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Palm Beach <CQ Q54 Suits, all M/ev . . Panama Suits, $?.98 all sizes ^ ;; hi N y? White Wash Skirts, Exceptional $1.00 values i ii!! All - wool White Serge Skirts, with Mack C J stripes **" * ill' The latest Awning Qtt, Stripe Waists Silk Crepe tie Chine . style* White Satin Under skirts: heavy 98c quality Linen Auto Coats. " sPccial $1.25 values ... Separate Coats, white and colors. $4.98, $5.98, $ft.98 Wool Suits Half Price. Trimmed Hats. ii 50c Value* to $5.... $ J Q0 Untrimmed Hats. Black and white: the verv latcst shapes and ftO,-. stvles "OC MILTON R. NEY The New Store 801 Penna. Ave. Thousands of Buttons in a Big Sale Select Krom Seiera! Hundred Stj les \ll the Newest liffccts and Shades. .? to 12 on l:ach Card, at 5c Per Card. WASHINGTON BUTTON CO. "The Button nrA T-lmmin;; Rjuse,"' 710 Uth Street I'tu&'.s Royal COCHRAN HOTEL K Street Northwest at 14th (Northwest Corner) Announces Special Rates During HorseShow May 8, 10, 11,12 & 13, And the Remaining Months of Summer American and European Plan Eugene S. Cochran, Mgr. Yale Laundry ,vITr. Hl?nkrtn, 2."?r up. J,lice i urtainn, .Vlr I'.iir. I'aIm f<?*n?-h TiOr. B\r, REDUCTIONS IN FAMILY. WASH. P0MPEIAN OLIVE OIL A L//AVS <- FRESH PURE-SWEET-WhQLESOMF The New Willard 1)1 RING TUB IIORSB SHOW SPKC IAIv SI PPBK IMXCE BACH ' EVE.Vk.XG. COMMB*CI.NG MAY 8. I Wedding tary Anniversary of t.he Secre of the Treasury and Mrs. McAdoo Dinner and Dances of Last Night. Teas?Luncheons and Weddings. Tod a v 1, .he wedding anniversary of the Secretary of the Treasury and Mr* William G. McAdoo. who were married ... ^ cabinet circle and a few personal j 'owing to Mrs. McAdoos mournlns for I her mother, which has prevented her from taking any part in social life this W1nt.-r. there will probably be no cele-| 1.ration today Secretary and Mrs. McAdoo near-I lv every afternoon, and the former ap- , pears to be almost entirely recovered] from his recent illness . He runs bis own motor car and ap- | pears to enjoy It thoroughly. Ml*. Hildegarde Hurley entertained . a!* luncheon today In compliment MM??K"?SnBH8Knapp will give a thea-, ,? r Party tomorrow afterno,,n In M.? Sr,0atasupl'er' for her Sunday j evening. Mrs. Colin Carter of New York I-. th. j guest of Jnstic? arid Mrs. Charles j Hughes. ml Charles Page Bryan, who is in New York, entertained at ,uncheo? I teniav in compliment to Princess Swoff Purlaghay. Mr and Mrs. Charles A. Reich an-| noini'-e the engagement of their daugh- , . r i -ni'in Klizabeth Pauline and Mr. WarrenTaul Kifenbark. both of Glen-| daie. Aid. erll'weeks" AlV^- Lamer it ?ecuperuti.?S | froin a recent illness. Mrs. Charles A. Johnson. 2837 12th | uT.met?^ spring blossoms, and Mrs. ?? caimewi won the first prlze^ Mis. Tr.nena Dehio left . f ' s.,? K-ancisco. where she will spend . ouver, Seattle :-nd ! ortiand. Mis* Frances ila'ud Anderson was hostess Tuesday evening at an in formal dance. The marriage oFMiss Mary Virginia Blijtre a distant relative of the late lames <1. p.iairie. former Secretary of siatc md Mr. William fc. Barker of this ' city took place very quietly j Wednesday in Philadelphia or,a After a snort wedding trip Mr. and; Mrs Barker will return to this oit> and* reside at the former s residence, 3 015 3d street northwest. j Gwendolvn Floulke of Rich- : rnoriel, Ind., arrived in Washington yes erd is stopping at the S-horeham. | The Misses Hopkins, who are stop- 1 ping at the Shoreham, entertained at a . tea yesterday. Gen and Mrs Weaver were host* at I a dinner at the Army and Navy c..ub . last night, when their guests were Mrs. Ira Havnis. wife of Col. Haynes, who , spending a. few rlavs at the Shore- . iiami "laj anrt Mrs. Trary. Mrs Zestal. Capt. and Mrs. Harvej, Capt. and Mrs. Bishop. Capt. and Mra. Robinson. ''apt and Mrs, F'JlW. t^pt. .. r,,j Mrs Nattier, cap? and Mrs. v\ 11 , X, i apt. and Mrs Marshall. Capt. and Mrs Lanham. Lieut, and Mrs. Spall Id- | ing. Col. Haines and Mrs. Moses, wife of Capt. Moses. Col and Mrs. John Dean Hall enter- j tamed at dinner at the Army and Navy , ci lib last night in honor of Gen. and , Mrs. Gorgas. Those invjte.1 to meet ; ,1, l?r. and Mrs. Gerry Morgan. rol. ' Glennan. Mrs. Frank Freeman Mrs William Reynolds, In. < abell. C.ipt. and Mrs. Krr.blck and Col. and Mrs. Dodds. AmonK others entertaining at the ; \.'mv and Naw 'Tlub last night were ir'.pt' and Mr" William Connell. Meut. | xTuyn <~o\. Andrews, Senator and Mrs. | MrOumW. T-ieut. Masurdav, Col. A. C. Ma j and .Mrs Kobh, Capt j '-ivphren and Maj. and Mrs Woodruff, v ho entertained ir. honor of Mrs. Woodruffs sister. Miss Edith HuM>e,'. Their guests included Col. and Mrs. T-' .lor Maj and Mrs Patterson. Capt. Mrs Mitchell. Capt. Schley. Miss Schley Mrs. Schindel. Mrs. Peterson. Mahaffev, Capt. Patterson and I.ieut. Dorst. Capt. and Mrs. .1 .1. Kingman enter tained at a dinner last night at Waflh . nuton barracks, when their guests M: and Mr* Wooter:. Mai. and , vrf.. i.nkesh, Capt. and Mrs. Jordan. Mrs WitiSlow- arid Col. and I Mr-- .1 .i. '"em. Informal dancing fol lowed the dinner. Mme Hauge entertained at dinner last night. Capt and Mrs Kdwarri W. Kberle | entertained at a dinner of Flxteen cov ers last night at their home at the navy yard. Tie Brazilian ambassador and Mme d*t Ganui entertained at dinner last I ? gilt TI honor of th.- Secretary of State | and Vr- Brvan The other guests were. _ rl.'lean ambassador and Mme.. - .are/.. Mat. '">? r and Mrs George Bat - ' nett. Mr. Mrs. Ilor?' e Westcott, Mrs. Ijlovd W. Bowers and Mr. A. Mau r!< e lx>w . Mr <ie iiedri of tlie Austrian embassy entertained at a dinner dance last night at Kauscher's Princess von Hatzfeldt chaperoned the party. The guests pres ent were Prince von Hatzfeldt, coun selor of the German embassy; Miss Frances T.ippitr. Miss Margaret Perln, M St urges of Providence. It. I.: Miss I .on ise I'elano. Miss Marv S"Ott of r'hi Mi*? Thatcher. Mr. ce Beaufort i V.niTit von Recliteren Mrnpurg or M e Nelher'ands legation. Mavroudi f.t r, ,.,1 <.f the Turkish embassy. Prince I :o)ierilol e of ti.e Austrian embassy, Mr. !: Bingharn and Mr. II. SturRes. Miss Rose marv Byrne an?l Miss Amy . olver will arrive tills week from Ashe ville N '? to visit the former s cousin. Brig' Gen."P.. I- Hoxie. at his residence ion K Street. They will belnV. ashing 'ton a month before going to New York Mi-S Bvrne, who i-> well known in this citv now makes lier permanent home at Rosemary cottage. Sunset terrace, on the side of Sunset Mountain, near Asheville. Mrs John Foster Dulles is visiting Mrs. John W Foster 1323 l*th street, and will receive with her Monday after noon. May 10. The patronesses for "The Opium Pipe, which will he Riven at the Belasro Monday nlghi. May 10. in aid of the French motor ambulance fund, will lti chide Mrs. George Cabot I.odge, AIiss I Mabel T Boardman. Mrs. Charles Mc I Caw ley, Mr?. Horace Wiley, Miss Emily MRS. EDWARD W. EBERLE, Wife of the rooimandaDt of the \Van h Inert on navy yard. ' Tuckerman, Misses Patten, Mrs. Wil liam Littauer. Mis<, Mrs. Garri son Met "lintr- !c. Mrs. Harriot Blaine Tit-ale, Mr?. i.;iwrpnrc Townsend, Mrs John Boit i:!:?i Mrs. F.d -vard Mitchell. Mrs. C ,\I. Hnck*-meyer entertained the Martha Washington Club Wednesday I evening. M:.?. at her residence, 71'J 6th street northwest. Fuchre w<;s played by the members. 1 and the prizes were won by Mrs. Dauter j ich, Mrs. Buscher arid Sirs. Alshwee. j Supi*r was served late in the evening. Marriaae Licenses. Marriage licenses have 1-^en Issued i to the following: : Allen X. Fish- r arid Jennie W. Brooks. ; both of Jersey ? ':t N. J. Frank Cury and Neiiie Trainer. Welly M. Rosch?r and Kathryn Ach- j terkirehen. Charles X. Rle^ and Kthel B. Chesser, I both of St. Georges Island, Md. Henry T. Nichols and Dulu 15. Ward. Births Reported. The following births have been re- j ported to the health department In the j last twenty-four hours: Thomas and Nettie Reeves, boy. John H. and Juliette Rea, girl. Winfield A. and Nellie M. Wilson, boy. John and Virginia P. Fleming, girl. William A. and Julia Follin, girl. Daniel and India R. Mahaney, boy. John and Jennie M. Catts, boy Clarence and Florence Inscoe, boy. Eugene and Ada G. Burke, girl. James W. and Nellie A. Parker, boy. \ ito A. and Diarnanta Dellenoci, girl. Claud and Viola Gaunt, boy. Deaths Reported. The following deaths have been re ported to the health department in the last twenty-four hours: John W Hancock, 3 days, 1011 14th street southeast. John F. Lewis, 60 years, Lynwood, Va. Kmma Britton, 67 years, 1133 17th street northwest. Charles F* Benjamin, 73 years, the Northumberland. Catherine I'rquhart 46 years, 2917 Dumbarton avenue northwest. Aubrev Jackson, 34 years, Gallinger Hospital. French J Magruder, years, George town University Hospital. Chester Garret, 4?j years, 1632 It street northwest. Harry G., 3G years. Government Hospital for the Insane. James Dixon. 60 years, Washington Asylum Hospital. Mary E. Simms, 46 years, 1120 South Carolina avenue southeast. Mamie llodge, 10 days, 340M: Van street southwest Sarah Ho mes. 53 years, 1211 Duncan Street northeast. John F. Butler, 12 days. Dean wood, j Samuel Bailey, 36 years, Washington I Asylfin Hospital. |f?W HI! u Our new dollar boxes of Assorted Chocolates Milk Chocolates Nut Chocolates are the "just right" gift size. At Leading Druggists end at our Stores tJuytcr's Cocoa, like Huyler's Candy, it Supreme JURY FAVORS MRS. BURKHAM. Decides She Is Entitled to Half of James Campbell's Big Estate. ST. TjOI'IS, May 7. ? A unanimous ver dict In favor of the defendants in the Campbell will rust- was returned bv the jury here last night. The verdict de clares Lois Campbell, now Mrs. Klzey Burkham, to be the daughter of James Campbell, and therefore entitled to half of h's pixteeri-millfon-dollar estate, willed her by Campbell. A suit to sot aside the will or: the ground that Cnmpbell was unduly In fluenced was brought bv the sister and nieces and nephews of Campbell T'pon application of attorneys for the defense Circuit Judge Kinsey immedi ately after the verdict was returned dismissed the entire case, thereby de nying the contestants the right to a trial upon their allegations that Camp hell was o? unsound mind and that he was unduly influenced in making the will by members of the church to which the property eventually would pro after the death of his wife and daughter. The contestants have four days in which to apply for a rehearing. MOTHER AND SON MURDERED. Mrs. Ella Coppersmith and Child of Chicago Had Skulls Crushed. CHICAGO. May 7. Mm. Ella Cop persmith, wife of John L. Coppersmith, a commission merchant, and her eon John, two years old. were found mur dered in their home on the South Side yesterday afternoon. Their throats had been cut and their skulls crushed. A blood-nt iined hammer was found near the bodies, and in an adjoining room the police discovered a blood-satined butcher knife. Diamonds belonging to Mrs Coppersmith are missing, and rob bery Is believed to have been the mo tive. The murderer remained long enough to wash his hands and ransack the | apartment for valuables. He took a diamond ring and her wedding ring from Mrs. Coppersmith's band, but overlooked $800 in bonds and about $50 in currency. What the police consider their most tangible clue was the bloody imprint of the murderer's hand on a table In the kitchen. Two suspects were ar rested. ARMY?NAVY. Army Orders. J First I,ieut. John P. Bubb. infantry. will proceed to Madison barracks, N. ; Y., for duty with a company for a pe i rlod of two months and twenty days, I and at the expiration of this period j will return to West Point. N. Y., and j resume his duties at the Military Acad { emy. j The leave of absence heretofore grant . ed Maj. Leonard I> Wildman, Signal ! Corps, is extended fifteen days. The following-named officers will be , examined for promotion as soon as practicable after July 1. l?ir?: Second Lieuts. .John B. Johnson, .''.d Cavalry. Victor M. Whiteside. r?tb Cavalry, j Claude I,p B Hunt, 13th Cavalry; N Butler Briscoe. Slh t'avairy. Elbert E. Karman, jr., 2d Cavalry: Ronald l>. Johnson, Ttli Ca?*alry: Elkin L. Frank lin, 13th Cavalry; George S. Patton, jr., loth Cavalry; Robert S. Donaldson, 4th Cavalry, and Cuthbert I'. Stearns, 3d Cavalry. Sergt of Ordnancc John Seitz is placed upon the retired list. at Benlcia arsenal, Cal.. and will repair t<? his home First Lieut. William H. Bell, cavalry, is relieved from duty ^s inspector-in structor of the organized militia. Capt. Easton It. Gibson. 191li Infantry, at Frankfort, K\.. will pioceed to Lex ; ington, Ky.. in connection with his du i ties as inspector-instructor of the or 1 ganized militia of Kentucky. First Lieut. Robert C. Cotton, 20th In j fantrv, is detailed for service in the Signal Corps, vice First Lieut. James (i. Taylor, Signal Corps, who will proceed ! to Fort Bliss, Tex., for duty with Field J Company I, Signal Corps. Capt. Robert H. Wescott Is relieved from duty as Inspector-instructor of the i organized militia. I Capt. Allen Smith, Jr., Infantry, J? re lieved from his detail as major, Philip pine Scouts. Capt. Godwin Ordway, Coast Artillery Corps, is relieved from the 12<5th Com pany, Coast Artillery Corps, and placed on the list. Capt. Orval P. Townshend, Porto Rico Regiment of Infantry, is relieved from recruiting duty at Philadelphia, Pa., and will join his regiment. Capt. Thomas S. Moorman, Quarter master Corps, will report to the com manding general, western department and third division, for duty. First Lieut. Carl V. von dem Bussche, 14th Infantry, at Fort Missoula. Mont., will proceed to his proper station for duty. Capt. Philip 'Yost, general staff, is re lieved from treatment at the Walter Reed General Hospital, and will pro ceed to tha hospital at Fort Bayard, N. M., for observation and treatment. Naval Orders. Rear Admiral A. G. Winter-halter has been commissioned. Lieut. Commander L J. Wallace, from Brooklyn to Connecticut. Lieut. J. W. Hayward, from receiving ship at New York to Brooklyn. Lieut, (junior grade) C. H. Davis, from Mayrant to Warrington. Ensign J. E. Austin, to receiving ship at New York. Gunner L. W. Becker, to Brooklyn. Machinist Donald McDonald, receiv ing ship at New York, N. Y. 1 Chief Carpenter R H. Lake, from Missouri to naval aeronautic station. ' Pensacola, Fla. Marine Corps Orders. First Lieut. F. B. Garrett, from 27th Company, marine barracks, New York, to 16th Company, 1st Brigade, Phila delphia. First Lieut. L. W. Hovt, from 32d . Company, marine barracks. San Fran cisco. to 27th Company, marine bar racks, San Diego. First Lieut. H. T. Vulte, from 27th Company, marine barracks, San Dieg^o, to 32d Company, marine barracks, San Francisco. Second Lieut. II. D MacLachlan, from 32d Company, marine barracks, San : Francisco, to 3Sth Company, American legation, Peking. Second Lieut. D. H. Miller, from ma rine barracks, Norfolk, to 17th Com pany, 1st Brigade, Philadelphia Naval Movements. The Culgoa arrived at Tompkinsville May C, the Hector at Guam May 6. the Worden, Prairie, K-l, K-2, K-5 and K-6 at New York May 6. the Vestal at Sewall Point May 6. the Lebanon and Beale at Norfolk May 6. the Choc taw at Washington May the Chatta nooga at L.a Phji May 5. the Minnesota at Philadelphia May 6 and the lthode Island at Travis Point, Potomac river. May 6. The Mars mailed from Mazatlan May 5 for Manzanillo, the l.eonidas from Cristobal May 5 for survey, the Poto mac and C-3 from Cristobal May f> for Almirante bay, the Nereus from Cris tobal May 5 for Hampton roads, the Mayflower from Washington May 6 for Chesapeake bay. th" Chauncey and Barry from Cebu. J' 1 . May 6 for I Malampava. P. I., the Orion from New j port May 6 for Hampton loads, the j Dixie from Boston May h for N>w port, the Baltimore from Norfolk May ?? for Chesapeake bay and the Fulton. G-l and <1-2 from Charleston, S C. May 6 for New York. Th~ Proteus, c-n tout'4 from Cristobal for Hampton roads, has been directed by radio to proceed lirst* to Boston. COMMITTEEDiSCUSSES SHAD BAKE PROGRAM | Arrangements for the entertainment features for the Hoard of Trade shad bake and outing at Chesapeake Beach Saturday, May 22, were discussed at a luncheon meeting of the committee on entertainment yesterday at the Na tional Press Club. Edwin Callow, "Tony the Barber." is chairman of this committee; Paul F. Grove, vice chairman; Frank M. Pierce, secretary, and Charles U. Bartlett, mu sical director of the newly organized Board of Trade Glee Club, and musical j director for all the "special stunts of ; the pavillion." The minstrel part of the program and | olio will he under the direction of Mr | Grove. The minstrel show will be of the old-time variety, with popular songs and catchy choruses, and the olio by members of the 'talent trust of Washington," Karl Carbaugh. baritone; Arthur Butler Pierce, coonologist; I. S. Goldsmith, dagologlst; ??tto Woerner and George Gross, end men extraor dinary; Kirk Miller, the Grotto favor | ite; "Musical Randall." the xylophone ? wonder of the Marine Band; Charles j Shackleford, interlocutor; Byron Blod ! gett, accompanist, and a reserve corps ready to jump into the fray. Members of the newly organized Glee I =3 . ?= | fH Women acquainted with ?= ; Fownes quality in ALL ??! f=? kinds of gloves, are H? demanding Fownes SILK I|j H= gloves,?with reaLSon. ; ^ Smartest, most satisfactory, ?but they cost no more. =| = All lengths, sizes and shades. up g== Double-tipped ? " ?Of course! Ask your dealer . The Store That Sells Wooitex Wash Skirts pF 4- A hj} 00 The "Fielder"?One of the Popular Novelties in Centemeri Silk Gloves Fastens with strap across the wrist and has gore in contrasting shade to the hodv of the glove. White with black Black with white Sand with black I'uttv with black' Sand with white Putty with white The Price of the '"FIELDER" is $1.50 Pair. FOR PERFECTiO.N OF Fi'i nD ACTUAL WEARING . VLITiES CE*-TEMER1 SILK. Ci.'.-VLS *Ft. THE BEST THERE ARE. Thev are. o\tr>?*. douh < "tipt" and full\ t; . iranteed. A pure Mil^ridise Short Siik Glove ?50c, which is eq^al to most J5c silk _________ gloves. Ceiitcmeri Long Silk Gloves A range of qualities which cannot be duplicated?biack, white and the season's desirable shades. 16-button length, with plain or lace arms, $1.00 and $1.50 pair. 12-button length, $1.00 pr.?20-button length, $1.50 pr. Kindly note that we are the exclusive Washington representa tives for P. Centemeri & Co.'s Kid and Silk Gloves. i Adjoining St. Patrick's GOLFINE COATS Misses' and ladies' sizes. All colors. Special, $10.00 Many special values in our Corset and Muslin \ g Underwear Dept. \ BRASSIERES, \ CORSET COVERS, $ TEDDY BEARS, \ ETC. J Exclusive and durable * trimmings and fine mate ? rials. Special Items Set Aside for MOTHERS' DAY in Our Misses', Juniors'* Children's Depts. SALE OF SUITS Black and white checks, sand color, copen blue. Former prices, $25 to $29.50. For $14.50 F Street at Tenth Any Coat that formerly \ sold to $10, /t?r Aft \ for girls to 14 i years White Dresses for May processions, etc. Many new models. Misses' for gradu ation iui ivxay < $5.00 i \ Net Dresses, ! $10.00' White Skirts, many ma terials, for misses and women... Crepe de Chine Waists, white, flesh, sand, black, maize aiaii^r xiia $2.95 line Waists, $2.65 F Street At 10th KAFKA'S JL V Shop ForYoumc Folks Adjoining St. Patrick's Club who have passed the successful entrance examination are William A Rogers, Odell Whipple. James p Schick. William Clabaugh, K. F. Col lartay. Edwin Calloiv. Louis C. Wilson. Odell ?. Smith. Horace Ward. George II. Markwar.l, Oliver A. Phelps. Edgar H. S. Embrey. J. Crosbv McCarthy. Clarence Horrell and Walter Sorrel! There will be a full rehearsal of the members of the Glee Club, the minstrel show and the olio tomorrow evening- In* the rooms of the Board of Trade. Star building. The executive section of the enter tainment committee Is composed of th? l olio wing members: Chairman, vice chairman and secretary Wellstoou White. H. S. Omohundro, Dr. I.eonard j ill. English. Claude N. Bennett, Charles! H Bartlett. David M l.e? and odeil I. 1 Whipple. The committee 5s making every effort to mike this the best entertainment lit the history of the Board of Trade shad bakes, and assures the members that every little detail will be so csrefuliv worked out that the full show of hour and a half will be run off without a hitch. The motto of the entertain ment committee is "The happy hoornh rather than the gloomy grouch." Members of the board who have not purchased their tickets for the annual outing are urged to do so at once. The sale closes May 20. and positively ?>? tickets are obtainable after that date* Electtio vehicles are n?w being use* on the streets of London for sprinkling and sweeping. France makes nearly C$.000,010 paii* of gloves yearly, and of the?e 18.000,0"? pairs are exported. So rich Is Argentine tobacco In nice tine that much of It ts used In the manufacture of insecticides IT Ka?tjarfc Washington pad* | 3?li?s C5arf?nfelcSr?*>. I I'urs Stored. Repaired and Remodeled. Phone Main 4850. ~ New and Correct Summer Styles for Misses. Girls and Children SPECIAL SALE OF MISSES' SUITS An assortment including solid colors, checks and nov elty materials?Spccial at $19.75. Another charming assortment of varied colors and materials, many styles?Special at $25.00. Other model suits of silk, cloth, etc.. up to $o5.00. Juniors' Suits?At $15.00, $18.50, 525.00 and S55.00. Commencement Dresses For Misses, Juniors and Girls?Splendid new assort ments of silk, net, swiss, voile and chiffon. COATS?of cloth, silk, corduroy. Yama cloth, chinchilla, black and white checks and novelty materials, for MISSES?14 lu 18 years?At $12.50, $15, $18.50. S?5. to $45. GTRLS?6 to 14 years?At $5.00. $7.50, $10.50, $12.50 to $35.00. Little Children's Coats nf Cloth. Silk, Pongee. I.iner, Pique, etc.?1 to 6 years?At $.?. S3.50. S5. $7.50. $10.50 to $15. HATS?Accord;ng to age, style and quality?50c to $18.50. Tub Dresses of various materials and colors for MISSES?At $7.50, $10.50, $15.00, $18.50. $25.00 and up. GIRLS?At $1.50. $1.95, $3.95, $5.00, $7.50 and up. Xew and Complete Stocks of Riding Habits, Sweaters, Separate Skirts, Middy Blouses, Bath Robes, Rain Coats, Bathing Suits, Socks, Stockings, Muslin and Knit Under wear. Corsets. Corset Waists, Handkerchiefs. Gloves. Parasols and Walking Sticks. X t * * * <#? <b W ft ?s? r ?s* * F Street, Corner Thirteenth MOTHERS' DAY Sunday, May 9th Wear a White Flower in Memory of Mother. Wear a Bright Flower in Honor of Mother. Flowers Delivered Promptly at Any Time You Suggest Gude Bros. Co., 1214 F St. Members Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association. Phones Main 4277-4278-4279. IIcusehold Economy" i? i* M ij l| ii ?<"T p BRA.* " Pure Elgin Bui'xr. per lb. O '> J, J ( * ? pi -'ittctd without sacrificing :-.ty in J!.jt;es for v.-hich wu !v table Butt 121 "FOUP 1 rAF CLOVER," 5-lb. Boxes, -$1.90 vV-. ?? - til 1 quoting very low piic! - on our " 'special fcranas of C: cirnet v' Butter C -11 ?^iit? or phone. SWEET BUTTER (saltlessj, 40c lb. Fresh Nearby Country Eggs. 25c dozen. JAMES F. OYSTER, *c?X i ! 1 ! Stands in All Markets Phone Main 4820 t Tettenbom Refrigerators Are in a Class by Themselves. White China Lined X V ? t Tlie inside of this Refrigerator is one solid piece of real porcelain without joints. Practically unbreakable. No enamel to peel off. No glass to crack. To tilo to loosen. N'o joints fitted with cement and putty. No bands with screws to hold dif ferent parts in place. No crevices, no cracks, .no sharp corners. N'o place for dirt to lodge and decay and absorb moistures and odors and form breeding1 places for germs, causing* diseases; be cause our food compartments are made like a china tlish?top, side, back, bottom?all molded in one solid piece real porcelain over an inch thick. Outside casing of beautiful oak. Dulin & Martin Co., 1215 F St., Through to 1214-18 GSt.