Newspaper Page Text
PHILADELPHIA WOMEN LEAD IN GOLF BATTLE Defeat Boston Team in First Match | for the Griscom Cup. NEW YORK. June 1?As a result of losing: to Philadelphia by twelve matches to nine in the first of the tricfty contests ior me i. icmcnr a. c*nscom cup "vti mc links of the Greenwich Country Club yesterday the Boston combination will play the team of the Women's Metropolitan Golf Association on the same court today. Boston won the cup last year and it was considered that with three new members, one of whom was Mrs. Kdwin W. Dale>. the southern champion last year. Boston would come close to repeating:. It was the newcomers who did the better work, all three <?f them win- | niiiK. The order of play required tifteen in- i dividual matches in the morninp and six j foursome contests in the afternoon. t Philadelphia won nine out of the indi-' viduals. thus getting: three matches. The f result of the foursomes was an even ! break, each team winning: three. The , score: Individuals. Philadelphia?Mrs. Ronald H. Barlow, I Mrs. | C H Vanderbeek. 1; Mrs. Caleb F. Fox. 0: Mrs. j E H. Fitler. ??; Miss Mildred Caverly. 1: Miss j Florence McNcely. 0; Mrs. William Utiles, 1: Miss Frances ''. Griscoro. 0: Miss Edith Camp- ji bell. 1 Miss C. H. Paris. 1: Mrs. Milton Herold. 1: Miss Irene Richardson. 0; Miss Eleanor Chan 1 dler. 1 .Miss H. Etbel Maule, 1; Miss Ell. n G. ! Hood, ??. Total !K Boston?Mrs. H. A. Jaekson. ? ; Miss Margaret! ? urris. (?. Miss tannic C. Osgood. I. Miss Har- !, riotr S. Curtis. 1. Mrs. F. . Wheeler, jr.. 0: Mrs. G. W. Roope. 1. Miss Elizabeth S. Porter. 0: Miss Anne Nason. 1: Miss Ixuiisa A. Wells. ??; Mrs. 1". W Bat'-lu'lder. ?; Miss K. F. Duncan. 0: Mo?. Edwiu W. Daley. 1. Mrs. A. McGregor. f>: Miss C. L Duncan. " Miss Ruth Hich'x>rn. 1. Total ?. Foursomes. Philadelphia Mrs Barlow and Mrs. Frier. 0; Miss Caverly and Mrs \and?rbe<k. 1. Mrs. Fox and Mis? M cNeely. o. Mrs Hilles atid Miss Davis. 1; Miss Gris.-oni and Miss Campbell. I: Mrs. Herald and Miss Maul*-. 0. Total?3. Boston Miss M Curtis and Mrs. Wheeler. 1; j Mrs. Jackson and Miss H. Curtis. 0: Mrs Roope and Miss Osgood. 1: Miss Nason and Mrs. Daley. 0. Mrs McGregor and Miss Hichborn. O; Mrs. Batch.dder and Miss Porter, 1. Total-3. QUCrDT^KOiQUM KIT uiilli uvvnuuMvnm A UNIFORM DOG LAWj . Believe Holdings Could Be Increased J 150 Per Cent With Menace Eliminated. Dogs and predatory w ild animals as i the enemies of sheep raising were discussed by the wool conference at the National Museum today. Prof. Potter of the national forest service presided at the meeting and Mr. Jardine, also of the forest service, spoke of the work in the west against wolves, coyotes, bears and mountain lions. It was generally agreed that the aid of the forest service in the biological survey work against wild animals has been very helpful to the sheep industry. The sheepmen say the loss has been reduced to between M and 4 per cent. It was said by some of tlie sheepmen that ten years ago the sheep in Pennsylvania were numbered bj* the millions. There are now little more than 500,000 in the entire state. This is attributed almost wholly to trouble caused by dogs. It was said that throughout the farm states there was every reason to believe the sheep holdings on farms could be increased 15n per cent without- displacing any other animals if the trouble from dogs could be prevented. The sheepmen are anxious to get a uniform dog law passed to cover the whole of the United States. ROCKI/iLLE AND COUNTY 11 nun ITTIIA Urn imiltMSANUNUItil i Fjwvja! forrospoudenoe of The Star. ROCKVIEEE. Md., June 4.?Senator Blair I>ee delivered the address to the graduating class at the annual commencement of the Gaithersburg High" School last evening. The graduates were Margaretta H. M. Henry. Alice Dorsey Trundle, Mary Elizabeth Waesche, lanthe May Monred. Mary Waters White. Grace Elizabeth Bury, Marjorie S. Plummer. Dorothy May Hoyle, Xora W. Grimes. Olive Cecelia Selby, Ralph S. Btchison. George Allnutt Fisher, Joseph Guy Ned and John I. Ward. Prof. Thomas W Troxall, principal, presided. Miss Hoyle - as salutatorian and Miss White valedictorian. In the high school department The scholarship medal was awarded to Miss White. Miss Hoyle receiving honorable mention, and in the grammar school the scholarship medal went to Miss Marian Schwartz, Miss Anna Gray Henry receiving honorable mention. For the best essay. Miss Grace Eury received a medal, the second prize being awarded to Miss Mary Elizabeth \Vae?r*H*. The rinsing exercises of the. Germantown High School were also held last verting. The graduates were Misses Mary J. Johnson and Ella Burns and Prescott Benson. Bowie F. "Waters delivered the address to the graduates, and the diplomas were presented by Prof. Willis B. Burdetto. county superintcnd. lit of School'j. Mi 5s Burns was salutatorian and Miss Johnson valedictorian. Essays were contributed by Miss Burns and Prescott Benson. Orlando Young recited, and there were a number of musical select ions REPRESENTATIVE POU PICKED. Nominated Eighth Consecutive Time by North Carolina Democrats. RALEIGH. N. June 4.?Representative Edward W. Pou of Johnston < ounty was nominated for the eighth onsccutive time by the democrats of the fourth congressional district in ses. ton her*- \esterday. Mr. 1*011 referred itt a hrtof cnnc.ou achievements of the Wilson administ ration. H? said that Representative laud Kitchin. nominated Tuesday by il,< second district convention, would . ijcce?-?] to the chairmanship of tiie ways and means committee in 1)< crmbi-r. BAD BLOOD! Unhealthy blood makes an unhealthy body. Weakens every organ. Paves the way for disease. Don't wait for a complete "break-down.** Dr. PIERCED GOLDEN urnieii niccmrrnv ITlUiltAL UlOtU YJCJVI (b T^Ut ?r Li^aU F*m) Enables the stomach to manufacture rich, red. health giving blood. Pimples and boils are driven away. Every organ of the body is benefited. Begin Its Use Today! / IN THE WORLD OF SOCIETY \ *i Continued from Seventh Page.> * Mr. Richard Houghton. Mr. Stanley t Holland and Mr. Joseph C. Zirkle. v A reception followed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bowie for the relatives and out-of-town guests. Later in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Houghton left for a wed- J. ding trip, and upon their return they F w ill live at University place north- j 1 Miss Helen May Perry and Mr. Willard c Ward Jones were married last night at 7 j o'clock at the home of the bride's uncle j and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Smith, j The bride wore a gown of white crepe a meteor trimmed with silk lace and rhine- j] stones, and she carried a bouquet of n bride roses. A Rev. Dr. W. R. Wedderspoon of Foun- T dry M. E. Church performed the cere- J mony and there were no attendants. A ^ reception followed from 8 to 10 o'clock. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and F Mrs. M. L. Perry of Fulton, 111. Mr. ^ Jones is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent K. Jones of Morris, Pa. He is a. graduate * of Perkiomen Seminary, Pennsburg. Pa.. F and later attended Franklin and Marshall C College, at Lancaster, Pa. j Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hewson left J this morning, accompanied by Miss 1 Georgia Schofield. for Auburn. N Y.. J where they will spend June and July at F th??ir cottage on the lake. They will F make the trip by motor going by way I of Gettysburg and Harrisburg. Pa. The h latter part of the summer they will ? spend at Bar Harbor. C E Col Robert M. Thompson sailed today t{ on the Berlin for Europe. He will go first to Paris to complete some ar- p rangements relative to the Olympic ~ games, in which he is interested. He ^ will be in Europe only about two Jr weeks. He will be accompanied by Dr. " Graeme M. Hammond of New York. Mrs. J, Thompson, who is in New York, will J. go this week to Southampton, L. I. The British ambassador and Lady F Spring-Rice and their children, and F Capt. Heath coat S. Grant of the British S embassy are passengers on the Baltic, which sailed today for Europe. t? Among those entertaining at dinner at the Chevy Chase Club last night ? were Mr. and Mrs. Beale R. Howard, g Judge and Mrs. Robb and Commander p ami Mrs. R. H. Jackson. v Mrs. J. W. MacMurray and her ^ daughter. Miss Ethel MacMurray, will P leave this city today and sail in a ^ short time for China. They will visit C John MacMurray, secretary of the em- S bassy at Peking. ^ Mrs. Clementine Boles of Favettevtlle, Y Ark., is visiting Miss Boulden at the Mag- Y nolia. 11 T Mr. J. O. Harmon and family of Wood- v side leave today for Atlantic City, where they have taken an apartment for the summer and fall. T Mr. and Mrs. D. Mauchlin Niven gave p a lawn party and dance last night at their ^ place at Braddock Heights, Va. y B Mrs. Harriet T. Graves has returned from a month's visit with friends and relatives in Georgia and North Carolina. e C Prizes donated by Mrs. Woodrow Wil- ^ son and others were contested for at a > bridge party held at Rauscher's yesterday r; afternoon for the benefit of the tubercu- p losis hospital at Ponce. Porto Rico, o Among those who were responsible for the success of the affair were Mrs. Albert fi Norton Wood and Miss Margery Colton. ? sister of Col. Colton, both of whom served 1 as president of the Tuberculosis League ^ of Porto Rico during their residence on a the island. y The prizes were won by Mrs. Wil- r< \ m ^ Pennsylvania | Women's | Colonials 1 ^ Two thi b one?and a < | of "Delta"' J ^ Deltas a I* expressly fo || specify the woman who || fort and ser j| nifies. ^ There ai % ples-and bo | ing. Turn ; || heels; Cubat I | ^ Bronze K s|s effective i | Clotli, Sat ^ Cray Sue ^ THE Gun-meta | THE || Russia C; lam S. Kenyon. Mrs. George May, Mrs. 'hantlale. Mrs. Walter "Wells. Mrs. Edrard C. Coy. Mrs. IT. McCrea. Miss Nona ifcAdoo. Mrs. Bertholf. Mrs. Francis sash, Mrs. I. L. Hunt.- Mrs. Lund. Mrs. Talcolm Graham, Mrs. M.E. Trench, drs. Jenner and Mrs. Frank B. Croshwaite. The prize presented by Mrs. Wilson, rife of the President, was a hand-col red photograph of the "White House, tutographed by the donor, and the other rizes were donated by Mrs. Iandley M. Jarrison. Mrs. Albert N. Woods. Miss Uise Davis, Mrs. Duncan T". Fletcher, . Hamilton T^ewis, Henry Breckinridge, Valter Bloedorn and George Barnett. Mrs. Lindley M. Garrison. Mrs. Dunan U. Fletcher and Mr. Luis Minoz tivera. resident commissioner of Porto tico, received the guests, and Mrs. lenry Breckinridge took the invitations .t the door. The executive committee ncluded Mrs. Garrison, honorary chairnan; Mrs. Fletcher, chairman; Mrs. Ubert Norton Wood, Mrs. J. Hamilton jewis, Mrs. Breckinridge, Mrs. Joseph . Russell. Mrs. Walter Bloedorn and Irs. Elsie Wood. Mfss Barbara Kauffmann, with Misses 'ranees Dunn. Adele May and Caroline j sash, assisted with the serving. Among the guests were Mrs. Marshall, he Turkish ambassador. Miss Agnes j lart Wilson, Mesdames William Ruffln | 'ox of Riehmond, Va.; Henry T. Ma.vo, i Iradley A. Fiske. Robert S. Griffln. Vic- j or Blue, Leonard Wood, Henry Hord. J ohn Hord of Porto Rico; George M. j 'oung, Edward T. Taylor. I. L. Hunt. . L. Clem, R. M. Kennedy. William J '. Borland. C. C. Wolcott. Franklin D. ! toosevelt. Henry A. Brown. Archibald | )avls, George T. Porter. James A. Redd, j Cate Kearny Henry. Clarence A. Stead- j nan. T. W. Ihtubblefield(. Thomas J. i owie, R. M. Creel, J. Hamilton Lewis. | ,'dward N. Hurley. John M. Glenn. Cheser Wells. Jack Beali. William H. Thompon. Fred L. Blackmore, George White, illie James. Rufus Hardy. R. s. Downs, herman MoCallum, Mary Stewart, harles M. McFee. John T. Davis, Wilam P. Hall. William W. Dixon. Mary SHllcox, James E. Martine. Percy Quinn, 'homas Walsh, Leonard Hoffman. Wilam H. Bixby, Hal Smith, Arthur B. touse, Wesley Jones, William A. Cullop. '. E. Fletcher, C. H. T. Lowndes. Miles 'oindexter, George R. Denmark. S. A. kinner. James H. Oliver, Harry F. Cary. lark Bristol, Pruync, Thomas G. Patin, George M. Oyster, Thomas B. weeney, James K. Davies, Samuel Beak rs, John W. Kern, John B. Henderson. >e F. Critten. J. T. Thompson. James Harlan, John K. Shields, Dorr 'elt. James Quan of Chicago, Myrtis [atthews. Samuel Williamson. J. B. leshire. Victor Kauffmann. Adolf Miller, lamilton, Thomas Dunn. Laura Horten, -eorge Andrews. S. II. (Cameron. James anby, S. W. Foote. W. H. Gordon. K. t. J. Greble. Chester Harding, Deane . Howard, S. W. Gerard, S. G. Jones, . W. Jones. F. S. Kernan. F. G. Koester, V. J. Alvster, Hewett Wells. Charles ir. McAndrews, A. S. Mills, Frank Macityre, George W. Rue. L. A. Sturges, ownsend Whelan. W. C. Borden. W. D. i'est. George J. Newgarden, F. C. Ains orth. W. C. Gorgas. Willard Sanlsbury, I. A. du Pont. C. S. Haight. C. P. Sumlerall. J. A. Wells, Calvin De Witt. W. | . Mills, J. H. Dunlop. J. N. Andrews. ! . A. Baldwin, and Misses Mary Ramsey, f lora Wilson, Mary Wilcox. A. D. Heil, . J. Hemphill, Roberta Allen. Morrisson. largery Colton. Crofton, Mary Perry rown, Munroe, Owen and Edna Rooney. A beautiful wedding took plane last j vening. when Miss Florida Frances I levenger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. i Clevenger, and Mr. Leigh Lanman j Tettleton of Salt Lake City were mar- j led at the residence <>f the bride's j arents. the Rev. Dr. John MacMurray I fficiating. j The bride, who was given away by her j ather, wore a lovely gown of white | repe de chine, made with a train and rimmed with touches of old lace and mbroidered in pearls. Her tulle veil ras arranged with a cap of point lace nd tiny clusters of orange blossoms. Ter bouquet was a shower of bride oses and lilies of the valley. She was iBiOc vmmjL Avenue. Sc i $3.50 and $4 , Oxfords and $2.20 ngs are going to make thit quick one. The wonderful shoes?and the extraordina re truly our Shoes. The) r us. We dictate the qc details of shape and finis has ever worn them knows vice and style the name e "Delta" novelties and " th are represented in this s] ind welt soles; Cuban L l kidney: spool and Low le COLONIALS are in Patent C< I??~~~~"" metal, D u I 1 id, Russia Calf, W hite Duck and rombinations of Patejit Death in and Suede: also Gun-metal va de backs. OXFORDS are the Button s ~~ "?' models, in Rus: 1. Dull Kid and Patent Colt. PUMPS are in Patent Colt: Gt "" "~Gray, Black and Brow ilf, Black and Brown Satin. hey are all "Deltaj In all sizes, 11 $2.20 no1 attended by Miss Adalinda. Jacobsen as maid of honor, who wore a becoming gown of pink flowered satin and carried Killarney roses. Miss Emily Orme Hetfield. the bride's other attendant, wore pink brocaded satin and carried pink sweet peas. They both wore i Castle caps of gold lace. Mr. Oliver B. Clevenger. brother of the bride, was Mr. Nettleton's best man. A reception followed the cergmony. The house was charmingly decorated with palms, ferns and Killarney roses. . The bride and bridegroom left later in the evening for a wedding trip, the former wearing a smart dark blue serge I ?.wv. o email Klito hat trimmpii with roses. They will make their future home in Salt Lake City. Mrs. Barry Mohun and daughter Elizabeth have gone to their cottage at Prouts Neck, Me., to remain until autumn. Births Reported. The following births have been reported to the health department during the past twenty-four hours: Sam and Ida Chodinkoff, boy. I^e Roy S. and Grace M. Brooks, boy. George P. and Pauline Barnes, girl. Julius H. and Regia R. Hanlein. boy. J. Charles and Mary I. Kennedy, boy. Charles W. jr., and Elizabeth C. Porter, girl. Maurice H. and Marv Schreiber. boy. William F. and Jennie Strasser, boy. James and Lula Lindsay, boy. Charles and Viola Howard, girl. Marriage Licenses. Marriage licenses have been Issued to the following: William D. Woode of Theological Seminary, Va., and Jennie V. Harris of Gains\ilie, Va. William H. Lewis and Nettle A. Johnson, both of Louisa, Va. Dean W. Judd and E. Ix>u!sa Hodges, both of Takoma Park. Md. Arthur C. Houghton and Ruth W. Bowie. Frank Johnson and Florence J Scott. Paul A. Davis and Marie P. Hudson. Samuel S. Greenfield and Pearl E. Ray, both of Jerusalem. Md. l^eigh L. Nettleton of Salt T^ake City. I'ah. and Florida F. Clevenger of this city. Alex M. Nelson, jr., and Ann C. Perkins. both of Roanoke. Va. Eugene A. Beasley and Bettle L. Jones, both of Richmond, Va. John H. Rhodes and Elizabeth J. Spriggs. Raymond J. Haupt and Erma K. Pfeifer. both of Baltimore, Md. William Clark, jr.. and Mary Oreninger. Christian Andreasen and Theresa E. E. B. Larsen, both of Copenhagen, Danmark. Charles A skins and Caroline L. Grose, both of Philadelphia, Pa, Harvey S. Nicholson and Bessie E. Waters. Tabb?Welch. Special <V?rrpspondenc? of The Star. CLARENDON, Va.. June 4.?Tuesday night, at the Presbyterian Chyrch at Ballston. Miss Anna Welch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Tucker Garrett of Clarendon, and Mr. James Noble Tabb of Parkersburp. W. Va., were married by Rev*. Mr. Kirby. The church was very prettily decorated. The ushers were Dr. James Moser. Dr. Richard W. Sutton, Mr. Roscoe Alleman and Mr. Charles D. Boyer. The bridesmaids were Miss Caroline Moser and Miss Uelen Van Denburph, and the matron of honor. Mrs. Charles D. Boyer. The bride came in with Mr. Randolph Tucker Garrett, and Mr. Claude m 1 vrenth Street. ^ "Delta" | Piimns. I JB. V* AiA 1^ y ^ I > sale a big ^ reputation || ry price. || ; are made ^ lality; we | ;h. Every | what com- i; Delta" sig- || Delta" sta- || pecial offerouis wood Is ather heels. |$ alt, Gun- | Kid, i I in manv ??5 er" "with I mps and |> ind Lace ^ iia Calf, ^ in-metal: & n Suede; "" I w-(\l y P. Light of Parkersburg, W. Va.t was i best man. The bride wore a pretty gown i of white satin and brocaded crepe meteor < draped In lace, and tulle veil and orange 1 blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet 1 of bride roses and wore a pearl brooch, . the gift of the groom, and a cameo pendant which is a family heirloom. The [ matron of honor wore pink crepe meteor, while the bridesmaids were daintily dressed in crepe dc chine draped with flowered organdy. They and the matron of honor carried baskets of pink roses. The groom gave his ushers scarfpin souvenirs and the bride gave her attendants crescent-shaped brooches. A reception followed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Garrett for the wedding party, relatives and personal friends. Not only was the beautiful Garrett home attractively decorated with peonies and ferns, but the wide lawns were illuminated with strings of vari-colored electric lights. A buffet supper was served. The young couple received many handsome presents. They have gone to New York city, and from there will take the Hudson river trip to Albany and then on to Lake George and Plattsburg, in the Adirondacks. returning in about two and onehalf weeks to Parkersburg, W. Va.t where they will reside. Deaths Reported. The following deaths have been reported to the health department during the past twenty-four hours: Benjamin S. Prosise, 50 years, 3713 North Capitol street. Lucy F. Green, 36 years, Georgetown University Hospital. Elmina D. Mull, 57 years, 60 R street northwest. Maggie G. Myers, 24 years, 1313 Pennsylvania avenue southeast. John R. Tolman, 27 years, Tuberculosis Hospital. Eva Smith, 50 years, 616 2d street southwest. William H. Washington, 1 year, 2230 12th street northwestJames Monday, lb minutes, 1021 3d street northwest. Secretary and Mrs. McAdoo Return. Secretary McAdoo and his bride, the President's daughter, returned to Washington late yesterday afternoon from their honeymoon. They called at the White House to see the President and his ! family and then went to their Massa- j chusetts avenue home. CUBAN OFFICIALS CONVICTED. Must Serve Prison Sentences for Murder of Police Chief. HAVANA. June 4.?Gen. Ernesto Asbert, ex-governor of Havana province, and Eugenio Urias. a former member of the house of representatives, yesterday i & j* jt jt jtj* j* j* j* j* j* j* J* J* I THREE :At O'Dc I We have Selected th *> % I 3-Day Di n 5 Popular Me< ^ $1.00 Sal 71*% I Hepatlca *** ! ^ $1.00 Bovinine 75c * ' $1.00 Allenbury s Q^., * Food OOC v 7oc Eskay's CO ? *' Food OSC * $1.00 Dr. Pierce's fi7*% ?> Remedies .V* ? V, $1.00 Father John's fiQ*% y Medicine USJC y $1.00 Gude's Pepto- 7Qr? " mangan * $1.00 Neoferrum *> for 1C ^ 75c Mellen's ?S^*% ? Food .will# J $1.00 Hostetter's 71*% ~ Bitters ~ ? f?c,#01:yso!..'..: 79c *, $1.00 D. D. D. for fiQ*% y Eczema U57C ' $1.00 Zcmo for 71*% ^ Eczema XC ^ $2.00 Eckman's ^ Alterative ?pX?#0 y $1.00 Warner's Safe AQ*% ^ Kidney Cure. OI7C J $1.00 Grover Graham's ? Dyspepsia Cur^ OJ7C % * Cotton Seed Oil; on. Williams' the best. Gallon. rjuet Soap; ^?? box V, White Hellabore, for y killing bugs on rose Jordan's j bushes. 1-lb. 25c lehem Gates 'J bOX a^ew T,? Liehig's M; ? Rheumatism Bath r_ j dozen . *, Salt * Barcelona1 ^ C r a d d o c k"s tile Soap. Blue Soap. 3 fO. bar cakes * y- Moth B a ? Imported ff)r Moth Flake ^ Haarlem Oil ... lbs ; VACUUM BOTTLE T Special i^isL A very attractive bot- II IIR ' tie that comes in an all- ^Hf *, metal case with nickel- ! oBj w plated trimmings. Will Bl j keep liquids hot for 24 IH II hours and cold for 72 B? *J Useful in many ways ||| ^E " at home, traveling, mo- M f torins. for the baby and ^B y sick room. See them at^ |B Bl * ""'BY MAIL. ADD 6C J EXTRA. j ____ * The Original Thermos Bottles *-> Pint size. Regular price. iX- *- $l-98 *, Quarts. Regular price. ^ $7;oo. Sale $2.69 J nrice 1 ' ^ If You Want to Feel Good * Tomorrow i f/i ?Z.Tahlel3~W\ * I !0Q j/tt/t Chattier t*tMiiS : Wfv^^urr^l *. Take E. Z. Tablets * Tonight. * ioo Tablets, 25c. j ' ?" K >' ?' K" h1 ?>' !>' K *T *' Jf ?' J? K *? vere sentenced to twelve years' Imprison- vieted of firing a shi ment for the killing in July, 1913, of carrying a revolver v >n. Armando Riva. chief of the national was fined, police. Senator Vidal Morales, who was Police Capt. Emil with the others at the time, was con- the defendants accus I . Thrifty Housewives Fill I Without Emptying The |S Fresh Creamery Butter, i-lb. prints 29c j| New York State Cheese, per lb 20c [I Fancy Sugar-cured Hams, per lb 18c g| Pure Lard, per lb ia^ic |j Choice New Potatoes, per % peck ioc IGambrill's Patapsco Flour? 6-lb. sack igc 12-lb. sack 38c "Bull Frog" Self-rising Flour, full 2-lb. pkg. gc Gambrill's Wheat Pearls, per pkg 13c As a superior breakfast food this article has proven eminently satisfactory. L. C. F. Rolled Oats, a sanitary summer pkg.gc U Washington Crisps Corn, quality and quan| tity; 3 pkgs 25c | Fancy Head Rice, per lb | Large, Juicy, Imported Lemons, per doz.. i8c | Hires Extract, for making Root Beer, per | bottle 15c 1 League of Cons I PATRONIZE THE ST H t >(? jl l^omneasiL. M. J. Whelan. 1117 H gt. Jc R. E. Roberson, 5th and A fits. UH J. lv raus & Son. 010 13th st. J. E. Diggle, 7th and H sts. / \ jP Luther F. Hall, 12th and H Bts. Southeast. H. C. Roberson, 9th and S. C. ave. Brinkley Bros., 1101 3rd st. G. E. Bohannon. 535 4th st. Brinkley Bros., 923 4th st. Brinkley Brbs., 108 M st. l^sPFree Delivery to Every ^ifTfflrWrrfirrMTwniOlrniirrWg BIG BARG mnell's Dru< 904 F Street N.W. ie Most Saleable Merchandise and Greatly Reduced Prices rug Sale?Today, Fr rlirinps nliSrJ Pin r iviv^Uij ? | 25c Tyree's -f ^ Powdered Alun I Powder XIC Pound 60c California Syrup of Q/? Bicarbonate Soc F??8 . JUC Pound Herpl" 35c Sal Ammoniac, ' Aft ' for 4 batteries. ] $1.00 Emerson s Bromo- CQ_ Seltzer OVC Cream Tartar. < 75c Jad M, 'y purp' Pound 1 Salts OfciC Effervescent P 50c Phillips' Milk of 9ft. 1 -,b- bottle, usus Magnesia tor '5<- put to' 50c Ayer's Cherry Od. IPfr?Xi.d.t Hydrc Pectoral pint bottles 50c. Scott's Emulsion Cod 99 $1.00 Blaud s Ir I.iver Oil OOC Pil,s 50c Phenol O An . 25p Prpsh Scidl Kodinue ders. box tr/v Senna Leaves, i B0c Platts 29c oounces C^'?r,df Double-distilled 50c Glyco- 33c Hazel. 1-pint Thymoline *>*?*' bottle 75c Hall's Catarrh go French Olive Cure that's pure. Ha $1.00 Caldwell's Syrup of CtAr 19c; pints. 35c; q Pepsin Lavender FTowe $1.00 Fellows' Syrup of '7f* ounces Hypophosphites ? UC O'Donnell's La 50c Omega Tablets never fail Oil Up a cold. Sale j 50c Minard's 25c Pure Sodiu Liniment 0*xC phate, 1 lb Violet Bou- 50c Imported Violet Dulc Tal 0 In 9\r Alcohol 99/- the best of them Stove all Beth- 90/- Mennen's Tal- f 9- 10c Fish 1 ... cum ^ Food 19 Squibbs' Tal- 1/Lr Doctors and Nu * cum i Soap; made with cocoanut oil White Cas- Oakley's Cory- f f 1-lb. O0r lopsis Talcum... y Rexall Violet .... cum reminding Williams' Old Eng- you of the florist lis. I lish Brown Windsor s, 3 IH/. i ^oap: half-pound 7f- 10c Page's >tFC bars, 3 for Glue FREE?A cake of Trailing Arb with a jar of Trailing Arbutus C( Cream or Toilet Water, 75c value., Cigars, Cigarettes Tobacco Reducei ROSA TROPICAL PERFKCTOS. LA LPEBANA This high-grade Porto Rico cigar special- High-grade Manila e ly selected for A. Schulte. 10c straight. Cut to 7 for 25c; box Our price. 7c: 4 for 25e; box of 25, $1.25. OARCI.VS TRIANOTLARES^ OCR SPKCI .Tuft from the factory in Tamna. manu- The best 5c Cigar 1 factured in bond of the finest Havana to- filled and guaranteed bacco. Our price, 3 for 25c; 1k>x of 25, $2.75. 10c cigar. MI ISABELLA, clear Havana- o 1 I ~ Perfectors Superios. Regular price, 20c. ijlTlOKinS Cut 2 for 25c. ? Commodores. Regular price. 2 for 25c. \ cl\*Ct, 1-Ib. Cut to ri fur 2.V: hot ?f 50. <. Humidn Aramatieo. Regular price. 2 for 25c. * Cut to 3 for 25c: box of 50. $3.75. p \lbei"t ^7 P" Superios. Regular price. 10c. Cut to 7c * , / Sf straight: box of 50. $3.23. 1 UXedO, ' %JKm Colonials. Regular price. 10c. Cut to 7c; I t'OKY STRIKE?1-11 4 for 25c; l>ox of 100. $5.75. tjn' ~~t(, LA C.ARCITA Regular price. 10c. Cut AERO CLCB-l-lb. to fie straight: box of 50. $2.7... ANOTHER LOT OF HIOH-t?RAT>E 5c VaI MFR'S I I'XI R rifJARS ('I T TO 3 FOR 10c; s FUR 25c; The Vristncrat of tl BOX OF .V.. $,.50. Vh "flne.YI *r.i. v i iP HEARTS. I.LANDER? can of critical stnoker. I2?~:?v. SI A.sisH CLEB. ED AMADOU; J AU ioc tins of ttw can of 12, 35c. for 25c. All 5c pnckat SANS SOl't'I. T'uritanos. box of 50. $2.25. ? ^ZIKIRA. aU Havana filler. t*>x ?f 50. Ci^^rCttCS I'ORTrONBOS SUBLIMES. box of 50. BULL MOOSE, cut t $2.50. POLOS, regularly 5i HELIOS, the popularManila ? while they last. Invincibles, cut to 7 for 25c; box of 25, T i t-t-1 p ( Americanos, 3 for 25c size, cut to 5c, 0 LjlLl|V for 25c; box of 25. 05c. STAPI.ETTF.S, usual! EI. BALTO. to dose out. bundle of 3, 15c. SOUSA. a 15c pa<ka| *' ? ' s s if s tf r' >" s s s >' Dt In the street ana shoot them, was acquitted- There wera without a licenae. He no disturbances after the verdict rendered, but machine guns had been io Campina, whom placed near the jail and police guards cd of attempting to were doubled. . Their Market Baskets ? ir Purses at Our Stores 2 Naboth Grape Juice, regular 25c bottle.. .ij*Ac j Mrs. Curtis' Marshmallow Creme 9c 1 Vorl. a delicious flavoring for ice cream and j custards, trial bot., 9c; reg. size bot....i5c j Consumers' Delight Coffee, per lb 25c I Banquet Brand Coffee, per lb 30c I Occidental Brand Coffee, per lb 35c ! The weather never gets too hot for the en- j joyment of a cup of good pure coffee, such as J is made from our fresh roasted brands. ^ Large bottle Queen Olives, a 25c value.... 15c g Canned Sweet Potatoes, No. 3 size 9c JP Canned Lima Beans, superior quality 10c g Soapine. the large package 4c g Lump Starch, regular 5c pkg., 3 for 10c 8 Star Soap?save the wrappers for pre- 8 miums, per cake 4c fi Spotless Cleanser, 2 pkgs. for qc jg iumers' Friends | ORE NEAREST YOU I Southwest. f N. H. T. Gover. Tth and C sta. A. G. Schmidt. 4\% and F its. ? | /|\ I. Sugrar, 3rd and C eta R. E. W. Schmidt, 8th and D sts "Jg Northwest. k Columbia Tea and Coffee Co., ISOb N. ? Capitol et. vs C. Rammllns, 312 Penna. ave. jJSTjjJe''^ A. H. PUtt. 6th and Q stf. ^ 1 Section of the City'^a Jt J* .* Jt Jf Jt jt J? Jit ,< ?* * ,* jt * jt j* jt ,s? jt jc * *, AIN DAYS | c) Store S,.} v. fc Cut the Prices of Our Already > M 1 I iday, Saturday I ; J e Drugs Reduced 5 10c 8c J la, the best. Pacific Coast Borax, in dj ?r ?C bulk. Pound -... OC * enough 1Pure Extract Vanilla. ~ Pound made with the best vanilla * r,uamuui on bean, according to the U. S. P. ^mlcal:..32c <inrce..bott,e- ,36c: 89c > Ww.P=nM 2?>a Cocoa Butter, best oual- 07. ^ . . . 42C ity. half pound d/C in uren * r- Calomel and Soda Tab- 1 O-. ^ ..... IOC lets. 100 in bottle IOC % on 12c Boracic Acid, 1-lb. 10C itz Pow- 1 Cascara Tablets. 100 in "t ?> V IOC a bottle kiOC ^ 10c Aspirin Tablets. 100 in AQ^ ?> a bottle **OC * Extract Witch 6Qc gt Jaoob.a ~ . A 15c Oil o4C 'a Oil." the "kind ifc. Oastoria 20c > If pints. PC. (Fletchers) ?.V7V- ^ uarts. ... vOC 26c Laxol 17#* *> rs 4 1 n for A f V ? ll/C $1.00 Swamp 67c ? xative Quinine Root jfe to break -I f? *100 Glyco>rice AiJC Thymoline wfV ^ m Pho.8:.. 15c Jn Dloxo: 17c * ' A rA rum. Ire Blankets; fHr Sulphur. Rnrhell* , "JtZr save the ice >vv* Salts and Cream Tar- * ? ? tar Tab- 1Q 'a Sanitary Wash \ lets ^ r Cloths, in sealed tQr OC package; 3 for. . Make your feet * happy. Rexall tOr * 36c P r o p h y 1 a rtic Foot Powder ... 'a C Tooth- 1gc o 3C bruohea pure Gum Cam- m. 7 ar.o ph?r-'b r, tr'r brus'hM 21C Hoapital Ah- JO <* *-3C Bristles "can't romeout. sorbentCotton.lh. ,7C >A 7_ Root Beer Tab- f n_ i $2.00 Alarm OQ- * lets *v/C ; Clocks; two bells. a ! utus Soap Toilet Articles '* ? 25c Perspirino INc * )mnlexion 25c x?n i?<- * 25c Eversweet 16c * 25c Spiro Powder 16c *A ' * * # * 40c Java Rice Powder 24c ^ 50c Nadine Powder 35c | 25c Dr. Charles* Flesh Food .... 23c , r\ 50c Wyeth's Sagre and Sulphur.. 32c * CJLY I LI 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste 31c *a 25c Pyrodento 18e > J 25c Mead & Baker's Mouth Wash 15c ~ 50c Pozzoni's Face Powder 81c 75c Pinaud's Lilac 58c r50c Fompeian Massage Cream.. i8c *" EXQUISITOS. 25c Peroxide Cream 14c * ijrar. A .v straight. 50c Hind's Honey Almond Cream 31c ^ of 25. 85c. ^ in1 America: l j " N Q ? by me to equal any * S V a. JL 4 ^ T obacco. 1 BAGS s 1-lb. %-lb. f r T!?. Tio, The 6oc The 75c and the * Bags Bags goc Size r : 69C 35c Are Are Are ^ humidor, SOc; 1-Ib. ^ ^ J tin. 09c; *i-lb. tin. VVV ^ This is a good bag to use all year. * v* J** ^an.~ *t is mothproof, dustproof and In- fe scotproof. It seals airtight and can [obacco for the mora be 0"pened ingtantly. Has no odor. * popular brauda. .1 ?"d *?? k<"*P the Karmants from * :c?r ? for 25C. fading. ,.?ed"cled' Drink Randall's Pure J rut to 2 for 5c ^ V r. Grape Juice I cigars. Pint bottle 15c '* ?.' t Quart bottle 29c J K K K *T ?.* if If |C |f |f |P |f |C lC |f |T |C |T |C |C |T |f * m