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^4*++++4*+++4-H-l"f+4-H"f++4*+4'4 5tvt?rm anon "the dcpcnqabl^torcj ~r IFurnituref J Of Lifetime Service at f % Prices Notably Less ? J Than Equal Grades Sell t + for Elsewhere. * Every piece of Furniture in J our stock is marked in plain ?r figures, and those figures arc *? the lowest that any store can J afford to sell our kind of Fur- *r 4* niture for. * , J* Our stock of Holiday Furni- !?i J tnre is now at it< best. Come ?r ?fa tomorrow and let our sales- j 2J men show you the wonderful J variety of practical and novel 4-, ?$? Christmas gifts we've assetn- T j hied for your choosing. Make ^ T your selections now and pay ?$? next year. ()pen a "Charge *T "t* Account" and learn about a new X J kind of credit that is founded -r j 4^ on liberality and fair dealing, | Sewing Table I at $5.75 * ?f* ?r + * ? J Mahogany Finish Sewing Table, | T an ideal gift for wife or sister. ^ ^ Splendid finish and good con- | 4* strut tion. ^ ^ -?? ; * An Actual Saving of Five Dollars on These Jj I Brass Beds f 1 at $11.50 ! i" They Are Marked in Our Reg- "f 2 ular Stock at $16.50. X I : in.'- rnrnranrr - :<j ; your f X ?owing a ? ? 4" I? + lOverstuffed Rockeri Its unusual low price indicates the savings provided throughout our stock of Rockers. A roomy, coinfy Overstuffed Rocker, cov ered with a superior grade of imitation Spanish leather that will give long service. All steel ^ tempered springs, strong, durable j. and strictly high grade. ??? HH+WH-HH* * * * + + + + T If you need a brass bed or ex pect to need one this winter, buy ?$? it tomorrow and pocket a saving .4* of exactly $5.00?the difference ?4* between this sale price and the + reguiar price, which is $16.50, and is well worta U. T A high-grade brass bed, one of 2 the famous makes extensively T advertised by one of th?i leading lu makers. 2-inch continuous post JL and 5 tillers; choice of bright or ?{? satin tinish. Guaranteed for ten "<4? years* service. | White Enamel Bath % room Seat I at 98c You have no idea how i n dispensa ble this :-?kat is until it is installed in your bath room. Made of good quality wood; heav ily enamel ed to with stand heat: finished with rubber tip ped legs. Kx'ra strong and dura ble. * ij I I ?r ?4* ?4? * 4? %'? a. *: I * {Bamboo Sewing Table at $1.49 I VISIT OUR FURNITURE STORE. ACROSS THE HSIT OUR FURNITURE STORE. ACROSS THE We Were Never Better Prepared to Supply Warm Wearables Than Now and Every Need Can Be Provided Tomorrow at a Real Saving 'ShopEarly A Wonderful Display of Ribbon Novelties Values Up to $2.50 at . . . $1.00 Charmingly dainty, pretty novelties made of ribbons?ideal gifts for friends. Visit our rib bon department and see the many articles on display, including Bags of many kinds. Ribbon Cases, Purses, Coat Hangers and other novel ties lhat have a practical side sure to be appre ciated by the recipient. Each one suitably boxed. Extra values at one dollar. Ribbon Department, First Floor. STORE HOURS: Open 8:45 A.M.; Close 6 P.M. Thursday's Luncheon, 25c Beef Stew, Stewed Peas, Potato Salad, Bread and Butter and Coffee. (Served In Our Purity Cafe, Second Floor.) 25c Steel Knives With This Coupon . . THIS COUPON and 9c for regular 25c Steel Kitchen Knife Set., consisting of one 10c Bread Knife, one 10c Cake Knife and one 5c Faring Knife, all with black enameled handles. Basement. (S) Regular $2.00 China Tea Service With This Coupon 98c THIS COUPON and 98c for regular $2.00 Japan ese China Tea Service; beautifully decorated in two handsome patterns. Set consists of Tea Pot, Sugar Bowl, Creamer, six Cups and six Saucers. Basement. (S) Another Big Rousing Ten-Dollar Sale Event Offering Choice of Hundreds of Women's Fall Suits and Coats Worth $18, $20, $22.50 and $25 at... A sale planned to eclipse the wonderful values offered in our previous TEN-DOLLAR sale of women's suits and coats?with bigger assortments and greater values than those which brought us such a tremendous response several weeks ago. Several makers have contributed surplus stocks, and to these special purchases we have added hundreds of gar ments from our own lines, all of which have been grouped in one great big showing that will prove a delight and reve lation in unusual value-giving to every woman who at tends tomorrow's unique bargain event. The Line of Suits at Ten Dollars Includes: Broadcloth Suits Poplin Suits Gabardine Suits Cheviot Suits Serge Suits Diagonal Suits Mixture Suits Novelty Suits Fur-trimmed Suits Velvet-trimmed Suits Military Suits Russian Blouse Suits Tailored Suits Box Coat Suits Braid-trimmed Suits Sport Suits The Line of Coats at Ten Dollars Includes: Corduroy Coats Pebble Cheviot (Coats Broadcloth Coats Novelty Check Coats Fancy Mixture Coats Plaid Coats Zibeline Coats Boucle Coats Sport Coats Skating Coats Ciolf Coats Military Coats Norfolk Coats Dress Coats Tailored Coats Novelty Coats A complete assortment of colors and sizes to fit misses and women. Sale price, TEN DOLLARS. Women's and Children's Winter Underwear Remarkable for Its Savings and Complete Assortments of Wanted Garments. Extra Values, Despite Rising Prices Now. with cold weather underwear needs uppermost in every mind, we present a wonderful sale of winter-weight garments, in which you are offered pronounced savings on all the standard makes of Women's and Children's Knit Underwear. We have accomplished the seemingly im possible in offering these great values in the face of conditions absolutely unprecedented in the historv of the knit underwear industry. Despite the falling off of imports?the present dye dif ficulties the raising of prices by other stores?we offer the following extraordinary economies in just the underwear needed now. $1.29 59c Wonipn'H Heavy Silk and Wool I nion Suit*. Dutch neck and short sleeves and ankle pants; also plain merino, with high necks and short sleeves, ankle pants; taped necks; odd sizes. Values worth J'J.OO and $2.50.. Women'* Bleached Fleeeed-cot fon I nion Suit*, high neck and long ankle pants; Dutch : eck, elbow sleeves and ankle pants; silk-taped necks; sfzeg 4, and 6. Regular 51.00 values Women'* Fleeeed-cotton Under wear. bleached and un bleached; shirts with ^ high n'-fk and long sleeves; ankle pants.... Women'* IHeaelied Fleeeed-cot ton I ndenve.-ir, shirts with high neck and long sleeves, ankle pants: sizes 6, 7, ^ S and S?. Worth 3'Jc i (7. each Women'* Ht?avy Fleered-cotton 1 nion Suit*, high neck and long sleeves, ankle pants; Dutch neck arid short sleeves, ankle ^ pants; bleached only; J size;-' 4, 5 and r, JSi/.es 7, * and 1? at ?I.OO.) Children'* I'nitee Union Suit*, high neck and long sleeves, ankle pants; bleached; sizes 2 to 16 years. Worth 49c p#d higtf neck and ankle Boyn' wear, shirts with long sleeves, ankle p? pants; silver gray; sizes 22 to 32 ; Ciirl*' Heavy Fleeeedreotton Un derwear, shirts with high neck and long sleeves, ankle pants; taped necks; unbleached; m sizes 2 to 16 years. Keg- 1 w? ular 25c values Women'* ".Merode" Merino Underwear. . Women'* "Merode" Merino Tight* Women'* "Merode" Silk and Wool Un derwear, all shapes, $1.00 and Women'* Silk and Wool Union Suit*. all shapes; "M erode" and "Forest M i 1 1 i makes. $2.50 and.. $1.00 $1.00 $1.50 Wool Union $3.00 Boys' $5.00 Wool Suits With 2 Pairs of Pants - - - $3.89 The extra pair of pants means double serv ice. The suits are of winter-weight Fancy Cas simeres, in neat dark patterns; good, serviceable quality that will withstand a boy's healthy violence. Both pairs of knickcrbocker pants are full lined and taped. Sizes 7 to J8 years. Special at $3.89 tomor row. Bo>*' f ont Sweater*, of gray yarn; *7(\ shawl collar style; sizes 7 to 14 years..., J Uo>h* Heaty Mackinaw Ife?*fer*. blanket and Cana dian pla d patterns; choice of five different Norfolk models; sizes 7 to IS years. Values worth $ti.00 and $6.50 $4.75 .Juvenile Suit*, of fancy mM.t'Tials, su?h as casHmere, tweeds and other fabrics. In Russian, sailors. Dutch Daddy and vestee styles; sizes 'J l'-j to H years of aj<e. Yj up to $4.00 ' -l'-e styles; /? f Values worth | ,OD I ? hildren'x "Spear Hrand" llatw, all shapes and colors, A ">? '?'* ? f '< mi. from L' 1o ?.f ajsc. All verv 4 C materials. Values worth up to $3.00 V ?' and I hildren'* for I Novelty Ties & Bows 25c and 49c Crepe de Chine and Messallne Bows and Novelty Ties, plain and shaded effects. Choice of a large variety of pleasing styles, such as rosebuds with pearl drops, bow effects; accordion plaited ends with tassels, bows with braided effect ends; novelty bows with rosebud drops, also bows with rattail ends. Shown in all the most wanted shades. Neatly boxed for pres entation. Neckwear Dept. Gift Dress, Coat and Trimming Buttons Worth Up to 50c a Dozen at 5C Gard Manufacturer's samples, put up in cards of six or twelve. Fine quality Buttons, for dresses, coats and trimming purposes; including a lar^e assortment of novel and pretty designs, in fancy metal, Jet, crystal, bone and celluloid; all sorts of colorings. Sold regularly up to 50c a dozen. Sale price, 5c a card. Triiiiminir* Dept. I stocks and be assured of service values for tomorrow. Children's Fur-top Juliettes, of red felt. Sl*e* 6 to S at 60c. Size* to 11 at 75c. Children's Comfy Slippers, of red find blue felt. Size* H*/2 toll at 85c. Size* J1 >/2 to '1 at 91.00. Women's Felt Juliettes. ribbon and fur trimmed styles; in black, gray, blue and brown; sizes 3 to 8. From 95c to $1.50 7 9c Puff Boxes and Hair Receivers 55c at Each I'uff Boxes and Hair Receivers, of fine quality Pyralin ivory, in pretty shapes. Inexpensive and acceptable gifts for friends. Toilet ,<>ood* Dept., Flr*t Floor. 15c, 18c and 20c Huck Towels at 10c Each A surplus lot of Huck Towels, made up for leading hotels and public institutions, and bearing their names woven in the borders or through the centers. Fine grad" ("nion IJnen Huck, in va rious desirable sizes: good weight and absorbent quality. Replenish your needs tomorrow at this saving. Inexpensive Gifts From the Notion Dept. .Iapane*e Pin Cushions, in many quaint and pretty shapes; in Silk Pin Cushions for the sew- f ing table or work basket, vfC Usual 15c to 25c values at Rlhhon Hanger Sewing Set** neatly made, with bone rings and equipped with /-% *? useful sewing requisites. Special at Notion Dept., Fir*t Floor. [ New Muff Beds i Special at. 89c Muff Beds, or foundations for the muffs, which are so popular this winter. Round or pillow shapes; well made and satin faced. Special value at 89c. Dress Trimmings Dept. Men's & Young Mens Suits A remarkable economy event that will in terest men who want to buy a winter suit at a pronounced saving. The- suits arc of all-wool pure Worsteds, Cassimeres, Tweeds and ( lieviots, in a splendid assortment.of dark pat terns. neat pin stripes, checks, overplaids, novel ty silk mixtures and fancy gray plaids. Cor rectly styled in Knglish and conservative models; well tailored and well fitting:. Sizes for men and young men; 16 to 20 and 34 to 42. Val ues worth $12.50. $13.50 and $15.00. Sale-price ?ell fitting. Sizes $8.85 Men's $13.50 and $15.00 Overcoats A fine collection of men's and young men's Win ter Overcoats, in a splendid assortment of patterns; latest form-fitting and Balmaroon models. Full and quarter lined; finished with cloth or velvet col lars. Sizes 32 to 42 Men'. Clothinjc Dept., Fourth Floor. *9.25 Gifts Men Like to Receive Should Be Selected l-rom This List of Smoking Jackets, Bath Robes and Sweaters. $3.98 Men's All-wool Double-face Golf Cloth ^mokliiK Jackets, bound w-ith silk cord ami finished with heavy silk frogs. Worth $5.00 Men's Smokiojc Jackets, of extra fine quality two-tone golf cloth; beautiful color combinations. Trimmed with /N a f) silk frogs and silk cord bound. Values worth $6.00 and $ti.50... ^ Men's 94.00 Blanket Hath Kobe*, beauti ful combinations of blue and gray, blue and red. brown and tan, gray and red, brown and white, gray and white, lavender and gray, r?d and gray. etc. Made with neck cord and finished with heavy waist girdles Men's Navajo and Reaeon Cloth Bath and I.ouuKfnic Robesi Hath Robes finished with full roll collar, cord at neck and waist girdle; I.ounging Robes made with silk cord bind ing. notch or roll collars and waist girdle. All this season's newest designs. Values worth $5.00 and $f>.50 Men's Klanket Cloth Bath Slip. pern, made to match the robes; heavy padded soles and carpet bottoms... $2.79 Men's Wool-mixed Bath or LonnKlnK Kobe*; salesman's sam ples and small lots. Beautiful patterns and best col or combinations. Val ues worth $7.50 and $8. $4.98 Mea's Korrect Knit Wool Coat Sweaters, in navy blue, brown, maroon and light or dark oxfords; made with V- C/"l shaped neck and guar anteed buttonholes ... Ol'R FLRWITURE STORE. ACROSS THE Auction Sale of Smith Rugs Provides the Biggest Savings of the Season This great sale of rugs secured from the Auction Sale held by Alexander Smith & Sons is the talk of the town. Present sale prices are notably low?and with raw wools and dyes growing scarcer every clay, owing to European conditions, it is not likely that such values can ever be offered again. \\'e werp the largest Washington purchasers at the Smith sale, and you will find here the greatest assortments of patterns in the city. If you have a rug need to supply this winter, now is the time to select it, while you can buy at these big savings. $18.00 Seamless Brussels Rugs, 9xl2-ft. room size. Sale price $16.00 Seamless Brussels Rugs; 8.3x10.6. Sale price... $12.50 Seamless Brussels Rugs; 7.6x9 ft. Sale price.... $22.50 Seamless Brussels Rugs; 9xl2-foot room size. Sale price Fourth Floor?Rug Department. $10.95 $10.45 $7.95 $14.85 $12.50 Seamless Brussels Rugs, 6xg-ft. room size Sale price $15.00 Seamless Brussels Rugs; 7.6x9-foot size. Sale price $25.00 Seamless Wilton Velvet and Axminster Rugs; 9xl2-foot size. Sale price $30.00 Fine Grade Ax minster Rugs; 9xl2-ft. room size. Sale price $7.95 $9.75 $16.95 $19.45 I Holiday Aprons j Complete assortment of new and dainty Holiday Aprons, of dimity, dotted swiss and fine lawns, trim med with pretty laces, embroidery and ribbons. Also the larger use ful styles, with and without bibs. All the newest styles. Each put up in fancy holiday boxes for presentation. Special values at 25c and 50c Gift Handkerchiefs For Men and Women. Mtn*M Silk Initial .l?|>on?-?le Handkerchief*, full size, soft tinish; wide hemstitched border; /-* gj large silk embroidered initial. Three f<rr.. . Women** Shamrock broldrrH Corner llamlkerehiefn, soft linish sheer quality. Sold regularly at 12Vic. Six jf| in fancy decorated box ^ for Darning Cotton, 4 Spools, 5c 10c Cakes of Toilet Soap, THIS < or.pON :< nd 5c f- r FOUR sjhk.Is of IrO'Hl Quality learning in Mark white. 5c ly Ropular 2 spools for ?>c. THIS COUPON and 5c for reg ular 10c cake of Physicians and Surgeons' Toilet Soap; made of pure vegetable oils. (S) 25c Bottle of J Regular 25c Babcock's Perfume, 13c THIS COUPON and 13<*for one ounce bottle of Babcock's new "Trailing A r b u t u s" Per f u in e, with true, lasting tloral odor. <S) Sanitol Tooth t + I?? ?r * Powder, 13c THIS COUPON* and 13c for Sauitol Tooth Powder or Tooth Paste. Regular pri^e, 2fte. IS) [ered Ibc |p, t I,awn Em- f ; InnilLonthil^fai ? for Men, Women rs and the Children e family. Choose from our complete lue and satisfaction. These special Women's romfy Slippers, in blue, taupe, purple, red, pink and lav ender; sizes 3 to 8. From 95c to $1.50 Men's House Slippers, everett cut I black and tan; sizes 6 to 31 Men's House Slippers, and everett cut: tan and sizes 6 to 11. From 48c Warm Fleecy Blankets at Big Timely Savings + ?<* + + ?i *? ?fr * * We will have ready tomorrow sev eral big piles of Blankets of the most ^ dependable quality at prices that urge *? prompt buying. Note these $4.45 opera black; $1.00 to $2.50 Wool Blankets, in white, with pink or blue borders silk-bound ends. Also Blue and White Plaid Blankets, heavy weight; double-bed size. Worth $6.00 pair 72x80 Extra Large Size Woolnap Blankets, AV2 pounds, in white or srray, with various color borders; also plaids of pink, blue. A r tan and ftray. All hav? silk-bound ends; French combed fleece, having the appearance of all wool. Worth $3.50 ^ Large Double-bed Size Woolnap Blankets, soft fleece finish, that will not become knotty when washed. Silk-bound ends; in A f of white, tan or irray. with pink or blue borders. Worth 12.69 ^ ? .?d pair ?j savings: w. * *? ?i ?r ?i ?i ?i *? + t * *r ?i + f * * * * ?f * + 4 ?r * + * * *? + + 4 * * +? A Mill Surplus Lots of $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00 LACE CURTAINS In a Wonderful Sale $1.95 Offering at A purchase of hundreds of pairs of curtains obtained from one of the best known eastern makers, who produces the finest quality Nottingham and Cable Net Curtains. Choice of several grades, all offered at one low price, that will bring housewives to our Fourth Floor Curtain Department tomorrow to supply their drapery needs for the winter season. They consist of Cable Net and Nottingham Lace Curtains, in a large assortment of new and artistic patterns that are close copies of the real imported laces. Choice of white, ivory, ecru and Arabian -shades; full widths and lengths. Sale price, $1.95 pair. j'ineNt (irade Imported Irixh Point < urtalns. 3 and :> i^ yards long ami 4X inches wide; double round mesh thread, overlook edges and muslin rear ground, which insures double service; elaborate all-over work, at tached and detached figures; motif effect and plain centers, with novelty and heav ily worked borders. Worth $7.i>0 anil $8.00 pair. Sale price $5.00 500 pair* of Nottingham and Scotch Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, 45 to 54 inches wide; in white, ecru and arabian shades; plain motif effect and elab orate worked patterns; double round thread. Values worth $1.50 and $1.75 pair. Sale price 95c Silver Mesh Bags j Trimmed Russian Ponyskin Coats Actually Worth $40 at... . $22.50 $3 and $3.50 Values. $1.69 Special lot of Herman Silver Mesh Bags, full fi-inch size; of fine quality unbreakable mesh, with engraved and embossed German silver frames; in a variety of attractive patterns. Special tomorrow at 91.00. Jewelry Dept. Beautiful Soft, Ponyskin Coats, in the new box coat and flare mod els?fashion's most favored styles for fall and winter. Finely marked genuine Russian ponyskins, 40 and 42 inches long; designed with all the newest collars in beaver, American sable, civet cat, or skunk opossum furs. Richly lined with brocades or Skinner's satin. Sale price, $22.50. 69c Leather Handbags Actual $1 and $1.25 Kinds, at. Women's Leather Handbags, in new and stylish shapes; silk or leather lined, with German silver or fancy metal frames. Good quality leathers that will give splendid service. A special lot of regular $1.00 and $1.25 values-on sale at ?l?c. 10c, 15c and 20c Tally Cards 5c Doz. Special purchase of Tally Cards, bought from a factory recently destroyed by fire. Some of the cards show signs of the fire and are slightly scorched, but not enough to impair their usefulness. All shapes and sizes. 500 Score Pads, red ruling, C sold regularly at 10c 50c Games of "Flinch" 39c $85.00 French Seal Coats, Sale Price. $55.00 The newest Flare Coats, in jaunty three quarter length: made of extra fine quality care fully selected skins; finished with the new "Hylo" collar; in plain or trimmed styles. Lined with Skinner's guaranteed satin. $100 Genuine Hudson <JT?/TQ C A Seal Coats, Sale Price .*3< U ;7?D v/ This is less than the wholesale price fur riers are asking for the same quality garments. Fashioned of selected soft, silky skins, rich jet black; correctly tailored in the new ripple and flare models, with new collar and sleeves. Lined with the richest brocaded or soft plain silks. ?r * * * H $18.00 Iceland Fox Sets, Sale Price... $10.00 One of the most favored furs for this season. The New Single Animal Effect Scarf and the Smart Melon-dhaped Muff to match; of pure white long, silky Iceland fox fur. The scarf finished with head, brush tail and paws; the muff lined with satin duchess. . $20BlackManchuriantf* "J 'S PA Wolf Sets, Sale Price.*]? A very stylish and pretty set?looks like black fox and Is very serviceable, as well as in the height of fashion. Made in the new whole animal effect; the scarf with head, tails and paws, and large melon-shaped muff to match. Nicely made and finished. WTISIT OUR FURNITURE STORE. ACROSS THE