ADVISORY COUNC1 mm sagFSs^i - * A ROO D THE TABLE BEGINNING AT GEORGE J. SEAV, ARCHIBALD KAI WELLS. wuifc cuifc TDnmic millLULnVL IIILAIILU I, . NEEDED, BIELASKI SAYS I Chief of Bureau of Investigations ] Addresses Florence Crittenton Mission Convention. Intimates Law May Be Amended to j Prevent Blackmail by TJnscru- j I pnlous Women. Need of state laws again at white slavery and of international treaties thereby white slavers can be extradited were discussed by A. Bruce Bie- ? laski, chief of the bureau of investigations of the Department of Justice, at 3 annual conference of the National Florence Crittenton Mission, in session 1 in the parish hall of Trinity Protes- E fcant Episcopal Church today. Mr. Ble- ^ laski pointed out that the federal law r governing white slave cases is lnade- c quale, inasmuch as it deals ohly with 8 Interstate transportation of women and girls. t > nMMUnM ftf O blackmail cases in connection with al- t leged white slave cases, saying that 1' these attempts to blackmail are hin- I ? dering the enforcement of the law. He c Elnted out that men who deal in worn- u for their own personal gain have c thing to fear from blackmail. iOn the other hand, he explained, in 1 fhe case of women where the spirit of f the federal statue is not violated, and \ where the women attempt to black- c Shail men, the women have in some in- v stances been arrested and charged / with conspiracy. This, he said, would ? have a tendency to confuse women of h file underworld and might possibly n lake them fear to testify against & Pile slavers. He said that these ckmall cases were having a bad eft even in commercial cases, and that ause of them it may be necessary amend the federal law. R Treaties Are Needed. c* i |He said that the Department of Jus- ti lice has made endeavors to get some j e\ .Italian white slavers, but that because g] Avio? s ?Vm<% ' , '' - - ^ * v V, .+'v< v' ~. *4 g* / x / C ?r^ THE LEFT: JANES B. FORGAN* PRE NS, DANIEL G. WING, CHARLES A. I Irs. Ellis Logan, president of the Fedration of Women's Clubs. Among: those assisting: at the affair rere Mrs. Barrett, Mrs. Logan, Mrs. Ilia S. Knight, Mrs. W. H. Osborn, Irs. George Baber, Mrs. W. H. Howrd, Mrs. M. Simpson, Mrs. J. L Hururtb and Miss Mullen. [0 TEACH BIBLE CLASS OF NON-CHURCHGOERS lev. Hugh T. Stevenson at Head of New Sunday School Work Movement. What some believe is a new movement in Sunday School work has just >een started here, as the result of the uggestion of some of the leading men n the Bloomingdale section to Rev. lugh T. Stevenson, pastor of Bethany taptist Church, that he should teach a Mble class opened especially for men ot members of any church. After areful consideration of the subject and everal conferences with the men invested. Mr. Stevenson has consented o teach such a class, which is to be rganlzed next Sunday at 10 a.m. in he New American Theater, Rhode Isind avenue betupen 1st and 2d streets lorthwest. While the claes is being rganlzed to meet the demand from len not connected with any church or lass who desire to know more about he Bible, they will welcome to their ellowship any church members who wish to become active members of the lass, provided they bring one member r ho is not a church member with them, iny member who joins the church vhile he is a member of the class will ave to obtain ohe who Is not a church leraber to retain his active memberhip in the class. Class to Be Named Sunday. At the meeting: next Sunday morning oe Fulkerson and C. A. Brewton. the jmmlttee appointed to suggest a name >r the class, will report. The organizaon of the class Is largely due to the Torts of John H. Shreve, Charles U. hakelford, E.W.Libby, Castleipan P. oss, George H. Emmons, Richard M. hornas, Frank B. Ketchum, S. H. Tapp, alt W. Bowen, H. C. Stein, C. A. Brewin and Roe Fulkerson. Among the en who have assured Rev. Hugh T. tevenson that they would become asDciated in such a class besides those amed are: William Mehn, Louis Conidis, Julian Tapp, Harry Tapp, James , Grant, Wallace F. Randolph, Grover L Clampitt, W. Allen Saunders, J. [arry Shannon, T. J. Moore, August mold and Robert L. Morrison. The [ass will close at 10:45 a.m. so that le men can attend any church service 1 the city. Sr. Madigan to lecture. Dr. Patrick Madigan, associate propssor of physiology- at Georgetown Uniersity School of Medicine, is to deliver lecture this evening at 7 :30 o'clock at he Hirst Library at Georgetown College, 'he lecture will be given before the Bioir'iruI f!1iih Ctf thft nnivorcltu *?v ?et of the Cerebellum. Alumni of GeorgreDwn interested in the subject are invited. GRAY MOTORS ALLY BUILT FOR US BY rSoMPANY OR CARS. TRUCKS AND TAX1CAB3 & SERVICE STATION , RESERVE BOARD IN |jap|^^|-W v.lMj n^HsHHHBF, MllilSiB ISIDEXTi MHRRITT H. GRIM, SECRET. iYERLY, J. HOWARD ARDRKY, I,. V,. N LECTURE TOPICS A1TO0UNCED. First of Y. M. C. A. Series on Eugenics to Be Delivered Feb. 4. Lectures on "Constructive Eugenics" at the T. M. C. A. will begin February 4, It was announced today, and continue weekly until the series of ten is < ffinrl An Tonfnroo n- ill V?? i"' Thursday evening's and are to be open to those holding course tickets oh- ] tained from Thomas Walton, director 1 of education. ? Topics of the lectures, as announced ; today, are. "The Cell and Its Hereditary Mechanism." "Constructive Eugenics," "How Heredity is Measured." "The Relative Importance of Heredity and Environment," "Pathoiogical Inheritance and the Racial Poisons," "Marriage Matfngs," "The Birth Rate," "Feeble-mindedness" and "The Evolution of Man." Edward Berryman Shot in Nose. Daniel Jordan and Edward Berryman, colored, 345 G street southwest, engaged in a row last night, and Berryman, it is ' charged, was shot in the nose by Jordan, i In an attempt to escape arrest, the police I report, Jordan Jumped from a second- t story window and broke his leg. Both ( men received treatment at Emergency 1 Hospital. Carl Vrooman Lectures Tonight. Carl Vrooman, assistant secretary of agriculture, is to deliver an address tonight in the parish hall of the New Church, 16th and Corcoran streets. His subject is to be "Social Regeneration." |' & fibb lessk | ^||j| BY BUYING | F* Pounds I tJ Granulated S 1 With Each 50-cent Port | Fresh Creamery Butter, t-pound pi 1 New York State Cheese, per poum g Pure Lard, per pound 3, Fancy Sugar-cured Hams, per pout 3 Fresh Pig Hams, per pound 3 Corned Pig Hams, per pound W Pat-a-Cake, makes delicious cake a IThis scientifically prepared c; particular peoi California Asparagus, large can, es California Asparagus Tips, good an String Beans, the quality kind, per Large Can Spinach, 15c value Sweet Potatoes, large can Everybody's Combination?1 can S can Early June Peas, 1 can S Fancy California Prunes, per poun California Evaporated Peaches, ver Evaporated Apples, very desirable, S Libby's Hawaiian Pineapple, large SJj Pure Fruit Jelly, per glass --'f Macaroni or Spaghetti, regular 10c ga New White Beans, per quart ^ Newly Milled Pearl Hominy, per q S Choice White Potatoes, per peck. . 0. Sauerkraut, per quart Star Soap, 6 cakes for I I THESE PRICES PREVAIL F 1 LEAGUE OF ( 1 FRIE I PATRONIZE THE STC g SOUTHWEST. ? I. Sujcar. i 3d and C *t?. S B. E. W. Schmidt. Sfl Mb nnd II 1H. T. Gover, tjDj 7th and C its. "l^ A. G. Schmidt, A d% ?"d P it*. /1 \ f-M SUBURBAN. Hyattivlllr Grocery Hyattavllle, Md. II NORTHWEST. Colombia Tea aad ( S Coffee Co* 1805 N. Capitol at. C. Ramnllag. r>S. ! 313 Pea a a. are. \F|]bN^^^ A. H. PI1??. ttk u? (A ata. V? ^-JJLSS F*r* Free Delivery to Ever] 'www w wraunimwti^A^*^ \ SESSION TODAY. Ifeiii " Wy~-,nj \RV; jr. P. .11 ORG AX, \V. S. ROWE. LI K, VICE PRESIDENT, AND ROLL! "OT/RO" MTTST "RT. T. ARRIVED Internal Eevenue Bureau Issues Ruling Governing Size of Letters. The word "oleomargarine"' must bo impressed upon every brick, print or roll of that commodity; otherwise no other icvice or brand may be impressed upon it. This word must appear in letters two-thirds the size of any words employed in any device or brand ; unless lie word "oleomargarine'' appears legibly . jn two or more sides, when it may be ! is one-quarter the relative size. When no display is made except the i ievice the word "oleomargarine" must be ! in letters not less than one-quarter of; a.n inch square. The same ruling applies to imprints upon wrappers or cartons ncasing such oleomargarine. This is a lecision of the Internal revenue bureau, announced today. Mrs. Farquhar to Talk at All Souls'. Mrs. Henry Farquhar is to speak on 'PiSlnciples of Unitarianism" at a meeting of the Women's Alliance of All Souls' Church to be held at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning in the lecture room 3i me cnuron. Mrs. if the literary committee of the District Federation of Women's Clubs. I MARKET -I I ^ BASKETS J 1 rmoney mm ffT OUR STORES J a 19c| iugar A t/v I :hase of Tea or Coffee | rints 35c K J 20c % 12'/iC | id 17c fe 17c ^ 17c I t small cost 15c | ike flour was prepared for )le?for you. IP I specially good 19c g id cheap, per can 19c || can 9c n 10c | 10c | tandard, No. 3, Tomatoes; 1 | ugar Corn 23c 50 d 12'/ic i y fine, per pound 10c 2g large package 10c ^ can 19c r 9c g size 7'/jc ra 12c || uart 5c ja 17c jg g ija OR FRIDAY & SATURDAY | CONSUMERS' S NDS 1 )RE NEAREST YOU 1 SO L' THE AST. jjg H. C. Roberaon, ~ 9th & S. Car. are. ^ tirlnkley Broi^ V V 1101 84 at. fig f ~ G. E. Bohanaoait 1 035 4th ? i | L\\ Brlnkley Broa^ g| 023 4?h at. g ^2R7 Brink ley Broa^ P 108 M at | |"l NORTHEAST. I r I m. J. wi..i.. t>a IV 1X17 H ??. f B. E. Roberaon* ^5 5th and A ata. J. Kraua A Son, ?C 910 13th >t. p J. E. Dlffffle, m jfg?' Luther | -? V v 12th and H ata. Pj f Section of the City ""S3 | ARMY OFFICERS'RESERVE OF 30,000 PLANNED House Committee Recommends Bill to Designate Military Training Schools in Each State. An arniv officers' reserve of at least 30.000 trained men from the military schools is contemplated in the McKellar bill, which has been reported to the House from the military affairs committee. The bill hag the indorsement of the Secretary of War and is one of the administrative measures to build up the solidarity and strength of the army. It provides for a military training which must have at least 300 students in each state. The schools will give sound academic instruction in addition to military training, and the military portion of the courses is to fit the students for the duties of reserve or volunteer officers in time of need. State to Designate Schools. The bill provides that the state legislatures shall designate the institution which is to receive the benefits of the act. Kach state must contribute $40,000 a year to the training school and the national government contribute $80,000. The boys are to be selected by competitive examination from each county in every state by the superintendents of public Instruction. When selected they are to be housed, fed, clothed and maintained, and given a splendid academic education and a military training under experienced army officers during their whole course, will be given them. Aiiex gia.uua.non iney are unaer contract to serve as officers in the military service of the United States at any time they may be called upon by the United States within a period of seven years after graduation. This will afford to Ihe government when all the institutions are in operation an evercontinuing reserve of about 30.000. 15,000 Always Under Training. Under the provisions of this bill there will be more than 15,000 boys in these institutions at all times when all the institutions are in operation. Society Officers Are Elected. Officers of the Washington Society of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology were elected at the first meeting Ihis venr. at the Home Club last even ing, as follows: President, Oscar S. Merrill; vice president, Herbert S. Bailey; secretary, Tf. O. A. Black: treas-. urer, F. Charles Starr; member of the executive committee, Dr. Earle B. Phelps. Following: the meeting B. L. Johnson, '05, who was employed in Alaska by the geological survey for a number of years, gave an Illustrated lecture on that territory. Prof. Lewis Lindsay Dyche, a widely known zoologist and explorer, died at a Topeka, Kan., hospital yesterday afternoon from pneumonia. He was fiftyeight years old. A "Charge Account" Is at Your Disposal To Secure Very Generous I QNLY two reductions lowest prices we chases aside, if v Iif you like. Real Continuous Brass Bed, $ 2.50 h UANDSOME 2 - inc* * Real Continuous-pos Braes Bed, Ave heavy filler! In each end, steel-lined tub ingr, guaranteed lacquer, wll not tarnish. I Art Tick Feather Pillows, $1.29 Pr. CINE Feather Pillows j| of clean all new i| feathers and inclosed in a heavy ticking: of pink or blue art ticking:. Large size, 18x27. An especially good value and one of the many specials we're offering this week. I and i Experien< ("Wi-mo-dau-sL Womenfs $3 Boots Tlie Brokei CUT IN Silver Dollars tor I tomorrow's remarkabl at exactly half price! Boys' and Girls' dj -f B $2.50, $2.00 and I <1 cn -* ===== W9M. i*/v ..... At our 7th street store?3 ili^ tablefuls of broken sizes: IB For Boys': 10 desirable 1 gli $1.50 to $2.50 j]j Black Calf, Box Calf or Elksk or Dress Shoes. Traced or butt Broken sizes: 10 to 5*?. II For Misses'and Children: m SI 8 different sorts of $1.50 to $2. Colt, Tan or Black Calf Scho Dress Shoes and High-cut Stoi Hj| Nearly all sizes in the lot u j girls' 2%. ^ At AH Oar 3 Stores. 1 if SKLLiMU 10% Discount on Ai mm 409 to 417 Seventh St i a Brass Bed Dui Reductions. Buy days remain in which in Brass Beds that are o : have ever quoted. Act ou like, and deliver them > Corner Post Brass Bed, /I* S *~v mm i 3>O.V5 TWO-INCH-POST Brass , Bed, heavy post caps, five heavy fillers In each end, strongly made, guaranteed lacquer. II ! ; jenuine Mahogany Parlor Table, $4.69 AUTIFULLY Designed i Parlor Table, with large un- | neir, top or genuine manogany, made and beautifully finiehed relished. ced Adverti /* 5a?$1.50 ? Women's $ i Sizes of Two Fa HALF TOM Fifty Cents! That's practical 1 e sale of celebrated Trade - ma "WI-MO-DAU-SIS" 25 pairs?10 discontinued styl< I LATENT COLT and soft, durable at our Ttli street store FRIDAY ON 7 '' Sizes Broken 11 But All Sizes i Highest-Grade "VEh 260 pairs?S discontinued attr; Made of dependable PATENT CO! quality BLACK DEMI CALFSKIN, street store FRTI>AY ONLY for... -1 Q Men's $i.oo ?fen . 1Z/ Rubbers, at Grao r% f-v Shoe JTjC Thl heaping ^ W contini 200 pairs Men's Inc' "Boston" best $1.00 shoes 1 _ Rubbers ? storm or S" kinds of low cut styles. Tan or All WITH HIGH ? , HEELS. ** Ill ociiuui Sizes mostly s to each011 styles. 12. At our Ttli street store tomorrow. = PAT] Broken "Bay State" jrv?r sizes of Storm Rubbers cons 30 Patent Child's 49c Shoe! ol Shoes, Misses' 55c PORT! rm Shoes. Youths' ......60C ip to big Women's ... .65c And Boys' 75c men. V Cor. 19(4-1316 PA. Ave. a 233 Pa- 4ve. S.E. * rrnnntc P.Iaca/1 i?i Have ^vvuii(.o vivovw 111 uv tyaj . N. W. Phone M 2826 ing Our January Be Your Bed Now?Yoi you can take advantage of ffered during our January Sale now, you'll save money. We' .vhen you want them. Charge - f . _ r> <-? 4i>=lD. Kegai 5?teai & Foster Matt res: CTEARNS & FOSTER Re weight and built of good g i woven Into a full size mattress i ' The ticking is bine with light str It is closely tufted and has roll < fc; well * t : J golden > ' V 'V? r?r. tnree r< i 7 L-V it1'- I pulle, nicely ? KfiSr- M plate mirror. i Oak or Mahogany Finn Rocker, d* 4 /\ O 91.VO i J^ARGE Parlor Rocker of ne, design and attractive appea ancc. Finished in Imitation rnaho J any and solid golden oak. Haa se ' and back of neatly tufted black im ii tatlon leather. V = V isers Prefer T *2.00 b mous Shoes 3 ORROW! I y what we offer you in B rked Woman's Boots? b $3 BOOTS at $1.50 gj ... I., dr??y ^ ^ ^ A j > VICI KIL>. I ?"Xf 1 g| LY for M/ v jpf i Each Kind? S? n the Lot. ^ IUS" $4 Boots at $2 ? ao AA i At our Ttli Z> r V I * b?%* $2-6511 fa at s Clean-up Sale of Men's dis- ?p-. ued styles?is a WOXDER! ludes some of our best known gj that sell regularly at $3, $3.50, $4 jjj7 ? styles?but not all sizc< of ?B ?these included: ELTIES for Young Men. |Hj: F5NT COLT 1 ?ress Shoes, y day TANS and BLACKS. 3ERVATIVE Men s Styles, s with built-in ARCH SUP- ifi s with OSUL.LIVAN RUBBER Wr S already attached. STORM SHOES for Working:- jp: At All Our a Stores. _____K if arm Slippers, deeply cut; elt Juliets and Low-cut E Comfys." jij 11 Women's $1.00 to OA - iff .50 kinds at 0"C< .Q for Misses' and Child's 75c to $us kinds. ???????__ Sfi ItfflPilillililliitfBillllMI: llili = There Need Be No Cash ^ Payment if "% Not Convenient i 1> JIL V&3S? d Sale at Li'll Save Money the enormous . Positively the 11 lay your puryour purchases, A ii s $7.75 1 gal Mattress, 45 lbs. in j rrade cotton, scientifically | i,j that will never get lumpy. ! jj ipee and Is very attraotlve. ; |i| dge. jolden Oak Dresser, J 57.98 lade Dresser 01 solid oak, with good size mir- . , oomy drawers with wood >; finished and made. Bevel j i panel ends and well made. he Star. 4 \