Newspaper Page Text
Xmjjnk i 3uii d '5 Store -> Announce foi ! A Number of At Especially Attractiv SUITS?Fur-trimmed and oth .J | wear. .i j At $25.c ;? j Former values, $55.0 >; j DRESSES"Featuring attract ' ing wear. At $19.5 X Former values. $37.5 A * COATS?A varied assortmentAt $18.50, S X ' Former values, $35.00. $ :| j FUR COATS?At $35-oo, $ >; I Former values, $65.00, $i FUR SETS ? At $45-oo, $ '? I Former values, $65.00, $ v WAISTS-A charming assor At $2.00, .1; Former values, $5.50, MUSLIN UNDERWEAI r finest quality, X At 45c, 65c, Former values, 75c, $1.00 # HATS?Smart effects in tailoi | At 1 V Former values. $: V ' ?" ??? | F Street, tmsmmmmmmmmmmm plCno || The Mammoth Cloak and Suit H A Tremenc | p=- of a Manufact |: Evening Dr< ( These Dresses were made to sell foi f; and $35.00. We bought them at a rii || price. Hence this great special. 11 We Urge Y? || Most Extra I Closing Out Ever || The policy of this NEW STOR1 H! ' son to season. Come prepared to obta I $7.95 $1 Coats That Sold Coal Up to $15 U | Sale of Fur Coats 25 Genuine Ponyskin ^ Coats. Values up to $50.00. 21 I Lenox Americar - We take special pride in presenting made china, which is rapidly forging front as one of the - World s Most Elegan Productions olr??nir?r* ckonpc onrl rii 1 III. lyiumillill^ OimpV^ HllVt 1 A* gold decorations of LENOX Ch most elegant and distinctive of a in the century-old china art cent Beautiful gold pattern tabl< Lenox are carried in stock, as vw Plates for the various courses. Dinner Coffee and Bouillon Saucers. English Breakfast Set Sets, Vases, Candlesticks. F etc.. that appeal to lovers of fin Dulin ? Marti 1215 F St. Through to 121 STONI ?v | | Cmnoortkrat ? Y&|p I Aifvtnrv p|,#M w- **. iu? bouekccp _i ale LBuoaiy 43r *. *. An. ~?t?or'?f??^ Cold Starch Process rHw??., NO DBTINO. WHICH PMVKSTS WEAR. ISO -CF.ACK1NO. WBOOAItASTnOOU r?|j? B OREO WORK AOAIN8T PACINI} ASH W"?CO I\ PLAN.NE.Lb PROM SHRLVKWO. fc?AJ tO Oil BIU BROUOIIOS8 E? FAMILY WASH. TOP HAM n^imnMMMMiHMnMinnMi 413 1 f ItM^nglm part* iarfmklr^^it. | Hours: 9 to 6. j Friday and Saturday | | Remarkable Sales | e Prices Before Stock-Taking. er models, suitable for both street and dress j '] % K), $35.00, S45.00 and $55.00. 4 o, $65.00. $85.00 and $110.00. ive styles for morning, afternoon and even ,o. $25.00. $35.00 and $55.00. o, $52.50. $68.50 and $110.00. -meeting every requirement. 125.00, $35.00, $45.00 and $95.00. $ 45.00. $58.50. $78.50 and $168.50. J j ? 55.OO, S65.OO, $85.00. $185.00 and $235.00. j I B5.OO, $110.00, $125.00. $285.00 and $335.00. 68.50, $85.00, $95.00. $115.00 and $245.00. j 95.00, $110.00, $128.00. $150.00 and S350.00. tment of tailored and dressy models. | $3.50. $5-5?' $9-75 and $14-5?$9.75, S12.50, $17.50 and $27.50. i j rinmpvHr (iarmpilts nt the ' x ?~ , 95c, $1.45, $1.95, 32.95 and $3.95. , $1.50, 32.25, $3.00, S4.50 and $6.50. 'i ed and dress hats. J ^5.00, $7.50 and $10.00. J [8.50, $22.50 and S25.00. <5 . i V Corner Thirteenth. \ uttohaK^^ ouse ^ 7 316 SEVENTH STREET 1 __ ^ lous Purchase | urer's Entire Line of ^ | Now on Sale at || esses * - 0 oe 1 r*5-0*?3*~ I /,5,5) I liculously low i I hi to Come Early, as This Is the i ordinary Value Ever Offered | "i y Winter Suit and Coat=| | E will be not to carry a garment' over from seain a great bargain in coats. ^ 10.95 $14.95 | ? That Sold Coats That Sold | fp to $25 at $35 and $40 1 | 1 Great Snecial in Waists I One small lot of Dainty ij || 2 IS Lingerie Waists. Sold up to 7Q*? il H 3__ li $s-?? <ac I ? 1 China | Toupees . miB0iftW ?so need for anj gentleman this American- iC to be bald? becaU8e * Hcpner , cyx (VOawjy Toupee Is so perfect that It ltS Way tO tne .L cannot be detected from natujifltjfjuif ural grown hair. mZ^jr 'ilad to tit them on or to aH WJT-Y^f *'v?* any information in refer"rkr' HDce to same. A trial wiil IDE JS ;"cvlD of their perfec-> h?ip Z j?0MjfJ%?i* KmpoHnm, f* V qttUJTY7 525 13th St., :h floral and | tina rival the f ? iny produced | | Furs going e services of HI at Vi price. II '^L?S t. We're sacrificing profits Tea, After *H rather than run the risk of' Cups and ?j not clearing out stock by :s, Chocolate ? end of the season. ruit Dishes. I ^C^as well as sets and . t Muffs?guaranteed quahie china. jl ties, desirable styles ? dis% counts of SO/c and more. n Co. 11 SAKS FUR CO. * ;>! I Established Over 25 Years I 4-18 G St. 1 11^^31212 F Street I In - ** *? sleigh court. Deauurying nome. - ?Bd L it; few very dNlr- Jkf Small Coftt Joe ud Doo-boaMk??plnc apart- ?l lJI1Itt11 VUdl furnished or unfurnished, bj the ?ierpKSc?uii. u;.",n;,orr,B;"' T "l,,nR fo U cart* and SPECIAL TABLE redecorating the interior of your home f?. Apply on premises. Our years of experience enables us t< P. E. STEPHAN. Manager. offer Jjelpftil BUgge.-tioos. OTteftTonSS!' Geo. Plitt Co., Inc., SALES COMPANY ~z7Z n .. * a bond hiuiinu. 121o Connecticut Ave. > <?oc A MATRON OF Tt Wr II& w'WnkfliHfl^^HH *&~n MRS. CHARI Wife of Maj. Kutz, En^lneei (Cllnedlns EVENTS OF INTEREST IN AND OUT OF 101 Hospitalities at Notable Homes and at the Clubs. Invitations Out for the Hagner-Colton Wedding Reception?Personal Notes. Mrs. Ben Johnson, wife of Representative Johnson of Kentucky, entertained a luncheon party today, her guests being Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Burleson, Mrs. Daniels, Mrs. Matthew T. Scott, Mrs. Carl \rrooman, Mrs. Sherley, Mrs. Hubert Dent. Mrs. W. P. Hall and Mrs. William T. Davis. The minister of Sweden and Mine. Ekengren entertained at dinner last night, when their guests were the Spanish ambassador and Mme. Riano, the Argentine ambassador and Mme. Xaon, Senator Burton, the Danish minister, the coun seior or tne oeparimeni 01 oiaie, .vir. Robert Lansing, and Mrs. Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bartlett, Mr. and Mrs. Woodbury Blair, Miss Cullen, Mrs. Mackay-Smith. Miss Ernst, Mrs. Deining Jarves, Mr. Walls y Merion, counselor of the Spanish embassy, and Lieut. Commander John P. Jackson, U. S. N. The commandant of the Marine Corps and Mrs. George Barnett gave a dinner last night in honor of the commandant of the navy yard and Mrs. Eberle. The other guests were Capt. and Mrs. Hoogewerff. Medical Inspector and Mrs. Nash, Mr. and Mrs. C. Philip Hill, Mrs. Merryman, Dr. Fauntleroy, Misses MackaySmith, Miss MacKowan of Philadelphia, Commander and Mrs. Mustin, Mr. Charles Page Bryan, the naval attache of the Brazilian embassy. Commander Moreira, and Capt. Wirgman. Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Rowland had guests dining with them last night to meet Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rhoads of Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Rowland are occupying for the season Miss Margaret Cameron's house on 18th street. Gen. and Mrs. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. . C. C. Glover and Mr. John R. McLean ' gave dinners last night A dance folr lwoed the latter. I Thj. fnrmol Virtn iha coocnn took place at Fort Myer last night at the administration building. Col. Wilbur i E. Wilder received the guests, assisted by Mrs. Hugh Scott, Mrs. Charles T.. Menoher, Mrs. Edward Glascow and i Mrs. Clarence R. Day. j Numerous dinners preceded and sup-; pers followed, at which large and small j parties from the fort and the city were charmingly entertained. Capt. and Mrs. Day had as dinner guests before the hop Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kauffmann, Lieut. and Mrs. Philip Sheridan, Capt. and Mrs. A. B. Lott, Mrs. A. B. Smith and Capt. Forsyth. Capt. and Mrs. Clemens McMillan's dinner guests were Surgeon General and Mrs. Gorgas, Capt. and Mrs. Johnson, Miss Johnson and Mr. Robnett. Capt. and Mrs. Forester had a party at dinner also, when the guests were Lieut, and Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. Selma Thauscher and Lieut. Burleson. Capt. and Mrs. Donnelly were also dinner hosts, having with them Mrs. E. W. Thomas of Nashville, Tenn., who is stopping with them; Capt. and Mrs. Con- ' nell. Miss Bruce, Capt. Sevier, Mr. John Milliken and Mr. John Eager. Capt. and Mrs. Sturgis, who gave a dinner also at their quarters at Fort Myer, entertained in honor of Miss j Scott, daughter of the chief of staff' and Mrs. Scott. The other guests were Miss McCellan of California and Baltimore, the Misses Aleshire, Miss Michie, Capt. Elliott, Lieut. Greble, Lieut. James, Dr. Talbot and Capt. Locke. The bridge and tea dance to be given by the Ladies' Aid of Garfield Memorial Hospital January 27, at Hauscher's, bids fair to be a great success. A great many tables are already reserved, and Mrs. Joseph Thropp, Mrs. George Burnett, Mrs. Howard Clark, Mrs. Rufus Day, Mrs. R. H. Downey, Mrs. Ben Johnson, Mrs. P. M. Rixey, Mrs. Pres? cott H. Gatley, Mrs. Richard Wain1 wriglit, Mrs. Thomas O. Self ridge, Mrs. ! Alex Stewart and Mrs. Charles \V. | Richardson are among the ticket holdi ers. A young ladies' committee is being formed, who will assist, and this list includes many of the debutantes of this and last season and the sorority girls of Washington. Prizes have been donated for each table of cards. Mrs. John A. Logan, 2523 13th street, will rpKurvt. IuIiIph and Mrs A T. StnvcK* 1744 M street, has the sale of tickets. Miss Frances Albert H. Smith, daugh ter of the Rev. Dr. and Mi's. Chester ? Mansfield Smith of Baltimore, is here for the week end, the guest of Miss Max i ne Durant. At the Congressional Club tomorrow afternoon Mrs. Fletcher will be assisted In receiving by Mrs. Raker and Mrs. Towner. Mrs. Stephens of Texas and - - . . 1 IE ARMY CIRCLE. M | *2^^ 1 jfej^^Sjj Hj *c? r^ ! I * " I' I'CT iES W. KITZ, 1 Commissioner of the District. t photo.) Mrs. Stevens of Minnesota will pour tea. Assisting in entertaining will be Mrs. Smoot, Utah; Mrs. Stephenson, Wisconsin; Mrs. Smith, Georgia; Mrs. Thomas, Colorado; Mrs. Sims, Tennessee; Mrs. Smith, Michigan; Mrs. Small, North Carolina; Mrs. Smith, Texas; Mrs. Steenerson, Minnesota; Miss Slemp, Virginia; Mrs. Taylor, Colorado; Mrs. Smith, New York; Mrs. Stephens, Nebraska; Mrs. Stephens, California; Mrs. Stone, Illinois; Mrs. Taylor, Arkansas; Mrs. Smith, Minnesota; Mrs. Stout, Montana; Mrs. Ten Kyck, New York; Mrs. Thacher, Massachusetts; Mrs Thomp - ' * Al_c T I son, UMitnuiiiit, mm ?ui uumu a-.. Sweet. Miss Shackleford, Missouri; Miss Thacher, Massachusetts; Miss So- j phia Sweet and Miss Margaret Trimble ' will act as ushers. Mrs. Atlee Pomerene, wife of Senator Pomerene of Ohio, and Mrs. Everis A. ' Hayes, wife of Representative Hayes of California, were put in nomination yesterday at a meeting of the Congress- j ional Club for the presidency of the club to succeed Mrs. Duncan U. Fletcher, the present president of the club. The election will take place at the next i meeting. Mrs. T. Is. Redley, wife of Representative Redley of Connecticut, entertained at cards yesterday afternoon at the Hotel Driscoll. Among her guests were Mrs. D. J. Callahan, Mrs. Carl Hayden, Mrs. Edward J. Cantwell, Mrs. I). J. McGillicuddy, Mrs. Claude Kitchin, Mrs. Charles Crisp, Mrs. M. D. Foster, Mrs. J. H. Stephens, Mrs. James Wickersham, Mrs. T. W. Stubblefield, Mrs. William Hughes, Mrs. Thomas Scully, Mrs. Joseph Russell, Mrs. D. C. Shea, Mrs. Edward Saunders and Mrs. O. Gardner. There will be a dance given by the United States Engineer Band in the post gymnasium, w aaningiuji uai i D. C., Tuesday evening, January 26. King Cotton's ball, which was to have been held tonight at the New Willard, has been postponed to February 15, because of unavoidable conditions. The 7 Wear* j piiiiiraf tUmuI U. bbmb' 1 V GORSETsS . ThqyLace In Front Mothers^^_ not neglect | | daughter's In 1 first corset. k! j! yj ' | It should he aM r I 1 a Gossard J W . | Misses' or "5 a Gossard ft Junior. /1 jj $1.50 and , | $2.00 at g Wells Gossard Store C J Tlie Home of Gossard Corsets Sj 1112 G st. n.w. - | Phone 6535 The New Willard The real center of hotel life in Washington. Our New Modern lu Store Every Detail j ( round -JcwL Phone F*loor W Main 4445 ! THE BORDEN PATENTED STEMLESS SWITCHES Marvels of convenience and beauty. Not short sterna called stemless?absolutely do stent* ut all. The separate hairs are woven together In perfect imitation of nature's J handiwork. First and only advance in I hair art. Made from the finest Imported Cut Jlalr ' or your combings. i*?Sg~*!2ss. 1115 G St. j Anbury Park Atlantic City oung society girls who will be the maids if honor met at the New Willard this norning to rehearse their part in the irogram. Miss Sallie Williams is chairnan of the dance committee; Mr. Morow, chairman of the floor committee, .nd Representative Samuel Rayburn is narsh&l of the guard of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Loekwood md son, Mr. H. W. Loekwood. have ;losed their residence here for two nonths. which time they will spend notoring through Florida. The Vice President and Mrs. Marshall md dining with them informally last light at the Shoreham. going later to the theater. Miss Lucy Burleson and Mr. Justice Mclteynold? Senator and Mrs. Weeks were among the dinner hosts of last evening, when they entertained a company of sixteen it the New Willard. Miss Irene McNamara is the guest of tier sister, Mrs. Philip Henry Ward, jr., of Philadelphia. Mrs. J. Edgar Smith will be infOrmillir o* 1*' r> * i o.l i .. To ,.o - ? inanj at iiuiiii; ?? uuucnuaj , uaiiuai ^ ?- , rroni 3 to 6. Her cousin. Miss Ackroyd of Philadelphia, will be with her. Mrs. Frank I-. Rupp, 21 > Rhode Island avenue, entertained the Golden I-eaf Sewing: Society Tuesday last, the llrst part of the evening being devoted to embroidering: and the last to refreshments. Those present were Mrs. J. D. Mackessy, Mrs. Warwick E. Spates, Miss Agnes Keith, Miss Catherine Mackessy, Miss Ida SengstRck and Mrs. Frank C. Hupp. Next Tuesday the society will be entertained at the home of Miss Agnes Keith, 3404 22d street northeast. Mr. and Mrs. F. Carl Smith will not receive Saturday, the 23d, but will be at borne every Saturday afternoon and evening until summer. Mrs. Flla M. Drew and Mrs. W. Henry, her sister, left last evening for Palm Beach, Fla. Mrs. Drew goes direct to her cottage in Palm Beach. Mrs. George Barnett, wife of the * Big | Every Gar: I - i Shop early toi I I 48 Suits Sold Regi I 1 29 Suits Sold Regi I 68 Suits Sold Reyt Smartest models of the sea: 1 | 75 Coats I To Close ? ^ * For street, afternoon and eve H 50 Silk Dresses S< 1 ^ All late models and styles tl | 30 Silk Dresses Sc I Exclusive creations for after ^ stock. I 28 Cloth Dresses S | 18 Cloth Dresses S If 21 Cloth Skirts So |1 Every Fall and T^Tq+c cn1H rpcriilnrlv 1 K^j - -^5 ? - -j I AH Fur Coats I 1 The Larg< ^ Several thousand Beau ^ larly from S5.00 to $8.95. I | Broken Lines Dair ^ To Close 1 AII Waists Forme; ?& 13 Ret We Posit i 57 Suits, Includin, 39 Afternoon C 27 Serge Dresse I 19 Dancing t rot 41 Street and M | 117 Suits 33 Afternoon C* 29 Dancing Fro> 21 Evening Gou 47 Evening, Strt Foi o 1 T/l T ^ I (31 VVUJl A I. commandant of the Marine Corps', jfH\ a luncheon today, when a lovely dec< ration of spring flowers was in plac Her guests were Mrs. l>oyen and Mr Le Jeunie, whose husbands are ?U tioned at the marine barracks, at: other matrons of the Marine Cori circle, living in Washington and i vicinity. Including Mrs. George Kiel ards, Mrs. Charles L.. McCawley. Mr Kane, Mrs. Lane, Mrs. Henry L. Iloos< velt, Mrs. Russell, Mrs. Harold C. He singer, Mrs. Gulick. Mrs. Marix, Mr Percy P. Archer, Mrs. Harllee, Mr Thomas M. Clinton, Mrs. William Bevan, Mrs. Albert S. McI<emore, Mr Johnson and Mrs. Cunningham. I Miss lies.i ??raye Stridor of Abl Revillon Furs?The Store That "II" V# 1216 F Strt Coats H 200 of them?all styles. si/.< Colder weather makes one should cattsc you to decide upoi $25.00 Coa $30.00 Coa $35.00 Coa Most of tlirm are street and fine fabrics and ?ood shades, inc the best Fur Fabric Coats you e' , sons' satisfactory wear. Also Kr ?just come and see the biK var Friday ment in the House Is sitively Nothing Res< norrow. Greatest Barga ? fl #1 < ! V V 4-^-v C 4/\ jiai iy tu pjktj IU llarly to $35 to Close ilarly to $49.50 to Clos son. Imported materials. Fur trimmed. Sold Regularly From it s7'95, $I0, $1 ;iungr wear. Pur trimmed. Plain and f Did Regularly to $25 t lat will be used this spring. All color: >ld Regularly to $60 to noon and evening wear. All we have iold Regularly to $15 t >oId Regularly to $25 t Id Regularly to $10 to Winter Hat in the H from $7.50 to $15, to clos and Fur Sets to CIo jst Waist Depart mem tiful Silk, Satin, Crepe de Chine o Close, $2.98 and $5 ity Lingerie Waists, Sold Re rly Selling for $1.00 and $1 efore Invent duct ion t vely Won't Carry Any g Corduroy Sport Suits. ] towns s " ?ks otor Coats J I owns cks f >ns tet and Motor Coats , r Immediate Clear n Wintei Coat Formerly $22.50 to $29.75 = 1210 F St. -el Court, 1700 L* street, entertained *"1 honor of Miss Mary Jsne Ingraham ot |Oklahoma, and the Misses Hersperfftr of Maryland, at a dance last evening, id Others present were: Miss Becky Fos?s ter. Miss Alice Bailey, Mlas Johnaon* Miss Nina Morgan, the Misses Bachus. " Miss Rosa Oraye Btrlder, Miss Abby Johnson and Mrs. Johnson. Dr. and Mrs. I)e Barthe. Messrs. Jeffries, Sommilt, s" | ^ay? Cordon, Ingraham. Cr on In, Stod s. (Continued on Ninth Page.) F. i Heating an t'nderwoad Typewrite* H *oun?l Investment. certain to In^reeae jrour 'iinif. "Tri.? Machine Y ?u Win Ereu?tiai;y Buy.'* ?y ! 11XKJ F street n.w. : Sells Wooltex?Centemeri Gloves* alf Price! ;s and colors. think of coats, and HALF PRICE 1 having a new one NOW! Lts?J?$12.50 its?\?$15.00 its?J?$17.50 general purpose coats?late models? ludinir navv and black! At $17.50 ara ver saw?GUARANTEED for two eeaoadcloth, Carriage and Evening Coats iety. ST I eet || i p| Sale I in This Sale 8 ;rved jj ins of the season. 11 $0.95 H ? 1 ?? $129S I e ? . Fancy styles. All lengths. All sizes. [||| i $15 to $40 I 5 and $19'M I aney styles. Wonderful bargains. fc\|s3 o Close . . . . $7 <>5 1 s. All sizes. ^ Close ^25 1 left from our entire fall and winter ^ o Close $5 I o Close ... $10.95 I Close .... $2.98 | louse in This Sale e... $1.50, $3 and $5 | 1 se at Half Price I t in the City and Lace Waists. Sold regu1.98 j HI gularly to $5.00. $ | .69 [ J fcgfc?I ory I idle D Stock Over $j5^o formerly $29.50 to $40 III $25! Formerly $50 to $65 ance J s, $10.00 J (