Newspaper Page Text
> PETTIT'S 801-03-05 Seventh Corner H N.W. Our Mid-Season Cut-Price Sale of Mens and Womens Suits Which Sold Up to $30 At $17*98 Closes Monday, May 10th Just Two Days More to Save $10 to $12 On Your Suit. Terms As Usual $1 a Week PETTIT'S Seventh & H Sts. N.W. HORLICK'S The Original MALTED MILK L -lfess you nay "HORLICK'S" y u may got a Substitute. 4 >DD DISTINCTION AND STYLE I ro YOUR SUMMER DRESSES I Trench Shirring? f\ \y lfa\ing French Embroidery? ; .. French Braiding? ?; s Do the " m I'lailing? mouork Peco Edging? L Hemstitching. A ork called for and delixered. ^ LTTONS & BUTTONHOLESm ?lade to order on short notice, fS OPpenheimer'c y " Cor.Xth & E Sts. N.W. & 2 . ...... .. ......... . . , ?*" /. '??? 'i :<? . IMl l)o I on Dare to srii y-wf ar" ???!?? ? r i'? ? k> ? J' !?-?*? : ' s'srJ.r. !? -r ih*ir ? Ti'-b'-tf-i ?1 ?'?* ar*? v.-li.-t. ?:is:.:s.w f. ?.* UiU f - ra-h ..f ???;! k> j.t ih*? wf:'. b JoJIIJy u;.i'h tr.ak*- fri??n?1>? ??*!.!' .1 7. A ;*.? ?.f njr/i a ?rr.i!?- 1* sirujil"- - yrv/v*. :>#t: S.-r- rpft at Of!-' I vr::l inake !.*?& h'<1 K.4KY P4YMK.\T TERMS TO ALL Gold Crowns Iff O (4 tfr Bridgework ( V?>? 1'ILI.IMiH, SOc I f My Anchor Suction $C a Teeth ( ,h>V?l'r:rk) Set DR. WHITE nKv/isT* 407 7th St. N.W. Opposite Wool worth'* Be a n<1 10? Store. dailr, *30 to ?. WM. I ? nfl" Sat. until 8 p.m. ' Sunday, 10 to 1. Pbon? J M. There Is No Question lnjt that indigestion and the distressed feeling which alwavs goes with it can J,e promptly relieved by taking a 5$s*ag? d?a before and after each meal. 25c a box. O'Donnell's Drug Stores. FORCES ARE LANDED UNDER HEAVY RUE Heroism Displayed on Gallipoli Peninsula by Australians and New Zealanders. TROOPS SCALE CLIFFS AND CAPTURE TRENCH Story of Campaign Against the Turks as Told British Press Representative. l.0\nnx, May 7. J.45 a.m.?A Brit- j ish press representative with the forces in the Dardanelles sends a long and In teresting account of the landing of the Australians and New Zealanders on the Gallipoli peninsula north of the Gaba Tepeh at daylight of April 25. "The night before," the account says, "the entire fleet of warships and trans ports left their rendezvous, the crews of the warships cheering the soldiers on to victory, while the bands played them out with an endless variety of popular airs. The arrangement was that the 29th Divi sion should disembark near Seddul Bahr, protected both from the Gulf of Saraos and the Dardanelles by the fire of the warships, the Australians and New Zea landers, north of Gaba Tepeh to make a demonstration farther north. The splen did organization made it possible to carry out the program without confusion or accident. All Lights Extinguished. "After a short service by the chaplains the ships parted company and made for their landing places. At dusk all lights were extinguished and the troops re tired for rest before the ordeal of dawn. It was a beautiful night, lit up by a very bright half-moon. The sea was abso lutely calm. "Early in the morning the men were aroused from their slumbers and served with a hot meal. At 2:05 o'clock in the morning the order was given to disem bark. The boats, which were manned by bluejackets and commanded by young midshipmen, slowly were towed to the beach by pinnaces. "The first authentic news we re ceived on board the battleship London of the landing came with the return of our boats. The steamer pinnace came alongside with two recumbent forms on her deck and a small figure, pale but cheerful and waving his hand, astern. They were one of our midshipmen, just sixteen years of age, who was shot through the stomach but regarded his injury more as a fitting consummation to a glorious holiday ashore than a wound, and the chief stoker and a petty officer. "All three were wounded by the first burst of musketry, which caused many casualties in the boats just aa they reached the beach. From them we learned that all the tows had almost reached the beach when a party of Turks, intrenched almost on the shore, opened up a terrible fusillade from their rifles and also from a maxim. Fortunately most of the bul lets went high, but nevertheless many men were hit as they sat huddled to gether, forty or fifty in a boat. Australians Wade Ashore. The Australian volunteers waited neither for orders nor for boats to reach the beach, but springing out into the sea they waded ashore and forming some sort of a rough line rushed straight on toward the flashes of the enemy's rifles. "Their magazines had not even been charged but they just went in with cold steel. And I believe I am right in saying that the first Ottoman Turk since the last crusade received an Anglo-Saxon bayonet in him at five minutes after 5 o'clock on the morn ing of April 25. "It was over in a minute. The Turk* in this first trench were bayoneted or ran away, and their maxim gun was cap tured. "Then the Australians found themselves facing an almost perpendicular cliff of loose sandstone with thick shrubbery, and somewhere half way up the enemy had a second trench, strongly held, from which they poured a terrific fire on the troops below, and the boat pulling back to the destroyers for a second landing party. Colonials in Impetuous Charge. "The colonials stopped a few minutes to pull themselves together and to get rid of their parks, and then charged with their magazines. "Then this race of athletes proceeded to scale cliffs without responding to the enemy's fire. And in lees than a quarter of an hour the Turks were out of their seoor.d x>ositIon, either bayoneted or in full retreat "In the early part of the day very heavy casualties were suffered In the boats which conveyed the troops from the de stroyers, tugs and transports to the beach. As soon as it became light the enemy's sharpshooters concentrated their fire on the boats when they got near in. The landing continued throughout the day under this fire, which could not be checked. "The Australians finally established themselves on a ridge and advanced northward, and throughout the day confused fighting took place," the ships assisting the troops with the fire from their guns. The Turks only had a com paratively weak force actually holding the beach. They seemed to have relied on the difficult nature of the ground and their scattered sniping to delay the advance until they had brought up reinforcements from the interior. Suffer Heavy Losses. "Some of the Australians who pushed inland counter-attacked and were al most outflanked by these oncoming reserves and had to fall back, after j suffering very heavy casualties. "It was then the turn of the Turks to counter-attack, and this they con tinued to do throughout the afternoon, but the Australians never yielded a foot of ground on the main ridge and reinforcements were continually poured up from the beach. "As soon as t lie light became good the Turks enfiladed t lie beach with field guns. This shrapnel fire was in cessant and deadly. The Turkish guns, however, finally were put out of action by the ships. "The Turks brought up reinforce ment and the pressure on the coloni als became greater, but they held on in face of the difficulties, which in cluded the landing of water, ammuni tion and supplies on the narrow beach and carrying them up the bluffs sev eral hundred feet high to the firing lines, winle the troops were exposed to an incessant shrapnel fire. "Another problem was taking the wounded back to the ships, but the wounded men showed the greatest fortitude, cheering the ships as they i passed in their boats." Planning Handle Highlands Meeting 1 A special meeting of the executive committee of the Handle Highlands Cit izens' Association was held last night in the office of the U. S. fiealty Com- ! pany to further plans for the . open meeting to be held this month, to mark the close of the work until the, fall. -M. A. Frazier, as chairman of the j special committee, reported much prog gress. It ik proposed to use the roof of tlie school building for this meet ing. and the District Commissioners, members of Congress and others prom inent in civic affairs in the District will be invited. An auxiliary committee of women will be appointed to prepare and serve refreshments. r ??m TTrrmr Purchase of Sample Neckwear 9Cr 39c Values, Choice, at. Each All new fresh Neckwear, in all the lat est novelties, including Collars, Collar and Cuff Sets, Vestees?and Guimpes. Made of ori ental lace and lace trimmed batiste; neckwear in hundreds of beautiful styles. Values up to 39c. Special to morrow, each 25c Ma line Ruffs, in plain white, plain black and black-and white combinations so much in demand at $1.00 to. . The New Linen Dutch Collars. Spe cial tomorrow at, each. $2.25 12V2c I^ansburRh & Bro^ ' Floor?Neckwear. -Main 50e Laundered Linen Col lar and Cuff ^ Sets. Spe- Af%C, cial at .... Windsor Ties, of crepe and ^ E* messallne. /.iT, all colors at Tlie very newest Collars and Collar and Cuff Sets, of em broidered batiste and oriental lace, In larg-e variety of styles. Spe- p/\ clally priced i)V/C at Saturday's Toilet Specials 15c 25o Woodbury's Facial Soap 2.">c Bel Bon Vanishing: Cream Menr.en's Talcum Powder *?2 lb. Theatrical Cold Cream Lansburgrh & Bro.?Main Floo 15c 11c 17c 5c Woodbury's Arbutus Talcum Powder 25c Dr. Lyon's Dental Cream 10c box Borax. 1 lb. to the box 25c jar Deo?Dainty Deodorant Toilets. 15c 15c 7c 18c Parcel Post Mail Orders Bring Our Store to Your Door Store Open Tomorrow Until 6 P.M. LANSBuIgh&BRO *17 rn 425 a*" sm Leaders Then Established 1860 Leaders Now rnrr ?This Beautiful Silver-plated U. S. A. Sou f IVCiLi venit. Spoon to each customer purchasing one dollar or more tomorrow. 6-inch Teaspoon size. Sale of Sample Combs 500 Beautiful Combs Values up to $2.48... 39c A salesman from one of our leading shell goods houses, returning from the road after his regular trip, sacrifices his entire sample line to us at less than wholesale cost. Included In the assortment are Shell. Deml blonde and Rock Crystal Combs and Braid Tins. Many ar? Rhinestone studded. There are many one-of-a-kind in the lot. and we would advise an early selection for best choice. On Sale Bargain Table?Main Aisle. SPECIAL NOTICE Store closes Saturdays only at 6 o'clock. Other evenings we close at 5:30 p.m., as usual. Open daily at 8:30 a.m. SATURDAY IS COAT DAY A coat is an essential safeguard to these cool spring- evenings, and our Ready-to-wear Section is splendidly ready with a comprehensive display of all the very newest models at moderate prices. Women's and Misses'Coats dj/j Ag Regular $8.50 Values, at *pO??73 Coats of navy bine serge, tan covert cloth and black and white plaids, in fall sack and belted effccts; misses' sizes, 16 and 18; ?women's sizes, 34 to 42. $8.50 values, $6.95. Women's and Misses' Coats (t?Q Af Regular $12.50 Values, at. Black and white plaids, in the new box pleated effects, with belt; tan coverts, in the new "Hello Broadway" style, trimmed with brown moire; misses' sizes, 16 and 18: wom en's sizes, 34 to 40. Regular $12.50 values. Special tomor row, $9.95. Children's Coats Regular $5.00 Values.. $3.9$ Navy Blue Serge Coats; trimmed with silk moire on collar, cuffs and belt; black and white checks and plaids, trimmed with colored patent leather belt; sizes 6 to 14 years. $5.00 values at $3.98. Lansburgh & Bro.?Second Floor?Coats. LAST DAY OF "National Week" Tomorrow is the last day of this very suc cessful event, and we have made a special effort to make it a memorable one from a value-giving viewpoint. Take advantage of these wonderful savings and Souvenir Spoon offer tomorrow. A Purchase Sale of Women's Waists of Crepe de Chine and Linen Choice, $1.98 $3.00 Values Crepe de Chine Waists are made with tucked fronts and fancy buttons, three-quarter and long sleeves, turn-down collars; trimmed with hemstitch ing. Sizes 36 to 44. Linen Waists are made of fine quality handker chief linen, in white, pink and Copenhagen blue; pink and blue Waists trimmed with white pique collar and cuffs; tailored cffects with long sleeves. White ones; also stripes; made with vest effect. All <1* f f|Q sizes. 36 to 44. Values are $3.00. Choice... 1 ? J'O l.ansliurnh & Bro.?-Second Floor?Waists. SAVINGS FOR MEN SATURDAY'S UNUSUAL Almost every furnishing" need can be supplied here tomor row at prices that mean material saving's to you. Probably the Last Day "7Q _ of the Sale of Shirts at ? We say probably the last day because what remains is comparatively small, though in every size the range or patterns and values offered are big. Choice of this season's finest shirt ing fabrics. In the classiest patterns imaginable; neat efferts as welL Every garment cut full and perfectly made and finished. Sizes from 13^4 to 17. The Tub Silk Shirt Offerings Are making a hit. Classiest patterns In wonderful qualities. Usual $5 Values, $3.29 Usual $6 & $7 Values, $3.95 $1.25 Otis Union Suits, 79c Choice of balbrlggan. In short or long sleeves and ankle length; white lisle in short sleeve, ankle or athletic style. f?Oc Plaid Madras Slefve les* Shirt? and Knee Pants; ^ g well made and full cut. Gar ment Plaid Madran I'afon Salts, style. 69c val 39c $1.00 Athletic Union Suits, 55c athletic ues Checked Muslin Athletic Shirts and knee pants; full cut; well made ^ and finished. Garment ZsfC Pronounced by all who haVe bought them as the greatest value pver. All sizes to 46, of fine barred muslin. Men's 35e Fiber Silk Heme, in black and plain shades: well rein forced at wearing points. Great />lC. value at Men** Percale Pnjamnn. in n#?at striped patterns, trimmed with pearl buttons and silk frogs. J $1.25 value ?>0c Plain Color i:ianti<* Xiinpendera of mercerized lisle, with stitch ed leather ends. A great value /vP at See our window display of the new shipment of popular Dou cettine Shirts at T.ansburgh & Bro.?Main Floor?Men's Dept. 69c t Where Will I Get My Summer Hat?and What Kind of a Hat Shall It Be? This perplexing <]tiestion is best solved HERE?where at all times most complete displays and moderately priced models are shown just as soon as they are exhibited in the leading New York shops. Come Here Tomorrow and Let Us Help Solve Your Millinery Problem ? Beautiful Summer Hats Vale! At $3.95 to $7.50 Leghorns?Tuscans?Hair?Panama?Hemp Hats Colors?White, Natural, Pink and Black All beautifully trimmed with flowers, wings, ostrich pompons, maline bows and ribbons. One prettier than the other. Ex quisitely fashioned to suit the most fastidious t?ste. And remem ber the values are up to S12.50, at $3.95 and $7.50. We also carry an unusually large assortment of Untrimmed Hats in every straw, shape and color, all moderately priced, which we will gladly trim free of charge. ; Lansburgh & Bro.?2d Floor. ;Millinerv Dept. Special "National Week" Offer for Boys Boys' All-Wool Blue Serge Suits $ All With Three Pairs of Pants?Two Blue Serge and An Extra White Pair Free Think of it, mothers! Three pairs of trousers in this suit offer at a price you would willingly pay for the single pants suit. Made of guaranteed all-wool blue serge, with a beautifully tailored patch pocket Balkan model coat. Both serge pants are full lined and full cut, with an extra white pair free. Sizes 6 to IS years. Special Two-Pants Fancy Suits Boys'Two-Pants Suits, (O C C Regular $5.00 Values. Balkan model patch pocket coats and two pairs full cut knickerbockers, of fine cassimeres, in neat spring patterns. Sizes 6 to 16 years. Boys' Wash Suits Boys'Two-Pants Suits, d?0 CC Regular $6 Values Made of fine all-wool cassimeres. in neat patterns. Balkan model coats, with patch pockets. Both pairs pants full cut and some are full lined. Sizes ft to 17 years. Values to $2.00 Several hundred beautiful garments, in all the new models; in a large variety of materials and color combinations. Sizes 2*4 to 10 years. Values up to -$2.00. Choice at 9Sc. Lansburgh & Bro.?Third Floor?Boys' Department. Children's Wash Dresses For Girls 6 to 14 Years Old Children Dresses, $1.50 Values, 49c Made of flue ginghams, in stripes, plaids and plain colors; long-waisted effects, trimmed with embroidered scal lops and but ton on shoulder; sizes 6 to 14 years. $J.o0 values, at 41?o. White Lawn Dresses, $1.48&$1.68 Children's White Lawn Dresses, of excellent quality. I.ace and embroid ery trimrmri. Made with gathered and pointed tunics; full skirts. Values to White Rep Dresses, $1.98 Fine Quality White Rep Dresses, trim med with embroidery edge; sailor col lars; wide band belt with fancy r-rochet buttons; skirts are full circu lar; tunic effects. A good conservative $3.00 value at *1.98. White Voile Dresses at $2.48 Made of tine quality voile; high em pire waists, full skirts and trimmed with colored velvet or satin belts. Lansburgh & Bro?Second Floor? Children's Department. May Undermuslin Sale Extraordinary Values for Tomorrow At 38c McVJum Gowns and Combinations Slip-over Gowns of nainsook; deep yokes of embroidery. Combinations of crepe and nain sook; prettily trimmed with em broidery and lace beading; ribbon at waist; all sizes. At 44c 75c Values Gowns, Drawers, Combina tions and Covers Of good quality longcloth and crepe. <iown? in high neck and slip over styles. Drawers, circular or straight; all sizes. Third Floor?Undermusllns. At 66c $1.00 Values Gowns Made with fine tucks, embroidery yoke and lace medallions; also em pire styles. Long Skirts With lace and embroidery flounces; all lengths. With plain tucked and full em broidery flounce. At 88c $1.25 Values Long Skirts Nightgowns of crepe and fine nain sook. rombinations prettily trimmed with lace and embroidery; all sizes. Saturday Specials For Little Tots CHILDREN'S COATS djo QC Values up to $5. Sizes 2 to 6 yrs. u)m? c/ The little ones should have a. coat to protect them against the cool evenings, and this special lot will solve the problem economically. The as sortment indues: Manufacturer's sample coats. in serges, checks and diagonals. Beauti fully made in the very newest models. Some have hand-embroidered pique collars and cuffs. Others of satin. Sizes 2 to 6 years. Regular $4.00 and $5.00 values. At $2.9r?. $2 White Dresses, $1.50 Children's White Dresses of fine qual ity India lawn, in empire and long waisted effects. Ribbon belts. Square or round neck. Neck and sleeves fin ished with fine lace. Skirt made with pin tucks. Stzes 1 to 6 years. $2.00 values. At 91?50. $3 Leghorn Hats, $2.25 Leghorn Hats in the new Quaker sliape, beautifully trimmed with flow ers and ribbons. Colors are old rose. pink, Copenhagen and light blue. $3.00 i^ values. At $2.25. Lansburgh & Bro.?Third Floor?Infants' Dept. Your Hosiery Needs Can best be supplied from these specials for Saturday's selling: Lansburgh's Lily, 59c A pure, unadulterated thread silk hose, silk lisle tops and garter hem. Black, white and all the new plain shades. A value that's capturing the women of Washington. (;au#.e and Milk l<isle Howe, in white; in regular and out sizes, priced at Silk Lisle Hose, 50c From comparison we can say that this hose Is equal to any 75c hose even offered. Choice of black, white, navy, suede, bronze, taupe, sand and putty; full fashioned and highly mercerized. black and Specially 35c Children's Itibbed Hose, in bl^ck or white; rein forced. A very special value at Main Floor?Hosiery. 12fe Children's Pony Hose, in black, white and tan. The peer of all children's hose. Full- ^ ^ fashioned , foot. All sizes wv The New Parasols Are Here in Profusion and Await You Tomorrow At $2.00 Regular $3,00 Values This was an extraordinary purchase and nearly 2,500 in the lot. Included arc all the newest shapes, as well as the old reliable conservative ones. Gilt ribbed frames, with plain and fancy handles, covered with plain and fancy silks, in hundreds of exquisite styles. Every conceivable color and combination. Every Parasol in the lot a genuine $.i.00 d!'} AA value. In this sale tomorrow Main Floor?Parasols. Women's and Misses' Knit Underwear At "Specially" Low Prices 18c Gauze Vests, 12J4c ISO Cauzr Ynta. in all styles: taped neck Ol.^r and arms; fine elastic quality ' " 25c Gatue Vnln, in fine or swiss ribbed quality; low neck and sleeveless; round or V neck. Spe cial 13V4P Gan*r Yntu round or V neck and sleeveless; wash tape trimmed; sizes 5 and 6 only. Ureat value at 3Se Combination*, in low neck, sleeveless, tight knee or umbrella style; 4. 5 and 6. Spe- 25c cial Sizes 7, 8 and 9. 2?e. 50o Combination Sulfa, fine ribbed: tight knee or lace trimmed; some have crocheted neck. While 35c they last, all sizes * Children's Comblnatlona. in Porosknit, tine ribbed cotton and of fine checked muslin. Our leader at. Cf|r suit Main Floor?Underwear. M-.I..!..!. :..:..;..;..;..;..;..;,; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; I I I ; I I I M "American Lady" CORSETS From $1 to $3.50 Tiie present season's corsets make for modish lines, good carriage, health, easy breathing, general freedom and comfort. There is 110 undue pressure on the stomach, diaphragm or hip hone. The figure is com fortable in anv position, sitting or standing, when corseted with an American Lady Corset. We have all sizes up to 36, in all styles. At $1.00 to $3.50 pair. ?Third Floor. W-l-HWl-llHl I M'H-I-H-H-lrK-frrH-l-H-l*II