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SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE S HEKKRY CI VTA I'M AT ??\ i'UK 11th da> of .March, 1*j>14, l ?k>M tut '>a?lne?* to JJvai. T. Kasc. All s.-rouut- ' ip aaJ Including -aid dar? are pavahie : m ?. SAM!ML I.. WILLETT, 16* *.*::?? F st. n.w. MADAM ' ATHEIIINE, '>T~ I! .\S IM ~ turned from Panama ami will welcome fri? u-Js and nwiomTi nt 5o,k r?th st. n.w mINTINC I!.\?*KFI> BY PERSONAL1TY. The work turned out in this shop bears ai? the earnmrks of "pr'>jrr<*.-?siv?? printers." It lias about the sune f?.r e i*: arp'invnt tliat is possessed by a weli xpp?*ar.ir4 >.tlegman. THE CARNAHAN PKESS. c st. i\i. \i EXPERIENCE MAY ItE LXii AS' VI-; T?? acquire. but ;*'s cheap \v"<:i sold. AKIHI'II J. HOn;UTOVS experience :i; ? h-eoratins; und home beautify ins; is :it your command reason^ ably. J''irnirnre. drr.porles. earoets. etc. 1147 ?"onn. aw. Ph. N. I*? ?S i'AL TO PKEINKERT. 12i**. I! st. for th.- I?e?t .<pn<p:- wp.ilov shade?. Hartshorn rollers Iiuiik frw, I Wir.F. NOT ItE RESPONSIBLE I'M: ANY bills contracted bv anv ..;h>-r than mvs'-if. W .!<?! ISJ\ GK< >YE. NOTICE IS HEREBY fJ'VKN THAT THE I'ART uership lately I?iinir Netween Mi-s Aliee M. Prentiss and Miss Marsraret J Thompson. l>orii of the District of <olnmbia. ns proprietors and managers of t.i.- Mo.\ REI'??S SANIToKH'M. , <-ondu<-*?M at 1417 Rhod-> island ave.. Washing ! ton. was dissolved l?v mutual ? ??m-ent on the I flrh day of Mar-h. li?1t. All debts due and | owing to said partnership are to be received by Miss Thompson. and all demands on the said partnership'an? to he presented to her for pay men*. Th-- SanPoriuin wiM 'ntlnued under the management of Miss Th.'Uip>..n. MARGARET I THOMPSON. ALICE M PRENTISS. ANNor.Nt'KMKXT. We wish Jo thank our friends and customers for their many kind e:.pressl??ns of sympathy ?nd t.i announce vat while crippled, with the assistance of our many friends in the lumber business we a>- abb* to continue business and till ?M orders promptly. ?I ALLTHER A HI T,! FLY. Tel. Line. I11S. AFTER M \RCII 11. 1014. I WII.L NOT BE responsible for debts contracted by any one other than myself. 17* HENRY B. HlfTKS. CARRIAGE WORKFRS ARE INYITED TO AT tend a open meeting and smoker to l>o given by Local 7- at their hall. Oth and O sts. n.w. Thursday. March H?. All are cordially invited to attend. ? NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A SEE cial meeting ??f the stockholders of the First National Fire Insurance Company of the I'nited States will be held in the general offices of the company. Southern building. Washington. D. C.. on the Sth day - f April. 1!?14. at 2 o'clock p.m.. for the purpose of voting on a proposed increase of the authorized capital stock of said company from $1,000,000.00 to $1,500,000. OA. Geo. W. Atkinson. John Lewis Smith. Ered T. Dubois. Wm. Frank Thyson, F. S. Dudley. Robert R. Tuttle. Robert N. Harper. I tester R. Walters. S. .1. Johnson. Bates Warren. Eldridge 1". Jordan, Richard Wightraan. Clarene,. \ K rouse. Robert J. Wynne. John M<-K'--. Trustees. THE Y.VLI'E OF A GOOD JOB OF PARTING is of in' sr imable valtre as a preservative not only of woodwork, but of brb-k. Permanency marks MAltEWARD WORK. in 14-!.. Phone N. 21110. CHURCH. I.nUGE & SOCIETY PRINTING. THE LIBRARY PRESS. R. J MEARS. I'ropr. Phone. I.ln' . 23H6. 3.'?5 Pa. are. s.e. put LETTERHEADS 1 ALL PRINTED J00 ENVELOPES - FOR 100 BILLHEADS $1.00. Ask for prl.-es on typewritten letters. Sol 14th ST. N.W. Phone M. 6271. If Your Roof Neecs Attent5oim= "You r.-inHv on us for prompt, capable service, Our repairs last. Every job a good one. Call us up. IfflWrnHflJirii S26 l.lth St. n.w. 11 Company. Phone Main 14. Tlhe National Capital. I~ it not worthy of the - j>j)ort of all aspiring mcii who hold public position ? Should it not be made the pride of every citizen til the republic? < )ught not every Amer ican boy and girl be taught to love the capital of the greatest nation of the earth? ?Let Us Demonstrate to You the Superiority of Cur Qptkai Service. All work done in our modern Optical Factory on the premises. M. A. LEESE i?::tory I N'KVEK DISAPPOINT." We print more Lawyers' Briefs and Motions because we do the work quicklv and accurately. TOE SERVICE SHOP. BYRON S. ADAMS. SPIRITUALISM. MEETINGS MONDAY. WEDNESDAY. FRIDAY, fc p.m. sharp; a message to each; dallv read ings. Mrs. J. E. MALTBY. W?7 Mt. Vernon pi. u.w.. l>ack of Carnegie Library. Phone M. 3708. SALVO OF GREAT GUNS FROM NEW BATTLESHIP Argentine Dreadnoughts, Completing Trial Tests, Fires Broadside in Salute. BOSTON, March 14.? Firing what was Bald to be the greatest salvo of big guns ever discharged from a battleship, the Argentine dreadnought Rivadavia today completed the trials demanded by the con struction contract. Every requirement was fulfilled, her builders announced. The salvo was delivered in one broad side. Twelve twelve-inch guns and six six Inch ones were trained from the port side of the big sea fighter as she lay off Cape <~*od. With the pressure of a single but ton all the eighteen guns were dis ? harged, sending as many heavy projec tiles out over the waters of the Atlantic. The dreadnought was shaken somewhat, glass was broken notwithstanding special copper shutters, and minor fittings were displaced, but the structure of the battle ship, It was declared, stood firmly under 4hft strain. The test i/as repeated with out causing any unexpected damage. Precautions Against Shock. During the discharges the men aboard ? ad to carry rubber between their teeth and cotton in their ears to ease the jar of the mithty detonations. It was estimated that the ship's twelve inch guns carried thirteen miles. The Rivadavia was at sea two days on theso closing tests. Upon them depend ed the acceptance by the Argentine gov ernment of the battleship for which it had already paid Sl<Wt0,fj0<>. Another million is due- upon acceptance. Will Carry 1,300 Men. It is expected that the vessel will be ready for commission hi about two months. She will carry 1,300 men. The Rivadavia has been pushed through the water at a maximum of 22.S knots an hour during her speed tests, her tur bines developing approximately 40 000 horsepower. Klfie Ringler. three years old. of ror ona, 1^ I., choked to death on a piece of ? andy. Only One "Hromo Quinine" TV. get iii?' genuine. ??;#II for full name. LAXA HVE BROMO QUINDiE. Look for signature of E. W. GBOVE. Cor*? a Cold In Oat Ray* 25c. NEW HAVEN TANGLE NEARING SOLUTION Understanding Reached Upon One of the Most Perplex ing Problems. ROAD OFFICIALS MEET GOVERNMENT ATTORNEYS Company Agrees to Place Its Con necticut Trolley Lines in Hands of Trustees. Although rinal settlement of the New I tanfT ta"Kl" was :1"Parent!v far dis- i "ru,eCrmSe,inTT ^ line, ,h. coZ? agreT'that^hey should be placed in the hands of trus Wlth this understanding the conference adjourned, and the lawyers will not meet time TSaw U,nt" Friday' In the mean ume i. \\. Gregory and Jesse C Ad mins, the government attorneys will be which life T' additionaI '"formation hkh they desire, and Chairman Elliott of the .New Haven will have an onnor- i Haveyn rt? e?naUU again with the .New I xia\ en directors. Yorl^ ThCnr.VaVe" board mpets in New be 2? ? Quest for Acceptable Trustees. atteemn.H.T?' <'ffioia!s in thf' interim will attempt to find live trustees who are a<? jeptable to the Department of Justice rive t;rr 'h? Count*rticllt trolleys and levs rt ?Ver 'he Rhode ,sla"d <?l Vew u WHS ? l'Clief hCr" U,at if ?hc J ^onnecttcuT Hn.^Ls ?fvtru"r for ">? ! hv \tt "J(S favorably reecived > th Vwih'f1?!5 ">??' pb'ased with ! fz \ civ Xa?edf T as n,08t d,fflcult 'to hean0dfletheT^Ua40wn see Partment says It ^h-L "o^v" the de" iand's transportation - - ew Eng ?S^7s.sS?^? before a? attemn7,S,h,PS l",U arranged Scther on the Boston'an^Mai^e frusteel Department Statement. The department issued last night the following: statement: "Within the last twenty-four hours sev-I mT ts"r?haPe" "aVe PUWis,led state- j merits to the effect that in the pending negotiations between the Department of Justice and the New York v? ' ? ? taSTSat'W?t rea;;hCd January New Haven Dart that lh<! dock and wharf propert/es'at Nw'vP Providence. Kali River ^ Haven, and river nurts i,, x-. her su"nd have intimated that "the den?rr"d' ,iUld attempting in the ! . department is recede from pend,n" negotiations to that the interstate""? understanding sion shall PB ?L rfrff commis Xew Haven fo rptnin ., nRht of the ??tu" - 10 retam its sound lines here is no foundation for these merits and this intimation Ute' .Ia.,uarvrwhes^frn'S ?Vhe aSreement of ?ut ^om^iaroffhe'vl^a^ *'Vcn th ^ ^ a ob,l?ations held by it in the sound steamship lines unl*?s? i ~ ?, rJs and dock facilities owned bv th 1? Will of course pass with thetr from ^ control of the Xew Haven when iT dis Poses of its stock in those lines The 1 partment has made no demand on the" New Haven to part with dock and wharf holdings not covered by the terms of the agreement of January 10." he Mere Skeleton or Agreement. With the issuance of this statement it that n6 P."b"Cly known for the first time ' ^ ^nopsis" referred to in It was wMei . ?keleton of an agreement] went into greater detail. That ? synopsis given out by Chairman Elliott ! sion. 'ntersnate commerce commis-1 declaration **S, dir<ct<-d her" also to the S'St'vraii^s steamers. It was pointed out that the statement makes no reference to what the department s attitude will be if the tsrsst,th-?a-n New Haven's Holdings in Fee. Those familiar with conditions in New the NewC^!'ed at'ention to the fact that the New Haven itself owns in fee the wharves and docks in sound cities, while the steamship lines are owned through other corporations. It was argued that if< nt insisted that the New necessarily Vnsisf that^ffgive 'VT "hieh ^ c?uld us? hJt?KaSiSald that discovery of this fact by the department #-.j iacc disagreement between thJ # apparent the wharves and docks tonferees over AuKiMta, Charleston, Summerville, Savannah and al! Florida points, via At lanti'- <'o?ist Line. 4 ltd. trains daily. All steel Pullmans. Office HOG New York ave. ?Advertisement. MYSTERY STIES POLICE. Philadelphia Officers Find No Trace of Missing Lad. PHILADELPHIA. March H?The police of this city are greatly interested in the disappearance of Warren McCarrick, an eight-year-old boy, who dropped from sight Thursday. A city-wide search has failed to reveal a tangible clue. His par ents are not wealthy and theories that he had been kidnaped for ransom or for some fancied revenge are scouted by the police. Search is being made for an unidenti fied huckster with whom the boy is said to have been seen talking. The lad is also said to have been seen talking with a strange woman near bia home. OFFICERS OF THE WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL PRESS CLUB Left to ri^ht: Frank I,oeffler, McKlnley, treasurer; J. Wilder Tomllnson, MoKfnley, president; $Uhj? Hilda Malcolm, BnslneM, recording: secretary* Mina Thelma Miller, Unslnens, vice president; Joseph McGarrajchy,' at-armfl, and Watson IJavls, Eastern, corresponding secretary. CLEVELAND MAKES RECORD FOR GALLERY SHOOTING 6:02 p.m.; hlRh tide. 11:22 a.m. and 11 48 p.m. The Sun and Moon. Today?Sun rose, 0:13 a.m ; sun sets. Scores 998 Out of Possible 1,000 for Interclub Work, Beating Bridgeport. 6:12 a.m.: sun Cleveland established a new world's record for interclub gallery shooting: last week, scoring- 90S out of a possible l.O^O. Kridgeport held the previous record with U9G. Warren leads class "A." and Kings Mills, Ohio, leads class "B," each with twelve wins and no defeats. The Dis trict of Columbia and Cleveland are tied while Bos with eleven for second place in class "A, ton is runner-up in class *'B,' wins and one defeat. The thirteenth and final' match will be shot next week. Scores: Class "A"?Cleveland, W8, vs. Birming ham, 9S1>: District of Columbia, JKK>, vs. Dickinson. X. D., 983: St. Paul. 989. vs. Adrian, Mich., 971; Bridgeport, Conn., 992, vs. Manchester. N. II., 977: Warren, Pa., 994. vs. Milwaukee Rifle, 979; Bucyrus, Ohio, 989. vs. Youngstown. Ohio. 97G: Milwaukee Rifle, 979, vs. Tacoma, 970. Class "B"?Kings Mills, Ohio, 985, vs. Louisville. 951; Walden, Colo., 980, vs. Stillwater. Minn.. 080; Hopkins, Minn.. 955. vs. Minneapolis. 952: Boston. 971, vs. Marion. Ohio. tK57; Bedford, Ohio. 9f?7, vs. Rochester. N4G; Madison, ' Wis., 964, vs. Xew Orleans, defaulted. 6:06 p.m. Tomorrow?Sun rises. sets, 6:07 p.m. Moon rises 10:55 p.m. Yesterday's Temperatures. Midnight, 29; 2 a.m., 28; 4 a,m., 26; 6 a.m., 26; 8 a.m.. CO; 10 a.m., 4*0; 12 noon, 45; 2 p.m., 49; 4 p.m., 52; 6 p.m., 51: 8 p.m.. 46: 10 p.m., 44; highest, 53; low est, 25. Relative humidity?8 a.m., .86; 2 p ro., A-; S p.m., .56. Rainfall (8 p.m. to 8 p.m.). 0. Hours of sunshine, 11.9. Per cent of possible sunshine 100. Temperature same date last year?? Highest, 67; lowest, Temperatures in Various Cities. Prettp M!n. nation. Fri. Snt., b p.m.u> night. 8 p.m. S p.m. A* 50 .,.. Max. ?Sat ii nitty. Asheville, .V C 58 Atlanta, Ga 02 Atlantic City, N. .1 .. 40 Bismarck, N. D 70 Boston, .Mass 41 WEATHER. Buffalo, .V V. < 111 Cincinnati, Ohio Cheyenne, Wyo Davenport, Iowa Denver. Col Des Moines, Iowa Duluth, Minn Galveston. Tex Helena, Mont Indianapolis. Ind Jacksonville. Fla Kansas City, Mo Little Itock, Ark I>os Angeles, Gal Marqn?-tte. Mich Memphis, Tenn Xew < ?rlean8. La ; New York, -N. Y North 1'iatte, Neb Omaha, Neh 1'l.iladelphia. Pa. 40 Oil 62 52 r?s 04 62 70 82 44 GO 00 42 fts 40 Fair and Warner Today; Monday Pittsburgh, i-a. 54 Fair; Moderate Winds. For the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia, fair and warmer today; Monday fair; moderate south winds. Under the influence of low along the northern border and high pres sure over tne southern states from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans tempera tures are now decidedly above the normal over the interior districts east of the Rocky mountains and on the south Pacific j coast. The warmest weather of the sea son now prevails in the great central valleys and the plains states. Fair 'ortland, Me 38 Portland, Ore. 54 Salt Lake City, Utah.. <54 Sr. Louis, Mo 78 Sr. Paul. Minn 58 San Francisco. Cal 72 Springfield, 111 00 Turn pa, Fla 72 I Toledo, Ohio 58 pressure Vicksl-urg. Miss Os WASHINGTON, D. C.. 53 .'>8 38 38 38 42 44 40 60 34 44 46 28 30 40 28 34 54 3s 48 30 40 ;>o 38 ?2 ?2 44 50 54 56 38 00 04 40 oO 36 50 00 04 GO f?S 64 62 Wilmerding Honors Westinghonsc. PITTSBURGH. Pa.. March 14.?More J than two thousand persons assembled j in the Welfare building at Wilmerding : weather was the rule during the last j this afternoon for the George Westing- j twenty-four hours, except in the St. j house memorial exercises. President I Lawrence valley and on the north Pacific J John McNaugher of the United Presby- j coast, w.iere there were local rains. I terjan Theological Seminary delivered i With the exception of unsettled weather ^ At- t*.?v, along the northern border from the Da- ! the Prlncpal address. Mr. Westing- j kotas eastward to the, lake region the house presented the building in whicn weather will be generally fair Sunday the exercises were held to the Y. M. C. and Monday throughout the country. a. of Wrilmerding, which town h'* No decided temperature changes are in dicated for any region during the next forty-eight hours. The winds along the north Atlantic coast will be moderate to brisk southwest and west; on the middle Atlantic coast moderate south and southwest; on the south Atlantic and east gulf coasts light variable; on the west gulf coast mod erate variable, mostly south; on Lake Michigan light to moderate variable. Tide Tables. Today?Low tide, 4:30 a.m. and 5:08 p.m.; high tide, 10:31 a.m. and 10:57 p.m. Tomorrow?Low tide, 5:18 a.m. and founded. Randle Highlands , CAPITOL or U.S. tWHfTE HOUSC A RANDLE HIG A A CAPITO 1 A ?? DIAGRAM OF GROUHQ. Et.E VAT JO N WATCH FOR A CITY, RANDLE HIGHLANDS. Only One Left Inspect Today Open, Lighted and Heated Until 9 P.M. No. 1623 Irving St.N.W. (Just west 0/ 16th st.) Lot 17x190 to alley. Six big rooms; beautiful tile bath; hot-water heat; $ electric and gas lights. . 2 To inspect take any F street car marked Mount Pleasant, g get off at Irving street, walk west 100 feet to house. g Phone for our free auto service. 5 1314 F ST. N.W. or 7th AND H STS. N.E. ? Court Takes Action in National Life Association Case. DES MOINBS, Io-S'.-I, March U? Henry Pyle resigned as iir.'.sldent of the Sa tional IJfe Association here today and an order was issued from the district court placing the affairs of the company in new hands. John B. Sullivan and A. L. Hagfer also resigned as directors. Judge McHenry Sssued an order ap pointing K. P. MettM^ith, publisher of a farm magazine and" former Judge James P. Hewitt to positions on the board. The new president, probably will be nami-d Monday. Judge Hewitt also ?vas appointed trus tee of- the company to adjust its affa-rs and make the transit r to the new officers. The action today was the result of efforts on tlie part of the t-tate insurance department and Atto rney 'ienerai Cosson to bringing about tlu- reorganization ol the company, llenry E Sampson, assistant attorney general, s?;ud tonight that t:.e sole interest of hi? department was to protect the policy hrlders in the company and that he beli' V-vi, today's court order would have that effect. The state insurance department revoked the charter of the. . ompany this week because of the issu.1tne e of more than $?%, '000,000 in policies to be illegal. Mr. Sampson said that. under the new ar rangement these policies, although Il legally drawn, wouH bo taken care of. Socialists Name State Ticket. WILL.IAMSPORTJ Pa., March 14.?Tiie socialist party in stat;<; convention tonight nominated a full t^i<et to be voted for next November. J^fcph Allen of Bryn Bawr was named tc<r governor. Candi rates were also sdl^cted for lieutenan.1 governor, secretary - of internal affairs, supreme court justices and four con gressmen-at-large. SENATORS IN STRUGGLE OVER DIRECTORATE BILL i Views Differ as to Proposed Legis lation Prohibiting Interlock ing Boards. t The Senate subcommittee on interstate i commerce appointed by Chairman New- ! lands to consider the anti-trust legisia- ! tlve program struggled for hours yester- j day with the proposal of the tentative bill J to prohibit interlocking directorates, j Some regulation of this kind, supplemen- ! tary to the Sherman law, was agreed on, but diverging opinions as to how rigid it should be developed among committee members. "We- want to hit the bull's-eye in framing this feature of the proposed leg islation," said Senator Xewlands last night, "but we do not want a bill that may embody many useless restrictions or provisions that might work more harm than Kood. What the line of demarka tion should be as to the prohibition of ? interlocking directorates is the problem J first to be determined before the com- i mittee can draft a measure to be sub- j mitted to Congress. On this subcommit- ! tee are able nien and men of different : views and it will take some time to per- ; feet the measure.'' Fear Bill Is Too Extreme. The tentative bill on interlocking direc torates, drafted after the delivery of President Wilson's message on trust leg islation, is too extreme in the opinion of some committee members, who fear it would prohibit men in business from en gaging in dual legitimate undertakings advantageous to the general welfare. The danger, they believe, in undertaking to control this phase of business Is of over reaching the mark. The committee proposes, it was de clared. and in this It has the support of the President, to draft a. bill which will be certain not to handicap or injure business, but to aid it by making illegal only such forms of interlocking directo rates as are deliberately formed to foster monopoly or destroy competition. Trade Commission Bills. The subcommittee practically has com pleted its tentative draft of the interstate trade commission bill and temporarily laid it aside pending the completion of the House measure with the same object. An effort may be made to harmonize the two bills before the Senate committee makes public its draft. The House bill will be made public tomorrow. Former Senator Chauncey IVpew oi New York conferred with Senator New lands yesterday for more than an hour. If Senator Depew has any trust legisla tion ideas to suggest they were not dis closed. "I have nothing of interest," he said after the conference. "Just here visit ing. feeling younger and better the older I get." Capt. Walker, School Founder, Dead Special Dispatch to The Star. CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va.. March 14 ?Capt. Robert Stringfellow Walker aged seventy-four, founder of Wood bury Forest School, near Orange, Va., and a pioneer in scientific agriculture in this section of Virginia, died tonighl at University Hospital. In the civil war he commanded one of Col. John S. Mosby's troops. His wife, who was Miss Nannie Carter Goss of Orange, and six sons survive him. His sons are al degree men of the University of Vir ginia. and several were star athletes on foot ball and base ball teams of thai institution. NAMES OF NAVAL HEROES FOR SIX NEW DESTROYERS ( destroyer is named, was ir? command of j the Wasp when she captured the British sloop-of-war Frolic. Memories of Porter, Tucker, Con yngham, Wadsworth, Jacob Jones and Wainwright Honored. Tiie names of Porter. Tucker. Conyng hani. Wadsworth, Jacob Jones and Waln wright. prominent in the annals of Amer ican naval history, have been selected by Secretary Daniels for the six new torpedo boat destroyers now building. In the case of the Porter, both Admiral Porter of civil war fame and his father, Capt. David Porter, who served in the early wars of the republic, will be hon ored. The Wainwright was so called in honor of three men?Jonathan Mayhcw Wain wright, killed in action in 18t?2; a son of the same name, killed in an expedition against pirates on the coast of Mexico in 1K70, and Richard Wainwright. com mander of the flagship Hartford, under Admiral Farragut at the time of his death. Capt Samuel Tucker saw distinguished service both during the revolutionary war and the war of IHli'. Capt. (Justavus Conygham was a plucky sea fighter of revolutionary days. The Wadsworth was named after lJeut. Henry Wadsworth. who lost his life in the war with Tripoli, and Ljeut. Alexan der S. Wadsworth. who served on the Constitution in her famous fight with the Guerriere. Capt. Jacob Jones, for whom the sixth KESCTJES SACRED VESSELS. Priest at Lonaconing, Md.. Dashes Through Smoke and Flames. Dispatch to The Star. CUMBERLAND. Md.. March 14?St. Mary's Catholic Church. LonaconinK. was damaged to thp. extent of $4,000 today and two persons were injured. John Miller, volunteer fireman, was cut bv glass on the head and face, and Charles Robertson had a rib fractured when a coupling attached to a hose struck him. Rushing through the smoke and j flames 1!? v. Joseph 1* Nolan. pastor, j carried th?> sacred vessels to :t place of j safety. The vestments were destroyed. | The fire started in the vestry room ; in the rear of the church. The flames j burned out the main altar, destroying j the statues, woodwork and paintings | before it was gotten under control. SEE US You Wiil Look Better Eat Better and Feel Better If yon have ti? carr for >our tiehing or IIKC \ VKll TKKTII. I hrrr uon'l !?#? any finln ell her. DRS. FATTO ^ & LEONARD, 910 F St. N.W. Main 1577 IS 5J "?ft" OZsAai&'tgr Seven-Bearing Crank Shaft The Packard seven-bearing crank shaft is a factor in the smooth run ning and long life of the car. A rigid crank shaft is a feature of special interest to experienced motorists. In the Packard it meas ures up to the standard of strength which is built into every part and which distinguishes the car. THE LUTTRELL COMPANY Salesroom, Dupont Circle, Washington, D. C. Telephone North 1619 Service Station, 1214 N. H. Avenue, N. W. i Telephone Wert 985 * LINCOLN HIGHWAY CONTRIBUTOR GAsk the man who owns ono I A We offer the following bargains for 2 days that will appeal to all economical buyers. PATRICK'S SALE MONDAY AND TUESDAY 17c I ? ^ 25c Witch Hazel Cream.. 17c ^ 25c Peroxide ("ream 17c ^ 25c Sal Hepati^a i7c 25c Pompeianj Olive ]/2 pints... -i, Oil, .17c X ? I People's Drugstores TWO STORES 7th & K Sts.~N. W.?7th & E Sts. M. Q. GIBBS, Proprietor Extra Specials in Rubber Goods 5 25c Bromn Seltzer -17c 5 ? 5 25c Red Dragon Seltzer... 17c ...17c ...17c 4 2^c Charcoal Tablets. f ^ 25c Atomizer Bulbs... 25c Syringe Tubing 17c * 25c House Thermometers.. 17c X 25c P. D. Q. for Bugs 17c ;j* 25c Danderine - 17c ?{? ioc Wash Clotfis, 2 for.... 17c 25c Blaud's Irqn Pills 17c & 25c Cascara Tablets, 5-gr. .17c %? Aspirin Tablets, 2 doz... .17c A v 25c Omega Oif 17c ? i ^ 25c Phosphate"boda, lb.. 17c ? 25c Nelson's Hair Dressing.i7C % \ ' I $2.00 Complete Fountain Syr inges. with 5 feet rapid-How tub ing, 3 hard rubber fittings and shut-off; dark maroon rub ber and no seam to leak. Q&c Special at /uw $2.00 All-metal Douche Cans, 2 quart size, with 5 feet rubber tubing, 3 fittings and metal "1Q shut-off. Complete at 60c Rod Rubber Bulb Syringes, made of best rubber, and a very serviceable article. Spe- "3Qr cial at $2.00 Ladies' Spray Syringe, large bulb; dark maroon, rubber; perfectly sanitary. Special.. $2.00 Hot-water bottles, in all shapes; made by the Goodyear Rubber Company, the kind that last from 2 to 5 years. Very special at $4.00 Combination Fountain Syr inge with Hot-water Bottle, all complete; can be used as a syringe or as a hot-water bottle. We give a written 2-year guarantee with this article, and you get the best product made. Spe- <?9 98 cial at ** * P. S. Extra parts for Syringes and Atomizers carried in stock and sold at cut prices. Special Truss Sale $1.50 Single Trusses X. Y. Elastic 70c $3.50 Double N. Trusses Y. Elastic $2.39 $2.50 Single Spring Leather covered Truss $1.79 $5.00 Double Spring Leather covered Truss $.'?.69 $10.00 Dr. Pierce's Spring Truss $5.98 $5.00 ers ... $2.50 Abdominal Support $2.49 Abdominal Support ers $1.79 $3.00 Shoulder Braces $1.49 $4.00 Silk Elastic Garter Stocking $2.9N $3.00 Thread Elastic Garter Stocking $2.19 $2.50 Silk Elastic Anklets.. $1,9S 25c PetermanVDiscovery. 17c 25c Peterman's Roach Food. 17c 25c Dead Stucli 17c 17c 25c Dermatone Skin Soap, finest for nursery, skin and. bath, 2 cakes for 25c P. S. and D. Soap, the white soap that lathers so well 5c P. D. S. Witch Hazel Soap, a healing, cleansing soap that al ways pleases, cake 5c 10c. Transparent English Glycerine Soap 6c Save on Soaps Colgate's Tar Soap, for sham pooing 10c 15c Peroxide Bath Soap, one of the finest, bar weighs nearly Vz lb lOc Colgate's Mechanics' Soap, four times the size of Flash...20c 15c Cold Cream Soap, for the complexion: big bar lOc This Remarkable Offer to be Continued For a Few Days More 6 Cakes Palmolive Soap. Value, 90c^] All for this i jar Palmolive Cream. Value, 50c > COUPON' CQ,, 1 Bot. Palmolive Shampoo. Val., 50c J AND One-Doliar-and-Ninety-Cents' Worth of Palmolive TOILET REQUISITES FOR*-' ^ Palmolive SHAMPOO 17c I Note the 25c Standard Articles Reduced in this St. Patrick's 17c Sale. ) 17c j 25c Shaving Mugs 17c f 25c D. & R. Cold Cream. .17c ^ 25c Rubberset Brushes Shavinjj 25c Pond's Vanishing Cream 17c ^ 25c Frostilla 17c 25c Espey's Cream 17c ^ Cough Syrups 2^c Hand Scrubs 17c 'A 5 25c Toothbrushes 17c ^ 25c Rubber Complexion J Brushes 17c ^ 25c Bull's Cough Svrup...i7C A 4 25c Piso-s Cough byrup.. .17c ^ 25c Bell's Pine Tar 17c ^ 25c Foley's Honey Tar 17c ^ 25c Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.17c ^ Kemp's Balsam.. 25c 25c ^5C White Svrup. Pine 17c Rub llheuo^atiKm Array Rub in Musco ;Rubbing Oil, the wonderful winciergreen liniment, and make your* rheumatic 99C pains vanish. 50tj bottles. ... Queen A*$tie Lotion. One application, makes the hands soft over night; fed, chapped hands become I ke velvet. 7?>C ^ Bottles -j? w Syrup Hypophof:phites, the nerve f force tonic. $l.fc0 full-pint rn~ y bottles ^ Penblar liver Saline. i The true liverlar.d kidney salts. 2| Small dose eaci? morning makes 3 you as bright a*?a dollar for 2Sc j the whole day. ,? ?iqr ^ '7Ci Tonsilline 17c ^ Cough ^ 4 1 ! MME. nr FOUR'S TOILET PREPARATIONS can be obtained here. We carry the full line. ?iutra Yin. The tonic wine of Cod Liver Oil Extract. No oily, greasy or fishy taste. Even children like it. Cur?s all coughs and colds. Builds HQr you up. $1.00 bottles / 7 C $1.00 Extra Heavy Turkish Bath Towels, dark colored: hem stitched and made of linen. 59c Large Special 15c Extra Cloths. 2 for. 75c Bath Brushes. long handle. . 10c Glycerine Soap, for Wash 25c With 59c 25c I *