(Continued from Eighth Page.)
tiard, Hurd. Vault and Dr. Powell. The
chaperons were Mr. and Mrs. H. J.
Warthen and Mrs. Hersperger.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wynne went
to New York today to spend a week
or so. \
Mrs William L. Marshall, wife of
Hen. Marshall, will not receive tomormorrow.
but will be at home the last
Friday In January.
Mrs. Henry Churchill Cook and her
sister. M'ss Mayer, 192." Calvert street,
will be at home to their friends tomorrow
afternoon from 4 to 6.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Cannon had as supper
guests last night Mr. H. K. Wllhlte
and F. TT. Shaul of Indiana.
The Sunshine Community Society of
the District will hold an open meeting
tomorrow at 2 o'clock at the Raleigh
Hotel. There will be vocal and instrumental
music, and Dr. Percy
TTickling will make an address. There
will be also moving- pictures. Mrs. A.
linker has charge of the program.
<">n? of the most delightful teas of the
season was that of Mrs. Matthew T.
Scott, at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Vrooman. given for a few of her
oT<l friends of the Daughters of the
Vi.erlcan Revolution. The floral decorations
were beautiful and Mrs. J.
Hamilton Lewis of Illinois. Mrs. Charles
Johnson of Maine. Mrs. Claude Swanson
of Virginia. Mrs*. Albert Cummins
?-?r jon-a. Mrs. Finly Sheppard of Texas,
Mrs. J. Linthicum of Maryland, Mrs.
Frio Bergland of Baltimore, Mrs. William
P Hoover of the District and Mrs.
fonnor of Iowa presided at the tea
table. Mrs. Donald McLean, honorary
president general: Mrs. George T.
Guernsey of Kansas and Mrs. Bergland
received with Mrs. Scott.
The midweek hop last night at the
Oicvy Chase Club was preceded by sev
a I dinners of note, Mr. and Mrs. How:
11 S Fteesiile liaving a r?npfv of oitrhf
. to meet the Attorney General and
Mrs. Gregory and Mr. and Mrs. R. T>.
Slijims. whose party was in honor of
Miss Elizabeth Hamilton and who had
se\ei;?1 others of this winter's debutantes
and other young" people to meet
?t he rs who entertained at dinners
were Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Wheeler,
C(iiii!?;irider and Mrs. Charles T. Jewell.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bride, Mrs.
John Rod ire rs and Commander and Mrs.
th.ii- Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Bride's
dinner was in compliment to their
' mi*.' guest. Miss Nellie Fairbanks of
! trfl*'!d. Ohio, niece of former Vice
T>- si.iin.t Fairbanks.
? \>?r.mander and Mrs. Archibald D. Davis
)i:ivc issued the invitations for the
--tiding retention of their sister, Mar
rite Onltnri. and Mr. Randall H.
T:ii-. Wednesday. February 10, at
1 : If .past li', a> 1635 Connecticut avenue.
The wedding ceremony, at which only
a family party will be present, will
take place at noon.
Mrs. Clarence Moore and Mrs. Reynolds
Hill will receive tomorrow nignt
at the Kridav evening dancing class at
the New Willard.
At the wedding yesterday in New
York, at St. James* Episcopal Church,
of Nelson Collingwood Hyde, son of
"Mr. and Mrs. Salem Hyde of Syracuse,
N. V., and Miss Naomi Andrews, the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
"Wakefield Andrews of New York, the
church was decorated with arches of
greens over the chancel, which was
filled in with tall palms, ascension lilies
and marguerites until all but the altar.
with vases of lilies, was concealed,
find clusters of lilies were tied to alternate
pews on the nave.
The bride was given in marriage by
her father and wore a white satin gown
with a long court train. She carried
white orchids and lilies of the valley.
Miss Dorothy Ann Hyde of Syracuse,
the maid o< honor, wore lavender taffeta,
with a leghorn hat trimmed with
P wreath of spring flowers. The bridesmaids,
Misses Adeline Hotchkiss, Elizabeth
Kirlin, Marian Hall, Marion J.
decker, Mary Bishop Jones and Phyllis
Tomlinson, wore pale green taffeta
^owns, with leghorn hats having lav- J
en tier taffeta crowns trimmed with
Prince of Wales feathers and black velvet
William Willetts was Mr. Hyde's
best man, and the ushers were Arthus
B. Churchill, Maltbie Babcock, Os
i ir >v t-siuji, nariey laiDOl ana UaKiey
Mr. and Mrs. Hyde will live in this
city after their return from a honeymoon
trij> to the Lake Placid Club, in
the Adirondacks. Mr. Hyde is secretary
to Representative W. W. Magee of
Friends here of Mr. Wiliam M. Burt,
formerly of this city, and now of
Massachusettts, have been notified of
11:: serious illness.
Vr. and Mrs. P. J. Clarke and daughter
Mabel of 32."6 N street have left
for Pensacola, Fla., where they will be
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. Taylor have
nnounced the marriage of their
laughter, Ruth Rockwell, and Mr.
Kdwin L.ee Anderson.
The wedding took place in the
chapel of the Church of the Covenant,
Wednesday afternoon, January 20, the
H The Women's Sto\
| Startli
1 R
- Don't confuse this sale w;
= to make room for spring sto<
tg Smart Suit
?? that Sold up t
H $29.50 . . . .
fg The high character o:
- ance. You have choice o
j? i Two
I At $10
jig Values up to
50 Fine Quality Bro
; AH lined throughout. Smi
: 3 serviceable coats.
jj ~ "Watch Youi
V: Shown for the first til
that is popular in the fas!
ceremony being: performed by Dr.
Wood, pastor of the church.
Mr. Anderson is a member of the
Yale-National geographic Peruvian expedition.
and after a month's stay in
New Haven the young couple expect
j to sail for Peru February 24.
Mrs. David S. Barry and Miss Cora
Barry will not receive tomorrow,
owing to absence from the city.
Invitations have been received here
for the wedding of Miss Louise Hope
Thacher, daughter of Representative
j and Mrs. Thomas Chandler Thacher,
i and Mr. Bernard Shirley Carter, Saturday,
February 1.1, at 3:30 o'clock, at
Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church,
Boston. A large reception will follow
the ceremony at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. Thacher, 81 Beacon street.
Miss Thacher, with her parents, has
been spending the winter in this city.
Mr. Carter, who is a student at Harvard
University, will complete his college
course early in February, and after
the wedding will live in Cambridge,
Mass., where he will enter the Harvard
Law School in the autumn. He is a
grandson of the late Bernard Carter of
Baltimore, and a nephew of Mrs. Alexander
Robinson White of Glenhurst,
Relay; Mr. Bernard M. Carter, Mr.
Charles H. Carter, Mr. Julian Stewart
Carter and Mr. Shirley Carter, all of
Baltimore; the Rev. George i.aiven
Carter of Bryn Mawr, Pa.; Mr. Arthur
Lyman Fiske of New York and Mrs.
Ernest Law of Philadelphia.
It is expected that Mr. and Mrs. John
Ridgely Carter of London, formerly of
Baltimore, the parents of the groomelect,
will come to America for the wedding.
His sister, Lady Acheson, formerly
Miss Mildred Carter, will be unable
to come to America at this time
owing to the European war, in which
her husband is taking an active part.
William Quaid of New York, one of
Col. Roosevelt's Rough Riders, and
Miss Hopeton D. Atterbury, a daughter
of Mrs. Lewis B. Atterbury and an
amateur horsewoman of note, who has
ridden many times in this city at horse
shows, were married yesterday afternoon
in St. George's Church, Stuyvesant
Square, New York city, the ceremony
being performed by the Rev.
Karl Reiland, rector of the church.
Lawrence B. Atterbury escorted his
sister, whose wedding gown was of
white satin with a court train of satin
from the shoulders. The low-cut cor- i
sage was draped with old family lace,
which also covered the front of the
gown and met the train at the sides, j
The long point lace veil was drafced in i
full effect about her coiffure. She wore
a large diamond ornament on the corsage
and carried gardenias and lilies
of the valley.
A large wedding party was in attendance
and a reception followed at
the Atterbury home before the couple
left for their honeymoon trip.
Mrs. Ralph Pemberton of Philadel- |
pliia gave an informal tea yesterday i
meet Miss Greble of this city. I
Marriage Licenses.
Marriage licensee have been issued to
the following:
Johnson L. Penn and Sadie M. Harrim&n,
both of Chaptico, Md.
Emanuel M. Quivers and Frances E.
James E. Balcom and Anna E. Poo re.
Outfitters to Wc
Southeast Corner lOt
on AD Woi
i Beginning tomor- HliS
| row, we will offer
any Suit in our
store, all styles, %|/
all materials, all
shades, regardless
of former price.
Values to $35. iiiH
ng Redt
ith the ordinary sales about town.
s $0.50 Our Best J
:o that Sold i
$35 and $3
f these Suits makes the sale of m<
f the cleverest new styles in the be
Great Values in C
.00 At
$25.00 Value:
adcloth Coats. 100 Hand)
art looking and wool material)
siana and meri
Step" The New D
lie in Washington at the Women'
lion centers. Most fascinating sty
$25 $30 $35
N t
Jabez B. Heavlow and Maude E. |
Harvey A. White of Bealton, Va., and
Lena R. Beryman of Remington, Va.
Raymond Gant and Louise Loraax.
Wesley Tolliver of Shepherdstown,
W. Va., and Margaret Thompson of J
Charles Town, W. Va.
Julian P. Tyler and Algeretta Holland.
Arthur Johnson and Ethel Thomas.
Ira P. T. Wright and Ruth Taylor.
Lewis Christian and Carrie Jones.
Births Reported.
*The following births have been reported
to the health department in the
last twenty-four hours:
Francis P. and Elizabeth Beach, boy.
Horace W. and Mary Spilman, boy.
Daniel W. and Agatha T. O'Donoghue,
Thomas and Grace Jackson, boy.
Alfred A. and Clirissfe G. Austin, girl.
George B. and Sarah M. Miller, boy.
Joseph A. and Alice S. Johnson, girl.
ivan ana j^ena weia, ooy. ^
A. B. and Mabel Johnson, girl. James
G. and Gertrude L. Hall, girl.
Harry A. and Anna M. Dunan. girl.
Tracy and Jessie W. Young, boy. t
Henry and Etta Scott, boy. (
Cephas and Carrie Ellis, boy.
Frank and Ella Armstead. girl.
Frederick and Sarah Robinson, girl. *
Charles and Patsey Blake, boy.
Death? Reported. ?
The following deaths have been re- fc
ported to the health department in the <
last twenty-four hours: *
Murray Burrows. 26 years. 3517 Prospect
street northwest.
Mary E. Hughes, 69 years, Georgetown
Sarah J. Beatty, 60 years, 3124 Dum- ]
barton avenue northwest.
John Hammond, 47 years, 410 K street
Harriet C. Kelley, 81 years. 521 4th ^
street southeast. c
Dorothy C. Brinkley, 7 years, 497 G 2
street southwest 11
Gertrude Holgate, 70 years, Columbia *
Hospital. *
James Ervin. 65 years. Garfield Hos- ^
pital. J
George W. Edwards, 23 years, 417 New ],
York avenue northwest. 1
Samuel A. Murdock, 66 yeays, Sibley s
Hospital. Mary
H. Whitman, 68 years, 2810 27th ^
street northwest.
1 Sarah R. Casel, 80 years, 024 13th ?l
street southwest.
Thomas J. Greenwood, 74 years. Gov- ?j
ernment Hospital for the Insane. \
Anastasia Mary O'Brien, 37 years, 717 \
8th street northeast. \
Mary Johnson, 63 years, Washington J
Asylum Hospital. J
Margaret Bowdwin, 20 years, Wash- .j
ington Asylum Hospital. ]
Robert Upsher, 54 years, Georgetown ]
Hospital. ?
Joseph F. Beane, 0 years, 15 Benton \
place northwest. \
Lizzie Allen, 70 years, 240 W street. 1
Herbert M. Bell, 16 years, 1412 8d )
street northwest. * J
imcn Who Know ^
h F 8^1, N W I i
Reductions j
nen's Suits j
illllllllilllllllllllll! jj
1109 G Street :|
ictions |j
These are honest reductions =
Suits $| P 1
iPA? Id m
V 3U, g
>re than ordinary import- g
st fabrics. g=
oats (
$14.75 |
5 up to $32.50 jg
some Coats, in the finest |p
i. In checks, tweeds. Per- =
ancing Dress? m
s Store. A Dancing Dress m
le ever produced.
1 >1-1
Li ,
appeal to Aid Women and Girls in I
Belligerent Countries in Making
Section presidents and directors of |
he District of Columbia branch of a
lie Needlework Guild of America met 2
Tuesday in the Raleigh Hotel to i
eceive for transmission to tliose com- c
>risingr the units represented by them 1
he "emergency call" for foreign re- <
ief work of the national president of <
lie guild. (
The object of this call is the sup- 1
ivit ui worKrooms at various points
n Europe where girls and women will
>e kept warm throughout the day and
rill be furnished material to make
nto garments for the wounded, for
vhich they will be paid the customary
rar wage of 20 cents a day.
Blanks bearing the appeal were disributed
to the following section presilents
or directors who were present:
drs. A. F. Hassan, who presided over
he meeting in place of Mrs. Henry
Vrnold Peckham, president of the Disrict
branch; Mrs. G. Thomas Dunlop, 1
Jrs. John Gibson, Mrs. Flora Patteron,
Mrs. Isidor Grosner, Miss Anna
Vbbott, Miss Frances Dodson, Miss
lleanor Dupuy, Mrs. Nairn, Mrs. Alice (
?tory, Miss Sargent, Miss Barclay. Mrs. .
5iles Rafter, Miss Mary I^ockwood,
diss Margaret Mitchell and Mrs. Rich- *
Lrd B. Watrous. <
? t
Percentage of Columbia Theater Per- ,
formance Receipts Goes to Fund. ;
By courtesy of the management of the \
Columbia Theater a large percentage 1
>f the receipts for the evening performance
February 1 of Fiske O'Hara's
iew comedy, "Jack's Romance," Is to
e devoted to the endowment at Trinity
College of a scholarship for some *
Washington girl to obtain a four-year
ollege course without charge. The c
jadies' Auxiliary Board of Trinity Col- s
ege, under the leadership of Mrs. ?
Thomas H. Carter, is interested in the r
uccess of the benefit. c
608 T0614 ELtV
I Annual J
E Clearing
j? *
i We offer a h
: Suits, Separate Q
I Street Dresses (m
: spring wear) at r?
; '/f to More
frown regular price
It's our awwuall
j- our own regular s
I able qualities we'
J lot of "odds=awd=e
I pecially for a sale.
Garments for i
; eluding Wraps a
' the most formal 01
\ Furs Reduced
$85.00 Wholeskin Caracul Cos
$100.00 Hudson Seal Coats...
J $150.00 Hudson Seal Coats...
$40.00 Black Fox Sets
1 $85.00 Black Fox Sets
' $85.00 Pointed Fox Sets
J $35.00 Natural Raccoon Sets.
' $40.00 Skunk Raccoon Sets..
1 $40.00 Genuine Skunk Muffs.
; $25.00 Hudson Seal Muffs....
i* $20.00 Black Fox Muffs
Suits Reduced
1 $25.00 Suits (odds and ends!
J $30.00 Tailored and Fancy Si
$40.00 Fur-trimmed Suits....
' Finest Cloth and Velvet Suits
!. $40.00 Covert Suits
Coats Reduced
P $15.00 Sport Coats
J $20.00 Street Coats
J $30.00 Finest Corduroy Coats
j> $30.00 Finest Plush Coats. ...
J $30.00 Broadcloth Coats
P $55 00 Evening Wraps
Dresses Reducei
p $25.00 Dresses (odds and end
C $35-00 Afternoon and Evening
? $45.00 Afternoon and Evening
; High-priced Model Dresses
Desirable V
15c Papers, Now
25c to 35c Papers, N
- or tn $1 jnn Paners. IV
? T f ?, The
above scale ?of reduct
terns in room lots and larger
mediate clearance. \
Act quickly if you desire tc
nary bargains. Please bring n
We are still offering
odd pieces of Fine Fur
10% to 50% lower than
R. W. & J. B
Fine Furniture, Laces, Drapi
1109 F St., Throuj
Juestion of Calling Representative
Church Gathering for Meeting
at Y. M. C. A.
The question of calling: a conference
it an early date of representatives of
l!1 church organizations and individlals
interested in church affairs to de:ide
whether or not Billy Sunday shall
>e asked to come to Washington to
conduct a series of meetings is to be
lecided at a meeting of the committee
)f fifty to be held at the Y. M. C. A.
omorrow mgnr. j
William Knowles Cooper, general secretary
of the Y. M. C. A. and chairnan
of the committee which had
charge of the meeting at Convention'
Hall last Monday afternoon, said toiay
that the committee of which he is
chairman had no authority to invite
Evangelist Sunday to come to Washngton
for a series of meetings in the
future, and that such a request will
lave to he approved by as large a
lumber as possible of Washington's
representative church workers, laymen
is well as pastors.
To Meet Tomorrow Night.
'"Tomorrow night's meeting of the
committee," said Mr. Cooper, "is merey
to decide whether or not a larger
ind more thoroughly representative
conference, embracing all denominaions
and all organizations as well as
ndi^iduals interested in church work,
shall be called.
"If it is decided to call together this
arger conference the question of
vhether or not Mr. Sunday shall be
isked to come to Washington for a
series of evangelistic meetings is to
>e decided by that conference."
Aeros May Seek Stefansson.
OTTAWA, Ontario, January 21.?An
xpedition carrying hydroaeroplanes,
Inanced by the Canadian government
>r through private subscriptions, to
earch for eight missing men or mc
5tefansson expedition, is the plan anlounced
here of Burt M. McConnell,
>ne pf the survivors.
>sborn !
fanuary |
Sales. |
arge variety of |
iats9 Gowns and ' ?
lany suitable for |
;ductions of X
s. \
clearance sale off $
stock of depend= |
re selllninig, not a $
nds" bought es= ?j
ill occasions, in= |
ind Dresses for x
ccasions. x
33% to 50% |
its Now $55.00 Y
Now $6^.00 J
Now $100.00 !?
Now *$25.00 X]
- Now $55.00 ?
Now $55.00 ff\
Now $20.00 X
Now $25.00 xj
Now $25.00 ?
Now $17.50 X
Now $15.00 Yi
40% to 66% i\
Now $10.00
jits Now $15.00 X
Now $20.00 ?
Now $25.00
Now $25.00 |
33% to 50% |
Now $7.50 |
Now $11.75 $
Now $19.75 X
Now $19-75 X
Now $19.75 ;!
Now $29.50
d 50% to 66% |
s) Now $10.00 $
Dresses Now $18.00 X
Dresses Now $25.00 *|*
Now $39.50 |
I all Papers
3c to 5c Roll,
ow 8c to 12c Roll,
low 1 5c to 35'c Roll.
ions applies to various patquantities,
selected for imi
profit by these extraordileasurements
of rooms.
I complete suites and
niture at prices from
. Henderson,
cries. Rugs, Carpets, Etc.,
?h to 1108 G St.
r ' ^
Compared With Exactions on IT. S. f.
Commerce by Foreign Ships. p
LOUISVILLE, Ky., January 21.?"If
the facts were fully known public opin- c
ion would insist upon drastic action i<
which would prevent recurrence of the n
arbitrary series of liold-ups and ex- 1<
actions of which our foreign commerce g
^59 B3MB5 QllBSi
Sale of the New Vc
All the smart styles in this spe<
of made Veils?fllet, hexagon and 1
meshes, decorated here and thensquare
or coin spots?also plain mesj
the velvet border, in black, black a
and sand color, white with black
SUruilClll ui cjvua > aiui o.
Clearance Salt
Extraordinary in VA
In the CENTEMERI Glove fat
permitted at the sacrifice of quality
indeed an extraordinary event.
Incomplete lines from the facte
sirable kinds for early spring wea
this sale.
Elnlnore?Rfjnilarlj- ?2.25.
QUALITY?glace finish kid?in a
wide range of colors and the season's
latest patterns of embroidery !
Ulorine?Regularly ft 1.85.
The most popular of Centemeri
Gloves?both 2 and 3 clasp, with
Paris point, self and contrasting em- j
broideries, in black, white and colors.
Walton Pique?-Regularly ftl.Hu.
2-clasp?from most carefully selected
skins?in colors, white and black....
Lined A Unltned (ape?Regularly $1.50. \
"With the season's latest embroideries
?Pique and P. X. M. Unlined, inj
white and tan: lined, in tan only I
Doeakin?Regularly ftf.SO. .
1-clasp, with heavy black embroidery ,
?a washable white leather glove.J
A Grand T
You will have the opportunity
Friday Bargains!
Coats! !
12 COATS?Zibeline; half 95 ?
26 COATS?Zlbelines and mix- din
tures. Were up to $25.00 *1V IS
COATS?Broadcloth and $1 o CO
zibeline. Were up A.o $30.. . .
22 COATS?Z i b e 1 i n e and At G Cf|
broadcloth. Were ?p to $4T?T W
RiDDle model?vrere $32.50 tlO CAi?
_at '
12 E\E\I\G COATS, pink, rose, Sj
light blue and nile?were927.50 CIA
and 982.0*?at *LXJ
Friday Bargains!
1,000 Pieces Neckwear. 1
Sheer Organdy Collars. Hand-embroidered
Linen and Organdy Collars, rolling.
high back, military and plaited ^
backs; Organdy Collar and Cuff Sets,
Plain, Hand-embroidered and Hemstitched
White and Flesh
Color Satin Coat Sets?were
75c and $1.00?at a
ground, with blue and lavender d?o |
flowers?were $6.50?at ^ 5
| *? uaimvii r bii i ncm * , mi
and 24 inches long?were' *8.00 *o
I mud **.0O?at I
jj Prior tc
M of the groun
I , we offer our
| chandise at
I Genuine c
1 Fur Sets
| At $25.00
We otter tianusomc :sei
Natural Raccoon, Civit C
lar $40 to $50 values.
At $35.00
We offer Stylish Sets of
Russian Lynx, Natural
bination with Fitch, etc.
At $50.00
We offer Rich Sets in H
ver Kit Fox, Scotch Mol<
colors; regular values u
I At 2S?/0 Off
We offer the Finer am
Chinchilla, Siberian Ern
ver Fox, Hudson Bay ar
This includes all of our
; Coats, in Hudson Seal. Persi
! and Baby Caracul. Regular pr
$100 Fur Coat
$125 Fur Coat
$150 Fur Coat
$200 Fur Coat
All Fur-lined Overcoats f<
same uniform reduction of 25
Values up to $35
Reduced to
This is the final clearance
Coats. There are a number
that sold regularly up to $35.
$30.00 Overcoats $20.00 !
Ij $25.00 Overcoats $17-50 !
| $20.00 Overcoats $14.00 i
5 today too much tlie unwilling1 vie- th
im," declared* William C. Redfleld, P?
ecretary of Commerce, in an address
ist night before the Louisville Transortation
"The cynical disregard that foreign
teamship companies show for their 1
ontracts and for the interests of Amer- ru
'an commerce at large is such as to lul
lake the attitude of a robber baron cii
>ok respectable. Wonderful as is the tic
rowth of our foreign commerce in go
md white, brown
dots. A big: as- ^^0 12.lt W ?
:h abused word, but it applies in iti
b of Centemt
LUES! Extraordix
:tory at Grenoble. France, no econo
Therefore our clearance prices o
>rv and from our own stocks. A 1
ir. Faster beinff only 9 Sundays <
Florlae 91-HR Gua 1
One of the most
^ ^ made. Will liarmoni
U* T | radium clasps. Pari:
|R I P white and white kid
T V Arab's- Morfca. ?1
In the new battle
Pr. mo
The Centemeri 1
j Mousquetaife Gloves,
jpagne, nile, pastel sh
/K <% ? H* i Homona
\ I I Quality,
tpl.lu 8-Bt.
D_ 16-Bt.
IT.- zo.Bt.
The tlun Metal
i auetaire is a distincti
ime for Friday
of picking up many articles of qual
Friday Bargains! Suits! [ i
50 in cheviot, serge and C]A U*
gabardine?were *25.00?at tiu |
5 SUITS. in serge, gabardine
and broadcloth. Were up to gQ
50 SUITS, in broadcloth, pop- H
lln and gabardine. Were up Cl ? CA
to HnOO ^lO.OU
2 SUITS.in imported fahriea. COO CA
Were up to *100.00
Friday Bargains! Dresses! ?
were *10.50?-at ^
SERGE DRESSES ? combined with
satin?were $14.50 find 916^0? d?g
mostly small sizes?at **
?were *25.00?at
0 SKIRTS?were *5 and *6?tans #9 ?
and checks ^
80 Pieces Fine Laces
.Vliite, cream and black shadow*?oriental
and chantilly?4 to 24 Inches
S?y.SS23c $1.00
?0 Y ARDS I-REPB rHimNS, 42 *
inches wide?white, black, cream,
pink and light blue?at, yard... W
stripe and flowered designs? CM
42 inches wide?were $1.50 Q/b,
yard?at ~^rTT. W**
> remodeling and enl
it by annexing the n
d floor of 614 Twe
entire stock of high-,
ind Generous Re
Reduced ij
I St'
:s in Black Fox, Sable Fox, j m,
iat and Russian Lynx: regu1
I! $1
II $1
Black Fox, Skunk, Raccoon, ij
Skunk, Baltic Seal in com- if
; values up to S6> ?i
I- ! 5f>l
v I
j I
udson Seal and Ermine, Sil-' j j $5
: and Natural Furs of lighter ' fj ?3
p to $85.
i Costlier Sets in Bolivian cj
line, Natural, Blue and Silid
Russian Sable.
AT 2So/0 OFF I
splendid collection of Fur
an Lamb, Seal Dyed Otter ?*
ices are reduced 25 per cent. j j. Q
s for $75.00 S4
s for $93.75 $2
5 for $112.50 $2
s for $150.00 ?1
>r men are in the sale at the
per cent. $2.
price on all Women's Cloth
of desirable models?some Mc
Choice at $io. I ^2
Jl $2.
, $1
?30.00 Raincoats $20.00 j $*:'
?25.00 Raincoats $17.00 I
?15.00 Raincoats $11.00 j ~
12th and F Streets
ese recent months. It Is but a small
.rt of that which it would be if our
mmerce were not being throttled at
i source by the exactions of forelgnirned
steamship companies."
The legislature of Washington has
shed through both houses a resotlozi
declaring against holding a spell
election in 1915 on the liquor ques>n.
This means that Washington will
"dry" In January, 1916.
ttrcttr J#
i fullest sense to our
jri Gloves!
iary in SELLING!
mv in cost of production is ever
n these splendid gloves make it
jig assortment of the most dedistant
adds intense interest to
letal Trurkiat?*IJV> pr.
: staple and satisfactory gloves ever
ze with any costume. Made with 2
s point or wide embroidery sewn in
.20 Pr.?IlffnilHr Price* 11.75.
ship gray, with handsome pearl clasp.
usquetaire Glace
Ugliest Grade "ftomona'* French Kid
in white, lavender, turquoise, chamades,
gun metal tranchant and black.
Special Regular
Sale Price. Price
$1.95 $2.59
$2.35 $3.25
52.85 $4.99
$3.85 $5.09
Trancliant S. 10 and 12 Button Moueve
feature of this sale.
ity tomorrow at almost nothing.
Friday Waists?Petticoats
0 WAISTS?Crepe de chine, including
sand and putty shades?odd sizes?
?also tub silk, taffeta, satin, velvet,
messalin? and chiffon. Were #1 QC
*3~%o to 9*.4tf>
W COTTO,\ W AISTS?Voile anit CQbatiste?were
92 and 92.5*?at..
1 SII.K PETTICOATS? Jersey and
messaline silk?odd colors?were QC.
92.00 and 93.00?at
and messaline silk?were 93.50 $1.50
48 Leather Handbags
lightly scratched?new shapes and
the very-best of leather?were OC
93.09 aid 96.00?at 1,?g
$2.50 to $3.95
The Stocking*!
? PURS SIIjK stockixus? en.
n*rf 91 jM?colors only?at iJVv
were $U??colors only?at
and fancy striped?also silk 1C.
boot?were 35c pair?at
V77 ?
urging our f
lar portion ft
ifth Street I
grade mer- -J
ductions R
Men's Belongings Ifj
Greatly Reduced i
This is all fresh, new ggfi
ock, so the values are that 9?
uch more attractive.
Suit Cases ft
6.50 values for $10.00 E?
5.00 values for $0.00 E?
4.00 values for $8.00
3.00 values for $7.00
1.00 values for $6.00 B
0.00 values for $5.00 Bj
Umbrellas jl J
.00 values for $3.50 < E
.50 values for $2.50
Shirts |
.50 values for $2.75 ( sm
.50 values for $1.75 ?P
.50 values for $1.10 H
Neckwear ?
.50 values for $1.75 IP
.00 values for $1.40
.50 values for $1.00 jt
.00 values for 65c SI
' ooper Underwear ~
.00 values for $3.00 x
.00 values for $2.25 E
.50 values for $1.75 E[
.00 values for $1.50 H
.50 values for $1.00 B|
Pajamas i
00 values for $1.50 :
50 values for $1.10
Fur-lined Gloves
50 values for $3.50
00 values for $3.00 <
00 values for $2.00
tcha & Cape Gloves
50 values for $1.75
00 values for $1.50
50 values for $1.15
' Hosiery
00 Silk Hose 65c
Oc Silk Hose 35c
5c Silk Hose 19c
, f
7 1