Newspaper Page Text
STEAMSHIPS. LONDON?PAIS KRONPRINZ Sails Tuesday, j GEORGE W/ Sails Saturday. Jun KRONPRINZES Sails Tuesday, Ji CdtyimB I'aniu^o +*Kaisor Wllheltn der Grouse June 23 "Kaiser Wilhelm II June 3o Kronprlnz Wilhelm Julv 7 < Sails at 1 A.M. -^Carries no tli or lib r r./,Vla Plymouth and KOMI fiE? gawI" the mebite fPrinzess Irene, June 17 fOmlts Al NOR WAT-POLAR CRUISES July 4. r??V. SOUTH AMER1C Also to EGYPT. INDIA l ' INDEPENDENT AROUND THF 3 Travelers* Cheeks Good 1 The Monarch C* C /^/>U V f the Fleet O. O. vULl The North German Lloyd First Cabin. Second Cabin an< New York during: 1!>1S than ai marvelous record of 1912. 1. WASH. OFFICE. 715 14th 7."'.66; E. F. Droop & Sons Oelrlchs & Co.. General Ag( ANCHOR LINE ROYAL MAIL TWIN-SCREW STEAMSHIPS "Cameronia," "California," "Caledonia" and "Columbia" Sail I n?r from New York every Saturday. GLASGOW A 1MDMDEHV For Book of Tours. Hates, etc.. apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. GeuT Agents. 21 State st.. New York, or GEORGE W. MOSS. 517 14th at. n.w.. or E. F. DROOP & SON. G 4b 13th ata. n.w.. Washington. LAMPORT A HOLT LINE. Rio Be Janeiro THE CITY BEAUTIFUL, i BAHIA. SANTOS. MONTEVIDEO And BUENOS AY RES. ! New and Fast (12,500-ton? Passenger Steamers . from New York every alternate Saturday." i (I BUSK A DANIELS. Gen. Agts.. 8 H'way, N.Y. j R. M. Hick*. 1??6 V st. n.w., |( or Local Agents. j emmcST UNII Colli*AGNIE GENEKALE THANSATLANT1QUK Direct Line to Havre?Paris (France). Departures from N." Y. every Wednesday, 10 a.a. I La Savoie June 10 j *La Savole July 1 La Provence ...June 17|*La Lorralue July t> rFrance (new). ..June 2411France (new).. .July 15 SPECIAL SAILING, 3 P.M. One class cabin (II) & 3rd-class Passengers Only, j Chicago.. .Mon.. June 8 t Niagara. .Sat., June 13 ! cpwhutrmr Bremer. tQuadrnnle-soiew steamer. GENERAL AGENCY. 19 State Street. X. Y. F. O. WEIDMAX. 1419 New York tvt.. Washington. D. C. Potomac River Landings AND BALTIMORE. Steamers leave 7th st. wharf for Baltimore and river points Monday. Wednesday and Saturday, 4 p.m.; arrive Baltimore second morning out. Leave Baltimore, Pier 3, Light St., Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, 5 p.m.; arrive Washington second morning out. River freight prepaid. Passenger service first-class. Freight received until 3:43 : p.m. on sailing days. JOsTp. STEVENSON. Agent, Maryland. Delaware-and Virginia Rwy. Ca.. TKpbooc Main 743. 7th at. Wharf. , Week-End Trips TO Old Point Comfort $4.00 Round Trip On Fridays and Saturdays?Good to ' Return Leaving Monday. Tickets Including Stateroom and Accommodations at CHAMBERLIN HOTEL Sat to Mon SK.Oc Fri. to Mon. or Sat. to Tues $12.50 Fri. to Tues $17.00 New York "d Boston by Sea Low Rates to all Eastern and New England Resorts City Ticket Office, 731 15th St. N.W. Woodward Bldg. Phone, Main 1520. NORFOLK AND WASHINGTON STEAMBOAT COMPANY. 12=Day, All Expense, Northern Cruise, $60 Up, Including all essential expenses, visiting Halifax, Nova Scotia, the land of Evangeline and St. Johns, Newf.mndland. the Norway of America. This cruise to These foreign lands on tfie new steamer* STFPHANO and FLORIZEL of tne RED CROSS LINE w ill prove the most novel, delightful and healthgiving vacation you ever experienced. The ships sre hullr especially for tourists; are fitted with every device to Insure safety. Splendid cuisine, orchestra and sea sports. No hotel bills or transfers. You live <?? the shin. Reduc.-d rates ud superior accommodations in June. Sept. and Oct. Send now for handudnie b. ok~7*. BOWLING A COMPANY. 17 Battery nl . X. Y. BermM 2 Sailings Weekly? Ticket* Interchangeable. Screw S.S. Bermudian 10,518 Tons Dlsp'l. Holds speed record, N. Y. A Bermuda, 39 hra. 20 mln. Quebec S. S. Co.. Ltd. A. E. Outer bridge A Co., Agts., 29 B'way.N.Y. C C P ! 1 o. j. ^ariDDean Largest steamer in t* * trade. TheRoyal Mail Steam Packet Co. Saoderboo it Son. G. Agt*., 22 State St., N.I. For Booklets apply to above S. S. Ooa. or any Ticket*Agent. JAMAICA?CUBA-PANAMA 21 Tour*. ln?*l. other WEST INDIAN Porta a*d Next Sailing. DANUBE. June 6. ; Largest, i'Jneai an*l Fasteat Yeaseia to ! I' ,sol^n east AFRICA " ; ?UNION-CASTLE LINE?|j 1 Aek~for Iiluatrated BcokletT '' *The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. ' *TheUnion Castle Mail S.S.Co. Ltd. SANDERSON A SON. Gtn. Art... 22 State at.. X. Y.. or any 8. 8. Ticket Agat. WHITE STAR LINE "OLYMPIC" mm, juns 20 PARIS, July 11, Aug. 8 AUGUST 2U. SETT EMBER 19. OCTOBER 10. Via PLYMOUTH -CHERBOURG?SOUTHAMPTON OTIIKR SAILINGS: KKW YORK -QU EENSTOWN?LITF.RPOOL NEW YORK AND BOSTON-MEDITERRANEAN. AMERICAN LINE ONE CLASS CABIN (II) SERVICES. PLYMOUTH-CHERBOURG?SOUTHAMPTON cxiii t TNT7-T nut t aitrA'umnrv T iwddoAT Atlantic Transport Line NEW YORK-LONDON DIRECT. RED STAR LINE LONDON-PARIS VIA DOVER-ANTWERP. R. M. HICKS. Passenger Agent. Ifeehlegtoa Office, 2806 F at. n.w. STEAMSHIPS. (IS?BREMEN ||, W1LHELM fune 9. 1 A.M. tSHINQTON 1; e 13, 1 A.M. : SIN cecilie ine 16, i A.M. Fast Mail Sailing 1 fifJrnsser Knrfuerst June 6 ; I'rlnz Friedrioh Wllhelm June 27 I #I':>rl?ar?? .July aldn. l<'arries (II? and (III) cabin. 1 Boulogne-S-M. 111 now :RRANEAN j f Kocnig Albert, July 4 !|| | giers. || July 18, Joiy 24. Aur. 11. IJ ! A vaa EUROPE ':!: md the FAB EAST. j; ; WORLD TRIPS. $620.63. U1 Over the World. | | ; JMBUS :: landed more passengers. | :1 Steerage, in the port of ly other line, repeating its St. N.W.; Tel. Main to., itww tx ai. ix. vv.; :11 ;nts, 0 Broadway, N. T. jjj HAMBURG = AMERICAN Paris?London?Hamburg WORLD'S LARGEST SHIPS, I 'Tmperator"?"Vaterland" KAISER PC Al'G. VIC .'...Tune 9. 11 A.M. I "Pretoria lune 11, 3 P.M. VATERLAND June 16. 11 A.M. I PRES. GRANT June IS. 1 P.M. I v PEN NSYLVAN IA June 25, 12 Noon fseoond cabin onlv. ^Hamburg dirgct. [ "Will <-all at Boulogne. | FROM BOSTON to i CLEVELAND June 16, 10 A-M. i AM ERIK A Jun.- 30. 12 Noon MEDITERRANEAN SERVICE FROM NEW YORK. I Gibraltar, Naples and Genoa S. S. HAMBURG June 30. 3 P.M. S. S. MOLTKE July 15. 3 P.M. S. S. HAMBURG Aug. 6. 3 P.M. S. S. MOLTKE Aug. 27, 3 P.M. New direct passenger service between Philadelphia and Hamburg NEXT SAILING: S. S. PRINZ OSKAR JUNE 23 S. S. RUG IA JULY 7 S. S. PRINZ ADALBERT JULY 23 Will call at. EMDEN. Hamburc-American Line, 45 Broadway, N. Y. Or E. F. Droop & Sous Co., 13tli and G sts. n.w.j G. W. Moes.-MT 14tb St.. Washington. D- C AUSTRQ-AMERIIBAfill UM[? |UI Fast Trip to Naples and Beyond. || ITU ALGIERS. ITALY, GREECE. AUSTRIA. Ua KAISER FRANZ JOSEPH I. July 4. Aug. 19, Sept. 23. MARTHA WASHINGTON, June 17, Aug. S. Sept. 19. and other sailings Saturdays and Wednesdays. 3 p.m. THEI-rs BROS. & CO., G. .. 17 Battery place, N. Y. EVERY TRIP A TOUR. LLOYD ITALIAN? TO ITALY IN 11 DAYS. Taormina June 10 | Caserta June 30 RATES. $65, $70. $73, $So AND UP. C. B. RICHARD k CO.. 31 Broadway. X. Y. SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN LINE Direct Service to Norway, Sweden. Denmark. i Bellig Olav June 11 JFrederlk VTIT July 1 I Oscar II June 28 United States July 14 First Class. $77.50 up: Second Class. $62.50. A. E. JOHNSON & CO.. Iu?-.. Agents, 1^ Broadway. N. Y. Or local agents. J 17th ORIENT CRUISE. "Rotterdam," 24.170 tOM, Feb. 14 for 65 days. $400 up. including sbora excursions. ROUND THE WORLD TOURS in the Fall. FRANK C. CLARK. Times hid* New Tart I MOSS S. S. AGENCY. 517 14th at. n.w. tt. M. HICKS. 1306 F at. n.w. iCUNAKS Established 1840. FASTEST STEAMERS IX THE WOELDl THE NEW MAGNIFICENT "AQUITANIA" JUNE lo. 10 A.M.. and Regularly Thereafter. Great Britain's Largest Ship. LIVERPOOL SERVICE. NEXT SAILINGS. MAURETANIA June 16, LUSITANIA June 23, QUICKEST ROUTE via FISHGUARD tor" LONDON. PARIS, BERLIN. VIENNA. Aquitania, fta.m. Lusitania, * Aquitania, *?& A *??? '<> 3 "<? Carmanla. J11I729.3 jmi AqUltailla, Cails at Queenstown East Bound. I MEDITERRANEAN?ADRIATIC SERVICE. 1 Madeira. Gibraltar. Genoa. Naples, Patras. Trieste. Flume. Sailing* noon. See itinerary'. SAXON IA June 111 IVERMA..Jtily 1, 4 .,.m l'AN N ON LA June 20l CAIU'ATIIlA ... July 0 ROUND THE WORLD TRIP, $474.85 AND UP. Special through rate to Egypt. India. China. Japan, Manila, Australia. New Zealand. South Africa and South America. Independent toora in Europe, etc. Send for booklet Cunar.l tours. RHPRESENTATIVIK FOR PENINSULAR A ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY LN UNITED STATES AND CANADA. FREQUENT SAILINGS FOR INDIA. CHINA. JAPAN. AUSTRALIA-CRUISES NORWEGIAN FJORDS. ErO., JUNE 13 AND 30, JULY 17. AUGUST T. ITINERARIES NOW READY. Piers, foot West 14th Street N. n. Offices, 24 State Street. N. Y., opposite Battery. GEO. W. MOSS. 517 14th at. n.w.. Wash., D. C. | MERCHANTS AXD MIXERS' TKAXS. GO. VACATION TRIPS "By Sea" BALTIMORE TO BOSTON -PROVIDENCK SAVANNAH?JACKSONVILLE ! Through tickets to Northern and Southern points. Fine steamer*. Excellent serr! Ice. I^ow fares. Wireless telegraph, i Automobile*! carried. Send for booklet. I I R A O. R. R . N. & W. S. B. Co. offices I and 617 14tb at. n.w. W P. TURNER. P. T. M.. Baltimore. Md. TOURS. T?TTT?f"Y"DT? 1 month vacation tour*. $190 up " xNv?/.r .E*. July 3rd and Auguat 7th. MAY'S TOURS. Kencds bldg.. opp. Palais Royal. RAILROADS. CHESAPEAKE REACH RAILWAY?SCHEDULl of excursion train*. Subject to change wltbou notice. Daily. except Saturday and Sunday Colng, leave District line. 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. 2:30. 5:40 ami 8:00 p.m.; returning, leavi Chesapeake Beach. 3:00. 6:00 and lo:00 Saturday- and Sundays: Coin*, leave Distrlc line, 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.. 2:3ti. 5:40 and 8:0< p.m.; returning, leave Chesapeake Reach. 12:30 3:00. 6:00 and l0:0o p.m. W. F. JONES. Pres Experienced Advertisers Prefer The Star i 'ft 11 I SUNDRY CIVIL BILL READY FOR HOUSE; PARING KNIFE USED (Continued from First Page.) committee on appropriations submit the following: in explanation thereof: "The estimates on which the bill is based will be found in the book of estimates submitted to Congress for the fiscal year 1915, amounting to $119.779,806.83, and in sundry House documents recommending additional sums, aggregating $5,701,842.22, making a total of estimates considered by the committee in the preparation of the bill of $125,841,649.05. "The bill appropriates $107,696,759.28, which sum is? "A reduction of $17,784,889.77 under the estimates submitted by the execu- I tive and I "A reduction of $16,993,189.59 under [ the appropriations for the current fisj cal year, 1914. Reductions and Increases. "Following is a comparison of the appropriations recommended in the accompanying bill with the appropriations made for the current year. "For public buildings within their present limit of cost, including annual I repairs. heating: apparatus. vaults, safes and locks, and general expenses in the supervising- architect's office, a decrease of $7,r?83.674.84. "For engraving and printing. $3,395,000: an increase of $41,073. "For other miscellaneous objects under the Treasury Department, including certain expenses of the internal revenue service, contingent expenses of the independent treasury, and distinctive paper for United States securities and national currency. $1,131,865; an increase of $125. . "For expenses of collecting customs. $10,150,000, being the same as the sum appropriated for the current year. "For completion of the Columbia Hospital for Women in the District of Columbia, $200,000; an increase of $100,000. Decrease for Smithsonian. "For objects under the Smithsonian Institution. including international exchanges, international catalogue of scientific literature. American ethnology, astrophysical observatory. National Museum and National Zoological Park, $606,000; a reduction of $63,200. "For the interstate commerce commission. including $1,900,000* for valuation of property of carriers, $3,650,000; an increase of $1,620,000. "For the United States board of mediation and conciliation $50,000; the sum estimated for. "For the commission on industrial relations, $20,000. instead of the unexpended balance reappropriated and $50,000 additional thereto for the current year. "For armories and arsenals. $534,422: a j decrease of $1 OS,578. . "For barracks and quarters at seacoast ! defenses in -continental United States, $25,641; a reduction of $89,437. I "For necessary accommodations for seacoast artillery in the Philippine and Hawaiian Islands there is recommended the sum of $750,000; an increase of $550,000. "For maintenance *of national cemeteries, headstones for graves of soldiers, etc.. $338,820: an increase of $46,200. "For construction of military structures in the Philippine Islands there is recommended as a new item $154,000. "For national military parks, $175,060; a reduction of $7,000. "For improvement of Yellowstone Park, $220,000; an increase of $20,000. "For improvement of Crater Lake National Park. $75,(X?. the same as the amount for the current year. Local Buildings and Grounds. "For buildings and grounds in and around Washington, D. C., $238,950; an increase of $22,500. \r or expenses or trie executive man- | sion. including traveling expenses of the President, $86,600: the same as the amount appropriated for the current year for similar purposes. "For lighting the public grounds, $20,320: an increase of $1,500. "For the Washington Monument, $14,320; an increase of $2,500. i "For expenses of the commission on fine j arts, $5,000; the same as was appropriated for the current year. "There is recommended for completing work on the Grant memorial. $23,000, together with the sum of $5,000 for unveiling the same. "For continuing the Lincoln memorial, $400,000; an increase of $100,000. "For the improvement of rivers and harbors, under contract authorizations contained in river and harbor acts, $0,iXk>,00U; a decrease of $3,055,795. "For beginning the Arlington memorial i amphitheater the sum of $25o,000 is rec- j ommended as a new item. ! "For publishing engineer mans for use i of the War Department, $10,<i00; an in- j crease of $2,500. j "For support and treatment of destitute I patients in the Providence Hospital, $19,000; the same as the amount appropriated for the current fiscal year. "For maintenance of Garfield Hospital, $19,000; the same as the amount appropriated for the current fiscal year. "For the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, $3,N21,G00; a reduction of $177,005. "For repairs of building. Interior Department. $3o,<HK); the same <is the amount appropriated for the current fiscal year; ; and in addition special items for repair and improvement of the patent office building and the old Post Office Department building, amounting to $55,590, are recommended. "For work at the Capitol and for general and special repairs thereto, $30,000; the same as the amount appropriated for the current fiscal year. "FVm- imnrovine the Gnnitol and grounds, $91,000; an Increase of $01,000. "For the Government Hospital for I "where tl ;| ADIROh ! I or 1000 ! I Let us send yoL I I fully describing I They give you all t will need in plann pictures, hotels, cai Write for them tc They're free for the I Address TRAVEL BUI Grand Central Terminal 1 the Insane, $344,943; a decrease of $102,461. Cut for Government Hospital. "For4he Columbia Institution for the Deaf, $97,000; an increase of $22,500. "For Howard University, $99,000; a decrease of $2,000. "For Freedmen's Hospital, $66,640; an increase of $5,600. "For repairs of courthouse at Washington. $5,000; the same as for the current year. "For completion of the central school building for the National Training School for Boys $20,000 is recommended as a new item. "For the bureau of fisheries. $080,680; a decrease of $97,500. i "For the bureau of standards there is I recommended as a new item $25,000 I toward the ConstmrHnn r?f a rhemienl laboratory building:. "Under the government printing office, $3,330,295: a decrease of $408,175.35. "For continuing the construction of the Panama canal, $20,718,000; an increase of $1,942,007. "For fortification of the Isthmian canal, $1,124,475; a decrease of $3,984,875." Placed Under War Department. The bill carries a legislative provision placing under the jurisdiction of the War Department "all public spaces resulting from the filling of canals in the original j city of Washington not now under the i jurisdiction of the chief of engineers of | the United States Army, except such I portions as are included in the navy I yard or in actual use as roadways and I sidewalks, and except the portions assigned by law to the District of Columbia for use as a property yard and the location of a sewage pumping station, respectively," and "shall be laid" out as reservations as a part of the park system of the District of Columbia. The chief of engineers of the United States Army shall have authority to grant permission to the municipal authorities of the District of Columbia or to any of the executive departments to occupy temporarily spaces derived from original canal locations when required by public necessity or convenience." Under New Jurisdiction. Potomac Park is taken from the jurisdiction of the office of public buildings and grounds and placed under control of the chief of engineers. United States Army. The bill prohibits the con an utiiuu ui any laguun vr speeuway 111 Potomac Park except by special act of Congress. The section of the bill permitting boat clubs to occupy the eastern shores of Potomac Park is as follows: "The chief of engineers is authorized to permit, at his discretion, boat clubs to erect, maintain and occupy boathouses in the portion of Potomac Park east of the railroad embankment, arjd to provide and maintain landing and mooring facilities along the water front: all such permits to be revocable at will by the chief of engineers and to be conditioned upon the payment of such periodica, rates of compensation as may be fixed by him: all sums collected hereunder shall be paid into the Treasury, one-half to the credit of the United States and one-half to the credit of the revenues of the District of Columbia: Provided. That the said structures and facilities shall be located", built and altered only in -accordance with such plans and specifications as may be approved by the chief of engineers, and that the chief of engineers may make and enforce such regulations for the maintenance, occupation and use of said structures and facilities as he may deem proper: Provided further, That a statement of all permits granted from time to time hereunder shall be annually reported to Congress at the beginning of each regular session thereof." The section transferring $41,209.73 of District of Columbia money to the Treasury because of non-payment for patients at Freedmen's Hospital is as follows: "To reimburse the United States the amount due on account of one-half of the per capita cost of maintenance of indigent patients in Freedmen's Hospital from the District of Columbia in excess of the number charged to and paid for by said District during the fiscal years 1900 to 1913, inclusive, there shall be transferred from the revenues of the District of Columbia to the United States, beginning with the fiscal year 191$, the sum of $41,209.73, which amount so transferred shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts." Economy in Printing. Economy in government documents and a move to do away with many useless publications is aimed at In the paragraph providing that money "shall not be expended for printing or binding for any of the executive departments or other government establishments except such as shall be certified in writing to the public printer by the respective heads or chiefs thereof to be necessary to conduct the ordinary and routine business required by law of such executive departments or government establishments, and except such reports, monographs, bulletins or other publications as are authorized by law or specifically provided for in appropriations herein; all other printing required or deemed necessary or desirable by heads of executive departments or other government establishments or offices or bureaus thereof shall be done only as Congress shall from time to time authorize." Uniform prices for typewriting machines f "TSr " 7 (sea-sickness! J Summer complaint, diarrhea, 1 I sour stomach, dizziness, head- ' 1 ache?take ] Eno's Fruit Salt f (Derivative Compound) I AU Druggists ?A c ?a_ <. -B your vacation I here's water"? 1 (DACKS I ISLANDS I i our two booklets these resorts. he information that you I ling your trip ? maps, I mps and fares. M asking. /fSgMRINNpUHt ieau ^SnNgnwl Mew York are established for the government bu reaus and departments. Public Building* Equipments. For mechanical equipment for publi* buildings not exceeding $10,000 is allowe* for the Treasury, Butler and Windei buildings. For money laundry machines ant maintenance, $9,000. A legislative paragraph is include*: for the entrance into marine hospital* for purposes of study of persons wit! infectious diseases, not to exceed tei cases in one hospital at a time. I To enable the President in case ol threatened or actual epidemic ol I cholera, typhus fever, yellow fever I smallpox and plague to aid state anc local boards in suppressing the sam< $200,000 is appropriated. Repairs to Smithsonian building. $16,000; for continuing the preservation, exhibition and increase of collections froir government exploring expeditions, anc salaries. $300,000. For continuing construction of roads, walks, bridges, etc., and otherwise im proving grounds and buildings of the National Zoological Park, $100,000; onehalf to be paid by the District of Columbia. For continuing the work of the commission on industrial relations, $200,000; for the United States board of mediation and conciliation, $50,000. The sum of $750,000 is authorized foi continuing construction of accommoda tions for the seacoast artillery in th< Philippine Islands and Hawaii; for marking the graves of Union and Confederate dead in all cemeteries, $50,000; foi the expenses of burying in Arlington oi other District of Columbia cemeteries indigents, ex-Union soldiers and sailors $3,000. one-half to be paid by the District. The committee appropriates $10,000 foi maintaining special portions of parks fo , outdoor sports, and an explanatory nob says that twelve base ball diamonds ar< now open to the public in the ellipse Monument grounds, and Potomac Park but are not in good condition, and then is demand for others. The sum of $25,000 is appropriated foi the construction of retaining walls ir Meridian Hill Park, this being the firs large appropriation toward the acquisitioi of the park authorized in 1912. For reconstructing the steps and ap proaches of the central entrance to tin Capitol building, $11,000. For improvements and repairs to th< buildings and grounds of the Governmen Hospital for the Insane, $55,000. For Exposition Service. A copyright and branch patent o(fic< for the Panama Pacific exposition a San Francisco is provided for. Employes from Washington are author ized for the term of the exposition. General repairs to the Botanic Gar den are appropriated for to the ex tent of $6,000; maintenance of Houst office building. $45,712; Capitol powei plant. $90,000. Under the government printing office all regular salaries authorized bj law are provided for at existing rates in the office of the public printer amounting to $131,660; in the office o! the deputy public printer, $9,340; watcl force, $49,080; to grant holidays wit! pay, $185,000; to grant leaves of ab sence with pay. $330,000; for the greai field of activities under the term! "public printing" and "public binding,' which pays the wages of printers anc other employes, the sum of $4.463.82( is included in the bill in a lump sum All salaries provided for by law ir the office of the superintendent of documents are appropriated for to th< RikeramdHece, Drugs in Sea ioo Aspirin Tablets 59c 100 Lapactic Pills 29c 100 Phenolax Wafers 33c i-lb. box Epsom Salts 5c 1 lb. Rochelle Salts 30c 1 lb. Drop Chalk 15c 1 lb. Powdered Pumice... 10c 1 lb. Precip. Chalk 10c 1 lb. Flaxseed Meal xoc 1 lb. Flaxseed, whole 10c n i* c Remedies ror Jaynes' Foothelpa A powder for tired, aching, swollen and perspiring feet. Easily used, and affords immediate relief. The 15c can Riker's Corn Remedy A safe and reliable remedy for removing corns and callouses. Applied easily and requires no plasters. | C ? The bottle Family ] 50c Antlphlosiatine 3Sc 75c Antiphlosftstine 58c $1.50 Phosphagon $1.15 $1.00 HacmatoKcn 80c 50c Haumc Analfceslqne 40c 50c Rcicnlln 30c $1.00 Taurocol Tablet? 79c $1.25 Venacolate Tablet? $14)0 25c Humphreys' Remedtea 18c 25c Munyon's Remedies 18c 75c Bell*? Papayan? 60c 25c Bell*? Papayan? 20c 25c Brown'? Troche? 18c 25c Zymole Trokeys 10c Rlkerdymon? 19c 50c Auherfgler'? Pastille? 35c 25c Kondon'a Jelly 10c 50c Kondon's Jelly 39c Jaynes* C atarrh Cream, large. .25c 75c Tamar lndlcn 55c 25c Murray*? Charcoal Tablets. .19c Jaynes* Charcoal Tablets, larg;e.l5c 50c Stuart*? Dyspepsia Tablet?.37c Toilet N 75c Mercollaed \V?x 60c 60c Saxollte 40c HI .00 Py roxi n S9c 91.00 Rimmel'i) Coamctlqoc 60c 25c Pyrodcnto 19c 50c Pyrodcnto 38c 91.00 Pyrodcnto 75c 50c Lavorls 35c 25c Lavorld 20c 50c ZhonKira 39c 50c M. A B. Month Wash 39c 91.00 M. A B. Mouth Wanh 78c Lactab Buttermilk Delicious Buttermilk as prepared from our pure cultures of selected Bulgarian lactic ferments. Ask for booklet. The E glass You Are Sal Washington ! 6= i - amount of $178,395; furniture, fixtures, office supplies, etc.. for the superintendent of documents. $153,000; to enable the public printer to install a mail chute from the printing office to 3 the new city post office, $30,000. i ' , F. H. WALKER TO BE HOST. i Will Entertain Association of Oldest j Inhabitants of District. j Members of the Association of Oldest > Inhabitants of the District of Columbia will be the guests of Frank H. Walker at a clam chowder feast to be given tomorrow night at the association's headquarters in the old Union engine house. 19th and H streets northwest. Mr. Walker annually entertains the association in this fashion, the event being in honor of his birthday. Preceding the feast the association will hold its regular June meeting. Joseph I. Keefer will present the asso5 ciation with a picture of the first reunion * of the National Society of California Pioneers, held at Marshall Hall May 14, 1887. The picture belonged to W. C. > I Dnricp Tn thn crnnn aro t> nIIm 1IPT of distinguished men, most all of whom are now dead. On that date one of their members sent them a quantity of California wine, which brought into requisition in the adjoining mansion house the famous punch bowl which belonged to Gen. Washington at Mount Vernon, and which was bought at the sille in 1S57 by 3 Thomas Marshall, when the place was sold to the Mount Vernoon Ladies' Asso" ciation. r * r Reports from the menhaden fishing 5 steamers, which have been scouring the 5 waters of the Chesapeake and along the , Atlantic coast in search of the bunkers. , indicate that while the catch has not 2 been large all the steamers have made fairly good hauls, averaging about 40.1*10 r for each steamer daily. i ?? ?i???? 1 (Turn Woolrc nr Mnrn in Pnlnrotln > i i nv Tibtno vi imviv m uviuiuuu | ?as Inexpensive as Home \ 1 I V ) You will be surprised to learn how / J little it costs to spend two weeks or ( ) more In Colorado. I have corrected \ i ) many wrong impressions about Colo-\ t (rado's Hotels and Boarding Houses > - /and my road. "The Burlington" (C. \ - ( B. & Q. R. R.?, now gets out a booklet (showing how reasonably and pleas-\ - ( antly one ran spend a vacation in j - \ v-oiorado. > i \ "I would love to go L'. Ooioiido on my va- ) ~ ( cation this summer, but the Hotel prices are) ( so high"-used to be the expression of many. ) ' \ Five minutes* talk convinced them other- \ ( wise. Colorado has her share of elaborate \ ' ( Hotels, but Colorado has lots of comfortable \ r ( boarding places where the rates are as low \ ) us $H.OO a week?clean surroundings. and ( 1 \ wholesome appetizing fare. r 1 \ 1 would like to send you a copy of our) \ booklet. It will give you an entirely differ- ) t tent idea about Colorado's Hotel exjn'nses. a\ 3 ) complete list of Hotels and l>oarditig houses, t \ their locations, rates, conveniences, eleva- / I \ tions and other information. In addition. It) v ( gives nill particulars on Colorado?its attrac- \ ) tions and points of interest. ( ) WM. AUSTIN. General Agent, Passenger! ) Dept.. C.. It & (J. It. K. Co.. S36 Chestnut ( \at.. Philadelphia. ^ mDwcSwiEs tied Packages 4 oz. Glycerine and Rose Water i8c 4 oz. Glycerine 20c 4 oz. Camphorated Oil.... 20c Urotropin Tablets, per box 30c 1 doz. Antikamnia Tablets.20C 100 Alophen Pills 35c 100 Calomel Tablets, any strength 15c 100 Strychnine Tablets, any strength 15c C..I. T LI i uul iruuDies Riker's Foot Balm Liquid Preparation, affording immediate relief from inflamed joints, bunions, corns, callouses, chilblains, any soreness of the feet. '75/-' Bottle Riker's Saniped A simple and effective remedy for tired, aching, swollen feet. Consists of antiseptic tablets to be used in foot bath and plasters for relief from corns. Highly recommended bv those who use I them. Box Medicines VI Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. .74c 50e Johnson's Papolds 40c 91.00 Johnson's Papolds .... .75c Jaynes' Dyspepsia Tablets 40c 50c Dlapepsln 35c 91.00 Valentine's Beef Juice. . . .71c ?u.o6 Glyco Tanro Capsules S.1e ||| 91.00 Colchl Sal Capsules 70c 25c Carter's Liver Pills 14c 25c Sal Hepatlca 10c 50c Sal Hepatlca 36c 01.OO Sal Hepatlca 75c 01.OO Rno's Fruit Salts 75c 01.00 Kutnon's Powder 7So 25c Danderine 15c 50c Danderine f. .32c 01.00 Danderine ONc 50c Wyeth's Sane and Sulphur. .32c 01.00 Mary Goldman's Restorer.Sic | 91.00 Her,oicIde " '<* 50c Herplclde 30c I 50c Cantbrox 40c j ecessities 75c Sozodont 44c 50c Macda Cream 3Kc 25c ColKate'a Shaving Soap. . .20c 25c Wtlllums* Shaving Soap. . . .20c 91.00 Gillette Bladen S0c 50c Gillette Blades 45c 75c Flnaud*s Lilac Vegetal OOv 50c Hind's Cream 31c 91.00 Hind's Cream 00c Hiker's Almond Cream 25c 91.00 R, A G. Violet Water 75c 91.50 Fiver's Asurea Toilet Water 91.3S Riker's Perfect Ice Cream Contains only pure cream, sugar and flavor. Served with our delicious Sundaes and Sodas. I 1 :e When You Buy at * Store, 1006 F St. N.W. ?Jl COURT DECISION BANS 3 ALL SALOONS AT MUNCIE Option Election in Indiana Town of F( 30,000 Is Upheld by Judge's Suung. ta ee Ml'NCIE, Ind., June 4.?Muncie. a city of close to 30.000 population, will ^>e|Tl without saloons after next Saturday, ac-1 cording: to the ruling of Judge Frank Ellis, in the Delaware circuit court, in UJ which he upheld the validity of the option m election held here March 9 last, when the ? city voted "dry'* by a majority of 40!!. er The "wets" contested the election on the ss ground that it was illegal because voting in machines were used, and that the "drys*' at did not get a majority of the voters that 11 appeared at the polls. They contended that 41)7 voters gave their names to the poll clerks and entered the voting booths, yet failed to register a vote, and for that reason declared that the "drys" did not get a majority. ^ 1'nder the ruling which was made yes- ol terday. the twenty-nine saloons of the si city will close their doors Saturday night, j vi and they will remain closed for two years, in unless the "wets" are successful in their J tl OLD DUTCH" _ SPECI Polly? Friday aod n .. i.-nn-td rtA r* .. Duueri H: z?c Dunerifi Prime Rib Roast. J>1r ^ Per lb F Rib Roast Blade. | ac i Per lb 11 ^ Fresh Beef Liver. ]j 2q |[ ?-b F Spring Lamb ? Shoulder. ,?*r II oC 21c % Home Dressc FRESH- FISH Fancy Sea Bass. 11 Oc' ? Or 3 lbs. for 25c. ~ ^ Red Fin Crokers. |0c ^ Or 3 lbs. for 25c. i Large Butterdish. | qc ' ^ Or 3 lbs. for 25c. Long Island Porgies. Or 3 ibs. for 25c. j,p Salt Water Trout. J (Tjj^ j Or 3 lbs, for 25c. ; E m Millbrook Brand m L mma Large Selected J it g% I ruyS In Sealed Carton Lltx, 55 Per Doz i QROCMYHDE Pink Salmon IE 9c 1 R Mustard Sardines. 5c !i* ! Per can il Shredded Cocoanut. ^ | 10c size |i Vinegar. <n>? ^ ' Cider or White. 10c size !:* Fancy Prunes. ^ 10c kind. Per lb jjl Salmon. ~'lt^er 24c 1 Per can \j_ VanCarapBeans?l5cCc Teas. / jj Heinz Pickle Gunpowder: Tulip jljoc size... Brand. Per lb.. j! 4?c, ?0c, 60c jj Japan Rice. Ceylon: Tulip Fancy White. Per Brand. Per lb.. j 40c, 60c jVan Camp's colons; Tuiip Spaghetti. Brand. Per lb., .Takhoma Brand. Per lb.T " ' ' "ij Soda Cracfc 40c QUALITY TE AS i redded Wh CIJP I'KBFKCTIO.V I 13c size. . . CjT^GoW Medal 6s ^ 22cJ: 1 1 lOlirCeresota 6's g]J?k 21cj|J Wedding Peas. i] (n)~ jj E 12e size 1 jl Blue Label Jam. j| Jq 23c size j I ;! 20 Knox Gelatine. 112c P 15c size i j 20 Clhiprries. Maraschino 11 A - oiyie. Hb>^ '? Per bottle 3. Domieo Sugar. flOci? 2-lb. carton. Per carton I; 25' twice ,fAr^" Bakery Be| ser18' ;-Kream Ira: Perdoz Pan ? ReguSar Size, Rolls. <&C We|Bht. 1- to 14 oz Per pan Tea e /\ 1! Large Size, pirCUdoz ^ UC White or Rye. per lc gweibaek. |0C V5e""a pe- ?loz ^ Weight, 16 to 18 oz.. FRUITS AN DM/ Potatoes. 2?C: ^ Per x,i peck -_i: ; Pe Lemons. 20 C ^ Per doz ! Pe Nsivell Oranjres. T>^r?! P * ' ' ?=? i! Per doz !l Ka OLD DUTCH 93o La. Ave. N.W. 3420 Ga. Ave. 3113 14th St. N.W. 31st and M St 1A3T. 14th St. N.W. 7th and Q Sts. 177S U St. N.W. 7th and B Sts I THE MARKET OF ECONOMY. TI peal to the supremo court. It was said i appeal would be tiled at once. , 1 PLANNING CANAL OPENING. armal Ceremonies Likely to Be Held Next March. Secretary Harrison and Acting; Seorery Roosevelt of the Navy Department e conferring; over the program of remonies to be carried out at tho formal opening of the Panama canaltie date of the opening has not yet ?en determined, but it seems unlikely ' ai me lormai cerenumirs w in in cur itil after adjournment of Congress ?xt March. i)ne of the features which already is igaging the attention of the officialthe proper reception of the great ternational fleet whicli will assemble Hampton roads am! proceed throug.i ie canal to San Francisco. Urges Municipal Ownership. Julian Pierce, president of the Study lub in Economics, appeared before the ouse District committee today in favor the Crosser hill for municipal ownertip of street railways. Mr. Pierce a?iacated also federal ownership or mnicipal control of nearly everything ie human famih needs. if MARKET [ALS Saturday?On 1 y ale r| f < __ H??llniid RHIoa j 31c Battere r 34c smoked Picnics. 14c smoked Hams. 17%C -oin Fresh Pork. lgj^? -earn Pork Chops. 20C 'er lb d Chickens _s_ 21c : SPECIALS -ancy Rock Fish. ]} a er lb Halibut Steak. J 'er lb rab Flake. 30 C 'er quart Jotomac Salt Herring. | 0c 'er dozen ^arge Roe Shad. 70C Sach _ i m Fresh Gathered A A Eggs H- .H?arby 2Zc 1 OO Per Poz [Mrtment " andalls Hr & 10c Hives, Stuffed. 9r Oe size Ireaim Salad ' Mustard". 9c Champion Jam. <p)? Oc size * Macaroni. c^UL. gc Oc size Howard's Salad D ressimg. J* ^ G irn Flakes-?,d.e"Rod 8c FIM* WKIVW 10c Package :?. or!! Coffee. I'ancy j I tio?ota. E? r* quality. ^(r Per lb ^ lb fancy ? Blended. 3Se /f> _ (quality. cjjOG _ . !rer lb 10c //2C size. Santos. 30c e= quality. ^<S>? Per lb a Oolden ers 4C -lltfc 20C Per lb eat. li c!" BKZ^Zlos II CUP QUALITY BlvST CI Aaav Patapsoo o'b ]?[*. 19c I lUUl H ecker's 6's J.'*rk 20c Sridgetoni Lima Beams. ^ 9c :eumbertoOEiveOiL 'eaclhes.'^1*:" jY" c can pple Butter. l>A<r lb. pail. Kach ^^ ^ lue Latsei Catsup. 20c c size. ^ ian'sCAiyr"^3'r 25c A KRKSH BAKING mrtmenitTwicK A DAY >1 Breaa--run^9. lOc ;Per doz 3 for 10c B?r ioc ; Per doz t ?c:!:S'n 10c L-, 5c||g^- 20c EGETABLES Fr#?53li - U1"aWCS- Ripe.- HOC r lb ew Peas."1^; | Ar '.< peck.. . w ineapples. FRr~h- j(Q)c ,ch [ MARKET X.W. *th and K Sts. S E. h. X.W. 7th and H Sts. X.E. X.W. 1105 H St. X.E. X.E. 1652 X. Capitol St. IB MARKET OF CLEANLINESS, _