SQHWERDTFEGER MAY BE RETIRED WITH PAY Pension Board Believed to Have Made Recommendation in - Its Report. Retirement with pay at the rate of ?".0 a month, the maximum amount to which lie is entitled, probably will bo ecommendtil for William A. Schwerdt f^ger, one of the five firemen hurt In he collapse of the American. Five and Ten Cent Store building December 21 last. This Is understood to be the recom mendation of the pension board, con sisting of Third Battalion Chief Charles Proctor, Capt. T. O. O'Connor of engine company No. 1 and Capt. P. R Davis of engine company No. 11. which y^terday summoned Schwerdt fe^'er before it to show cause why he should not be retired without pension, 'lie board's conclusions have been for warded to Prank J. Wagner, chief of the Are department, and will be submitted to the Commissioners tomorrow. Vttorney Frank .1. Hog an appeared for the fireman, who was slated to be dropped from the service because sur geons of the department declared that he was phxsically unfit for duty. It was claimed that his ailment had been ? ontracted before he entered the de partment. and that for this reason he was not entitled to a pension. Doctors Testify for Fireman. Among the witnesses who took the stand in behalf of Schwerdtfeger was f">r. Smith Ely Jelliffe- of New York, who appeared in the Thaw case. As an ? xpert on nervous diseases, Dr. Jel 'iffe testified that such experiences as Schwerdtfeger had encountered during his four years' service in the depart ment would tend to aggravate the mal .?dy from which he is suffering. Similar testimony was given by Dr. J. Kdward Gunning of Washington and Dr. Wilfred M. Barton of the faculty of Georgetown medical school. All of the nembers of the. board of police and fire surgeons testified, the position taken by the board beinur that Sehwcrdtfeger's condition is such as to render dangerotrs to himself and his companions his continuance in active! service. Attorney Hogan contended that his lient felt that he was well enough to j ontinue in service, but that if it was j necessary that he should be retired he ?ught to be given the benefit of a pen- i sion. TO BE BURIED AT ARLINGTON. Funeral Services for Admiral Brad ford at St. Margaret's Church. Funeral services for Rear Admiral Royal B. Bradford. United States Navy, retired, who died In Boston yesterday, will be held at Stf. Margaret's Church tomorow morning at 10 o'clock. Burial will be In the ^Arlington national cemetery. Admiral Bradford was stationed in rhis city for many years as chief of the bureau of equipment. Navy Depart ment. and on other duty. Since his retirement ^ight years ago he made his home In this city at 1522 P street. His wife and three daugh ters are in the city to attend the funeral. The county commissioners have appoint ed J. P Gischel of Curtis bay. clerk, and \V. Theodore Revell, supervising as sessor for Anne Arundel county, Md. CARAWAY REPORTS ON D. C. EMPLOYE BILL ATgues for Civil Service and Nation- j Wide Selection of Local Officeholders. Two reports reached the House today from the District committee of the Houst on Representative Caraway's two bills, af fecting the appointment to places under the District government, and the bill to wipe out the law which makes it neces sary that a civilian Commissioner of the I District must be a resident of the Dis trict. Although ostensibly given a favorable report by the committee, the Caraway bills were reported on by Representative Caraway himself, following a meeting at which merely a handful of members were present. Concerning the bill to allow District Commissioners to come from any locality in the United States and island territories. Representative Caraway says: "The government of the District of Co lumbia is not local, but national. The fathers in fixing the seat of government in a federal district, under the control of the federal government, desired that the capital should be national, and should ap peal to all the people, and should be a model in government. Choice of Commissioners. "This being true, it was neither wise nor patriotic to limit the choice of Com missioners of the District to people re siding within its bounds, for it frequently happens that one is not able to view dis passionately and in a broad and states man like manner issues that are purely local. "The fight now being waged by certain interests against one of the present Com missioners because he advocated a fair readjustment of the proportional tax to be borne by the federal government is suffi cient evidence of this statement, and makes imperative the demand that this,, condition be remedied." e The other bill, to distribute half the positions under the District government to the country at large, is commented on by Representative Caraway in his report as follows: ?'It is manifestly unfair that all the people should be required to pay so large a proportion of the expenses ol the Dis trict government, approximating annually, and indirectly many mil lions more, and yet all the benefits de rived from the expenditure of these vari ous sums be enjoyed by the comparative ly few people who reside within the Dis t rict. All Share in Benefits. 'The contention Is constantly put forth by Interests shirking the burdens of tax ation that the District of Columbia is the j seat of the national government; that all j the people have a just pride in its mainte nance, and that all should be taxed for > that purpose If this is true, it necessari ly follows that all should share in what- I ever benefits that flow therefrom. "Again, it is asserted that places of em ployment in the District of Columbia have been given to politicians, evidently with the understanding, expressed or implied, that influences would be brought to bear to increase the amount of appropriations by the federal government for the bene fit of the people residing in the District. "In other words, that favoritism has beer, the rule In appointments to places under the District government. Under the provisions of the bill proposed these places of employment will be filled through civil service examinations, and only those qualified for the special work to be done will be appointed, and these employes will be selected from the states in proportion to their population, and necessarily in proportion to the amounts these states have to contribute to the ex penses of the District government^" CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO PREFER BOY SCOUTS Meritorious Members Will Be Em ployed First by Men of Trade Body. A list of the most efficient boy scouts in the District is to be kept on file in the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce, so that members of that organization may choose from it boys whom they wish to employ. This was decided upon at a meeting of the board of directors of the chamber last meeting, following a recommendation made by a committee authorized to take up the proposition. This committee consisted of John F. Slaven. chairman; A. H. Rogers and William M. Dove. Scouts are to be urged to design a badge which will be used as "merit badges" for the boys who possess the qualifications necessary. In order to ap pear before the examining board of the Chamber of Commerce, which will de cide whether or not the boys are up to the required standard, a boy will have to be a "first-class scout," must have passed for the merit badge in civics, bus iness and personal health, and must have been awarded the merit badge in one of the following subjects: Architecture, electricity, interpreting, machinery, prlnt inging: or have passed for two of the following badges: Pathfinding, public health, first aii and scholarship. Not more than twenty of the badges are to be awarded by the Chamber of'Com merce each year. In addition to the pre scribed qualifications a scout must satis fy the examining board that he has a general knowledge of the civic organi zations of Washington, their purposes and the general aims and work of the city's trade bodies. W. Wallace Wilson Drowned. Word was received here today of the drowning of W. Wallace Wilson of 1441 Girard street northwest last night at Wheeling, W. Va., where he was em ployed as a stenographer by the United States government. The body was re covered, and will be brought here for burial. Mr. Wilson was a son of Mrs. J. H. Wilson, and was a graduate of the Central liigh School three years ago. No details of the drowning were received here. If you want work, read the want col umns of The Star. The Women's Store, 1109 G Street Store Closes at i O'Clock Saturday. Your Dollar Will Have the Greatest Buying Power Here Every department of the Women's Store is teeming with interest. The most fashionable apparel for women is offered at prices that can't be duplicated elsewhere. Hundreds of Summer Dresses Sacrificed $2.98 $5.00 Values up to $12.50 Values up to $19.95 The pick of the season's smartest models in Dresses. In all the fabrics that are new and desirable. Big Values in Silk Dresses A fine lot of Taffeta, Satin and Crepe de Chine Dresses. Regularly sold t\f\ up to $39.50 %plO,UU Tempting Specials in Waists We have the largest Waist Department in Washing ton, and offer the greatest values. The women appre ciate this fact, and they patronize us liberally. NEW 1915 Models in Vest Waists, $1.00 and $1.98 ? Free Reupholstering and Drapery Making No Charge for the Labor Pay only for the materials, gimp and necesary findings, and we will make the Draperies from any material in our mo?t comprehensive stock and in any manner you desire. The furniture will be done over in the most satisfac tory way. Should the pieces be so out of repair as to need rebuilding from the frames, we must charge for this work. II ~ . J f?r ^is complete T Brass Bed, Spring and Moses Layer Felt Mattress. The Bed Alone Sells Rcgu The Bed has two-inch continuous posts, five one-inch fillers u ith ball joints at top and bottom of fillers, and large caster cups, Beautiful Lace Curtains In the August Sale. Our importations fortunately arrived before the war in Europe stopped shipments. We are, therefore, in a position to offer you the Newest Fall Styles, Fresh From Switzerland, at Very Low Prices Lower, we believe, than are being asked for similar quali ties elsewhere. Fine Irish Point Lace Curtains WILL BE $7.50 AND $10 PAIR LATER ON. Your Choice of Twenty-five Patterns for, Pair .$4.95 Your Choice of Seventeen Patterns for, Pair $6.95 $1.25 and $1.50 Figured Cream Scotch Madras Curtains, Pr. .95c $2.25 and $2.75 Colored Scotch Madras Curtains, Pr $1.75 All other Brass Beds greatly reduced. This $240.50 Solid Ma ll; hogany Bedroom Suite with Brass Bed $400.00 Fine Inlaid Mahogany Sheraton Suite, $325.00 This Suite comprises Buffet, Serving Table, China Case, Extension Table, Five Diners and One Armchair. A beautiful Sheraton design, correct to the least detail. W. Mioses 3? Soits 7 and UtbSts* August Furniture Sale Wonderfully successful returns mark each day of this August Sale. Opportunities for new goods at very attractive prices have led many to BUY. when they "just came to look." . "Moses Quality" at Savings of One-Tenth to One-Third Trade Event Sale 25c to 75c 1 *7 _ Wash Goods, yard. ' Beautiful Quality Wash Goods that off the piece would cost 25c to 75c a yd. to be closed out to morrow at 17c a yd. ' Dress and waist lengths, 2 to 6 yds. Choose from Ratines and Linens in good colors, Crepes. Voiles and other high-class wash fabrics; all at the one low price, 17c a yd. See these tomorrow sure. Main Floor?8th St. Rotunda? Wash Goods. Store Hours Now 8:15 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oldest Department I Trade Event Sale Net Store in Washington & I b ^ ?oTB4W^yw?r. UNsburghsBHO 417 Ta42SI?II Corsets, 50c New models in Net Corsets, low and medium bust : long and medium hips; finished with 4 hose sup porters ; strongly made and very durable; sizes li? to SO. A. very low pries for a vsry su perior corset. Main Floor?Bargain Tablss. Friday's Su preme Econ omies in Our Save From 33% to 60% on $100,000T rade Event Summer Merchandise and Children -ess j The Wildest Enthnslasm Marked the Selling Today of the Surplus Stock and "Samples'* from M. Haber & Co., Philadelphia* of Silk & Wash Waists, iValuesUpto$3, Sale 99 Price, ' " in Think of the opportunity offered to buy Wash and Silk Waists worth up to $3 at the low price of 99c! Almost too good to be true. Every woman bought several tor day?and you will do the same after see ing the Waists. Materials Include colored satin-stripe voiles...white embroidered front voiles... striped crepes... .white linen with vestee effect... .colored silk mull with white em broidered designs figured crepe de chine. All sizes, 34 to 44, in the lot, but not in any one style. Some of the Sample Waists show signs of having been han dled. Sale, MAIN FLOOR?BARGAIN TA BLES. This Is the "BEST EVER Wash Dresses 1,000 Wash Dresses, Worth up to $5.00. Choice, $ J .33 Just the Dresses you want most right now to finish up the season. Fourteen styles to choose from in the summer's most fashionable ? fabrics, such as crepes, voiles, ginghams, black lawns and linens. This purchase represents the surplus stock of the famous Marlborough-make Dresses, which is a guarantee of perfect fit, full cut and painstaking care in the making. Choice of popular black-and-white striped lawns; some with tunic skirts, finished with white collar-and-cuff sets and black velvet belt: plain-color gingham, with white embroidery trimming, checked gingham, figured crepes and white rice cloth trimmed with laces and finished with girdles. All sizes?from misses' 14 to size 44 for women. See these Dresses on special racks? Second Floor?Garment Section. Boys' Wool Suits, Values Up $"^ QA to $6.00. Sizes 6 to 17 Years. These Boys' Suits represent salesman's fall samples from the Excelsior Manufacturing Com pany, makers of high-grade boys' apparel. Choice of Balkan and Norfolk models of excel lent quality cassimere. Just the Suit for wear NOW and for EARLY FALL WEAR. Boys' Pajamas, of splendid quality, in 4 different colors, also stripe effects a q with silk frogs. Regular 75c kind. Trade Event Sale price, only Boys' Blue Denim Overalls, of heavy -g quality; sizes 3 to 16 years. Trade Zj \ C. Event Sale price, only Third Floor?Boys' Clothing. Trade Event Sale Makers' Samples of Women's and Children's Vests, Pants&Union Suits The entire purchase divided into three lots. Choice of white lisle or cotton at following prices: Women's Vests and Pants. Values, 19c to 50c. Each., Children's Vests and Pants, Values, i2l/ic to 25c. Each.... Women's Combination Suits. Values, 35c to $1.00. Each Main Floor?Knit Underwear. ?'?) Trade Event Offerings in Silk Lengths 12'/*c 10c Silks, Worth up to $1.50 yard. 49c Waist and dress lengths In this lot, black and colors. 36-in. Colored Messaline, 36-ln. Cheney Bros.* Shower-proof Foulards, 36-ln. White and Black Habutals, 40-in. Black Bilk Net. Silks, Worth tip to$i yard.... ^3C Choose from these weaves in dress and waist lengths. * . 32 and 36 in. Tub Silks. 20-in. Colored Satin, 24-in. Persian Tinsel Cloth, 40-in. Dewdrop Net, 27-in. Printed Pongee. Main Floor?8th St. Rotunda?Special Tables. Trade Event Sale of Undermuslins at 99c Values,$2.95to$3.95 Look over these Undermuslins and you will buy several garments, for they are such rare finds that you will not be able to resist purchasing. Included are Nightgowns, Combi nations, Hand-embroidered Chemise, Princess Slips, Crepe de Chine Camisoles; only a few of each garment, and to bo sold tomorrow at 09c. Ufldcrmailin*, including Nightgowns in high and "Ve" yoke, slip-over style, embroidery trimmed Petticoats, Combinations and such. Special to- tJvfC morrow, at. choice Fancy Camisoles, Corset Covers w and Drawers, all sizes, nicely trimmed. Special value, at choice.,.. Corset Covers, lace or embroidery 4 q trimmed. Special tomorrow, at only ? ?C Main Floor and Third Floor?Undermuslins. BalbrigganUnder wear, Garment All sizes; short-sleeve shirts and ankle-length pants. Jean Drawers, TO Nearly All Sizes Made with elastic seams and bot toms. Balbriggan Union lZtZr Suits Short sleeves and knee or ankle length; aall sizes. 79c value. 2ST Men sWear None Sent G O. D. No Mail Orders. Men's Shirts at 59c A special display and sale of Classy Patterned Neg lige Shirts, arranged for easy selection; one size on each table in our Men's Wear Shop. Look them over tomorrow. You'll be agreeably surprised. Odd Lots of Fonr-in-Hands, 12\c About 25 dozen Open-end Four-in-hands, made In a big flowing-end shape. 25c value. 39c Men's Shirts, Worth up to 89c. Sizes 14, M. 16% and 17. Soiled and mussed from handling. Terry Bath f ?TQ Robes s* * *37 Only about 10 at this price, so bo here early if you want one. Worth $2.50. Porosknit Under wear, Garment.... Short-sleeve shirts and knee pants; white only, in all sizes; 60c value. Trade Event Offerings PARASOLS All Must Hustle Out Two prices to hustle these Parasols out Friday: AU-sllk Parasols, fancy and plain colors, black-and-white stripes and white linen embroidered; some bell shapes ^ | A A included. Values up to *2.50. | .U" CHOICE FRIDAY, at AU-sllk Parasols, in all colors and black, also black-and-white stripes; 10-gilt ribs; India, Lii Belle and Regulation shapes. ? f Values up to $3.50. CHOICE FRI- ^ DAT, at Main Floor?Parasojs. r Trade Event Offering 2y2 to 6 Yard Lengths QQ_ DRESS GOODS, at, a yd... ?W Good chance for YOU. Choice of such weaves as STORM SERGES, CREPES, RATINES, ALBATROSS, NUN'S VEILING, BATISTES, HEN RIETTAS, MOHAIR SICILIANS, BRILLIANTINES, PLAIDS, WHIP CORDS, SHEPHERD CHECKS, DI AGONALS, CREPE ARMURES, VENETIAN CLOTHS, MIXED SUIT INGS, FIGURED CHALLIS and a host of others. Lengths that can be used for any apparel purpose, and the price is only 29c a yard. Main Floor?8th St. Rotunda?Dress Goods. Trade Event Offerings Floor Coverings Good chance for economical women to buy tomorrow new Floor Coverings: Stenciled Jap Matting Rugs, size 9x12 ft.; oriental and floral designs, in green, ? f pa pink, blue and red combinations. ^ I .Jy $3.00 value. Friday, only Small Matting Ruga?-stenciled; Jap designs: Size 27x54 inches, 19c value, for............. is? Size 36x63 inches, 39c value, for. ...???????? .29c Size 36x72 inches. 49c value, for. ...???????? .30c ? Linoleum, best grade, printed Scotch make; light and dark colorings; 2 yards wide; 59c quality. Any quantity de sired tomorrow at the low sale price of, a square yard Door Mata, with striped lengthwise border; vestibule size; 49c value. Fri day only, at.. Fourth Floor?Floor Coverings. 39c 39c Trade Event Sale Trade Event Sale I to 3 Yards RIBBON For 10c iS?I?"25c Trade Event Sale Untrimmed Hats j *Iem1T A lot of Ribbon I.engths. ranging 1 to 3 yds., to be closed out Friday at 10c a length. Choose from 1 to 3 yd. lengths, in satins and taffetas; widths 3Vz to 5 In.; in good colors. Main Floor?Bargain Tables. Trade Event Sale Laces & Embroideries Length* of f?a?*r* and Mnibroiil rrieM. ranging to - yds., includ ing edgings. insertings. _ ?ll-over_s and flouncings. Values, 15c to $1.25. to be closed out at 5c to 50c length Main Floor?Laces and Embroid eries. Going to dispose of these splendid Hemp Shapes tomor row at the unheard-of low price of 25c for choice. All good shapes, mostly black, al though a few colors are in cluded. 34 to VA Yards*, for 10c Children** Trimmed Hats. 20 in the lot. in blue, green, red and nat ural, finished with ribbon band and bunch of fruit at side. $1.50 values. To close to morrow Second Floor?Millinery Section. 39c Milan and Leghorn Untrimmed HatM, In sailor, flare at side, tri corne an?l other shaped, in white, black and natural. Values up to $2.95. To close Fri day at 79c values a. tm IK to aleM at 5c Odds and ends of Pleatings, in net or lace; in white, cream and black; lengths \ yd. to l\i yds. To be plosed out at lOo a length Friday. Also some Ecru Net Guimpes, with high collar, at 10c Friday. Main Floor?Bargain Tables. Trade Event Sale 50c to 98c Beads for 19c Choice of Pearl-and-G u n-metal Beads, or gun metal combined with colored crystal stones; n?ck length. Tomorrow at 10c. Also Opera-length Beads, in amber, pink, bjue. green, tango ami com bination at itc Friday. Main Floor?Jewelry Section