Newspaper Page Text
&tarST Get Best Results RATES. ffefp. Rttnattons. Lost and Fonnd. Rent Room*. Cmtrr Board, etc.. one cent a word each tlma far IS word* or mora. tflacellaneoas Sales and Wants. Business Opportnntttes. Antom?blles. etc.. one cent a word tacb time for three or mora times, with a 15ward minimum. Rnstnes* Announcements. Real Rstate. Apartments. etc.. four lines or mora three times. 10 seats a llaa each tlma. with a decreasing rata Imww nmr4nA Leave Your Little Wants AT The Star Branch. One in Your Neighborhood. IfORTHWFST. X. Cap., cor. R. T. ave . Parker'* Pharmacy. Snd ?t.. cor. Mass. ave.. Tlvaeian Pharmacy. rd at., cor. Tnd. ave.. Butler & Field Pharmacy. 1 7th at., cor. T. -Crlswell's Pharmacy. Tth at., cor. K. OoMen^erc's Information Bureau. , th at., cor. Pa. are.. Kann's Information Bureau, 1 th at., P2^, Roland Wallace'* Newsstand. th at., cor. lT. McQnire'o Pharmacy. !lth at., cor. P. Paris' Pharmacy. 14th at., cor. P. Day'* Pharmacy. J l*th at., cor. Col. road. Flemer's Pharmacy. l*th at., cor. Fla. ave.. Pearson's Pharmacy. Slat at., cor. G. Qnlsler's Pharmacy. 22nd at., cor. N. Nansetnond's Pharmacy. . 2Rth at., cor. Pa arc.. HerMt's Pharmacy. ( Conn. are., cor. Fla. are.. R'dceway's Pharmacy. Georgia are.. 4203. Campbell's Pharmacy. Rolmead place, cor. t?ti*. Ifolmead Pharmacy. Ij at.. 1904. Mor?e'* P'larmacr. ' Pa. are.. 1706," HoltaclaW* Newsstand. NORTHEAST. k. cap.. cor. P st.. Richardson's Pharmacy. K. Cap., cor. I at.. Kenealr's Pharmacy. \ 2nd at.. cor. Md. arc.. Taylor's Pharmacy. tb st.. cor. K. McChesney A Joachim, Walter J. Boyce. Mar. 7th St.. cor. H. Yoatroan's Pharmacy, lltb at., cor. R. Tap.. Lamb's Pharmacy. Iltb-at.. cor. E. Cap.. Lincoln Park Pharmacy. R. L are., 0. B. M. McWilllama' Pharmacy. SOUTHEAST. Sth at., cor. O. Reach Drug Co. th St.. cor. Ere, Weller's Pharmacy. 11th at., cor. Pa. arc.. Fealr's Pharmacy. 14th at., cor. Pa. arc.. Bradley's Pharmacy. SOUTHWEST. Tth at., cor. D, Sullivan's Pharmacy. GEORGETOWN. Wla. are., cor. M st.. O'Ponnell's Pharmacy. 28th at., cor. P. Pride's Pharmacy. If at., cor. 30th. Weller'a Pharmacy. ANACOSTIA. 2200 Nichols are . Bury*a Drug Store. AND THESE POSTAL TELEGRAPH 1 OFFICES! (Jolted States Capitol. ^ Interior Department. Union Station. . Bond Building. W.. B and A. Rwy. Office. 3133 Connecticut avenue. ^ 3349 Wisconsin avenue. * 11th Street Wharf. i LOST AND FOUND. BAG?Liberal reward will be given to any one returning a lady's handbag marked H. W. Z.. ? > contents of great value to owner, to 1775 Cal. at.. Apt. 21- 21* BAG?Patent leather wrist bag. containing change, receipts, etc. Return to Apartment 211. tne Ontario: reward. * BAG?Silver mesh bag; owner's name engraved \ on top; liberal reward; no questions. 134 13th st. s.e. BRACELET (gold)?Lost on Monday. Jan. 18; in- itials M. R. D. A liberal reward if returned to ^ 1413 A st. s.e. ^ BILLBOOK. green, with $7 and change (work- tag girl's salary), on F or G between 10th and' 13th. Reward? Return Cashier's Desk. New Willard Hotel Barber Shop. BROOCH?Tbureday.^January 14. ^white^ cameo njrwgu, UtlWWU <-UO|llll si. ami 1 ata .v?u, , 14tb and ir?th sts: a valued keepsake. $5 ra- ( ward If returned 1435 Chapin st. Phone Col. 131*. CHANGE PURSE, black leather. containing smaM keys, at Woodward &. LotLirop's or Gar* " Ankle's. Liberal reward if returned to 1832 Jefferson place. EARRING?Diamond and turquoise: lost late Monday afternoon. Reward if returned to 1527 IStb ?t. n.w. 2H? I ENVELOPE? .Marked J. M. Ney & Co.: coutaining 4 pwt. 22k. gold. Reward. 1218 H st. n.w. FAN <ivory>?In dressing room in Willard Hotel f at Dickens carnival. Reward, Room 516, Corooran building. FOX TERRIER, lost Saturday evening, on 7th ( at. between l> and E sts.: three black spots; three months old. Reward. 1146 Government alley. Telephone North 785-J. j GOLD BEAD NECKLACE?Lost on east side 15th st. between >1 and N. Reward. Apt. 7 145. the Portlier. 1 GOLD WATCH AND PIN, Udy ?. !o?t .m K St. 1 between 6th and 7t . ??r 6th sr. bet. E and G s sts. s.w.. Jan. 19: monogram ou back and front and photo inside of case. Reward if returned to 443 7th st. s.w. HAIR COMB?Light tortojsesbell hair comb. with _ two rows of small diamonds: five teeth and r about five inches long; lost between 1712 R. I. arc. and 17th and N sts. Return to Mrs. Preston Gibson. LOCKET?Small gold, monogram "W. P. H." ( Return to 113? Conn. are. and receive reward. Phone N. 781Q. I/OCKET. gold. small. and chain, on F st. bet. Ttb and 10tb. Reward. 3277 Prospect are. PAY ENVELOPE. marked Office ~ s" Treasurer. contained about 515. on Monday evening. January is. between 7 and S o'clock, j on Monroe at. between 13th and 14th. Re- j ward. Return to 1351 Monroe n.w. PIN. pear! bar. diamond in center. at Conven- I tion Hall, on Jtth et. or Mount Pleasant car. j < Reward. Phone Col. 174tL I TtOSARY-Wlth emerald p ld tilled: in j . ttiala "M. L. N.". date. Feb. 25. 11112. Reward; I if returned to flns Prt. a\- n.w. Jas. N. Norrla.* j BI'IT OF OLOTHES, wrapped in G. Erlebacher's box. left on TV.. R. and A. R. R train leaving cltv 3:55 p.m. Tuasdav for Annapolis Junction. I II 'V f?ugan. 1231 O n.w. WALLET containing" three one pound postal ? offers, five pound English note, forty-nine dol- t lar* in cash, check on Rlggs Bank fifty dollars. l?et. 22nd and P. l*th Jt Mass. are. n.w. " Liberal reward. No questions, ("has. Carter. pantry, rear 1746 Mass. are. 22* " $2fs? IN BILLS?Between North Capitol and Beaton and TV ?t?.; reward for return to George W. Helm. 21 TV st. n.w . or Dellca- teosen store. North Capitol and Sea ton. ' WANTED?HELP. HALE. BOYS (25i AND YOUNG MEN; with wheels; : good pay; steady position. Apply immediately. 717 12th D w 23* BOYS. If you bvl taken a fiun^ at Steward's j Business College you woul'l cot ??e looking through this column for a Job. But It 1k not too late cow. If you an- In earnest One young man get* ISO a month aft?*r four months in our right school. Another gets $"(?. after three months In our day s?-hool. Why not conn: in and talk It over? Steward's Business College. . 13th and K wts. n.u. BOY of neat apj?earance wanted to learn the florist trade, not under 1?J years; Kt??r particulars. JV?x 174. Star office. 21* BOY ? Ksfe-rlenced no ' ?kfs: to- <1 rtoaCC tO learn trade. Apply at once ftelalnger'*, 233 <; *t. n.w. .BOYS?WANTED^-BOYS7~ To earn money eafh week. To win cash, prizes, trips, etc. To I select from a large list of premi- i urns whatever article you desire. Simplv sell each week THE SATURDAY EVENING POST and COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. I will furnish the first copies, etc., free. Apply to Agent, Thursdays, Wm. Smith, 221 B St. N.W. M 41/6BUILDERS. ATTENTION A <??ur*e In e-fiinatIng and building specification* will help you irrestlv* at nlirht" individual Inst rue t\on: your spare rim#* devoted to this training win bring you advancement- Tmrtbularn on request; act promptly. Columbia School of Drafting. M<*I.a**hlen bide , loth and *ta. CHAITPKI'R ami valet . salary. grin j?er month; foreigner preferred, references required. Address Box .142. Star office. CLKRK8 Railway mall and poetal examination* soon: over two thousand appointment* yearly; prepare at home; write for plan No. 40 of payment after appointment. Philadelphia Business College. Civil Service Pep*.. Philadelphia. Pa. EM1INEEK. practical, to take charge of a small plant. Address Box 427. Star office. FIREMAN, brmketnan, electric motortnan. conductor, colored train or sleeping car porter, Washington-New York roads, gdTi to $103 month; experience unnecessary. If you want position. Inclose sddreaaed envelope, name position wanted; passes and uniforms furnished. Railway I?st t<Pept. 14. Indianapolis. Ind. LEARN aotomohSs driving and repairing, short ewse: easy gmnent plsn; three men placed recently; only JL^yol la town teaching uo 1919 cars. Can A??7Cellega. Uf D n.w. WANTED?HELP. MALE:?Continued. LINOTYPE INSTRUCTION?Exceptional opportunity offered those who desire to learn this profitable trade; two multiple magazine machines: day and evening classes. Wash. Linotype School. 9Q4 I st. n.w. Ph. M. 3319. MAIL ORDER 1U S1NESS?$70 weekly; spare time: home work; no canvassing; no capital; immediate results by our methods; particulars free. Velox. Desk 2, 215 South Highland ave., Baltimore. Md. * MAN for lunchroom; one understanding business and willing to invest about $20U; salary and interest. Box 100. Star office. MAN OR BOY (white) to milk cows and work around dairy. H. B. Gates. Takoma Park, D. C. Col. IPO. 21 MEN?We need two men to begin our course of repairing and driving and till positions. Call at once, white only, open until 9 p.m., National Auto College. f>th and O sts. n.w. MEN. white, wanted, to apply for positions as Insurance agents; good contract for industrious men: industrial straight-life men or men with collecting experience preferred: apply by letter; give reference. Box 187. Star office. MEN (reliable) to sell high-grade real estate on easy terms; experience not necessary; automobile furnished to show property; rapid promotions; capable instructor. H. C. Bailey, 1X19 F st. n.w.. basement: M. 1993. RAILWAY MAIL t'LERK examinations coming; Washington. P. C.: $75.00 month; full description free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 42-A. Rochester. N. Y. SOLICITOR?For all kinds of insurance (especially tire insurance) In large real estate office: experienced young man preferred: good opportunity for a hustler; state salary desired. Box 260. Star office. STENOGRAPHER?Young man with office experience. Phono West 1800. IYAITER?Must have neat appearance and come recommended. 1206 Pa. ave. n.w. KEMALE. CASHIER?Young lady, in lunchroom; must be intelligent, neat and good appearance; state particulars as to age. experience and salary. Box 194. Star office. * 'ANVASSERS?Intelligent women to canvass select residential districts; splendid opportunity. 204 Kenois bldg.. S) o'clock. SIRI.S and young women to learn dressmaking and millinery: 10 lessons. $5: 25 for $10: millinery course, $15. The Baughman College, 723 llth st. >1. 7629. Night school. Mon., Wed.. Fri. 5IHLS to learn shorthand and typewriting In ten weeks; monthly deposit required; when completed employment guaranteed until cost of course is earned. Practical Office School, 142S ii st. 1,ADY (young), to work in office; must be quick at figures. Address Box 1K?. Star office. jADY SOLICITORS wanted. Apply between 4 and 5 p.m. F. M. Leitbeiser & Co.. t" St., 2nd floor front. 22* MAN 1ST of refinement: elassieal music. 7 and 8 p.m. Apt. 205. 520 E st. n.e., Wednesday and Thursday. 21* STENOGRAPHER and typewriter, for department store: must have experience. Address Box 217. Star office. STENOGRAPHER and typewriter: ordinary dictation and tubulating work and minor clerical work: salary moderate: state qualifications, experience and salary expected. Address Box 285, Star office. VOMAX wanted to join in chicken enterprise; owning farm, expenses will be small. E. H. T.. Box 41, The California. 22* VOMAX. young colored, to keep hooks and help in store: fair wages: references; newcomer preferred. Call 327 3rd st. s.w. 21* "OUNG LADTES, 21 years or over, for laboratory work. Address Box 199, Star office, giving experience and salary expected. OCXG WOMAN, as experienced grader in correspondence school. Apply in person, 1428 C st. n.w. MALE AND FEMALE. kGENTS -Call 132?> X. V. ave. before 10. or 1421 Col. road. Baxol Thompson. * ANVASSERii ttwot; local. Box 41S, Star office. 20* 'LERK aud stenographer for law office: $40 month. Address, own handwriting, giving age. experience and references, Box 360, Star office. I EN?WOMEN wanted; government Jobs; $63.00 to $130.00 month: write for list positions now obtainable. Franklin Institute. Dept. 43-A, Rochester. N. Y. OLICITORS?Male or female; very attractive proposition. Apply at once. Stenographers' Exchange, 912 14th st. lOf'NG MEN and women, learn to fit glasses; make $23 weekly: evening classes: moderate charge for teaching. Dr. Fall wood. Room 500. Kenois bldg.. cor. 11th and G n.w. DOMESTIC. CHAMBERMAIDS, waitresses, nurses, ladles' maids, housemaids, cooks, houseworkers. kitohemnafds sivi other good help for private families. Ladip>' Exchange. 807 Vermont ave.- 20* COOK and houseworker. experienced, for family of 3; must bring written reference from hist place: stay nights: thoroughly understand cooking: salary. $20 month. Call between 4 una .> o cjuck. i. ?! ? r oi. n.w. * JOIiOiiED GIRL, ountry preferred; stay nights; wages. $8. Apply 2308 20th St., just north of Kaiorama road. URL. colore'!, young, neat, and very bright, to keep flat for a couple of gentlemen. Call after 3 p.m. 231 E n.w.. first floor. URL?Neat colored, for general housework: no washing: stay nights; references required. 5426 Conn. ave. 20* IOUSEMAID ?white). Apply at 2007 Wyoming ave. n.w. References required. 21* U Rsr: -White. Apply 2613 Mozart place n.w. VIITI E GIRL for housework: stay nights. Call ".14 C st. n.w. WANTED?SITUATIONS. MALE. :HAl'FFKt'R wishes position; licensed and best references. Address 18?Mi S st. n.w.; phone North 41'.?r>-J. 21' :IIAI FFECR? Young man. first-claa* references; white; single; good mechanical driver. Box 3"2. Star office. 20* niAl FFEl'K? Young colored man: strictly sober; rnak" all repairs; references; small salary. 1222 Linden n.e. 20* .11AI FKE1R. iirsi-? la-s. desires josition. long ; experience on all makes; good references. 22l*V6 i ?.* n W 21* 1 ;HAt;fkK!*R. experienced. white, aired 2S; salary. $1." per week. Col. 27f>?. COPYING WORK, by pood penman or typewriter; neat, rapid, accurate, moderate. Address Box 408, Star office. 21* ^.XWYKU i youngt desires a position sh assistant t??r otherwise employed) with a law or real estate llt m: references furnished. Address Box 222. Star office. 21* *ORTER-Position by neat young colored man; best city references. 1008 New Jersey ave. n.vv. 2?>* 1VORK on farm by family of three. Address W A. Smith. 211 Cameron -t.. Alexandria. FEMALE. ACCOMPANIST antl pianist?Experienced; former pupil of Ernest Hutcheson. Miss Grant. 1S18 OP!. st. n.w.: N. V2.TJ, DKJ-5SSMAKER?Competent; sewing in families; cuftiug. tittlup. designing and remodeling street and evening dresses. Address Box 417, Star office. 20* MAID (colored*. In doctor's, dentist's office, store or maid La lady. 13T> L st. n.w. S'l KSH- Position as nurse and companion; undergraduate; experienced; best references. I'hone North r>sf?>. 1221 13th st. n.w. FoSITION by thoroughly reliable and competent young woman; D. E. bookkeeping, stenographic and all lines of office work; A-l references. B?>x 17P. Star office. 22* POSITION wanted a* companion to a lady of refinement, bv a widow of naval officer. Address Box 250. Star offio. 22* PEACHER? Experienced young lady desires to coach in grade and II. S. subject; ref.; progress guaranteed: reasonable. Box 400, Star office. 2^1_ MALE .4X11 FEMALE. PI PILS for piano wanted; I toys a specialty: progress guaranteed; reasonable. Box 42-S. Star office. j 23* DOMESTIC. BCTI.KR By young colored man; good reference. Apply 1752 Michigan ave. n.w. 21* CHAMBERMAID, by neat colored girl; city ref Ih07 1. at. ("IIaMBERMAII) or housework?By neat iolored girl. 121b Harrison place s.w. COOK In private family, by reliable colored woman. It?14 7tli st. n.w. COOK <white)?Excellent three years' reference. Other cooks; all rapacities capable domestic help supplied. Ladies' Exchange, 807 Vermont avf. 20* COOK and housework In small family. 'J17 R ?t. n w. c.m?K ? ?<? ilfirtiI issik tilaeer nrivatA or txinrrf. ing bouse; ref. Address 414 bakdale place n.w. 21* COOK and general housework, by first-class reliable woman. 1041 10th st. n.w. COOK, general worker or day's work; comJ>et1013 Vermont avc. 20* COoK?Plain cooking; g?x>d ref.; ?-olored woman. <kill or address 026 Mass. ave. n.w. 20* COOK I.NO. plain or general housework. 37 Patterson st. ii.e. .Mary Adams. FRENCH MAID -- Fifteen years lMt family. Number other experienced help: men servants. Ladles' Exchange. SOT Vermont ave. 20? GENERAL HOUSEWORK?Neat, respectable colored girl: best reference*. 211 O st. n.w. GENERAL IIOI'SKWOKKER in apartment or small family, by neat colored girl. 1.110 B i.e. GIKL. reliable, wishes a place as cook or general houseworg. 37 Pa Hermit st. n.e. HOUSEMAN and cook; piaces wanted by intelligent, clean, honest man and wife. Box 421, Star office. 20* UOUSEKEEPKRj^Ilddle-aged lady desires position lu smal^Bamily or for elderly gentleman; referenc^Patate salary. Box 415, Star WANTED?SITUATIONS. DOMESTIC IContinued). HOUSEWORK ER, cook, waitress or laundrea Apply 2110 Vermont ave. n.w. LAUNDRESS, good. at borne or day's work on' for lady or gentleman. 486 L st. s.w. * LAUNDRESS?Washing, Ironing or cleaning, b day. 1742 l->th st. n.w. Phone N. 7676. MAN AND WIFE, colored, want places as cool butler and do chores; sober, obliging: six year city references. Box 426, Star office. 20* NURSING or place in small family, by your girl. Call 1514 3rd n.w. Will stay nights. 21 SECOND MAN or other housework; good refe erne. HQS 1.1th st. n.w. 21* WASHING and ironiug at home, or day's wot our. 348*4 Van st. s.w. 21* WOMAN-White; settled: light housework; goo home: small pay. No cards. 204 F st. n.e. 21 WORKING HOUSEKEEPER ? Neat, experience woman wishes place as working housekeeper 1 bachelor's apartments or one lady; wages ej pected, $25; reference. Address E. H. M., Sta office. 2. WANTED?MISCELLANEOUS. r tvci vniTR FURNITURE DROl SRtal or phone Main 4110 to Notes' Furniture ouse, 814 E'at. n.w.. where you will get i square deal. WANTED?Band Instruments; state price, etc Address Box 332. Star office. 21* CASH PAID FOR LARGE LIBRARIES, RARI hooks, autograph letters, old oil portraits, en gravities and old prints. THE RARE BOOi SHOP. 813 17th st. WILL CALL IN"-MY"UNLETTERED WAGON city or suburbs, and par you highest prices fo1 ladies', gentlemen's, children's discarded cloth in* of all descriptions. Address postal or phone Iwil 1 call. W. RICE. 1332 7tb n.w. X. 1755 NOTICE! PAWN TICKETS CASHED. LOUIS ABRAHAMS, 815 G st. Opposite Patent Office. Second-hand diamonds and jewelry bongkt. WANTED?500 feather beds, also furniture, car pets, etc.: positively highest prices. Don'i sell anything before seeing us. Square Dea Furniture Co., 501 Eye st. n.w. Phone Mali 5036. WANTED?ALL THE OLD. USELESS GOLI and silver lying idle in your possession. Dla inonds, lewelry and silverware bought and sold C. F- KARR. Jeweler. 814 13th St.. above F HIGHEST cash prices for furniture, also storage packing and hauling. People's Storage and Express Co., 1510 7th st. n.w. WANTED?FURNiTUREl"FOR CASH! PRO.MPNESS AND SQUARE DEALINGS. POSTAL OR PHONE MAIN 0306. SACHS FURNITURE CO.. 810 F ST. N.W. WANTED?To buy old furnltu-e and feather beds, Why not drop postal to an old. reliable firm! H. MARKS. 1540 7th at., or phone Col. 851-T, DIAMONDS. OLD GOLD. SILVER. PLATINUM rare ceina and curios bonght and sold. Established 1866. BURNSTINE'S. 361 Pa. are. n.w. WANTED?TO BUY. LADIES' AND GENTS old clothing; also old gold and silver and gob! false teeth. Drop postal or call West 777 and 1 will call. LEVITT. 1204 N. H. in. n.w. ANTIQUES BOUGHT. Furniture, china, glasa, engravings, silver, jewelry. JORDAN. 815 17th at. Main 3980. WANTED?FURNITURE FOR CASH. SELI your goods to the man who gives you th< most money. HOPWOOD'S. 8th and K. WANTED?FURNITURE, PIANOS, CARPETS etc. Phone M. 1282 for wagon, or hare ui call. "WKSCHLERS," 920 Pa. are. o.w. DIAMONDS. GOLD. SILVER. PAWN TICKETS PLATLNUM. JEWELRY AND COINS BOUGHT BY ABE ABRAHAMS. 483 9th N.W. M. BBOi HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR WOR> clothing, ladies', gents' and children's shoer and liats; send postal or phone; will call. J. TARSHES. 1308 7th n.w. Phone North 4flP. VTCTROLAS and grafonolas exchanged for of right pianos; foil line of both machines and records. Various makes of talking machine) exchanged. Hugo Worch. 1110 G. PERSONAL. SOME SWELL DRESSERS PREFER TO GIVF the clothing to a grafter; well, it's their loss we would prefer to pay a square cash prle< and buy direct from the orginal owners. How': II to $10 for a man's worn suit? JI'STH'S OLD STAND. 619 D. WILL SOME ONE HAVING A SMALL MALI French poodle please communicate at once witl Mrs. H. I. ZIEGLER, Sta. II. Route 1, Bo: 70a. D. C? 23* CLARA H. CUNNINGHAM, EXPERT FURRIER Fur garments, muffs and stoles remodeled lnt< latest styles. Furs repaired. 1011 K St. n.w Fancy muffa made. Phono Main 904. ON THE MORNING OF NOVEMBER 4. 1914 between 11:30 and 12 o'clock, a lady dres6e< In purple was thrown down in a car of th? Washington Railway and Electric Company near the corner of Connecticut ave. and E sr. n.w. Will any person or persons witness lng this accident render a service to injure* partv by calling to see or communicating wit JosfcPli H. CL'RRAN, 315 9th at. n.w., Wash ington. D. C. ? SPECIALIZING IN SKIN AND BLOOD DIS eases. Acne, F/czema, Lupus, Surface Cancers Rheumatism, Herpes, Dropsy, Goitre, Psoriasis Asthma. Examination free. Dr. NICHOLSON 1305 H n.w. FURS REPAIRED AND ALTERED NOW A' summer nrlces. Work done in the most satis factory manner. HORGAN. 733 13th at. n.w.. 2nd floor. THE DElANOIDi TREATMENT-TIIE QUIC1 S'ocess. Gets the disease OUT by TRANSU ATI ON. Waste no more time. DOCTOR MARCY. 710 14th at. n.w. IF YOU ARE TOO HEAVY-HAVE "LOS1 your lines'*?why not take yourself In band a once? Consult Mrs. LANE, Apt. 501, Iro quols Apts. Phone N. 4146. LEARN MANICURING. Halrdresslng. hair weaving, scalp and facia treatment. Full course or separate branches Rapid methods. Thorough Instructions. Actua practice while learning. A profession acquirer in a few weeks that fits you for business o: employment in any city. Day and nigh classes. Diplomas furnished. Visit the class rooms or write today for terms. Dept. "S,' the Pu Four School. 1010 F St.. Washington I). C. TEETH WITHOUT PLATES FEEL, LOOK AN! seem like natural ones. Dr. J. K. NORTH WOOD, Evans hide.. 1420 New York avo. (Tel. 3881). LADIES. LEARN A PLEASANT. PROITTABL1 frofesslon! A few weeks' individual iustructioi n this scientific school equips one perfeetlj In manicuring, facial and scalp treatment chiropody, hair dressing, etc. MARCEL WAVING FEATURED. LadJe? in all walks of life take these course for the experience it elves them. BOYD'S HAIR SHOP. New address, 1213 Conn. are. Ph. N. 2592. IDEAL BEAUTY PARLORS. 929 G ST.?HAIR dressing, manicuring, facial massage, black heads removed, all scalp diseases treated, chll dren's haircutting. Phone Main H714. WANTED?YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN, T? learn mecbano therapy: mech.-i no-therapy help w en drugs fall. I treat the sick and teacl mechano therapy. Moderate charge for treat meat and teaching. Dr. FULL WOOD, Koon 500, Kenois bldg.. '-or. 11th and G n.w. dermatologist institution. Face correct or. all blemishes removed fror the fsee; Imperfect features, birth or accident corrected; rough and coarse tores smooth* and skin refined: complexion cleared: hollow and wrinkles removed. It522 H St. Phone M 3<;tW. BUSINESS ANNdUNCEMENTS. AlV\T\(is. OUR AWNINGS ARK MADE To LAST liONGE] and guaranteed not the cheapest, but best; few rents more; head rods strongly made; fas color. Prompt service. Courteous treatm<*nl Order now. No money required until deliver? Our customers talk loudly for us. CAPITA! AWNING CO.. 1503 No Cap. st. Ph. North 2951 CAMERAS AND PHOTO SUPPLIES. EVERYBODY PHOTOGRAPHS NOWADAYSKodaks. $1 to $23. Developing loft before p.m. finished next day at 5 p.m. M. BLT'MEN r ELI). Jeweler. 3010 14th st. Phone Col. 775. CARPET ( LfcA.\L\G. CARPETS THOROUGHLY AND CAREFULL1 cleaned; rugs woven from old carpets; mat tresses renovated. Estimates furnished. At BERT KAHT I'RT <*- CO.. 352 B st. s.w M. 203f FOR THE LADIES. FELT. REAVER AM) VELOITLS REMLOCKE In ull the latest winter stvles. M'CAFEERTY S. HAT AND BONNET FRAM MAXtTFACTUKEftS. 1211 C, st. Ph. M. 4788. KEEPING LP-Tn.DATE MADE EASY. Experienced dresainaker (white) makaa apeclalty of remodellujc at low prleea. Wl] call at your home for consultation If dealrad Appo^utm-ntw made hr telephone. X. 3072. MATTRFSSRS AND BOX SPRINGsT RENOVATED $1.00 and u Remade $1.00 and v Recovered $1.00 and u CAP BEDDING CO.. 1241 7th st. North 526 HAIR AND FELT MATTRESSES remade equal to new. $1.50 only. EAGLE BEDDING CO.. 13QP 7th st n.w. Ph. N. 5210. PAPEHHANGIXU AND PAINTING PAPKRHANG1NG. PLASTERING, PAINTING and decorating. Rooms papered. $2.00 ap. Drop a card; will calL JESTER A CO.. 47 K at. n.w. PAPERHANGLNG AND PAINTING IN ALL IT branches; 20% cheaper than any firm In tl eitj. CHAS. R. HYSAX. 204 Ka*t Capitol at Pbone Linen. 2389 or Linen. 2630-J for wtlmtti HOOP* PAINTING AND REPAIRING. METALLIC CLAD ROOF PAINTLNG, HEATING general repairs, roofing and spouting, storei furnaces, latrobes. GEORGE H. BOYD. 101 H n.e. Pbone Line. 079. STEAM AND HOT-WATER HEATING FURNACE. RANGE AND LATROBE REPAIE lag. Roofs repaired and painted. H. R. KING, 617 10th at. &.?. Pbone Line. 734-J. I. Star Poultr ? I Get Qu r\ 40 CHICKENS?Reds ai . laying: leaving city able offer refused. Phc d n Itr Three insertions of al ? Columns sold the 40 chicki ft I ' BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. UPHOLSTERY. e-PIBTE PARLOR SUITES-UPHOLSTERED IN tapestry, $9 up: free delivery: satisfaction; the pieces are "built" by craftsmen of unusual skill. Acme Uphol. Co.. 1007 7tb n.w.: M. 6237. VACUUM CLEANING. LET U& ESTIMATE ON YOUR VACUUM Z cleaning and Door polishing; electric machine* 1 and methods used; we rent vacuum cleaners, j VACUNA SALES CO.. 1102 14th. N. 5140. 1 FOR RENT?ELECTRIC AND HAND vacuum cleaners. $1 per day op. - Expert cleaning. $1 per hour; $5 per day of S hoars. > NATIONAL, 6th and D sts. n.w. * Main 4155. .' ELECTRIC AND HAND POWER CLEANERS. FOR RENT. *1 PER DAY UP. ? Expert Cleaning. $1 per hour: $5 per day of 8 hr*. VACUUM CO.. 303 McGill bldg. Phone M. 3878. WALNUTS AND PECANS. SPECIAL?Just received from California fresh English walnuts at 23 cents pound; pecans at 36 cents: also extra large pecans. Withers' Pharmacy. 301 p st. I'honc N. 6608. 22* P WINDOW SHADES. GET NEW SHADES FOR TIIE HOME?MADE and hung the same day. Drop postal now, or phone M. 2056. , W. T. BA1R. 1023 12th st. n.w. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ATTRACTIVE BARGAINS. Grocery?A large number of good grocery, cigar, lunchrooms, etc.. wanted by us at once ' for local and out-of-town cash clients. List I your business with us and be one of our many | satisfied clients. Established 1896. Choice bargains?Second-hand book store at half actual value; cigar and newsstand, owner going to New York, best offer buys it; fruit 1 and light lunch, near 15th and H, only $325; general merchandise store, take Invoice, rent , cheap, 8 rooms, close to District. SPECIAL?Grocery and meat store near market, owner leaving U. S.. reduced to $1,200, rooms; rooming house near 2nd and Ind. ave., ' cheap at $650: barber shop, corner on business at. n.w., terms on low 'price $1,200: delicatessen on X. Cap. st., price and terms , accommodating; candy store opposite school s.w., rent, $22; 9 rooms, snap ar $275; coal, feed, etc., business In District at $5,000; rooming house, 10 rooms, nicely furnished, rant, r $50; near 20tb and H. only $600. # \ XKW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS, 1423 F. . BAKERY and confectionery store; good location and trade; great bargaip. Address Box 239, * Star office. 26* I BARBER SHOP?White; business, $55 weekly; no I competition: rent low; one living room. Box* 395. Star office. 21* BARGAIN IN CORNER GROCERY, n.w.. on car line; rent. $33; 4r. and b.; h.-w. h.; owner go; log to Canada, hence take $550. ; Grocery and market store; corner, on car line * in s.e. section; rent. $33; receipts, $3,200 month; Invoice or $5,000. ?Rooming and boarding house; 14 rooms. 2 5 baths; h.-w. b.; rent only $35; near Capitol; j same owner 7 years; cheap at $975. c NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS. 1423 F. . BUSINESS?$1,000 will purchase clean, legitimate outdoor business: $50 per week profit; no possible chance to fail. Address Box 191, Star . office. 22* - BUSINESS?Collections. 6ales. mall order and , teaching business. I). C. corporation. $2,500: I sell for $1,100: office fully equipped: repeat i order and "good will, $550 cash, with satisr factory arrangements: selling to move Chi: cago. See owner immediately. 406 Pope bide., - 817 14th st. n.w. ^ 21* * CAFE?In best location In city, near good^ipts.; a cheap rent; have other business. Box 414. Star office. 21* * CAPITAL?Man or woman with $300 can form office partnership with guaranteed salafy or ll.u( will not thmn cororu I htm. ' dred dollars In next sixty days; money secured and business permanent. Box 172. Star office. r CAPITAL FURNISHED FOR LEGITIMATE i- proportion showing quick and large returns. Box 45. Star office. 21* ; CHANCE of a lifetime; partner, gentleman or w lady; capital no object. Call in person, 1432 " Wisconsin arc. CIGAR, NOTION AND CANDY STORE?For sale s cheap to quick buyer: doing good business; t have other business reason for selling. 3310 Georgia ave. n.w. . CIGAR and notion store for sale; a nice little business. Apply 2038 11th st. n.w. 22* 1 CORNER GROCERY?Well Incited; new stock i and fixtures; horse and wagon; bargain for j quick buyer. Call at 1419 Sth st. n.w. 21* [ EIGHT SHARES of stock in Olympic Theater at . reasonable price. George Dugdale, 1435 U st n.w. FEED BUSINESS of the late P. B. Ryan, 1110 / 11th st. s.e.; splendid chance. Apply John G. } Meinberg, 716 11th st. s.e., or Henry C. Emrich. 647 South Carolina ave. s.e. GENTS* FURNISHING STORE for sale; best location in the city. Box 403. Star office. 21* k I GROCERY and dairy stand?Good location; mostly f cash business; line corner tor dairy; reasonable. I , B??x 351, Star office. 21* HALF INTEREST for sale in large local pennant and college novelty factory; with or wlfh* out services. Box 12.". Star office. 21* INVESTMENT?Can you put in $2,500 for four months' time? Safe, legitimate business; good Interest on money. Address Box 405. Star - office. 21* 1 LL:N('HIUX?M -Sacrifice; downtown section* wll paying business; sold on account of health of owner. W. S. Bowles, 004 14th st. n.w.; phone - Main 2745. . LUNCHROOM: fully equipped and good buslI, ness; 1237 7tb st. n.vr. Apply G. II. Hailing, 1328 8th st. n.w., or R. M. Thomas, the Coj lumblan bldg. ONLY DRUG ISTOIIE in small town In one of best counties of northern Virginia, two hours n from Washington: $2,Gl?0 cash, discount if sold before 27th. Address Box 594, Star office. A OYSTER HOI SE and lunchroom; on good business * street n.w.: rent. $15: $100 required. Apply twtU H st. n.w.. baseuaeut. - IMRTNEK wanted. furnish some capital, go into 2nd-hand automobile business; big money can be made. Box .'155. Star office. 21* PARTNER wanted with $550 .ash for controlling Interest: $2,500 sales and collection D. O. cor. I><>ration. See owner immediately. 406 Pope * bnllding. 817 14th st. n.w. 21* 3 ROOMING HOUSE?Nicely furnished; refined \ roomers; near Y. M. C. A. and departments; L $225 cash. 1007 G st. n.w. - ROOMING HOUSE ? Filled with good-paying roomers; $225: cash or terms. 021 II ?t. n.w. ~ SALESMEN AND AGENCIES wanted to handle 7. high-class investment; a new, sound investment in the west for all classes of investors; Nreferences and your connections tor past year re-1 quired. Address P. G. Campbell. Secretary, Illinois National Bank bldg.. Springfield, III. * 7 SPACE FOR RENT In part of store: fine location: suitable for fine business.. Apply 1513 ] II n.w. ' ' WANTED?A light grocery, notion and confec~ tloncry store, with living rooms; transfer <ori>er or near school preferred. Address Box 222, Star office. ^ WANTED?Small grocery.^ candy and notion store a who living roou??. aujitoj U1fW. 21* WANTED, A GROCERY?Will pay cash; must K be In good location. Box 307. Star office. 22* " ^dR^^^^LLATO0U8~ BOATS A\D ACCESSORIES. p MOTOR ROAT: 25 by ft.: l^-horsepower; ;p good condition: must fell. .*jOS 1st s.e. 22* DOGS. PETS, C ATS. ETU. "" DOG--Young male, bull; cheap. Address Mrs. M. E. Moore. Ballston, Va.. Route 1. 21* DOGS?Two St. Bernard does, male and female: _ 4 years old; chfeap if sold at once. ?Apply Room 1. Wariler bldg. f PUODLES?French poodles for sale; 6 weeks old. 70* Va. ave. s o. PUPPIES?Thoroughbred Alrdale terriers. For sale at 318 15th st. s.e. 21* J FURNITURE. ^ DESK, large roll-top. and office chair; also buffet: almost new: cheap. 0.'W Florence st. n.e. FURNITURE complete for nine-room house; will - sacrifice for $7."> this week; going out of town. '? 01 r> Md. aTe. s.w. j ^ FURNITURE?New and slightly used; easy terms If desired, or discount for cash. Save money? - buy at Hopwuod's. 8th and K sts. n.w. ~ HORSES, CARRIAGES, ETC. FOB SALE OR EXCHANGIvflke Uue pair of mares; weight, 2,000 lbs.; one 1,200-lb. mare. Al B] y Ads lick Results ] HI. a EI m : id white Leghorns; n?w J immediately; no reason- 1 me Cleve. 608-J. . FY) s KJ 1 1 _ A CA. ?_ n 1. ? juvc au in oiar s .rouiiry m sns. __ o "" o FOE SALE?MISCELLANEOUS. F HORSES. CARRIAGES. ETC. fCon'd)^ ? T HORSE?For sale; good sound joung horse; gentle; fine "driver; will demonstrate ability to any one. Call S. Samalia & Bro., 1100 9th st. n.w. HORSE?For sale, oue bay horse. At Duhey T Bros.' Stable, rear of 424 -Ith st. n.e. 21* HORSK. 0 years old. nice, small driving, classy runabout, new harness. $125. Box 430, . Star office. 22* T HORSE. 6 years old; handmade wagon and harness; having purchased auto delivery car, will _ sell cheap for cash. J. \V. Koob & Co., 631 T Center market. HORSES AND MARES for sale?6 good work. Owner now using trucks. 438 O n.w. 24* ? HORSES and vehicles for hire, by day, week or ^ month at special rates. Boarding hones a pecialty. COGSWELL STABLES. 811-313 Missouri ave. n.w. Phone Main 4060. WAGONS for sale; two delivery wagons cheap. pT C. A. Muddlr.ian & Co.. 616 12th st. n.w. WANTED?Ilorse suitable for light delivery wagon: must be reasonable. Box 259, Star office. ?1_ F WORK HORSE for sale, cheap. 318 15th st. re. 21* MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ~ ~~ BARGAINS IN " SECOND-HAND PIANOS. $300 Princeton $150 $350 Hallet & Davis upright $50 py; $400 Poole upright, mahogany $150 $300 Weber $95 $275 Comstock $150 $300 Cooke $150 Piano Exchange, ? 1237 O st. n.w. P PIANO?Upright, for sale; $25; a bargain. Mordecai, 916 15th st. n.w., after 4:30. 21* PIPE ORGAN?Excellent condition: electric motor; will sell at reasonable price and fully guarantee. Samuel S. WateA* Organ Factory, 109 10th st. s.e. PLAYER-PIANO?At once at sacrifice $550 1 player-piano (new) with 100 rolls for $175. 2717 11th st. n.w. 22* THREE piano bargains: $400 Kobler A damp- ? . bell. $170; $300 Kimball, $135; $300 Smith A ) Barnes, $150. Pianos for rent. Hugo Worch, , 1110 Q. Worch building. Vlctrolar MOTOR CYCLES AMD BICrCL.ES. BICYCLE?Coaster brake: brand-new tires. See Elevator Boy. Barrister bide.. 635 F st. n.w. INDIAN?1914. twin cylinder, fully equipped. _ for $150. Apply Dnncan Hodgers. 1519 Rhode Island ave. < MOTOR CYCLE, twin-cylinder Eoccelsior. for ! sale, excellent condition, at a sacrifice, $65 _I fash. Call Main 7009. 26* WILL PAY OASII for on* good second-hand motor cycle. Tel. Main 2950, evenings from B to 7. 21* ? POULTRY A\P EGQS. FOR ANNOUNCEMENT OF ' POULTRY. EGGS, ETC., ? SEE PAGE 17. 12 SEWING MACHINES. ? BIG BARGAINS in sewing machines this week: 27 late machines. $3 up to $18. Renting and repairing. Open evenings. Reamy, 625 Pa. ave. ? s.e. L. 3672. 201 I. ARK IN?THE SEWING MACHINE MAN? ? With Singer Sewing Machine Co., 8209 14th n.w. 16: Ph. Col. 3505. New and second-hand machines. I Renting, repairing. Lowest prices. All makes. r TYPEWRITERS 811 BKBITI.T TYPEWRITER CO.. INC.. 717 12th. r Visible machine* rented, $2.50 per month and ? Bold at from to Y> Mfg. prices. 10: REBUILDING AND REPAIRING. t ? - . .. ( TYPEWRITERS?Great clearance sale. My en- 1 tire renting stock sold at S their value from 1 my residence, on account of illness. ? 1431 East Cap, st. Lincoln 1133-J. 21* 91: TYPEWRITER RENTAL SERVICE, North 8128%!. r 86 Randolph pi. n.w. No. 6 Remingtons rented I $1 mo.: 3 mos.. $2.50; 6. $4.50; Olivers, Smito Premiers. $1.50: L. C. Smiths. Royals, $2.23; 21: L'nderw<ods, Remingtons, Monarchs. $2.f0. * Reductions if paid 3 or 6 months in advance. jo. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS rented 3 months \ for $6; No. 6 Remingtons, 3 months for $3; : high-grade machines. Just from factory: fully 72! guaranteed. 29 T st. n.w.: pljou* North 7946. \ UNDERWOOD No. 4; like new; only $25.00. ?1 502 Woodward bldg. 42 WE sell ami rent all high-grade standard makes ,773 of typewriters at low prices and easy terms. We sell typewriter ribbons, carbons aud paper, Gen- 1 eral Typewriter Oo., 618 14th n.w.; ph. M. 6694. MISCELLANEOUS. _i AEROPLANE?Large, new; exceptional bargalu; r capable of carrying six men; equipped with two powerful engines; self-starter and auto- ? ma tic balancing device, etc. For further par- 121 ti'-ulars inquire of X. G. White, 204 North i Washington St., Alexandria. Va. 20* t BF.I>. carpet, ice box, sideboard, etc., for sale. 31 Apply 717 Fairmont st. n.w. 22* 1 BOILER and steam engine: 10-horsepower; prae- < ticaily new; will soil very reasonably, tall ! L. 712 for further information. CLOTUBS?It's experience that counts, and the r expert judge of values who buys the new __U pants is up to snuff and -knows what's what; 5ui our offers are cash, or we .could never sell new i: pHiits such as men are glad to buy at $1.50 to r-? besides, where can a man of moderate m?*ans buy such slightly used overcoats $15 to T $10? Where? One price. Justli's Old Staud. _ ?;if? r>. 13 COMPUTING SCALE, large ice box dlill>, good \ condition, cheap. Address Box 206, Star ? office. 22* 10 ? ??? 1 DIAMONDS?Must be sold at once; blue-white 1 diamond. utKnit one karat; will sacrifice for rr$140: blue-white diamond. v? carat, for $100; 4-' blue white diamond, about carat, for $40. On sale at A. Kaiiu's, U.35 F st. n.w. 171 FRAMES AND GLASS, fine stock of convex, for ^ sale cheap. Address 212 N. Green St., Baltl- ? more, Md. fcl* 62' ? 5 HERO of fine dairy cows and heifers for sale, rr: j Address Box 132. Star "ftiee. 22* LARGE >:o.-k National cas.i registers, slightly *" used. fully guaranteed, suitable for all business; ' greatly reduced price. Telepboue M. 250. 625 17. Louisiana av<?. a LATHE ?Small; price, $12.50; also 2-cyl. gas , ^ engine. 73U 13:h st. n.w. 131 PAWN TICKET?Handsome oi?tI dinner ring. _f lb diamonds; in for $1??0; interest. $3; cost u. $40o; will sacrifice, $65; must be seen to ap- a predate. Address Druggist, Star office. ^ PRESTULIXE TANK, double set harness. 1213 c C st. 11.e. fc RECORDS, Victor, Columbia and Edison, bought, * sold and exchangedj also Victrola aud grafonola ?1 records sold at halt price. You can save money 19: at the Record Exchange, 601 G n.w. i SAFES for sale; Mosler new and second-', and ? safe* and .vault doors; all sizes; sal** opened, . repaired and combinations changed l>t oodum ? experts. The Mo&ler Safe Co.. <?. t?. Hammer, 171 Mgr.. 517 Kith st. n.w. Phone Main 3694. i SHAPES- We make n specialty of best quality 34 oil opaque ?had<*?. 65c. All the best grades fc of shades at lowest prices. R. C. M. Burton a A- Sou. !>11 K n.w. p SHOWCASE AND STORK FIXTI'llKS SAM- 'r I'l.i; ROOM AND COl'NTER CASKS. AT ? SPECIAL PRICKS. -BUY AT THE FAC- ol." TORY." RI SE & COMPANY. SOS LOW ST.. ' P.ALTO.. Mil. THE IDEAL APRON for the housewife; will t fit all sizes; sent postpaid 35r: to agents. 1 $2.75 dozen. Mrs. Adams. Box 159, Rockville, >"? L_ , TWO SITES for sale in lot 100. section "F." In I OJonwood cemetery. Mrs. Minnie Oates. Ta- M, k<?nin Park. I>. C. 22* * ? AUTOMOBILES. ^ AKTOMOBlt.i'-.S?FPU SAI.R 1 ABACEDE TIKES?Encalled-for repaired tires ool sacrificed: 30x3. $3; 30x3%, 32x3%. 34x3%. $4; ' 32x4. 33x4, 34x4 35x4. 36x4. 33x4V,, 34x4V,, * 36x4%, $6: 37x5, nearly new, $12. Hoyle'a, ?804 N st. n.w. 80: AN excellent opportunity to secure a model "T" r Ford touring car. completely rebuilt, with ? brand new 1914 body; good as new. Box Jh 273. Star office. ? ? __________? - 141 ALTO THUS??Sizes: Two 36x4% e.s . 34x4 q. d., two 33x4 s.s.; also Ford sizes. Landaulet for r t?aie or exciiaiv mr rouusi?-*r. ? 024 H at. n.e. L. 2983. 6 AUTOMOBILES VARNISHED FKEK on *11 or- { ders for top recovering or slip covers received . until January 31, as an Introductory to our ? new painting department; Ford slip cover*, made to fit the car, special for thirty days, ? (14, incljding free varnishing. 222 Standard Auto Top Co.. 1316 Pa. ave. n.w. r CADILLAC for sale cheap; S-passenuer, 1912; ? electric lighting; self-starter; flue .{or backing 50i or pleasure car: in good condition. Address Box v 429, Star office. 22* AUTOMOBILES. LTOMOBILKS?FOR SALE (Coa'd.) LRGAINS IN USED CARS. j Easy terms. Studebaker-Flanders car .^.$200 ?even-passenger ttmring car $500 Sltnore flve-passeiiger $250 Other bargains in used cars. BRISCOE SALES CO.. 1230 Wisconsin are. LCMBIA ELECTRIC?In first-class condllon; batteries Just overhauled and newly aiuted; $350.00. Apply to til Pierce at. n.e. Lsk for W. Donaldson. ECTRIC COri'E for sale: 4-passenger; standrd make: $350 cash. Box 402. Star office. 21* ,ECTRIC VICTORIA ? SEW BATTERIES. : lew paint; thoroughly overhauled: this car ooks well and will sire good service; $400. : \r? frtr lir- ninrith Ir> reKrmnsihle nHrt lea FIDELITY STORAGE COMPANY. i ?RI> CHASSIS in perfect condition; will t>e i old reasonable. 1418 N. Capitol st. LIT ROADSTER?First offer takes it. 205 . Svans hldg.. 1420 N- Y. ave. Main 7650. Counihla 5685. No triflers. STZ ROADSTER for sale; 1012; in good con- . lition; will sacrifice for $150; leaving city. OS 14th st. d.w. 25* L. 10c per qt. 5 lbs. grease, 50c. 1 gal. olish, 00c. Batteries. 19c. 5 gal. light oil, 11.50. Superior spark plugs. 35c. Vermillion. 604 E st. n.w. I'fcone M. 4173. 'ERRAND roadster; first-clans condition; newy painted; new transmission; reasonable. Aptly II at. n.w. ' T.I.MAN 5-passenger. electrically equipped; "elf-starter: excellent condition; make offer. See car. Bartrani Garage. 1204 N. H. ave. iUUING CAR. 1913. T-passeuger, 40-h.n.. in Irst-class order: Bosch magneto; elec. lights; , iray & Davis generator; dust covers; top and ' side curtains, etc.; cost $2,000; will sell for 1700. 1301 19th st. n.w. 1UBING CAR CHEAP. Rare opportunity; high-grade car: first-class tonditlon; splendid for hacking: beat offer gets < t. Box 254. Star office. LUCKS?One and two tons; good as new; ised hut short time; closed out business. Box 141. Star office. 26* LUCK?2.500 pounds capacity; well known nnke; cost over $2,000; used very little; too . arge for business now owning it; can be seen ipv time; will sacrifice. Box 255. S*ar office. 1SHINGTON TOURING CAR. 1912; foredoor; Oily equipped; no reasonable offer Refused. 136 Conn. ave. Phone North 4107. AUTOMOBILES?FOR HIRE. .EGANT FIVE-PASS.. 6-CYLINDER CHALners for rent by private party with careful hauffeur, by the hour. day. week or month; . easonable rates. Phone No. 265. JEGANT TOURING AND LIMOUSINS CARS; lghted and heated: SPECIAL RATES for the , heater and calling: strictly careful drivers. Phone Lincoln 1434. AUTO HIRE COMPANY. 5 and 7 passenger autos, $2 or $3 per hour. Cars heated. New Ford. $1.50 per hour. L. 2563. >R HIRE?7-PASSENGER, 6-CYLINDER 1915 ?ars, $2.50 1st br., $2 each succeeding hr.; spe lal rates to shopping and calling parties. GISH 5 A RAGE, 17th and U n.w. X. 44S4. Special ates for all day. xxt.-xxx. x XX * x nil! irui uj iu<3 uuui. uaj, veek or month Packard. Imperial, Berlin, imouslne, 7-passenger, latest model: chauffeur n livery; handsomest car ever In public servce. N. 1181 for Information. FORD TOURING* CAR. $1.50 per hoar: special rates by the day or reek. Phone N. .1026, AUTOMOBILES WANTED. SELL AUTOMOBILES BY AUCTION EVERY Saturday. 12 noon. A quick and satisfactory nethod. Inquire for special rates at "WE6CH'.ER'S." 020 Pa. ave. n.w. ANTED?Ford roadster; must be in cood runilng order; cheap lor cash. Box 358, Star ffice. 20* FOR SALE?GARAGES^ GARAGES AND HOUSE CONSTRUCTION. ?oncrete, brick, pebble-dash or corrugated ron garages: also general house repairing. Col. 837. LEO J. LONG. 4307 N. H. ave. C. I. G. PORTABLE STEEL GARAGES. Neat, substantial. Immediate delivery. Factory. Washington, D. C. W. M. DOUGAL. 1410 G n.w. M. 1618. fobTren X?rooms. * FURNISHED. 10 C N.E.?SecoDd-floor front room; southern exposure; hot water beat; reasonable. 15 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE.?Part of furilshed modern bouse to adults; housekeeping. 22* 21 H ST. N.W.?Nicely furnished rooma; all nodern conveniences; reasonable rates. 21'-a 11th N.W., Apt. 1?To colored gentlemen? jiirge front room; near bath; good location; easonable. * 12th N.W.?Completely furnished rooms; aln;4e or en suite; for l.h.k.; steam beat; gas; easonable. . 27 BILTMORE ST.?Gentlemen desiring excepional rooms in handsome private home, pboue Jol. 4*>64; very large southern room; private avatory; smaller room adjoining bath; two ear ines convenient; references. 2 MASS. AVE. N.W.? Large, pleasant 2nd-fluor oom, with alcove, and smaller one; also large voui, with Kitchenette; excellent location; thone. I C ST. X.W.?One large room, with alcove; e?-ond floor, front; reasonable. 23 Q N.W.?To colored, nice large room; exrelleut location; adjoining bath; $8.50 per noutb. i# 3rd ST. N.E.?'/ beautiful furnished rooms *itli batli; gentleman preferred: near two car lnes. 4 3d N.W.?Apartment; 3 rooms and private >ath; centrally lo<aied; $2?X00. 21 r G N.W.?Hall room; second floor front; vrell iCated; $1.50: also larger room, $2.00. 21* J MD. AVE. N.E,?2 rooms and bath; furtished: near Capitol and Library (the Algiers). 15 KENYON ST.?Bright, newly fur. 2nd-floor vom; hot-water heat; electric light; gentleman. 4 MD. AVE. N.E.? Attractive furnished rooms n a first-floor apartment; choice location; square of Capitol; h.-w. heat. 14 MOUNT PLEASANT ST. N.W. -Suite of igbt, airy rooms, on second floor; all modern ronveniencea; bath adjoining; private family; references given and required. 18 17th ST.. Apt. 33?Large, bright, furnished f'-m in modern apartment; suitable for lady in flico. i N ST. N.W.?Furnished room for rent; steam icat and gas; gentleman preferred. 2-.i* lfj U ST. N.W.?For rent, two communicating ooms: newly furnished; steam heat; suitable or two or three gentlemen; private family. 15 loth N.W.?First, second and third floor 'iv.nw nr en suite. with or Without >our?i. Also rooms (or housekeeping. IS 14th N.W. (uear Thomas Circle)?Well furlislied rooms; electric lights; hot-water heat; ill couvenieuces; excellent location. i 12th ST. N.W.?Facing Raleigh Hotel; clean root rooms; steam heat; $1.50 week up. 21* . LH?' (j ST. N.W.?Second-floor room; southern exposure; also front room: well heated; private family. Phone N. 3S41. I H N.W. ? Nice rooms; h.-w.b.; $8 and >10 per month. { II ST. N.W. ?Furnished room for rent. 27 F ST.?Nicely furnished rooms; phone; lectricity. 12 S N". W.?ltetined private liome; one or two ; ittrac tively furnished rooms; private hath; ireakfast and dinner optional: references. 25 >1 ST. N.W.?Furnished rooms and one ipt. for light housekeeping. . JVY CHASE. 1>. C.?Rooms and hoard; half q. from cars; one fare. Phone Clev. lot). 29 K ST. N.W.?2 students or young men la iffi.-e to occupy large third-floor front room; outhern exposure: 3 large windows; nicely uruished: twin beds; convenient to Y. M. O. L and departments: tea.-on able. 29 K ST. N.W.?Two students or young men u office to occupy large thinl-floor front room; km thorn exposure; 3 large windows; nicely uml.shed; twin beds; convenient to Y. M. C. 1. and departments; reasonable. X) LAMER PLACE? P..??no Col. 1926. Rooms n private home; two car lines. 18 M S*T. N.W. (Thomas Circle)?Large. bandiontely furnished robins; brass beds; cherry tud mahogany furniture. IS S ST. N.W. Second-floor rooms; well furlished; private family. 23* . EAST CAPITOL?3 cheerful first-floor rooms . or I.h.h.: for adults, near Capitol. ; ). I' N.W.?Large, bright, well furnished ront room: h.-w. h.; near'bathk, conveniently oca ted: reasonable. 23* ? '.s ct>' ' tlflA KOAD-^Ualigluful front room; econd floor: on? southern exposure: adjoining n.:li: refined couple. MiNOLlA. APT. 3, 1321 M at. n.w.?Large. " iright. second-floor front room; southern exposure; phone. 22* II I. ST. N.W.? Well furnished rooms; central ocation: transients accommodated, pLoue ?.'orth 6356. L7 14th N.W.. APT. 6?Nice front room for -rtntlnnxin- nrivtlfl?i? hxlh fliut lltlMrV 1? Ml er week. *" I 11th ST. N.W.?Furnished rooms; front and ack parlor; other communicating rooms; rates easonable. LRMSHED AXD INFIKMSHED. >8 14th N.W. (near Thomas Circle)?Three- ^ oom apartment for l.h.k.; other furnished corns; hot-water heat. L N.W.?Apartment, two bright, unfurnished ooms; heat, gas, $12; without, $10; large rarm furnishefl front room, two or three perons, $5 each, with breakfast. $10. 21* * UXFURMSHEP. ! I ST. N.W.?Two front communicating ooms; well heated; second floor; l.b.k.; reaonable. 21* ) B ST. N.E.? it. large.rooms And kitchenette. >,fb hot-water heat, gas and bath; reasoniW* FOR RENT?ROOMS. I'.VFURMSHED (Contlnafd). B06 PROSPECT A\*B. N.W.-3 unnTrnUhM rooms for l.h.k.; heat atod gas furnished; $15. 22* 135* COLUMBIA ROAD Two or three large, bright rooms; private bath; excellent for l.h.k.; h.-w. h. 180H U N.W.?Three large mom apartment; private hath; second floor; porch: excellent location; steam heat. 1248 9th S.E.?Four-room flat; bath: gas; yard. h.-w. heating; modern; cleau; cheap: $12.50. * WITH BOARD. 824 fith N.W. Room ami board. $5 per week; <> o'clock breakfast; table hoard. $3.50. * 200 E N.W. ? Ij?r?e corner house; large front second-floor corner room; porches; suitable for two; excellent board. 810 EYE N.W.?lairge and small well heated rooms- .Tcallonf hnm. /vwtkincr- tTmtlcmL'Q: 1 reasonable. 1122 VERMONT AVE.?Attractive rront rooms; newly papered; heated by Burlington apt.; excellent table board. 7 5th ST. S.E.?Nicely furnished rooms and board: hot-water heat: home comforts. 22* 1448 CLIFTON ST. N.W.?Furnished room suitable for one or two. with private Jewish family: convenient to two car lines. Call l>efore 1 p.m. or after 6 n.m. 21* THE LENOX. Apt. 14?Small front room furnlshed; also table board. 22* 1827 BELMONT ROAD?Large room, with board, in modern, detached house; every convenience. 1421 Q N.W.?T:nfurnlsbed rooms. single. double; with board; $5 week; plentiful table: dinners. 35c. 23* 5^5 3d ST. N.E.?Nicely furnished front and back rooms, wltb board; rates reasonable. 1404 15th ST. N.W.?Comfortable aecond-flooe rooms; cultured environment; table a specialty. North 5073. 0 L N.W.?Rooma. board, care and medical attention of children. 3 to 12 years. $15 mo. 21* 8 IOWA CIRCLE?Second-floor front room; also medium-sized room adjoining; well furnished: private family; convenient downtown location; parties to take breakfast and dinner only pre* ferred. 1312 L ST. N.W.?Large third-floor front room: steam heat: warm, well kent house; excellent table: special rate for three i>ersons who are l>ermanent. 1312 L ST. N.W.?Suite of two rooms; one with nine windows for sleeping room: running water; steam heat: southern exposure: second floor, with bath adjoining; suitable for two or four persons; excellent table: central location: unlimited hot water supply. 1202 18th ST. AND CONN. AVE. N.W.-Very attractlve rooms; excellent table; home cooking; reasonable. Phone N. 4540. WITH OH WITHOUT BOARD. 405 MD. AVE. S.W.? Large front and communicating rooms; nicely furnished; with or without board. - 1225 N N.W.-.Large front room; first floor; suitable for two: also smaller room. WANTED?ROOMS. THREE OH FOUR housekeeping rooms with bath; completely famished: Mt. Pleasant section: $4o ?r *50. Fox 424. Star office. J ABLE BOARD. 1327 R N.W.?Delicious table board; home cooking; all conveniences: homelike surroundings; $5.00 per week. 20* THE LENOX. Apt. 14. 1523 L at. n.w.?Good home cooking. 22* 1404 M N.W.?Near Thomas Circle; excellent table board: home cooking; splendid location; phone; reasonable. SUBURBAN BOABD. CHEVY CHASE LODGE, MP.?3 rooms: private bath: also sleeping porch. Phone Clev. 9ft5. APARTMENTS TO LET. FURNISHED. HOTEL LOGAN, IOWA CIRCLE. WM. CATTO. Proprietor. American and Eurooean plana. Room and batb. RATES REASONABLE. TO SUBLET?ONE 6-ROOM APARTMENT; furnished or unfurnished. The Toronto. Apply at office. FOR RENT-3 ROOMS AND BATH; FURNISHed; grand piano; fashionable section; to October 1. Phone Col. 5103. 129 MD. AVE. N.E.. near Oapltol?Three and four room and bath housekeeping apts., fur.; hot-water heat; southern exposure; choice location; moderate rent. STONELEIGH COURT, CONNECTICUT AVE. D L ST. Apartments to rent, furnished or unfurnished ; housekeeping and' non-housekeeping. By the year or for SHORTER PERIODS. Splendid restaurant with "A La Carte" and Special TABLE D'HOTE SERVICE. THE DAVISON, 1320 M N.W.. NEAR 14thOne or three rooms, all front, well heated; hath adjoining. TWO ROOMS. BATH. KITCHENETTE. NEWLY and nicely furnished; from Feb. 1 to Oct. 1; everything included: rent, $65. Apt. 504, Falfcstone Courts, 14th and Fairmont ti.w-. yiHMSHF.D AND UXFlHM8HED. THE PORTNER, 15th AND U. FIREPROOF. Two 3-room and bath non-housekeeping apartments; all front rooms; fine cafe in building; all-night service. Apply office. THE BERKSHIRE, ? 1412 Chapin st. 6 rooms and bath. $37.50 unfur.; $47.50 fur. 2 rooms and bath, $22.50 unfur.; $27.50 fur. Elevator, telephone. .iMnltor service. THE BURLINGTON,VERMONT AVE. AND THOMAS CIRCLE. 8 rooms, bath and kitchenette. Doctor's office. Superior service. Clerk in office day and night. Restaurant. Amy Gordon,Apartment Specialist 1 to 6 rooms, fur. and unfur.. $15 to $200 monthly: short and long leases. 623 BOND BLDG. M. 4172. UNFURNISHED. KENESAW APARTMENT HOUSE, loin, corner irviug ?i. u.?*. 1 or 2 very desirable corner apts. available. All rooms outside, large and sunny. High-class, fireproof, 3 elevators; constant office service; excellent cafe at low rates. Inquiries and inspection welcomed. S. II. BRIANT. Manager. THE ALBEMARLE 17tb AND T STS. N.W. A 4-room and bath housekeeping apt.; all bright, outside rooms, for rent: also a 3-room h.k. apt. THE ETHELHCRST. 15tb and L ata. n.w. 3-room apt.: h.k.: outside: corner apt. FLORENCE COURT. East Cal. are. and Phelps p!. n.w.?A 5-room and bath h.k. apt. for rent; south exposure: bright, cheerful rooms. All these bouses modern fireproof buildings; night and day elevator: excellent service. Apply at respective houses, or to E. O. WAGENHORST. ?04 Bond bldf.. Phone M. r. 133. 14th and N. Y. are. a.w. THE VINCETTA , 337 MARYLAND AVE. S.W. Rents reduced to Desirable Colored Tenants 3, 4 and 5 room apartments; heat furnished. $16.50, $18.50 and $22.50. ARTHUR CARR 1101 K STREET N.W. the Carolina. 7u? nth n.w.5 large rooms and bath, outside apt $37.50 rHE PLYMOUTH. 1236 11th st. n.w.? 4 rooms and bath $34.00 AMERICAN REALTY CO.. 706 11th St. n.w. 2806 CONN. AVE. N.W. NEW FIREPROOF APARTMENT JUST COMPLETED. ONLY 2 APARTM HINTS LEFT. Each apartment is beautifully decorated and modern in every respect, containing 5 rooms, bath and porch: Janitor service, heat and hot water. Rents, $50 to $60. OPEN FOR INSPBCTTTON. Apt. 12 1627 16th at. n.w.. 3 rooms and bath. Heat, hot water and janitor service. Rent. $30.00. FRANCIS A. BLUNDON, 707 G ST. N.W. PHONE MAIN 0 OR 10. : 110 13th S.W.; 3 AND 4 RMS. AND B. .$22.00 ; 725 7th s.w.. 5 rooms and batty 16.00 1443 E. Capitol at.. 5 rooms and bath.. 20.50 ] PHILLIPS CO.. 330 John Marshall place. 11(1 r ST. N.E. : TTntimtnliv Attractive turnout and bath anart meat, convenient to Senate office building and j Southern railway building: reference. j ti1k nokttir.mberi.and. i New Hampshire ave. and V at. Strictly hljrh-class, fireproof building; roof ' garden: all night elevator and telephone service. I One 2-room and bath, l.h.k.. $25. tine 4-room and batb. $.".0. One 7-room and batb. $65. Apply on premises. n hammond court. aoth and q sts. n.w. ?One very desirable apartment: all outside rooms: northern, western and southern exposure; piazza: 5 rooms and batli: $45. CHE washington loan and TRUST 00.. real estate department. [HE christiana, 1829 california ST. n.w.; 4 rooms and bath; In very best of condition; front apt.; rent for $35 month. THE MAXWELL, 1419 Clifton at. n.w.; 4 rooms and bath; bade porch; good service; nice apt.; rent. $30.50 month. >ew york real estate brokers. 1428 f. . bachelor apartments. , 815 fifteenth st. n.W. 1 Handsome new building, opposite Sboreham j Hotel; all large outside rooms; hardwood floors; excellent service: ready February 1. -Two rooms, reception ball and bath, $35.00 to $42.80 a month. ] THE F. H. SSlITH COMPANY. 1408 NEW YOU AYE. N.W. APARTMENTS TO LET. I'NFI RWISHKD <Contla?a?4>. TOU. RENT? STOVE * FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. ?.w. APARTMENTS. (Hear furnished.) The Biltxnore. 1?40 BUlmore. 6 ran ma S66.W* The Northumberland. 7 rooms flft 0(1 1406 Irving st. n.w , lOr., 2 baths The (Veil. 15th and L sts.. 5 5<V<W? T^ie Alabama, 11th A N st*. n.w.. Sr., b.. 4.VOO The Sheridan. 1516 22nd nw.. No. 12. 5r . 42 3* 1900 Q ?t. n w.. 6 room* and bath 41 50 The Andover. 1826 M n w.. 5r. and bath.. 40 <0 The Baltimore. 1615 Swaun st.. Or., b.... 87 1820 M st. n.w.. 5 rooms 37.50 The Warr?*nton, 1801 Wyoming are., 4r... 37 O The Montfeelln. 3157 >it. 1'leasant wt.. 4r. 35 <*? The Howard, 1617 Swann st.. 5r., b 35 ?<> The Christian!. 704 M st. n.w.. f> rooms.. 35 "Ml 1774 Columbia road. 2nd floor. 5 pioo? ... 38 "0 The Warrlngtoc. 1801 Wyoming are., 4r..b. 32 50 1756 T st. n.w.. 4 rooms lb) *>0 428 Oth st.. 5 rooms 8<VoO 'lue toTincton. t'>iuini?;a roaa. sr.... ?nno The Dartmouth. 265 N #it. n.w.. 5 rooms.. 27 * ?> The Meridian. 1513 Meridian st.. No. 4... 25 5ft 920 New York aTe. n.w.. 3rd floor. 3r 2fl 5ft 1935 Talvert at.. 3rd (kor. 3 rooms 25 o<? The Covington. 1838 Columbia rd., 2r., b.. 2ft <a> 2146 I* at. n.w . 3 rooms 22 5<? The Berkshire. 1412 Chapln St.. 2r 22 *> # Tlie llklev. 1320 1* *t n w , 4 r<MTD? 22 5ft STONE Si FAIRFAX. 1342 New York a?e. o ?. TWO-FAMILY FLATS. (No heat furnished.l 1909 Kalorama n>a?l. ft rooms $30 50 1 SI 1 Kalorama road. ft rooms 28.">ft 1354 Girard St.. 2nd floor. ft rooms 27 59 1617 19t;i st. n.w.. 2:?d floor. 4 ro .m? . . 2fl 75 2010 I* at. n.w . 2nd floor. 5 rooms 2-VfM 1727 T st n.w.. 1st floor. 5 rooms 25 <44 18 T st. u e . 2nd floor, ft rooms 24 5ft 80 T st. n.e.. 2nd floor, ft rooms 24 <4 1324 14th st. n.w.. 4 rooms and bstb 23 on Iftlft New Jersey sve.. 5r. and hath 21.5ft 817 R st. n.w., 2nd floor, 5r. and hath... 21 305 R st. n.w.. 2nd floer, 5 rooms 21 " <? 305 R st. n.w.. 1st floor. 5 rooms. 2*>6? 311 R st. n.w.. 1st floor. Br. and bath.... 20.50 fllO Elliott st. n.e.. 4 rooms 20 .*41 182ft T st. n.w.. 2nd floor. 3 rooms 20 :.(? 20 Todd place. 2nd floor. 5r. and batb.... lft.Oft ISltt 23rd st. n.w., 2nd floor, Br., batb.... l8.5rt 7ft? Girard st.. 2nd floor. 4r.. batb 18 23 2011 14th st. n.w., 3rd floor. Sr. and b.... 18.<?? 2825 Sherman aTe.. 2nd floor, 4 rooms.... 16.0ft 770 Gresham pi.. 1st fl'X?r. 4r. and bath... 17.-5 1711 4th st. n.w.. 1st flortb. Br. and batb.. 17.?*? 2323 N st. n.w . 2nd floor. 5 rooms 17 Oft 2811 Sherman ave., 1st floor. 3 rooms.... lft 5'? 611 Morton place. 2ud floor, 4 rooms 16.5ft 634 Orleans place, 1st flo<?r, 4 rooms 14 B<? 640 Orleans pi. n.e.. 1st fl.. 4r. and b 14 f*? 634 Orleans place, 1st floor. 4 rooms 14-50 646 Orleans place. 4 rooms 14. ."ft 1219 5th st n.w.. 3 room* and bath 13.f*> 61i? Orleans place, 4 rooms 13.50 123 15th st. n.e., 2nd floor. 5 n?nw 11.50 109 15th st. n.e.. 1st floor. 5 rooms 12.50 2416 G st. n.w.. No. 'J. 3 rooms and hath. 12 0ft STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are, n.w. THE NORFOLK. 2nd aud I> n.e. 6-room. steam heated apartment. Overlooking Mass. av. and station plasa. Rent. $26. gUBRENT? APARTMENT NO. 101. ROCHAIfbeau, containing 4 rooms and batb; formerly occupied by Dr. Win. Gerry Morgan; leased to September 30. 1915. st $65. WEAVER BROS 733 13th at. O.SS. THE ONTARIO. 18th st. and Ontario road n.w. Excellent 7-room and l?ath apt.. $75. Inquire at the Ontario or McLACHLEN BAN KINO CORPORATION. M. 432. Cor. loth :iu/ G sts. n.w. THE CLARION, 148." ~NE\VT<?\ ~N. W - THUKB ntomi and hath, $22. .M>; 4 io.*iua and bath. $28.50. A. B. CAMPBKLK 1410 H n.w. THE SHERMAN. Iflth AM) L STS. N.W. A 5-room ant. for rent; all bright, u.itside room*; modern fireproof bouse: night and day elevator; excellent service. Apply at Sherman, or to E. O. WAOENDHRST. (VH Bon.l !.ld? . Phone M. 5133. 14th and N. Y. avc. o.w. TO COLORED TENANTS? The Wilson. 2412 17th at., where Help i* In _ great demand; brand-new apartments of 4 w beautiful rooms aiul tiled bath: rents. $16.00 to $17.50. Only two left. Inspect at onre. Apply SHANNON & LTCH8 RENTING SERVICE. M. 2345. 7in 14th ?t. M SU.'. APARTMENT DIRECTORY. Complete information of upartmenta given free. Write or call APARTMENT BIREAU. 627. Bond bldg. Main 4172. 20* NEW APARTMENT HOqfl*. 2206 I at. n.w. Now ready for occupancy. 3. 4 and 5 rooms. Prices. 20 to 30 dollars. GASCH * BIBGE. Agta.. 1326 N. Y. are. n.w. BBLMAR. 1333 Belmont at. 4 rooms and bath .$81.89 FRANKLIN. 1913 14th st. n.w. 5 rooms and bath - $88.06 NOTTINGHAM. 2124 P st. n.w. 3 rooms and bnth $27.S? 71 P ST. N.E.. 5 rooms and bath 115-S 728 11th 8T. N.W.. 3rd floor. 4r. and b $$8.00 WEAVER BROS.. 735 18th at. THE CECIL. 15th AND L Rio. >.w.-A iwvroom bachelor apt. for rent; also a single ?*>? and bath apt. Apply at Cecil or to E. O. WAGENHORST. 604 Bond bldg.. 14tii and N. Y. ??. n.w. Phone M. 5133. WANTED?APABTMENTS. WANTED?Furnished apartment; 5 rooma. northwest section; state price. Address 1311 Q at. n.w. _ FOR RENT?HOUSES. FtRMSHKIX FOR RENT. FURNISH ED?-717 QUARRY road; an up-to-date 11!-room and 3-hatU dwelling: large porches; spacious grounds; shade, etc.; monthly, $125.(X?. F. W. GRAHAM & CO.. 617 14th. FOR RENT?HOUSES AND APARTMENTS, furnished and unfurnished: all sizes; desirable locations: renters should call in person or cet ?uy rent list for particulars: prompt, efficient, personal attention to all applicants. JESSE L. HEISKET.L. 1403 H at. n.w. I'hon* Vi'n dC*. DESIRABLE FURNISHED IIOLSEa. ALL SECTIONS. TYLER A- RUTHERFORD. INC.. 72S I5t!i ST. WW. WELL FURNISHED fl-ROOM HOUSE I or rent for indefinite period; 131S Spr;.iroad. IXFIRMSHEB. 1213 H ST. N.W., 12 ROOMS AND RAT1I. ?*.3." 1112 10th st. n.w.. lOr. and fur 4 1 ? 120S 3rd St. s.e.. 6-rnotn brick 12 5 THUS. W. IIUNGEUFORD. 017 14tu *t. u > FOR RENT?607 0th ST. S.W.; OR. AND B.: IN first-class repair: hot-water .. at. Rent. $25.?hj. C. II. PARKER CO., 435 V-ij St. - > 26* FOR RENT ? 233s ONTARIO R< rAD N.W.: > rooms and bath: furnace heat; front porch, uml big back yard: $25.50. H. U. MANDLER CO. <Inc.>. Reuois building. 11th and G st*:. n.w. Look for tlji- U*sl Arrow Sign. HARRY *?V A RDM A N, liOn L' .. IM.nn.. \? .ffQt UNFURNISHED HOUSES. S3 000.Mass av near 2Utn S37.30..2145 P nw. 9r. fe S2.300.1432 K nw.14r.2b $37 50..173O A ll'rd. 8r.b $200..1018 Vt av. 17r,3b $37.50.ol4 12' tiw,]2r.fe $175 . .1525 P nw,22r,4b $35.00.. 1348 Sprln*, 6r.b $125. . .928 M nw,2ur,2!>; 149 H I ue. 6r.t? $110 1106 Vt av. 11 r. 3l? $35 50.1361 Sprin* rd,6.b $100. .K near 13th.isr.b $35.50. 93C N T av. 9r.b $95...1462 Col rd.llr,3b $35.50.1749 18tli nw.fer.b $85. . 1707 N nw. 9r. 2b $35.50 710 12th nw. 9r b $*0.1532 22d nw. 12r,ob $35.50..407 M se. 8r b $75..1317 Ku< Hd. 12r. 2?? *35 .* 2411 18th nw.Or.b $75.1362 Harvard,I2r.2b $35.50. .125 V nw. 8r. b $75 ...225s tath, 10r,2n $35 135 U nw. Sr $75.. 1759 P nw. 14r. 2i> *32.50 163 R I ne. 6r. b $65..373s Kauaw a, I2f $32.5'). 1402 Perrv. 6r. '? S60..1923 Calvert.llr,2 $ {<? .V?..1526 Q nw. 7r.b $60..1305 Kenvon.12r.2b $ T- ..4" 0 3d nw. 6r,?> $60. 1492 Newton. 9r. b $27.50... 124 V ne. 6r, b $00.1733 17th aw.lSr.2fe $27.5i>.. .131 1 ne. 6r. b $60... 1757 P nw. 9.. 2b 527.50..615 Lamont.Gr. b $55..1101 0th nw. 10r,b $27.50..1924 1st nr. 6r.b $55.1726 Surli nw. 7r.2bl $26.50. .170 Bryant. 6f.b $50.50.1803 B'm't, $26.50.179 Uhlan ne.Br.b $50.50.1355 H'i'd.lOr.Sb $26.50 ..163 I ne. Or. b $50. 2946 Newark. 9r.b $-'">.50,135 Quincy ne.B.b $47.50.2015 19th. lOr. b $23.50..721 15th Or.b $45.75. .1015 K nw.9r,'? $25.50. .4016 3d nw. 6r.b $45 50. .1802 U mv.lOr.b . $25.50.4013 Marlboro.6.b $45 1359 Otis., sr. ! $23.50.514 Shep!?,o lit ?c>tu IMI.I'IA m- ?. *<> ? -it oo*?a n?..amr "r K $42 50.1730 C r.w. lOr.b $22.50..7h2 Col rfl. 6r. : $40 50..170S Ore. lOr, b $2<? 50..721 Uarv'd. ttr.b $40.50 1315 Q. l!r, h $1550...813 ?th ?W. 6r $40..2421 18th . STORES. 1231 Pa av nw..$."5" O, r.u2 11th nw 125.o0 906 o nw 200.00 1<)22 14th nw 50'KJ 1006 H nw 125.)4) 130G 11 ne 25.50 APARTMENTS. Wardman Courts. 14th and Clifton. Sr.. b.. 65.00 Northumberland, N. H. ate. an?l V. 6r.. b. . 60 00 1635 It st. n.w.. 2nd floor. 5r.. h.. porch.... 65.00 Wardman Courts. 14th and Clifton :.. & b. 45 "0 Uenox. 1523 L at. n.w., 4 roo-js and hat a. 40 on tVardmau Court*. 14th and Clifton. 3r. & b. 37 50 Prince Georjre, 1613 30th n.w . 6r. and b... 82 60 Mansfield, 1730 M at. n.w, 3r. and bath... 3O..-0 Duquesne, 1+89 Newton .-t. n.w., 4r.. b 2*>.5o tsabella. 1483 Newton n.w.. 4r. and hath... 2*'* '? Bryn Mawr. 1316 U at. n.w.. 4r.. bath 22.V) Roy don. 1619 R bt. n.w.. lr and bath 22 Yardman Courts. 14th & Clifton ata. lr., b. 22.'0 !224 18th n.w., 2nd fl.. 3 rooiua and bath... 2o. -0 1440 Meridian, 1 room and bath 14.50 HARRY WARD MAN, 1430 K at n.w HOUSES. 1813 Adams Mill road. l??r. and 2 batba.. $5" <*? 011 Eye at. n.w.. 12 rooms and 2 baths.. $"5 ?0 $416 Hoi mead place, 8 rooms and bath.. $4o.0o 644 Westminster at. a.w.. Dr. and bath.. 230.50 liieJnglcside tfrrtot, lOr. and bath.... W' W 400 Keutucky ivr. s.e., Or. and bath.... $16.60 Cottage 3. Noorve tract; 6 rooms $12.00 COLORED TENANTS. $2$)$ 26th st. a.w ? r?omi and bath... $12.56 MOVING PIOTl RE THEATER. 2114 14th at. a ? $110.00 OARAGE $21 12tb at. B.W., 2.667 sq. ft $100.00 WEAVER BROS.. 725 18th at. KOIt RENT?TIY F ~ MILIiS. 605 6th ST. N W 1530 10th nw.6r.b.$2650>51S 4th ne. 7r, b..25 .? 1015 E se. 6r 20.00 127 13th na. 6r. b..22.:-o 520 10th ne, Or. b.23.50 1711 Vt av. ?r,b.. .lo.50 1212 7th sw, Or.b..20.50 t ?.3 L aw. 5r. w.. 14.60 121 M nw. 6r.b....20Ao 228 14th sw. Or. b.40.Q0 TOE RENT?COLORED?SIX ROOMS ASli 'bath; modern Improvements; splendid eondl