ? ? 1143 5th st. n.w.. 10 rooms and bath... 33?? 20 Uulncv pi. n.e.. <"? rooms and bath... -o.a'J TYLER & RUTHERFORD. (Inc.). 14* 728 15th ST. N.W FOR RENT $3,500 220.1 Mass av nw. 18r $1,800.1441 R I av nw. lfir $250..2401 Mass av,20r $150 14 OS L nw. lOr $100. . 1733 17th nw. 12r $25.50.1628 14th nw. 5r $25.oo.432 fthepM nw.Or $23.50.1(>25 N Can. Or $23.50.17841 Wil'd nw.5r {23.60..514 Shenherd. Or 23.50.1224 29th nw. 8r $2.".50 12 K lie. Or $23.40.-1243 Oth nw. Sr $100. 1331 F nw. 3d fli$23 1538 Oth nw, 7r $75 472 Pa av nw.storei $22.50.1729 11th nw. Or $75. .819 15th nw, 3fl.4r $22.50..410 Shep'd nw.6; $65.1830 Calvert nw.lOrl $22.50.. 171.1 6th nw. Or $6o t?14 S nw. 9r $55 1101 13th nw. 9r $55.-3812 Jocelyn nw,10r $52.CO.3539 13th nw. 9r $50 135S B nw. lOr $22.50 716 F sw. 8r $22.50.1774 Wil'd nw.C *22 512i? 2d se. 5r $20.50... Ill 14 R nw. r.r 20.50. .623 S C av se.6r $.">0 1103 13th nw. 9r|$20.5<i.90l 10th $50. . 107 Seaton nw. Si $20.50. . 1106 22d nw. Or *5o 10 nth se, 1<>r $20.50.1774 Wil'd nw,5r T - - cor. rr. i!Ai P no H ? $45.!lO. .401 4th liw. 13r $45.85.328 Ind av nw,13r $45...3173 18th nw. lOr .*45.1814 Newton nw.litr $45.1724 Newton nw, ftr $45..2337 181 h nw. lOr $41.05'. 823 19th nw. ?r 40.S5...118 E nw. 53r ! $20.50 604 C ne. Or $20.40. .1920 Oth nw. (ir $20.. 1423 Pb-ree nw, 7r $20 54 P nw. Or $20 1114 5th ne. 7i $20. . 100' Oth nw. sho'. $19.(50.226Mass av nw.Gr 119 1832 E nw. fir v40. .2*466 Ont rd nw. Or; $18.50.1206 Fia av ne.Or $40.50.1723 Euclid nw.Or; $18.50.3609 13th nw. or $40 909 R nw. llr $40.1763 Church nw.llr $35.60.537 21st nw. lOr $35.50... 1330 W nw. 9r $35 807 Rock Creek Church road, store $35...3935 7th liw. lOr $35 706 L nw. llr $32.50.1407 14th nw.sto $32.50 129 C, se. 10? $32.80.. .1?06 K nw. 6r $31.50.1322 Corcoran. 8r $311.50.T<f02 10th nw. 0 $30.50. .4007 5th nw. 8r $30.50.4000 Marlboro, 6i $30.50. .4026 5th nw. Sr $30.50. .830 Varnnm. 7r S3'i 1802 S nw. 8r $18.50.121?0tis pi nw.Sr $18.50.1630 14th nw. 4 $18.50.3618 11th nw. 5r $18..loth & Irving ne.>r S18 800 K se, 7r $17.30.. .621 9th lie. 7r $17 1107 11 nw. c.r $15.50...712 13th ne. 5; $15.40.2229 Cleve nw,5r $15.40.. . .441 5th ne. 5r $15.40.1630*1. loth nw.llr $15 2637 I nw. 5r $14.40. .2534 O'.h nw. 5r $14. .3517 l"fh nw. rear $13.50.611 Morton nw.t'r $12.75.103" Fuller liw.Sr $12.50 213 (J nw. 5r $12.50.616 Morton nw.5r $27.50 621 I nw. "r . $12.40. . .521 8th se, 5r $27.50..4ol3 Oth nw. 7rj $11.50.14 Fenton ne. 5 $25.70. ..221 D nw. llr. $11.40.351 McLean sw.5 $25.60 404 N nw. Or $9.00. . .903 12th se, ,.r $25:50.4013 Marlboro. Or $0.50 103 N se. 5r $25.50. ..4008 3d nw. 6rl APARTMENTS. $55.The Cumberland. 5r'*2S.50Th? Wellinston.: r SIO.The Cumberland, 5r *28.50.. Tin' Ar<l"n. 3r *37.50. ..The Morton, 4r; *28.50.The Eartliiffton 3r $37.50..The Phoenix. f-r *28.50.The Rochester. 4r $37.50.The Eariinsrton.Or S26.50.The R.vhe-'ter.3r $35 The Rlplev. 4r; $30. . .The I^onsdale, 2: *32.50.-The Phoenix, 5r; $20.50.. - The Morttin", 2r $3>'. .The Caveudlfch. 3r; OFFICE. $50 .' 1331 F nw, <>(!!??<' For complete list of property tor rent send f?T weeklv bulletin. SWARTZELL. RHEEM & HENSEY CO.. 727 15th n.w. 1'OK RENT?1548 8th N.W.. flR.. A.M.I. *20 oO 2317 II *t. n.w.. 8 rms.. u.m.i.: for col'd 23,oo 1452 T ?t. n.w., 8 rni*.. a.m.i.. f?r col'il. 25.00 M31 it T nw. Or. large yard, for coi'd 18.50 1501 26th nw. 5 r >oms. a.m.i.. for col'd. 18.5." A. T. HOLT/MAN. 132o N. Y. ave. FOR RENT?FLOYD E. DAVIS, 7th & E S.W. 424 7th sw.stR.dl.$45.00 4 028 7th sw,?to,dwl.35.0.? 318 11th sw. 8r.b.27.50 813 F sw, 8r. b...25.on 528 9th sw, 6r.b..2(?.00 1141 Chi sc. 6r.b. .21.50 1207 6th sw. 6r.b.20.5.1 408 8th sw. 6r.b..2??.00 1303 C sw. 6r. b. .20.5 >; 1217 Vitli sw. 6r.b.20.5'i 501 1 sw. Or. b. . ..18.50; 711 6th n?\ 6r,b...20.o0 72o F sw. 6r. b...18.00 411 6'.2 sw.sto.iiwi.2o.oo 1217 C sw. Or. b..17.5'i 42d 11th sw, 6r,b.18.50 426'-" 9th sw. Or,b.17.50: 611 8th sw. Sr. ...17.50 61 M sc. Or. li J6.5?oi 2527 htli nv\ 17.50 417 11th sw. llr. .>16.(I'll 35S N sw, 6r.b. ... 15.50 1256 4li sw. ?r.b.. 15.50, ,3o4 Mcl/u 16.5(1 1128 C sw, 6r 15.5o.*521 Oth sw. Or. b..16.5(1 ln'tl 7th sw. 6r.b. 15.5o' 33(i N sw. 6" 15.50 tttll E sw. 5r 13.3'?j J328 S Cap. 6i. b..1''..5? 627 1 sw. 5r 1.3.1*1,407 O aw. 6i 13.5" l'{**5 Un sw. Or... 12.01 1225 I'll sw. 5r...ll.0o APARTMENTS. , tl 3. so. .29.00 , 727 7th sw. 0 2. .17.75 COLOHED. 4-8 K nw. lor.b. .29.:0i 221 4>... sw. 'jr. b..28 50 1530 12th nw. fl 2.17.00; 2232 8th nw. Or. li.I6 5o 915 G sw. (ir, b... 16.00: 49 Canal sw. 6r..15.50 4S7 C sw, 6r 15.00 4o9 8lli sw. 5r 15.50 | 9S2 F sw. 5r 14.00| 1620 Coyingtnn nw12.50 ?11"* Oth sw. 4r. b. 13.50 2712 K nw. Sr.... 11.50: ".17 Va av se 10.50; 5?i9 L sw. 5r 11.30! i:9 M sw. Or 10.30 109 3d sw. 6r 10.O0 i 3V1 Van sw. 6r 9.00' 600 K sw, 4r 9.3 i FOR A MORE COMPLETE LIST CALL AT i OFFICE. 1314 l'a av se.6r.b31.5o 933 Va u\ sw.9r.b27.50 7o6 G sw. 7r.b. ...25.50 12oS 6th sw, 9r.b.22.00 438 8lh sw. 210 13Vj sw. 6r.b..21.05 419 11th sw, 7r.b.20.,Vi 323 W ne. 6r, b 20.5;i FOR RENT? 1309 14;li st. n.v.. office and dwelling $l."..o0 | ?'17 lltli ?w.7r.b$2C.5o\Va j?v sw,3r..ld"0 VP B sw.'.lr.b...23.5-( J 1522 Roi'le n-.Or.V.'.o' ; '. -1 11tit sw.Ot, ; ::3*J <; sw.Br 10.30. ill. i 2r>.5i? | !'4I Mil :il ?w.4r. 10.5(1 , I.. (? ..>.v-.Pr.b.. ."-T>.."i0 f 215 loth sw ,5r... lo.oo | 4". ? lltlv s\v,7r,b.. 17.3'i 4*.li and N si'.4r.. 7.5o | 437 lo;U s.v.Cr 16.5 COLORED. l.V'8 N J av nw,5r1S.i>-? (7 Van sw.4r.... '.'.oo 4->v oi., sw.4r 12.Sir, 927 D'ni'd et.sw.4r8.5<> " It. HARRISON JOHNSON. st. ?.w. Plione Main 2385. KOR RENT 7(i8 13th nw.sto.$2i5(?0 l"ri4 "21 iir..l2r.3b75.00 17-X P nw. S5.00 I34I Harvard.9r.b.45.50 922 (J sw. Or 15.5o 479 I sw . Or 15.5 ' 822 1". se. Or 15.5c 349 H sw. Sr 12.50 343 Mclx'au av sw I,;j;f xiui - *"? - ? - ? ? - - ,,m ji fcV- ste.Ov.l.35.00 o rcoms 12.50 7^-k Ore av 6r.b. ..:'3.0o 35 N ae. 8." 12.50 701 E sw. ior.b...35.00 711 H sw. 7r. b. . 12.5 > ?VI ' . 1 1 'Ml '.I. ffoO 11ft. .... ?...10 r,,i 4i/cw st,..dwl.32.50! ?(>2 11th nw.sto rutl2.50 ".Vi- v irv 9r. b. .'S0.001 nasi.. 6th sw.5i. .lo.oo ri. pr b. ...25.51 loll# 1211. ??. r.r 9.00 ir*. ;? 25.50 COlJlKEi'. -7" <irh sw ?r.b..22.5o 228 4i-j sw.sto.dwi.H5 00 fj-ii it ne. 6r.b.. .22 50j 242 3d sw. 7r 2o.<h? v j u v n? ,6' .b22.5o 2otl L >w. Or. b. . . 18.30 'j9T K nw Or. b. .22.50 K*U 6th sw.sio.dl. 18.50 7-^i H ne' Or. b. .20.50'313 (; sw, Or lo.oo ii# l?ne. Or. b.t.20.50|332 C sw, 6r 12.5o ^ O sw. #r. fc...lf.0O| 219 3d ?w, Br 18.(K> ^1 flt'h sw^to.?1.18.50V323 C sw. 6r 10.00 JOHN QUINN CO.. Inc., 7f?4 I3th st. n.w. FOR REFT?HOUSES. I X Ft' It * IKH un?fMliMH. rOH REXT? STONE * FAIRFAX. 1342 Xew York ?ve. n.w. Adjoining corner 14th at. n.w. $2,750. .Mans 2?b. $27.50.1010 Soriac r4.*r -- - Mlchimn. Or $27.5'i.lmb-sid- tr.".''r.* $27.50...3201 $-."?-50.1440 KU av nw.Or $25.50... .599 Col rd. Tr $25.50.1137 10th nw. tr $25.#? 03 10th nr. fir $25.50. IKfiivnn at.' r $25 50 722 F Be. ?r $25 l.'<OS D nw. 8t *?ShKi. .It525 K nw.l5r.2? 1150. . 1627 Mas? a* nw $125. .1630 10th aw. IV *100 1723 S uw. 12r $100..1220 Mass nw.tOr $1.4) 1223 N r.w. 12r $W 1726 P nw. l*r | $85... 1534 22.1 nw. 12. 183.33.. .1416 21st t?W. $83.33... 17;:< 1" nvr. 12r _ $75...720 12lil nw, 12rj $24.50. fin? !**'? r $75 l(i 12 luth n.. |^:.W.1H2 Ha a? n*,?tr $75... 1157 Harv.irt!. isr ; $23.50.. 1C ' Marion. <?? $75 1750 T r.w. 1 lr $2.TRo. . .635 M nw. ?r $65.. 1823 I.amont.l2r.;l . $22.?0. >33 4th nr. 7r ' $00 1333 It. $22.50. ..UO ? *o. rd. fir $55 310 K ?;w. 12r $22..Vi.4<>4 Yen:. a*. fi* $5.' - " $.\Y.liM4 Ca!veri.l!r '>? $2.Vr?? rti*S 911. n?>. 6. $55 2X1? W-. ?$:-;.??? 718 F aw. i?r $52.50.1452 Clifton ss *2" "? .' 1* rtrth nw.Tr b *50.50..1S4H ??.it->r i ' 1 J", r. ? ' 24t<i >v vr $50.1257 Irving. Mr. 2V . r.-' . . "? $.V>. .1827 101',1 nw. lot ,?22..v SIS 0 ne, flr $50.. .1311 11th nw, lOr vj :..t 122. ! i i v.. fi. $50 1S31 11 nw, 12: St 'i.5 ? "V I' i.e. '? $50..1346 Faineant. lOr *-? r. ; $50 1742 T. 10r $2o.50.. ..91 I* nw, 6. ? $s??.. 1. is 4Mi ; - r;i>.:..?,-(i7 o ?h .ui <'-r $50.. 1794 Lanier t.iac ?'* . *50.1703 21 l nv.. 1 ? $?' $50.. .4720 13th rw, :>r j ' :? $50.. 1702 Or" . .. * s.; ! ?4? 5<>.33l ? 18-'?! ? .1 ?- ? $47.90. .1762 Corn. l<>r $2 ... ! M7.5 ' 1417 ? ? ?< . ; *40. ls7o t'aliiornia.n r. v" $45.75. .473 II nv*. 12 sj $45.65.328 Ind av. 12r *17 ' $45.50.134 ' Harvard.1'V 10.50 $45.50.2417 isth nw.l.-r .1: $45.50.3357 l.Hlh ltw.10 ' ?> ' . t :t - v- * 1 . i fi : ??. 7r. 1 . v ?. tin!. BV ft ' '??"II i' i t" i.foril ! $45.50. 12>is K'n.aiu. <1"..00."03 tVtimbl' ri i ?45.50..1316 Kenyon.l^r . h I $42.50..1237 Iriinc. 1st ,*?!,". 50. ".(*?? $42. .. .25447 l ilden '" "0. ??.? *.?th 12 ion'y n *. 7tli $40.."rf>. ,?1263 Ii\ 't $40.50 3565 111b * .?.1 *i * $40 213 U\< ?tv ? , $10.. ."550 10t'? .?. $15,035 PI r. nr n* ?r ? $38.50. .3554 lOUi nw.* r $!"?.(*??;> Fl- rpn.-' m*,?r I $:;.5?', .3331 X 11 a' r! fl ..%?... - : - S37.50. .117 or!-. ''' * 1- w. -r i $36.50.015 10th nw, *r\$14.M> C4 Scaion. fir ; $35.7*... .ms ?iw. rr ! $n .. .112. *. 1 ? r 1 $35.30 70*1 1. nw. Sr ?*1f?.* r *i ' - t $::5.r 1 ,.132? V. nw. "r ; *12 ?>*!*. 23.1 nw $35 5( .1517 l<'th nw. ^r *12 >r~< r nw. 1 *35.50. .2101! Vi nw. Or! C?>1 " it $35 50.2449 IStn nw. Or $37.50.11 '7 '.'I -? tivf.I'" S35 5o "37 \V.? ?>Mln*r. r .*"0 50..4SO R I av. flr $35 50. ..1527 T nw. : t c r ? . . 1? * nw. or $25.50. . .1802 S nw 1 ?" $25.50.1' 42 "<1 nw. 1 $35.50 114*1 r' ' S21.50. . 1217 2'4 nw. Or <CI5..S0Ma(* 1W, 1 : Svo 17'* ?* C $75 1030 3. no ? *18 .77^ 4 nt vT. *"? ??nt 50. it 11 ,, *J'l.5?i.. M H >n. $35 401 II nw. $.35 1S25 141 't nw _ . $.15 3100 24tli ne. .r nt" 14 ? >' " $35 09 N Y av. ur |i? 503 Col rtl. 6 k:::: r<i.:;5-u ii*t- r?u. < r M oiri v $32.50..4000 X II av. 7r *?oo.l311 X.-> V ?* * $32.50.709 ShephtrJ. 7r yi*,o <r.7 V $32.50 ?S V nw. M i ii.\o 7*M 13th ! $32.50 34 V nw. Sr $125 502 11th nw $32.50.1700 W'iUanl. *'1*125 1222 I' ?>*v i $.12.>'..1734 fort,-'i.. 12", ?s5 2011 14th nw $32 50 . 1'(1~ >?-, S80 501 11" ? i $32.50. .1S36 Ore av nw $75. .201 <1 uw. st.?&?l.v ' $.".2.50.:'.5(14 lltli nw. ? -.7.*. 75 V r ? ; $32.5 > 31 II nw. !'r $00 1S24 llth uw ! $32.50.-1017 Lanmnt. ' sc.. ism lie n t $32.50.33"o I 'll. nw.S ?> , s,-,?s |H12 14th n? ! $32.5?.3fiOS 13th nw, ''?!* '-n V21H ISt'i nw ; $30.5O... 1734 Cnro'n. 12r .?,? v.l av 11# ! $30.50 81 H nw. tlr. .<40.50.1332 14t'i n\v.?to ! $30.50.3501 111b nw. (Ir kjjo 7th i>?-. ?tor? ! $30.50..1551 Uth nw. :n $;:5..Vi 317 Pa av ! $30.50. ... 1 42 1' nw. Tr: *;;r 4H1 II nw $30.50.1407 Monro.' n > t:;r. 254 1??>. C: 1 $30.50. .21 IS <J nw. lOr. 152'i lltli ?t ! S30.5o.132S 101 !i nv.. "r 1 $32.50 31 II nw s::o.50 750 v?wtnn.?'r 1 $ao 2304 I'n av nw $3o 000 K ne, 7 r j;{(> ?r:4 P:i ?v *? $30...843 Ixingfrtlow at! $;U) 1800 T nw $3.1 040 7t'i 11 . 7r t S3o ?10 ,,"i nw $251.50. . .no* 6th ve. Sr *28 sth n,v $28.50.138 Seaton nw,6: $2">. 510 '2th nw $28.50.3720 N II a v. Or *22.50....... .222 <? n .v $28.3o. .43 N Y av. tlr $?2.5o 220 '1 nw $28.50. .3510 Ontrr. "r:*i;2.50 .3308 On av nw $28.50 OS T nw. Tr ; js2'? 2147 I' -r $28.50...417 4th n?\ 8r: ?.50 100. II u? $2V.".4l. .2223 1'lnslcr. 6r OlM'U'K.S. $28.50 910 ?' nc. sr $83.33.. 011 U:'. n $27.50.3501 11 tit nw. 11 r $7/1 1.315 New York av $27-50.142 A.Ibiiis s-t. tir $25.5o. ... 703 15th nw $27.50.-53 K lie. lOr. l? $10 1320 14th nw See our it>t of ai.artineuts under Aoartment* to Let. KOII RKNT? St... {>10 4'? ?w.7r$30.r4l'310 M.-I.raii av aw. 487 F aw. 12r. 1>..35.50 Or 15.51 Sto & clwjr. 50O 41 ? ' 52ii,dwr32.5(i sw 35.51' | 1119 G ur. Or,w .jr. 10.50 Sto. 1?KK? 4'., hw , .22.50 i 714 G n?*. 5r. |.. ,18 imi 1252 tith aw.15r.2li*l5.IC> 4U4 N sw. 5r. ?..12.5o 1!i I? ?<?. lOr. 1>. ..25.50 I sio. G12 41- sw.5r.20.50 St^. 510 41. tiw.7r.2?.5" I 481 I aw. Or. Ii.. 15.50 431 lilli sw. lOr. 1337 Melj-an av. Or. 700 in, 7r. It. ..25 5.. I b 10.5.1 V'li 6th aw. 5r. b..20.5o ^147 X sw. Sr. 1>. 15-.5 1 510 9th aw. Or. h..1tj.5o 352 McLean av sw. Or. 1. 15.50 1'i'i K t.(?. 5r. w...13.50 533 7lli sr. Sr. I...18.50] IW. 41- sw. Or.. 13.50 I '.iti Mr nv aw.Or.w 12.50 1222 1'nioii sw. 5r.IO.50 1245 Otli sw.Or.w.c15.5o '157 I aw. Or. l>...22.5o 4'lfi X sw. Or. I>. . .IS.5 1 313 7tli sw. 5r. 1>..lS.5o 1258 Half sr. Or.w lo.jli. i 407 O aw. Gr.w.s.. 13.50 357 I aw . Or. !>. . .20.541 ! 4M'.* M ?w . ?Jr.w.. .14.5o 8131-. 7tli aw. Or. .10.50 11020 7th aw.Or.w .sl5.5o COLOKKD. 330 II sw. 7r. w..25.50 59 M.vrt'e 10 50 752 7lh ae. 5r. w . .12.5<> 75 1 7t Ii sr. Or. w..15.50 "17 41.. sw. 5r. w.,17.5'1 "11* S N J *iv sr.Or.10. 221 4>.j sir. Sr. Ii..28 ."Vt ?".11 I Fr. Or. w.. . 13.50 51 Cannl aw. fir...15.50 'IS F aw. Or. W...11.50 74 C sw. Sr. W...1H.5" 1254 3nl sw. Or.w. 12.50 4'. H. PARKKK CO.. 435 4'., 134 (' sw. 5r. w.. 15.50 47H S.-Iiool sw. Or. 15,5.1 140 fit , sw. Or... . 12.5o 82 C sw. Or. w.... 415 2.1 sw. Or. w..14.."0 350 <; aw. 4r. Ii. .15.50 027 Mil nv sw.1or$45.5o 1718 HI ii 11 w.Sr.. .35.50 1019 ?? nw,9r 30.51 2040 12th ur.7r...25.5<l 025 X 1' av sr.7r. .20.00 1420 T nw.Or 25.50 1.31.3 Otli 11 w.7r...23.5H nffl 2d nr.Or 22.511 o*'3 1?Hh nw.Or.. .22.50 70!) P nw.Sr 21.5o 1414 1st nw.Sr 20.5o 91.3 Fin av nw.Or.2o.5o .311 11 nr.7r 18.50 tilt! 10th sw.Or IS.5*. 519 lOtli ae.Hr.. .. 1S.5o 3o9 AV nw.7r 18.0" 1227 I ur.tir 17..VI 459 I nw.Sr 2227 9th nw.Or.. .10.50 414 lltli sw.7r 10.50 249 W nw,5r 15.5o APART 1745 N Cap nr.7r.33.50 424 llidgr nw ,4r.. 15.5o 1405 1 -44 nw.4r 13.5ii A. S. f AY WOO I). 915 X. IO* 1353 Irv'g r.xv. lor.4i'.i*i ; 1523 stli 11w.H1...35.05 1225 Irv'g nw?. lor.ft5.50 I 30i 15 ii? av nw.ltlrt0.5i> 1531 otli 11 v.,Sr...27.5o j 05 X V nv ne.Mr..25.5.1 | 1339 Krar'y n?.7r.25.lHi 1310 M.I av ne.fir.23.00 I 2837 Gn av nw.6r.22.5o : 728 4th nr.Or 22.5o I I14S 10th ne.Or.. .21.00 238 Ilryant nw.t;r.18.50 | 2345 Sher'11 av.6r.18.50 till! X nw.Or 18..'mi : 1222 I ne.Or 18.50 234 Hr.vanl nw.Or. lS.5o I08 (Stli se.Or I8.00 lo32 S fap. *r.7i-. I7.ihi 2112 11th nw.5r.. 16.5*1 3MS I4tl, sw.Or I0.5H 11631 tith uw.Or... 15.5H MKXTS. '2705 llth nw.Sr..22.50 28.1' Sth nw .Or... 15.5o 4<i7 FVauk'ii mv,5rl2.5'i Y. nvr. n.w. I'h. M. 7In. FOR RKNT- A HK.SIRAIU.F. HOC.SIC. 9 moms anil hath. In u.hmI repair: guod,neigh borhood: couvcnlent 10 two car lines. Xo. 710 9th n.r. Itrut only $25.50. B. F. SAC I. CO.. 934 X. Y. ive. n.w. FOII It EXT?JI'ST 2 OF THOSE XK\V HOUSES, on Park road: 10 rivms 2 baths; hot-water hrat; electric- Hjrh's; rt.'ionial p .rr'jes. Heat, $55. 1927 and 1935 Park road. STOX'K ii FA1KFAX. 1342 X. w Yori. avr_ FOR REXT XE\V HOFSES. 7 liilOMS A.Ml bath: 4 nirr br.lrootns: hot-water heat, ele.'trlr lights, potvhes; lot 20x142. Rent. $32.So. 7 9 Shepherd st. n.w. STOXE A- FAIRFAX. 1342 Xew York avr. j FOR RENT NEAR IU'POXT flRi'TjE 12 ROOMS AMI Ii VI II; REXT. ?3ij.5o. 1MISSKSSIOX NOV. 15. 1734 I'nr. I'ltD st. n.w. i STOXE A- FAIRFAX. 1342 Xew Ynr. avr. i FOR REXT XEVV IIOI SK.S ?i\ THE UKruHTS; | 0 rooms and bath: pur hes. Rent, $15.50. 3551 Otli st. n.w.? STOXE & FAIRFAX. 1342 Xew Y.nk avr. | |FOR REXT? 1237 In'ing si. n.w.. 9r. and bath $42.So j 1002 Sth st. n.w.. tir. and bath 25.50 131 llth st. n.e.. 5-r. apt.. hf>at 30.5.1 H. F. MAXrH.KR I'O.. Ixsik for the red'arrow sign. 7o2 illli at. n.w. FOR REXT IlRlilllTWOOri PARK: COXVEX !eut to two car lines: 7r.. b.. brick: larirr from nil.I n-ar yards; front and rear non-lies: i:.*h1 condition: Incraliani si. n.w.: $19.So. CAY ffOOIl & GARRETT. PJil X. Y. aye, n.w. !'?? FOR REXT ATTRACTIVE HOME XEAR Hi - iHint Circle; 11 r.. 2b.. elt-c. ligiit. ninny. ?ia .-io'.s, tine yard?$05 mo. J. V. X. A T. Ii. ill Yi lv, irsi4 11 >?. n.w. IFOR REXT?1512 1st ST. X.W : OR \\n I bath, nirr condltiou: nisllv lr-ai".i: lsril' b.i.-k i trftrch. .-onvenient nil <-;.r li nrs and envrrn mrnt nrintinsT office. S'JS.r.n. Owner. in* FOR REXT- 2.139 PARK ROAli. A delightful lionse in a dolieiitfnl nriah Ui.-IkkmI. Ten rooius. two hntlir.?on'?. slerpinz I-orchis, hotwalrr her.t. electric lislii. arrv ant's toilrt, laundry, opi-n fir- placi's. Iteiiutifnl I decorations and fixtures. Deep ttarjen lot. Keys ft MIDDACGH & SHAXXOX. ln.-oriM>nii<'.l Owner. Colorado buildinc. llth and G. FOR REXT?1742 T ST. N.W.; A VERY 14E sirable niodeni house, ??^niaiiiliv 1o large rooms and bath; straiu h.-at double por.-ii suitablr for siei'ping purpoa-s. Rra i sonal.le rent. VELLOTT & STI BRl.EFIELU. IXf.. 14tli and F sts. n.w. Phour X orth 415V. IFOR REXT 021 QIIXC\ ST. X.W.: CORNER hous.;: o riKiuia and bath: furnnv heal; r. ntai only $27.50. YE1.I.0TT A STCRI'.l.EFIELLl, IXC., 14th and I.* sts. u.w. FOR REXT 411 22nd X.W. ? ri?>nis; sink in kitchen, in nice condition an.l coliveuivnt location; to gimd it .lured tru ant. 915.5m. MOORE A HIUU Inc.. 1420 22 11 n.w. FOR RENT lliti Sth X.E. ti roon--; water in kitchen; in g<iod I.M-ality an.l a ni e home for *15.So. MOORE A- 1IIIJ., Inc.. 142.1-22 H u.w FOR REXT 1.109 QFIXCY ST. X.W. A desirable moilern honw, routaininc six roi,ui? and Isilh: furnace heat. Rent. $35.So. YEI.LOTT A STI BIH.EF1EI.U, Inc.. !4lh anil I* st*. n.w. FOR REXT?3548 WARDER ST. X.W.: XEW house of 8 rooms and bath; hot-water hrat: hardwood trim and floors: our stjaare from <;eorgia ave. and cars. Rent only $1(0. Phase M. 275 for key. JOHX W. CHILHRESS. 1W5 "Eve'* it. n.w. FOR REKT?HOUSES. rortiwiiHBP <o?thi?p. | ______ THOd. J. FIBRE* * OO. (two. Seal Eatat*, Lnm ud rNFTRSISHKD. Conn, if, II it and \ 183.1 Q aw. lOr. I.N.4 FJa av. SOr. 7b.38.000 14 Lafayette txjture, year 5.000 920 McPheraon aq. lftr. 2b. Tear 2.400 1529 X II av, ISr. Sh. year 2.400 2?1P li>th c*. ]2r. 2!>. Tcsr 1.000 2713 Wisconsin a*. 11r. 2h. vear 900 1.V1 X II av nw. 16r. :ts a?o 17:.:: X 1.1. i?r. "h 1>i 4 Ja.-ksnn pi. i8r.3h. i:ai IK* 17Ci nw Pr.2h .125 1S38 Avenue of the It o*!?ler, t*. llr.3h.M0 12i.4 K 2h.S4.17 2>!K R nw. Ilr.b. .75 00 1G47 30th nw. lsr. 21. 75.00 Iter, Calvert u? 12r, ;;i> 7:> ?o 17!'. Q 11V. Ur 2h.75.00 ri ??; It. IV. 2h.. 75.00 .513 2"!h. Ilr. 21..75.00 IV"' laniont jiw. Ilr, '? ' lM 00 38X1 Wood ley place. - 9r, h ,V?.0? 280.1 lath. lOr. h. .50.0# 2409 l?th BW.9r.2b.47 '<? 1S4D Harvard nw, 9r. b 4H.8? I5I*t P nw. llr.b. .4A.?0 2517 Win <X1 1513 O lOr. b 40<K? 13th nw 35.7? 174.". Cbarrh nw.7.b 812 N J a*. Pr. b.?.5l? l.V?4 P nw. Pr. b.35.5<* 1120 X II ar nw, b 35 V* S4?.?? 13th. 7r. b..S5.V? 1S12 Incle?tde ter race nw. I4r. b. K '4 1<**2 s. 8r. b S5 W? 747 Park ril. to.b.M.Oi 1331 r?r'n nw.Ur.b35 oa 17?Vt Will'd nw.ft.b33 ?-? S02 H nw. 8r. b 32-"??? 11V. 5tb nw. Rrb.30<i'? *1<*> ?; nw, ilr.2b :?o >*? 2S03 y nw. Pr. b .3?? ?? 110.1 7 tli tie. 8r.ti.SIMM* 1015 !<?h ne. flr.b.27 .T?>2 Pth ne. 7r.h. .2'! K ir. Mil nw 05.00! .12P M<> av nw.10.K85.7S lS't'l Columbia r.l nw, 1740*1 1? ne. 7r. 8..2R 75 1?-. 2l? <10.00 Hi N Y av nw- Sr.h 2*> T.I Park road nw. "r. I. 00. AO 1703 P t.w. 12r,h. "50 <n ::ici i.;. .iv.? 2: *7 lsih Ilr.2'...57 50 ! '? v V nw. ;<ir.2i,. 50.i*? li"*7 !? nw. llr.3h.55.00 1 *?_' 1 tj nw. 10r.ti..35.t>P 1 1'SO A teniae of the Pr. s* len::. sr. I>.55.4V? P !?> ?n I?rpl.flj-bSO *0 1'131 (J n'v. Si, b .'.50.80 j 71 Kla av nw.Hr.b.25 50 1517 Caroline st nw. dr. I. 25 '? ? 121" 11 ne. 7r. b.22 -V* 2022 11th nw.Or.b.22 131 I) tie. dr. I. ..2" ?? I 30 |? ne. tli . h 2<* 5.1 Mil l?t sc. Cr.b 2" * ?i.11 Florence ne.O.bliV ? ? 714 1. sc. Pr 15 ...? 1343 1 so. Or 747 sc. Hr APARTMFNTS l"\4 i.isrd s . n.w., 5 room* and hath .. Morgan n.w.,v 5 room* and bath... '717 1th at. n.w.. 5 roi.UK. t.ith lv"li r..\v.. 4 rivim* and I .<tli 14 <"* COt.OKKP 1417 Snmn at. n.w.. 4 r<Kini* and hath. 1:12 K *t. n e.. ft room-,, bath 4^ Jinfreen a;, n.w.. ri>?iii? asi.l hath. Hie Temple. 11<?2 K *t. n.w.. 3r.. hatli. 1427 tlth tit. n.w.. 0 r.K.tnn SOU N. It ?ve. n.w.. ?5 ro?m< an,I hath . 7o;i ^4tli s!. t?.*r.. 0 roouisi ... 414 Hid;.' st. it.w.. 4 r.??tn>. 151? M ?t. n.w., 4 room*. !'V2 lluelies is.urt n.w.. 4 222V* I'tpreaa allev n.w.. 4 room* nrnrF.S 1220 ?Vnine?*tic?if nv<*.. 2 rooms 122^ Ponne.dlent *2-. to in s.r. .or. l^th hiiJ !?* *ta n.w.. 2nd. 3rd. i'i.I 4tli tliNir? S12">.oo. *7'. '?? and $-?" "?? I !:i,?n trust Idds ? fls <1' lo *35.0>l ??31 ?: hi Iiti.iw to $27 '?<* | Mi ? Sterling. 1!i|5 4'alvert *1.. mwi I" hkiiil .2". '' ? |f ;itur.v hide. 412 14 5tli at. n.w f 12 "rfi to :5 ?t [ 1 Vi4 II M n.w .. 2 room* 25 1421 1" n.w.. ruoms 7 and M 25.?*? 1423 r si. r.Mim n.. it; <** STORKS. .15 t<4 15 t'? 25 2T. >rt IK *,<? 22 *?7 2".'1 1< ?<? IK 0 I 1? ,V? 15.V? |.". 4? 12.441 12 3.5.1 7 :??? $1:0 .t 1733 Vernon at n<v i.ornerl HiftOlt 1 si li | itlh nwr.Kto.HNi ?*? NK eor 7lh A N Y av entire hid*. .3H0.IHI 4S3 Pa av nw. IVl.fto 712 lllli nw . . 125.<>o is.f_? isi nw 4in?? 1131 7th nw. entire 243HU. iKili rtrt.Ort Imlldin* 129.00 ?.?tu'itili nw. . 27 5i? 741 Ptll iiw - ?>2I antli nw. .. . 2>?.i*? stabi.ks ami <;ai:\>;i:s. 114<: i;..v II nw .Sl.OOO vr, Rp .r 1711 II nw 25.011 It SIR 15th 50.00 2?r21 Covt i t nw 2*? <*? lt"?r I21S llMli iiw ,4o.?ViJ R,-ar 710 l!?:li Iiw.|o 0i? 12 Sumner ullev :u'..0il r\SI RPAS8KI? I'Ai'll.lTIKS l < ?IJ Tilt ; ?'nl. i.k?"i t\?; op ri:\ts prom m.i. ci.assks ??p PROPPRTY. T11K Alio VP IS OM.Y A PARTI A I. I.IST OP TIIK PROPKRTIES IN t?l'R fllARtJK. Rl P \VK SI IA I.I. UK ?JI.AI? TO |l RMKII i'HM Pl.KTK RIT.LKTIN8 t?N APPMPATIoN AT THIS flPPIt'F. THOMAS .1. FISHER & PO. (Ine.I. 7-lS l.'.tli Ht. n.w. POR RENT H. I.. UP ST. 141V 11 ST~VW IB3S t 'alvert.Pr.Sb.fOO.O ?. 1225 10th. sr. h. . ,27.5'? ISM liiKlealde Ter.27 50 .si 15 unii nw .^'i.i*! 1427 21?t iiw.Wr.b.>?.?C. 1371 Ii'b nw.1or.b.50.5n Xi58 ISili nw.10r.2b45 50 i;o3 II liw,llr.b 4.Y5U 1S44 N. W I.III, Sir.h. to.OO Isim s nw. Pr. li. .35.5 I i::34 Ptli nw,#r,b..?.5o 5o N Y nv iiw.lir.b.2".'?? 1525 Allies iie.??r,b.25.50 44 I", nw. 7r. I>. 25-V? 1522 N t ap. f.r.h 22.S'? 305 14tli. ?r Ill ,V? .; 1.; \ n?,ilr 10.25 1i'47 K'mer ne.0r.bl5 ?a? APARTMENTS. 727 12tli uw.tir.b. .50.0(1^ Akron. 5r 37.50 Klorenct! Ct. not. 2r. li .28.00 Juniata, 5r.b Jlo.Oo I lampion. oil l72o Pa uv nw ,6r.ti2S.5i? 1019 1*1 uw ,5r.b. -22..VI Jil I'od.t |.l ne.?r.b.?M*l I.'.IK V.I a v iiw ,0r,bl*. 5<l Rl SIN ESS PROPERTIES. 1710 10 K iiw.ato.KKl.OO] 1st & I?e?-jitnr ne..25.oil 12o2 lllh ?? 2.1. ? i 2<*i 7tU ?w 2U.UO 12tli uw.IkI I1.II5.IH) 3070 Mi rii'm> nw.Ml.50 308 12th nw ,8r 30.00 COUJKEll TENANTS. 114 4 I5tli. 5r.h.2 t1.25.tKii Jl IP W'.l pi iiw t4r,bl'.>.5(l 114S 15th uw,Ur.. .S0.50] 027 K nw. Or ls.'o 171S E nw.Or.b 2o.5?)J 0241? Man* a*. Or. 15.r*i tiARACES. Rear 1015 ltSth.. .15.00 I ijreeti el. Iiet I.. 43 Sumner row . liet i M, 13tli k 1 Itli.. l.'.-'KI I.. M. Kith. 17tli.22.50 I FOR RENT ?'AYWOOI? A- ISARRETT. 1231 New York ave. n.w ; 17<i 1 T nw, Pr. h.$42.5i P2ti Mat.* nw.Pr.l..42.5'? ."150 lltli iiw,7r,t?.35.5t 034 B kit. Pr. b. .30.5m 72<; Ijimont nw .O.h25.<?>' 017 N J av nw.Or.b.27.50 13,'Ki 13th nw,">."0 1317 lllth ? 1523 VI av n? .Pr.M8.50 1S37 Vi av in.tir.WM'l 1328 10th nw.8r.b..",0 5>l 517 13th lie. Mr.h. . :SO.O 1 027 F'm't nw.tlr.l..2*>.iei 11151 P'ma.' nw.Or.h27.5i? r;.:1* i::ih nw.tfr.b.25.5<* 141,'Sti VI av nw. 7r.V2.5i? r i,.> i p. ,.is 13th nw. 2,.2d:::.. 11413 5tk nw. 5r,i. rhe New|!Ort. ij vis 13,nw.3r,::? .25.0. t.liw Pk rd nw. .I,l.2il.. m] 1109 l>l nw. 5r h. .2o..V 1V27 7tli liw.4r,str.21.5tlj IJ1P II ne. Or. b...2i.5il 1210 t? ne. Or. h...2i?.5ll[ 123S 1; ne. Or. 1.. ,9il..V? KMI2 <? lie. Or, b. .20.511 .'MI5 N V av^i M P3o 111c'in nw ?>r.b. 1U.54I 13X3 loth nw. ?'.r is.'ai 412 1st nw. 7r. b. 1K.4i>; 131U 101 li nw. Or. 17 51 13^1 loth nw. Or. .15.1711 7th nw, 5r,15.0'l 7"3 istli ne. 5r. It. 14.5r 410 F'klln nw, 4r.|4.H? 2U1P I nw, 5r 12 ". I 1P14I N Y av nw.5r.12. ** 035 11th ne. 5r 12.o:i' 1213 V ae. Or lo.r.u FEATS. 1413 5th nw. 5r,h,r^.4>i <*? 011^ Pk rd nw.5,h2i?..Ki. 1109 1m iiw. 5r.b..2o.5>i 34 'j.ald pi ne.5r.b. I s.5 i J Porter ne, 5r,b, 10,5.? 33K P'lh ne. 5r.h..l5,' i.lll I, lie. Or. h... 15.5i? 144P E ue. 4r. I.. ..14.0 1 ^lilll I uw. .'.r. I?.. I2.-'*? SHIRK. ' 0ti7 N st. n.w 1(1* FOR RENT - JAMES P. SHEA. <U3 I.Ol ISIANA WE. N.W. I?\VEEI.INi;S NORTHWEST. 1513 35th nw .1 Or. Iif;'5 > llo F nw. M". Ii...2~i.."4 P"J4 1*1 nw. Pr.h. .:>3.SU 10>2 .'Jd Iiw, Or,b. .25.X' !"24 tPlli nw, 7r,li. .32.50 ? 1443 \V I.W, Sr. I..J5." 1 6IP 2<i titv. 10r. i>. '- ??! 1514 1st nw. llr.b..23.3<i I02P P nw. 7r.l>.. .30.75 ? |,V?2 Pan.line nw, 141 T nw. Sr. b.. .30.50 Or. I. 22.5 ? P15 N J av uw.flr.b30.50 :i'JJ 1st nw. Hi. I..2".5 ? 1521 1-1 nw. .2V "O 222:J 13th nw 4i 1417 \\ n.t.>r.i?. . ">.5o ::22l Olh Iv5>. 1440 FI11 :>? ?? ? i '? "'.5;i ^".41 17i.i nw. 5r..l7.'>i? IUVKI.I.INiiS NORTHEAST. 1302 I ue. 7r. It...20.5.11 p ii?rii? i.e. 'ir,h.t7.5?l l.iol li ne, 5r. t., .'ii.Od | llfc Pith lie, 5r.w . 15.5 ? !HI V I* av.ll.'.li. . 17.5 1 t*. M. rlli? ir . tir.U.15 VI 135P F U -. Or. 1. .17.5. IlWEI.ElNtiS SOI TIIKAST. 105 15th ae. Or.t.. ''5.50 !Ht1 lom Or.w.. 15.So 907 7lli ae. Or. h..22.50 :111s 7tli *e, Or.w ... 1.".3 ? 515 lltli a.1. Or. h..2'.50 727 t;*'i s. . ..12.5i 718 131 h *e. flr.b. .30.50 1103 V\ ,ir. w..ll 01 1.5:4 E ???. 1... " 1321 llt'i se.Or.w. .10 ,0 1218 Pa 11? ? "r '? i?. ! - DWEU-IN'tiS SOI TI1WEST 450 N atr. 12r,li. . .2o.5 ?' 47* II aw. Jr. w .. 15.5.1 172 M aw, Or,b.. .ls.5" 134', I'liioii av, ftr..12.7" 4ti0 Va av ?>\,sr,l>. 17.50 4?',2 V.. av *w , 5r..l?V5o 310 14th SW. Sr. . 10.51 133:1 44, aw, 5r.w..l0.So 309 M.I.eau ?v.0r.hl3.5o 1338 I 11 Ion FEATS. 812 P nw. Sr b...28.50 I 1311 1?: nw, 5r.b..20 So 10:iS'i. N .1 av nw, 1040'* N J av nw. 5r, b 19 50 5r. , 19.5 1 HI SINEsS PROPERTY. 2o1 Msis* nw ,?lnlw .55.'kiimis 'Ju t uw .alJtdw.lK. 5*1 P20 IhI iiw. alore.50.iKI ' 713 i: 11 ?, store.. ..15 01 1301 4'.* sw .atA lor.3,i."4? j 715 E lie. atore. ...lj.Oo ^ * .... .1 ...???? r . .".INI 41. sw. sto.dvv35.5,i 7'il Kye a.', stAilw.35.lio 4 3ti 2tith nw.sto.ilw'tJ.VI 1503 N Cap. aloee "-O.50 201 Va av aw.*i.dw22.5ti IVati-r aw .ato. 12 5 1 1200 Wuli-rsw.atii.12.5il llir.>-r aw.atu. 12 5 ? :17 i*j aw. store..12.WI 4..K lltli sw. *ton.-.10.(81 POl.OREIl TENANTS. 305 Mo av niv. I2r,b2'..0 1 h'l.i LM u- , Or. W..1SS.I 8<i7 Mo av. 15r. b.25.00 IS 14(la se. Or. w. 13.541 733 4i!i nw. Or. h.23 5 i 27oP Iminbartou a? 73s 41 iI nw Sr. w 21."41 MW. 7r. w ... IJ.Jil 2721 Slier av nw,0,li2o -"4) 012 \a av aw.4r.w12 >? i:_35 R ue. Or. li..2'>.S> 1417 Me^a n? se. fla 112 8*1 1337 P. ne. Or. b...19.*111 1 17th se. 5r. b..ln.5A 1351 It ue, 4ir. li. . 17.5.1 105 1; s.-, 5f. w... In <1.1 1353 It ne. Or, 1. .17." L""4s E iiw . Or. b. . 17 107 Olltet 4'llV. 4jr. at. Ivy ...111.041 2717 Slier uv nw.4.b17.5?i 1223 23..' uw. 10r.bl0.00 loll 4tli nw,5r.w.. 10.5o :i31 15CIt ae, 10.5o, .23 15th w. Or. b.i?.4?l) 1015 2d ne. Or.W.. 1.5.5111 T21H Wylie lie.Or.t*. 15.50 42>' 3rd sw. Or.w . I5.iai 2711 K uw. 4r. '* 10.04I Haiti NY av SI 15 2.1 a?'. Or. w .. ll.l-i 2209 t? 11 iv, 4r.w..,7.5o 1223 10IU B-, 4r.w.7 5ii F4IK ltFNT 2'iai K at. |:.e . 0 ldo.11* a id lintli 822.54* 3241 Mas* li..-.. O lo.ur .111.1 nalli. 25.5H 23o Kb I'i.oitf.l si . 7 i.Hjio*. i.iel i.a'h . 2*50 TIIKo M. .111)1). 4P7 I 1. w. 431 4:1; I11r.l1. .'.5.5.4 1104 7tli aw.5r.b.flils..V? 7A4. nw.l'.i. slo/'d 'i5..*? 41*1 I -?*. Or, h . I7.5*? 47". F sw . lOr. i ...3 ?.5.?,s- V|ci . in -iv.0.1.. I0, ..| 1:1 1> m-. Pr, I. 2 .0 4: s '. ;,r. b...1ti.t)< '.12 4'V s-.v,s:<iA-5r 211.5;. >0 -trK bt *w,0,w t3.o4? 12341 NJ a. n .0 ,h2o.5-i I 239 4' ?w. si. lr. lO.Ml 135 I aw. 0 . I.. . 1 s.5-1 ?' ri.u-.l 4"-*?* lo* FOR IJEXT AI.L HOPSES t.'XDER OPR CONTROl, HAVE BEEN PPT IS EXCELLENT CONDI TION IHROLOHOI T. WHITE. I13R 171b rt. d.w.. I2r aud 2 hatha $125."V* 2118 O n.w., 14 ruoms and 2 haths.. 7S.00 1752 S *1. n.w.. 10 looms and bath S5.00 2112 II at. u. >?.. >2 .ooiiin and l.aih... ~~ " 24115 Pith st. ii.v.. 10 room* and hatli.. 353:* 13th si. n.w.. :i r. >.mt and 2 t?tUa 1708 P at. n.w.. '> io. ni- and bath 2000 I nlvt-rsliv p'. u.w., 12r. and 2b... 124 E at. n.w.. to rooms and l>ath 45.00 1335 0 *t. n.\... 1? room* aa.l hatli 45.00 1 SI3 Hiss* pi. n.w.. lOr. and bath 35.50 2015 M at. n.w., 9 roums and bath 35.5# 7op Mass. ave. n.e., Ilr. and t>ath SI50 Q st. n.w., 0 rooms and bath 55.0 i 55.01 52.5.1 52. Ou 50. Oil 80.50 .30 481 F st. n.e.. 8 rooms ?nd bath 25.00 1328 10th st. n.w.. 7 room* and bath.... 25.00 827 Allison st. n.w.. Or. and bath 28.39 135 11th st. a.e.. 7 rooms and bath.... 28Jo 328 H st. it., Or. and bath (store).... 739 Harvard st. n.w.. Qr. and bath.... 741 Harvard st. n.w., Sr. aud bath.... 914 15th st. i.e., 3 rooms and hath.... fllii 15th *t. a.e.. ? rooms and bath.... N'l.-holaiin at. a.e.. 4r. and watar... PALL V. MITCHELL * CO.. 718 14th 8T. N.W. 327 11TII ST. V. E. SIX ROOMS AN1? HATII: modem tunifovenienia; iarse yard; hloefc from ? ars; i-enlal |18.5n |hu' mouth. Address owner, Uox 23J. Star office. a FOR RENT?323.50. CHEERFUL, ATTCAC tive, modern home on heifhta; 3 rooms, tlla4 bath, cellar, furua.-e. L E. F. PRINCE, 721 Bond bid*.