Newspaper Page Text
FABMS. FOR SALE. FOR SALE?BEAtmFTL FARM. TEN ACUES. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. All necessary outbuildings. WILb?KU, CHEAP TO QUICK BlTffl*. Address D. R. L. Ifcxim 0. K> II'-Kg building. ? ACRES. 1 MILE FROM I'FN N > V LV A M A railroad station; good buildings; suitable for a suburban home or chi. ken r?. j,i; room f.>r gar den. Term? to siilt ijufcl; buyer. Aildre&g I- O. Tl'ENER. .ViS. Tit. si. u p. S? OH'M-ii OOINO SOI IH. MAKE \N OFFEI!. 1H acre?. two-tin-tls clear. located miles from ronc.-i -- lit Pebble-dash bouse of * large rooms: fnr!me? l.est: a table. ehJeJjcn :>r>u.e; plenty lruff; >vc looking Potomac river, h. -t lernit. Itox *1!. star office. iMMi'iiin i.:? ?. v.TTrvi^T Tn "S. 4'| acres. S1.&00. l.Vj ii.s, St.550. 11 acres. $ 1.000. Phone AJ. <.??>'. UHlliK M. CONMilt. 224 Oxford hi Jr., !t:i> nnd V. V. are. l.M'Kl'KMtEVI ll?EAI. ilnMli I II I: INDIAN HP- r Park. I"a Ov :i your own home; grow oranges, leinon*. grapefruit. ')<:s. pecan*. Yege ' ables: rsN" -???ltrv; avoid the cold ?i'?|ers. Easy term*. FIX?l<il?A E\ST niAST FRFIT LAND <??.. Home Life tilds*.. loth s^.. Wash ington. 1?. i? acres on i in: potomaT kivk;:. ii mll'-a Washington: only'i. etisy icrr. s 150 acres >. i potonn-' river; large rin -yar.l 5<>?> peach tri . :ind other fruit; good in.iujve rrfiits. only j* r acre. 32-?cr?- fruit form: .l.'H'O grapes. 1,000 peach. Sf?> pear. Ifo pliiin. l<i" apple. J5 cherry and small fruits, all in fuil bearing; good fmprn' e-1 menl'; only J.'.ooo. M. 0220. ARTIirn M. CONNOR. ! 224 Oxford lildg.. 14th and V V. are. Mani wori,i) m y n THEV HAD THE CASH. I "I FINANCE VOl " msking i? as e.::-y to I g'_; toe farm thai yon l>cst as payln." ' rrnt. B'-st imposition* in tbls section, embrac j Ing tine Mm- gras- ?toct farms. dairy, poultry. j trucking and general f;: rm propositions. It's t*> j yuar ?'cry advantage ).? dree In an<; la'.k o;e.' ; my offer. J. M. KINCHFEt ?E. fM5 Pa. nvo. m.u .. Washington. D. C. Id AfRi s ii.v piki whi,!. \va tfritl and fenced Into o Ileitis: .w-r.vim bouse; bfiitk bare, 21 Malls: j;**"' orchard: only 12 miles fn-m i-it;. ; mast srll to settle estaie; TT.VsO: i-rms aeres lij rlnrcil, ballnce in wood: fl ronm hvii'-e. b rn. coicken hois- -; on'y 'rrnis. AV. P. McOOfl'KI.K. Kerois hldg.. 1.1th r.nd tl. GOt?l> FARMS: R??Jlfl LOCATIONS: iVnTlIf prt>*? -?: fair <|ealing: pr?i|?--r exebnnges: exj eri ??ncfil farmer. W. Ji?HNS?iN. 1101 II n.w. PNorp >t. 2r;S?. ljesitlin'"". .">2" Indiana eve. FARM oi; S( ltl IJItAN PKkPKIM Y. ":-r)ie small. In the vicinity of *Vasiiiti^*t?n. Marviaml ?>;? Virginia. j MeL.Vl!M.N ItANK IN<". i'OIM'i ?l! ATP ?V, ' iai b aa l i: w. ] rot; s\i.iT~oi? a iihmii.y ? i i7- | tivaltil farm ??f Kit i:ere*" 1 mile from AVe?: ! f'ahs t'hijr-h - ate>n: g' lious< and "uibtiilil- ' :n^<: line orchard; fruit from this farm took U' ?o--t pti.-s a! the io.-c:it Fairfax county fair, i"' <;n>. iit;\T?r.Hsi)N. 11is r n.?. J t"v. nik!jn mT>7 iTft \ ?i?7mk Tn <;oi?'5 j rooip'rv : Si M:'r s naafy farm*: large and i Mifil i I'lotn.i] csl.'ile-. w?: -r front a:?d ir- i | rapej-?. ' ic aOiTia-t'Ts. HOW *t!I? K FtfEKMAN. I.Vense.i (Seal Estate P'n ?(!?, I.eoiiardti).vu aial tir^nt Mills. Mi. ????? LEGAL NOTICES. WHAR'I'OS ?.. LBSTER, Attorney. I'v THE St PKJ Mi", i tIFRT nr I HE DISTRICT j ? r t'olnmbia. A^-imuaent <>f He-bert M.' Nc.- -i E?]i|ity ,Vt.. :;i!?X!t. This ene*" b'-lng r ; f??ri "d io the ;u i| Mai' !iie acc-nn' of tho| n- itne- and ttie proper itNiiiU ?l inn of the fund, jv-fo-e < lien-by given ll-at I will d nllh , ? aid reference cn Jiisiilar, NoV'-uitier 2t. 101". ' al II a.m.. at the auditor's r^w* in the F. S i ?"niirti:ou!?e. at "hlch tine and place all crrd- | ?t< r? of llerb?-' M. Van NYs; will aripear and. pre-oii' their < l i'ms with Tirouf ther.-'of. I.OFI8 ! A. lil-UNT. A ml I tor. ' i MOVING, PACKING & STORAGE. GET OUR ESTIMATES ON ABSOLFTELT FIREPROOF STORAOE. PACKING ?t MOVING. FNITED STATES STORAGE CO., 41" 10th ST. N.W. PHONE MAIN 4229. Jacobs Transfer Co., Inc. MOVING. PACKING. SHIPPING. ijulck service on It. R. and steamboat freight. Special rate* cr carloads. Fhone North 2190. Office. 1l;> Florida are. o *. WASHINGTON SAFE DEPOSIT CO. (INCJ. 0HS-01S Pa. ave. n.w. FIREPROOF STORAOE. Rooms. $2 mo. np. Phone Main 201. Estimate* furnished. EMERGENCY" TRANSFER COMPANY?AUTO moMle vaus. Moving, paekinz and shipping. Special rates r.n pianos. Distance moving ? specialty. Phone North xmi l"th st. n.e. ?TORAtlE. ?1 I.OAD PER MONTH; I.OWEST rates In the city: let us give you an estimate for yonr storage, hanlin? and puck in;, and compare onr price with others'. H. BALM Sc SON. 312 PA. AVE rHONF. M. I2.-.4. ESTABl.ISMEF' W' CAPITAL STORAGE HOFSE. Separate rooms; TTn' load per tnonth. 220-2:i! 7th s.w. Phone Main I00!?. Merchants' Transfer & Storage Co. Eatfaaatra Faralahetl. Our careful movers and padded IVlUVing vans can move )? ur household goods rny distance with perfect safety. lA?t us give you a:i estimate. PaclcintT hare thoroughly experienced * ??VlV*la|5 packers, who know how to han dle ill kinds of (Mods, so they will reach their destination without breakage. Stni*Jlflrf> ?v"' P'REPROOF, locked rooms, o at S2 a month up. Special storage room for planus, paintings, etc. Haul in? niachinery, monuments, ? boilers and all classes of heary Uauiing. * 920-922 E Street N.W. Phone Main 6900. PADDED VANS. 94 AND H LOAD. Phone* Main 1R15-1916. COLCMRlA TRANSFER & STORAGE CO.. HOC NEW YORK AVE.-N.W. Pactlnc k Shipping. Storage. $2 van load. BTORE VOI R FFRNITFRE. PIANOS. ETC . at WENOHLERS. 020 Pa. ave. n.w. Rates reasonable. Estimate* cheerfully given. PhoBe 13?3. PACKlNt.. Phone M. 20J0. MOVING KREIG S EXPRESS. 122V, H st. n w Ea-ge padded vans. Experienced men. Get our estimate. SHIPPING. STORAGE. FREE MOVING FOR STORAOE. CALL N 4313 2r..^,,.K.40J"r *Ituates. 200 separate rooms. SMITH -S TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO.. ?/1?? S st. LOAN COMPANIES. The dally advertisement of the Itoelety for Savings and Loans of Washington for Saturday. November 8. Small Loans Exclusively at i per cent a month. i The Amount You Need Loaned on Reasonable Security and at a minimum cost by the Society for Savings and Loans I of Washington Rooms 514-518 Washington Loan and Trust Building AUCTION SALES. THIS AFTERXOOX. THOS. J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEERS. Valuable Street Business; Property at Auction. We are author4.*^! by all parties In interest to ?ell at public nuctlon." In front of the premise*, on SATURDAY. THK ElOHTH DAY OF NO v em men, ibis, at half past four O'CLOCK P.M.. lot S2 In ?quare !>RI. Im-r>ved to the 11' rec -s tory brick afire ami two (ive-room , an.vtments m il ."eMsr No. 11M II street n r. Term-' announced .it thin' of <',1 . $1<x> I * , r">{!iir<*d upon apceptance of bi'l. Snlf '?> be clou <1 '.VI Ml in fifteen dav? i-r ilep" >sit forfeit' d i no4-d&-d> THOS. -I. ' OWEN ? SON ; F1T1KK DAYS. ADAM A WESCHLER. Alt TIONEER. TKI STF.F.S' SALE Or \ALFARLF IMPROVED UFA I, ESTATE. NO. ]r>25 STREET NORTHWEST. I T'.y i!rti?> of n lieT'c of the S-.,?"^ .? fonrt f of ti<e District of Columbia, in e.v '? .No. 31620. tin- unitfrsigncd trustees v- i ? ; . | lie auction. in front of the |.r. i?is.'i (i l;>- J PAY. NOVEMBER TWENTIETH ?? . \T i HALF-FAST FOFR O l'LiH K F M i ?? in j sqnarp ."<lfi_ Iti the pity of Wash nvto\, together i -?Iff; Hip ImprovemcMs. consisting of ii l >ro-dtory li; ifl, dwelling. No. 1,VT> 5tli sf'Pt n. w. T? rms of s"!?; One-third of ill" jxirpha p j money to 1>p paid in cash. balance in lui p<|ii;il . Installments. pa;aide in oil'* arid Urn yenrs. with ' interest :?' sis n?r i - ;n ;? :- piiuum. paynbfe I s ?ml-aniinally. from 'in. of sale, sccitr-U ly deed | of inmt pro;*"rty said, or :til i':i<i. ;if Hip l option of liip purchaser. A ilppesit of wi.l | I !??? required at time <>' sal". Ail eoiive.". ais-in-. | 1 at "nst of purchaser. Tor in s t<? be eoio- i j pl'pil with within fifteen days fro;n day of sn"i\ j L ot'.ipr vise trustees reservp (Iip rig'.tt to resell; i properly iti tin- risk of cost to the dof*i'iltin;c ! i pnrphnsor. aftpr fnp days' at) vert'semi-nt in i I some i: -wsoaper published ill Washington. I>. C. [ C. FLINTON JAMES. TniMcr. ?fl?i ?"?tli >t. n.w. ! riHLJF WALKER Tni-tw no>d.yrls.pSii Fni?n Trust Building. ADAM A. WESCHLER. AUCTIONEER. i TRUSTEES- SAL'- OF AN FN I IMPROVE!* L"T. SITFATF ON K \I i'K\M VI ROAD. FORMERLY PRF-SCOTT ^TKEKT ?>PPO<JTE WYOMING AYE. FORMERLY l" .-! IN ri:l ah; heights. NEVR \; \s S ACIH 'SETTS AVE. AND ROTK CRMk 11) authority of the ???nirt. i:i iipjity I'aiisp No ; cntltlpil Shoi*maliir vs. Morilim, riisirp | t?-? i?mlprsicrp?i will offri- .si ?in-t?? ii. on Fio I j r-ni!sps. lot rn inl?i I-piJ l\vlr: in hl.H-k i;?iii1>p-p(J j 1 tivo. m,t\ snuiTP ir>'i2 ri?>ii laxalion and ass.'**, j inPnt p'rt bonk In tiip si?rvpyor*s and a^spssf-'g ; Of'ipp*. c'ronti- i*i Inr Kiifrlpt of ("olnnibiii .. i | WKPVESDAY. NOYFMRER fVVKl.iTJ) i?F: I I AT FOFR O'CLOCK F..M This lot li.i- a front. I [ av?p of r>n Toot and a dfplli of 100 feel. Tprm? of mi!p arp oup-thlrd <ash ami the I'a ? am-p In lac pqnal inatallnipnts. pnyahlp in on' ! and l?*o vpiir-s. at :i**r ppiituni *ntprp>t pvr ' anniini. payable sPinl-aiiiitially. v?-ur.-d ui^o tip ? | property, or all ??ash. al option jf pnrphas'r. A i d' po-lt of f1 oil \> iil lie rpijuir-'il. Taxes aiij.i-lpd ! ' ? > dale ?if li'ia I rati Ii.-a! ion of thp <:i!i . All f(i3's I of punvpyrtiicins.'. nolaiv's :tnd n conjpr's fee- to | paid ii> tin- buyer. Tpr'ns r.f .vnie ??? be ?? m j p!l"d with within L'ii days aftpr --alp. olfo-ny's ?' a p^n! at ri?k nnil ? oyt of d"f?:!ltinj' pur. !:a?"r ! aftpr 1" .-ia.vs' advertisement jn s'jnie dai'y naivr i tf thp I?!str!pt. j WILTON .1 T.AM CERT. 41n s*. n.w . MASON RICHARDSON. Foiidall build; iv. ! 0'-2P-dAdl's.pai' Trustpps. ' ADAM A. WESCHLER. Al CTIONEER. j Two-Story and Cellar Brick; Store and Dwelling. No. 614 X St. N.W., by Auction. .R.v virtue of autliority vcstwl in thp nndpr nisnpd I r ill ofT-r for sa]p by pnbiic auetlon. in i front of the premise*, on THFRSDAY THE THIRTEENTH DAY OF NOVEMRER lhl.l at I HALF-PAST FOFR O f LOCK P.M.. nart' of lot 5:;. aijiiaro 44S, Ift.l tx 105.!> fppt to l.'i-foot | al oy, ftrtprovpii by brlok storp and dwelling, Ith brick ftaMp in r-nr. Tphus: Snbje.-t to a deed of trn^t for S?.5i>0. ft y,. <1up Dpppmbpr 4. 1!?14. balancp cash. >200 deposit at sale. Tprnis to bo romplied with in twpnty days. All eonveyaneinc and reeorditiK ut piiri'haF) r's post. ADAM A. WESCHLER. AnPt.. no.",7.S, P20 Pa. avp. n.w. THOS. J. OWEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS. TRFSTEES' SALE OF YAI.FARLE THREE STORY RRICK DWELLING. CONTAINING ? IR)OMS AND RATH, NO. 3453 14tb STREET N.W. Ry virtue of a eortain depd of trust, duly re eordpd In Liber No. 3603. folio 360 pt spo of the land records of thp Dlstriet of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby the underslcned trustees will sell at pnb'ic auc tion. In front of the preniises. <>n MONOVY THE TENTH DAY OF NOVEMRER, A D 1013 AT FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. thp following del spr.bed land and premlsps. slt nite in the Dis trlpt of Colombia, and di-sletiated as and beln" lot 80 in Harry II. W'llson's sibdivlsion of lots In square 2K35 of Sower's and Matting!*- trns tpes'. sulHllvlslon of part of "Pleasant "Plains" known, as "Mattinuly Traet," ?ia p;.r plat of first-mentioned subdivision reeordPd in thp offlee of the surveyor for the Dlstriet of Columbia In Liber 34. at folio 4S, together with the improve ments. Terms of sale: Sold subjppt to a prior deed of lru.-t for 54,500, partipnlars of which will be stated at time of sale, and the equity over snld trust to be puid In cash. A deposit ?'.f $200 will be required at time of sale. All ponveraneinc. recording, etc.. at post of pur<haspr. Terms of sale to be complied with within 15 days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the riKbt to rp-pll the property at the risk anil cost of defaulting purchaser aftpr five days' adrer tlsement of such resale In some newspaper pub lished in Washington. D. ?C. S. PERCY THt>MPSON. J ? MORTON J. LUCILS, oe30-d<.-ds.eSu Trustee#. THOS. J. OWEN & SON, AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTER'S SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. NO. 1136 1STH ST. N.W. "T virtue of a certain deed of trust d.ilv re pordwl. lu Li be- No. 1S<?7. folio 180 et s?><|.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, nnd at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale, at public auction, in front of thp premisps. on MON DAY. THE SEVENTEENTH DAY OF NO VEMRER, A.D. 1013, AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the follow lug-described land and premises, situate In the city of Washing ton. District of Columbia, nnd designated as and being lot numbered sixty <B0) ii. Lewis T. I^ewis* sulidlvision of part of square numbered one hun dred nnd seventeen (117i, as the same Is re corded In liber No. 20, folio 104. of the records of the surveyor's offlce of the said District, to gether with the improvements, consisting of tiie three-story and cellar brick dwelling No. 1136 PJth st. n.w. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid In cash, balance In two equal Install ments, payable in one and two years, with In terest at C per centum per annum, payable semi anuually. from day of sale, secured by deed of tnwt upon the property sold, or all eash. at_ the option of thp purchaser. A deposit of $230.00 will be required at time of aalp. Ail conveyancing, recording, etc.. at cost of pur cliaspr. Ti-rms of sale to lie complied with within fifteen days from day of sale, otherwise the trus tee reserves the right to resell the property at the risk and post of defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement of su'*h resale In souie newspaper published In Washington, D. C. ALDIS B. BROWNE, Surviving Trustee, no.Vd&ds.eiSu 1512 H st. n.w. ADAM A. WESCHLER, AUCTIONEER. Trustees' Sale of Valuable Im proved Real Estate, Southeast Corner 31st and Q Streets N.W. By Tlrtue of a deed of trust, recorded in Liber No. 3.?76. folio 203 et s"f| . of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at rpijuest of P?rty spciired thereby, we. the undersigned trus tees. will- sell, at public auction, in front of IJTvPTS,5e?-' ?" WEDNESDAY, THE TWELFTH NOVEMBER. A.D. 1918, AT FIVE u U/JLK P.M., the following-described laud and premises, situate lu Washington. District of-Co lunibia. designated as lot 2?4 In 11 B. l?aVld 5?n ""i'1 others' subdivision. In square 12t>9. 1 formerly square Wi, Oeorgetown. as per plat re- \ corded lu Rook (ieorgetown 2. |?age 12. of the j records of the surveyor's offlce of said District. ' together with the Improvements, consisting of I tnree-story and basement brick dwelling. ^lermj of nalo: On^-tlilrd uf purchase money to j ? halanco In two equal lust all - ! j menu, payable one aud two years, with interest | * J* I"fr centum p?T annum, payable semi-nn- j nually from day of sale, secured bv deed of trust > ufion property sold, or all cash, at option of j purchaser. \ deposit of $250 will be reoiilrpd of pnrcbaser at sale. All t-onveyanclng. recording ' " D'"ariaj fees at cost of purchaser. Terms of ; ;saie to lie couiplled with within fifteen davs I i 'f'1' ?'"J' of sale, otherwise trustees reserve the 1 r. i?i l?ronertv at risk aud cost of de faulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement *"fh resale In tome newspaper published in Washington. D. C. GEO. R. LINK INS. JULIUS I. PEYSER. Trustees hrYSER ft TAYLOR, attorneys for holder of note. no!-d&<ls.esSu ! J. OWEN ft SON. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. By virtue of a certain dee. 1 of trust duly re corded In 1.1 tx*r No. 3621. folio 407 et *eq.. of j the land records of the District of Columbia, nnd at the request of the i<arty secured thereby. | the undersigned trustees will sell at public auc : t!on. in front of the premises, on WKDNCS'l > v. ?THE NINETEENTH DAY OF NOVEMRER. A.D l'.firt. at FOFR 0'CI?CK P.M.. the f.d lowIng-dpscrlNil land and premises. Mtnate in | the city of Wnshington. Dlstriet of Columbia. ; and designated as and being lot 22 In Charles II. Divldson et a!*.' sulMHrlsIon of parts of "Wid ow's Mite" and "Kalorama Heights.** as per plat rp.orded in Book County No. 17. nasre lo. of the records of the surveyor of the District of Columbia, together with the right to use t!: ca?t 5 feet front by the depth of lot 21 in said subdivision as a private alley, and reserving the right to use the west 5 feet front by tli fnll deptii of said lot 22 as a private allev for said lot 21. together with th? improvements. Terms of sale: Sold subject to two prl-T deeds of trust aggregating S5T.O i0. and the cnilitv over said trust to be i>aid In cssii. A deposit of $500 will be required at time of sale. All enn veyancinc. recording, etc.. ai <-ost of mircbaaer. Tpris:s 1 ?f sale to be com pi led with within 15 days frdiu day of if.lp. otlierwii-. tIip tmste< - reserve the right to resell the o-ot* it the ri?k and nsl of defaulting puruiw---- an r fiv ? days* advertisement of sueii reta,!.? ;u iu? s jiaiicr published in Washington. *?. < . WVDE H. COOPER/ WILBUR H. /EPF. no7-d4ds,?StJ Trustee#. - - ? - ?' ? AUCTION SALES. fi ti re days. AUCTION SALES. future days. lencs SZ.??'? ??^ 3 ?407 Q Street CATALOGUE OF THE HOYT SALE By order of the Security Storage Company for an owner in Europe, an Army Officer, several prominent local families and others, Embracing Kiel) Mahogany Furniture, Fine Imported China, ( lit Glas^. Persian Rugs. Leather Chairs and Sofas, Carved Wood Electroliers, Mirrors in All Styles, Sheffield Plate. Brass Andirons and Fenders. Paintings and Water Colors, Colored Sporting Prints, Curios. Tapestries. Carved Wood Swiss Clock. ?Marbles and Bronzes, Japanese Vases, and Many Other Articles of Virtu. ALL AT PUBLIC AUCTION WITHIN OUR GALLERIES, 1407 G STREET NORTHWEST, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, November 12, 13 and 14, 1913. At if A.M. and 3 P.M. Each Day. On View Monday and Tuesday, November 10 and 11, 1913. C. G. SLOAN & CO., Inc., Auctioneers. ADAM A WKSClU-KTi. AUrTIOXEER. A ri\uVlT\r .yjVril-STORV RIIIf'K 'vkst " K s?kbt nortii Ihp n-itrVt "?far??rf,?.r. of thf s""<-cme Court of CourtIn re ,,T r' hol<U"ff a Bankruptcy r,, i-i,i . ? ?'"?'?I H. Horner, Bankrupt No !X>:? lion i'., fronr"or s"" ;lf ""''lie ? de'crib^l Hn'l 'm 7'('IOrK *'-M- the following^ or \v, i! . and P^'n'scs. situate In tlie dtr dpsi~n-iterta*' '"x T 1)istrl''t "f Columbia, ami Tvi'iininii i-<"i an- ',f'!"sr lot numbered 7S (n ph hJcishorn s s.ili.iivision in souarc t.?1 ns saiVnitstrt^rd-d "ffl- of "hp "uJVcw' for with tL lm, r" 1:5 :lt P?K<? .08, together if ,,!e improvements thereon. ii rms ?.' sale: fash, free and clear of all on "ion""n.HvCn^.'?n?Pfl' .?r tllP P,"v!"lsP'"- at his assume a deed of trust amountinz from \Ijv I iw" "V, \"!-'r,h<'r ,vlfh interest irom May l, 1!'13. particulars of which wi'l lie aui're.inor t-at A <!e''osit of *200 will be re 2l.ll . purchaser at the time of sale. \11 convt-yancliiff. re. ording and notarial fees at the cost of the purchaser. Terms of sale to Ik- com rth r "i .," fifteen .lavs from il.iv of sale otherwise the trustee reserves the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of the default iii i V'80/' nf,pr 11 v'" 'lays' advertisement of cny'or^Hh.n^ TT^ tbC HARRY II. HOLLANDER. Columbian bldg.. KOBKRT S. HUME. Attornev. TrU*te' mvi-d&ds.eSu THOS. J. OWEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS. " TUT STEBS' SALE OF VALUABLE TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING, NO. 43S NEW-" TON PLACE NORTHWEST. ?J?? iV,f,UOr .?f .(Vr,n,:> deed of trust duly re corded jn Liber No. 31.-,.S. folio 493 et acq , of the laud records of the District of Columbia, and at thi icqnest of the party secured thereby the undersigned trustees will sell, at nubile action in front of the premises, on MONDAY tiii? TENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, AD1013 AT HALF-FAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., the' iol lonimr described land and premises, situate in tne District of Co.timbia. ami designated as and rii?* ,!:'t /MV in *'Al"T" V?- ?' William M Gain, trustee s. sulidivision <,f lots 11 and >2. In 'dock 5. W hitney Close." as per plat recorded !" i v.,??cp "f the surveyor for the District of Columbia. in J?'I"''" County 25. at folio 58* to gether with the improvements. ierms of sal. : Sold subject to a prior deed of trust for $L..,<H> and the equity over said trust to 1h- paid in casli. A deposit of $20:> will he rnrSlat "J ' , saif" A" conveyancing, re cording. etc., at cost of purchaser. Teruis of sale to be complied with within 15 .lays from day t^'r n' .ilf r" trustees reserve the right lfched in Washington! d. f?? ne"?r P?*> WALTER R. WILCOX. ... c GEORGE F. HANE. oc-TO-dArTs.eSn Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS. ^Bt STEES' SALE OF VALUABLE REAL FS r Jiff" IMI'ROVKD BY FIVE NEW BRICK DWELLINGS. SOS. 242(1. 242S. 24.10. 24."2 AND 2434 ONTARIO ROAD NORTHWEST By \ Irtue of a certain deeil of trust, duly re corded in Lllier No. 30:53. f?i|0 to et seqT Vf , 'd r; ,erTnl? ,0r/l,'e I,,strlct "f ''?lninbiaf and at the request of the party secured therebv i!f """"t'-cs will sell at public I *HH srvBVTBPVTu"' premises, on MONliAY, | 4 KKNTH T>AY OF XOVEMBFR ImJi'i J nT?/?, U O'CLOCK P.M.. the fol' lou injj describe.! land and jiremlses. situate in the county of X\ ashlnprton. District of Columbia -o 5/," , c", n,'"1 ,M'in- lot" numbered 77. U ! { 1 anf| S1 I" Gertrude E. Lewis' sul> nnt4"'" PC-tain lots l? blo-k 11, "Meridian ' ,as /a'd 5?ts are described on a plat on file and of record in the oflice of the surveyor of the District of Columbia, in Iwt W Z' .S, together with the Improvements 'f'leTS,? ,ir"r* '"V?'r*s nejiosit of SKK) ?ill |?e required ut time of e?e ul I01" }n ">?veyinelus> retwdin* j purchaser. Terms of sule to be compiled wiih within 15 days from day of sale sen^i, e tru^tePS reserve the right to re sell the proiH-rty at the risk Htid cost of <le of such ,n.sVi,aTr- "ffPr tlVe *,avs' advertisement Wasilineton. D. C.'"0"10 ueU!",a^r Published in 5J- K- STONEBRAKER. . JOSEPH F. PAGF - "0 >"1A'ls ex^ Trustees. THOMAS J- ^'WEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS. l.Kil <t street uorth\yest. TE Rl^uf FSTATV 0j,V.-\yj.ABr'K IMPROVED wr^RT7AV^ D Ncn."TI BEING "MlfenSy^-O08^ NORTHAMPTON STREET'arv'of' "T trnst "* 341ft Mlo "y Lilier of the Dfstri t or r,'l" 'IT ot 'h* records f . i ' Vihunbia. iinil ut 1Ii** rpnucst w'll cSrer*f.?r ,'Tr''r- th" "-'d'^'Jned #',? 1 i w f>uM!c ;iurtfon in front of premises. ?n TI'ESD XV THF Vr ri'pvTll rle^ th'.K 'roni ^""ihiimpton Street by "lie fiiU depth thereof of lot numbered twentv-tl t?>\ ill nuinlierod oiihteeii InifidroJ on i i * ? (lvor.i "Chow ruJl? n iim an<1 slxt.v-flve mado bv tho'chevv n P' V' . a vision Monteoinory <t>?intv. 'MnrviiTiiiI 1?n<? otlif,1,Mnjr ?* the" surveyor of-the DKtriTnJ r /h", ^ of lot ..uml-red seventy-four ,7!if i*,', "?hl l-i" S? Iv'reT twenty^1."-.'nd"t1!"", jsri & 13 , o-I iisv"''? "f Columbia, improved bv premises No. .{,.,1 Northmnpton street, subject to cerV. n covenants mid restrictions ..f record anil ?ni i!Il? also to three prior Incumbrances of record the lime of-r,e?f "b,Ch n"! *- ttnnounced at t^ Terms: Equity over and above said three nrlor Incumiirances to In- nald In cash, on a-^m nf which a deiKwlt of f2f>0 will be required at the ?Im>- of sale. Terms to lie complied with wi*t?ln fifteen days, otherwise th- trustees reserve th2 riirht to resell at the risk and cost of defaulting p.irc.-.ser. after five .lays' previous public a.lver f'sement <>f such resale in sotue newspaper unb not ? arbincton. D. C. All conveyancing cost 3U ri'oor'"n<r to ^ at Purchaser's THOMAS M. GALE, Trustee. 7"S st . Washington, i D C GEOROE E. II \MILTON. Truslee' Colon Trust bid?.. Washington D r oc.'il-flArtspSn ' * ADAM A. WESCIILER. AUCTIONEER. Valuable Corner Business Property, Being Two Storv Brick Building No. 631*4/2 St. S.W., by Auction. By virtue of authority vested In the under signed. I will s?II bv public auction. 11 front of the premises, on TUESDAY. NOVEMBER ELEVENTH. I!il3. AT FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. part of lot 1, square I'ti. Impro^eil by 2-story brick l.iilldin:. stun- Hrst lioor. lojger>oms on SJ'Ccind floor, under giHMl rental. Terms: Subject to trust for $3.00ft at .V; due November. Iftl.i. balaiu'e cash. IC00 deposit at sale. Terms to lie complied with In 20 days. AH conveyanelne. etc., at purchaser's cost. ADAM A. WESCHLER. Auct.. aoO-d&dseSu 920 Pa. ave. n.w. ADAM A. WESCHLER, AUCTIONEER. Household Furniture, Etc., to Pay Storage and Other Charges. On SATURDAY. NOVEMBER TWENTY-NINTH. 1913. commencing nt HAW-PAST NINE O'CLOCK A.M.. we will noil by public auction, within the salesrooms of Adam A. Weschler. iliil) IVnnii. ave. n.w.. household furniture, etc., storeil with us in the following names: Miss N. } I ayes, .Twice Gelsey, W. F. Cianiner. K. II. Grove, W. E. (Jeoree. P. O. Afleck. Frank Black, B. F. Withers. F. N. Rich. All parties inter ested will please take notice. Terms cash. MERCHANTS' TRANSFER AND STORAGE a).. noS. 18&28 920-022 E st. n.w. ADAM A. WESCHLER. AUCTIONEER. TRUSTEES' SALE TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING NO. 1351 EMERSON STREET NORTHEAST. By virtue of a certain <lee<1 of trust duly re corded In Liber No. folio 2 et seq.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, we. the undersigned trustee, will sell at public auction. In front of the premises, on MONDAY, THE SEVENTEENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER. A.D. 1913, at FOl'R O'CLOCK P.M., the following described land and premises, situate In the city of Washington, In the District of Columbia, and designated as and being all of lot numbered ninety-four (i?4>. In Louis D. Wine and William Mayse's subdivision of square ten hundred and twenty-nine (1029>. as per plat recorded In Liber 19. folio <13. of the records of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia, together with the improvements thereon. Terms of sale: Cash. A deposit of $200 will be required of the purchaser nt the time of sale. All conveyancing, recording, etc,, at cost of purchaser. ?Terms of sale to be compiled with within fifteen days from "day of sale, otherwise t!i(> trustees reserve the rljflit to resell the prop erty at the risk and cost of the defaulting pur chaser. after five days' advertisement of such resale In some newspaper published In the city of Washington, D. C. LOUIS W. RICHARDSON. NELSON WILSON. noTi-d&ds.eSu Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING. NO. 174C ORE GON AVENUE N.W. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly re corded In Liber No. 3306, folio 372 et seq.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on TUESDAY, THE ELEVENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, A.D. 1913, AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the fol lowing described land and premises, situate In the city of Washington. District of Columbia, and designated as and belntc lot 134 of James E. Mll'er's subdivision of lots In square 1S2. as per plat recorded In the office of the surveyor f<?r the District of Columbia In Liber 20 at folio 20, together wiUi the improvements. Terms of sale: One-third of -the purchase money to be paid in cash, balance in two equal installments, payable in one and two yeara. with Interest at six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, from day of sale, aecured by deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purrhaser. A deposit of $200 will be required at time of sale. All convey ancing. recording, etc.. nt cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within 15 days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property nt the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser after five days' advertisement of such resale in some news paper published in Washington, D. C. JESSE L. HEISKELU WM. L. ROBINS. no4-d*d*.eRn Trustees. FALL AND WINTER RESORTS. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Atlantic City? America's Famous All-Year Resort Bracing salt sea air, weather al ways delightful and unlimited op portunities for pleasure and recrea tion. The Leading Houses Will furnish full information, rates, etc., on application. Marlborough Blenheim Hotel Dennis The Shelhurne Galen Hall Seaxlde House The rennhurat Hotel Strand The Holmhurst Hotel St. Charles Hotel Chelsea Only 4 hours from Washington, via Baltimore and Ohio or Pennsyl vania R. R i Berkshire So mi viwaEeT?<io yd*. from Boardwalk. September. $10.00 to $1?.M wkly.; $2.00 up daily. Cup.. 300. Elevator; private baths; or room* wltn runulng water. J. E. DICKINSON. HOTEL DENNIS Facing the sea and overlooking the famous Boardwalk. Everr room connected with private bath or having hot and cold running water. Capacity. 000. WALTER J. BUZBY. "Ask Mr. Foster," 503 14th st. n.w. WERNBRKVILLK. PA. ,rGALEN HALL" ~ WERNCRSVUXE.PA. -i 1 Our grind, new stone building with it* dsiaty furnishings and superior table is as ideal place for good people for the Autumn aad Winter: reduced rales duriag that period. Hydriatic and other Baths lor Pleaasre or Health is oar beautifully fitted department. Resides* physician. Golf aad Tenais. REHOBuTH BEACH. DEL. ? TOE bblhavbn REHOBOTn BEACH. DELAWARE. Nearest ocean resort to Washington. Open ALL year. Write for leaflet, ac.'j* MAKPKKS KKHHY. IV. TA. BRACKETT llOlSK MtH'NTAlN AIR. PURE water, homelike; our own eardeu. chickens and cows. $1.3n per day. $7 to $9 per week. Mrs. C. NEWCOMER. x. j HILL TOP HOL'SE. season a? to eecommodate guests the entile wlLh P??J?te bath. Scenery as ltatiw ii? For"">r patrons speak for table, ltates, $jo to $13 per week. f. S. LOVETT. REAL ESTATE LOANS. SECOND TRUST. Money to loan at 6% on District real ntat*. Abt amount from $200 to tS.000 on Arab or second trust, In straight notes or monthly pay ments. Takes only thrw days to make them. PAUL V. MITCHELL & CO.. "18 I4tli at. d.w. "MONEY TO LOAN AT 4Wfc. r>H% ON IMPROVED PROPERTY NORTHWEST. JAMES J. I.AMPTON CO.. INC.. 734 Kith ST. N.W. MONEY TO LOAN OX D. C. REAL ESTATE. 6% INTEREST. PROMPT REPLIES AND ECONOMICAL CONSIDERATION FOR BOR ROWERS. MOORE & HILI. fINC.1. 1420-22 H ST. N.W. MONEY TO LOAN ON I). C. RKAL ESTATE. F. S. KEY-SMITH. Evsns bide.. 142t> N. Y. are. Phone Main JOHN F. DOXOIIOK A SONS. INC.. 314 Pennsylvania avenue s.e. WE HAVE SEVERAL FINDS THAT WTI are anxious to j>ut on first trust at 5$4 and Reasonable charges and ix> delay. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AT lowest rates. Special privileges with respeci to prior payments. TYLER & RUTHERFORD. 730 13th st. n.w. MONEY TO LOAN?S2.V) TO *500.00" ON P. C. real estate. Several large trust funds. 4% to 5 per cent. All transactions conducted with economb-al cons'dcratlon tor liorrvwers. WM. It. SAUNDERS A- CO.. Southern b'dg. S07 1 J?tl? st. n.w. MONEY TO I/JAN ON IV C. RKAL ESTATE Lowest rates of Interest: most advantageous terms. I?arjsc loans a specialty. F. H^SMITH COMPANY. 1?*S N. Y. ive. WAXTKP. I WILL PAY COMMISSION AND INTEREST TO equal H per cent iw-r annum for $20,000 loan, secured by second t rust on 1>. C. property now having first on same for th?? sec ond trust payable January 1. 191H; appraised value of property. S120.000. "FINANCIAL. Star office. EDUCATIONAL. I* WASHINGTON. Gregg and Pstmara Sihortlhiainido 1165 Pupils ira the New School. Write for beautiful new cata logue containing pictures of stu dents and rooms. Telephone Main 8671. I LANGUAGE?GENTLEMAN WISHES LESSONS I (German) evenings; give rales. Box .<1.?. Star office. , I WANTED?A CAPABLE AND EXPERIENCED teacher of shorthand desires private pupils; any Pitmnn system; splendid opportunity for adults; terms reasonable. Box 73, Star of fice. u* Wood'sComramruercnaESchool SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING. BOOKKEEPING 311 East Capitol ft. Phone Linen. ?>*. 2Sta y*T. Washington Biuisjiniess and Civil Service School 1317 NEW YORK AVE. W. C. POTEET. Principal. Dav nnd Night School all the year. Thorough preparation for civil service and business posi tions. Pitman and Greg* shorthand. Prospectus free. THERE IS NO BETTER SCHOOL. Main 4304. MISS ETHEL GARRETT JOHNSTON. GRADU ate of the New England Conservatory, nnpll of Lhevlnne. Berlin. Germany, teacher of piano. Studio: The Columbia. Apartment 22. Tele phone Col. 164-Y. ' STANDARD SHORTHAND SCHOOL, Thirteenth and G. Shorthand, Typewriting. English. Civil Servire. Shorthand Headquarter-'. Phone M?ln 4572. CTRAYER'S Obusiness college Old Masonic Temple. 9th and F Streets. Individual Instruction in Shorthand. Typewrit ing. Bookkeeping. Engllah and Civil Service. Write, call or phone for free catalogue. WALTER T. HOLT, School of Mandolin, Guitar and Banjo. Established 1894. Weekly practice with the Non'.ica Clubs. Telephone Connections. Kenois Bids.. Cor. 11th and G sts._n.w. ***. i o j ALL LANGLAGES. In\ iP If II H 11 U Superior native teachers. JJJ)\^/1L Jill 11/L Terms reasonable. Trial lesson free. THE RECT METHOD. (O rv H Day and Evening Sessions. Hi (TM ? At School or Residence. ^j)^, ll^U'Hj'il Classes and Private Lesson* 816 14th ST. N.W. PHONE MAIN 3217. NEW CLASSES CONSTANTLY FORMING. DO NOT LOSE TIME OR MONEY WITH INFERIOR METHODS. The Temple School 1417 G St. N.W. STENOGRAPHY, TYPE WRITING, ENGLISH, CIVIL SERVICE. Phone M. 3258. No solicitors employed. ?w-w ? School of Music. De (itierin ^ M vx Phone Main 6671. Mrs. Emily Freeh Barnes, SINGING, ELOCUTION, 143 11th st. u.e. Ph. Linen. 1739. Lo Ao CALLAN, INSTRUCTION. BANJO. MANDOLIN, GUITAR, 110 8th st. p.p. Linen. 11)28. Co E. CHRISTIAN! HAFMONY. Illustrated Catalogue on Request. Kenois Building, lltli nnd G n.w. FRENCH and SPANISH. Pupils able to speak after few months. Preparation for consular and dlplomtlc service. Prof. C. G. R1VOT, Offlcier d'Academle. im?12* The Cumberland. Thomas Circle. HALL-NOYES SCHOOL. "THE INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION SCHOOL." Primary to College. Day anil Night. Catalogue. . 221 E at. n.w.. Tel. M. US77. THE MISSES EASTMANS' SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Regnlar grades and graduate courses. Write for catalogue. ISO," 17th st. n.w. Phone J*. 4813. WASHINGTON SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTANCY Business Administration. .Itf-page bulletin. Aonlv Y. M. C. A.. Education Dept.. 173& G st. n.w. OUT OF WASHINGTON. MOXTROSE. A SELECT PRIVATE SCHOOL for girls and small boys. In the country; loca tion dellirhtfnl: most healthful part of Mary land; terms moderate. Miss HARDY. High land.Md. STEAMSHIPS. HAMBURG =. AMERICAN London?Paris?Hamburg ?IPretorla.Nov. 15. 10 am'tAmerika Nov. 22 Pres. Grant Nov. 21l|*Pcnnsylvania..Nov. 2U tRitr-Carlton a la Carte Iirstaurant. ?Second cabin only, {Hamburg direct. FROM BOSTON Moltke Nov. 22 ! Hamburg Dec. 0 JC7These steamers offer exceptional accommoda tions In both First and Second Cabins. Gibraltar, Naples, Genoa S. S. CLEVELAND (17.000 tons).NOV. 20. 12 noon 8.S. CINCINNATI <17.000 tons)..DEC. !?, 12 noou New direct passeuger service between Philadelphia and Hamburg Nest Sailing: 8. S. PRINZ ADALBERT NOV. 10 S. 8. PRINZ OSKAR \<i\\ S. S. GRAF WALDERSEE DEC. IS II am burp-American Line, 4r> Broadway. N. Y. Or E. F. Droop & Sons Co., 13th and G sts. n.w.; Geo. W. Moss. 517 14th St.. Washington. D. C. jamaica=Cuba=Pamiaima 21 Tours, incl. other WEST INDIAN Ports. Next Sailing, TRENT, November 22. Ask for Illustrated Booklets. The Roval Mail Steam Packet Co. SANDERSON A SON. Gen. Agts.. 22 State St., N. Y.; R. M. Hleks, 1C00 F st. n.w.; G. W. Moss, 517 14th st. n.w., or any S. S. Ticket Agent. iPSTU-MEMM LIME IH1 Wuiei trips for th* Rough Season. |L UU ALUIERS. GREECE, ITALl, AUSTRIA 1= S. S. Martha Washington. Kaiser Franz Joseph I, etc. Sailings WEDNESDAYS or SATURDAYS, 8 p.m. Through bookings to CHINA, JAPAN, INDIA and the FAR EAST. PHELPS BROS. 4 CO.. G. A.. 17 Battery place, Si. Y. "EVERT TRIP A TOUR." STEAMSHIPS. STEAMSHIPS. Next Sailings to Lomdom-Paris-Bremen KAISER WEIELI DEE GROSSE 14,349 tons ' Tossday, Nov. H 11th, 110 A.M. PtINZ FRIEMUCI WILlELi 117,50<I5 tons Saturday, Nov. 15th, M ij.iL Excellent accomimodat&on 1^1 or HO first and second cabins German WASH. OFFICE. 713 14th St. N.W.; Tel. Main 7306; E. F. Droop &- Sons Co., 1300 G St. N.W.; Oelrichs & Co., General Agents. 5 Broadway, N. Y. Lloyd Go NOW And see for yourself its con tinual charm, its enchantment, its everlasting beauty, and en joy its outdoor si>orts?learn why su many delightful people visit there and live there also. S. S. BERMUDIAN Twin Screw. 10,51* Tons. DUp. Send for Booklets to . Quebec S. S. Co., Ltd., A. K. OntrrhrldRc & Co., Agti. 20 Broadway. N. V. Or any Local Ticket Agent. 2 Days from N. Y. ROl TKIP TS $25 Up Sailings Kvery Week. Tickets Interchangeable. S. S. CARIBBEAN 5,688 Torn* Res. 10,670 Tom Din. . Send for Booklets to | The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. Sandemon & Son., Gea. Agtm. 22 State St.. N. Y. Or any local Ticket Agent. CUNAED NEXT SAILINGS Of the FASTI:ST STEAMERS IN THE WOULD MAURETAMA.. N0Y. 19 IUSITAMA o o o DEC SAILING AT 1 A.M. QUICKEST ROUTE yla FISHGUARD for London, Paris, Berlin, Vienna. ?Caronia. Nov.15, 10 ami t Dec. 24 ?Camiania.Nov.2n,10 am| J-?UalL?lillcl j l>nit ?Camp^iia. Dec.31.1 am ?Cannania,Jan.10.10 am Lusitania ?|4 ?Ivernla. Dec. 10. 10 au> ?Cnronia. Dec.13. 10 ?o Mauretania^,0;,,,10 ?Calls at Queenstown, East and West Bound. MEDITERRANEAN?ADRIATIC SERVICE. Calling at Madeira. Gibraltar, Genua. Naples, [ Trieste, Flume. Sailings noon. See Itinerary. fPANNONIA.. .Nov. 22UULTONIA Dee. 81 fCARI'ATIilA... Dec. a IIPANNONIA Jan. 15 tOmits Madeira. Gibraltar. Genoa. {Omits Madeira, Gibraltar. Genoa; carries 2nd and 3rd | class only. JOuiits Genoa and Madeira. Special Winter Cruises RIVIERA?ITALY?EGYPT Madeira, Gibraltar. Algiers. Monaco or Genoa, Naples, Alexandria. FRANCONIA 28VW Laconia mYr.'i7. ?Will not call at Alexandria. ROUND THE WORLD TRIPS, $4?S AND UP. Special through rates to Egypt. India. China. Japan. Manila. Australia. New Zealand, South Africa and South America. Independent tours la Europe, etc. Send for booklet Cunard Tours. AGENTS FOR PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL IS. N. CO. FREQUENT SAILINGS TO INDIA. CHINA. JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA. Piers, foot West 14th Street, N. R. Offices, 24 I State Street, N. Y.. opposite Battery. GEO. W. MOSS. 517 14th st. n.w.. Wash.. D.O. THE WHITE STAR LINE'S LONDON=PARIS I Via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Southampton. Mo?. 15?Bee 13 AMERICAN LINE PLYMOUTH-CHERBOURG?SOUTHAMPTON PHILADELPHIA -Q IE EN STOW N - LIVERPOOL Atlantic Transport Lane NEW YORK-LONDON DIRECT. RED STAR LINE LONDON?PARIS VIA DOVER-ANTWERP. WHITE STAR LINE PLYMOUTH?CHERBOURG? SOUTHAMPTON NEW YORK -QUE ENKTOWN- LIVERPOOL N. Y. & BOSTON?MEDITERRANEAN?ITALY. WINTER CRUISES Italv & Egvpt THE RIVJERA, Via Madeira, (ribrnltar, Algiers. Monaco. Largest Steamers in the Trade. ADRIATIC. CELTIC. NOVEMBER 29. Jan. 21 Jan. 1<> Feb. 21 Canople . Cretie Mar. i .. . Not. 27 ? Dec. 11 Panama Canal WEST INDIES. SOI TH AMERICA. THE NEWEST CR1ISING STEAMERS LAPLAND. LAI'REN TIC, M ICG ANTIC. JANUARY 7. Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 31 Feb. II Feb. 25 Mar. 4 Mar. 14 A pi. 4 10 to 2s* Diys. $145 to $175 upward. R. M. HICKS, Passenger Agent. Washington Ofh*-;. i;?Hi F ?t. n.w. Potomac Raver Landings AND BALTIMORE. 8team~rs leave 7th st. wharf for Baltimore ait river points Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. 4 p.m.: arrire Baltimore second morning out. Luti Baltimore. Pier 3. Light ?t.. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, 5 p.m.: arrive Washington second morning out. River freight prepaid. Pasaenger serrice first-class. Freight received until 1:49 p.m. 'iL falling days. JOS. T. STEPHENSON. Agent. ? Maryland. 1 vlawaro and Virginia Rwy. O. Telephone Main 745. 7th st. Wharf. LAMPORT & HOLT LINE SHOW PLACE OF SOUTH AMERICA. BAHIA, RIO DE JANEIRO. SANTOS. MONTEVIDEO AND ROSARIO Large. New and Fast Passenger Steamers from New York every alternate Saturday.. i.-niuma; ., For rates, etc.. apply local ticket Agents, or Bl'SK & DANIELS. General Agent 301 Produce Exchange. New York. mu COMPAGNiE GENElt.VLE TRANSATLANTIQUE DiK-ct Line to Havre?Paris (France). Departures from N. Y. every Wednesday, 10 a.m. ?La Savole Nov. 12i *La Lorraine... .Dec. 3 ?La Provence.. .Nov. 19j *La Savoie Dec. 10 {France (new)..Nov. S? {France mew?. .Drc. 17 ?Twin-screw steamer. {Quadruple-screw steamer. SPECIAL SATURDAY SAILING, 3 P.M. One class cabin (II) & 3rd-class Passengers Only. 1ROCHAMBEAU (new) NOVEMBER 15 GENERAL AGENCY. 19 State Street. X. I. G. J. WEI DM AN, 1419 New York ave., Washington. D. C. As interesting as the Panama Canal itself are the many new cities that have sprung up along the great water way. Populated by 75 nationalities, they are fascinatingly cosmopoli tan. At Cristobal and Balboa, the Atlantic and Pacific entrances to the Canal, fashionable re sorts have been built. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD Panama Canal West Indies Cruises For 1914 will include not only all the wonders of the Canal Zone, but every port worth visit ing on the Caribbean Sea. The dates: JANUARY 14 FEBRUARY 12 MARCH 19, 1914 Rates $160 up Duration 21 and 29 days Cruises are to be made by the world-famous S.S. "GlfSSEI IU1FUEKT" Send for our new book let, "To the Canal and Caribbean." WASn. OFFICE. 715 14th rt. n.w.;'tel. Main 7306. E. F. Droop & Sons Co., KSOO <; st. n.w. Oel richs & Co., (ienernl Agents. 3 Broad way, New York. NO TRIPS LIKE THESE Old Poinit Gomilfort Norfolk New York Boston BY WATER Modern Palace Steamers j "Northland" and "Southland" EVERY DAY IN THE YEA It From Foot of 7th St. N.W.. <i:46 P.M. City Ticket Office, flood bide.. 731 15th St. Norfolk & Washington Steamboat Co. Merchants and Mine re* Trans. Co. FLORIDA "BY SEA" Balticiorc to JACKSONVILLE SAVANNAH Fine strainer*. Excellent service. Ixtw fares. Wlrelesn teiegrajih. Through tickets to northern awl southern points. Automo bile* carried. Send for tooklet. B. & O. It. R. offices and 507 14th st. n.w. W. P. TURNER. P. T. M.. Baltimore. Md. STORIES OF CECIL BHODES. Was Sentimental, But Concealed It, Secretary Says. Foreign Corresi>oudence of 1 he Star. LONDON, October yt>, 1013. Some Rood stories of Cecil Rhodes are published by one of his private secre taries, Gordon le Sueur, F. R. G. S. "He tried to give the impression of being without feeling." we are told. " but nothing is more absurd. He was crammed with sentiment to his finger tips. but adopted a brutal mariner and rough exterior to cover up the weakness of sentiment, and thus many a broken hearted man and woman left him with the impression?entirely erroneous?that he was a callous brute lacking in human sympathy." Rhodes was very careless about his clothes, and when traveling would make a favorite of one particular coat and wear it every day. One such favorite he at last ordered to be sent to the tailor to be cleaned and mended. Mr. le Sueur received It back next dsiy with the fol lowing note: 'Dear Sir: Herewith the Rt. Hon. C. J. Rhodes' coat uncleaned and unmended. We regret that all we can do witii the garmi nt is to make a new coat to match the buttons." Mr. le Sueur deals with the allegation that Rhodes was a wonianhater, by quoting Rhodes' own words: "Women! Of course I don't hate women. I like them, but I don't want them always fussing about." Another time he said: "You may ask me why I never married, and do you know? I answer you very fairly that I have never yet seen the woman I could get on in the same house with." Shipbuilding' in the V. S. Ninety vessels of all classes, with .*58,000 gross tonnage, were built In the United States during October, according to the civil bureau of navigation. Of the total 86 were wooden ships, while 14 were steel steam vessels, with 27,000 gross tons. SOFT DRINKS FOR EUROPE'S ROYALTY Kingly Lips That Touch Not the Wine Cup?Monarchs 1 Scorn Alcohol. *! From Tjcn4*a Tit-Bit*. * " i King Ferdinand of Bulgaria gave tit* beer, wine and alcohol in any shape op form some year* ago on the advice of hi* mother. The king Is one of the least nerv ous among; monarchs and keeps hia tam per In the most trying circumstances. King Ferdinand Is an exception amonjf the Balkan rulers; King Petrr of Serrla. the King of Greece, the King of Rouma j nla and the King of Montenegro all Ilka ; their glass of wine. It was In December. JOOfl. that th? kaiser became a confirmed teetotaler. His favorite drink is one Invented by the kalserln a few years ago. It consists of orange Juice and lemon Juice placed In the interior of a pineapple, from which part of the fruit has been taken and the Juice from It returned. The pineapple la then placed on ice and filled up with min eral water, the drink being transferred to a glass with a ladle. The German Emperor. This drink Is, however, only taken as a special treat, the more usual beverage be ing a mixture of the Juice of three oranges and two lemons, with a little sugar, min eral water being added. The kaiser has done everything he can to encourage temperance. He stated publicly a short time ago that "the next war will demand healthy men; war calls for strong nerves, and victory will crown the colors of the nation which consumes the lvast alcohol." Contrary to popular belief, the amount of bter drunk per head of i>opulatlon In Germany every year Is considerably less than the amount drunk in England. Very little alcohol is drunk by the German royal family, though the kaiser Is the only absolute teetotaler. Wh< 11 he is Invited to dinner he drinks a special temperance drink that is supplied to his host In advance, and Is served to the emperor in champagne bottles. The rea son for this Is that according to strict ??tiquette alcoholic drinks vouM be ban ished from all dinners at which his majesty was present in the ordinary way. Hut tin* kaiser waives <tl<iu?tte and drinks mock champagne while the guests are drinking tin- real varb-ty. King George. Thccroun prince, though not a strict teetotaler, has very strong views upon those who drink to excess. \\ bib- a stu dent at Bonn he gave offense to tue university b.v protesting vigorously against the drinking of an exaggerated quantity of beer by the stud* 'its. His sister. Princess Victoria, who was recently married with such pomp and ceremony, has an occasional glass of champagne, but when she is alone with her husband the beverages consumed on the royal table consist of anti-alcoholic drinks of various kinds. The late Mr. \V. T. Stead wrote in the Review of Reviews when King George came to the throne: "George V is prob ably the most abstemious king who has ever ascended the Hritlsh throne. I do not say that he Is a Good Templar, or a Rechabite. or a pledged teetotaler. But I do say with confidence, on the authority of men who know him Intimately, who have lived with him, dined with him. supped with him, that although he some times takes a glass of wine, his usual beverages are distilled or mineral water and milk. There is not a man more ab stemious in the use of intoxicants among all the millions who own his sway." Queen Alexandra. The proof of the pudding is in the eat ing. or rather one should say the proof of the drinking is in the shooting. King George is one of the finest shots in the kingdom, a position which he could not hold if he were not practically a teetotal er. The king, by the way. very rarely indeed takes a cup of afternoon tea. Tea, on the contrary. Is the favorlta drink of Queen Mary. She drinks It, at a rule, without sugar. Though Queen Alexandra is fond of good wines, she always provides a special Danish hot weather beverage for her ? guests during the summer months. It Is made of equal portions of the Juices of oranges and crushed p?-aches, some slices of cucumber and a dash of ginuer. The whole Is flavored with maraschino, and wh**n blended It Is placed for a few hours on Ice. Those who ha^e tasted It say It Is one of the most delightful summer drinks imaginable. Queen Wilhelmina of Holland. Quc-en Emma of Holland Is almost a fanatic on the question of strong drink, and she has instilled her temperance id'-a into the mind of Queen Wilhelmina. Neither mother nor daughter tout h alco hol In any shape or form. I'ntll Queen Wilhelmina was married. In fact, win was never seen on the royai table. 1'rine ? Henry, however, w ho likes a glass of wine, insisted that it should b.- provided for himself and his guests though Ills wife and mother-in-law are still strict tee totalers. King Gustavus Adolplius of Sweden and his queen are both total abstainers, though the cellars of the palace are al ways stocked with fine wines. These are served to the guests of the royal family, though at private dinners water and lime Juice are the only drinks served. The Dowager Queen Sophia of Sweden is really the cause of this temperauee of the Swedish royal family. For over forty years she has been the most powerful j supporter of the. total abstinence move 1 ment In Scandinavia, and has devoted a ! great deal of her time and wealth to fur thering the cause. Her favorite son. Oscar, who Is the chief heir to her fortune, has, for several years, been president of the Total Abstinence i Society of Sweden. 1 Pleasure loving as is King Alfonso, he. nevertheless, like his mother. Queen Christina, never touches wine or spirits. The young king is a total abstainer, not through policy or principle, but simply because he dislikes the taste of alcohol. The cellars of the palace'at Madrid, how ever, are famous for the wine they con tain, wine w hich is served at every meal. Though Alfonso has no taste for it. Queen Ena likes an occasional glass at dinner. RUSSIAN C. E. SOCIETY. Baron Nicolay Inaugurates Move ment on the American Plan. Foreign PorrcfUiudi'DM of Tb?* Ktur. ST. PETERSBURG, October :??. 1U13. Baron Nicolay has returned to Russia from the 1'nlted States and opened an ambitious campaign for establishing among the Russian students a movement i modeled upon the American Christian En ! deavor Society. He has now at bis t esl | dence In Finland a gathering of sLxty deputations from leading Russian towns which will be.organized for Joint work. The meetings have to be held at present In Finland, because the Russian orthodox church so far holds aloof from the move ment. and the Russian department of the Interior will not give it legal status. This same department has Just refused permis sion to the Baptists to hold meetings In the House of the Evangelium, which they have built here. The reason given is that the building is not structurally secure, al though it was built under and passed by the government department of architec ture. And now the police have forbidden the Baptists to accompany their religious singing with musical instrument*, be cause to do so constitutes the rfving of a concert, which Is not permitted without rehearsal before the police.