SUNDAY February 21, 1915
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The House Leaders.
Although not yet formally designated,
Mr. Mann will lead the minority
in the next House, and have
many more men at his hack than he
has had in the present House. Some
of them will be new to congressional
life, but others will be veterans
returned after a period of rest imposed
by the fortunes of politics.
The most eminent of the latter '
class is Mr. Cannon, who. being a
good man. cannot be kept down. In
health and full of fight, the former
Speaker is coming back to help put
his party into shape for next year, 1
1 ?*?? ??f <?rrat assistance to
dliu w I?I UV. e
Mr. Mann. They are in agreement .
about measures, and as experienced
laborers in the republican field
should, working together, harvest a '
good crop. Both are familiar with
the implements they will handle.
Mr. Mann has been confronting
Mr. Underwood. He will now confront
Mr. Kitchin?a man of different
temperament. A suave, unemotional
majority leader gives place to
a man direct and oratorical, and
"warm" under pressure. There may
be more work for Mr. Mann in the
next than there has been in the
present House.
Moreover, there seems reason to
believe, the majority side of the
chamber will be strengthened by oc- ;
casional suggestions from a source
too much and too long neglected. The
J-*? >?? "iiuins to the imoor
tance of Mr. Clark. They will not
invest him with the power that
should be his as Speaker, but they
show a disposition to profit by his
wide knowledge as politician and
legislator. The President is beginning
to confer with him. The caucus
the other night obeyed him.
Thus will the interest be increased.
As Mr. Mann's staff will be strengthened
by Mr. Cannon, Mr. Kitchin's
will be strengthened by Mr. Clark.
The experience of a former Speaker
will be available to the one side, and
that of the existing Speaker to the
The two leaders will work the
harder because of the prominence of
their names in the speculation about
the future. Mr. Mann is mentioned
for the presidency and also for the
vice presidency, while Mr. Kitchin is
mentioned for the Senate. As Mr.
Underwood made the House leadership
a stepping stone to the Senate,
Mr. Kitchin, it is suggested, may try
to repeat the performance.
Undoubtedly, there will be some-Jevivsrv
in HfttltP Thp
IIUH5 UV1115 ? * ?"v ? ?????
prediction is made, indeed, that
there will not be a dull moment at
the first session.
Saving the Birds.
It has been announced in the news
columns of The Star that by executive
order two arms of land extending
from the north shore of the state
of Washington into the strait of
Juan de Fuca have been set apart for
the use of the Department of Agriculture
as refuges, preserves and
breeding grounds for native birds. In
these government retreats for the
feathered friends of men it will be
unlawful to hunt, kill or disturb the
birds or molest their eggs except
under such rules and regulations as
may be prescribed by the Secretary
of Agriculture.
Evidences of man's appreciation of
the rights of bird life and of the
benefit that form of life confers upon
men are multiplying. The nation, a
number of the states and numerous
organizations of men and women are
enaracred in the work of uvinr birds.
The reckless indifference to birds and
the wanton waste of bird life have
finally awakened intelligent men to
an interest in the wise uses of birds
in the economy of the world.
The regard for the influence of
America's neutral flag is at present so
complimentary as to be embarrassing.
The war zone is an imaginary line
which threatens to become almost as
lengthy as the equator itself.
Gov. Beckham and the Senate.
Six years ago, as was recalled in
the Senate Thursday, Gov. Beckham
of Kentucky was defeated before a
democratic legislature after securing
instructions at a primary election
for the office of United States senator.
The transaction aroused a great
deal of bitterness in the state, and
caused the political ostracism of the
men who bolted the nomination.
They were not of special prominence,
but lost the places they had
occupied and the limited influence
they had exercised.
Gov. Beckham, although greatly
disappointed, of course, accepted the
result calmly, took up the practice of
few, and bided his time. He did not
doubt that his party at the first op- i
portunity would rebuke his enemies i
and bestow the coveted honor upon ]
him. ]
His confidence last year was jus- t
tified. He offered for the place <
again, and. after a hot primary cam- i
paign, defeated his democratic oppo- j
nent' for the nomination, and then, ;
after a comparatively easy cam- i
paign, defeated his republican oppo- 1
nent at the regular election. His i
term begins March 4- i
But trouble threatens Gov. Beck- s
ham the second time. Kentucky is ;
among the states where it is charg- (
ed, irregularities occurred in last
year's senatorial campaigns and
elections, and an investigation has
been proposed. The matter may be t
taken up when the new Congress [
meets. f
At this same election Mr. Camden, ,
who will leave the Senate as Gov. (
Beckham enters, was chosen to fill (
the unexpired term of the late Mr. r
Bradley. No objection was made to :
him, nor until now had any doubt
1??t,? ,
been cast on ine rcguniu/ u
victory in which he shared.
If the proposed investigation is
made, and the disclosures should
prove embarrassing to the Blue
Grass democracy, the result would
probably affect the state campaign
scheduled for this year. A full state
ticket is to be elected; and while the
democrats have the advantage of being
in power, they are not so strongly
intrenched as to make an investigation
of last year's senatorial nominations
unimportant to them.
The republicans, who had gained
control of the state through demo- cratic
divisions and weaknesses, lost
control several years ago for similar
causes applying to themselves; and
in 1912 the split caused by the bull
moose movement gave the state to j
Wilson and Marshall by an enor- t
ms-voc P?ront1v liftw^vpr. th??re- e
I11VUJ %/%?. A\V VVIIWIJ j ..v.. , v
as elsewhere, bull mooseiy has t
shown a heavy decline; and if the
republicans reappear in their old
form next fall Kentucky will be e
strongly contested by them, even as v
against the best possible democratic 1
nominations. t
1 s
Vocational Training. c
Vocational training is a matter
which claims the attention of present
day educators and looms large ?
in the scheme of education which
aims at practical efficiency. It is 1
vital to the national interests that
youths be set in the way of making
for themselves a place in the world.
At a meeting of the District branch j
of the Congress of Mothers that or
ganization emphasized its Deiiet in
vocational education in the public t
schools and passed resolutions to en- c
courage the board of education in t
its work of laying out plans for such
The idea of life training is an old <
one, and its application has been car- t
ried to success in the state or public
schools of Europe, and where the
system has been entered upon in i
public schools of the United States <
it has been productive of encouraging
results. A distressing feature
of the age is the count- I
less thousands of young per- '
sons turned into the workaday
world without skill or competency of
any particular kind. They come face
to face with the problem of making
a living, but without knowing how
to perform any specific service of
use to society. There is vast con- i
fusion of square pegs getting into i
round holes and round pegs getting
into square holes and of pegs that 1
cannot find a hole of any kind to <
vet into.
While efficiency is the great demand
of the age the world is bur- 1
dened with inefficiency. A scheme 1
which promises to reduce the ratio of 1
incompetent and indifferent work- '
ers and to turn non-workers into
workers is one which holds out
great promise to the country and its
George W. Perkins continues to be
quoted as being a progressive. Mr.
Perkins' past performances left no
doubt of his being a man with the
courage of his convictions; one who
could be depended on to apply standpat
traditions to modern exigencies.
Recent debate cannot fail to emphasize
the impression that this
country, whatever may be its preparedness
for war,' has drifted into a
state of unpreparedness for commerce.
The late Frank James was a desperado,
but a's compared with the
"gun man" developed in densely populated
communities, he was a gentleman
and a social uplifter.
The frequency with which Mexico
City is occupied by military ought to
command liberal railway concessions
in the way of excursion rates.
Passing of a Waltz King.
The news of the death of Emile
Waldteufel evoked only a passing or
an academic interest, or perhaps no
interest at all, among the general
mass of newspaper readers. The
name was unfamiliar to them. Even
those persons whose toes and heels
tingle to up-to-date dance music, and
to whose ears the names and measures
of modern composers are well
known, very likely could not recall
that they had ever heard the name
Waldteufel, a French composer with
a Teutonic name. The heroes and the
favorites of one generation are often
forgotten by the succeeding generation.
Waldteufel was born in 1837, and as
a young man made an impression on
the world as a master of dance
music. The grandmothers and the
grandfathers of the young folk of
today called him a waltz king. In
many of the homes of Washington
before the civil war the gay young
people danced to bis music. It was
merry music then, bat very likely it
would be classed as languorous today.
His waltzes would be thought hopelessly
old-fashioned, yet one sometimes
hears his music today and
>ften hears modern music singularly
eminiscent of the Waldteufel style.
\t any rate, a couple of generations
igo no soiree, hop or ball in Washngton
could be happy or complete
without the waltzes of the French
waltz king. One can scarcely pick
ip a music book which grandma used
is a young lady without seeing
imong its yellow pages numerous
impositions by Emile Waldteufel.
Meridian Hill Park.
A step is taken here and there
oward the improvement of the pubic
land on Meridian hill, and the
{ratifying information has been anf\linc
f rtr tV>d >)Asr?1/Sn.
iuuii(.cu mat piano iut niv uvtvivj/nent
of Meridian Hill Park have
>een matured, and that as money is
nade available these plans will be
ipplied to the ground. The natural
idvantages of this park site are to
>c utilized to the full. The comnanding
position of the land makes
t readily convertible into one of the
mposing residence parks of the
:ountry. The plateau section lends
tself well to effective landscape garlening
and the crest of the hill prorides
a panorama of the city and fareaching
views. The hillside, slopng
down to the northern limit of the
>riginal Washington, presents picuresque
opportunities for treatment,
["he plans which were described some
ime ago seem to have called forth
he best endeavors of park makers,
fhis park is probably destined to
>ecomc one of the most popular of
he inner parks because of its ac:essibility,
its vistas, its ornamentaion
and its size. Large numbers of
>eople will frequent it because from
he eminence the eye can look upon
>ne of the greatest of pictures?the
:apital and its environs.
New York has just witnessed an
ating contest which was won by a
toman who ate twenty-two lobsters.
The incident threatens to complicate
he question of what constitutes real
port with the question of the high
:ost of living.
The expensive gayeties of the seahore
cities and the conditions of inlustrial
communities present New
ersey as a state of strange contrasts.
Mexico's political activities coninue
to prevent any danger of comilications
because of efforts to find a
oreign market for her products.
No complaint has been heard in the
leighborhood of Great Britain be:ause
of the failure of Zeppelin craft
o run on schedule.
It feels like good old times to a
:ongressman when he can get back to
he discussion of appropriations.
The loan of a flag for a few hours
? ? ?Altlw 9C ? tS
A conference may sometimes be regarded
as a filibuster with the muffler
Determined Cariosity.
"There's no use of investigating
that official. He hasn't done anything."
"Let's investigate him and ascertain
how he dares draw a salary
without doing anything."
"De man dat ain' got nuffin' in particlar
to say," said Uncle Eben, "is
ginerally allowed to do a heap o'
talkin' 'cause he ain' so liable to give
Friends in Heed.
A friend in need
Is one indeed;
The motto's old and true.
Some fade away
When they can say,
"I have no need of you."
A man's wife is seldom able to
cook like his mother did. But the
medicine she insists on his taking
tastes pretty much the same.
A Reckless Sentiment.
"Here is a book that ought to be
in every home," said the persuasive
"What's it about?" inquired Farmer
"Political economy."
"It oughtn't to be encouraged.
They've been slightin' appropriations
so much that it doesn't look like we'd
get any chance at government
money out this way. What I want
to see is somethin' that'll whoop it
up fur old-fashioned political extravagance."
The news is most discouragin' at Pohick-on-the-Crick.
The joy is gettin' thinner an' the
gloom is growin' thick.
But underneath the willows there's
a space of ripplin' stream.
Where the sunlight seems to sparkle
with a soft, peculiar gleam.
The birds come sweetly singin' to
the hours that drift away,
An' the great, big world seems
peaceful an' contented for a
You toss a line an' watch it. with
your troubles all forgot.
An' it doesn't make much difference
if you catch a fish or not.
The fish, of course, is mighty large
on which your hope is set,
But it keeps you interested, if a nibble's
all you get.
Somewhere the world is strugglin' in
the darkness an' despair.
An' perhaps your turn will come to
lend a hand an' do your share.
But we all have a notion that the future
is secure,
No matter what our feelin's may be
called on to endure;
Fur some day well have time to tie
a string onto a stick
An' go a-fishin' once again at fohick-on-1
! ' *
Uncle Sam believes in encouraging
j home gardening for town children as
a part of the raoveHome
Gardening ment to check the
- rise in the cost of
iortnuaren. living. Through the
United States bureau of education, a
home gardening survey has been begun
under the direction of three specialists
who have had much experience
with the work and who believe that
| the 10,000,000 children between the
ages of six and twenty who are enrolled
in public and private schools in
cities of the United States can be interested
in home gardening as a practical
step In increasing the nation's food
Dr. C. D. Jarvia, formerly of Cornell
University, la the specialist in charge
of the government's home gardening
survey, and associated with him are
J. R. Randall and Miss tithel Gowans,
specialists in school and home gardening.
The work is going on in co-operation
with the National Child Welfare
League, whose members are assisting
the government experts in gathering
information and encouraging the people
in urban communities throughout
the United States to get behind the
home gardening movement.
"The significance of the home garden
as a social, educational and instructive
factor is just beginning to
be appreciated," said Dr. Jarvis yesterday
in speaking of the movement, j
"In most of the cities there are hundreds
of acres of land In the form of
back yards and vacant lots that might
be properly used in the production of
vegetables, fruits and flowers. In these
same cities there are thousands of boys
and girls who, with proper guidance,
would be willing to utilize these nonproductive
lands. Furthermore, the
same cities are importing yearly thousands
of dollars' worth of vegetables.
iruits ana nowers tnai mignt oe raiscu
within their borders, and much of the
money that is sent to distant points in
payment for these products might be
kept at home.
"The important thing to keep in mind
about the home garden is its great
economic value. Earnings from these
gardens represent clear gain, for
neither the land nor the labor would
otherwise be utilised. Think what it
means if the lu,000,000 children in the
city schools can be interested in this
movement. In many cities large numbers
have already taiten up the work.
If one-half of the 10,000,000 American
city school children become interested
in the work and raise an average of
only ten dollars' worth of vegetables
a year, there is an increase of $50,OOO.OtJ
In food supplies and the saving
of this amount of money to the inhabitants
of the cities. Ten dollars is a
low average, however, for the yield of
a home garden, for the value of the
products of many children Is from $50
to $100 in a single season."
Commissioner P. P. Claxton of the
bureau of education believes that one
of the chief values of the school garden,
outside of the large amount of
agricultural wealth which can be produced
by the children working under
intelligent direction, will be that the
gardens will supply a need of suitable,
educative, purposeful and prodlictlvn
Arriirtntlnn for millions of
school children, who, in the cities,
towns, manufacturing: villages and
suburban districts now have no particular
employment out of school
The federal commissioner of education
believes that the dangers of idleness
and unsuitable occupation for
children can be cut down greatly if
cities through the United States take
up the home and vacant lot gardening
idea as Intelligently as have the cities
of Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Detroit,
Portland (Ore.) and Cleveland. Dr.
Claxton suggests that the vegetables,
berries and fruits grown on the home
gardens should be used first as food
for the children and their families:
then the surplus should be marketed
to the best advantage. Speaaing of the
utilization of the back yards and vacant
lots for gardens for the children,
Dr. Claxton says:
"At this early stage of the ifiovement
it is difficult to estimate all the
results of the home garden plan. For
the children it will mean health,
strength, Joy in work, habits of industry,
an understanding of the value of
money as measured in terms of labor,
and such knowledge of the phenomena
and forces of nature as must be had
for an understanding of most of their
school lessons. They will also learn
something at least of the fundamental
principles of morality: that every nmn
and woman must maae his or her own
living: must, by some kind of labor of
the head, hand or heart, contribute to
the common wealth as much as he or
she takes from it."
Dr. Jarvis is now furnishing lnfor
itiaiiuii w uuiiuicuo ui bviiwui wun.iuo
who arc asking for detailed instructions
on the establishment of home
gardens by school children. These detailed
instructions include information
on cleaning up the back yard or vacant
lot, the selection of crops, the procuring
of good seed, preparation* of the
soil, planting, thinning and weeding,
and care of the growing crop.
* *
In another week the illicit traffic in
cocaine, morphine and other habitforming
Restrict Traffic in win be closed
Dangerous Drugs. down ,by gov,"
*^ 5 6 * ernment internal
revenue agents, under the authority of
tho Harrison anti-narcotic law. This
measure, which was introduced during
the early part of the present Congress
by former Representative Francis
Burton Harrison of New York, now
Governor-general of the Philippines,
was passed alter many delays by the
House and Senate and was signed by
President Wilson December 17, last.
Beginning next Monday, the traffickers
in habit-forming drugs will have
either to conform to the federal statute
or to go out of business. The
Harrison law establishes a system of
registering each dealer in habit-forming
drugs, and each sale of the products
falling under the law must be
placed on record. The law applies to
all persons who produce, import, manufacture,
compound, deal in. dispense,
sell, distribute or give away either
opium, cocoa leaves or any compound.
manufacture, salt, derivative or preparation
In the future, when it is necessary
for persons to obtain either cocaine
or morphine, these drugs may be procured
only on a prescription from a
physician, and this prescription cannot
be refilled. The prescription must be
written, and in no case can a physician
urder the law use the telephone to ordc
for a patient any drug or solution
which contains any cocaine or more
than two grains of opium to the fluid
ounce or one-fourth of a grain of
morphine to the ounce.
Although the law may appear to be
drastic in some respects, it is believed
that its object of checking the increase
of the illicit traffic in habit-forming drugs
will Justify the inconvenience to which
many persons who need the drugs for a
legitimate use may be put. Under the
Harrison law, druggists and others selling
habit-forming drugs must pay a
nominal federal tax of $1. They may obtain
the drugs only upon specified forms
furnished by the bureau of internal
revenue at the Treasury Department, and
upon these must write their orders to the
wholesaler. A druggist must fill out
another form whenever he sells any habitforming
drugs, and this form must be
kept on file, subject to government inspection
for a period of at least two years.
It is believed by persons who for years
have advocated the enactment of an antidrug
law that the new anti-narcotic law,
mm the Km York World.
The Gormen reply to. the American
note la a paraphrase and amplification
of the original war-sone proclamation.
Prom the New York Tribune.
Germany's reply to this government's
protest against certain Implications of
the "war sone" order Is more conciliatory
In form than in substance.
[by recording every transaction in a drug
from the original importer to the ultimate
consumer, will within a few years gradually
decrease and in time almost eliminate
the illicit traffic in cocaine, morphine,
heroin, codeine and similar products.
Letters are coming in to Commissioner
William H. Osborn, chief of the bureau
of internal revenue, by the hundreds from
druggists, who are sending in requests
for application forms for registration.
These forms must be filled out and forwarded,
together with the amount of
the tax for the balance of the fiscal year,
which is 34 cents. The sale of solutions
containing less than two graifls of opium,
less than one-quarter of a grain of morI
phine. one-eighth of a grain of heroin or
one grain of codeine to the fluid ounce
are exempted In tne nroducts whose sale
must be recorded. That there is. however,
a very large amount of preparations
sold with more than this amount
of habit-forming drugs is indicated by a
| pamphlet just put out by one of the large
I drug firms, which lists nearly 300 prepara;
t'ons containing more than the exempted
| amount of drugs allowed by the law, and
| to sell which druggists must pay a tax
and be registered before March 1.
Although the situation is hopeful, in
view of the fact that the making of new
drug fiends will be largely prevented, j
there is a pitiful phase in the fact that
many persons already addicted to the use
of the various drugs are at a loss to
know what will become of them after the
statute eoes into effect. Many of these |
poor unfortunates have personally written
letters to the Treasury Department
officials and asked what measures of relief
will he held out to them. In a few
cases, where drugs are used for the alleviation
of suffering caused by some continuous
pain, such as might be caused
by an old wound, it is probable that these
people can be provided for by physicians'
nrescriptions. The ordinary drug fiend,
however, will find it hard to obtain drugs
1 V>o/*iLUSe of tho faff that a nnrann at
tempting- to evade the law is subject to
a maximum fine of $2,000 and a maximum
imprisonment of five years, or both, in
the discretion of the court. Congress appropriated
$150,000 for the purpose of
carrying the law into effect.
* *
In a study of the distribution of typhoid
fever in the states of Pennsylv
a n i a , Michigan
Statistics of and Minnesota exTV,
Perts of the United
Typhoid Fever. States publlchealth
service have prepared charts and statistics
indicating the ages at which the
disease is most common. The report
shows the prevalence of typhoid for
each five-year period from early childhood
until ttie "three score and ten"
years have been reached. The study
covers 10,520 cases of typhoid in Pennsylvania
in 1913, 2,250 cases in Michigan
during the same year and 1,304
cases in Minnesota. The Minnesota
statistics for 1912 and 1914 were also
included, raising the total number of
cases considered up to 14,074.
The statistics which have been compiled
show that the percentage was
highest in the age group of fifteen to
nineteen years, while in Michigan and
Minnesota the percentage of cases continued
to increase after this age and
was highest during the five-year period
between twenty and twenty-four years.
In all the states the number of cases
of typhoid began to decrease after the
person had reached the age of twenty~
? ? ?J ii ?
i?oi, uiupiiuiK gr?.uua.iiy uniu oia age,
where the percentage of cases is exceedingly
The study of the age distribution of
typhoid is considered important, in that
it shows that parents must be very
careful with children between the ages
of five and twenty-five years, because
it is during this period that a person
is most likely to contract the disease.
* *
The interest of officials and employes
of municipal boards of health has been
attracted by the rePensioning
of port of the working
City Employes. ?5
York city department of health, a copy
of which has just been received at the
Washington office of the United States
public health service. The question of
pensioning employes of a city's department
of health, many of whom come in
almost daily contact with disease in
one form or another, has been advocated
by the authorities in many cities,
where it is considered as desirable to
pension health officials as members of
the fire and police departments whose
lives and health are risked in the line
of duty to a somewhat greater degree.
City health officials will be interested
I in the report on the pension fund of the
New York department of health, be!
Cause the New V/%flr ' ?* ?
. w. ? |/biao>Vil Oj OlCIII,
which has been put up as a model, is
not found to be working: well. The
committee which made the report goes
frankly into details and tells of the
defects in the' pension plan and suggests
remedies. The report shows that
the New York health department pension
fund is in a precarious condition
and is causing anxiety to the trustees
of the fund as well as to present and
prospective pensioners.
The income of the New York health
department pension fund includes all
moneys collected from fines and penalties
for violation of the health laws
of the city of New York, and a contributory
assessment of not more than
1 per cent of the salary or compensation
of each physician or employe of
the department of health. For many
years the income of the fund was
greatly in excess of its expenditures,
and a surplus which now exceeds $300,000
was thus accumulated. The list of
pensioners, however, is now increasing
at a rapid rate, and during* the past
year the total income of the fund barely
covered the expenditures. The committee
making the report, after a study
of the existing situation, concluded that
within two years at most the expeditures
for pensions will exceed the income
of the pension fund and that
thereafter ;the excess of expenditure
over income will rapidly increase, and
the accumulated reserve will speedily
Persons who have given thoughtful
study to the question of civil pensions
will see on a glance at the report that
the payment of pensions in New York
city* on the present basis cannot continue
unless some relief is obtained.
The members of the committee making
the report suggest as a remedy that
the pension law should be amended so
as to include, with the revenues of the
present fund, an increase in the contributory
assessment of members from
1 to 2 per cent of the employes' salaries
and the inclusion of all moneys
icwcu liuiii loauuiicc ui iranscnpis
and from permits issued under the authority
of the sanitary code.
The trustees of the New York pension
fund are now empowered to grant
a pension to any employe of the department
of health who has been permanently
disabled, physically or mentally,
as the consequence of the actual
performance of his duty, without fault
or misconduct on the employe's part.
This pension is not to exceed one-half
and is not to be less than one-fourth of
the employe's salary.
A pension of one-half the ordinary
full pay is also given any physician or
employe who shall have performed
duty in the department of health for a
period of twenty years or upward. This
feature of the law the qommittee considers
entirely too liberal, because at
the present time an official may be rej
tired at as low an age as thirty-four
years. "No pension," says the report,
"should be granted to an individual at
an age which enables him to go out
and compete with his fellow man entirely
to the latter's disadvantage by
reason of the former having a regular
income in the way of pension allowance."
From the Philadelphia Ledger.
The situation is a delicate one, and
the administration should, and doubtless
will, deal with it in the most careful
IFrom the Springfield Republican.
It is to be hoped that they won't
torpedo our merchant marine, for
we're just a bit proud of that tuff*
With the approach of spring fifty
years ago the feeling prevailed more
generally throughout
Rebel Prisoners the north that the
^ , - rebellion was nearly
Contented. at an end From various
sources came indications that
throughout the south this same feeling,
however it might be concealed, was
prevalent. In The Star of February 15,
1865, is the following:
'The recent movement in exchange of
prisoners has developed an important
fact, showing the downward tendency
of rebel feeling in a most significant
manner. It became necessary to sound
the prisoners of war at one of our
principal depots, and it was ascertained
that out of 1.882 prisoners only 366
were willing: to be exchanged. The reI
malnder do not wish to go south as
prisoners of exchange, and they do not
even stipulate, as a condition, an immediate
discharge. They prefer to remain
in prison to going south, and are!
willing to wait the pleasure of the gov-!
ernment as to the time of their discharge.
They merely wish to be 'let i
alone.' according to the well known
declaration of Jeff Davis.
"What a commentary is this upon the
lie so industriously circulated by their
copper-hued friends as to their treatment
in our hands! Who cannot see
in the above fact, which may be perfectly
relied upon, the state of feeling
that would be manifested in the rebel
army, still under arms at Richmond and
elsewhere, if only an opportunity was
offered for declaring itself. Secession
was a delusion: one of those fevers or
infatuations which sometimes seize
large bodies of people, who need only
a wholesome lesson to be recovered to
their senses, when they become ready
to cast off their delusion'as a horrid
nightmare. Let the people in reDeiaom
show a disposition to return to the
frovArnment o* their fathers, and they
will be received by the people of the
no*-th with a hearty welcome?only removing
the cause of the trouble, that
there shall be no renewal of the struggle."
* *
Desertions from the southern army
continued to be reported in increasing
numbers. In The Star
Increasing Of February 16. 1865, is
a paragraph stating that
uesertion. forty-eight d e s e r t ers
from Lee's army reached Washington
Monday from City Point by way of
Annapolis. They all took the oath of allegiance,
were released and furnished
with transportation to such points as
they desired to go. In The Star of
the next day is a paragraph based on
information just received from the
Army of the Potomac, including the
"Desertions from the rebel army have
been quite numerous for some nights,
no less than twenty-five coming within
our lines Wednesday morning. They
present the usual appearance, dirty,
ragged and hungry, their first question
most always being, 'Where can we get
* *
In The Star of February 16, 1865, is
given the text of an editorial from the
Mobile Advertiser of a
Significant short time before, indiFriit
'al eating that a spirit of
Xidlionai. d i s c o u r agement was
spreading throughout the south:
"We do not attempt to disguise the
fact that the Confederate cause is at
this moment passing through its most
dangerous crisis. Large numbers of
the people?perhaps upon a fair poll a
majority?are heartsick of the war and
willing to end it upon terms which
would have been scouted at as treasonable
two years or even one year ago.
Even the class of slaveholders, having
the deepest pecuniary stake in the success
of the struggle for independence,
are ready to make sacrifices, the mention
of which a short time ago would
not have been tolerated. We have not
a doubt that the country, including
the slave proprietors, large and small,
would compromise today for peace and
independence on the basis of a grad
ual and universal emancipation or tne
blacks. We may go further and say
that large numbers would be willing
to give up their most cherished
thoughts of independence and exchange
the institution for naked peace
upon terms of reconstruction. This is
a great change, a wonderful revolution
of popular sentiment, resulting from
four years' tremendous conflict. Neither
Lincoln, nor his cabinet, nor his Congress.
nor his mouthpieces of the press
or the rostrum have yet written or said
one word upon which to found a reasonable
hope, if we desire reconstruction,
even on the basis of emancipation,
that we could get it. We admit that at
the present epoch even modern wisdom
and statesmanship on Lincoln's
part would secure restoration. But
Lincoln has not offered it, and he does
not mean to offer it."
* *
Corroborative testimony regarding
the hopelessness of the southern situation
was received
Despair in from time to time from
refugees from the
Bichmond. south. In The Star of
February 20, 1805, is the following:
"We learn from an intelligent young
Marylander, who left Richmond on
Wednesday evening last in company
with six deserters, that the greatest
consternation exists there over Sherman's
movements in South Carolina,
and that it is freely admitted upon the
streets there that Sherman can go
wherever he chooses. Our informant
says that there is a belief in Richmond
that the city will be evacuated, and
also all the coast cities of the Confederacy,
in a few weeks. The machinery
of some of the large foundries in Richmond
has been sent farther south, and
medical stores are being removed; but
as this work is generally done after
night the citizens of Richmond have no
opportunity to discover where they are
being transferred to or the extent of
the movement. Nearly every male inhabitant
is compelled to do military
duty, and parties in business, as soon
as they take out licenses, are considered
as belonging to the local defense
organization and are compelled to do
duty when called upon. There is much
suffering in Richmond among the poorer
classes, they being unable to pay
the exorbitant prices asked for the
necessary articles of life. Flour brings
$700 a barrel, and sugar is worth $20 a
pound. Confederate money. Many of
the workingmen (who get but $7.50 a
day) are unable to pay for boarding,
and are compelled to rely on the souphouses
for something to eat. The poor
people of Richmond are heartily sick
of the war, and each night hundreds
of them run the pickets and enter the
Union lines."
Whene'er we took oar walks abroad
Not many moons ago
My love with mincl g fo tstepa trod
And moved exceeding slow.
Had she perchan e once toppled o'er
She could ' at feebly kick
Until somebody ou?d restore
Her to her perpendic.
When the would board a trolley car
Without the help of me
She found the step was much too far
And hopped up like a flea.
When now her walks abroad she takes
In skirts no longer tight
Her strides are of the sort that makes
Me trot to keep In sight.
Should she capslxe she'd quickly right
Like that self-righting thtiy
The clown who does for our delight
His fllpflops In the ring.
And when the trolley cars she halts
Her skirts are so aloof
% One would not marvel should her vanlts
Negotiate the roof.
?Browning's Magazine.
Italy is buffeted between two wares
of public opinion?one which would
maintain neutrality, the other which
would adopt intervention.
A dispatch from Rome quotes the
Idea Nazlon&le. a Catholic organ that
favors intervention, as
Forecast forcasting a note which
# . Prince von Buelow. Geroi
Xivenis. man ambafisador. win
present to the Italian government. It
is alleged that the ambassador will
propose that Italy intervene on the side
of Germany, and that in such case Austria
will give up Trent, but not Trieste.
Italy to take part at once. Italy may
occupy Tunis and help drive the English
from Egypt. And the prince is |
made to say: "Either Italy will be |
friendly toward us. or we will treat her j
WOTS# than ita QFA tlr.^ rk j
. ? ?v at v ticaiuiB aiiKianu.
; The language attributed the German
I ambassador is so little diplomatic that
we are inclined to doubt the authenticity
of the entire dispatch.
On the other hand, a dispatch dated
London, February 16. reports that Ricciotti
Garibaldi declared that Italy
would mobilize her army within a fortnight,
and that unless the Italian government
decided to participate in the
war there would be a revolution. A j
dispatch from Milan of same date an- ;
nounced that the Italian government,
acting upon reports that Austria was
about to invade Roumania, had asked j
the governments at Vienna and Berlin i
for assurances that no attack on Rou- !
mania was contemplated.
The only plausible explanation of
Italy's hesitations in the present impasse
has been given by Signor Preziosi.
the director of the journal Vita
Italiana all'estero. Signor Preziosi declares
that the industrial class of Lombardo-Venitia.
wihich receives considerable
profits from commerce with the
belligerents, is hostile to intervention.
This situation has great importance
with the government on the side of
But Signor Preziosi lays stress upon
a situation which has not occupied the
press of Italy, whatever the color of its
opinion. It is a question of German
control in the finances and industries
of the peninsula, which is a revelation.
The public does not know, says Signor
Preziosi, that the financial establishment
La Banca Commerciale. the most
fnrmi^ahU U Tfol?. moo
German capital, and today the council
of its administration is entirely Germanized.
The discredit which fell upon
the "Consolidated Italian" at the Paris
bourse the morning following the announcement
of the triple alliance favored
naturally the flow of German
capital. "La Banca Commerciale and
its correspondents," writes Signer Preziosi,
"captured our greatest industries
as well as navigation companies, both
great and small. It permits them to
live on condition that they may not
go beyond certain limits, for then it
would be too advantageous for the
riches and national securities of Italy
and would risk injury to the commercial
and industrial expansion of Germany.
Due to that method, Germany
had captured commercial supremacy in
* *
"The majority of Italians," continued
Signor Preziosi, "believe that the enormous
number of. affairs
Germans With Germany is useful to
ji | us. In reality we are vlcin
naiy. tjm8 Cf a WOrk Qf Ger
rrtanization facilitated by German immigrants
whom the mother country
liberates from all civil and military
obligations on condition that they cooperate
with the diffusion of German
commerce. Everywhere in Italy Germans
occupy important positions in
the councils of administration of banks
and of industries.
It is charged, likewise, that the
Banca Commerclale, obedient to the
inspiration of its council, has put its
hand on special industries, such as the
manufacture of arms and munitions,
and that economical undertakings are
favored by the immigration of great
numbers of Germans who are inscribed
as residents and who have married in
Italy. Many students found their way
to German universities and often returned
married. That infiltration in
the formation of a public opinion in
Italy was certain to bear fruit.
In support of that situation an
official publication gave a list of foreigners
domiciled in the peninsula during
the war; whilst there are but 3,000
English and 4,000 French, there are
80,000 GdVmans in Lombardo-Venitia
and in Liguria. Another fact noted by
the Italian statistician is that a great
part of the Germans who left for
Germany after the declaration of war
are now returned to Italy to reoccupv
their posts in the factories, in the
industries and in the banks.
There are journals at Home, such
as la Concordia, lat Vittoria. la Vita
and la Nazione. alleged to have been
created by the Geripans. They are little
read by Italians, but the fictitious
dispatches dated from Bale, Bucharest
or Amsterdam, sometimes some from
London and Paris, found therein betray
their origin.
On the contrary, such grand journals
of the peninsula as the Corriere della
Sera, Tribuna Secolo and the Messaggero
have a very clear conception of
jraiys roie. L.ooKing at ine question
from an Italian point of view entirely,
they carry on a campaign, some moderate,
others ardent, in favor of a decision
by arms.
The death at the front of two grandsons
of Garibaldi, the patriot, has been
commemorated at Rome and Genoa by
public ceremonies. Sigrnor Giusseppe
Canepa. deputy from Genoa and director
of the journal II Lavoro. delivered
the oration to the illustrious victims.
Signor Canepa belongs to the
socialist reformers of the chamber,
where he has taken an important place
by the side of his friend Bissolati, both
of whom are esteemed by all, even by
those who do not subscribe to all their
The labor class is first in these Garibaldian
manifestations, which take
place every night in Rome, Genoa and
Milan. There was a reunion, for example,
recently in the buildings of the
Universal Association at Sampierdarena
Villefaubourg. situated at the
gates of Genoa. That association, it
may be remarked, numbers 2,500 active
members and was founded in 1850 under
the Mazxinian inspiration and is
the dean of the many labor associations
of the region.
There is nothing better to show the
careful manner employed by the socialist
chiefs to instruct these societies
in the multiple phases of current questions,
which were explained with art
and eloquence by the orators of the occasion
in the sense of intervention.
* *
There was published at Rome recently
the news that an arrangement
had been concluded of
Church and the long: conflict apropos
State to the archbtsh?Pric ot
Genoa?a conflict described
as the most complete and peculiar,
in which were mixed the church,
the state, the holy see, the Catholics of
Genoa and indirectly those of the peninsula.
The Osservatore Romane announced
a compromise by which the exequatur
From the Albany J-mrnsl.
The voting of the war loans is easy
enough, but 'twill be another story
when the time for payment comes.
From the Springfield Republican.
Realizing that nowadays It takes a
pretty big earthquake to shake the war
news off the front page Mt. Lassen has
given up In despair.
From the Toledo Blade.
Sometimes we feel as if we didn't
care whether we ever speak to Europe
From the Birmingham News.
At any rate, this war has done wonders
In the way of popularizing the
American flag.
long: time suspended by the government
was Anally accorded to Mgr. ('aron.
named by Pius X Archbishop of
Ger.oa April 29, 1912. Now Mgr. Car on.
informed of the action of the government.
hastened to renounce the charge.
The Pope thus in the midat of grave
international preoccupations consequent
upon the war, of Ugh and generous
impulses which they inspire, continues
to give attention to Catholic affairs.
It is remarked in Italy that the
Pope's appointment to the episcopate,
following in that policy the course of
his predecessor, has given great satisfaction.
Nevertheless the people of
Genoa joined together to prevent the
installation of Mgr. Caron, who in some
way not very clear was not sympathetic.
The exequatur which had been suspended
since 1912 was about to be accorded
when a violent campaign was
opened denouncing the ultra attitude
of Mgr. Caron A note of censure . i.i
addressed to the five t. at none jou*"'.ais
habitually denominated the "trust."
which had been prohibited fro.n Mgr. |
Caron's former diocese. Thus their an- I
The alTair Caron raised the question
of the relation of the church and the
state in Italy with the question of the
divisions existing between Catholics
and serious discussions arose in the
chamber. f
Notwithstanding this situation, some "
Catholics of Genoa protested against. #
the refusal of the exequatur. They
demanded that the Pope send then
their archbishop without the assent ??f
government, offering to assure htm his
residence and his salarj*. Plus X.
wishing neither to yield nor accept the
responsibility of such an Initiative, consented
to withdraw his interdiction: he
j named a provisional administrate",
'a severe Dominican little loved h\ the
people of Genoa. The provisional appointee
was soon after compelled to
reside in Home by his new functions
of secretary of the consistory \vhl? h
the death of the Pope transformed into
secretary of the conclave.
By one of those arrangements in
which Italian diplomacy excels it was
agreed that Mgr. Caron. who had never
ceased to attest his patriotism, attested
it once more directly and expressly
to the Lallan government. The latter
Hccornen ine exenuaror at once. jur.
Caron thereupon declared immediately
that his health, weakened by three
vears of waiting. obliged him to renounce
his charge. The diplomatic
trick is r'ted as evidence of Pone P.encdlct's
dtntomat'c ounlftv as w-?ll as hl?
independence of character The matter,
it eoes without saving. has crested
considerably discussion and e'l parties #
applaud the flpesse of the Pope. Sier.
Oeiqpdo. rad'col of mark. imdeefooic <!
defeat government acticn n that affair.
He affirmed that there r* s
'neither ccnn-nm ise nor conces?'on "
**"t. nevertheless the honors of the
day were with the "Vatican. ^
? * *
The Pope designated for Archbishop
of Genoa Mgr. Gavotti. Bishop of
Cavale. a young
The Intervention man of diatmc??,????
tion. created
Movement. blHhop bv ,^0
XIII in his last consistory. Mgr. Gavotti
is a patrician by birth, and is
cousin to the Pope. The pious and
charitable character of the new bishop
has caused him to be specially loved
by the people and the clergy. The
journals of all opinions applaud the
Pope and welcome this nomination as
specially grateful to the people and
I country.
As for the attitude of Italian Catholics
in the question of neutrality and
intervention it is necessary to make
distinctions and explain the changes in
their attitude. Catholics, and the quea- tion
is of supreme importance at this
moment in Rome, feel the necessity of
marching with the people wherever
they elect to go. Catholics and official
socialists are agreed that the intervention
movement which has slowly
grown is a distinct national movement,
while the maintenance of neutrality is
a distinct anti-national movement.
Catholics, besides, are contributing
largely to the success of the national
loan, despite the calamity of earthquakes
that have laid waste some of
the fairest and most fruitful countries
of unfortunate Italy.
The patriotism manifested in tha |
speech delivered recently by a Catholic
of mark. Count Delia Torre, in the
St. Peter's circle at Rome is accepted
as significant because undoubtedly approved
in official circles. The count
affirmed in a most emphatic manner
the complete accord of the authorities
with the recognized aspirations of the
Apropos of a dispatch dated Rome,
the 16th instant, announcing the resignation
of Baron d'Ere, Belgian envoy
to the Vatican, there is insinuation
oiai VIIV1V ouailicu rrlHllUUEl DC tween
the Belgian government and the
Vatican on the alleged refusal of the
Pope to denounce the action of the invaders
of Belgium. The address of the
Pope delivered to the consistory January
23 does not permit of any such
Pope Benedict XV explained the impartial
attitude which he believed necessary
to observe in the present conflict.
and he appealed to the humanity
of the invaders that the horrors of
war might be reduced to the minimum
in the occupied regions
This affirmation will receive respectful
adhesion everywhere. The Pope is not
a temporal sovereign. He exercises a
moral authority, before which ? great
part of the civilized world incline, even
those of which the Pope is not the recognized
spiritual chief. All the belligerents
will appreciate the efforts made
by the Vatican with a view to peace,
and they all understand why the com- mon
father of all may not enrol! hint- f
self in one or the other of the rival
camps. Neutrality, non-intervention,
impartiality are the conditions even of
moderative action which the Pope has
adopted. The Pope, however, expressed
his particular sympathy for the Belgian
people, and he demanded "that the
regions invaded should not be devastated
more than was strictly exacted by
the necessity of a military occupation.
To return to the question of whether
Italj' favors neutrality or intervention
it may be said that to the stranger removed.
from the scene the diverse attitudes
of parties are perplexing. But it
is easy to understand that the resident
lujciyne: may iorm a correct impression
of the way Italy is moving by
avo ding Rome, where politics i*
wrapped up in prudence. Rome is not
a center of public opinion, but Milan
is. Milan is at this moment the center
of political interest, where converges
all the machinery necessary to prepare
Italy for her proposed part in the present
war. If ?t were true that Italy
was indifferent, as charged, the progressive
Italians have taken up the
task of manufacturing at Milan a public
opinion which will be acceptable
to all Italy.
With this object in view, Milan has 1
been made the center of "committees
of preparation" for partlcipat on in the
war. Meetings of local associations
and those from adjoining cities are
held. The only subject discussed in
the speeches delivered is the absolute
necessity for Italy to abandon neutral- <
ity and adopt intervention. "Italy at
the Cross-roads" was the title of one of
the recent lectures designed to prec pitate
intervention or revolution. Ricciotti
Garibaldi had "Italy at the Crossroads"
in mind when he delivered the
warning attributed to him on the 16th
Instant. An indication st 11 more emphatic
are the constant creation of Rod
Cross societies and preparation for fluid
service i; all its h-anc'^s.
From the Bridgeport Telegram.
It saddens us to read of 140 surgeons
being killed in battle, but at
the same time we feel a bit safer in
the appendix.
From the Milwaukee Journal.
If we remember right, it was about
1812 to 1814 that the Stars and Stripes
were last raised over British ships.
From the Kooxrille Journal and Tribune.
Since the European war has been before
the public, less is said about the
base ball war.
From the Day too News.
"French socialists have declared for
war." reads a headline. Anybody elae
in Europe that hasn'tt a