Newspaper Page Text
FOB BENT?HO' IM^ PSfPllWgMP (Owtto?<). rOR KENT?BT MOOBB * HILL (INC.), 142aS3 Hat. U-W. CJVFURNISH BO BODm Beott Circle, 22r, 4b. 1884 Newton, 8r.b.40.00 ?fir #8,000 2419 18th. ?r, b...37.50 14 Laf Mi **ar. .8.000 Conduit ri Sr. b. .8T.50 kl*M ar anr Mtb.7r;,S30 2449 IStb. Or. b. 17.50 N H it n?ar D ipont .*<00 B C Ck rd,8r,h35.50 Or.. 14r, b-w bent. 1330 W, lOr, 2b...88.5o j??r 2,400 3631 13th. Or, b..15.50 llass av near 22d. 703 Varnum. 6r,b.38.00 20r. 4b 300 Betheada. 14r, b...35.00 Calif av. 16r, 3b 113 723 Shep'd, 7r, b. .85.00 U>th war Q, ISr, 3b. Condnlt rd and V. ' ?ta IK Or. h M.00 Conn av. Woodsy, 010 Welwter. 8r,b..$5 00 11r. b-w beat 10^ ,;?<> willard, 8r,b.32.50 R near 22d, 14r. 2b.100 1317 Otis, Or, b...32.30 Mass if Mar 17th. 22 I ce. 12r. b. .31.30 12r. 2h 100 710 E ne. 6r, b...30.50 1547 L. 15r. 2b fO.OO 1451 W. 7r. b W.50 1*34 23J. 12r. 3b..M0j Jfl I nr. b....30.00 iiMnc st. I4?% b...93.33 1342 Rlgra, Or. b..2*.50 2 M no, I6r. 3b...75.00 ir,4 f nw, 7r. b. .27.50 2310 in>ib. I2r, 3b..T5.00 141 Qulncy ne.6r.h25.50 1513 20tb. 8r. 2b. .73.00 122 F sr. 8r, b....23.30 1737 P. Or. 2b 70.00 1204 20th. 7r, b...23.30 1714 Q nw. 9r, 2b.70.00 302 I n?. 6r. b...23.80 Chevy Cbaae.lOr.b.70.00 03 N Y a* ne,9rb.25.50 190S Blltmore, lOr, 2010 K. Or 23.30 2b 63.00 73 N T a* ne. Or.b.25.30 1641 R lOr, 2b 05.00 337 3d aw.ato.Sr.b.24.00 1403 12th nw, 11 r. 513 14th no. Or, b.23.50 2b 00.00 S04 2d. Or, b 22.50 14*3 Chapln. or.b. .60.00 210 F ne. Or. b...22.50 i:?2 K>on.l4r,3b. 58.60 * M nr. 7r. b 22.30 1023-27 Park road. 802 2d. Or. b 22.50 10r. 21 1590 2?th. Sr. b....22.IW 2013 10th. lOr. h. .5.">.ti0 617 Gitthani. 6r,b.20.60 1*03 BHm-t.10r.2b.32.50 1248 Pa ar se,7r.b.20.30 '849 Ontario pl.O.bAO.SO 34tb at n?, 6r. b. .30.00 1045 4th na. Or. b.30.00 773 F'mont, Or. b.18.50 1220 Harvard.lOr.bSO.OO 433 Warner, 5r.h. 18.30 51 Eye nw, 12r, 2b. 58 Mvrtle, Or.b.. 17.30 ?table 43.00 1221 Morse ne.Gr.b.17.00 1!<06 O nw. Or. b..45.00 029 Florence ne,6.bl0.50 1812 Newtoo.lOr.b.46.00 tw:3 Florence ne,rt.bl3.50 1736 IT. lOr, b...45.80 6.U". Florence ne,6,bl5.00 I "OH Hirr'd,10r.2b42.80 2408 I nw. Or 14.00 1740 Wlllard,8r,2b. 40.50 50 Mass ar, or.. ..13.80 VT28 Willard, 8r,b.4O.30 1235 K se. Cr. w. .11.00 1323 ll'h nw.lOr.b.40.80 two-fa milt flats. ?010 16th, 211, 7r,b.30.00) 1019 lat. Or, b 22.50 626 22d, 7r. b 30.00 1747 T nw. 2a,?;.b.S0.5O 147H Chapln. 5r.b.23.50 1480 Chapln. 5r,b..20.3o 1466 Cbaptu. 5r. b.25.50 2260 N. Or. b 23.30 2307 Pa a*. 4r. b.22.50 2703 11th, 5r, b...22.30 2713 11th. 8r. b...22.5'? 1016 N J a-v. Br.b. 20.5O 2200 X. lfl. 5r, b. .22.50 2713 11th. f?r. b...22.50 1014 14th. 4r, b...?.00 1100 21st. 4r, b . .20.00 707 Greaham. 2,'iOO N. IB, 3r,b. .16.^0 1548 !fJ ?*. 5r,b..10.80 437 Tenn ne, 4r,b. 13.50 481 Tenn ne, 4r,b. 13.00 435 Tenn n?, 4r,b. 13.00 FOR OOLOBBD TENANTS. 1906 16th nw,9r,b.35.3t 1907 12th. atnA4r.32.5o 1449 Ma ar. 6r. b.2S>.oO 1142 21th. Or. b...28.30 1138 21st, ?r. b...2J>? 1158 21st nw.6r,b.2v30 1727 T, Or. b 25.50 l.W 13th. Or. b. ..23.50 1330 13th. fir, b.. .25.50 1136 20tb. 6r. w.. .22.30 1023 O. 5r. w 22.50 923 10th nw. Or.b.22.50 49 P nw. 6r, b....20.50 *35 Afker ne, 7r.b.l9.60 2428 F, 4r, b 17.50 242*1 F nw, 4r, b.. 17.50 2420 F. 4r, b 17.30 ?OU. Patters"n.4r.b.l7.iiO 2413 I nw. Or, w.. 17.00 1318 Half sw, Sr..10.30 2227 1*1 b nw.Or.w..16.50 1110 5th lie, Or. ... 15.30 411 220. Or 13.50 520 2"th nw. 6r.. 15.30 2141 Newport. 1 fl. 4r. b 15.50 2408 I. 5r. w 14.00 420 M ae. 6r, w... 12.30 424 M se> 6r 12.50 1255 Wrlie ne.Or... 12.50 1025 13th ae. Or. .12.50 1412t4 Duncan,4r,bl2.50 113fe Govt ct, 4r. .11.50 2 to 6 Fonndryct.4rl0.30 1920 Lee'a ct. 4r. .10.40 Re.-d's court. 4r. .0.50 1210 2d se. 5r 9.50 1208 2d ae. or 9.30 3 Davis ct, 4r 9-50 3 Davis ct. 4r 9.50 1302 & 6 1st sc,6r ,9.00 (>13 Freeman's. 4r...8.50 615 Freeman's ct,4r.8.50 R. ar ?14 N. 2r 8.00 1221 16tb ne, 4r,w..7.30 Hear 2218Mi GET OFR FI LL RENT LIST AT OFFIOB. AH classes of property for rent. A eomplata list of desirable np.iitments. MOORF A HILT. (Inc.I. 1420-22 H at. n.?. F' ?R RENT 171)4 I,anier av nw. lor. 21> . .$5>'.iiO 2112 IHtli iuv.!?r.!>. 42.30 170^ J'kou av uw. Or, 1. 23.50 625 I> ne.nlee home22.50 43 P ne.6r.b.cul.. .20.60 1427 It nw,12r.b. ..33.50 1255 Wylle ne.col. 14.50 1322 Itith nw ,7r.l>.2H.5i 420 Ridge nw.eol. .13.50 1842 Ing ter nw.lOr. | 604 Ten av ne.6r.bl7.50 b 27.5t? 5r rot. 4a Kround.. 13.50 .IAS' M. YORK <V SUN. 904 G st. ii.TV., 2nd floor. Ii?* I lll.Blo. H'l.O..'*". ?" \ V/IA'Ikl <1/, t::tli.Ur,b.auii.45.0> <>22 24lli. Hr. b 27..*?0 ir.iH Kinsman.6r.b.27.30 N.ior.b 40.30 is2i; K. 7r,b,lat.. .26.50 2;:<l,-t<>.7r.b....:w?.5?? S. C.r, b 25.tP1 015 l'.OIi. 36.50(2022 olh. Or. b....25.3 1411 .'Mtili, 1 or.I?. .30.50 2205 H. Nr, b 25.5 1412 29tli.9r.b.aiul.30.45 2031 L, 7r. b 25.5 2522 L. 7r. b 28.30. 1109 4th. 7r, b 24.5 8!!> H ne. Sr. b 25.50i20-"i t>. 8r. b 22.5' 8'. Chestnut st 25.5o 2013 K, 7r.b 22.5 2142 I-', 7r, b 23.50 2119 H. 7r,w 20.J 2113 I'm av,8r,b,lat25.5o 40 P, 20.S Ki.'R RENT- BY EDWARD S. WESCOTT, 1907 Ph. ave. !1"1 II. 1 or. b.. .$65.00\5o5 23d, 20, 5r,b..18.50 l."~;.s 7th.sto. COIXIRED 1307 :io7 -119 , K.IO 23d,sto.7r,b....:|.H.5o! 1?09 S, 6r, b 25.65 ~3.3o 3.50 ..50 ? ?? - , 1.50 8!8 H ne. Sr. b 25.50 ! 203 O. Sr. b 22.50 "" " ~ " .22.50 50 .80 b.18.73 i.30 .80 .80 ? ? II', Ol , ... .... IV.UV j | | J.f .Mi. , ? , n . . . ??.ll0 212 I.iinvorth,6r,b..16.50 123 Defrees, fir, w.16.50 3261 O. 5r, w 16.5") 2307 K. 5r. b 16.50 322 Del av,6r,b....l5.5ol 734 22d. 5r. 15.30 1224 t' aw.7r.w 15.50'647 I'lorence.ttr.b. .15.50 2310 Eje. 7r.w 15.50 1705 Seaton. 6r,w.15.50 231o*s Kye, 7r,w. .15.50: 433 20th. 5r, b 14J?0 816 23d, 6r.w 13.50 1234 20th, 5r, w... 14.50 APARTMENTS. Ill 21st, Cr. b 14.50 1907 Pa av, 3fl, 4r. 2315 Eye, 5r, w...14.50 h, heat 25.50 724 24th, 5r, w 14.50 76 Q. 2.1 6. 5r,b. .20.5"! 724 24tb. Sr. w 13.30 1012 N J av.3r.b.. .20.501 715 24th. Or, tv 13.50 74 O. 1st n, 5r,b.. 19.501 <706 P, 5r. w, cel.13.30 STORES. 12429 F. 6r, w 13.30 1338 7th.#to,10r.b.60.75 719 23d, 3r, w 12.00 800 23d.sto.7r,b... .38.50!834 24th. 5r, w.... 12.50 200<>P? aT,ato.3r.w30.60| 1017 Jeff av,5r.w.. 12.50 1744'-. U. Ir.w.*.. 15.50 2143 D, 6r, w,lat.. 12.50 COLORED FLATS. 1 2019Vi M. 4r, w... 11.50 J035 L. 211. 4r.b. ..21.5012423 F. 4r. w 10.50 FOB RENT-BY A. F. FOX CO. DWELLINGS- NORTHWEST. 1218 12th at.. 8 rootn* and bath ?45.67 3329 N. H. ave., 7 rooms and bath 42.50 821 13th St., 9 rooms and bath 40.50 2819 181 h St.. 6 rooms and baib 40.0ij lH3o 2nd St., 6 rooms and bath 32.50 1H8 F 1st.. 8 rooms and bath 30.80 2209 Flagler pi.. 6 rooms and bath 27.50 vtl X. II. ave.. 6 rooms and bath 25.50 2438 Georgia ave.. 6 rooms and bath.... 21.50 1511 3tth st., 5 rooms and bntli 10.30 DWELLINGS?NORTH EA8T. 1945 4tli st.. 9 rooms and bath $50.00 425 M st.. 6 rooms and bath 25.00 617 16th St., 6 rooms and bath 16.80 A. F. FOX CO.. Rental Agents. 1311 H st. n.W. FOR RENT JOHN SCRIVENER. 907 O at. n.w. 1112 II nw. Or.b.|55.75'. 1240 C ne. flr.h...20.00 2112 R 11 w. 10r.b.45.001 1111 C ne. Or.b...17.30 4<i0i; Ml av nw. ! 500 11 tit se.6r.gas. 17.50 7r. || 32.301 314 11th se. 6r.w.l5.00 10s 2nd ne. Hr.b..2M.OO 1210 tat se. 6r,w.l5.00 sih se 7r.b..22.50! 720 7tli sw. 5r.w. 14.50 2;;1 C ne 6r,b...22.501 1108 4th se. 6r.w.10.50 Mliis It lie. fir.b. .20.50! ? K00MS AND BATH. CELLAR: FURNACE h?-ii!; hot-water range: electric lieht; a nice l:"me. in g<?.d neighlxirh.. <d: rent. 818.50. 24o3 V?.v it r.)ad s.e. In<|iiire at 1401 22nd st. s.e. ? r si 621 4th st. 11.w. FOR KENT IDEAL HOME. I IKE NEW: Sf'il ? 's* Home and Park road. Rent, $27.50. i:io M.'.nor pi. n.w. ?? FOR RENT 40.". AND 405 M ST. N.W.; 8 rooms ami bath: uihxI Condition. Rent. $27.30. TIIOS. W. FOWLER A SON. 2::4 Southern bide. 1117 SWANS ST. N.W. ? IN FIRST-CLASS ?iiitdit'oii: rent just r<M|ni-?.?l in *22.57 a month: this house of ?; rooms and bath will be rented to a re<|ie<-table colored tenant. For farther I'artienlais apply to TIIOMAS .1. FISHER A CO.. INC., 738 15th st. 11.w. 1.VM P ST. N.W.? WELL LOCATED DWELL ing of 9 rooms and bath; furnace heat: rent reduced to $35.50 a month: near market and eonvenleiit to 14th street car line. THOMAS J. FISHER & CO.. INC., 738 15th si. n.w. 1516 P ST. N.W -THIS HOI SE OF 13 ROOMS and hath can lie rented at $45 a month; fur na.-e heat; au ideal place for a rooming house. Applv to THOMAS -T FISHER A CO., INC., 738 13th ?t. n.w. FOR RENT? I 1849 ONTARIO PLACE N.W. New semi d>'ta< hed bouse, overlooking Rock Creek Park. Nine larse rooms and bath: flrat floor kitcb-'o: hot-water heat: gas and electric flvtures; (;as lo^s; Interior of house finished in hardwood: front and back stairways; front and rear porches; concwte cellar under entire houae; ?ne and a half blocks from two car lines. One cannot appreciate the exceptional rental value of this ideal bouse unless lnspee tion is made. Ke\ at "fllce. Rent reasonable. THOMAS J. FISHER A CO., Inc., 738 15th st. n.w. V II. WALKER. 72? 15th st n.w. REAL ESTATE. LOANS. 1NSFRANCE. BT'Y AND SELL PROPERTY. RENT HOISLS. APARTMENTS. STORES. CALL AT OFFICE FOR "RENT LIST." IfHJO S ST. Attractive apnrtuieuts at low rentals. Outside rooms only. Heat. !mt nater, janitor t rooDls and bntli $25.trn to $35.00 each. W. 11. WALKER. 729 15th st FOR RLNT FIVE ROOM FLAT. SECOND rt<T. 1 l'.l7 Tleridlan ?t. n.w.: steam hi at: motns iargc and liclit. Rent. $27.50. ? Apply 1311 oak st. n.w. I OK tiENT? ALLAN E. WALKER 133$ G at. 1 HIO Mass a. nw. 1 Mr. 2b $133.00 1*1'.-13 2oth 12r.V75.oo H24 RI cw,12r,2l?0.0?J ! 722 21st nw. H>r,b.50.iX> !:? 2 '"alvert *t nw. V. 2b 48.56 ?'>107 Dumb s* llr.b.j.OO 8518 10th. lOr b 4" :<OS 23d nw. 8r, b.3150 ?>?17 11 tli nw.0r,b.."i2 3< 1486 Merldl.MD Or.b. ia-70 '447 Monroe.Or.b. .30.5il 15th. 6r, b. . .26.50 & Sprius road. *- CO. (IBC.I. I.W. Qnlrcv n? ,6r.h2J> 5J 2-31 ItitU lir. 101:; Fa irtuon t. fir. t>22 50 .4:: Tenn av. fir. h. 22.50 911 Fla av. ilr.b. .22.30 1238 H nc, 6r. b. .20.80 74 K ne. 6r. b....20.50 1235 27th. fir, b.. 18.50 J10 Pro* ne. 6r 10.30 Sl'Bl'RBAS. 2S21 Ordw ay.9r,2b 75.00 :;2".o Highland av, lor, h 50.0") SJ-thALowell.lOr b.SO.OO , 3743 .locelyn 7r.b. .47.50 1 47 IS Res.'.TOlr ,6r. 13.00 .25.3.i, STORKS. 1215 G n.w . entire l.aildlng 300.00 i312 14th n.w., 2-story, cellar b'.dg 100.00 20! 1 14th n.w.. 2 stores, remodeled 83.00 1107 14th n.w . new store 60.00 4o55 K n.w.. large corner store and lOr... 40.00 8033 14th n.w.. 1-storr stores. I'>x60 each. 40.00 1205 14th n.w.. store. 20x6o 30.00 Band for complete M?t of houses and spsrtaaenta. 1 OR KV \ i FOR DESIRABLE t tH.olCED TEN ant. 22T.1 15th st. n.w.: 0 largo voouis; bath; in eirelieBt repair; very couvenient location; rert low. ALLAN E. WALKER A CO.. 1338 G st. FOR RENT?HOUSES. INF I R.\ ISHKD?( ??tliaH. FOR RENT?BY B. F. SAUL CO.. 934 New York ite. Main ffl. 513 6th Dir. 16r.2bm.3ft ],124 5th nw. 5r,b. 20.00 1205 fltb nw,ftr,2b.45 Vi|i232 Walter ae.ttr.M&O* 634 L nw. lOr, b..38.00|?37 N nw. 6r. w. .18.50 . ? *" 11723 Sea ton nw,S,bl8.V> 7? O bit. 4r. b.... 18.50 2)008 O Dir. 5r. W..18.0H 1738 8th aw. 5r,w. 17.50 ?112 K Y ?t nw,6.wl7.00 244 Bryant nw,4.b. 16.50 1782 6tb nw. 3r.w.16.50 6o7 Morton nw.5,b. 14.58 22G3 CleTelaud aT nw, Or, w 16.00 2131 ?th nw. 7r,w. 1C.00 4.'? V nw, 4r, b... 15.50 302% Bryant nw,6,bl5..>u 458 N nw, 5r,w.. .15.40 324 Kj a? se.Cr.b. 15.30 l.'ior. B ne, fir, b... 15.30 221flWater aw,6r,wl6.08 2253 9th nw. 6 f r.. 15.00 2flO Warren ne,4r,bl4.50 708 Barry pi nw, 7r, w 14.06 Girard nw.Rr.wlS.00 412 Waab nw.Cr.w.13.00 2340 Ga ar nw,3,wl2.50 441 father's ct, 4r, w li.S0 2354 8cb nw, 6r,w. 10.50 Rf ar Cll Mnw,4,wl0.50 2126 NY ar nw,4,wl0.50 1072 30th nw.Sr.w. 10.50 712.?.'.*^" "* ""iT*"751ai225:5 9tlj nw, 4r,w. 10.00 JH4?Md ,T re.e.w. 16.40' jooS 4th ne. 4r.w.10.00 O sw, 6r.w. -.15.50 84 Goat al nw,4r,wl0.00 60? Morton nw,5r,bl5.&0 is F*ton ct nw.4rwl0.00 - ?A 1 - ?A AA 8th nw, lOr.b.87.50 fuV'i ?w. ^?h-37*' b... 27.50 ? "W- 7r* 85.43 1?^ On nw. Or.b.35.5" ?2L aw' 8X50 fr? ?tnter Bw.6.b82.59 }2? ?"w. Or.b.SO.50 1842 Riffs nw.Sr.bJ8.80 V?* ^ nw. Or, b. .27.60 il; '?.th nw.Sr.b ?.50 DWl 6r-b 2S 50 71? JL,h. ?e. 9r. b..25.50 J04 Qnlncy nw.8.t.2.l..V) SYn'^ne. llr. b...25.50 D nw. Or, b.. .25.80 ???? Tr-b.28.08 ?l* ?ber aT nw,6.b23.50 633 M nw. 6r. b...23.50 UvLRfZ- 7T- b???28.50 ;2? Marion nw,7.b22.r>0 *VT? ? ??. Tr, b...22.50 2?7 K nw 6r, b...21.00 131? ?el 6r' h a>-50 41* ,?ot ae.6r,b20.50 $22 il nw- ,r- b- 18.50 !^3 Morfe ne.6r,b,17.5 > H kman se.6r.bl6.50 I?f 5| /T Bw.^.wl6.4ft *14 Mich ?? ne.6,wl?.So "* iA OVI j?v? ????? ?? -? ? 788 N'Jit nw,5r,wl5.50 812 5th ne. or, w. 15.40 1422 K ae, 6r. b...15.30 1631 6th nw,5r,w. .15.00 2845 SheraTnw.4,wl5.00 917 lat ae, 7r, b... 14.70 1824 Ga ar nw,6.wl4.00 1018 4th n<\ 6r,w..13.25 1414 U ae. 6r. b... 12.50 COLORED TENANTS. 1204 R nw, 10r,b. .33.50 422 Fla a* nw.9r,b30.50 1831 6th nw,7r,b. 28-50 633 T nw, 7r, h...28.50 435 K nw, 9r, 1?. .27.50 210 D nw, 9r. b...27.50 413 Q nw, 8r. b.. .27.50 723 4th nw, Tr.b.. 27.80 815 Mo av 1418 10th nw,6r,b.. 25.50 1555 4th nw, 7r,b. .25.50 1227 9th nw. 8r.h.23.50 2351 9th nw. Or.b.22.50 2419 Ga av nw.6,b.22.50 2016 7th nw, store, 8r, w 22.50 #36 L nw. 8r, w.. .21.50 1201 Madison at nw 28 Mad al nw,4r,W.l<MH) OFFICE BOOMS. 612 F 802 7th nw. 6r....?5.?9 436 7th nw.2fl 22.50 STORES. 2011 14th nw. ?tore. Kr, b 80.06 1908 7th nw. atore. 7t. b T5.00 1224 7th nw, store i dwelling 55.00 201 Mass aT nw. at?. 8r, b 55-00 1824 9th nw. atore & dwelling 55.00 1209 9th nw, store, M 12r. b ..??????? -5y86 I 29 H nw. atoAdw.48.84 j 1131 7th nw 85.60 823 Q. sto. 4r, b .32.W 10X8 6th ??.at.6r>.?.96 725 Fla aT nw....22.50 1502 N Cap at 80.80 1309 H ne, sto 15.00 1009 H ne 18.80 22:6 12th nw, atore. 2r, w 18.00 9>1 aiaaison m n?, 1 *r, ? 8r, b 20.75 2084 Ga aT, ato. ...12.00 400 K nw, 8r. b. .20.50: 042 O nw 10.00 1019 12th nw.5r,b.20.50i 789 11th aa 10.00 817 R nw. Or. w... 20.00 i 8 NTw ne 74.50 FOR RENT HARRY WARDMAN. 1430 K at. n.w., PUone M. 4191. UNFURNISHED HOUSES. Mats. ave. near 2<>th. lor. & 3 baths. .$3,000.00 2401 Mass. 8tp., 20 rooina ts. 8 baths.. 2,400.00 920 MePherson sq.. 16 rooms. 2 batba 2,400.00 1529 N. II. aTe.. 18 rooms and 3 baths.. 200.00 1525 P st. n.w.. 22 rooms and 4 batba.. 175.00 1255 New Hampshire aTe.. 13r. and 3b. 168.75 1441 R. I. aTe. n.w.. 15r. and 3 baths.. ltO.OO 928 M st. n.w.. 20 rooms and 2 hatha. 125.00 1206 K st. n.w.. 18 rooms and bath 100.00 1534 22nd at. n.w.. 12r. and 3 baths.... 85.00 2310 20th st. n.w., 11 rooms and 2 baths 75.00 2018 R st. n.w.. 11 roomu and batb... 75.00 1759 P st. n.w.. 14 rooms and 2 baths.. 75.00 3738 Kanawha at. n.w., 12r.t 2 baths... 65.00 2268 Cathedral aTe. n.w.. 9r. tt 2 baths. 65.00 1728 21st at. n.w,, 10 rooma and batb... 60.00 1757 P st. n.w.. 9 rooms and 2 baths.... 80.00 3517 14th st. n.w.. 9r. and 2 baths 55.00 1752 S st. n.w., 10 rooms and bath.... 55.00 1S03 Belmont St.. 10 rooms and 2 hatha. 52.50 1720 13th st. n.w., 10 rooma and bath.. 50.5<? 1313 10th st. n.w., 0 rooms and bath... 00.00 1220 Harvard St.. 10 rooms, batb 50.00 1050 CalTert st. n.w., lOr. and 2 baths.. 47.50 3125 P st. n.w., 11 rooms and bath 45.50 1725 Riggs pi. n.w., U rooms and bath.. 45.00 1702 Oregon aTe. n.w., lOr. and bath... 45.00 1708 Oregon aTe. n.w., lOr. and batb... 42.50 615 10th st. n.w.. 9 rooms and batb 36.50 1527 T st. n.w., 9 rooms and bath 85.50 1317 Otis place n.w.. 6 rooms and batb. 32.50 3513 CVnter st.. 6 rooms and bath 30.50 724 Taylor st. n.w., 6 rooms and bath. 30.50 3567 Holmead aTe. n.w.. Or. and bath.. 30.50 1036 Summit st. n.e., 6r. and b., uew.. 29.00 016 C at. n.e., 8 rooms and bath 28.50 537 0th st. n.e.. 6 rooms and bath 25.50 1770 Wlllard st. n.w., 2nd floor, 6r.. b.. 25.50 704 Irving st. n.w., 6 rooms and bath. 23.00 1774 Wlllard st. n.w.. 2nd floor, 6r. & b. 22.50 2210 N st. n.w., 1st floor. 5r. and batb. 22.50 750 Columbia road, 0 rooms, bath 22.50 7R7 Harvard St. n.w., 6 rooms, batb.. 20.50 1008 IStb st. n.w.. 6 rooms and bath... 20.50 244 Bryant st. n.w., 1st floor. Sr., b... 17.50 729 10th st. s.e., 5 rooms 15.60 APARTMENTS. HEAT FURNISHED. The Avondale, 1738 P at., fir. and bath.. $75.00 Fontanet Courts. 14th A Fairmont, 5r..b. 75.00 The ATondale, 173S P at., 5r. and bath.. 65.00 The Avondale. 1738 P at.. 4r. and bath.. 80.00 Fontanet Courts," 14th & Fairmont, 4r..b. 45.00 The Avondale, 1738 P St., 3r. and bath.. 40.00 The Pebbleton. 1747 Church St. n.w.,6r..b 40.00 Fontanet Courts, 14th A Fairmont, 3r.,b. 35.00 Ashton. 1436 K at. n.w., 2r. and batb.. 19.50 1440 Meridian st. n.w., lr. and bath.... 14.80 HARRY WARDMAN. 1430 K at. n.w. FOR RENT-NEW S^X ROOM HOUSE; BRICK; 1436 Oak st. n.w.; hot-water haat; |30.50: also detached bouse. 1507 Meridian at.; 8 rooms; $32.50. 'Apply 1511 Oak at. n.w. ? FOR RENT?7-ROOM BRICK HOUSE; MOD ern plumbing: gas heater for bath; large yard with fruit: $22.50 per month. OWNER, 914 9th at. n.e. 9* FOR RENT?IN BRIOHTWOOD PARK, SIX room house: bot-water heat: all conTenlences; rent, $22.30. Call at 1108 Jefferaon at. Brightwrtod. for keys. R. PALLET. rOR_ RENT-BY L. J. MILLS._00? 6tb 8T N^W 115 R I av, 6r,b...$35.00 1810 5th nw,lOr.b..35.50 78 L nw, fir. b 22.50 1722 5th nw,6r,b. .22.50 1754 WU'd.?at.6.b.20.50 | 1015 H< s*. 6r. b . 19.50 1706 Vt ST. 6r. b.. 18.80 Plat. 14 Fl? aT nwl8.60 FOR RENT?NO. 813 4th ST. N.E.; 7 ROOMS: reception hall and batli; Al condition; key In 815. next door: $25.50 per month. Apply NOR MENT & SMITH. 031 Pa. avc. n.w. 12* FOR RENT?NO. 1213 Q ST N.W.: 11 ROOMS j and hath; in elegant condlrion; rent low. ANTON HEITMULLER, 1307 14th at. n.w. FOR RENT?6 ROOMS AND BATH. Modern improvements. Rent, only $18.50 per month. 2351 Sherman aTe. n.w. FOR RENT-r413 2nd ST. N.W.i* 11R.. 2b7; thoroughly renoTated; with new bath and h.w.h.; a.m.l. Apply OWNER, 2627 Adams Mill road, apt. 22. <>>1. 3501. 1 FOR RENT- VERY ARTISTIC 8-ROOM. 2 hath house; 1002 Calvert st. n.w.: In line re pair: splendid location; make offer. ALLAN F.. WALKER ft CO.. 1338 G st. FOR RENT?650 EAST CAPITOL ST.: 8 ROOMS and bnth: in good order; rvnt, $35.50. Apply to J. C. WEEDOX. 224 East Capitol st. 10* FOR RENT?SIX-ROOM BRICK DWELLING, with six acres of land. $15 per month: corner New Cut and Conduit roads. FOR RENT-U-ROOM BRICK; ONLY $17-010 K st. n.e.: mod. imps.; good repair. Key next door, at 014. IK) 12* F. W. TI CKER & BRO.. 720 A st. n.e. FOR RENT?UNFURNISHED. PLEASANT 0 room detached house, with abundance of light on all sides; newly papered and painted throughout; steam heat; a.m.l.; large lot; shade trees; garage; Columbia Heights; H block from 14th st. cars; 1443 Chapin St.; $50 per mo. Key at 14K0 Chwpin. FOR RENT BY R. O. HOLTZMAN (INC.). REAL Estate and Insurance Broker. 1120 N. Y. ave. 500 12th nw.lrtr.$100.oo] 1440 Fla av nw,6r.25.0> 1430 F'mont.llr.2b75.0.>| 3231 P. Or. sto 25.00 131H RI av, 12r..rt5.0> llOO 9th ne. Sr. ...23.10 y7'*4 Lanier, 10r.. .50."0i 003 Bth ne. Or 23.10 1020 Riga*. lOr..,40.u0 007 9th ne. Or 2o.R> 1028 Kisys. lOr. ..40.00 1442 Fla av. Gr. ..23.0.* 1455 W. Kr 3-V50 323-. P. Or 2 > 50 lfi:!fl O. 8r ;;0.M 1240 Wvlie ne.> 1344 Kigzs, 7r. .. .rW.Oj! 30 Myrtle ne. Or. ,18.0? 1.303 T, 8r 28.75; 535 ?th ???, 5r 17.r.<> 1510 P nw, 7r... .2K.G.V 822 K se. 7r 12..V? 1443 \Y. 7r 2*..50l,1223 3d, 5r 10.50 1450 Fla av, 5r...25.50' APARTMENTS. 1210 Mass av. 5r .52 50 1314',<? 9th. 5r 25.50 518 II $38.50, $47! 924 14th, 3r 25.00 OFFICES. 1420 New York ave., 3rd thor. . $30.00 and $40.0n 1211 F. 2nd floor. Gr $65.00 STORES. 7tb & >1 il av sw.. 125.001 7UO 7th sw 40.00 1327 14th nw Bo.iKii STA BLES. Rear 1327 14th st $20.00 RENT FROM SHANNON & LI CHS. 713 14th *t. n.u. M. 2345. A QUICK. COURTEOUS SERVICE. AN ATTRACTIVE FLAT, $18.50. Five room? and hath: all outside rooms; plenty of light and ventilation: roomy closets; porches: furnace heat: new house kcctlou sc.; i, Mock from direct car line; don't fail to In spect it; 715 l?th st. s.e. SHANNON A LUCHS. RENTING SERVICE, M. 2345. 713 14th st. n.w. M. 2345. GET OCR FOR KENT LIS.T. FOR RENT- 1624 II ST. N.W. Very desirable corner house of 17 rooms arid j 3 baths; near one of Washington's most fash- | ionable and distinguished clubs and only ' blocks from three government departments. This | house is so arransrei! that It may be used as a ' private residence or for business purposes. Apply to THOMAS J. FISHER A CO . INC.. 738 15th st. n.w. FOR KENT- Hol SES. THE F. II SMITH COMPANY. Main 1232 or ???. H>'us?-s in all localities. 5 rooms to 17 rooms prices mincing from ?12..">0 to S^VO". A COMPLETE LIST SENT ??N REQUEST. THE F. II. SMITH COMPANY. 14US NEW YORK AVENUE. FOR RKNT?SIX ROOMS. BATH: HOT-WATER heat: Columbia road n.w.; gas and coal runges. brst-class couditlon: tine ueigbtiorUood; Ideal location, half square from cars; two front [orelies: rent only $25.50; Immediate posses sion. Owner, 201 Southern hldg. $20.50 514 6th ST. N.E.: MODERN 1MPROVE njents. Apply apt. 3ti. Montgomery. North Cap. :>ud M. sts. * FOR RENT?DESIRABLE HOUSE. NEAR DU pont Circle; 12 rooms. 3 baths. Price. $106 per month Apply to WILLIAM CORCORAN HILL. 1502 H st. n.w. FOIt iU-:Ni 1238 4th st. n w. | To a drs.rable colored tenant. House con tains 6 rooms and balh. Near boih car Hue*. Rent only S20.N) a luonth. THOMAS J. FISHER A CO.. Inc.. 738 15th st. n.w. FOR KENT?TO OESIItABLE COLORED TEN ant. a lor., 0. aud c-llar brick In flne condl t.'ou; rent, $30.5o. 1S10 5th al. n.w. FOR HEFT?HOUSES. PWFtlliHSHBP I. r?|? BENT"?1130 3th ST. N.W. has beea pat in thorough repair; 8 large ?nw aid modern bath. Moat navcatwtlr tr eated, within walking distance of shopping dis trict aad market; alto close to ah car IIbcsl RENT ONLY <30.62 A MONTH. Apply to THOMAS 3. FISHER ft CO. flnc.L 738 15th at. n.w. | KENT FROM ' SHANNON ft LUCHS. "13 14th at. n.w. M. 2345. A QUICK, COURTEOUS SERVICE. HIGH ANT? HEALTHY LOCATION. S18.50. Five-room flat, with tiled bath, furnace heat, front and rear porch. larjr?> rooms and outside H*ht In dining room, up-to-date equipment; Ideally located, facing the parking of Western High School, on desirable street close to car line. INSPECT THIS AT ONCE. SHANNON ft LUCHS. Rent Ins Service. M. 2345. 713 14th st. n.w. M. 2345. FOR RENT?A SXAF FOR SOME ONE; :;:,21 10th st. n.w.; 8 rooms; in fine condition; re duced rental, $25.50 per month: key at house. R. M. MORRISON. .*10 F st. n.w. FOR RENT-WEST FALLS CHURCH, VA.; broad at.; up-to-date; a.m.l.; two-story house; 7 rooms and bath; furnsco heat and hot and cold water: beautiful location. Apply at Con vent. FOR RENT? 703 VARNUM ST. N.W. Semi-detached; new: near cars: 0 rooms; tiled bath; large attic; cellar; sleeping porch; nice front porch: electric light; laundry tubs; open fireplaces; hardwood floors: can rent for $55 per month to small family. MOORE ft HILL. INC.. 1420 22 H n.w. FOR RENT?REDUCED TO $18.50. 432 Q st. n.w.; Or. and bath: brick. REDUCED TO $42.50. 417 3rd 8t. n.w.; llr.; b.; brick; entirely repaired and painted. CHAS. S. SHREVE. Jr.. 1000 7th n.w. FOR RENT?1312 IRVING ST. N.W.; 9 ROOMS, tiled bath: cement-floored cellar, laundry and storerooms; fine condition. Rent. $40.60. In quire 1310 Irving. g? FOR RENT?912 R ST. N.W.: 7R. AND R.: Ex cellent condition; $23.30; cellar; large yard. PHILLIPS CO.. '130 John Marshall place. 7 ROOMS. MODERN BATH. CELLAR AND furnace, corner Maple and vine sts., Takoma Park, D. O.; near oars. Bright rooms; 3 large porches; large trees. Newly painted and pa pered; new gas range. Rent. $25. 11* LEWIS ft JONES CO.. 617 E St. n.w. FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED. 817 11th at. n.w., llr. and b $80.75 1324 14th st. n.w.. 10 rooms and bath.. 00.00 216 C st. n.w.. lOr. and b 40.75 937 Westminster ft.. Dr.. b., furnace.... 35.50 1700 S at. n.w.. Sr., b., latrobes 30.75 2185 F at. n.w., Sr., b., latrobes 27.50 2137 F st. n.w., Sr., b., latrobes 27.50 707 R. I. ave. n.w.. Sr. and b., brick.... 25.0"J 2619 K at. b.w., Tr. and b.. latrobes 20.50 APARTMENTS. "The Essex," 1422 N st. n.w., 5 rooms and bath, steain heat 37.50 "The New York," 5r.. b.. steam heat.... 30.50 "The ChelBea." 6r. and b.. steam heat.. 30.50 STORES. 1210 F st. n.xr., fin? large store. 2-stonr building. Per month $375.00 1408 G at. n.w., double-front store... $150.00 1325 14th st. n.w., large store, two ?lx room and bath anartments above and stable and shop In rear. Per month.. .$125.00 1208 G st. n.w., store $150.00 1813 New York ave. n.w., 3-storj build ing; large store, with entrance on two streets; whole bnlldlng $300.00 GASCH ft BIRGE. 1326 N. Y. ave. n.W. FOR RENT?COLOR K r>-.'!23 ELM ST.; SIX rooms, bath and cellar. $25.50; fine condition. Apartment 9. In tlie Linden, coir. 3rd and Oak dale sts.. 4 rooms and bath, steam heat. Jan itor service, first-class, open. CHAS. E. BANES CO.. 1304 F st. FOR RENT? 1315 M. 12r b....75.00 1313 M. 12r. b...60.00 322 C nw. 18r. lb.50.00 1446 N nw, llr.b.45.00 1118 10th. lQr, b. .42.50 1731 R, llr. b...40.00 2322 Eye nw, 7r..20.00 ST0NEU2IGH COURT. A few very desirable apartment* now vacant, from $50 to $165 a month. THE OLYMPIA, 14th and Euclid. very desirable apartments 3 rooms and bath, to 7 rooms and bath, from $25 to $60 a month. FITCH. FOX ft BROWN. 1833 F st. n.w. FOR RENT?1706 21st ST. N.W.?11 ROOMS. 2 baths. In first-class condition: charmine neigh borhood. Will lease for year at $65 per mo. GEO. Y. WORTHINGTON. Woodward bldg. FOR RENT?631 N. C. AVE. S.E.; EIGHT room house; cellar: furnace; In good repair; $30.85. JOHN T. KNOTT. 018 F St, FOR BENT?656 L ST. N.E.; 7 ROOMS' AND bath; cellar; furnace lieat, and large stable; $25.ISO. List your vacant property wltli the N.E. WASH. REALTY CO.. 909 H n.e.; Linen. 3756. 1114 NEW YORK AVE. N.wT 10 rooms and bath: steam heat: excellent re pair; suitable tor doctor or dentist. Apply to OWNER, 027 H st. n.w. 9* VE. 1100 8th. 7r,b.25.50 SE.1417 G. 6r,b...18.50 SE.919 Pot av, 6r..12.50 ?IE, 1111 10th. 6r...12.50 3W.21S !Uh. 9r.b..25.50 ?W.341 Md av.6r.b.25.00 SW.207 Lin pl.7r.b20.50 <W,940i>Va av,6r. .16.50 8W.920 Va ?t. 4r.16.50 SW.316 McL av,6,bl6.40 3W.314 McLean av. 6r. b 16.40 SW.331 13th, 6r.. 15.50 SW.C25 C. 6r 14.00 SW.631 C. 4r 12.50 NE.1106 K. 6r, b.22.50 N'E.630 L. 6r. b.. .20.50 NE.78 Myrtle. Sr.. 15.40 FOR RENT? ?W, 1018 E, store. 12r. b $75.00 NW. 1445 R. 8r.2b.46.00 N'W. 2120 18th.9r.b.42.50 NW.1806 0th. 10r.b35.50 NW.1722 Seaton,fi,b22..V) NW.406 O, 6r, b. .22.5) NW. 404 O. 6r. b. .22.50 NW.1H28 8th. 6r. b. 22-50 NW.1123 20th, 6r.20.50 NW.981 P, 6r, b...20.50 KW.1606 4th. 6r.. .16.40 NW.1428 NJ av.Br.15.40 NW.2*110 H. store. 16.00 NW. 1803 6th, 4r*.. 13.50 NW. 413 26th. 6r.. 10.40 NW. 2528 B. 6r 8.50 NW. 2010 H, rooms.5.00 _ APARTMENTS. The Vincetta. 6 rooms and batb 25.00 Tha Vincetta, 4 rooms and bath 20.50 OFFICES?NORTHWEST. Central building, offices. Call at office for Information regarding alley property, stables, etc.. I have for rant. "For further Information apply at office. J. W. PILLING. 1416 F st. n.w. FOR RENT-007 AND 909 M ST. N.W.; 12 rooms each; $60. JOHN W. MORRIS. 614 F st. n.w. FOR RENT 71 H nw. 9r, b. .$25.50! 1412 K'ney ne,6r,b22.50 911 French nw,7r,b30..Vi 1414 K'ney ne.6r.bl8.00 2310 17th nw.6r.b.22.O0 2808 Sherman av pw, 716 Mad'n nw.8r,b22.50i 5r ft b flat 17.00 1315 D nw, lOr.b..25.001 McLACHLEN BANKING CORPORATION. 10th and G. FOR RENT?1938 CALVERT ST.; 10 ROOMS and 2 baths, steam heat, kitchen on first floor. H. LJ RUST. MOO H st. n.w. FOR RENT-1302 CONN. AVE. N.W.; IMMEDI ately adjoining British embassy; large, spacious house, admirably adapted for entertaining; 13 rooms and 2 baths; In perfect condition. PHILLIPS CO.. 330 John Marshall place. FOR RENT?D.D.THOMPSON ft CO., 1335 F N.W. 1135 Onl rd.9r.2b.$55.00v 426 l?rh se. 4r 10.50 FOR COLORED. 2537 15th nw.4r.b. 17.00 474 Mass av nw,6.b26.00 :WJ H nw. Or, b...25.00 628 Tenn av ne.6r.blS.5o 2419 I'a av nw,Sr,b22.50 13fi4 E ne. 6r, b...20.50 2422 17th nw.4r,b.01?.00 Toe Erie, apt.4r.b.l5.50 1103 N J av se.0r.bl5.50 1326 E ne. Or. b...20.50 212 V nw, 5r 12.50 710 R 1 av nw.8r.wl6.50j 34 Pierce st, 4r,b.11.00 1767 Wlllard, ?r,b.25.50< 1543 A se. 5r 10.00 FOR RENT-BY GEO. W. LINKINS. 1714 Pa. ave. n.w. NW.1752 17th. llr. 2b $83.33 NW.1761 T. 10r.b.42.50 N'W. 1629 Col rd. 8r. b. garage 42.00 NW.1037 19th st..30.50 NW.2144 I. 9r.b...30.50 N'W,023 18th. ttr.b."i0.50 XW.433Newton.6r.b30.O0 NW.702 T. 8r.b.. .30.00 NW.2413 I'a av. Or. b 25.50 NW.932 L. Sr. b. ..25.50 NW.711 20th,7r.b.. 22.50 NW. 1021 26th.6r,b.22.50 iE.,'122 S C av.?|r.b.25.50 NE.622 3d. 8r. b...25.56 NK.45 Q. 6r. b...25.50 VE 522 7th. Sr. li. .24.00 NE.323 Sth, 6r, w. 16.50 APARTMENTS. NW, 3, 4. 8r mid b iiOta in the Octa viu $2K.50 to $a".00 NW, 1618 Q. 5r.b..55.00 N W. 1333 Euc I id ,Ur. U5.00 NW.1S29 G. 5r. b...17.50 VW.2217 N. 6r.b. .24.50 4W.1208 C. Or. b. .2? S'i NW 82 Q. 6r, b....20.50 <K.12o3 Pa av.5r.b.l6.50 VW.1844 7th. 3r.b. 15.00 STORES, ETC. V\v.735 0th. store.55.00 NW.S14 H. store..40.00 "ton 1|tli, store. .. .40.00 XW.3003 P. store..35.50 NW. lfH8 7th. sto.35.00 SW.2029 L. stoftflt.30.50 V'W .1715 Fla av.stol5.50 NW, Warehouse ..25.00 VW.2147 P. store..18.00 VW,storage room.. .5.00 STABLE OR GARAGE. NW.2115 E st. 130 stalls 175.00 NVV.1126 luth. rear. 5 stalls 40.00 N'W. 1126 16th. rear. garage. 2 rooms. .35.00 N'W. 2016 E st. rear. 0 stalls 15.50 N'W.2009 F st. rear. garage 8.00 COLORED TENANTS. VW.1S19 12r.b. .33.50 n IV. 1023 21st.llr.b. .32.50 NW. 2029 L. 7r. b.25.5ti N'W. 1713 Seaton st. Or and water... .18.00 ? . , .NW.2C20 K, 5r. b. 15.00 . (,et '-ompiete list at office. FOR RENT - TWO-FAMILY FLATS. NEAR , o <"ar lines, ??ontuinlinr bnth, separate en l rancc. bail; yard and front lawn; $11 month. Appiy Ag"iit. yi22 13th st. 1 H^Sl'rS?. 1 I0U'A CIRCLE; LARGE, desirable house; 13 ioom>; two baths; hot vater heat; well suited for ? atertalnlng or PbjslcianV office; rent only $123. JOHN T. KNOTT. HI a F St. FOR CENT H27 21st ST. N.W. 0 rooms. Tiled bath. Hot-water heat. Newly papered and palntsd. Near to cars and Dupont Circle^. H. L. RUST. 1400 H st. for rent?offices. REAL ESTATE OFFICE?GROUND FLOOR; i>ronilnent ntt-uin*: business district: will rent jxirtloii of office reasonable price; window dis piny |i?lvllegc. Address Box !I2, Star office. WHY PAY HIGH OFFICE RENT WHEN YOU can get rooms In the Stewart bid*.. cor. 6th ami ***' D W" for *10 ,,cr nontb; THE KENOIS BUILDING. Uth and G n.w.. opposite Palais Roval. 1 he very center of the business district. , '*e- alrv rooms, $10 up; heat, bot W water, electric light. Janitor service (white) free; two electric elevators all night. Sunday and holiday service. Renting office. Room 404. or Wardman bldg., 1430 K n.w. RENT FROM _ SHANNON A LUCHS. ? 13 14th st. n.w. M. 2343. A Ql ICK. COURTEOUS SERVICE. EXCEPTIONALLY DESIRABLE ROOMS: plenty of light: perfect condition: well de slgned; rooms 14x15: thorough modern office r-iiildinx. With up-to-date equipment and first class service; one of the best business locations Ju ': ?""? corner 14th and H sts. THE POPE BLIm;.. 817 14tk st. n.w. Ageuts, SHANNON ft LLOHS. Renting Service. U. 2345 713 14th ?t. a.W. M. 2345. 4 FOR REST?OFFICES. C?We4. FOR REST?IN THE HYOEIAN APARTMENT? I.arjrc front basement otfi<~e room. with tB M Jaoent room; private hath and toilet; ^all near Union nation. Apply HYGEIAN PIIAB MJtCY. Mas*. ?rf. and 2nd ?t. B.w. UROK OFFICES IX BUSINESS SECTIONS; electric llrhts. elevators, steam. Janitor; *12 to $25. VICTOR BUILDING. 9th St. and Grant place n.w. r?ll 6th floor. WASTED. DESK ROOM, WITH OR WITHOUT DESK, central office building; high-grade business: reasonable. Box ."tpl. Star office. 9* FOR RENT?STORES. FOR RENT?T14 nth ST. N.W. JUST ABOVE d ST. NEAR ONE OF THE BUSIEST TRANSFER STATIONS IN THE CITY. DEblRABLU. STORE?JUST PAPERED AND PAINTED THROUGHOUT. RENT ONLY $?7.50 MO. I.IEBERMANN & II AWN. 1421 F ST. FOR RENT? ft Dupout cir. . .$150,001 42. 10*h nw 43.00 1110 14tii 11 vr 75.00 427'-.. lOtli nw 43.00 WILLIAM K. ELLIS. 1410 G ST. X.W. NEW STORE, 16x75; ON 7th ST. N.W. NEAR O st. market; modern crystal front; hot-water heat; one of the '.'.andsomest stores in the city; long lease at low rent. Address Box 31, Star oHicc. 10* toii RENT? No. 3400 Georgia ave. n.w. A very desirable store room faring on two ?ts. Rental orl- .*27.BO. YELLOTT & STI BBLEFIELD. Inc . 14th anil U sts. n.w. 733 llrh ST. N.W.?STORE. WITH LARGE show window and four rooms above; suitable ftar light business; reasonable rent. Apply Room 30ft. Evans hldg. DESIRABLE THREE-STORY BUILDING. Reasonable rent to right party. Address 0SR La. ave. n.w. FOR RENT 507 14th at. n.w 419 9th st. n.w ITS.00 1110 14th at. n.w 126{H> 12410 H st. n.w 100.00 :i008 14th at n.w 00-00 512 10th st. n.w 414 O ft n.w lO.JD THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COM PANY. REAL ESTATE PEP A RTMENT. EOR RENT? 14th ST. N.W.; FINE. LARGE store witli 10 rooms and bath; reduced to $60 per month. _ _ PERCY H. RUSSELL CO.. 9th A N. Y. are. n.w. OTHER REAL ESTATE RENTS. BUSINESS PROPERTY. FOR RENT?COAL YARD. OFFICE, SHEDS; large yard. 60 by 185; side und rear alleys; good stand; $30. ' A. T. HOLTZMAN. 1320 V V avs. FOR RENT?483 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. N.W. Large store comer of alley. Will alter to suit tenant or will rent reasonable in Pres ent condition. Suitable for retail or wholesale business. Last occupancy a saloon. THOMAS J- FISHER St CO., INC.. 73ft 16th st. n.w. FOR LEASE-A FOUR-STORY BUILDING; 24 feet front by 109 feet deep to a a0;foot alley; height of store ceiling. 18 feat- ?85 7th at. n.w. WANTED. PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO wanted; large, well ' lighted; state rent and location. Address Box 20. Star office. iil. GARAGES. FOR RENT- - MODERN GARAGE. Electric light. 3 rooms and bath. 12* AMERICAN SECURITY ft TRUST OO. GARAGE NEAR 18th AND Q N.W.; CEMENT floor; water; good alley; fireproof; room for two machines, at $6 per machine. Box 20, Star office. ?* STABLE OR OARAGE 2021 GOVERNMENT ALLEY. N.w] Between L and M sts., 20th and 21st sts. This desirable stable will be renovated aa s garage to suit tenant; rent reasonable. Pot further information apply to THOMAS J. FISHER k CO., INO.. 788 15th st. n.w. FOR SALE?HOUSES. FOR SALE REMARKABLE VALUE. MT. PLEASANT HOMES. A NEW AND IjOWER PRICE ON THESE HOUSES FOR QUICK SELLING. NOS. 1815 TO 1816 NEWTO.Y ST. N.W. THE PRICE NOW IS ONLY $5,550 EACH. SIX-ROOM BRICK RESIDENCES WITH! ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES. GRANDLY LOCATED NEAR ROCK CREEK PARK. IN A DELIGHTFUL RESIDENTIAL SECTION OF THE CITY*. REASONABLE TERMS OF SALE CAN BE) ARRANGED. The interior of .the houses show to excellent advantage, being three rooms deep, with re ception hall and pantry on first floor: three bed chambers and a tiled bathroom on the second floor; double porches in the rear of house; co lonial style porch in the front. EACH LOT IS 180 FT. DEEP TO 15-FT. PUBLIC ALLEY. "Ideal Perfection" hot-water beating plsnt. Gas and clcctric lighting. Houses trimmed in chestnut wood. Oak stair case. Parquetry flooring. Big pantry Handsome fixtures. AT THE NEW AND LOWER PRICE we are now quoting of $5,55 > on each house (which includes A FIREPROOF BRICK GARAGE on the rear of Ihe lot. which .vou can rout if you have no persoual use for Iti, TIIBSB HOUSE?? ARE BY FAR THE BEST VALUE OF ANY NEW HOUSES IN MT. PLEASANT. You are INVITED TO INSPECT THEM without delav, as THEY SHOT. LD NELL QUICKLY AT THE LOW PRICE. JAMES F. SHEA. Wi LA. AVE. N.W. FOR SALE? In the central northeast, near Sth and F sts. n.e. Six rooms and mod ern bath. Corner. Price. $2,1*50. WM. A. BOSS CO.. 1320 N. Y. avc. FOR SALE? 627 New Hampshire ave. n.w. ti rooms ami batli. Nearly new. Rent. $17.50. Price. $2,000. WM. A. BOSS CO.. 1.J20 N. Y. ave. FOR SALE On Pennsylvania ave. s.e. New six rooui and "bath home; furnace heat: hardwood finish. Price, $:;.5<?0. Musi sell at once. Make offer of $2,950. WM. A. BOSS CO.. l'!20 N. Y. ave. FOR SALE? Near t apitol and Library. Eight rooms and hath, hot-water heat. Very close to 4th and Pa. ave. s.e. Price, $4.0ti0. WM. A. BOSS CO.. 1120 N. V. ?ve. FOR SALE? Price. $4?.00W. Splendid stoue-frout residence and grouuds in choice uptown location. 1st floor -Siuue porcli, entrance and reception hall, parlor, library, dining room, kitchen and pantries. 2nd floor?4 bedrooms, 2 baths and sleeping porch. 3rd floor?1 Jarge bedrooms. Eulire house well lighted. Billiard . rooui. laundry, servant's room and other convenient and ample cellar equipments. WM. H. SAUNDERS & CO.. Southern bldg., 807 15th st. n.w. POR SALE-LOOK! 126 RANDOLPH PL. N.W.: modern seven-room house, almost new: three concrete porches; $4.90o for Immediate sale. Terms reasonable. Apply on premises. ? FOR SALE-SAILS ADDITION. 4800 IOWA gve.; seven rooms and attic. To close estate, $H.750. 10* BEST EVER BUILT FOR LESS THAN $4,500; ON EASIEST OF TERMS; MY NEW, UP-TO I DATE ti ltnou HOME; TILED BATH. LAT EST PLUMBING; HOT-WATER HEAT; ELEC TRIC AMi OAS LIGHTS; OAK FLOORS: HARDWOOD TRIM; 3 LARGE POBCHKS; FINE RESIDENCE SECTION; NBAS * CAB I LINES. BOX 27, STAR OFFICE. FOB SALE?HOUSES. . FOR SALE?8 BOOM HOUSE ASP BATH, furnace hfll. one block from Ninth ?M i Christian Church. Owner meed to New *?** Will tell cheap and on easy term*. Thwhouse ia on the bargain counter. See J. C. >t ekw? & CO.. 224 E. Cap, st. ^ FOR SALE?FINE RESIDENCE. CHEVY CHASE. Md.. near circle: AO ft. frout; 8 rooms. * min?. a.m.i.: in perfect condition ;? very deslrame. ITice reasonable: (rood terms. , . Also modern ?-room bouse near Georgia are.. 30 minutes' ride from center of city, i nee, $3.05": easy terms. FRANK VAN SANT. Attorney at Uw. Tel. Mnln ??5!>. Southern building. FOR SALE?CHEAPEST HOME IN NORTH EAST WASHINGTON. Corner on cur line, fronting Itcantiful lawns of Kendal Green. > rooms nnd bath. Perfect condition and for immediate occupancy. Built to ?ell tor W.rrfKt. Something less than ~'Vv Inspection invited. GEO. Y. WORTH1NGTON & SON, Woodwar.l bide. FOR SALE-ON COL. HOTS. OWNER M?8T leave town at once; Harvard st. near l*-? $5 300 will bnv this beautiful 9-room. 3-Story corner brick dwelling; finely constructed: erect ed bv builder with whom good building was a religion. Price quoted is <2.500 below its real value. Bargain seekers, notice this opportunity. MORGAN BROS.. INC.. 120 N. Y. arc. n.w. Phone M. iJWi. RK7.l l.Ty. GETS RESULTS. . ATTENTION. COLORED PEOPLE. 1 AM A " colored minister with a local church. I the welfare of my people nt heart and hnv_ formed connections through wealthy -whit* Pe?_ pie wherebv I can secure desirable home* or vacant ground for my people at a rf?*,na'^ price and on easy terms. Write me what: you rrouire, t ie amount of cash vou can pay down and the amount of your monthly payments, an" I will advise you free of charge. Address Box 88. Star office. ? FOR SALE?NEW; DETACHED. BRICK: coiner house: Columbia Heights, overlooking Hock Creek Park: 7 rooms; bath; P^chej; hard trim; steel Vims; sorgemis WectTOlicrs and decorations: fine view; h.-w. heat- Reduced to S5.500. Easv terms. Owner must sell. MORGAN BROS., INC., ?20 N. Y. ave. n.w. Phone II. <??'.. REZULTZ ttETS RESCLTS. FOR SALE?$5,250?ONE OF THE GREATEST bargains ever offered in the downtown Near the State. War nnd Navy Department A three-story brick dwelling and tw<?story brick parage; the last tenant paid $? ? month rental. ... e, 7^,. thp The house was formerly held at *<,(?"', l"? present owner took the bouse in exchange, ana being desirous of moving from the city, offers It for sale at this ridiculously low price. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SU.E-OX COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. Harvard street between 14th and iJtb streets $5,500 will buy a beautiful three-Moo brick dwelling open on three sides: one of the best constructed houses on the heights: erf',t''^ l'f, ? builder with the re pj t a I ion for bulldl ng the best houses: the price quoted is at least $-. >00 less than tbe house Is worth. If you are looking for a bargain this is your ??tONk'A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. VOR SALE?A CHANCE FOR A SPECULATION. An out-of-town financial concern offers for cale a two-story dwelling end a lot 18 by i?t feet on K at. n.w., near 18th St.. at an ex tremely low price. Less than $4,500 would be considered. The improvements are now under rental, ana will pay a fair percentage on the purchas* price, while waiting to resell at a profit. STONE A FA1KFAX. 1142 Now York ave. FOR SALE-ARE YOU QUICK TO PICK DP A BARGAIN? . . We offer a house In one of tbe ? err neat sections of Mount Pleasant, near 17th and Park road n.w.. at suet a low price that thj chances are that it will ?>e Picked up by ? speculator who would buy It to resell tt an advance of $1,000 or more. , If vou arc looking for a home It ia abso lutely the beat house offered for the price. $<1,2.10 WILL BUY IT. Three stories, wide covered porch in front, ten rooms, magnificent bathrooxs, hot-water heat and all conveniences. If you want a stable or a garage and at tbe game time bare a large back yard for Aowpti or a garden, you have It In this property. The lot Is 172 feet deep to a very wide alley. The present owner took this house fpr a debt and ia willing to turn It over at a little law. Yon must act quickly it you with to eecaro tb8TON%*ifc' FAIRFAX. 1842 New York ave. FOR SALE-ATTENTION. INVESTORS. PRICE OF PROPERTY. $L660. RENTING FOR $46.50 A MONTH. A comparatively new building, with 11 rooms, two bathrooms, conveniently located in tn? northwestern section. The owner, having moved from Washington, la desirous of getting his money out of this property to use In a business enterprise else where, and offers some one an excellent bar gain in a splendid renting property. The impmveuients alone would cost more than the price asked. _ . STONE A FAIRFAX. 1.342 New York ave. FOR SALE?HOME OR INVESTMENT. PRICE. $10,000. RENTING FOR $<&? A modern 12-room dwelling on!'* avenue near 16th St.; heated with hot water a bright, sunny house, elegant snrronndings. tut price we quote, $10,000, is $5,000 less than amount formerly loaned on it. If you arc looking for a home or investment, this is an opportunity to locate on one of the choicest avenues In the nor hwest at a price less than vou would pay on some side street. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1142 New York ave. FOR SALE^FIR^CLAM Rl^IDENC^ LOCATED IN THE SOCIAL SECTION ur THE NORTHWEST. West of 18th st.. north of O st. .?%?" ?,n?So" facing'south. The house has four rooms deep on the first floor. A TWO STORY GARAGE. An out-of-town owner took this t>r<H>ert.T in exchange and is in position to offer it st tais '?$13fl?00-A handsome four-story _Ro'"?" J^r'cgk dwelling, containing 13 rooms. 3 to hot-water heat; good size lot. riinning i.ack to one^'of 1^ hou^ bull^"-V ^shi^ ton's most reliable biiilders The adjoining 'WtfJK i-WMBT-t J T.ry ' li?n.!*<mo thre.-afirv. dwelling four Tooms deep on the flrst boot. all rooms are large anawellienUlated. an! liirht a? the house has two fronts. ?t is heated with hot water and has about ere y m^^nr^,CRFAX. 1342 New Yoric a~_ F0R INSPECT THIS HANDSOME? HOE|E. 5W'si:"?.???* One of the most attractive new houses now on the market in the fashionable part of the northwest. w ?trppt is con sidered To^e T'?e "tfyyiS aS.'ut every modern conven ^Parlor, reception hall, dining room, pantry 8I^*con<l^floor*11 Ibree ^?drooms? and a beautiful tiled tatteSm. Third floor three sleepy rooms ami tiled bathwrn House h aU-d b. an economical hot-water heating plant. ivas mihI eltK'trlc lights. wood polished floors. X well ^Uip^ two-story brick garage on %ONE Sc FAIRFAX. 1P.42 New York ave. FOR SALE NEAR 10th AND IRVING STS. N.W. See what you can get for $7,500. A house worth S#.;>00. A handsome three-slory brlck aii'l-stone dwelling, with covered poa-hes front and rear. A HOUSE WITH A BACK BUILDING. It cost a lot of money to build such a house, but it Is a mighty nice ki;id of a house to live in. You get four rooms on the first floor, a large reception hall separating your dlulng room from the parlor. Tbe house has a rear or servant's stairway, which is worth $500 to any bouse. It has two maguitieeut bathrooms, tiled, modern up-to-date plumbing. It Is heated by an economical heatln? plant. Is lighted with gus and electricity. Has an instantaneous gas heating arrange ment fo heat hof water. Every room in the house, including the kitch en, finished in hardwood, hardwood polished floors, beam celling in the dining room. Open fireplaces, expensive fixtures, beautiful decorations. Now occupied by au army officer, paying $50 a month. Buy a bouse like this at this bargain price, you cannot lose any money and should be able to resell at a profit. This proposition t-hould appeal to a shrewd buyer, one desirous of securing a bargain, but at the sanif time have more comforts and con veniences than ypu can get iu any other house in Washington that you would pay $1,000 more. Apply for particulars and permit to inspect. STONE & FAIRFAX. l:!42 New York ave. FUR SALE-A HOUSE WITH TWO BATH ROOMS. $ti.2rto. Au out-of-town owner has written us to make a sale of his residence on Fairmont st. between 14th and 15th sts. A few years ?go he refused nil ofTer of $7,750. For certain reasons he wishes to make u quick sale and offers it at u tempting price. Take advantage of this opportunity to locate in this beautiful square. STONE t FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE-A VERY CHEAP PROPERTY. A three-story brick dwelling on O street near 10th street can be purchased for $4,25 >; now renting for $.'IM per mouth: quite recently ? loan of $3,000 was maile on It at 5cc. The iMHise Is 20 feet wide: has southern ex posure; tb'.' rooms are ail lar-e. cheerful and sunny. STONE A- FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SAI E?A VERY CHEAP PilOPERTY. A two-story duelling on N st. near 1"th ?t. Purior, back parlor, dining room, imutrr and kitchen. Three bedrooms and modern bath. Lot 24 by 120. Price to a quick buyer. $3,500. The lot alone Is worth more than this price. The improve ments have been rented for $2fi a month. This would make a comfortable home for anv one wishing to locate In a convenient downtown section. STONE Sc FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FINE HOME FOR COLORED PURCHASER: low price, easy terms; at Lincolu Heights. 2 sqs. from H St.; District line cars, one fare; 7 rooms, bay window, pantry, cellar, elec. light. H. D. WOODSON, Lincoln Heights. D. C. WILL SELL WITHOUT CASH PAYMENT AT $20 monthly, new brick bouse with 0 rooms and hatb; also basement under entire house; well lighted and fitted with servants' toilet and 3-part laundry trays. Hot-water heat; best grade of hardwood trim; edge grain planed floors; electric light and high-grade chandeliers; price. $3,700; No. 519 Harvard ?t. n.w. W. R. WILSON, owner. FOB SALE?HOUSES. C'MttHei. EI.EGAJBL OPPORTUNITY for bargain on Unco^nrk. 10 large, aeparate room*; two porch?, titi and electric lights. Hot-water BNt. First-class .-UDdttiOB. Sacrtflce prW. Address "OWNER." P. O. Box 240S. SU. O. city. ?* FOR SALE?BIQUEST VALVES IN HOMES IN THE NORTHEAST. Built oih!<t mpnriilon of owner*. Nos. 901 to WW G at. n.e. Sample house. 003, open for inspection 5 p.m. to t? p.m. Six Urp, briaht rooms; tiled bath: concrete front porvh; double bark porch: h>'t-tvater lieattuir plant: hardwood flnl?h: etlee-crain (leorgla pint- dou ble floors: N*w Method gas range and the Service combination refrigerator and flrele*j cooker. FREE DEMONSTRATION of the Serv ice tireless cooker nnd rvfrlgenitor Sat, nighi S. S. ENGLISH and W. T. BETTS. Owners, on the Pieal??. Phone Linrn. 2328-M or Linen. 1010. FOR SALE?THE CHEAPEST HOl'SE IN THIS section: No. 31!* 15th at. n.e.: new; never been occupied; six rooms and tiled bath: cel lar; hot-water heat; stationary wash tubs; two-story back porch; very large buck yard; price. ?3.ono; terms to suit purchaser; the bouse is open. JAMES F. SHEA. ?U.1 La. ave. n.w. NICE "six IW>OM AND BATH HOME IN Ex cellent condition, at 430 Newton place n.w.; worth $4,000; will sacrifice for 13,573, aa own er ha? moved from city; $573 cash will buy it, with balance reasonable terms. Address W. E. NEFF. BOO P. O. Dept 10* FOR SALE?HOUSE, 17 th AND DOTOWH sts. n.e.: six rooms: good water: outbuilding: sandy loam soil; quarter mile from railroad terminal shops: two squares from car line: a bargain, on easr terms, to quick buyer. Apply to OWNER. 2?38 Thayer at. n.e. 9? FOR SALE? HOME BUYER. If yon wish the best ft-room lionse !n the city "for the money, inspect No. 222 Randolph place n.e.. or No. 322 Seaton at. n.e. Open and lighted until 0 o'clock. See these boiae* at once. FOR SALE?OWNER WILL SACRIFICE TO quick buyer handsome residence. 1820 0 n.w.; Or. and bath; furnace heat; garage; terma to suit purebaaer. Apply M. L. STERLING, 819 C a.w. M. 7804. A GOOD PROPOSITION IN A MODERN" 2-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE. PRICE. $5,250. RENT. $40. Ix?cated in Washington Height*, near two car lines, this beautiful home, con taining nix large rooms, reception ball. Tiled bath, concrete cellar. hot-water beat, electric light, ouk floors, hardwood in terior finish throughout, laundry, servant'* toilet, rear porches, large back yard, room for garage, alley. Splendid neijrhborhood. A delightful home, well built, and in first-class condition. Worth $0,000. GARDINER & DENT. INC.. 812 14th sr. n.w. NEAR PARK ROAD. Yerv attractive, modern and well built home': two-story brick. ?ix rooms. !?ath. cellar, large reception hall: hardwood floors, hardwood Interior finish; hot-water heat, laundry, servant's toilet: attrac tive mantels and fixture*. Large pantry, gas range, porcelain sink; good yard: porches. Will sell at big sacrifice. Price only $5,150. S^e thla if you want a good home or Investment. GARDINER & DENT. INC.. 812 14th St. n.w. HANDSOME DOWNTOWN CORNER. Owner recently took in trade for larger propertv this beautiful corner dwelling, which can be bold at a sacrifice. Three storv brick and browiibtoue; 11 large rooms; 2 modern hatha; concrete cellar: hot-water heat: exceptionally well built, with unusually handsome Interior finish. 1 rlCe' GARDINER & DENT. INC.. 812 14th at. n.w. NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE. Unusually attractive 3-story brick, with sidu light; 11 large room*, one large mod ern bath and room for another, which can be Installed at small e*i?ense. Concrete cellar, hot-water heat, large yard: near manv exj?enslve home* and in a section where values are rapidly enhancing. "Hie government Is ?pw spending millions ror improvementa near thla property. Fnce only $7,500. Terms arranged. Owner needs money. Anxious for offer. GARDINER & DENT. INC.. 812 14th st. n.w. NEW HOUSES. Best for the money. Price and terms to meet the demands of the renter. Built to meet the demands of the moat critical buyer. \rranircd and eaulpped to suit the modern housekeeper. Two stories and cellar, sis rooms and batb. electric and gas light, porches front and rear, oak floors, hot-water heat, big yards. Price only $3,075. First-class location n.w. Convenient to cars. etc. GARDINER & DENT. INC.. 812 14th at. u.w. ^READY ^RE^,RF%fTt^EW I MM EDI ATE*1 CASH* &BF8AN SFXUr'e A^VORTHINGTON * SON. WOODWARD BUILDING. FOR SALE-ONLY $3,500; NEAR ^ND P n.w.; inviting, modem borne; 6 room* and tiled bath; hot-water brat; porches. L. E. F. PRINCE. 721 Bond bldg. FOR SAI'^TRAOBi>xNARY VALUE. Direct from owner. Best northeast section. Especially well located for govwnment em ployes and railroad men. Easy walking dia tanee to Capitol and Union station. New 6 room, press brick, colonial front f*>r/"h double rear sleeping porch, tlled bath hot water heat, gaa and electric light, oak and edge-grain floors, hardwood trim, toilet and laundry in cellar; beautiful ^coratlonf.and handsome lighting fixtures. Deep lot,? em exposure*. Oo not wait, but ?ee it at once. Price only $4,250; $150 cash, balance to suit PUrAddress OWNER, Box 301. Star office. FOR SALE-IN I'ETWORTH. ? Near Soldiers' Home Park. Nos. 443 to 451 Randolph st n.w. Two stories and attic: tapestry brick fronts, large porches front and rear: large yards; six and seven rooms. Up-to-date in every respect. Nos 4201 N. rf. ave. and 501 Upshur at. n.w. * Corner houses; two stories and attle. Hev?n rooms: large kitchen. Up-tcvdate. Bring ? reputable builder with you to inspect these houses. ^ every day and Sunday. ALEX. MILLAR. Owner aud Bui der. Phone Col. 4034. 3040 New Hampablre ave. FOR SALE?A BARGAIN. ^ Do vou need a house with t bedroom* and o other beautiful rooms. 3 pantries, 2 baths and 2 LOOKAT 3321 HOLMEAD AVE. OPEN. (Three doors from Park road.) PRICE REDUCED TO $5,790. W. S. M1NNIX. 141(1 F n.w. FOR SALE?$0.500?ON I ST. WEST OF 17tb; VORTH OF PENNA AVE.. 3-STORY BRICK RESIDENCE: 10 ' ROOMS: PORCELAIN RATH - RE A R? PORCH: NICE YARD, ETC. " W.V.ROOMES. 1413 H ST. FOR SALE?1T31 Q ST. N.W.: REMODELED and better than new; all modern Improvements; open dally aud Sunday. L. W. GROOMCS. 1413 H at. ______ FOR SALE-DOWNTOWN RESIDENCE CLOSE to business center; 8 rooms, bath and porch: newly built bv day s labor: owing to urcent need for inonev property will be aacrlflt-ed to aulek buyer; Ideal for doctor; extraordinary bargain. P. J. WALSHK. 1336 N. Y. ave. u.w. WANTED?HOUSES. furnished. FURNISHED HOUSE OR APARTMENT IN exchange for well located Washington lot: will give cash or take note for difference 11 any. Samuel Rurnslde. 1420 U n:w. TO REST. vqr BBKT~ WE WANT HOUSES TO RENT. IF YOUR property is vacant, try us. H. F. MANDLER CO.. Look for the red arrow sign. 702 llth st. n.w. TO BUY. WANTED?BUNGALOW: ELECTRIC LIGHTS: modern conveniences; n.w. section city; aubur ban: $.">,000 or lesa cash; no agents. Address Apt. 43. 1723 G st. n.w. WILL PAY CASH l'OR SIX-ROOM HOl'SE on Columbia Heights west of loth street. Box 23ft. Star office. FOR RE>T OH SAI.B. WANTED-HOUSES TO RKNT .VND SELL TO DESIRABLE COLORED CLIENTS. HILL-PENDLETON CO.. 000 f ST. N.W. PHONE M. flU FOR SALE?BUSINESS PROPERTY :ior. and 307 uth ST. N.W. (2 doors from Pennsylvania ave.) 48 feet front, by 05 feet deep, to alley; improved bv 2 3-story buildings. L. RIOHOLD, Room 31. 729 15th st. n.w. 7th ST. BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE. Cheap for cash; a bargain; 12.11 7th st. n.w.; completely remodeled; uew front, containing 8 rooms and bath; electric and gas ligtt: more has 2 bay windows; stable 111 real to large alley. L RICUOLD. Room 31. 720 15th at. n.w. FOR SALE?STORE AND DWELLING ON PA. ave near 19th st. n.w.; 28 feet front. Price 88 250 TIIOS. W. FOWLER & SON. 234 Southern bidg. I HAVE FOR SALE SEVERAL BUSIN&Sk. properties which 1 "j'-'iitii'iN1 rec'ltc*ti pneea. District National Bank bldg. mn h ST. N.E.?0 ROOMS AND BATH, $3,800; yi?y terms. OWNER, 1224 Florida ave. n.e. FOR EXCHANGE. OWNERS ARE CORPIALLY 1NVITEP TO USE our nrtltft in an effort to obtain a satisfac tory exchange. We ask m> exclusive listing, merely the chance to give you a deal if in '?ur BMW. Na i<o?l to i'f|T nlfw irrri>llMr deal la consummated. WE WANT A SMALL APAHTMRNT HoFSK with not too much trust for ciear building ground. WE HAVE A UROK UST. GEO. Y. WORTHING TON * SON, Woodward bid*. J WE HAVE A CLEAR AMI UNINCUMBERED $10,000 RESIDENCE. win, exchange rtiR ruriTY in a flB.OOu Oil $20.0nn HOUSE ON WASHINGTON HTS. '?K GOOD N.W. LOCATION. LIEBFKMANN * HAWS. 1421 F ST. WE HAVE A BEAUTIFUL REM PENCE. MOST FASHION A RLE N.W U "CATION; WILL, EXCHANGE FOR A FINE LOT. ECONOMICAL BUILDING IjOTS OR SUBURBAN GBOUNP. PRICE. $25 000. TRF8T. $13,000, AT HOUSE IN PERFECT CONDITION LIEBEItlfANN A IIAWN. 1421 F ST. WILL TRAPE SIX-ROOM BRICK tt'LEAR'. price. $2.lK?> for realty In ? ?>r 8 mom home In goo<i location: state price, trust and loca tlon. Address Bo* ?t?. St*r office. 22" REAL K STATE EXCn AMI K *V "SPECIALTY. An active llrt of bouses. apartments, lots, business anil investment prooertles. For auiek deals s-c L. E F. PRINCE. 721 Bond bldg. WILL EXCHANGE A SUBSTANTIAL. WELL rented house for an automobile in good order. __Box 21, Star office. FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE. CLEAR LOT IN RANPLE IHOHLANPS - Equities In Capitol Hill and l.amont street residences. aeparatelv or together; will sell cheap, or exchange for suburban or country proitrty. I-lnooln 21B. 212 8tli at. n.?. 10* FOR SALE?OR WILL EXCHANGE FOR WASH log ton property. 50 tine building lots In n.w. section of Baltimore city. Md.; ? aectlon finely improved and a good demand for homes. A. E. McLAUGHLIN. Bond bid*. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-MY SMALL APARTMENT HOFSE: price. $G.00o; now rented at $600 per year; 4 Hats with tile baths each and back porches; lot 28*100 ft.; white tenant*; press brick: line condition; gr?.it Investment; no agent*. Apt. .V)t. 1410 M at. n.w. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE?$5,000 EQUITY In two ?cml-detacbed houses. Columbia Heights; value. $11,100; for two-family flat or acreage north of city, with modern bouse, fruit, etc. Boi 239. Star office. 9* ABOUT 2?cT ACRES OF LAND IN lA?l IX tl \ county. Va.; good soil, not umler cultivation: price. $5,000: trust, B-*t.OO??; will take clear lot or small property'for equity. Address I*. O. Box 2ft. Station A. c.lty. EQUITY IN A 14-ROOM HOFSE. GOoO LOGA tion for boarders. for small suburban property, clear. McLACHLEN BANKING CORPORATION. lOth and G sts. n.w. BARGAIN IF SOl.P AT ON?"E MCE GROOM house, on avenue s.e.; rents $22.50. Or will exchange for acreage or farm lan 1. Bui 3M), Star office. 9* FOR SALE?LOTS. CHEVY CHASE. NEAR BROOKVII.LE ROAP. ?t A ceuta square foot <14.000 square fecti. $30ft caah, balance $?! per inoiilh. Interest In cluded. H. M. MARTIN. 1401 II st. n.w. Hi* HAVING SOME .10 BUILDING LOTS FOR sale, well situated on Renning ll-ighis. 1 offer them very reasonable for cash. J. P. SFNDE, 10<>4 Massachusetts ave. n.w. 10* RICHMOND PARK The center of Washington's exclusive resi dential aectlon. Not a suburb, but Part of the city. Secluded, but practically accessible to both Conn, and Wis. ave. car lines: altitude. !M) ft.; Ideal building and villa sites; specinl In ducements to home buyers: your Intestment Is absolutely safeguarded here by llii; millions spent In surrounding improvements. Call or write for appointment. MABELLE B. REMORE. Exclusive Agent. Evana ltldg.. 1420 X. Y. ave. Tel. Main liUo. ON ACCOUNT OF FINANCIAL CIRCFM stances I am comiielled to sell my beautiful corner lot, with a frontage of 122 ft., suitable for apartments or stores. Box 314. Star office. ?? WANTED. A BUILDER WANTS VACANT LOTS IN ANY part of the city; will pay good pricea. giving second trust for same, and is able to finance any buildings. Box 2<M. Star office. INVESTMENT PROPERTY. RENTED $450; miCE. $4,000. TRUST, $2,500, at 50*. Equity, $1,501). Pays nearly lS'r on equity after {laying taxes. Interest and insur ance and RESERVING ONE-FIFTH OF THE BENT for repairs and vacancies; centrally lo cated northwest. GEO. Y. WOBTHINGTON Jc SON, Woodward bldg. THREE-STORY POMPEIAN BRICK. ON THE heights; leased at $4So per annum. Worth $<>.500. WE CAN SELL TO QUICK BUYER FOR $5,500. $.'{.?00 can remain at 5**. GEO. Y. WORTHINGTON & SON. Woodward bldg. FORTY-ACRE BEARING ORCHARD ON APPLE Pie Ridge. In Berkley co., W. Vs.; standard varieties. 12 to 15 years old: on good pike; this orchard has a line record aud Is a fine producer. J. WALTER tVBOYLE. ?S0 Bond bldg. M. 2tO. SUBURBAN PROPERTY. for sale:. I WHY DO YOU DO IT? Why do you iieralst in paying reut to a grasping landlord when It does not cost as much to own your home? PRICE. $i.tjon. $20 cash?$20 mouth. One 4-room bungalow, new. 2 beau tiful lots, splendid water; 150 ft. to electric cars. Picturesque heights of Virginia. Call at main office for particulars. Come out Sunday. PRICE, $2,250. $50 caah?$20 mouth One 5-room. 2-story beaut..' b bledash house: electric lights: - to.ely lots; 23 minutes from Treasury Pept.; 1 minute to cars; 5c car fare. Take U st. car to 44th st. u.e. For further particulars apply to O. B. ZANTZINGER, Main Office, 9th aud New York ave. n.w. ADJOINING CHEVY CHASE; 1^ to 4 ACRES; 7 rooms; stouc bungalow; barn; garage; pig gery; chicken houses; modern improvements; 00 fruit trees: oue block to cars; 2 open lire places; large cellar; porches; flue view; cheap; terms; fenced; small stream. MORGAN BROS.. INC.. , 320 N. Y. hvc. n.w. Phone M. 7807. REZULTX GETS RESULTS. SEE BI NG ALOW-VILLA IN TAKOMA; DE slgna new to P. <7.; 4 blocks to cars; $2.5o0 to $4,250: 4 to 7 rooms; bath; electric lights; b.-w.h.; fine finish; shade trees: open lire place?; porches; gtt?: every convenience: Wil low ave. and Spruce St.. near Tulip st. Ajjent on grounds or phone for auto. Bungalows al ways under construction. Easy terms. LoM 50x150. $750 upward. $25 down and $10 moatbly. MORGAN BROS.. INC., 920 N. Y. ave. n.w. I'hotie M. 7807. REZULTZ GETS RESULTS. $3,850.00?4 ACRES; NORTHWEST: 7 ROOMS: frame: sleeping porch: open lireplnee; cellar; fen<-ed: fruit :in<l shade trec-<?: macadam road: 2 blocks tu cars: one to II. II.: -..titbuildings: good well. Ease terms. VV'll! ejehang.. Rented. MORGAN BROS.. INC., 920 N. Y. ave. n.w. P". one M. 7S07. RE/.I LT/ GETS RI SI'LTS. CHEVY CHASE AND VICINITY: OWNER must Bell before November 15; v.illlng to lose $500; new, never occupied: 'i acre; 9 rooms; 2 baths; detached: wond-rful view; modern Im provements; 2 hlocks to cars: price, $5,500; easy terms. Address OWNER, Box 8y. Star office. I CHEVY CHASE AND VICINITY?TWO BEAITI ful semi-?letache<l bouses; each a corner house, facing gotcrnuient park: 8 wonw and luUh; room for 3 rooms In attic: Immense cellar: heated; hardwood trim: o|?en flrepl*<-es; back stairway; six porches; sleeping i>orch: large lot; fine view; no bouses like these at the ; price: a revelation in home building: terms. MORGAN BROS.. INC.. Phone Main 7807. ?3> New York ave. n.w. ? EEZI I.TZ GET RESULTS. ACREAGE ON BALTIMORE ELECTRIC LINE, with or without housestine for poultry, frvtt and trucking; special bargains if sold at once. Address J. A. KEMP. Bowie. Md. ? w SUBURBAN PROPERTY. Fw* <C??. .WIS 10th ST. VE.. 2 BI.?M KS NORTH OK K. I. ave. car*: |?f a,*)*} n . shade; flue *** ? sunt uclglihurfanud: 6 mum*. hath. pan ,r-*: ""war; large front and rear porches: for quick *a le, IJ.i.'i"; monthly t?\ incnts Open. ?r key at Iter Hamlin *t. ? NEARLY NEW MODERN DETACHED KOI St Porche*. n11: lot 40sti;. feet: l? m, ?f the l-e?t location* In northeast suburb*. M IV COMKKY. ,WiV. 22nd *t. i> e for sale - w7?odmde. mT7~ ?; i?n?u house; turn: Jot 7Hx2?0. grove. fruit: water, price. $4,000. literal term*: furniture If de sired. Dr. 1. WILSON, 4<? A *t. .?.e. city. 2 AtttES on electrlt li It.. Montgomery ' N1*001" dwelling. barn. poultry house: all aa 5TT Tn n' 4,1 '*'*rl"K frilll fee*. price. ti t *'w 10 Seres unimproved'. on pike t ?*???? ?"^> l*r acre. \a dre*? Box m,. y{ar oBl,^ L<|'>m1MwU ?AI,K "K K*?"ANUKD-SOME A H?l5h? , ,"r!l Banning. rati. . r r **'* *' r*"?0"ahle PTi.e, at ?f-T. ... for exchange I'l uneuctunbered pi op. erty. <?r nearly *o J p. SI NDK 1UM Maa *achn?ett* ave. n.w ' ,0? LEAVING WanIIINUTON '"T*"" hou??? ?" *-nced: 4 out. iA "PPl* orchard: 2 mln. walk W ? hot w,,*r ho?f ? modem near ap.tol. clear of Incumbrance; own term* T?-?i.JiUM^KS~7 AM' ?'< ROOMS; rt l>)T S~ trnni; N chicken house.; ?> a walk from ear*, all f??r % > V>? :VjwTm It i Alllt. H.auevlMe M.i 1 v'o "(l''1, i'i'11S": *?*"' CA>fl \ND ?-\ I'KK MO 'In. lading principal. Inter*? taxes ind Insurance! W114. ITIU'HASE WELL NI'll r ?w.' IIOMi; WITH II TH U ? l i' PKNVr,?- ^| J{ K*K I O v*.' " I>'T til.Vil I ; oni v if CAR8; ovl fakk. 5. Hox ^9, ijiar BARGAINS; ON K VSY TKRMS CHKVV:rI!^? ?}H- Sine?. ii-fc * 1IJ.A M'l'K: NKAK KT .ivi Vvv JJJrR?VKMK\TS: SV-vi LV mi i"T. ho\ii- w'iTl?F,ihJ?KO*A PABK "it'ioji flUMi.. ? ith math axi* miii> T\ft?< ? ?? r a Si t/yy 4<>ii.w ft vf\r CAIIS; ON K PAItE. OXIA " * BOX 2W. ST AH OFKIt K BKAyTIFri, Sl'BI'ItHAX HOMES " _ See HENRY W. OKKl'TT Friendship Hflghla. OBI re. n'u. are and \ it. 8 ACRES. OS KLK( USE: ONE EAIlF'X aTIH' i?11* *' ,,a,h fx" ?'aler heat: $4 fOO. ,>?!, fttli n.w. A VKHY I'KKTTV litAC'RK FARM. <OM pleul.v fenced: mar trolley: In Fairfax couulv *,Vj -Tveurooiii tion?e; I'ai'.re.l and p.mre.1 throughout: larire, heautlfnl lawn with r..Um: maple aliade trei-a; pordiea, fl.m-ra: fruit; plenty of urouml In (Tfrrt condition and all p.anted: eacellent well on lattice,| hack Kerb: tin mutual harealn at IS.tLV) OU'VKR <x 41S. Star ofllce. M. ' SACRIFICE FOR Ol ICK SAKE REAP, ttful alt-Mom buiiKalow. bath, hot water heat lM *"'1 trio Hshta. larg.' double |>.>rr|iei.* due corner lot. In 1-fare tone; only $|8 a month. No rm?h iwirtnoni. OTer <s acre of ur.Htiid nHh a neat 3 room howe: lot ..f fru't: In lak. tua lark, high eleratlon. eonveuieut to the car>: for quick sale, |l.2S0: w..r(h S2.t*M?. ARTI1I R M. Co\\on 224 Oxford Iddp . 14th and N V are NF.W It-ROOM HOI SF ON KO< K\ ll l.h C> | <V trie; price. $2..*><m: cqultr. nlfl i hatice. tUVNF.Il. Box 4lii. Star ? rti. e. ?t> *<>> KKSH'KNT MI ST SH.I. LAiTTTf, HKaF tffljl l^t, H.W. J (?lovnlion; t\|. ter shade. lijeht; at half price ad>. olnS l..ta aelllng for. Box asp, star offlc, ? g* 24 A?-RKS IN VIENNA: ?{?ltlll NINE R<K?M houw: if.M?d well, nice orcliard: p. Ice. Addri-EK Rox 2f?l. Star ofhee. FOR SAI.F FIN E VIRGIN! A IIOMK AT FORT Mrer Heljrota. ? rnif.. Iintli, WIT W ITER heat, cement oellar and uHlka. HMrerar fruit ahade tree*. J^ot 1<*lx.13i laien 2 atrceta. Only 1 fare. Fine view entire ,-ltr $7 ,*> l0 Exchanges convidered. Near troller'. Bt)OTH'8 I* ARM AGENCY, 700 ItMh at n tr, ?? ANOTHER l-FAKE SFKCIAI. 7-R'M l|o| SR: lar*e poreliea; p??; iarse cellar; "o-ft. lot fenced; Jtoultry liouae A riin; ea?y tertoa; ae? eral for ri-nt. J. M. E.KHNEST. Ml Rainier. Md. EIGHT FINE KI'il.lHNG I.OTS NEAR I'tiTO ntac rurd*. Alexandria county. Va. excellently located for mauufacturltii; pnr|M>aea: clow tn Southern and I'etiuarlvania railroad track*- la ?.peotlon invited. JOHN I?. NOKMOVI.E. Alei andrla. Va. BARGAIN IN RltOOKI.ANIi IIOMK; ?! I.ARGV rooma. tinth and reception hall; aleeplnc porch and porchee; hot water heat; electric and *a? llfht: i-ellar under entire house; lot MiIM; price. $4..?*i: easy ternm. A. B CAMI'BEI.I,. _1410 H at. n.w. B E AITIFFI, |T ROOM SIRFRBVN RESI ?" deoce; all modern luiproremvuta. liot-water lirat; largi* lot; aoiilliern <-xi??MUre; located 1310 Gallatin ?t. n.w. For aale by o*#tr. Reaaoualtle. sfbfrran hofses always i'niier ion. ftructloii In ?ev>'i'al sulidlvialotu>. laith in th* Dtatrlct and out. See CIIAS. M. I.RJHT HOWN, acroMi from Catholic rbunb. Mt. Rainier. Md. EASY TERMS. HOW TO HE YOI'R OWN I.ANT>I.o|||> on $100 cash and 11.* monthly at CHEVY CHASE. For full particular* drwt postal, telephone or call on WM. II. RITCHIE. ?117 Colorado hide. Tel. M. 52:11. FOR SAI.E- FIVE ACRE l.OT NEAR CHEVY Chase Circle. I?. C.; tnlcht divide In two Iota; an opportunity that will never lie offered afaln; only 12c a square foot. Add rem OWNER, Box 210. Star office. for" SAI.B? ANYTHING THAT TOU MAY WANT. FROM A IjOT 50t200 TO 200 ACRES. ALONG THE LINE OF THE ROOK VILLE ELECTRIC ROAD EITHER IM PROVEO OR UNIM PROVED FOE LV VESTMENT OR SCBDIVISION. J. H. MILLER. ian? F. 200 REFINED HOME SITKS AT I'HEVT Chase. In the Distrft-t. each one a velvet lawn: nearly 'every lot la covere?l with natural for est nhade tree*; nature cultivated; 40'i feet elevation; 30 minutes' ride to the ??enter of the clt,v. Capital Traction car line. 5 cent fare. Sold on terms us low aa S100 cash and SIS monthly; Interest on deferred payments; Rii. Will finance luiildliiK a lionie for iuu on verv easy terms. For further Information writ*, phoue or call on WM. n. RITCHIE. S17 and .'tis ?'?.dorado buildinc. Phone Main ASC31. WOOIHtlDGK. TT C. Buy lot* of the OWNER. 11 A VIETH. 25T? R. I. ave. n.e.; $."??? cash. $10 uiuUllfly. Lovely neighborhood; 200 ft. elev.itiin. 20 iniuuteu to ftlh and G. Cars every few min utes. No colored pi ople within a mile. TWO IIOFSES ADVERT ihED YESTERDAY SOLD. Am hulldiuit some more. I^ot* as fol ion a: 4.Y\2im). le*low gnilr; water and ^s* available; ?-o*t $.*>0 to make perfect; *SM): 72 ft. front on R. I. are.. $117.*.: lOOxl.'IS. on avruue. .1 blo<-ks car. $"i.'et; .'.Hit?2. ?ood soil. 3 blocks car, $,'150; 100 other*; 4c ft. up 21* FUH HE NT. FOR RENT HOI SF. IN TAKOMA PARK: ? rooms and bath: a.m.I: near car line. Inquire IIS Maple ave.. or IMii H si. 11.w. FOR RENT ? $2.'. PER MONTH. :|i.7 ACRES AND GOOD N-ROOM IIIIFNK. BARN. ETC.; CORNER 14th ST. EXTENDED AND PARK AVE. N.W. CIIAS. A. SHIELDS. I-CU( NEW YORK AVE. N.W. 10* FOR RENT?BALLSTON. VA 7-room house; double fiordies fr?mt and rear: large lot; nice location; less than 2 squares from cars; on stone sidewalk: r<-nt. $13.50. MOORE it HILL. INC.. 1 <2'i2"J 11 n.w. 9-ROOM HOI'ME: BATH; HEATED: BEAFTI fitl .-orner; electric llchta; tret-a; large vard; 3 minutea' waik to ears; rem. $30 inouthlf; smaller bouse; 3 rooms; larafi: yard; 910 monthly. MORGAN BROS., INC.. S?20 N. V. ave. n.w. Phone M. 7807. REZFLTZ GETS RKSI'LTS. FOR RENT HOFSE IN TAKOMA PARK; ? rooms utnl bath;; 11-ar car line. Inquire 110 Maple ave.. or Wltl H st. n.w. 1?* 29l'J MILLS AVE. N. E. (BETWEEN 21ST ST. and Rhode liland ave.I?tl rooms, hath, mod ern Improvements, new house, freshly pap?*r?d; one-half squire from car*; $10.,10. Apply r?on* 203, 721 'Jth n.w., or premises; key next door. DRt'M.MONO, MD.. OPPOSITE CHEVY CHASR, on Rockvllle ele<;.. line; splendid hou*<* of ft room* and bath; ga? range; electric light; lot PtOxl.'S; grounds In beautiful conditio*. $.<?! per uiontli. For further Information inquire of L. D. LATIMER. AT DRFMMOND. or THE F. 11. SMITII COMPANY, 14QH NEW YORK AVENFE. POULTRY FARM FOR RENT; 2<? ACRE5. ? r.H?m bouse, stabl- and poultry houses; 12 nailef from Washington: 15 inlnut<? from railroad. Address Box 32. Star office. |* FOR HKVr OR SALB. 11 ROOM I 'WELLING. ARLINGTON, VA.; H ft c. water, electric light: ebetrlc pump; NO ft. porch: acre land; 2 b'ocks fr.?m tr.dYy; $l.5u*i; will trade. ?Jall l??t. 4 and A p.m.. except Wed. C- B. MFNSON. 1.12*5 N. Y. ave. WASTED. WAM'EIl?TO III Y FOR CASH. SFRI KBA.\ . .t'.-eity. with from one to ten acre*, on car I will not consider any property at fauiy 1 rice. Give full deacrlptlon of anil di rejtioi.? h?w to reach same or no atteution will be paid. Box 310. Star ottlce HOME 0PP0RTUHITIES. $449 Buy* the needed Lumber. MUlwork. Shingles, Lathe. Glased Windows, etc., etc.. ?11 Ko. 1 material, tor this q. Seven-room Cottage and Free x lan IO4. Plans and F.O.B. our dt/. Frank Lihh^v & Co., Lumbermen. th ST AND K. V. AYR. W W.. THIS CITY. WASHINGTON HOTELS. The Lccairn apartment hotel. . _ Iowa Circle and 13tk ?t. L 2 end S rooms, with bath; furnished or un farniahed; transient or permanent; Americen and European plan. WX. CATTO.