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% NeiutJorU Washington parti f i Julius fafinhlt Ma ? Arc Holding ? Before Stock-Taking | An Extraordinary Clearance Sale of | Suits for Women ? These suits represent fhe world's best makers. \ Remarkable Selection An Unusually Choice Assortment At $25.00 At $35.00 Formerly up to $55.00. Formerly up to $65.00. ? % * Attention is directed tu the remarkable .-ule of Model Suits V ; I I lie finest plu>h. velvet, broadcloth, peau de ? pcche and duvetyne suits offered ?> f ?> ? At Greatly Reduced Prices | *? to effect immediate clearance. * ?> ? I ? F Street, Corner Thirteenth. ? I ? v ?> .?J?,h,mVm'mVhhVmVmVmVhVhVm,h'h,m,mV?V?VhVm,nVhVhV?'uW>.Wu?^u*.< ? AT Sloan's Art (Galleries, 1407 O Street. The Amideiniried Sale of Rich Household Adornments. by Order of The American Security and Trust Company of Washington, D. C., Trustee of the Estate of Mary C. Audenried, With Additions From the Italian Em bassy, Private Owners and Others, Embracing Richly I pholstered Parlor and Drawing Room Furniture. Louis XV Walnut Chairs and Tables. XVII Cen tury Italiaii style Parlor Suites, with Brocade Wall Cover ing to match: Large Gilt and Walnut Frame Mirrors, Rich > Portieres and Draperies. Persian, Berlin, Austrian and Do mestic Rugs, Mahogany Furniture for all parts of the home, Steinway Upright, one lot of Wines and Liquors, Paintings, Engravings, Cut Glass. Glassware, Marble. Japanese Bronzes, Dinner Sets. Sheffield Plate. Electroliers, etc., etc. All at Public Auction within our Galleries, 1407 G St. WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY and FRIDAY, January 21, 22 and 23, 1914, AT 11 A.M. AND 3 P.M. EACH DAY. On view Mondav and Tuesday, January 19 and 20, 1914. C. G. SLOAN & CO., Inc.. Aucts. % 66 '99 -find in Creamery Butter ii?niiu highest satisfaction lr taking advantage of our SPE C1ALS in quality creamery products. All leading brands of butter in perfect condition. 'Four Leaf Clover1' Butter, >-lb. Boxes, $2.20. i ? t 5 s a i S Stand-- in Principal Markets. -at lowest market prices, f resh Xearby Country Eggs 40c Doz. JAMES F. OYSTER, Phone Main 4820. :i:ii;ii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinuwuu | !(( Our Fine Pastries Are Served in Our Luncheon Department. )?ld) i 1 ? ^ ? Everything that Reeves bakes looks good and tastes 2ood. I he most delicious Pies, Cakes and Pastries? all favorite kinds ? deliv ered fresh and clean, direct trom the oven. When downtown shopping stop and get a box of Bcove*? C. M. Caramels. 1: J mseeiraNEE n -, ??, ?b inrrMHH MISS ALICE NIELSEN, Soprano EUGENE YSAYE, Violinist LEOPOLD QODOWSKY, Pianist CHAUNCEY OLCOTT, Tenor Are exclusive COLUMBIA ART18J.S. Their records can be played on either the ijRAFONOLA or the Victrola. Send or call for complete. 400-page cata lugue of Double Di^c Records. On sale bv am Columbia dealer or The Columbia Graphophone Co. 1230 G St. N.W. Washington, D. C. i a P iilLlmiiKiS , : ? a o,!,:;;;:'*? ?!,?.. k J:jiSiSiliC.:i'ii.iliii: , Ograms jPresidential jChocolates, 50c lb. Eifgfgfg/gjgjgjgjgigjcira] A Lesson in History. ALL TT1L PRESIDENTS are pictured in order of their elections on the attractive boxes .in which delicious PRESIDENTIAL CHOC OLATES arc packed. One. two, three and five pound boxes, 50c lb. ?TWO LBS. or more SENT POSTPAID ANYWHERE in UNITED STATES. OGRAM'S. 13th & Penna. Avenue. Women's Winter Boots?10 Styles .35 5' All this season's desirable styles, in tan. black and patent leather. Several shapes of 'toe and heel. Reduced from 6.00, 6.50, 7-??? 7-5? 5-35 Arthur Burt Co., 1343 F The Store That Sells Wooltex. tttt r strut s. w. The Spring Styles in BLOUSES Are already being shown at our blouse section. ? The one pic tured is of Georgette crepe, fur trimmed. The roll re vers are new, and these are fin ished with tho !?\ ' ^ finest of shad V \ \ ow lace ? net vest with bow ^ of satin ribbon ; j ? long sleeves I with bell-shaped } cuffs. In flesh, qpffee! color and French j blue, at $14.30. i Silk Shadow Lace Blouse, made over colored chiffon; new pointed net collar, finished with black velvet bow: short sleeves, with net frill; Atlantic blue, caramel, flame, tango and mauve. Price. 55.90. Crepe Chiffon Blouse, net vest, finished with revers of self-material and edged with r-hiffon in contrasting cclors. Neck and sleeves finished with net frilJ. Colors are tea ros<\ salmon, begonia, navy, Copenhagen blue, nile and black. Price. $5.90. A Crepe Chiffon Blouse, with fine corded tucks back and front and trim med with white marabou, is stunning in white, mauve and lemon color. Has surplice fastening with satin revers. Price. $1?.50. A New Chiffon Taffeta Blouse, with raslan Fleeves outlined wltli hpmstito'.iinp Has gathered net vest anil revers ol' taffeta; neck finished with . net frill and chiffon tie. Price. $10.50. Shot Taffeta Blouse, with peplum.1 deep yoke of n?t, revers <-( taffeta picot edged, pleated back; sleeves fin ished with black velvet band and frili. j Colors are blue, green, white and canary, j Prii e. >10.00. I Half Price S | for Furs pi ?is a big inducement, | especially when the si s Furs are Saks'. ? s ?The chance of a p s lifetime to gratify s s vour wish for burs of is It! J ? IJ) | sterling worth. 1 Saks Fur Co. 1 1 Establislied Over 25 Years, -g -saiaiiata.j 212 F Street2-"--^ AUCTION OF Diamonds, Silverware, Clocks, Jewelry, Watches, Cut Glass. EVERY AFTERNOON 4:.*;o. EVERY EVENING 7:.U?. WE MOVE FEBRUARY 1 TO CHESTER, PA. To save expense of packing and shipping we are helling at auction. CARL A. DOUBET, Jeweler, 1402 14th St. | TllOS. DOWLING & CO., Auctioneers. ] !< AMONG Life's Good Things !< prominent places are pop ularlv accorded sen ? * CUAS. R. EDMONiSTON. | Aluminum Cooking I Utensils (DARKi Trv a case?2 dozen, $1.25. ABNER-DRURY BREWING CO.. ii5th and P sts. n.w. Phone W. Also Brewers of "PROGRESS!VK HREW"? the new TEMPERANCE FOOD-DRINK. S? I ?The moat sanitary cooking utensils tou could nse?easy to keep clean and very durable. ^ Saucepans T5c to $1.40 51i Cake Griddles <jou do not have to ? ^ grease) $1.40 to $4.00 ? ^ Tea Kettles $2.00 to *4.00 rfc Waffie Irons $2.50 Folding Omelet PiUis $1.50 * C!has. R. Edraonstora, % LCbina. Gla^s and Hon?efurnisbings, 12**5 PA. AVE. & ?at this season. Indispensable to the proper care of the skin and complexion. RELIEVES and PREVENTS CHAPPING. gc ?> rc bottle. ?- | |^'-TlhoJiriipsorB Pharmacy,j p Frank C. Henry, i'rop.,703 15th.f, fcWgWBaftai*" l?ancU Sioies, . IN THE WORLD OF SOCIETY MR. AND MRS. MARSHALL BE GIN RECEPTIONS TONIGHT. Miss McAdoo Departs for a Long Trip West?Other Events. Personal Notes. The Vice President and Mrs. Marshall j will hold the first of four ?-ard recep- j tions tonight at the Shoreham. They will be assisted by Senator aJid Mrs. James H. Brady. Senator and Mrs. Claude A. Swanson. .Senator and Mrs. George McLean. Senator and Mrs. John \\. Kern, Mrs. Thoiuas F. Walsh. Gen.' and Mrs. William D. AJarshrll. Judge ! and M i's. Howry. Mrs. Burton Harrison.! Mrs. Henry F. Dimock. Mr. a::d Mrs. Robert Landing. Representative and! Mrs. Hubert Dent. jr.. Rcpvsentai i v? : and Mrs. Henry i< "la \ ton. t i; ? Misses I Wilson. Miss lifb'w Hones, the Misses' Burleson. .Miss Agnes Wilson. Miss! Genevieve Clark. Miss Ruth Hitchcock.; Miss Helen AicCumber, Miss Callie j Hoke Smith. Ensign and Mrs. Alston i Simpson. Miss Sally Williams. Miss ? Nancy Johnson. Miss Maitland Marshall. | Miss Dubose. .Miss Heyi. Miss Ruth ! Hall. Miss Bliss. Miss Margaret Mc C'hord. Miss Marie Peary. Miss Dorothy j Aleshire. Miss Edmonia Adams. Miss i Kline. Miss Dongger and Miss Moore, i who are quests of Mrs. Brady. | Dancing- w ill be a feature of the even- j | ing's pleasure. j Mrs. William Schley Howard, wife or] [Representative Howard. \? ill give ;i teal j tomorrow for her friends So meet her J ? sist'-r. Mrs. G?orge Robinson Hackiey of I ; Mexico City. n??'.v with her on a v sit. \ j The wives of the G< orgui mimb^rs. I.Mrs, liardwiek. Mrs. Gordon Dee and Mrs. Charles D. Bartb'tt, with Mrs. John i Stephens of Texas, Mrs. James Onne. Miss G? neviev. Clark and Mrs. Theodore 1 Tiller will be in the receiving party. Miss Nona McAdoo accompanied her father, the Secretary of tin Treasury, on l:is western trip. They left Saturday night and will go as far as dan Francis eo. returning hy way of New Orleans, where they will arrive in time for the Alardi Gras festivities. Ali^s Ellen Gor man Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Robinson of Baltimore, who will j be a bride of April, is Miss McAdoo'h I guest on the trip. Mrs. Garrison, wife of the Secretary of. War. w^nt to New York today to spend j the week. Mrs. George Deary is giving a luncheon for her toinoi\ow. and Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Deary will give aj dinner for the Secretary and Mrs. Gar rison. Mrs. Redfield, wife of the Secretary of | Commerce, will not be at home Wednes day. but will receive next week as usual. Mrs. Daniel William Baker will not re ceive tomorrow, but will be at home Tuesday. January J7. at 184!) Mintwood | place. Mrs. Peyton Gordon will not receive j tomorrow, but will be at home Tuesday, | January ITT, at 184!* Mintwood place. The minister of Peru and Mme. de Pezet entertained at a large dinner last night in honor of Airs. Goethals. wife of Gen. Goethals. The other guests were the minister of Sweden and Mme. Ekengren, Gen. and Airs. J. B. Aleshire. the naval attache of the British embassy and Airs. Grant, the naval attache of the Austro-rlun gariaiv embassy. Commander Burstyn, 1 ieut. Commander and Airs. Bryant, Mr. and Airs. Reynolds llitt. Air. and Airs. George T. Alarye. Aliss Amaryllis Gillett. Air. Henry May. ("apt. Enriguc V. Gomez of the Peruvian legation, Aliss Frances Sprague and Aliss Helen Lang horn. house guests: Mr. Oscar Pezet and Air. Washington Pezet. Mrs. E. W. Reisinger is entertaining at a large bridge party this afternoon, which will be followed by tea in honor of her mother. Mrs. Robinson Downey. Some of the bridge guests are Airs. Al bert B. Cummins. Airs. Wiiiiam II. Bag ley. Aliss Bagley. Airs. Horace AI. Town er. Airs. Henry D. Fry. Airs. Wiley, Airs. Percy Hiekling. Airs. Murphy, Mrs. Wil- j liam R. Green. Airs. Pearson, Airs. Kar rick. Airs. Brinton Stone, Airs. W. W. Dixon. Airs. W. C. Carr. Airs. S. F. Prouty. Aliss Gar'.ock and Airs. Chary. Airs. Cummins, Aliss Nann!e Randolph Heth and Aliss Alary Tempie will pre side at the tea tabic. Miss Clara O. Peterson and Air. Herbert P. Hammond of Seattle, Wash., were married by the Rev. E. C. Granger at the home of Aliss Kribbs, loo- I street, last Thursday evening. The parlors were decorated with palms, loses and carnations. An orchestra play- j ed the wedding march as well as other i music during the ceremony. Refresh ments were served. Only the immediate friends of the bride were present. After congratulations. Air. and Airs. Hammond left for an extender trip, which will take in New York, Bos ton, Buffalo and cities of the south. Their future home will he Seatt e. Wash. The bride's traveling frock was a brown suit, hat to match, and moleskin furs. Airs. Charles W. Richardson will be at home today and next Monday, January at 1 7 Connection avenue. Senator Jsaae Stephenson of Wisconsin will return to the Hotel Powhatan today for the remainder of the season. The Brazilian ambassador and Alme. da Gama are in New York to attend the wedding today of Mrs. Dilla B. Gilbert and Capt. Cyril Dugmore, a son of the Hon. Evelyn Dugmore of Guernsey, Channel Islands. Capt. Dugmore has leased Wazeley Abbey in Surrey, Eng land, and will take his bride there in the spring. It is their intention to di vide each year between this country and England. Airs. Preston Satterwhite, who was here for the charity ball and was a greatly feted visitor, is a sister of Airs. Gilbert. Dr. and Airs. Satterwhite were the guests of Airs. Dlovd W. Bowers during their stay. The latter is also in New York for the wedding. The Brazilian ambassador and his wife will be entertained at dinner tonight by Judge and Mrs. Elbert H. Gary and will go later to the opera with their hosts. Air. and Airs. Embry Dee Swearingen of Louisville have announced the engage ment of their daughter. Dalla Robinson Swearingen, and Air. Ralph Clayton Gil ford of Philadelphia. Aliss Swearingen has been a frequent Visitor to Aliss Louise Robertson of the Cairo. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Jurey of Douis ville have announced the engagement of their daughter, Alarguerite AI. Jurey, and Air. Emerson Ducas of this city. The wedding will take place in the spring. Airs. A. F. Lever, wife of Representa tive Lever of South Carolina, will not receive at the Brighton tomorrow, but will be with Airs. F. T. O'Hair, wife or Representative O'Hair of Illinois, at the Westmoreland. Airs. Fairchild. wife ot' Representative Fairchild, will not receive tomorrow. Airs. David E. Finley. wife of Repre sentative Finley. and Aliss Frances (list Finley will be at home tomorrow after noon "at 15020 P street. Airs, and Aliss Hayes, wife and daugh ter of Representative Hayes of Califor nia. will be at home tomorrow afternoon at their residence. -Ill Bancroft place. Aliss Clara Francis of Lancaster. Alass., and Air. George F. llobson of this city were married Saturday last in the home of the bride's uncle, Air. Eli Forbes, at Lancaster. The bride was given away by her brother. Air. Joseph F. Francis, oi' Ger mantown. Pa. Aliss Gordon Patterson of Boston was her attendant. Air. Charles H. Hobson of Lowell, brother of the bridegroom. Was best man. The ushers were Messrs. George A. Potter of Lan caster and Theodore F. llobson of Low ell. The bride wore white satin trimmed To Cure a Cold in One Dny Take T.AX ATTVK PROMO QrtNlXK Tablets. liriicsixtM refund noiiev if it falls to cure. E. W. tlltOVE'S? signature is> ou each bo\. 20c. TO ENTERTAIN AT A TEA TOMORROW MRS. WI M.I AH HOWARD, Wife of Representative Howard off fieorKia, whose Mister. Mrs. Oforitc R. Hark ley of Mexico City. 1m her Kuext at present. with white lac- ami carried a bouqw-t of sweet peas. Mr. and Mrs. Hobson will iive in Chevy Chase, Md. The I)uc do Warren-Surrey arrived m \TpiV Yorx Saturday l'rom Paris for a vi?it in this country. He is a direct de scendant of Charlemagne. His full name is Comte Rene Francois Joseph <.e Wai ren-Surrev ami he is thirty-two years old. His aunt on the maternal side. < ountess Huvn. is a lady-in-waiting to the future Empress of Austria. Une 01 his uncles is Bishop of ISrunn. and the other is Field Marshal of Austria. He will visit friends in New York. Philadelphia and in tnis city. Count and Countess SsMchenyi. who will be quests at the Au.-lio-Hun,ailan err. bass v the latter part of tins week, and for v/hon: the ambassador and Mm". Duniba are giving a dinner and dance Fridav night, are occupying -Mi. and Mrs i-Iarrv Payne Whitney s -?tli a\enue home in New York during the absence of its owners in Europe. Mr and Mrs. Archibald J. Barklie ol Inver House. Wayne, will be here Thursday to spend a week. The January danee of the L'"r''','t Club was held at the ( airo last Satui day evening. The program consistedlot twenty-two dances and a grand ma c . the latter being led by Mr. Reginald 1^ F. v.nt 11 and Miss Virginia G. Hunter. The reception ?committee, all memueis of the club, was composed of Misses Mavbelle 11. Parker, Hazel F. McQuay, Louise C. Worden. Ad;. M. r raver. Fannie F. Noack. Virginia G. Uuntei and Messrs. Reginald K. Kemiell. Arthur T Curtain. .1. Raymond Vose. fcdwm 31. Niess F. Willard Hoover. Dr. Charles M. Mansfield and Dr. Oscar B. Hunter, president of the club. An interesting feature ol the e\en iii? was the awarding ??f prizes to the guests holding lucky numbers. ^beHrst prize was won by Dr. Moser. Mr. Offutt taking second and Mr. Cox third. ^ The guests included Misses Coumbe, Berrv. R??ed. Urnson. Gersdorf. Carter, Head. Harding. Coldenstroth. Callaghan, Watts Heali. Strouir. L\ ons Portclfie'.d. Sbarpe. Smith. li.trtlett. Myers. Her manns. Reeves. Wilhelm, .larger. Brldg ers. Guthrie, Mansfield, Gannett, Seng staek. Gerlioid. Bricker, Polkinhorn, Coddington. Nailor. Clagett. Rocca, (.reeves. Fishback. Wade, and Messrs. Burt. Haines. North. Henderson. Wood lev. Stevenson, Morris. Cottrell, Mar ohall Grove. StautTer. Miller. Hall. Koosle. Offutt. Ilellmanii. Berry. Saun ders. Hainmett, Kane. Katrhiord. Os born. Crazier, Baylies. Garretsou, Kiekel. Glover. Brockman. Norton. Fitch. Hockey. Single. Kirk. Wciser. Dodge, Thomas. Cox, Payton. Higgms. Drs Borden. Moser. Day and bricker and nianv other friends of the mem bers of tiie club. The dance was chaperoned b> ..lis. Lillian T. Hunter, Mrs. < harles t^. Stronu and Mrs. John K. Kyons. The next dance of the club will be held February 14. Mrs Dav, wife of Col. Seidell Allen Dav' l". S. A., has invitations out for I inuarv -1 for a luncheon which w ill be served on Japanese lacquer wlncli is over t"" years old. It is in honor of Mrs. Philander Claxton and Mis. Kicii aid Wainwright. Mr. VVady lmirie and Mr. Fred ^pei del have returned from a *vv<Je^"e motor cycle tour through Mainland. Miss Esther KmbS 'has returned to her home. N>7 A street northeast, aftei a visit to Baltimore. Md. Marriage Licenses Marriage licenses have been issued*to the following. r> Eugene C. Carter of Chester Brooke. Vi and Edna V. l.ce of McLain. Va. John Y. Currie of this city and Annie Baer of Richmond, \ a. James Washington and Clara *amlei... Alfred K. Palmer and Mien Hurts. William H. Gaiiiett ind J Dixon Avery and Marie R. stik . ^.uLr^l^and^K-Can "vraneesca Palaia and CaPacio. Ira B Snapp and Nealit E. Entsmi: ger, both of Charlottesville. \ a. Births Reported. The following births have been re ported to the health department during the past twenty-four hours: Bernard and Margaret West. girl. Wolf and Annie Schcnick. boy. lohn and Jessie Sebastian, girl. Robert F. and Carrie V. Poore, boy Kd win'S. and Margaret h. 'r1ey .,K , Louis E. and Frances I- Bradford, b Jotiu A. and Mary E. Botts, boy. Clarence and Nettie Alhn. gnl. A Ion'/.a and Mary \\ right, girl. James and Mark Tcmparon. girl. Frank and Annabelle Sorrell, l?o>. Andrew and Alma Smith, boy. Willie and Artie Reynolds, boy. "William and Eucinda Gaskitis,. g>rl. Edward and Emma Campbell, girl. Deaths Reported. J he following deaths have been report ed to the health department during the ^ past twenty-four hours: ; Sarah M. Armstrong, 5>4 years. Toronto I apartments j Ellen Feeney, To years. 1102 25th street i northwest. | Virginia I.. Belt. 47 years, 1.02 Irving street northwest. Margaret T. Holloran. :u yeai>?, 1102 2.>th street northwest. Arthur S. Chase, 4i) years. Tuberculosis ! Hospital. ! Daniel T. Muneey, ss years. ?K)1 M street northwest. Charles J*. Keys, 01 years. Emergency Hospital. Harry L. Burdette, 4S years, 21!i 5th street northeast. Charles b, Godfrey. cs years, National Homeopathic Hospital. i Deborah ?'. Dowling. :::> years. Central Heights. D. C. ! June A. E. Aiiles. 12 years. 1421 Colum [ bia street/ j Alfred Whiting, 54 years. -ITS L .nreet ? southwest. Jacob .Saunders. S'j years. Garlic-id Hos 1 pita!. j Br!Kie Ui|son. I.", years, yis IMth street j northwest. I .. ^al,'*uei A. L. Howard. 47 \ cars l.*; r4 I 4th street northwest. { Sel-na Chapman. 57 years. 1815 loth street northwest. Columbia Historical Society. The Columbia Historical Society will j hold its twentieth annual meeting and . 141st regular meeting:, tomorrow evening j at s o clock, in tin- banquet hall of the , Shoreham. The communication will be | "Suggestions for a National Pari; in <~'on | nection with tin- Great Falls Water ; Works."' by Anion B. Casselman. The ? subject will be open for discussion, and ; the public is invited to attend. The annual reports will lv read and election i of officers Will take place. BORN. . Jaunan 1!)!4 to Mr. and Mrs. Howard s. Otitoliuudro. a DIED. ""trnVn' ?'""""'?V '7. I?ll. :?< tile . fORT BoTr.rx H"S"IU"' KIIA I'AVEN 1 uil'-tal Tuesday, jatiiut r -Ju. ar t o'clock Hum Iter la I,- ifKl.1,i::?r, 1;asl c?|,it?l itieet Interment m Arlington. , UKAt'KE'lT. Departeil ibis l;/y ol, MlI1)lar is. 1S.14. o?r dear JtiSKlMl' 1 '' years one niontli flv.- davs t he l un.^Ii frum" r "" """ lim.-t.-ti. J,'.i , , ' Parent*- rositl,-!,..iiijj \j street northwest. sday. Ja.n^rv 2I ! to It,end e'!',S u!"1 n-tatlre, in.lted 10* jlSniVK III, Jannaiy IS. Jiiu. a, . "' M" K. IItus. 144,. w str i, | northwest. .T,,!1N lllcn.i v mt, , , 1st. Combs, S ot la n,I. 1 I'(literal rn.m ,st. ?,,d.-,u ?* , hlir, h ,?h , ttarr *m' ".Wednesday? J?'?i invited. " fcrieuds arc eordlally OIASK 8?W?"ly S.tttr.tay, January 17 I:,14 "r Mm i J 1 ..'-loved uutle " ,x'J * > ? and Chase J.'a;S!13'rJTUar-V 1 ff m ... 1 uf J*ntes tiro,.- undertakin* rthl Relatives and friends in DAV f<?n Simtlar. January is. nr 10 p.m.. ?r her residenee. 4H; loth irr^t ^uth~ j SA!iUI K- I 'AVIS. wife ! >,nk~}*iU\ ll"KP?'\ 1>:,vis' 4111,1 ?,0,b??r Of ? I Mii(l Leonard Pavin. | F uneral Wednesday. January 21. at 2:30 p.m. GANT. On Sunday. January is. ij>14. at 4-::0 in., at Iter ISIS I'D li, slre.-t K -r ,;aNT ?r MVS y!| Raskins and Jas. Snwd <?f A.-comac. Safe in ilie arnis of Jesus." Funeral Wednesday. .Tanuarv T2. at n m from the M?*tru|n.!iiaii A .M. F. Ciiuivii. I?r nuss. 1). I).. pastor. ? HALT. On Sunday. Januarr is, ]!04 at iiis r-sidon.^. th- Iowa. HII.I.MaV \ . 'hu-d^nd I V> ?To,1,,ie K. IIm JI and father . f Mr- .1 t I? ?" C!h;"? , N- Y j Ha.I of New V?rk ejfv. j runeral services at Uaniliue .M. !?:. rintrch f?t(i and P streets northwest, .-i Tufsd-jy. jaiiu i ary io, at 2 p.m. Interment private. * ; n %u?. J MILlTAliV ORl?KK hk THK I.iiY U, LE?ilO\ 1 i?K THK I MTK.H 8TATF>. i ? ommrtr.d.Ty of tlK- I?:str:? t of Columbia, j < '*>' <*f Wasninjrtou. Januarr in. 1!?14 I .to deatli of Companion IIII.LMAX ALLVN HALL. Cantain 1". S. Voluntecj-s. in. .this ?-itv on th?- lStii in>tant. is aunounerd to Uie Com ma ndt'ry. Funeral services, at whie'.i tlir? aitendance of Coinnauhms is reaur?ste<l. will ?.<? held ar Hauiline ?L K. Chun-li. Ninth and I' Streets. N.W <n lue.^daj. 2<?tn instaut. ut 2 o'eloyk P.M. Inter-, num. prirate. at the >'aiiyual Cumeierv. Arlius ton. Virsrlnia. Ity command Friuadier-Gcneral GREF.N < LAV M?hLOK. I . S. Marino t orus. .... ^ Cocjuiander. THOMAS 11. M-KLf. Kerordc-i-. HOG AN. On Sunday. Jannaiy IS. mil. HLNItV j I#BO. infant son of Henry L. au<l Mae Belle ! Hojran. aged two months. Funeral from the r<?sid(kne?> *<? his parents. H 1 street northeast, on Tuesday. January *J0. I at 10 o'eloek a.m. * j JACOBS. On Sunday. January lb, 1!?14. at ltf ! tutv I *iaCK 1?"' Service* a; Wm. IjeeV )'ii;i|m*1 Wednesday. Jan'; I 21 at _? p n . HH itim ami ? lei vl.f.l, C*?* KEYS ??>? S'liiilat. Jai.'ia:\ IV 1'?1I ni\RI.1> I i.MH.KV KK\.\ Itelovvd hn?l*alid of Mr l iriil.- IVur-r-ii- Keys. 1 luiw-Si from hi* iaie residence, ::7 Adam* ?divot northwest. Tuesday. Jinuiit i', at - ??'? '?? ?. Iiii.-nu-'ia private. KlL' i'l K <>i: > ?nda> Jaliuaiy is. 1P14. ? ! | II :4r. oMm k ji.ii' . at the re?ddei>er ,.f he Crands ?!:. ?. ItdWyn. M?J H ARRIET I' \ uiduu >? .1 ! ?: \ Kiisotji'. ilgnl eight* i t?e ! Burial frviu 1 ??!?? mid* - - akiujr ? iiapel Tuesda*. i Jtumary 2 p.ui (RockvOle p*|n * I L.\ t ??l iif-l'lj on Siii4i|.? v. jiniM't ih. im? iv lii.* t4-j Harvard *? .? h.c.t'uuea;. .1 H\ W?-t.i.VERToN. Mm ! husliaud ? luiia ?.. Lu lourettc I I un*-ml wn i<.it l Inti> r-?sldeu.e Pur*.!*" I a" 2 i?.ni. lutermeut private. ,M.U?RI DFR. . , i. Mtudai. Ja:m* r I y.i. 11*14. .,1 2 a.m.. \N\ KLIZA'. wi,joW . f J"hu F. Mairn'er ami h. \.v .| aunt ..f 1' I ^ Phil Hhxinn Rrnok.*. j I Wednesday. January 21. 1 p m . f~ m ii'-v ! a ' ? rf1- :?i ? ? l ? ???. "w? vi fvct >n r !> wc^i. Thru.- Mctropditan W . >:, v , ? hue. n. It -n. . ? U -iui-m) ?Jul and .'".rd M i e<v? soutbw i*>; 1?? ?! ;i I i ves a lit I friend* invited. 2??* MILV<. D^paito.i ; hi- hie on S.v K>1 h 1j m ? 17. V.IH M 2:15 |MC .. ., . ,4-? r nni' >? a - , iii i ;! i v. *? . t .UN]- j ' T* '?V-1 i i I P* j*:vl si?jte ,-f W.iiain Hcnrv 'If- M (tK Milrs. : |-ai..;r?l TW<ite |HH9 S?. ?. j f . ? \ ? i-t ill' - ? 'hi: . ? !: j Ml EST K Alt. mu Sinidav . .lai,\ary IS. 1HU ?? hr- re*;d>-u< <?. Renninir II. ijri.if.. it. ? \\ '?.,1V on'.x ??,:? of I^?.>ri ,\. ami l.i/.,.;#- \| j ' ayi-il lurlv.y ;Kbiirral li'-m SIMrwtwl ? ttiltua Cby-? Jauuary U" J it.IU. lui? I m?*!it priraT^ ? | NHUMAN j uvmtty . ..un. \ a?;. I .? si. Ijil., *;1 J moinhors 4'ouin-il will iu?-?'; at >,u J toonri: S:rvt Cburrb at i o c-h>?*k at;.*n.l th?- tunora1 .?f Slsti?r M jWVIAN NKWMAN. 18y ur.j.T f t'hlef (harl-? Jackson. M. niARTil-jJ, Seorcta v | PAllKI'.J: simda\. .lanuarv 1*. lit 14 at 0 4*. l-.M. W.. btfliaml of K1im?>?':>i . Isrkfr. iFWrai ?? l?t^ rr^td^n. r. 1.;.". Kic^> -1 r?'??:. U >>i|l.n Jantiury HI. at 'i? . a.m. K?-lat and li >u.J< invited. T. ' ^ in?-nt private. ?_?,) : iiii .lair.ian 11? mm. a- *.> oVj.v l . s?t TY?sl?lrp?T-. ?i st; !??*! ivr! Invo- ? Mrs. MH'II \1 I. I l'(i!,AM? Funeral Wodncsda.i. '? u-U. ar Irin.tT j Cliurrh. I IIOSK. Oi? Sariinjav. .lai -larv 17. 1P14 a; ^ ?' | a.m.. I:l< MARlt Rnsi; Mi tin* t\iir v ntS vcar o* his ?c ?. Funrral |;is eii^n O s:ro.-; portiji. ,..i Tiiodiv. .limitary U.t. a; ?t'il?nli. | nt'THMI:' at ? ia 1 AiU'il inmp[(? t. * SMITH, tin Sunday. .Ij.uiiarv IS. 1 *>14 at p.m . r i.i:viui\ \ii:?;inia. iw?i..v.-.i ! Hanrltoti V. Smlt'i Ht.d inxilier of \ ? j Smith and Kdna I.. Mill.-,-, in the liftv uin ; t f hvr a?r. ii'-un.'ral from hor late ro>id? Ji< ?>. ft??2 K.mi.1 ?'i?p itol st Wrdm-wlay. .latmaiy l!l. a? 0 p.m. K< ativ.'s ami fri<*nd.s invit>-?J to a ! -3i* i SOIIUJILI.. 'I. Sunday. .Ihuunm is l;?| | a ! *?*"' WILLIAM T. S()ICI?KLL. hoioT.. l>u>l?aI'd of Kli/.alK'th Sorndl. and lute of t?i ! J?istri?-t - f C"?>lumhia tlr.? d?'nartrn?'??t. j Funeral from in- lat" n>sid? .n-'\ :Uo M^I/r-n i ar<-tiU" >''urii\.??>t. Wednesday. .I.inuari 21. J p.m. Int?'rut(?ijt at "s-iomtl rnniflfn. Frifiius and n>lativ?-s invitod to attend. J<" l TOSSIT. o.i Saturdav. January 17. HOI. a! 7 o'cioik p.m.. at his r.*sidrn?**. 7'4 Houn d .iv.mui'\ Ana<-o?;ia. I?. v.. CK(?R(iK I. ! lUSSIT. helov.-ii hushand of Xnr Nsa T? s-,' ? Fum-ral Iroai n?sid?*nce Tttosday at 1:3?> p.m. i WHKKLKR. <m Janua: v l!?. 11*14. at 2:4.". a.m.. at his rps'dom-o. 18-V. V.ilver: stn^t north ?;eoii<;k watspn whkklki:. j :i!re?l sixty-four years, hi-lovod husband Mary Kllzahpth Whwlcf. Funeral from Foundry Metiiodist Church. Tu.'? I day. January 2<?. at p.m. Friends n > vited. iMorristown. Itomon and I'.altitnorf i papers please oopy.i ? jWHITK. Suddenly, on Saturday. January 17. 1014'. at Has ton. Mil.. Ktv. MILES W j WHITE, Ik?1ov?m1 husband of M. Letit|? Wbil?*. Resident, 1*17 Ii str?'ft northuo*; J Wasliin?rt?ii. It. j Funeral vervl.-es will be h?Md Tuesday, Jaima-^ | If. at 12 o'clock, at Wrmont Ar-riue Hapti-f Church, ^'ermotit avenue la'tween ?? ar.J R stre<-t> northwest. The r.iuains will 11- 1u ^tate at the church from !? until 12 o'olo k IVieuds invited. ? In Memoriam. BLK'K. Li sad remembrance of our d.-.i ? danrfc ier and sMer. I!ATTIE W. BLK'K m>-e W1 . I iiams*. who departed this lif.? in I'lii'ad.*! phla six years aco today. January 11*. iyo?. I Sit long: years, dear Hatti? . > _ Sinee you left us and slipped away. To iw? with io><l an 1 Ills angels. ! That was a sad Januarr da v. ? uv Mother am* sistek*. ! : DAILY. Iu lovinc rem?'ml>rance of my b* b>*-.H! j mother. JA.\J". I>AILY. w ho depart'?1 thla f life in p?-ace January in. 11*11. Anniversary mass at S; iKuuinic's Chur-'b. Her memory is ever in my prayers. | # NELUE JAC-KSOX. in >ad but ]ovi;iy rcunuii?rat?ce ->f <i??r husliand aud father. HENRY JACKSON, who died nine years a?>> todav, Januarv 1J>, 190.'. Nin?- years aco t'^lay \\c laid you t-' ret.-. And folded your cold bauds upon your breast In silence you Mtffepd. in patience you lure, I-'niil <;..d ?-uiicd yon home to t-uffcr no more * BY HIS I*EVOTED WIFE AND CIIILDllF.N LUCAS. Sacred io the memory of .?ur l*elo%M husband and father. WILLIAM 1'. LI"?\\S. who departed this life tbr'-e years aco today. January 1J*. ls*ll. Three lone years, dear father. Since you left us and slipped away. To i?c with fJod and His ancels; That was a sad January day. A shadow rests upon our home: We miss your well loved fa< ? ; Where'er we turn, where'er btnk We see your vacant piacc. ? BY HIS DENOTED WIFE AND CHILDREN PURDY. In <a?! and iovin^r rememlirani-'' f ET.I7ABETII I'l KDY. lteloved *vif- of ?>rf. r T'urdy and devoted daujrhter of Lu- inda I Ricks, v ho fell asleep iu Jesus one >'-ar to?lay, January It*. 101.1. A vliadow rests imsui our lji-me, W - idLss your well loved face. Where'er wc turn, wiiere'cr we look We see your vacant pla?>*. BY TIER LOVIN*.; 111 SBANi* \NL? DEVoTl.D I HAtGHTEU. iSMALLWooD. In sad but loyinj: remenii':a of out dear dauchter and sister, RoSAI.Y.Ni E. SMALLWoOD. who died two years todav. Jaunarv IS*. 11*12. j ? BY HER DEVOTED-MOTHER AND SISTERS | WHITE. In sail but loving memory of on;- ? ?? - t husband ai 1 father. WILLIAM WHITI-.. ivh ? departed. !l)is life two years aj;o today Jan. | a it B?. 1912. j Loved in life: remembered in death. I BY His* DEVOTED WIFE AND l*ACO!II Ei: J NANNIE AND VIVIAN WHITE. I funeral directors.. _ : Joseph ir. Burch's 5ons, i WU .M St. x.w. ''*r^o,^"w!:^y D. J. BiREADV CO. \ Uvery. JOHN T. GARNER. M?.r Cotpt!. 14Q7 ;?th St Phon N. ?.7H7. FRAi^'K GESER'^ 1113 SEVENTH ST. X.W. Mod?ru chapel. Telephone call. North 7?S$. J George P. Zurihorsl, St?l EAST CAP. ST. ( E"taMlshed 1^"7. ri!A<. S Zt RHi*RST VIrr : W. R. SPEARE, ' FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND CMBALMXB, 5>40 F Street N.W. WASH1NOTON. D. C. I Phones Main Frank A. Speare, Mgr. ? JOHN K. WRIGHT CO~ 1337 loth Si. ?\ VV Phone N. 47. R. V. HARVEY'S SON. Chapel. ir?S? 14tii ST. N.W. Phone N. 281. R. K. I1ARVEV. J. WILLIAM LEE. Funeral Director and Emtalmer. Liverv in connection. Cnia# dious cbwpel and modern crematorium. Mode?8 prices. WJ Pa. aw. n.w. Teb*|)ht?oe call 1385. "WM. iio SARDO & CO.," FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS 40K H st. n.e. Modern chapel. Phoae Linen. '21 Eatabllsb^l 1S."U. JOSEPH GAVVl-ER'S SONS. 1730-32 Pennsylvania avenue northwest. Chapel. Phones Main 5512-5513. Cremations. A?t?iiiohlle Service. FTTNERAL DESIGNS. Funeral Deslgnt*. Funersl I>eslgo?. GEO. C. SHAFFER. Beautifu! floral desijns very r^asonahle in prle?. Phone 2416 M?ln. Htb and I sta. n.w. A r t ist 1 o?ex press! * e i u ex p*-n#l ve. Prompt auto delivery service. Quae Bros. Co,, 1-214 E St. J. II. SMALL &- SONS, Elo:i*-. Corner 15th and 11 als., WASH! NO TO*. WaWvrf-Astoria and ILV. Broao^ay. N?*v Yor*. Flowers for Funeral* a fc'p'.xlallj.