Newspaper Page Text
SPECIAL NOTICES. IT DANIEL JOHNSTONE. SOMET1MK FITTER In I^rlth, who left Scotland for America about 27 jean ago. or 111* widow or children. will ?xnnmualcatc with Sir. Andrew Cordon. So licitor. .1 Thistle Court. Edinburgh, .Scotland. They will bear of aoim-thlng to their ad vantage. I WILL BE AT THE OFFICE OF A. T. Iloitzman, 132U New York are., on Monday. November 1". to receive taxes due on property in Alexandria county, Vs. E. W. BALL. County Treasurer. A Sl'ECIAI, MEETING OF COLL'MBIA I-OWiE No. 2H. K. uf P., will be held at tbelr hall. Pythian Temple. Sunday. Not. 9. at 2 o'clock p.m.. for the purpose of making arrangements for the funeral of our late brother. Angelo Antonlu Masaeuo. By order of C. C. P. FABRIZIO. Attest: C. CBRIMELV. K. R. S. WASHINGTON. I). C.. 'NOVEMBER 8. 1913. The aiidiial meeting of tbe stockholders of the Columbia Title Insurance Company of the Dis trict of Columbia, for tbe purpose of electing tlft'-en trustees of llie company for the ensuing .rear, will be held at the otBce of the company. No. jOO 5th fctre?-t n.w.. on Monday. December 15. 1{)13. Tbe polls will be o|>en between tbe hours of 2 and ? o'clock p.m. The transfer hooks will be closed ten day? before said uieet ing. GEORGE O. McELWEE. Secretary. MARK WARD?THE l'AINTEH- TUK NAME standt for permanency In PAINTING?guaran teeing a grade aboTc the ordinary- giving you un estimate tbe lowest lhat can command good work. O. II. MARKWAUD. 221? 14th. Ph. N. 2210. ? ONE COSY"- THAT MEANS WE GIVE YOIT one estimate embracine everv detail of RE PAIRING anil REMODELING reuulred. HER UMIAN REPAIR Cp.. llol Vt. nye. N. 4071. HOUSE REPAIRING, ALL TRADES; LOWEST price*; experts on stoves and roof repairing; all work guaranteed. Phone Lincoln 222C. J. IV. MANDLEV. 1212 Biadensbnrg road. THIS LS TO NOTIFY ANY ONE THAT I WILL not l>e responsible for any debts unless con tracted by tnysclf. OSCAR P. SAl'M. ? MI'RPHY'N EMPI.OY ME NT AGENCY. MRS. T. ?T. Murphy, prop., formerly 16S5 iSZnd u.w.. to announce that she has removed to 1121 17th at. it.w.. where she will continue her business. Phone N. 101.\l. DR. W. U. WUNDER, Dentist. Will return from Europe. awl will he at bis old stand. 7th and E ats. n.'v., Saturday. November 15. where iic will be glad to see his friends and patlenls. CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR ABROAD. REDUCED rates on combined shipments. SECURITY STOR AGE CO.. 1140 lo'h st. Foreign Freight and I'Xpress Forwarders. Consolidate for shippers. HAVE YOCR FURNACE AND STOVES RE palred now ; trimiiil 1117. sisnitinc. roofs repaired and painted. .1 II. SIMMS. 1840 7th st. Phone North .V1W>. TO THE TRADE- WE HAVE A VERY LARGE Nt<vk of repair* for all kinds of furnaces, hot w-kter and steam boilers. ranges aud latrobes. I.ei us have vour orders for the fall business. RUDOLPH A WEST COMPANY. 1X12 New York ave. TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS. 1.">0 Copies S1.25 1.00ft Copies ...S2.T5 CSO " $l..*.t? 2.000 ?* ...13.75 .V)0 *? $2.t*? 5,000 " ... JtO.75 Addressing. Pilllntt-in. Foldin; and Scalins. soi uth street northwest, main r,->7i. TOP SAVE A T,OT U" MONT5Y AND TROUBLE when yoii postal PiJEINKERT to call with samples of window shades. 1200 II St. n.e. Opsone Shades. 3flc. Best flpaijuc. ."iOc hung. THKHOUSE OF niREE-COLOR PRINTING. The work turned i>ut on our presses is as im pressive a< th- original. Get an estimate. Till: CARNAIIAS PRESS. ."~:2-:-l4 ?' st. u.w. Phone M. (IfriS. Life. Liability, Accident. ?fj . Travelers Insurance Company of Hertford. Conn. M I.i; RoY GOFF. Manager. Wevtorr Imildlnc. 11th and r sts. Our Greatest Asset In Roofing Bus Is Guar Satisfied Customers, Grafton Son, Inc., ? Phone M. 760. ?You'll improve steadily in health and strength when you drink Ballantine's Canada Malt ALE. A beverage with rare tonic properties. Si dozen bottles.^ Shopbreaker Co., i^neNr*'un^M. Best Printing Service. No matter what the character of the printing may I*', .vou want something that will stand out and wlu proper attention. Let us serve you. iudd <& Detweiler, Inc., The Big Print Shop, 420-422 nth. Handsome Shirtings ?Just Over From London. Many novelties thit will make quick ap nesl to tnt-n ou the alert for the new and distinctive. Step In and see them. CTYour measure# taken In few minutes. PHILIP T. HALL, Shirtmaker. Haberdasher, 1411 F. Are You Changing your place of residence this season ? Visiting cards with new addresses Will be promptly engraved for you here. We execute finest card engraving of eTery character at lowest cost. Wm. BaMantyne & Sons, STATIONERS. [ JOt} E St. BOOKSELLERS. VOUR MONEY GOES ?farthest when you buy MILLVVORK and Lumber here. Let 11s prove it. BARKER'S, 649 N. Y. Ave, ENGRAVING. Waal's "aeod form" in eneraving is bouad by Ironclad" rales. Orders tnisted to this ?*?*?? an* turned out I*7 tbe beat skill In ta^ j.gsult us al>out the Books for the Library and for the School room. C. C. PI'RRKLL. 507 ft st. n.w. Phone M. 10-12. "I NEVER I?1SAPPOINT." Every Business Needs the* ??" c?kk] printing?the kiwi 1 i>hi i 111 mi <iwncs .from this roo?kruly THE SERVICE SHOP. BYRON S. ADAMS, ^siulr\t. Success in Roof Work. - Our n-putation for ouallty irvf ivork is flmily eslaiilihlied. When you give us ebarge of the roof you have a positive guarantee of high-elasa workmanship. ! RONCLAD SSXfSkSS^Jt Oraamental ??<l,Tr{llir!l<r Hi*bo,t Work Plain Tiling. 11 lowest l?rie?s. One of the largest tiling businesses In city. Satisfaction rua ran teed. FPWIX E. KLLETT. llOfi f?th st. n.w. N. TSgfl. Do You Realize the Enormous Saving -that will be effected In buyirg Photo Supplies here. We are headquarters for Anti-trust Photo Goods. Th.- klud that give iK-st results. M.A.LEESE^1sl The National Bank of Washington. Scvantb street aud lj<?ulsiana ave. n.w. CAPITAL AND SI Rpl.l S NEARLY TWO MILLION DOLLARS. Bring tis jour savltiga ae?-ounts. 3% Interest Paid. Deposits received from <1 up. "PAINLESS _ , ^ DACI.INO'S PRICES" Hth I,U,*TI?S KEEPS JaW U U PLEASES Lb "ARTIPILAR ??ti.Nuu street. p^rL? tt WY " MAIN I3T?. Housec&eaning? ^ Then consult us about repair* to Che .team fpi?ratu. for tbe *eas*o. Wm. Coirradis Co.. 10257th. m^-'420. *PALItI8TBY. HAVE YOCH"HAND READ BY MR. DAOUD. tbe koo* '< fdeotifle n^iiuUt. RcadlSfjJ; one dollar. Pbout North il'40. Studio. Uw Q at. p.w. llonm. 1| a ut. tn T p.a. At NdropdiUn Methodist Church, t^.ruer of 4?ht> Marshall pla<\- ami ?' t>:. n.?. 'James Shera Montgomery, Minister. Tile tbeo!? t"f Sue.lay m at 11 ?'cl?s.k, "Tbe Bv-Prodncts of Christianity." In *be evening at S o'clock. "The Sin Against Love." Cm Mts t* All tke Fc?plc. Why I Am Going to Church Tomorrow "Because at Church I obtain a clear vision of my shortcom ings and my duties in the light of introspection induced by hearing the word of God/' i CHUUCH NOTICES. M ETHOIUST KTISCOt'Ali. CALVARY M. K. CHURCH. COLUMBIA KOAl> between 14tli and 15tli sts. n.w.. Rev. J"*"1 T Elisor, pastor.?9:30 n.m.,Suiiday scUoo ? li ?.W. God's Love and This Word : 7 p m Ep worth league; 8 p.m.. revival ?er ( {re Evangelistic meetings each evening dur ing week except Saturday. UKTUOPULITAN MEMORIAL METHODIST Church, corner of 'vxV^ovtKitY C st. n.w.. JAMES SHERA MONT^.OMi.ltY. minister.?Morning service at 11 ".?'<J< '..TnK scrmon by the pastor rrv'" ?? BY PRODUCTS OF CHRISTIANITY. Lp worth league devotional m-rvice at ??.4o. At . o'clock I>r. Montgomery wW speak ou the nub Me SIN AGAINST LOVE." Special imiMlr mul frw **?atw to tin* union, Wllbnr V. Malta lieu, pastor. 9:30 a.m.--Sunday school; adult classes. 11 :<K) a.m.?"The Disturbing Remuant. 7:00 p. Hi. Epworth League. 8 p.m.?"Contagions Character. Strangers cordially w cl' pmca 8 grace, 9th and S n.w ,-Preachlug. 11 and 8. by . . , Townsend Weaver, minister. Evening. OIL WHOLE WORLD " Every liod.v welcome. IE I LIVE IN GEORGETOWN _1 Will Try? To Visit THE BIBLE CLASS Of DUMBARTON M. E. CHI RCH. 10 A.M. to 10:4?. A.M. ???no-Minute Ijcsaon.? CLASS TEXT: "John, 7-1. LESSON Foil NOVEMBER Romans. 14:7:21. I AM SPECIALLY 1NMTED. BY II \V. FISCHER, Pres.. "C?uie " W. li. HCfUGHTON. Toucher. rAT'VriTJV AVENUE PRESIDENTS FOL NDKi, ami church sr. REV. W. R. WEDDERSPO0N, D. I)., Pastor. 9:3?? a.m.?Sunday school. 11:00 a.m.?" The Ear Flung Challenge. 7:00 p.m.?Epworth League p.m.?"The Great Master's Mortes. Visitors welcome, Quartet and chorus choirs. Ninth aud P Streets I HAILING ,Ul Nort'hwest! REV. LUCIUS C. CLAKK. D. D.. Minister. 9:3? a.m.?Sunday school. .? 11:00 a.m.?"INCARNATION." 7:00 p.m.?Epworth League service. 8:30 p.m.?"EL1SHA, THE FARMER." All sittings free. Visitors Mways welcfme. WAUtill, A. II. THOMPSON. PASTOR.-l?:oO, Snudav school: ?:30. Epworth League;_ II. ??Evolution and the Christian Faith ; i :oU, "The Battle of the Book." TRINITY M. li. COR. 5th AND PA. AVE. s.e., II. S. France. D. D., mlnister.-ll a.m and 7::i0 p.m., preaching by the minister; 9:.>U a.m.. Sunday school; 0:30 p.m., Epworth League. WILSON MEMORIAL M. E. CHURCH. 11th ST. between G aud I s.e.?9:30 a.m., Sunday school: 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.. preaching by the pas tor, Rev. James L. McLaln. All are cordially j welcome. i WESLEY, 3th AND F STS. N.W. ? Wm. I. McKenney, D. D.. pastor 11 a.m.?"OUR FIGHT AND OUR FO?S. S p.m.-"GOD OR PLEASURE?WHICH : 9:30 a.m., S. S.: 7 p.m.. E. L.; mldwee* service, Thursday. 8 p.m.; good music. >>eats free. Strangers welcome. METHODIST E'.MSCOPAL SOUTH. MOUNT VERNON PLACE, 9th AND K STS. N.W. REV. E. V. REGESTER, Pastor. Sundav school, 9:3U a.m. 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. preaching. Epworth League. 7 p.m. Praver meeting. Thursday. S p.m. EPWORTH CHURCH, 7th and A sts. n.e.. Rev. Robt. L. Fuitz,' pastor?Public worship, 11 a.m.. 8 p.m.; S. S., 9:30; E. L.. i. MARVIN CHURCH. 10th and B sts. s.\v.. Rev. H. It. Hout. pastor.?Public worship, 11 a.m., 8 p.m.: S. S.. 9:30; K. L., 7. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. 2nd and S sts..n.w.. Rev. Wiirner P. Johnson, pastor.-Public wor ship. 11 a.m.. 8 p.m.; S. S., 9:30; E. L. i. EMORY CHURCH, 6100 Georgia ave.. Rev. E. L. Woolf, pastor.?Public worship, 11 a.m., * ftE PLEASANt! Post Office Hall. 1413 Park rd. Rev. F. J. Prettyman, pastor.?Public wor ship. 11 a.m.. 8 p.m.: S. S? 9:30: E. I-. i. UNITED BRETHREN. FIRST UNITED PRESBYTERIAN. THE church on the point. Rock Creek Church road and New Hampshire ave.; pastor J. A. Camp bell.?Morning service. 11. "Elevation or Degra dation"; evening service at 8. "Seem? and t Doing": S. 8.. 0:30: C. E., 7 p.m. .. i MEMORIAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH. 1 North Capitol and II sts. n.w.. Charles L. Fultz, past*r. ? Sunday scboo!, 9:30 a.m.; preaching. 11 a.m.; C. E.. t>;45 p.m.; preach ing. 7:30 p.m. CONGREGATIONAL. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. CORNER 10th and G ats. n.w.. Rev. Lewis E. Purdum, assistant pastor.?11 a.m.. public worship, with sermon br the assistant pastor; sub ject. "OUR NATION'S UPAS TREE"; music by the quartet and chorus choir; 9::!0 a.m.. Sunday school; 0:45 p.m.. Y. P. S. C. E.; S o'clock, evening service, with sermon by Itev. Hilton S. Llttlefield. D. D.. of lirooklyn. N. , Y.; Thursday. 8 p.m.. meetin; of praise, prayer | and testimony. | MT. PLEASANT CONGREGATIONAL, COLUM bia road near 14th St.?Morning service. 11 o'clock; sermon by Rev. B. S. Winchester or Boston. Mass.; subject, "The Child, the Churcli and Tomorrow": evening service, 8 o'clock; sermon by Rev. D. Butler Pratt; Sun day school. 9:30 a.m.; adult classes. 10 a.m.; Christian Endeavor meeting. 0:3" p.m. * EPISCOPAL. ALL SOULS' CHURCH. WOODLEY PARK. Rev. J. MacBrlde Sterrett. rector.?Service and sermon by the Rev. G. Freeland Peter at tl a.m. . ? * THE NATIVITY, 14tli AND A S.E. All Sundays, 7:30, ift.lo S.S.), 10, 11.^8. The Resurrection, l^tli and G n.e., 3:15. 4. The faith of the Holy Catl.ollc Church. WASHINGTON CATHEDRAL. Bethlehem Chapel. Mount St. A'.ban. D. C. Holy communion * 7:30 a.m. Morning prayer and Litany 10:00 a.m. Holy communion and seunon. preacli er. Cauon Williams 11:00 a.m. IVopie's evensong and senn-m. preacher. Rev. II. A. Brown, chap lain U. S. A 4:00 p.m. ST. THOMAS', XEViRCLE.0Nr 11 a.m., sermou by rector. Rev. C. Ernest Smith, D. D.. D. C. L.. on "THE INSIDE OF THE CUP"; 4:15 p.m.. sermon by Rev. Z. Vincent. ST. PAUL'S, 23rd NEAR WASHINGTON CI II cle. Rev. Roliert Tnlbot. Rev. Geo. P. Christian. Services. ?!.';<>, 10 aud 11 a.m. and S p.m.; t'aily celebration. 7::i0. except Thursdays, w'.ien it is 11 o'clock. All svats fn-e. CHURCH OF ST MICHAEL AND ALL AN gels. cor. 22nd and Va. ave. n.w.. Rev. P. Murphy, rector.?Services, 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. All welcome * EPIPHANY CHAPEL. 12t'u AND C 8TS. S.W.. Rev. Chus. F. Edwardi. vicar.?Services. 11 a.m and S n.m. Strangers wflcome. St. Mark's T-:!o.AnDand ky" Itev. C. R. Stetson, rector. CHURCH or THE ASCENSION. M \SSACHU setts ar?-. and 12th st. n.w.. Rev. J. Hennlng Neluis. D. I) . rector; Uev. W. E. Callender. mipisier. ?Services, 8 and 11 a.m. aud 4 .ip?1 ^ i?.m St. John's Church, Ave. of Presidents and 1' St. REV. ROLAND COTTON SMITH. D. D REV. EDWARD SLATER DUNLAP. M. A. REV. GEORGE WILLIAMSON SMITH. D. D. 8 a.m.?Holy communion. 9:45 a.m.?Sunday school. 11 :t*i a.m.?Morning prayer anii sermon. 4:15 p.m.?Choral evensong and address by tli? Bishop of Eastern Oklahoma. St. Margaret's Church, Connecticut avenue and RatrTuft place. REV. llKRBr.KT SCOTT SMITH, n. D.. Rector. RFV. CIIAUi.liS J WINGAIE. Asst. Minister. Services: 7:30 and 11 a.m., S p.m. Sundav school at 9:30 a.m. The rector will preach in the tporoi'ig: t'?e lit. |jrv. Theodore Pajuc Thurston. D. D.. mission ary bishop of eastern Oklahoma, in the eveulng. All welcuve. always. CHURCH OF T!IK EPIPHANY. street iM-tween 13tii si>d 14tb. REV. RANDOLPH H. MeKIM. D. D.. Rector. REV. G. FREELAND PETER. Associate Min ister. REV. W. N. TILLING1IAST. Assistant. Services: a.m. ? Holy cummujilon. 9:30 a.m.?Sunday acboot. 11 :rt> a.m.?Morning service aud scruwn. ?;{:?*? p.m.?Sunday school. 4;is> and addrr."". 0:00 p.m. ? Evening servlr*? aud sermon. The lU-v. VViu. C. Hr.mii, D. D-. bishop elect of Cuba, w '11 preach at II a.m.; the llev. Dr. McKim at i> 1T?c R*v. II. P. Corser nf Alaska will de liver a alertopMeon le'-t<irc on the work iu thai country lu th>- Aswuibly Hall Tuesday night. November 11, at S o'clock. All lutcr cstcd are invited. CHTJBCH NOTICES. PHKHBYTEH1AX. NORTHM1NSTEU. 11th AM) It. I. AVE. N.W.. Rev. S. A. Bower, pastor.? S. S., 9:3(> a.m.; 11 a.m. nuil 7:45 p.m.. mTtuou by postor: soloist. Mrs. I. R. T. Smith: C. E.."?:45; Thursday, 7:45. midweek s< rvlcc. * WASHINGTON HEIGHTS PRESBYTERIAN Church, Ivaloraina ave. aud Columbia road.? 11 a.m.. "Foundations cf Sapphire and Win dows of Acate"; evening subject. "The Book of Acts Continued." Young people's meet ins. 7 p.m. Midweek meeting. Thursday. I S. S.. 9:30. Af cordial invitation to all. WEST ST UK ET CHI RCH. 1' ST. NEAR 31st. James T. Marshall. D. I>.. pastor.?9:45. S. S.; 11. pn-uehlns by pastor: 7t C. E.; 7:30. short S'Tmon and chorus. CHl'Ufll UK THE COVENANT. Connecticut ave.. x ami 18th sts. CHARLES WOOD. Minister. BERNARD RRASKAMP, Ministers Absistant. HARRY UAREMORK ANGUS. Minister of Peck Chapel. 11 a.m., sermon by the minister. Musical service, led by double sextet, from to 4 o'clock, and sermon by the minister. Subject. "Christ in the Heart of Man." S p.m., sermon by the minister. Subject. "Suggestions to the Skeptically Minded." Evening chorus choir of 10" voices and quar tet. Sydney Lloyd Wrightson. director: Harvey Murray, organist. Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. Christ'an Endeavor meeting at 6:15 p.m. Thursday evening at 8. midweek service. WESTERN---THE CHl'BCH WITH A WEL coine. 11 st. bet. 19th and 20th st. n.w.?R?v. J. Harvey Dunham, pastor?11 a.m.. "The King's Kiss." 8 p.m.. "Strength and Beauty." S. S. at 9:30 a.m.; C. E. at 7 p.m. SI XT Ii r RESRYTER A N, 6th and C sts. s.w.. A. W. Spojner, minister. 11:00 a.m.?"Knocking to Church." 7:45 p.m.?A Temperance Sermon ? "Twelve Boys Pat I'p at Auction." Ail welcome. SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CIIURCH <SOLTH crn Assembly), 22nd st. bctweeu I' and Q sts.. Rev. Andrew R. Bird, pastor. ?Divine worship at 11 a.m. and s p.m.: preaching by the pas tor; Bible school. 0:45 a.m.; prayvr meeting. Thursday, 8 p.m.' The*church extends a cordial welcome (o ail services. NEW YORK WE. l'RESBYTERIAN CHURCH. New York ave.. II and 13th sts. Dr. Wallace Radcllffe, pastor. 11:00 a.m.?Public worship, sermon by the pastor. S:00p.m.?"An Hard Saying." , Music led by quartet choir, ft:."/* a.m.?Bible school. 0:45 a.m.?Adult classes. 7:OOp.rp.?Christian Endeavor Society. GUNTON TEMPLE MEMORIAL. 14th AND R.? C. Everest Granger, D. D.. pastor, will preach at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Evening topic, "The Sinner's Subterfuge, 'The Inconsistencies of Professing Christians'": S. S.. 11:30 a.m.: praver meeting, 8 o'clock Thursday evening. Welcome. FOURTH CHIRCII, 13th AND FAIRMONT sts.. Rev. Joseph T. Kelly. D. D.. pastor; Rev. Howard J. Bell, assistant.?9:3;) a.m.. Sab. school; 11 a.m.. preaching by the pastor: 7:30 P.m., preaching by tiie assistant; Thursday. 7:30 p.m.. illustrated lecture on "China." by Rev. C. A. Killle of Pa Tine Fu. Friday. 3 p.m.. mooting of women, addressed by Rev. H. W.'.e of China: 7:30 p.m., meeting of men. addressed by Rev. Dr. A. A. Fulton of Canton. FIRST. THE STRANGERS' SXRBATH HOME." ?Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. by Rev. Edwin H. Kellog. D. D.. of the Second Pres byterian Church of Pa. S. S. at 9:30 a.m.: O. E. at G p.m. Evcrvlswlv welcome. EMMANUEL BAPTIST, -\>p. of the Presidents and Columbia road. "The Church Watlh the CordaaE Welcome." Bible school. 9:30 a.m. Services at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Song service at 7:45 p.m. A STERN". MARYLAND AVE. AND I'.th ST. N.E.. Rev. Alfred E. Barrows, pastor.?11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m.. sermons by pastor; 9:30 a.m.. S. S. and BIhie classes; 11:45 p.m., C. E.; midweek service. Thursday. 7:45 p.m. All welcome. ECKINGTON, X. Capitol cor. Florida ave.. Rev. H. E. Brun dage, pastor.?11 a.m., "Ordinary or Extraor dinary"; 7:45 p.m., service of song. METROPOLITAN. REV. PAUL. R~ IlICKOK, pastor, cor. 4tli and B sts. s.e.? Communion and reception of new members at 11; pastor's subject at 7:45. "Fear and Faith." Sneclal mnsic by the choir. All cordially invited. CENTRAL (SOUTHERN ASSEMBLY). COR. 3rd and I st*. n.w.. Rev. James II. Tay'or, pastor. ?Preaching, 11 a.m.. by the 'iastov; S. S., 9:30 a.m.; prayer service. Thursday, 7:45 p.m. CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHAPEL. IRVING and ltith sts. n.w.. Rev. .Tames H. Taylor, pastor.?Preaching. 11, by Dr. W. II. Bates; at 7:45 p.m. by the pastor; S. S., 9:30 a.m. LUTHERAN. ST. MARK'S. 8th AND B S.W.. REV. WM. A. Wade, p nst or.?25th Sunday after Trinity: S. 8.. 9:45: morning service and sermon, 11; vespers and sermon. 8;_L. League. Wed, eve. KELLER MEMORIAL, MD. AVE. AND 9th ST. ti.e.. S. T. Nicholas, nastor?Preaching. 11 and 7:30; Luther day in Sunday school. 9:30; other pervices ss usual. ST. PAI L'S. 11th AND 11 STS. N.W.. JOHN T. Huddle, pastor.?Services. 11 and 8. with ser mons by the pes tor: Sunday school, 0 :.'!Q; Christian Endeavor, 7; prayer service, Thurs day evening. LUTHER PI.VCE MEMORIAL. 14th AND N n.w.. Rev. Henry Anstadt. pastor.?Home mis sion day in the S.S.. 9:30 n.m.: nubile wor ship. with sermon by the Rev. J. A. Sflig master. D. D.. president Theological Seminary. Gettysburg. Pa., at 11 a.m.: C. K. meeting at 7 p.m.: evening with the choir and short ser mon by the pastor at 8 o'clock. FRIENDS. FRIENDS MEETING. 1811 I ST. N.W.?11 A.M. A cordial inrlttiHon 1? extended. BAPTIST, TOP WASHINGTON BAPTIST CHURCH. 31st and N sts. n.w.. Rev. B. D. Gaw, pastor. ?9:45 a.m.. graded Bible school. ti. F. Eu bank. supt.: preaching. 11 a.m.. by R-v. Iler l>ert Bunyea; 7:45. by Rev. W. F. Watson. D. D. Seats free. All cordially welcome. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES AT THE SECOND Baptist Church. 4th and Va. ave. s.e.. lllnson V. llowlett. minister. - Bible study service. 10; classes for all: preaching l>v Dr. E. M. Stephen sun. 11. "How Jesus Got Ills First Disciples": men's meeting. 3:30, "The Way of the Young Man." and 7:45. "God's Will and the Way to It." Free pews. All invited. TEMPLE BAPTIST CHURCH, l^th AND N sts.. Dr. J. J. Mulr. pastor.?Preaching. 11 a.m.. "Plllarmen": 7:49 p.m.. "Cain Despising Brotherhood"; Bible school. 9:30 a.m.: J. T. Curry, supt.: C. E.. 7 p.m. E. Her. Swem asks: "If Clever Detectives Searched Washington Churches Could They Fird Real ChristiansV" S P.M. Swem's Songs. 9:30 A.M.. Sunday School Rally. Centennial Rapt. Ch.. Sth and Eye st*. n.?. FIRST RAITIST CHURCH. AVENUE OF THE Presidents and O St.. Rev. W. W. Mc\J?ster, minister.-Sermons at 11 p.m. and 8 p.m.: S. S.. 9:45 a.m.; C. E.. 7 p.m. Special muplc bv quartet choir, assisted by vIoi!n?. ^ola and cello. A cordial welcome to all visitors. FIRS! BAPTIST CHURCH. AVENUE OF THE Presidents and O st.. Re*. W. W. McMaster, minister. Sermons at 11 a.m. and 8 n.m.: S. S'.. 9:45 C. E., 7 p.m. Spec in! music by quartet choir and strips*. Welcome to all. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH. Sth AND H sts. n.w.. Rev. Samuel II. Greene. D. I).. pastor.?Sunday school. 9:30 a.m.. P. H. Brls tow. superintendent; public worship, with ser mons by the pastor, at 11 a.m.. and ltev. F. W. Johnson. S p.m.; church prayer meeting. Thursday. 8 p.m.; teachers" club. 7 p.m.; deacons' meeting. 7 p.m.; C. E. meetings. Sun day. C:.'!0 p.m.; Tuesday. 8 p.m. All are cor dially in t ited. METROPOLITAN BAPTIST. 0th AND A N.E., John Compton Ball, pastor. ? II a.m. "A Going Christ a id a Going Church.^ 7:4."> p.m. "Tim Seven Words on the Cross. FIFTH BAPTIST. E. NEAR 7th. S.W.-PAS tor John E. Briggs will preach at 11 and 7:45: baptism at night; Sir. Belfort of the Pan-American Union will address the Men's I-eagne Wednesday night. UNITARIANS. ALL SOULS' CHURCH. COR. 14th AND L STS.. Ulysses G. H. Pierce, D. D.. minister.?9:45 a.m.. Sunday school, class for the comparative study of religion and nutty study class: 11 a.m.. mornlug service; sermon by Rev. Dr. John Van Kclialck, Jr. There is also kinder garnen during the hour of morning worship, s p.m.. Liln-ral Religious Union: address by Mrs. J. P. S. Nrltgii. "The S?? Settlement Wocfc of Our City." Tiie public Invited to all ln>. PEOPI.K'S CHIiRCH. THE" PEOPLE'S CilLUCH. Pi Till AN' TEM ple. lrtl'J 9th si. Services ut 11 a.m.; Mr. W. It. MackeMh will speuk on "Joseph lliultj and the Religion of Humanity." A cordial invitation is extended. CHUHCH NOTICES. UKIVgH8AL?fT. church ok our father. i:jth and l sts. n.w., Rot. John Van Sehalck. Jr., D. D.. pastor. ? 11 o'clock. morning service, sermon by the Rot. I". (J. B. pierce, D. I>.; 9:45 a.m., San day school; 11 a.m.. kindergarten; 7 p.m., Y. P. C. U. \KW CHURCH. NEW CHURCH. AVK. OF TUB PRESIDENTS and Corcoran 8t. n.w.?The Rev. Frank Sewall, D. D.f pasior. n-lll preach at 11 ? nr.; Sunday school, 9:45; vespers. 5 p.m.. with brief fid dress. The writings of Swedcnbor.; anil the ricriodicals and literature of the New t'hurcli. n the library. Open after service and Fridays. 3 to 5. CATHOLIC. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH 10?h ST. BET. F AND G N.W. Free fectures on the doctrine and practice of the Catholic Church. Information at first hand. Rev. BerlninJ Conway. C. S. P. All welcome.' The question box nt the door of the church for all inquirers. Sunday, Nov. 0. nt 11 a.m.. "The Good .Shepherd." Monday. Nov. 10, at 7.:'0 p.m.. "Reason and Faith." Tuesday. Nov. 11. at 7:30 p.m.. "Is One Church as Good as Another?'* Wednesday. Nov. 12. at 7:30 p.m., "The Bible." Thursday. Nov. 13, at 7:30 p.m., "The Church." Friday. Nov. 14, at 7:30 p.m., "The Papacy." Sunday. Nov. l?i, nt 11 a.m., "Internal Religion." Sundav. Nov. ltf. nt 7:30 p.m.. "Why I Am a Catholic." Monday. Nov. 17, at 7:30 p.m., "Forgiveness of Sin." Tuesday. Nov. 18. at 7:3<> p.m.. "The Iteal Presence." Wednesday, Nov. 19, at 7:30 p.m., "The Mother of <iod." Thursday. Nov. 20, at 7:30 p.m., "Marriage rind Divorce." Friday. Nov. 21. at 7:3'> p.m.. "The Hereafter." Sunday. Nov. 23, at 11 a.m.. "Tlie Necessity of Prayer." , Sunday. Nov. 2:!. at 7:30 p.m., "The Church and the Age." Y. M. C. A. "THE AVERAGE MAN," Am Address at tSne Y. M. C. A. SUNDAY, November 9, at 4 P.M?, BY NEWTON W. PRESTON, An Experienced Lecturer and Educator From the West, Now Connected With Congress.! All Men Are finvnted. NEW THOUGHT. THE CECIL. APT. 405. 15th AND L?MRS. Florence Wlllurd Day. teacher and-practitioner. Lessons and treatments upon application. , Meetings. Thursdays, H p.m. Public invited. I CONVERSATIONAL: "NEED MAN?IN COIVS Image?Crow Old?" Thursday, S p.m.. Art Stu dio, 517 11 tli n.w. (Self-healln'r taught.) Wm. and Nina Vera Hughes. ? THEOSOPHY. * i LECTURE SUNDAY. 8 P.M.. AT TIIEO sophlcal Ilall. 1210 II St.. by Dr. W. W. Baker, subject, "Development of Occult Powers." Public invited. Public class, Tuesdays at 8 p.m. 1 TIIE REGULAR MEETING - OF THE BLA vatsky Branch. T. S., will be held Thursday, Nov. 13. 8 p.m.. 1013 L nt. n.w.; subject, "The Night Time of Nature." Welcome. ? CHRIST!AX SCIENCE. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST, CO ! lumbla road. Euclid and Cliamplain sts.? Services: Sunday, 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.; subject, I "Adam and Fallen Man"; Sunday school, 11 a.m.: Wednesday evening meeting. 8 o'clock. Public cordially invited. Reading room, 001 Colorado building. NATIONAL NEW THOCt.HT CENTER. MIPS EMMA GRAY WILL SPEAK WEDNKS day at H p.m. on "Fear. Its Cats?, and Cure"; daily nor.n meeting led by Dr. Ricker; class for children. Saturdays at 2:30 p.m.. Loan and Trust bldg. Public invited. ' WsshlBgfOB Temple faagregatloa. FREE BIBLE LECTURES ON TOPICS OF THE hour every Sunday at 3 ik.m.. In New Masonic Temple, New York nve. and 13th St.: Evangel ist F. F. '.Cook of New York will preach to morrow: subject, "The Godly In and Out of Christ Jesus." Non-sectarian. No collection. v All Invited. ? BIBLE STUDENTS. INTERNATIONAL MIBLE .STUDENTS' A8SO. elation meets fnir Bible study at T:30 p.m.. third floor. Old Masonic Temple, corner 9th and F st*. All Bible students arc welcome. Take elevater. Y. W. C. A. Y. W. C. A.. SUNDAY. NOV. 0. "" 4:00 p.m.?Music. Mrs. Norman Vonght. 4:30 p.m.?Speaker. Mrs. Robert X. Page. HIGHER THOUGHT. MISS VAN VO.VST WILL TKACH SUNDAY. 8 p.m., "Blessings"; Wednesday, 11 a.m., "God Consciousness"; Friday. 8 p.m.. "The Place We Bullded." Cumberland, A"pt. 85. All welcome. ... ? ESOTERI9M. ? ORIENTAL ESOTERIC SOCIETY. 1443 Q ST. n.w.?Lecture, Sunday evening, 8:15, by Agnes E. Marsland. pres. O. E. S.. subject, "CHAR ACTER AND IMMORTALITY." Public cor dially invited. Library Esoteric and New Thought books. DIVINE SCIENCE CENTER. MRS? FIELD'S REALIZATION CLASS FOR the study and demonstration of Divine Science meets EVERY WEDNESDAY, at 2 o'clock, at 1740 S st. n.v.. All are welcome. CHRIST,'.DELPHI AN. WASHINGTON ECCLESIA. NAVAL LODGE Hall. 330 Pa. nve. s.e.?Sunday. 11:30 a.m. OTHER SERVICES. WASHINGTON SECULAR LEAGUE. PYTniAN Temple, 1012 0th st. n.w.. Sunday, 3 p.m. 'Ad dress. "WHAT AII.S THE WORLD," by Mr. John Phillips Meakln. Fraternailst. Members fraternal orders invited. ? ' THE CHURCH OF CHRIST MEETS IN "THE Belmont," 14th and CUftoii s'.s. n.w.?Com munion service, 11 a.ui. overy Sunday. All are invited. * SPIRITUALISM. HOLY SPIRITUAL CHURCH MEETS SECOND floor. Sunday evening. 8 o'clock, Pythian Tem ple, 1012 fill n.w. (take elevator). Subject. "Full of Deadly Poison." Spiritual messages to follow, by Madalln Cur11n. AH welcome. * SPIRITUALISTS. MRS. WHITE HOLDS SEANCE EVERY Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at 8 o'clock p.m. Can l>e seen daily, 715 22nd n.w. MKS. HENKI.E HOLDS MEETINGS SI NDAV. Wednesday and Friday evenings at S o'clock. 11 4th st. s.e. Everybody gets a reading. Advice. 1 to 8 daily. Phone Linen. 204!?. I SPIRITUAL TEMPLE SOCIETY, I/tyal legion Ilall. 410 10th at. n.w.?Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, "Sowing and Reaping" Is the subject Alfred H. Terry will lecture on, | followed 1 '.v messages. ? FIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH. PYTHIAN Temple, 1012 Itth st. n.w.. first floor.?Lecture and messages by Mrs. 7.aIda B. Kates. "Splrlt ua 1 Ism Is Primitive Christlanlty." All Invited. Farm Betterment the Theme. A number of addresses are to be made at a conference of the rural organi zation service of the Department of Agriculture, and the committee on farm credits of the United States League of Local Building and Lxian Associations. Tuesday morning, in the office of B. T. Galloway, assistant secretary of agri culture. Among those who will make addresses are President Bayersdorfer and Secretary Caliarlns of the league and James F. Shea and Charles F. Benjamin | of the building association. Will of William A. Nestler. The will of William A. Nestler, former chief of tlie bookkeeping division in the Treasury L?epartnient. was Hied today for probate. The document is dat.ed April 6, 1}|04. and leaves his entire es tate ? to his wife, 8usle Nestler, who is also appointed^ executrix without bond. MAIL AUTO CHAUFFEURS WARNED TO OBEY LAW Words "United States Mail" Not to Shield Them in Reckless Driving. Chauffeurs of the United States mail automobiles who have been causing com plaints by their reckless driving and dis regard to the traffic regulations are not going to be permitted to shield them selves behind the magic of the inscrip tion, "United States Mail," so far as Postmaster Merrltt of this city is con cerned. Mr. Merritt announced his po sition emphatically upon the subject to a Star reporter today. "I am In the heartiest sympathy with the stand taken by Commissioner New man in tills matter," Jir. Merritt said. "I have never asked nor expected that special consideration be given the auto mobiles which carry the mails, and when ever violations of the regulations have been called to my attention in any way immediate action has been taken by me. "But the matter is not one entirely under my control. The service for this office Is being furnished tihder contract, the chauffeurs Heine in the employ of the contractors. The schedules under which the automobiles operate were framed with traffic regulations fully in view in every particular. "I know that the contractor has been fully advised in the matter and that so far as our superintedent of delivery is concerned ihe chauffeurs also have been instructed about the traffic regulations. If they now violate them they must take the consequences, but they shall not shield themselves behind the fact that their cars are transporting the mails. Must Observe Regulations. j "Commissioner Newman last Septem ber called my attention to the disregard 01 the traffic regulations by these men and I then informed him that 'while the motor and screen (mail) wagon service is operated under contract, the con tractors in each instance providing equip ment and drivers or chauffeurs, I shall appropriately call your letter to their attention and will inform the letter car- I riers operating horse-drawn wagons that ' the traffic regulations must hereafter be carefully observed.' "I also at once inclosed a copy of Com missioner Newman's letter to Superin tendent of Delivery Haycock of this office and to the contractors, with the state ment that 'The traffic regulations of the ' District of Columbia must be complied with by employes of this office in the discharge of their duties, and I directed Mr. Haycock to give the matter his per sonal attention in so far as it pertains to employes under his supervision. "Furthermore, I caused to be printed in heavy black-face type at the top of the first page of 'Postal Information," our official bulletin which has the widest cir culation among our employes, the fol lowing: 'Compliance with traffic regula tions required. Letter carriers, special delivery messengers and other employes of this office are informed that they must comply with local traffic regulations in connection with the operation of mail wagons, bicycles and other vehicles. Copies of the traffic regulations will be furnished employes concerned by the su perintendent of delivery.' "I fully appreciate the need for traffic supervision and the danger surrounding fast and reckless driving in large cities, and I am anxious to co-operate to the limit of my authority with the author ities in seeing that the regulations are observed." BANQUETS POSTAL OFFICIALS. Third Assistant Postmaster General Dockery Entertains at the Raleigh. A. M. Dockery, third-assistant post master general, gave a banquet last evening at the Raleigh Hotel to a large number of the employes of the Post Office Department, with Postmaster General Burleson as the guest of honor. Speeches were made by the Post master General, Carter B., Keene, di rector of the postal savings; Gov. Dockery, J. I. Blakslee. fourth assistant postmaster general, and others. Those present included Postmaster General Burleson, Third Assistant Postmaster General Dockery, C. H. Mc Brlde, superintendent* division railway adjustments; J. I. Blakslee, fourth as sistant postmaster general; J. A. Ed gerton. purchasing agent; M. O. Chance, chief clerk, Post Office Department; J. P. Johnson, chief Inspector; W. H. Lamar, assistant attorney general, Post Offloe Department; E. B. Hazard, bond cle^k. assistant attorney general; Rus kli* McArdle, secretary. _ Postmaster General; E. Smith, confidential clerk. Postmaster General: W. J. Barrows, chief clerk, third assistant; C. B. Keene, director postal savings service; C. E. Matthews, superintendent division of money orders; W. C. Wood, superin tendent division of classification; W. C. Fitch,, superintendent division of ?tamps; W. E. Buffington. superintend ent division of finance; C. H Buckler, superintendent division of registered mails: C. H. Fullaway, assistant di rector postal savings service; W. J. Powell, secretary third assistant: H. Lovejoy, assistant chief clerk third as sistant: L.-M. ? Bartlett, expert'account ant, auditor for the Post Office Depart ment. ? ELOPE AND WED IN CAPITAL. Two Virginia Couples Defy Parents and "Hoodoo" of Friday. Braving not only parental displeasure but the supposed "hoodoo" of Friday, two young couples from Virginia eloped to this city late yesterday afternoon and were married. Robert C. Patterson, twen ty-foyr years old.. and Annie C. Allen, nineteen years old, came from the town of Bryant, and the other couple, George J. Shepherd and Miss Berrle Bruce, each twenty-two years old, gave their address as Chester, Va. William A. Kroll. clerk in charge of the license bureau, suspected an elopement in each case. Mr. Shepherd would have nothing to say beyond admitting the alle gation. The other pair were not so reti cent. "That's right," confessed young Patterson w"ne;i Clerk Kroll inquired if they were not "runaways." "Does your father know?" inquired the clerk of the blushing Miss Allen. "Oh. he knows it by this time." she answered, as though intimating that a hastily scribbled note had been discover ed by the father at breakfast time. ON THE WAY HOME. Woman's Christian Temperance As sociation Delegates Leave City. Visiting delegates of the Woman's Christian Temperance Association are de parting for their homes. A large num ber left today and yesterday. Many more will leave this evening. A few will remain in the city longer, particular ly those who wish to attend the woman suffrage convention. "Open house" has been observed at the W. C. T. U. headquarters. 522 Oth street northwest, during the stay of the dele gates. Today was spent by the remain ing delegates in visiting places of Inter est in and about Washington. Several of the visitors went to Mount Vernon on a sightseeing trip yesterday under the leadership o( Mrs. E. S. Henry, corresponding secretary of the Washing ton W. C. T. tT. l'??l for Private Realdrare*. We pay most careful attention to the preparation and delivery of fuel to pri vate residences. J- Maury Dove Com pany .?Advertisement* WATERFRONT PROGRAM IS TIM FORM Inspection Trip by Commis sioners Gives Them Light on City's Needs. % Possibilities of commercial expansion that may be expected to follow develop ment of Washington's waterfront today are being considered by the District Com missioners. following their trip along the Potomac, river yesterday, afternoon in the fast power boat of former Commissioner John A. Johnston. After being entertained at luncheon at the Army and Navy Club by the former District official the three Commissioners and Gen. Johnston boarded the latter's boat, which can develop a speed of twen ty-four knots, and inspected conditions along the three forks of the river, pro ceeding east as far as Bemiing bridge and west to Chain bridge. lor New Fish Market. Commissioner Xewpian said today that, as a result of the survey, the District heads are more convinced than ever that one of the needs of the waterfront is a new municipal tish market to replace the preseht dilapidated plant, which ha^ been operated as a municipal institution since March lo last. The Commissioners have included in the estimate an item for the construction of such a market, with improved wharfage facilities, at a cost approximating $175, 000. Another matter the Commissioners have taken renewed interest in, as a r? suit of yesterday's trip, is the recommendation of the wharf committee that a new survey be made for the improvement of the wa terfront. New Pian for Wharves. The original estimates for improvement of the harbor called for an appropriation of &!,SSO,OW. It was planned to spend tin greater part of this money in the re moval of the sea wall on the Potomac side and the widening of the Washington channel. Later investigations have led the Dis trict officials to believe that half the orig inal estimate may be saved by eliminat ing the plan to increase the width of the waterway and to erect wharves pointing downstijpam. a plan recommended by for mer Engineer Commisioner Judson. Washington Temple SUNDAY 3 p.m. TOPIC: "THE GODLY IN AND OUT OF CHRIST JESUS" Evangelist F. F. COOK Of New York WASHINGTON TEMPLE CONGREGA i ION NEW MASONIC TEMPLE SERVICES FOR THE PEOPLE NO COLLECTION ALL INVITED rOE REXT?S1G Ml? AVE. X.E. Sr.. 2b. ami furnace rooiu. Hot-water li-at. Excellent location for doctor, with ottke ou lirst tloor. Also ^aru^e ill resir. a? Address J. ,1. MURRAY. 915 MJ. ?vc. n.e. MONEY TO LOAN. Any amount from $>00 up on D. C. property. 5, SYi and 6 per cent, according to* character of property and amount . of loan. Money in hand, prompt replies and ? reasonable expense. I Moore k Mill <i?c.)! 11420=22 Hi Streeto FAVORS ONE DAUGHTER. Mrs. Pierce, in Will, Explains Divi sion of Estate. The will of Marv Parkhuriu Pierce, dated October 10. 1913. was filed today for probate. A life interest in her entire estate is Rranted to her daughter. Martha A. Pierre. At the latter's death the remaining estate is given one-half to her sister. Anna L. Pierce, and one fourth each to her sister, Amelia C. Carlson, and her brother. Henry V. V. Pierce. The testator explains the distinction made in the provision for her four children. She explains that no imme diate provision is made for three of them because the daughter. Anna.-has a position und is well able to care for herself; the daughter Amelia "has a husband well able to take care of her." and the son has already had "more than his fair share of my property." The daughter Martha N. Pierce is named as executrix. Three wills of earlier date, supposed to be revoked by the will executed last month, were filed for record. TO CONFER WITH McADOO. Collectors of Customs Also to Pay Respects to President. Secretary MeAdoo of tin- Treasury L?? - paitmont will be at his disk Monday to receive the collectors of custom* who will come here from New York at thw close of their economy and efficiency con ference. The collectors will probably be received also by the President. Tim collectors will i?ay their ivB|*'cts to Sec retary McAdoo at 11 o'clock. thenc? go uk to the White House if It Ik con venient for the President to meet them Ui??:???n?mmrnt?i?mnnm?i?i?inniinnniinn??m??niniiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiu Opeira Tonight JUST COMPLETED New 8=Room Homes Nos. 6117=619 K St. N.E. il Lots 20x142 to 30 foot alley. Hand some colonial front. Large Porch. Two story rear porch. Hot-water heat, hardwood tinish and hardwood floor. Handsomely decorated. Very convenient * ? location. Terms: $300 Gffislh, BaSarace Mootliiy 13H FST.N.W ?e7tkANBWST5.NJE. New Hampshire Avenue NoW? Between Shepherd and Taylor Streets. Six rooms, tiled bath, hot-water heat, sleeping porch, concrete cellar, servant's toilet, washtrays, electric light, hardwood trim, double oak floors, gas logs, handsome fix tures, deep lot to alley. Terms, $500 Cash and S27.50 Monthly, 9 Including All Interest. .To inspect take 9th st. car to Georgia ave. and Taylor -t.. walk two blocks'east. MIDDAUGH & SHANNON, Inc., f Owner, Colorado Bldg.. 14th and. (i Sts. "No place like home; 110 home like our.- ' SOS EHI Teli lars?" rooms; IWu bafhs*: two sleeping porches hot-water heat: open fireplaces: oak floors; lurg? kitchen and every niodcrn convenience. f>v7?Y7iV7? :yg\"rj\"Yit\'Yr< 7>vv^'y>vv<s'y?\" ^'v#v rixSiv'S\T?tv> 1061=2071 . Park Road Facing Hock Creek Park. A Suburban Home in Town. To inspect take Connecticut avenue cars to Park road and walk w^st to the park. Price, $8,25? . i Reasonable Cash Payment, jg ; $48.50 Monthly. Including' All Interest. The picturesqueness of the im mediate locality of these resi dences forms as charming a setting as can be found in Washington. A better finished or constructed house would be hard to find. Owner. Colorado Bldg. Tj*Ht & G. ?r "'tV Vg\